USJ Audit Plan Ver.2




编写审计计划(中英文实用版)英文文档内容:Audit PlanThe audit plan is a crucial document that outlines the objectives, scope, and approach to be followed during an audit.It serves as a roadmap for the audit team, ensuring that the audit is conducted efficiently and effectively.The plan also helps to ensure that all necessary audit procedures are performed and that the audit findings are accurate and reliable.The first step in creating an audit plan is to understand the objectives of the audit.This involves identifying the key areas of focus and the specific risks that need to be addressed.Once the objectives are clear, the next step is to determine the scope of the audit.This includes identifying the relevant financial statements, processes, and systems that will be covered by the audit.After defining the scope, the audit team must select the appropriate audit procedures.These procedures are designed to gather evidence about the financial statements and the effectiveness of the internal controls.The audit team must also consider the timing of the procedures, ensuring that they are performed at the most appropriate time to obtain accurate and reliable results.Finally, the audit plan should include a communication plan.This outlines how the audit findings will be communicated to management and the board of directors.It is important to ensure that the communication is clear and concise, and that it highlights any significant issues or concerns.In conclusion, an effective audit plan is essential to ensure that the audit is conducted in a thorough and efficient manner.It helps to ensure that all necessary procedures are performed and that the audit findings are accurate and reliable.The plan should be well-documented and communicated to all relevant parties.中文文档内容:审计计划审计计划是一个关键的文档,它概述了在审计过程中应遵循的目标、范围和方式。

it审计 国际审计准则

it审计 国际审计准则

以下是一些与 IT 审计相关的国际审计准则:
1. ISA 315:了解被审计单位及其环境,包括内部控制
2. ISA 330:审计证据
3. ISA 402:对所审计财务报表的审计意见
4. ISA 500:审计证据
5. ISA 501:审计抽样
6. ISA 505:外部确认
7. ISA 510:首次审计业务的期初余额
8. ISA 520:分析程序
9. ISA 530:审计抽样在审计测试中的应用
10. ISA 540:利用其他注册会计师的工作
11. ISA 550:关联方
12. ISA 560:期后事项
13. ISA 570:持续经营
14. ISA 600:对集团财务报表审计的特殊考虑
15. ISA 610:利用内部审计师的工作
16. ISA 620:审计工作的质量控制
这些准则涵盖了 IT 审计的各个方面,包括审计计划、风险评估、审计证据收集和分析、审计报告等。

它们为审计师提供了明确的指导,以确保 IT 审计的质量和可靠性。



2022年4月7目录1前言 (3)1.1 (3)1.2 (3)2 (4)2.1 (4)2.2 (5)3WEB UI (6)3.1 (7)3.2系统UI访问页面使用需求开发的端口 (7)3.3云数据库安全审计模式配置 (8)3.3.1开启接口审计功能 (8)3.3.2Agent (8)3.3.3Agent (10)3.3.4 (11)3.3.5 (11)3.3.6 (13)3.3.7 (17)3.3.8策略规则配置示例 (18)3.4 (32)3.4.1 (32)3.4.2 (34)4AGENT (35)5附录:防火墙代理模式配置手册 (44)1前言本手册主要介绍神州数码数据库安全审计系统的安装、配置、使用和管理。













可审计Oracle、MySQL、SQL Server、HBase、Hive、Sybase、DM7等多种数据库。



TS16949内部质量体系审核Internal Quality System Audit文件更改历史记录Amendment HistoryTS16949内部质量体系审核Internal Quality System Audit1.0目的 Purpose:本程序规定了开展内部质量审核的策划,准备,实施,审核,报告,跟踪验证各阶段的控制要求和方法,以确定本公司的质量管理体系是否符合标准要求并得到有效地实施和保持。

This procedure give the methods and control requirements of internal quality audit planning, preparing, implementing, auditing, reporting and following-up, to ensure that the quality management system is in compliance with requirements and is implemented and maintained effectively.2.0范围Scope:适用于本公司内部质量管理体系审核及质量体系涉及的所有部门或个人。

FP internal audit and all departments and persons related to quality management system 3.0定义Definitions: N/A3.1IQAR:内部质量审核报告Internal Quality Audit Report3.2NC:不符项(不符合ISO要求的项目)Non-conformance (item against ISOrequirement.)a)Major严重不符合项: there are systematic problem, territorial problem,and the findings will cause the major result during the system run; 体系运行出现系统性失效,体系运行出现区域性失效,出现影响产品或体系运行的严重后果的不合格现象.b)Minor一般不合格项: aim at the systematic requirements, the finding isseparate, occasional and isolated minor problem; 对不满足质量体系过程或体系文件的要求而言,是个别的、偶然的、孤立的性质轻微的问题.3.3OBS观察项: 未构成不合格,但有变成不合格的趋势,或是证据暂时不足。

Audit Plan-2阶段

Audit Plan-2阶段

A u d i t P l a n 审核计划Audit objectives 审核目的:Initial :To confirm that the management system has been established and implemented in accordance with therequirements of the audit standard.初次审核:确认管理体系已按照审核标准的要求建立并实施。

Surveillance :To verify if the certified management system continues to fulfil requirements of the audit standard inbetween recertification audits.监督审核:验证获证组织的管理体系在认证周期内能持续满足审核标准的要求。

Renewal :To confirm the continued conformity and effectiveness of the management system as a whole, and itscontinued relevance and applicability for the scope of certification.复评:确认获证组织的管理体系作为一个整体的持续符合性与有效性,以及与认证范围的持续相关性和适宜性。

Notes to Client:1. Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit.此时间是大致的安排,在现场审核的首次会议时将予以确认。

2. SGS auditors reserve the right to change or add to the elements listed before or during the audit dependingon the results of on-site investigation.SGS审核员可能在审核前或审核过程中根据实际情况调整上述安排。



Audit审计计划目录模板Audit 审计计划目录模板
1.1 审计计划目录的重要性
1.2 审计计划的目标
2.1 公司概况
2.2 审计范围
2.3 审计周期
3.1 审计目标和重点
3.2 审计方法和程序
3.2.1 审计准备阶段
3.2.2 审计执行阶段
3.2.3 审计报告阶段 3.3 审计资源分配
3.4 审计时间安排
4.1 风险评估方法
4.2 风险控制措施
4.3 风险监控和报告
5.1 审计团队成员
5.2 职责分工
5.3 沟通和协作机制
6.1 文件管理要求
6.2 数据收集和分析
6.3 文档保密和存档
7.1 审计中的关键问题
7.2 注意事项和建议
8.1 审计计划编制参考文献
8.2 术语解释




A u d i t P l a n审核计划Audit objectives 审核目的:To determine conformity of the management system, or parts of it with audit criteria and its确定管理体系或其部分与审核准则的符合性,及其:- ability to ensure applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met确保符合适用的法律法规和合同要求的能力;- effectiveness to ensure the client can reasonably expect to achieve specified objectives and to identify as applicable areas for potential improvement有效性,以确保客户能够合理期望达成规定的目标,并识别可能改善的适当区域。

Notes to Client: 客户注意:•Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit.审核计划的时间为预估安排, 将在开始现场审核前的首次会议中确认。

•SGS auditors reserve the right to change or add to the elements listed before or during the audit depending on the results of on-site investigation.审核员保留根据现场的实际情况更改或增减计划中审核项目的权利• A private place for preparation, review and conferencing is requested for the auditor’s use.请安排一间独立的工作场所作为审核组准备、回顾和讨论时使用。



协助项目经理编写内部审计计划英语Assisting the Project Manager in Developing an Internal Audit PlanInternal audits play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of business operations. As a team member working closely with the Project Manager, it is essential to collaborate on developing an internal audit plan that aligns with the organization's objectives and risk management framework.Step 1: Understanding the ObjectivesThe first step in developing an internal audit plan is to understand the objectives of the organization. This includes identifying the key areas of focus, such as financial reporting, compliance, operations, and information technology. By understanding the objectives, we can tailor the audit plan to address the specific risks and challenges faced by the organization.Step 2: Conducting a Risk AssessmentOnce the objectives are identified, the next step is to conduct a risk assessment. This involves identifying and evaluating the risks that could impact the achievement of theorganization's objectives. By conducting a risk assessment, we can prioritize the areas that require the most attention and allocate resources accordingly.Step 3: Developing the Audit PlanBased on the objectives and risk assessment, the Project Manager and the team members can work together to develop the internal audit plan. The audit plan should outline the scope of the audit, the objectives to be achieved, the audit procedures to be followed, and the timeline for completion. It is essential to ensure that the audit plan is comprehensive, flexible, and in line with the organization's policies and procedures.Step 4: Implementing the Audit PlanOnce the audit plan is developed, it is crucial to implement the plan effectively. This involves conducting audit procedures, gathering evidence, and evaluating the findings. It is essential to communicate regularly with the Project Manager and other team members to ensure that the audit is progressing as planned.Step 5: Reporting and Follow-UpAfter completing the audit procedures, the next step is to prepare the audit report. The report should include the findings, recommendations for improvement, and management'sresponse. It is essential to communicate the findings to the Project Manager and senior management and follow up on the implementation of the recommendations.In conclusion, collaborating with the Project Manager to develop an internal audit plan is essential for ensuring the organization's objectives are met and risks are managed effectively. By following the steps outlined above, we can work together to enhance the organization's governance, risk management, and control processes.。



hspm内部审核计划HSMP Internal Audit Plan.Purpose:This plan outlines the internal audit process for the Human Services Program (HSPM), which aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the program and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.Scope:The internal audit will assess all aspects of HSPM operations, including:Financial management.Human resource management.Program administration.Service delivery.Audit Objectives:The audit objectives are to:Determine if HSPM is operating in an efficient and effective manner.Evaluate the adequacy of controls over financial resources and program operations.Assess compliance with applicable regulations and industry best practices.Identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations to enhance program effectiveness.Audit Methodology:The audit will be conducted using a risk-based approach.The following methods will be employed:Review of financial records and documentation.Interviews with key personnel.Observation of program operations.Analysis of data and information.Audit Team:The audit team will consist of internal auditors with expertise in the relevant areas of focus.Audit Timeline:The audit will commence on [Start Date] and is expected to be completed by [End Date].Reporting:The audit team will prepare a comprehensive audit report that includes the following:Findings and observations.Recommendations for improvement.Proposed action plan to address identified issues.Management Responsibility:Management is responsible for ensuring that the internal audit is conducted in accordance with this plan. Management is also responsible for implementing the recommendations wynikające z audytu.中文回答:HSMP内部审核计划。



财务部质量管理体系年度内部审核计划英文版Finance Department Quality Management System Annual Internal Audit PlanIntroductionIn today's highly competitive business environment, quality assurance has become paramount for organizations seeking to maintain their market position and satisfy their customers. The Finance Department, being a crucial cog in the overall organizational structure, must ensure that its processes and procedures are aligned with the highest standards of quality. To this end, an annual internal audit plan for the Finance Department's Quality Management System (QMS) is essential.Audit ObjectivesThe primary objective of the annual internal audit is to assess the effectiveness and compliance of the Finance Department's QMS with established policies, procedures, andindustry standards. It aims to identify any gaps, weaknesses, or areas of improvement and recommend corrective measures to enhance the overall quality of financial operations.Audit ScopeThe audit will cover all aspects of the Finance Department's QMS, including but not limited to:Accuracy and timeliness of financial reportingCompliance with financial regulations and policiesEffectiveness of risk management strategiesInternal controls and their implementationProcesses for financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting Efficiency of financial transactions and systemsAudit TimelineThe annual internal audit will be conducted over a period of four weeks, spread across different quarters of the year. This will ensure that the audit does not disrupt ongoing financial activities and allows for timely follow-up on any identified issues.Audit ResourcesThe audit will be led by a team of experienced auditors from within the organization. Additional resources, such as external consultants or auditors, may be engaged as needed to ensure a comprehensive and unbiased review.Audit ProcessThe audit process will involve the following steps:Planning and preparation, including defining the audit scope, objectives, and timelineConducting on-site audits, including interviews, document reviews, and observationsAnalysis and evaluation of audit findingsPreparation of a detailed audit report, including recommendations for improvementFollow-up on identified issues to ensure timely implementation of corrective measuresAudit ReportingA comprehensive audit report will be prepared after the conclusion of the audit. The report will summarize the audit findings, highlight any areas of concern, and provide specific recommendations for improving the Finance Department's QMS. The report will be submitted to the relevant management for review and approval.ConclusionThe annual internal audit plan for the Finance Department's QMS is a crucial mechanism for ensuring the highest standards of quality in financial operations. By regularly assessing and improving its processes and procedures, the Finance Department can contribute significantly to the overall success and sustainability of the organization.中文版财务部质量管理体系年度内部审核计划介绍在当今高度竞争的商业环境中,质量保证对于寻求保持市场地位并满足客户的组织至关重要。



公司内审方案和计划英文文档内容:Internal Audit Plan and ScheduleThe internal audit plan and schedule are essential components of maintaining financial integrity and operational efficiency within a company.The internal audit process involves a systematic review of the company"s processes, policies, and controls to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and to identify areas for improvement.The internal audit plan should outline the objectives, scope, and methodology of the audit, as well as the timing and resources required.The plan should also identify the key risks and areas of focus, taking into account the company"s industry, size, and specific circumstances.The internal audit schedule should detail the specific audits to be conducted during a given period, typically a fiscal year.The schedule should be developed in collaboration with management and should take into account the company"s strategic priorities, as well as any regulatory requirements or external audit recommendations.The internal audit process should include the following steps:1.Planning: Define the objectives, scope, and methodology of the audit, and identify the audit team.2.Fieldwork: Conduct interviews, observations, and document reviews to gather evidence and assess the effectiveness of the company"s processes and controls.3.Reporting: Prepare a detailed report outlining the findings, recommendations, and any identified issues.4.Follow-up: Monitor the implementation of recommendations and ensure that any identified issues are resolved.The internal audit function should be independent and objective, with the authority to access information and records, and should be supported by appropriate training and professional qualifications.中文文档内容:内部审计方案和计划内部审计方案和计划是维护公司财务诚信和运营效率的关键组成部分。






二、审计目标通过网络设备和服务器审计,旨在完成以下目标:1. 确保网络设备和服务器的良好配置,并检测配置漏洞;2. 验证网络设备和服务器的合规性,确保遵循相关政策和法规;3. 检测网络设备和服务器的运行状态,及时发现和排除故障;4. 监控网络设备和服务器的使用情况,防范未授权访问;5. 检查网络设备和服务器的安全保护措施,提升安全性;6. 搜集网络设备和服务器的日志记录,用于事后追溯和调查。

三、审计范围网络设备和服务器审计的范围应包括但不限于以下内容:1. 网络设备:包括路由器、交换机、防火墙等核心设备;2. 服务器:包括Web服务器、数据库服务器、邮件服务器等;3. 操作系统:对服务器操作系统进行安全漏洞扫描和修复;4. 访问控制:对网络设备和服务器的用户权限进行审计;5. 数据备份:检查数据备份的完整性和可用性;6. 安全策略:评估和改善网络设备和服务器的安全策略。

四、审计方法网络设备和服务器审计的方法主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 制定审计计划:明确审计的目标、范围和时间表,确保有序进行;2. 设定审计标准:参考相关行业标准和最佳实践,确定评估指标;3. 准备审计工具:选择合适的审计工具,如漏洞扫描器、日志分析器等;4. 进行网络扫描:扫描网络设备和服务器,发现潜在安全漏洞;5. 分析审计结果:评估扫描结果,识别重要问题和风险;6. 提出改进措施:根据审计结果,制定相应的修复和优化措施;7. 实施修复措施:对发现的问题进行修复和优化;8. 监控维护:建立监控机制,定期检查网络设备和服务器的运行状态;9. 生成审计报告:撰写详细的审计报告,包括问题发现、解决方案和建议。

美国现代企业内部审计 审计方案(范例)

美国现代企业内部审计 审计方案(范例)














12 cia
阶段/工作 (表)
主要责任人 建议内审作用
五、审计委员会、管理层和外部审计师作 用
露如下内容:(1) 内部控制的设计或执行中,
影响17 是cia 否重大。
控 cia

执行后续检查以判断控制缺口是否已 经被充分确定。
在测试计划和范围的讨论中,在管理 层和外部审计师之间扮演协调者的角色
参与到信息披露委员会,以确定持续 的内部审计工作和其他检查工作,如外部 规章检查,提供给委员会以判断是否进行 披露。
由于404遵循性工作与内部审计工作有本质的联系,内部审计经常被迫全力 融入404遵循性工作。
国际内审协会对内部审计的定义是:内部审计 是一种独立客观的保证与咨询活动,目的是为机构增 加价值并提高机构的运作效率,采取系统化、规范化 的方法来对风险管理、内部控制及治理程序进行评估
公司管理层认识到其建立和维护内部控制系统及相应控制程序充分有效的责 任;







三、审核程序1. 审核计划制定审核团队应根据企业的性质、规模和行业特点制定审核计划。


2. 内部控制评估在开始财务审核之前,审核团队将评估企业的内部控制体系。



3. 数据采样和分析审核团队将采取适当的数据采样方法,抽取一部分财务数据进行分析。



4. 文件审查审核团队将审查企业的财务文件和记录,以核实其准确性和合规性。


5. 记账凭证的审核审核团队将审核企业的记账凭证,包括确认凭证的合规性和准确性。


6. 外部确认和合规检查审核团队将与企业的客户、供应商以及相关监管机构进行联系,核实相关财务交易和合规事项。


7. 编制审核报告审核团队将根据审核结果编制审核报告,详细描述发现的问题、建议的改进措施和财务报表的准确程度。










文档修改日志目录第一章工程综述 (9)工程背景 (9)络安简介 (10)第二章工程需求分析 (2)内控管理需求分析 (2)维护管理困难 (2)使用共享帐号的平安隐患 (2)密码策略无法有效执行 (2)用户授权不清晰 (3)访问控制策略不严格 (3)用户操作无法有效审计 (3)内网监控需求分析 (3)功能需求分析 (3)工程建设目标 (5)工程效益分析 (6)数据库审计需求分析 (6)数据库管理 (7)技术风险 (7)审计风险 (8)平台性能需求分析 (8)自身平安性需求分析 (9)第三章WEBCARE智能网络监控软件解决方案 (10)系统架构设计 (10)关键功能简介 (12)集中式监控平台 (12)统一资源配置平台 (13)统一展现平台 (14)告警事件管理 (14)产品功能介绍 (16)根底设施监控 (16)多种监测手段 (16)监测器一览表 (18)业务系统监控 (19)面向业务可用性的监测 (19)统一事件平台 (20)故障管理 (20)故障信息的采集 (20)统一的事件处理平台 (21)事件的自动通知 (21)标准的告警处理机制 (21)统一运行展现 (22)IP拓扑视图 (22)设备视图 (23)业务视图 (23)自定义视图 (24)系统平安性设计 (24)用户权限管理 (24)系统状态监测 (25)系统数据管理 (25)系统技术指标 (26)网络管理功能性 (26)效劳器监测 (28)数据库监测 (29)应用效劳监测 (30)扩展接口 (31)系统影响评估 (31)对网络带宽的影响 (31)对采用SNMP监测的主机系统 (32)对采用Agent监测的Windows效劳器 (32)对采用Agent监测的UNIX效劳器 (32)定制和客户化方案 (33)二次开发必要性 (33)二次开发能力和优势 (33)第四章LANSECS内控堡垒主机解决方案 (35)方案目标 (35)方案内容 (35)设备集中管理 (36)解决共享账户隐患 (36)密码策略有效执行 (36)解决客户授权不清晰 (37)访问控制策略严格执行 (38)操作审计可追踪 (39)产品设计概要说明 (40)整体设计 (40)工作流程 (40)产品功能介绍 (40)系统架构 (40)功能描述 (41)统一资源管理 (42)用户管理 (43)用户生命周期管理 (43)主账号管理 (44)账号管理 (45)用户角色管理 (45)账号同步 (45)账号策略管理 (46)密码策略 (47)授权管理 (48)集中授权 (48)授权审批 (49)资源授权 (49)角色授权 (49)细粒度授权 (50)集中访问控制 (51)单点登陆 (52)B/S单点登录 (53)C/S单点登录 (53)动态短信口令 (54)审计管理 (55)内部的审计 (55)审计范围 (55)审计内容 (56)审计查询 (56)审计报表 (56)复原审计 (57)智能告警 (57)集中管理平台 (58)子系统管理 (58)账号管理 (58)用户自管理 (59)单点登录 (59)权限管理 (59)数据查询 (59)访问审计 (59)系统自管理 (59)L AN S EC S堡垒主机特色 (62)L AN S EC S产品功能优势 (63)可定制性 (63)可扩展性 (63)高平安性 (64)高可靠性 (64)易用性 (64)L AN S EC S内控堡垒主机典型部署 (65)单区域堡垒机部署 (65)多区域堡垒机部署 (66)第五章IMPERVA数据库平安审计解决方案 (67)I MPERVA公司数据库平安解决方案 (67)SecureSphere® Database Activity Monitoring Gateway (67)SecureSphere Database Firewall Gateway (67)SecureSphere Discovery and Assessment Server (67)SecureSphere MX Management Server (68)Imperva Application Defence Centre (ADC) (68)SecureSphere优势〔专利〕技术 (69)技术实现 (69)SecureSphere 专用硬件平台 (69)数据库代理〔Agent〕 (71)集中管理架构 (72)部署方案 (72)嗅探部署方案 (72)桥接部署方案 (73)代理部署方案 (74)工作原理图 (75)S ECURE S PHERE®逻辑架构层次 (76)用户界面层User Interface Layer (76)管理和报告层Management & Reporting Layer (76)分析层Analysis Layer (77)存储层Storage Layer (77)收集层Collection Layer (77)数据库访问层DB Access Layer (77)数据捕获 (77)S ECURE S PHERE®多层平安检查机制 (78)数据库IPS (79)集成防火墙功能 (80)动态建模 (80)数据库协议验证 (80)I MPERVA数据库平安方案的优势 (81)第一章工程综述1.1 工程背景随着信息技术的不断开展和信息化建设的不断进步,办公系统、商务平台的不断推出和投入运行,信息系统在金融行业内部的运营中全面渗透。





二、专业词汇审计计划:Audit plan总体审计策略:General audit strategy具体审计计划:Specific audit plan审计项目组成员:Engagement team members重要性:Materiality实际执行的重要性: Materiality of actual execution交易:Transaction账户余额:Account balance披露:Disclosure审计风险:Audit risk重大错报风险:Risk of material misstatement报表层次的重大错报风险:The risk of material misstatement on financial statement level 认定层次的重大错报风险:The risk of material misstatement at assertion level固有风险:Inherent risk控制风险:Control risk检查风险:Detection risk审计意见:Audit opinion财务报表:Financial statements内部控制:Internal control实质性程序的性质、时间安排和范围:Nature, time and scopeof substantive procedure 控制测试的性质、时间安排和范围: Nature, time and scope of control test细节测试:T est of details函证:Confirmation应收账款: Account receivable三、重点、难点讲解I.审计计划审计计划分为总体审计策略和具体审计计划两个层次。

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The purpose of this audit plan is to demonstrate overall guidance for audit proceedings. So, please be aware that minor changes can be discussed. Although this plan does not indicate any break time between the interviews, it is to be provided whenever agreed. If you have any requests on this scheduling, please let the auditor knows about it. It would be appreciated if you understand the concept of this audit and cooperate with the proceedings.
The issue that we would like you to be aware of:
When interviewing, attendances of not only management representatives but also the persons who actually deal with the issue are appreciated.
[Auditor’s Lunch]
When it is difficult for the auditor to go out for lunch, please prepare the lunch for him/her. The Auditor is going to pay for the fee.
[Layout Plan]
Please prepare layout plan of the premise and buildings for site Audit. Especially, if you have layout plan for fire prevention equipments, your preparation for it is appreciated.
Pictures should be taken as evidences on this audit. However, every time the auditor takes pictures, he/she asks your permission. And at the closing, the auditor shows all the pictures to you so that you could re-check whether it is OK for the auditor to bring back in order to create the audit report.
The auditor and the certification body will treat all information gained during the audit with strict confidentiality.
Date Name。
