
BMW xDrive
Audi Quattro
+ 4MATIC重量更轻:4MATIC是世界上最轻四 驱系统,只有50-70公斤。更轻的重量可以带 来更灵活的驾驶感受。
+ 4MATIC是更可靠的品质保障:BMW的四驱系 统在驾驶过程中不断的调整,中央离合器片始 终处于工作状态,而且可以传递更大的扭矩。 这些看起来似乎是优点,但是在恶劣环境下, 离合器片有可能因为疲劳过热而失效。在BMW 的驾驶活动中,就经常出现xDrive失效的情况。 而4MATIC平时保持稳定的45:55动力分配,只 有在特殊情况下才分配最大50Nm的扭矩。这看 起来不是那么炫,但真正的控制力是在你需要 的时候确保工作品质。
油耗(L/100km) 6.9
0-100km/h加速 8.8
30FSI 2498 140 250 7.5 9.5
2773 162 280 7.8 8.7
2995 228 440 9.2 5.8
全新M274和M276发动机采用了BlueDIRECT缸内直喷技术、进排气可变气门正时系统、可变排量机油泵以及优 化的缸内涡流设计,使新发动机的油汽混合更充分,燃烧更彻底,让燃烧效率进一步提高,同时排放更少, 轻松应对将于2017年开始实施的欧Ⅵ排放标准第二阶段的要求。
远见卓识,既能预测趋势,更能 把握大局
不恪守成规,而是勇于创新,保 持开放心态,尝试新兴事物,用
对自己负责,对团队负责,对家庭负 责,对社会负责,不会随意指责,而 是将责任转化为动力,以行动去实现
E路领先 梅赛德斯一奔驰E级轿车科技体验

这个系统不仅仅保证了驾驶员与乘Technology·技术搭配三种动力总成,分别为1.8L涡轮增压发动机、3.0L V6自然吸气发动机和全新的3.0L V6 BlueDirect双涡轮增压发动机。

奔驰E260L 六方位绕车介绍剧一.演员表销售顾问——a顾客——b二:销售流程<顾客走进展厅 销售顾问上前接待> 顾客走进展厅,销售顾问上前接待a. 小姐你好!欢迎光临!准备看款什么样的车?(双手置于前方. 鞠躬、微笑、点 头示意)a. 这款车怎么样?(边走到样车面前,边指着展车)b. 这不是我喜欢的,对了这款车看上去还不错哎。
a. 您真有眼光,凡是来我们展厅的朋友首 先都会被这款车吸引,这 也是我们这里卖的最好的一款车。
小姐您现在有时间 吗,要是可 以的话请允许我用 10 至 15 分钟时间的时间向您介绍这款车 的基本 信息,之间有什么不明白的您可以随时打断我,我会详 细对您解说.。
您看行 吗?b. 哦,好的。
a.(拿出名片,双手敬上,对客户基本信息了解,增进感情) 小姐 您好,先认识一下,这是我的名片,请笑纳。
我姓字,您叫我小 字就好了。
b.(客户接过名片,看过之后) 噢!好的2223寝室制作:05朱晨霞 16钟玲玲 08郑凯云 15吴梦姣 30吴缘 26叶颖a. 不知您怎么称呼呢b. 我姓李。
b. 好的。
<引领客户至车前方 45 度角整车造型品牌引领客户至车前方a.李小姐您这边请,您看,我们这款车是最新一代的奔驰E260L,整车原装进口车型。
b. 哦,这我还是基本了解一些。
a. 我一看这位美女也是个懂车的,您看这车的造型,棱角分明,看上去很有气势,很霸气,很扎实。
我看您也是个新时代的女性,对了,您买这款车是准备干什么的呢?(车辆外形介绍,与客户拉上关系,适当吹捧)b. 哦,家用,节假日也顺便跑跑外地旅游。
a. 哦。

奔驰中英文对照.2E-E 电子化油器4MATIC 全自动控制四轮驱动车4MATIC 四轮驱动车A/C(Automatic) 自动恒温空调A/C(Tempmatic) 温度恒温空调AB 安全气囊ABS 防抱制动ABW 电脑测距警告装置ADA 大气压力全负荷阻挡器ADM 自动调光式後视镜ADS 最佳避震系统(电脑)AG 自动变速箱AIR 二次喷气系统AKR 防爆震控制系统(传感器)ALDA 进气歧管压力补偿器AP 油门踏板ARF 废气再循环系统AS 天线装置ASA 自动白天/ 夜晚调整镜ASD 自动防锁差速系统ASD 自动锁定防滑差速器ASR 防滑驱动控制系统AT 自动变速箱ATA 防盗装置ATS 自动天线系统BA 倒车辅助警告装置BARO 绝对压力传感器BCAPC 绝对压力式进气压力补偿BDC 下止点BF 前乘客BLS 倒车灯开关BLS(NC)倒车灯开关(常闭型)BLS(NO)倒车灯开关(常开型)BM 鼓风机马达,基本模组BPC 绝对压力补偿BR 棕色BU 蓝色CA 关门辅助机构CAN 控制电脑区域网路(电脑连线)CC 定速控制器CCM 总合控制模组CDC CD 换片机CDW CD 主机CF 特殊便利装备CFI 连续式电子喷射CKA 曲轴转角CKP 曲轴转角传感器CL 中控锁CLUS 电子仪表版CMP 凸轮轴转角传感器CNS 通讯及导航系统CODE 码CST 软顶式敞篷车CTP 节气门全闭(怠速)CTU 集中触控器CV 敞篷车可掀软顶DFA 速度信号输出DH 电子诊断手册DI 分电盘式直接点火DIAG 诊断接头DIAGN 诊断接头DM 诊断模组DTC 故障码EA 电子油门EAG 电子控制自动变速箱EBR 引擎制动调节ECL 冷却液位ECT 冷却水温传感器EDC 电子柴油控制系统EDR 电子柴油调节系统EDS 电子柴油系统EDW 防盗警报装置2E-E 强力化油器EFP 电子油门踏板EGR 废气再循环系统EIFI 电子式管路喷射系统ELR 电子怠速控制器ELV 电子转向柱调整EMSC 电子镜,转向柱调整及加温镜ENR 电子水平控制系统EPC 电子动力系统控制EPH 驻车辅助装置ERE 电子直线式柴油喷射系统ESA 电动座椅调整ESC 电子火花控制器、电子转向机柱调整ESCM 引擎系统控制模组ESL 电子调整式镜子及方向柱ESP 电子安定程式ESV 电动调整座椅ETC 电子自动变速箱控制ETR 紧急收缩式安全带ETS 电子循迹控制EVAP EEC净化碳罐电磁阀系统EVE 电子分配式柴油喷射系统EZL 电子点火正时调整式点火系统FA 司机FFS 大梁底盘制FP 油泵FSA +免调整喇叭正线FSA -免调整喇叭负线GDB 调节差压式刹车GES 车速信号GIM 调节波形法GM 通用模组(或电脑)GN 绿色GY 灰色GUB 双门跑车GUB 安全带拉伸器GUS 安全带张力器HAL 後轴转向装置HAU 标准暖气装置(欧规)HAU 自动暖气控制系统HCS 大灯清洁系统HFS 免动手制HHT 手提型轻便测试机HK 车身高度补正装置HPF 气压式悬挂HS 不易起动HZS 行李厢盖辅助锁IAT 进气温度传感器IC 仪表板IDC 点火诊断用接头IFI 电子柴油直接喷射系统IFZ 红外线遥控中控锁IND 指示灯INTERV 间歇雨刷IR 红外线控制系统IRCL 红外线控制中控锁ISC 怠速控制器IV 输入阀KA 机械式喷射电脑KAF 气电式後座枕控制KAF 收缩式後座枕KAT 触媒转换器KE 机械/电子控制燃油喷射CIS-EKFB 悬挂弹性控制系统KFB 电动窗中央便利控制装置KI 电子仪表板总成KLA 自动恒温控制KS 敲缸传感器KSK 控制接点KSS 爆震控制系统KU +离合器+KU -离合器-KW 曲轴转角传感器LA 灯光输出(预热继电器)LED G 绿色回馈LEDLED R 红色回馈LEDLF 左前LH 热线式空气流量计喷射LH-SFI 热线式空气流量计-顺序式喷射系统LHS 左方向盘LL 左方向盘驾驶LLR 怠速控制LS 喇叭装置LS 动力辅助方向盘LSA 扬声器装置LSK 怠速安全接点M +马达正M -马达负MAF 空气流量传感器MAP 进气歧管绝对压力测试器MAS 引擎系统电脑盒MB-ISO 诊断接头ME-SFI ME 顺序式多点喷射及点火系统MF 多功能预混合及点火系统MG 手动变速箱MIL 引擎故障警告灯MOT 马达MSK 节气门开启安全接点MSR 减速断油/防爆装置MSR 引擎磨擦扭力控制系统MT 手动变速箱MUTE 收音机MUTE信号MVA 歧管真空辅助机构N 空档NR 水平调节控制NV 低压缩比O2S 含氧传感器OBD 自我诊断OC 触媒转换器OSB 座椅扶手OSL 调整式靠背OT 上止点OV 输出阀P 停车档P+电位计+参考信号P-电位计-参考信号PA 停车辅助机构PARK SW. 手刹车开关PK 粉色PL 电动锁PLA 气压式怠速提升PML 电脑控制油压调整式转向系统PMP 进气歧管部份加温器PMS 压力感应式喷射/点火系统PNP 空档安全开关POS 位置PS 动力转向压力PSE 自动控制真空PSV 进气歧管部份预热装置PWM 电子波形RA 修护手册RAF 氧化抑制器RAF 油烟燃尽过滤器RB 防滚杆RCL 遥控中控锁RD 红色RD 收音机RDK 胎压指示器RDU 胎压监视器REST 引擎余热再利用RF 右前RFH 冷车冒烟控制系统RFH 倒车辅助装置RHR 调整式後座枕RHS 加温式後座椅RIV 参考脉波RIV 调速脉频控制程序RL 右侧驾驶RPM 每分钟转速RR 右後RRE 旅行电脑RS 防撞系统RST 软顶敞篷车RTG 调整式行李厢把手RTN 回路RTR 遥控行李厢释放RUF 触媒转换器改良板RUF 应答式装置RV 双座敞篷轿车软顶RX 接收信号S 屏敝线S +B 设定-加速S -B 设定-减速SA 选择特殊配备SBE 安全带控制器SHI 辅助关门系统SIF 後加温座椅SIH 加温式座椅SLO 起动锁定SMS 维修微缩胶片SOV 电磁阀SPS 速度感应式电动转向机构SR 滑动/顶升天窗SRA 大灯清洗系统SRS 安全气囊SRU 进气歧管真空增量SS 车速传感器STH 车内温度调节系统STH 辅助加热器SW 开关T 温度输入(预热继电器)TAU 自动温控(空调)系统TB 节气门本体TC 涡轮增压机TCM 自动变速箱电脑盒TD 转速讯号TDC 上止点TELE 伸缩管TIC 电晶体式电子点火控制TK 车门接点TN 转速信号TNA 引擎RPM信号TPM 定速器TRAP 氧化器TRU 发射接收器TS 拖车传感器。

28-CHINA ·June故障现象一辆2020款梅赛德斯奔驰E260L,搭载264 915型1.5T发动机,VIN为LE4ZG7JB5LL******,行驶里程为25 736km,该车发动机无法启动,且启动机不工作,仪表黑屏。
图1 故障车仪表上显示的故障信息连接奔驰专用故障诊断仪对故障车进行全车故障扫描,发现有三个控制单元无法进行通信,分别是:A108主动式制动辅助系统、N69/5无钥匙启动、N135方向盘电子装置(图2)。
打开WIS车间系统查询无钥匙启动控制单元电路图(图3),发现无钥匙启动控制单元的供电路线是:F1/3前排乘客侧熔丝盒中的◆文/浙江 陶嘉铭 周牧2020款奔驰E260L 发动机无法启动F319熔丝,经过熔丝盒背部19号脚一直连接到N69/5无钥匙启动控制单元的15号脚。

英文版奔驰E级用户使用手册(上册)(可编辑)英文版奔驰E级用户使用手册(上册)E-Class Owner's ManualMercedes-BenzBA 211.book Seite 1 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 Thank you for choosing sign, equipment and technical fea- Mercedes-Benz. tures at any time. You cannot,therefore, base any claims on theBefore you drive off, familiarisedata, illustrations or descriptions inyourself with your Mercedes-Benzthis Owner's Manualand read this Owner's Manual. This will help you to obtain the i- Please consult your Mercedes-Benz mum pleasure from your vehicle Service Station if you have any and to avoid endangering yourself questionsand othersThe Owner'sManual, brief instruc-Items of optional equipment are tions and the Service Booklet are marked with an asterisk*. The an integral part of the vehicle. You equipment in your vehicle may vary, should always keep them in the ve-depending on the model, national hicle and pass them on to the new specifications and availability. owner if you sell the vehicle.Mercedes-Benz is constantly updat- The technical documentation teaming its vehicles to the latest state of at DaimlerChrysler AG wishes youthe art and therefore reserves the safe and pleasant motoring.right to introduce changes in de-BA 211.book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15BA 211.book Seite 3 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 ContentsIntroduction. 11 Getting started. 29 Safety53The aim of this manual11 Opening 30 Occupant safety. 54Symbols 13 Unlocking with the key 30 Airbags 54Protection of the Unlocking with Seat belts58environment 14 KEYLESS GO*31 Children in the vehicle 59Operating safety 15 Adjusting. 33 Driving safety systems 69Correct use15 Seats. 33 ABS 69Steering wheel37 BAS 70Mirrors39 ESP 70At a glance 17 Driving40 SBC brake system73Cockpit18 Wearing seat belts40 Anti-theft systems76Instrument cluster21 Starting the engine 43 Immobiliser 76Multi-function steering Switching on the lights 48 Anti-theft alarm system*wheel. 24 Turn signals 48 EDW76Centre console25 Windscreen wipers49 Tow-away protection*78 Upper section. 25 Parking and locking 50 Interior motion Lower section. 26 Stopping the engine using sensor* 79 Overhead control panel 27 the key50Door control panel28 Stopping the engine using KEYLESS GO*513BA 211.book Seite 4 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 Contents Folding back the rear seat Instrument cluster. 116 Controls in detail81head restraints. 103 Adjusting the instrument Opening and closing.82Returning the head lighting. 116Key82restraints to the upright Coolant temperature KEYLESS GO*. 87position. 103 gauge 117Opening the doors fromSeat ventilation*104 Resetting the tripthe inside. 90Seat heating* 105 meter 117Opening the boot from theStoring settings*106 Rev counter. 117 inside. 91Storing 106 Outside temperature Closing the boot lid 93Calling up the stored display 117 Automatic locking95positions107 Operating system 118 Locking and unlocking theStoring the parking Multi-function display 118vehicle from the inside95position. 107 Multi-function steering Seats. 97Lighting. 109 wheel119Easy-entry/exitLight switch. 109 Menu overview. 121 feature* 97Adjusting the headlamp Standard display menu. 124Lumbar support 98range111 AUDIO menu124Multi-contourCombination switch. 111 NAVI* menu127backrest*. 98Hazard warning lamps 112 Distronic* menu128Dynamic driving seat*99Interior lighting. 113 Malfunction memoryRemoving the front seatmenu129head restraints 100Menu settings 130Removing the rear seathead restraints 1024BA 211.book Seite 5 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 Contents Trip computer menu. 149 Program selector 4-zone Thermotronic* 190 TEL menu* 152 switch 169 Activating 194Menus for vehicles with Accelerator pedal Deactivating194 Audio 20 system position. 169 Basic settings 194 installed. 154 Good visibility 170 Special settings. 195 Manual transmission155 Mirrors 170 Economy mode. 196 Sequentronic automated Rear window heating174 Air recirculation mode197manual transmission* 156 Cleaning the Residual heat 200 Selector lever headlamps*. 174 Demisting 201positions. 157 Sun visors 175 Rear passenger Manual mode158 Rear window blind*. 177 compartment air Autoshift mode 160 Roller sunblinds* in the conditioning202 Changing between manual rear doors 177 Heater booster system*204 and autoshift mode. 162 Thermatic 178 Auxiliary heating/ Manoeuvring. 163 Activating182 ventilation*. 205 Parking 164 Deactivating. 182 Activating 206Automatic transmission*165 Basic settings 182 Deactivating207 One-touch Special settings. 183 Solar module* 210 gearshifting 166 Economy mode. 185Shift ranges. 167 Air recirculation mode 185Selector lever Residual heat187positions. 168 Demisting1885BA 211.book Seite 6 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 ContentsOpen-air. 211 Folding front-passengerOperation. 287Opening and closing the seat*260The first 1,000 mileswindows. 211 Enlarging the luggage1,500 km. 288Sliding/tilting compartment* 261Refuelling 289sunroof*. 213 Loading guidelines 262 Petrol EN 228. 290 Panorama sliding Securing a load*263 Diesel EN 590. 291 sunroof*. 215 Trailer tow hitch, Bleeding the fuelDriving systems. 219 folding*. 264 system. 293Cruise control219 Features268 Vegetable oil methyl ester Distronic*224 StowagePME fuels*293Speedtronic. 236 compartments 268 Engine compartment 294 Airmatic DC*244 Ashtray. 273 Bonnet 294Parktronic system* Cigarette lighter. 274 Engine oil 295 PTS. 247 12 V socket. 275Coolant. 297Loading. 252 Steering wheelWindscreen washerLuggage net in the heating*. 275 system, headlampfront-passenger Telephone*. 276 cleaning system* 298footwell 252 TeleAid*. 280Transmission oil level 299Roof rack* 252 Garage door openers* 282 Skibag*. 253Through-loadingfeature*. 2576BA 211.book Seite 7 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15ContentsBattery 300 Missing the service due Practical advice 335Battery 300 date. 317Troubleshooting336Tyres and wheels302 Calling up the service due AutomaticPoints to bear in mind 303 date. 317 transmission341Direction of rotation. 303 Resetting the serviceKey. 342Tyre pressure monitoring indicator. 318 KEYLESS GO* 345system 304 Setting due dates319 Windscreen wipers. 347Winter driving309 Care. 321Flashing switches andWinter tyres. 309 Automatic car wash. 322 buttons. 348Snow chains. 310 Caring for the exterior of Lights inDriving abroad 311 your vehicle. 322 the instrument cluster 351 Symmetrical dipped-beam Caring for the interior ofMessages in theheadlamps 311 your vehicle. 329 multi-function display 357 Trailer towing313Where will I find396Service 316Warning triangle andClearing the servicefirst-aid kit 396indicator. 317Fire extinguisher* 397Vehicle tool kit, jack andspare wheel. 3977BA 211.book Seite 8 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15ContentsLocking/unlocking in an Fitting the spare Technical data437 emergency 400 wheel* 419Mercedes-Benz originalUnlocking the vehicle400 Battery maintenance424 parts438Locking the vehicle. 401 Disconnecting the Vehicle electronics. 440 Changing the batteries 402 battery 425 Tampering with the engine Fuel filler flap emergency Removing the battery 425 electronics. 440 release 404 Charging the battery425 Retrofitting electrical and Sliding/tilting sunroof*, Reconnecting theelectronic equipment 440Panorama sliding battery 426Vehicle identificationsunroof 404 Jump-starting427plates 442Releasing the parking lock Towing 430 Chassis and paintmanually. 405 Points to bear in mind 431 number. 442Changing the bulbs. 406 Fitting the towing eye 431Engine 443Changing the front Removing the towing Speeds. 444bulbs. 408 eye 433Tyres and wheels 445Changing the rear Transporting the Tyres446bulbs. 410 vehicle 433Spare wheel* 448Replacing the wiper Fuses434AMG equipment448blades 411 Main fuse box 434Flat tyre. 413 Additional fuse box in the Using the TIREFIT kit413 boot. 434 8BA 211.book Seite 9 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 ContentsVehicle dimensions. 449Technical terms465Vehicle weights. 450Trailer loads. 451Service products andIndex475capacities452Fuels. 452Engine oil457Coolant 458Brake fluid 459Windscreen washersystem 460Frequencies for garage dooropeners*4619BA 211.book Seite 10 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15BA 211.book Seite 11 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 IntroductionThe aim of this manualThis Owner's Manual is intended toSafety Operationassist you in all situations with yourvehicle. Each section has its ownThis section describes all the safety Here you will find all the informa-colour code to help you find the in-features of your vehicle. tion you will need when you are formation you require quickly.driving the vehicle.Controls in detailAt a glancePractical adviceThis is where you will find more de-Here you will find an overview of alltailed information about the equip- Here you will find practical helpforthe controls you can operate fromment in your E-Class. This section possible problems. the driver's seat.expands on the "Getting started"section and also describes techni- Technical datacal innovations. If you are already Getting startedfamiliar with your vehicle's basic All the important technical data for Here you will find all the informa- features, you will find this sectionthe vehicle is contained heretion you will need when you are particularly interesting.driving your vehicle for the first time. You should read thissection first if this vehicle is your first Mercedes-Benz vehicle or you have rented the vehicle.11BA 211.book Seite 12 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15IntroductionThe aim of this manualContents and indexThe glossary of technical terms ex- plains the most important technicalconcepts.The table of contents and the indexare intended to help you find infor-mation quickly.The following form part of your vehi-cle's documentation:this Owner's Manualthe brief instructionsthe Service BookletYou may receive other supple-ments, depending on the equip-ment in your vehicle.12BA 211.book Seite 13 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 Introduction SymbolsSymbolsYou will find the following symbols This symbol means that you used in this Owner's Manual: have to do somethingEnvironmental noteH* Items of optional equipment A number of these symbols one An environmental note gives youare marked with an asterisk. after the other indicates a se-tips on the protection of the environ- The equipment in your vehi- quence of actions.ment.cle may differ from some ofpage This symbol indicatesthe descriptions and illustra-the pages on which youtions you see here, as not all ! can find further informa-models have the sameA note draws your attention to tion on a given topic.standard equipment.possible hazards to your vehi-This continuation symbolcle.indicates an interruptedWarning Gsequence of actions thatiwill be continued on theA warning draws your attention to A tip contains advice or further next page.possible risks to your health or life. information you may find useful. - This symbol in the glos-sary of technical termsmeans that the followingterm is also explained.Display Displays in the multi- function display areprinted in this font.13BA 211.book Seite 14 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15IntroductionProtection of the environment Protection of the environment As fuel consumption and the rate of Change gear in good time and Environmental note H2use each gear only up to / ofengine, brake and tyre wear depend3its imum engine speedto a large extent on your driving DaimlerChrysler's declared policy isstyle and the operating conditions,Keep an eye on the vehicle's fuelone of integrated environmentalyou should bear the following in consumptionprotection. This policy starts at themind:Switch off the engine in station-root causes and encompasses in itsary traffic.management decisions all the con- Avoid short trips. sequences for the environmentA regularly serviced vehicle willMake sure that the tyre pres-which could arise from production also contribute to environmen- sures are always correct.tal protection. You should there-processes or the products them-Avoid frequent, sudden acceler-fore adhere to the serviceselvesation.intervals that ASSYST PLUS dis- The objectives are for the natural re- Do not carry any unnecessaryplays in the instrument clustersources which form the basis of our weight.Always have services carriedexistence on this planet to be used Remove ski holders and roof out at a Mercedes-Benz Service sparingly and in a manner which racks once you no longer need Station.takes the requirements of both na- them.ture and humanity into accountDo not warm up the engine withYou too can help to protect the envi- the vehicle stationary.ronment by operating yourMercedes-Benz in an environmen- tally responsible manner.14BA 211.book Seite 15 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15IntroductionOperating safetyOperating safetyCorrect useRisk of accident GObserve the following information when using your vehicle:If work on electronic equipment and its software is carried out incorrect- the safety notes in this manually, this equipment could stop work- the "Technical data" section in ing. Since the electronic systems this manualare interconnected, this might also local road traffic regulations affect systems that have not been modified.local road traffic licensing regu- lationsHave all work on or modifications toelectronic components carried outat a Mercedes-Benz Service StationOther work or modifications to the vehicle which are carried out incor-rectly may also impair the operatingsafety of the vehicle.Some safety systems only operatewhen the engine is running. For thisreason you should not switch off theengine when driving.15BA 211.book Seite 16 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 16BA211.book Seite 17 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 At a glance CockpitInstrument clusterMulti-function steering wheelCentre consoleOverhead control panelDoor control panel17BA 211.book Seite 18 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15 At a glance CockpitCockpitP 68.10-2756-3118BA 211.book Seite 19 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceCockpitP 68.10-2762-3119BA 211.book Seite 20 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceCockpitFunction Page Function Page Function Page8 Overhead control 27 20 Cleans the head- 1741 Combination switchpanel lamps*Turn signals 489 Spectacles/mobile 268 Windscreen wip- 49phone compartmenters10 Opens the glove 268 Main-beam 48compartmentheadlamps11 Glove compartment 268 2 Cruise control lever 12 Centre console 25 Cruise control 21913 Ignition lock 31 Distronic* 22414 Adjusts the steering 37 Speedtronic 236 wheel Steering wheelheat- 275 3 Instrument cluster 21 ing*4 Multi-function steer- 15 Opens the bonnet 294 ing wheel 2416 Parking brake 50 5 Horn17 Releases the parking 46 6 Linguatronic lever* brakesee the separate Operating Instruc- 18 Door control panel 28tions19 Light switch 1097 Parktronic display* 24720BA 211.book Seite 21 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceInstrument clusterInstrument clusterP 54.30-6026-3121BA 211.book Seite 22 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceInstrument clusterP 54.30-6216-3122BA 211.book Seite 23 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceInstrument clusterFunction Page Function PageFunction Page7 Coolant tempera- Automatic transmis- 167 1 Turn signal indicatorture gauge with sion*program dis-lamp, leftplay,D Coolant warn- 339 2 ABS/ESP warning 351 Sequentronic* 156 ing lamplamp10 Clock with8 Rev counter with 3 Speedometerq Preglow indi- 43 1 Restraint sys- 353 4 Multi-function dis- cator lamptems warning lamp play withEngine diag- 355 - ABS indicator 352 Basic display with 124 nostic warning lamp lampoutside temperature ? Brake system 353 Seat belt warn- 356Status line 134indicator lamping lampTrip meter 12411 Fuel gauge withA Main beam 1125 Distance warning 224indicator lamp W Reserve fuel 356 1lamp*warning lamp9 Automatic transmis- 1686 Turn signal indicatorsion* selector lever 12 Rotary knob for 116lamp, rightposition, instrument lighting, 1On vehicles without Distronic*, the sym- Sequentronic* 157 reset button for bol lights up briefly, but has no functioninstrument cluster Total distance re-R buttoncorder23BA 211.book Seite 24 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceMulti-function steering wheel Multi-function steering wheel Function PageFunction Page5 Scrolling within a1 Multi-function dis- 118 menuplayj ForwardsControlling the 118operating systemk Back2 Sets the volumeQuieterLouder3 Making a telephonecallí Accepts a callì Hangs up4 Jumps from oneP 46.10-2237-31menu to anotherè ForwardsBack24BA 211.book Seite 25 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceCentre consoleCentre consoleUpper section Function Page Function Page7 Folds back the rear 103 1 Thermatic, 178head restraintsThermotronic* 190Heated rear window 174 8 Switches ESP on/ 72 off2 COMAND* andAudio 20,9 Seat heating*, left 105 Audio 50 APS* ? see Seat ventilation*, 104 respective separateleftoperating instruc-10 Switches the hazard 112 tionsP 68.20-2616-31 warning lamps on/3 Seat heating*, right 105 offSeat ventilation*, 104 11 PASSENGER 64rightAIRBAG OFF4 Rear window blind* 177 warning lamp5 Central locking 956 Opening button for stowage compart-ment page 269or CD changer* ?see the separate op-erating instructions25BA 211.book Seite 26 Mittwoch, 17. April 2002 3:54 15At a glanceCentre consoleLower section Function Page Function Page10 Selects the automat- 169 1 Opens/closes the 273 ic transmission drive ashtrayprogram2 KE。

9 安全气囊以整车被动安全为核心,全新长轴距E级轿车坚持为用户提供更全面的安全装备。

sensing [sensəing]
system [sistəm]
dr-side driver signal acquisition and
actuation module
交通工具 动力,功率 供给 供应 控制, 抑制, 支配
92 AHE 93 94
95 MSS
96 97 98 99
100 101 102
trailer recognition
trailer [treilə] recognition [rekəɡ niʃən]
special vehicle multifunction control module system diagnosis
59 XALWA-R xenon headlamp right
60 OCP 61 62 63 64 UCP 65 66 67 68 COU 69 70 71
overhead control panel
overhead [əuvəhed] control [kən trəul] panel [pænəl]
display [dis plei]
138 AVE-H rear audio video unit
rear [riə]
audio [ɔ:djəu]
方向盘 柱,圆柱
单元 夜视辅助
夜晚 视力,视野,视线

1.Hybrid是混合动力的意思,表示你看到的奔驰S400LHybrid 是油电混合动力车型Blue Efficiency(环保高效动力)2.BlueEFFICIENCY综合环保科技整合了包括优化引擎技术、降低车身重量、减小风阻、减小摩擦阻力等一系列旨在降低能量损耗、提升燃油效率的手段。
3.CGI:Stratified-Charged Gasoline Injection(缸内直喷系统),CGI 缸内直喷涡轮增压引擎它拥有着媲美柴油引擎的扭矩表现与燃油经济性,更保有汽油引擎高转速马力延展的优势4./bbs/viewthread.php?tid=12247740&extra=&page=1原帖由wizard于10-05-22 11:30 发表咨询两个E300的问题。
1.E300的C/S模式是不是就是换档时间的延迟?没任何别的区别?2.E300的DIRECT CONTROL底盘和C的敏捷悬挂有啥区别?1.E300 S为运动驾驶模式C为舒适,经济驾驶模式C模式优势在于换挡缓和,平稳性好,升档早低速不易打滑!S模式运动感好!换挡是否延时更具您急加油还是缓加油!缓加提前急加滞我试个先,为什么同排量的引擎,BMW的比奔驰的数据强?奔驰引擎刷ECU,什么情况下不影响原厂保修?奥迪,BMW几乎全系都厂GPS配置,北奔C在产3年了为什么还未开发安装GPS?国产北奔已在产多年,为什么维修 ...1.两种车设计风格不同,引擎属于汽车的动力源,奔驰设计相对而言保守,但奔驰现对于宝马而言高速加速性能很强。
In 2009, when the concept of the development of an electric car started, No car volume car manufacturer has a car powered exclusively by batteries in its line up. At present, only 1,500 electric cars are available among the German cars circulating at the present.
Sub-brand:Maybach & Smart
Smart is a creative product of collaboration of Mercedes - Benz and the world’s watches giant Swatch. The ‘S’ in ‘Smart’ stands for Swatch, and ‘M’ stands for Daimler Group (Mercedes-Benz). The letters together can be considered as “This car represents the art of Swatch and Mercedes-Benz.”
凯迪拉克、 雪佛兰、 奥斯莫比、 庞蒂克、克尔维特、 悍马 )
Since 1927, is one of the largest car company in the world

沃尔沃S80L2.0T 奔驰E260L 奥迪A6L2.0T 宝马523Li 参数对比本站数据仅提供参考,购车时请以实车为准。
● 标准配置○ 可选配置 __ 无 对比设置: 高亮显示1←X→ 沃尔沃S80L 2011款 T4 2.0T 双离合智尊版 售价:43.85万 2←X→奔驰E 级2010款奔驰E260L CGI 优雅型 售价:51.50万3←X→奥迪A6L2011款 2.0TFSI CVT 舒适型 售价:41.52万4←X→宝马5系2011款宝马523Li 领先型售价:44.96万不同项相同项隐藏基本参数车型2011款沃尔沃S80L T4 2.0T双离合智尊版2010款奔驰E260L CGI优雅型2011款奥迪A6L2.0TFSI CVT舒适型2011款宝马523Li领先型指导价43.85万51.50万41.52万44.96万市场报价37.78万46.15万37.97万40.93万生产时间(年式)2010 2010发动机位置前置前置前置前置驱动形式230 238 220 234 等速油耗(L/100km)6.4综合油耗(L/100km)9.2 8.8 8.3 7.9 工信部油耗(L/100km)市郊5.16.4工信部油耗(L/100km)市区12.4 11.8工信部油耗(L/100km)综合11 7.8 8.3 7.9最高车速(km/h)230 238 220 234 整车质保230 238 220 234保养周期三年或10万公里两年不限公里两年不限公里两年不限公里首保里程10000公里10000公里5000公里10000公里车身参数长4991 5012 5035 5039宽1861 1855 1855 1860高1490 1464 1485 1471轴距2976 3014 2945 3108前轮距1588 1580 1600后轮距1585 1599 1627最小离地142 149 间隙整备质量1700 1750/1775 1750 1750/1825承载质量2075 2290/2315 2230车身结构承载式承载式承载式承载式车门数 4 4 4 4座位排数 2 2 2 2座位数 5 5 5 5油箱容积70 80/9 80 70(L)后备箱容480 540 501 520 积(L)风阻系数0.29×2.35最小转弯11.25 12.45半径(m)发动机发动机排1999 1796 1984 2497量(mL)工作方式涡轮增压涡轮增压涡轮增压自然吸气每缸气门4 4 4 4数(个)气缸排列直列4缸直列4缸直列4缸直列6缸形式压缩比9 9.3:1 10.5 11.0气门结构双顶置凸轮轴双顶置凸轮轴双顶置凸轮轴双顶置凸轮轴正时结构链条正时链条正时皮带正时链条正时最大马力203 204 170 204 (Ps)最大功率149 150 125 150 (Kw)最大功率转速6000 5500 4300-6000 6300 (rpm)最大扭矩300 310 280 250(Nm)最大扭矩转速(rpm)1750-4000 2000-4300 1800-4200 2750-3000发动机特有技术可变相位DoubleVANOS/Valvetronic燃料形式汽油汽油汽油汽油燃油标号93 97 97 97供油方式多点电子喷射缸内直喷缸内直喷多点电子喷射缸体材料铝铝铁铝镁合金环保标准国5 国4 国4 国4弱混合动力----强混合动力----纯电动----底盘变速器类型双离合变速器手自一体CVT无级变速手自一体档位数(个)6 5 模拟7 8转向器型式速敏齿轮齿条式动力转向,转向减振器电动助力带有Servotronic电子伺服式助力转向的主动转向系统驻车制动器电子驻车脚刹电子驻车手刹前悬挂形式麦弗逊式独立悬架四连杆式悬挂轻质四连杆式独立悬双横向摆臂铝制前桥,具有单独的下横向摆臂高度、短的偏置距和防俯冲作用后悬挂形式多连杆独立悬架带横向稳定杆多连杆独立悬架梯形连杆式独立悬挂整体V型多连杆铝制车桥,具有转向功能、防后座、防俯冲以及双重隔音效果(对于长轴距版,空气悬架配有车身自动水平标准装备)前轮制动装置通风盘式通风盘通风盘式单缸、铝制、摆动式卡钳、盘式制动系统,采用框架结构设计后轮制动装置盘式通风盘通风盘式单缸,摆动式卡钳,铝制,盘式制动器前轮胎规格米其林225/50R17 W255/45 R17 225/55 R16 225/55 R17后轮胎规格米其林225/50R17 W255/45 R17 225/55 R16 225/55 R17备胎规格非全尺寸全尺寸备胎轮毂材料铝合金铝合金差速锁可调悬挂----空气悬挂----底盘保护板操控配置ABS防抱死●●●●制动力分配(EBD/CBC等)●●●●刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等)●●●●牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等)●●-●车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC等)●●●●官方0-100Km/h加速(s)8.5 8.6 8.8 8.6官方100-0Km/h制动(m)自动驻车-●●-上坡辅助-●●●陡坡缓降----可调悬挂----空气悬挂----主动转向系统----主动防侧倾系统----外观金属漆-●-●外观可选颜色曜岩黑/黑铜灰/铱银色/珍珠黄/赤铜棕金属漆:太空灰/泰坦银/宝石青/帝王蓝/铂青铜色;普通漆:雪山白内饰可选颜色羊驼灰色/黑色/杏仁黄色Dakota真皮内饰:珠峰灰/威尼托米色/黑色/珍珠贝白色浅色/珍珠贝白色黑色隔热玻璃-●●-电动天窗●●●●全景天窗----前电动车窗●●●●后电动车窗●●●●车窗防夹手●●●-驾驶席车窗功能一键升降一键升降副驾驶席车窗功能一键升降一键升降后排车窗功能一键升降卤素大灯----氙气大灯●●●●日间行车灯-●--大灯高度可调●●●-大灯清洗装置●●●●自动大灯-●●●转向辅助照明-●--大灯随动转向-●--前雾灯●●●●后雾灯●●●●LED尾灯-●--轮毂材质铝合金铝合金铝合金铝合金轮毂尺寸17 17 16 17 外后视镜电●●●●动调节外后视镜加●●●●热外后视镜自●●--动防眩目外后视镜电●●--动折叠外后视镜带●---转向灯前感应雨刷●●●●前无骨雨刷----后雨刷----后感应雨刷----天线隐藏天线电动吸合门----后备箱电动电动后绕流板----内饰配置无钥匙启动●---系统智能钥匙----遥控钥匙●●●-多功能方向●●●●盘真皮方向盘●●●●方向盘上下手动电动手动调节方向盘前后手动电动手动调节方向盘换挡----拨片方向盘加热----功能自动防眩目----内后视镜手动防眩目●--●内后视镜一体式前排----头枕分体式前排●●--头枕后排头枕●●--后排中间头●---枕定速巡航●●●●泊车辅助倒车雷达倒车雷达倒车雷达倒车雷达倒车视频影---●像夜视系统----行车电脑----HUD抬头数----字显示后风挡遮阳●●●-帘后风挡加热-●--功能后排侧遮阳●●--帘遮阳板化妆●●●-镜遮阳板化妆-●--镜照明后排化妆镜----前烟灰盒-●-●前点烟器-●-●后烟灰盒---●后点烟器----后排脚部支----撑座椅配置织物座椅----皮质座椅----真皮座椅●●●●运动座椅----驾驶座椅调电动调节电动调节电动调节电动调节节驾驶座椅记●●-●忆功能驾驶座椅腰●●●-部支撑调节驾驶座椅肩----部支撑调节副驾驶座椅电动调节电动调节电动调节电动调节调节副驾驶座椅-●--记忆功能副驾驶座椅腰部支撑调-●●-节副驾驶座椅----肩部支撑调节前排座椅电●●-●动调节后排座椅电----动调节第二排靠背----角度调节第二排座椅----移动驾驶座椅加●●●●热副驾驶座椅●●●●加热后排座椅加--●-热驾驶座椅通---●风驾驶座椅按----摩副驾驶座椅---●通风副驾驶座椅----按摩后排座椅通----风后排座椅按----摩后排座椅整----体放倒后排座椅比●---例放倒前座中央扶●●●●手后座中央扶●●-●手第三排座椅----空调/冰箱手动空调----自动空调●●●●温度分区控2 2 2制后排独立空----调后空调出风●●●●口空气净化系●●--统花粉过滤●●--车载冰箱----安全配置驾驶座安全气●●●●囊副驾驶安全气●●●●囊副驾驶气囊开----关前排侧气囊●●●●后排侧气囊●●●-前排头部气囊●●●●(气帘)后排头部气囊●●●●(气帘)膝部气囊-●--驾驶位安全带●●●-未系提示副驾驶位安全-●--带未系提示燃爆式安全带●--●后排三点式安●●-●全带ISOFIX儿童●●-●座椅固定装置前排主动头枕●●--发动机电子防●●●●盗车内中控锁●●●●后备箱逃逸功----能车轮螺栓锁----胎压监测装置-●--零胎压继续行----驶第三制动灯●●--多媒体配置GPS导航系统●●●-人机交互系统-●●-内置硬盘-●--蓝牙/车载电话●●--车载电视----后排液晶屏----外接AUX 接口●●--外接USB 接口●---外接iPod 接口●---单碟CD --●●虚拟多碟CD ----多碟CD ●●--CD支持●●--MP3/WMADVD系统-●-●高保真扬声系-●--统喇叭扬声器个8 8 8数高科技配置自动泊车入位----并线辅助●---主动刹车/主----动安全系统整体主动转向----系统夜视系统----中控液晶屏分---●屏显示自适应巡航----侧视摄像头----G-Book ----On Start ----新浪测试0-100Km/h加速(s)100-0Km/h制动(m)。

As a MercedesBenz,I am a symbol of luxury,innovation,and engineering excellence.My lineage dates back to the late19th century,when Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler pioneered the automobile industry.Over the years,I have evolved to become one of the most recognized and respected automotive brands in the world.Origin and Heritage:I was born in Stuttgart,Germany,where my parent company,Daimler AG,has its headquarters.The threepointed star that adorns my grille represents the companys commitment to providing vehicles for land,sea,and air.Design and Aesthetics:My design is a blend of elegance and modernity.Each line,curve,and feature is crafted with precision,reflecting the attention to detail that goes into every MercedesBenz vehicle.My interiors are a testament to craftsmanship,with highquality materials such as leather,wood,and metal used to create a comfortable and inviting space for my passengers.Performance and Technology:Under the hood,I boast powerful engines that deliver both performance and efficiency. My engineering team is constantly pushing the boundaries of automotive technology, ensuring that I am equipped with the latest advancements in safety,connectivity,and driver assistance systems.Safety Features:Safety is paramount in my design philosophy.I come with a suite of safety features that include airbags,electronic stability control,and advanced driver assistance systems like adaptive cruise control and lanekeeping assist.These features work together to provide a safe and secure driving experience.Luxury and Comfort:As a MercedesBenz,I offer a level of comfort and luxury that is second to none.My seats are designed for optimal support and comfort,and my climate control system ensures that the cabin is always at the perfect temperature.The Burmester surround sound system provides an immersive audio experience,making every journey a pleasure. Sustainability and Innovation:I am also at the forefront of sustainable mobility.My parent company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of my production and operation.This includes the development of electric and hybrid models,as well as investing in renewable energy sources for manufacturing facilities.Customization and Personalization:Owners of a MercedesBenz have the opportunity to personalize their vehicle to suit their individual tastes and needs.From exterior paint options to interior trim choices,every aspect of my design can be tailored to create a truly unique driving experience.Global Presence:I am not just a German icon I am a global brand with a presence in over150countries. My vehicles are sold and serviced worldwide,ensuring that no matter where my owner travels,they can rely on the support of the MercedesBenz network.In conclusion,as a MercedesBenz,I am more than just a vehicle I am a statement of quality,a commitment to innovation,and a promise of an unparalleled driving experience. Whether you are behind the wheel or riding as a passenger,you can expect nothing but the best from me.。
奔驰E级车 介绍

国产情况e级车的国产:2005 年6 月,北京奔驰-戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车有限公司(简称bbdc)成立,从此拥有了中国汽车企业最长的名字。
北京奔驰-戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车有限公司负责生产国产的e 级车,型号有:e200k 、e280 、e350 。
国产的奔驰最开始有e200k 跟e280 两款,但是因为e200k 的配置较低,销量不好,一度停产。
奔驰对其增加配置,重新放在中国生产,同时还增加了更高端的e350 。
2013款基本信息[5]车型信息2013款奔驰E级E300L 时尚豪华型2013款奔驰E级E300L 时尚型2013款奔驰E级E300L 优雅型指导价(万) 75.166.658.8厂商北京奔驰北京奔驰北京奔驰车型级别大中型大中型大中型推出年份最高车速(km/h) 245245245官方0-100加速(s)北京奔驰奔驰E级报价参数|图片|口碑|降价级别:中大型车排量:1.8L 3.0L 3.5L 5.0L变速箱:自动厂家指导价:43.8万-109.8万全国最高降20万咨询最低价1.8L排量热度变速箱厂商指导价全国最低价E 260 L 优雅型 2013 款手自一体43.8万28.8万询价>>E 260 L 时尚型 2013 款手自一体51.8万36.8万询价>>E 200 L CGI 优雅型 2012 款手自一体43.8万29.35万询价>>E 260 L CGI 时尚型 2012 款手自一体51.8万36.8万询价>>3.0L排量热度变速箱厂商指导价全国最低价E 300 L 优雅型 2013 款手自一体58.8万43.8万询价>>E 300 L 时尚型 2013 款手自一体66.6万49.8万询价>>E 300 L 时尚型豪华版 2013手自一体75.1万55.1万询价>>款E 300 L 优雅型 2012 款手自一体58.8万43.8万询价>>E 300 L 时尚型 2012 款手自一体66.6万51.6万询价>>E 300 L 时尚型豪华版 2012手自一体74.9万54.9万询价>>款3.5L排量热度变速箱厂商指导价全国最低价E 350 优雅型 2006 款手自一体76.5万61.2万询价>>5.0L排量热度变速箱厂商指导价全国最低价E 500 优雅型 2006 款手自一体109.8万87.84万询价>>。

以超凡尺度 匹配超凡气度
正如“E”不只代表着卓越 (excellence),同样也代表着精湛技艺 (exquisite)、完美体验 (experience)与不断进化 (evolution)。
以辉煌历史 开启壮阔未来
作为享誉世界的“全球最佳行政座驾”,自1947年首度面世以来,E 级轿车凭借其超过1200万辆的斐然销量,成为梅赛德斯-奔驰车型系列乃至全球市场上最受欢迎的车型之一。
每一代E 级轿车,都以其开创性的科技、完美的外观设计、极致的舒适体验,在揽尽世人瞩目的同时,更为汽车工业史树立起一座座令人叹为观止的里程碑。
闪耀欧洲的梅赛德斯-奔驰E 级轿车,现在有了更辉煌的气势。
梅赛德斯-奔驰全新长轴距E 级轿车,因时光流转而至臻完美,如此溢彩流光,只待尊驾亲临赏鉴。
始终被追随 无法被超越。

奔驰设置菜单中英文对照表展开全文一、Instrument cluster(仪表板)1、Displayunit Speedometer/odometer km/miles(汽车里程表显示)2、Dispiay unitDigital speedomettr km/miles(数字显示速度)3、Language English / English chinese(语言)4、stauts linedisplay(底部显示器) speed(车速显示) outside temp(室外温度)二、Lighting(灯光) EQ \o\ac1、Daytime driving lamps(日间行车灯)2、surroundlighting function(外部灯光)3、headlamp delayedshut-off(延时大灯)4、interiorlighting delayed shut-off(内部灯光延时)三、Vehicle(车辆)1、display when ignitionoff(显示点火开关关闭状态)Interior motion sensor(室内温度传感器)Tow-away protection(拖车保护系统)Miles/km(英里/公里)2、speedlimit(winter tyres)(冬季轮胎速度限制)3、Automatic doorlocking(自动门锁)4、Acoustic lockfeedback(声锁反馈)四、Convenience(便捷模式)1、Belt adjustment(安全带预紧装置)2、Fold in mirrorswhen locking(锁车时折合倒车镜)奔驰保险丝英文翻译A/C system heater 40,50,54,119, 空调系统A/C system heater rear 40,50,108,109,119 后空调ABC suspension 40,46 ABC悬挂ABS/ASR/BAS/ESP/SBC 7,8,40,103 刹车系统AC in rear compartment 109,后空调Active light system 26,27 自动灯系统Airbag systems 61,93 气囊AIRMATIC 40,46,56 改良的空气悬挂系统Ambient lighting 40,70,80,81,82,112, 灯光Antenna module 152, 天线模块Anti-theft alarm 40,79, 警报器Auto-dimming rear-viewmirror126,自动后视镜Automatic child seatrecognition61.93,儿童座椅识别器Automatic transmission 28,49,83,119 自动变速器Auxiliar heating 40,90,91,119 辅助加热Auxiliaryheating/ventilation40,50,54, 辅助加热/通风Backup camera 51,73,119,122,141, 后摄像机Blower(heater/AC) 54,鼓风机CA head restraints 61,64,93,CD changer 73,122, CD光盘转换夾Ceiling lamps 70,80,81,82,112,126, 顶灯Center console socket,rear 140, 中控台插头,后部Central display 51,73,119,122, 中央显示器 Central locking 70,80,81,82,112, 中控锁 Cigar lighter,front 43, 前点烟器 Cigar lighter,rear 117, 后点烟器 City assistant systems 40,135,142, 城市辅助系统 COMAND73,119,122,152, 信息交互系统 COMAND operator,front 119, 前操作 COMAND operator,fear 111,148,后操作 Courtesy lights/warninglamps 70,80,81,82,112,警告灯 Diagnostic socket36, 诊断插头 DISTRONIC 49,66, 车距控制系统 DVD player 73,122,DVD 播放器 Dynamic seat92,102,119,127, 座椅 Electric parking brake 35,151, 电子控手刹 Emergency call system 138,紧急呼救系统Engine electronics 20,21,22,23,24,30,55,78, 发动机电控Engine emergency stop 20,21, ETC/electronic tollcollection106,Extended central locking70,80,81,82,112,Exterior lamp switch 40,外部灯开关 Exterior mirror function 70,80,112,126, 外部倒车镜 Fanfare horn 52a,52b 喇叭 Fuel pump30,118,128, 汽油泵 Garage door opener 126, 车库门开门器 Hazard warning flasher 40, 危险警告/双闪灯Headlamp flasher49,大灯闪光器/变光Headlamp range adjustment 26,27 大灯光速调整 Heated rear window 40,115, 后窗加热 Ignition lock9,37点火锁 Interior door lighting 70,80,81,82,112,内部门灯-KEYLESS-GO37,70,71,80,81,82,112,152,无钥匙开启/启动系统Light/rain sensor 126,晴雨传感器 LINGUATRONIC73,119,122,148,149, Low-temperature pump 116,Makeup mirror lamp 126,化妆镜照明灯 Multi-contour seats,front 70,80,92,102,112,127,仿真座椅前 Multi-contour seats,rear 110,111.127.仿真座椅后 Multi-function steerlingwheel49,多功能方向盘 Navigation system 73,106,119,122,138,152, 导航系统 NIGHT VIEW 25,39,40,62 夜视系统 PARKTRONIC 40,142, 驻车系统 Powr window,front 70,80,112, 前电动玻璃窗 Power window,rear 70,80,81,82,112 后电动玻璃窗 PRESAFE 123.124, 预防安全系统 Reading lamps 126,阅读灯 Rearcompartmententertainment73.,后部空间娱乐系统 Rear headrest release 40, 后部头枕 Rear window sunshade 40.81.82, 后窗遮阳帘 Refrigerator box 139,电冰箱 Remotetrunkopening/closing 70,74,80,112,152,后备箱开关 Satellite radio 107,122,152, 卫星收音机 Seat adjustment,front, 座椅调整前 Seat adjustment,rear, 座椅调整后 Seat heating,front, 前座椅加热 Seat heating,rear 81.82.143, 后座椅加热 Seat ventilation,front, 前座椅通风 Seat ventilation,rear 81.82.143, 后座椅通风 Sound system, 音响系统 Standard tuner, 标准调谐器 Steering wheel adjustment 47.48.49,方向盘调整 Telephone systems, 电话 Tilting/slidng sunroof126.129,天窗 Tire pressure monitoringsystem96,胎压监控系统 Trailer coupling 133.145.146, 挂车连接器 Trailer power supply145,挂车电源供应Turn signal lamps, 转向灯TV tuner, 电视调谐器VICS 73.152, 道路交通信息通讯系统Windshield wiper recessheater57, 刮水器加热Windsheld wipers 41.42.49, 刮水器奔驰中英文对照表缩写英文中文对照4-MATIC Automatically controlled 4-wheel Drive 自动控制4轮驱动AAM All activity module 所有执行控制模块AAG Trailer connection unit 挂车连接单元AAC Automatic air conditioning 自动空调AB Airbag 安全起囊ABC Active body control 主动车身控制ABS Antilock brake system 防抱死刹车系统ADS Adaptive damping system 自适应减震系统AG(AT)Automatic transmission 自动变速箱AGR(EGR) Exhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环AGW Audio gateway 声音门道AKC Anti-knock control 防爆震控制ACS Automatic clutch system 自动离合系统ACSR(AKSE) Automatic child seat recognition 儿童座椅自动识别ALB(ABL) Exterior lights 外部灯光APS Auto Pilot System 自动导航系统ARMIN Airbag with intergrated emergency callsystem带紧急呼叫系统的气囊AS Towing sensor 拖车传感器ASA Automatic dimming mirror 自动防眩镜子ASD Automatic locking differential 自动锁死差速器SEQ Sequentronic automated manualtransmission自动手动变速箱ASR Acceleration Slip Regulation 加速防滑调节系统ASSYST Active Service System 主动保养系统ASSYSTPLUSPLUS Active Service System 增强式主动保养系统ATS Antenna systems 天线系统ATA Anti-theft alarm system 防盗报警系统AUDIO AUDIO systems(e.g. radio,CD player) 声音系统AVC Audio Video controller 声音图象控制器BAE Basic triggering unit (airbag) 基本触发单元(气囊)BAS Brake Assist 刹车辅助系统BSG Battery control module 电瓶控制模块CAN Controller Area Network(bus/CAN bus) 网络区域控制CAN-B Controller Area Network bus class B(interior)车身内部网络CAN-C Controller Area Network bus class C(engine compartment)发动机室网络CAN-CNG Controller Area Network-Bus forcompressed natural gas压缩天然气的控制网络线CAN-D Control Area Network bus class D (diagnosis)诊断线CC Cruise control 巡航控制CDI Common rail diesel injection 共轨式柴油喷射CDC(CDW) CD Changer CD转换器CGI Charged Gasoline Injection 增压汽油喷射CGW/ZGW Central gateway 中央门道CL/ZV Central locking 中控系统CNG Compressed Natural Gas 被压缩的天然气CNS Communication and navigation system 通信和导航系统COMAND Cockpit management and data system 驾驶室管理和数据系统CSO/ZAS Cylinder shutoff 断缸功能CVT Continuously Variable Transmission 连续可变自动变速箱DAS(FBS) Drive Authorization system 驾驶授权系统D2B Digital data bus 数字式数据线DE Direct Injection 直接喷射DINEN German Industrial StandardEuropeanStandard德国工业标准欧洲标准DTR Distronic(adaptive cruise control) 限距控制系统DVD Digital Versatile Disk 万能数子磁盘DSP Dynamic seat pump 动态座椅泵E-call Emergency call system 紧急呼叫系统EAG Electronic automatic transmissioncontrol电子自动变速箱控制ECI Energy controlled ignition 能量控制点火 EDC Electronic diesel control 电子柴油控制 EA Electronic accelerator电子加速器 ETC Electronic transmission control 电子变速箱控制 ESP Electronic stability program 电子稳定程序 ETS Electronic traction system电子牵引系统EIS Electronic ignition switch control unit电子点火开关控制单元 ESM Electronic shifts module 电子变档模块 FAG Front automatic transmission前自动变速箱FFZ/IFZ Radio frequency locking/infrared remote central locking 无线电/红外线遥控中控锁 FGS Front wheel drive transmission control 前轮驱动变速箱控制 FIN Vehicle identification number 车辆识别码 FSA Hands-free system 免提系统 GRM Gear recognition module 档位识别模块 GES Vehicle speed signal 车速信号 GPS Global position system 全球定位系统 GVN Complete networking整个网络系统 HFM HFM sequential multiport fuel injection/ignition system HFM 连续多点式燃油喷射/点火系统HSW Steering wheel heater 方向盘加热 HRA Headlamp range adjustment 大灯范围调节 HLCM-L Headlamp control unit, left 左大灯控制单元 HLCM-R Headlamp control unit, right 右大灯控制单元 IBL Interior lights内部灯光IFZ Infrared remote control for centrallocking红外线遥控中控IR Infrared remote control 红外线遥控 IRS Interior motion sensor 车内运动传感器 IC Instrument cluster仪表盘 ISC/ELR Electronic idle speed control 电子怠速控制KE Continuous fuel injection system(electronic) 连续燃油喷射系统(电子)KG Keyless Go无钥匙启动LH LH sequential multiport fuel injection system LH 连续多点式燃油喷射/点火系统 LCPLower control panel下控制板MB Portal Mercedes-Benz PortalME-SFI ME-SFI fuel injection and ignitionsystemME-SFI燃油喷射和点火系统MG Manual transmission 手动变速箱MOST Media Oriented System Transport 媒体导向系统传输MRS Multifunction restraint systemNAVI Navigation 导航NGT Natural Gas Technology 自然气体技术OBD On-board diagnosis 车身诊断系统OCP Overhead control panel 头顶控制面板PIN Personal identification number 个人识别码PLD Pump-line-nozzle 泵-线-喷嘴PMS Pressurized engine control 压力控制的发动机管理系统PSE Pneumatic system equipment 真空系统元件PTS Parktronic system 驻车系统RD Radio 收音机RL Right turn signal lamp 右转向信号灯SA Special equipment 特殊装备SAM Signal acquisition and actuation module 信号采集和触发模块SBC Sensotronic brake control 电子感应式刹车系统SCN Software Calibration Number 软件校准码SD System Diagnosis 系统诊断SCM Steering column module 方向柱模块SPS Speed-sensitive power steering 速度感应助力转向SRS Supplement restraint system 安全气囊STIP Service Technical Information,Passenger Cars维修技术信息(轿车)TAC Tempmatic (air conditioning) 温度感应式空调系统TCS Traffic center serviceTEL Telephone 电话TELE AID Telematic alarm identification on demandTM Tempmatic 温控TN RPM signal, gasline engine module 转速信号TV TV tuner 电视转换器TWC 三元催化TPM Tire pressure monitor 胎压监控UPCI/UHI Universal Portable CTEL Interface 通用式便携电话UCP Upper control panel 上控制面板VA Front axle 前桥VCS Voice control system 声音控制系统VR Vario roof 可折叠顶蓬VG Transfer case 差速器VICS Vehicle information and communication system 车辆信息和通信系统VL Left front 左前VR Right front 右前WIS Workshop Information System 车间信息系统ZW Ignition angle 点火角另外,为了加强车友之间的沟通,特意开通“BENZ汽车保养维修资讯”公号,希望各位车友能够加入,一起畅聊!。

Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date
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梅赛德斯-AMG 代表活力,极具个性,其清晰的品牌集中于它的性能 创建于1967年,梅赛德斯-AMG由一个单一的普通公司发展成为梅赛德斯-奔驰公司 出众的品牌
Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date
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ML300 ML350
778000 898000 广告奔驰ML.flv
ML500 1418000 4781 / 1911 / 1815 / 2915
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Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date
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R300商务型 R300豪华型 R350
698000 778000 858000
5173 / 1922 / 1674 / 3215
Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date
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S级轿车 前所未有,因为之前所有
奔驰C200时尚型 395000 奔驰C260时尚型 奔驰C300时尚型 428000 478000
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Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date
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【汽车广告】北京奔驰E级长轴距 版 雄狮篇125Sec.flv
Mercedes-Benz Cars, Date

奔驰中英文对照. BENZ奔驰汽车缩略语2E-E电子化油器4MATIC全自动控制四轮驱动车4MATIC四轮驱动车A/C(Automatic)自动恒温空调A/C(Tempmatic)温度恒温空调AB安全气囊ABS防抱制动ABW电脑测距警告装置ADA大气压力全负荷阻挡器ADM自动调光式後视镜ADS最佳避震系统(电脑)AG自动变速箱AIR二次喷气系统AKR防爆震控制系统(传感器)ALDA进气歧管压力补偿器AP油门踏板ARF废气再循环系统AS天线装置ASA自动白天/夜晚调整镜ASD自动防锁差速系统ASD自动锁定防滑差速器ASR防滑驱动控制系统AT自动变速箱ATA防盗装置ATS自动天线系统BA倒车辅助警告装置BARO绝对压力传感器BCAPC绝对压力式进气压力补偿BDC下止点BF前乘客BLS倒车灯开关BLS(NC)倒车灯开关(常闭型)BLS(NO)倒车灯开关(常开型)BM鼓风机马达,基本模组BPC绝对压力补偿BR棕色BU蓝色CA关门辅助机构CAN控制电脑区域网路(电脑连线)CC定速控制器CCM总合控制模组CDC CD换片机CDW CD主机CF特殊便利装备CFI连续式电子喷射CKA曲轴转角CKP曲轴转角传感器CL中控锁CLUS电子仪表版CMP凸轮轴转角传感器CNS通讯及导航系统CODE码CST软顶式敞篷车CTP节气门全闭(怠速)CTU集中触控器CV敞篷车可掀软顶DFA速度信号输出DH电子诊断手册DI分电盘式直接点火DIAG诊断接头DIAGN诊断接头DM诊断模组DTC故障码EA电子油门EAG电子控制自动变速箱EBR引擎制动调节ECL冷却液位ECT冷却水温传感器EDC电子柴油控制系统EDR电子柴油调节系统EDS电子柴油系统EDW防盗警报装置2E-E强力化油器EFP电子油门踏板EGR废气再循环系统EIFI电子式管路喷射系统ELR电子怠速控制器ELV电子转向柱调整EMSC电子镜,转向柱调整及加温镜ENR电子水平控制系统EPC电子动力系统控制EPH驻车辅助装置ERE电子直线式柴油喷射系统ESA电动座椅调整ESC电子火花控制器、电子转向机柱调整ESCM引擎系统控制模组ESL电子调整式镜子及方向柱ESP电子安定程式ESV电动调整座椅ETC电子自动变速箱控制ETR紧急收缩式安全带ETS电子循迹控制EVAP EEC净化碳罐电磁阀系统EVE电子分配式柴油喷射系统EZL电子点火正时调整式点火系统FA司机FFS大梁底盘制FP油泵FSA+免调整喇叭正线FSA-免调整喇叭负线GDB调节差压式刹车GES车速信号GIM调节波形法GM通用模组(或电脑)GN绿色GY灰色GUB双门跑车GUB安全带拉伸器GUS安全带张力器HAL後轴转向装置HAU标准暖气装置(欧规)HAU自动暖气控制系统HCS大灯清洁系统HFS免动手制HHT手提型轻便测试机HK车身高度补正装置HPF气压式悬挂HS不易起动HZS行李厢盖辅助锁IAT进气温度传感器IC仪表板IDC点火诊断用接头IFI电子柴油直接喷射系统IFZ红外线遥控中控锁IND指示灯INTERV间歇雨刷IR红外线控制系统IRCL红外线控制中控锁ISC怠速控制器IV输入阀KA机械式喷射电脑KAF气电式後座枕控制KAF收缩式後座枕KAT触媒转换器KE机械/电子控制燃油喷射CIS-EKFB悬挂弹性控制系统KFB电动窗中央便利控制装置KI电子仪表板总成KLA自动恒温控制KS敲缸传感器KSK控制接点KSS爆震控制系统KU+离合器+KU-离合器-KW曲轴转角传感器LA灯光输出(预热继电器)LED G绿色回馈LEDLED R红色回馈LEDLF左前LH热线式空气流量计喷射LH-SFI热线式空气流量计-顺序式喷射系统LHS左方向盘LL左方向盘驾驶LLR怠速控制LS喇叭装置LS动力辅助方向盘LSA扬声器装置LSK怠速安全接点M+马达正M-马达负MAF空气流量传感器MAP进气歧管绝对压力测试器MAS引擎系统电脑盒MB-ISO诊断接头ME-SFI ME顺序式多点喷射及点火系统MF多功能预混合及点火系统MG手动变速箱MIL引擎故障警告灯MOT马达MSK节气门开启安全接点MSR减速断油/防爆装置MSR引擎磨擦扭力控制系统MT手动变速箱MUTE收音机MUTE信号MVA歧管真空辅助机构N空档NR水平调节控制NV低压缩比O2S含氧传感器OBD自我诊断OC触媒转换器OSB座椅扶手OSL调整式靠背OT上止点OV输出阀P停车档P+电位计+参考信号P-电位计-参考信号PA停车辅助机构PARK SW.手刹车开关PK粉色PL电动锁PLA气压式怠速提升PML电脑控制油压调整式转向系统PMP进气歧管部份加温器PMS压力感应式喷射/点火系统PNP空档安全开关POS位置PS动力转向压力PSE自动控制真空PSV进气歧管部份预热装置PWM电子波形RA修护手册RAF氧化抑制器RAF油烟燃尽过滤器RB防滚杆RCL遥控中控锁RD红色RD收音机RDK胎压指示器RDU胎压监视器REST引擎余热再利用RF右前RFH冷车冒烟控制系统RFH倒车辅助装置RHR调整式後座枕RHS加温式後座椅RIV参考脉波RIV调速脉频控制程序RL右侧驾驶RPM每分钟转速RR右後RRE旅行电脑RS防撞系统RST软顶敞篷车RTG调整式行李厢把手RTN回路RTR遥控行李厢释放RUF触媒转换器改良板RUF应答式装置RV双座敞篷轿车软顶RX接收信号S屏敝线S+B设定-加速S-B设定-减速SA选择特殊配备SBE安全带控制器SHI辅助关门系统SIF後加温座椅SIH加温式座椅SLO起动锁定SMS维修微缩胶片SOV电磁阀SPS速度感应式电动转向机构SR滑动/顶升天窗SRA大灯清洗系统SRS安全气囊SRU进气歧管真空增量SS车速传感器STH车内温度调节系统STH辅助加热器SW开关T温度输入(预热继电器)TAU自动温控(空调)系统TB节气门本体TC涡轮增压机TCM自动变速箱电脑盒TD转速讯号TDC上止点TELE伸缩管TIC电晶体式电子点火控制TK车门接点TN转速信号TNA引擎RPM信号TPM定速器TRAP氧化器TRU发射接收器TS拖车传感器宝马中英文对照缩写英文中文AG Automatic Transmission自动变速箱(AT)DK Throttle Valve节气门(TV)DME Digital Motor Electronics数字式引擎控制电脑DWA Burglar Alarm防盗警报系统EGS Electronic Transmission Control电子变速箱控制系统(EAT) EKP Electric Fuel Pump电动油泵(FP)EV Fuel Injector喷油嘴HG Manual Transmission手动变速箱(MT)KD Kick Down强迫降档KW Crankshaft曲轴LL Idle Speed怠速LLS Idle Speed Control怠速空气控制阀(IAC) LMM Mass Air Flow空气流量表(MAF) MF Microfilm微缩胶片MV Solenoid电磁阀(SV)NW Camshaft凸轮轴RxD Diagnosing Sensing Line自诊闪码电路TD Speed Signal Once Each Ignition点火信号(CPS)TE Tank Venting活性碳罐电磁阀(EEC) TI Injection Time喷射电子脉波宽度TL Partial Load部份负荷TL Load Signal负荷信号TR Speed Signal per Revolution转速信号(CKP)TD Diagnosing Data Line自诊输入触发电路SG Control Unit电脑盒U-batt Battery Voltage电瓶供电电压(BU,BV)U-vers Power Supply系统供应电源(PW)VL Full Load全负荷OBC On-Board Computer随车自诊电脑RPS Rollover Protection System翻车防护装置EML Electronic Engine Power Control电子引擎功率控制LKM灯泡烧毁监控器TSH中控锁自动加温系统FH中控电动镜ZV中控锁系统SM/SPM电动椅/电动镜记忆系统SHD电控天窗SRA大灯清洗器K/CC仪表资讯简易自诊IB车内灯光控制器IHKR-F3电脑恒温系统宝马仪表显示故障清单DISPLAY(显示)CHINESE(中文)BRAKE PRESSURE刹车压力过低BRAKE FLUID LOW刹车液过少ENGINE OIL PRESSURE机油压力过低,马上停车COOLANT TEMP发动机水温高,马上停车TRANS PROGRAM变速器故障,请立即停车BRAKE LINNINGS刹车片过薄或刹车感应线损坏ENGINE OIL LOW机油过少,检查机油量COOLANT LEVEL冷却水/防冻液过少,可在冷车时自行加入OIL LEVEL SENSOR机油感应塞需更换HAND LEVEL SENSOR手刹车自动工作或手刹车未松在工作中NO BRAKE ON刹车灯的保险丝或灯泡坏了BRAKE LIGHT刹车灯的保险丝或灯泡坏了SUSPENSION LEVELLINO水平调节系统出现问题WASHER FLUID LOW玻璃水过少,可适量加入DOOR OPEN门未关好DIP BEAM远光灯泡坏LOW BEAM近光灯泡坏SIDE LIGHT边灯灯泡坏TAIL LIGHT尾灯灯泡坏F/FOG LIGHT前雾灯不工作F/FOG LIGHT后雾灯不工作LIC PLATE LIGHT牌照灯不工作P.A.S.FLUID方向机油过少CHECK CONTROL检测控制单元或控制单元故障OWNER’S BOOK(MANUAL)请查阅用户手册FASTEN BELT请系上安全带KEY IN IGNITION钥匙在点火开关上未拔TRUNK LID OPEN后备箱盖未关严注意:如果显示上方红色部份内容,请立即与维修站联系。
失传已久的“六扇门” Mercedes—Benz 260 E(V124)

失传已久的“六扇门” Mercedes—Benz 260 E (V124)作者:张立祥来源:《汽车杂志》2017年第02期W124并不是什么太稀有的车型,但如果是加长的V124车型呢?不是烂大街的E级说到奔驰E级相信很多人早已经无感,说不定你家小区中就有好几辆奔驰E,就算是比较早期的奔驰W124车型,偶尔也能在街上看到几眼。
W124的车身线条和早一年推出的190 E车系(W201)非常相似,这两者的造型,甚至是内饰设计风格也影响了之后推出的“虎头奔”(W140)。
真正的长轴版现行的奔驰E级长轴车型(V213),拥有3079mm轴距,让后排乘客拥有绝佳的空间体验,不过在我们的主角——260 E面前,现行的V213就显得不是很给力了,V124的轴距长达3600mm,是的,你没看错,就是3600mm(标准轴距的W124轴距为2799mm),这是否让你觉得它一定有异于常车的后排空间呢?非也,这辆代号V124的并没有把加长的空间全部留给后排乘客,而是多了一排座位、两扇门,所以这辆260 E总共有六扇门,同时打开的时候,实在像是一只六条腿的……虫子。

奔驰英语广告词奔驰英语广告词详细介绍 1. Agile and flexible, dynamic and excellent between the filling style ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan2. C gravity wave with you ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan3. Independence trend elite color ------- Mercedes-Benz new C-Class sedan4. The most beautiful moment, in front of you - Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster5. A moment never forget ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster6. Travel - ready to drive on the road ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster7. Can be immersed in the enjoyment, without distraction ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK Roadster8. Show hidden beauty ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe9. Can the passage of time better ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe10. Performance on the road - agility and timeless elegance ------- Mercedes-Benz CLK class coupe11. Free and smooth lines gathered in one place: with your heart ------- Mercedes-Benz CLS class coupe12. The essence of the temptation ------- Benz CLS class coupe13. beyond the limit ------- a new generation of Mercedes-Benz E-Class14. Le alone as the music of the public ------- Mercedes-Benz luxury GL-class off-road vehicles15. sharp lines, interpretation of tough nature -------Mercedes-Benz GLK-class luxury medium-sized SUV奔驰英语广告词强烈推荐 1. Road for the students, the road at the foot of the new Mercedes-Benz ------- M-class off-road vehicles2. A world full of endless, from the beginning -------Mercedes-Benz R-class ;luxury sports station wagon; (Grand Sports Tourer)3. Lead, because the continuous forward ------- Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan4. The future of security technology has been used in today's cars. ------- Mercedes-BenzS-Class sedan5. Conquer the target to climb the new peak ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster6. From racing to car legend ------- Mercedes-Benz SL roadster7. perfect to enjoy this touch ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster8. Smile curve, let everything become simple and clear ------- Mercedes-Benz SLK Roadster9. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Dynamic poetry, dance to me.10. Lead the times, control the future11. The Future of the Automobile Engineered to move the human spirit12. Endless13. A long tradition and wonderful design, ;beautiful eternal;14. Never before, as before allFashion lines converge in your mind16. Extremely fun limit sports car - ;the integration of tradition and innovation.;17. A great start18. the best or nothing车辆英语广告词优选 1. BMW car slogan -even if you split it in pieces, it is still a beauty.Driving pleasure, innovation limit.2. BMW 7 series of automotive advertising language ---life art only you respect the Mercedes-Benz car advertising language --- lead the times, control the future.3. Audi car advertising language --- breakthrough science and technology inspire the future4. Cadillac car slogan --- the power of speed and luxury blend5. Franklin car advertising language --- a car will never give you trouble6. Volkswagen advertising slogan --- out of car love car value model7. Volvo (volvo) car language --- love life to enjoy life (forlife.for)8. Ford's advertising language --- your world, from unbounded9. Nissan car advertising language --- beyond the future10. Bundyac car advertising slogan --- sitting inside is a good thing, was seen sitting in it is a pleasure.11. Philip industry special vehicle advertising language ---create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, Super Leima 1000.12. Skoda car advertising language --- simple and smart;13. Citroen car advertising language --- want to be before you.14. Roewe --- innovation plastic classic。