“双碳”背景下ESG理念对能源企业财务绩效会造成哪些影响目录一、内容综述 (2)(一)“双碳”背景分析 (3)(二)ESG理念对能源企业财务绩效的影响研究意义 (4)二、ESG理念概述及在能源行业的应用现状 (6)(一)ESG理念的内涵与外延 (7)(二)能源行业中ESG理念的应用现状 (8)(三)国内外对比研究及分析 (9)三、双碳背景下能源企业财务绩效影响因素分析 (10)(一)环境因素对财务绩效的影响 (11)(二)社会因素对财务绩效的影响 (12)(三)公司治理因素对财务绩效的影响 (14)四、ESG理念对能源企业财务绩效的具体影响机制 (15)(一)推动绿色能源发展,优化财务结构 (16)(二)提升企业形象与品牌价值,增强市场竞争力 (17)(三)优化公司治理结构,提高管理效率与决策水平 (18)五、双碳背景下能源企业财务绩效的评估方法与实践案例研究 (20)(一)财务绩效评价方法介绍与选择依据 (21)(二)国内外典型实践案例分析与启示 (22)六、推进ESG理念在能源企业财务绩效中的实施策略与建议措施研究23一、内容综述随着全球气候变化问题日益严重,各国政府纷纷采取措施推动低碳经济发展。
Kumba 矿厂首席执行官Norman Mbazima 说:“罢工已经结束,矿厂要尽快恢复生产。
普氏TFe62%铁矿石价格评估指数保持114.75美金/干吨(CFR 中国北方)价位不变。
日前,四川省政府出台 四川省人民政府关于 进一步贯彻落实房地产市场调 六大方 面提出
2条措施 ,以巩固房地产市场调控成杲、促进房地产市场健康发展。 O 通知 特别强调,要加强住房建设和用地管理 ,增加住房有效供给。住房 城乡建设厅、国土资源厅要加大对各地2 1 年住房建设计划和用地供应计划实际 00
奖的历史,同时也令 中海油跻身世界 一流能源企业的行列。
来 源: 国 际能 源 网
生产商 ”的称号。
中海油首席执行官杨华在评选结果揭晓前接受记者采访时表示.获得提名对 于中海油来说本身就已经是一件值得骄傲的事 ,说明我国能源企业近年来取得的 成就已经获得了国际能源界的认可。这对于公 司未来 的发展 ,既是 压力也是 动 力。杨华在获奖致辞中表示.中海油对未来发展充满信心。 普氏能源公司总裁拉理 ・ 尼尔表示 ,中海油获奖不仅开创了中国能源企业获
2 1年.中国的风电装机容量约9 0 万~15 05 00 .亿千瓦。 来源:国际能源网
第 1届普氏年度全球 能源奖评选结果 2 1年 1月2 2 00 2 日在纽约揭晓,作 为唯一 家被提名 的中国能源企业, 中国海洋石油有限公司 ( 油) 中海 荣获全球 能源大 奖之最高奖项 “ 年度最1 圭能源企业”。同时,中海油还荣获普 氏 “ 年度最I 圭能源
界第 一 。 据了解 .中国风电装机容量在 20 年即已连续 5 09 年实现 10 的增长。李俊 峰 0%
表示,中国的风 电产业经过5 年的时间,已经从世界第 十位跃居第一位,发展速
度非常 决。 ・ 中国的风电发展远远没有过剩,还有很大的空间。”李俊峰说 。今后十年
每 年新 增风电装 机容 量仍可 保持在 10 万 ̄ 20 万 千瓦 的水平。 他预计 .到 50 00
普氏煤炭指数(Platts Coal Index)是由普氏能源资讯(Platts)发布的一种煤炭价格评估指数,它反映了全球煤炭市场的价格动态。
普氏的研究报告1. 研究背景普氏是全球领先的能源研究机构,致力于研究和分析能源市场和相关领域的趋势和变化。
2. 能源供需情况分析研究首先将重点关注全球能源供需情况的分析。
3. 能源市场价格走势分析本研究报告将进一步分析全球能源市场的价格走势。
4. 可再生能源的发展趋势可再生能源是当前全球能源行业的热点话题之一。
体 排 放 等 ;煤 炭 生 产 、 消 费 引 起 的 生 态 环 境 污 染 ,以及 煤 矿 矿难 频 发 等 问题 已引起 国 内外 各 界
的 广 泛关 注 。有数 据 显 示 ,中 国近八 成 的重大 煤
斜 井 。经 纵 向井采 出的煤 层 气 是 在高 压 之 下析 出
的 ,然后 经 水平 井 和 地 下 斜井 减 压后 收 集 。在 这
T 3 K 1 0 H BH 1 H 0 B 0 e H a 1 P a B 几 eH 7 I 0 C b 1 He P a 3 BH TH 且: F a 3 Y r 07 bH 】 I r aC To B. H 3 I b X I, I H e3aBH CHM aH ra 3eT a. 2 0— —1 01 09 4
近 日,全 球权威 能源 咨询机构普 氏能源公布 了 2 1 年全球 能源公 司2 强。排名是根据2 年全球 0O 5 0 0 09 能源企 业资产 、营业 收入 、利润及 投资 回报率 的排名 上升 两位 跃居 第二。其他排名 前 1位 的 能源 P O
矿 事 故都 祸 起 瓦斯 ,每 年 夺去 20 0 0 多个 生命 。 】 尤 其是 2 1年 1月 l 日 ,位 于河 南 禹 州 、隶属 中 00 0 6
平 能 化集 团 的平 禹煤 电公 司 四矿 1 9 综采 接 续 210
种 情 况下 ,由于 空气 从 现 有巷 道 渗入 ,泵 出 口处 的甲烷浓度 较低 ,为 1 %~ 5 5 5 %。 从 纵 向脱 气 井 出来 的煤层 气 按 其组 成 实 际类
工 作 面再 次 发 生 了导 致 3 名矿 工 遇难 的煤 与瓦 斯 7
突 出事 故 。应该 说 ,这 都 同样 与煤 层气 有 关 。 因
【精品】迅力光能: 超级技术产业化旳过程迅力光能,超级技术产业化旳过程[真诚为您服务]12拥有超级柔性太阳能电池技术,这还不够, 你还必须要有精明旳商业决策能力将之变成现实。
八年此前, 美国托莱多大学(The University of Toledo)物理系终身专家邓勋明掌握了一项新旳太阳能技术—柔性薄膜非晶硅太阳能技术。
虽然对目前主流旳太阳能技术来说, 那也是一项突破性旳技术。
邓和他旳夫人徐立微决定一起成立美国中西光电子企业(后重组为迅力光能企业)将之产业化, 而不是像大多数旳科学家那样转让技术。
一般旳太阳能组件是刚性旳并且比较重, 而柔性薄膜太阳能产品具有可弯曲和轻便旳特点, 也就是说它们更易安装又可在更多种状况下使用。
近几年来, 迅力光能获得来自创业投资和私募基金超过4000万美元旳股权投资—包括Emerald Technology Ventures、NGP Energy Technology Partners等。
这家企业还获得超过6500万美元美国联邦和州政府提供旳支持, 包括研发基金(1600万美元)、贷款(1400万美元), 以及免税扶持(3500万美元)。
但对这项技术旳拥有者和经营者邓勋明夫妇来说, 压力仍然不时闯入他们旳办公室—这是一种产业化周期很长旳行业。
薄膜太阳能明星企业First solar从研发到产业规模化花了近时间。
“我们这种行业一般从研发开始到产业化, 十年不算长。
邓勋明目前几秒钟内脸上就会充斥笑容, 虽然他在一分钟前刚说一句“对不起, 这个话题让我很不舒适”。
美 国上变革。
此外,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校创英 国发展天然气和核能发电。
同月,英国能源与2016.02652016.0266法 国出台“能源转型的哥白尼克斯计划”;利用太阳能制氢新工艺、用二氧化碳加水高效生产柴油;大众汽车深陷“排放造假门”;世界最大核聚变研究设备仿星器开始运行。
2017版《BP世界能源统计年鉴》报告 中文版
• 中东石油产量增加170万桶/日,增长主要
升0.3%。北美地区产量的下滑(-210亿 立方米)部分抵消了澳大利亚(190亿立 方米)和伊朗(130亿立方米)的强劲增 长。
• 天然气贸易上升4.8%,这得益于液化天
长。 太阳能虽然在可再生能源中的占比仅为 18%, 却贡献了约占三分之一的增长。
戴德立 集团首席执行官 2017年6月
2016年,全球一次能源消费保持 低速增长;能源消费转向更低碳 4年增长1%与
2015年增长0.9%后,2016年增长1%。 相比之下,过去十年平均增长为1.8%。
12 14 20 22 24
~ i[iij~~Jt'i?;-aJ~~~)~~~~ ~!I@:J?Aflf=m
1ft~ ~51:11 ~~~lcl
~ ~til~ -Mm
26 28 33 34
1ft~ ~~~lcl
立方米,较2015年上涨7.1%——这是自 2010年以来的最大增幅。俄罗斯天然气 消费下滑在各国中最为显著(-120亿立方 米)。
• 全球天然气产量仅增加210亿立方米,上
长了14.1%, 低于十年平均水平, 但为有记录 以来最大增幅 (5300万吨油当量) 。
• 可再生能源增长中, 超过一半源于风能的增
大 约 1 5
越 来越 少。 德 国科 学 顾 问委 员会 预 测 , 据 太 时 间 内获 得 收益 回报 。 阳能 是长 期 能 源 战 略 中的 关键 要素 ,但 是
太 阳 能 利用 仍 然 只 占全 球 发 电市场 的- / - J \
上 下 游 U se m &D wnt a pt a r o se m r
欧瑞康承诺可0 T a 0 0 v /, 2 0 W/, 5
电成 本 相 当的 水平 。 目前 正按 计 划 向客 户 相 关联 的 “ 波 效 应 ” 会 降 低均 匀性 及 组 驻 不
潮 汐 能 大 约 为 8 0 V /, 生 物 质 能 大 约 元 / , 5 T va 瓦 并计划在 2 1 0 0年使每瓦生产成本 该 处 理 工 艺 数 倍 于 业 界 惯 常 使 用 的
1O 7
35 MH 。另 基 MT研 究所 ,水能为大约 5 v /。全球能耗 达 到平 价 上 网 的水 平 ,使 太 阳能 发 电成 本 1 .6 z 外 , 于 与瑞 士 l T va ,可 用 能 源 中化 石 能 源 资 源 降至 化 石 燃 料发 电成 本 水平 , 以此 在 最短 和 E F P L的研 究 合 作 ,欧 瑞 康 还 发 明 了一 种 介质 透 镜 补 偿 法 , 补偿 驻波 效 应 。
EV H n 博士表示, ez 欧瑞康凭借拥有的非微 晶 过 验 证 的 P C D技 术 ,使 其 应 用 于 薄膜
K 2 0 P C D 用 来 沉 积 硅 吸 收 AI 0 E V 1
是 Mi mo p ) r 叠 层 ( co r h @ 工 厂 , 划 在 2 1 光 伏 生产 ,需 要应 对 一 些 至 关 重 要 的 技 术 层 , 欧 瑞 康 非 微 晶 叠层 ( c o r h 薄 Mi mo p ) r 计 00
2015 年 7 月 25 ·65·BP 公司发布 2015 年世界能源统计年鉴钱伯章1能源综述年的消费增速均放缓,核电也是以高于平均水平速度增长的唯一燃料。
亚太地区、欧洲和欧亚大1.1总的能源发展态势陆以及中南美洲的消费增速显著低于 10 年平均BP 公司于 2015 年 6 月 10 日发布第 64 次“世水平。
石油仍然是世界领先的燃料,占全球能源界能源统计年鉴”,显示全球能源需求增速大幅消费的 32.6%,但已连续第 15 年失去市场份额。
2014 年全球一次能源消费增长仅为0.9%,尽管新兴经济体继续主导全球能源消费增为自上世纪 90 年代末以来最慢的增长速度。
中长,这些国家的增速(+2.4%)远低于其 10 年的国仍是世界上最大的能源增长市场。
平均水平 4.2%。
经合组织国家的消并在 2014 年全球能源消费量增速大幅放缓时,费下降了 0.9%,比近期历史平均水平有较大的占了一次能源使用总量增加的三分之一。
美国(+1.2%)连续第二年强劲增长,高能源提供了世界能源需求的 3%。
于欧盟(-3.9%)和日本(-3.0%)能源消费的下全球来自能源使用的二氧化碳排放量 2014降。
欧盟能源消费的下降是第二个最大的降幅纪年仅增长了0.5%,为自 1998 年以来最弱的排放。
相对于其过去10年平均水平增长,本次增长放2014 年能源价格普遍疲软,全球原油和煤炭缓在很大程度上是由于中国经济增长速度和模价格下跌。
BP 公司首席经济学家斯宾塞戴尔发布世界2014 年所有燃料的消费均有增长,每一种燃料类型均达到创纪录的水平,除了核电外。
新兴经济体占能源消费净增长的全部,这些国家虽然增长,仍远低于其10 年的平均水平。
业 协会 , 求 促 成 展 团 和 参 观 团 力
由安泰科 主办 的 “ 0 0年 中 上佳 作 品 收 录 。 陈 远 鹏 先 生 表 的 出 席 。 21
国 国际铝 加 工 论 坛 ” 于 6月 7 示 , 将 此举 就 是 为 了 给 国 内 外 参 展
价 发表 于 《 铁 市 场 日报 》 Se 干散货 运 费 每 日估 价 , 于 指 导 表性 的各 主要 行业 参与 者进行 磋 钢 ( tl e 用
我 摄 依托 励 展 和铝 展 品牌 的全 球 龙 阳路 地铁 站与展 馆 问 的穿 梭 巴 的 “ 的 精 彩 铝 瞬 问 ” 影 展 也 略 , 士 , 时 加 强 展 馆 北 入 口外 花 木 将在展 会 期 间公 布 获 奖 者 , 活 化 资 源 优 势 , 动 接 洽 美 国 、 同 现 主 日 路地铁 站 地 面 引 导 工 作 , 证 观 动 已经 开 始 进 行 作 品 征 集 。据 本 、 保 土耳 其 、 度 、 典 等 国 的 铝 印 瑞 众 不滞 留 、 等待 。 不
营造 商机 、 促进 合作 、 现交 实
日至 8 日举 办 。 展 馆 内 2 1 0 0年 人 士 增 加 全 新 的 交 流 机 会 , 让 易 , 并 利用 长三 角丰 富 的资 源优 势 ,
中国 国际铝工 业展 览会 现场研 讨 他 们真 正 把 展 会 当成 一 次 分 享 , 让 历 经 六 载 开 拓 的 中 国铝 工 业 展
信 息 动 态
并专 门加 开覆盖 杭州 等周 边城 市 应用 企业 的调 研需 求 。 的点对 点 参 观 团免 费 班 车 , 留 保
资 源 信 息
0 2000年 2001年 2002年 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年 2015年
NGLs 需求主要包括乙烷、丙烷及丁烷,是化工生产的主要原料, 近年来,全球NGLs 产量持续增长,2015 年,全球NGLs 产量近4亿 吨,其中乙烷产量在7000万吨左右,丙烷和丁烷的产量超过3亿吨。
全球NGLs 产能分布
8000 元/吨
7000 6000 5000 4000 3000
0 石脑油制丙烯
按照大多数机构的预测,到2020年前国际原油价格可能维持在60美 元/桶左右波动,在此情况下煤化工的成本优势将基本丧失。而传 统乙烯的成本优势和产品优势将逐步显现。
预计2030年全球能源需求为173亿吨标油,年均增长1.6% 。化石能源中,天然气年均增长1.8%,石油年均增长1.0%, 煤炭年均增长0.7%。核电和非水电可再生能源增长较快,年 均增速分别达到2.5%和2.0%。
18000 16000 14000 12000 10000
可再生能源与传统能源的较量迎来拐点来源:中国产经新闻报更新时间:2015-07-01 08:26:32 [我要投稿] 近年来,众多企业正纷纷扩大清洁能源投资组合,以应对能源价格波动、抵御未来能源供应风险及提升公司品牌,并树立了众多成功典范。
阿克苏诺贝尔全球能源总监Anders ?sterlund日前也向记者表示:“在充满不确定性、挑战和活力的时代,企业灵活打造多种能源组合以配合自身业务发展十分重要。
3 . 胜 利油 田东胜精 攻 石油 开发 有 限公 司 , 山东
2 5 7 0 6 1
摘 要 : 2 0 1 5年全球经济持续低迷 , 一次能源消费增 量远低于 J 0年 的平均值 。其 中受俄 罗斯
减少 了 2 4 X 1 0 桶 (一 0 . 1 %) 。其 中储 量下 降最大 的址 巴两 , 下降约 3 2×1 0 桶 , 挪威储量增』 J I j 了 1 5 X l 0
年 的平均值 I . 9%, 是 1 9 9 8年 以来最 低 的增 长率
可 以满足 5 0 . 7 的个球, f i 。 桶 。按 照当年石油消费水平 , 世界 油储量 的 7 1 . 4%。从区域 而言 , 中南 美洲储 J : 比
2 月
的最 高 值 伊 拉 克 (+7 5×1 0 桶 / t I ) 干 ¨ 沙 特 阿 拉 伯
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虽然降低但 仍 是伞球 最 火 的灭 然气储 避 . .从 大洲 米 看, 除北 美洲外 , 其他 大洲 天然气探 叫储 均 有减 少, 其
为世 界 最 高 , 达 I 1 7化 f 。2 0 1 5年 石 油 探 明储 爵 的 分
图 1 。
成 员 国继 续 保 持 其 丰 嘤地 化 , 从主要地 I X和 家来 看 : 除欧洲 和 欧亚 地 之 外 , 其他 产 需 要 。 石 油 输 m组 5 地 区 能 源 消 费增 速 均 低 于 1 0年平 均 值 ; 中欧 洲 的增 长
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发展 低 碳 经 济 。“ 果 我 们 的 钢 铁 更 多 通 还 包 括 地 铁 ,地 铁 将 在 中 国 形 成 巨 主要是由于财政货币政策超常规扩 张, 如 的 用在 传 统 交 通 工 具 ,可 能 会 使 得 碳 大 浪潮 ,中国城市化率 只有 1 %,未 导致 国内投资和消费 两大需求超 常规 8
排放很 多,但现在 的电气化铁路碳 排 来 ,城市化加速对 交通尤其是地 铁交 扩 大 。“ 投 资 的 GDP 性 系数 看 , 从 弹 投 个 增 .7 2 通 有 很 大 要 求 ,不 但 是 大 城 资 增 1 百 分点 带 动 GDP 加 04 5
市 ,中小 城 市 也 需 要地 铁 。
中 国 经 济 已 经 进 入 第 四 轮 上 涨 周 期 , 但 中 国的 资源 配 置 地 区 不 均 衡 , 以 后 对 钢 材 的 需 求 拉 动 ,第 四 是 输 油 输 气 对于 钢 铁 的需 求 将 明 显 上 升 ,并 且 会 会 加 大 中 西部 的 开 发 ,但 东 部 仍 然 需 管 道 方 面 。 比前 三 轮经 济 增长 对 钢 铁 需 求 量 更 大 。 陈 东 琪 预 计 ,2 0 0 9年 GDP增 长 要资源 , 国需要长路径的资源运送 , 中 .%以 上 ,0 0 则增 至 1% , 2 1年 O 陈 东琪 认 为 ,第 一 是 因为 中 国要 因此 高铁 具有 很 大 潜 力 。 外 , 道 交 将 达 N 82 此 轨
普 氏能 源 资 讯 已经国 的 铁 矿 石 的 金属市场提供 价格评估 的历 史 ,延 续 地 的最 繁忙的航线发布每 日货运净回 1 D X 每 日评 估 不 仅 作 为 一种 准 确 、 了其母 公司麦格劳 一希尔公 司 ( h 值 。 0E Te 最近 , 评估铁矿石 市场 场外掉期市 独 立 的 实物 定 价 基 准 获得 了广 泛认 可 , 格 发现功 能的真 正发展 。随着 IE C
专协在帮助复旦大学组织有关能源的专题讨论中,还帮助复旦大学邀请了下列专家:普氏能源资讯集团总裁朱文清;美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校McCombs商学院金融系教授、能源金融教育与研究中心主任Ehud I. Ronn;莱斯大学管理学院EMBA主任Bill Lee。
杨晓卓博士作了题为“能源(石油)风险管理 - 最佳实务”的专题报告。
参加本次论坛的有来自26个国家的300余名专家学者,其中包括全国人大常委会副主任陈至立,全国人大原副委员长成思危,上海市市长韩正,著名经济学家吴敬琏,中国经济体制改革研究会会长高尚全,美国耶鲁大学教授Gustav Ranis,香港中文大学校长刘遵义,日本早稻田大学校长白井克彦,韩国SK集团董事长崔泰源等知名人士。
1.2008年全球油气勘探与开采投资将为4180亿美元,增幅高达20%,创历史新高——莱曼公司2008年年中全球油气勘探开采(E&P)初始投资调查报告 [J], 莱曼公司
2.联合国环境署:2016年世界可再生能源产能再创新高 [J], ;
3.2015年全球可再生能源投资创历史新高 [J], ;
4.全球可再生能源投资创历史新高 [J], 无
5.联合国粮农组织预计2019年全球谷物产量创历史新高 [J],
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COVERING THE RAW MATERIALS INPUTS TO STEELMAKINGVolume 9 / Issue 14 / January 21, 2015/PlattsSBBSteelClose/MidpointChange % Chg IODEX Iron ore fines 62% Fe ($/dmt)CFR North China65.50-66.5066.00-1.25-1.86Please see Platts complete iron price/netbacks table, p.3Coking coal, premium low vol ($/mt)FOB Australia 105.90 105.90 -0.45 -0.42CFR China114.00 114.00 -0.50 -0.44Please see full metallurgical coal price/freight table, p.4Ferrous scrapHMS CFR Turkey, $/mt 308.00-310.00 309.00 -1.00 -0.32HMS FOB Rotterdam, $/mt 284.00-288.00 286.00 -1.00 -0.35A3, FOB Black Sea, $/mt284.00-289.00 286.50 -1.00 -0.35Shredded del Midwest US, $/lt 338.00-342.00 340.00 0.00 0.00Shredded FOB East Coast, $/mt 290.00-295.00 292.50 -5.00 -1.68HMS del dock East Coast, $/lt 250.00-255.00 252.50 0.00 0.00HMS FAS US West Coast, $/mt230.00-235.00232.50-5.00-2.11Singapore —Spot iron ore prices declined again Wednesday, as Chinese mills shunned a variety of offers. Platts 62% Fe IODEX fell $1.25/dry mt to $66/dmt CFR North China.A number of offers were met with silence, or bids deemed too low to meet. “Yesterday and today, all buyers aren’t very anxious about committing to spot cargoes now,” a Hong Kong-based trader said. “We’re trying to sell our cargoes but it’s not that easy to. A lot of mills are not eager to buy more iron ore as their profit margins are being threatened because steel hasn’t been doing well. The seasonal factor is huge.”The cold weather in China impedes pro-ductivity in the construction and infrastructure sectors, both major consumers of steel.Mills spurn iron ore offers and prices fallA procurement source at a Hebei-based mill said some steelmakers were going to start cutting crude steel production by bring-ing forward maintenance at their blast fur-naces. “Steel margins are so weak now in any case, so mills are thinking they might as well let this coincide with their mainte-nance periods. We are hearing of this going on in the Tangshan region [in Hebei], as well as in Shandong.”This would further constrain ore demand, the source said.Vale tender IOCJ finesMeanwhile, Brazilian miner Vale sold at $75.11/dmt 64.96% Fe Iron Ore Carajas(continued on page 2)fines through a spot tender Wednesday, sources invited to participate in the tender said. The 108,357-mt shipment will pass Singapore February 5, and contains 1.52% alumina, 2.81% silica, 0.038% phospho-rus, 0.37% manganese, 2% loss on igni-tion and 8.3% moisture.The IOCJ fines trade normalized to $75.09/dmt CFR North China against the Platts 65% Fe specifications. The 65% Fe assessment fell $2/dmt on the day to $75/dmt CFR North China, dropping more than the lower grades.This 108,357 mt shipment was part of an original 195,461 mt shipment of IOCJ fines the miner eventually split into two to offer separately after failing to find bids it considered high enough on January 12. Vale subsequently sold 87,104 mt on January 16 at $78.15/dmt CFR China through a spot tender to Chinese trading house SPL, sources said.Meanwhile, rebar futures edged lower Wednesday, with the most liquid May contract in Shanghai last trading at Yuan 2,472/mt ($403.50/mt), down Yuan 16/mt from Tuesday, and settling at Yuan 2,493/mt, down Yuan 9/mt day on day. The spot price of square billet in Tangshan remained unchanged at Yuan 2,000/mt ($326.50/mt) ex-stock Tangshan.Iron ore futures on the DalianCommodity Exchange fell Wednesday, with the most actively traded May contract in Dalian last trading at Yuan 486/dmtMills spurn iron ore offers and prices fall ... from page 1Weekly Manganese Ore ($/dmtu)$/dmtu Weekly changeAssessed 44% Manganese Ore CIF Tianjin 4.05 -0.16 16-Jan-1537% Manganese Ore CIF Tianjin3.60-0.1016-Jan-15One major US miner said high voldemand was very good. “For HVA, demand is around twice the supply they have to sell and for HVB, around 1.5 times.”Regarding the potential effect of low Australian prices on US coal, he said pric-es were “sticky,” and Asian prices could move $4-5/mt before buyers tweak their blend requirements. He said it was only when miners offer direct discounts on material that buyers tend to switch.The Platts US low-vol hard coking coal assessment, based on good-quality CAPP low-vol specified on 58% CSR and 1.5% MMR at 19% VM, stayed flat at $110.50/mt FOB US East Coast. The US high-vol A assessment was stable at $110.75/mt and US high-vol B based on 34% VM coal with 25,000 ddpm held at $105.50/mt FOB USEC.Colombian producers were back in the market, with a report of a 400,000 mt con-tract deal to Brazil loading February to December having taken place; no indica-($79.25/dmt), down Yuan 16/dmt from Tuesday, and settling at Yuan 496/dmt, down Yuan 8/dmt on day.Lump premium holds upDespite the apparent weakness in demand for fines cargoes, lump premi-ums were holding steady. Plattsassessed the weekly spot lump premium at $0.325/dmt unit, unchanged from the previous week. The premium is normal-ized to a CFR basis and expressed over the IODEX fines assessment.Market participants said lump demand was still holding up, unlike the waning appe-tite end-users in China were displaying for fines material. “This is totally seasonal,” a Hebei-based steelmaker said. “The cold weather makes it hard for domestic concen-trate production levels to recover so more mills have to turn to lump.” Lump and pellet cargoes are mutual substitutes, with the lat-ter processed through pelletization from concentrate material.Australian miner Rio Tinto offered at $89/dmt CFR Qingdao 62 Fe Pilbara Blend lump on COREX, sources notified by the miner said. The 70,000 mt cargo will load over February 8-17. Sources with access to the COREX platform said there were no bids for the shipment.Placing the PB lump offer over the 62% Fe IODEX assessment of $66/dmt CFR North China for the day yielded a lump premium of $0.37/dmt unit on a CFR basis, a level sources said was too high to be repeatable.— Celestyn WongCoking coal market...from page 1Atlantic pellet premium estimated contract price$/dmt Change Jan32.50-4.00Platts daily metallurgical coal assessments, January 21Asia-Pacific coking coal ($/mt) FOB CFR CFR Change Australia China India Australia China India HCC Peak Downs Region 106.90 115.00 116.30 -0.45 -0.50 -0.55Premium Low Vol 105.90 114.00 115.30 -0.45 -0.50 -0.55HCC 64 Mid Vol 98.65 106.75 108.05 0.05 0.00 -0.05Low Vol PCI 93.40 101.50 102.80 0.05 0.00 -0.05Low Vol 12 Ash PCI 87.40 95.50 96.80 1.30 1.25 1.20Semi Soft 79.15 87.25 88.55 0.05 0.00 -0.05Met Coke - - 196.00 - - 0.00North China prompt port stock prices Ex-stock Jingtang CFR Jingtang(Yuan/mt, incl VAT) equivalent ($/mt)**Premium Low Vol* 905.00 117.83HCC 64 Mid Vol* 850.00 110.37*weekly (assessed January 16), 20-day delivery from date.**ex-stock price, net of port charges, import tax and VAT Atlantic coking coal ($/mt)FOB US East Coast Change VM Ash SLow Vol HCC 110.50 0.00 19% 8% 0.80%High Vol A 110.75 0.00 32% 7% 0.85%High Vol B 105.50 0.00 34% 8% 0.95%Detailed methodology and specifications are found here:/IM.Platts.Content/MethodologyReferences/MethodologySpecs/metcoalmethod.pdfDry bulk freight assessments Route Vessel Class Freight rate ($/mt) Change Australia-C hina C apesize 5.80 0.45Australia-China Panamax 8.10 -0.05Australia-India Panamax 9.40 -0.10USE C -C hina Panamax 23.25 -0.25USE C -India Panamax 21.25 -0.25USE C -Rotterdam Panamax 7.80 0.00USE C -Brazil Panamax 8.00 0.00East Australia: basis Hay Point port. USEC: basis Hampton Roads. See methodology for further details.HCC assessed specifications CSR VM Ash S P TM Fluidity Premium Low Vol 71% 21.5% 9.3% 0.50% 0.045% 9.7% 500HCC Peak Downs Region 74% 20.7% 10.5% 0.60% 0.030% 9.5% 400HCC 64 Mid Vol 64% 25.5% 9.0% 0.60% 0.050% 9.5% 1,700Penalties & Premia: Differentials ($/mt) Within % of Premium Low Vol FOB Net valueMin-Max Australia assessment price ($/mt)Per 1% CSR 60-71% 0.50% 0.53Per 1% VM (air dried) 18-27% 0.50% 0.53Per 1% TM (as received) 8-11% 1.00% 1.06Per 1% Ash (air dried) 7-10.5% 1.25% 1.32Per 0.1%S (air dried) 0.3-1% 1.00%1.06US low-vol HCC Penalties & Premia; Differentials ($/mt) Within % of US low-vol HCC FOB Net value Min-Max USEC assessment price ($/mt)Per 1% CSR 50-64% 0.50% 0.55 40-49% 0.50% 0.55Per 0.1% S 0.70-1.05% 0.75% 0.83 1.06-1.25% 1.00% 1.11Per 1% TM (as received) 6.0-11.0% 1.00% 1.11Per 1% Ash 5.0-10.0% 1.25%1.38Source: PlattsThe assessed price of HCC Peak Downs® originates with Platts and is based on price information for a range of HCCs with a CSR> 67% normalized to the standard of HCC Peak Downs® (CSR 74%). Peak Downs® is a registered trade mark of BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Limited “BMA”. This price assessment is not affiliated with or sponsored by BMA in any way.tions on price were given. Another Colombian deal was reported into the Mediterranean, this time on a spot basis, for delivery end-January.— David BraidSpate of trading in AsiaPacific met coal marketSingapore —The seaborne metallurgi-cal coal market saw a sudden burst of spot trading Wednesday, suggesting a softening of prices.There was brisk trading in the top-tier segment with a spot cargo of Australian premium low-vol hard coking coal done near parity to Platts Premium Low VolHCC CFR China. This was for a 90,000 mt cargo shipped in a Capesize with amid-February laycan. The remaining72,000 mt was for a semi-premiumblended HCC with 66-70% CSR at 96% ofPlatts Premium Low Vol HCC CFR China.The prices were done using the averageof February assessments.There was also another spot dealdone for Australian premium low-vol HCCwith 69-72% CSR at $113/mt CFR China.This was for a half-Capesize cargo to beco-loaded end-January with another cargo.Since this falls out of the Platts stipulated 7-45 days loading window, it was notused directly in the assessment process.The other cargo was of Australian 57-59%CSR coking coal which was traded at$105/mt CFR China.The last coking coal trade was forsemi-premium blended HCC with 66-70% CSR done at around $111/mt CFR China. This was also for a half-Capesizecargo for end-January laycan. Similarly, since the laycan fell out of Platts’ assessment window, it was not used inMetallurgical Coke 62% CSR$/mt Change % Chg CFR India196.00 0.00 0.00FOB North China180.000.00 0.00 Yuan/mt DDP North China (weekly) 1110.000.000.00IODEX 62% Fe CFR North China OTC swaps assessment, January 21switchIODEX 62% $/dmt Change % Chg TSI 62Feb 15 66.500 -1.500 -2.21 0.250Mar 15 65.750 -1.500 -2.23 0.250Apr 15 64.750 -1.750 -2.63 0.250Q2 2015 64.250 -1.750 -2.65 0.250Q3 2015 62.600 -1.750 -2.72 0.350Q4 201562.350 -1.750 -2.73 0.350Calendar 201661.750-1.750 -2.76 0.300Detailed methodology and specifications are found here: /IM.Platts.Content/MethodologyReferences/MethodologySpecs/ironore.pdfCoking coal swaps assessment, January 21$/mt Change % Chg Platts Premium Low Vol FOB Australia Feb 15 105.000 -1.25 -1.18Mar 15 106.000 -0.50 -0.47Apr 15 106.500 -0.25 -0.25Q2 2015 107.000 -0.50 -0.47Q3 2015 107.250 -0.50 -0.46Q4 2015 107.500 -0.50 -0.502016109.250-0.50-0.46Wednesday’s assessment.The trades occurred in both North and South China, which suggested the pick-up in activity was not restricted to any region-al patterns.One of the buyers said the decision to procure had little to do with improved demand, but instead he needed to push forward his purchases due to the two-week delays caused by the quality tests. Hence, the source had to start buying now for January laycan cargoes in order to be able to use the material in March.Another trading source said these trades reflected signs of bargain hunting as some steelmakers took advantage of the recent slide in coking coal prices to start stocking up for the Lunar New Year break in February. “Sellers have very little bargaining power now when they are fight-ing to sell their cargoes before the mar-ket sinks even lower,” a Shanghai-based trader said.Tangshan mills take BFs downMeanwhile, in Tangshan, several mills were heard to have put their blast furnaces under maintenance for around one-two months. The reasons were mixed.One source said it was a planned maintenance, while another said closing the furnace now was deliberate since it coincided with a steel market which has been faring poorly since January. A third Tangshan steelmaker said that his mainte-nance on a 450 cubic meter blast furnace was due to recent environmental restric-tions, which clamped down on small facili-ties that are energy-intensive and polluting. The repair works will last no more than a month, said the source.At least 11 plants in Tangshan were affected with the smallest being a 450 cu mfurnace and biggest a 1,080 cu m furnace.Putting furnaces under maintenance would lead to a drop in demand for steel-making raw materials, such as coking coal and coke, one market participant said, and this would further pressure pric-es. One Tangshan coke-maker said his plant was already cutting down on produc-tion in order to prevent a further slide in domestic coke prices.PCI demand firmIn the PCI segment, a deal was heard done Tuesday for Australian mid-vol PCI with above 11% ash, for mid-February lay-can, at slightly above $95/mt CFR China.Offers were still scarce in China as pro-ducers continued to push available spot shipments to other markets, where prices were higher.Several end-users said it was tough to find Australian mid-tier PCI with some CSN in the domestic market and hence they would need to procure imported materials.Meanwhile, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology issued notices warning that parts of Central Queensland — the coun-try’s main met coal producing territory — could face damaging wind, heavy rain and flooding till Thursday. The bureau forecast rainfall of 100-150 mm for regions in Bowen and Mackay.Officials at Dalrymple Bay Coal NEWS FEATURETerminal, Hay Point Coal Terminal and Abott Point Port said current port opera-tions were running smoothly, but they would continue to monitor the situation.— Kenneth Foo with Edwin Yeo and Julien HallScrap marketTurkish ferrous scrapmarket shows signs of lifeLiverpool —There were signs of activity in Turkey’s torpid scrap market Wednesday, according to sources.A European publicly listed company was understood to have sold a cargo con-taining 30,000 mt of shredded scrap and 10,000 mt of heavy melting scrap I/II (80:20) at $315/mt and $310/mt, respectively, for first half of February loading from Houston.One source said this was the first deepsea US export cargo the company had sold — while American sources also expressed surprise — but the seller did not respond to requests for comment. The trade could not be confirmed with the reported buyer or seller, but it was widely acknowledged throughout the market.Other merchants selling ex-Houston typically receive a premium — around 1% — above the price of US East Coast load-ings because of the quality of their mate-rial, though it was unclear if this was the case in the trade. “I imagine it is good quality material, given all the offshore industry they have,” a Scandinavian mer-chant said.“The market is below $310/mt CFR, you cannot get those prices today,” he added, suggesting premium 80:20 was trading at $305-307/mt CFR. TheScandinavian merchant said the supplier in question entered the market towards the end of last week, when pricing was agreed, but the deal was only finalized Wednesday.A Turkish agent pegged the value of 80:20 at $310/mt CFR, but said buyers were pushing for cheaper offers. Mills have absented themselves from the market of late in a bid to push prices lower.Demand for Turkish steel exports remained tepid Wednesday, and under pressure from competitive Chinese mate-rial. Turkish mills themselves were also afforded the option of competitive billet. A trader with a large corporation said Chinese “square bar” was available at $395/mt CFR into Iskenderun. In compar-ison, Platts Black Sea billet assessment fell $2/mt to $393/mt FOB Wednesday. However, Chinese lead times are long. The trader said the earliest shipmentSteel Mill Economics: Global Spreads, January 21, 2015Change % change China Flat Steel Spread (CFSS using IODEX)* 280.46 $/mt -8.11 -2.81China Flat Steel Spread (CFSS using TSI)* 279.66 $/mt -8.67 -3.01China Long Steel Spread (CLSS using IODEX) 207.01 $/mt 0.93 0.45China Long Steel Spread (CLSS using TSI) 206.21 $/mt 0.37 0.18China Hot Metal Spread (CHMS using IODEX)* 243.73 $/mt -3.59 -1.45China Hot Metal Spread (CHMS using TSI)* 242.93 $/mt -4.15 -1.68China Coking Margin (CCM)** 260.00 RMB/mt 0.00 0.00China Billet-Rebar Spread (CBRS) 275.00 RMB/mt -5.00 -1.79Turkey Scrap-Rebar Spread (TSRS: Platts) 181.00 $/mt 1.00 0.56Turkey Scrap-Rebar Spread (TSRS: TSI) 178.00 $/mt 2.00 1.14Turkey Scrap-Black Sea Billet Spread (TSBS: Platts) 84.00 $/mt -1.00 -1.18Turkey Scrap-Black Sea Billet Spread (TSBS: TSI) 81.00 $/mt 0.00 0.00US Scrap-HRC Spread (US SHRC) 261.45 $/st 0.00 0.00US Scrap-HRC Futures Spread (US SHRCF) 281.45 $/st -5.00 -1.75US Scrap-Rebar Spread (US SRS) 301.45 $/st 0.000.00*Weekly, assessed on Mondays. **Weekly, assessed on Fridays.For spreads calculation and assessment methodology, please go to:/IM.Platts.Content/MethodologyReferences/MethodologySpecs/steel.pdfavailable was March, with a sailing time of around a month.Given the above trade and indications, Platts assessment of premium HMS I/II 80:20 imported into Turkey dipped $1/mt to $309/mt CFR.— Colin RichardsonUS ferrous scrap exportprices to Taiwan still slidingPittsburgh —US containerized scrap export prices to Taiwan retreated for the third consecutive week on softer demand and weak regional steel market funda-mentals. Most volume was transacted Wednesday in the range of $253-255/mt CFR Taiwan. The prices were down from sales late last week in the range of $257-260/mt.On Tuesday, a Taiwanese mill booked 6,000 mt of containerized heavy melting scrap from a US supplier at $253/mt CFR Turkey 80:20 basis. No bids were heard from the mill on Wednesday and market sources anticipated the nextround of bids from regional mills to come in around $250/mt.The Platts daily assessment of US West Coast containerized HMS 80:20 fell$5/mt Wednesday to $230-235/mt FASPort of Los Angeles.Taiwanese demand for US scrap was further reduced this week by the contin-ued offers of Japanese material.Japanese-origin H1/H2 was heard availa-ble around $270/mt CFR Taiwan, down $5/mt from last week.No bulk scrap bookings were heard this week from regional mills.— Nicholas Tolomeowith Anna Low in SingaporeDongfang Special Steel cuts scrap buying priceSingapore —China’s ChangzhouDongfang Special Steel, a medium-sized mill in the eastern province of Jiangsu, cut its scrap buying price by Yuan 30/mt ($5) to Yuan 1,750/mt, a company source said Wednesday. This is the first time it has reduced prices since a Yuan 110/mt cut in late December.Dongfang will pay Yuan 1,750/mt, including VAT, for heavy melting scrap of 6 mm and above thickness, delivered to Changzhou.The mill had been keeping pricesunchanged to replenish stocks despite oth-ers in the Yangtze River Delta loweringcosts. However, it chose to cut prices as neighboring small induction furnaces also pared back prices, said the source.Maanshan Iron & Steel, in Anhui province, recently lowered its scrap buy-ing price by Yuan 20/mt to Yuan 1,900/mt, including VAT, for plate cut-offs at least 6 mm thick delivered to Maanshan, said sources.Jiangsu Shagang Group, the largest scrap consumer and private mill in thePlatts steel industry assessments, January 21Close/MidpointChange% ChgAsiaHot-rolled coil $/mtFOB Shanghai*430.00-435.00432.50 -12.50 -2.81Reinforcing bar $/mt FOB China* 371.00-375.00 373.00-14.50-3.74* Assessed January 15, 2015EuropeHot-rolled coil Eur/mtEx-works, Ruhr 405.00-410.00 407.50 0.00 0.00CIF Antwerp 390.00-400.00 395.00 0.00 0.00DDP NW Europe(Accessible to SBB Briefing subscribers at )$/mt FOB Black Sea 425.00-430.00 427.50 0.00 0.00Plate Eur/mt Ex-works, Ruhr 495.00-505.00 500.00 0.00 0.00CIF Antwerp 415.00-425.00 420.00 0.00 0.00Reinforcing bar Eur/mtEx-works, NW Eur420.00-430.00425.00 0.00 0.00 $/mt FOB basis Turkey 488.00-492.00 490.00 0.00 0.00Billet $/mt FOB Black Sea 393.00 393.00-2.00-0.51North America Hot-rolled coil $/stEx-works, Indiana 560.00-570.00 565.00 0.00 0.00CIF, Houston510.00-530.00520.00 0.00 0.00Plate $/st Ex-works, US SE 730.00-740.00 735.00 -10.00 -1.34CIF, Houston 650.00-670.00 660.00 0.00 0.00Reinforcing bar $/stEx-works, US SE 595.00-615.00 605.00 0.00 0.00CIF, Houston475.00-485.00480.000.000.00Europe and US cold-rolled coil assessments, January 21Eur/mt Close/Midpoint Change% Chg Ex-works, Ruhr 480.00-490.00 485.00 0.00 0.00CIF Antwerp 450.00-460.00 455.00 0.00 0.00DDP NW Europe(Accessible to SBB Briefing subscribers at )$/mt FOB Black Sea 510.00-520.00 515.00 0.00 0.00 $/st Ex-works, Indiana 690.00-710.00 700.00 0.00 0.00CIF, Houston 560.00-580.00570.000.000.00Jiangsu province, kept its buying price unchanged, after cutting it by Yuan 20/mt last Friday. Changzhou-based Zenith Steel and Yonggang Group have stopped buying scrap altogether, said market sources.— Lucy TangFerroalloys marketMolybdenum oxide prices fall, buyers shy awayLondon —Molybdenum oxide prices continued to slide Wednesday as lower offer and aggressive bids failed to turn into deals.Offers in Asia and Europe were heard at $9.05/lb from producers and traders. One European trader, who had also received an offer at $9.05/lb, saidalthough he had no interest in purchasing at this level, “I’d sell at $9.05/lb if I could find a buyer.”A second European trader said the few inquiries he had received over the day were theoretical rather than serious buying interest. “People call and say they would buy at $9/lb if they were going to buy,” the trader said, adding sentiment was negative.Producer sources said they hadreceived a couple of inquiries on the day, which they did not consider serious indica-tions of buying interest. “If somebodywants to sell something today they have to offer below $9/lb,” one producer said, not-ing the lack of activity in the market.European market participants attribut-ed the fall in prices to a lack of buying interest from major mills. “Nothing is hap-pening and it’s making people nervous. None of the big boys have come out for tenders,” the first European trader said.In Asia, a South Korean steelmaker issued a buy tender for 80 mt of molybde-num products to close Thursday and anoth-er buy tender for a term supply contract to close on Friday.Sources said this had triggered more interest in oxide powder with one South Korean buyer reporting he was looking toclose deals at around $9.05/lb CIF Busan. A second South Korean playersaid he had received an offer at $9.08/lb and was considering going into the market as a buyer. “The market is on the down-trend. I’m wondering what is the good price to bid,” he said.Other sources said they would look to gather more offers before placing firm bids.The Platts daily dealer oxide assess-ment fell to $9.05-9.10/lb from $9.08-9.17/lb, while the daily European ferromo-lybdenum assessment fell to $22.65-22.90/lb from $22.90-23.10/kg.A tender from a German mill was closed at Eur19.40/kg, according to mar-ket sources, although this was not con-firmed. A third European trader said he offered around 30 cents higher and was ranked 17. “There’s nothing to do and when there is something it’s super aggres-sive,” he said.Other said they had not received any inquiries for ferromolybdenum from the trade or consumers. “People wouldn’t even buy at $22.50/kg,” the first European trader said. “They just don’t need material.”— Jitendra Gillwith Mayumi Watanabe in Tokyoand Hongmei Li in Singapore China FeCr spot pricesrise on tighter supplySingapore—The domestic spot price of 50% Cr Chinese high-carbon ferrochrome was assessed at Yuan 6,400-6,500/mt (equivalent to 78-79 cents/lb) Wednesday, including 17% VAT and delivery, up from Yuan 6,350-6,500/mt a week ago amid supply tightness.Some offers were heard as high as Yuan 6,700-7,000/mt this week for deliv-ery to various regions, though sources said such prices were not tradeable.Most pegged the current tradable price at Yuan 6,400-6,500/mt. A Beijing-based trader said Yuan 6,600/mt was tradeable in southern China, while a Beijing-based market observer said some Inner Mongolia producers in the north were offering at Yuan 6,300/mt ex-works. Both price indications were not taken into consideration for the assessment, as no other sources have indicated prices as low or high.“Supply to the big mills under monthly contracts is as per normal. But if you’re looking to buy 500 mt or 1,000 mt in the spot market now, material is hard to get and offer prices are very high,” said an official with a central China mill. Spot sup-ply was tight as ferrochrome suppliers were focused on covering term contracts, and also amid production cuts and stop-pages in southern China, said sources.Views on the direction of major stain-less steelmakers’ February purchase pric-es turned mixed this week. Some industryparticipants said they did not rule outprice increases for February deliveries dueto the spot supply tightness. But therewere still others who expect February pric-es to be rolled over from January, or evenlowered because of a weak stainlesssteel market. This was slightly in contrastwith last week, when most predicted rollo-vers or cuts for February prices.The country’s largest stainless steel-makers were expected to settle Februarydelivery prices with ferrochrome suppliersaround end-January.— Vivian TeoAsiaS&P cuts metals priceforecasts; iron ore in focusLondon—Ratings agency Standard &Poor’s has made “significant” downwardrevisions to its metals price forecast for2015-2017, with iron ore sharply lower.S&P, like Platts, is a unit of McGrawHill Financial. “We are significantly lower-ing our price assumptions for key com-modities, notably iron ore and copper.We believe this could result in some neg-ative rating actions and outlook changesover the next week or two, as we reviewour portfolio of credits,” the agency saidlate Tuesday.Its lower assumptions for most industri-al metals “reflect the effects of weaker sup-ply-demand balances; but also lower produc-tion costs, including substantial changes inforeign exchange rates,” it added.The most significant change in S&P’sassumptions is a further 20% cut in itsiron ore price through 2016. The agency isnow forecasting prices of $65/mt for 2015and 2016, rising to $70/mt in 2017; lastOctober it was assuming a price of $85/mt for 2015 and 2016.The Platts IODEX daily 62% iron orefines assessment was $66/dmt CFR NorthChina Tuesday, down from $78.75/dmt atthe beginning of Q4 2014.“At our assumed price of $65/mt, weexpect weak credit measures to persistuntil 2017 in the absence of sharp pro-duction curtailments,” S&P said, adding:“The downward revision in our iron oreprice assumptions is the third suchadjustment in the past 12 months;assumed prices in early 2014 were morethan $100/mt.”While the recent rapid decline in ironore prices has forced some high-cost pro-ducers to curtail production, “we believethis will be offset by sizable new supplyfrom major iron ore producers,” S&P said,estimating there will be about 100 millionmt of seaborne supply coming to the mar-ket in 2015. “This, together with softerdemand growth from China, will limit anymeaningful and sustainable recovery iniron ore prices in the next two years,” theagency said.Market equilibrium might only improveif the market finally absorbs this new sup-ply, S&P said, adding: “We believe thatthis will likely occur in 2017, driving pricesup that year.” Lower production costs fromthe rapid decline in freight rates, diesel。