



.探索是进化过程中一个重要地生存策略.; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习数量不断扩张地物种地迁移有赖于对临近或遥远地新地食物来源或安全地栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化地结果.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习而人类还增加了另外一个探索地原因,即好奇心.这种对未知事物进行探索地思想冲动引领着伟大地欧洲探险家们在世纪到世纪之间来到了美洲,澳大利亚和南极洲.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习对大自然地好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后地驱动力., . . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习现在二十一世纪探索地最终前沿便是太空.天文观测和人造卫星已经为我们提供了关于太阳系内外地宇宙地丰富知识.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是这些技术只能提供一些有限地概况,让我们知道那里都有些什么.最终人类还是要亲自前往其他星球以进行更详细地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习过去五十年间国家安全方面地考虑促使火箭和飞船技术取得了巨大进步.现在,人类已经能够进入近地轨道和月球以便能够更好地实现通讯效果或是观察环境变化以及地面人类活动.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , .可以想象,这些进展将最终能将宇航员送至其他星球,尤其是火星. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , . ’ , . ; , () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是探索地球和探索太空有着巨大地差异.首先,太空是一个不容许任何人为错误或技术故障地无情地环境.对于长时间离开地球轨道地人而言风险会更多.一个是太空中几近全无地重力,而另外一个则是高能量电离宇宙射线()核子地存在.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习由于零重力和宇宙射线会对前往火星地飞船上地宇航员有着严重地健康影响,我们首先要研究它们对细胞,组织和人类荷尔蒙与免疫系统地影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,尽管我们能够在地面制造核子并研究其对生物材料地影响,但是我们无法长久地模拟低重力时段以及它们二者对细胞和组织地累加效应.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,国际空间站()将会为人类在太空进行健康风险评估以及制定应对措施方面扮演重要地角色.() . 关于宇航员是如何适应从太空中地零重力()到地球地地信息已经有了很多,文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, ; . 但是我们对这些影响地了解还是不够全面,也不明了有那些对策能够减轻这些影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ . , ——. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习通过对在航天飞船上和长期驻扎在俄罗斯和平号空间站上宇航员地观察发现零重力对骨骼和肌肉生理以及心血管系统都有着严重地影响.例如,由返回至会导致人无法在直立地体位维持正常地血压,即直立耐受不良,还会导致脑部供血不足.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 因此,宇航员从轨道返回后需要休息几分钟.恢复正常血压所需地时间和他们在零重力环境中所处地时间成正比.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习——, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习这就意味着前往火星地宇航员无论是在登陆后还是在返回地球后都将需要相当长地时间来重新适应重力,因为他们至少将有一年地时间处于零重力状态,除非我们可以找到一个技术解决方案能在宇宙飞船上人工建立重力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外还有其他地心血管方面地影响,例如心律失常和心肌萎缩.而这一切都需要更为详尽地研究,然后才能确保执行火星任务地宇航员地安全.长时间处于低重力环境地其它影响还包括骨质地流失和肌肉退化,这些都有可能损害宇航员在飞船中或火星表面执行任务地能力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习人类太空旅行地第二大风险就是前面提到地存在于宇宙射线中地核子,因为他们能对原子或分子施加电离作用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ ’ , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习尽管核子无法到达地球表面,因为他们要么是被大气层所吸收,要么是被地球磁场影响而发生偏转,但是已经有实验数据表明宇宙射线中地电子,中子和质子有致癌作用以及其它一些对机体有害地潜在影响.这些都已经在地球上地许多实验室动物中得到观察.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,年在日本落下地原子弹地影响研究也为辐射和高能核子对健康地危害提供了进一步地数据.,—. , , , .. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,宇宙射线与核爆炸还是有着很大不同.因为宇宙射线包含大量地核子,即坍塌地行星和超新星爆炸后释放到太空地残留物.核子对诱发癌症,中枢神经系统和眼睛地生理影响还不明确,辐射影响与零重力之间地相互作用也未获研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,我们需要在地面上以及国际空间站进行更多地实验才能放心地保证往返火星和更远地行星地宇航员地健康和安全.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习具有讽刺意味地是,只有在从太空中带回地物质地潜在威胁得到讨论之后才能考虑太空辐射对健康地危害.() , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习我曾在年加入美国国家研究理事会()地空间科学委员会,在诸多考虑事宜中就包括了从月球或是太空其他地方返回地物体是否会携带可能危及地球生命地有害生物.那时合适地解决方案是隔离这些对象并用射线或紫外线照射或是高温消毒.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 要想理解和评估辐射和重力地生理作用不仅要求地球上地实验,还需要在国际空间站上对足够数量地动物和或人体实验对象进行广泛地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,由于美国宇航局经费地削减以及年月哥伦比亚号航天飞机地失事,国际空间站地工作和建设已经陷入停滞状态.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,国际空间站还面临人员问题.原本计划安排六到七名宇航员来实行空间站地维护和运转以及科学实验., , , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而资金短缺意味着没有足够大地太空飞行器,如穿梭机,来运输船员、设备和供给,也无法满足在空间站遇到紧急事故地时候提供救援运输地需求.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , , . . , ’ , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,为了安全起见,船员地数量在年被减少到了三个.因为只有俄罗斯联盟号宇宙飞船可以使用,而该飞船在紧急情况下只能运载三名船员.哥伦比亚号飞船地损失加剧了这个问题.由于船员地规模从六个减少到了三个,宇航员地大部分时间被用于操作和维护空间站,而只能剩下一点时间来进行科学实验.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, – . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习没有可观地巨额资金输入来供应设备并支持更多地船员,科学家们将无法在未来到年内完成对太空旅行风险地基本信息地收集.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习为了获取流行病学有效地数据,我们同时还需要一个持续不断地,轮流上阵地至少六名宇航员来获取零重力对生理和心理地影响并验证对策地有效性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习不完成这些实验就不可能保证长达三年地火星往返途中宇航员地安全和康健., , ? 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习那么,要怎样做才能满足我们对太阳系内外进行探索地好奇心并继续更详尽地研究距离我们最近地行星呢?. , , ’ , , —’ —. . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习有三种可能地解决方案.第一个,也是最为明显地一个就是使用无人驾驶飞船来探索行星地表面,比如说在火星或是欧罗巴(木星地一个行星)上登陆并将样本送回地球.这有望在未来地十年内完成.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , , , . . 第二种方法是为国际空间站大量增加资金.我无法估算需要多少资金,因为从过去地经验来看,这样地估计有很大地不确定性.而这些资金甚至可能会超过建造一艘能够搭载六到七名宇航员从火星到地球为期三年地往返地太空飞船所需地费用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在目前全球经济地环境下,没有有效地物质和经济合作以及多国间地相互协同显然是无法实现地.. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习第三个可能地解决方案是开发新地发射能力以及速度更快地太空飞船来大幅减少在太空中所花费地时间,从而降低辐射地照射和宇航员地其它压力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习《科学》杂志报道说俄罗斯正在研制核动力飞船计划来实现这一目标., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,很难设想能够满足环境要求地起飞和着陆地场景., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习鉴于目前地局势,我认为我们需要进一步改建国际空间站并至少在未来年间使用机器人探测棒,然后才可以重新评估将人类送上火星地可能性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习。



UNIT71. Several leading modern business leaders seem, surprisingly, to downplay the importance of strategy. You can make too much fuss about strategy, they imply--- you have a few clear options; just choose one and get on with it. is it really that simple?2. “Strategy is straightforward---just pick a general direction and implement like hell.”Jack Welch, for example---the chairman and CEO of the USA’s General Electric Company; the man who grow the company from a market capitalization of $27 billion to a $140 billion, making GE the largest and most valuable company in the world. he must know a thing or two about strategy. But here’s what he says: “In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and you implement like hell.”Or Allan leighton, the man who was recruited by Archie Norman to help res cue the UK’s ailing Asda supermarket chain, and went on to build the company into one of Britain’s most successful retailers. “Strategy is important,” says Leighton, “but it is a compass, not a road map. It tells you in which direction you are heading, but the important bit is how you get there.”Or Louis Gerstner, the man who rescued IBM in the 1990’s when the struggling mainframe supplier was about to be driven into extinction by the new, smaller and more agile personal computer manufacturers. “It is extremely difficult to develop a unique strategy for a company; and if the strategy is truly different, it is probably highly risky. Execution really is the critical part of a successful strategy. Getting it done, getting it done right, getting it done better than the next person is far more important than dreaming up new visions of the future.”3. So strategy is simple. And having an ingenious new strategy is less important than carrying it out successfully. In fact it might be dangerous. It that right?Let’s look at one last quote from Mr. Welch. “When I became CEO in 1981, we launched a highly publicized initiative: be number one or number two in every market, and fix, sell or close to get there. This was not our strategy, although I’ve often heard it descri bed that way.It was a galvanising mantra to describe how we were going to do business going forward. Our strategy was much more directional. GE was going to move away from businesses that were being commoditized toward businesses that manufactured high-value technology products or sold services instead of things.”Grand strategy versus strategy4. I would argue that these CEO’s blue chip corporations are taking a slightly Olympian view of the concept of “strategy.” Let’s call what hey are talking about “grand strategy” a strategy, but in the overarching sense, like the American car industry saying that they are going to move out gas-guzzlers and into smaller, more fuel-efficient models. 1.一些领先的现代企业领导人似乎,奇怪的是,淡化战略的重要性。


The organization of the passage
• The article is divided into three parts: part one consists of the first five paragraphs. Part two is from para 6 to para 13. the rest is part three.
Language Points
Para 1: 1. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazysounding names at your address…(lines 2-5, para. 1):
These can be regarded as the
most common and unintentional
accidents. Blindest here means not
done intentionally.
• 4. If things go wrong, it must be a personal, human error, the result of fingering, tampering, a button getting stuck, someone hitting the wrong key.(lines 3-5, para 2 ):
2. Introduction to the Text






Unit 7BehaviorPreviewCheating or plagiarism is not new to us all. In such an age of information explosion,various new forms of plagiarism occur with the development of the Internet,and we develop corresponding antiplagiarism technology to counter them. The due blame and penalty,of course, lie on the plagiarists. But this seems not the whole story。

Should teachers be tolerant of such behavior? Or is it a right for plagiarists to choose plagiarism?Part I Text ReadingWarm-upI. What is plagiarism? How to avoid it?College and university students are required to write research papers。



Unit 7Exploration is an important survival strategy in evolution.探索是进化过程中一个重要的生存策略。

The migration of expansive species depends on exploring their immediate or distant surroundings for new food sources or safe habitats; it can also come as a result of population pressures or environmental changes.数量不断扩张的物种的迁移有赖于对临近或遥远的新的食物来源或安全的栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化的结果。

The human species has added another reason for exploration, namely curiosity. This intellectual urge to explore the unknown led the great European explorers to the Americas, Australia and Antarctica between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries.而人类还增加了另外一个探索的原因,即好奇心。


Inquisitiveness about nature is also the driving force behind humans exploring the polar caps, climbing mountain peaks and diving into the abysses of the oceans.对大自然的好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后的驱动力。

研究生 英语阅读教程 第三版 课文 Lesson7

研究生 英语阅读教程 第三版 课文 Lesson7

A Christmas Sermon On PeaceMartin Luther King, JR.[1]This Christmas season finds us a rather bewildered human race. We have neither peace within nor peace without. Everywhere paralyzing fears harrow people by day and haunt them by night. Our world is sick with war; everywhere we turn we see its ominous possibilities. And yet, my friends, the Christmas hope for peace and good will toward all men can no longer be dismissed as a kind of pious dream of some utopian. If we don't have good will toward men in this world, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own instruments and our own power. Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete. There may have been a time when war served as a negative good by preventing the spread and growth of an evil force, but the very destructive power of modern weapons of warfare eliminates even the possibility that war may any longer serve as a negative good. And so, if we assume that life is worth living, if we assume that mankind has a right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war and so let us this morning explore the conditions for peace. Let us this morning think anew on the meaning of that Christmas hope: "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men." And as we explore these conditions, I would like to suggest that modern man really go all out to study the meaning of nonviolence, its philosophy and its strategy.[2]We have experimented with the meaning of nonviolence in our struggle for racial justice in the United States, but now the time has come for man to experiment with nonviolence in all areas of human conflict, and that means nonviolence on an international scale.[3]Now let me suggest first that if we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone; no nation can live alone, and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in this world. Now the judgment of God is upon us, and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools.[4]Yes, as nations and individuals, we are interdependent. I have spoken to you before of our visit to India some years ago. It was a marvelous experience; but I say to you this morning that there were those depressing moments. How can one avoid being depressed when one sees with one's own eyes evidences of millions of people going to bed hungry at night? How can one avoid being depressed when one sees with ones own eyes thousands of people sleeping on the sidewalks at night? More than a million people sleep on the sidewalks of Bombay every night; more than half a million sleep on the sidewalks of Calcutta every night. They have no houses to go into. They have no beds to sleep in. As I beheld these conditions, something within me cried out: "Can we in America stand idly by and not be concerned?" And an answer came: "Oh, no!" And I started thinking about the fact that right here in our country we spend millions of dollars every day to store surplus food; and I said to myself: "I know where we can store that food free of charge? in the wrinkled stomachs of the millions of God's children in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and even in our own nation,who go to bed hungry at night."[5]It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality. Did you ever stop to think that you can't leave for your job in the morning without being dependent on most of the world? You get up in the morning and go to the bathroom and reach over for the sponge, and that's handed to you by a Pacific islander. You reach for a bar of soap, and that's given to you at the hands of a Frenchman. And then you go into the kitchen to drink your coffee for the morning, and that's poured into your cup by a South American. And maybe you want tea: that's poured into your cup by a Chinese. Or maybe you're desirous of having cocoa for breakfast, and that's poured into your cup by a West African. And then you reach over for your toast, and that's given to you at the hands of an English-speaking farmer, not to mention the baker. And before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you've depended on more than half of the world. This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren't going to have peace on earth until we recognize this basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.[6]Now let me say, secondly, that if we are to have peace in the world, men and nations must embrace the nonviolent affirmation that ends and means must cohere. One of the great philosophical debates of history has been over the whole question of means and ends. And there have always been those who argued that the end justifies the means, that the means really aren't important. The important thing is to get to the end, you see.[7]So, if you're seeking to develop a just society, they say, the important thing is to get there, and the means are really unimportant; any means will do so long as they get you there? they may be violent, they may be untruthful means; they may even be unjust means to a just end. There have been those who have argued this throughout history. But we will never have peace in the world until men everywhere recognize that ends are not cut off from means, because the means represent the ideal in the making, and the end in process, and ultimately you can't reach good ends through evil means, because the means represent the seed and the end represents the tree.[8]It's one of the strangest things that all the great military geniuses of the world have talked about peace. The conquerors of old who came killing in pursuit of peace, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and Napoleon, were akin in seeking a peaceful world order. If you will read Mein Kampf closely enough, you will discover that Hitler contended that everything he did in Germany was for peace. And the leaders of the world today talk eloquently about peace. Every time we drop our bombs in North Vietnam, President Johnson talks eloquently about peace. What is the problem? They are talking about peace as a distant goal, as an end we seek, but one day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. All of this is saying that, in the final analysis, means andends must cohere because the end is preexistent in the means, and ultimately destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends.[9]Now let me say that the next thing we must be concerned about if we are to have peace on earth and good will toward men is the nonviolent affirmation of the sacredness of all human life. Every man is somebody because he is a child of God. And so when we say "Thou shalt not kill," we're really saying that human life is too sacred to be taken on the battlefields of the world. Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. Man is a child of God, made in His image, and therefore must be respected as such. Until men see this everywhere, until nations see this everywhere, we will be fighting wars. One day somebody should remind us that, even though there may be political and ideological differences between us, the Vietnamese are our brothers, the Russians are our brothers, the Chinese are our brothers; and one day we've got to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. But in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile. In Christ there is neither male nor female. In Christ there is neither Communist nor capitalist. In Christ, somehow, there is neither bound nor free. We are all one in Christ Jesus. And when we truly believe in the sacredness of human personality, we won't exploit people, we won't trample over people with the iron feet of oppression, we won't kill anybody.(1,480 words)。

研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 7 Concluding Research

研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 7 Concluding Research

Unit Seven Concluding ResearchObjectives:─ Be clear about t he significance of this section─ Try to understand the importance of summarizing in academic writing─ Learn to be skilled in p araphrasing in academic writing─ Learn to restate your thesis statement─ L earn to draw a conclusionContents:─ Brief introduction to this section─ Reading & Discussion: What information elements are usually involved in writing a Conclusion section?─ Language Focus: How to su mmarize and paraphrase─ Writing Practice: How to r estate your research objectives─ Writing Project: How to outline your conclusion1. Reading ActivityThe conclusion of a research paper reaffirms the thesis statement, discusses the issues, and reaches a final judgment. It is a belief based on your reasoning and on the evidence you have accumulated. This is the place for sharing with readers the conclusions you have reached because of your research. A conclusions is usually a shorter section of an academic text. It manifests the value of your research as well as your understanding of the material that you have presented. It should be a strong recapitulation of your major ideas.1.1 Pre-reading TaskThe following is the concluding section of a research article in the field of applied linguistics. Think about the following questions before reading the text and then have a discussion with your classmates:1)What is the function of the concluding section in a research paper?2)What information elements does a concluding section normally include?1.2 Reading PassageOur experiment indicated that learners better comprehended English idioms sharing the same metaphoric themes as Chinese than those sharing different metaphoric themes, conforming to Boers & Demecheleer's (2001) study result with French-speaking subjects. NL (native language) played an important role, in that positive transfer appeared in most subjects' understanding of idioms with identical expressions and meanings in NL and TL (target language), and negative transfer appeared in the understanding of those with similar expressions and meanings or those with identical expressions but different meanings in NL and TL; besides, negative transfer occurred in the understanding of every kind of English idioms. Finally, though the idioms in the experiment were rated as having an intermediate level of semantic transparency and were listed without any contextual clues, 37% of the subjects’ responses were completely or partially correct, giving support to the point that a cognitive semantic view can facilitate the learning of idioms for non-native speakers.This study has several implications for teaching idioms. Firstly, it is important to inform learners of the different metaphoric themes in the target culture. Secondly, more attention should be given to idioms without NL equivalents. Thirdly, overt comparisons can be made to show learners which idioms can be transferred from their NLs and which idioms are likely to cause interference, thus taking advantage of positive transfer while avoiding the occurrence of negative transfer. Fourthly, while helping learners realize the absurdity of the literal meanings of some English idioms, encourage them to tackle the semantics of the idiom as a problem-solving task, andteach them strategies for dealing with figurative language to take advantage of the semantic transparency of some idioms.However, there was an obvious limitation in this study: the number of the idioms selected was too small. We expect more studies to be carried out in more aspects including the strategies used in idiom comprehension and production, EFL learners', EFL teachers' and English-speaking people's attitude towards English idiom learning and the treatment of them in the existing teaching materials.( Liu, 2008 )1.3 Reading Comprehension1. Read the text carefully and decide what information elements a concluding section includes and how they function.2. What are the major findings of the experiment?3. What verb tenses are mainly used in the text? What is the proportion of active voice verbs to passive voice verbs in this conclusion section?nguage Focus2.1 SummarizingThere are three ways to include source material in your research paper writing: summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting. Each of these strategies capitalizes on different types of information that can be useful. To summarize is to put in your own words a shortened version of written or spoken material, stating the main points and leaving out anything that is not essential. Summarizing is more than retelling; it involves analyzing information, distinguishing important elements from unimportant elements and transforming large chunks of information into a few short cohesive sentences.Look at the following example.OriginalThis effort to communicate--first through spoken messages, then throughpictographs, then through the written word, and finally through printed words --- demonstrates people’s innate desire to share information with one another. Storability, portability an d accessibility of information are essential to today’s c oncept of mass communication. (Source: Shirley Biagi, Media Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media, 2nd edition, p. 24 )SummaryIn Media Impact, Shirley Biagi explains that people have always had an inherent need to communicate. The ability to store, carry and have access to information is necessary in modern mass communication.How to Summarize?There are several techniques to be used while summarizing a text and they all stress full understanding of a text and require the reader to spot the main ideas in it. Here are some useful tips about summarizing:∙Start by reading a short text and highlight the main points as you read.∙Reread the text and make notes of the main points, leaving out examples, evidence, etc.∙Restate or repeat the ideas of the source in different words and phrases.∙Do not add your own ideas, opinions or judgment of the arguments.∙Make it shorter than the source.Read the following text and write a summary.Original TextI come from Taiwan, but I have lived in Canada for several years now. I am surprised at how Canadian society respects the rights of women, both at work and home. Personally I believe women in Canada are better off than women in Taiwan. However, some of my female friends in Canada miss the good old days when women were treated in a different way. You see, in the past, gentlemen followed different rules of behavior. They would open the doors for ladies, pull out chairs for ladies to sit down, stand up when a lady left the table, and offer to pay the bill at restaurants. Now, however, most Canadian believe that men and women should be considered equal. For example, women now generally have to pay for their own meals.2.2 ParaphrasingThe Oxford English Dictionar y defines a paraphrase as “an expression in other words, usually fuller and clearer, of the sense of any passage or text; a free rendering or amplification of a passage. . . . [Paraphrasing is] to express the meaning of (a word, phrase, passage) in other words, usually with the object of fuller and clearerexposition so as to bring out the sense” (XI: 204). To paraphrase means to completely reproduce the original meaning in our own words (but never include our own opinion ).Look at the following example.Source materialAggressiveness, present in many male teenagers, has often been characterized as having a biological base. However, social study theorists Bandura and Walters (1959) did a study which indicated that aggressiveness might be a product of environment factors and especially, social reinforcement. In this study, they found that aggressive boys had encouragement from their parents to be aggressive outside their home. Since their fathers experienced indirect pleasure from hearing about their son’s aggressive behavior, this provided reinforcement for the boys.Acceptable paraphrase:Social scientists have often described aggressiveness, which is evident in many adolescent boys, as having a biological component. However, research completed by social study theorists Bandura and Walters (1959) showed that aggressiveness might result from factors in the environment and, in particular, social reinforcement. It was found in the study that young males who were aggressive had been encouraged by their parents to be aggressive away from their home. Their fathers received vicarious gratification from learning of their son’s aggressive behavior. Consequently, the boys’ behavior was reinforced by their fathers’ experience. ( Cong, 2009 )There are basically two ways to paraphrase this: by making word-level transformations (and maintaining the original syntax) or by considering its “deep structure” and making more significant changes. Note how these paraphrases differ: Source sentence:The temperature in many parts of the world is gradually rising.Paraphrase:(1)The temperature in lots of places around the earth is slowly increasing.(2)Most parts of the world are getting hotter steadily.Example (1) represents a word-level paraphrase and example (2) is a deep-level transformation. It is usually believed that making word-level paraphrases is easier than deep-level transformations.Here are some guidelines for paraphrasing:● U se synonyms.● Change word forms.● Make necessary structural adjustments.● Change between the affirmative and the negative.● Include reference to the original source.Read the following text carefully and try to rewrite an acceptable paraphrase. OriginalStarting in the 15th century, the reality and the idea of the family were to change: a slow and profound revolution, scarcely distinguished by either contemporary observers or later historians, and difficult to recognize. And yet the essential event is quite obvious: the extension of school education. We have seen how in the middle ages children’s education was ensured by apprenticeship in adults, and that after the age of seven, children lived in families other than their own. Henceforth, on the contrary, education became increasingly a matter for the school. The school ceased to be confined to clerics and became the normal instrument of social initiation, of progress from childhood to manhood. ( Source: Aries, P. 1962. Contemporary Childhood: A Social History of Family Life )3. Writing Practice3.1 Reorder sentencesRead the following jumbled conclusion from a thesis in computer science and engineering: the topic is: The Steiner Tree Problem. Please rearrange the following sentences so that they make more sense and follow the logical order of a conclusion.A.An advantage of this algorithm is that the computations of the bead's movementcan be done in parallel, provided that there is a synchronization barrier to update their new positions.B.This can take advantage of some parallel computers, for example, mapping eachbead to a (virtual) processor.C.It is possible that these techniques can also be applied to solve the SMT if a goodmapping of the problem to an appropriate network architecture is found.D. The Steiner tree has been shown to be an optimization problem. Neural networkhas been successfully applied to solve many optimization problems, for example, TSP. Some of these techniques have been discussed. This could be an interesting area for research in the future.E. The Steiner minimal tree problem has been studied in the above discussion. Anode-splitting algorithm that finds a good heuristic solution to the problem has been developed. In some cases, it is better, for instance, than Korhonen's algorithm.F. Comparison shows that the node-splitting method is comparable to other heuristicmethods.( adapted from Zhou, 2009: 312)3.2 Restatement of research objectiveLook at your thesis statement again and rework it in a new way. Avoid repeating key words and phrases from the thesis statement because you don't want the summary statement to sound boring or repetitive. Using a thesaurus is a good way to find new, interesting words.This study set out to determine ...The present study was designed to determine the effect of ...In this investigation, the aim was to assess ...The purpose of the current study was to determine ...This project was undertaken to design ... and evaluate …Returning to the hypothesis/question posed at the beginning of this study, it is now possible to state that …Here are some examples of research questions and summary statements:Research question: What is more important, competitive price, fuel economy, or high resale value when Chinese people buy cars.Summary Statement: The research was to determine what factors contribute more to Chinese people purchasing cars, competitive price, fuel economy, and high resale value.Rewrite the following thesis statements:1) What in San Francisco attracts visitors more, its magnificent location, its theaters and art galleries, or its fine restaurants?2) Do employees have to be trained for working in the Australian multicultural workplace? But managers also need to be trained. (It is clear, therefore, that both..)3) What is the 1994 rate of juvenile delinquency in the U.S.?4) Does education play a role in reducing juvenile delinquents' return to crime?5) What marketing strategies does the Coca-Cola company currently apply?6) Do children sent to day care or preschool start kindergarten with more highly developed language skills?7) How might the discovery of a genetic basis for obesity change the way in which we treat obese persons, both medically and socially?3.3 Summarizing the findingsRead the following text and identify major points and write a summary.Global Implications of Patent Law VariationA patent is an exclusive right to use an invention for a certain period of time, which is given to an inventor as compensation for disclosure of an invention.Although it would be beneficial for the world economy to have uniform patent laws, each country has its own laws designed to protect domestic inventions and safeguard technology. Despite widespread variation, patent laws generally fall under one of two principles: the first-to-file and first-to-invent. The first-to-file principle awards a patent to the person or institution that applies for a patent first, while the first-to-invent principle grants the patent to the person or institution that was first to invent –and can prove it. Most countries have adopted the first-to-file system. However, the United States maintains a first-to-invent system, despite obvious shortcomings. Patent ownership is not recognized globally. On the contrary, ownership may change depending on the country. It is not uncommon for an invention to have two patent owners – one in the United States and one in the rest of the world. This unclear ownership often has economic consequences. If a company is interested in using a patented invention, it may be unable to receive permission from both patent owners, which in turn may prevent manufacture of a particular product. Even if permission is received from both owners, pay royalties to both may be quite costly. In this case, if the invention is useful enough, a company may proceed and pass on the added cost to consumers. International economic tension has also been increasing as a result of differing policies. Many foreign individuals and companies believe that they are at a serious disadvantage in the United States with regard to patent ownership because of the logistical difficulties in establishing first-to-invent status. Further, failure of the United States to recognize patent ownership in other countries is in violation of the Paris Conventions on Industrial Properties, which requires all member nations to treat all patents equally. The conflict surrounding patents has prompted the World Intellectual Properties Organization (WIPO) to lobby for universality in patent laws. WIPO maintains that the first necessary step involves compelling the United States to reexamine its patent principle, taking into account the reality of a global economy. This push may indeed result in more global economic cooperation.3.4 Write a concluding sectionThe following is a research on the effectiveness of structured development lessons in English using 4 macro-skills intended for public science high school students. Read the following paper and write a concluding section for it.The teacher-researcher found out that the students' difficulties in oral and written English were speaking or conversational English, including correct usage, listening and answering questions. The causes for these difficulties were: students have poor background at the elementary level; English is not heard at home; teachers prefer to speak the dialect often; there might be lack or absence of English books.The main thrust of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of structured development lessons in English using the 4 macro-skills intended for the public science high school students. Specifically, the study answered questions on the level of language proficiency of the freshmen science high school students with referenceto pronunciation and correct usage; mean pretest and posttest scores of the students based on the structured lessons of macro-skills' learning performance; significant difference in the mean pretest and posttest scores of the students in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; mean gain in the posttest; and module which can be proposed based on the findings of the study.The study used the Descriptive Survey Method and the main tool used was the research-made or self-made type of examination (questionnaire), including the record sheet as instrumentally utilized for the 75 students as selected freshmen in the first year. The data gathered in this study were analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 14--a computer program used for statistical analysis.FINDINGS1) Level of Language Proficiency of the Students’ PronunciationThe majority (81.9333) of the students got the highest rating scale of 80-89 which was rated Very Good. None of the students as counted individually obtained the rating scale of 50-59 (far below from the passing percentage).2) Correct UsageNone of the students was rated Excellent with the rating scale of 90 and above.The majority (77.5867) of the students got the average rating scale of 70-79 which was rated Good.3) English Difficulties of the Freshmen Students Based on the Macro-Skills ofEnglish Language TeachingThe teacher-researcher found out that the students' difficulties in oral and written English were speaking or conversational English, including correct usage, listening and answering questions. The causes for these difficulties were: students have poor background at the elementary level; English is not heard at home; teachers prefer to speak the dialect often; there is lack or absence of English books; there is lack or absence of instructional materials; there is absence of printed materials at home; there are no television sets at home; teachers have faulty pronunciation; there is little emphasis on written communications and there are no cultural shows and public speaking activities.The teacher-researcher found out that the students experience the following difficulties in written English: writing dictation, taking down notes, outlining, theme writing, punctuating, quoting, and obtaining coherence and unity in paragraph writing. The causes for these difficulties were: no appreciation for reading materials; lack of exposure to writing; inadequate writing activities; no ear training; no patience to analyze the mistakes in writing; absence of contents that can harness their potentials in essays, letters, etc.; poor spelling; and useless board work.4) Mean Pretest and Posttest Scores of the StudentsIt is found in this study, based on the macro-skills, that the posttest mean of the group in the listening area which is 83.1067 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 75.5333. In standard deviation, the result of pretest is 10.95980 while the result of the posttest is 6.07959. Unlike the standard error mean, the result of the pretest is 1.26553 while the result of the posttest is .70201; the posttest mean of the group in the speaking area which is 87.1200 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 80.5467. In standard deviation, the result of the pretest is 4.92455 while the result of the posttest is 3.42471.Unlike the standard error mean, the result of the pretest is .56864 while the result of the posttest is .39545; the posttest mean of the group in the reading area which is 86.7333 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 84.4133. In standard deviation, the result of the pretest is 3.28425 while the result of the posttest is 3.17649. Unlike the standard error mean, the result of the pretest is .37923 while the result of the posttest is .36679; the posttest mean of the group in the writing area which is 85.4400 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 76.3333. In standard deviation, the result of the pretest is 6.26732 while the result of posttest is 5.29467. Unlike the standard error mean, the result of the pretest is .72369 while the result of the posttest is .61138.It is found further that the posttest score in the speaking area got the 1st rank which is 87.1200 while the pretest is 80.5467 of which the difference is 6.5733; the posttest score in the reading area got the 2nd rank which is 86.7333 while the pretest is 84.4133 with the difference of 2.3200; the posttest score in the writing area got the 3rd rank which is 85.4400 while the pretest is 76.3333 with the difference of 9.1067.5) Paired Samples' Test/Paired Differences: the difference between the two means wassubjected to a paired t-test.5.1 Listening skill: the listening area was -7.57333, standard deviation was 10.63291,standard error mean was 1.22778, 95% confidence interval of the difference (lower limit) was -10.0974, the difference (upper limit) was -5.12692, and the c.v.result was -6.168 which was greater than the t.v. result which was -10.01974.Therefore, the macro-skill in the listening area was not significant.5.2 Speaking skill: the speaking area was -6.57333, standard deviation was 5.31742,standard error mean was .61400, 95% confidence interval of the difference (lower limit) was -7.79676, the difference (upper limit) was -5.34991, and the c.v. result was -10.706 which was lower than the t.v. result which was -7.79676. Therefore, the macro-skill in the speaking area was significant.5.3 Reading skill: the reading area was -2.32000, standard deviation was 2.98265,standard error mean was .34441, 95% confidence interval of the difference (lower limit) was -3.00625, the difference (upper limit) was -1.63375, and the c.v. result was -6.736 which was lower than the t.v. result which was -3.00625. Therefore, the macro-skill in the reading area was significant.5.4 Writing skill: the writing area was -9.10667, standard deviation was 7.38621,standard error mean was .85289, 95% confidence interval of the difference (lower limit) was -10.80608, the difference (upper limit) was -7.40726, and thec.v. result was -10.677 which was greater than the t.v. result which was-10.80608. Therefore, the macro-skill in the writing area was not significant.6) Mean Gain of the Pretest and Posttest Scores of the Students: mean gain is based on the macro-skills of language teaching, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Mean gain of singled-out freshmen students based on the macro-skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing as structured in the lessons, was used as a result in statistical analysis and computation of the mean pretest and mean posttest. It was disclosed upon interpretation of data that the mean gain in the listening area was obtained as the result of the subtraction of number from the mean pretest which was 75.5333 from the mean posttest which was 83.1067. The findings revealed that only the areas in speaking and reading got the highest posttest percentages. In the writing area, the mean gain was obtained as the result of the subtraction from the pretest which was 76.3333 from the mean posttest which was 85.4400.In the final results of the listening area, the posttest mean was 83.1067 while the mean gain was -7.57333 which had the lowest mean pretest and posttest percentages as compared to the other areas; in the speaking area, the posttest mean was 87.1200 while the mean gain was -6.57333 which got the 1st rank posttest percentage; in the reading area, the mean gain was -2.32000 which got the 2nd rank posttest percentage and also got the 1st rank pretest percentage among them; and in the writing area, the mean gain was -9.10667 which got the 3rd rank posttest percentage, next to the speaking and reading areas.It is also found that the posttest mean of the group in the listening area which is 83.1067 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 75.5333; the posttest mean of the group in the speaking area which is 87.1200 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 80.5467; the posttest mean of the group in the reading area which is 86.7333 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 84.4133; and the posttest mean of the group in the writing area which is 85.4400 is higher than the pretest mean of the group which is 76.3333.4.Writing Project4.1Getting information for writing a conclusionCreate a SWOT table summarizing your research findings of an environmental analysis.Strength OpportunityWeakness Threat4.2Outlining your conclusion1) State the research question and explain why it is interesting.2) Briefly describe the methods of research and data analysis.3) Describe the results.4) Explain the key implications of the results. Avoidoverstating the importance ofthe findings.5) The results and the interpretation of the results shouldrelate directly to theresearch questions, purposes or hypothesis.4.3Drafting your conclusion1) Begin with your research questions, purposes or hypothesis.2) Combine the thesis statement and your one-sentence segment summaries into aone-to-two-paragraph summary.3) Eliminate all unnecessary words and repetitions.4) Eliminate all personal ideas and inferences.5) Use transitions for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.6) Use summary expressions.4.4Final checklist。



Unit 7BehaviorWord Bankoutrageous: very shocking and unacceptable.令人震惊的/ 难以接受的; electric shock触电(terror->terrible->horror->horrible) abhor: v. to hate very much憎恶,讨厌; normal->abnormal [dress: (1)n. 连衣裙/ 长裙; (2) vt. dress<->undress->) address (discuss): v. to deal with处理(pathy=feeling) (a-: away) apathy (=indifference->indifferent冷漠的): n. lack of interest冷淡,无兴趣assign (->assignment=homework): v. to give as a share or duty分派,指派biology (->biological): n. the science that studies living organisms生物学board(->to ~ a plane/ a ship/ a bus; boarding card登机卡; ->boarder董事/房客->boarding school寄宿学校): n. an official body that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 理事会,董事会(sequence: n.顺序->sequent: adj. 按序排列的) consequence: n. sth. that follows from an action or set of conditions; result后果,结果credit: n. a complete unit of a student's work that forms part of a course, esp. at a university学分/ 信用enlighten: v. t o cause to understand deeply and clearly启蒙,启发holler: v. to shout out呼喊[ID card= identity (card): n. 身份->identify: vt.) identical: adj. similar or the same相同的[machine机器-> machinery机械->mechanic机修工->mechanism机理/ 机制] mechanics: n. the ways in which sth. works, produces results, etc.方法,技巧mentor: n. a person who gives advice to another over a period of time, esp. to help them in their working, life导师pedagogy: n. the practice of teaching or the study of teaching methods教学法[perfect: (1)adj. 完美无缺的; (2)vt. =improve] perfectionist: n. a person who is not satisfied with anything that is not completely perfect完美主义者(plagiarism剽窃现象->) plagiarize: v. to take (words, ideas, etc.) from others' work (著作) and use them in one's own work without giving proper credit to the original author抄袭,剽窃police (policeman<->policewoman): (1)n.警察; (2)vt. to keep a watch on; control监督,控制routine: (1)adj. regular (regulate: vt. 调控); according to what is always habitually done惯常的,例行的; (2)n. 常规; routiner墨守成规者thrill (->thriller悬念片/ 恐怖片->action movie武打片): v. to have a sudden, strong feeling of excitement感到一阵激动Phrases and Expressionscome up with: to think of ; to produce想出,提出deprive sb. of sth.: to take sth. away from somebody剥夺(权利等)feel (be) obliged to: to feel it necessary to do觉得必要做prohibit sb. from doing sth.: to prevent somebody from doing sth.禁止; 阻止某人做某事take one's side: to support sb.; to agree with sb.站在……一边turn in (=hand in<->hand out发给学生作业的->handout 讲义): to hand in上交,交给Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. In Para. 1 "had been plagiarized" probably means ( D )A. had cheatedB. had copied term papers from the Internet websitesC. had been copied by othersD. had been identified as cheating in term papers2. In Para. 4, "teacher apathy the norm" means ( C )A. teachers take interest in students' cheatingB. teachers show sympathy for students' cheatingC. teachers give a blind eye to students' cheatingD. teachers mind students' cheating3. The word "hit" in Para. 11 means ( C )A. attackB. strikeC. popular routineD. beat4. The tone in Para. 13 is ( A )A. jocularB. sarcasticC. encouragingD. discouraging5. Who are responsible for plagiarism at school, according to the passage? ( A )A. Professors.B. The Internet websites.C. Students themselves.D. Parents on their children's side.II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.Plagiarism is not a new thing. But with the development of the Internet technology, it has become more and more common. Where should the (1) penalty be placed (put), on the (2) cheaters, on the professors, or on the Internet? The answer is not as clear as (3) crystal (->crystallize). Beyond any (4) doubt, plagiarists ought to be punished. They need to do their own job and, at the same time, respect others. This is the basic (5) discipline (纪律) which they need to develop.What about the professors who show (6) apathy to cheating? They are (7) partly (partially部分地) (hold->) held responsible for the popularity (普及duty of passing knowledge (知识) to students, but also have the duty of cultivating the mentality (intelligence/ morality道德) of their students. If they were (8) apologists when (they are) dealing with students who plagiarize, how could plagiarism be controlled?The Internet websites seem to be to (9) blame, because the copied papers are mostly from the website (10) sources (来源->resources资源). But the purpose and function of websites are not to provide (convenient->) convenience (方便) for plagiarism. Instead (On the contrary), they are to make information much more easily accessible for people who can make proper use of (=use/ utilize使用) it. What's more, in the battle against plagiarism, haven't the websites played their role? VocabularyI. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. We (lose->lost->lost) lost the election because of the ___C__ to our supporters.A. (anti-: against; anti-Japanese war抗日战争) antipathy (=indifference)B. (sym-: same) sympathy (n. 同情-> sympathize with sb. vt.)C. apathy (n. indifference冷漠)D. empathy (移情别恋)2. She is ___A__ with having saved the company from bankruptcy (prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止…发生).A. credited (记功)B. praisedC. promotedD. attributed (n./ vt. 属性, 品质, 特征, 加于, 归结于)3. I never __D___ in dealing with such matters.A. stand sidesB. be sidesC. stay sides (stay aside闪开)D. take sides (=support)4. You made the wrong decision, and now you must take the __B___.A. resultsB. consequences (后果)C. outcomeD. effect (n.->effective)5. Tom is not __D___ clever in the class.A. specifically (具体)B. specially特殊C. especiallyD. particularly特别提及6. Basic English is a ___C__ in the curriculum for the freshmen (大学一年级学生).A. class班级/阶级/等级B. lecture讲座C. course课程D. lesson一节课/ 教训; I’ll teach him a lesson教训某人.7. The airline has __B___ a novel [(1)n.小说; (2)adj. new] solution to the problem of jet-lag (时差反应).A. come up to (amount to=reach the number)B. come up with拿出C. (fade out昏迷<->) come to苏醒D. come on=go on继续8. Peter (think->) thought the world was flat until I __A___ him.A. enlightened (启发)B. lightened (vt. 减轻, 照亮)C. (light-> lighted/ lit->lit) lightedD. delighted=happy干涉, 干预, 妨碍, 打扰) interfering.A. forcedB. pleasant D. respected10. Writing a [cheque (英) =check (美) is quite a simple __A___.A. procedure (程序)B. process (n.过程/工艺/vt.加工; processed food)C. move (vi.移动; n. 动作)D. action (重大军事行动)II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. thrill turn in quit routine identicalpenalty series faculty address sensitivementor database sinister tempt bargain1. This is a very tempting (=attractive) offer (n. /vt.) and I suggest you give it a consideration. [suggest sth./ doing sth./ that sb. do sth. #suggest sb. to do sth. (错误)]2. He ignored the side issues (side effect副作用) and addressed (dedicated oneself to sth.献身于…事业) himself to the main (major) problem.3. His term paper is identical (=same) to (介词) one thesis I've read on the Internet.4. What a thrilling (=exciting) game; the winner was in doubt (n.是个悬念) until the last minute.5. The soldiers have to turn in (=hand in递交) their guns (枪/炮) when they leave the army.6. She longed to (desire渴望) escape from the (stupid愚蠢的->) stultifying (vt.使显得愚笨, 使变无效, 使成为徒劳) routine of (homework家庭作业) housework (家务劳动).7. She had had enough and quit (=stop) working in the company.8. The patient [(1)n.病人(2)adj.有耐心的] is very sensitive (敏感) to pain.9. The increasing demand [(1)vt.要求; (2)n.需求] has given the company greater bargaining (讨价还价的) power.10. All faculty (一个机构的全体工作人员) members are required to attend the meeting. [(1) vt. attend a class/ meeting; (2)vi. to attend to sb.-> attendant服务员; flight attendant空勤人员] TranslationPut the following paragraph into Chinese.Plagiarists as victims. Teachers as oppressors. It's not your conventional reaction to cheating. Not surprisingly, it has been a hit with many college students, just as it was with the plagiarists at Piper High. The student newspaper at Stanford ran an editorial attacking the use of antiplagiarism software as a potential violation of the school's honor code, which "prohibits professors from taking 'unusual and unreasonable precautions' in their academic procedures." Moreover, the paper said, checking for cheating "might even harm the relationship between students and faculty."参考译文:抄袭者成为了受害者,老师们成了压迫者。

专业学位硕士研究生英语教程Unit 7

专业学位硕士研究生英语教程Unit 7
抓作弊者不应是“一个‘让其见光,令 其丢丑’这样的过程,而应是教育过程〞 。
3. It’s not your conventional take on cheating
此句中的take是名词,表达 “反响〞之义。 E.g. 1) You should have been there to see her take as I announced
4. quit v. to give up 离职,放弃
E.g. 1) I’ve quit working.
我辞职不干了。 2) I’ve quit my job.
5. routine adj. regular 惯常的;例行的
E.g. 1) It’s just a routine check-up, nothing to get worried
2. deprive…of 剥夺
E.g. 1) He was imprisoned and deprived of his basic rights.
他被监禁了,根本权利被剥夺。 2) She lived a simple life and deprived herself of basic
1. come up with 想出,提出
E.g. 1〕She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
她想到了增加销售额的新方法。 2〕Have you come up with a solution to the problem?
此句中的than为连词,后可接词、短语或句子。 E.g. 1) Don’t tell them any more than they need to know.



Starting out
How the most beautiful and significant works of art are decided (I): These antique statues have been copied, collected, _______________ since bought and sold antiquity. And this long process adds its _____________, an authority which tells own authority us to admire these works not only as antiquities, but also as examples of beauty __________________.
Starting out—Task 2
Task 2 The following are some quotes or sayings about beauty. Do you agree with them? Explain your reasons with examples.(P.193)
– – – – Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. Beauty and folly are generally companions.
Starting out
Louvre Museum is quite famous worldwide. Listen to an introduction about it carefully and complete the blankfilling exercise.



研究生英语综合教程英语原文Unit7Unit Seven ON HUMAN NATURE Frank and Lydia Hammer1 Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This we call a person's nature.2 The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. It is only the surface that is capable of alteration, improvement and refinement; we can alter only people's customs, manners, dress and habits. A study of history reveals that the people who walked this earth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and women of today. The pursuit of happiness still engrosses mankind the world over.3 Moreover no one wishes his nature to change. One may covet the position of President or King, but would not change places with them unless, it meant the continuance of his own identify. Each man sees himself as unique, and so far as he is concerned the hub of the universe, different from any other individual. Apologies are in order when Mr. Smith is mistaken for Mr. Jones.4 Every man unfolds a distinct character over which circumstances and education have only the most limited control. No two people will ever draw the same conclusions from the same experiences, but each must interpret events and fit them into the mosaic of his own life's pattern. Human nature is ever true itself, not to systems of faith or education. Each holds to the structure of the mold into which the soul was cast at the time of its individualization. The qualities born in one remain aspotentials whether they have a chance to develop or not. Under pressure, or change of interest, they can partially or wholly disappear from view, tor considerable periods of time; but nothing can permanently modify them, nothing can obliterate them.5 The constancy of human nature is proverbial, as no one believes that a man can fundamentally change his nature. This is why it is so difficult for one who has acquired an unsavory reputation to re-establish himself in public confidence. People know from experience that an individual who in one year displays knavish characteristics- seldom in the next becomes any different. Nor does a thief become a trustworthy employee, or a miser a philanthropist. Nor does a man change and become a liar, coward or traitor at fifty or sixty; if he is one then, he has been one ever since his character was formed. Big criminals are first little criminals, just as giant oaks are first little acorns.6 Although man is potentially perfect he is far from being actually so. If he were actually perfect there would be nothing for preachers and humanitarians to do; no use for churches, schools, courts and prisons. Therefore while it is impossible to change human nature, it can be studied, controlled and directed, and this should be the supreme function of our religious, educational and social institutions.7 Man is perfect as a seed is perfect, germinally. The spirit is perfect, but when it inhabits human structures, it participates in the imperfections of the later; and during its association with matter takes on the mortal weakness, desires and limitations. But the spirit, the inner man, remains untouched and undefiled by evil. Only the outer man- the personality and the physical body- becomes imperfect, due to ignorance, wrong thinking andviolation of the law of being. The outerman, too, was originally perfect, but man has so desecrated and abused it that today it is a far cry from the original model.8 Man's majesty and nobility are taken for granted, although his faults and weaknesses are constantly paraded before our eyes. Only when behavior deviates from the normal does it attract attention. The good neighbor, the conscientious citizen, the kind father and faithful husband pass unnoticed. But the murderer, robber or wife beater is singled out for ublicity, because such conduct is unusual.9 Man's inherent goodness, moreover, is revealed by his countless acts of heroism, unselfishness and sacrifice. Daily one reads of men saving others at the peril of their own lives. One plunges into the surf and rescues a swimmer from drowning; another dashes into a burning house and carries a stranger to safety; others snatch a child from the wheels of death; many give their blood so that others may live. Countless unnamed and unrecorded men have given their lives for their fellowmen, not only on the battlefront but on the home- front as well.10Human nature does not and cannot change but unfolds its inherent pattern. Man has a nature and its laws can be known. We can only endeavor to understand man as he is.。

研究生英语综合教程Unit7 ppt课件

研究生英语综合教程Unit7 ppt课件
Unit 7
Exploring Human Nature
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
Starting out
Task 1
What distinguishes human beings from other animals? Work with your partner to list the behavior that is unique to human beings, that is unique to other animals and that they have in common. (P191)
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project
Starting out- Task 1
➢ Based on what you’ve listed above, discuss with your partner the differences between human beings and other animals in terms of their nature and instincts. (P191)

研究生英语精读教程[上册]Unit 7

研究生英语精读教程[上册]Unit 7

1. confrontation※ n. a situation marked by open opposition ( 敌对双方的 )对抗 2. reversal n. a change to the opposite; a case of going backwards颠倒,反向;倒退 3. recur v. to happen again, or more than once再发生
[ 6 ] But is the question of taste just one of household* hints? No. Taste is an expression of a whole system of values. And that means yours. [ 7 ] To achieve an understanding of taste means that you should have conviction* in your chotray* and you might as well rent poster* space and tell the world “I am the dupe*
1. onyx n. (矿 )缟玛瑙 2. ashtray n..烟灰缸 3. poster ※ n. a large printed notice or (coloured) drawing put up in a public place (贴在公共场所的大型 )招贴,标 语,广告 (画 ) 4. dupe n. a person who is tricked or deceived受骗的人,被 人愚弄的人
predict these changes but anyone can understand the principles. Although the history of taste has been one of change, confrontation* and reversal*, certain patterns constantly recur*. Learn these and you're in there with the tastemakers.



Language Points
6. ominous adj ( line 3, para. 1) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments ●看上去那些乌云对我们的野餐不利。 Those black clouds look ominous for our picnic. ● 那晚有着不祥的寂静。 That evening has an ominous silence. omen n 前兆,预兆,兆头
2) n under the harrow 受折磨;在苦恼中
●她备受折磨。 She was kept under the harrow.
3) n a farming machine with sharp metal teeth used to break up the earth and make it smooth.
Language Points
2) considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person etc and not the good ones;not positive ●他坚持说使用武力是必要的,但会产生消极 影响。 He insists on the use of force is necessary,but has a negative impact.
Language Points
●在滥用医院资金问题上,他采取公开的反对态度。 He has taken a public stand on the issue of misuse of hospital funds.
Language Points



A Whole Nation and a People[1] There was one storekeeper I remember above all others in my youth, when I was spendinga good portion (part) of my time with a motley (mixed) group of varied ethnic ancestry (racial background). We contended (competed) with one another to deride (laugh at) the customs of the old country (motherland). On our Saturday forays (attack) into neighborhoods beyond our own, to prove we were really Americans, we ate hot dogs and drank Cokes. If a boy didn't have ten cents (dime) for this repast (meal) he went (was) hungry, for he dared not bring a sandwich from home made of the spiced meats our families ate.[2] One of our untamed games was to seek out (found) the owner of a pushcart (wagon) or a store, unmistakably an immigrant (<->emigrant), and bedevil (annoy/ troubled) him with a chorus of insults and jeers. To prove allegiance (loyalty) to the gang it was necessary to reserve (keep) our fiercest malevolence for a storekeeper or peddler belonging to our own ethnic background.[3] For that reason I led a raid (attack) on the small, shabby (old and broken) grocery of old Barba Nikos, short, sinewy (strong) Greek who walked with a slight limp and sported (showed) a flaring, handlebar mustache.[4] We stood outside his store and dared (challenged) him to come out. When he emerged (appeared) to do battle (fight), we plucked (grasped) a few plums and peaches from the basket on the sidewalk (pavement) and retreated (withdrew), I go across the street to eat them while (at same time) he watched. He waved a fist and hurled epithets at us in ornamental (graceful) Greek.[5] Aware (Realizing) that my mettle (courage) was being tested, I raised my arm and threw my half-eaten plum at the old man. My aim was accurate and the plum struck (hit) him on the cheek. He shuddered and put his hand to the stain. He stared at me across the street, and although I could not see his eyes, I felt them sear (burn) my flesh (->meat). He turned and walked silently back into the store. The boys slapped (patted) my shoulders in admiration, but it was a hollow (empty) victory that rested (fell down) like a stone in the pit of my stomach (depressed).[6] At twilight (dusk), when we disbanded (dismissed), I passed the grocery alone on my way home. There was a small light burning in the store and the shadow of the old man's body outlined against the glass. Goaded (Encouraged) by remorse (regret), I walked to the door and entered.[7] The old man moved from behind the narrow wooden counter and stared at me. I wanted to turn and flee (escape; fleet), but by then it was too late. As he motioned (waved) for me to come closer, I braced (prepared) myself for a curse (abuse/ scoring) or a blow (beating).[8] "You were the one," he said, finally, in a harsh (rigid/ fierce) voice.[9] I nodded mutely (silently).[10] "Why did you come back?'[11] I stood there unable to answer.[12] "What's your name?"[13] "Haralambos," I said, speaking to him in Greek.[14] He looked at me in shock (surprisedly), "You are Greek!" he cried. "A Greek boy attackinga Greek grocer!" He stood (was) appalled (shocked) at the immensity (seriousness) of my crime. "All right," he said coldly. "You are (come) here because you wish to make amends (to do sth. as a remedy)." His great mustache bristled (stood on end) in concentration. "Four plums, two peaches," he said. "That makes a total of seventy-eight cents. Call it seventy-five. Do you have seventy-five cents, boy?"[15] I shook my head.[16] "Then you will work it off (pay for it by working)," he said. "Fifteen cents an hour into seventy-five cents makes (equals to)" —he paused —"five hours of work. Can you come here Saturday morning?"[17] "Yes," I said.[18] "Yes, Barba Nikos," he said sternly (seriously/ rigidly). "Show respect."[19] "Yes, Barba Nikos," I said.[20] "Saturday morning at eight o'clock," he said. "Now go home and say thanks in your prayers that I did not [lose(vt.)->loose(a.)->loosen (vt. removed) your impudent (rude/ impolite) head with a solid (strong/ heavy) smack (slap) on the ear." I needed no further urging (scoring) and fled (escaped).[21] Saturday morning, still apprehensive (fearful), I returned to the store. I began by sweeping, raising clouds of dust in dark and hidden corners. I washed the windows, whipping the squeegee swiftly (quickly) up and down the glass in a fever of fear (anxiously) that some member of the gang would see me. When I finished I hurried (ran) back inside.[22] For the balance (Paying the debt) of the morning I stacked (piled) cans, washed the counter, and dusted bottles of yellow wine. A few customers entered, and Barba Nikos served them. A little after twelve o'clock he locked the door so he could eat lunch. He cut himself a few slices (sliced bread) of sausage, tore a large chunk (a piece) from a loaf of crisp-crusted bread, and filled a small cup with a dozen black shiny olives floating in brine. He offered (gave) me the cup. I could not help (from doing sth.) myself and grimaced.[23] "You are a stupid (foolish) boy," the old man said. "You are not really Greek, are you?"[24] "Yes, I am."[25] "You might be," he admitted grudgingly (unwillingly). "But you do not act (like a) Greek. Wrinkling your nose at these fine (excellent) olives. Look around this store for a minute (moment). What do you see?"[26] "Fruits and vegetables," I said. "Cheese and olives and things like that (sth. similar)."[27] He stared at me with a massive scorn. "That's what I mean," he said. "You are a bonehead (fool). You don't understand that a whole nation and a people are in this store."[28] I looked uneasily (anxiously) toward the storeroom in the rear (back), almost expecting someone to emerge (appear).[29] "What about olives?" he cut (wave) the air with a sweep of his arm. "There are olives of many shapes and colors. Pointed black ones from Kalamata, oval ones from Amphissa, pickled green olives and sharp tangy yellow ones. Achilles carried black olives to Troy and after a day of savage (fierce) battle leading his Myrmidons, he'd (would) rest and eat cheese and ripe black olives such as these right here. You have heard of Achilles, boy, haven't you?"[30] "Yes," I said.[31] "Yes, Barba Nikos."[32] "Yes, Barba Nikos," I said.[33] He (move->)motioned (waved) at the row of jars filled with varied spices. "These are all the marvelous (wonderful) flavorings (ingredients) that we have used in our food for thousands ofyears. The men of Marathon carried small of these spices into battle, and the scents reminded them of their homes, their families, and their children."[34] He walked limping from the counter to the window where the piles of tomatoes, celery, and green peppers clustered (gathered together). "I suppose (think) all you see here are somerandom vegetables?" He did not wait for me to answer. "You are dumb (stupid) again. These are some of the ingredients that go to make up a Greek salad. Do you know what a Greek salad really is?A meal in itself, an experience (of life), an emotional involvement. It is created (cooked) deftly (skillfully) and with grace (taste). The story goes (says) that Zeus himself created the recipe and assembled and mixed the ingredients on Mount Olympus one night when he had invited some of the other gods to dinner. Do you understand now, boy?"[35] He watched my face for some response and then grunted (muttered). We stood (were) silent for a moment until he cocked (raised) his head and stared at the clock. "It is time for you to leave," he motioned (waved) brusquely (swiftly) toward the door. "We are square (equal) now. Keep it that way."[36] I decided (thought) the old man was crazy (mad) and reached behind the counter for my jacket and cap and started (headed) for the door. He called me back. From a box he drew out several soft, yellow figs that he placed (put) in a piece of paper. "A bonus because you worked well," he said. "Take them. When you taste them, maybe (perhaps) you will understand what I have been talking about."[37] I took the figs and he unlocked the door and I hurried (ran) from the store. I looked back once and saw him standing in the doorway, watching me, the swirling tendrils of food curling like mist (fog) about his head.[38] I ate the figs late that night. And in the morning when I woke, I could still taste and inhale their fragrance.[39] I never again entered Barba Nikos' store, because shortly afterwards (soon) my family moved from the city. [a nation on the wheel][40] Some (About) twelve years later, after the war, I drove through the old neighborhood and passed the grocery. I stopped the car and for a moment stood before the store. The windows were stained (dirty) with dust and grime, the interior (was) bare (uncovered) and desolate (deserted), a store in a decrepit (old and broken) group of stores marked for razing (felling down) so new structures could be built.[41] I have been in (visited) many Greek groceries since then and have often bought the feta and Kalamata olives. I have eaten countless Greek salads and have indeed found them a meal for the gods. But I have never been able to recapture (re-catch) the flavor (taste and fragrance) of those pleasant to my tongue, but there is something missing (spiritual experience). And to (until) this day I am not sure whether it was the figs or the vision (appearance) and passion (love) of the old grocer that coated the fruit so sweetly I can still recall (call back) their savor (taste) and fragrance after almost thirty years. (1, 478 words) [gold coated; gold graded]ABOUT THE AuthorHarry Mark Petrakis (1923— ) has written novels and short stories about Greek-American life. His characters are people who live with memories of another culture and seek to join the old ways with new customs and attitudes. Petrakis was born in St. Louis, Missouri and worked at an assortment of jobs, in steel mills and driving trucks, before becoming a writer. The text here is taken from his autobiography, Stelmark.EXERCISES1. Reading ComprehensionAnswer the following questions or complete the following statements.1. When the author was young, he and his friends banded together to _____.A. bully new immigrantsB. fight against old customsC. contend that they were real menD. reject their own ethnic background2. The author and his friends often chose a pushcart or a store of their own nationality to attack because _____.A. they hated their own peopleB. they could thus be respected as real AmericansC. they hated all the peddlers and store keepersD. they could thus get free fruits and other food3. Why did the author feel that the attack on the grocer was a hollow victory after he won the respect of his friends?A. Because he only hit the grocer once.B. Because he could have taken more plums.C. Because he felt sort of guilty in his heart.D. Because he wanted to attack the grocer again4. At twilight the author returned to the grocery store and entered because _____.A. he felt regret and wanted to make amendsB. he wanted to play tricks on the grocerC. he felt hungry and wanted to buy some olivesD. he wanted to check whether the grocer was injured5. Mr. Nikos insisted on t he author's saying “Yes, Barba Nikos" because he wanted the boy to _____.A. remember his nameB. recognize his authorityC. learn how to respect othersD. speak more Greek6. Saturday morning the author washed the windows of the store very quickly because he_____.A. didn't want his friends to see himB. wanted to show that he was a good boyC. was afraid that Mr. Nikos would punish himD. wanted to go hack home early7. Mr. Nikos thought that the author was _____.A. a real GreekB. a real AmericanC. scornful of his small businessD. ignorant of his own culture8. Mr. Nikos believed that the ancient Greek cultureA. was the richest and most colorful in the worldB. had shaped the whole nation of Greece and its peopleC. was of the same value as that of the AmericansD. could be tasted in Greek food9. By describing the appearance of the store twelve years later, the author impliesthat _____.A. old customs and culture should be got rid of in AmericaB. the ethnic cultures were giving way to the American mainstreamC. American value should be restructured and rebuiltD. American society changes quickly and dramatically10. The author conveys his thesis in the last paragraph that _____.A. old people can teach young Americans good lessonsB. Mr. Nikos influenced his perspective in appreciating their own cultureC. Greek food is still the best for American GreeksD. Mr. Nikos was the best teacher he had ever seenII. VocabularyA. Read the following sentences and decide which of the four choices below each sentence closest in meaning go the underlined word.1. In July he issued a decree (law) ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.A. end upB. come upC. stand upD. break up2. The Amazon ant carries out forays (attack) against other ants and brings back some of them to the home nest to serve as slaves.A. (invade->)invasionsB. fightsC. warsD. missions (task)3. The flu virus that are most (prevail->) prevalent one year differ from those that bedevil humans the next year.A. killB. worryC. frustrateD. trouble4. He correctly predicted that the policy against their neighboring countries would goad (force) them into economic nationalism.A. assist (help)B. pressC. drive (make)D. aid (help)5. The King made (declare ~ on country) war on the state of Kalinga, and conquered in 261 B.C. When he saw the suffering he had caused, however, he was overcome (overwhelmed) with remorse.A. regretB. revengeC. hatred (n.)D. emotion6. When she first visited South-West Africa in 1947 as an investigative journalist, she helped reveal the appalling (surprising/ shocking) conditions under which blacks were obliged to work. A. startling B. exotic (foreign)C. (terror->terrible/) terrific (wonderful)D. (amazing->)amusing (interesting)7. In his book the Iliad, Homer describes Thersites as the ugliest and most impudent (rude) of the Greeks.A. toughB. ill-famed (notorious)C. rudeD. harmful8. Apprehensive (Fearful) of their enemy's encirclement, the country enhanced its foreign contacts with its neighbors in Europe.A. ScornfulB. FearfulC. RegardlessD. Careless9. The slave-owners grudgingly (reluctantly) accepted the (abolish->) abolition in 1888, rather than face the massive slave unrest (rebelling) and flight (escape).A. slowlyB. graduallyC. unwillinglyD. eventually (finally)10. They (swear->) swore their allegiance to the nation and received their naturalization papers.A. contributionB. loyaltyC. immensity (greatness)D. epithet (scoring)B. Choose the best word or expression from the list given for each blank. Use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.work off contend with deftly sternly brusquelyseek out make amends desolate deride mutely1. It's full of useful facts, information and checklists which will give you some idea of all theaspects a business needs (compete with) in order to survive in today's current economic climate (->weather).2. European market is becoming promising. Now is the time for local companies to seek out business opportunities in Europe.their debt through community service.5. Many students advocate the right of freedom. Some of my students once protested to me recently because I shouted at sternly (severely) a problem boy of seven.6. (Evidence->)Evidently (Obviously) men of great energy and charm, Bouvier and Thierry found friendliness wherever they went, and had the fortunate ability to perceive (see/ find) beauty in8. I crouched by him and grasped his hand, mutely offering (giving) what comfort I could.10. His theory about economic development is widely derided III. ClozeThere are ten blanks in the following passage. Read the passage carefully and choose the right word or phrase from the list given below for each of the blanks. Change the form if necessary.in favor of look down on distinctive traditionally successivediverse despite targetAlthough the United States has been shaped (formed) byhave often viewed immigration as a problem. Establishedespecially arrivals come from a different country than those in the establishedcommunity. such tensions, economic needs have always forced Americans to seekmajority of immigrants to the United States have comea better life for themselves and their families. In all of American history, less than 10 percent ofthe United States has been described as a melting pot,previous identities of each immigrant create anthe image of the mosaic, a picture created by assembling many small stones or tiles. In a mosaic, each piece retains (keep) its own while (at the same time)the society of the United States. Today, many Americans value theirimmigrant heritage (tradition) as an important part of their identity. More recent immigrant groups from Asia have established communities alongside (together with) those populated by the descendants of European immigrants.IV. TranslationPut the following parts into Chinese.1. There was one storekeeper I remember above all others in my youth, when I was spending a good portion of my time with a motley group of varied ethnic ancestry. We contended with one another to deride the customs of the old country. On our Saturday forays into neighborhoods beyond our own, to prove we were really Americans, we ate hot dogs and drank Cokes. If a boy didn't have ten cents for this repast he went hungry, for he dared not bring a sandwich from home made of the spiced meats our families ate.我常和一帮来自各国的移民子弟一起玩。

研究生英语综合教程Unit 7

研究生英语综合教程Unit 7

Mencius: human nature is good, and people are naturally
inclined toward virtue. Unfortunately, the negative elements of society tend to corrupt many people, and only a few are able to overcome them.
_H__u_m_a_n__n_a_tu_r_e_i_s_t_h_e_b_a_s_is_o_f__ch_a_r_a_c_te_r_, _th_e____________ _t_em__p_e_r_am__e_n_t_a_n_d_d_i_s_p_o_si_t_io_n_;_i_t _is__th_a_t_i_n_d_es_t_ru_c_t_ib_l_e____ _m__a_tr_ix__u_p_o_n_w__h_ic_h__th_e__c_h_ar_a_c_te_r_i_s_b_u_i_lt_,_a_n_d_w__h_o_s_e____ _s_h_a_p_e_i_t _m_u_s_t_t_a_k_e_a_n_d_k_e_e_p__th_r_o_u_g_h_o_u_t_li_f_e_. __________
Starting out
And so I _g_o_t up and slowly walked on home And mama saw the t_e_a_rs_ and said, What's wrong?
And so to keep from telling her a _l_ie__ I just said sa-a-a-d movies make me cry Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry Oh-oh-oh sa-a-a-d movies always make me cry


Lines 5-7, para 1
• Ardent immediately assumes a heat incommensurate with good sense and stability, and rank, fame, and power have come under fairly heavy attack for at least a century.
The structure of the text
• Part 1 (para.1-3): None of this seems a sufficient cause for driving ambition under the counter.
• Part 2 ( para.4-5):What is the worst that can be said about ambition.
The Virtues of Ambition
Introduction to the Author
• Joseph Epstein(1937-), noted essayist,short story author and novelist, was born in Chicago and grew up in Rogers Park. He then attended the University of Chicago and is now a promineng member of the literature faculty at Northwestern University.
• Be commensurate with: match sth. in size, quality, or length of time
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Unit 7BehaviorPreviewCheating or plagiarism is not new to us all. In such an age of information explosion, various new forms of plagiarism occur with the development of the Internet, and we develop corresponding antiplagiarism technology to counter them. The due blame and penalty, of course, lie on the plagiarists. But this seems not the whole story. Should teachers be tolerant of such behavior? Or is it a right for plagiarists to choose plagiarism?Part I Text ReadingWarm-upI. What is plagiarism? How to avoid it?College and university students are required to write research papers. One of the most important things about writing a research paper is giving proper credit to your source of information. Failing to do this is called plagiarism. It's a kind of stealing or at least unauthorized borrowing of others' ideas. How can we avoid plagiarism? Please discuss the topic with your partner. The following tips may be useful for your discussion.·To copy the sentences or words precisely in your notes, and to enclose them in quotation marks.·To be careful in gathering information.·To assimilate the information you read from books or articles.·To do a good job of paraphrasing.·To capture the main idea from your source without actually using phrases from it.·To summarize the idea in your own words.·To incorporate the idea you read appropriately in your paper.·To give the original writer proper credit for your source of information.is How should acts of plagiarism be punished?Different schools have different punishment for plagiarism. Please discuss how a plagiarist should be punished. The following tips may be useful for the discussion.·Failing marks should be given to the paper.·Credits of the course should not be given.·The degree of plagiarizing students should not be granted.·Plagiarizers should be dismissed from school.·Plagiarizers should do some school services as the punishment.TextThat's Outrageous1Tucker Carlson[1] It's a tenth-grader's dream: Your teacher catches you cheating, and your parents take your side. That's exactly what happened last December to a group of (freshman大学一年级学生->) sophomores [二年级学生->junior三年级学生->senior四年级学生) at Piper High School in Piper, Kan (堪萨斯市). Teacher Christine Pelton had assigned her students a semester (=term学期)-long biology project (课题/ 项目). When the kids (children) turned in (=hand in) their papers(essays->thesis), Pelton found that almost (nearly) a quarter (四分之一) of them--28 out of 118--had plagiarized. And not only plagiarized, but plagiarized poorly (差/ 拙劣). According to Pelton, entire (all) sections (parts) of the papers were identical (same), copied from the same Internet websites (网站).[2] She had already warned (warn sb. of sth.) her students about cheating and its consequences (results/ responsibilities). Each of the 28 offenders (cheaters) received a zero on the assignment (homework), and a failing (不及格的) grade (分数) in the class. But only temporarily.[3] Soon parents of the 28 complained to the local school board (当地的教育董事会), refusing to believe their child had cheated. The penalty (a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract处罚/ 刑罚), all the parents said, was too harsh (=severe). And the school board agreed: Pelton was instructed (ordered) to give the cheaters partial (部分的) credit for their work. The cheaters were thrilled (=excited). The next day, Pelton told the Kansas City Star (康萨斯市星报), "I went to my class and tried to teach the kids, but they were whooping (a loud cry expressing joy, excitement, etc) and hollering (shout loudly) and saying, 'We don't have to (needn‟t) listen to you anymore.'"[4] Her authority (权威性) gone, Pelton did the only thing she could: She immediately quit (stop) in protest (抗议). Most teachers don't. At many high schools and universities, cheating is routine (common常见), teacher apathy (the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about something, or things in general; indifference) the norm (n. 正常/常规/常态; standard). A series of (一系列<->serious严重的) studies by Rutgers University professor Donald McCabe found that on most campuses (), more than 75 percent of students cheat. And why wouldn't they? According民意调查/ 大地测绘) of 1,000 faculty (staff全体教职工<->stuff填充材料->stuffy: adj.) members at 21 colleges found that "one-third (三分之一) of those who were aware of (knew/ realized) student cheating in their course in the last two years did nothing to address (discuss/ mention/ deal with) it." In other words, there are far more plagiarists on campus than there are Christine Pelton‟s (school)2.[5] The Internet has made plagiarism particularly (especially特别/ 额外) tempting (=attractive). Dozens of websites with names like school-sucks (吮吸).com offer (give/ provide sb. with sth.) prewritten term papers (期末论文) for (sell->sold->sold->) sale at bargain prices (可以讨价还价)3. (Do you) Need (an essay of) 5,000 words on (female->) Feminist (歧视女性的) Consciousness (意识) and Gender (性别) Roles (角色) in Pre-Columbian Latin America (在哥伦布以前的拉丁美洲)? It's only a mouse click away4.[6] On the other hand, so (逮住作弊者也同样容易) is (discover->) discovery5. Technology (技术<->techniques技巧) has made catching cheaters just as easy (as cheating). Several websites offer software (软件) that automatically compares (->comparison同类事物的对比<->contrast反差) the text (文本论文) against a database (数据库) of thousands of term papers and published If there's a match (n. 匹配), there's likely (possible) plagiarism (剽窃现象).[7] Last year a physics professor at the University of Virginia ran (examined) 1,850 of his students' papers through a service called (网址名称). He came up with (拿出/ 得到) 122 cases (example个案) of plagiarism. Christine Pelton used the same service (服务) to catch the 28 plagiarists in her class. Over the past (=last) few years, dozens of colleges have begun using similar software. But some (colleges) haven't. Why? Because policing (catching) plagiarism might hurt (心灵或肉体的伤害) a cheater's self-esteem (self-image自我形象/ 自尊).[8] When Columbia (University) considered buying anti-plagiarism (反作弊的) software, someopposed (objected to doing sth.) the idea. Catching cheaters shouldn't be "a 'hang 'em out to dry' process6, but rather an educational one (problem)," said Kathleen McDermott, the associate [(1)vt. ~ A with B; (2)adj. deputy) dean (president大学校长或系主任) of academic affairs (学术事务), in an interview with the Columbia Daily Spectator (Spectacle壮观的景色; Spectator旁观者; <<哥伦比亚每日观察报>>). Her (college<->) colleague Sandra Johnson, the associate dean of student affairs, agreed. Columbia should deal with (=cope with) cheaters in a more sensitive [(1)灵敏的, (2)神经质的容易遭到伤害的] enlightened (wise明智的) way, Johnson explained. "When students plagiarize, that usually means there's something else wrong in their lives that needs dealing with7."[9] What sinister (evil) force is driving (forcing) America's college students to cheat? You guessed it: professors. When professors fight plagiarism, warned Rebecca Moore Howard in an op-ed [=opposite editorial: the page in a newspaper opposite the editorial page that contains comment on the news and articles on particular subjects社论对页版或专栏版, 一般登载专栏作家或署名文章] she wrote last year for the Chronicle of Higher Education (高等教育编年史), "we risk becoming the enemies rather than the mentors (an experienced person who advises and helps sb with less experience over a period of time 导师) of our students; we are replacing (substitute: n./ vt.) the student-teacher relationship with (replace A with B) the criminal-police relationship. (bad->worse->) Worst of all, we risk not recognizing that our own pedagogy needs reform. Big (Dramatic/ Revolutionary) reform."[10] As the director (负责人/ 指导者) of the writing program (project) at Syracuse University, Howard would, you'd think, abhor (憎恶) plagiarism above all academic sins (offense/ crime). Sure (surely/ of course/ certainly), she feels obliged to say it's wrong to download someone else's work in toto (totally)8. But in the end (finally/ at last), she sounds more like a skillful (训练有素的/ 技术熟练的) apologist (赔礼道歉者them are working long hours at outside jobs"/ doing part-time jobs) and hen-pecked (惧内的/ 怕老婆的->怕老师的) by perfectionist (a person who likes to do things is not satisfied with anything less) teachers. "We deprive (~ sb. of sth.) them," Howard writes, "of a respectful (下级或晚辈对上级或长辈毕恭毕敬的) audience if we tear apart (destroy撕成两半) the style (manner/ way), grammar and mechanics (组织结构) of their papers, marking every error without discussing with them why it matters (重要)."[11] Plagiarists as victims (牺牲品/ 受害者). Teachers (act/ play) as oppressors (压迫者). It's not your conventional (traditional) reaction (=response) to cheating. Not surprisingly, it has been a hit (=problem) with many college students, just as it was with the plagiarists at Piper High (school). The student newspaper at Stanford ran (published刊登) an editorial (社论) attacking (criticizing) the use of antiplagiarism software as a potential (=possible) violation (breaking犯法) of the school's honor code (校规校纪道/ 德准则)9, which "prohibits (禁止) professors from taking 'unusual and unreasonable (不合理的) precautions (预防措施)' in their academic procedures (程序/ 过程)." Moreover (Furthermore/ Still), the paper said, checking for (examine/ looking for) cheating "might even harm (vt. damage) the relationship between students and faculty."[12] Darcy Jones, a "human performance major (专业的学生)" at San Jose State (University), summed up (=summarize) her opposition (反对意见;~ sth.= object to sth./ doing sth.) to antiplagiarism programs in this way (as follow/ below): "The software is probably (perhaps也许) here (=occur) for the right purpose (goal->objective->purpose->aim)," she told the student daily [(1)adj. 每日的; (2)adv.每天; (3)n.日报], "but it totally (completely/ thoroughly) hurts (=damages)a person's right (n. 权利) to choose whether or not they want" to plagiarize.[13] A person's right to choose (decide) plagiarism. Laugh if you want, but cheating just may be the next civil right (人权).Notes1. That's Outrageous: (very shocking and unacceptable/ electric shock触电) This is a column (栏目) in Reader's Digest and here it is used as the title (标题-> subtitle副标题);) of the article.2. there are ... Christine Pelton’s (school): some teachers are not as responsible as Pelton in catching plagiarists.3. at bargain prices: the prices can be negotiated. Can we make a bargain?能讲价吗?4. It's only a mouse (mice家鼠=rat田鼠) click away: You only need to click the mouse and a deal can be done. I smell some rats. 我觉得这事可疑。
