VeriFire TM Tool Help帮助文件编写人员:陈力纹批准人员:王璀创建日期:2005-09-16文档编号:HW-2500-165修订历史修订号作者批准日期修改内容A 陈力纹王璀2005-09-16创建目录1. Overview 概述 (6)1.1 Welcome to VeriFireTM Tools! (6)欢迎使用VeriFire TM工具! (6)1.2 Getting Started 开始 (6)1.2.1 System Requirements 系统要求 (6)运行程序 (7)Program1.2.2 Runningthe1.2.3 New Edit Session 编辑新数据库 (8)1.3 Working Online 联机操作 (9)1.3.1 Hardware Connection 硬件连接 (9)1.3.2 Online vs. Offline 联机与脱机 (11)1.3.3 Serial Configuration Utility 串口配置工具 (12)1.3.4 Password 密码 (12) Passwords 密码 (12) Change a Node’s Password 改变节点密码 (13)Service 上传/下载服务 (14)1.3.5 Upload/Download1.3.5.1. Upload/Download Service 上传/下载服务 (14) Viewing Log Files 查看记录文件 (15)1.3.6 Monitoring your Network 网络监视 (16) Diagnostic Services 诊断服务 (16)1.4 The VeriFire Tools Environment (17)VeriFire工具环境 (17)1.4.1 Working in VeriFire Tools 用VeriFire工具工作 (17)1.4.2 The Menu Bar 菜单栏 (18)Toolbar 工具栏 (18)1.4.3 The1.4.4 The Shortcut Bar 快捷栏 (19)1.4.5 The Workbook Area 工作簿区 (19)1.4.6 The Status Bar 状态栏 (20)Groups 应用组 (20)1.4.7 Application1.5 Related相关文档 (20)DocumentationDocumentation 相关文档 (21)1.5.1 RelatedVerifire (24)2. Using使用Verifire (24)2.1 Programming the Fire Panel (24)为火灾报警控制器编程 (24)2.1.1 Read Status 读状态 (24)2.1.2 NFS-3030 (25)2.1.3 NFS-640 (58)2.1.4 WorkingSpreadsheetsto Program the Fire Panels (72)with2.1.5 Type Codes 类型代码 (74) Type Codes 类型代码 (74) Type Codes for the NFS-640 NFS-640类型代码 (74) Type Codes for the NFS-3030 NFS-3030类型代码 (82)2.1.6 Program Validation 程序验证 (83)2.2 Programming the NCA NCA编程 (84)2.3 Generating Reports 生成报告 (87)配置工具 (90)2.4 Utilities3. FAQs 常见问题 (93)3.1 How do I customize the VeriFire Environment 如何定义VeriFire环境 (93)3.2 How do I change my Password (93)如何修改密码 (93)3.3 Transmit a Modified Database (94)传送修改的数据库 (94)3.4 Download a Database 下载数据库 (95)3.5 Download an Application Code (96)下载应用程序代码 (96)4. Troubleshooting (97)故障分析 (97)4.1 Why don’t all of the function show up in the Shortcut Bar? (97)为什么不是所有的功能都现在在快捷栏里? (97)4.2 Why does my screen look distorted? (98)为什么我的屏幕看上去是失真的? (98)4.3 Why can’t I see all of the screen? (98)为什么不能看到整个屏幕? (98)4.4 Why is my Upload/Download taking so long? (98)为什么我上传/下载要用那么长时间? (99)4.5 Why does it say “No Valid Connection”?为什么会出现“无效连接”? (99)4.6 Problems with Microsoft Excel (100)Microsoft Excel故障 (100)Notifier (101)5. Contact联系Notifier (101)5.1 Corporate Headquarters 公司总部 (101)技术支持 (101)Support5.2 Technical文档回馈 (102)Feedback5.3 Documentation图图 1 运行程序示意图 (8)图 2 改变节点密码示意图 (14)图 3 查看记录文件示意图 (16)图 4 VeriFire TM 工作环境 (18)图 5 系统编程服务 (26)图 6 系统编程服务 (27)图 7 系统编程服务 (28)图 8 系统编程服务 (29)图 9 系统编程服务 (31)图 10 占用时刻表 (32)图 11 安装ACS映射表 (34)图 12 探测器服务表 (35)图 13 模块服务表 (36)图 14 控制器电路服务表 (37)图 15 通用区域表 (38)图 16 释放区域设置 (38)图 17 自定义动作信息 (40)图 18 释放区域设置 (66)图 19 安装ACS映射表 (87)图 20 文本参数示意图 (91)图 21 调试参数示意图 (92)图 22 改变节点密码示意图 (94)表表 1 参考文档表 (23)表 2 SLC回路配置表 (30)表 3 逻辑等式操作数列表 (44)表 4 系统故障名称和代码表 (55)表 5 系统故障描述表 (58)表 6 SLC回路配置表 (59)表 7 可编程ACS组表 (67)表 8 逻辑等式操作数表 (72)表 9 智能探测器类型代码表 (77)表 10 监视模块类型代码表 (81)表 11 控制模块类型代码表 (82)表 12 多线制电路和NAC类型代码表.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.表 13 智能探测器(NFS-3030)类型代码表.................................Error! Bookmark not defined.表 14 NFS-3030监视模块类型代码表............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.表 15 输出装置类型代码表.............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.1.Overview 概述1.1Welcome to VeriFire TM Tools!欢迎使用VeriFire TM工具!VeriFire TM Tools lets you create and edit database used to program NOTIFIER ONYX Series Fire Panel and related equipment whether or not you are connected to the network. You can use it to perform network diagnostics and view that network’s node and device information. Moreover, with the integrated Up/Download facility, you may upload or download database, firmware, and custom LCD display images.VeriFire TM工具方便创建和编辑数据库,无论是联机或脱机的情况下,都可在该数据库内对NOTIFIER ONYX系列火灾报警控制器和相关设备进行编程。
HP LaserJet P3005 系列打印机 说明书
HP LaserJet P3005 系列打印机用户指南版权与许可未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。
部件号: Q7812-90934Edition 1, 10/2006商标声明Adobe®、Acrobat®和 PostScript®是 Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商标。
Linux 是 Linus Torvalds 在美国的注册商标。
Microsoft®、Windows®和 Windows NT®均为 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
UNIX®是 The Open Group 的注册商标。
ENERGY STAR®和 ENERGY STAR 徽标®均为美国环保署在美国的注册标志。
© 2006 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.HP 产品及服务的保修仅以随该产品及服务提供的书面保修声明为准。
对任何技术或编辑错误或者本文所述内容的遗漏,HP 不承担任何责任。
目录1 设备基本信息设备比较 (2)功能比较 (3)打印机视图 (5)设备部件 (5)接口端口 (6)设备软件 (7)支持的操作系统 (7)支持的打印机驱动程序 (7)选择正确的打印机驱动程序 (7)驱动程序自动配置 (8)立即更新 (8)HP 驱动程序预配置 (8)打印设置优先级 (8)打开打印机驱动程序 (9)用于 Macintosh 计算机的软件 (9)从 Macintosh 操作系统中删除软件 (10)实用程序 (10)HP Web Jetadmin (10)内嵌式 Web 服务器 (10)HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (11)支持的操作系统 (11)支持的浏览器 (11)其它组件和实用程序 (11)2 控制面板概述 (14)控制面板布局 (15)使用控制面板菜单 (17)使用菜单 (17)显示如何操作菜单 (18)检索作业菜单 (19)信息菜单 (20)纸张处理菜单 (21)配置设备菜单 (22)打印子菜单 (22)打印质量子菜单 (24)系统设置子菜单 (26)I/O 子菜单 (28)ZHCN iii复位子菜单 (29)诊断菜单 (30)维修菜单 (31)更改设备控制面板配置设置 (32)更改控制面板设置 (32)更改控制面板设置 (32)显示地址 (32)纸盘动作选项 (33)休眠延迟 (33)个性 (34)可清除警告 (34)自动继续 (35)碳粉盒碳粉不足 (35)碳粉盒碳粉耗尽响应 (35)卡塞恢复 (36)RAM 磁盘 (36)语言 (37)3 输入/输出 (I/O) 配置并行配置 (40)USB 配置 (41)连接 USB 电缆 (41)网络配置 (42)从控制面板手动配置 TCP/IP 参数 (42)设置 IPv4 地址 (42)设置子网掩码 (42)设置默认网关 (43)禁用网络协议(可选) (43)禁用 IPX/SPX (44)禁用 AppleTalk (44)禁用 DLC/LLC (44)增强 I/O (EIO) 配置 (45)HP Jetdirect EIO 打印服务器 (45)4 介质和纸盘一般介质准则 (48)避免使用的纸张 (48)可损坏设备的纸张 (48)一般介质规格 (49)介质注意事项 (50)信封 (50)双侧接缝的信封 (50)带粘性封条或封盖的信封 (50)信封边距 (51)信封存放 (51)标签 (51)标签结构 (51)投影胶片 (51)卡片纸和重磅介质 (52)iv ZHCN卡片纸结构 (52)卡片纸准则 (52)信头纸和预印表格 (52)选择打印介质 (54)支持的介质尺寸 (54)支持的介质类型 (55)打印和纸张存放环境 (56)装入介质 (57)装入纸盘 1(多用途纸盘) (57)自定义纸盘 1 操作 (59)装入纸盘 2 和可选纸盘 3 (59)装入特殊介质 (61)控制打印作业 (62)来源 (62)类型和尺寸 (62)选择出纸槽 (63)打印到顶部出纸槽 (63)打印到后出纸槽 (64)5 打印使用 Windows 设备驱动程序中的功能 (66)创建和使用快速设置 (66)使用水印 (67)调整文档大小 (67)从打印机驱动程序设置自定义纸张尺寸 (67)使用不同纸张和打印封面 (68)打印空白的第一页 (68)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (68)在纸张两面打印 (69)使用自动双面打印 (69)手动双面打印 (70)双面打印的布局选项 (70)使用维修选项卡 (71)使用 Macintosh 设备驱动程序中的功能 (72)创建和使用预置 (72)打印封面 (72)在一张纸上打印多个页面 (72)在纸张两面打印 (73)取消打印作业 (75)从打印机控制面板停止当前打印作业 (75)从软件程序停止当前打印作业 (75)管理存储的作业 (76)6 管理和维护设备使用信息页 (78)配置电子邮件警报 (79)使用 HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (80)打开 HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (80)HP Easy Printer Care 软件各部分 (80)ZHCN v使用内嵌式 Web 服务器 (82)通过网络连接打开内嵌式 Web 服务器 (82)内嵌式 Web 服务器各部分 (82)使用 HP Web Jetadmin 软件 (84)使用适用于 Macintosh 的 HP Printer Utility (85)打开 HP Printer Utility (85)HP Printer Utility 功能 (85)管理耗材 (87)耗材寿命 (87)打印碳粉盒大致更换时间间隔 (87)管理打印碳粉盒 (87)打印碳粉盒存放 (87)使用原装 HP 打印碳粉盒 (87)HP 对非 HP 打印碳粉盒的策略 (87)打印碳粉盒鉴别 (88)HP 打假热线和网站 (88)更换耗材和部件 (89)耗材更换准则 (89)更换打印碳粉盒 (89)清洁设备 (92)清洁外部 (92)清洁送纸道 (92)7 故障排除问题解决检查清单 (94)影响设备性能的因素 (94)问题解决流程图 (95)步骤 1:控制面板显示屏上是否显示“就绪”? (95)步骤 2:您能打印配置页吗? (95)步骤 3:是否能从程序打印? (96)步骤 4:作业是否按预期方式打印? (96)步骤 5:设备是否选择了纸盘? (97)解决一般打印问题 (99)控制面板消息类型 (102)控制面板消息 (103)卡纸常见原因 (116)卡塞位置 (117)卡塞恢复 (117)清除卡纸 (118)从进纸盘区域清除卡纸 (118)清除打印碳粉盒区域中的卡纸 (119)从出纸槽区域清除卡纸 (120)从可选双面打印器清除卡纸 (122)解决重复卡纸 (123)解决打印质量问题 (125)与介质有关的打印质量问题 (125)与环境有关的打印质量问题 (125)与卡纸有关的打印质量问题 (125)图像缺陷示例 (125)vi ZHCN打印颜色浅(部分页面) (127)打印浓度淡(整个页面) (127)斑点 (127)丢字 (128)线条 (128)灰色背景 (128)碳粉污迹 (129)松散的碳粉 (129)重复缺陷 (130)重复图像 (130)变形字符 (130)页面倾斜 (131)卷曲或呈波形 (131)皱纹或折痕 (132)白色垂直线 (132)胎迹 (133)黑底上的白色斑点 (133)分散的线条 (133)模糊打印 (134)随机图像重复 (134)解决网络打印问题 (135)解决常见的 Windows 问题 (136)解决常见的 Macintosh 问题 (137)解决 Linux 问题 (140)解决常见的 PostScript 问题 (141)一般问题 (141)附录 A 耗材和附件订购部件、附件和耗材 (144)直接从 HP 订购 (144)通过服务或支持提供商订购 (144)通过内嵌式 Web 服务器直接订购(适用于连接到网络上的设备) (144)通过内嵌式 Web 服务器订购 (144)直接通过 HP Easy Printer Care 软件订购(适用于直接连接到计算机上的设备) (144)产品号 (145)纸张处理附件 (145)打印碳粉盒 (145)内存 (145)电缆和接口 (145)打印介质 (146)附录 B 服务与支持Hewlett-Packard 有限保修声明 (149)打印碳粉盒有限保修声明 (150)HP 客户服务 (151)联机服务 (151)电话支持 (151)软件实用程序、驱动程序和电子信息 (151)直接订购 HP 附件或耗材 (151)ZHCN viiHP 服务信息 (151)HP 服务协议 (151)HP Easy Printer Care 软件 (151)有关 Macintosh 计算机的 HP 支持及信息 (152)HP 维护协议 (153)现场服务协议 (153)次日现场服务 (153)每周(批量)现场服务 (153)重新包装设备 (153)延长保修期 (153)附录 C 规格物理规格 (156)电气规格 (157)声音规格 (158)操作环境 (159)附录 D 规范信息FCC 规则 (162)环境产品管理计划 (163)保护环境 (163)产生臭氧 (163)能耗 (163)碳粉消耗 (163)纸张使用 (163)塑料 (163)HP LaserJet 打印耗材 (163)HP 打印耗材的退回和回收利用计划信息 (164)纸张 (164)材料限制 (164)欧盟用户丢弃私人废弃设备的规定 (165)材料安全数据表 (MSDS) (165)更多信息 (165)一致性声明 (166)一致性声明 (166)安全声明 (167)激光安全 (167)加拿大 DOC 规则 (167)VCCI 声明(日本) (167)电源线声明(日本) (167)EMI 声明(韩国) (167)芬兰激光声明 (167)附录 E 处理内存和打印服务器卡概述 (170)安装内存 (171)安装设备内存 (171)检查 DIMM 安装 (175)保存资源(永久资源) (176)viii ZHCN为 Windows 启用内存 (177)使用 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (178)安装 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (178)取出 HP Jetdirect 打印服务器卡 (179)词汇 (181)索引 (183)ZHCN ixx ZHCN1设备基本信息设备安装就绪并可以使用后,请花几分钟时间熟悉该设备。
KORENIX JETNET 工业以太网交换机 产品应用手册
Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed SwitchGigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O ServerSerial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din RailPower Supply工业以太网交换机煤矿是一种有效的能源,许多电厂采用这种低成本,高效的燃料来发电。
一个位于波兰西里西亚地区的著名的煤矿,选用芯惠通JetNet 5010G 千兆网管型交换机用于数据传输,满足该项目可靠性和有效性要求。
JetNet 5010G 支持RSR(Rapid Super Ring)冗余网管功能,以及其它许多融合了尖端技术的软硬件功能,使其更加符合煤矿应用的严格要求。
最终确定选用JetNet 5010G 有多方面的原因,其一是它的灵活性。
JetNet 5010G 配备3个RJ-45/SFP combo 可选端口,可灵活的搭配不同的网络传输距离,支持从Cat-5线缆的100米到单模光口的70KM 。
JetNet 5010G 还支持RSR(Rapid Super Ring)快速冗余环网,自愈时间小于5ms ,以及千兆网络保障网络质量。
此外,他们还选用了Korenix 的串口设备联网服务器JetPort 5604i ,用于连接矿区各类串口设备(例如,传输带)。
使用Korenix 以太网产品搭建煤矿通讯网络,保障了煤矿开采操作的安全性和高效性。
光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统使用说明书北京奥普智信光科技术有限公司目录1概述 02光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统主要技术指标 02.1光纤光栅感温火灾探测器 02.2光纤光栅感温火灾信号处理器 03光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统主要功能 (1)4光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统基本组成 (1)4.1光纤光栅感温火灾探测器 (2)4.2光缆 (2)4.3光纤接续盒 (2)4.4AP658-02B-40-4815II型光纤光栅感温火灾信号处理器 (2)1)光纤光栅解调器前面板 (3)2)光纤光栅解调器后面板 (5)5可视化监控软件 (7)6 系统安装 (8)6.1连接关系 (8)6.2系统安装 (8)6.3系统参数设置 (10)7操作使用 (10)7.1启动运行 (10)7.2系统故障状态 (10)7.3系统预警状态 (10)7.4系统火灾状态 (10)7.5系统正常状态 (11)7.6消除报警声音 (11)8 维护与保养 (11)8.1操作注意事项 (11)8.2日常维护与保养 (11)9 常见故障及排除方法 (11)1概述光纤光栅感温火灾报警探测系统是一种新型的温度探测报警系统。
从光纤光栅感温探测器到监控中心光纤光栅感温火灾信号处理器传输全部采用光信号,实现无电检测,本质安全防爆,适合于石油、化工、电力等场所使用2光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统主要技术指标2.1 光纤光栅感温火灾探测器1)测温范围:-30℃~120℃2)测量精度:±2℃3)温度分辨率:0.1℃4)响应时间: < 2S5)光信号最大传输距离:≤10km6)相对湿度:≤90%2.2 光纤光栅感温火灾信号处理器1)电源供电方式: 220V AC 50Hz2)报警温度设定范围:65℃~105℃3)每通道最大传感器点数:20个/通道4)信号处理器每一通道响应时间:<0.38s5)测量光缆通道数:1~64通道6)环境温度:-5~50℃7)相对湿度:≤90%3光纤光栅感温火灾探测系统主要功能1)具有自检功能,可实时监测运行状况,并对故障点进行报警2)定温报警温度设置:65℃~105℃,参数可现场设置3)报警级别设定:预警、火警2级报警4)报警设备上具有人工复位按钮,出现报警后必须人工复位后才能取消报警信号。
The “threshold value” can be set by utilizing either “2-point teaching”, “limit teaching”, or “full-auto teaching”.
* When the FX-305(P) is in window comparator mode, the “threshold value” can be set by either “1-point
Diagram of functions and settings
Selection Guide Fibers Fiber
FX-500 FX-100 FX-300 FX-410 FX-311 FX-301-F7/ FX-301-F
Light Emitting Amount Selection Changes the light emitting amount selection setting. [FX-301(P)(-HS), FX-305(P) only]
● Stable sensing comparison
Even greater sensing range
OFSPDF文件内容:OFSPDF文件内容:OFS InvisiLight Optical Solu
Features • EZ-Bend ® G.657.B3 Optical Fiber with 2.5 mm bend radius • Complete installation kit • Adhesive and Application Tool Product DescriptionOFS InvisiLight ® Optical Solutions offer a revolutionary system that enables fast, easyand virtually invisible optical fiber installations for indoor living units (ILUs) and multipledwelling units (MDUs). The InvisiLight ILU Solution consists of a single optical fiber forfiber-in-the-home (FITH) installations, whereas the InvisiLight MDU Solution consists ofa 12-fiber unit for building hallways.These InvisiLight Optical Solutions eliminate the need for large-form-factor optical fibercables, unsightly staples, wire molding or unreliable tapes. They also make installationsafer by not requiring installers to enter attics or other hard-to-access areas. The installeralso uses a safe, simple and innovative process to adhere the optical fiber, resulting in aprotected link that blends seamlessly into the residential or building décor.Please refer to the InvisiLight Optical Solutions brochure that describes the solutionsin greater detail.Benefits• Corner and décor friendly• Simple and easy installation withminimal tools•Fast, repeatable processInvisiLight ILU Solution installed in a residence InvisiLight MDU Solution installed in a building hallwayInvisiLight ILU Solution - Indoor Living Units Product Overview • Plug and Play • Factory terminated • Auto-slack storage on spool in module • EZ-Bend ® 900 µm buffered fiber compliant with G.657.B3 Fully splice compatible with outstanding macrobending performance (1 turn at 1550 nm):• < 0.1 dB loss at 5 mm bend radius • < 0.2 dB loss at 2.5 mm bend radius • Capable of supporting a maximum of 30 outside and 30 inside corners Standards and Testing • Meets Telcordia GR-326 simplex connector standard • Fiber and adhesive system is UL-1651 compliant • RoHS compliant; free from heavy metals and environmentally friendly. Nonhazardous to human touch and creates negligible waste • Fully tested for compatibility with most wall and ceiling materials (contact OFS for a complete list)• Easily painted with both latex and oil-based paints InvisiLight Adhesive • Opaque color during application; turns clear after approximately 1 hour • Set Time: 15 minutes Tack-Free Time: 45 minutes Full Cure Time: 24 hours depending on temperature, humidity, and thickness of adhesive • Long term storage is best at room temperature. Keep the adhesive tubes from freezing and below +38 ºC. Operating Temperature (Cured): -40 ºC to +60 ºC Installation Temperature:≥ +10 ºC2 | TAKE A CLOSER LOOK Almost invisible to the human eyeInvisiLight ® Optical Solutions InvisiLight ILU Solution - Indoor Living UnitsInvisiLight®Optical Solutions | 3 301083382NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-MODULE KIT-05M-EAConnectorized 5-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301083390NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-MODULE KIT-10M-EAConnectorized 10-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301099115NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-MODULE KIT-20M-EAConnectorized 20-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301099123NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-MODULE KIT-30M-EAConnectorized 30-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301099131NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-MODULE KIT-40M-EAConnectorized 40-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, module 301122099NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-80x80 KIT-05M-EAConnectorized 5-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301122107NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-80x80 KIT-10M-EAConnectorized 10-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301117271NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-80x80 KIT-20M-EAConnectorized 20-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301117289NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-80x80 KIT-30M-EAConnectorized 30-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, modulee/w adapter, four (4) wall plugs and caps, one (1) through-wall tool and instructions 301117297NVSLGHTC-D-SCASCA-80x80 KIT-40M-EAConnectorized 40-meter spool, six (6) inside and outside corner protectors, module 301083184NVSLGHTC-TUBE, 30ML ADHESIVE WH/GR-TIP EA30mL adhesive tube301142105NVSLGHTC-TUBE, 55ML ADHESIVE WH/GR-55mL adhesive tube301079109NVSLGHTC-MINI DISPENSING TOOL Dispensing tool for adhesive application301079638NVSLGHTC-TOOL BELT KITTool belt kit includes case, screwdrivers, drill bits, utility knife, visual fault locatorand tape measure301115671NVSLGHTC-Pole Extension Tool InvisiLight pole extension toolThe InvisiLight ILU Solution Kit includes: a module for storing the remaining fiber on the spool, connectorized InvisiLight spool, six (6) outside corner bend limiters, six (6) inside corner bend limiters, four (4) wall plugs and caps, two (2) through-wall tools and installation instructions. The spools contain varying lengths of connectorized fiber up to 40 meters. The adhesive, adhesive application tool and pole extension tool are sold separately.Through-Wall Tooland Package of Four (4) Wall CoversInside and OutsideCorner Protectors(Package of 10 each)Adhesive Dispensing Tooland Adhesive (in tube)80 x 80 Adapter Moduleor Living Unit Entry Pointto connect the ILU to theoutside optical fiberInvisiLight® Optical SolutionsInvisiLight ILU Solution - Ordering GuideLC UPC 0.25/0.55-55 dB -10 to +60 °C > +10 °C LC APC 0.5/0.05-65 dB -10 to +60 °C > +10 °C SC UPC 0.3/0.05-55 dB -10 to +60 °C > +10 °C SC APC 0.5/0.05-65 dB -10 to +60 °C > +10 °C MTP APC 0.75/0.05-50 dB -10 to +60 °C > +10 °CInvisiLight MDU Solution - Building Hallways Product Overview • Four fiber count cords are available:• Four (4), eight (8) and twelve (12) color-coded optical fibers, within a 2 mm outer diameter (OD) sheath • Sixteen (16) color-coded optical fibers, within a 2.3 mm outer diameter (OD) sheath • EZ-Bend ® Optical Fiber, compliant with G.657.B3. Fully splice compatible with outstanding macrobending performance (1 turn at 1550 nm):• < 0.1 dB loss at 5 mm bend radius • < 0.2 dB loss at 2.5 mm bend radius • Capable of supporting a maximum of 40 outside corners with no limit on inside corners • Field termination required at the living unit (field-installable connector or pigtail splice)• Must be installed in riser-rated conduit in risers, in-between floors, through firewalls or when not adhered to a supporting surface Standards and Testing • Meets Telcordia GR-326 and GR-1435 standards • The Invisilight Multifiber cord is OFNG-FT4, OFNR-LS, and UL 1666 OFNR-LS • RoHS compliant; free from heavy metals and environmentally friendly; nonhazardous to human touch and creates negligible waste • Fully tested for compatibility with most wall and ceiling materials; easily painted with both latex and oil-based paints InvisiLight Adhesive • Opaque color during application; turns clear after approximately 1 hour • Set Time: 15 minutes Tack-Free Time: 45 minutes Full Cure Time: 24 hours depending on temperature, humidity, and thickness of adhesive • Long term storage is best at room temperature. Keep the adhesive tubes from freezing and below +38 ºC. Operating Temperature (Cured): -40 ºC to +60 ºC Installation Temperature:≥ +10 ºC 4 | Related Product The 12-Fiber SlimBox™ Modulewith internal adapters is anexcellent choice for terminatingor splicing the 12 fibers from theInvisiLight Multfiber Cord in a telecom or hallway closet.InvisiLight ® Optical Solutions InvisiLight MDU Solution - Building HallwaysThe InvisiLight MDU Solution kit includes: a spool of the InvisiLight Multifiber Cord with 12 EZ-Bend Optical Fibers, 12 Point-of-Entry (POE) modules, 20 outside corner bend limiters, 20 inside corner bend limiters, 12 wall plugs and caps, two (2) through-wall tools and installation instructions. The InvisiLight Multifiber Cord is available in lengths of 100 and 300 meters with custom lengths upon request. The adhesive (in tubes), adhesive application tool and pole extension tool are sold separately.InvisiLight ® Optical Solutions InvisiLight MDU Solution - Ordering GuideInvisiLight ®Optical Solutions | 5301140653NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-16-100M EA Unconnectorized 16-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 16 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140661NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-16-300M EA Unconnectorized 16-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, 16 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140596NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-16-100M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 16-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 16 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140604NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-16-300M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 16-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,301117149NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-Module Kit-12-100M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301139408NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-MODULE KIT-12-200M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,200 meters, 12 point-of-entry (Large POE) modules and components 301117156NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-Module Kit-12-300M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117180NVSLGHTHI-D-MTFUNC-Module Kit-12-100M-EA MPO (Ribbon) connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit, 100meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117198NVSLGHTHI-D-MTFUNC-Module Kit-12-300M-EA MPO (Ribbon) connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit, 300meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117164NVSLGHTHI-D-LCAUNC-Module Kit-12-100M-EA LC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117172NVSLGHTHI-D-LCAUNC-Module Kit-12-300M-EA LC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117123NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-Module Kit-12-100M-EA Unconnectorized 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit, 100 meters, includes 12 point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301117131NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-Module Kit-12-300M-EA Unconnectorized 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit, 300 meters, includes 12 point of entry (POE) modules and components 301127007NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-CMODUL KIT-12-100M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 12 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301126942NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-CMODUL KIT-12-200M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,200 meters, 12 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301133617NVSLGHTHI-D-SCAUNC-CMODUL KIT-12-300M-EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 12-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,301140638NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-08-100M EA Unconnectorized 8-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 8 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140646NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-08-300M EA Unconnectorized 8-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, 8 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140570NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-08-100M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 8-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 8 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140588NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-08-300M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 8-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, 8 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and componentsInvisiLight Multifiber Cord shipped on a spoolInvisiLight ® Optical SolutionsInvisiLight MDU Solution - Ordering Guide Continued6 | 301140612NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-04-100M EA Unconnectorized 4-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 4 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140620NVSLGHTHI-D-UNCUNC-CMODUL KIT-04-300M EA Unconnectorized 4-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,300 meters, 4 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140562NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-04-100M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 4-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,100 meters, 4 compact point-of-entry (POE) modules and components 301140554NVSLGHTHI-D-SASUNC-CMODUL KIT-04-300M EA SC-APC connectorized (one end) 4-fiber InvisiLight Multifiber Unit,301107447NVSLGHTH-Module E/W LCA ADAPTER Additional point-of-entry (POE) module with LC-APC adapter 301107454NVSLGHTH-Module E/W SCA ADAPTER Additional point-of-entry (POE) module with SC-APC adapter 301107462NVSLGHTH-Module E/W SPLICE TRAY Additional point-of-entry (POE) module with splice tray 301123998NVSLGHTH-COMPACT-MODULE W/ LCA ADAPTER Additional compact point-of-entry (POE) module with LC-APC adapter 301117883WSC1W-012-SBM0-BGE-MTMUNC-F 12-fiber SlimBox module with MPO adapter 301117891WSC1W-012-SBM0-BGE-SCAUNC-F 12-fiber SlimBox module with SC-APC adapter 301117909WSC4W-012-SBM0-BGE-LCUUNC-F 12-fiber SlimBox module with LC-APC adapter 301085551WSC1W-012-SBM0-BGE-SCAUNC-F-PT 12-fiber SlimBox module with SC-APC adapter and pigtails 301117917WSC4W-012-SBM0-BGE-LCUUNC-F-PT 12-fiber SlimBox module with SC-APC adapter and pigtails 301120986NVSLGHTH-MID Span Tool 12-fiber multifiber cord access tool 301079109NVSLGHTC-MINI Dispensing Tool Adhesive dispensing tool 301079638NVSLGHTC-Tool Belt Kit InvisiLight tool belt kit 301115671NVSLGHTC-Pole Extension Tool InvisiLight pole extension tool 301083184NVSLGHTC-TUBE, 30ML ADHESIVE WH/GR-TIP EA 30mL adhesive tubeContact OFS Today!InvisiLight ® 80x80 Wall ModulePoint-of-Entry Module 12-FiberSlimBox ™ Module InvisiLight ® Optical Solutions | 7InvisiLight ® Optical Solutions for Home and Business 100X Faster Speeds for the Internet of All ThingsFor additional information please contact your sales representative.You can also visit our website at or call 1-888-fiberhelp (1-888-342-3743) USA or 1-770-798-5555 outside the USA.SlimBox is a trademark and InvisiLight and EZ-Bend are registered trademarks of OFS Fitel, LLC.OFS reserves the right to make changes to the prices and product(s) described in this document atany time without notice. This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended to modifyor supplement any OFS warranties or specifications relating to any of its products or services. Copyright © 2018 OFS Fitel, LLC.All rights reserved, printed in USA.OFS Marketing Communications Doc ID: FAP-263 Date: 0118A Furukawa Company。
三菱電機可程式控制器 MELSEC iQ-F系列 FX5S-30M□ □, FX5S-40M□ □,
©Mitsubishi ElectricCorporation三菱電機可程式控制器MELSEC iQ-F系列FX5S-30M□/□, FX5S-40M□/□,FX5S-60M□/□©Mitsubishi ElectricCorporation2目次目次1.特點………………………P32.實現IoT………………………P73.國際標準………………………P144.規格………………………P155.產品陣容………………………P21©Mitsubishi Electric Corporation3輕鬆上手,簡單易用紧凑型CPU模組,內藏Ethernet端口。
具有高性價比的MELSEC iQ-F系列不僅簡單易用,基本性能強大,而且機型選擇更簡單、利用更輕鬆。
產品陣容CPU模組繼電器輸出R 電晶體輸出(NPN型)T1電晶體輸出(PNP型)T21.特點FX5-SDCD擴充版SD記憶卡模組(FX5S專用)FX5S-30MT/ESS AC DC T2FX5S-30MT/ES AC DC T1FX5S-30MR/ES AC DC R AC電源AC DC輸入(NPN型/PNP型)DCFX5S-60MT/ESS AC DC T2FX5S-60MT/ES AC DC T1FX5S-60MR/ES AC DC R FX5S-40MT/ESS AC DC T2FX5S-40MT/ES AC DC T1FX5S-40MR/ES AC DC R©Mitsubishi Electric Corporation4便捷功能!指令處理時間(LD、MOV指令)84ns48k步無需電池I/O點數最大80點定位4軸(100kHz)高速計數器8ch 內藏Ethernet,支持CC-Link IE現場網路Basic,強化了與三菱電機FA設備和各合作廠商產品的聯動。
Endress+Hauser FieldCare SFE500 通用现场设备调试软件操作手册说明书
Products Solutions Services操作手册FieldCare SFE500通用现场设备调试软件,适用于HART、PROFIBUS、基金会现场总线(FF)、Modbus、IO-Link、Ethernet/IP和PROFINETBA00065S/28/ZH/11.20715224472020-10-23变更历史FieldCare SFE500变更历史2Endress+HauserFieldCare SFE500目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1文档功能 (4)1.2信息图标 (4)1.2.1安全图标 (4)1.2.2特定信息图标 (4)1.2.3FieldCare 信息图标 (5)1.3文本重点 (6)1.4使用的首字母缩略词 (6)1.5文档资料 (6)1.6注册商标 (7)2基本安全指南 (8)2.1人员要求 (8)2.2指定用途 (8)2.3产品安全 (8)2.4IT 安全 (9)3产品描述 (10)3.1软件功能 (10)3.1.1软件许可证管理(SLM) (10)3.1.2用户角色 (10)3.2应用 (11)4安装 (12)5操作 (13)5.1启动FieldCare。
(13)5.2链接FieldCare 到W@M Portal。
(13)5.2.1在FieldCare 中进行设置。
(13)5.2.2在FieldCare Administration 中进行设置。
(14)5.2.3在W@M Portal 中集成心跳校验 (17)5.3用户界面 (18)5.4常规设置 (18)5.4.1项目设置 (18)5.4.2扫描设置 (18)5.4.3工厂视图 (19)5.4.4网络视图 (21)5.5常规功能 (21)5.6验证网络 (21)6系统集成 (23)6.1设置IP 地址 (23)6.2Windows 防火墙 (23)7操作 (25)7.1设置显示语言 (25)7.2创建项目 (25)7.3保存项目 (26)7.4打开保存的项目 (27)7.5CSV 导出和导入 (27)7.6DTM 信息...........................277.7显示DTM 目录.......................287.8更新DTM 目录.......................288诊断和故障排除...................298.1常规故障排除........................299软件更新.. (30)文档信息FieldCare SFE5001 文档信息1.1 文档功能《操作手册》包含使用软件所需的所有信息:从产品标识、安装和使用,至系统集成、操作、诊断和故障排除,以及软件更新和废弃。
IP 地址
Page 33
3.1 PROFINET IO 的使用 3.1.2 对IO Controller 进行硬件组态
这时,会看到CPU控制器的PN-IO 左侧出现一个轨线图标,说明已经 建立了一个名字为Ethernet(1)的子网。如果没有出现轨线图标,右击 PN-IO 在出现的菜单栏中单击Insert PROFINE IO system
硬件配置 编译界面
Page 13
2.2 硬件组态步骤 2.2.3 保存编译并下载
编译完成后,SIMATTC Manager 显示与硬件相关的安全程序
系统自动生成与安全有关的块为黄色图标并处于加密状态,每个安全模 块都对于生成一个安全数据块F-I/O DB(红色框内)。 F-I/O DB作用很 大,判定是否钝化以及模板故障排除后需要完全去钝,都需要访问F-I/O DB来完成。
Page 24
2.4 CPU319F-3 PN/DP 的功能介绍 2.4.2 模式选择开关
•RUN(运行)位置 •STOP(停止)位置 •MRES(清除存储器):复位存储器,使CPU回到初始状态
Page 25
2.4 CPU319F-3 PN/DP 的功能介绍 2.4.2 特殊功能
采用冗余的多处理器结构。各个处理器之间相互监控,一旦出现不一 致,立刻使控制器处于安全状态,并且发出报警信息;同时,对内部的 RAM,EPROM,输入输出寄存器等元件进行实时监控,并且采用特殊 的测试脉冲对输入信号和输出被控元件进行检测,如出现任何不安全隐 患,控制器立刻切换至安全保护状态。
Page 17
JetNet 3008f 工业级 8 口快速以太网光纤交换机说明书
Industrial Ethernet Switch164Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power SupplyIndustrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber SwitchJetNet 3008f6 10/100TX Ports with Auto MDI/MDI-X2 100FX, Multi-mode/Single-modeCompact size with full power redundancy2.0Gbps Switch FabricQoS for packet forwarding precedenceBroadcast storm packet filteringPort and power event alarmIP-31 aluminum alloy caseDIN-Rail mountDual power input DC12~48VAC 1.5KV Hi-pot isolation protectionThe JetNet 3008f is a new generation of the 8-port compact Fast Ethernet switch equipped with 2.0Gbps Packet Switch engine as particular packet forwarding and filtering mechanism to fulfill industrial communications on the filed sites. It provides the graceful packet forwarding ability to handle 64~1552 packet size into 2 priority queues which comply with quality of service for the best data forwarding performance. In addition, for the best network performance both of broadcast storm filtering and flow control functions can ensure your data traffic deliver to destination without traffic congestion. To avoid interferences as well as to extend the network coverage, JetNet 3008fimplements 2 100Mbps fiber ports with multi-mode 2KM or single-mode 30KM transceiver in order to achieve stable and long-distant transmissions.To survive under hazard environments, it is equipped with 2 redundant power inputs, as the wide range input avoiding any power interruption and also operating between -25~70o C temperature range. For the purpose of easy maintenance, JetNet 3008f has one alarm-relay for port link events and power events via alarm to assist engineers with notifications on the filed sites. With the JetNet 3008f, users enjoy the superiority and the reliable performance on the filed site applications.OverviewThe JetNet 3008f has dual DC24V inputs, and can also operate on 12V~48V. Dual power inputs and built-in reverse power polarity protection are designed as the redundant power system to ensure power continuity. With the 1.5KV Hi-Pot isolation protection, CE/FCC regulatory approvals, and 5-year global warranty, the JetNet is the reliable choice for hazardous applications.Redundant Power Inputs & True ReliabilityRoHS165JetNet 3008f require no user setup and immediatelystart operating as soon as you power them up. Excellent data transmission performance is Plug-and-Play Switch & High-Speed Transmission provided for you. No traffic will be delayed with the transmission rate up to 2.0Gbps.Dimensions (Unit –mm)Industrial Ethernet Switch166Industrial PoE Switch IP67/68 Ethernet Switch Rackmount Managed Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking Computer Communication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter Multiport Serial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power SupplyMin Tx Power:-20dBm Max Tx Power:-14dBm Min Rx Sensitivity:0dBm Max Rx Sensitivity:-31dBm Link budget:11dBm JetNet 3008f-s Link Distance: 30KM (Max.)Wave-length:1310nm Min Tx Power:-15dBm Max Tx Power:-8dBm Min Rx Sensitivity:0dBm Max Rx Sensitivity:-34dBm Link budget:19dBm Diagnostic LED:Per system: Power (Green) x210/100TX port: 10/100TX port: Link (Green on) / Activity (Green blinking)100Mbps Link (Yellow on)/ 10Mbps Link (Yellow off)100Mbps Fiber: Link (Green on)/Activity (Green blinking)Alarm: Port /Power Event (Red on)Power Requirements System Power: 2 Power inputs with redundancy and polarity reverse protection Voltage: DC 24V (12~48V) Power Consumption: 12 Watts @ DC 24V Mechanical Installation: DIN-Rail mount Case: IP-31 grade aluminum metal case Dimension:120mm(H) x 55mm (W) x 108mm (D) ( without DIN rail clip)Weight:0.97kg with package 0.54kg without package Environmental Operating Temperature: -25 ~70C Operating Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing)Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 85 C Storage Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing)Regulatory Approvals EMI: FCC class A, CE/EN55022 class A EMS: EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11Shock: IEC60068-2-27 Vibration: IEC60068-2-6 Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32MTBF: 400,000hours *MIL-HDBK-217F GB(MILITARY HANDBOOK) standard Warranty: 5 years SpecificationTechnology Standard:IEEE802.3 10Base-T IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX, 100Base-FX IEEE802.3x Flow Control IEEE802.1p Class of Service IEEE802.1Q Quality of Service Switch Technology:Store and forward technology with 2.0Gbps Switch Fabric System Performance Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49Mpps MAC Address: 2K MAC Packet Buffer: 448Kbits Transfer Packet Size: 148,80pps for Ethernet 10Base-T 148810pps for Fast Ethernet Packet size from 64~1552 Bytes ( Long Packet forwarding ability)Broadcast storm control: Default enabled.Broadcast Traffic threshold: 200 packets/ Sec.@100Mbps; 20 packets/Sec. @ 10Mbps Class of Service: Provides 2 packet forwarding Queues: High Queue (4~7), Low Queue (0~3)Quality of Service: Default Enabled. Supports VLAN tag priority and IPv4 packet precedence Event alarm relay: Provides port and power event alarm; Enabled by 9-PIN Dipswitch Interface Number of Ports:6 x 10/100 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation function 2 100Mbps Fiber in multi-mode (JetNet 3008f-m) or single-mode (JetNet 3008f-s)Connectors: 10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45100Mbps Fiber: SC Power: Terminal Block Alarm relay: Terminal block connector with 1A @DC24V carry ability Cables: CAT-3, CAT-4, CAT-5 or CAT-5e unshielded twisted pair or shielded twisted pair cable. The Link distance is 100 meters in maximum.JetNet 3008f-m: multi-mode optical fiber, 50~62.5/125um, 2KM JetNet 3008f-s: single-mode optical fiber, 8~10/125um, 30KM Fiber Transceiver: JetNet 3008f-m Link Distance: 2KM (Max.)Wave-length: 1310nm Ordering InformationJetNet 3008f-m !Industrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch, 2 SC/Multi-mode, 2KM JetNet 3008f-s !Industrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch, 2 SC/Single-mode, 30KM Includes:JetNet 3008f-m / JetNet 3008f-sQuick Installation GuideCD User manual。
Datasensor S7系列光纤光电感应器产品介绍说明书
10 bit resolution models with 500 µs response for high operating distances12 bit resolution models with 100 µs response and 4 digit display for high speed EASYtouch TM push button setting with remote control, keylock and output delayThe ultra-thin housing is specificallydesigned for side-by-side mountingon DIN rail where space is limited ormounting through two M3 clearanceholes onto the side of a machine.The CLEARLOCK TM fibre-optic fixingsystem assists reliable insertion ofstandard and high performance2.2mm Ø fibre-optics. TheEASYtouch TM one touch settingprocedure automatically selects thebest detection conditions. Forcritical applications a two touchsetting is provided for fine tuning. S7benefits from remote teach, keypadlock and delay off timing functions.For further information on ourextensive range of fibre-opticaccessories please see our OFdatasheet.DIMENSIONSINDICATORS AND SETTINGSACCESSORIESFor dedicated accessories refer to theACCESSORIES section of this catalogueRefer also to Fibre-Optics (A.02), Connectors(A.03) and Fixing brackets (A.04)of the GeneralCatalogueABCDEFGHIS7-2/3Teach-in button for setting.EASYtouch™ provides two setting modes: standard or fine.Please refer to instructions manual for operating detailsS7-5/6ABOUTPUT status andREADY/ERROR LEDsTeach-in push-buttonM8 connector outputCable output4 digit displaySTATUS signallingLEDsOUTPUT status LED‘+’e ‘-’buttons(ADJUST/MENU)Fibre lock/unlock buttonEFGHICONNECTIONSCLEARLOCKDCIM8x1DETECTION DIAGRAMSTECHNICAL DATA SELECTION TABLETECHNICAL NOTES1 Limit values2Average life of 100.000 h with T A= +25 °C4Active with remote at +V at power on5PVC, 4 x 0.14 mm23Connect to 0 V when remote wire not used6A- reverse polarity protectionB - overload and short circuit protection* standard fibre-opticsS7-2/5 proximity *S7-3/6 proximity *S7-3/6 through beam *White 90%Standard fibre-optics:OF-42-ST-20 proximityOF-43-ST-20 through beamHigh efficiency fibre-optics or accessorylenses can be used to obtain largeroperating distances. Refer to Fibre-optics(A.02) of the GeneralCatalogueGrey 18%White 90%Grey 18%ACCESSORIES - SELECTION AND ORDER INFORMATIONMODEL DESCRIPTION CODE N°ST-505 1 pc ‘L’- shaped fixing support 95ACC1300CRD-5000 1 pc fixing support on DIN rail95ACC1290Refer also to Accessories for Sensors of the General CatalogueHEADQUARTERSDATASENSOR SpAvia Lavino, 265 - 40050 Monte San Pietro, BO - Italy Tel. +39 051/6765611 • Fax +39 051/6759324•*************************Datasensor SpA endeavours to continuously improve and renew its products; for this reason thetechnical data and contents of this catalogue may undergo variations without prior notice. For correct installation and use Datasensor SpA can guarantee only the data indicated in the instruction manual supplied with the products.CRD-5000ST-505。
JetNet 3005 和 JetNet 3008 工业级快速以太网开关说明书
916SHFL¿FDWLRQ Ordering Information JetNet 3005 Industrial 5-port Fast Ethernet Switch Includes: JetNet 3005 Wall mount panel Quick Installation Guide JetNet 3008 Industrial 8-port Fast Ethernet Switch Includes:JetNet 3008Wall mount panel Quick Installation Guide Power Requirements System Power: 2 power input by terminal block Input Voltage: DC 24V (12~48V) with reverse polarity protection.Power Consumption: JetNet 3005: 2.5 Watts @ DC 24V JetNet 3008: 4.0 Watts @ DC 24V Mechanical Installation:DIN-Rail mount or Wall Mount Case:IP-31 grade aluminum metal case Dimension:135mm(H) x 53mm (W) x 105mm (D) ( without DIN rail clip)Weight:1.016kg with package, 0.68kg without package Environmental Operating Temperature: -20 ~70O C Operating Humidity: 5% ~ 95%, (non-condensing)Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 85 O C Hi-Pot:1.2KV for all ports and power Regulatory Approvals EMI:FCC Class A, CE/EN55022.EMS:EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6,EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11Safety:CE/EN60950Shock:IEC60068-2-27Vibration: IEC60068-2-6Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32MTBF:JetNet 3005:448,564 Hours JetNet 3008: 453,653 Hours MIL-HDBK-217F GB standard Warranty:5 years Technology Standard:IEEE802.3 10Base-T IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX ,((( [ ÀRZ FRQWURO Switch Technology:Store and forward technology and with 3.2Gbps switch bandwidth Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49Mpps MAC Address: 1K MAC Packet Buffer: 512Kbits Transfer performance: 14,880pps for Ethernet and 148,800pps for Fast Ethernet and handle packet size from 64 to 1522Bytes Interface Number of Ports:JetNet 3005:5 x 10/100 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation function JetNet 3008:8 x 10/100 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation function Connectors:10/100TX: RJ-45Terminal Block: 6-pin for 2 x power input and 1 relay output DC power Jack x 1 Cables:CAT-3, CAT-4, CAT-5 unshielded twisted pair or shielded twisted pair cable. The Link distance is 100 meters in maximum Diagnostic LED:Per system: Power (green) x3Per RJ-45 port: Link (green on)/Activity(green blinking), Full J e t N e t 3005 / 3008I nd u s t r ia l 5/8-p o r tF a s t E t h e r n e t S w i t c h。
科曼 JetNet 3705 工业 PoE 网络交换机 使用指南说明书
51OverviewFour 10/100 TX Power Over Ethernet ports and one 10/100 TX uplink port30KM for Single-Mode / 2KM for Multi-Mode Fiber Uplink Port 15.4W Full Power Delivery per PoE Port Relay Alarm for Port FailureTerminal Block Power Input for Industrial Application. DC Jack Power Input for External Power Adapter End-Point PoE Architecture Easy Configuration by DIP SwitchDIN-Rail/ Wall-mounting and Desktop Installation-20~70oC operating temperature for hazardous environment application (JetNet 3705-w -40~70oC)JetNet 3705, the winner of Best Choice of Computex Taipei 2007 Award, is an I ndustrial PoE switch delivers powers over UTP/STP cable not only yield a cost-effective and space-saving network, but also improve power utilization and centralize power management. The JetNet 3705 is equipped with 4 PoE injector switch ports, delivers up to 15.4 watts in each port, and one 10/100Base TX Up-link port forwarding data to the remote end. The JetNet 3705 conforms to I EEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard. The Power over Ethernet technology can power up PoE enabled powered devices in full capability, e.g. IP surveillance camera, wireless Access Point,VoI P phone set, POS system, industrial sensors, controllers and security card reader. By connecting an external DC 48V power supply, JetNet 3705 is able to perform power and data transmission to send/receive over the same UTP/STP cable in each of the four PoE ports.To meet the requirements of operating under harsh environment, JetNet 3705 uses a robust aluminum case, offers IP31 protection, and supports alarm relay output. The JetNet 3705 provides standard industrial terminal block for the power and alarm relay contact output to alarm any port malfunction or power failure. For the user's convenience, it also provides a DC jack for the traditional AC/DC power adapter.Korenix JetNet 3705 is an I ndustrial 4-port PoE injector Switch with one 10/100TX Up-link port. The PoE port provides 10/100Mbps Ethernet speed and is conformed to IEEE802.3af PSE standard with 15.4W full power forwarding ability.To meet requirements of Industrial application, JetNet 3705 equipped 2 power inputs and provides real-time relay alarm mechanism for the power or port eventalert. To operate correctly in a harsh environment, JetNet 3705 adopts aluminum case with excellent heat radiation, and the self-diagnostic LED display including power, port link and PoE power status on the top of the switch for real time monitoring.The JetNet 3705 is compliant with I EEE802.3af standard plus over current and short current protections to avoid damaging other powered device.Industrial 5-port Unmanaged PoE SwitchJetNet 3705 / 3705-w48V Power Over Ethernet SystemRoHSIndustrial PoE SwitchIndustrial PoE SwitchIP67/68 Ethernet Switch RackmountManaged Switch Gigabit Switch Redundant Switch Entry-Level Switch Networking ComputerCommunication Computer Ethernet I/O Server Serial Device Server Media Converter MultiportSerial Card SFP Module Din Rail Power Supply52High Layer SwitchMonitor & Control CenterData & DC48VPoE IP Camera Wireless APCeiling Type PoE IP CameraIP Surveillance AppicationOutdoor2 x DC48V InputAlarm Relay OutputJetNet 3705Dimensions (Unit –mm)ApplicationSpecificationOrdering InformationJetNet 3705 Industrial 5-port Unmanaged PoE Switch Includes:JetNet 3705Wall mount panel kitsQuick Installation GuideCD User manual Power RequirementsSystem PowerInput Voltage:48VDC or -48VDC, dual power inputs in terminal block connectionAC /DC Power Adapter DC 48V/1.6A (option)One DC jack for AC/DC power adapterReverse Polarity Protection: PresentPower Consumption:6.5Watts without PD loading70Watts with PD full loadingMechanicalInstallation: DIN-Rail mount or Wall MountCase: IP-31 grade aluminum metal caseDimension:33.8 mm (H) x 164.8 mm(W) x 108 mm (D) EnvironmentalOperating Temperature: -20 ~70C(JetNet 3705-w -40~70C)Operating Humidity: 0% ~ 95%, (non-condensing) Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 80 CStorage Humidity: 0%~ 95%, (non-condensing) Regulatory ApprovalsHi-Pot : 1.2KV testing passed on port to powerEMI: FCC Class A, CE/EN55022 Class AEMS:EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11Safety: CE/EN60950Shock: IEC60068-2-27Vibration: IEC60068-2-6Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32MTBF: 517,810 Hours, MIL-HDBK-217F GB standard Warranty: 5 yearsTechnologyStandard:IEEE802.3 10Base-TIEEE802.3u 100Base-TXIEEE802.3af Power over EthernetIEEE802.3x flow controlSwitch Technology: Store and forward technology andwith 3.2Gbps internal switch fabric.Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49MppsMAC Address: 1K MAC address TablePacket Buffer: 512KbitsPower over Ethernet port:Port 1~4, with 15.4w full power forwarding abilityRJ-45 pin assignment: TX (3,6), RX (1,2), V+ (4,5), V-(7,8)PoE output voltage: DC 44~57VInterfaceNumber of Ports: 4 x 10/100 Base-TX with Power overEthernet injector ,Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation1 x 10/100 Base-TX uplink portConnectors:10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45Power/Relay: 6-Pin Terminal BlockDC-JackCables:10Base-T: 4-pair UTP/STP Cat. 3, 4, 5 cable,EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm(100m)100Base-TX: 4-pair UTP/STP Cat. 5 cable,EIA/TIA-568 100-ohm(100m)Port Alarm DIP Switch:DIP 1~5: Enable (On) or disable (Off) port link downalarm from port 1 to port 5.DIP 6: Enable (On) or disable (Off) power alarm.Diagnostic LED:Power x 3 (Green), Fault x 1(Red)PoE x 4(Green),Link/Activity x 5 (Green on/GreenBlinking)@100Mbps, (Yellow on/Yellow Blinking)@10MbpsOptional AccessoriesDC 48V Din-Rail Power: DR-75-48DC 48V Din-Rail Power: MDR-100-4853。
张小只智能机械工业网张小只机械知识库科洛理思新品--6口快速工业以太网交换机6个10/100TX端口自适应MDI/MDI-X 外型小巧紧凑,支持冗余电源 3.2Gbps交换矩阵提供端口/电源事件报警铝合金外壳,满足IP-30工业防护等级满足NEMA -TS2标准导轨安装冗余电源输入范围:DC10~60V 支持AC 1.5KV Hi-pot隔离保护工作温度范围:-25~70°C,适用恶劣工作环境(JetNet 3006-w : -40~70°C,可选)概述JetNet 3006是一款6口10/100Mbps快速以太网交换机,支持3.2G交换矩阵提供无阻塞存储转发交换性能,基于此出色的数据交换能力,可满足高带宽工业通讯需求。
为了适应恶劣的工业现场环境,交换机满足NEMA-TS2 标准,至支持冗余电源输入,提供AC 1.5KV Hi-pot隔离保护和宽温工作温度,避免电源掉电问题,提供可靠的网络传输平台。
用户更可以感受JetNet 3006极具优势的,界面友好的,低成本的产品方案,在恶劣的工业现场确保高品质的数据传输。
即插即用& 高速数据传输 JetNet 3006工业交换机无需人工设定,仅需将电源接入,便能立即启动运行。
宽范围冗余电源输入& 性能可靠 在工业现场应用中,不稳定的电源输入会影响整个系统的可靠性,并可能导致通讯中断。
为了提升系统可靠性,JetNet 3006提供10~60VDC宽范围冗余电源输入,满足NEMA-TS2铁道应用中电源异动环境。
此外,JetNet 3006系列支持-25~70°C 和-40~70°C (JetNet 3006-w宽温版)工作温度范围,可以在恶劣的现场环境中提供稳定的高性能服务。
JetNet 2005f/2005f-w 5口小巧型工业以太网光纤交换机©©• 4个10/100 TX端口加1个多模或单模光口小巧型工业以太网交换机• 3.2Gbps交换矩阵,具备出色的数据交换能力•支持1.5KV Hi-Pot高压隔离保护•电源输入DC18~32V•支持继电器报警•铝合金外壳符合IP31工业防护标准•支持-10~60°C宽温工作环境,适用恶劣工业现场(JetNet 2005f-w -40~75°C, 宽温版可选)•另有JetNet 2005f-ST机种选配首页 > 产品信息 > JetNet > JetNet 2005f/2005f-w概述JetNet 2005f是配备4个10/100Base-TX端口和1个100Base-FX光口的小巧型工业以太网交换机。
使用光口上连,可将传输距离扩大到多模2KM(JetNet2005f-m)或单模30KM(JetNet 2005f-s)。
JetNet 2005f工业交换机采用小巧的机身结构设计解决了系统安装空间狭小的困扰。
为适应工业现场严酷的作业环境,JetNet 2005f工业交换机选用密闭式铝合金外壳,符合IP31工业防护标准。
JetNet 2005f工业交换机支持端口断线继电器报警输出功能,可通过前面板的Dip拨码开关启动和关闭报警系统。
另外,JetNet 2005f工业交换机还支持1.5KV Hi-Pot电压隔离保护,4-pin电源接线槽供电,电源供应范围:18~32VDC。
即插即用 & 高速数据传输JetNet 2005f工业交换机无需人工设定,仅需将电源接入,便能立即启动运行。
外型小巧 & 继电器报警输出窄型机身设计,是那些安装空间有限的网络环境的理想选择。
Korenix JetNet 3205G series JetNet 3205GP 3205GP-1
Korenix JetNet 3205G series JetNet 3205GP/3205GP-1F/JetNet 3205G/JetNet 3205G-1F Industrial 5-port Ethernet (PoE) SwitchUser’s ManualVersion: 1.0Date: Jan, 2019Declaration of CEThis product has passed the CE certification for environmentalspecifications. Test conditions for passing included the equipment being operated within an industrial enclosure. In order to protect the product from being damaged by ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) and EMI leakage, we strongly recommend the use of CE-compliant industrial enclosure products.Federal Communications Commission (FCC) StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, maycause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of thisequipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at hisexpense.The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to theequipment without approval of the manufacturer could void the user'sauthority to operate this equipment.IndexIndex (3)1. Introduction (1)1-1.Features (2)1-2. Package Checklist (3)2. Hardware Description (4)2-1. Dimensions (4)2-2. Front Panel (6)2-3. Bottom View (8)2-4. Wiring the DC Power Inputs (9)2-5. Connect the Dry Relay Output (10)2-6. LED Indicators (10)2-7. Ports (11)3. Mounting Installation (13)3-1. DIN-Rail Mounting (13)4. System Installation (14)4-1. Installation and Testing (14)5. Troubles shooting (18)6. Technical Specifications (19)7. SFP Fiber Transceiver Order Information (21)1. IntroductionThis document describes the method of how to use the Korenix JetNetseries Industrial 5-pot Ethernet (PoE) switch, includes installation thespecifications that it has. Following this user manual, you can get fullyimagination about JetNet 3205G series switch and all information to help you construct the network infrastructure. The following are brief introduction of JetNet 3205G series switch .Industrial Gigabit (PoE) Ethernet SwitchThe JetNet 3205G/JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1F isa 5 port industrial Gigabit Ethernet switch designed with enhanced designspecification, including wider operating temperature and power input range to best fit in heavy industrial field applications. It also equipped a rugged metal case with thirty-one grade ingress protection to against damagedsolid objects or dust; With the excellent characteristics of heat dissipation, JetNet 3205G series has better survive ability than ordinary GigabitEthernet switch which is enclosure by steel metal with various of heatdissipation holes.Flexible Optical adopt ability (JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F)As the trend of fiber interface, JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1Fcombines a hot-swappable socket for Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) fiber transceiver. To adopt different type of fiber optical cable or enlargefiber network campus, the JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F just need replace new fiber transceiver to meet the specification of optical fiber cable and achieve best inventory performance.Fault AlarmThe JetNet 3205G series provides an alarm relay to trigger out a real alarm signal for power event. The alarm mechanism can be trigger an external alarm equipment to inform maintenance I.T. engineers. It makes a result of maintenance time saving.1-1. FeaturesJetNet 3205G⏹Five 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45⏹IEEE802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab Compliance⏹Flexible Gigabit Fiber Link Distance⏹Power Redundancy with Wide Range Input⏹Industrial Slim Size Design⏹9K bytes Jumbo Frame for Large File Transmission⏹Rigid IP-31 Grade Metal Case⏹-40~75℃Hazardous Operating TemperatureJetNet 3205G-1F⏹Four 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 and One 1000 SFP socket⏹IEEE802.3, 802.3u, 802.3z and 802.3ab Compliance⏹Flexible Gigabit Fiber Link Distance⏹Industrial Slim Size Design⏹9K bytes Jumbo Frame for Large File Transmission⏹Power Redundancy with Wide Range Input⏹Rigid IP-31 Grade Metal Case⏹-40~75℃Hazardous Operating TemperatureJetNet 3205GP⏹Four 10/100/1000Base-TX PoE ports and one 1000Base TX port⏹IEEE802.3, 802.3u, and 802.3ab Compliance⏹Four PoE Ports Compliance with IEEE802.3af/at.⏹Industrial Slim Size Design⏹9K bytes Jumbo Frame for Large File transmission⏹Power redundancy with Wide Range Input⏹Rigid IP-31 Grade Metal Case⏹-40~75℃Hazardous Operating TemperatureJetNet 3205GP-1F⏹Four 10/100/1000Base-TX PoE ports and One 1000Base FX port⏹IEEE802.3, 802.3u, 802.3z and 802.3ab Compliance⏹Four PoE ports compliance with IEEE802.3af/at.⏹Flexible Gigabit Fiber Link Distance⏹Industrial Slim Size Design⏹9K bytes Jumbo Frame for Large File Transmission⏹Power Redundancy with Wide Range Input⏹Rigid IP-31 Grade Metal Case⏹-40~75℃Hazardous Operating Temperature1-2. Package ChecklistJetNet 3205G series package includes the following items:⏹JetNet 3205G (or JetNet 3205G-1F or JetNet 3205GP or JetNet3205GP-1F) x1⏹One DIN-Rail clip (already screwed on the back of the product)⏹One Quick Installation GuideJetNet 3205GP Quick Installation Guide(or JetNet 3205G/3205G-1F/3205GP-1F)Contact your sales representative if any item is missing or damaged.2. Hardware Description2-1. DimensionsThe dimension of JetNet 3205G series is 120 mm(H) x 30 mm (W) x99 mm(D) ( without DIN rail clip)JetNet 3205GJetNet 3205G-1FJetNet 3205GP JetNet 3205GP-1F2-2. Front PanelThe Front Panel of the JetCon 3205G series is shown in belowJetNet 3205GGigabit RJ-45 for 1000 MbpsRJ-45 for Link/Activity Alarm Relay indicatorPower LEDJetNet 3205G-1FHot swappable SFP socket LED for SFP portJetNet 3205GPLED for PoE ports2-3. Bottom ViewThe bottom side of the JetNet 3205G series includes one 6-pin removableterminal block connectorEarth Ground ScrewTerminal Block with screw Power AlarmThe power range of JetNet 3205G/JetNet 3205G-1F is from DC 10~60Vwith redundancy and polarity reverse function.The power range of JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1F is from DC44~57V ( >50V for IEEE 802.3 at mode) with redundancy and polarityreverse function.To prevent interference and get better performance, it is stronglysuggest make a well earth grounding by the “Earth Ground Screw”.2-4. Wiring the DC Power InputsFollow the steps below to wire JetNet 3205G series redundant DC powerinputs.[Note] The suitable electric wire ranges from 12 to 23 AWG.1. Insert the positive and negative wires into the V+ and V- contacts respectivelyof the terminal block connector2. Tighten the wire-clamp screws to prevent the DC wires from being loosened.3. The Power 1 and Power 2 support power redundancy and polarity reverseprotection functions.2-5. Connect the Dry Relay OutputJetNet 3205G series provides one dry relay output for fault power event.The relay conductor ability is 24W when it connects with a DC 24V power source and maximum current is 1A. In the following diagram shows how to make an alarm circuit.2-6. LED IndicatorsFollowing table gives descriptions of the function for each LED indicator.LED Status DescriptionP1 Green On DC-IN Power Off No power in DC-INP2 Green On DC-IN Power.Off No power in DC-IN.P-F Red on Power1 or (and) Power 2Disconnect.Off Power ConnectionSFP(JetNet 3205G-1F,JetNet 3205GP-1F only) Green on LinkBlinking Activity with speed 1000MbpsRJ-45 portGreen On LinkBilking ActivityAmber On Link with Speed 1000Mbps Amber Off Link with Speed 10/100MbpsPoE 1, 2, 3, 4(JetNet 3205GP, JetNet 3205GP-1F only) Green on The port is delivering PoE power Green Off No PD attached2-7. PortsThe JetNet 3205G séries supports IEEE 802.3 10Base-T, IEEE 802.3u 100Base-T, IEEE 802.3ab 1000Base-T and JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F also support IEEE 802.3z for Gigabit Fiber. This section will introduce how to wiring, install the Ethernet Cable for RJ-45 connector and Gigabit SFP transceiver.Gigabit TX ( RJ-45 connector)All of RJ-45 ports will auto detect 10Base-T and 100Base-TX or 1000Base-Tconnections. Auto MDI/MDIX allows users to connect another switch orworkstation without changing straight through or crossover cabling. See Figure A, B, C and D for the schematic diagram of straight through and crossover cabling.Fig A. Straight through Cabling Schematic for 10/100Mbps Fig B. Cross Over Cabling Schematic for 10/100MbpsTheRJ-45 ports of JetNet 3205G series supports auto-MDI/MDI-X functionwithout any cable change when you use an Ethernet cable to connect other devices, such as computers, switches or hubs.Gigabit SFP port (JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F)The SFP port supports hot swappable function and user can change SFP fiber transceiver without system power off. This feature is useful for field site install if the fiber signal can not attach the other end device, just change the different SFP transceiver type which with large power launch power budget.Korenix provides various type of SFP transceivers for your application. Please refer the order information.Fig. C Straight through cable schematic for 1000MbpsFig. D Cross over cable schematic for 1000Mbps3. Mounting Installation3-1. DIN-Rail MountingThe DIN-Rail clip is already attached on the rear side of JetNet 3205G series.JetNet 3205G series supports EN 50022 standard DIN Rail, in the following diagram includes the dimension of EN 55022 DIN Rail for your referenceThe DIN rail should behind thespring when install the JetNet3205G series onto thestandard DIN Rail.Follow the steps below to mountthe JetNet 3205G series to theDIN-Rail track.1. Insert the upper end of theDIN-Rail clip into the back ofthe DIN-Rail track from itsupper side2. Lightly push the bottom of theDIN-Rail clip into the track.3. Check if the DIN-Rail clip istightly attached to the track.1. To remove the JetNet 3205Gseries from the track, reversethe steps above.4. System Installation4-1. Installation and Testing1. Take out your JetNet 3205G series Industrial Gigabit Ethernet switch from thepackage box.2. Check if the DIN-Rail clip is attached to the JetNet 3205G series product . If theDIN-Rail clip is not attached to the product , refer to DIN-Rail Mounting section for DIN-Rail installation.3. To place the JetNet 3205G series product on the DIN-Rail track or wall, refer tothe Mounting Installation section.4. Pull the terminal blocks off the JetNet 3205G series product and wire the powerlines. Refer to 2-4 the Wiring the DC Power Inputs section for how to wire the power inputs.5. PWR1 and PWR2 dual power inputs can be connected to power sourcessimultaneously. When the primary power source fails (the default setting is PWR1), the system will automatically switch to the secondary power source (PWR2), preventing any power interruption.Both of Power 1 and Power 2 support positive electricity and negative electricity power system. Please notice the power system for power 1 and power 2 only accept either positive or negative electricity power system at one time6. Check the LEDs of PWR1 and PWR2 to make sure that JetNet 3205G seriesproduct is operating normally.7. Use Category 5e or Category 6 straight through Ethernet cables with RJ-45connectors to connect network devices.8. Connect one side of an Ethernet cable with a RJ-45 connector to the JetNet3205G series product’s Ethernet port (RJ-45 port), and the other side of the Ethernet cable to the network device’s Gigabit Ethernet port.9. If you want to connect with Gigabit Fiber, please install appropriate SFP fibertransceiver and fiber cable. To ensure the connection is working, please notice the type of fiber transceiver of JetNet 3205G-1F or JetNet 3205GP-1F and the other end of device.10. Check the LED indicator of port status (blinking green) on the JetNet 3205Gseries product to see if the network connection is successfully established.11.11. Power on the PC host, activate the Command Line mode, and ping theconnected Ethernet device to see if it responds.11.1 To enable the “Command Line mode”, click Run in the Start menu, typeCommand, and click OK to continue.11.2 Type ping command to check the connection. Here we use IPaddress as an example. Before the testing, be sure your PChost and target device are in the same subnet.12. Repeat step 10 to make sure that the connection of each device connected tothe JetNet 3205G series product is successfully established.13. Power on the host, activate the Command Line mode, and ping the connectedEthernet device by typing “ping –t” command to see if it willrespond.14. The parameter-”t” allow you to continue to ping the network device, as shownin the figure below.Before you continue, make sure that both PWR1 and PWR2 are successfully connected to power sources. When PWR1 fails, the LED for PWR1 will go out. At that moment, if the ping command is still replying, then it proves that redundant power input function works normally.15. Exit the Command Line mode, and connect PWR1 power input. At this stage,your JetNet 3205G series product has been tested and the installation iscompleted.5. Troubles shooting⏹Make sure you are using the correct DC power supplier (DC10~60V forJetNet 3205G/3205G-1F, DC44~57V for JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1F.>50V for PoE at mode).⏹Select Ethernet cables with specifications suitable for your applications to setup your systems. Ethernet cables are categorized into unshielded twisted-pair(UTP) and shielded twisted-pair (STP) cables. Category 3, 4, 5 Ethernetcables are suitable for systems with 10 Mbps transmission speed. Forsystems with 100/1000 Mbps transmission speed, Category 5 Ethernet cablesare the only suitable specifications for this environment. Also make sure thatthe distance between each node cannot be longer than 100 meters (328 feet).⏹If the power LEDs goes off as the power cord plugged in, a power failuremight occur. Check the power output connection to see if there is any error atthe power source. If you still cannot solve the problem, contact your localdealer for assistance6. Technical SpecificationsTechnologyStandard IEEE802.3 10Base-TIEEE802.3u 100Base-TXIEEE802.3ab 1000Base-TIEEE802.3z Gigabit Ethernet Fiber (JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F)IEEE802.3x flow control and back-pressureIEEE802.1p Class of ServiceIEEE802.1Q Quality of ServicePerformanceForwarding Technology Store and Forward technologyPacket buffer 1 MbitsAlarm contact 1 relay output with current carrying capacity of 1A@24VDCInterfaceNumber of Ports 5 (or 4) x 10/100/1000 Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X function,Auto-Negotiation1 (or 0) x SFP socket with hot-swappable function for Gigabit Ethernet SFPTransceiver.Connectors 10/100/1000 Base-TX: RJ-45SFP socket: support 3.3V Gigabit 1.25 Gbps fiber transceiver and 155Mbpsfiber transceiverTerminal block: 4-Pin for redundant power input; 2-Pin for alarm relay output Cables RJ-45 Connector: 4 pairs of Cat-5e, Cat-6 UTP/STP cable for 1000Base-TMaximum link distance is 100 meters.Diagnostic LED System: Power (Green) x2 , Alarm (Red) x1RJ-45 port:-Link/Activity (Green): On (Link), Blinking (Activity)Speed (Amber): On (Speed 1000M), Off (Speed 10/100M)PoE port: JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1F-Delivering Power (Green)SFP port: JetNet 3205G-1F/JetNet 3205GP-1F-Link/Activity (Green): On (Link), Blinking (Activity)Power RequirementsSystem Power DC 10~60V for JetNet 3205G/JetNet 3205G-1F with polarity reverse correctionand over current protection.DC 44~57V (>50V for PoE at mode) for JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1Fwith polarity reverse correction and over current protection.Power Consumption Max.3Watts for JetNet 3205G/JetNet 3205GPMax.3.6Watts for JetNet 3205GP/JetNet 3205GP-1FMechanicalInstallation DIN-Rail mountCase Metal case with grade 31 of ingress protection.Dimension 120mm(H) x 30mm (W) x 99 mm (D) ( with DIN rail clip)Weight 900g with package600g without packageEnvironmentalOperating Temperature -40℃ ~75℃Operating Humidity 0% ~ 95% non-condensingStorage Temperature -40℃ ~ 80 ℃Storage Humidity 0%~ 95% non-condensingRegulatory ApprovalsEMI FCC Class A, CE/EN55032EMS EN61000-4-2,EN61000-4-3,EN61000-4-4,EN61000-4-5,EN61000-4-6,EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11, EN55024, EN50121-4Shock IEC 60068-2-27 (compliance)Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (compliance)Free Fall IEC 60068-2-32 (compliance)MTBF 380,000 hours7. SFP Fiber Transceiver Order InformationRevision HistoryEdition Date Modifications V1.0 30-Jan,2019 New edition。
JET300可对三端点的零件如TRANSISTOR、DIGITAL TRANSISTOR、FET、SCR等,或四端点零件如PHOTO COUPLER做正确的测试。如有反插或零件损坏,必可以测出.
3.Agilent TestJet Technology也可用来侦测各种插座的接脚断路 ,不论Insertion Type或是SMD Type皆可测试。
PS:只需在购机时选购了Agilent TestJet Technology放大板, 那么后面制造治具时不需重新购买此板也可以运用此技术。
可在待测板不良发生时,明白显示不良零件或焊点的位 置。亦可在零件位置查询时显示零件的位置,此功能可大大 缩短不良品检修的时间和程式调试的时间。假设厂内有网路 连线系统,那么此图形亦可在维修站的萤幕上显示出来。
5. 测试软体附带机台自检程式,且在测试中不断自检机台各组 任务电压。不仅提升了异常的处置速度也降低了待测产品发 生不用要的异常。
IS板:提供机台自我侦测、上电测试。 开关板:提供测试所需的开关信号。
JET300机台的标配为320PIN,最大测试点为1792PIN。经 过双母板系统可以扩展为4096PIN,在测试中可自动或手 动寻觅隔离点、每步最大可以提供10个隔离点。
korenix jetnet 3505 千兆交换机 说明文档
Ring Slave
R.M. P5-P1
R.M. : Set device as Super Ring Master (Master LED lit Green) R.M. :将设备设为冗余环网中的主交换机,亮绿灯. Port On : Enable alarm relay output if port link breaks (FAULT LED RED) 拨到 on,当链路断开时(默认红灯亮),允许报警继电器输出. Port Off : Disable alarm relay output in specific port 拨到 off,不允许所拨端口对应的报警继电器输出.
Press RESET button to reboot device, Continue press RESET button in 5 seconds to set as system default setting 按下 RESET 按钮重启设备,长按 5 秒此按钮恢复出厂设置.
FAU1+ V2- / V2+
Connect power DC12V – 48V to both PWR1 and PWR2 terminal block for power redundancy. Power inputs are with polarity reverse protection 为提供备用电源,需将直流 12-48V 的电源接到 PWR1 和 PWR2 接线端子. 电源输入有极性方向保护.
Force short circuit when power fails or port link breaks (Fault LED lit RED) 当断电或连接中断时,强制短路.默认亮红灯. Automatically open circuit when port link or power input resumes (FAULT LED Off) 当电源或连接恢复正常室,自动断开.
HP LaserJet P3005 小中型办公室打印机介绍说明书
Productive performancewith optional expandability Your business relies on high-speed, high-volume printing for greater productivity and efficiency. The HP LaserJet P3005 printer series is the ideal solution for small and medium-sized offices. With its ease-of-use, low total cost of ownership and robust performance, this reliable and worry-free printer allows you to rest easyand concentrate on your business.Efficiency through faster prints•Print at up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)1•Don’t wait around—first page out as fast as 9.5 seconds1from PowerSave mode, with Instant-on Technology1Effective for complex jobs•400 MHz processor•Up to 80 MB standard memory, expandable to 320 MB•Easily handle large files with complex charts, tables and diagramsProductivity enhanced by connectivity•Provide connectivity for entire workteam with HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server2, supporting a broad set of operating systemsand fully upgradeable•Open EIO slot allows expanded network or storage options•Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port provides data speed of up to 480 mbpsto one computer•IEEE 1284-B compliant parallel port for easy networking4•Support both IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocolSave time with fewer interruptions<None>•Minimise user intervention with large capacity HP toner cartridges •Large 500 sheets paper input capacity reduces the need to reload frequently •Maximum input capacity of up to 1100 sheets3with optional 500-sheet tray •Eliminate paper jams with an output sensor that detects when the bin is fullProfessional results with flexible paper handling •Include a 100-sheet multipurpose tray•Support envelope to legal paper sizes•Handle a broad spectrum of paper types, and now include A6-driver support using the multipurpose tray 100 million HP LaserJets shippedIndustry leaderLess waiting time for prints with Instant-on Technology1secondsfirst page out9.5Instant-on Technology•Eliminates warm-up time•First page out as fast as 9.5 seconds1from PowerSave mode•Instant-on Technology1Hi-Speed USB 2.0, parallel and 10/100 Fast ethernet portsare availableHi-Speed USB 2.0and 10/100Fast Ethernet ports2Parallel port4ConnectivityOrdering informationWhat’s in the boxEnvironmental rangesOperating temperatureStorage temperatureRelative humidityAcoustics9SoundPower specificationsInput requirementsConsumption10CertificationsSafetyEMCWarrantyHP SureSupply enabledLJ P3005—HP LaserJet P3005 PrinterLJ P3005dn—HP LaserJet P3005dn Printer (includes built-in automatic two-sided printing andHP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server)LJ P3005x—HP LaserJet 3005x Printer (includes built-in automatic two-sided printing and HP JetdirectFast Ethernet embedded print server), 500-sheet input tray (tray 3)LJ P3005/d/n/dn/x—power cord, control panel overlay8, print cartridge, software and documentationon CD, Getting Started Guide, support flyer15 to 32.5 ºC (59 to 89 ºF)-20 to 40 ºC (-4 to 104 ºF)Recommended: 30 to 70 %; Non-operating: 10 to 90 %Power: Active: 6.5 B(A); Ready: inaudible; Pressure (bystander): Active: 51 dB(A); Ready: inaudible100 to 127 VAC (± 10 %), 50/60 Hz (± 2 Hz), 220 to 240 VAC (± 10 %), 50/60 Hz (± 2 Hz)Active: 600 watts; Ready: 9 watts; Sleep: 9 watts; Off: less than 0.2 watts, Energy Star®compliant,Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): 2.642 kWh/WeekIEC 60950 (International), EN 60950 (EU), IEC 60825-1+A1+A2, UL/cUL Listed (US/Canada), GSLicense (Europe), EN 60825-1+A11+A2 Class 1, 21 CFR Ch. 1/SubCh. J (Class 1 Laser/LED Device)GB4943-2001, Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC with CE Marking (Europe)CISPR 22: 1993+A1+A2/EN 55022: 1994+A1+A2 Class B, EN 61000-3-2: 2000, EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1, EN 55024: 1998+A1+A2, FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15 Class B (US), ICES-003, Issue 4(Canada), GB9254-1998, GB17625. 1-2003, EMC Directive 89/336/EEC with CE Marking (EU)One-year minimum warranty, varies by countryTo learn more, please visit /go/SureSupplyProductQ7812A HP LaserJet P3005 PrinterQ7816A HP LaserJet P3005x PrinterPaper handlingQ7817A500-sheet input tray 3HP Smart printing suppliesQ7551A HP LaserJet print cartridge(6500 page cartridge)Q7551X HP LaserJet print cartridge(13,000 page cartridge)MemoryCB420A32 MB 144-pin DDR2 DIMMCB421A64 MB 144-pin DDR2 DIMMCB422A128 MB 144-pin DDR2 DIMMCB423A256 MB 144-pin DDR2 DIMMCablesC2950A HP IEEE 1284-compliantbidirectional parallel cable, 2 meterC2951A HP IEEE 1284-compliantbidirectional parallel cable, 3 meterC6518A USB A to B cable, 2 meterConnectivityJ7961G HP Jetdirect 635n IPv6/IPsecinternal print server (EIO)J7960G HP Jetdirect 625n GigabitEthernet internal print serverJ7934G HP Jetdirect 620n Fast Ethernetinternal print serverJ7942G HP Jetdirect en3700Fast Ethernet externalprint server (USB 2.0)J7989G HP high-performance serial ATAEIO hard diskService and supportU3790E3-year, next-day exchangeU3789E3-year, next-day return-to-depotU3791E3-year, next-business-dayonsite responseUE171E2-year or 1-time replacementU6454E3-year, pickup and returnH4513E Installation service:1 printer, 1 incidentH3110E Installation service:1 network configurationU3793PE1-year, post warranty service,next-day exchangeUA185PE1-year, post warranty service,return-to-depotUE172PE1-year, post warranty service,1-time replacementU3792PE1-year, post warranty service,next-business-day onsite responseHC127PE1-year, post warranty service,phone & online assistancePapersAsia Pacific: /apac/printingsuppliesAsia: 65-6253-8500SolutionsThird-part solutions /go/gscFor more information, call your localHP resellers worldwide.Australia 13 23 47;China 800 820 2255;Hong Kong 800 938 833;India 3030 4499;Indonesia 0800 1111 222;Korea 080 703 0700;Malaysia 1800 88 4848;New Zealand 0800 733 547;Philippines 1800 1441 6688;Singapore 1800 278 8100;Taiwan 0800 236 686;Thailand +66 2 353 9000;Vietnam +848 823 6215For the following countries,please fax your queries to: +65 6275 6707• Bangladesh • Bhutan • Brunei • Cambodia• Maldives • Nepal • Pakistan • Sri LankaEnergy Star is a U.S. registered mark of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows XP are U.S. registeredtrademarks of Microsoft Corporation. HP and the invent signature are trademarks of the Hewlett-Packard Company.© 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is provided “as is” withoutwarranty of any kind. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing hereinshould be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel andPentium are U.S. registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Printed in Singapore, 2001-9015-EEP, November 2006 (Rev. 1)Duty cycle is defined as the maximum number of pages per month of imaged output. This value provides a comparison of productrobustness in relation to other HP LaserJet or HP Color LaserJet devices, and enables appropriate deployment of printers and MFPs to satisfythe demands of connected individuals or groups.Included only when needed to change the language on the control panel for a country/region.Declared per ISO 9296 and 7729; values are subject to change. Configuration tested: base model printing at 35 ppm.0Values subject to change. Power numbers are the highest values measured using all standard voltages.Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752.•P denotes monochromatic single-function laser printer.100 million HP LaserJets shippedPrint and copy speed 1First page out ResolutionProcessor MemoryDurability ratingsPrinter language Typeface includedPaper handling InputOutputTwo-sided printingSizesWeightsTypesConnectivity InterfacesClient operating systems Network operating systemsDimensions (w x d x h)Weight (without print cartridge)Technical specificationsUp to 35 ppm (letter), 33 ppm (A4)As fast as 9.5 secondsUp to 1200 x 1200 dpi; HP FastRes 1200400 MHzLJ P3005—48 MB standard LJ P3005d —64 MB standardLJ P3005n/dn/x —80 MB standard; expandable to 320 MB through one industry-standard 144-pin DIMM slot;Memory Enhancement technology (MEt)Recommended monthly page volume: 1500 to 5000 pages per month; duty cycle 7: up to 100,000 pages per month for peak printing needsHP PCL6, HP PCL5e, HP postscript level 3 emulationPCL: 103 internal font set (plus Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Arabic); PS: 93 internal font set (plus Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Arabic)LJ P3005/d/n/dn —100-sheet multipurpose tray 1, 500-sheet input tray 2LJ P3005x —100-sheet multipurpose tray 1, 500-sheet input trays 2 and 3250-sheet output bin; up to 10 envelopes, 75 transparencies; 100-sheet rear output bin LJ P3005/n —Manual (driver support provided)LJ P3005d/dn/x —AutomaticMultipurpose tray 1: 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm (3 x 5 to 8.5 x 14 inches); letter, legal, executive, A4, A5, B5 (JIS), envelopes; trays 2 and 3: letter, legal, executive, 8.5 x 13 inches, A4, A5, B5 (JIS); automatic two-sided printing: letter, legal, 8.5 x 13 inches,executive (JIS), A4Tray 1, straight through paper path for special media and heavier stock: 60 to 200 g/m 2(16 to 53 lb); trays 2 and 3: 60 to 120 g/m 2(16 to 32 lb); automatic two-sided printing: 60 to 120 g/m 2(16 to 32 lb)Paper (bond, colour, letterhead, plain, preprinted, pre-punched, recycled, rough), envelopes, labels, cardstock, transparencies, user-definedLJ P3005/d —IEEE 1284-B compliant parallel port, Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, one open EIO slotLJ P3005n/dn/x —Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, one open EIO slot HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server Windows ®98 SE, 2000, Me, XP Home, XP Professional, Server 2003; Mac OS v 10.2.8, 10.3.9, 10.4.3Via HP Jetdirect print servers: Windows ®2000, XP Home, XP Professional, XP Professional x64, Server 2003; Novell 5.1 and higher; Mac OS 9.x, OS X v 10.2 and higher; Red Hat Linux 7.x and higher; SuSE Linux 8.x and higher; HP-UX 10.20, 11.x, 11.i; Solaris 2.5 and higher (SPARC systems only); IBM AIX 3.2.5 and higher (requires software from the NOS vendor); MPE-iX; Citrix MetaFrame Server; Windows Terminal ServicesLJ P3005/d/n/dn —425 x 410 x 309 mm (16.7 x 16.1 x 12.2 inches)LJ P3005x —425 x 410 x 474 mm (16.7 x 16.1 x 18.7 inches)LJ P3005/d/n/dn —16.2 kg (35.7 lb)LJ P3005x —21.3 kg (47 lb)HP LaserJet P3005x (Q7816A)HP LaserJet P3005 (Q7812A)HP LaserJet P3005dn (Q7815A)HP LaserJet P3005 printer seriesHP LaserJet P3005x Printer shownSeries at a glance1Intuitive, two-line control panel with a built-in help function 2250-sheet top output bin with long paper extension3One-door access to the easy-to-install print cartridge4100-sheet multipurpose tray enables automatic and manual feeding of special papers 5Two 500-sheet input trays for a 1100-sheet input capacity6100-sheet rear output bin provides a straight throughpaper path for special papers 7Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port forsimple, direct connectivity 8HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server (RJ-45 network port)980 MB DDR memoryexpandable to 320 MB, and a powerful 400 MHz processor10One EIO slot 11On/off switch12Automatic two-sided printing•Print speed of up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)•48 MB RAM,expandable to 320 MB•Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port •One open EIO slot •400 MHz processor •100-sheet multipurpose tray•IEEE 1284-B compliant parallel port •500-sheet input tray•Print speed of up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)•80 MB RAM,expandable to 320 MB •Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port •One open EIO slot •400 MHz processor •100-sheet multipurpose tray •Two 500-sheet input trays •Built-in automatic two-sided printing •HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server•Print speed of up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)•80 MB RAM,expandable to 320 MB •Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port •One open EIO slot •400 MHz processor •100-sheet multipurpose tray •500-sheet input tray •Built-in automatic two-sided printing • HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server•Print speed of up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)•80 MB RAM,expandable to 320 MB •Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port •One open EIO slot •400 MHz processor •100-sheet multipurpose tray •500-sheet input tray •HP Jetdirect Fast Ethernet embedded print server•Print speed of up to 35 ppm (letter) and 33 ppm (A4)•64 MB RAM,expandable to 320 MB •Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port •One open EIO slot •400 MHz processor •100-sheet multipurpose tray •IEEE 1284-B compliant parallel port •500-sheet input tray •Built-in automatic two-sided printing8910112Impressive documents that make you look good•Great-looking output, for internal documents or customer presentations •Advanced printing technology and HP toner deliver true 1200 dpi quality•Crisp black text, clear details and fine lines for great results•Take advantage of 3rd-party solutions to create professional documents,with two host USB software expansion slotsHassle-free maintenance with pro-active management•Intuitive, two-line control panel with a built-in help function•HP Easy Printer Care allows anyone to view printer status and manage approximately 15 printers•For larger printer environments, HP Web JetAdmin enables remoteinstallation, configuration and management over a network, through a simple Web interface•Both software tools are available for download, absolutely free •HP Smart printing technology 5is integrated into every cartridge and printer•Printer and cartridge work together to optimise quality and reliability, and send alerts when supplies are lowConsistent, quality results whatever the speed•HP toner formula is engineered for quality, consistency and speed •Printer’s transfer and fusing processes are optimised for high performanceHP toner•With up to 70% of the printer imaging system found in the cartridge,be sure to buy Original HP print cartridgesPeace of mind inspired by HP support•HP LaserJet reliability is unparalleled, with 100 million LaserJet printers shipped worldwide•Award-winning customer service and support backs every printer warranty (warranty varies by country)•Fast online support•HP Care Pack service allow warranty to be extended and enhanced1Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, and document complexity.2Networking capability is standard on the HP LaserJet P3005n, HP LaserJet P3005dn and HP LaserJet P3005x only.3All models include a 500-sheet input tray and 100-sheet multipurpose tray. The HP LaserJet P3005x includes an extra 500-sheet tray.4Available on HP LaserJet P3005 and P3005d only.5Using genuine HP supplies ensures availability of all HP printing features.6PC Magazine’s 19th Annual Reader Satisfaction Survey August 21, 2006.Robust monthly duty cycle for high volume printingDuty cyclepages/mth100,000Advanced HP technologies for sharper imageSharper image with true 1200 dpi70%of printerimaging systemSuperior print qualityReader’s Choice for 15 years running 6HP legendary reliabilityHP toner cartridgeUse original HP supplies to get the results you needAugust, 2006Hewlett-Packard CompanyHP LaserJet P3005n (Q7814A)HP LaserJet P3005d (Q7813A)HP LaserJet P3005(Q7812A)HP LaserJet P3005d (Q7813A)HP LaserJet P3005n (Q7814A)HP LaserJet P3005dn (Q7815A)HP LaserJet P3005x (Q7816A)。
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Industrial 5-port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch
JetNet 3005f
Regulatory Approvals
EMI: FCC Class A, CE/EN55022. EMS: EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3, EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-8, EN61000-4-11 Safety: CE/EN60950 Shock: IEC60068-2-27 Vibration: IEC60068-2-6 Free Fall: IEC60068-2-32 MTBF: 380,973 Hours MIL-HDBK-217F GB standard
Hazardous Environment Application
The award winning IP31 rigid aluminum flat casing and wide operation temperature range ensure reliable operation for harsh environment. Extended operating temperature range is available for project-based request.
Plug-and-Play Switch & High-Speed Transmission
JetNet 3005 series require no user setup and immediately start operating as soon as you power them up. Excellent data transmission performance is provided for you. No works will be delayed with the transmission rate up to 3.2Gbps.
Industrial 5-port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch
JetNet 3005f
JetNet 3005f is low cost 4 10/100 TX -port 10/100TX entry level industrial switch, equipped IP31 grade rigid aluminum case with excellent heat radiation ability. To be operated under harsh power source, JetNet 3005f is equipped with 2 power inputs in redundancy. To provide excellent transmission performance, JetN et 3005f adopts " store and forwar ding" technology with a built-in 3.2Gbps switch fabric and delivers a real non-blocking and full wire speed performance on each port.
Operating Temperature: -10 ~70 C Operating Humidity: 5% ~ 95%, (non-condensing) Storage Temperature: -40 ~ 85 C Hi-Pot: 1.2KV for all ports and power
Fast Ethernet Back-bone(Fiber)
Field Control Site Optical Fiber
UTP Cable
Industrial 5-port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch
Serial Server JetPort 5201
Proguammable Logic Controller JetNet 3005f
Digital AC Power Meter
Digital Control System
Dimensions (Unit –mm)
53.00 25.00 102.00 26.50 14.00
JetNet 3005f
Installation: DIN-Rail mount or Wall Mount Case: Aluminum Case with IP31 grade case protection Dimension: 135mm(H) x 53mm (W) x 105mm (D) ( without DIN rail cli1.80 9.00 30.00 105.00 5.5*13=71.5 5.5*2=11 12.00 29.50
86.00 9.50
Industrial Ethernet Switch
Standard: IEEE802.3 10Base-T IEEE802.3u 100Base-TX/100Base-FX Switch Technology: Store and forward technology and with 3.2Gbps switch bandwidth. Aggregate System Throughput: 1.49Mpps MAC Address: 1K MAC Packet Buffer: 512Kbits Transfer performance: 14,880pps for Ethernet and 148,800pps for Fast Ethernet and handle packet size from 64 to 1522Bytes
Industrial Ethernet Switch
JetNet 3005f
Industrial 5-port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch
Fast Ethernet Switch 3.2Gbps Switch Fabric with excellent data exchange performance Support 1.2KV Hi-Pot isolation protection Redundant power input DC 12~48V Aluminum case with IP-31 grade protection -10~70 C operating temperature for hazardous environment application
Diagnostic LED: Per system: Power (green) x3 Per RJ-45 port: Link (green on)/Activity(green blinking), Full duplex (Yellow on)/Collision (Yellow blinking)
Number of Ports: 4 x 10/10Base-TX with Auto MDI/MDI-X, Auto-Negotiation function Connectors: 10/100 Base-TX: RJ-45 100Base-FX: 1 x SC Terminal Block: 6-pin for 2 x power input and 1 relay output DC power Jack x 1 Cables: RJ-45: CAT-3, CAT-4, CAT-5 unshielded twisted pair or shielded twisted pair cable. The Link distance is 100 meters in maximum. available distance 2KM. available distance 30KM.
Redundant Power Inputs & True Reliability
Best with two DC24V input, and also compatible with range from 12V~48V. Dual power input and builtin reverse power polarity protection are designed as the redundant power system to ensure your power continuity. With the 1.2KV Hi-Pot isolation protection, CE/FCC regulatory approvals, and 5-year global warranty, JetNet 3005 series are your reliable choice for hazardous applications.
Ordering Information
JetNet 3005f-m Industrial 5-Port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch Includes: JetNet 3005f-m Wall mounting plate and six screws Quick Installation Guide Software and Documentation CD-ROM JetNet 3005f-s Industrial 5-Port Redundant Fast Ethernet Fiber Switch Includes: JetNet 3005f-s Wall mounting plate and six screws Quick Installation Guide Software and Documentation CD-ROM