H.323 in Chinese



第2 6卷第 2期 20 0 8年 6月
湖北 民族学 院学报 ( 自然科学版 ) J rao H bi nvrtf N tnli ( a rl c ne Edto ) o nl f ue U ie i o aoa tsN t a Si c i n u sy r i ie u e i
关 键 词 : 频 会 议 ; 3 3标 准 ; 时 传 输 ; 队 ; 务 质 量 视 H.2 实 排 服 中图 分 类 号 :P 1 T3 1 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 8— 4 3 2 0 )2— 15— 5 10 82 (0 8 0 0 9 0
技 术.
R sac n Qo eh iu si P Vie o frn eS s m ee rh o S T c nq e I d oC nee c yt n e
od r oi pe n o r ie o ee c ,sm rbe hc hudb ada et n t, s e re l t m met Sf docn rn e o ep l w i so l ep i t ni a l Q o v f o ms h t o o w l a tr rsac se f o r ie o ee c r i usd s uue eerhi uso Q Sf d ocn rneaeds s . f s ov f c e Ke rs vdocn r c ; 3 3 s n ad ra — i et s s o ;uun ; o ywod :ie o e n e H. 2 t dr ; l t a mi in q e ig Q S fe a e m r n s
rt m fta s s in r t o t lb s d o e —tme me i te mi g i o r e i e in d F n l n i h o n miso ae c n r a e n r a r o l i da s a n n s u c sd sg e . i al i r y



20212022学年上学期七年级英语期末复习大串讲(牛津译林版)专练05 短文首字母填空(含解析)一、短文首字母填空01阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

If your birthday is ing, what presents will your parents buy for you? It’s not easy for Chinese parents to choose a birthday gift for their children. Many American parents also have the s1.problem. But luckily they have got American Girl — an American pany. It is famous for i2.beautiful dolls (玩具娃娃). Though there are many famous dolls in the world, American Girl dolls are being one of the most popular birthday g3.for girls.What m4.American Girl dolls so popular? The secret (秘密) is in her matching hair, skin, eye colour, clothing and so on. That is to say, there are different kinds of dolls for buyers to c5.and the dolls look l6.their owners (主人). The pany hopes their dolls can make girls understand that it's OK to be d7.from others.The pany gives each American Girl doll her own name and special background. They also invite w8.to write books about her. The stories in the books are mainly about different periods of American history. So w9.the girls are playing with their dolls, they can get a lot of fun and they can learn something about h10., too.二、短文首字母填空02阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。



Call Procedure
Ep A Ep B
Media data
close socket
Messages in H.245
– to determine who can control the conference – terminalType and statusDeterminationNumber – the peer is master/slave in ACK
– – – – Master/slave determination Capability Exchange Opening and closing of logical channels (单向) Flow control messages
H.245 messages is used to establish a H.245 session between 2 H.323 entities.
RTP Packet
V (2) P(1) X(1) CC(4) M(1) PT(7)
Seq. No.
Time Stamp
Messages in H.245
– Logical channel number – A description of the data to be transported
– Transport address
– Acknowledge – Reject
Messages in H.245


Absr t: i hei tac W t t mprv me to ai n eibi t h o e n fqu lt a d r la l y,t e ma k to o mu c to se p nd n y i h r e fc m niai n i x a i g r p dy. Th r a ppi ai n o a il e b o d a l to fDVB— y tm r v d s a n w wa ft e ta s iso fVoP. I c S s se p o i e e y o h r n m s in o l n
P o e— C, C —P oe P o e—P o e几 种 方 式 。 hn P P hn . hn hn
Vl oP数据 的传 输 提 供 了有 效 的途 径 , 时 为 如 何 同
在 D B S信 道 中接 收语 效管 理提 出 了新 的课 题 。本文 在研 究 D B V — s 输流 的工 作机 制和 H.2 传 3 3协议 分析 的基 础 上 ,
D BS中基 于 H.2 V — 3 3的 I P电话 协 议 分 析
孙 树 生 ,黄 焱
( 息工程大学 信息工程学 院, 南 郑州 400 ) 信 河 50 2
摘要 : 随着 网络质 量 和 可 靠 性 的逐 步提 高 , oP通 信 市场 正 在 迅 速 扩 大。 D B S系 统及 I Vl V — P
随着通 信 技 术 和 互 联 网 的 高速 发 展 , oP技 Vl
术通过 语音 和 数据 网 络 的融 合 , 所 有类 型 的通 使 信业务 ( 括音 频 、 频 和 数据 以及 无 线 和有 线 语 包 视 音 业务 ) 可 以在 It nt 都 ne e 网络 上传 输 。D B卫 星 r V


Ancient Science and Technology
Four Great Inventions Traditional Chinese Medicine Other Impressive Ancient Inventions
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Other Impressive Ancient Inventions
• made generally from clay • heated at a high degree • the first glazing color is blue
• an early form of calculator
Four Great Inventions
• shows geographic directions • use the earth’s magnetic field • enables international trade and exploration • denotes eight main directions • helpful for the explorations of Zheng
Four Great Inventions
• known as “mother of civilization” • includes block printing and movable type printing • block printing is time-consuming and the blocks become useless after the printing • movable type printing is more convenient with the pieces being durable and reusable

English, Pinyin & Chinese Character Dictionary

English, Pinyin & Chinese Character Dictionary
bleed blood blouse blue boat body (the whole body)
body lotion bone book boots boring born borrow (lend) boss both bottle bowling box boy boy friend brain bread break (rest) breakable breakfast break up
yuēhuì huòzhě ānpái kě jiējìn de héshì de zhēnglùn gēbo jūnduì zài zhōuwéi dàodá àomàn de yàzhōu wèn jíhé huòzhě zǔzhuāng zhànxīngshù zài zhùyì tàidù
和 生气 动物 匿名的 回答 天线 预期 古代的 任何 任何事物 (随便) (什么都可以) 公寓 开胃品 苹果 苹果汁 约会或者安排 可接近的 合适的 争论 胳膊 军队 在周围 到达 傲慢的 亚洲 问 集合或者组装 占星术 在 注意 态度
apple apple juice
píngguǒ píngguǒ zhī
appointment approachable appropriate argument arm army around arrive arrogant Asia ask assemble astrology at attention attitude
在旁边 最好 在中间 比较好 餐饮或者饮料 超越 圣经 自行车 大 帐单 鸟 生日
Daniel A. Janssen
Page 5
Copyright 2012



随 萎 霎 襄暑 薯 鬈耄
网 络 和计 算 机 网络 正 逐 渐 融 合 , 以分
组 交 换 技 术 为 核 心 的 I 话 业 务 逐 P电
( l 雀 电信 有 限 公 司 福 州 ) m 《 研发 中心 . 建 福 州3 O O ) 福 5 O 1 ( e e rh a d D v l me tC ne F z o )Fj n T lc mmu i t n o ,L . F j n R s ac n e e p n e tr( u h u ua e o o i e n ai s C . t , ua c o d i 30 0 , h a 50 1C i ) n
因 此 , 实 际应 用 中考 虑 到多 媒 体 通 在 信对 两 种 协 议 优点 的依 赖 , 相 当长 在
t e Sl n t or o om pe et e sgn l rnsa i n on r i un t s h ew kt c P lt h i a a lt t on a d c ve sonf c i Toac iv on he e
Abs r t: . 3 a d Se so nt to r t o Sl tac H 32 n s in l ia in P ooc l《 P)ae l i r P-b s d m ulmedanew or ae t i i t k c m m unc t sprt osu n a—t e T a s e r t c 《 o ia i o oc l sig Re l i r n f rP o o ol RTP)t r s i ral i on m o tan m t e —tme
a di an de u o dvi o.T i aig gaewa a e s tu e w e n t e H . 3 new or d he sgn l t n y c n b e D b t e h 32 t kan



种 基 于 H.2 3 3协 议 的 多点 控 制 单 元 的 实现
杨 洋 陈耀武 汪乐宇
( 浙江大学数字技术与仪器研究所 浙江 杭州 3 0 2 ) 10 7
摘 要
H.2 3 3协议是 IU( T 国际电信联盟) 制订 的一套 在分组 网上提 供 多媒 体通信 的标 准。MC U(多点控 制单元 ) H.2 是 3 3协
l 多 宁
可以分为下列 4个பைடு நூலகம்块 :
・ H3 3终 端模 块 2
的 信 令 和 媒 体 数 据 都 发 往
MC 由 MC 处 理 后 进 行 转 U, U
发 。各 个 会 议 的 参 与 者 之 间 没 有直 接连 接 。
图 1 集 中式 多 点 会 议
收稿 日期 :0 4—1 20 1—0 。杨 洋 , 士生 , 研领 域 : 入式 系统 、 8 硕 主 嵌 V P、 OI 软交换 。
BAS ED N 3 3 PRoTo CoL o H. 2
Ya g Y n C e o W a g L y n ag h n Ya wu n eu
fntueo da cdDgtl eh o ge &I t m nain Z ea gU i rt, aghuZ ea g3 0 2 , hn stt fA vne ii cnl i I i aT o s n r ett . h in nv sy H nzo h in 10 7 C i s u o j ei j a)
Ths p p r ito c s te f ncin o CU ,lsr ts te s se ac t cu e o e r lz d M CU , s u s s te meh dst a mp e n i a e n rdu e h u to fM iltae h y tm r hie t r fc ntaie dic s e h to h ti l me tmuli t—



第9卷增刊 2006年12月上海电机学院学报JOURNAL O F SHAN GHAI DIANJ I UN IV ERSI TYVol.9Sup. Dec.2006 收稿日期:2006209208作者简介万爱霞(82),女,助教,专业方向计算机网络。

文章编号 167122730(2006)ZK 20011205下一代网络交换中SIP 协议与H.323协议的比较万爱霞(上海电机学院电子信息学院,上海,200240) 摘 要 下一代网络(Next G e neral Net work ,N GN )是当前研究的热点,H.323和SIP 协议IP 电话(Voice over IP ,VOIP)网络的两大主流技术,VO IP 不仅具有成本低廉,网络资源利用率高等诸多优点,而且还可以进一步集成多媒体信息(包括语音,图象,数据等),以实现交互式的实时通信,具有很大的发展潜力,且逐步取代传统PS TN 电话,成为N G N 中语音信息传输的主要形式。

分析比较了H.323和SIP 协议,并预测了它们将后来的发展。

关键词 下一代网络;IP 电话;H.323协议;SIP 协议 中图分类号 TN 915.04 文献标识码 ACom p arison of SIP and H.323Protocols in Next G eneration NetworkWan Aixia(School of Elect ronic Information ,Shanghai Dianji Uni versit y ,Shanghai ,200240) Abstract Research on Next G enerat ion Net work is t he hot spot nowadays.H.323and SIP p ro 2tocol s are t he t wo mai nst ream technologies of VOIP net work.VOIP not onl y ha s lower co st ,higher use rate in network re sources ,but al so i nt egrat es t he m ulti media i nformat ion furt her (i ncl udi ng voice ,i mage ,data and so on)to realize t he int eract ive real 2t ime communicat ion.VOIP ha s t he very bi g de 2velop me nt pot enti al ,and gra duall y replaces t he t raditional PS TN telephone ,a nd becomes t he mai n voice t ra nsmi ssion form i n N G N.In t hi s paper ,t he SIP and H.323protocals used in VOIP are a na 2l yzed and compare d in ma ny aspect s ,a nd t heir fut ure develop ment is al so predict ed. K ey words next generation net work (N GN );voice over IP (VOIP );H.323prot ocol ;SIP protocol 下一代网络的蓬勃发展,使得IP 电话受到越来越多人关注。

人教版英语九年级全册 Unit 1 练习

人教版英语九年级全册 Unit 1 练习

第一课时 Section A (1a—2d)Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.H e is know the of this word? (pronounce)2.I finally finished the report by (work) with classmates.3.J ohn is one of Dr Brown’s . He thinks Dr Brown is full of . (patient)4. H ave you ever (see) the movie?5.C an you make some (sentence) with “if”?Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成译句。

1. 我和老师用英语交谈。

I with my teacher English.2. 贾森通过听录音提高口语技能。

J ason his skills by to recordings.3. 汤姆还是个孩子,你应该对他耐心一点。

T om is just a kid, so you should him.4. 你吃得越多,体重就会越重。

T he you , the you’ll get.5. 老师今天上午听了孩子们大声朗读。

T he teacher the children this morning.Ⅲ. 补全对话(有一项多余)。

A: A re extreme (极限的) sports popular in your country?B: Y es, very much. 1 There is a TV program about them each week.A: I think that those who do the skateboarding are very skilled. 2B: The kids who do it are so young. Well, it’s better for them than sitting at home watching TV all day!A: 3B: I’m going bungee (蹦极) jumping on Sunday.I’m very nervous about it, but my friends encourage me to give it a try.A: 4The organizers have lots of safety methods. Can I come and watch?B: 5You might even be tempted (吸引) to do it.A: I might. It’s something I’ve often thought about doing.A. I guess so.B. I’m sure you will be safe.C. Many people watch them on TV .D. Would you like to try any extreme sports?E. Which sports are usually seen on the program?F. It must take a lot of practice to stay on the skateboard.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Ⅳ. 阅读理解。

中国电视频道频率表(Chinese TV frequency table)

中国电视频道频率表(Chinese TV frequency table)

中国电视频道频率表(Chinese TV frequency table)Channel video, MHz audio, MHzVz149.75, 56.25257.75, 64.25365.75, 72.25477.25, 83.75585.25, 91.756168.25, 174.757176.25, 182.758184.25, 190.759192.25, 198.7510200.25, 206.7511208.25, 214.7512216.25, 222.7513471.25, 477.7514479.25, 485.7515487.25, 493.75 16495.25, 501.75 17503.25, 509.75 18511.25, 517.75 19519.25, 525.75 20527.25, 533.75 21535.25, 541.75 22543.25, 549.75 23551.25, 557.75 24559.25, 565.75 25607.25, 613.75 26615.25, 621.75 27623.25, 629.75 28631.25, 637.75 29639.25, 645.75 30647.25, 653.7531655.25, 661.75 32663.25, 669.75 33671.25, 677.75 34679.25, 685.75 35687.25, 693.75 36695.25, 701.75 37703.25, 709.75 38711.25, 717.75 39719.25, 725.75 40727.25, 733.75 41735.25, 741.75 42743.25, 749.75 43751.25, 757.75 44759.25, 765.75 45767.25, 773.7546775.25, 781.75 47783.25, 789.75 48791.25, 797.75 49799.25, 805.75 50807.25, 813.75 51815.25, 821.75 52823.25, 829.75 53831.25, 837.75 54839.25, 845.75 55847.25, 853.75 56855.25, 861.75 57863.25, 869.75 58871.25, 877.75 59879.25, 885.75 60887.25, 893.75 61895.25, 901.7562903.25, 909.7563911.25, 917.7564919.25, 925.7565927.25, 933.7566935.25, 941.7567943.25, 949.7568951.25, 957.755Here is a more complete TV channel (870 system) frequency meter: Frequency division table for Chinese TV channels (unit: MHz)Channel number / frequency range, image carrier frequency, audio carrier frequencyVHF-L (I)DS-1 48.5 to 56.5, 49.75, 56.25DS-2 56.5 to 64.5, 57.75, 64.25DS-3 64.5 to 72.5, 65.75, 72.25DS-4 76 to 84, 77.25, 83.75DS-5 84 to 92, 85.25, 91.75 Z-1 (A-1)Z-1 111~119, 112.25, 118.75 Z-2 119~127, 120.25, 126.75 Z-3 127~135, 128.25, 134.75 Z-4 135~143, 136.25, 142.75 Z-5 143~151, 144.25, 150.75 Z-6 151~159, 152.25, 158.75 Z-7 159~167, 160.25, 166.75 VHF-H (III)DS-6 167~175, 168.25, 174.75 DS-7 175~183, 176.25, 182.75 DS-8 183~191, 184.25, 190.75 DS-9 191~199, 192.25, 198.75 DS-10 199~207, 200.25, 206.75DS-11 207~215, 208.25, 214.75 DS-12 215~223, 216.25, 222.75 Z-2 (A-2)Z-8 223~231, 224.25, 230.75 Z-9 231~239, 232.25, 238.75 Z-10 239~247, 240.25, 246.75 Z-11 247~255, 248.25, 254.75 Z-12 255~263, 256.25, 262.75 Z-13 263~271, 264.25, 270.七十五271 279 272.25 278.75~Z - 14 15~287 280.25 286.75 279287 295 288.25 294.75~Z16z-17~303 296.25 302.75 295 z-18~311 304.25 310.75 303 311 319 312.25 318.75~Z-19319 327 320.25 326.75~Z-20 z-21~335 328.25 334.75 327 z-22~343 336.25 342.75 335 z-23~351 344.25 350.75 343 z-24~359 352.25 358.75 351 359 367 360.25 366.75~Z-25 z-26~375 368.25 374.75 367 z-27~383 376.25 382.75 375 383 391 384.25 390.75~Z-28 z-29~399 392.25 398.75 391 z-30~407 400.25 406.75 399 z-31~415 408.25 414.75 407 z-32~423 416.25 422.75 415 423 431 424.25 430.75~Z - 33 z-34~439 432.25 438.75 431z-35~447 440.25 446.75 439 z-36~455 448.25 454.75 447 z-37~463 456.25 462.75 455 z-38~471 464.25 470.75 463 超高频(Ⅳ)ds-13~478 471.25 477.75 470 478 486 479.25 485.75~DS-14 ds-15~494 487.25 493.75 486 ds-16~502 495.25 501.75 494 502~DS-17 510 503.25 509.75 ds-18~518 511.25 517.75 510 ds-19~526 519.25 525.75 518 ds-20~534 527.25 533.75 526 ds-21~542 535.25 541.75 534 ds-22~550 543.25 549.75 542 ds-23~558 551.25 557.75 550ds-24~566 559.25 565.75 558 24 + 1 566~574 567.25 573.75 24 + 2 574~582 575.25 581.75 24 + 3 582~590 583.25 589.75 24 + 4 590~598 591.25 597.75 24 + 5 598~606 599.25 605.75 超高频(Ⅴ)ds-25~614 607.25 613.75 606 ds-26~622 615.25 621.75 614 ds-27~630 623.25 629.75 622 ds-28~638 631.25 637.75 630 ds-29~646 639.25 645.75 638 ds-30~654 647.25 653.75 646 ds-31~662 655.25 661.75 654 ds-32~670 663.25 669.75 662ds-33~678 671.25 677.75 670ds-34~686 679.25 685.75 678ds-35~694 687.25 693.75 686~4-磺胺-6-甲氧嘧啶694 702 695.25 701.75 ds-37~710 703.25 709.75 702ds-38~718 711.25 717.75 710718 726 719.25 725.75~DS-39ds-40~734 727.25 733.75 726ds-41~742 735.25 741.75 734ds-42~750 743.25 749.75 742ds-43~758 751.25 757.75 750ds-44~766 759.25 765.75 758766 774 767.25 773.75~DS-45ds-46~782 775.25 781.75 774ds-47~790 783.25 789.75 782ds-48~798 791.25 797.75 790ds-49~806 799.25 805.75 798ds-50~814 807.25 813.75 806ds-51~822 815.25 821.75 814ds-52~830 823.25 829.75 822ds-53~838 831.25 837.75 830ds-54~846 839.25 845.75 838ds-55~854 847.25 853.75 846ds-56~862 855.25 861.75 854ds-57~870 863.25 869.75 862按照大段分配、如下频道:频段频道数量频道频率范围vhf-l 5个标准频道1 ~ 5 49-86mhzZⅠ7个增补频道1 ~ 7 110-160mhz7个VHF-H标准频道6 ~ 12 168-216mhz ZⅡ30个增补频道8 ~ 37 220-470mhzUHF 50 standard channels, 13~24+5~57, 470-870MHzOn the reception of cable TV supplementary channels:At present, the city launched a cable TV, cable TV, these are generally in accordance with the national standards for the use of 300 MHz, 450 MHz, 550 MHz, 750 MHz, 870MHz adjacent frequency transmission technology rich and colorful television programs, including the dissemination of some encrypted television program.However, some families tend to have two problems to misunderstand when they choose to use colour TV sets. One is that the new full channel, full color TV can receive all channel cable television broadcast, the two is that as long as you can receive more than Z8 to be able to receive additional channel, cable television broadcast all supplementary channels. This is not so.First of all from the cable TV channel division, according to the national standard of 300 channel MHz system is DS1 ~ DS4 (48.5 ~ 84) MHz, Z1 ~ Z7 (111 ~ 167) MHz, DS6 ~ DS12 (167 ~ 223) MHz, Z8 ~ Z16 (223 ~ 295) MHz, increased Z17 ~ Z35 450 MHz system (295 ~ 447) MHz, 550 MHz system increased by Z36 ~ Z38 (447 ~ 470) MHz, 750 MHz Z39 increased to Z43, the digital MHz system to DS57 870. 24+1 to 24+5 is designed to make full use of the spectrum.。

基于ICE方式H.323信令穿越Symmetric NAT技术研究

基于ICE方式H.323信令穿越Symmetric NAT技术研究

Ab ta t I s r c n NGN t r Ne wo k,d t . o c , i e t e m fBa e -P o fo t a f C i iu t h t b w o ta e s f — a e v ie vd o s r a o s d I c n r n a td f c ly t a o t r v r e e f f i ce talk n s o in l id fNAT rFW . Ge e a l e o v t o f H. 2 r t c li cu e AL o n r ly r s l e me h d o 3 3 p o o o n l d GS, TUN , S TURN t. Th s ec i
的 , 而他 们 的 I 址 是 私 有 的 , 局 域 网 外 来 说 是 不 可 路 然 P地 对 由的, 因此 NA 后 的 终 端 不 能 接 收 局 域 网 外 终 端 的 呼 叫 。 T 因 此 , 何 穿 越 NA 是 H. 2 系 需 要 解 决 的 问 题 之 一 。 如 T 3 3体
CH EN a  ̄ i g W U o g F CH E Le Xio M n Zh n - u N i (n t u eo o u e , h n QigUnv r i , h n Qig 4 O 4 ) I s i t f mp tr C o g n ie s y C o g n O O 4 t C t
计 算 机 科 学 20 Vo. 3 Q 8 0 6 [3 N .
基 于 I E 方 式 H. 2 C 3 3信 令 穿 越 S mmercNA y ti T技 术 研 究
陈 晓铭 吴 中福 陈 蕾 ( 重庆大 学计 算机 学 院 重庆 4 0 4 ) 0 0 4

伊顿 HCUn 技术数据

伊顿 HCUn 技术数据

Eaton HCUn2Technical Data TD158044ENEffective February 2022Eaton HCUnEATON Technical specificationsT able 1. Technical specificationsOperator interface Chassis mount: 5.70 inches (144 mm) supplied for mounting remotely Wall mount: 5.70 inches (144 mm) Expansion units: no HMI requiredUser interface options Plain language, no cryptic code. Multiple languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, and Polish Service port2 x USB ports for firmware update, diagnostics file, and event log download, connection to PC. Diagnostics can be downloaded via PC even if the unit is de-energizedCommissioning featuresOn-board step-by-step commissioning wizard via HMIOn-board commissioning report for download—no additional software required Automatic CT calibration, polarity detection, and correction Phase sequence insusceptibleAutomatic unit neutral connection check3Technical Data TD158044ENEffective February 2022Eaton HCUn EATON Product selectionT able 2. Product selection—HCUn 208–415 V , 50/60 HzRatedcurrent (A)Neutral rated current (A)Rated kvar at 415 VEnclosureratingMounting typeUnit typeCable entryFrameMass lb (kg)Catalog number206014IP00/type OPEN a Chassis Main Bottom 12134.48 (61)HCUN020Y4CH00309022IP00/type OPEN a Chassis Main Bottom 12134.48 (61)HCUN030Y4CH005015036IP00/type OPEN a Chassis Main Bottom 12165.35 (75)HCUN050Y4CH006018043IP00/type OPEN a Chassis Main Bottom 12165.35 (75)HCUN060Y4CH006018043IP00/type OPEN a Chassis Expansion Bottom 12165.35 (75)HCUN060Y4CH00E 206014UL T type 1Wallmount Main Bottom 13163.14 (74)HCUN020Y4N1309022UL type 1Wallmount Main Bottom 13163.14 (74)HCUN030Y4N15015036UL type 1Wallmount Main Bottom 13196.21 (89)HCUN050Y4N16018043UL type 1WallmountMainBottom13196.21 (89)HCUN060Y4N1a UL type OPEN models shall be installed with fuse kit (HCUNFUSKIT230 or HCUNFUSKIT560) on line side to maintain C UL UScompliance.Dimensions and installation guidelinesT able 3. Eaton HCUn unit dimensions and installation guidelinesFrame size figureDescriptionExterior dimensions in inches (mm)HeightWidthDepth12Eaton HCUn chassis IP00/UL type OPEN 37.80 (960.0)17.32 (440.0)10.43 (265.0)13Eaton HCUn wallmount UL type 156.69 (1440.0)17.52 (445.0)10.43 (265.0)ote: N UL type OPEN dimensions exclude fuse kit.Frame size 12Figure 1. Chassis mount IP00/UL T ype OPEN•HMI only on main unit—supplied loose in the box formounting remotely•Expansion unit has the same dimensions as the main unit, except no HMI providedote: N Fuse kit shall be installed on line side to maintain C UL US compliance.Frame size 13Figure 2. Wall mount UL T ype 1• HMI only on main unit•Expansion unit has the same dimensions as the main unit, except no HMI providedote: N All dimensions are indicative. Please refer to the dimensions in the Installation manual and engineering drawings for design purposes.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2022 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. TD158044EN / Z25913 February 2022Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Eaton HCUnTechnical Data TD158044ENEffective February 2022AccessoriesFigure 3. Fuse kit—dimensions in inches (mm)Figure 4. T erminal kit—dimensions in inches (mm) ote:N All dimensions are indicative. Please refer to the dimensions in the installation manual and engineering drawings for design purposes.。

Rural–urban migration and urbanization in China(1)

Rural–urban migration and urbanization in China(1)

China Economic Review 14 (2003) 386 – 400Rural–urban migration and urbanization in China: Evidence from time-series and cross-section analysesKevin Honglin ZHANG a,*, Shunfeng SONG b,1a Department of Economics, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-4200, USAb Department of Economics, University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0207, USAAccepted 19 September 2003AbstractSince 1978, China has experienced a rapid and unprecedented process of urbanization, created by the history’s larges t flow of rural – urban migration in the world. This article attempts (a) to assess the role of the cityward migration in China’s urbanization in 1978 –1999 and (b) to empirically investigate factors behind the migration boom with time-series and cross-section data. We find that(a) rural – urban migration made dominant contributions to Chinese urban population growth; (b) while moving together with the Chinese economy, the causal link runs from economic growth to migration, not vice versa; (c) interprovince migrants were encouraged by the rural – urban income gap and discouraged by their geographic distances to destinations; and (d) the amount of intraprovince migrants is positively related to rural –urban income gap and urban population in that province.D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.JEL classification: R58; R23; O53Keywords: Migration; Urbanization; Rural – urban income gap1. IntroductionAs a result of the rapid economic growth for the two decades since the initiation of economic reforms in 1978, China has been experiencing the rapid urbanization created by the history’s largest flow of rural – urban migration in the world. According to Chinese* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-309-438-8928; fax: +1-309-438-5228.E-mailaddresses:*****************(K.H.Zhang),***************.edu(S.Song).1 Tel.: +1-775-784-6860; fax: +1-775-784-4728.1043-951X/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chieco.2003.09.018K.H. Zhang, S. Song / China Economic Review 14 (2003) 386–400 387 government, the urban population share in China rose significantly from 18% in 1978 to 31% in 1999, and urban population rose by 222 million (State Statistical Bureau [SSB],2000), compared with 280 million of the entire U.S. population. The actual levels of urbanization and migrants could be larger, however, if the huge amount of floating people is considered. What is striking in the Chinese experience is not only the size of the increase in its urbanization levels in such a short period, but also the magnitude of urban population growth. What explains the timing and the extent of China’s urbanization? What role does the rural –urban migration play in the process of urbanization?Many studies have examined China’s rural –urban migration and urbanization, includ-ing Chang (2003), Chang and Brada (2002), Hare (1999), Knight and Song (1999), Seeborg, Jin, and Zhu (2000),Song (2001),Song and Zhang (2002),Wu (1994), and Zhao (1999). However, empirical analyses of determinants of the rural – urban migration and its role in China’s urbanization have been limited. In particular, we are still uncertain about the magnitude of migrants and factors behind the rising migration. This article attempts to close up the gap by (a) computing the amount of annual rural –urban migrants through decomposing urban growth into natural growth and net migration and (b) investigating empirically determinants of migration at national and regional levels with time-series and cross-section data. Policy implications may be derived on how the Chinese government should balance between the inevitably large rural – urban migration and the growing urban unemployment.This study is interesting in several aspects. First, like many developing countries, the problems of unemployment and poverty has begun to emerge in China as a result of rapid urbanization in the last two decades, along with other problems such as a progressive overloading of housing and social services, increased crime, pollution, and congestion. Given the serious problems, it is desirable for us to know the factors contributing to the urbanization and cityward migration so that corresponding policies may be derived. Second, China’s experience since 1978 contrasted sharply with its slow and even stagnated urban growth in the 1960s and the 1970s. While many studies have examined the prereform patterns of migration and urbanization, few studies have been devoted to assessing the postreform patterns. Third, as the most populous country, China is an interesting case for migration studies. China can also offer fascinating comparisons with other developing countries, since China differed to the certain extent from other developing countries in migration and urbanization due to its uniqueness of country size and development experience. Studies of such comparisons and differences may help derive policy implications under various circumstances.The main findings may be summarized as the following points. First, the Chinese rural-to-urban migration had been a dominant source (75%) of the growth of its urbanization in 1978 – 1999. Second, while the Chinese migration is accompanied by its economic growth, the direction of their causal link runs from the latter to the former, not vice versa. The downward time trend of the overall migration in 1978 – 1999 may imply rising costs of urbanization that limits the increase of migrants. Third, rural –urban income gap seems to be a strong driving force behind cityward migration of both inter-and intraprovinces. Finally, geographic distances discourage interprovince migrants, and intraprovince migration is positively associated with the size of provincial urban population.388 K.H. Zhang, S. Song / China Economic Review 14 (2003) 386–400Table 1Urbanization and rural – urban migration in China: 1979 – 1999Year Total Urban Urbanization Natural growth Net migration population population Level Growth Growth in Growth in Share Growth in Share(10,000) (10,000) (%) rate (%) persons persons (%) persons (%)(10,000) (10,000) (10,000)1978 96,259 17,250 17.92 2.11 582 144 24.76 438 75.24 1979 97,542 18,494 18.96 5.80 1244 144 11.59 1100 88.411980 98,705 19,139 19.39 2.27 645 158 24.51 487 75.49 1981 100,072 20,175 20.16 3.97 1036 200 19.36 835 80.64 1982 101,654 21,479 21.13 4.81 1305 228 17.45 1077 82.551983 103,008 22,270 21.62 2.32 791 206 25.99 585 74.01 1984 104,357 24,017 23.01 6.45 1746 210 12.01 1537 87.99 1985 105,851 25,094 23.71 3.01 1077 247 22.89 831 77.111986 107,507 26,366 24.53 3.45 1272 281 22.12 991 77.88 1987 109,300 27,674 25.32 3.24 1308 315 24.11 992 75.89 1988 111,026 28,656 25.81 1.94 982 313 31.91 669 68.09 1989 112,704 29,540 26.21 1.55 884 310 35.11 574 64.89 1990 114,333 30,191 26.41 0.75 651 306 47.01 345 52.99 1991 115,823 30,543 26.37 0.14 352 282 80.21 70 19.79 1992 117,171 32,372 27.63 4.77 1829 255 13.94 1574 86.061993 118,517 33,351 28.14 1.85 979 267 27.27 712 72.731994 119,850 34,301 28.62 1.71 950 269 28.32 681 71.68 1995 121,121 35,174 29.04 1.47 872 261 29.86 612 70.14 1996 122,389 35,949 29.37 1.15 776 264 34.02 512 65.98 1997 123,626 36,989 29.92 1.86 1040 322 30.96 718 69.04 1998 124,810 37,942 30.40 1.60 953 310 32.54 643 67.46 1999 125,909 38,893 30.89 1.61 951 289 30.44 662 69.56 Annually average growth and shares1978 – 1988 1.44 4.79 0.79 3.72 1199 245 20.41 945 79.59 1989 – 1999 1.11 2.79 0.47 1.66 1024 314 30.63 710 69.37 1978 – 1999 1.29 3.79 0.65 2.63 1058 266 25.12 793 74.88 The share of natural urban growth is defined as percentage of natural growth of urban population in total urban growth in persons. The remaining part of total urban growth is the share of net migration.Source: These values were computed from the China Statistical Yearbook 2000 (SSB, 2000)and Comprehensive Statistical Data and Materials on 50 Years of New China (SSB, 1999).The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 displays characteristics of China’s migration and urbanization. An analytical framework is introduced in Section 3. The next section shows our empirical investigation. Finally, we make concluding remarks in Section 5.2. Patterns of migration and urbanization in China: 1978 – 1999The level of urbanization is usually measured by the share of urban population in total population. A rise in a country’s urbanization level c ould be caused either by migration from rural to urban areas or fast population growth in urban areas than rural areas. LikeK.H. Zhang, S. Song / China Economic Review 14 (2003) 386–400 389 Table 2Rural – urban migrants at the end of 1998 by provinces: shares in nationRegions Migrants from the reporting province Region Migrants from the reporting province Total Interprovince Intraprovince Total Interprovince Intraprovince(%) (%) (%) Share (%) (%) (%) Sharein total in total Coastal areas 18.80 11.12 33.79 61.15 Coastal areas 68.93 75.54 60.22 37.71 Jiangsu 3.61 2.71 5.39 50.77 Guangdong 30.9 36.57 23.43 32.73 Shandong 3.56 2.36 5.91 56.50 Zhejiang 9.54 11.92 6.40 28.97 Hebei 3.52 2.66 5.23 50.53 Fujian 6.08 6.31 5.77 40.98 Guangdong 3.12 0.45 8.31 90.63 Jiangsu 4.58 3.06 6.59 62.07 Others 4.99 2.94 8.95 61.04 Others 17.82 17.67 18.02 43.63 Inland areas 81.20 88.88 66.21 27.75 Inland areas 31.07 24.46 39.78 55.25 Sichuan 18.97 19.68 17.83 31.98 Sichuan 4.94 1.02 10.11 88.26 Henan 14.17 14.94 12.87 30.91 Henan 4.23 2.75 6.17 63.01 Anhui 10.83 13.90 3.80 11.93 Shaanxi 2.89 2.25 3.72 55.63 Hunan 7.90 10.11 3.76 16.21 Hubei 2.41 1.44 3.70 66.09 Jiangxi 6.12 8.10 2.40 13.33 Xinjiang 2.30 3.52 0.69 13.03 Others 23.21 22.15 25.55 37.46 Others 14.30 13.47 15.38 46.44 Nation 100.00 100.00 100.00 Nation 100.00 100.00 100.00All numbers are percentage in nation, except shares in total for intraprovince, which is percentage in the reporting province. For instance, 50.77% for Jiangsu Province indicates the share of intraprovince migrants in total cityward migrants of Jiangsu. The 31 administrative units in China consist of 23 provinces (Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunan, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Qhinghai), 4 autonomous regions (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Ningxi, and Xinjiang), and 4 municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing). Both autonomous regions and municipalities enjoy the same status as province. The newly established municipal city of Chongqing is dropped from the sample of empirical analyses due to unavailability of the data before 1996. To be consistent, city of Chongqing was still treated as part of Sichuan province. The coastal areas include three municipalities and eight provinces as follows: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and Hainan. The remaining provinces are considered as inland areas.Source: China Labor Statistical Yearbook 1999 (SSB – MLSS, 1999).other countries in the early stage of industrialization, the rural – urban migration is the main source of urbanization growth in the current China.To see how much the migration contributes to the Chinese urbanization, we decompose the annually urban growth into two parts: the natural growth of urban population and net urban migration. The amount of the natural urban growth in a year is obtained through multiplying the urban population in that year by the natural growth rate of urban population, which is equal to the difference between birth rate and death rate.2 The magnitude of cityward migrants in that year thus is the remaining part of the increase in total urban population after taking off the natural urban growth. The resulting numbers of natural urban growth and net migration for the period 1978 – 1999 are presented in Table 1.2 The natural growth rate of urban population is measured by natural city growth rate (SSB, 2000). While the rates for urban and city may not be identical, the differences should be small. Even for the city rate, no data are available for years 1979 and 1981 – 1988. The missing data are restored by projection based on both natural city growth rates in the remaining years and correlations between natural growth rate of total population and natural city growth rate.390K.H. Zhang, S. Song / China Economic Review 14 (2003) 386–400 Although the exact numbers of individual migrants from home to their destinationsare still difficult to ascertain due to the absence of an authoritative national survey, the prominent presence of the migrants in Chinese cities is hardly disputable.3A recent publication by Chinese State Statistical Bureau and Ministry of Labor and Social Security (SSB –MLSS, 1999),China Labor Statistical Yearbook 1999, reports rural labor force flew and employment by provinces at the end of 1998 and the increase in the single year of 1998. Based on the information provided in the yearbook, we computed regional shares of total migrants, interprovince migrants, and intraprovince migrants by provinces and by coastal – inland areas. The results are presented in Table 2.The overall patterns of Chinese urbanization and rural urban migration may be discerned from Table 1, which includes as well total and urban population, and average growth of each indicator for two 10-year subperiods and the entire period of 1978 –1999.4Table 2 displays the regional patterns of cityward migration. Several points are worth mentioning as follows.First, urban population grew much fast than total population, especially in the first 10 years. While total population rises averagely at a rate of 1.29% per annum, that rate for urban population is 3.79%, almost threefold. The difference is even larger in 1978 – 1988, with 1.44% versus 4.79%. As a result of the fast growth of urban population, the level of urbanization increases from about 18% in 1978 to 31% in 1999, a rise of 13 points of percentage, in which 8 points in 1978 – 1988 and 5 points in 1989 – 1999. In terms of urban growth in persons, the increase of urban population in the two decades reaches as many as 222 million. In other words, more than 10 million people join the body of urban population per year in the period of 1978 – 1999.Second, the rural – urban migration turns out to be the dominant source of Chinese urban growth in 1978 – 1999. In the two decades since 1978, about 174 million people (more than total population of many large countries in 1998, such as Brazil with 166 million and Russian with 147 million) have moved from rural areas to cities, creating the history’s largest flow of migration in the world. This historically unprecedented migration constitutes 75% of the total increase in urban population in that period. The contribution of the migration to urban growth in 1978 – 1988 (80%) is larger than that in 1989 – 1999 (69%). The amount of migrants in most years of the first decade is about 10 million. Two single years, 1984 and 1992, witnessed the flow of migration as many as 15 million.Third, the most of migration takes place across provinces, from inland rural areas to coastal urban areas. As figures in the first half of Table 2 show, 81% of the total migrants3 In China’s largest cities, at least one out of every five persons is a migrant, and rural migrants account for over three-quarters of all migrants in large Chinese cities (Wang and Zuo, 1999). The migrants in Shanghai, China’s largest city, rose 10-fold from 0.26 million in 1981 to 2.81 million in 1993, and the correspondingly, the migrant share in total residents rose from less than 5 – 21.7% (Sun, 1997).4Data on China’s urbanization had been somewhat a tricky question in the sense that the data from different sources or the same sources in different time may not be consistent due to problems of frequently changing definitions of urban and rural population. However, the recent efforts made by the Chinese government have led to its urban statistics to be closer to realistic. For instance, the adjusted data on the Chinese urban population and levels of urbanization in China Statistical Yearbook 2000 (SSB, 2000) base on population census seem to have no significant differences from what were suggested by several studies (Wu, 1994; Zhang and Zhao, 1998).。












H.323只是ITU制定的使视频会议能够在各种网络上进行的一系列通信标准的一部分,这一标准系列称之为H.32X,包括H.320和H.324,分别解决在ISDN 和POTS(普通电话网)上的通信问题。

2.H.323的应用IP电话和可视电话CTI(电脑话务集成)异地协同工作INTRANET和INTERNET商务会议远程教学支持和服务应用网上交互式购物网上银行视频会议服务和计费应用远程医疗保安系统音频/视频电子邮件音频/视频广播视频点播3.H.323的重要性H.323建议是广泛的,也是灵活的,因为下面几个原因,将进入主流市场:IP LAN正变得更加强大,以太网的带宽正从10MBPS扩展至100MBPS,甚至1000MBPS。




Module 8知识清单
hard 努力地
lazy 懒惰的
parent 母亲,父亲
speak 谈话,说
with 对于
English 英语,英语课
PE 体育,体育课
Chinese 语文课,汉语,中文Art 美术
try 尝试
good at 擅长
Parents’ Day 家长日quite good at 相当擅长
work hard at 努力学习
Lingl ing’s report玲玲的成绩单run fast 跑得快
1.Is Daming naughty in class?
2. I’m not lazy.

3. We’re going to speak to your teacher. 我们打算和你的老师谈谈。

4. His work is good.
5. Ms Smart is very happy with your work. Ms Smart 对你的功课非常满意。

6. We’ve got Lingling’s repor t.

7. She’s very good at Math s.

8. she doesn’t work hard at Art.

9. She tries hard at Science.

10. What does it say?


李 萍,蒋兴浩 ,李建华
( 上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学 院 ,上海 204 ) 090

要 :针 对近 年 来 I 网络 电话业 务的 大量 涌现 ,简要 介绍 了 I 网络 电话合 法侦 听 的概 念 ,分 I 对 I 电话实施侦听的难点所在 ;接 着设计给 出了适用于H 33网络的、 I ) .2 符合 E I 范的合 法侦 听体 系,并对 比其他 侦 听体 系分析 了其优 点所 在 。 规
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基 于 H.2 3 3协议 的 I P电话 网络 合 法 侦 听体 系
关键 词 :I P电话 ; H.33网络 ; 2 合法 侦听
La u n e c p in s se n wf li t r e t y tm i o
t lp o y n t r s b s d o . 2 ee h n e wo k a e n H 3 3
L ig JA n -a ,L inh a IPn , L NG Xig h o IJa - u
Ab t a t S n e te e r e c fI tlp o ya p iain n rc n e r h i p p rito u e ec n e t s r c : i c h meg n e o P ee h n p l t s i e e ty as,t s a e nrd c st o c p c o h o a u n ec pin o P ee h n flwf litre t n I tlp o y,a ay e e d f c li n itr e t gI tlp o e c lsi o t s o o n lz st i u t i n ec pi P ee h n al n c nr tt h i f s e n a o dn r 汀N .a d p p s sa lwf litre t n s se i 3 3 n t r swhc o le i S p cf— r iay n r o e a u nec p i y tm n H. 2 ewok ih c mp i w t ET Is e i o o s h i c t n.Fn l n v u t n o e po  ̄ ai o ial y,a e a ai n t rp l o h o s se p it u t d a tg v ro e ne c p in s se . y tm ons o ti a v a e o e t ri tre t y tms s n h o



40The year of 2015 has witnessedrecovery and adjustment of world economy after the international financial crisis. China’s exhibitionindustry is often considered as an important platform for constructing modern market system and open economic system.Recently, Annual Report on China’s Exhibition Industry (2015) was published. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) started to edit and publish China’s Fairs and Exhibitions in 1995 and China Exhibition Annuals in 1999. Since 2004, they have organized experts in exhibition industry to work on the Annual Report on China’s Exhibition Industry based on a lot of surveys and analyses. In 2005, the CCPIT, together with The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (U FI), International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and Society of Independent Show Organizers(SISO), founded China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO) and issued the first Annual Report on China’s Exhibition Industry 2004 on the Forum.Macro development trend of China ’s exhibition industryThe total volume of domestic exhibi-tion market grows against the trend.According to the report, China’s exhibition industry has obtained rapid growth again since it was shortly adjusted in 2014. Incomplete statistics show that China has 3,168 exhibitions in 2015, which cover a total area of about 89 million m² and include 2,612 economic and trade exhibitions, representing an approximately 7.8% increase than in 2014 and covering a total area of around 78.74 million m², an approximately 10.8% increase than in 2014. 74% of exhibition cities above designated size see increase in exhibition area, especially inBy Lili Wang China’s Exhibition Economy Maintained Rapid Growth in Spiteof Global RecessionChina’s exhibition industry has obtained rapid growth again since it was shortly adjusted in 2014.major exhibition cities in economically developed areas. The overall scale of exhibitions continues to increase at a rate of 1.2% only, indicating evidently slower growth and that “intensive” development gradually becomes the “standard” in exhibition industry.Overseas exhibition market shrinks its scale.China’s foreign trade suffered great difficulties in 2015, manifesting as larger downward pressure on export and a comparatively large decrease in import. Overseas exhibition market is significantly impacted and shrinks in overall scale, resulting in slowdown of holding exhibitions in emerging markets but further increase in quantity and quality of self-organized exhibitions.As of October 31st, 2015, 94 exhibition organizers throughout the country have carried out 1,385 projects in 62 countries. Compared with in 2014, China has witnessed an 11.3% decrease in the number of exhibition organizers, a 4.6% decrease in the number of exhibiting countries and a 4.3% decrease in the number of projects, including 1,291 international fairs, representing a 5.6% decline, and 94 individual exhibitions (self-organized ones), representing a 19% exhibition industry. In April, theState Council issued Several Opinionson Fu r t her Promot i ng R efor mand Development of ExhibitionIndustry, followed by provinces suchas Fujian, Hubei and Heilongjiangin succession introducing relevantpolicy implementation documents. Inlast October, Ministry of Commerceled to establish the inter-ministerialjoint conference system for promotingreform and development of exhibitionindustry, showing that exhibitionindustr y, as an essential part ofmodern service industry, is becomingan important grasp on mode transferand restructuring by governmentsat all levels. Ministry of Financehas issued the Notice on Reform ofFinancial Support for Disconnection ofIndustry Associations and Chambersof Commerce (Trial) to graduallyreduce and f inally cancel directf inancial allocations for nationalindustry associations and chambers ofcommerce, support the developmentof industry associations and chambersof commerce by buying services andencourage accelerated disconnection ofindustry associations and chambers ofcommerce. Under the guidance of thispolicy, industry associations, chambersdeveloped. There has been a remarkableincrease in the number of off icialwebsites, micro-blogs and WeChataccounts of exhibitions, with commonapplication of public accounts, APPand other new technologies. Besides,exhibition information platformconstruction becomes the new directionof information-oriented developmentwhile national exhibition informationplatform, local exhibition informationplatforms and exhibition informationtrade platform independently developedby enterprises become three carriagesfor promoting the development ofexhibition information platformdevelopment, wh ic h lay a sol idfoundation for holding online virtualexhibitions and promoting applicationof new technologies such as cloudcomputing, big data, Internet of Thingsand mobile internet in exhibitionindust r y in t he f ut u re. Mut ua lpromotion and coordinated developmentof the exhibition industry and newInternet technologies are becoming newfeatures of China’s exhibition market.Venue construction continuouslypicks up.Statistics show that there are 136professional exhibition centers that cover42An exhibition involves high aggregation of goods, people, capital flow and information flow.scale, high design specification and new construction idea have been completed and put into use in 2015, actively promoting the development of local exhibition economy, for example, National Convention and Exhibition Center that covers an area of 400,000 m² in Shanghai, Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center that covers an area of 300,000 square metres in Yunnan, Zhuhai International Conference and Exhibition Center that covers an area of 30,000 m² in Guangdong, China Asia Conference and Exhibition Center that covers 140,000 m², etc.With continuous growth of venue construction, however, the hidden worry of insufficient utilization of exhibition facilities rises gradually. According to statistics, up to half of exhibition centers host a total show area of less than 200,000 m² and 44% of exhibition centers witness a rate of occupancy below 10% in 2015, indicating Serious excess of China’s exhibition venue construction.Outlook of Chinese Exhibition Industry in 2016China’s exhibition industry will accelerate its restructuring, with innovation playing a leading role in transformation and upgrading.T h e y e a r o f 2016 w i l l b e important for transformation of China’s exhibition industry to specialization and market orientation. It is estimated that exhibition market for industries with comparatively large pressure on “de-stocking and de-capacity”, e.g., building materials, rolled steel and other infrastructure industries, steel, coal and other energy Chapter I A Review and Outlook of China’s Exhibition Industry in 2015 Annual R e p or t on Ch i n a’s E x h i bit ion Industry (2015) 57·industries, heavy chemical industry and some industries related to manufacturing and export orientation, will be subject to more intense competition. Innovation of exhibition projects in service industry and emerging industries will have a tremendous space for growth.Industry association is undergoing reformative development and promotes optimization and reorganizationthrough capital operation.W i t h t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o frelevant documents for promoting thedevelopment of exhibition industry bythe State Council and the establishmentof inter-ministerial joint conference forexhibition industry, the foundation ofnational association of the exhibitionindustry that is highly authoritativeand covers extensive fields and a widescope will become an important pushfor healthy development of nationalexhibition industry.Wit h t he d is con ne c t ion ofindustry associations and chambers ofcommerce with government agencies,exhibition organizer market will befaced with further integration. It isestimated that some chambers ofcommerce and societies will participatein market competition by adjusting theirinstitutional framework, registeringentity enterprises as well as selling andtransferring exhibition managementright.In terms of capital operation, someprivate and foreign exhibition companiesare pioneers in acquisition and mergersof exhibitions. As the State Councilhas issued the Opinions on State-owned Enterprises Developing Mixedownership Economy, it is estimatedthat more state-owned enterprises andcapital will participate in merging andreorganization of exhibitions as well asconstruction and operation of exhibitionvenues via capital market in future,thus further boosting marketization ofexhibition industry.“Internet+” becomes a drivingforce for innovative development ofexhibition industry.An exhibition involves highaggregation of goods, people, capital flowand information flow. As exhibitions arefeatured by a large number of resources,short duration and complex structureof participants, it is impossible for deepmining with traditional data processingmethods. Mobile internet has rebuiltcommercial value, changed serviceboundary, improved service efficiencyand quality, thus having become animportant means to reform forms ofexhibition. It is estimated that China’sexhibition industry will acceleratereengineering of Internet processesfor operation mechanism and use bigdata to develop platform managementand operation, so as to open up anew situation for the development ofexhibition industry.Exhibition venues continue toincrease in area and are faced withseparation and integration.The year of 2016 will see a largenumber of exhibition venues beingconstructed or completed and put intouse in exhibition center cities, such asShenzhen, Qingdao and Hangzhou,and traditionally second- and third-tier cities, such as Changsha, Harbinand Xi’an. For instance, ShenzhenI nt e r n a t ion a l C on f e r e n c e a n dExhibition Center covers an area ofup to 500,000 m², which will becomethe world’s largest exhibition center;new exhibition centers in Qingdao andHangzhou also cover an area of 180,000m² and 150,000 m². Though the numberof exhibition venues will continue toincrease owing to investment inertia andsupport of local government policies, theinvestment mode in which some citiespromote exhibition venue constructionthrough real estate will be unsustainablein f ut ure under the sit uation ofslowdown of real estate investment.More intense competition in exhibitionmarket will accelerate centralizationof the market. Exhibition centers insome second- and third-tier cities willbe transformed and upgraded in viewof bottlenecks of exhibition marketdevelopment. And with completion andoperation of a batch of new exhibitioncenters, some old and outmoded onesare also confronted with upgrading andtransformation.(Source: Annual Report onChina’s Exhibition Industry 2015)。




3个中国新记录种为:瘦弱环纹炭团菌(Annulohypoxylon leptascum)、竹生轮层炭壳菌(Daldinia bambusicola)和拟勒农炭团菌(Hypoxylon sublenormandii);7个西藏新记录种为:博韦环纹炭团菌(A. bovei)、启迪轮层炭壳菌(D. childiae)、豪伊炭团菌(H. howeanum)、坚硬炭团菌(H. investiens)、穿孔炭团菌(H. perforatum)、热带炭团菌(H. trugodes)和多形罗杰斯环纹炭团菌(Jackrogersella multiformis),并对它们的宏观和微观特征进行描述及图示。

关键词:大型真菌;子囊菌门;物种多样性;新记录种;新分布中图分类号:S718.81文献标识码:ANewly Recorded Species of Hypoxylaceae (Ascomycota) from Medog in ChinaZHU Anhong GAO Yue TANG Ke SONG Zikun YANG Zhanen MA Haixia1. Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China;2. Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China;3. Hainan Institute for Tropical Agricultural Resources, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China;4. Hainan Key Laboratory of Tropical Microbe Resources, Haikou, Hainan 571101, ChinaAbstract:A preliminary account of Hypoxylaceae species (Ascomycota) by now widely unexplored forests of Medog county, southeast Tibet of China is surveyed. Three newly recorded species to China and seven species new to Tibet, are documented based on morphological and molecular phylogeny. The newly recorded species of China are:Annulohypoxylon leptascum,Daldinia bambusicola and Hypoxylon sublenormandii, and the morphological descriptions and illustrations in details are provided in the paper. Seven newly recorded species in Tibet,A. bovei,D. childiae,H. howeanum,H. investiens,H. perforatum,H. trugodes and Jackrogersella multiformis are listed including the type location, distribution, habitat and simple characteristics. The discovery of newly distributed fungi is of great significance for exploring the species diversity and attributing the regionalization of Hypoxylaceae from Medog in China.Keywords:macro-fungi; Ascomycota; species diversity; new record species; new distributionDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2022.11.011西藏自治区辽阔的地域和复杂的地理环境孕育了独特的生物群落,是我国重要的生态安全屏障,也是世界山地生物物种最重要的分化与起源中心[1]。

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同时涉及不同版本的H.225.0, H.245协议。



建议H.323(1998)基于分组交换的多媒体通讯系统1范围 (1)3定义 (2)4符合和缩写 (5)一些约定 (8)6系统描述 (8)7 呼叫信令 (16)8呼叫信令流程 (24)9 和其它类型的终端互通 (38)10 可选的增加项 (38)11 维护 (38)1范围这份建议适用于在底层传输不提供QoS保证的基于分组的网络上,进行多媒体通讯的技术需求。

本建议描述了H.323的系统组件:包括终端,网关(GW), GateKeepers,多点控制(MC),多点处理(MP),多点处理单元(MCU)等。







Scope ofNote: A gateway may support one or more of the GSTN,N-ISDN and/or B-ISDN connections.图1H.323终端的协同工作能力。


3.1active MC:指主从确定获胜,当前为会议提供多点控制功能的MC。


3.2ad hoc multipoint conference:这是一个点到点会议,在呼叫的某个时候,扩展成多点会议。


3.4audio mute:抑制一个或多个源的音频信号。



3.5broadcast conference:广播会议指有一个媒体流的发送者和许多接收者。



3.6broadcast panel conference:广播座谈会是多点会议和广播会议的结合。











3.8call signalling channle:在两个H.323实体间传递呼叫建立和拆除消息的可信信道。



终端,MCU,网关是callable的,但GK和MC 不是的。

3.10centralized multipoint conference:集中多点会议是指所有参与终端以点对点方式与MCU相连。


3.11control and indication (C&I):控制和指示是终端间的端对端信令,控制可以导致接收者状态的改变,指示提供系统状态或功能方面的信息。


3.13decentralized multipoint conference:分散会议是指参与终端将它们的音频和视频流多点传输给其它参与终端,不使用MCU。










3.17H.323 Entity:H.323实体是H.323组件,包括终端,网关,GK,MC,MP,MCU等。

3.18H.245 control channel:在两个H.323 节点之间承载H.245控制信息消息的可信信道。

3.19H.245 seeeion:呼叫的一部分,开始于H.245控制信道的建立,终止于H.245EndSessionCommand的接收,或终止于失败。

不要与呼叫混淆,呼叫由H.225.0的Setup和Release Complete消息描绘。

3.20Hybrid multipoint conference—centralized audio:集中音频的合成多点会议指:音频流以集中多点会议方式处理,视频流以分散多点会议方式处理。

3.21Hybrid multipoint conference-centralized video:集中视频的合成多点会议指:视频流以集中多点会议方式处理,音频流以分散多点会议方式处理。

3.22Information stream:从单个源至一个或多个目的地的特定媒体类型的信息流。

3.23Lip synchronization:提供这样一种感觉:被显示人说话的动作和声音同步。

3.24Local area network (LAN):局域网。

3.25Logical channel:在两个H.323终端间承载信息流的信道,由H.245OpenLogicalChannel流程建立。



3.26Mixed multipoint conference:混合会议是集中和分散会议经MCU的组合。


Decentralized Side Centralized SideFigure 2/H.233 – Mixed multipoint conference3.27Multicast:从一个源向多个目的地发送PDUs的过程。



3.29Multipoint control unit:多点控制单元用于控制多点会议。


MCU通常按H.231 MCU的方式行事,不过音频处理器不是必须的。

MCU由两部分组成:必备的MC 和可选的MP。



3.30Multipoint controller:MC是网络上的一个H.323实体,它为多点会议中三个或更多个终端的参与提供控制。





3.31Multipoint processor:MP是网络上的H.323实体,它为多点会议中的媒体流提供集中处理能力。


MP 能够处理单个或多个媒体流依赖于支持的会议类型。



3.33Packet based network(also network):使用基于包传输协议的网络。

3.34Network address:由网络层协议定义的地址,如IP地址。

3.35Point-to-point conference:点对点会议是在两个终端间的会议。


3.36RAS channel:两个H.323实体间的不可信信道。


3.37Reliable channel: 可信信道。


3.38Reliable transmission:可信传递。



3.39RTP session:对每个参与者而言,RTP会话由特定的目的地传输地址对(用于RTP和RTCP的一个网络地址+TSAP标识)定义。




3.40Switched circuit network(SCN):电路交换网。

