



1 横河软件产品是以其制造完成时的状态或其出厂时的状态提供给用户的。除存储媒体的破损或损坏外,横河及 提供方不承担瑕疵担保责任及其他一切保证责任。如用户发现横河软件产品的存储媒体有破损或损坏时,横河 仅在其出厂后12个月内, 对其进行无偿更换(仅限于用户承担将该软件的存储媒体送至横河指定经销点的费用的 情况。)。且在任何情况下,横河对横河软件产品在质量及性能上的无瑕疵,恰当性,正确性,可靠性,最新性等 不作任何的明示或暗示的保证。横河也不保证横河软件产品与其他软件的一致性及兼容性等。 横河根据自己的判断,认为有必要时,可以对横河软件产品实施版本升级(以下称“升级”) ,进行无偿或有偿 提供。但是,横河并不承担向用户提供升级服务或升级后的产品的义务。 根据不同的产品,横河有提供有偿维修服务的可能。维修服务的范围及条件依照横河的另行规定。但是,如果 宣传手册或一般规格书中没有明确记载,横河将最多对最新版本及前一版本进行维护。前一版本为升级后5年以 内的横河软件产品。另外,关于已经停售的横河软件产品,仅对停售后5年以内的产品实施维修服务。关于标准 品以外的横河软件产品,横河不负实施维修措施的义务。对非横河更改或修正的横河软件产品,横河一概不予 应对。
本合同适用于横河的以下产品及附带提供的相关资料(以下称“横河软件产品”)。除横河另行规定的情况外,本 合同也适用于横河提供的更新版的横河软件产品及功能增加版的横河软件产品。 目标产品:DAQSTANDARD for FX1000 (Model FXA120)
1 2 有关横河软件产品,用户须以支付另行商定的使用费为代价,且只可在与以下授权数相同台数的计算机上安装 横河软件产品。横河以许可用户自己使用为目的,授予用户非垄断,不可转让的使用权。 授权数:1台 除横河书面另行许可或规定的情况外,禁止用户实施以下行为。 (a) 复制横河软件产品(允许复制一份以备用为目的软件,但必须注意妥善保管复制软件。) (b) 将横河软件产品或其使用权销售、转租、分发、转让、抵押给第三方或授予第三方再使用权,以及使横河软 件产品通过信息网络传播或发送成为可能。 (c) 通过网络在指定电脑以外的电脑上使用横河软件产品。 (d) 通过转存、逆向汇编、逆向编译、反向工程等手段将横河软件产品转换为程序源代码及其他可读取的格式或 复制此类转换;通过更改或译成他种语言将横河软件产品转换为横河所提供的形式以外的任何形式或作此类 转换尝试。 (e) 解除或试图解除横河软件产品中使用或添加的保护装置(防复制保护装置)。 (f) 删除横河软件产品中显示的著作权、商标、标志及其他标示。 横河软件产品及与其相关的一切技术、计算方式、技术诀窍和程序是属于横河或授权于横河 再使用权或转让权 的第三方的固有财产及商业机密。横河软件产品的权利归横河或相关第三方所有。横河不作将该财产权利转移 或转让给用户的任何承诺。 不得将前款中所述的固有财产及商业机密及键代码提供给使用横河软件产品时所必须的用户方高级管理人员、 职员或与之相当的人员以外的第三方。并且用户应使这些相关人员严守保密义务。 本合同被终止或被解除时,向横河退还横河软件产品及其复制软件的同时,必须彻底删除电脑或存储媒体中的 复制软件。销毁保存了横河软件产品及其复制软件的存储媒体时,必须彻底删除存储媒体中保存的内容。 横河软件产品可能会包含横河从第三方(含横河的关联公司)获得的许可再使用权或转让权的软件程序(以下称 “第三方程序”)。有关第三方程序提供方(以下称“提供方”)规定了与本合同不同的使用许可条件时,优先适 用提供方另行提出的相应条件。第三方程序中,也可能含有用户直接从提供方获得使用权的程序。 横河软件产品中可能含有已公开的源代码软件(以下称“OSS”)。有关OSS,优先适用其另行被规定的条件。

AZ P4620 Photoresist数据包说明书

AZ P4620 Photoresist数据包说明书

Red=Neg, Blue =Pos; nLOF, N4000, 15nXT, 12XT, 40XT = chemically amplified; 125nXT = photopolymer; 10XT, 9200, P4620, 2008HS, PLP, 50XT, 4500 = DNQ
AZ® Electronic Materials
AZ® nLOF Series
<--------------------- AZ® 2008HS ------------------->
AZ® TX 1311
<------ AZ® 9260/10XT -------->
<------------ AZ® 50XT ----------> AZ® VS-01HJ
40XT Series CA
125nXT Series PP
TX 1311
FT Range (um)
Maximum Aspect Single coat Ratio
g-h 2 - 55
2:1 Solder, Cu, Au
g-h 2 - 55
AZ® P4620 Gold Plating Process
Photoresist Mask CD = 93.5um; Au Bump CD = 96um.
AZ Confidential
AZ, the AZ logo, BARLi, Aquatar, nLOF, Kwik Strip, Klebosol, and Spinfil are registered trademarks and AX, DX, HERB, HiR, MiR, NCD, PLP, Signiflow, SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.



POCKET GUIDEA FUTURE-PROOF TECHNOLOGY This pocket guide provides an overview of TETRA radio terminals and systems available along with an overview of the services we can provide to support them.TETRA is designed for professional users who need critical communications. It is scalable,nationwide public safety networks. Customers across many segments use our TETRA solutions including: retail, sports and leisure venues, manufacturing plants, oil andgas facilities, and government organisations.TETRA RADIOTERMINALSPages 4 - 5MTP3000 SERIESPages 10 - 11ST7000Pages 14 - 15MTP8000Ex SERIESPages 16 - 17DIMETRA™ SYSTEMSPages 22 - 23DIMETRA X COREPages 24 - 25DIMETRA EXPRESSPages 28 - 29ST7500Pages 12 - 13DIMETRA EXPRESSSUPPORT SERVICESPages 30 - 31DIMETRA X CORESUPPORT SERVICESPages 26 - 27DEVICESSUPPORT SERVICESPages 20 - 21MTM5000 SERIESPages 18 - 19MXP600Pages 6 - 7MXP600M-RADIOCONTROL APPPages 8 - 9We offer a wide range of TETRA terminals to meet the unique requirements of mission critical communications across a wide variety of industries including transportation and logistics, oil and gas, utilities and public safety.TETRA RADIO TERMINALSMXP600 innovative audio technology, LMR and Wi-Fi Over-the-Air Programming, HD voice ready-hardware and Bluetooth® 5.0 for a leading-edge user experience today and ready for mission-critical communications tomorrow.FRONTLINE SAFETY, TODAY AND TOMORROWKEY FEATURES•Class 3 transmit power•SMA connector• Bluetooth® 5.0, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0,and 2.1 + EDR•F ull car kit support•GPS and Galileo or BeiDouor GLONASS•Large 2.4 inch display •Integrated NFC•Rated IP65, IP66, IP67, IP68(2m, 2 hours) and MIL-STD 810 C, D, E, F, G, H •(HD) voice• Noise Suppression •Automatic Howling Suppression •Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and 5GHz •TETRA Over-The-Air Programming •Wi-Fi Over-The-Air ProgrammingM-RADIOCONTROL APP Easy radio interaction viaM-RadioControl app on a pairedsmartphone. Useful for:•Situations where it’s not convenientto remove the radio from clothingfor interaction•Convert / undercover operations -where radio is hidden• Deeper interaction with the radioRemote SpeakerMicrophoneKEY ACCESSORIESMulti-UnitChargerCarryCaseMTP3000 SERIES SAFER. TOUGHER. EASIER TO USE.These fully featured radios for public safety and mission critical users are packed with features thatare essential for safe and effective operations, aswell as loud and clear audio and a rugged design.• IP65, IP66, IP67and MIL-STD 810 C, D, E, F, G •350-470 MHz and 800 MHz •GPS and BeiDou or GLONASS • Bluetooth® 2.1 and 4.0 LE •End-to-end encryption •Man Down •Vibrate alertKEY FEATURESKEY ACCESSORIESMulti-unit ChargerRemote Speaker MicrophoneAdjustable D-style earpiece with in-line microphone and push-to-talkST7500 KEY FEATURES•Proprietary hybrid antenna•B right OLED display•L oud and clear audio•I P65, IP67 and MIL-STD 810 D, E, F, G •H ardware based end-to-end encryption •V ibration alert•G PS and BeiDou or GLONASS •M AC13 accessory connector •B luetooth® 2.1 and 4.1 LECOMPACT. CAPABLE.FUTURE READY.The ST7500 TETRA radio is frontline ready, combining a small but rugged design with mission-critical performance. Easy to wear andpowerful communications solution for the moments that matter.KEY ACCESSORIESCarry HolsterEarpieceAntennasST7000For when the communication needs of executives, style, as well as function.KEY FEATURES•Small and elegant design •Simple and intuitive user interface • Loud and clear audio•3.5 mm audio connector for maximum accessory compatibility •Reversible USB-C connector for •Enhanced coverage with 1.8Wtransmit power•Long-life battery with up to 20hours of use•Integrated Bluetooth® 2.1 and 4.1 LE •IP54 and MIL-STD 810 F, GSMALL. DISCREET. SOPHISTICATED.Carry Sling Carry HolsterPersonal ChargerMTP8000Ex SERIESWORK SAFER. WORK SMARTER. WORK ANYWHERE.• Loud and clear audio • Enhanced coverage• Rugged design• Bluetooth ® 2.1 and 4.0 LE • Advanced ergonomics • Extended battery life • Easy to use• IP64, IP65, IP66, IP67 and MIL STD 810 D, E, F , GKEY FEATURES Meeting the latest ATEX and IECEx standards, this next generation of TETRA ATEX radios represents a in improving workersafety, communications hazardous environments.KEY ACCESSORIESActive Noise Cancelling RSMTwin Cup HeadsetsSAVOX HC-1Helmet communications with bone conductive microphone and ear pieceMTM5000 SERIES The MTM5400 includes enhanced audio andreceiver sensitivity, high power modes and Gateway Repeater functionality features, as well as being TEDS enabled. The MTM5500 which permits the installation of multiple control heads. The ability to control multiple radios is essential for multiple agency, joint operations or bilateral cross border operations.•10W transmit power •Integrated DMOGateway •TEDS enabled •End-to-end encryption •Dual control heads and dual transceivers on MTM5500 KEY FEATURESSAFER. SMARTER. FASTER.KEY ACCESSORIESRemote EthernetControl HeadTelephone StyleControl HeadIP67 Control HeadDEVICES SUPPORT SERVICESEnsuring reliable and consistent management of your critical communication devices is an ongoing effort. We provide expert engineers and specialists dedicated to supporting your device management and maintenance requirements.Keeping your device software current ensures you have access to meet your operational requirements.and programming your devices. Motorola Solutions has tiered service levels so you can match the level of support required to your business needs and budget.Motorola Solutions’ DIMETRA systems have been continuously developed for more than 20 years to meet the needs of all types of TETRA users, from nationwide public safety network operators to users in the commercial or industrial sectors with small systems. Numerous special features have been developed during that time to enhance capacity, reliance, cyber security, ease of upgrade to take advantage of developments and cost savings in the IT industry. With a full range of service solutions, application partners and local representation, Motorola Solutions is uniquely placed to supply and support the roll-out of TETRA services for all types and sizes of operators and end users.TOUGH, RESILIENT AND EFFICIENT DIMETRA ™ TETRA SYSTEMS FOR CRITICAL COMMUNICATIONSDIMETRA X COREDIMETRA X Core is a fully scalable TETRA system designed to make the most of your TETRA network today, while preparing you for the additional capabilities of mobile enhanced cyber security and smart interfaces, DIMETRA X Core is built for long-term performance, giving you the mission-critical communications you need for the next 15 years or more. DIMETRA X Core is a secure, smart investment for your organisation’s future.READY FOR THE FUTURE, TODAYKEY FEATURES•Advanced architecture••Protected investment in radio access network•Fully scalable to 5,000+ sites •Comprehensive feature set •Lower operational costs •Lower total cost of ownershipDIMETRA X CORE SUPPORT SERVICES Mission critical systems need Array to provide highly resilientcommunications with highavailability, whilst remainingadaptable to changingoperational demands andprotected against new threats.To maintain your DIMETRA Xto operate at optimal levels,Motorola Solutions havesupport service packages.SERVICE COMPONENTS:• Software Updates: keeps system up to date with the latest security updates, features and functionality • Customer Support Manager: acts as the customer advocate into Motorola Solutions and is the point of contact and escalation for issues • Network Updates: if future software enhancements outgrow the capability of your supported hardware, we will provide upgraded infrastructure for your DIMETRAX Core system • Remote Technical Support: from Motorola Solutions Technical Engineers• Network Hardware Repair: of any failed DIMETRA X Core infrastructure. This is also available with optional Advanced Replacement oncritical componentsDIMETRA EXPRESSindustrial users. By integrating the switch and base radios, it’snow easier than ever to set up, deploy and manage your TETRAcosts and complexity over the long term. COMMUNICATIONS MADE SIMPLEDIMETRA EXPRESS MTS4 TETRA SYSTEM DIMETRAEXPRESS MTS2TETRA SYSTEMDIMETRAEXPRESS MTS1TETRA SYSTEMDIMETRA EXPRESSSTANDALONETETRA SYSTEMKEY FEATURES•F lexible Solution- Modular MTS1 and Expressserver system- All-in-one-box MTS2 and MTS4 systems with integrated Express server •D eploy in Minuteswith a web-based installer•S imple System Management- Network management is easyusing web-based tools, including a system health monitor and simple dispatch application •C omplete Communications- Voice services, short dataservices, VoIP telephony services, clear authentication, and APIsfor 3rd party voice logging anddispatch clients•G rows with You- A multi-site system designed toexpand as your needs do•- Robust and reliable, you can depend on DIMETRA communications to be there for your teamDIMETRA EXPRESS SUPPORT SERVICES To maintain your DIMETRA Express system so that it continues to operate at optimal levels,1 Year Hardware Repair - repair centre will repair and ship within 20 days.Customers can opt for extended hardware repair after the 1 year warranty period which includes hardware repair.SERVICE COMPONENTS:• Software Updates: keeps system up to date with the latest security updates, features and functionality • Network Updates: if future software enhancements outgrow the capability of your supported hardware, we will provide upgraded infrastructure for your DIMETRA Express system • Remote Technical Support: from Motorola Solutions Technical Engineers• Network Hardware Repair:of any failed DIMETRA Express infrastructure. This is also available with optional Advanced Replacement on critical components31 | TETRA POCKET GUIDE/TETRA。



GROUP550设备说明书目录一、设备环境安装要求 (3)1、硬件规格 (4)2、网络需求 (4)二、设备安装步骤 (4)1、GROUP 550介绍-设备组成: (5)2、GROUP 550介绍-背板连线示意: (5)3、实物展示 (5)4、物理连接 (6)三、加电测试 (15)1、设备开机 (15)2、电源指示灯状态 (15)3、主屏幕显示状态 (15)四、设备系统配置 (16)1、系统开机配置 (16)2、遥控器操作方法 (21)3、呼叫对方 (22)4、高级进阶设置 (23)五、系统功能测试 (28)1、终端点对点呼叫是否能够联通 (29)2、终端多点呼叫是否能够联通 (29)3、终端输出内容画面是否为1080P (29)4、终端画面和音频是否唇音同步 (29)5、终端双流输入是否正常 (29)六、设备常见故障处理 (29)1、遥控器的充电 (29)2、设置预设位和调用 (30)3、麦克风状态指示灯 (31)4、双流的发送 (31)5、诊断: (32)6、会议常见问题 (33)7、系统维护 (35)一、设备环境安装要求1、硬件规格2、网络需求视频会议系统传输使用中国建设银行专用IP网,由于MCU是整个视频会议系统的汇聚中心,为了保证视频会议画面清晰、声音逼真,并确保中国建设银行内网与视频会议系统的安全、稳定运行,建议如下:1)为视频设备单独划分内网,使用单独Vlan。






二、设备安装步骤1、GROUP 550介绍-设备组成:名称主机镜相机全向麦克风遥控器辅材线缆实物图2、GROUP 550介绍-背板连线示意:3、实物展示4、物理连接4.1 摄像机连接4.2 双流输入4.3 音频输入4.4 音频输出音频输出接口,双声道4.5 视频输出4.6 网络接口三、加电测试1、设备开机2、电源指示灯状态蓝色橙色闪烁交替闪烁则是主机处于升级状态3、主屏幕显示状态开机后电源灯为蓝色状态待机状态电源灯为橙色色状态四、设备系统配置1、系统开机配置1.1 用遥控器选择“简体中文”1.2 选择“高级”1.3 选择“接受”1.4 选择”China”1.5 第五页系统名使用默认名称(或自行更改),然后点击”下一个”1.6 配置的设备地址,先选择手动输入IP地址,使用遥控器一次输入IP地址、网关、掩码。

长斯系电子 FORESEE eMMC FEMDNN032G-58A46 数据手册说明书

长斯系电子 FORESEE eMMC FEMDNN032G-58A46 数据手册说明书

FORESEE eMMC FEMDNN032G-58A46DatasheetE-00873Version: 1.02021.10.09LONGSYS ELECTRONICS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE PRODUCTS, INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS WITHOUT NOTICE.Products and specifications discussed herein are for reference purposes only. All information discussed herein is provided on an “AS IS” basis, without warranties of any kind.This document and all information discussed herein remain the sole and exclusive property of Longsys Electronics. No license of any patent, copyright, mask work, trademark or any other intellectual property right is granted by one party to the other party under this document, by implication, estoppel or other-wise.Longsys products are not intended for use in life support, critical care, medical, safety equipment, or similar applications where product failure could result in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application, or any governmental procurement to which special terms or provisions may apply.For updates or additional information about Longsys products, contact your nearest Longsys office.All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.ⓒ 2021 Shenzhen Longsys Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.CONTENTS1.Introduction (4)2. Product List (4)3. Features (4)4. Functional Description (5)5. Product Specifications (6)5.1 Performance (6)5.2 Power Consumption (6)6. Pin Assignments (7)6.1 Ball Array view (7)6.2 Ball Array view (8)7. Usage Overview (9)7.1 General description (9)7.2 Partition Management (9)7.3 Automatic Sleep Mode (11)7.4 Sleep (CMD5) (11)7.5 H/W Reset operation (12)7.6 High-speed mode selection (12)7.7 Bus width selection (12)7.8 Partition configuration (12)7.9 CID register (12)7.10 CSD register (13)7.11 Extended CSD register (14)7.12 OCR Register (23)7.13 Field firmware update(FFU) (23)7.14 S.M.A.R.T. Health Report (25)8. Package Dimension (26)9 Connection Guide (26)9.1 Schematic Diagram (26)10. Processing Guide (27)1.IntroductionISOCOM eMMC is an embedded storage solution designed in the BGA package. The ISOCOM eMMC consists of NAND flash and eMMC controller. The controller could manage the interface protocols,wear-leveling,bad block management and ECC.ISOCOM eMMC has high performance at a competitive cost, high quality and low power consumption, and eMMC is compatible with JEDEC standard eMMC 5.1 specifications.3. Features➢eMMC5.1 specification compatibility (Backward compatible to eMMC4.41/4.5/5.0)➢Bus mode- Data bus width: 1 bit (default), 4 bits, 8 bits- Data transfer rate: up to 400MB/s (HS400)- MMC I/F Clock frequency : 0~200MHz➢Operating voltage range- Vcc(NAND) : 2.7 - 3.6V- Vccq(Controller) : 1.7 - 1.95V / 2.7 - 3.6V➢Temperature- Operation (-25℃~ +85℃)- Storage without operation (-40℃~ +85℃)➢Sudden-Power-Loss safeguard➢Hardware ECC engine➢Unique firmware backup mechanism ➢Global-wear-leveling➢Supported features.-HS400, HS200-Partitioning, RPMB-Boot feature, boot partition-HW Reset/SW Reset-Discard, Trim, Erase, Sanitize-Background operations, HPI-Enhanced reliable write-S.M.A.R.T. Health Report-FFU-Sleep / awake➢Others- Compliance with the RoHS Directive4. Functional DescriptionISOCOM eMMC with powerful L2P (Logical to Physical) NAND Flash management algorithm provides unique functions:➢Host independence from details of operating NAND flash➢Internal ECC to correct defect in NAND flash➢Sudden-Power-Loss safeguardTo prevent from data loss, a mechanism named Sudden-Power-Loss safeguard is added in the eMMC. In the case of sudden power-failure, the eMMC would work properly after power cycling.➢Global-wear-levelingTo achieve the best stability and device endurance, this eMMC equips the Global Wear Leveling algorithm. It ensures that not only normal area, but also the frequently accessed area, such as FAT, would be programmed and erased evenly.➢IDA(Initial Data Acceleration)The eMMC prevents the pre-burned data from data-loss with IDA, in case of our customer had pre-burned data to eMMC, before the eMMC being SMT.➢CacheThe eMMC enhanced the data written performance with Cache, with which our customer would get more endurance and reliability.5. Product Specifications• Test Condition: Bus width x8, 200MHz DDR, 512KB data transfer, w/o file system overhead, measured on internal board • Test tool: uBOOT (Without O/S)• Chunk size: 1MB,• Test area: 100MB/ Full-range of LBA.5.2 Power Consumption5.2.1 Active power consumption during operation• Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8 @200MHz DDR, 25℃.• Vcc:3.3V & Vccq:1.8V.• The measurement for max RMS current is the average RMS current consumption over a period of 100ms.5.2.2 Low power mode (stand-by)• Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8 @200MHz DDR, 25℃.• Standby: Nand Vcc & Controller Vccq power supply is switched on.• The measurement for max RMS current is the average RMS current consumption over a period of 100ms.5.2.3 Low power mode (sleep)• Power Measurement conditions: Bus configuration =x8 @200MHz DDR, 25℃.• Sleep: Nand Vcc power supply is switched off(Controller Vccq on)• The measurement for max RMS current is the average RMS current consumption over a period of 100ms.6. Pin Assignments6.1 Ball Array viewFBGA153 - Ball Array (Top view(ball site down))Note:NC: No Connect, shall be connected to ground or left floating. RFU: Reserved for Future Use, must be left floating for future use. VSF: Vendor Specific Function, must be left floating.7.1 General descriptionThe eMMC can be operated in 1, 4, or 8-bit mode. NAND flash memory is managed by a controller inside, which manages ECC, wear leveling and bad block management. The eMMC provides easy integration with the host process that all flash management hassles are invisible to the host.7.2 Partition ManagementThe embedded device offers also the possibility of configuring by the host additional split local memory partitions with independent addressable space starting from logical address 0x00000000 for different usage models. Default size of each Boot Area Partition is 4096 KB and can be changed by Vendor Command as multiple of 128KB. Boot area partition size is calculated as ( 128KB * BOOT_SIZE_MUL TI ) The size of Boot Area Partition 1 and 2 cannot be set independently and is set as same value Boot area partition which is enhanced partition. Therefore memory block area scan is classified as follows:➢Factory configuration supplies boot partitions.➢The RPMB partition is 4MB.➢The host is free to configure one segment in the User Data Area to be implemented as enhanced storage media, and to specify its starting location and size in terms of Write Protect Groups. The attributes of this Enhanced User Data Area can be programmed only once during the device life-cycle (one-time programmable).➢Up to four General Purpose Area Partitions can be configured to store user data or sensitive data, or for other host usage models. The size of these partitions is a multiple of the write protect group. Size and attributes can be programmed once in device life-cycle (one-time programmable). Each of the General Purpose Area Partitions can be implemented with enhanced technological features.Partitions and user data area configuration(The size of RPMB area partition is 4MB)In boot operation mode, the master can read boot data from the slave (device) by keeping CMD line low or sending CMD0 with argument + 0xFFFFFFFA, before issuing CMD1. The data can be read from either boot area or user area dependingState diagram (boot mode)State diagram (alternative boot mode)State diagram (boot mode)*7.3 Automatic Sleep ModeIf host does not issue any command during certain duration (1s), after previously issued command is completed, the device enters “Power Saving mode” to reduce power consumption. At this time, commands arriving at the device while it is in power saving mode will be serviced in normal fashion. The below table explains the condition to enter and exit Auto Power Saving Mode7.4 Sleep (CMD5)A card may be switched between a Sleep state and a Standby state by SLEEP/AWAKE (CMD5). In the Sleep state the power consumption of the memory device is minimized. In this state the memory device reacts only to the commands RESET (CMD0 with argument of either 0x00000000 or 0xF0F0F0F0 or H/W reset) and SLEEP/AWAKE (CMD5). All the other commands are ignored by the memory device. The timeout for state transitions between Standby state and Sleep state is defined in the EXT_CSD register S_A_timeout. The maximum current consumptions during the Sleep state are defined in the EXT_CSD registers S_A_VCC and S_A_VCCQ. Sleep command: The bit 15 as set to 1 in SLEEP/ AWAKE (CMD5) argument. A wake command: The bit 15 as set to 0 in SLEEP/AWAKE (CMD5) argument.7.5 H/W Reset operationDevice will detect the rising edge of RST_n signal to trigger internal reset sequenceH/W reset waveform7.6 High-speed mode selectionAfter the host verifies that the card complies with version 4.0, or higher, of this standard, it has to enable the high speed mode timing in the card, before changing the clock frequency to a frequency higher than 20MHz. For the host to change to a higher clock frequency, it has to enable the high speed interface timing. The host uses the SWITCH command to write 0x01 to the HS_TIMING byte, in the Modes segment of the EXT_CSD register.7.7 Bus width selectionAfter the host has verified the functional pins on the bus it should change the bus width configuration accordingly, using the SWITCH command. The bus width configuration is changed by writing to the BUS_WIDTH byte in the Modes Segment of the EXT_CSD register (using the SWITCH command to do so). After power-on, or software reset, the contents of the BUS_WIDTH byte is 0x00.7.9 CID registerThe Card Identification (CID) register is 128 bits wide. It contains the card identification information used during the card identification phase (protocol). Every individual flash or I/O card shall have an unique identification number. Every type of ROM cards (defined by content) shall have a unique identification number. The structure of the CID register is defined7.10 CSD registerThe Card-Specific Data (CSD) register provides information on how to access the card contents. The CSD defines the data format, error correction type, maximum data access time, data transfer speed, whether the DSR register can be used etc. The programmable part of the register (entries marked by W or E, see below) can be changed by CMD27. The type of the CSD Registry entries coded as follows:7.11 Extended CSD registerThe Extended CSD register defines the card properties and selected modes. It is 512 bytes long. The most significant 320 bytes are the Properties segment, which defines the card capabilities and cannot be modified by the host. The lower 192 bytes are the Modes segment, which defines the configuration the card is working in. These modes can be changed by the host by means of the SWITCH command.Notes: 1.R= Read-onlyR/W=One-Time Programmable and readableR/W/E=Multiple writable with value kept after a power cycle, assertion of the RST_n signal, and any CMD0 reset,and readableTBD=To Be Defined.2.Reserved bits should be read as 0.7.12 OCR RegisterThe 32-bit operation conditions register stores the VCCQ voltage profile of the eMMC. In addition, this register includes a status information bit. This status bit is set if the eMMC power up procedure has been finished. The OCR register shallNote*: This bit is set to LOW if the eMMC has not finished the power up routine. The supported voltage range is coded as shown in table.7.13 Field firmware update(FFU)To download a new firmware, the controller requires instruction sequence following JEDEC standard.Longsys eMMC only supports Manual mode (MODE_OPERATION_CODES is not supported). For more details, refer to the App note.SUPPORTED_MODE[493] (Read Only)BIT[0] : ‘0’ FFU is not supported by the device.‘1’ FFU is supported by the device.BIT[1] : ‘0’ Vendor specific mode (VSM) is not supported by the device.‘1’ Vendor specific mode is supported by the device.FFU_FEATURE[492] (Read Only)BIT[0] : ‘0’ Device does not support MODE_OPERATION_CODES field (Manual mode)‘1’ Device supports MODE_OPERATION_CODES field (Auto mode)FFU_ARG[490-487] (Read Only)Using this field the device reports to the host which value the host should set as an argument for read and write commands in FFU mode.FW_CONFIG[169] (R/W)BIT[0] : Update disable0x0 : FW updates enabled.0x1 : FW update disabled permanentlyFFU_STATUS[26] (R/W/E_P)OPERATION_CODES_TIMEOUT[491](Read Only)Maximum timeout for the SWITCH command when setting a value to the MODE_OPERATION_CODES field.The register is set to ‘0’, because the controller doesn’t support MODE_OPERATION_CODES.MODE_OPERATION_CODES[29] (W/E_P)The host sets the operation to be performed at the selected mode, in case MODE_CONFIGS is set toFFU_MODE,MODE_OPERATION_CODES could have the following values :7.14 S.M.A.R.T. Health ReportS.M.A.R.T. is a monitoring system that detects and reports on various indicators of eMMC reliability(Including original bad blocks, increased bad blocks, power-up number, power-loss counts and etc), with the intent of enabling the anticipation of hardware failures. We may be able to use recorded S.M.A.R.T. data to discover where the faults lie, ensure how to solve the problems and prevent them from recurring in future eMMC designs (For details, please refer to app note).8. Package Dimension11.5mm x 13.0mm x 1.0mm Package Dimension9 Connection Guide9.1 Schematic Diagram➢Coupling capacitor should be connected with VCC/VCCQ and VSS as closely as possible.➢The resistance on the CLK line is highly recommended (0Ω by default). 0Ω~100Ω is also avail able. ➢LONGSYS recommends to separate VCC and VCCQ power.➢VDDi Capacitor is min 0.1uF.➢LONGSYS recommends lay the VSS between the CLK and the Data lines.The resistance on the CLK line is highly recommended (0Ω by default)10. Processing GuideIt is recommended to follow the instructions of Moisture Sensitivity Level 3.In the case of Pre-program before SMT, It is highly recommended to limit the size of data pre-programmed to the eMMC,please contact your agency for more information.➢The amount of data pre-programmed (data written before SMT) is limited, it should be managed properly.➢Maximum size for the data-written to IDA.。

LG BD370 P 产品说明书

LG BD370 P 产品说明书

If the software update is available from the update server, the “Software Update” icon appears at the bottom of the Home menu. Press blue colored button to start the update procedure. (see page 41 for more detail)Software Updatea media will appear. Select a media then press ENTER.Insert/Remove a USB Flash DriveInserting a USB Flash Drive –Insert straight-in until it fits into place. Removing a USB Flash Drive –Withdraw the USB Flash Drive[Movie] – Start video media’s playback or displays the [MOVIE] menu.[YouTube] – Watch YouTube videos streamed from the Youtube server viathe internet to your TV. (page 38-40)[Photo] – Displays [PHOTO] menu. (page 36-37)[Music] – Displays [MUSIC ]menu. (page 35-36)First levelSecond levelThird level21[4:3 Letter Box] – Select when a standard 4:3 TV is connected. Displays theatrical images with masking bars above and below the [4:3 Pan Scan] – Select when a standard 4:3 TV is connected. Displays pictures cropped to fill your TV screen. Both sides of the picture are cut off.[16:9 Original]–Select when a 16:9 wide TV is connected.The 4:3 picture is displayed with an original 4:3 aspect ratio, with black bars appearing at the left and right sides.Select when a 16:9 wide TV is connected.The 4:3 picture is adjusted horizontally (in a linear proportion) to fill theSelect a language for the [Setup] menu and on-screen display.Disc Menu / Disc Audio / Disc SubtitleSelect the language you prefer for the audio track (disc audio), subtitles,and the disc menu.Refers to the original language in which the disc wasPress ENTER to select another language. Use number but-tons then ENTER to enter the corresponding 4-digit number according to the language code list on page 43.[Off] (for Disc Subtitle) –Turn off Subtitle.(Digital Audio Output)Select the output sound format when a device equipped with a HDMI or Digital Audio input jack is connected to the HDMI OUT or DIGITAL jack on this player.[PCM Stereo] –Select if you connect this unit’s HDMI OUTAUDIO OUT jack to a device with two-channel digital stereo [PCM Multi-Ch] (HDMI only) –Select if you connect this unit’sjack to a device with multi-channel digital decoder.[DTS Re-Encode] –Select if you connect this unit’s HDMI OUT AUDIO OUT jack to a device with DTS decoder.To access the any features in [LOCK] settings, you must enter the 4-digit security code you have created.If you have not entered a password yet, you are prompted to do so. Enter a 4-digit password and press ENTER. Enter it again and press ENTER toYou can create, change or delete the password.Enter a 4-digit password and press ENTER. Enter it again and press ENTER to create a new password.Enter the current password and press ENTER.Enter a 4-digit password and press ENTER. Enter it again and press ENTER to create a new password.Able to use network Testing Network Unable to use network If there is a DHCP server on the local area network (LAN), this player willautomatically be allocated an IP address. If you’re using a broadbandrouter or broadband modem that has a DHCP(Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol) server function, select [Dynamic IP]. The IPaddress will automatically be determined.If there is no DHCP server on the network and you want to set the IPaddress manually, select [Static IP] then set the [IP Address], [SubnetMask], [Gateway] and [DNS Server] using [IP Setting] option.Changes the background of the initial screen.BDYou can adjust the default text size displayed for the BD-J contents during BD-ROM playback.This setting is only valid when BD-J contents do not set the size of text. Please select a font size bigger than 24 when the player is connected with You can reset the player to its original factory settings or initialize the BDTitle/Track – Current title/track number/total number of titles/tracks. Chapter – Current chapter number/total number of chapters. Time – Elapsed playing time.Audio – Selected audio language or channel.Subtitle – Selected subtitle.Angle – Selected angle/total number of angles.Repeat – Selected repeat mode.If no button is pressed for a few seconds, the on-screen display title number cannot be selected on some discs.An item may not be available on some discs or titles.If BD interactive title is playing back, some setting information is displayed on the screen but prohibited to be changed.Example) DivX fileto select an option, then press ENTER.Starts playback of the selected title.Starts playback from where you stopped it previously.Exits menu options. Also you can disappear it by pressing RETURN button.Notice for displaying the DivX subtitleIf the subtitle does not display properly, change the language code asPress and hold SUBTITLE for 3 seconds during playback.The language code will appear.reapeatedly to select another language code until the subtitleExample) Audio CDWhen the USB Flash Drive is connected and a disc is inserted simultane-ously, the menu for selecting a media will appear. Select a media then To go directly to any track or file and play, enter the track/file numberusing the numbered buttons (0-9).The playback may start automatically if the Audio CD inserted.Select a folder then press ENTER and you can view the files in the folder. If you want to move to the upper directory, useFolder] and press ENTER.Starts playback the selected track or file.[Select Play]Plays back only the marked track(s) or file(s). Use MARKER for selecting the multiple files or tracks.Starts or stops random playback.>during random playback, the unit selects another track and resumes random playback.[Unmark All]Unmarks all marked files or tracks.Exits menu options. Also you can disappear it by pressing RETURN button.You cannot use [Select Play] and [Random] functions simultaneously.When the USB Flash Drive is connected and a disc is inserted simultaneously, the menu for selecting a media will appear. Select a media then press ENTER.To go directly to a specific file, enter the file number using thenumbered buttons (0-9).You can advance to the previous or next file by pressingduring viewing a photo file in full screen.You can start the slide show by pressing PLAY(N[PHOTO] menu appears.b c d e f gAbout the YouTube menuThere are various options on the YouTube menu. Usean option and press ENTER to select the options as described below.a b cf g h i38playback screen and content detail will appear on the screen.while playingAnd when the playback ends or stops, the stopped playback screen and related videos list appear on the screen. Use v V b Brent video or a video from the related videos list and then press PLAY or ENTER to play the selected video.while stoppedDISPLAY at the video you want to watch, the playback starts in full screen.Full Screen[OK]: Searching related videos of search words.[Clear]: Clear all entered characters.[Space]: Inserts a space at the cursor position.[Backspace]: Deletes the previous character at the cursor position. [ABC / abc / #$%&]: Change the keyboard menu settings to capital letter, small letters or symbols.When you finish entering the search words, select [OK] and press ENTER to display the related videos list.Available languages that can be entered using the keyboard menu are as[OK]: Finish entering an ID or password.[Clear]: Clear all entered characters.[Space]: Inserts a space at the cursor position.[Backspace]: Deletes the previous character at the cursor position. [ABC / abc / #$%&]: Change the keyboard menu settings to capital letters, small letters or symbols.If you want to sign out, select the [Sign Out] from the YouTube menu and This unit can automatically store up to 5 IDs which were previously signed-in. The IDs list appears when you select the [Sign In] option. Select a stored ID on the list and press ENTER to display the keyboard[New ID]: Displays the keyboard menu for entering a new ID and [X]: Delete the stored ID as shown left of the [X] symbol.。

Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Artisan Technology Group 产品说明书

Agilent 16048G/H Test Leads Operation and Service ManualThird EditionAgilent Part No. 16048-90050January 2001Printed in: JapanNoticesThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.Allrights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, ortranslated to another language without the prior written consent of the AgilentTechnologies.Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd.Component Test PGU-Kobe1-3-2, Murotani, Nishi-Ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo, 651-2241 Japan© Copyright Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd. 1999, 2001Manual Printing HistoryThe manual’s printing date and part number indicate its current edition. Theprinting date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections andupdates that are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change.) Themanual part number changes when extensive technical changes are incorporated.April 1999 First Edition (part number: 16048-90050)December 1999 Second Edition (part number: 16048-90050)January 2001 Third Edition (part number: 16048-90050)Safety SummaryThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases ofoperation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to comply with theseprecautions or with specific WARNINGS elsewhere in this manual may impair theprotection provided by the equipment. In addition it violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument.The Agilent Technologies assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to complywith these requirements.NOTE16048G/H comply with INSTALLATION CATEGORY I and POLLUTIONDEGREE 2 in IEC61010-1.16048G/H are INDOOR USE product.2•DO NOT Operate In An Explosive AtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gasses or fumes.Operation of any electrical instrument in such an environment constitutes adefinite safety hazard.•Keep Away From Live CircuitsOperating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Componentreplacement and internal adjustments must be made by qualified maintenancepersonnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Undercertain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cableremoved. To avoid injuries, always disconnect power and discharge circuitsbefore touching them.•DO NOT Service Or Adjust AloneDo not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable ofrendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.•DO NOT Substitute Parts Or Modify InstrumentBecause of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not installsubstitute parts or perform unauthorized modifications to the instrument.Return the instrument to a Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office forservice and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.•Dangerous Procedure WarningsWarnings, such as the example below, precede potentially dangerousprocedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings mustbe followed.WARNING Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are presenting this instrument.Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this instrument.CertificationAgilent Technologies certifies that this product met its published specifications atthe time of shipment from the factory. Agilent Technologies further certifies thatits calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute ofStandards and Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institution’s calibrationfacility, or to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organizationmembers.3WarrantyThis Agilent Technologies instrument product is warranted against defects inmaterial and workmanship for a period corresponding to the individual warrantyperiods of its component products. Instruments are warranted for a period of oneyear. Fixtures and adapters are warranted for a period of 90 days. During thewarranty period, Agilent Technologies will, at its option, either repair or replaceproducts that prove to be defective.For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facilitydesignated by Agilent Technologies. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges toAgilent Technologies and Agilent Technologies shall pay shipping charges toreturn the product to Buyer. However, Buyer shall pay all shipping charges, duties,and taxes for products returned to Agilent Technologies from another country.Agilent Technologies warrants that its software and firmware designated byAgilent Technologies for use with an instrument will execute its programminginstruction when property installed on that instrument. Agilent Technologies doesnot warrant that the operation of the instrument, or software, or firmware will beuninterrupted or error free.Limitation Of WarrantyThe foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper orinadequate maintenance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied software or interfacing,unauthorized modification or misuse, operation outside the environmentalspecifications for the product, or improper site preparation or maintenance. IMPORTANT No other warranty is expressed or implied. Agilent Technologies specificallydisclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particularpurpose.Exclusive RemediesThe remedies provided herein are buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. AgilentTechnologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, orconsequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.45AssistanceProduct maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements areavailable for Agilent Technologies products.For any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.Safety SymbolGeneral definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument or in manuals arelisted below.Instruction Manual symbol: the product is marked with this symbol when it isnecessary for the user to refer to the instrument manual.Alternating current.Direct current.On (Supply).Off (Supply).In position of push-button switch.Out position of push-button switch.Frame (or chassis) terminal. A connection to the frame (chassis) of the equipment which normally include all exposed metal structure.WARNING This warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or death to personnel.CAUTION This Caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product.NOTE Note denotes important information. It calls attention to a procedure, practice,condition or the like, which is essential to highlight.6Contents1.Installation GuideIncoming Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Connecting the 16048G/H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.OverviewProduct Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.Operation4294A Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Adapter Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Performing Fixture Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4. SpecificationsSpecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.ServiceMaintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247Contents 81Installation Guide9Installation GuideIncoming InspectionIncoming InspectionInspect the shipping container for damage. If the shipping container or cushioningmaterial is damaged, it should be kept until the contents of the shipment have beenchecked for completeness and the 16048G/H has been checked mechanically andelectrically. The contents of the shipment should be as listed in Table 1-1. If thecontents are incomplete, if there is mechanical damage or defect, notify the nearestAgilent Technologies office. If the shipping container is damaged, or thecushioning material shows signs of unusual stress, notify the carrier as well as theAgilent Technologies office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier’sinspection.Table 1-1 ContentsDescription Part Number Qty.Test Lead (16048G or 16048H)-1Mounting Plate-1BNC Bracket a16048-600031Operation and Service Manual16048-900501a.Only furnished with option 001.10Chapter 1Chapter 111Installation GuideConnecting the 16048G/HConnecting the 16048G/HFollow these steps below to connect the 16048G or 16048H to the 4294A.Step 1.Set the 16048G/H to the test connectors on the front panel of the HP 4294A bygradually coupling the four BNC connectors and fastening screws of the fixture with the test connectors and accessory mounting holes of the instrument until they come to complete contact. Step 2.Fasten two of the four BNC connectors to the mating test connectors by graduallyturning the BNC connectors' rotation levers until each pair of connectors are securely connected. Be sure to align the grooves on both sides. Step 3.Turn clockwise the fixture's two fastening screws together, so that the fixture issecured to the instrument.Step 4.Finally, secure the remaining two BNC connectors of the fixture by turningclockwise their rotation levers.Figure 1-1Connecting the fixture to the instrumentNOTEUsing the connection block securing screws enables the 16048G/H to connect the GND of the 4294A.Installation GuideConnecting the 16048G/H12Chapter 12Overview1314Chapter 2OverviewProduct OverviewProduct OverviewThe 16048G/H consists of a direct attachment, 4-terminal pair interface which is equipped with four BNC (f) connectors. These test leads are used to attach user-fabricated testfixtures. Cable length of the 16048G is 1 meter, the 16048H is 2 meter.Figure 2-1Product OverviewChapter 215Overview FunctionsFunctionsFigure 2-2 shows name of each part of the 16048G/H and Table 2-2 shows their function.Figure 2-216048G/H PartsTable 2-1 16048G/H FunctionFUNCTION1Instrument Side Connection Block Connect to the instrument’s UNKNOWN terminal.2Connection Block Securing Screw Secures the connection block to the 4294A.3Ground Lead Connect to the chassis or grounded part of the measurement target.4DUT Side Connection Block Used to attach BNC Bracket or user-fabricated test fixtures.5Mounting PlateMounts on the measurement target to stabilize the cable.OverviewFunctionsCable AssignmentFigure 2-316Chapter 23OperationThis chapter describes the proper methods for setting the 4294A, fixturecompensation with the 16048G/H.1718Chapter 3Operation4294A Setting4294A SettingBefore you begin your measurement, you should perform the adapter setup in the 4294A. Also refer to the operation manual of the 4294A about the adapter setup.Adapter SetupConnect the 16048G/H to the 4294A and perform the adapter setup described below.NOTEFor adapter setup, use the 100 Ω Resistor furnished with the 4294A (Agilent P/N 04294-61001).1.More than 30 minutes warm-up time is required after turning on the 4294A.2.Press [Cal] key to bring up the Calibration Menu.3.Press ADAPTER [] key to bring up the adapter setup Menu. [ ] shows current settings.4.Select 4TP 1M in the case of 16048G, 4TP 2M in the 16048H. When the selection is completed, the softkey label will be underlined.5.Press SETUP key to bring up the Adapter Setup Menu.6.Connect the Lcur terminal and Lpot terminal on the 16048G or 16048H to the Hpot terminal and Hcur terminal of the 100 Ω Resistor furnished with the 4294A. The Hcur and Hpot terminal on the 16048G/H should remain open (nothing should be connected).Figure 3-1 Connecting 100 Ω Resister (Phase Compensation Data Measurement)Chapter 319Operation 4294A Setting7.Press PHASE COMP [-] key to start the phase compensation data measurement.About 1 minutes later, phase compensation data measurement is completed andthe softkey label changes to PHASE COMP [DONE].8.Connect the Lcur, Lpot, Hcur, Hpot terminal on the 16048G or 16048H to the Lcur, Lpot, Hcur, Hpot terminal of the 100 Ω Resistor respectively.Figure 3-2Connecting 100 Ω Resister (Load Data Measurement)9.Press LOAD [-] key to start the load data measurement. When the load datameasurement is completed, the softkey label changes to LOAD [DONE].10.Press donekey.OperationPerforming Fixture CompensationPerforming Fixture CompensationTo compensate stray capacitance and residual impedance, fixture compensation should be performed. When you use the optional BNC Bracket (Agilent P/N 16048-60003) or an user fabricated test fixture, fixture compensation is required. Refer to the4294A Operation Manual for the fixture compensation procedure.20Chapter 34 SpecificationsThis chapter provides specifications of the16048G/H Test Leads.21SpecificationsSpecificationsSpecificationsApplicable Instruments LCR meters and Impedance Analyzers withfour-terminalsMaximum V oltage± 42V peak max. (AC+DC)Operating Environment temp.-20°C to +150°C(Exclude up to 20 cm from four terminal pairconnection block)humidity15% to 95%RH( @ wet bulb temp. < 40°C)Non Operating Environment.temp.-40°C to+70°Chumidity≤ 90 % RH ( @ wet bulb temp. <65°C)Cable length (Nominal) 1 m (16048G) / 2 m (16048H)Weight Approximately 460 g (16048G)Approximately 690 g (16048H)Safety Standards EN61010-1:1993 +A2:1995IEC61010-1:1990 +A1:1992 +A2:1995CSA C22.2 No.1010.1:1992INSTALLATION CATEGORY IPOLLUTION DEGREE 2INDOOR USE22Chapter 45ServiceThis chapter provides information on servicing and proper maintenance.2324Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceMaintenanceAn exploded view of the 16048G/H for parts identification is shown in Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-4. Do not disassemble any further than shown. Maintenance consists principally of cleaning contacts and replacing worn or damaged parts. Take special care when cleaning contacts.To order parts, use the Agilent part numbers listed in Table 5-1 to Table 5-4. If a faulty part is located in an assembly that cannot be disassembled, order the nexthigher assembly or return the fixture to the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales/Service Office for repair or replacement.Figure 5-1Replacable Parts (part 1 of 4)ServiceMaintenance Table 5-1 Replacable Parts (part 1 of 4)Agilent Part No.Qty.DescriptionReferenceDesignator116048-616201CBL ASSY 16048G(Excludes 2,3,4,5,6)16048-616231CBL ASSY 16048H(Excludes 2,3,4,5,6)21400-04934CABLE TIE39170-14651CORE4-1CBL CLANP50515-15501SCR M3-L 8 P-H63050-08911WASHER M372950-00354NUT-HEX-DBL-CHAM82190-01024WASHER916048-006231GUIDE101250-02524CONN-RF BNC1116048-006261PLATE1216048-006271ANGLE130515-10122SCR FL M4L8Chapter 52526Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceFigure 5-2Replacable Parts (part 2 of 4)Table 5-2 Replacable Parts (part 2 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 116044-600012CONN BNC-SMB 23050-00674WSHR-FL MTLC 33050-07894WSHR-FL NM 416047-400024INSULATOR 51253-04762ADPT BNC-SMBChapter 527Service MaintenanceFigure 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Table 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 116047-240212KNOB216048-040211COVER TOP (16048G)16048-040251COVER TOP (16048H)316047-240262FLANGE40515-09144SCR-MACH M3X0.550515-09524SCR-MACH M2X0.4616048-006241ANGLE70515-09143SCR-MACH M3X0.528Chapter 5ServiceMaintenanceFigure 5-4 Replacable Parts (part 4 of 4)816048-040221COVER BOTTOM 916048-006251ANGLETable 5-4 Replacable Parts (part 4 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description 11250-19854CONNECTOR-BNC 216048-006211PLATE 32190-00164WASHER42950-00434NUT-HEX-DBL-CHAM 516380-240014TERMINAL 642036-006012PLATE 73050-08934WASHER 80535-00434NUTTable 5-3 Replacable Parts (part 3 of 4)Reference Designator Agilent Part No.Qty.Description。

Herter 2012-2014 仪器设备目录说明书

Herter 2012-2014 仪器设备目录说明书
Detalle de planta y de sus departamentos realizado con SIRIUS STORAGE
MPIII-7150 MPIII-7300
MPIII-7500T1 MPIII-3080
ip 67
ip 67
DAP472S2 DAP472S4
DHD2114.2 ip 67
283 / 284
282E 406 / 407
410 / 413250262
14.4006 - 710
1096 / 1116487
14.4000 - 409
1090 / 11101032 / 1062
La referencia
ip 67
ip 65
31.1020 - 5726
5989M / 5989M-300
N F O R M ip 64

至荣科技 Power MACS 4000 自动固定控制系统说明书

至荣科技 Power MACS 4000 自动固定控制系统说明书

PowerMACS 4000The winning advantagein tightening controlState-of-the-art control and class-leading functionality; a good way to begin any fastening cycle, but it’s only the start.The Atlas Copco PowerMACS 4000represents the pinnacle of automated fastening control and a new generation of upgradeable controller.Intuitive monitoring and communication capabilities combined with advanced management programs allow processes to be fine-tuned and productivity hurdles to be overcome.The PowerMACS 4000 has been developed with one overriding goal in mind: To get your production line in the fast lane, and keep it there,Every cycle can be a winning performanceTHE RACE FOR LEAN PRODUCTION IS OVERT otal control Absolute flexibility Easyprogramming UncompromisedreliabilityPOWERMACS 4000 – THE TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTIONNew QST-nutrunner:Up to 67% faster thanQMX nutrunners whiledelivering the samesuperior accuracy anddurability.Outstanding nutrunner speedsToolsTalk PowerMACSallows easy programmingof advanced, flexibletightening strategiesvia simple and intuitivemenus.Easy programmingUnique torquerecovery strategy,patented by Atlas Copco.Delivers optimizedfastening throughimproved clamploading.DynaT ork TM – Correctresidual clamp force“Intelligent Chip” in QSTspindle provides bothspindle and calibrationparameters to assure errorfreesetup. Digitalcommunicationsextended cable length.Designed forerror-free setupSystem requires no cabinetand therefore less space.Standardized componentsincrease lifetime andreduce maintenance andspare parts costs.Modular plug-and-playHeavy duty controller designand nutrunners that arecertified for accuracy to +/- 2.5 %.More than one million cyclesbetween preventivemaintenance; reducesmaintenance and down timecosts.Maximize uptimeThe new QST nutrunner is based on the proven success of it’s predecessors.The improvements result in a speed increase of up to 67%. The tightening controllerautomatically increases the bus voltage for the larger size nutrunner QST80 and 90, without the need for a different controller or servo, giving unique speed capabilities for high-torque applications. A new, quick-coupling Hot Swap cable connector and electronic chip round up the package of improvements.INTRODUCING THE QST – A SMARTER SPINDLEDelivers an accuracy of +/- 2.5% after one million cycles creatinglonger service intervals.Available with extended spring travel (76 and 100 mm) and/or extendedsocket holder length.Simple, easy-to-install sandwich/pilot mount allows flexible maintenance possibilities.Electronic chip stores dataincluding calibration value,serial numbers and maintenance intervals –reducing costs and errors.Hot Swap – replace cable or spindle without turningpower off.New connector design – cable iscouple of turns.Cable connector is adjustable in two directions for optimal cablemanagement.Digital communication between nutrunnerand TC – allows spindle calibration to beindependent of cablelength, reducing the need for a system calibration.New QST motor based on the proven QMX nutrunner – up to 67% improved speed characteristics.Inertia braking – allows nutrunner to run faster without overshooting.CTT and COTT models*CTV models*Nutrunners equipped with angle heads with or without spring travel.T ool key - QST nutrunnersCT and COT models*CATT models*Nutrunners with dual angle and torque transducer feedback. T his allows for angle and torque verification to double-check system accuracy.Nutrunners with dual torque transducer feedback. T his allows for transducer redundancy, enablingverification that readings are within certain tolerances.GEARED FOR LEAN PRODUCTIVITYLean production requires decisions based on facts and the basis for all improvements is the ability to monitor the result of changes. PowerMACS 4000 has effective tools to work with statistical process control to ensure that quality issues are identifiedlong before they cause production problems. Connect your complete line to theAtlas Copco ToolsNet software portfolio to maximize the uptime of your production line.Indictor lamps • ALL OK • OK, NOK • ALARM • E-stopText display • TC node address • IP-address • Error messages • Software version • Cycle dataPush buttons• Toogle betweendisplayed information• Set IP-addressReset E-stop button(TC-4000-P only)One model provides the entire torque rangeEthernet switch • 6 portsInternal Redundant E-stop relays • Class 3Digital in/output, optoisolated (TC-4000-P only)•4 inputs, 4 outputs24V for external use(TC-4000-P only)Anybus slot(TC-4000-P only)• Fileldbus card interfaceDouble ethernet ports (TC-4000-P only)• Only 1 factory IP-address • Internal Ethernet connected to switchTC communication LAN • Separated from factory WAN.Eliminates multicasting .Reject ManagementWith the PowerMACS 4000 you can easily define your tightening strategy based on results to make sure valuable time and resources are not wasted. Reject Management on-board can easily be set to fullfil your requirements to handlefaulty tightening in the most efficient way, regardless of whether a basic or advancedstrategy is used.Powerful, flexible tightening strategiesPowerMACS 4000 library has a wealth of tested tightening strategies so now every joint can be tightened in the best possible way in terms of cycle time and quality.DynaTorkTM is Atlas Copco’s unique tightening strategy that provides optimized fastening of joints that present relaxation challenges.Primary and secondary controllerPrimaryController (TC-P)SecondaryController (TC-S)Back platesMain switch box (MSB)and distribution box (DB)The MSB and DB are used for power distribution and makes power management easy. T hey are designed for 400-480 VAC 3 ph and leave room for customer adaptations. T he E-stop functionality can be upgraded from class 3 to class 4. Each MSB or DB supplies up to 6 controllers with power.Main Switch Box (MSB)Distrubution Box (DB)The tool key to the right explains the significance of the letters/numbers forming the name of the tool model.Back platesTC-4000-S-ESNo fieldbus, Ethernet switch8435 6501 00Single cable solution – Power and communication bus cables are combined.Compatible cables – Use same cable for extensions and double torque/angle transducer QST.Digital communicationchannel allows longer cable lengths.Alignment markersPosition marking on cable and connectorAlignment markers on the cable connector and spindle connector guide youto a quick and easy cable installation in those hard to reach locations.Cable between MSBor DB and TCEthernet cableE-stop componentEvery TC-P comes with an e-stop termination.ETHERNET CABLESE-ST OP CABLES AND T ERMINAT IONLengthOrdering No.0.5 m 4222 1246 001 m 4222 1246 012 m 4222 1246 023 m 4222 1246 035 m 4222 1246 0510 m 4222 1246 1015 m 4222 1246 15ComponentsLengthOrdering No.E-stop cable 1200 mm 4222 1247 12E-stop cable3000 mm4222 1247 30E-stop termination 4222 0755 00Suitable forLengthOrdering No.TC1-TC2, TC7-TC8, TC13-TC14 1350 mm 4222 1248 13TC3-TC4, TC9-TC10, TC15-TC16 1650 mm 4222 1248 16TC5-TC6, TC11-TC12, TC17-TC18 1950 mm 4222 1248 19For longer distances 5 m 4222 1248 50 10 m 4222 1370 10 15 m 4222 1370 15 20 m 4222 1370 20POWER CABLES BETWEEN MSB AND TCLengthOrdering No.2 m4220 3799 02 3 m 4220 3799 03 5 m 4220 3799 05 7 m 4220 3799 07 10 m 4220 3799 10 15 m 4220 3799 15 20 m 4220 3799 20 25 m 4220 3799 25 30 m 4220 3799 30 35 m 4220 3799 35 40 m4220 3799 40TOOL AND EXTENSION CABLESSYSTEM ORDERING TABLE FOR A SYSTEM WITH ONE STATIONWith the PowerMACS 4000 controller, multiple-spindle systems are easy to configure. Simply refer to the system ordering table to see which components you need.bBased on Atlas Copco suggested set-up.MSB TC QSTPower inputEasy-to-build systemPower cables 4222 1248 xx E-Stop cable 4222 1247 xx Ethernet cable Motor cableSoftware T oolsT alk PowerMACS World Release 10Choose Basic or Advancedmode – view only thefunctions you need.Quick-set variable – trimyour process in seconds.Drag and drop interface– save time with intuitiveuser interface.STANDARDIZEDMODULAR SOLUTIONSMiniDisplay 2Stacklight8433 0570 13Indicator box8435 3010 03Touch-screen interface forprogram selection. Configureinput and view cycle data andtraces.Stacklight – givescontinuous station feedbackon the tightening process.Indicator box – directoperator feedback onthe tightening process.HLTQHLT15Q 8434 2300 00HL T15Q WiFi8434 2300 10HLT19Q 8434 2300 20HL T19Q WiFi8434 2300 30I/O expander8433 0564 45Operator panel8433 0565 00 (advanced)8433 0565 10 (basic)With command buttons and integratedlamp for operator feedback. Allowsthe manual selection of program viaselector switch.Provides an additionaleight digital inputs andoutputs.Can act as station PC to runToolTalk PowerMACS.EthernetcableEthernetswitch portM12 Extension cablefor 24V supplyI/O buscableI/O bus cable andextension cableAll above accessories and I/O bus cables arethe same as for Power Focus.Accessory cables Ordering No.I/O bus cable 0.5 m 4222 0917 001 m 4222 0917 013 m 4222 0917 035 m 4222 0917 0510 m 4222 0917 1015 m 4222 0917 15I/O Termination plug 4222 0443 00Indicator box cablefor PowerMacs 4000 Ordering No.Indicator box 8435 3010 04Indicator box cable to PM4K, 1 m 4243 0278 80Open end cable 5 m 4243 0281 05Extension cable3 m 4243 0282 035 m 4243 0282 0510 m 4243 0282 1015 m 4243 0282 1520 m 4243 0282 2025 m 4243 0282 25PROVEN, PRODUCTION-LINE PERFORMANCEZF AG, GermanyGuiseppe de Giacomo, operator, ZF: “Super! Much easier to operate than before,I cannot make any errors with this system!”Thomas Weissenrieder,Process Engineer, ZF Friedrichshafen:“The assembly of this component is now faster and safer than before. The PowerMACS 4000 is the first system to fulfill the quality demands.”ZF AG is a world leader in driveline and chassis technology. Their customers include the world’s leading automotive manufacturers. They have always used the most modern,productive equipment in their production processes; a fact that makes the results of their experience with the new PowerMACS 4000, all the more impressive.The Power MACS controller eliminates the need of a torque wrench check, reducing cycle times by up to 50%The result? An annual saving of several thousand Euro – from just one component assembly process.SERVICEToolScan RCMRCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) is a widely used process to optimize your overall service. Together we analyse your existing service program and how it can be optimize based on each application together with your operating cost for a failed spindle in your production. A wrong working spindle in the production can have costly impacts all the way to he end-user.Full Coverage Agreeme Our Full Coverage Service is exactly hat it states, acomplete tailored aintenance solution with a fixedannual cost. It onsists of different standard servicemodules that secure the needs and availability of your equipment. The service is available in combi nation with newly purchased equipment as well as for your existing spindles after a review check. It provides much more cove rage than the standardwarranty i.e. covers as well all unplanned repairs providing the equipment has not been misused. No nasty surprises of costly repairs throughout the contracted period.Preventive Maintenance Agreement The Preventive Maintenance Service is our standard recommended maintenance program Maintenance work is carried out either on your premises or in our central are of all planning and data storage during the agreement.Calibration ServicesOn the assembly line, you need to be cer - tain about the performance of your spindles and equipment. The spindles have to be calibrated at regular intervals. These services keep your spindles and torque measu-rement equipment calibrated for optimum performance. Atlas Copco offers a complete range of calibration services for all your spindles and equipment. Most Atlas Copco Service Centers are today ISO 9000 Certified or accredited.TrainingWe offer an established program of training courses and workshops to guarantee optimized use of your equipment. These training can be held either on your own premises or in our Training Centre.ToolStartWe offer tool installation and start-up by qualified Atlas Copco engineers at a fixed price. The service also includes: programming, test running and operator training.F or more information about aboveservices, please contact your Atlas Copcorepresentative.Main switch boxDistribution boxAEDB ACQST – CT , CTT & CATT nutrunnerQST - CTV nutrunnerQST – COT & COTT nutrunnerPowerMACS 4000 Secondary TCPowerMACS 4000 Primary TCCommitted to Sustainable Productivity Array20。

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书

marantz PM8004 PM7004 说明书









HDAM-SA3 技术V/I 转换器电路是电流反馈式前置放大器和功率放大器的关键模块,它相当于为更高级别的型号(如 PM-11S2)而开发的 HDAM-SA3 放大模块。

CD 直接缓冲放大器在 CD 输入插孔的旁边安置了一个专用于 CD 的输入缓冲放大器。


增强的瞬间电流供应能力 众所周知,即使放大器具有同样的规格,声音质量也不一定相同。


该设备的功率放大器可以提供 25 A 甚至更高的瞬间供应电流,能够强劲地驱动扬声器。



按钮位于主机和遥控器的两侧 按键名称按键仅位于主机上 <按键名称>按键仅位于遥控器上 [按键名称]本手册中用于指示按键的符号<SPEAKERS A/B><INPUT SELECTOR>VOLUME SOURCE DIRECT <POWER AMP DIRECT>输入指示灯。

MMBT5401高电压PNP Silicon M5A艾克拉特透视器数据表说明书

MMBT5401高电压PNP Silicon M5A艾克拉特透视器数据表说明书

mW/oC oC/W mW
mW/oC oC/W
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T =25OC unless otherwise noted) A
Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage (I C=-1.0mAdc,I B=0) Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (I C=-100μAdc,I E=0) Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (I E=-10μAdc,I C=0) Collector Cutoff Current (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0) (VCB=-120Vdc, I E=0, TA=100oC)
June 5,2018-REV.03
Fig.35 PAGE . 1
Total Device Dissipation FR-4 Board (Note 1) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Total Device Dissipation Alumina Substrate (Note 2) TA=25oC Derate Above 25oC Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient



光学或红外多点触控 手指/触控笔 内置式 8 mm 自动识别免安装 RS232或USB 自动或手动 32768×32768 8 ms 1 mm 5千万次 抗强光干扰 Window2000/XP/7/Vista linux IP65标准,防水、防尘、全封闭
型号 显示尺寸 显示比例 最佳分辨率 亮度 对比度 可视角度 响应时间 视频制式 LX460TH 46寸 16:09 1920×1080 RGB 450 cd/㎡ 3000比1 178度 5.5 ms PAL/NTSC VGA×1 DVI×1 HDMI×1 CVBS×2 YPbPr/YCbCr×1 音频×2 CVBS×2 2×10W(8 ohm) AC22V 50/60 Hz 待机功耗 ≤5W 整机功耗 ≤400 W 相对湿度 ≤80﹪ 存储湿度 -10~+60℃ 使用温度 0~+40℃ Windows 2003/XP/7
信号输入接口Байду номын сангаас
信号输出端口 音频功率 电源
使用环境 软件环境 主板 CPU 内存 显卡 硬盘 网卡 声卡 电源 触摸类型 书写方式 结构位置 内置厚度 驱动方式 接口方式 校正方式 分别率 响应速度 线性误差 触摸次数 抗干扰 运行系统 防护等级
H61 英特尔G860 处理器 4G 集成显卡 500G/7200转 SATA 板载千兆网卡 集成高品质8声道音频芯片 ATX工业电源

DAGE4000 介绍

DAGE4000 介绍

X,Y axis accuracy X,Y 轴精度
±10microns 在 50mm 上(50mm XY 平台)
X,Y axis repeatability X,Y 轴重复性
±5microns 在 50mm 上(50mm XY 平台)
X,Y axis resolution X,Y 轴分辨率
<1microns(50mm 平台)
System accuracy 系统精度
Maximum cartridge accuracy 最大电子秤的精度 在 0.01%内
1.用户须准备坚固的工作台用于放置设备。 2.电源准备:将挂有 220V AC 50/60Hz10A 单相电源的插座接至设备附近,设备电源外接方式 为台式电脑之标准电源电缆。 3.压缩空气:将压力为 4 bar(58PSI)的干燥清洁气源接至设备附近。气管 外直径 6mm, 内 直径 4mm。 4.真空:将真空气管接至设备附近。真空最小不得低于 500mm Hg。气管 外直径 6mm, 内直 径 4mm。
1 Pneumatic Assembly&50mm Motorised XY A stage 100KG. Included: 27-PCT PC & 17" LCD suit for DAGE4000(may local supply) L-S6-SCOPE MICRO-SCOPE ASSY, 80X
6 14-SH187050
7 14-SH187100
8 23-WAPT
9 23-STD04
二、Consumbles 易耗品
序 所属
号 1 DAGE-4000HK0502

ASV 砂漠壮士Skid Loader引擎数据及适用产品说明书

ASV 砂漠壮士Skid Loader引擎数据及适用产品说明书

Make Fits Application Page Engine DetailsASV RC85 Skid Loader X-CAT-269-13054C | 3054E > Industrial Engines: 304 | 334; Machine Engines: CRS | CRX | G4D; NA | Industrial Block | LH AuxiliaryDriveASV RC100 Skid Loader X-CAT-269-113054C, 3054E > Industrial Engines: 304, 334; MachineEngines: CRS, CRX, G4D; Turbocharged, Industrial Block, LH Auxiliary DriveBrush Bandit Wood Chipper X-CAT-243-163054 > Marine Engines: CYK;Industrial Engines: 5YS; Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ; Fastram Piston, Fractured Rod wo/Notch, 45° ValvesBrush Bandit Wood Chipper X-CAT-243-63054 > Marine Engines: CYK;Industrial Engines: 5YS; Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ; Fastram Piston, Notched Rod,45° ValvesCaterpillar 3014 Industrial/Power Unit | 3014 Machine Engine |CB334D Compactor | CB335D CompactorX-CAT-122-B3014 > Naturally Aspirated,Indirect Injection, RectangularTop RingCaterpillar 216 | 216B | 226 | 226B | 232 | 232B | 242 | 242B | 3024C |C2.2 | CB334E | CB335E | CB335E XWX-CAT-135-A3024C / C2.2 > NaturallyAspirated, Indirect Injection,Rectangular Top RingCaterpillar 3024 Industrial/Power Unit | 3024 Machine Engine | 304.5Excavator | 902 Wheel LoaderX-CAT-135-B3024 > Naturally Aspirated,Indirect Injection, RectangularTop RingCaterpillar 216B | 226B | 226B II | 232B | 232B II | 242B | 242B II |247B II | 247B2 | 257B | 257B II | 3024C | C2.2X-CAT-135-C3024C / C2.2 > Turbocharged,Indirect Injection, Half KeystoneTop RingCaterpillar 216 | 226 | 228 | 232 | 236 | 242 | 246 | 247 | 248 | 252 | 257 |262 | 267 | 277 | 3034 | 906X-CAT-180-A3034 > Industrial Engines: 7EF;Machine Engines: 3NW, CPP;NA, Direct Injection, Re-entrantBowlCaterpillar 236 Skid Loader | 246 Skid Loader | 248 Skid Loader | 252Skid Loader | 262 Skid Loader | 267 Skid Loader | 277Skid Loader | 287 Skid Loader | 3034T Machine Engine |3034T Marine EngineX-CAT-180-D3034T > Machine Engines: 3NW;Marine Engines: CPP; Turbo,Direct Injection, Re-entrantBowl, Top Groove Insert Caterpillar Engine Reference GuideTo use this Caterpillar Engine Reference, locate your model of equipment or Engine and click on the text. Clicking on the text will take you to the Catalog Page of Parts for Sale for your specific Engine. You can also use the search feature within this program. For other manufacturer's EngineReference, click the logo at the top.Parts for Sale include: Engine Overhaul Kits, Pistons, Piston Rings, Rod Bearings, Main Bearings, Cylinder Sleeves, HeadCaterpillar 3054 | 312B | 312B L | 315B L | 416C | 416D | 420D | 426C |428C | 428D | 430D | 432D | 436C | 438C | 438D | 442D |908 | CB434C | CP323C | CS323C | PS150BX-CAT-243-133054 > Gensets: 2PW;Industrial Engines: 5YS;Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ;Fastram Piston, Fractured Rodwo/Notch, 30° ValvesCaterpillar 3054 | 312C | 312C L | 554 | AP650B | AP800C | BG225C |BG230 | CB534C | CB535B | CP433C | CP433E | CS431C |CS433C | CS433E | M312 | M315 | PF290B | PF300B |PS200B | PS300B | PS360B | TH103 | TH350B | TH355B |TH360B | TH460B | TH62 | TH63 | TH82 | TH83X-CAT-243-163054 > Marine Engines: CYK;Industrial Engines: 5YS;Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ;Fastram Piston, Fractured Rodwo/Notch, 45° ValvesCaterpillar3054 Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-243-173054 > After 5YS 1-13498, Belt Driven Water Pump, Fastram Piston, Fractured Rod wo/Notch,45° ValvesCaterpillar 3054 | 312B | 312B L | 315B L | 416C | 416D | 420D | 426C |428C | 428D | 430D | 432D | 436C | 438C | 438D | 442D |908 | CB434C | CP323C | CS323C | PS150BX-CAT-243-33054 > Gensets: 2PW;Industrial Engines: 5YS;Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ;Fastram Piston, Notched Rod,30° ValvesCaterpillar 3054 | 312C | 312C L | 554 | AP650B | AP800C | BG225C |BG230 | CB534C | CB535B | CP433C | CP433E | CS431C |CS433C | CS433E | M312 | M315 | PF290B | PF300B |PS200B | PS300B | PS360B | TH103 | TH350B | TH355B |TH360B | TH460B | TH62 | TH63 | TH82 | TH83X-CAT-243-63054 > Marine Engines: CYK;Industrial Engines: 5YS;Machine Engines: 5HK, 7BJ;Fastram Piston, Notched Rod,45° ValvesCaterpillar3054 Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-243-73054 > Thru 5YS 1-13498, Belt Driven Water Pump, Fastram Piston, Notched Rod, 45° ValvesCaterpillar 3054 | 307 | 416B | 416C | 428B | 428C | CB434B | CB434C| CB544 | CB545 | CP323C | CP433C | CS323C | CS431C |CS433C | PS150B | TH62 | TH63 | TH82 | TH83X-CAT-243-A3054 > Gensets: 4ZK, GSM;Industrial Engines: 6FK;Machine Engines: 5HK, 9RM;NA, 1.375" PinCaterpillar 3054 | 312 | 315 | 317 | 317N | 416B | 416C | 426B | 426C |428B | 428C | 436B | 436C | 438B | 438C | CB534B |CB534C | CB535B | CP433C | CS431C | CS433CX-CAT-243-C3054 > Gensets: 4ZK, GSM;Industrial Engines: 6FK;Machine Engines: 5HK, 9RM;Turbo, Quadram Piston, 1.500"PinCaterpillar 3054 | AP800C | BG230 | PF300B | PS200B | PS300B |TH103 | TH62 | TH63 | TH82 | TH83X-CAT-243-D3054 > Industrial Engines: 6FK;Machine Engines: 5HK, 9RM;Turbo, Anodized QuadramPiston, 1.500" PinCaterpillar 3054 Machine Engine | 3054 Truck Engine | 914G WheelLoader | IT14G Tool Carrier | M312 Excavator | M315ExcavatorX-CAT-243-M3054 > Machine Engines: 5HK,7BJ; Truck Engines: 6NR;Intercooled, Graded FastramPiston, Liner w/Fire Dam,Notched RodCaterpillar3054B Industrial/Power Unit | 3054B Machine Engine |3054B Marine Engine | 416D Backhoe/Backhoe Loader |424D Backhoe/Backhoe Loader | CS423E Compactor |TH210 Telescopic Handler | TH215 Telescopic HandlerX-CAT-258-A3054B Early > IndustrialEngines: 5MF 1-10039; MachineEngines: 7SG 1-6000; MarineEngines: CSH 1-234; SleevelessBlock, Notched Conn Rods /Rod Bearings Have LocatingTangsParts for Sale include: Engine Overhaul Kits, Pistons, Piston Rings, Rod Bearings, Main Bearings, Cylinder Sleeves, HeadCaterpillar3054B Industrial/Power Unit | 3054B Machine Engine |3054B Marine Engine | 416D Backhoe/Backhoe Loader |424D Backhoe/Backhoe Loader | CS423E Compactor |TH210 Telescopic Handler | TH215 Telescopic HandlerX-CAT-258-C3054B Late > Industrial Engines:5MF 10040 & Up; MachineEngines: 7SG 6001 & Up;Marine Engines: CSH 235 & Up;Sleeveless Block, FracturedRods wo/Brg Tang NotchCaterpillar 3054C | 3054E | AP300 | CB434D | CB434DXW | CP323C |CS323C | CS423E | TH210 | TH215X-CAT-269-13054C, 3054E > IndustrialEngines: 304, 334; MachineEngines: CRS, CRX, G4D; NA,Industrial Block, LH AuxiliaryDriveCaterpillar3054C | 3054E | 315CL | AP650B | AP800D | BG225C |BG230D | CB534D | CB534DXW | CB564D | CP533E |CS533E | M313C | M315C | PS150C | PS360C | TH220B |TH330B | TH340B | TH350B | TH355B | TH360B | TH460B |TH560B | TH580BX-CAT-269-113054C, 3054E > IndustrialEngines: 304, 334; MachineEngines: CRS, CRX, G4D;Turbocharged, Industrial Block,LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar3054C | 3054E | 414E | 416D | 416E | 420D | 420E | 422E |424D | 428D | 428E | 430D | 430E | 432D | 432E | 434E |442D | 442E | 444E | C4.4 | CP433E | CS433E | IT-14G |PF300C | PS150C | PS300C | TH220B | TH330B | TH460B |TH560B | TH580BX-CAT-269-123054C, 3054E > IndustrialEngines: 304, 334; MachineEngines: CRS, CRX, G4D;Genset Engines: E4M;Turbocharged, Industrial Blockwo/LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar3054C Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-269-133054C > Industrial Engines: 334; Turbocharged, Stressed Block wo/LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar3054C Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-269-143054C > Industrial Engines: 334; Turbocharged, Stressed Block, LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar 3054C | 3054E | 414E | 416D | 416E | 422E | 424D | C4.4 |CP323C | CS323C | CS423EX-CAT-269-23054C, 3054E > IndustrialEngines: 304, 334; MachineEngines: CRS, CRX, G4D;Genset Engines: E4M; NA,Industrial Block wo/LH AuxiliaryDriveCaterpillar3054C Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-269-33054C > Industrial Engines: 334 (207-1011); NA, Stressed Block wo/LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar3054C Industrial/Power Unit X-CAT-269-43054C > Industrial Engines: 334 (296-0884); NA, Stressed Block, LH Auxiliary DriveCaterpillar Click For Applications X-CAT-258-F3054B Early > Industrial Engines: 5MF 1-10039; Belt Driven Water Pump, Notched Conn Rods, Rod Bearings Have Locating TangsCaterpillar Click For Applications X-CAT-258-H 3054B Late > Industrial Engines: 5MF 10040 & Up; Belt Driven Water Pump, Fractured Rods wo/Brg Tang NotchParts for Sale include: Engine Overhaul Kits, Pistons, Piston Rings, Rod Bearings, Main Bearings, Cylinder Sleeves, Head。



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Product Specifications ■WMN-55VDWidth (mm) X Height (mm)1213.0 X 539.8mm (Landscape type) (Exclusion: BRKT HEIGHT BAR, SPACER A/B) VESA(mm): 600x400, 400x400, 400x600Width (mm) X Hight (mm)684.0 X 539.8mm (Portrait type) (Exclusion: BRKT HEIGHT BAR, SPACER A/B) VESA(mm): 600x400, 400x400, 400x600Depth (mm)39.0mm (Minimum) / Tolerance adjustment (+8.0mm)Extendible Range (mm)190mmType : Landscape(default), Portrait type.Product weight with the packaging (Kg) 11.3Kg Maximum SET load (Kg)30Kg ■WMN-46VDWidth (mm) X Height (mm)1022.0 X 539.8mm (Landscape type) (Exclusion: BRKT HEIGHT BAR, SPACER A/B) VESA(mm): 600x400, 400x400, 400x600Width (mm) X Height (mm)576.6 X 539.8mm (Portrait type) (Exclusion: BRKT HEIGHT BAR, SPACER A/B) VESA(mm): 600x400, 400x400, 400x600Depth (mm)39.0mm (Minimum) / Tolerance adjustment (+8.0mm)Extendible Range (mm)190mmType : Landscape(default), Portrait type.Product weight with the packaging (Kg) 10.4KgMaximum SET load (Kg)30KgPrecautions for interior assemblyWhen you both install a video wall and proceed with interior trim or decorative moldings on it, you can adjust the tolerance properly in the directions of +Y (10mm) and +Z (8mm) based on the provided specifications.Ensure proper space (+α mm) required to adjust tolerance at the top of the video wall.Make sure to take into account the additional distance required to adjust tolerance (+α mm / maximum 8.0mm) when you conform to specifications for distance (39.0mm) behind the video wall.Warranty period : 1 YearThis SAMSUNG brand product, as supplied and distributed by SAMSUNG and delivered new, in the original carton to the original consumer purchaser, is warranted by SAMSUNG against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the limited warranty period listed for your country in the warranty table at the end of this manual. This limited warranty begins on the original date of purchase. To receive warranty service, the purchaser must contact SAMSUNG for problem determination and service procedures. Warranty service can only be performed by a SAMSUNG authorized service centre. The original dated bill of sale must be presented upon request as proof of purchase to SAMSUNG or SAMSUNG’s authorized service centre.WMN -55VD(Lands capety pe)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3WMN -55VD(Portraittyp e)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3WMN -46VD(Lands capety pe)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3WMN -46VD(Portraittyp e)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3WMN -55VD(Lands capety pe–UD,RN,EN,UNS eries)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3M a k e s u r e t o r e m o v e t h e c o m p o n e n t C b e f o r e m o u n t i n g t h e S i g n a g e .■WMN-55VD (Portrait type – UD, RN, EN, UN Series) [M ake sure to take into account the additional distance required to adjust tolerance (+α mm / maximum 8.0mm) when you conform to specifications for distance (39.0mm).[T he VESA standards indicate that the wall mount should not be bilaterally symmetric when it is installed in portrait orientation.Make sure to remove the component A before mounting the Signage.I I I II I M a k e s u r e t o r e m o v e t h e c o m p o n e n t C b e f o r e m o u n t i n g t h e S i g n a g e .WMN -55VD(Lands capety pe–UESeri es )k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3e s p a c e r s a r e s u b j e c t t o t o l e r a n c e o f l e s s t h a n 1m m , d e p e n d i n g o n h o w t h e y a r e a t t a c h e d .WMN -55VD(Portraittyp e–UESeries)k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3e s p a c e r s a r e s u b j e c t t o t o l e r a n c e o f l e s s t h a n 1m m , d e p e n d i n g o n h o w t h e y a r e a t t a c h e d .e V E S A s t a n d a r d s i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e w a l l m o u n t s h o u l d n o t b e b i l a t e r a l l y s y m m e t r i c w h e n i t i s i n s t a l l e d i n p o r t r a i t o r i e n t a t i o n .M a k e s u r e t o r e m o v e t h e c o m p o n e n t A b e f o r e m o u n t i n g t h e S i g n a g e .I I I II IM a k e s u r e t o r e m o v e t h e c o m p o n e n t C b e f o r e m o u n t i n g t h e S i g n a g e .W M N -46V D (L a n d s c a p e t y p e – U D , U N S e r i e s )k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m t o s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (3■WMN-46VD (Portrait type – UD, UN Series)[M ake sure to take into account the additional distance required to adjust tolerance (+α mm / maximum 8.0mm) when you conform to specifications for distance (39.0mm).[T he VESA standards indicate that the wall mount should not be bilaterally symmetric when it is installed in portrait orientation.Make sure to remove the component A before mounting the Signage.■WMN -46VD(Lands capety pe–UESeri es )[ M a k e s u r e t o t a k e i n t o a c c o u n t t h e a d d i t i o n a l d i s t a n c e r e q u i r e d t o a d j u s t t o l e r a n c e (+α m m / m a x i m u m 8.0m m ) w h e n y o u c o n f o r m to s p e c i fi c a t i o n s f o r d i s t a n c e (39.0m m ).[Th e s p a c e r s a r e s u b j e c t t o t o l e r a n c e o f l e s s t h a n 1m m , d e p e n d i n g o n h o w t h e y a r e a t t a c h e d .M a k e s u r e t o r e m o v e t h e c o m p o n e n t C b e f o r e m o u n t i n g t h e S i g n a g e .I I J J II**+Make sure to remove the component A before mounting the Signage.IIJ■WMN-46VD (Portrait type – UE Series)[ M ake sure to take into account the additional distance required to adjust tolerance (+α mm / maximum 8.0mm)when you conform to specifications for distance (39.0mm).[The spacers are subject to tolerance of less than 1mm, depending on how they are attached.[ T he VESA standards indicate that the wall mount should not be bilaterally symmetric when it is installed inportrait orientation.WMN4655VD_Rev. 1.1。

C150-E211-01EN fi-4640S 图像扫描器清洁与维护指南说明书

C150-E211-01EN fi-4640S 图像扫描器清洁与维护指南说明书

iRevisions, DisclaimersRevisionsFCC declaration: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-cations. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.prohibited. The length of the parallel interface cable must be 3 meters (10feet) or less. The length of the serial interface cable must be 15 meters (50feet) or less.•The length of the power cord must be 3 meters (10 feet) or less.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 duCanada.High Safety Required Use: The Product is designed, developed and manufac-tured as contemplated foe general use, including without limitation, generaloffice use, personal use and household use, but is not designed, developed andmanufactured as contemplated for use accompanying fatal risks or dangersthat, unless extremely high safety is secured, could lead directly to death,personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (hereinafter "High SafetyRequired Use"), including without limitation, nuclear power core control, airplanecontrol, air traffic control, mass transport operation control, life support, weaponlaunching control. The Customer shall not use the Product without securing thesufficient safety required for the High Safety Required Use. In addition, Fujitsu(or other affiliate's name) shall not be liable against the Customer and/or anythird party for any claims or damages arising in connection with the High SafetyRequired Use by the Customer of the Product.As an E NERGY S TAR® Partner, Fujitsu Limited declares that this scanner meetsthe E NERGY S TAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. E NERGY S TAR ® is a U. S.registered mark.ChangesThe contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.FUJITSU reserves the right to make changes to any products herein, to im-prove reliability, function, or design, without further notice and without obliga-tion.CopyrightsAll Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2001, FUJITSU LIMITED.Printed in Japan.No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without permission.iiFujitsu OfficesPlease send your comments on this manual or on Fujitsu products to thefollowing addresses:FUJITSU COMPUTER PRODUCTS OF AMERICA,INC.2904 Orchard Parkway,San Jose. California 95134-2022,U.S.A.TEL:1-408-432-6333FAX:1-408-432-3908/FUJITSU AUSTRALIA LIMITEDFujitsu Hause 2 Julius Avenue North Ryde N.S.W 2113 CANADA,INC.2800 Matheson Blvd.East,Mississauga. Ontario L4W 4X5,CANADATEL:1-905-602-5454FAX:1-905-602-5457 DEUTSCHLAND GmbH. Frankfurter Ring 211,8000 München 40,F.R,GERMANYTEL:49-89-32378-0FAX:49-89-32378-100 ESPAÑA,S.AEdificio torre Europa 5aPaseo de la Castellana 95Madrid 28046,SPAINTEL:34-1-581-8000FAX:34-1-581-8300/home/ FUJITSU EUROPE LTD.2,Longwalk Road,Stockey Park,Uxbridge Middlesex,UB11 1AB,U.KTEL:44-81-573-4444FAX:44-81-573-2643/home FUJITSU FRANCE S.A.I, Place des Etats-Unis, SILIC 310,94588 Rungis cedex, FRANCETEL:33-1-4180-3880FAX:33-1-4180-3866/home/FUJITSU COMPUTERS (SINGAPORE) PTE, LTD.20 Science Park Road #03-01, Tele Teck Park Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674 Republic of HONG KONG Limited10/F, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place,979 King’s Road, Island East, Hong KongTEL:852-827-5780FAX:852-827-4724TLX:62667/FUJITSU ITALIA S.p.A.Via Nazario Sauro, 3820099 Sestos, Giovanni (MI), ITALYTEL:39-2-26294-1FAX:39-2-26294-201/homeFUJITSU NORDIC ABKung Hans väg,S-192 68 Sollentuna, SWEDEN TEL:46-8-626-4500FAX:46-8-626-4588/homeFUJITSU LIMITEDInternational OperationsMarunouchi 1-6-1, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100 JAPANTEL:(81-3)3216-3211FAX:(81-3)3213-7174TLX:J2283Cable:”FUJITSU LIMITED TOKYO”, LiabilityREAD ALL OF THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS PROD-UCT.IF NOT USED CORRECTLY,UNEXPECTED INJURY MAY BECAUSED TO USERS OR BYSTANDERS.While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all information inthis manual, FUJITSU assumes no liability to any party for any damage causedby errors or omissions or by statements of any kind in this manual, its updatesor supplements, whether such errors are omissions or statements resulting fromnegligence, accidents, or any other cause. FUJITSU further assumes noliability arising from the application or use of any product or system describedherein; nor any liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from theuse of this manual. FUJITSU disclaims all warranties regarding the informationcontained herein, whether expressed, implied, or statutory.ivPrefaceThis manual explains how to clean and maintain the fi-4640S image scanner.The fi-4640S is a very fast and highly functional image scanner developed forhigh quality image processing, using charge-coupled device (CCD) imagesensors. This scanner features high speed simplex scanning with an automaticdocument feeder (ADF).Refer to the Operator’s Guide for basic information about the fi-4640S.vConventionsImportant information that requires special attention is indicated as follows:WARNINGWARNING indicates that serious personal injury may result if you do not followa procedure correctly.CAUTIONCAUTION indicates that minor personal injury, loss of data, or damage to thescanner may result if you do not follow a procedure correctly.Official Fujitsu part names are indicated with an initial capital letter, as in thepart name “Pick roller”.viviiCONTENTSCHAPTER 1DESCRIPTION ...............................................................1-1Units ...............................................................................1-2Assemblies.....................................................................1-4Operator Panel................................................................1-5Panel Display..................................................................1-6DESCRIPTIONCLEANINGREPLACEMENT OFPARTSTROUBLESHOOTINGD E S C R I C L E A N I N G R E P L A C E M E N T O F P A R T ST R O U B L E S H O O T I N GDESCRIPTIONThis chapter describes units, assemblies, indicators and LED functions.UnitsAssembliesOperator PanelPanel DisplayUnits6 ADF paper chute3ADF lever2ADF 1 Stacker5Document bed8Oparator panel4Option board slot 9Interfaceconnector10Power inlet 12EXTconnector 11Power switch13D E S C R I P T IAssembliesThumb screwStackerPick roller 2I IOperator panelThe Operator panel is located on the upper right hand side of the scanner.The panel consists of an LCD (16characters x 2 lines), LEDs, and buttons.ArrangementPanel DisplayButton/LED FunctionD E S C R I P T ICounter Display The scanner is provided with acounter display.When the counter value is 0, no number is displayed.Panel DisplayOperation statusThe operation status is indicated by the following messages:<Power-on><Reading><Low Power Mode>When the Scanner Display turns Off and the powerremains “On”, the scanner is in the Low Power Mode.One of the following will wake up the scanner:•Pressing any button.•Setting the paper on the ADF.•Sending a command from the host computer.<Waiting for Start>The scanner displays the following screen when waiting for theStart button to be pressed:(Only When the Video InterfaceOption is installed.)<Cleaning request>When the Pick roller cleaning is necessary, the scanner displaysthe following on the upper line:When the ADF glass cleaning is necessary, the scanner displaysthe following on the LCD:Clean the Pick roller or the ADF glass in accordance with theinstructions given in chapter 2, Cleaning the ADF, and chapter 3,Pick Roller.D E S C I I Temporary error<Hopper empty>This message is displayed if there is no more paper on the ADF paper chute during a read operation in ADF mode. Fill the ADF paper chute with paper. To enable the read operation, press the stop button.<Jam>This message is displayed if a document is jammed in the ADF.See Chapter 4 for removing jammed ducuments.<ADF cover open>This message is displayed if the ADF is not closed completely.Close the ADF completely, and enable the read operation.<Double feed error>This message is displayed when the ADF detects a Double feed error. Check the document and re-scan it.AlarmOne of the following messages is displayed if an error occurs in the scanner. If one of the following error messages is displayed, turn the power Off and then On again. If the same message is displayed, contact your service representative.<Optical alarm><FB mechanism alarm>When the total number of sheets scanned by the ADF is less than 100, the message above and the message below are displayed alternately. Remove the bracket (Shipping Lock) that holds the carrier in place.<Motor fuse alarm><Lamp fuse alarm><Image transfer alarm>(only when SCSI is used)<Memory alarm>D E S C R I P T I <EEPROM alarm><FAN alarm><IPC board alarm>When this message is displayed, turn Off system power and then turn it On again. Alternatively,replace the current cable with one recommended by the manufacturer of the SCSI board. When the cause of the alarm has been corrected, the scanner automatically resumes operation once power is turned On again.CLEANINGThis chapter describes cleaning supplies, areas that require clean-ing, and procedures for cleaning the ADF and the flatbed.Cleaning Supplies and Areas RequiringCleaningCleaning the ADFCleaning the Flatbed2-12-2Cleaning Supplies and Areas Requiring CleaningFor more information on cleaning supplies, contact your dealer.*1If the display on the operator panel shows “Please clean Pick-roller”, then clean it regardless of the frequencies recommended here.*2CAUTIONDo not clean the rubber rollers with cleaner F2.*3Refer to the Abrasion counter on the Operator panel to estimate when the next cleaning is necessary.When the following paper types are used, it may be necessary to clean more frequently:• Paper with a smooth surface, such as coated paper.• Paper almost entirely covered with printing.• Paper with special chemical coatings, such as carbonless paper.• Paper including a great quantity of calcium.• When reading a great many documents written with a pencil.C L E A N I NG2-4Cleaning the ADF1Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Lightly spray a new piece of cleaning paper with cleaner F1.3Place the cleaning paper onshort side touches the Plastic roller.4Close the ADF and turn the power on to start the cleaning.5After making sure the cleaning stops, turn the power off.6Turn the cleaning paperupside down, repeat steps 1through 5.Cleaning paperCleaning paperPlastic rollersC L E A N I NGGlassCleaning the ADF with a Dry cloth or a Cloth with Cleaner F11Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Use a dry cloth or a clothmoistened with Cleaner F1 to softly remove dirt and dust as follows.Pad assembly :Wipe the pad in a downwarddirection (as indicated by the arrow).Be careful not to catch the spring for the Pick roller when wiping.Glass:Wipe the glass lightly.NOTEIf the glass is dirty, the image may include black vertical stripes.Pick roller:Wipe the roller.Be careful not to damage the surface of the roller and the mylar strip above the Pick roller.Feed rollers :and Plastic rollersWipe the rollers.Be careful not to damage the surface of the rollers.Pick roller2-6C L E A N I N GSheet guide (white part)Sheet guide (white part):Wipe the sheet guide.NOTEIf the Sheet guide is dirty, the front image may show vertical stripes.3Close the ADF to lock the ADF lever.CAUTIONDon’t wipe the pad rubbers with the F2 cleaner.2-8Cleaning the Pick Arm Rollers1Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Moisten a cotton swab or Dry cloth with F1 or F2 Cleaner.3Wipe the small Plastic rollers at the tip of the Pick Arm.4Wipe the small Plastic rollers and the Pick Arm with a clean,dry cloth to dry them.NOTEF2 to remove the contamination.CAUTIONDon’t wipe the pad rubbers with the F2 cleaner.C L E A N I NGCleaning the Plastic rollers with Cleaner F21Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Moisten a cotton swab with Cleaner F2.3Wipe the Plastic roller surfaces.CAUTIONDon’t wipe the Pick Rollers with a cotton swab using cleaner F2.4Wipe the Plastic roller surface with a clean, dry cloth. Allow itto dry.2-10Cleaning the FlatbedCleaning the Flatbed with a Cloth and Cleaner F1However, do not use organic solvents like thinner.1Open the Document cover.2Apply Cleaner F1 to a clean cloth.3Wipe the Document holding pad and the Document bed.4Allow them to dry.NOTEBe sure to prevent liquid from seeping through the opening between the Document bed and the plastic cover.REPLACEMENT OF PARTSThis chapter describes how to replace the pad assembly and thepick roller.Pad AssemblyPick RollerPad AssemblyNOTE100,000 sheets or one year. Use the Abrasion counter on the Operator panel to estimate when the Pad assembly needs replacement. The life span may be decreased by as much as halfwhen carbonless paper is read frequently.WARNINGTurn off the power before replacing the Pad Assembly.1Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Push the Pick Arm carefully.Pad assemblyPick RollerNOTEUse the Abrasion counter on the operator panel to estimate when the Pick roller needs replacement.The life span may be decreased by as much as half when carbonless sheets are frequently read.WARNINGTurn off the power before replacing the Pick Rollers.1Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.2Remove the two Thumbscrews.Use a Phillips screwdriver if they are tight.R E P L A C E M E N T O F P A R T SPosition for ReplacementPick roller 1Pick roller 2Stopper3With both hands, lift up Guide A and disengage its tip from the right hole. Then lift the right side of the cover and remove it.4To remove the Pick rollers,turn the stopper counter-clockwise.5To remove the Pick roller 1,move it to the left and then liftit.6Immediately after removing the Pick roller 1, remove the Pickroller 2 in the same way.R E P L A C E M E N T O F P A R TS7To attach the new Pick rollers,place Pick roller 1 from the right side above the bearing forPick roller 1.Put the shaft of Pick roller 1into the bearing. Then, slideside.8Attach Pick roller 2, in thesame way as Pick roller 1 asshown in step 7.Then slide the Pick roller 2toward right side.R E P L A C E M E N T O F P A R T SOperating Position9Turn the stopper clockwise to secure the Pick rollers.Thumb screws10Attach Guide A in the reverse sequence of step 3 and align the screw hole. See the graphic on page 1-4.11Tighten the thumb screws.12Close the ADF unit.TROUBLESHOOTINGThis chapter describes how to clear paper jams and run initialchecks. It also contains a Problem Checklist that should be com-pleted before you call a service representative.Clearing Paper JamsInitial ChecksProblem ChecklistClearing Paper Jams1Remove all the documents from the ADF paper chute.2Pull the ADF lever to open the ADF.3Remove the jammed document(s).All staples and paper clips should be removed from all documents bofore scanning.-Be careful not to pull the spring for the Pad while removing a jammed document.4Close the ADF so that the ADFlever locks.T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GInitial ChecksIf a problem occurs, check the following items before contacting the manufacturer’s authorized service center.T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GT R O U B L E S H O O T I N GT R O U B L E S H O O T I N G。



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