



为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
1928~1940年,受到广泛的重视,曾是研究分子结 构的主要手段。这是因为可见光分光技术和照相感 光技术已经发展起来的缘故;
1940~1960年,拉曼光谱的地位一落千丈。主要是 因为拉曼效应太弱(约为入射光强的10-6),并要求 被测样品的体积必须足够大、无色、无尘埃、无荧 光等等。所以到40年代中期,红外技术的进步和商 品化更使拉曼光谱的应用一度衰落;
b. 在以波数为变量的拉曼光谱图上,斯托克斯线和反斯 托克斯线对称地分布在瑞利散射线两侧, 这是由于在上 述两种情况下分别相应的得到或失去了一个振动量子的 能量。
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
(1)拉曼光谱是一个散射过程,因而任何尺寸、形状、 透明度的样品,只要能被激光照射到,就可直接用来 测量。由于激光束的直径较小,且可进一步聚焦,因 而极微量样品都可测量。
(2)水是极性很强的分子,因而其红外吸收非常强烈。 但水的拉曼散射却极微弱,因而水溶液样品可直接进 行测量,这对生物大分子的研究非常有利。
1.3 几种重要的拉曼光谱分析技术
1、单道检测的拉曼光谱分析技术 2、以CCD为代表的多通道探测器用于拉
曼光谱的检测仪的分析技术 3、采用傅立叶变换技术的FT-Raman光
谱分析技术 4、共振拉曼光谱分析技术 5、表面增强拉曼效应分析技术
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益



X-RAY SPECTROMETRYX-Ray Spectrom.29,18–24(2000)Pigment Analysis of Wall Paintings and Ceramics from Greece and Cyprus.The Optimum Use of X-Ray Spectrometry onSpecific Archaeological IssuesE.Aloupi,1A.G.Karydas2and T.Paradellis2*1THETIS–Science and Techniques for Art History Conservation Ltd,41M.Moussourou Street,11636Athens Greece2Laboratory for Material Analysis,Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos,15310Aghia Paraskevi Attiki,GreeceThis paper deals with archaeological issues which lend themselves to a simple but very effective treatment by means of x-ray spectroscopy.The common feature of all the samples presented here is that they can be reduced to a simple spectroscopic question concerning the presence or absence of certain chemical elements in the ancient pigments.Copyright©2000John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.INTRODUCTIONThe identification and quantification of the elements that compose objects with an archaeological interest provides afirst strong indication for the origin of the raw materials and the technology applied in their production.In some cases(in metals or pottery materials)the concentration of the minor and trace elements might also address the question of age and provenance of the objects.The strong requirement by archaeologists and curators for the exclu-sive use of non-destructive analytical techniques during the examination of archaeological material makes x-ray analytical techniques a unique tool in the understanding of the cultural heritage.1,2The variety of the analyti-cal techniques that have been developed over the last three decades,employing different excitation probes(ion or x-ray beams)and instrumentation,have successfully addressed the above questions in a very effective way. For example,the external proton induced x-ray emission (PIXE)technique with variable incident proton energy allows the determination of the elemental depth concen-tration profile of pigments and thus the arrangement of paint materials in definite layers.3In addition,when PIXE is combined with the Rutherford backscattering(RBS) technique,the characterization of the surface composi-tion relative to the bulk,e.g.slip versus fabric in pottery materials,can be achieved.However,x-ray techniques based on energy dispersion (PIXE,x-rayfluorescence)are suitable for determining only the elemental composition and not the chemical or geochemical form of the materials analysed.This cer-tainly is a disadvantage,especially in pigment analysis. If archaeologists can provide some additional material so that x-ray diffraction(XRD)techniques may also be applied,the combination of the two methods is a powerful*Correspondence to:T.Paradellis,Laboratory for Material Analysis, Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos,15310Aghia Paraskevi Attiki,Greece.tool for the understanding of ancient pigment technol-ogy.If not,x-rayfluorescence alone may provide answers in cases where only well-defined questions have been posed,whose answer relies on the resolution of a given dichotomy.In the case of Bronze Age wall paintings from Knossos,Thera,Pylos,Tiryns and Mycenae,for instance,4 the blue pigments identified were either the natural glauco-phane,Na2 Mg,Fe 3Al2Si8O22 OH 2,from the amphibole group,or the synthetic Egyptian blue,CaCuSi4O10.The diagnostic elements in this case are Fe and Cu,respec-tively,and the question is whether glaucophane or Egyp-tian blue is spectroscopically translated to Fe or Cu.A number of case studies dealing with similar questions which were undertaken by the authors during the last quar-ter of a century are presented chronologically,admitting simple qualitative but definite answers,and are discussed in terms of their archaeological relevance.1976;BRONZE AGE WALL PAINTINGS: GLAUCOPHANE OR EGYPTIAN BLUE?In the course of a broad research project dealing with systematic analyses of the inorganic pigments from the wall paintings discovered at Knossos,Thera,Pylos,Tiryns and Mycenae,4–6the blue pigments presented an intrigu-ing chronological variation scheme in the case of Thera and Knossos(Fig.1).The colour palette in the Bronze Age was mainly based on mineral pigments(i.e.goethite, limonite)and carbon for the red,yellow and black.The blue was either the well known Egyptian blue,the syn-thetic pigment produced in Egypt and imported to Greece as described in detail by Tite et al.,7or glaucophane,a hydrous sodium magnesium aluminium silicate mineral rich in iron from the amphibole group.Different shades and colour variations were obtained by mixing or over-painting the above basic colours.The50samples of blue pigments selected were anal-ysed by the x-rayfluorescence technique.A few mil-ligrams of the pigment were placed on a thin Mylar sheetPIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS19Figure1.Map of Greece and Cyprus showing the places referred to in this paper.and analysed.The elemental concentrations were esti-mated on a semiquantitative basis by normalizing all peak intensities to the strongest one.According to the XRF data,4the samples were divided into three types.type A[Fig.2(a)]:the dominant element is copper with significant Ca content.Pb,As,Sr,Sn as trace elements and Fe of the order of a few percent normalized to Cu were also detected.Type B[Fig.2(b)]: the dominant element is iron with traces of Ti,Mn Rb, Cr,Ni,Y.The total absence of Cu is characteristic of this type.Type C:iron is the prominent element with varying amounts of copper.The above analyses were complemented by x-ray diffraction and petrographic examination4,8that correlated type A with the presence of pure Egyptian blue,type B with glucophane and type C with a mixture of glauco-phane with Egyptian blue.As shown in Table1,Egyp-tian blue was used at allfive sites.The samples from the palaces of Mycenae,Tiryns and Pylos(Mainland in Table1)dated after1400BC and the samples from Knos-sos after1500BC show exclusive use of pure Egyptian blue(type A).For dates earlier than1500BC the Knossos pigments indicate use of the Egyptian blue as early as ca 3000BC.The glaucophane was identified only in Middle and Late Bronze Age samples dated earlier than1700BC and not later than1500BC and in most Theran samples from the destruction level of Akrotiri due to the volcano eruption are dated before1500BC.In both Knossos and Thera,type C blue,i.e.mixtures of the two pigments,is associated with Late Minoan I period and the late part of Middle Bronze Age.Although glaucophane occurs as a mineral in both Thera and Crete,its presence has not been established in the geographic area from Knossos. The introduction of glaucophane in the colour palette of Minoan wall paintings was attributed to Theran artisans and in view of the extended relationship between the two settlements its presence in the wall paintings from Knos-sos was explained as an import from Thera.This claim is further supported by its abandonment after¾1500BC or rather after the end of Late Minoan IA defined by the eruption of the volcano in Thera which destroyed the island.The discussion above is not affected by the abso-lute chronology of the Thera eruption.A recent analysis of well documented specimens from the wall paintings of the Xesti3(basically rooms3and15,but also from the staircase of room5),the House of the Benches and some other parts of the excavation area at Akrotiri(Sectors A, B and C),9verified the scheme of the parallel use of both pigments in Thera,included in Table1.This last publica-tion allowed a more precise identification of the mineral in the form of riebeckite Na2 Fe2C,Mg,Fe3C 3Si8O22 OH 2, which like glaucophane belongs to the group of amphi-boles.Also the presence of exactly the same mineralogical phase in the‘glaucophane’blue pigments from Knossos pointed decisively to the Theran origin of the pigment.8 Another interesting result of the work by Filippakis et al.4was the identification of Egyptian blue inKnossos Figure2.Typical XRF spectra of blue pigments based on(a)Egyptian and(b)glaucophane blue.20 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISTable 1.Overview of the blue pigment distribution as a function of provenanceand chronology (ž=Egyptian blue (presence of Cu); =amphiboles (glaucophane,presence of Fe); =mixture of both (presence of both Cu andFe))as early as the 3rd millenium BC that coincides with the first appearance of the pigment in Egypt during the 4th Dynasty.This observation which contradicts earlier assertions by Sir Arthur Evans 10led the authors to raise interesting archaeological questions introducing the idea of a simultaneous local production of the synthetic blue pigment in early Minon Crete,which still remain to be addressed.1989;LATE BRONZE AGE WALL PAINTINGS FROM THERA:EARTHEN OR MARINE PURPLE?Contrary to the previous study,the question to be answered here concerns a single sample of a purple material found in 1969in Akrotiri,Thera.The material was sampled for comparison with the pigments of Theran wall paintings within the framework of a larger pigment analysis study as a follow-up of the work described above.The visual examination of the material was compatible with a ferruginous nature (i.e.ochre).However,thenon-destructive XRF analysis of about 50mg of this very light and powdered material (Fig.3)revealed a calcitic matrix (Ca 34%)with a low Fe content (1.5%)combined with very high Br concentration (5300ppm).Traces of Mn (2300ppm),Cu (600ppm)and Zn (600ppm)were also detected.In general,bromine offers a very powerful discriminating criterion between marine and terrestrial environments.Br occurs in the hydrosphere as soluble bromide salts.Its concentration in seawater is 65–70ppm whereas in the earth’s crust and streams are only 4.0and 0.02ppm,respectively.This is further accentuated between the marine and terrestrial biosphere (seaweed,sponges,shells,plants,etc.)owing to the formation of organic bromine compounds.The use of bromine and its compounds as a tracer of the contact between seawater and sea-salt with ceramic and lithic artifacts is the subject of an on-going research project.11In the case of the purple Theran material,the high Br concentration strongly indicates a Br-enrichment mechanism which naturally led to the possible presence of an organic dye.More specifically it pointed to the precious ‘royal’or ‘Tyrian’purple,based on 6,6-dibromoindigotin,C 16H 8N 2O 2Br 2,derived fromPIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS21Figure3.XRF spectrum of the purple material from Akrotiri,Thera(inset photograph),showing high Br concentration.murex shells(Murex brandaris and trunculus)and related species(Purpura haemastoma),which was identified by Friendl¨a nder in the beginning of the century.12The organic nature of the dye was confirmed by dis-solving a small quantity in HCI and treating the solution with CHCl3and observing the purple colouring in the phase of the solvent.A stoichiometric calculation of Br content in the molecule of6,6-dibromoindigotin leads to1.5%(w/w)for the dye compound contained in the sample.XRD analysis of the bulk material indicated the abun-dant presence of aragonite and calcite.The presence of aragonite,which is the characteristic phase of CaCO3,in sea-shells combined with the high Br concentration led to the conclusion that the material in question originated from crushed and pulverized live molluscs possibly fol-lowed by sieving,thus leading to a concentrated dye.The original study13suggests a cosmetic use of the material although its use as a wall painting pigment cannot be excluded,especially in view of a recent identification of the material in Minoan wall-paintings from the Minoan Palace at Malia,14Crete(Fig.1).Subsequent analysis of pigments from Theran wall paintings9based on the use of analytical scanning electron microscopy–electron probe microanalysis(SEM–EPMA)would not have been able to detect Br.We therefore believe that all future analyses of wall paintings,Theran or Minoan,should include XRF-based Br detection.This becomes partic-ularly relevant following the advent of portable XRF systems.Tyrian purple in a calcitic matrix,referred to as ‘purpurissum,’15had been also identified in most of the purple pigments contained in the ceramic bowls found in Pompeii.16It is widely known that Tyrian purple was amongst the most expensive of antiquity’s goods,reserved for kings,emperors and the upper classes of society.It is also known that Phoenicians dominated the trade of the precious dye in the Mediterranean basin during the his-toric period.It therefore becomes clear that the evidence of its use in Crete and the Aegean,prior to its introduction by Phoenicians,is obviously important for the prehistory of the Aegean.17,181994–96;CYPRIOT TERRACOTTA FIGURINES: CINNABAR OR OCHRE-BASED RED?The study of six Cypriot–Archaic polychrome terracotta figurines(750–475BC)of the Louvre Collection19by using the proton induced x-ray emission(PIXE)non-destructive technique of the AGLAE accelerator facility20 of the Laboratoire de Recherches des Mus´e es de France revealed the presence of cinnabar(mercury sulphide,HgS) in the red pigment of onefigurine representing a horse-rider(Fig.4,left).Interestingly,the blue-green pigment on the samefigurine was identified as a zinc-based material, which was initially related to the natural zinc carbonate (smisthonite).These observations provided a contrast with the most frequent use of ochre for the red and green earth(celadonite)for the green,detected in the rest of thefigurines which have been analysed.The latter two minerals(i.e.iron hydroxides and green earth)are abun-dant in Cyprus,whereas cinnabar and smisthonite are not known to be present in the island.A plausible explana-tion was that the use of such pigments,probably imported from Anatolia or even Spain,characterizes the produc-tion of a distinct ceramic workshop.The consolidation and interpretation of this suggestive evidence could only be achieved through a large-scale systematic study,which was undertaken during a wider project referring to the diachronic investigation of ceramic decoration techniques in ancient Cyprus.As a follow-up of the above study,allfigurines of the Nicosia Museum collection on which the red paint was still preserved(43pieces in total)were analysed in situ using a portable XRF system.The system was built at the Institute of Nuclear Physics,NCSR Demokritos and con-sisted of a109Cd source,a Peltier-cooled Si(PIN)detector and portable data acquisition and analysis systems.A typical example of these terracottafigurines that rep-resent singers and musicians,riders and horses,chariots, animals and birds is given in Fig.5.As shown in a typ-ical x-ray spectrum in Fig.6(a),the red pigment is an iron-rich material obviously derived by the use of ochre without signs of mercury in their XRF spectra.In view of these results it was then safe to conclude that the pres-ence of mercury sulphide(i.e.cinnabar)in the single22 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISFigure 4.Cypriot terracotta figurines representing a complex of a horse and a rider (Cypriot-Archaic I,ca 750–600BC ),Mus ´ee du Louvre.The one on the left (No.AM 235,height 12.3cm)revealed the unusual presence of cinnabar for the red and a zinc-based material for the green (photograph provided by D.Bagualt).Figure 5.Cyproarchaic terracotta figurines (750–475BC )from the collection of the Nicosia Museum analysed in situ with a portableXRF system.figurine in the Louvre Museum must be attributed to post-excavation retouching having taken place in the period 1870–80when the above terracotta collection was bought by the Louvre Museum.The date coincides with the first introduction of synthetic cinnabar,commonly known as vermilion.As for the blue–green Zn-based pigment,given the restriction of performing exclusively non-destructive analyses,PIXE results alone could not allow the drawingof any reliable conclusion on the nature of this pig-ment.We note,however,the introduction of a synthetic blue–green pigment known as Rinmann’s green which was based on ZnO with varying CoO content 21by the end of 19th century.The collection of 43figurines was examined in less than 2h.This illustrates the power of new technology in a case where the archaeological question is very specific.PIGMENT ANALYSIS OF WALL PAINTINGS AND CERAMICS23Figure6.Typical XRF spectra of(a)Fe-rich red pigments and (b)Fe-rich and Mn-rich black pigments on Cypriot ceramics from the Nicosia Museum.The spectra were obtained in situ at the Nicosia Museum with a portable XRF system consisting of a Peltier-cooled x-ray detector(XR-100T,240eV resolution at Mn K˛and a109Cd radioactive x-ray source(20mCi).A recent analysis of similar terracottafigurines from the Cesnola Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Fine Arts in New York by the SEM–EPMA technique verified the presence of iron-based red pigment in all figurines examined.The analysis was undertaken in the course of the conservation procedure,22as part of the reinstallation of the Metropolitan Museum of the Cypriot galleries scheduled for the spring of2000.The230 Cypriot–Archaicfigurines of the Cesnola collection con-stitute one of the most significant collections of these objects and this will be theirfirst exhibition since1873, when they were brought to New York from Cyprus.1996;CERAMIC DECORATION TECHNIQUES IN CYPRUS:Fe-OR Mn-BASED BLACK?Ceramic artifacts provide excellent material against which cultural interactions can be studied since they contain multi-dimensional information with respect to the shape, the style of decoration(incised,painted,plastic),the fab-ric,the raw materials used,the manufacturing techniques, etc.It is now widely recognized that the investigation of ancient ceramic technology,which was usually based on the analysis of the ceramic body in the past,can be com-plemented through the analysis of the pigments used for the surface decoration.The ceramics in the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia provide a complete and comprehensive archaeological collection for the study,which spans more than40centuries from Neolithic to Hellenistic times(5000–325BC).Owing to the nature and wealth of the material,thefirst step of the project consisted of an in situ survey using non-destructive XRF analysis and examination under a stereoscope,in conjuction with digital recording of visual information (digital camera,3-D image recording system).23The XRF analysis of75ceramic artifacts revealed a very clear chronological pattern in the nature of the ubiq-uitous black or dark colour[Fig.6(b)].Essentially all dark decorations in Cypriot pottery from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age(5000–1625BC)are based on the use of iron-rich materials.As is well known,iron-rich clays (Fe2O3¾9–18%)with low CaO(<3%)and relatively high K2O content(¾3.5–6%)produce dark-coloured pig-ments whenfired in a reducing atmosphere and for this reason the technique is mostly known as‘the iron reduc-tion technique.’From the end of the Late Bronze Age onwards(1050–325BC),the dark colours were achieved through the use of Mn ores(umbrae).These materials with varying Mn3O4(2.5–15%)and Fe2O3(20–65%)contents produce black or brown easily withfiring without any special requirements in kiln atmosphere.Figure7summa-rize the XRF results and shows clearly that the transition between the two dark-colour techniques occurs during the Late Bronze Age(1625–1050BC)on the so-called White Slip Pottery(WSI and WSII shreds in Fig.7).The alternative use of Mn-rich and Fe-based black indi-cates the use of both different raw materials andfiring processes,which consequently point to different tech-nological traditions.24–26The latter,seen in the context of the different ethnic origins of the various potters in Cyprus(native Cypriots,Cretans,Mycenaeans,Syro-Palestinians,Phoenicians)during several periods was initially attributed27either to the introduction of new production techniques or the resistance of local tradi-tion to external influence.Recent detailed analyses on a well documented sequence of this characteristic Cypriot pottery28revealed that the change from Fe-black,in WSI, to Mn-black,in WSII monochrome ware was introduced through the bichrome WSI wares in order to facilitate the simultaneous production of red and black on the same object.Whereas the ancient craftsmen were able to pro-duce black and red,separately,using iron-based pigments, when called upon to produce a bichrome effect they found it more convenient to use Mn for the black.This is under-standable if we consider the difficulties of thefine tuning betweenfiring atmosphere and temperature required to produce a bichrome effect based on Fe only.29It can then be argued that given the availability of all required raw materials in Cyprus,the subsequent adoption of a more convenient technique for the production of dark monochrome wares[see proto White Painted I(pWPI) and White Painted I(WPI)samples in Fig.7]and its sub-sequent spread over the whole island was not surprising.CONCLUSIONSIt is clear that the use of x-ray-based analytical techniques provide archaeologists with extremely important clues and information about our ancestors’technology,commercial and cultural contacts.In return,physicists who employ24 E.ALOUPI,A.G.KARYDAS AND T.PARADELLISFigure 7.Chronological distribution of Fe-and Mn-based pigments produced by non-destructive in situ XRF analysis of 75Cypriot ceramic artifacts from the collection of the Nicosia Museum.The time-scale focuses on Late Bronze Age objects bearing monochrome dark decoration.these techniques do share with them the excitement of these discoveries and the joy of a significant participation in the process of understanding our history.Today,all European Union research-funding agencies give significant priority to the understanding and conservation of cultural heritage.We are confident that in this framework,x-ray-based analytical techniques developed so far and the significant expertise accumulated will prove relevant to these projects.REFERENCES1.C.P.Swann,Nucl.Instrum.Methods B ,130,289(1997).2.M.F.Guerra,X-Ray Spectrom.27,73(1998).3.C.Neelmeijer,W.Wagner and H.P.Schramm,Nucl.Instrum.Methods B ,118,338(1996).4.S. 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拉曼光谱在古陶片测量中的应用李婧 李倩 王晓波 屈晓田(山西大学物理实验中心030006)摘要 近年来激光技术的快速发展,使得拉曼光谱技术成为激光分析研究领域中的热门之一。

本文利用LRS-Ⅱ型激光拉曼光谱仪对不同年代的古陶片进行了测试研究,用X 射线衍射图谱分析确定了古陶片的主要成分。



关键词 拉曼光谱;X 射线衍射;PDF 标准卡片;古陶片1引言1928年印度物理学家C. V. Raman 发现拉曼效应,1960年以后激光技术的发展使拉曼光谱法获得了新生快速发展。









图1 拉曼散射模型 图2 拉曼散射能级图Incident light okes Rama n sc atteringRayle igh scatteri ngn scatteri ng3样品及实验方法激光拉曼光谱仪、半导体激光器波长532nm ,输出功率≥40mw 。









































excitation excit.-vib.
拉曼光谱的优点和特点 Ÿ对样品无接触,无损伤; Ÿ样品无需制备; Ÿ快速分析,鉴别各种材料的特性与结构; Ÿ能适合黑色和含水样品; Ÿ高、低温及高压条件下测量; Ÿ光谱成像快速、简便,分辨率高; Ÿ仪器稳固,体积适中, Ÿ维护成本低,使用简单。
数字化显微共焦系统专利技术 共焦应用 - 石英内的气、液包裹体
3000 2000
1086 3648
1 164 2914 1627 2333
1000 1164 1280 1387 1640 2331
光散射 - 瑞利散射
• 散射光中,弹性 (瑞利) 散射占主导 • 前… 后…
入射光 分子 分子
• 散射光与入射光有相同的频率
光散射 - 拉曼
• 散射光中的1010光子之一是非弹性散射(拉曼) • 前… 后…
入射光 分子 分子振动
• 光损失能量,使分子振动
14220 cm-1 14430 cm-1
Frequency cm-1
14885 cm-1 14971 cm-1
This error plot show that during normal working day all the errors track and the typical errors are less than 0.05 cm-1



( Ch a n g c h u n U n i v e r s i t y o f S i c e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y 。 C o l l e g e o f S c i e n c e , C h a n g c h u n J i l i n 1 3 0 0 2 2 , C l l i n a) 【 Ab s t r a c t 】 I n t h i s p a p e r , w e u s e t w o k i n d s o t e x c i t a t i o n s o u r c e ( 5 3 2 m n a n d 7 8 5 n m) r e s p e c t i v e l y t o d e t e c t t h e R a m a n s p e c t r u m o f s o m e a n c i e n t
【 摘 要】 本文主要介 绍两种激发 光源下( 5 3 2 n r n 和7 8 5 ) 一) , 针对一 些在古代壁画 艺术品 中常用的红 色系、 黄 色系、 白色系等矿物颜料进行
拉 曼光谱 的检测 。其 结果显 示, 在相 关研 究较 少的低波数( 5 0 — 1 5 0 e m ) 范围 内, 大部分样品均有 明显拉 曼特征峰 . 这一部分数据对古代壁 画等 艺术品 的分析 、 真伪鉴别 、 原位修复等均有着重要的参考价值
科技・ 探索・ 争鸣
S c 科 i e n c e & 技 T e c h 视 n o l o g y 界 V i s i o n
孙鹏 飞 李星辰 吴 强 谭 勇 蔡红 星 院 , 吉 林 长春 1 3 0 0 2 2 ) 刘春 字














本文选择了中国绘画使用的典型颜料制作样本,利用电子显微镜、拉曼光谱仪、扫描电镜以及便携式X荧光仪测试颜料的化学成份,利用光谱辐射仪采集350-2500 nm的反射光谱,建立典型颜料光谱库,作为光谱识别的基础。










白色颜料在艺术品中能够作为白色的颜料很多,我们主要对蛤白3)成白色,天然无机化合物,蛤粉属于矿物颜料有显著特点是不易退色、色彩鲜艳;进口钛白(titanium dioxide,TiO2)成白色白色固体或粉末状的两性氧化物,是使用最为广泛的白色多样结晶型态化合物。







关键词:壁画颜料;拉曼光谱;分析0 引言利用拉曼光谱技术分析古代壁画所使用的颜料,是一种非常有效便捷的方法。



1 实验大同地区寺观壁画颜料运用比较丰富,通过大量调查明确可以辨识的颜色有红色、绿色、蓝色、黄色、白色和黑色,对大量寺观壁画不同颜色进行取样,采用拉曼分析对成分进行确定。

对颜料样品的拉曼光谱采用法国JYBIN YVON公司生产的XploRA拉曼光谱仪进行分析。



①2 结果与讨论中国古代壁画颜料主要来源于无机矿物、植物、金属以及化学合成,其中天然的无机矿物颜料占绝大多数。


2.1 红色颜料图1~图3分别给出了大同地区三种不同红色颜料样品的拉曼光谱,并标出了其特征峰。
























基于光谱吸收特征分析的彩绘文物颜料识别研究张陈峰;胡云岗;侯妙乐;吕书强;张学东【摘要】高光谱成像技术作为一种无损高效的检测方法,对于彩绘文物颜料的鉴别具有重要意义.由于全波段参与光谱相似度计算会造成数据的冗余,没有充分利用光谱的细微特征.为此,本文首先对文物颜料光谱吸收特征进行参量化分析,并通过改进的光谱吸收特征拟合算法与标准光谱进行匹配识别,从而得到识别结果.实验以获取的一幅波长为400~1000nm的古代壁画高光谱影像为例,通过光谱吸收特征分析识别出壁画的颜料主要成分有朱砂、赭粉、石绿和石青,4种颜料的光谱吸收特征拟合度分别是:0.95、0.77、0.92、0.81.实验结果表明:对光谱吸收特征分析可以帮助识别彩绘文物的颜料信息,该方法可为以后文物修复提供参考.%As a non-destructive and efficient detection method,hyper-spectral imaging technology has a great significance to the identification of pigment on colored relics.The results show that the spectral similarity calculation of the full band will cause the data redundancy,and do not make full use of the subtle features of the spectrum.In this paper,the spectral absorption characteristics of the pigment were analyzed,and the spectral feature fitting algorithm was used to match the standard spectrum,and the results were obtained.The experimental study took a hyper-spectral image of an ancient mural as an example which wavelength range is 400-1000 nm,and distinguished the pigments by spectral absorption analysis.The results show that the major pigments are cinnabar,ochre powder,malachite and azurite,the spectral fitting characteristics are 0.95,0.77,0.92,0.81 respectively.The analysis of spectral absorption features can help toidentify the color information of colored relics.The method can provide reference for cultural relic restoration.【期刊名称】《地理信息世界》【年(卷),期】2017(024)003【总页数】5页(P119-123)【关键词】高光谱成像;颜料识别;光谱特征分析【作者】张陈峰;胡云岗;侯妙乐;吕书强;张学东【作者单位】北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P2370 引言对于彩绘文物保护工作,需要尽量保持文物的原貌,然而由于岁月久远,文物表面丰富的色彩会因为自然侵蚀、人为破坏等因素遭到损害,这就要求在尊重历史的基础上对彩绘文物进行修复。



第24卷第1期2012年2月文物保护与考古科学SCIENCES OF CONSERVATION AND ARCHAEOLOGYVol.24,No.1Feb ,2012收稿日期:2011-06-03;修回日期:2011-07-11基金项目:国家文物局文物保护科学和技术研究课题资助(20080216),国家科技支撑计划资助(2010BAK67B12)作者简介:付倩丽(1979—),女,毕业于西北大学文物保护技术专业,馆员,E -mail :fuqianli2008@163.com 文章编号:1005-1538(2012)01-0038-06定边郝滩东汉壁画墓绿色底层颜料分析研究付倩丽1,夏寅1,王伟锋1,杨军昌2,吕智荣2,惠娜1,张尚欣1(1.陶质彩绘文物保护国家文物局重点科研基地,秦始皇兵马俑博物馆,陕西临潼710600;2.陕西省考古研究院,陕西西安710043))摘要:本研究以定边郝滩东汉壁画墓中绿色底层为研究对象,采用偏光显微镜(PLM )、带能谱的扫描电子显微镜(SEM /EDS )、X 射线衍射仪(XRD )和拉曼光谱(RS )分析了绿色底层的成分与物相,同时和四种已知国外绿土相比较,得出绿色底色为绿土,对其进行深入分析研究以期为考古学和后期文物保护工作提供科学信息。




墓室内除左侧额耳室形龛内没有绘制壁画外,其它部位均绘有壁画,面积有25m 2。







ABSTRACTSpectroscopy is one of the high-tech in the area of the science and technology research, belonging to non-destructive analysis. Firstly, the thesis discussed the traditional methods for identification of Cultural Relics and present study for identification of modern technology as well as the pros and cons. Then, the application of laser Roman spectroscopy in ancient jade, ancient ceramics, ancient pigments, ancient bronze and other non-destructive identification were introduced. Besides, the application of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry in the non-destructive identification of ancient costumes were also discussed, which clarifies spectroscopy in the identification of Cultural Relics is a good method for non-destructive analysis.Finally, the limitations of the technology and the development prospects of the spectral artifacts appear in the application of identification were discussed.Key words: spectroscopy identification of cultural relics non-destructive analysis目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ I I1、引言 (1)2、文物鉴定的现状和方法 (1)2.1文物鉴定的现状 (1)2.2文物鉴定的方法 (1)2.2.1传统方法 (1)2.2.2现代科技鉴定方法 (2)2.3光谱技术鉴定文物的优越性 (3)3、常用光谱技术简介 (3)3.1拉曼光谱 (3)3.1.1拉曼散射简介 (3)3.1.2拉曼散射的原理 (4)3.1.3拉曼光谱的特点 (5)3.2红外光谱 (6)3.2.1红外光谱简介和原理 (6)3.2.2红外光谱特点 (6)3.3荧光光谱 (7)3.3.1荧光光谱简介及原理 (7)4、拉曼光谱技术在文物鉴定中的应用 (8)4.1中国古玉、古玉器鉴定和研究的分析 (8)4.1.1五种常见玉石的激光拉曼研究结果 (8)4.1.2激光拉曼光谱技术在中国古代玉器无损鉴定中的应用 (9)4.2古颜料的分析 (11)4.3古陶器的分析 (13)4.4古代青铜器的分析 (14)4.5结论 ......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



龙门石窟彩绘颜料的拉曼光谱、X射线荧光和扫描电镜分析马朝龙;刘照军;程琳【摘要】作为一种无损分析技术,拉曼光谱近几十年来被越来越广泛地应用于文物艺术品分析和考古学领域.色彩是艺术品的灵魂,颜料分析是研究文物艺术品的一个重要课题.本文利用显微拉曼光谱技术,测量了龙门石窟洞窟中彩绘使用的颜料的拉曼光谱,通过对这些光谱的解析,对颜料的化学成分做出了识别.利用X射线荧光光谱进行的元素分析确定金色装饰为高纯度黄金,扫描电镜分析进一步测出了贴金的厚度.这些分析结果对于进一步开展龙门石窟彩绘的保护和修复有着重要的参考价值.【期刊名称】《光散射学报》【年(卷),期】2018(030)004【总页数】5页(P357-361)【关键词】拉曼光谱;X射线荧光;扫描电镜;龙门石窟;颜料识别【作者】马朝龙;刘照军;程琳【作者单位】龙门石窟研究院,河南洛阳471023;洛阳师范学院物理与电子信息学院,河南洛阳471934;洛阳师范学院物理与电子信息学院,河南洛阳471934【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.371 引言龙门石窟位于洛阳南郊伊河两岸的东西两山上,开始建造于北魏年间,历经隋、唐等多个朝代的不断营造,留下了2345个窟龛、10万余尊造像、2860余块碑刻题记的石窟遗存。








基于光谱吸收特征分析的彩绘文物颜料识别研究张陈峰;胡云岗;侯妙乐;吕书强;张学东【期刊名称】《地理信息世界》【年(卷),期】2017(24)3【摘要】高光谱成像技术作为一种无损高效的检测方法,对于彩绘文物颜料的鉴别具有重要意义.由于全波段参与光谱相似度计算会造成数据的冗余,没有充分利用光谱的细微特征.为此,本文首先对文物颜料光谱吸收特征进行参量化分析,并通过改进的光谱吸收特征拟合算法与标准光谱进行匹配识别,从而得到识别结果.实验以获取的一幅波长为400~1000nm的古代壁画高光谱影像为例,通过光谱吸收特征分析识别出壁画的颜料主要成分有朱砂、赭粉、石绿和石青,4种颜料的光谱吸收特征拟合度分别是:0.95、0.77、0.92、0.81.实验结果表明:对光谱吸收特征分析可以帮助识别彩绘文物的颜料信息,该方法可为以后文物修复提供参考.%As a non-destructive and efficient detection method,hyper-spectral imaging technology has a great significance to the identification of pigment on colored relics.The results show that the spectral similarity calculation of the full band will cause the data redundancy,and do not make full use of the subtle features of the spectrum.In this paper,the spectral absorption characteristics of the pigment were analyzed,and the spectral feature fitting algorithm was used to match the standard spectrum,and the results were obtained.The experimental study took a hyper-spectral image of an ancient mural as an example which wavelength range is 400-1000 nm,and distinguished the pigments by spectral absorption analysis.The resultsshow that the major pigments are cinnabar,ochre powder,malachite and azurite,the spectral fitting characteristics are 0.95,0.77,0.92,0.81 respectively.The analysis of spectral absorption features can help to identify the color information of colored relics.The method can provide reference for cultural relic restoration.【总页数】5页(P119-123)【作者】张陈峰;胡云岗;侯妙乐;吕书强;张学东【作者单位】北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500;北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院,北京102500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P237【相关文献】1.光导纤维光谱技术无损鉴定彩绘文物颜料的研究 [J], 王丽琴;周文晖;赵静2.可见光谱法无损识别壁画文物矿物质颜料的研究 [J], 李俊锋;万晓霞3.光纤反射光谱在彩绘文物颜料鉴别中的应用研究 [J], 李广华;陈垚;马越;雷勇4.彩绘文物中蓝色颜料群青的鉴定技术研究 [J], 刘璐瑶;张秉坚5.彩绘文物颜料胶结材料分析与表征研究进展 [J], 闫宏涛;安晶晶;周铁;容波;夏寅因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



近年来,激光拉曼光谱法、光导纤维反射光谱法、激光诱导 击穿光谱法等多种光谱分析技术逐渐被应用于彩绘文物颜料 信息的提取、分析,使人们掌握了更为有利的颜料分析工
中的主要元素,而且发现红色、橘黄色、灰色颜料等都含有 铁的氧化物[7]。本课题组结合XRF和X射线衍射分析结果,
斑直径只有几肛m,颜料用量<1 Pg,无需前期制样即可进行 快速鉴定[22。2“。拉曼光谱的主要发展有:(1)光导纤维、显微 技术等的应用,使可移动拉曼技术被广泛的应用于文物的分 析中。(2)共焦型设备的应用,使拉曼的分辨率提高。(3)主 成分分析(PCA)等化学统计学方法被应用到拉曼数据的处理
物[驯。伦敦大学学院Petrie博物馆用XRD对馆藏埃及不同 时期木乃伊棺进行分析,发现了大量在中世纪才使用的绿色 颜料“green earth”。证实了希腊罗马统治时期该颜料的使用 量远远超过了人们的估计,并将其已知应用年代从希腊罗马 统治时期提前到公元前9世纪的第三中间期,为考古学研究 提供了实物证据。同时,还发现了以黄色、蓝色颜料混合成 绿色颜料的工艺【31 J。
Pascual利用SEM研究了Maya文化墓葬壁画的制作工艺, 发现部分绿色颜料是由蓝色与黄色颜料混合而成的,且蓝色 颜料表面存在一层含有2~5 nlTl大小细孔的凹痕状的坡缕石 晶体(图4)[4引。






1 拉曼光谱1.1简介1923年,Smekal从理论上描述了拉曼散射效应。

1928年,印度物理学家Raman 发现了光的非弹性碰撞现象,记录了散射光谱,并以他的名字将这一现象命名为拉曼效应/拉曼光谱。

拉曼光谱(Raman spectrosopy)技术是基于拉曼散射效应而发展起来的光谱分析技术,研究的是分子振动、转动信息。








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1999年10月CHINESE JOURNAL OF LIGHT S CATT ERING Oct.1999文章编号:1004 5929(1999)03-0215-05古壁画、陶彩颜料的拉曼光谱分析左 健1,2,许存义1(1 中国科学技术大学结构分析开放研究实验室;合肥 2300262 中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系,合肥 230026)摘 要 本文利用拉曼光谱对河南班村遗址出土的仰韶彩陶陶彩以及河北磁县湾漳东魏北齐大型壁画墓中的壁画颜料进行了分析,成功的测定出陶彩及壁画颜料的成分。


关键词 激光拉曼光谱;古壁画;陶彩;颜料中图分类号:O657 37 文献标识符:AThe Study of Ancient Coating Pottery andWall Painting by Raman SpectraZU O Jian1,2,XU Cun yi1(1 Structure Resear ch L aboratory,University of Science and Technologyo f China,H eif ei A nhui230026,China)(2 Dep artment o f Scientif ic H istory and Ar chaeom etry,University o fScience and Technology o f China,H ef ei,Anhui230026,China)Abstract:The ancient coating pottery and w all painting w ere analyzed by RamanSpectra.The w ork described here confirms that Raman scattering is a very effectiveanalytical method w hen applied to the pig ments used in ancient coating pottery andw all painting.Key Words: Raman scattering;pigment;ancient coating pottery;w all painting1 引 言利用拉曼光谱对古代材料进行分析研究是目前发展较迅速的领域之一。




收稿日期:1999 02 29基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(29775023)2 陶彩颜料的分析2 1 考古学背景实验所选的彩陶片取自河南班村遗址,该遗址与著名的仰韶遗址相邻,为典型的仰韶文化遗址,距今约6000~7000年。





2 2 实验及结果分析拉曼光谱分析是在美国SPEX-1403型激光拉曼光谱仪上进行的,激发光为氩离子激光器514 5nm线,背散射配置。


图1给出了白彩和天然铝土矿的拉曼光谱,从图中可看出的拉曼光谱和天然铝土矿非常相似,说明白彩的矿物源为铝土矿,这和X射线衍射(XRD)的结果是一致的,但白彩位于446cm 1的峰明显向高波数移动,原因尚不清楚。



Fig.1 The Raman spectra of white coat ing on painted pottery(sample A)and a naturebauxite Fig.2 The Raman spectra of the black coating on painted pottery(sample C、D、E)and the nature m agnetite图2给出了黑彩和天然磁铁矿的拉曼光谱,从图中可看出黑彩的拉曼光谱和天然磁铁1999年10月CHINESE JOURNAL OF LIGHT S CATT ERING Oct.1999矿很相似,但黑彩的拉曼谱峰明显宽化并向低波数移动。

和天然磁铁矿相比,样品E的峰位红移了19cm 1、半高宽增加了24cm 1。


为了证实这一推测,取下了部分黑彩粉末进行了XRD 分析和透射电镜(TEM)观察,XRD和TEM的结果表明黑彩确实为磁铁矿,其尺寸为纳米范围,并且样品E的尺寸比样品C小。



3 壁画颜料的分析3 1 考古学背景河北省出土的墓葬壁画十分精彩、丰富,并具有地方特色。





3 2 实验及结果分析选择了几块壁画残片进行了原位拉曼光谱分析,实验条件同上。










从图中可见有4个明显的拉曼峰分别位于155、281、711和1085cm 1,这和方解石结构的碳酸钙是完全一致的[9]。

但和地仗(衬底)的拉曼光谱相比,浅蓝色颜料在低频段的两个谱峰(144和281cm 1)的宽度明显增加;而在高频段的两个谱峰(711和1085cm 1)的宽度与峰位均无明显变化。

位于155、281cm 1的低频振动属于与Ca2+离子有关的外振动模,而位于711、1085cm 1的高频振动属于与CO2 3离子有关的内振动模。




XRF的结果表明,浅蓝色颜料中除含有Ca外,确实还含有少量的M g、Fe、Mn等金属原子。

因而可以认为这种浅蓝色颜料为有杂质替代的方解石,其化学式为Ca x(M g、Fe、Mn)1 xFig.3 The Raman spectra of the redpigment on ancient wall painting and the naturebauxite Fig.4 The Raman spectra of the yellow pigment on ancient wall paintingand the naturegoethite.Fig.5 The Raman spectra of the black pigment on ancient wallpainting.Fig.6 The Raman spectra of the pale bluepigment on ancient wall painting andthe ground coating.1999年10月CHINESE JOURNAL OF LIGHT S CATT ERING Oct.1999CO3。



4 小 结以上工作表明,拉曼光谱这一现代技术非常适合于易损和不允许取样的珍贵艺术品颜料的无损分析。




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