

warwickshire College 6个中心的介绍

warwickshire College 6个中心的介绍

6个中心Leamington 近简介:提供最广的课程,提供高等教育,职业技术教育和短期培训,这里是其他中心的交通中心。

近leamington spa 镇中心设施:包含报名处,学生服务处,92个住宿间,健身房,气体测量中心,高中教室以及实验室,理发,旅行社,新升级的图书馆,托儿所。





社会设施:冰球场,健身房,托儿所,餐厅,会议厅,咖啡厅,理发厅课程1:零售等课程2:砌砖,化妆等基础低级生存技能教学Henley-in-Arden简介:时尚,纺织,美发,运动设施:桑拿,泳池,治疗室,健身房,40人会议中心,现代教学设施,课程2:spa教学,运动员教练培训,纺织演出服装,美发Moreton Morrell 位于此处简介:多数基于陆地的课程在此。


Pershore Centre设施:果汁制造与包装,景观设计,兽医院,土壤实验室,97个住宿房间,植物园,植物培养中心与销售商店,阳光房,室内外网球场课程2:急救,马术,植物维护,饮料制造,花园设计,景观设计,修车工,土壤实验Trident Warwick 近设施:每个房间都有wifi和投影,含有餐厅的会议中心可容纳200人,赛车维修中心,电銲中心课程2:3D设计,会计和金融,计算机,汽车维修,人力资源,食品安全。






∙阿肯萨斯大学( Arkansas, University of )∙波尔州立大学( Ball State University )∙贝利门大学( Bellarmine University )∙伯克利学院( Berkeley College )∙柏灵坦学院( Burlington County College )∙科罗拉多大学(丹佛)( Colorado (at Denver), University of )∙数字媒体与艺术学院( Digital Media Arts College )∙恩布里-里德尔大学( Embry-Riddle University )∙费尔利迪金森大学( Fairleigh Dickinson University )∙福特喜斯州立大学( Fort Hays State University )∙哈特福德大学( Hartford, University of )∙夏威夷大学卡皮欧拉尼社区学院( Hawaii, University of –Kapiolani Community College )∙衣阿华大学( Iowa, University of )∙詹森威尔士大学丹佛校区( Johnson & Wales University – Denver Campus )∙詹森威尔士大学北迈阿密校区( Johnson & Wales University – North Miami Campus )∙詹森威尔士大学普罗维登斯校区( Johnson & Wales University –Providence Campus )∙路易斯克拉克学院( Lewis & Clark College )∙长岛大学CW Post校区( Long Island University, CW Post Campus )∙缅因大学( Maine, University of )∙麦克尼斯州立大学( McNeese State University )∙莫里森大学( Morrison University )∙伊达山学院( Mount Ida College )∙国立大学( National University )∙内布拉斯加大学( Nebraska, University of )∙新墨西哥州立大学( New Mexico, The University of )∙北阿拉巴马大学( North Alabama, University of )∙北佛罗里达大学( North Florida, University of )∙北哈里斯学院( North Harris College )∙东北大学( Northeastern University )∙诺斯费斯大学( Northface University )∙俄克拉荷马州立大学( Oklahoma State University )∙俄勒冈州立大学-Cascades校区( Oregon State University - Cascades Campus )∙太平洋大学( Pacific, University of the )∙理查得斯道克顿大学(新泽西)( Richard Stockton College of New Jersey )∙罗湾大学( Rowan University )∙圣里奥大学( Saint Leo University )∙圣马利加州学院( Saint Mary's College of California )∙休斯敦州立大学( Sam Houston State University )∙南方卫理公会大学( Southern Methodist University )∙德州农工大学Kingsville校区( Texas A&M University-Kingsville )∙德克萨斯大学(阿灵顿)( Texas at Arlington, University of )∙德克萨斯泛美大学( Texas- Pan American, University of )∙杜兰大学( Tulane University )∙图尔萨大学( Tulsa, University of )∙犹他州立大学( Utah State University )∙澳洲天主教大学( Australian Catholic University )∙巴拉瑞特大学( Ballarat, University of )∙蓝山酒店管理学院( Blue Mountains Hotel School )∙邦特大学(Bond University)∙中央昆士兰大学( Central Queensland University )∙查尔斯达尔文大学( Charles Darwin University )∙查尔斯铎德大学( Charles Sturt University )∙科廷科技大学( Curtin University of Technology )∙迪金大学( Deakin University )∙埃迪斯科文大学( Edith Cowan University )∙弗林德斯大学( Flinders University )∙格里菲斯大学( Griffith University )∙拉托贝大学( La Trobe University )∙麦夸里大学(Macquarie University )∙莫那什大学(Monash University )∙墨道什大学( Murdoch University )∙新英格兰大学( New England, University of )∙新南威尔士大学( New South Wales, University of )∙纽卡斯尔大学( Newcastle, University of )∙南澳大学( South Australia, University of )∙南克鲁斯大学( Southern Cross University )∙南昆士兰大学( Southern Queensland, University of )∙阳光海岸大学( Sunshine Coast, University of the )∙斯温伯尔尼大学( Swinburne University )∙塔斯马尼亚大学( Tasmania, University of )∙维多利亚大学( Victoria University )∙西悉尼大学( Western Sydney, University of )∙卧龙岗大学( Wollongong, University of )∙布鲁克大学( Brock University )∙加拿大门诺莱特大学( Canadian Mennonite University )∙达尔豪斯大学( Dalhousie University )∙康克迪亚大学约翰莫森商学院( John Molson School of Business, Concordia University )∙昆特兰大学学院( Kwantlen University College )∙曼尼托巴大学( Manitoba, University of )∙纽芬兰纪念大学( Memorial University of Newfoundland )∙新不伦瑞克大学( New Brunswick, University of )∙爱德华王子岛大学( Prince Edward Island, University of )∙罗宾逊学院( Robertson College )∙特伦特大学( Trent University )∙维多利亚大学( Victoria, University of )∙温莎大学( Windsor, University of )∙约克大学( York University )∙德比大学( Derby, University of )∙东安格利亚大学( East Anglia, University of )∙格拉斯高大学( Glasgow, University of )∙格林威治大学( Greenwich, University of )∙赫特福德郡大学( Hertfordshire, University of )∙金斯敦大学( Kingston University )∙米德尔塞克斯大学( Middlesex University )∙泰茵河畔新堡大学( Newcastle upon Tyne, University of )∙诺丁汉特伦特大学( Nottingham Trent University )∙斯望西高等教育学院( Swansea Institute of Higher Education )∙卡玛森三一学院( Trinity College Carmarthen )∙威尔士卡地夫学院( Wales Institute Cardiff, University of )∙威尔士亚伯斯威大学( Wales-Aberystwyth, University of )∙威尔士班戈大学( Wales-Bangor, University of )∙威尔士斯旺西大学( Wales-Swansea, University of )∙布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)∙西英格兰大学(West of England,University)∙赫尔大学(Hull,University)∙中央昆士兰大学-斐济国际分校( Central Queensland University –Fiji International Campus )∙考克理工学院( Cork Institute of Technology )∙都柏林商学院( Dublin Business School )∙理米瑞克理工学院( Limerick Institute of Technology )∙托利理工学院( Tralee, Institute of Technology )∙都柏林大学三一学院( Trinity College, University of Dublin )∙奥克兰理工大学( Auckland University of Technology )∙巴拉瑞特大学,坎特伯雷大学( Ballarat - NZIC, University of )∙坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)∙林肯大学( Lincoln University )∙梅西大学( Massey University )∙奥塔哥大学( Otago, University of )∙UNITEC理工学院( UNITEC Institute of Technology )∙惠灵顿维多利亚大学( Victoria University of Wellington )怀卡托大学( Waikato, University of )。










1.背景——建筑师——建筑物2.环境——文化环境——物质环境——乡村——都市3.建筑——功能(计划)——空间——结构/ 重力/ 形式——光——视线(景观)——交通(Route, Transportation, Communication)——形象☻形体的体块与体量☻比例☻材料☻色彩——细部(细节)☻材料与建造☻关系(概念)要求以二人为一合作小组,在教师的辅导下选择一幢规模、性质合适的建筑实例,并通过多种不同途径(杂志、书籍、互联网)来收集相关资料,加以分析。


最终成果要求包括:1、可揭示模型1:50 或1:100(视建筑物大小而定,并鼓励表达建筑环境)并可以辅以一系列不同比例的概念性解读模型。







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海外交流OVERSEAS EXCHANGES OF XIDIAN UNIVERSITY2005年第二期(总第2期)目录我校派团参加“澳大利亚、新西兰2005年中国教育展”日本德岛大学敖金平博士来校讲学访问香港理工大学谭伟业博士来校讲学访问新加坡南洋理工大学葛治中教授访问我校2005年度“英飞凌奖学金”颁奖仪式暨招聘说明会在我校举行比利时、法国大学教授来我校参观访问澳大利亚堪培拉大学国际交流项目经理访问我校我校外教、留学生踊跃参加西安城墙国际马拉松赛我校美国留学生谢莉在全省留学生汉语朗读大赛中获佳绩交流简讯主办:国际合作与交流处港澳台事务办公室国际文化交流中心主编:高新波副主编:左愿远编辑:刘存利曹静王国钧杨洋电话: 88202220 传真: 88201620 电子信箱:fao@我校派团参加“澳大利亚、新西兰2005年中国教育展”由国家留学生基金委员会主办的“2005年中国教育展”于10月29日至11月8日分别在澳大利亚悉尼和新西兰奥克兰两座城市举行。










analysis is best.The chapter then moves into detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to run each analysis. The coverage of these procedures is,necessarily,a bit more detailed than the other sections because most users will not be familiar with the specific features of each test.Finally,Chapter15includes four different out-standing laboratory exercises that use JWatcher to teach students:(1)how to develop their own ethogram and score behavior,(2)the differences between time sampling and continuous recordings, (3)how to conduct sequential analysis,and(4)how to use both sequential analysis and basic analysis to refine research questions from initial pilot data.These exercises use video clips downloadable from the JWatcher website free of charge and would be excellent teaching tools in the classroom.This manual is a vast improvement over the Version0.9Manual available on the JWatcher website, which only covers some basic guidelines for running the software,explains what the individual file types do,and indicates how to analyze results.The online manual has no coverage of the complex sequential analysis functions of JWatcher1.0.In summary,this book is a necessity for users at all experience levels who wish to quantify behavior using an event recorder.JWatcher software is free of charge and this manual is affordable enough that several copies could be purchased for use in one’s research laboratory.The money from the sale of the manual is used to support further development of the software so that the future versions of the program can be offered free of charge.Theodore StankowichOrganismic&Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst Morrill Science Center South,611N.Pleasant Street,Amherst,MA01003E-mail:Advance Access publication February14,2008doi:10.1093/icb/icn005An Introduction to Nervous Systems. Ralph J.Greenspan,editor.Woodbury,NY:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,2007. 172pp.ISBN978-0-87969-0(hardcover)$65.00,ISBN 978-0-87969-821-8(paper)$45.00.Over the past30years,there have been several iterations of books aimed at capturing in brief the essence of the organization and function of the nervous system.Not uncommonly,they extract general princi-ples that would be more fully explored in a compre-hensive text but do not otherwise deviate significantly from the traditional form and content of presentation. This one does.Ralph Greenspan is an established neuroscientist who has pioneered novel research to explore basic and cognitive aspects of nervous system function using the fruit fly as a model system.As he states in the Preface of this book,the Neurocience Institute,of which he is a staff scientist,aims to be a provocative academy,to“push the envelope.”That philosophy is clearly conveyed in the creative,non-traditional style of presentation in this special book. The title of the book,“An Introduction to Nervous Systems,”is a bit misleading.A more accurate title, although cumbersome,would be something like “An Introduction to Nervous Systems through Exam-ination of Some Invertebrate Models.”The book uses select examples from invertebrate nervous systems to convey some fundamental principles that apply in some respects to the organization and function of thenervous system in general.In the final,short chapter—“Are All Brains Alike?Are All Brains Different?”—theauthor writes“Perhaps all nervous systems make useof common general strategies.Anatomical disparitiesmay mask underlying functional similarities in thetasks performed by various circuits.”At first glance,it is surprising that nowhere in thetext are there descriptions of what has been learnedabout ion channels and membrane potentials from classical studies of squid giant axons;of neuralnetwork properties from studies of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion;of nervous system develop-ment from experiments on fruit fly nerve cord or nematode worms;of sensory signaling and receptionfrom the moth or cricket;or of insect social structure,for example.The author’s enthusiasm for Drosophila,which represents his main research subject,is reflectedin a substantial fraction of the book.Moreover,thereis little or no discussion of how the principles described are employed in mammals.Surveying thebreadth of the neurobiology landscape seems not to bethe primary purpose of this book.Rather,it describesselect examples that highlight what studies of“simple”invertebrate nervous systems have taught us.The taleslink organization of the nervous system to the organism’s behavior,for which invertebrates haveproven to be especially valuable.In a modern, molecular,mammalian research universe,the rich439 Downloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023history of fundamental contributions of invertebrates to neuroscience may too often be overlooked.It is especially in this respect that the book is a welcome contribution to the neurobiological literature.In the introduction to Chapter4—“Modulation,The Spice of Neural Life”—the author writes:“The capabilities of invertebrates have traditionally been underesti-mated.Perhaps this is because they are not warm and fuzzy...For whatever reason,it has taken us an inordinately long time to realize that even the simplest animals have the capacity for modifying their behavior by adjusting the activities of their nervous systems. Perhaps this is a fundamental,inseparable property of nervous systems.”Despite the fact that the book deviates from a traditional style,in its own way it follows a rather traditional sequence,e.g.,membrane potentials,then chemical signaling and sensing,then neural circuits,then neuromodulation,then biological clocks,then higher,or cognitive,function.There is a lot to like in this book,not only in its fascinating content but in the style of presentation. Ralph Greenspan weaves a tapestry about the molecular,cellular and network origins of function and behavior,and the implications for speciation, using a variety of invertebrate models.The images he creates are expressed as interesting,often humorous, readable stories about what some nervous systems do, how they do it,and how that has evolved using some basic principles in novel ways.Each chapter begins with a relevant quote or poem from a literary or scientific giant that sets the stage and tone for the often poetic introduction and description that follows. The stories themselves—about swimming in Paramecium and jellyfish,light detection by barnacles, decision making by marine snails,circadian rhythms, flying,and mating—are fascinating because they are set in a context of understanding the generation and modulation of behavior and,in some cases,the impact on ecology and evolution.Although the author states in the Preface that the book is intended for the neurobiology novice posses-sing a basic introductory knowledge of biology,this reviewer believes that it would be more appropriate for an individual with an introductory neurobiological background.For example,in the very first chapter, one quickly discovers that understanding“simple”systems can be quite complex.In particular,students new to neurobiology often struggle with concepts underlying the generation of membrane potentials and the relationship of voltage and current,yet the text and figures require some understanding of these topics.In this respect,the Glossary at the end of the book seems uneven,defining some very basic biological terms yet not defining“receptor potential,”for example,which is named but not explained in the caption of Figure3.10.Not to quibble,but this reviewer and two other neuroscientists who scanned the book question some statements or generalizations proposed,particularly in the Introduction(“What are Brains For”?).For example,on page1it states“When it comes to brains,size unquestionably matters.”While that is no doubt true,it may be the organization of cells,i.e.the way they interact,that is more relevant.If it is size that is so important,then one should note that about three quarters of cells in mammalian brain are glial cells, not neurons,some potentially capable of modulating chemical signaling at up to100,000synapses,yet their contributions are not mentioned(see below). Furthermore,spinal cords also possess much of the organization and cellular interactions,e.g.,integrating sensory input and generating motor output,yet we view their capabilities as somewhat lacking in comparison with brain.What might be the funda-mental differences between invertebrate and verte-brate nervous systems and between brain and spinal cord that yield unique aspects of functional compe-tence?Or,are they as different as we imagine them to be,particularly in comparing function in invertebrates versus vertebrates?These are some interesting questions—not found in a typical comprehensive text—that might be explored a bit further in the Introduction and perhaps elsewhere in the book.In addition,on page2,the author writes“Chemical sensing is almost certainly the original sense...,”yet mechanically gated ion channels that could sense changes in flow or pressure in the ambient environ-ment are universal and also have been identified in prokaryotic organisms.Also,on page4,the author writes“And because none of us wants to submit to being experimented upon...we study animals.”Yet, there is a substantial and rapidly growing literature that provides insights on the organization and function of human brain from studies of living persons—for example from functional MRI or stimulation/recording of brain of awake epileptic patients—or of postmortem tissue samples.There are several other aspects of the book in its current form that would benefit from revision in a second edition.First,the emphasis is on how invertebrate nervous systems inform on nervous systems in general,but it is not clear in many cases to what extent the general organization of the behaviors is similar in invertebrates and vertebrates or whether similar molecules or mechanisms are used for different purposes.Does evolution mix and match bits and pieces of behavioral components that moves behavior in new directions?One also wonders whether440Book ReviewsDownloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023there are good examples of invertebrate nervous systems and behaviors that do not translate well to a mammalian equivalent.Second,the book has a traditional neurocentric focus—and some inverte-brates indeed have few glial cells—yet in the past couple of decades it has become abundantly clear from studies of mammalian systems that interactions of neurons with glia play vital roles in regulation of neural function,development and blood flow.Third, some of the figures could benefit from greater clarity or correction of the illustration or of the explanation in the caption,including citing the source link that is listed in the Bibliography at the end of the book.In addition,the Preface could note the location of the relevant Bibliography,currently organized by chapters but separate from them.It should be noted that the author also recently co-edited a much more compre-hensive(800pages),related book(“Invertebrate Neurobiology”)with Geoffrey North.In summary,this is an excellent book for gaining an appreciation for the links between form-function and behavior in the nervous system from invertebrate model systems and one that is interesting and enjoyable to read.It should be particularly valuable in inspiring budding or established life scientists to read more on the subject or even to become engaged in the pursuit of elucidating fundamental principles of neurobiology and behavior.It should stimulate broad questions about nervous systems and behavior. From a pedagogical perspective,I could imagine it being assigned as a short text in a general course on neurobiology and behavior or in a specialized neurobiology course that focuses on invertebrates or as a supplement to a more comprehensive text.Robert M.GrossfeldDepartment of Zoology NC State University,Raleigh,NC27695E-mail:*************************Advance Access publication February15,2008doi:10.1093/icb/icn004Rodent Societies–An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective.Jerry O.Wolff and Paul W.Sherman,editors. Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,2007.610pp. ISBN0-226-90536-5(cloth),$125.00and ISBN0-226-90537-3(paper),$49.00.As the editors point out in the first sentence of the first chapter,“The Rodentia is the largest order of mammals consisting of more than2000species and comprising44%of all mammals.”This breadth makes the task of compiling a definitive and comprehensive anthology on rodent societies a nearly impossible task,but the result is undoubtedly the most exhaustive and progressive analysis of rodent social behavior to date.Deftly edited by Jerry Wolff and Paul Sherman,this well-organized book,consisting of41chapters from61contributors is,without doubt,a significant compendium of more than50years of research.That being said,only a true rodent lover is likely to love this book.Its creation was prompted by the success of the two volumes within this series that preceded it:Primate Societies and Cetacean Societies(published by University of Chicago Press).Thus,the scope and format of Rodent Societies is in many ways similar to that of the previous two volumes.The text is organized into nine sections,beginning with a succinct,but satisfying,overview of rodent evolutionary history and proceeding through sexual behavior,life histories and behavior,behavioral development,social behavior, antipredator behavior,comparative socioecology,con-servation and disease,and a final concluding sectionwritten by the editors on potential directions for future research.Each chapter concludes with a summary thatbriefly reviews the material,identifies caveats,and frequently suggests strategies for future research.The chapters are written by some of the most productiveand well-known scholars in the field but,as expected ina multi-authored work,the quality is uneven.Some chapters do a better job than others of achieving thestated goal to“synthesize and integrate the currentstate of knowledge about the social behavior of rodents”and to“provide ecological and evolutionary contexts for understanding rodent societies.”However,it generally succeeds in combining ideasand strategies from a wide range of disciplines to generate new theoretical and experimental paradigmsfor exploring rodent social behavior.Despite this,itfeels outdated in many places.Much of the work citedin the text is not new,with the majority of citationsdating before2000and a substantial number datingbefore1985.Even the photographs,all in black andwhite,are fairly old and some date back to the1950s.Some of the illustrations are even hand-drawn.Thismakes the book feel like historical retrospective rathera breakthrough collaborative of evolutionary and behavioral biology.441 Downloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023。




2010年4月7日(周三)晚 19:00申报美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学迪斯尼带薪实习项目学生,美国硅谷大学、美国荷晶大学、台湾义守大学夏令营项目学生及中外服•美邦国际赴美带薪实习项目学生2010年4月14日(周三)下午14:00申报台湾宜兰大学、义守大学留学项目学生二、面试地点:第一教学楼C 206三、面试内容:专业知识、外语听说能力及综合素质四、面试形式:采取逐个单独面试,按名单(见附件)顺序进行。



附件:我院2010年学生赴国(境)外留学、实习及夏令营项目面试名单外事处二〇一〇年三月三十一日附件:2010年赴瑞典耶夫勒大学(2+2)双学士学位留学项目学生面试名单( 共:8人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注1 04081023 张瀚 计算机系 1至8号, 面试时间: 4月7日下午 14:00-14:30 面试地点: 一教C2062 04080129 韩孟阳 计算机系3 04080708 桑琳 计算机系4 04081016 冯伟男 计算机系5 04080325 王鹏程 计算机系6 04080906 林少椰 计算机系7 04080404 王旭 计算机系 803080127王艺霖电子系2010年赴瑞典耶夫勒大学(3+1)双学士学位留学项目学生面试名单( 共:27人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注 9 02070209 郑绮云 工商系 9至22号 面试时间: 4月7日下午 14:30-15:20 面试地点: 一教C20610 02070111 张露萍 工商系 11 02070734 劭鹏 工商系 12 02070723 孙泽亮 工商系 13 02070102 温媛媛 工商系 14 02070812 李舒昕 工商系 15 02070617 李璐 工商系 16 05070628 侯锋 工商系 17 02070427 何宝报 工商系 18 02071014 方听思 工商系 19 02070115 罗颖斐 工商系 20 13070710 杨嘉妮 物流系 21 13070219 卢兴平 物流系 22 13070528 陈嘉源 物流系 23 08070906 程婕斐 物流系 23至35号 面试时间: 4月7日下午 15:20-16:10 面试地点: 一教C20624 12070926 谢勇欢 物流系 25 12070926 林周妮 国贸系 26 12070614 赖羽 国贸系 27 12070827 杨悦 国贸系 28 12070625 王硕 国贸系 29 03070202 郭芳芳 国贸系 30 12070515 黄靖 国贸系 31 12070833 赵婉淞 国贸系 32 12070128 颜世莹 国贸系 33 12070529 况奇洁 国贸系 34 12070320 刘淑贞 国贸系 3502070113黄可国贸系2010年赴瑞典耶夫勒大学(4+1)应届毕业生硕士学位留学项目面试名单( 共:19人)序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注36 02061524 高云峰 物流系 36至54号, 面试时间: 4月7日下午 16:10-17:10 面试地点: 一教C20637 02061424 陈荣佳 物流系 38 02062402 徐笑 物流系 39 05061529 苏彪 旅游系 40 02063601 孙园 国贸系 41 02063728 曾东颢 国贸系 42 02063615 高菊华 国贸系 43 02063511 苏扬扬 国贸系 44 02063510 黄梦丹 国贸系 45 02062931 陈汉城 工商系 46 02062819 张朝锋 工商系 47 02062828 黄海亮 工商系 48 04060812 蔡翔彬 计算机系 49 04060824 宋柱兴 计算机系 50 04060731 程悦宁 计算机系 51 04060534 柴智献 计算机系 52 07060629 曾韬 中文系 53 03060109 朱弘旭 电子系 5403060611廖俊杰电子系2010年赴澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(4+1)留学项目学生面试名单 ( 共:2人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注 5502060105韩亚楠工商系55至64号, 面试时间: 4月7日下午 17:10-17:40 面试地点: 一教C20656 02063921 林淑媚 工商系2010年赴英国德蒙福特大学(3+1)留学项目学生面试名单( 共:3人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注57 04071216 孙鹏宜 计算机系 57至59号 面试时间: 4月7日下午 17:10-17:40 面试地点: 一教C2065804071121廖科旋计算机系59 04071219 邱健委 计算机系2010年赴英国赫特福德大学(4+1)留学项目学生面试名单( 共:2人) 序号学号姓名系别备注60 06060815 张翼机电工程系60至61号面试时间:4月7日下午17:10-17:40面试地点:一教C20661 02063921 林淑媚工商系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代2010年赴澳大利亚埃迪斯科文大学(2+2)留学项目学生面试名单( 共:1人)序号学号姓名系别备注62 04080233 李明轩计算机系62号面试时间:4月7日下午17:10-17:40 面试地点:一教C2062010年赴澳大利亚埃迪斯科文大学(3+1.5)留学项目学生面试名单( 共:5人) 序号学号姓名系别备注63 12070211 梁诗韵国贸系63至64号面试时间:4月7日下午17:10-17:40面试地点:一教C20664 02070726 叶明发工商系65 02070734 邵鹏工商系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代66 02070111 张露萍工商系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代67 12070515 黄靖国贸系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代2010年赴澳大利亚新英格兰大学(4+1)留学项目面试名单( 共:2人) 序号学号姓名系别备注68 02063921 林淑媚工商系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代69 02063728 曾东灏国贸系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代2010年赴美国硅谷大学留学项目学生面试名单( 共:19人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注1 04080929 蒋敏 计算机系 1号至16号 面试时间:4月7日晚 19:00-20:00 面试地点: 一教C2062 04071216 孙鹏宜 计算机系3 04071219 邱健委 计算机系4 04071121 廖科旋 计算机系5 O4070108 刘刚 计算机系6 04070131 何灿 计算机系7 04080415 甘显栋 计算机系8 12070211 梁诗韵 国贸系9 12070515 黄靖 国贸系 10 02070726 叶明发 工商系 11 02070401 邵栩敏 工商系 12 02062916 王臻 工商系 13 03070715 傅辰 电子系 14 03070712 颜超 电子系 15 04061001 刘嘉维 计算机系 16 04060328 宫延宁 计算机系 17 04080129 韩孟阳 计算机系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代 18 03080127 王艺霖 电子系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代 19 07060629曾韬中文系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代2010年赴美国荷晶大学留学项目学生面试名单( 共:12人) 序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注 20 06070619 韩潇 旅游系 20-22号 面试时间: 4月7日晚 20:05-20:15 面试地点: 一教C206 21 04071034 邹克凡 计算机系 22 12070102 谭论 国贸系 23 12070614 赖羽 国贸系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 24 03070202 郭芳芳 国贸系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 25 12070515 黄靖 国贸系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 2612070211梁诗韵国贸系以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代27 02070102 温媛媛 工商系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 28 04071121 廖科旋 计算机系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 29 04071219 邱健委 计算机系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 30 03070715 傅辰 电子系 以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代 3103070712颜超电子系以参加瑞典耶夫勒 项目面试替代2010年赴美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学迪斯尼带薪实习项目学生面试名单( 共:26人)序号 学号 姓名 系别 备注32 05070811 杜昀倩 旅游系32号至56号 面试时间:4月7日晚 20:15-21:30 面试地点: 一教C20633 05070218 钟巧丽 旅游系 34 08071026 庄韶生 旅游系 35 05070906 曾杰欣 旅游系 36 05070424 尹潇 旅游系 37 05070125 王纯宁 旅游系 38 05070834 曾祥辉 旅游系 39 05060409 谢玲 旅游系 40 0570120 梁雅斯 旅游系 41 05070433 刘沐琦 旅游系 42 05070101 邝嘉燕 旅游系 43 05070117 杨文宇 旅游系 44 05071018 张欣A 旅游系 45 05070904 乔宇薇 旅游系 46 05070335 袁桂林 旅游系 47 02070617 李璐 工商系 48 02071002 陈茹茵 工商系 49 02070928 郭源 工商系 50 12070407 李嘉全 国贸系 51 12070321 杨钰婷 国贸系 52 13071101 张嘉铃 物流系 53 09070329 陈梓博 外语系 54 07070614 张欣B 中文系 55 05061316 石卓 旅游系 56 10070302 尹欣 旅游系 5705070628侯锋工商系以参加瑞典耶夫勒项目面试替代2010年赴台湾义守大学夏令营项目学生面试名单(共:4人) 序号 学 号 姓 名 系别 备 注 57 07081125 张 韵 中文系 57号至60号 面试时间: 4月7日晚 20:30-21:30 面试地点: 一教C20658 10081514 林映君 化学与药学系 59 07080607 许苏尔 中文系 6012081230吴文浩国贸系2010年中外服•美邦赴美带薪实习项目学生面试名单(共2人) 序号 学 号 姓 名 系别 备 注 6105060518宋美玲旅游管理系61号至62号 面试时间: 4月7日晚 20:30-21:30 面试地点: 一教C20662 03070305 李文品 电子信息系2010年赴台湾宜兰大学留学项目学生面试名单(共33人)序号 学 号 姓 名 系 备 注 1 08080916 汪梦丹 行政系1号至15号 面试时间: 4月14日下午 14:00-14:40 面试地点: 一教C2062 10081312 牛雪姣 国贸系3 02081509 陈玉珣 工商系4 02081514 廖杨聪 工商系5 04070413 黎昆鑫 计算机系6 13070635 林 强 计算机系7 04071208 李健康 计算机系 8 04070936 陈栩洋 计算机系9 04071217 宋桂泉 计算机系 10 04071232 颜肇江 计算机系 11 10080113 梁 潇 化学与药学系 12 10081313 王 松 化学与药学系 13 10080311 李金柄 化学与药学系 14 10080116 王伟权 化学与药学系 15 10080321 罗 青 化学与药学系 16 10080828 范晓乐 化学与药学系 17 04080903 赵 艺 化学与药学系 18 03080704 刘晓奕 化学与药学系 19 10080827 侯天宇 化学与药学系 20 10080722 胡锦春 化学与药学系 2110081308冯芝华化学与药学系22 10080204 伍俊宜 化学与药学系 16号至33号 面试时间: 4月14日下午 14:40-15:30 面试地点: 一教C20623 1008041 陈素平 化学与药学系 24 10080901 余冬琳 化学与药学系 25 10080111 杨璐 化学与药学系 26 10081209 赖芳芳 化学与药学系 27 10080505 徐嘉敏 化学与药学系 28 10080506 陈楚婵 化学与药学系 29 04081308 张天娇 化学与药学系 30 10081513 蔡海洋 化学与药学系 31 10081413 陈灿丽 化学与药学系 32 10080422 魏驰宇 化学与药学系 3310080413黄楚辉化学与药学系2010年赴台湾义守大学留学项目学生面试名单(共:21人)序号 学 号 姓 名 系 备 注34 05080325 黄雅涵 旅游管理系34号至45号 面试时间: 4月14日下午 15:30-16:00面试地点: 一教C206 35 05080720 孙 阳 旅游管理系36 07080920 王 玮 旅游管理系37 04080525 吕 哲 旅游管理系38 05080433 朴宏哲 旅游管理系39 05080137 韩昊彤 旅游管理系 40 05080117 郝思佳 旅游管理系41 05080125 孙雅楠 旅游管理系42 10080331 胡祖广 化学与药学系 43 10080829 吴 松 化学与药学系 44 10080810 徐 欢 化学与药学系 45 10080823 王海舟 化学与药学系 46 10081513 蔡海洋 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学留学项目面试替代 47 10080506 陈楚婵 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学留学项目面试替代 48 08080916 汪梦丹 行政管理系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 49 03080704 刘晓奕 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 50 10080901 余冬琳 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 51 10080827 侯天宇 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 52 10080505 徐嘉敏 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 53 10081413 陈灿丽 化学与药学系 以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代 5410080113梁潇化学与药学系以参加台湾宜兰大学 留学项目面试替代。



挑战密斯——库哈斯的伊利诺理工学院校园中心CHALLENGING MIES, KOOLHAAS’IIT CAMPUS CENTER王辉/WANG Hui作者单位: URBANUS都市实践收稿日期:2005-01-20密斯规划的伊利诺理工学院(IIT)是一个开放到贫困的黑人社区中的校园。

虽然这个规划的建筑史地位早已明确, 但在常人眼中,IIT的历史衣钵只不过是件皇帝的新衣。










更不幸的是场地上有一幢密斯的遗物——“公共楼”(Common Building),不得不让库哈斯与密斯面对面角力。



A unifying approach to left handed material design

A unifying approach to left handed material design

arXiv:physics/6927v3[physics.optics]7Jul28A unifying approach to left handed material designJiangfeng Zhou,1Eleftherios N.Economon,2Thomas Koschny,3,4and Costas M.Soukoulis3,41Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and MicroelectronicsResearch Center,Iowa State University,Ames,Iowa500112Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser-FORTH,and Department of Physics,University of Crete,Greece3Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy,Iowa State University,Ames,Iowa500114Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser-FORTH,and Department of Materials Science and Technology,University of Crete,GreeceIn this letter we show that equivalent circuits offer a qualitative and even quantitative simpleexplanation for the behavior of various types of left-handed(or negative index)meta-materials.Thisallows us to optimize design features and parameters,while avoiding trial and error simulations orfabrications.In particular we apply this unifying circuit approach in accounting for the featuresand in optimizing the structure employing parallel metallic bars on the two sides of a dielectricfilm.Pacs:42.70.Qs,41.20.Jb,42.25.Bs,73.20.MfLeft-handed materials exhibit a negative permeabil-ity,µ,and permittivity,ǫ,over a common frequencyrange[1].Negative permeability is the result of a strongresonance response to an external magneticfield;neg-ative permittivity can appear either by a plasmonic ora resonance response(or both)to an external electricfield.Negativeµand negativeǫlead to negative indexof refraction,n,and to a left-handed triad of k, E, H;hence,the names negative index materials(NIMs)orLeft-handed Materials(LHMs).Pendry[2,3]suggesteda double metallic split-ring resonator(SRR)design fornegativeµand a parallel metallic wire periodic structurefor an adjustable plasmonic response.Several variationof the initial design have been studied;among them asingle ring resonator with several cuts has been provedcapable of reaching negativeµat higher frequency[4];inFig.1(a)a two cut single ring is shown schematically.This,by a continuous transformation,can be reduced toa pair of carefully aligned metal bars separated by a di-electric spacer of thickness t s[5,6];in Figs1(b)and1(c)the view in the( E, k)and( E, H)planes of this structureis shown together with the directions of k, E, H of theincoming EMfield.The design shown in Figs1(b,c),besides its simplicity,has distinct advantages over conventional SRRs.The in-cident electromagnetic wave is normal to the structureas shown in Fig.1(b),which enable us to build NIMs byonly one layer of sample and achieve relatively strong re-sponse.Conventional SRRs,although they exhibit mag-netic resonance which may produce negativeµ,they failto give negativeǫat the same frequency range and,hence,they are incapable by themselves to produce NIMs.Anextra continuous wire is needed to obtain negativeǫviaplasmonic response[2,7].In contrast,the pair of parallelmetallic plates is expected to exhibit not only a magneticresonance[Fig.2(c),antisymmetric mode],but to showan electric resonance as well[symmetric mode]properlylocated in frequency by adjusting the length,l,of thepair.The simulations were done with the CST Microwave( b)( c)( d)( e)FIG.1:(Color online)The two cut single metallic SRR(a)can be transformed to a pair of parallel metallic bars sepa-rated by a dielectric(b,view in( E, k)plane;c,view in( E, H)plane).By adding continuous wires,design d(view in( E, H)plane)results,which can be modified to a fully connectedone on both sides of the thin dielectric board(e).The dashedsquare defines the unit cells with dimension a x(parallel toH),ay(parallel toE)and az(parallel tok).Studio(Computer Simulation Technology GmbH,Darm-stadt,Germany)using the lossy metal model for copperwith a conductivityσ=5.8×107for a single unit cellwith periodic boundary in the(E,H)plane,field distri-bution and scattering amplitudes have been calculated.Theǫ,µin Fig.6have been obtained by a retrieval pro-cedure[8].At the magnetic resonance the two platessustain anti-parallel currents producing a magneticfieldB confined mainly in the space between the plates anddirected opposite to that shown in Fig.1(c);the electricfield,because of the opposite charges accumulated at theends of the two plates,is expected to be confined withinthe space between the plates and near the end points.Indeed,detailed simulations,shown in Fig.2(c),confirmthis picture.At the electric resonance the currents at the two barswl,(1)where l is the length of the wire,t s is the thickness of the dielectric spacer and w is the width of the wire.Notice that at telecommunication or optical frequen-cies,where the linear dimension are in the tens or hun-dreds of nm,the kinetic energy of the drifting electrons makes a contribution comparable or larger than the mag-netic energy.Hence,anotheradditional inductancemust be addedtothe righthandside ofEq.1[4].Each of the capacitance C m must be given by a formula of the typeC m =ǫwl′ln(b/t m ),(3)where t m is the thickness of each metallic bar and b is the separation of neighboring pairs Fig.3(a,b)(b =a y −l ).The magnetic resonance frequency,ωm ,is obtained by equating the impedance Z (of L m and C e in parallel)with minus the impendence −i/C m ωof the capacitance C m .Since Z =iL m ω/(1−L m C e ω2)we obtainωm =1L m (C m +C e )≃1L m C m.(4)The last relation follows because,for the values we have used (l =7mm ,w =1mm ,t s =0.254mm ,t m =10µm and b =0.3mm),C e ≃0.1C m .Combining the Eq.1and Eq.2we find thatf m =ωm2πl√c 1/2=1c 1ǫr /2cǫµl .FIG.4:(Color online)Linear dependence of the magnetic resonance frequency,f m ,as obtained by simulation,on the inverse length l ;this result as well as itsindependenceonw andts is in agreement with the simple formula (5).(t s =0.254mm for triangular,cross,circle;w =1mm for diamond;and for all cases,b =0.5∼5.5mm ,a x =20mm ).For frequencies near the electric resonance,because of mirror symmetry in Fig.3(d),there is no current passing through the capacitances C m .As a results the electric resonance frequency f e is given by f e =1/(2π√f m2=L mC e<1(6)This can be achieved by increasing C e either by decreas-ing b or by increasing at the ends of each bar the width w choosing a double T shape for each bar [9].Still another possibility to make the negative ǫregion wider (and more negative)is to add continuous metallic wires as in Fig.1(d)which produce a plasmonic response [5].By adjusting the width of these wires their effective fre-6(b)FIG.6:(Color online)Retrieved ǫeff(solid lines)and µeff(dotted lines)for two cut wires.(a)and (b)correspond to points a (a y =7.3mm,a x =20mm)and b (a y =7.1mm,a x =20mm)in Fig.5.Notice that both the response are Lorentz like.Finally the width of the bars,w ,can increase until the bars join the ”infinite”wires producing thus a continuous connected network which can be constructed by opening periodically placed rectangular holes on uniform metallic films covering both sides of a dielectric sheet [10,11,12].In this letter we have shown that L,C equivalent cir-cuits can account for the EM properties of various neg-ative index artificial meta-materials (NIMs),even at a quantitative level;furthermore,this simple unifying cir-cuit approach offers a clear guidance in adjusting the design and optimizing the parameters for existing and possibly,future NIMs.We gratefully acknowledge the support of Ames Lab-oratory (operated by Iowa State University under Con-tract No.W-7405-Eng-82),the AFOSR under MURI grant (FA9550-06-1-0337),EU Network of Excellence projects METAMORPHOSE and PHOREMOST,and Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)contract HR0011-05-C-0068).[1]V.Veselago,p.10,509(1968).[2]J.Pendry,A.Holden,W.Stewart,and I.Youngs,Phys-ical Review Letters76,4773(1996).[3]J.Pendry,A.Holden,D.Robbins,and W.Stewart,IEEETrans.Microwave Theroy Tech.47,2075(1999).[4]J.Zhou,T.Koschny,M.Kafesaki, E.N.Economou,J. 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1.信息拼盘——伊利诺斯理工学院壹考密克·特利比思校园中心解读 [J], 谢建华
2.美国高校就业指导实践及启示——以伊利诺大学厄巴纳-香槟分校和伊利诺伊理工学院为例 [J], 闵翠翠
3.激活“消极地带”的妙笔--解析库哈斯的伊利诺伊理工学院校园中心设计 [J], 郭焱
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5.芝加哥麦考密克会展中心南建筑扩建美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥 [J],



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“亚洲校园”:十年实践 走向国际

“亚洲校园”:十年实践 走向国际

“亚洲校园”:十年实践走向国际作者:柳志泳来源:《中国报道》2021年第08期为加强三国高等教育合作、增进学生交流,2011年中日韩“亚洲校园(CAMPUS Asia)”计划正式批准为三国合作项目。











”对于是否会将三国间的合作扩大至其他国家,黄秘书长表示:“今年内我们将启动延伸项目‘Mode 3’,将合作范围扩大至东盟十国,形成‘3+10’模式。









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郭磊 Gu e oLi
T eMc h Cor c T iu e Ca u n e ,i, ia o mik r n mp sCe t rl Chc g b T
种功 能 问共 存 6 个 捷谇
这是 障#中多
各 个部 的土 联播元豪是屋顶 旧 凝 ±的 板 t保障活动中心不 为
把 边 目 分 生 统 7表 是
个 体 , 动中心 边的
没有7噪音 就
十全新的 始

轨道 用 隔 音 的 锈 营 色

好 鞋掘这 基地的潜. 地 块 】 ] 也 成为中心 黄 重要 自 个 讣 部 儿 平面 来看

密斯的 筑似乎£被新建筑伸
的 臂 胞看 的 两 者 ± 间 进保 持 着 噬 妹 的距 离 伸 升
怕 臂是新 筑韵两条
三 枷 . 一~ ~

}啊 ~ r l 显 』

路径 联 7 I 业化
’ 息 信 化 ——路径的末端是整十新建筑中唯一的学
— —

且 在踏释 划*的 域边缘

取7 R自 像毒昧的像 素 处 化 理 了 产生7包括新和 存内的
域的界 被 模糊 氛目之间的净适
怖 躺 跏 聊
=口 l 搁
整 十 建 筑 热


个 要 素 部 分
推 据 其 特 别 的 位 连 接 起 来 ☆ 好 址 地 日 应 地
月边环境的差系。 商

学院 实用 施 停
车坜等等 项目的商 部 市 存3 号街的建筑m缘 3 建筑内部每个功耗 B 独 的