迅达A P M M R现场安装手册SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#安装缩略图摘要本手册提供了在亚太区范围内使用脚手架安装300P MMR主要安装步骤的详细说明。
目录1 安全建议 (4)概要 (4)使用符号 (4)2 先决条件 (5)产品概述 (5)安装步骤 (7)专用工具 (9)3 施工现场准备工作 (10)4 导轨安装 (15)准备工作 (15)导轨支架安装 (15)导轨安装 (21)导轨基座 (21)导轨安装 (22)连接板校正 (24)5 Varidor 30AP C2 厅门入口安装 (25)门框预安装 (27)地坎支架 (30)门框和机械横梁 (31)地坎和护脚板 (35)门板 (36)C2井道互锁装置 (40)门解锁装置 (41)安装门重锤 (42)防护罩 (44)6 PMS420无齿轮机组安装 (45)机组支架 (47)安装PMS420无齿轮机组 (48)*手动应急操作选配装置 (51)制动器调整和制动力测试 (57)*曳引钢丝绳悬挂装置安装 (58)*安装限速器 (62)7 *安装GGM2-AP对重 (71)先决条件 (71)*机械安装 (72)*缓冲器支撑 (72)*对重校正 (73)*安全钳(选配) (74)*导靴 (76)油杯(选配) (79)*对重块 (79)*补偿链悬挂装置 (80)地震传感器(选配) (81)*调整和最后检查 (82)对重防护屏 (83)*对重防护屏后置 (83)*对重防护屏侧置 (84)8 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP/FRM9-AP (87)安装轿厢架FRS9-AP (87)FRS9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (98)FRM9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (99)9 安装曳引绳 (100)处理钢丝绳 (100)安装钢丝绳 (101)钢丝绳绳头安装 (105)检查钢丝绳张紧度和绳的润滑 (109)限速器钢丝绳 (110)10 轿厢P9KD-AP(CM)安装 (117)轿厢安装步骤 (118)*安装轿厢装璜 (134)安装满载、超载开关 (143)轿厢平衡装置 (144)11 V30 AP轿门安装 (145)11.1 C2轿门 (145)11.1.1 轿门机驱动 (146)11.1.2 轿门板 (147)11.1.3 轿门刀 (149)安装光幕(MiniMax光幕LVH) (151)12 安装缓冲器 (157)13 安装补偿链 (159)补偿链导向装置 (159)4-滚轮导靴 (159)2-滚轮导靴 (162)补偿链 (165)14 安装MX-GC (170)先决条件 (170)材料范围 (171)控制柜 (172)井道信息 (174)井道信息IGSI (174)绝对值线型井道信息系统 (190)控制柜内模块 (210)机房电缆 (211)井道电缆 (215)准备 (220)安装 (223)调整和最后检查 (229)OKR (231)随行电缆 (236)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (237)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ>70m (238)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (239)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ>70m (240)控制柜内的概述与名称 (241)15 VARIODYN VF44BR和VF88BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF44BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF88BR安装 (249)1 安全建议概要安全要求所有参与的安装人员必须熟悉并遵守公司以及当地的安全规范,特别要注意以下几点:照明必须充足,以保证安全生产。
(整理)迅达 300C MMR调试手册
迅达300C MMR调试手册目录1 安全32 准备工作 (4)3 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板 (5)3-1 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板概貌 (5)3-2 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板端口说明 (5)4 SM-02-C轿厢板和SM-03-B指令板 (9)4-1 SM-02-C轿厢板和SM-03-B指令板概貌 (9)4-2 SM-02-C轿厢板端口说明 (9)4-3 SM-03-B指令板端口说明 (11)4-4 SCOP-SCON-0410轿内显示板概貌 (11)4-5 SCOP-SCON-0410轿内显示板端口说明......... (12)5 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板 (13)5-1 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板概貌 (13)5-2 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板端口说明 (13)6 SMLCD (15)6-1 概述 (15)6-2 操作说明 (15)7 变频器自学习 (16)3-1短接线 (17)3-2通电 (17)3-3设置曳引机参数 (17)3-4确认电机运转方向 (17)3-5自学习 (18)3-6自学习故障以及对策 (18)8 安装运行 (20)8-1机房 (20)8-2通电 (21)9 快车调试 (22)9-1准备工作 (22)9-2通电 (22)10 电梯舒适感调整 (25)10-1 电梯载荷控制仪 (25)10-2 起动力矩补偿 (27)10-3舒适感整体调整 (29)11 电梯参数表和故障代码表 (29)11-1电梯参数表 (29)11-2 电梯参数详细说明 (33)11-3 电梯故障代码表 (43)12 变频器参数 (46)13 变频器部分代码简述及对策 (49)1 安全安全要求安装现场应按安全操作规程要求配置相应的安全防护设备。
图1. 安全设备1 安全帽2 防护眼镜3 安全带4 防护鞋5 防护手套·在工地和井道安装合适的照明设备。
安装缩略图摘要本手册提供了在亚太区范围内使用脚手架安装300P MMR主要安装步骤的详细说明。
目录1 安全建议 (4)概要 (4)使用符号 (4)2 先决条件 (5)产品概述 (5)安装步骤 (7)专用工具 (9)3 施工现场准备工作 (10)4 导轨安装 (15)准备工作 (15)导轨支架安装 (15)导轨安装 (21)导轨基座 (21)导轨安装 (22)连接板校正 (24)5 Varidor 30AP C2 厅门入口安装 (25)门框预安装 (27)地坎支架 (30)门框和机械横梁 (31)地坎和护脚板 (35)门板 (36)C2井道互锁装置 (40)门解锁装置 (41)安装门重锤 (42)防护罩 (44)6 PMS420无齿轮机组安装 (45)机组支架 (47)安装PMS420无齿轮机组 (48)*手动应急操作选配装置 (51)制动器调整和制动力测试 (57)*曳引钢丝绳悬挂装置安装 (58)*安装限速器 (62)7 *安装GGM2-AP对重 (71)先决条件 (71)*机械安装 (72)*缓冲器支撑 (72)*对重校正 (73)*安全钳(选配) (74)*导靴 (76)油杯(选配) (79)*对重块 (79)*补偿链悬挂装置 (80)地震传感器(选配) (81)*调整和最后检查 (82)对重防护屏 (83)*对重防护屏后置 (83)*对重防护屏侧置 (84)8 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP/FRM9-AP (87)安装轿厢架FRS9-AP (87)FRS9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (98)FRM9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (99)9 安装曳引绳 (100)处理钢丝绳 (100)安装钢丝绳 (101)钢丝绳绳头安装 (105)检查钢丝绳张紧度和绳的润滑 (109)限速器钢丝绳 (110)10 轿厢P9KD-AP(CM)安装 (117)轿厢安装步骤 (118)*安装轿厢装璜 (134)安装满载、超载开关 (143)轿厢平衡装置 (144)11 V30 AP轿门安装 (145)11.1 C2轿门 (145)11.1.1 轿门机驱动 (146)11.1.2 轿门板 (147)11.1.3 轿门刀 (149)安装光幕(MiniMax光幕LVH) (151)12 安装缓冲器 (157)13 安装补偿链 (159)补偿链导向装置 (159)4-滚轮导靴 (159)2-滚轮导靴 (162)补偿链 (165)14 安装MX-GC (170)先决条件 (170)材料范围 (171)控制柜 (172)井道信息 (174)井道信息IGSI (174)绝对值线型井道信息系统 (190)控制柜内模块 (210)机房电缆 (211)井道电缆 (215)准备 (220)安装 (223)调整和最后检查 (229)OKR (231)随行电缆 (236)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (237)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ>70m (238)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (239)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ>70m (240)控制柜内的概述与名称 (241)15 VARIODYN VF44BR和VF88BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF44BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF88BR安装 (249)1 安全建议概要安全要求所有参与的安装人员必须熟悉并遵守公司以及当地的安全规范,特别要注意以下几点:照明必须充足,以保证安全生产。
迅达部分调试资料说明5400电梯部份资料JRVR:独立运行 JRV:保留 JNFF:消防员开关 JBF:消防开关JAB:锁梯 SAB、JBF、JBFF:消防主菜单:StatusLift;电梯状态Login/Logout;密码Commands;命令ServiceVisit;服务访问CarCall;轿内召唤T eminalCall;用于M10FloorCall;庁外召唤Door;门SpecialTrips;特殊运行KFM;不开门模式测试运行 DFM-U;测试运行-上 DFM-D;测试运行-下JLF;学习运行Services;服务功能ServiceJAB;锁梯ServiceJRV;独立运行ServiceSAB;ServiceJBF;消防功能LMS Commission; LMS调试 NominalLoad;正常负载EmptyCar;空轿箱FullLoad;满载SystemCheck;系统检查EmptyCarBot;空轿箱上部 EmptyCaeTop;空轿厢在下部Empty Car Mid;空轿厢中间 Acceptance Mode;验收模式.Adj. FloorLevelling;平层调整 Drv End Commis;调试结束保存驱动参数.Freeze Node Tree;锁定节点 Invalidate SDM ;(未使用).Unlock Terminal;终端解锁时间设定 T each-in mode;学习模式外呼印板SMLCDLanguage;SMLCD语言US English;英语French;法German;德Spanish;西Numeric;Tests ;测试;(1)Service Pin;Pin测试(进入后按一下印板上的PIN按钮,来检查通讯状态)(2)LON Board ;(进入后通过选择印板类型和地址来查找印板的通讯状态)(3)Force SW downl;下载软件Call;(1)Reg Center;(2)Aux Center;Test;变频器测试(1)DC Link Test; 直流环测试(2)CurrentLoopTst;电流环测试(3)EstimMotorPara; 主机参数估算(4)Direction Test;方向测试(5)ZeroPositionT est; 零位测试(6)EstimatInertia;惯量估算(7)Memory Test; 记忆测试 (8)Fan Test; 风扇测试(9)LED Test;灯测试 (10)ChargeDCLTest;DCL加载测试(11)DischargDCLTst; DCL不加载测试 (12)CapFormingT est;电容测试(13)FCR Test; FCR测试 (14)FCR IGBT Test;FCR IGBT测试Empty Car;空轿厢检查;验收(1)Brake Test;抱闸测试 2)EN81 Test; EN81测试3)Traction Test;曳引测试 4)Overspeed 1 Test;超速1测试5)Overspeed 2 Test;超速测试6)TripTimeTest 7)UpTermSlowDown 慢速下行测试 8)DownTermSlowDo 慢速上行测试9)KNE Test KNE测试【五】Status;状态Group;群控状态;驱动Os; I/Os;印板I/O ;版本1)GC Software;GC软件版本 2)Drive Software;驱动软件版本Type;PCT类型 & Time;日期&时间;负载 Abs;绝对位置 Rel;相对位置;总线节点状态 nodes CH1;总线节点状态13LON nodes CH2;总线节点状态 nodes type;总线节点状态Enables;可用楼层1)Normal Floors;正常楼层 2)Secured Floors;被封锁楼层;呼梯1)Floor Calls;厅外呼梯2)Car Calls ;轿内呼梯17、LON SW-Dwnload ;软件下载状态Srv 可用服务Temp ;油温(液压梯专用)Test ;抱闸测试结果AMPS;电流未使用【六】Parameters;参数;群控1)Floor Markings ;层楼标记 2)Call Space; 3)Walk Time Mult;4)Riser Car Dist; 5)Walking Speed; 6)Allocation Dir;电梯1)Over The Hill; 2)Min Board Time;3)Min Exit Time;;门1)HoldOpen Exit;内令开门保持 2)HoldOpen Board;外召开门保持3)Final Timer;强迫关门时间 4)Min Door Open ;最小开门时间;第二侧门1)HoldOpen Exit;2)HoldOpen Board;3)Final Timer;4)MinDoor Open;;轿厢1)Delay Cab Light;照明延时 2)Minimal Load ;最小负载3)Main Floor;6.主楼层1)Services;服务参数 2)JAB Floor;JAB楼层3)JBF Alt Floor;JBF附属楼层 4)JBF Floor;JBF楼层5)JNO Release 6)KW Sel Lift 7)Access Codes8)NF Sel Lift 9)RNO Rec Floor 10)Park Floor11)Park Floor Ena 12)Park Door TimeGeneral;一般驱动参数 V-Insp;安装运行速度V-Recall;召会速度 V-Relevel;再平层速度V4;额定速度 A2加速度 A6 减速度A-Relevel再平层加速度 J1加加速度 J3加减速度J5减减速度 J7减加速度 J-Relevel再平层加加速度KSERE-DistKSERE距离 Relevel Dist再平层距离Max Door Zone最大门区Unbalance Bot下平衡Unbalance Top上平衡 Break Start De抱闸打开延时Max Trip Time最大运行时间Win Auto Tacho Res Auto Tacho Pre IndiceHyd Switch Tim Hyd Pause Tim Early Brake早期抱闸KB Feedback抱闸触点反馈 FS_Nom US_NomIS_Nom Pole Pairs P Gain Speed Ti Speed P-Ampli AccelP-Ampli Decel Dist-Stop Prec I Ampli DecelMin Distance最小楼层距离 On Level Dist水平距离Y/Delta Enable Y/Delta Time Softstop Time ColdOil MinTim ColdOil MaxTim AST Timeout Relevel TriesCold Oil Temp Warm Oil Temp Regulated UpFast DownInsp Speed PWM Offset Up PWM Offset Dwn ServoFreq Accel Up Accel Down Decel Up Decel Down PWM Max Up PWM Start Down PWM Min DownSpeed Reg Up Speed Fast Dwn IGS DirectionSettings;驱动设置Tacho Factor转速因数编码器参数 Nominal Load额定载荷Reeving Factor曳引比 TachFactrMotor 主机编码器Gear Ratio减速比TractnDiameter曳引轮直径Inertia 惯量Code Type代码类型安全标准类型 ETSL TypeETSL类型速度监控类型Encoder Type编码器类型Gear Type减速箱类型InvInputVoltage输入电压Nominal Speed额定速度 Inverter Setting变频器类型Id Motor主机IDShaftInfoType井道信息类型Brake Type抱闸类型Load Type称重类型Phase Dir.相序 Servitel远程监控(未使用)Install No Dir Call JAB Dir Call BR Dir Call JRVDir Call SRE Dir Call NT Dir Call NS Dir Call EOSTest Trip Test Call Periodic Call Reg CenterAl Center Pic Center Aux Center Mini CenterReserve Own Dial Nbr Dial Prefix Dial Substr1Dial Substr2 Ans Time Win Modem Baud Modem InitModem Setup1 Modem Setup2 FaultPerPeriod Trips Til NT Error Delay系统1)Date 日期 2)Time 时间LCD Password密码【七】ErrorLog 故障表显示 All 显示所有故障 Errors 清除故障【八】Statistics统计Trips 轿厢运行次数 Trips 门运行次数二侧门运行次数 Hours 运行小时清除结果一、零位测试步骤电梯在更换或调整主机编码器或原测试零位丢失后需进行零位测试。
5400电梯部份资料JRVR:独立运行 JRV:保留 JNFF:消防员开关 JBF:消防开关JAB:锁梯 SAB、JBF、JBFF:消防主菜单:StatusLift;电梯状态 Login/Logout;密码 Commands;命令ServiceVisit;服务访问 CarCall;轿内召唤 TeminalCall;用于M10 FloorCall;庁外召唤 Door;门 SpecialTrips;特殊运行KFM;不开门模式测试运行 DFM-U;测试运行-上 DFM-D;测试运行-下JLF;学习运行 Services;服务功能 ServiceJAB;锁梯ServiceJRV;独立运行 ServiceSAB;ServiceJBF;消防功能LMS Commission; LMS调试 NominalLoad;正常负载EmptyCar;空轿箱 FullLoad;满载 SystemCheck;系统检查EmptyCarBot;空轿箱上部 EmptyCaeTop;空轿厢在下部Empty Car Mid;空轿厢中间 Acceptance Mode;验收模式.Adj. FloorLevelling;平层调整 Drv End Commis;调试结束保存驱动参数.Freeze Node Tree;锁定节点 Invalidate SDM ;(未使用).Unlock Terminal;终端解锁时间设定 Teach-in mode;学习模式外呼印板SMLCDLanguage;SMLCD语言 US English;英语 French;法German;德 Spanish;西 Numeric;Tests ;测试1.LON;(1)Service Pin;Pin测试(进入后按一下印板上的PIN按钮,来检查通讯状态)(2)LON Board ;(进入后通过选择印板类型和地址来查找印板的通讯状态)(3)Force SW downl;下载软件2.Servitel Call;(1)Reg Center;(2)Aux Center;3.VF Test;变频器测试(1)DC Link Test; 直流环测试(2)CurrentLoopTst; 电流环测试(3)EstimMotorPara; 主机参数估算(4)Direction Test; 方向测试(5)ZeroPositionTest; 零位测试(6)EstimatInertia; 惯量估算(7)Memory Test; 记忆测试 (8)Fan Test; 风扇测试(9)LED Test; 灯测试 (10)ChargeDCLTest; DCL加载测试(11)DischargDCLTst; DCL不加载测试 (12)CapFormingTest; 电容测试(13)FCR Test; FCR测试 (14)FCR IGBT Test; FCR IGBT 测试4.Ck Empty Car;空轿厢检查5.Acceptance;验收(1)Brake Test;抱闸测试 2)EN81 Test; EN81测试3)Traction Test;曳引测试 4)Overspeed 1 Test;超速1测试5)Overspeed 2 Test;超速测试 6)TripTimeTest7)UpTermSlowDown 慢速下行测试 8)DownTermSlowDo 慢速上行测试9)KNE Test KNE测试【五】Status;状态1.Status Group;群控状态2.Drive;驱动3.I/Os;4.Board I/Os;印板I/O5.Versions;版本1)GC Software;GC软件版本 2)Drive Software;驱动软件版本6.PCT Type;PCT类型7.Date & Time;日期&时间8.Load;负载9.Position Abs;绝对位置 10.Positin Rel;相对位置11.LON ;总线节点状态 12.LON nodes CH1;总线节点状态13LON nodes CH2;总线节点状态 14.BIO nodes type;总线节点状态15.Floor Enables;可用楼层1)Normal Floors;正常楼层 2)Secured Floors;被封锁楼层16.Calls ;呼梯1)Floor Calls;厅外呼梯 2)Car Calls ;轿内呼梯17、LON SW-Dwnload ;软件下载状态18.Available Srv 可用服务19.Oil Temp ;油温(液压梯专用)20.Brake Test ;抱闸测试结果21.Drive AMPS;电流未使用【六】Parameters;参数1.Group ;群控1)Floor Markings ;层楼标记 2)Call Space; 3)Walk Time Mult;4)Riser Car Dist; 5)Walking Speed; 6)Allocation Dir;2.Lift 电梯1)Over The Hill; 2)Min Board Time; 3)Min Exit Time;3.Door;门1)HoldOpen Exit;内令开门保持 2)HoldOpen Board;外召开门保持3)Final Timer;强迫关门时间 4)Min Door Open ;最小开门时间4.Door2;第二侧门1)HoldOpen Exit; 2)HoldOpen Board; 3)Final Timer; 4)Min Door Open;5.Car;轿厢1)Delay Cab Light;照明延时 2)Minimal Load ;最小负载3)Main Floor;6.主楼层1)Services;服务参数 2)JAB Floor;JAB楼层3)JBF Alt Floor;JBF附属楼层 4)JBF Floor;JBF楼层5)JNO Release 6)KW Sel Lift 7)Access Codes8)NF Sel Lift 9)RNO Rec Floor 10)Park Floor11)Park Floor Ena 12)Park Door Time7.Drive General;一般驱动参数 V-Insp;安装运行速度V-Recall;召会速度 V-Relevel;再平层速度V4;额定速度 A2加速度 A6 减速度A-Relevel再平层加速度 J1加加速度 J3加减速度J5减减速度 J7减加速度 J-Relevel再平层加加速度KSERE-DistKSERE距离 Relevel Dist再平层距离Max Door Zone最大门区 Unbalance Bot下平衡Unbalance Top上平衡 Break Start De抱闸打开延时Max Trip Time最大运行时间Win Auto Tacho Res Auto Tacho Pre IndiceHyd Switch Tim Hyd Pause Tim Early Brake早期抱闸KB Feedback抱闸触点反馈 FS_Nom US_NomIS_Nom Pole Pairs P Gain Speed Ti Speed P-Ampli AccelP-Ampli Decel Dist-Stop Prec I Ampli DecelMin Distance最小楼层距离 On Level Dist水平距离Y/Delta Enable Y/Delta Time Softstop TimeColdOil MinTim ColdOil MaxTim AST Timeout Relevel Tries Cold Oil Temp Warm Oil Temp Regulated Up Fast DownInsp Speed PWM Offset Up PWM Offset DwnServoFreq Accel Up Accel Down Decel UpDecel Down PWM Max Up PWM Start Down PWM Min DownSpeed Reg Up Speed Fast Dwn IGS Direction8.Drive Settings;驱动设置Tacho Factor转速因数编码器参数 Nominal Load额定载荷Reeving Factor曳引比 TachFactrMotor主机编码器Gear Ratio减速比 TractnDiameter曳引轮直径 Inertia 惯量Code Type代码类型安全标准类型 ETSL TypeETSL类型速度监控类型Encoder Type编码器类型 Gear Type减速箱类型 InvInputVoltage 输入电压Nominal Speed额定速度 Inverter Setting变频器类型 Id Motor 主机IDShaftInfoType井道信息类型 Brake Type抱闸类型 Load Type称重类型Phase Dir.相序 Servitel远程监控(未使用)Install No Dir Call JAB Dir Call BR Dir Call JRV Dir Call SRE Dir Call NT Dir Call NS Dir Call EOS Test Trip Test Call Periodic Call Reg Center Al Center Pic Center Aux Center Mini Center Reserve Own Dial Nbr Dial Prefix Dial Substr1 Dial Substr2 Ans Time Win Modem Baud Modem Init Modem Setup1 Modem Setup2 FaultPerPeriod Trips Til NT Error Delay9.System系统1)Date 日期 2)Time 时间 LCD Password密码【七】ErrorLog 故障表1.Show 显示2.Show All 显示所有故障3.Clear Errors 清除故障【八】Statistics统计1.Car Trips 轿厢运行次数2.Door Trips 门运行次数二侧门运行次数 4.Run Hours 运行小时5.Clear 清除结果一、零位测试步骤电梯在更换或调整主机编码器或原测试零位丢失后需进行零位测试。
迅达部分调试说明5400电梯部份资料JRVR:独⽴运⾏JRV:保留JNFF:消防员开关JBF:消防开关JAB:锁梯SAB、JBF、JBFF:消防主菜单:StatusLift;电梯状态Login/Logout;密码Commands;命令ServiceVisit;服务访问CarCall;轿内召唤TeminalCall;⽤于M10 FloorCall;庁外召唤Door;门SpecialTrips;特殊运⾏KFM;不开门模式测试运⾏DFM-U;测试运⾏-上DFM-D;测试运⾏-下JLF;学习运⾏Services;服务功能ServiceJAB;锁梯ServiceJRV;独⽴运⾏ServiceSAB;ServiceJBF;消防功能LMS Commission;LMS调试NominalLoad;正常负载EmptyCar;空轿箱FullLoad;满载SystemCheck;系统检查EmptyCarBot;空轿箱上部EmptyCaeTop;空轿厢在下部Empty Car Mid;空轿厢中间Acceptance Mode;验收模式.Adj. FloorLevelling;平层调整Drv End Commis;调试结束保存驱动参数.Freeze Node Tree;锁定节点Invalidate SDM ;(未使⽤) .Unlock Terminal;终端解锁时间设定Teach-in mode;学习模式外呼印板SMLCDLanguage;SMLCD语⾔US English;英语French;法German;德Spanish;西Numeric;Tests ;测试;(1)Service Pin;Pin测试(进⼊后按⼀下印板上的PIN按钮,来检查通讯状态)(2)LON Board ;(进⼊后通过选择印板类型和地址来查找印板的通讯状态)(3)Force SW downl;下载软件Call;(1)Reg Center;(2)Aux Center;Test;变频器测试(1)DC Link Test; 直流环测试(2)CurrentLoopTst; 电流环测试(3)EstimMotorPara; 主机参数估算(4)Direction Test; ⽅向测试(5)ZeroPositionTest; 零位测试(6)EstimatInertia; 惯量估算(7)Memory Test; 记忆测试(8)Fan Test; 风扇测试(9)LED Test; 灯测试(10)ChargeDCLTest; DCL加载测试(11)DischargDCLTst; DCL不加载测试(12)CapFormingTest; 电容测试(13)FCR Test; FCR测试(14)FCR IGBT Test; FCR IGBT测试Empty Car;空轿厢检查;验收(1)Brake Test;抱闸测试2)EN81 Test; EN81测试3)Traction Test;曳引测试4)Overspeed 1 Test;超速1测试5)Overspeed 2 Test;超速测试6)TripTimeTest7)UpTermSlowDown 慢速下⾏测试8)DownTermSlowDo 慢速上⾏测试9)KNE Test KNE测试【五】Status;状态Group;群控状态;驱动Os;I/Os;印板I/O ;版本1)GC Software;GC软件版本2)Drive Software;驱动软件版本Type;PCT类型& Time;⽇期&时间;负载Abs;绝对位置Rel;相对位置;总线节点状态nodes CH1;总线节点状态13LON nodes CH2;总线节点状态nodes type;总线节点状态Enables;可⽤楼层1)Normal Floors;正常楼层2)Secured Floors;被封锁楼层;呼梯1)Floor Calls;厅外呼梯2)Car Calls ;轿内呼梯17、LON SW-Dwnload ;软件下载状态Srv 可⽤服务Temp ;油温(液压梯专⽤)Test ;抱闸测试结果AMPS;电流未使⽤【六】Parameters;参数;群控1)Floor Markings ;层楼标记2)Call Space;3)Walk Time Mult;4)Riser Car Dist;5)Walking Speed;6)Allocation Dir;电梯1)Over The Hill; 2)Min Board Time; 3)Min Exit Time;;门1)HoldOpen Exit;内令开门保持2)HoldOpen Board;外召开门保持3)Final Timer;强迫关门时间4)Min Door Open ;最⼩开门时间;第⼆侧门1)HoldOpen Exit;2)HoldOpen Board;3)Final Timer;4)Min Door Open;;轿厢1)Delay Cab Light;照明延时2)Minimal Load ;最⼩负载3)Main Floor;6.主楼层1)Services;服务参数2)JAB Floor;JAB楼层3)JBF Alt Floor;JBF附属楼层4)JBF Floor;JBF楼层5)JNO Release 6)KW Sel Lift 7)Access Codes8)NF Sel Lift 9)RNO Rec Floor 10)Park Floor11)Park Floor Ena 12)Park Door TimeGeneral;⼀般驱动参数V-Insp;安装运⾏速度V-Recall;召会速度V-Relevel;再平层速度V4;额定速度A2加速度A6 减速度A-Relevel再平层加速度J1加加速度J3加减速度J5减减速度J7减加速度J-Relevel再平层加加速度KSERE-DistKSERE距离Relevel Dist再平层距离Max Door Zone最⼤门区Unbalance Bot下平衡Unbalance Top上平衡Break Start De抱闸打开延时Max Trip Time最⼤运⾏时间Win Auto Tacho Res Auto Tacho Pre IndiceHyd Switch Tim Hyd Pause Tim Early Brake早期抱闸KB Feedback抱闸触点反馈FS_Nom US_NomIS_Nom Pole Pairs P Gain Speed Ti Speed P-Ampli AccelP-Ampli Decel Dist-Stop Prec I Ampli DecelMin Distance最⼩楼层距离On Level Dist⽔平距离Y/Delta Enable Y/Delta Time Softstop TimeColdOil MinTim ColdOil MaxTim AST Timeout Relevel TriesCold Oil Temp Warm Oil Temp Regulated Up Fast DownInsp Speed PWM Offset Up PWM Offset DwnServoFreq Accel Up Accel Down Decel UpDecel Down PWM Max Up PWM Start Down PWM Min DownSpeed Reg Up Speed Fast Dwn IGS DirectionSettings;驱动设置Tacho Factor转速因数编码器参数Nominal Load额定载荷Reeving Factor曳引⽐TachFactrMotor主机编码器Gear Ratio减速⽐TractnDiameter曳引轮直径Inertia 惯量Code Type代码类型安全标准类型ETSL TypeETSL类型速度监控类型Encoder Type编码器类型Gear Type减速箱类型InvInputV oltage输⼊电压Nominal Speed额定速度Inverter Setting变频器类型Id Motor主机ID ShaftInfoType井道信息类型Brake Type抱闸类型Load Type称重类型Phase Dir.相序Servitel远程监控(未使⽤)Install No Dir Call JAB Dir Call BR Dir Call JRVDir Call SRE Dir Call NT Dir Call NS Dir Call EOSTest Trip Test Call Periodic Call Reg CenterAl Center Pic Center Aux Center Mini CenterReserve Own Dial Nbr Dial Prefix Dial Substr1Dial Substr2 Ans Time Win Modem Baud Modem InitModem Setup1 Modem Setup2 FaultPerPeriod Trips Til NTError Delay系统1)Date ⽇期2)Time 时间LCD Password密码【七】ErrorLog 故障表显⽰All 显⽰所有故障Errors 清除故障【⼋】Statistics统计Trips 轿厢运⾏次数Trips 门运⾏次数Trips ⼆侧门运⾏次数Hours 运⾏⼩时清除结果⼀、零位测试步骤电梯在更换或调整主机编码器或原测试零位丢失后需进⾏零位测试。
3. Door---Holdopen Exit---3.0s 离梯开们保持时间
Holdopen Board---01 登梯开门保持时间
Final timer---0.0s 强迫关门时间
Min Door open---1.0s 最小开门时间
4. Car---⑴Lift PI Markin---11
⑵Dely Cab light---300(s) 轿厢灯延时
②G:No Download ⒃Available srv---Br12--_--_02 ⒄Brake Test---①Decel up---0(mm/s2)
②decel down---(mm/s2)
⒅Drive AMPS---0.0(A)
⒆Mc commiss stat---7 Sys Commiss
Unbalance Top--- +0000(kg) 上端站不平衡
Brake start Del---000(10ms) 抱闸开闸延时
Max Trip time---700(s) Win Auto Tacho---000000 Res Auto Tacho---000000 Hyd Switch Tim---400(10ms) Hyd Pause Tim---6000(10ms) Early Brake---off KB feedback---CM_BRAKE O/C FS-Nom---27.2HZ US-Nom---340V IS-Nom---34.0A Polepairs---10 P Gain speed---01.000 Ti speed---0.020s P-Ampli Accel---0007 P-Ampli Decel---0007 Dist stop prec---2mm I Ampli Decel---10 Min Distance---5mm On-Level Dist.---5mm TR(Zeropos)---255.763(scdeg) A- NTSD---1400(mm/s2)
迅达APMMR 现场安装手册
安装缩略图摘要本手册提供了在亚太区范围内使用脚手架安装300P MMR主要安装步骤的详细说明。
目录1 安全建议 (4)概要 (4)使用符号 (4)2 先决条件 (5)产品概述 (5)安装步骤 (7)专用工具 (9)3 施工现场准备工作 (10)4 导轨安装 (15)准备工作 (15)导轨支架安装 (15)导轨安装 (21)导轨基座 (21)导轨安装 (22)连接板校正 (24)5 Varidor 30AP C2 厅门入口安装 (25)门框预安装 (27)地坎支架 (30)门框和机械横梁 (31)地坎和护脚板 (35)门板 (36)C2井道互锁装置 (40)门解锁装置 (41)安装门重锤 (42)防护罩 (44)6 PMS420无齿轮机组安装 (45)机组支架 (47)安装PMS420无齿轮机组 (48)*手动应急操作选配装置 (51)制动器调整和制动力测试 (57)*曳引钢丝绳悬挂装置安装 (58)*安装限速器 (62)7 *安装GGM2-AP对重 (71)先决条件 (71)*机械安装 (72)*缓冲器支撑 (72)*对重校正 (73)*安全钳(选配) (74)*导靴 (76)油杯(选配) (79)*对重块 (79)*补偿链悬挂装置 (80)地震传感器(选配) (81)*调整和最后检查 (82)对重防护屏 (83)*对重防护屏后置 (83)*对重防护屏侧置 (84)8 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP/FRM9-AP (87)安装轿厢架FRS9-AP (87)FRS9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (98)FRM9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (99)9 安装曳引绳 (100)处理钢丝绳 (100)安装钢丝绳 (101)钢丝绳绳头安装 (105)检查钢丝绳张紧度和绳的润滑 (109)限速器钢丝绳 (110)10 轿厢P9KD-AP(CM)安装 (117)轿厢安装步骤 (118)*安装轿厢装璜 (134)安装满载、超载开关 (143)轿厢平衡装置 (144)11 V30 AP轿门安装 (145)11.1 C2轿门 (145)11.1.1 轿门机驱动 (146)11.1.2 轿门板 (147)11.1.3 轿门刀 (149)安装光幕(MiniMax光幕LVH) (151)12 安装缓冲器 (157)13 安装补偿链 (159)补偿链导向装置 (159)4-滚轮导靴 (159)2-滚轮导靴 (162)补偿链 (165)14 安装MX-GC (170)先决条件 (170)材料范围 (171)控制柜 (172)井道信息 (174)井道信息IGSI (174)绝对值线型井道信息系统 (190)控制柜内模块 (210)机房电缆 (211)井道电缆 (215)准备 (220)安装 (223)调整和最后检查 (229)OKR (231)随行电缆 (236)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (237)带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ>70m (238)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (239)带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ>70m (240)控制柜内的概述与名称 (241)15 VARIODYN VF44BR和VF88BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF44BR安装 (243)VARIODYN VF88BR安装 (249)1 安全建议概要安全要求所有参与的安装人员必须熟悉并遵守公司以及当地的安全规范,特别要注意以下几点:照明必须充足,以保证安全生产。
5400电梯部份资料JRVR:独立运行JRV:保留JNFF:消防员开关JBF:消防开关JAB:锁梯SAB、JBF、JBFF:消防主菜单:StatusLift;电梯状态Login/Logout;密码Commands;命令ServiceVisit;服务访问CarCall;轿内召唤TeminalCall;用于M10 FloorCall;庁外召唤Door;门SpecialTrips;特殊运行KFM;不开门模式测试运行DFM-U;测试运行-上DFM-D;测试运行-下JLF;学习运行Services;服务功能ServiceJAB;锁梯ServiceJRV;独立运行ServiceSAB;ServiceJBF;消防功能LMS Commission;LMS调试NominalLoad;正常负载EmptyCar;空轿箱FullLoad;满载SystemCheck;系统检查EmptyCarBot;空轿箱上部EmptyCaeTop;空轿厢在下部Empty Car Mid;空轿厢中间Acceptance Mode;验收模式.Adj. FloorLevelling;平层调整Drv End Commis;调试结束保存驱动参数.Freeze Node Tree;锁定节点Invalidate SDM ;(未使用).Unlock Terminal;终端解锁时间设定Teach-in mode;学习模式外呼印板SMLCDLanguage;SMLCD语言US English;英语French;法German;德Spanish;西Numeric;Tests ;测试1.LON;(1)Service Pin;Pin测试(进入后按一下印板上的PIN按钮,来检查通讯状态)(2)LON Board ;(进入后通过选择印板类型和地址来查找印板的通讯状态)(3)Force SW downl;下载软件2.Servitel Call;(1)Reg Center;(2)Aux Center;3.VF Test;变频器测试(1)DC Link Test; 直流环测试(2)CurrentLoopTst; 电流环测试(3)EstimMotorPara; 主机参数估算(4)Direction Test; 方向测试(5)ZeroPositionTest; 零位测试(6)EstimatInertia; 惯量估算(7)Memory Test; 记忆测试(8)Fan Test; 风扇测试(9)LED Test; 灯测试(10)ChargeDCLTest; DCL加载测试(11)DischargDCLTst; DCL不加载测试(12)CapFormingTest; 电容测试(13)FCR Test; FCR测试(14)FCR IGBT Test; FCR IGBT测试4.Ck Empty Car;空轿厢检查5.Acceptance;验收(1)Brake Test;抱闸测试2)EN81 Test; EN81测试3)Traction Test;曳引测试4)Overspeed 1 Test;超速1测试5)Overspeed 2 Test;超速测试6)TripTimeTest7)UpTermSlowDown 慢速下行测试8)DownTermSlowDo 慢速上行测试9)KNE Test KNE测试【五】Status;状态1.Status Group;群控状态2.Drive;驱动3.I/Os;4.Board I/Os;印板I/O5.Versions;版本1)GC Software;GC软件版本2)Drive Software;驱动软件版本6.PCT Type;PCT类型7.Date & Time;日期&时间8.Load;负载9.Position Abs;绝对位置10.Positin Rel;相对位置11.LON ;总线节点状态12.LON nodes CH1;总线节点状态13LON nodes CH2;总线节点状态14.BIO nodes type;总线节点状态15.Floor Enables;可用楼层1)Normal Floors;正常楼层2)Secured Floors;被封锁楼层16.Calls ;呼梯1)Floor Calls;厅外呼梯2)Car Calls ;轿内呼梯17、LON SW-Dwnload ;软件下载状态18.Available Srv 可用服务19.Oil Temp ;油温(液压梯专用)20.Brake Test ;抱闸测试结果21.Drive AMPS;电流未使用【六】Parameters;参数1.Group ;群控1)Floor Markings ;层楼标记2)Call Space;3)Walk Time Mult;4)Riser Car Dist;5)Walking Speed;6)Allocation Dir;2.Lift 电梯1)Over The Hill; 2)Min Board Time; 3)Min Exit Time;3.Door;门1)HoldOpen Exit;内令开门保持2)HoldOpen Board;外召开门保持3)Final Timer;强迫关门时间4)Min Door Open ;最小开门时间4.Door2;第二侧门1)HoldOpen Exit;2)HoldOpen Board;3)Final Timer;4)Min Door Open;5.Car;轿厢1)Delay Cab Light;照明延时2)Minimal Load ;最小负载3)Main Floor;6.主楼层1)Services;服务参数2)JAB Floor;JAB楼层3)JBF Alt Floor;JBF附属楼层4)JBF Floor;JBF楼层5)JNO Release 6)KW Sel Lift 7)Access Codes8)NF Sel Lift 9)RNO Rec Floor 10)Park Floor11)Park Floor Ena 12)Park Door Time7.Drive General;一般驱动参数V-Insp;安装运行速度V-Recall;召会速度V-Relevel;再平层速度V4;额定速度A2加速度A6 减速度A-Relevel再平层加速度J1加加速度J3加减速度J5减减速度J7减加速度J-Relevel再平层加加速度KSERE-DistKSERE距离Relevel Dist再平层距离Max Door Zone最大门区Unbalance Bot下平衡Unbalance Top上平衡Break Start De抱闸打开延时Max Trip Time最大运行时间Win Auto Tacho Res Auto Tacho Pre IndiceHyd Switch Tim Hyd Pause Tim Early Brake早期抱闸KB Feedback抱闸触点反馈FS_Nom US_NomIS_Nom Pole Pairs P Gain Speed Ti Speed P-Ampli AccelP-Ampli Decel Dist-Stop Prec I Ampli DecelMin Distance最小楼层距离On Level Dist水平距离Y/Delta Enable Y/Delta Time Softstop TimeColdOil MinTim ColdOil MaxTim AST Timeout Relevel TriesCold Oil Temp Warm Oil Temp Regulated Up Fast DownInsp Speed PWM Offset Up PWM Offset DwnServoFreq Accel Up Accel Down Decel UpDecel Down PWM Max Up PWM Start Down PWM Min DownSpeed Reg Up Speed Fast Dwn IGS Direction8.Drive Settings;驱动设置Tacho Factor转速因数编码器参数Nominal Load额定载荷Reeving Factor曳引比TachFactrMotor主机编码器Gear Ratio减速比TractnDiameter曳引轮直径Inertia 惯量Code Type代码类型安全标准类型ETSL TypeETSL类型速度监控类型Encoder Type编码器类型Gear Type减速箱类型InvInputV oltage输入电压Nominal Speed额定速度Inverter Setting变频器类型Id Motor主机ID ShaftInfoType井道信息类型Brake Type抱闸类型Load Type称重类型Phase Dir.相序Servitel远程监控(未使用)Install No Dir Call JAB Dir Call BR Dir Call JRVDir Call SRE Dir Call NT Dir Call NS Dir Call EOSTest Trip Test Call Periodic Call Reg CenterAl Center Pic Center Aux Center Mini CenterReserve Own Dial Nbr Dial Prefix Dial Substr1Dial Substr2 Ans Time Win Modem Baud Modem InitModem Setup1 Modem Setup2 FaultPerPeriod Trips Til NTError Delay9.System系统1)Date 日期2)Time 时间LCD Password密码【七】ErrorLog 故障表1.Show 显示2.Show All 显示所有故障3.Clear Errors 清除故障【八】Statistics统计1.Car Trips 轿厢运行次数2.Door Trips 门运行次数3.2.Door Trips 二侧门运行次数4.Run Hours 运行小时5.Clear 清除结果一、零位测试步骤电梯在更换或调整主机编码器或原测试零位丢失后需进行零位测试。
工具与设备万用表WAGO工具一般电工工具处理!文件装箱清单根据合同原理图通用土建布置图根据合同前提主要部件已安装完毕对重架重量与空轿厢重量误差在±10%以内用手动盘车装置将轿厢移动至顶层向下1m或底层向上1m主电源3×380V AC(±7%)/50Hz缓冲器已安装到位,对于液压缓冲器需要加油限速器与安全钳已安装到位,并且功能正常井道内和轿厢上的安全开关已安装接线,但控制柜内未连接(接插件未连接)前提厅、轿门已安装调整完毕。
工具与设备万用表WAGO工具一般电工工具处理!文件装箱清单根据合同原理图通用土建布置图根据合同前提主要部件已安装完毕对重架重量与空轿厢重量误差在±10%以内用手动盘车装置将轿厢移动至顶层向下1m或底层向上1m主电源3×380V AC(±7%)/50Hz缓冲器已安装到位,对于液压缓冲器需要加油限速器与安全钳已安装到位,并且功能正常井道内和轿厢上的安全开关已安装接线,但控制柜内未连接(接插件未连接)前提厅、轿门已安装调整完毕。
迅达300C MMR故障代码
2.主板KMB(抱闸接触器)有输出, 但输入检测点没有输入信
14 上减速开关3错位
(KMY接触器粘连),报故障36 36
Important warranty, user informationand service record for your automatic doorAutomatic sliding door operating & maintenance manualFor power-operated doors to EN 16005AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKContentsService and maintenanceService and maintenance Warranty statement Door system dataReport for initial inspection User guideFirst entry last exit procedure (if fitted)Daily ChecksRegular inspection and maintenance Inspection reports23456-7 891011-15Why the necessity?All doors, whether manual or automatic, are complex components subject to punishing wear and tear. Therefore to ensure that they continue to functionproperly, regular service and maintenance is imperative.Regular door maintenance helps prevent accidents, reduces breakdowns and the accompanying inconvenience, and prolongs the life of the door operator.There are also legal implications regarding the servicing of all door types which must be adhered to, to ensure the safety of users at all times. All safety requirements for power operated doors are stipulated in EN 16005:2012 Power operated pedestrian doorsets -Safety in use. All dormakaba service engineers are trained to comply with this standard through the Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) examination of competency.dormakaba provides a tailored, local resource for the servicing and maintenance of all brands of:• automatic swing• sliding and revolving doors • manual doors • fire doors• access control systems • industrial doors • roller shutters • gates & barriersFor more information visit AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKWarranty statementService and maintenancePlease note the legal implications regarding the installation and servicing of automatic doors which must be adhered to, so as to ensure the safety of users at all times as stipulated in EN 16005:2012 Power operated pedestrian doorsets – Safety in use.Product registrationAny decision to register your product does not affect your statutory rights under the UK Sale of Goods Act 1979.If you would like to register your product with dormakaba please visit Alternatively, you can contact the dormakaba UK Service Hotline on:0800 212 380************************LimitationsThis warranty does not apply to defects resulting from Customer actions, such as mishandling, improper installation, operation outside of design limits, misapplication, attempted repair, or unauthorized modification.Any additional warranty provided by the selling agent does not imply or transfer any additional obligation to dormakaba regarding this product.dormakaba standard terms and conditions will apply at all times and are available on request.dormakaba are not liable for the consequences of any third party claim on its products, which are sold in the knowledge that installation is carried out by competent staff and maintained in accordance with current safety standards.Thank you for purchasing a dormakaba product which has been designed and manufactured to provide many year’s problem-free operation.All products sold by Dorma UK Ltd are warranted against defect in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase on a return to factory basis.If you believe this product has a defect or has failed during normal use within the warranty period, please contact the authorised agent from whom you bought the product and who will make arrangements for its return.Alternatively, if your product was installed bydormakaba please contact us directly as detailed below to discuss the return of the unit, with the product serial number. dormakaba standard terms and conditions will apply at all times and are available on request.AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKDoor system dataTo be completed by a qualified technician at installation Manufacturer: DORMA UK Ltd, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, SG4 0AB Type of operator/door: Sliding DoorTo be completed by a qualified technician at installationProduct name: ES200 / BST / CS80 MAGNEO / Other (please state below):(delete as applicable)..........................................................................................................................................................................Sales Order No.: ..................................................................................................................................................................................Asset No.: .............................................................................................................................................................................................Year of mission date: ..............................................................................................................................................................................Installed by: DORMA UK Ltd / Other (please state company)Doorset location / reference: ............................................................................................................................................................Additional information:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................In order that an automatic door operator may comply with the requirements of EN16005:2012 a risk assessment should be carried out prior to installation which assesses the risk to users. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that a door system is compliant.AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKReport for initial inspectionTo be completed by a qualified technician at installationThe following list of components and functions to be inspected is only a reference and shall help the inspector during inspection. From case to case, the inspection can be more or less comprehensive. In principle, the inspector has to perform a visual inspection and functional tests to check the system for completeness. In addition, the system status and the efficiency of the components and the respective safety equipment require inspection. Please consider the separate inspection instructions supplied with the individual door types.3.1 General•Functionality of door system •Proper mounting •Connections/Power supply •Guide rails and base sections •Force transmission/Incremental encoder •Bearings•Glazing, Cover•Coating, Corrosion protection•All documentation complete3.2 Check safety equipment accordingto risk assessment to EN 16005 •Finger protection (crushing, shearing and drawing in)•Safety sensors/Sensor monitoring •Reversing/Stop equipment •Safety screen•Safety contact strips (SCS) •Force limitation•Emergency pushbuttons• Safety sensors• Fire alarm connection• Batteries 3.3 Control elements •Pushbuttons/switches •Contact mats•Radio controls/Remote controls •Card readers•Motion detectors3.4 Function•Friction clutch•NC contact (limit switch) •NO contact (limit switch) •Locking device, Deactivation •Deactivation of safety equipment •Emergency manual operation •Emergency Opening/Rubber cord/ Auxiliary drive3.5 Check door system for properfunctioning in all operation modes •OFF•AUTOMATIC •PERMANENT OPEN •PARTIAL OPEN•EXIT ONLY•LOCKING DEVICESUser guide123Program switch settings:AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKThe unit is switched off. In the case of units with theoptional locking mechanism, the door is electro-mechanically locked.Door may be opened using first entry - last exit switches if fitted.If a person or object comes within range of the radar detectors, the door opens to full opening width and closes at the end of the preset hold-open time.The external sensor is deactivated, the door may only be used from the inside (e.g. one way function on close of business).If a person or object comes within range of the internal sensor, presence sensors or light barriers, the dooropens to its full opening width and closes the end of the preset hold-open time.The operator can be programmed to lock or unlock in the ‘EXIT ONLY’ position by a dormakaba Service engi-neer.Old Program SwitchNew Program Switch.........4PARTIAL OPENING5PERMANENTLY OPENAUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKIf a person or object comes within range of thedetectors or presence sensor, the door opens to the preset partial opening width and closes at the end of the preset hold-open time.The opening width of the door can be adjusted individually. To do this:Close the door using the OFF switch settingSet the program switch to PERMANENTLY OPENThe door opens at low (check) speedAs soon as the door reaches the desiredpartial opening width, set the program switch to PARTIAL OPENINGThe door stops and the control unit stores the desired positionThe door commences a closing cycleThe door opens in check speed to its full opening width and remains in the position until another function is selected.In the event of power failureIf the program switch is in the AUTOMATIC position, the door will fail openIf the program switch is in the OFF position, the door will remain closed To open the door, turn the program switch to AUTOMATIC. After a short delay the door will open at reduce speed and remain open until power is restored or the program switch is turned to Off.Alternatively, if FIRST ENTRY - LAST EXIT is fitted, operate button once or key once to open the door. To close the door, operate either button or key once.This sequence can be carried out as required until power is restored.First entry last exit procedure (if fitted)The purpose of this system is to allow an opening of the door when the Program Switch is in the OFF position and the sensors are not operable.This means that people should not open or close the door MANUALLY which could result in a major failure of the operator and potentially damage components.There will be a GREEN BUTTON near to the door on the inside of the building.To EXIT the building:1. Turn the program switch to the OFF position and letthe door close (stand away from the door to ensure the sensor does not detect you).2. Set the building alarm (if you have one)3. Operate the GREEN BUTTON to open the door4. Exit and allow the door to close (stand away fromthe door to ensure the sensor does not detect you), then lock the door in the centre with the key when closed.To ENTER the building:There will be a KEY SWITCH or other access control near to the door on the outside of the building1. Unlock the door, before using the KEY SWITCH2. Operate the key switch on the outside of thebuilding, this will open the door3. Enter the building (stand away from the door toensure the sensor does not detect you), the door will then close behind you4. Turn off the building alarm (if you have one)5. Put the program switch into the required position,or leave it in the OFF position6. If required to admit staff members before openinghours, simply press the GREEN BUTTON. The doorwill open then re-close.AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKDaily checks - facility operatorA safety check should be performed daily by the facility operator on each automatic door.ActivationWalk toward the door at a normal pace. The door should start opening before you reach a minimum of 1000mm from the door. If the door is an escape route,a minimum of 1500mm applies in the direction of escape.Repeat for the other side if the door has two-way operation.SafetyNote: In order to test the safety sensors we recommend using an approved test object measuring 200mm x 300mm x 700mm high to test the door safety as detailed in EN16005.Activate the door to open, place the test object in the threshold, move away from the threshold and verify that the door stays open.Remove the test object from threshold area, after a short time delay the door should close.For sensors covering the area of door travel, place the test object directly beneath the sensor. When activated, the door should open at reduced speed.Low Energy Sliding Doors (CS80 Magneo only)•May not be fitted with safety devices as described above•Often have manual activation devices •Travel at lower speeds with lower force•In the opening direction will stop when obstructed and continue after the obstruction is removed •In the closing direction will reverse open when obstructedGeneral Observations•Check the door area does not present tripping or slipping hazards•Check all door panels for broken/cracked glass•Check all doors have correct warning and information signs displayed•Check the position and security of screens & barriers •Check operation of manual or remote activation, or emergency stop button if fitted•Check for distractions and obstructions in the vicinity of the doors•Check all equipment and cabling is securely fixed If you have questions about any of the above items, please contact dormakaba UK Service. Safety devices for all doors should be checked by an ADSA qualified technician at least once a year.If you have a problem you cannot correct, turn off the door and call your local dormakaba on 0800 212 3800.AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKADSA Occupier Safety CheckVideosRegular inspection and maintenanceTo be undertaken by a qualified technician.The following list describes what has to be done during the maintenance of dormakaba door systems. Always consider the mounting and operation instructions during maintenance.Please observe the requirements for fire doors, emergency exits and escape routes during inspection, if applicable. The current state of technology has to be taken into consideration when assessing the door system with regard to safety-related questions.Note down any safety-relevant error/deficit in the log book and on the performance sheet. The inspector must note down the scope, results and date of the inspections and the facility operator has to keep these documents for at least one year.ES/CS complete door systems (sliding doors)1. Clean and check the track section, retension/repair/replace as required2. Check toothed belt and retension/replace asrequired3. Check escape route function of escape routesystems (check rubber cord and retension/replace as required)4. Check door suspension and adjust/repair/replace as required5. Check floor guide and adjust/repair/replace asrequired6. Check all fixing components and retension asrequired7. Check all settings and readjust as required8. Check all safety equipment and adjust/repair/replace as required9. Check and reaadjust all safety clearances asrequired (finger protection, crushing and shearing edges, drawing-in)10. Check all control elements and adjust/repair/r eplace as required11. Check wear parts such as toothed belt, motor,pulley and locking device once a year and replace as required (see complete wear part list)12. Write down inspection and maintenance report the log bookPlease note we recommend that sliding doorswhich are emergency exits or escape routes are inspected twice a year13. Replace rechargeable battery packs approximatelyevery two yearsAUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOKInspection reportsThe facilities operator should ensure that this log book is available for the qualified technician on his arrival at site.If it is not available then it is the responsibility of the facilities operator to record the visit.AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOK112021-10AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOK122021-10AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOK132021-10AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOK142021-10AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR LOG BOOK152021-10CENTRAL LOCATIONSdormakabaDORMA UK LtdWilbury WayHitchin, HertsSG4 0ABSERVICE BRANCHES SCOTLANDUnit 1, Almond Road, Middlefield Industrial Estate, FalkirkFK2 9HQIRELANDPO Box 1050MaynoothCo. KildareNORTH WESTUnit 10, Meadow Business Park Meadow Lane, BoltonBL2 6PT dormakabaKaba LtdLower Moor WayTiverton, DevonEX16 6SSLONDON NORTH & SOUTHWilbury WayHitchinHertfordshireSG4 0ABMIDLANDSNORTH EASTSOUTH WESTLower Moor WayTivertonDevonEX16 6SSUnit 32 Crowther RoadCrowther Industrial EstateWashingtonTyne & WearNE38 0ADThe CourtyardJohn Harper StreetWillenhallWest MidlandsWV13 1REE:************************。
迅达 300C MMR调试手册
迅达300C MMR调试手册目录1 安全32 准备工作 (4)3 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板 (5)3-1 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板概貌 (5)3-2 Mic-SE32A-0110控制板端口说明 (5)4 SM-02-C轿厢板和SM-03-B指令板 (9)4-1 SM-02-C轿厢板和SM-03-B指令板概貌 (9)4-2 SM-02-C轿厢板端口说明 (9)4-3 SM-03-B指令板端口说明 (11)4-4 SCOP-SCON-0410轿内显示板概貌 (11)4-5 SCOP-SCON-0410轿内显示板端口说明......... (12)5 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板 (13)5-1 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板概貌 (13)5-2 SLOP-SCON-0410 厅外显示板端口说明 (13)6 SMLCD (15)6-1 概述 (15)6-2 操作说明 (15)7 变频器自学习 (16)3-1短接线 (17)3-2通电 (17)3-3设置曳引机参数 (17)3-4确认电机运转方向 (17)3-5自学习 (18)3-6自学习故障以及对策 (18)8 安装运行 (20)8-1机房 (20)8-2通电 (21)9 快车调试 (22)9-1准备工作 (22)9-2通电 (22)10 电梯舒适感调整 (25)10-1 电梯载荷控制仪 (25)10-2 起动力矩补偿 (27)10-3舒适感整体调整 (29)11 电梯参数表和故障代码表 (29)11-1电梯参数表 (29)11-2 电梯参数详细说明 (33)11-3 电梯故障代码表 (43)12 变频器参数 (46)13 变频器部分代码简述及对策 (49)1 安全安全要求安装现场应按安全操作规程要求配置相应的安全防护设备。
图1. 安全设备1 安全帽2 防护眼镜3 安全带4 防护鞋5 防护手套·在工地和井道安装合适的照明设备。
Modification: Ae0 Ae1 Prepared Zhou Xiang 8/1/07 No. EC07042 ReviewedYi BaoMing 8/1/07 Date: 8/7/07 8/21/09ReleasedGuo ZhiXin 8/1/07 300C MMR 安装手册Format A4ClassificationLead OfficeJ 45005276EN300C MMR 安装手册摘要 本手册提供了使用脚手架安装300C MMR 主要安装步骤的详细说明。
目录1 安全建议 (4)1.1 概要 (4)2 先决条件 (5)3 施工现场准备工作 (9)4 导轨安装 (13)4.1 准备工作 (13)4.2 导轨支架安装 (14)4.3 导轨安装 (18)4.4 连接板校正 (20)5 Varidor 30AP C2厅门入口安装 (21)5.1 门框预安装 (23)5.2 地坎支架 (26)5.3 门框和机械横梁 (27)5.4 地坎和护脚板 (31)5.6 C2井道互锁装置 (35)5.7 门开锁装置 (35)5.8 安装门重锤 (36)5.9 防护罩 (38)6 PMS420无齿轮机组安装 (38)6.1 机组支架 (39)6.2 安装PMS420无齿轮机组 (40)6.3 *手动应急操作选配装置 (43)6.4 制动器调整和制动力测试 (49)6.5 曳引钢丝绳悬挂装置安装 (49)6.6 *安装限速器GB32/4 (50)7 安装GGM2-AP对重 (59)7.1 缓冲器支架 (59)7.2 放置对重架 (61)7.3 导靴 627.4 油杯(选配) (62)7.5 对重块 (62)7.6 地震感应器固定(选配) (63)7.7 对重防护屏 (64)8 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP/FRM9-AP (65)8.1 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP (65)8.2 FRS9-AP安全钳和导靴选配 (76)8.3 FRM9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (77)9 安装曳引绳 (77)9.1 处理钢丝绳 (77)9.2 安装钢丝绳 (78)9.3 钢丝绳绳头安装 (82)9.4 检查钢丝绳张紧力和绳的润滑 (83)9.5 限速器钢丝绳绳 (83)10 轿厢P9KD-AP(CM)安装 (91)10.1 轿厢安装步骤 (92)10.2 *安装轿厢装潢 (105)10.3 安装称重装置 (114)10.4 轿厢平衡装置 (114)11 轿门安装 (116)11.1 C2轿门 (116)11.1.1 轿门机驱动 (116)11.1.2 轿门板 (118)11.1.3 轿门刀 (119)11.2 安装光幕(Minimax Progard LVH) (121)11.3 QKS9门机安装 (126)12 安装缓冲器 (127)13 安装补偿链 (129)13.1 补偿链导向装置 (129)13.1.1 4-滚轮导向装置 (129)13.1.2 D型导向装置(WFC补偿链) (132)13.2 补偿链 (133)14 安装Miconic 32A (136)14.1 先决条件 (136)14.2 材料范围 (137)14.3 控制柜 (137)14.4 井道信息 (138)14.5 机房电缆 (139)14.6 井道电缆 (140)14.7 OKR (141)14.8 轿顶走线 (142)14.8 随行电缆 (143)15 变频器接线 (144)16 轿底平衡重装置的安装 (145)1 安全建议1.1 概要安全要求所有参与的安装人员必须熟悉并遵守公司以及当地的安全规范,特别要注意以下几点: • 照明必须充足,以保证安全生产。
迅达APMMR 现场安装手册
安装缩略图摘要本手册提供了在亚太区范围内使用脚手架安装300P MMR主要安装步骤的详细说明。
目录1 安全建议 (4)1.1 概要 (4)1.2 使用符号 (4)2 先决条件 (5)2.1 产品概述 (5)2.2 安装步骤 (7)2.3 专用工具 (9)3 施工现场准备工作 (10)4 导轨安装 (15)4.1 准备工作 (15)4.2 导轨支架安装 (15)4.3 导轨安装 (21)4.3.1 导轨基座 (21)4.3.2 导轨安装 (22)4.4 连接板校正 (24)5 Varidor 30AP C2 厅门入口安装 (25)5.1 门框预安装 (27)5.2 地坎支架 (30)5.3 门框和机械横梁 (31)5.4 地坎和护脚板 (35)5.5 门板 (36)5.6 C2井道互锁装置 (40)5.7 门解锁装置 (41)5.8 安装门重锤 (42)5.9 防护罩 (44)6 PMS420无齿轮机组安装 (45)6.1 机组支架 (47)6.2 安装PMS420无齿轮机组 (48)6.3 *手动应急操作选配装置 (51)6.4 制动器调整和制动力测试 (57)6.5 *曳引钢丝绳悬挂装置安装 (58)6.6 *安装限速器 (62)7 *安装GGM2-AP对重 (71)7.1 先决条件 (71)7.2 *机械安装 (72)7.2.1 *缓冲器支撑 (72)7.2.2 *对重校正 (73)7.2.3 *安全钳(选配) (74)7.2.4 *导靴 (76)7.2.5 油杯(选配) (79)7.2.6 *对重块 (79)7.2.7 *补偿链悬挂装置 (80)7.2.8 地震传感器(选配) (81)7.3 *调整和最后检查 (82)7.4 对重防护屏 (83)7.4.1 *对重防护屏后置 (83)7.4.2 *对重防护屏侧置 (84)8 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP/FRM9-AP (87)8.1 安装轿厢架FRS9-AP (87)8.2 FRS9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (98)8.3 FRM9-AP安全钳和导靴选配件 (99)9 安装曳引绳 (100)9.1 处理钢丝绳 (100)9.2 安装钢丝绳 (101)9.3 钢丝绳绳头安装 (105)9.4 检查钢丝绳张紧度和绳的润滑 (109)9.5 限速器钢丝绳 (110)10 轿厢P9KD-AP(CM)安装 (117)10.1 轿厢安装步骤 (118)10.2 *安装轿厢装璜 (134)10.3 安装满载、超载开关 (143)10.4 轿厢平衡装置 (144)11 V30 AP轿门安装 (145)11.1 C2轿门 (145)11.1.1 轿门机驱动 (146)11.1.2 轿门板 (147)11.1.3 轿门刀 (149)11.2 安装光幕(MiniMax光幕LVH) (151)12 安装缓冲器 (157)13 安装补偿链 (159)13.1 补偿链导向装置 (159)13.1.1 4-滚轮导靴 (159)13.1.2 2-滚轮导靴 (162)13.2 补偿链 (165)14 安装MX-GC (170)14.1 先决条件 (170)14.2 材料范围 (171)14.3 控制柜 (172)14.4 井道信息 (174)14.4.1 井道信息IGSI (174)14.4.2 绝对值线型井道信息系统 (190)14.5 控制柜内模块 (210)14.6 机房电缆 (211)14.7 井道电缆 (215)14.7.1 准备 (220)14.7.2 安装 (223)14.7.3 调整和最后检查 (229)14.8 OKR (231)14.9 随行电缆 (236)14.9.1 带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (237)14.9.2 带IGSI和LONCIB的MX-GC,HQ>70m (238)14.9.3 带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ<=70m (239)14.9.4 带IGSI和LONIC/LONICK的MX-GC,HQ>70m (240)14.10 控制柜内ASIXA32.Q的概述与名称 (241)15 VARIODYN VF44BR和VF88BR安装 (243)15.1 VARIODYN VF44BR安装 (243)15.2 VARIODYN VF88BR安装 (249)1 安全建议1.1 概要安全要求所有参与的安装人员必须熟悉并遵守公司以及当地的安全规范,特别要注意以下几点:•照明必须充足,以保证安全生产。