
新视野大学英语1课后答案(46页)1. 第一题:请根据课文内容,简要描述文章的主旨大意。
2. 第二题:请列举文章中出现的三个生词,并简要解释其含义。
3. 第三题:请根据文章内容,简要分析作者在文章中运用的修辞手法。
4. 第四题:请结合文章内容,谈谈你对“人生挫折”的理解。
5. 第五题:请仿照文章中的某个句子,用英语写一句关于人生挫折的句子。
答案:Just as a coin has two sides, life has its ups and downs. We should learn to embrace挫折 and turn them into stepping stones for success.新视野大学英语1课后答案(46页)1. 第一题:请根据课文内容,简要描述文章的主旨大意。
2. 第二题:请列举文章中出现的三个生词,并简要解释其含义。

新视野大学英语1电子版答案阅读理解1. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?A. To describe the features of mobile phones.B. To explain how mobile phones work.C. To introduce the history of mobile phones.D. To show all the new features of mobile phones.2. The word “wireless” in the passage mostly means _______.A. no charger neededB. no wires neededC. no signal neededD. no screen needed3. According to the passage, in what year did the first mobile phone become available?A. 1943B. 1973C. 1983D. 19934. What is the difference between a smartphone and a traditional mobile phone?A. Smartphones are a lot cheaper than traditional mobile phones.B. Smartphones do not have many features.C. Traditional mobile phones do not have screens.D. Smartphones have many features, such as cameras and internet access.5. What is the author’s opinion of mobile phones?A. That they are too expensiveB. That they are too complicatedC. That they are essential in today’s worldD. That they should be banned in certain places翻译1. 我们昨天在公园散步。

Unit 1TEXT ALanguage focusWord in use[3]1.whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6. transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4][5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5. participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful12. boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicaps6. committed7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightestExpressions in use[7]1. removed from2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from5. precluded from6. triumph over7. work their way into8. written offTEXT BUnderstanding the text[2]CBADBBCDLanguage focusWord in use[4]1.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated6.renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns 10. ApplauseExpression in use[5]1.up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.3.My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]1. Try as he would2. Search as they would3. Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocationWarm-up1. repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1.heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1. sudden opportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7. substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame 12. strong willUnit 2Language focusWord in use[3]1.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak6.appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay 10. brink Word building[4]dominate dominanceavoid avoidancerely relianceacquaint acquaintanceclear clearanceannoy annoyanceadmit admittanceresemble resemblanceassure assurancebore boredprivilege privilegeddistract distracted[5]1.bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance5.aviodance6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance9. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admittance 12. resemblanceBanked cloze[6]1. characterized2. aspects3. amount4. recede5. exposed6. vicious7. challenge8. excessive9. reaction 10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]1. pulled to a stop2. black out3. pop up4. stopped short5. plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go8. grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]1. vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent5. abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke9. lofty 10.necessitateExpression in use[5]1. in the event of2. immuned to3. settled back4. on board5. in/into position6.was…stunned by7. for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]1.Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strongscript.2.Over the course of her entire life, she’d longed for nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.3.Her daughter is at a state hospital and wants nothingas much as to be part of a family.[7]1.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentences structuresand writing skills.2.It is important that students should be given opportunities to express their perspectives to cultivate theirresponsibility and independence.3.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue anactive and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up1.massive2. incredible3. terrible4. relaxed5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]1.emotionally impossible2. amazing power3. visibly frightened4.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical7. calm confidence 8. true courage 9. massive waves10. would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves 12. rough waterUnit3Language focusWord in use[3]1.integral2. cherish3. afflicted4. noteworthy5. portray6. compliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious10. perpetualWord building[4]general generalizenormal normalizepublic publicizeminimum minimizemobile mobilizeinvest investordictate dictatorconquer conquerorinvestigate investigatormoderate moderatorelevator elevate[5]1.normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize6. conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator10. minimized 11.generalize 12.dictatorBanked cloze[6]1)domain 2) define 3) popularity 4) mentally5) diplomatic 6) committed 7) devote 8) surviving9) embarked 10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]1.embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down4. taken captive5. live on6. share in7. was stricken by 8. led by exampleWord in use[4]1.skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted4. contrive5. simulated6. manifest7. divert 8. infected9. upgraded 10. temperamentExpressions in use[5]1.on2. in3. as4. into5. to6. to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]1.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seemeccentric; it is his conspicuous interest in filmthat made his classmates shun and mock him.2.It is not his experience in filmmaking thatsabotaged transfer attempts; it is his poor gradesthat forced film schools to withhold acceptance.3.It is not because things are difficult that we fail todare; it is because we do not dare that things aredifficult.[7]1.see things as they are2.understand the world as it is3.accept people as they arewarm-up1.internationally famous2. rigorous schedule3.jeopardize hope4.emotionally draining5. physically dangerous6. overwhelming misery7. perpetually signify8. conspicuous interest 9. repeatedly try[8]1.internationallymittedpassionate1.repeatedly2.thrill3.terrific1.overwhelmingly2.desperate3.physically4.rectified 1.personal 2.emotionallyUnit4Language focusWord in use[3]1)compulsory 2)contemplate 3) imprisoned 4) globalize 5) offset 6) groan 7) stubborn 8) cluster9) ambiguity 10) consoledWord building[4]respect respectablenegotiate negotiabledistinguish distinguishableavail availableprofit profitablerenew renewablememory memorizeauthor authorizedvisual visualizestable stabilizesocial socialize[5]1) profitable 2) renewable 3) authorized 4) negotiable 5) visualize 6) socialize 7) attributable 8) respectable 9) avail 10) stabilize 11) distinguishable 12) memorizeBank cloze[6]1) contemplate 2) comfort 3) sparked 4) ventured5) diverse 6) witnessed 7) stunning 8)glimpse9) positive 10) dictateExpression in use[7]1)settle for 2) more often than not 3) mingled with4) traded for 5) was saturated with6) are open to 7) endowed with 8) make up forWords in use[4]1)ethnic 2) conceive 3)presumed 4) despised 5) irritate 6) disregarded 7) downside 8) venerable9) susceptible 10) suppressExpression in use[5]1)from/against 2) from 3) with 4) into 5) to6) into 7) for 8) offSentence structure[6]1)The day following was, as it turned out, the last of Mr. Wraxall’s stay at Raback.2)As it turned out, the war went on for more than four years, with horrible losses ofpersonnel and material on both sides.3)Madigan had been studying Mr. Barrett for a couple of month, as it turned out theman was rather mysterious.[7]1.took his behavior with a smile.2.took it with gratitude3.took it with a deep bowCollocationwarm-upoverly fearful disorienting diversity solo travelswap stories globalized world foreign travel[8]1. exotic places2. lovely dream3. multinational excursions4. pleasant experiences5. foreign travel6. valuable open-mindedness7. ample opportunities 8. disorienting diversity 9. local folklore10. swap stories 11. modern aviation 12. credible insightsUnit5Understanding the textWord in use[3]1) gauged 2) dedicate 3) commonplace4) suffice 5) revenue 6) simultaneous7) incentive 8) prone 9) innovations10) fostered[4]real realismimperial imperialismcommercial commercialismhuman humanismterror terrorismrecruit recruitmentresent resentmentenroll enrollmentrefresh refreshmentship shipmentenforce enforcement[5]1) refreshment 2) shipment 3) enforcement 4) commercialism 5) realism 6) recruitment 7) enrollment 8) imperialism 9) resentment 10) Terrorism 11) humanismBanked cloze[6]1) employees 2) notion 3) primary 4) foster 5) reflects 6) motivation 7) monetary 8) aspects 9) gossiping 10) miserableExpression in use[7]1) correlate with 2) refrain from 3)count down 4) slaving away 5) coincide with 6) contented with 7) be designated as 8) conformed toWORD IN USE[4]1) Rash 2) specialty 3) ponder 4) utilize5) pierce 6) bias 7) ensue 8) impart9) infectious 10) hospitalityExpression in use[5]1) out 2) on 3) away 4) to5) to 6) in 7) away 8) upSentence structure[6]1.Although I am already very tall, I wear high heel all of the time,be it day or night.2)A lower euro will actually help European exports become affordable and more competitive around the world, be they German automobiles or Italian leathers.3)Every time there is a major new event , be it a natural disaster ora historic moment, we take it for granted that there will be pictures and videos.[7]1) find himself eating foods he never heard of before.2) found herself faced with a math test.3) found herself standing in front of Tom’s company.collocationwarm-up1) prideful 2) high 3) special 4) trivial 5) sole6) friendly 7) cheerful 8) instant 9) charitable[8]1) unhappy 2) personally 3) optimum 4) truly5) monetary 6) sole 7) personal 8) trivial9) special 10) high 11) friendly 12) cheerfulUnit 6Language focusWord in use[3]1)evacuated 2) stray 3) diluted 4) gigantic5) standpoint 6) nutrition 7) inflicted 8) pervasive 9) naive 10) permeated[4]moment momentarysupplement supplementarycustom customaryvision visionarymission missionarydiscipline disciplinarycomplex complexityfatal fatalityavailable availabilityfeasible feasibilityauthentic authenticitydesirable desirability[5]1) visionary 2) fatality 3) availability 4) customary5) feasibility 6) momentary 7) disciplinary 8) supplementary 9) missionary 10) authenticity 11) complexity 12) desirabilityBanked cloze[6]1) appalling 2) innumerable 3) distinction 4) casualties 5) unrecorded 6) massacres 7) foster 8) stage9) decline 10) stabilizeExpression in use[7]1) flew at 2) wove her way through 3) radiated from 4) conceive of 5) was lined with 6) dive into7) next to nothing 8) stayed downWords in use[4]1) supervise 2) petitioned 3) clutching 4) vicinity 5) fragrance 6) dispatched 7) dwelling 8) haunted 9) timid 10) enclosesExpression in use[5]1) to/into 2) in 3) together 4) apart 5) with6) off 7) with 8) offSentence structure[6]1) Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that our advice is worth next to nothing to him.2) Once a gambler is addicted, all the efforts to help him getrid of the bad habit will be worth next to nothing.3)Your recommendation is worth next to nothing to those who do not want to listen.[7]1) looks like it is going to burst.2) looks like the work would stretch well into next year.3) looked like they planned to invade within the following few days CollocationWarm-up1) A 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) B[8]1) emotional intensity 2) brilliant sky 3) walked briskly4) helplessly wandering 5) trembling voice 6) tremendous roar 7) deserted road 8) violently dipping 9)inevitable death10)profound fatigue 11) pervasive threat 12) dangerous evilUnit 7Language focusWord in use[3]1) donate 2) spiral 3) termination 4) layoff5) subsistence 6) spectrum 7) complied 8) reclaimed9) originated 10) expiredWord building[4]emit emissionomit omissionsuspend suspensionpredict predictiondistribute distributioncorruption corruptgenerous generosityformal formalitylocal localitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliable liability[5]1) emission 2) suspension 3) formalities 4) prediction5) omission 6) distribution 7) locality 8) peculiarity9) corrupting 10) generosity 11) maturity 12) liabilityBanked cloze[6]1) slump 2) mortgages 3) incredibility 4) crashing5) spread 6) promote 7) catastrophic 8) verge9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down 2) wind up 3) scrape together4) on the verge of 5) in all likelihood 6) deteriorate into7) are in a position 8) gave way toWord in use[4]1) amplifying 2) assimilate 3) intrinsic 4) entail5) commodity 6) mentality 7) envisage 8) allocated9) equity 10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in 2) on 3) in 4) in5) into 6) off 7) in 8) toSentence structure[6]1) what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) what if all children were kind to animals?3) what if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don’t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up1. constant harassment2. employment spectrum3. unsure futures4. fall sharply5. further increases6. profound grief[8]1) falling sharply 2) unimaginable situation 3) economic slump4) tenant eviction 5) purchasing power 6) further increases7) stock market crash 8) sinking finances 9) negative equity10) daily stress 11) long-term unemployment 12) employment spectrumUnit 7Language focusWord in use[3]1) donate 2) spiral 3) termination 4) layoff5) subsistence 6) spectrum 7) complied 8) reclaimed 9) originated 10) expiredWord building[4]emit emissionomit omissionsuspend suspensionpredict predictiondistribute distributioncorruption corruptgenerous generosityformal formalitylocal localitymature maturitypeculiar peculiarityliable liability[5]1) emission 2) suspension 3) formalities 4) prediction 5) omission 6) distribution 7) locality 8) peculiarity 9) corrupting 10) generosity 11) maturity 12) liability Banked cloze[6]1) slump 2) mortgages 3) incredibility 4) crashing 5) spread 6) promote 7) catastrophic 8) verge 9) oversight 10) stabilizeExpressions in use[7]1) put down 2) wind up 3) scrape together4) on the verge of 5) in all likelihood 6) deteriorate into 7) are in a position 8) gave way toWord in use[4]1) amplifying 2) assimilate 3) intrinsic 4) entail5) commodity 6) mentality 7) envisage 8) allocated9) equity 10) ambiguousExpression in use[5]1) in 2) on 3) in 4) in5) into 6) off 7) in 8) toSentence structure[6]1) what if it rained and then froze all through those months?2) what if all children were kind to animals?3) what if a major earthquake hit the Seattle area?[7]1) so we ended up seeing a different one2) you might end up getting something you don’t want3) but who knew it would end up being a career.Collocationwarm-up1. constant harassment2. employment spectrum3. unsure futures4. fall sharply5. further increases6. profound grief[8]1) falling sharply 2) unimaginable situation 3) economic slump4) tenant eviction 5) purchasing power 6) further increases7) stock market crash 8) sinking finances 9) negative equity10) daily stress 11) long-term unemployment 12) employment spectrum Unit 8Word in use31) indignation 2) provocative 3) militant 4) overlap5) conferring 6) defiance 7) hesitant 8) milestone9) cradled 10) preachingWord building4man manhoodmother motherhoodcalculate calculationcomplicate complicationimitate imitationassassinate assassinationcirculate circulationaccommodation accommodateaccuse accusationdefect defectionexhaust exhaustion51)circulation 2) accusation 3) accommodate4) defection 5) manhood 6) imitation7) complication 8) exhaustion 9) assassination10) calculation 11) motherhoodBanked cloze61) automatic 2) charge 3) presumption 4) attached5) handy 6) confer 7) contact 8) bounce9) tumble 10) intellectExpression in use71) at their disposal 2) insulate him from3) irrespective of 4) has a high opinion of5) has authority over 6) for your part 7) get away with8) dispense with 9) provide for 10) tiptoeing aroundWord in use41) 2) 3) 4) 5)6) 7) 8) 9) 10)Expression in use51) to 2) through 3) off 4) down5) to 6) out 7) under 8) in/backSentence structure6.1.Admittedly taking measures that are likely to increase the greenhouse effectwill be morally graver than having done nothing to reduce it.2. Admittedly they are the perfect guides to keep you informed of the various thingshappening around you.3. Admittedly those who oppose to the viewpoint also have their reasons to a certain extent.7.1.When the time comes to demonstrate your unique set of sporting skillsand physical gifts2.But when the time came to put some money into the home3.when the time comes to pay for my classescollection1) versatile 2) shatter 3) unquestioning 4) stony5) hair-tearing 6) substandard81) hair-tearing 2) negative 3) substandard 4)stony5) perfect 6) unilateral 7) shatter 8) secretly9) unquestioning 10) true 11) intensity 12) ultimate。

新视野大学英语4课后答案Lesson 1Part IV1.The teacher asked the students if they knew how to usethe software.2.She asked me if I liked the movie we watched last night.1.The boss asked the employee where he had been thatmorning.2.The reporter asked the politician how he planned toimprove the economy.1.The man asked the woman if she needed any help withher bags.2.The children asked the teacher which book they shouldread for class.1.The customer asked the waiter what the special for theday was.2.The tourist asked the local resident how to get to thenearest train station.Part V1.,go to sleep and dream2.,have a good rest1.I would have studied harder if I had more time.2.If you had told me earlier, I would have been able tohelp.1.If you don’t hurry, we’ll miss the bus.2.If it rains, we’ll have to cancel the picnic.1.If I were you, I would book the tickets in advance.2.If she had had enough money, she would have bought anew car.Part VI1.In recent years, there has been an increase in thenumber of people traveling abroad.2.In the past, people used to rely heavily on face-to-facecommunication.1.It is essential for students to develop good study habits.2.It is important for parents to spend quality time withtheir children.Part IV1.The teacher asked the students who had finished theassignment.2.The policeman asked the driver if he had been speeding.1.The doctor asked the patient how often he had beenexercising.2.The boss asked the employee if he had completed thereport.1.The man asked the woman where she had bought hernew dress.2.The children asked the teacher if they could go to thepark for a field trip.1.The customer asked the waiter if the restaurant servedvegetarian food.2.The tourist asked the local resident if there were anytourist attractions nearby.Part V1.They will make a decision after they have discussed theissue.2.We will go to the beach once the weather gets warmer.1.If I had known you were coming, I would have prepareda meal for you.2.If you had called earlier, we would have saved you aseat.1.If you don’t start studying now, you will fail the exam.2.If it snows tomorrow, we will have a snowball fight.1.If I were you, I would choose the blue dress.2.If she had known about the sale, she would have boughtmore clothes.Part VI1.In the future, people will rely more on artificialintelligence in their daily lives.2.In the past, most communication was done throughletters and telegrams.1.It is necessary for companies to adapt to the changingmarket conditions.2.It is crucial for governments to address environmentalconcerns.Part IV1.The teacher asked the students if they knew the answerto the question.2.The manager asked the employee how he had come upwith the idea.1.The doctor asked the patient if he had any allergies.2.The boss asked the employee when he would be able tofinish the project.1.The man asked the woman if she had seen his lostwallet.2.The children asked the teacher if they could have asnack during the break.1.The customer asked the waiter if the restaurantaccepted credit cards.2.The tourist asked the local resident if there were anygood restaurants nearby.Part V1.Once she finishes her work, she will go to the gym.2.We will start the meeting once everyone arrives.1.If I had known you were coming, I would have boughtmore food.2.If you had arrived earlier, we would have saved you aseat.1.If you don’t hurry, you will miss the train.2.If it snows tomorrow, we will build a snowman.1.If I were you, I would take a taxi to the airport.2.If she had known about the party, she would havebrought a gift.Part VI1.In the future, people will rely more on renewableenergy sources.2.In the past, people used to rely on oil for energy.1.It is important for individuals to develop goodcommunication skills.2.It is crucial for companies to adapt to new technologies.以上是新视野大学英语4课后答案的一部分,希望能够帮助到大家。

5. He used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along without a prepared script.
6. His transformation of lifeless objects into other kinds of objects, plus the skill with which he
5. criticism 6. heroism 7. racism 8. Modernism
sentence structure
1. If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.
2. If he had tried to leave the country, he would have been stopped at the border.
1. artist 2. terrorist 3. novelist 4. activists
5. biologists 6. idealist 7. capitalists 8. tourist
1. terrorism 2. industrialism 3. realism 4. idealism
4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.
5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.

新视野大学英语读写教程4课后答案Unit 1: Building ConfidenceVocabulary1.anticipate2.awkward3.bolsterpliment5.demise6.devoted7.domain8.doubt9.ego10.encounterMultiple Choice1.A2.B3.D4.C5.A6.D7.B8.C9.A10.DFilling the Blanks1.anticipated2.awkward3.bolsteredplimented5.devoted6.domain7.doubts8.ego9.encounter Sentence Completion1.demise2.encounterpliments4.devoted5.awkward Reading Comprehension1.B2.C3.A4.D5.AWritingQuestion: Write a short paragraph describing your most memorable encounter with someone who was not a native English speaker. What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?My most memorable encounter with someone who was not a native English speaker was during my solo backpacking trip to Thailand. I met a friendly local named Achara who spoke limited English. We decided to explore the city together, and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. However, there were difficulties in communicating due to the language barrier. Achara struggled to express herself in English, and I had to constantly guess her intentions from her gestures and facial expressions. Likewise, I had trouble understanding her instructions or explanations. Despite these challenges, we managed to overcome the language barrier by using simple and basic words, drawing pictures, and relying on body language. Achara was patient and understanding, and I made an effort to show the same patience. Through our determination and willingness to communicate, we were able to develop a strong friendship and create unforgettable memories together.Unit 2: Cultural MetamorphosisVocabulary1.celebrate2.consequences3.customs4.diverse5.embrace6.infuse7.irony8.perspective9.symbolic10.voluntary Multiple Choice1.B2.C3.D4.A5.B6.D7.C8.A9.D10.BFilling the Blanks1.celebrated2.consequences3.embraced4.customs5.diverse6.infuses7.irony8.perspective9.symbolic10.voluntary Sentence Completion1.perspective2.diverse3.consequences4.symbolic5.embracedReading Comprehension1.C2.B3.D4.A5.CWritingQuestion: Write a short essay discussing the impact of globalization on cultural diversity. Do you think globalization is a positive or negative force on cultural preservation?Globalization has had a significant impact on cultural diversity around the world. On one hand, it has brought people from different cultures closer together and created opportunities for cultural exchange. With the ease of travel and the increased connectivity through technology, people can now experience and appreciate different customs, traditions, andlanguages. This exposure to diverse cultures can foster understanding, tolerance, and respect. Additionally, globalization has allowed for the sharing of ideas and knowledge, leading to cultural enrichment and the creation of new hybrid cultures.On the other hand, globalization has also led to the homogenization of cultures. As Western culture dominates the global stage, local traditions and customs are often overshadowed or even replaced by Western influence. The spread of multinational corporations and global media has contributed to the erosion of traditional values and cultural practices. This can result in a loss of identity and heritage for many communities.In my opinion, globalization can be both a positive and negative force on cultural preservation. While it provides opportunities for cultural exchange and appreciation, it also poses a threat to the uniqueness and diversity of individual cultures. It is crucial to find a balance between embracing globalization and preserving local traditions. Governments, communities, and individuals should take measures to safeguard cultural heritage and promote intercultural dialogue. Only by doing so can we ensure that globalization does not lead to the extinction of diverse cultures, but rather a celebration of cultural richness and diversity.。

Unit 1 – Section A●Language Focus – Words in Use1.Given the chance to show his ability,he regained(confidence)and began to succeed in school.2.It is so difficult to (explore) the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3.It was about 30 seconds before Alex (emerged) from the water; we were quite scared.4.We often (assume) that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5.There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may(pose)a threat to social stability.6.After a(n)(comprehensive)physical exam,my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7.It is well known that China is a country with rich natural(resources)and a very big population.8.Some people believe that the earth can(yield)enough food to support at least twice its present population.9.Sam (inherited) the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to (transmit) to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.1.Despite being(classified)as a meat-eater,the panda has a diet that is overwhelmingly vegetarian.2.They have developed computerized systems which will greatly(assist)all library users so that they will not need the help of others.3.Changes have been made to the construction requirements in this city in order to make the buildings and highways more(resistant) to earthquakes.4.After a two-month inquiry,the police have(uncovered)the three men's intention to rob a bank and have arrested them.5.Consumers say they are (uneasy) about using their credit cards over the Internet because they are afraid of Interent fraud.6. A college degree and some working experience should (qualify) you for the job advertised in the newspaper.7.The British ship arrived at the port this morning and is (unloading) its contents in the harbor now.8.As a human resources manager, I see many job (applicants) who are technically skilled, but have bad attitudes.9.The teacher(simplified)his instructions so that the small children could understand him better.10.My major was literature. However, now I'm working in a firm as a(n) (accountant) , dealing with numbers every day.11.The committee's decision will be (notified) to all employees next week.●Language Focus – Expressions in Use1.My family (got by) on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2.Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to (make the most of) their time on the way to work.3.In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeks (in advance) .4.Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily (over time) .5.In order to (reap the benefits of) the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6.They all tried to talk (all at once) , but I couldn't hear anything they said.7.Yellow flowers in the field always (1)(remind) me (2)(of) my childhood in the countryside.8.We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should (stand a chance of) winning the game.9.Research on genes will (open the door to) exciting new medical treatments.10.Every one of you has made a contribution and I (take pleasure in) acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Unit 2 – Section A●Language Focus – Words in Use1.He has a special feeling for the brilliant birds,and each spring he eagerly(awaits)their return.2.Thanks to the (efficiency) of air transport, everyone is free to go anywhere at any time.3.John believes that the (donation) of food to the hungry is more helpful than giving money.4.Mary was a careful speaker;every word seemed to have been(polished)before it was allowed to escape through her lips.5.When she heard it was snowing in the city they were going to,she(stuffed)two more sweaters into her bag.6.During our stay in Europe we visited many places of (historical) interest, including several castles.7.The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very (emotional) experience for our family.8.He was (embarrassed) when he discovered that he didn't have enough money to pay for the red wine he had ordered.9.The local government is pressed to find new places to (dump) waste.10.The new system designed to(curb) harmful emissions(排放物)from factories will be put into use soon.ck of eye contact might be (interpreted) as lack of attention in America, while eye contact might be considered rude in Japan.2.When applying for a job, make sure you emphasize the skills and knowledge you have that the(employer) will find important to the job.3.Many of our students are beginners who have never done painting before and are looking to develop their(artistic) interests.4.It is surprising that you don't know about such a(n) (historic) event. It marked the beginning of a new period for our nation.5.They hoped to create a computer which could (compute) at 10 times the speed of computers on the market.cation is a(n)(continuous)learning process that never ends.A teacher has the responsibility of making students think for themselves by giving effective guidance.7.On the one hand,we should make efforts to improve the economy;on the other hand,we must keep a balance between(economic) development and environmental protection.8.Some successful people managed to gain (fame) and fortune even though they dropped out of school.9.A(n) (electron) is a very small piece of matter with a negative electrical charge, found in all atoms.10.The (atomic) bombs, also known as nuclear bombs, would cause disasters if they were used in wars.11.I never felt anxious or (envious) when somebody else got a higher position or made a lot of money.12.The effects of this medicine will (vary) according to a person's health, weight, and sex.●Language Focus – Expressions in Use1.After 10 years of full-time training, she has finally (made it) as a professional dancer.2.(After all) , what is the point in taking part in the competitive event if the result is only to prove how incompetent you are?3.Redecorating the house is a challenging task. It's necessary to (strip off) the wallpaper first.4.I never really had any problems with change. On the contrary, I welcome change (with open arms) .5. A lot of what we (throw away) is made from raw materials which are not renewable.6.Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to (straighten up) their house before the baby was born.7.Jennifer couldn't (keep back) her tears when she saw the sick children at a new blood cancer center in Virginia.8.We want to give all children a world (free of/from) violence.Unit 3 – Section ALanguage Focus – Words in Use1.To make our companies(competitive)in the market,we have to be more creative and productive.2.People are beginning to realize that to (transform) nature at will is the biggest mistake that man has ever made.3.It is difficult to conclude what a(n)(typical)student does in his spare time because every student has different interests.4. A month ago I wrote to the store complaining about its bad service, but I haven't gotten a(n) (response) yet.5.Some of your suggestions have been (adopted) , but others have been turned down as they are not workable.6.All of a sudden, he lost his interest in engineering, and (focused) his attention on learning a foreign language.7.If a company decreases health benefits for its employees, they should increase salaries to (compensate) the workers.8.I failed to pass the exam although I had worked very hard. I should (analyze) the causes of my failure.9.When you do yoga, try to (regulate) your breathing. Don't breathe too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.10.It was difficult to (estimate) how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.1.New Zealand is famous for its clean beaches, friendly people and magnificent (scenery) .2.The company decided after a board meeting that the old (machinery) in the factories be done away with.3.The key to an effective presentation is to state your points clearly and (summarize) each of your points at the end of your presentation.4.My favorite store is the one that (specializes) in hand-made chocolates and lets you sample them.5.It is sad that when he is alone,he always drinks a(n)(massive)amount of alcohol to get himself drunk.6.To our delight, this new smoke alarm system can effectively (detect) very weak signals.7.We have sent our union (representative/representatives) to look into the case and see who is responsible.8.James is famous for skillfully using white and black colors; however, bright colors (characterize) his early paintings.9.I made a(n) (comparative) analysis between the two theories to show their similarities and differences.10.The project is an important step toward a national health service, and the authorities (当局) are trying hard to(modernize) the exercise facilities.11.In recent years,the small city has taken on a new look because of its(explosive)development.12.A(n)(computerized)library system is one that stores all the records of the library on computer.●Language Focus – Expressions in Use1.I (fired off) a letter of complaint to the manager of the store as soon as I found they had sold me a pair of mismatched shoes.2.People browse the Internet,read newspapers and watch TV to(keep up with)what is happening in the world.3.The university has (set up) another large laboratory for students to design more complicated robots.4.I find it very difficult to (account for) the fact that two of our best students failed the exam.5.In the current economy,with unemployment high and competition for jobs fierce,your resume needs to(stand out) for all the right reasons.6.She is getting popular since she appeared in a TV interview last month. Her new movie will no doubt(add to) her growing fame.7.The developed countries should (take the lead) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and provide support for the developing nations to follow.8.If your spoken English is not very good, then you may be (at a disadvantage) when you are looking for a job.9.Their success was due (in large part) to their well-conceived (周密策划的) plan.10.He has been so occupied with his work these days that he barely has time to (visit with) his friends.Unit 4 – Section A●Language Focus – Words in Use1.Fortunately, the accident didn't (involve) many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.2.She (fulfilled) her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work.3.They kept on trying their best to develop their business,but in such(intense)market competition, they had no idea if success would come along one day.4.As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators (advocate) taking up a musical instrument at a young age.5.This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any(circumstances) .6.My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, (respond) to questions in class, or talk with other children.7.I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; (subsequent) to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him.8.The duties to provide services for children in need are not(confined)to the local social services department.9.We pray that all nations be (reconciled) and that all people around the world live in peace.10.He suggested a small but (distinct) improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it. 1.If you have difficulty finding a particular book,please ask one of the librarians for (assistance) .2.My recent experience is so different from your experience several decades ago that they are not(comparable) .3.Few people knew that the famous writer was largely self-taught through broad reading and (attendance) at public lectures.4.They are planning to establish a new department which bases its teaching on the idea of direct(engagement) with students.5.His proposal sounds attractive,but unfortunately it is not(applicable)to the management problems of a small company.6.The young engineer has been working hard to fulfill the task(assigned)to him by the director.7.Our program aims to help high-school graduates to find the best colleges for them and gain (acceptance) to the college of their choice.8.Good movies not only (entertain) us, but also help us understand a little more about life.9.He is delighted to find out that both his father and mother are(agreeable)to his studying abroad.10.We must take (sustainable) development into consideration when using the rich resources in our country.11.To do the job of the sales representative for our company,it is(desirable)that you know something about medicine as well as about the market●Language Focus – Expressions in Use1.She held her hand above her eyes to (1)(shield) them (2) (from) the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her.2.The boy studied the signs for over an hour, but still could not (make sense of) them, so he turned to his teacher for help.3.They(called on)the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment.4.We will continue to care for those (in need) and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous.5.Many people (are caught up in/get caught up in) careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of.6.My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can(relate to) .7.Finally, I would like to (sum up) by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all.8.He is a person that you can always (count on) when you need help.9.Betty loves reading. (In her words/In the words of Betty) , "Reading is the most wonderful thing in the world."10.This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate,smaller rooms(reserved for) families with small children.Unit 5 – Section A●Language Focus – Words in Use1.The (annual) conference which I attend every year is going to be held in London in January next year.2.According to the terms of your (contract) , you must give three months' notice if you intend to leave this company.3.We were honored that so many people of (distinction) and talent were present to discuss the issues.4.The local government has been providing (substantial) support to them, without which they couldn't have been so successful.5.The secret agent promised that the information he(furnished)was obtained from reliable sources.6.Whether (amateur) or professional, American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the US.It attracts a total attendance of over40million and is watched by many more millions on television each year.7.Shops try to meet the DIY (do-it-yourself) fashion by offering consumers parts and hardware which they can(assemble) at home.8.I wonder how she will (react) to the news if I tell her she is not going to get a raise this year.9.It was (apparent) that the professor's lecture failed to impress the students as some of them had left before it was over.10.We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a(n) (magnificent) palace and a fantastic museum.1.He argues that the designer of this teaching plan makes a false (assumption) that all learners are at the same level.2.All the tourists were (fascinated) by the magnificent scenery along the coastline.3.In some parts of the world, the population (explosion) in the past two decades led to the lack of food and health care.4.This hospital lacked the most(elementary)facilities like X-ray machines and operating rooms.5.Workers who have been unfairly dismissed should be given (compensation) by the company.6.In the course of (evolution) , some birds have lost their power of flight and started to live on land.7.Almost all the people who have watched this movie agree that it is the most (amusing) movie because it is about a talking dog.8.I suggest that you not read this novel because it is not interesting and it would (bore) you to death.9.Skipping breakfast and eating too much before sleep will (contribute) to the problem of being overweight.10.This change is part of a(n)(revolutionary)effort to create a new and better generation of English proficiency tests.Language Focus – Expressions in Use1.I felt terribly sorry to learn that his sister (passed away) after having fought against cancer for three years.2.The Chinese swimmer was (left behind) at the beginning of the women's 100-meter freestyle final, but she didn't give up and finally took the lead.3.The rich man thinks that he will die in disgrace if he does not (give away) his money for the public good.4.They(had no intention of)letting him go and would like him to stay on after his present contract expires.5.(Up to) seven million students are graduating from university this year. This will undoubtedly add to the employment pressure in the job market.6.If he is determined to do something, he will do it (regardless of) what other people will say.7.The movie was a complete waste of time. I (might as well/might just as well) have stayed at home.8.The authorities promise to introduce an effective health service so that people do not need to spend too much money when they(fall ill) .9.Thousands of people were (in attendance) at yesterday's strike, which caused great confusion.10.They got to know each other in their 20s and (to this day) they are still in close touch with each other.。
大学英语新视野第一册UNIT 1-Unit8-课后题答案

新视野大学英语1Unit 1Understanding the text1.The parents reminded their children to work hard and achievethe best they could.2.The president calls on the students to make the most of thegreat resources on campus: to explore new subjects, to meet fascinating people, and to pursue new passions.3.By saying” sample them widely”, the president meansstudents should try many different courses and try something new to see what it is like.4.If we don’t challenge ourselves, we will not become broadlyeducated people, and we may not find the passion that will help us shape our future.5.We can learn from the example of Vera Wang that we shouldchallenge ourselves, and by challenging ourselves, we are more likely to find an interest we don’t know we have, and this interest may help us build a prosperous future.6.We should not worry, and we should learn to face this newpart of our life with enthusiasm. College experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will provide us with valuable lessons which will enrich our life.7.Theexpression “now it is your turn” means that not it istime for you to acquire knowledge and to pass it on.8.The president’s welcoming speech is really impression. Hementions many important things about college life, the resource available on campus, as well as the opportunities we have and the responsibilities we have and the responsibilities we should take. The speech is very inspiring.Word in use31 confidence2 explore3 emerged4 assume5 pose6 comprehensive7 resources8 yield9 inherited10 transmitWord building4Word learned New words formed-uncover uncovereasy uneasyload unload-antapply applicant resistresistantaccount accountant assistant assist-ifysimple simplify note notify quality qualify class classify51 classified2 assist3 resistant4 uncovered5 uneasy6 qualify7 unloading8 applicants9 simplified10 accountant11 notified Banked cloze61 D2 H3 A4 B5 M6 F7 O8 I9 G10 JExpressions in use 71 got by2 make the most of3 in advance4 over time5 reap the benefits of6 all at once7 remind…of8 stand a chance of9 open the door of10 take pleasure inStructure analysis8Topic sentenceLet me share with you something that you may not expect.↓Detail 1You will miss your old routines and your parents’ reminders to work hard and attain your best.↓Detail 2You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry.↓Concluding sentenceBut know this: The future is built on a strong foundationof the past.Structured writing9There are some things you can do to succeed in college. First, pursue passions. Your passions will broaden your mind and make your life interesting. Second never let go of any opportunities that come your way. College is full of unique opportunities which will enable you to sample new things and meet wonderful people. Lastly, take responsibility. In college you must learn to be responsible for your own decision and actions. With the passions, the opportunities, and the ability to take responsibility, you will become successful not only in college, but also in college, but also in your future career.Translation10苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学家的奠基人。

【正文】一、词汇1. A: Do you know how to operate this machine?B: It's quite simple. Just press this button right here and it will start.(答案:operate, machine, simple, button, start)2. A: Could you help me move this table to the corner?B: Sure. But it's quite heavy. We'll need to lift it together.(答案:help, move, table, corner, heavy, lift, together)3. A: I heard you got a promotion. Congrats!B: Yes, I did. Thanks for the congratulations.(答案:promotion, congratulations)二、短语1. A: I'm so tired after a long day at work.B: Why don't you take a break and relax for a while?(答案:a long day at work, take a break, relax, for a while)2. A: What are you up to this weekend?B: I'm not sure yet. I might hang out with some friends.(答案:up to, this weekend, hang out, some friends)3. A: I can't find my keys anywhere. Do you have any idea where they might be?B: Have you looked in your jacket pocket? That's where you usually keep them.(答案:can't find, anywhere, any idea, might be, jacket pocket, usually keep)三、对话理解1. A: I'm thinking about buying this new laptop, but it's pretty expensive.B: Well, if you need a good one for work, it might be worth the investment.(答案:A is considering buying a new laptop; B thinks it might be worth the investment)2. A: I'm really nervous about the job interview tomorrow.B: Just be yourself and answer the questions honestly. You'll do great.(答案:A is nervous about a job interview; B offers advice to be oneself and answer honestly)3. A: I think I'm coming down with a cold. I have a headache and a sore throat.B: You should stay home and rest. Don't spread it around the office.(答案:A has symptoms of a cold; B advises staying home and resting)四、听力理解1. A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is?B: Yes, it's just around the corner on Main Street.(问题:Where is the post office? 答案:on Main Street)2. A: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?B: I can't. I have to finish my paper for class tomorrow.(问题:Why can't B go to the movies? 答案:to finish a paper)3. A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like classical music, especially Beethoven.(问题:What kind of music does B like? 答案:classical music, especially Beethoven)【结论】通过上述几道题目的解答,我们可以看出,新视野大学英语视听说这本教材不仅是一个听力和口语训练的好助手,同时也是注重基础词汇和短语的学习。

新视野大学英语读写教程1答案Unit 1Part I: Listening Comprehension1.(Sample answer): The teacher is talking about the importance of setting goals.2.(Sample answer): The man is trying to determine why his roommate is not doing well in the class and offers some suggestions to help him improve.3.(Sample answer): The woman is concerned about the difficulty of the upcoming test and asks the man for advice on how to overcome her anxiety.Part II: Reading Comprehension1.(Sample answer): The passage discusses the benefits of studying abroad, such as gaining cultural awareness, developing independence, and improving language skills.2.(Sample answer): In the passage, the author emphasizes the importance of setting achievable goals and provides practical strategies for effective goal setting.3.(Sample answer): The passage explains the reasons why some people procrastinate and offers several techniques to overcome this habit and become more productive.Part III: Vocabulary1.(Sample answer):–Potential (adj.): describing or showing the possibility of developing something in the future.–Motivation (n.): the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.–Objective (n.): a goal or aim.–Overcome (v.): succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).–Distraction (n.): a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.2.(Sample answer):–Anxiety (n.): a feeling of apprehension or unease.–Estimation (n.): a rough calculation or rough judgment.–Satisfactory (adj.): fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable, though not outstanding or perfect.–Procrastination (n.): the action of delaying or postponing something.–Prioritize (v.): designate or treat (something) as more important than other things.Part IV: Error Correction1.(Sample answer):–Original: She learn English since she was a child.–Corrected: She has been learning English since she was a child.2.(Sample answer):–Original: I have eaten lunch at 12 a.m.–Corrected: I had lunch at 12 noon.Unit 2Part I: Listening Comprehension1.(Sample answer): The man is asking for directions to the nearest post office.2.(Sample answer): The woman is discussing the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping with her friend.3.(Sample answer): The speaker is explaining the steps to follow when applying for a visa.Part II: Reading Comprehension1.(Sample answer): The passage compares Western and Eastern communication styles, highlighting the directness and individualism of Western communication and the indirectness and collectivism of Eastern communication.2.(Sample answer): In the passage, the author discusses the benefits of traveling and provides insight on how it broadens one’s perspective, enhances self-awareness, and promotes personal growth.3.(Sample answer): The passage explores the phenomenon of culture shock, explains its causes and symptoms, and offers advice on how to cope with it through immersion and an open mind.Part III: Vocabulary1.(Sample answer):–Navigate (v.): plan and direct the route or course of a ship, aircraft, or other form oftransportation.–Authentic (adj.): of undisputed origin; genuine.–Accommodate (v.): provide lodging or sufficient space for.–Barrier (n.): a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.–Comprehend (v.): grasp mentally; understand.2.(Sample answer):–Integrate (v.): combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.–Encounter (v.): unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).–Etiquette (n.): the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particularprofession or group.–Underestimate (v.): estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is.–Fluent (adj.): able to express oneself easily and articulately.Part IV: Error Correction1.(Sample answer):–Original: I went to library yesterday.–Corrected: I went to the library yesterday.2.(Sample answer):–Original: The train have already left.–Corrected: The train has already left.These are just sample answers to the questions and exercises in the New Horizon’s College English Reading and Writing Coursebook 1. It is important to note that answers may vary, and it’s recommended to refer to the official answer key provided by the textbook publisher for complete accuracy.。
新视野大学英语 读写 课后部分答案

VocabularyUnit1.1.Give the chance to show his ability,he regained confidence and began to succeed in school.2.It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3.It was about30seconds before Alex emerged from the water;we were quite scared.4.We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do,they do them for the same reasons;but this assumption is not always reasonable.5.There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability.6.After a(n)comprehensive physical exam,my doctor said i was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.7.It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population.8.Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population.9.Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family,but he lacked the driving power to take action.10.A bee that found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in other to collect the honey.Unit3.11.To make our companies competitive in the market,we have to be more creative and productive.12.People are beginning to realize that to transform nature at will is the biggest mistake that man has ever made.13.It is difficult to conclude,what a(n)typical student does in his spare time because every student has different interests.14.A month ago i wrote to the store complaining about its bad service,but i haven’t gotten a(n)response yet.15.Some of your suggestions have been adopted,but other have been turned down as they are not workable.16.All of a sudden,he lost his interest in engineering,and focused his attention on learning a foreign language.17.If a company decreases health benefits for its employees,they should increases salaries to compensate the workers.18.I failed to pass the exam although i had worked very hard.I should analyze the causes of my failure.19.When you do yoga,try to regulate your breathing.Don’t breathe too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.20.It was difficult to estimate how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.Unit5.21.The annual conference which i attend every year is going to be held in London in January next year.22.According to the terms of your contract,you must give three month’s notice if you intend to leave this company.23.We were honored that so many people of distinction and talent were present to discuss the issues.24.The local government has been providing substantial support to them,without which they couldn’t have been so successful.25.The secret agent promised that the information he furnished was obtained from reliable sources.26.Whether amateur or professional,American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the US.It attracts a total attendance of over40million and is watched by many more millions on television each year.27.Shops try to meet the DIY(do-it-yourself)fashion by offering consumers parts and hardware which theycan assemble at home.28.I wonder how she will react to the news if i tell her she is not going to get a raise this year.29.It was apparent that the professor’s lecture failed to impress the students as some of them had left before it was over.30.We all admitted that the trip was worthwhile after we saw a(n)magnificent palace and a fantastic museum.Unit6.31.Studies indicate that children who often take part in cooperative programs benefit a lot more than other children.32.They are such a(n)conventional family-they must have been shocked when their son dyed his hair pink.33.Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to assess students’ability.34.Many power stations have been modernized to give off less pollution,or they were moved further away from the living areas in order to decrease the damage.35.Unemployment has come down slightly,but this does not alter the fact that it is still a major problem.36.Mr.smith is not doing well;the doctor told us that several colds has undermined his health.37.The best way to deal with problems at home is to talk things out calmly and honestly and try to reach a(n)compromise.38.Darwin’s theory of evolution remains controversial partly because it challenges the religious belief that God created man.39.It was reported the president had resolved to fight if war was necessary,even if it meant destroying his chances of re-election.40.I had to abandon one of my email accounts as it was filled with junk mail.ReadUnit3There have been increased demands for higher education to provide students with better courses and more opportunities.To deal with this complex issue,colleges and universities are turning to the Internet for quick access to its rich educational resources.Now the internet has been accepted as the preferred technology to many other methods in colleges and universities.Many teachers now routinely post their teaching materials online.A growing number of schools offer at least some undergraduate courses over the Internet.There are two different models of making use of the Internet for higher education.The first model seeks to improve existing courses by using the Internet.This model provides high-speed Internet connectivity to all students,faculty,and staff.While this model uses the Internet,it doesn’t require many changes,and it keeps most existing institutional structures unchanged.A different,more revolutionary model regards the Internet as indispensable to an important change in higher education,for it is believed that the Internet can transform teacher-centered instruction into student-centered learning.This,as a result,will bring about basic change to our university education. Answer:plex2.access3.preferred4.post5.undergraduate6.Seeks7.connectivity8.require9.indispensable10.transformUnit6Nowadays college education cost is rising sharply.More and more college students have to work in order to generate income to support themselves.But how can you prevent working from interfering with your study?Firstly,plan your class and work schedules as far ahead as possible.Arrange your classes in a way so that you have one or two days for work.Secondly,use time well instead of burning the midnight oil.Studying late until midnight may make you tired and take a(n)consistent toll on your e those10minutes waiting for the bus to read a few more pages.If your job has a lot of downtime,use the opportunity to do school assignments from other students.Thirdly,set a goal for your academic performance.You’ll probably have to decrease your work hours,or even,if possible and necessary,withdraw from the workforce to be successful in study. After all,it is not a good idea to risk compromising your student career with part-time jobs.Fourthly,inform all your professors,teaching assistants and employers about your situation so that they can be flexible as well.Winning their support is the best way to keep them on your side. Answer:1.generate2.interfering3.schedules4.burning5.consistent6.opportunity7.decrease8.withdrawpromising10.flexiblePrepositionUnit1.1.My family get(by)on my father’s unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2.Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the most(of)their time on the way to work.3.In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting,i called him up two weeks(in) advance.4.Experts say our company is amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily(over)time.5.In order to reap the benefits(of)the physical exercise,you have to exercise regularly,and for at least half an hour each time.6.They all tried to talk all(at)once,but i couldn’t hear anything they said.7.Yellow flowers in the field always remind me(of)my childhood in the countryside.8.We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance(of)winning the game.9.Research on genes will open the door(to)exciting new medical treatments.10.Every one of you has made a contribution and i take pleasure(in)acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.Unit3.11.I fired(off)a letter of complaint to the manager of the store as soon as i found they had sold me a pair of mismatched shoes.12.People browse the internet,read newspapers and watch TV to keep up(with)what is happening in the word.13.The university has set(up)another large laboratory for students to design more complicated robots.14.I find it very difficult to account(for)the fact that two of our best students failed the exam.15.In the current economy,with unemployment high and competition for jobs fierce,your resume needs to stand(out)for all the right reasons.16.She is getting popular since she appeared in a TV interview last month.Her new movie will no doubt add(to)her growing fame.17.The developed countries should(take)the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and provide support for the developing nations to follow.18.If your spoken English is not very good,then you may be(at)a disadvantage when you are looking for a job.19.Their success was due(in)large part to their well-conceived plan.20.He has been so occupied with his work these days that he barely has time to visit(with)his friends. Unit5.21.I felt terribly sorry to learn that his sister pass away after having fought against cancer for three years.22.The Chinese swimmer was left behind at the beginning of the women’s100-meter freestyle final, but she didn’t give up and finally took the lead.23.The rich man thinks that he will die in disgrace if he does not give away his money for the public good.24.They have no intention(of)letting him go and would like him to stay on after his present contract expires.25.Up(to)seven million students are graduating from university this year.This will undoubtedly add tothe employment pressure in the job market.26.If he is determined to do something,he will do it regardless(of)what other people will say.27.The movie was a complete waste of time.I might as well have stayed at home.28.The authorities promise to introduce an effective health service so that people do not need to spend too much money when they fall ill.29.Thousands of people were(in)attendance(at)yesterday’s strike,which caused great confusion.30.They got to know each other in their20s and(to)this day they are still in close touch with each other.Unit6.31.The new government has committed to cutting back(on)emissions of greenhouse gases.32.my parents do not object to my taking part-time jobs,but they remind me not to let them interfere (with)my school work.33.anger,worry,disappointment,these negative emotions take a toll(on)your heart,brain and body.34.if a person adopts an unhealthy lifestyle,he will surely be(at)risk(of)developing diseases.35.most people were ready to give up on him when he dropped(out)of school,but latter he returned and earned his degree.36.drinking too much can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure,which(in)turn can lead to heart attack or stroke.37.low-cast airlines are emerging all over Asia;this will contribute(to)the development of the world’s air-travel market as a whole.38.when you move to a new country,you many find the food there strange and you many miss the familiar smells of the food you are accustomed(to)in your own country.39.although he kept trying and failing,i always held(on)to the belief that he would succeed one day.40.The tax only affects people with an annual income over$200,000-(in)other words,it wi ll only affect the very rich.translationUnit1.孔子是中国历史上著名的思想家、教育家,是儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,被尊称为古代的“圣人”(sage)。

1.Give the chance to show his ability,he regained confidence and began to succeed in school.
2.It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.
23.We were honored that so many people of distinction and talent were present to discuss the issues.
5.There is widespread concern that the threat to social stability.
6.After a(n)comprehensive physical exam,my doctor said i was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high.
19.When you do yoga,try to regulate your breathing.Don’t breathe too fast and make sure you breathe only through your nose.
20.It was difficult to estimate how many people had been wounded in the earthquake.
11.To make our companies competitive in the market,we have to be more creative and productive.

新视野大学英语1第三版答案Unit 1 答案Part A1. C2. B3. D4. C5. D6. A7. B8. D9. C10. APart B1.What’s your name?2.How old are you?3.Where are you from?4.What do you do for a living?5.Do you have any hobbies?6.Are you married?7.What is your favorite food?8.Do you have any pets?9.What is your favorite movie?10.What is your dream vacation destination? Unit 2 答案Part A1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. D7. C8. B9. A10. DPart B1.What do you usually do on weekends?2.Have you ever traveled abroad?3.What is your favorite type of music?4.Do you enjoy cooking?5.How often do you exercise?6.What is your favorite book?7.Do you like going to the movies?8.Have you ever participated in a sports event?9.What is your favorite season?10.Do you enjoy going to parties?Unit 3 答案Part A1. C2. D3. A4. B5. D6. C7. B8. A9. D10. BPart B1.What is your favorite subject in school?2.Do you enjoy studying foreign languages?3.What is your favorite type of music?4.Have you ever participated in a school club or organization?5.How often do you read books?6.What is your favorite hobby?7.Do you like watching sports on TV?8.Have you ever traveled to another country?9.What is your favorite type of food?10.Do you enjoy going to museums?Unit 4 答案Part A1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. C7. D8. A9. D10. BPart B1.What is your favorite type of movie?2.Have you ever been to a concert?3.What is your favorite sport to watch?4.Do you enjoy playing video games?5.How often do you go to the gym?6.What is your favorite type of TV show?7.Do you like going to the theater?8.Have you ever been to an art exhibition?9.What is your favorite genre of books?10.Do you enjoy going to music festivals?以上是新视野大学英语1第三版的部分答案。

新视野大学英语读写教程课后习题答案(完整版)一、Unit 11. 课后习题一答案:(1)A(2)B(3)C(4)D(5)A2. 课后习题二答案:(1)增强词汇量(2)提高阅读速度(3)锻炼理解能力(4)拓宽知识面3. 课后习题三答案:(1)略(2)略(3)略二、Unit 21. 课后习题一答案:(1)D(2)A(4)C(5)D2. 课后习题二答案:(1)了解文化差异(2)提高跨文化交际能力(3)培养批判性思维3. 课后习题三答案:(1)略(2)略(3)略三、Unit 31. 课后习题一答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)B2. 课后习题二答案:(1)锻炼听力技巧(2)提高听力理解能力(3)积累实用表达3. 课后习题三答案:(1)略(3)略四、Unit 41. 课后习题一答案:(1)C(2)D(3)A(4)B(5)C2. 课后习题二答案:(1)掌握文章结构(2)分析作者观点3. 课后习题三答案:(1)通过阅读,了解环境保护的重要性。
五、Unit 51. 课后习题一答案:(1)A(2)B(3)C(4)D(5)A2. 课后习题二答案:(1)提高写作技巧(2)丰富句型表达(3)锻炼逻辑思维能力3. 课后习题三答案:(1)通过写作,表达自己对某一社会现象的看法。
六、Unit 61. 课后习题一答案:(1)D(2)A(3)B(4)C(5)D2. 课后习题二答案:(1)培养口语表达能力(2)提高口语交际技巧(3)增进与他人沟通的能力3. 课后习题三答案:(1)通过口语练习,学会如何进行自我介绍。
)七、Unit 71. 课后习题一答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)B2. 课后习题二答案:(1)理解并分析图表信息(2)提高数据解读能力(3)学习如何用英语描述统计信息3. 课后习题三答案:(3)培养从数据中提炼信息并进行有效沟通的能力。

Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage".他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。
His words and life story were recorded in The Analects.《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。
An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius.不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。
Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture.孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。
Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society.在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。
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听力部分Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. A. He does not like what the woman bought.B. He does not remember the price of the shirt.C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was.D. He remembers only the woman's phone number.2. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her.B. She did not write a shipping list.C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket.D. She wants to finish shopping quickly.3. A. He has lost his memory completely.B. He has lost his sight.C. He drank heavily last night.D. He danced until after midnight.4. A. He remembers his life in primary school.B. He remembers his life in his nursery.C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery.D. He remembers his life in both primary school and the nursery.5. A. He has a bad memory.B. The woman has a bad memory.C. The couple have forgotten to bring their keys.D. The couple are blaming each other for forgetting the keys.Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions6. How long is it the man and woman haven't seen each other?A. a couple years.B. several years.C. quite a few years.D. less than 10 years.7. How did the man find the woman in the Math class?A. The best in the class.B. At the bottom of the class.C. A mystery because nobody knew where she came from.D. Able to solve easy problems but not difficult problems.8. How did the woman find the man in the English Writing class?A. He was weak in writing.B. He was strong in writing.C. He often read his compositions to his classmates.D. He sometimes posted his compositions on the walls.9. What do we know from the conversation?A. Alice did not play table tennis in school.B. Ed did not hate the drama class.C. The woman played an instrument.D. The man played in the school band.10. What do we learn about the man and the woman from the conversation?A. The man has a good memory while the woman has a bad memory.B. The man has a bad memory while the woman has a good memory.C. Both the man and woman have a bad memory.D. Both the man and woman have a good memory.Part 3 Vocabulary and Structure11. The big sign on the back of my door that says "keys" is to ______________ my keys when I go out.A. remind me of takingB. remind me to takeC. memorize me to takeD. memorize me of taking12. I wish I was like David. He has a ______________ memory, you know. How useful that would be!A. photoB. photographC. photographicD. photography13. I read an article in a scientific journal that linked studying with ______________, based on recent research into the brain.A. rememberingB. remindingC. remindD. memorize14. You’d better write down my instruc tions because I know your memory is ______________.A. droppingB. fallingC. failingD. flunking15. ______________, you should use your memory as much as possible.A. To put it simplyB. To put it simpleC. To take it simpleD. To make it simply16. While reading the numerous advertisements, don’t try to ______________ everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important.A. memoryB. memorizeC. remindD. recite17. An 80-year-old couple was having problems ______________ things, so they decided to go to their doctor to make sure nothing was wrong with them.A. to rememberB. to have rememberedC. for rememberingD. remembering18. Here are some factors they believe to be important in ______________ memory capacity.A. raisingB. risingC. expandingD. inflating19. Lack of water in the body has an immediate and deep effect ______________ memory.A. onB. inC. toD. with20. Lack of sleep would make one feel exhausted and would weaken one's ability to concentrate. Also one's ability to store information would ______________.A. be effectedB. be affectedC. have an influenceD. get an influence21. "Have you chosen your ___________ for next term yet? Are you taking French writing again?" "Yes I am, but it's compulsory for us next term."A. electionsB. electsC. electivesD. selections22. Although the teacher expects a lot, I believe I can ___________ everyone else in the class.A. keep up withB. keep forth withC. keep up onD. keep forward on23. The student discovered having fun was expensive, and he was rapidly ___________ money.A. running shortB. running out ofC. running fromD. running over24. Seeing his wife was going to give the son so much money, the husband yelled, "You're ___________ . He'll just spend it all in a couple of weeks.A. from your mindB. away from your mindC. out your mindD. out of your mind25. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls ___________ unanswered.A. goB. comeC. turnD. leave26. What's your group like for this statistics ___________? Mine's terrible. Two members in my group do not pull their weight.A. presentB. presentingC. presentedD. presentation27. All students agreed ___________ the need for consistency. They maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.A. withB. toC. onD. for28. Educators often exert a lot of pressure on students to be as ___________ as possible.A. well-roundingB. well-roundedC. all-roundD. good-rounded29. One thing that disturbs me is that the so-called weak students are separated ___________ the rest of the school.A. withB. awayC. fromD. to30. The professor agreed that the four students could ___________ the final the following day.A. makeB. make upC. make up fromD. make through31. Amy, sit down, we need to talk. Your mother and I are going to ________________.A. separateB. separate with each otherC. divorce ourselvesD. divorce with each other32. So you're still single? If you ________________ to me and used the Internet, you'd have a husband by now.A. listenB. have listenC. have listenedD. had listened33. I ________________ an online ad that read “Husband Wanted.”A. putB. postedC. positionedD. pressed34. I do have a right ________________ stability for my children and myself, don't I?A. inB. forC. toD. at35. Do you yell at him and call ________________?A. him namesB. his namesC. him nameD. his naming36. She seemed perfectly ________________ that arrangement.A. content forB. content withC. contented withD. contended at37. ________________ the psychological pressure, I thought about remarriage.A. InB. WithC. UnderD. Through38. Remarriage was the ________________ word I'd consider for two years after my divorce. I had heard about the high rate of remarriage failures.A. finalB. eventualC. lastingD. last39. As time ________________, my son gradually grew up, and he became conscious of my loneliness and anxiety.A. went byB. went pastC. passed overD. passed through40. ________________ he said this, I ignored him.A. In the first timeB. The first timeC. The first time whenD. At the first time when41. Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job _____________.A. emptinessB. emptiesC. vacantD. vacancies42. You don't have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could _____________ the position?A. handleB. handle withC. dealD. cope43. A good resume should list your experience in (the) _____________ chronological order.A. backB. reverseC. diverseD. overturned44. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal _____________ its success.A. inB. atC. toD. for45. The young student can understand so much of the world. He seems very mature_____________ his age.A. inB. forC. withD. at46. The manager's answer took the Irishman _____________. He simply couldn't believe it.A. in amazementB. by astonishingC. by surpriseD. in surprise47. Put statements in your resume _____________ importance and relevance to the job you want.A. in order ofB. in the order ofC. in order toD. in order with48. You have to work out what you need to take with you: A copy of your CV, originals of your qualification papers, samples of your work, _____________, and anything else that they may want to see.A. if applicableB. if appliedC. when applyD. if applicant49. I'm looking forward to _____________ more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needsA. getB. doingC. beD. being50. Your resume is usually the first impression an employer has _____________ you.A. onB. inC. ofD. at51. We're upgrading all our staff equipment, and we'll need 50 laptops _______________ the 1st of next month.A. as ofB. as onC. inD. since52. We ordered 50 laptops from your company, but on the invoice I see there's an extra charge for shipping. I thought shipping was included in the _______________.A. reportB. demandC. invoiceD. quote53. This was a time-sensitive document! There's no _______________ in delivering it three hours late!A. placeB. pointC. circleD. mean54. We want to keep our clients happy, and unfortunately we've _______________ this time.A. dropped shortB. dropped longC. fallen shortD. fallen long55. I can't wait to get some of my own business leads. You know, start making new _______________.A. connectionsB. combinationsC. relationsD. ties56. Let's _______________ so we can cover more ground.A. split downB. split upC. break downD. break up57. If you distribute those brochures at the party, you'll look like _______________.A. a black handB. a white handC. a red handD. a green hand58. You have to consider the location when _______________ a business.A. starting forB. beginning onC. launchingD. throwing59. You have to keep in mind a few things when _______________ a place to open your business.A. decidingB. deciding forC. deciding atD. deciding on60. I've summarized the results the survey on leisure sporting activities in the handouts, _______________ by consumer age groups and sporting activities.A. broken downB. broken upC. divided inD. classified in61. Based on your market survey, I think we should consider ___________ the 18 to 26 year-old age group more in the future.A. targeting toB. targetingC. aiming toD. aiming in62. The 46 to 55 group is becoming more concerned about _________.A. keeping healthB. remaining fittingC. staying fitD. staying health63. Believe me, I'll never again be a slave ____________ smoking.A. atB. inC. toD. with64. It's the local “youth” throwing firecrackers. Don't go out. They're likely to throw one ____________ you if you bother them.A. toB. atC. forD. through65. The beggars really ____________. I can't help but feel sorry for them. They look so miserable.A. get to meB. get in meC. make to meD. make in me66. Someone must've made a copy of your credit card. You'll have to cancel it at once and get a new one. Hopefully, the bank will ____________ the damage.A. includeB. embraceC. coverD. pay with67. My accountant is preparing my income tax ____________, and I need to go over some of the receipts with her.A. turnB. returnC. payD. report68. The government just squanders our ____________tax money on some unnecessary projectsA. hard-earnedB. hardly-earnedC. hard-earningD. hardly-earning69. Most people would rather work than ____________ charity,A. receiveB. to receiveC. receivingD. to be received70. "Well, I only ____________ sure things," said the professional gambler.A. betB. bet onC. bet atD. bet in71. The bartender thought the gambler must be drunk now. So he said, "Okay, you're ____________."A. upB. downC. inD. back72. New research shows teens can get ____________ on nicotine more quickly than adultsA. attractedB. attachedC. hookedD. booked73. The Chinese government has been encouraging people to plant trees along the edges of the Gobi Desert. Now those trees act as wind _______________.A. barsB. barriersC. preventionD. destruction74. Government organizations are helping people to dispose safely _______________ old refrigerators or, in the case of cars, to upgrade their air conditioning.A. awayB. offC. ofD. out of75. In 2003 the hole in the ozone layer shrank by 20 percent, so there's no reason _______________.A. to panicB. to get panicC. to be panicD. panicking76. The students are more aware of all the environmental problems that are _______________.A. happening onB. getting alongC. getting onD. going on77. If people throw cigarette butts on the floor, they should _______________.A. fineB. be fineC. be finedD. get fine78. ________ its largest this year, the ozone hole covered more than 15 million square kilometers.A. InB. AtC. ForD. With79. The chemicals were restricted _______________ an international agreement called the Montreal Protocol in 1987.A. underB. belowC. toD. over80. China has already __________ some remarkable steps to reduce damage to the environment.A. posedB. goneC. gotD. taken81. A thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia is damaging agriculture and affecting rainfall _______________.A. extentsB. rangesC. degreesD. levels82. A lot of clubs promote environmental safety, and some TV programs do too. They talk about environmental safety and _______________.A. thing like thatB. stuff like thatC. such stiffD. such thing一、Reading Comprehension 阅读理解(4小题,共40.0分)(10分)[1]Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker “sell”his or her ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listener interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport (关系) with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium (演讲台) or from across the table, are “regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but also as more believable and earnest.”To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone. Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor the listeners. It is, in fact, essential for analyzing an audience during a speech. Visual cues (暗示) from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered.1. This passage is mainly concerned with _______.A、the importance of eye contactB、the potency of nonverbal techniquesC、successful speech deliveryD、an effective way to gain visual feedbacks2. According to the passage, a good speaker must _______.A、“sell”his or her ideas to an audienceB、maintain direct eye contact with listenersC、be very persuasive and believableD、be exceptionally well-disposed3. The word “target”in the last sentence of the first paragraph can best be replaced by _______A、“destination”B、“goal”C、“audience”D、“followers”4. In daily life, when the glances of two passers-by happen to meet, these two persons will inevitably _____.A、smile to each otherB、feel awkward and look away immediatelyC、try to make a conversation with each otherD、none of the above5. Eye contact with an audience, according to the author, has all the following benefits for the speaker EXCEPT that it doesn’t help the speaker ______.A、to control the audienceB、to gain audience interest and esteemC、to know whether he is talking too much about a certain pointD、to analyze his audience when he is beginning his speech(10分)[2]Directions: Read the following passage(s) carefully and do the multiple-choice questions. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Personal computers and the Internet (互联网) give people new choices about how to spend their time. Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience. E-mail (电子邮件) makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren't automatically much shorter than they once were, but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she'd been born before electronic (电子的) mail became such a practical tool.The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun - see a great film, perhaps - and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story. With e-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience (方便), and address it to all the friends you think might be interesteD、They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience. E-mail is also an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away.More than a few parents use e-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college. We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don't eliminate (排除) any of the old ways.1. The purpose of this passage is to ________.A、explain how to use the InternetB、describe the writer's joy of keeping up with new technologyC、tell the merits and usefulness of the InternetD、introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet2. The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to ________.A、spend less time workingB、have more free time with his childC、work at home on weekendsD、work at a speed comfortable to him3. According to the writer, e-mail has a clear advantage over the telephone because e-mail helps one _______.A、reach a group of people at one time convenientlyB、keep one's communication as personal as possibleC、pass on much more information than the telephoneD、get in touch with one's friends faster than the telephone4. The passage discussed all the following elements of e-mail EXCEPT _______.A、its costB、the way of writingC、the saving of timeD、its easy and convenient use5. The best subject for this passage is ________.A、Computers: New Technological AdvancesB、Internet: A New Tool to Make FriendsC、Computers Have Made Life EasierD、Internet: A Convenient Tool for Communication(10分)[3]Questions 1---5 are based on the following passage:More than one-sixth of the American working –age population ---- close to 27 million people --- do not owe allegiance(效忠) to a single employer. According to Link Resources, the number will have risen to 36.5 million by the year 2001.These people work mainly from home, selling their skills in the open marketplace. What is new is that it will influence social classes and it promises to redefine the nature of work in the 21st century.Terri Lonier's business, Working Solo Inc., offers advice to people who wish to go it alone and to big businesses eager to make use of those with skills. Lonier works in the Hudson Valley, 70 miles north of New York. She reaches her followers through her web site (www. Workingsolo. com) and has clients (客户) all over America, most of them a continent away in California's Silicon Valley. She says that the new working culture began to develop fast in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when personal computers became affordable to large groups of people.The age of the computer has come with the period of big business downsizing and a growing concern about the quality of people's lives. A good example is a Hollywood film Jerry Maguire. Dissatisfied with the inefficiency of his job, Maguire lectures his bosses on the importance of honesty and quality. However, Maguire is fired, but he rebuilds his life as a self-governed sports representative, discovering that the escape from the control of the company was the necessary first step towards greater happiness.“This has happened very quietly. Traditional jobs will not be the only way we organize work in the future; soon they may not even be the most common way.”1. What is the best title of this passage?A、Terri Lonier's Mission.B、Tom Cruise's Sports CompanyC、A New Working Revolution.D、A New Definition of Working.2. According to the passage, who are those who don't owe allegiance to a single employer?A、Those who aren't satisfied with their employers.B、Those who have a web site.C、Those who work under pressure.D、Those who have a saleable skill.3. What's the business of Terri's Working Solo Inc.?A、Offer advice to individuals who wish to go it alone.B、Offer advice to any business which is eager to employ self-governed employees with skills.C、Offer advice to businesses in California's Silicon Valley.D、Both A and B.4. According to Terri Lonier, the emerging style of work is mainly conditioned on ________.A、downsizing big businessB、people’s great desire to escape from traditional way of working for a changeC、people’s dissatisfaction with the inefficiency of workD、the widespread of personal computer5. The new working culture can provide all of the following benefits for the employees EXCEPT __________.A、the improvement of the quality of their lifeB、flexible working timeC、the possibility of leading a self-sufficient lifeD、easy access to their own affairs(10分)[4]Questions 1---5 are based on the following passage:A few thousand years ago, people lived about thirty years. From their point of view, we have already extended our lives to an amazing degree. However, from where we stand today, we can see that we still have a long way to go. Some people still die in their 40’s from cancer, heart attack, stroke, and infections. This is tragic, and frustrating. Today's medicine is only somewhat able to deal with these and other conditions -- and it has scarcely started to attack the problem of aging. But we can see light at the end of the tunnel.Fifty years from now, what causes of death will be preventable? That depends largely on the technology we will have available, so let's start by projecting some technology tendencies. Gene sequencing and identification will be as easy as a blood sugar test. Medical devices such as artificial hearts and insulin(胰岛素) pumps will be implantable (可植入的) and well-integrated with the body's natural demands. Surgical(外科的) instruments will be more delicate and less destructive; what today is “major surgery”will be done with an office visit. Computers will be millions of times faster than today's machines. Last but not least, we will probably have the ability to build strong, useful, complex machines out of individual atoms. This is called “nanotechnology”(纳米技术) or simply “nanotech”, and it will make us healthier in several important ways.Can we expect technology to solve all our medical problems? With the following explanations, it will become clear that nanotech can solve most or all of the medical problems that might keep us from being in good health, thus allowing us to remain in a state of good health for many decades or even centuries.1. According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A、We have a bright future in dealing with aging problem.B、Modern people have a surprisingly longer life span than ancient peopleC、Modern people should take credit for having developed medicine to conquer such life-threatening diseases as cancer or heart attack.D、The problem of aging seems to present more questions than answers2. How many technology trends have been mentioned here?A、3B、4C、5D、63. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to paragraph 2?A、Some man-made medical devices can work well with natural body organs.B、Nanotech has found a wide application in guaranteeing a healthier life.C、Technology possessed by human beings plays a dominant role in preventing certain deaths.D、Thanks to technology, gene identification can be done with ease.4. Where is this passage most likely to be taken from?A、A magazine for nanotech specialists.B、A front page of a newspaper.C、A special government report.D、A magazine with a general readership.5. What will this passage probably discuss next?A、Nanotech and human health.B、Conditions of good health.C、Different medical problems.D、Other technology tendencies.答案部分,(卷面共有4题,40.0分,各大题标有题量和总分)一、Reading Comprehension 阅读理解(4小题,共40.0分)(10分)[1]答案1. A、2. B、3. C、4. D、5. D(10分)[2]答案C|B|A|B|D(10分)[3]答案C|D|D|D|C(10分)[4]答案C|C|B|D|A一、Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.When I was in 7th grade, I had a lot of trouble reading. My mother used to sit by my side, and explain each paragraph of each school reading assignment to me because I didn't understand what I was reading. She would have to read each paragraph to me, and then after each paragraph, she told me the general meaning of what we just reaD、In class, I tried to hide the fact that I couldn't reaD、My teachers gave us the last 10 minutes of class to start our reading homework, and I would sit there for the last ten minutes of class staring at the page, pretending I was reading it.I remember a terrible feeling of not wanting to get into trouble for not being able to understanD、I had to wait until I got home so my mother could explain it to me. How did I ever get into Cornell University? By eighth grade I started understanding a little on my own, but I was reading at a very slow speeD、In eighth grade, I got hold of all the speed reading books I could get my hands on. I read them all very slowly at the time.I even went out and took a course on speed-reading. Then I developed my own way which was easier and produced quicker results. I started practicing these techniques every day, and as I started to read faster, my understanding increaseD、I found that I stopped daydreaming and thinking about other things while I was reading, and started getting the larger meaning. I was reading faster and comprehending better. I found that when you read slowly, word by word, you get lost in the words, lose the bigger picture, and your comprehension drops. When you read faster, your comprehension goes up because instead of getting lost in the words, you see the general picture. (317 words)1、The main difficulty the writer had in reading in her 7th grade was that __________.A、she often forgot her school reading assignmentsB、she had difficulty reading with comprehensionC、she had a poor vocabulary and very bad grammarD、she always looked elsewhere when asked to read2. The writer would pretend to be reading in the last 10 minutes of class because __________.A、she was afraid of being found outB、the reading class was terribleC、she had to do what others were doingD、her mother told her to do so3. The writer's reading ability improved a great deal mainly because ________.A、she entered Cornell University.B、she took a course on speed readingC、her mother managed to help her outD、she developed her own way of reading4. From her own experience, the writer found that ________.。