U校园新视野大学英语4读写教程 答案(Unit 1 Life and logic)

U校园新视野大学英语4 读写教程答案Unit 1 Life and logicSection A1-2 Text A: Love and logic: The story of a fallacy Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities-11) B2) A3) A4) B5) B6) A7) C8) CPre-reading activities-21) Reasoning skills deal with the process of getting from a problem to a solution or a conclusion. By improving your reasoning skills, you can improve your success in doing things. Specifically, strong reasoning skills can help you to:improve the quality and validity of your own arguments; improve your ability to assess the quality and validity of others' arguments;make more logical decisions;solve problems more efficiently and effectively.To give a specific example, every day you have to make various decisions, and yet even some simple decisions like deciding what to wear when you're getting dressed in the morning require some reasoning skills. When you decide what to wear, you take many factors into consideration the weather forecast, the current temperature, your plans for the day (where you are going, what you will do, and whom you will meet), your comfort level, and so on. In real life, you need to face decisions that are much more difficult than choosingwhat to wear. So, it is really important to have strong reasoning skills.2) The factors below are usually important for a logical conclusion:critical thinking skills;facts;evidence;sound reasoning process, etc.Reading comprehensionReading comprehension-11) The deal between them is that the narrator gives Rob his leather jacket, and Rob, in exchange, gives the narrator his girlfriend. They make the deal because they want to get something from each other: Rob is crazy about fashion, and he wants to own the narrator's fashionable leather jacket; the narrator longs to have a beautiful girlfriend, and Rob's girlfriend is beautiful.2) He thinks a beautiful and well-spoken girlfriend will assist him to land a job and achieve success in an elite law company.3) The narrator feels this way because he can't stop thinking that his purpose of dating Polly is not for romance but for improving her intelligence, and he can't let Polly know his plan.4) The narrator decides to teach Polly logic because he believes logic is essential to clear thinking. By teaching Polly logic, he can make her intelligent. 5) When the narrator teaches her logic, Polly responds either shortly with "Cool", "Great", "I like that idea", or simply with nodding or blinking without saying anything. These responses give us an impression that Polly is a nice but rather simple-minded girl.6) Yes. He is only too successful in teaching Polly logic because in the end when he asks Polly to be his girlfriend, Polly refuses his request by applying all the logical fallacies he has taught her.7) Because he wants to make one more attempt to win Polly as his girlfriend by asking her to forget what he has taught her.8) The end of the story is ironic because Polly turns out to be smarter than the narrator. First, she is able to refute all his arguments as logical fallacies. Then, she discloses that she and Rob have played a trick on him. The narrator has been too smart for his own good. Reading comprehension-21) In my opinion, all the three characters are complex. The following are my descriptions about them. Smart: He is an excellent law student and knows a lot about logic.Sophisticated: He believes a beautiful and intelligent girlfriend will benefit him in his future career. Arrogant and self-conceited: He thinks highly of himself but badly of his roommate.Over-confident: He thinks the girl will surely choose him rather than Rob.Stupid and simple-minded: He knows nothing about what can happen in real life.Fashionable and cool: He loves fashion and cares a lot about his appearance.Dishonest: He plays a trick on the narrator to get his leather jacket.Clever: He is able to get what he wants without losing anything.Beautiful and nice: She is pretty and easy to be with. Shallow: She chooses Rob simply because he is fashionable.Smart: She learns quickly and is full of wit when refusing to be the narrator's girlfriend.2) The story itself includes the fallacy "Dicto Simpliciter". The narrator assumes that all girls would be happy to date a boy whose future is somewhat guaranteed. Therefore, Polly, a beautiful and wealthy young girl, would certainly fall in love with him "an ingenious student" and "a man with an assured future",rather than Rob "a muscular idiot". However, to the narrator's surprise and disappointment, Polly chooses Rob in the end because Rob is fashionable and cool.3) Love is blind. It is ridiculous to use logic to deal with love.Smart people sometimes can make wrong judgments. Smart people are sometimes too arrogant and confident. Smart people may fall victims to their own smartness.4) Yes. Because not only would teaching logic in school help minimize the overwhelming number of fallacious assertions, but also would serve as an excellent precursor to higher mathematics and help make other courses such as geometry and calculus less of a mystery to most students.No. Because logic can be learned through other subjects such as math, philosophy, reading, etc. It's not necessary to offer a special course about it.5) Yes, certainly. Actually, logical fallacies are very common in our everyday life. I myself commit logicalfallacies very often, too. For example, when I first met my roommate in college, I felt very surprised when he told me he didn't like noodles. I asked, "People in the north of China like eating noodles. You are from the north, why don't you like noodles?" Here I committed the logical fallacy "Dicto Simpliciter". I falsely asserted that all people in the north should like noodles, and there should be no exception to this premise.1-3 Text A: Language focusWords in use1. crumbled2. discern3. surpass4. shrewd5. conversion6. distort7. radiant8. ingenious9. stumped10. propositionWord building: Practice Word building: Practice-11) delicacy2) bankruptcy3) accountancy4) secrecy5) vacancy6) urgency7) atmospheric8) magnet9) metallic10) gloom11) guilt12) masteryWord building: Practice-21. bankruptcies2. atmospheric3. delicacies4. urgency5. accountancy6. gloom7. magnet8. metallic9. mastery10. vacancy11. guilt12. secrecyBanked cloze1) mentioned2) determine3) gained4) responsible5) heavily6) artistic7) opposite8) analytical9) distorted10) stumped Expressions in use1) were dripping with2) in exchange for3) flared up4) make an analogy between5) set a date for6) make7) out of8) made a pact9) had appealed to1-4 Structure analysis & writingStructured writing: Practice参考:I had my most embarrassing experience when I was in the second year of college. During that period of time, I often liked to chat with my friends by passing notes in class. My bitter story happened one Tuesday morning, when our English teacher was busy writing on the blackboard, trying to teach us, in her monotonous voice, the difference between "tolerable" and "tolerant".The teacher was hard-working, but I really wanted to share my good mood with my best friend, Tony. Therefore,I picked up my pen and wrote on a slip of paper, "Hey, I want to tell you something that will make you really envious of me," and then I passed the slip to him. He quickly opened it and read it. Being too curious, he wasted no time writing on the note some words and passed it back. "What is it? Tell me immediately!" he asked. "Sally just gave me her cell phone number." I responded.I could not wait to see his jealous face.However, when he got my note, an unexpected thing happened. The note was grabbed by another hand. To my shock, the teacher was standing in front of Tony. She read the note in her hand loudly and looked sternly around the whole class. "Who passed the note to Tony? Who was so lucky to get Sally's phone number?" She asked. All the class started to whisper, and I vaguely heard them talking about who started the passing of the note. My face turned red, and my heart beat quickly. Of course, those who sat around me knew I was the culprit. They looked at me, giggling quietly. Meanwhile, Sally blushed a deep crimson and looked very angry. She glared at me as if to say, "I am going to kill you."I did not stand up to admit I was the offender, but I felt so embarrassed that I really wished that there had been a place for me to hide myself. After the incident, I did not dare to pass notes in class anymore.1-5 TranslationTranslationTranslation-1参考:亚里士多德是古希腊的哲学家和科学家。

包含Section A Section B Section CUnit 1Secti on A. The Temptati on of a Respectable Woma n《读写教程|V》:Ex. II, p. 81. Her husba nd expected his friend, Gouver nail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home.2. He was a bori ng and withdraw n pers on with a stra nge pers on ality.3. She decided to leave for her aunt s house and wouldn t come back tillGouver nail left their home.4. A once ambitious pers on, Gouver nail now became one with the meredesire to enjoy a genuine life now and the n.5. His tones of voice and pers onal charm.6. She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouver nail.7. He mistook his wife' s feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike.8. She had overcome both her misun dersta nding of and her subtle feeli ngs towards Gouver nail.《读写教程iv》:Ex. III, p. 81.idle 4.pen etrate 7.nonsense2.melt ing 5.presenee 8.kee n3. imposes6. nu isa nee读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 91.run down 5.made excellent observations on 2.taken seriously 6.counted on3.drinking in 7.for my part4.in no sense 8.make a fuss《读写教程IV 》: Ex. V, p. 91.sanctions 4.limits 7.duty 2.Restrictions 5.problems 8.responsibility 3.fine 6.tax《读写教程IV 》: Ex. VI, p. 101. justify 4. classified 7. identify2. glorify 5. purified 8. terrified3. exemplifies 6. intensify《读写教程IV 》: Ex. VII, p . 101. bravery 4. machinery 7. scenery2. jewellery 5. robbery 8. discovery3. delivery 6. nursery读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 111. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.2. Mrs. Baroda said she might have liked Gouvernail if he had been like theothers.3. If I had been there, I could have helped you.4. He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn ' t been arespectable and sensible person.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 111. “ You were different then.” “So was she”.2. “ You used to say he was a man of wi”t. “ So he is.”3. “ You' ve made a mistake here”. “Oh, so I have. Thank you”.4. “ Children should behave themselves”. “So should adults”.5. “This glass is cracked”. “Oh, so it is. I hadn' t noticed.”《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 121. He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.2. His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under givenconditions, as he is always full of surprises.3. Don't make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.4. Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.6. From Gouvernail' s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods ofsilence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.7. To Gaston' s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike forGouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.8. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail's puzzling nature and found ithard to penetrate the silence in which he had unconsciously coveredhimself.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 121. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。

Keys to the exercise of Text AI. Vocabulary1. 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus6) regions 7) declarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on/ pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back8) get through3. 1) lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future2) has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due tothe dock workers’ strike.3) will/should never get in the way of her career.4) caught the foreign minister off guard.5) of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date.4. 1) being faced with, the occupation of, regions2) crucial to, efficient, to reckon with, weaken, be brought to a halt3) a heroic, the decisive, turned the tide, siege, by launchingII. More synonyms in context1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.2) Elizabeth made careful preparations of the interview and herefforts/homework paid off.3) I spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turneda deaf ear to all my words.4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand harsh weather.age1) fall ill 2) lay dead at home for two years 3) dropped dead from a heart attack 4) fell asleep 5) marrying young 6) to sit still for longer than a few minutes.Cloze1. Text-related1) invasion 2) stand in the way 3) Conquest, catching… off his guard4) launching 5) declaration 6) campaign 7) drag on 9) reckon with 10) bringing… to a halt2. them-related1) allow 2) reckoned 3) highly 4) forecasts 5) rapidly 6) instant 7) delivery 8) advantage 9) observing 10) powerfulTranslation1.1) Mr.Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.2) We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the mostsophisticated weapons3) Having been out of a job/Not having had a job for 3 months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate.4) Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient and accurate in his judgment.5) Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of pollution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.2. The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander instructed our battalion to get ground to the rear of the enemy at night and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross marshland and many of us were afraid we mightget bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. Luckily enough, thanks to the severely cold weather which made the marchland freeze over, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.。

新视野大学英语〔第二版〕第四册课后答案新视野大学英语〔第二版〕第四册Unit1III.idle2.justify3.discount4.distinct5.minuteobject8.contaminate9.sustain10.worshipIV.accusing...of2.endup3.cameupon4.atherworst5.payfor6.runarisk of7.participate in8.other than9.object to/objected 10.atbest6. 1.delay2.pain3.hardship4.suffering5.feverdefeat7.poverty8.treatment9.noise10.agonyWordbuildingVII.justify2.glorify3.exemplifies4.classifiedpurified6.intensify7.identify8.terrifiedVIII.bravery2.jewelry3.delivery4.machinery5.robbery6.nursery7.scenery8.discoverySentenceStructureIX.otherthanforfuneralsandweddingsotherthantoliveanindependentlifeotherthanthattheyappealedtohiseye..`butotherthanthat,he'lleatjustabouteverything.otherthanthatit'ssomewhereinthetowncenterX.shouldn'thavebeentothecinemalastnightwouldhave;toldhimtheanswertheyneedn'thavegoneatallmusthavehadtoomuchworktodomighthavebeeninjuredseriouslyTranslationXI.-Theplantdoesnotgrowwellinsoilsotherthantheoneinwhichithasbeendeveloped. Researchfindingsshowthatwespendabouttwohoursdreamingeverynight,nomatterwhatwemayhavedoneduringtheday..Somepeopletendtojustifytheirfailurebyblamingothersfornottryingtheirbest..Weremaintruetoourcommitment:Whateverwepromisedtodo;wewoulddoit..EvenBeethoven'sfatherdiscountedthepossibilitythathissonwouldonedaybecomethegreatestmusicianintheworld.ThesameistrueofEdison,whoseem edtohisteachertobequitedull.Theywereaccusedbytheauthoritiesofthreateningthestatesecurity.XII.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。

综合训练(4)参考答案Unit 1The Tail of FamePart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) Because like a dog chasing its own tail, when the artist captures the fame, he does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it、(2) Their freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms、(3) It means that while men gradually bee old, they never learn how to be good、Part TwoⅠ、WritingMy View on Remedial ExaminationsRemedial examinations have been part of university education for many years、After careful observation, we can find that it is more plicated than what we have thought、On the whole, I should say remedial examinations are necessary for our educational system、On the one hand, if none of them fail the examination, how can we guarantee the quality of education? On the other hand, by preparing for and taking part in remedial examinations, students can make up for the lost time、If they can learn from this lesson, it will certainly do good to their future life、To make remedial examinations do the job, however, we have to make sure of several points below、For one thing, we should make all the examinations as fair as possible、Some students cheat in the examinations to get high scores, and others beg the teacher for a satisfactory grade、All of these people should be severely punished、For another, we should not decide the number of students failing the test before the examination、Teachers should bear a standard in mind, which is parable across the years、The remedial examination is an important part of college education、Only by planning it wisely and conducting it reasonably can we make best use of it、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 DADCBDA8、89 million viewers9、extrinsic goals10、intrinsic goalsⅢ、Banked Cloze11、C12、J13、G14、M15、O16、F17、I18、D19、B20、LⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 CBCAD26-30 ADDABⅤ、Cloze31-35 CDABD36-40 ACDBA41-45 DCACA46-50 DBCDAⅥ、Word Building1、discount2、pessimistic3、exploitable4、unintended5、contaminants6、unpromising7、desperately8、sustain9、obligation10、behavioral11、behavior12、imaginary13、imaginative14、accuser15、braveryⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、good luck to those who have a strong desire for fame and fortune2、that he found no one was ready to defend him at the risk of damaging his or her own name3、that those who fail get the greatest reward: freedom4、artists cannot stop in their career5、stop doing so even when he succeeds in getting it, a dog tries to get its own tailⅧ、Fill in the Blanks1、Single minded2、quest3、motivated4、rejected5、potential6、failed7、fundamental8、thrown9、dull10、struggleⅨ、Translation1、shouldn’t have been to the cinema last night2、but other than that, he’ll eat just about everything3、no matter what we may have done during the day4、we exploit our resources as fully as possible5、must have had too much work to do6、they decided not to work for the sake of the family7、We remain true to our mitment8、is accused of9、other than to live an independent life10、don’t let failure harm you, don’t let failure take overUnit 2Charlie ChaplinPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) In addition to being the first great edian, Charlie Chaplin was also one of the most gifted directors in the history and a great talent as a writer and poser、(2) When he was 19 years old、(3) His transformation of lifeless objects into other kinds of objects, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again、Part TwoⅠ、WritingHow to Eliminate Cheating on CampusNowadays, instead of listening attentively in class and working hard after class, a number of students adopt all kinds of dishonest methods to get high scores in examinations、It has bee such a serious problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society、To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides、First of all, the university authority should make it clear that any cheating behavior in the examinations, from whispering and copying, receiving answers via mobile phones to asking ringers for help, will be severely punished with no exception、Moreover, teachers of all subjects should go all the way to restore honesty by setting an example for the youth through speaking sincerely and behaving truthfully、Last but not least, young students, the future of our nation, should view integrity as the prerequisite to an upright and responsible citizen so as to learn to despise and fight against dishonest behaviors throughout the life、How can anybody expect to lead a meaningful life if he is not far from any kind of cheating behaviors? Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more beautiful future、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 ADBBACD8、consumer culture9、mutually acceptable alternatives10、wise consumerⅢ、Banked Cloze11、M12、O13、J14、N15、K16、G17、B18、C19、A20、DⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 DCABB26-30 DCAADⅤ、Cloze31-35 ADBAA36-40 CCABD41-45 BACAD46-50 DDBCBⅥ、Word Building1、memorial2、applause3、refreshment4、coarse5、doubtful6、incidental7、coincidence8、terrorist9、criticism10、ageism11、electable12、relief13、revolutionized14、political15、surroundingsⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、known that you were ing, I would have met you at the airport2、been in good health, he could have written many books3、were especially useful in his creations4、that we have run out of water and food5、that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied himⅧ、Fill in the Blanks1、relief2、spanned3、threatening4、turned5、cautiously6、with7、unfounded8、calm9、sparked10、talentedⅨ、Translation1、It’s a fort to know2、would have attracted a large number of audience3、would have been different4、has never lost faith in her own ability5、I just learned as I went along6、execute this skill perfectly7、it is a waste of time to argue with him8、find their way into the international market9、could make up a story10、on purposeUnit 3Longing for a New Welfare SystemPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) Problems of the present welfare system、(2) He has chosen to live a life of plete honesty by drumming up some business and drawing cartoons for magazines、(3) The system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients、(4) He dreams of a new system that will encourage the clients and help them develop their talents, rather than seek to convict them of cheating、Part TwoⅠ、WritingWelfare in Modern SocietySocial welfare is an essential element of an advanced society、Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty、In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows:First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed、Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick、The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support、The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but also costly、Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves、They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroys dignity、This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary、It is surely the fault of the government if there are long term unemployed、Without welfare payments the poor are destined to bee poorer、The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 ADBCADC8、quite homogeneous9、relationships with consumers10、mediaⅣ、Banked Cloze11、I12、D13、E14、G15、J16、B17、N18、K19、L20、FⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 CBDBA26-30 DBBABⅤ、Cloze31-35 CBDDD36-40 BABAB41-45 DCCCB46-50 ACDDCⅥ、Word Building1、longish2、animal like3、selfish4、honey like5、ball like6、boyish7、yellowish8、politicians9、bookish10、lady like11、foolish12、pensation13、shell like14、beautician15、physicianⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、to have been killed in the explosion2、believed to live in New York3、are said to be homeless after the floods4、taking care of our chairs5、have escaped by climbing over the wallⅧ、Fill in the Blanks1、tough2、with3、live4、result5、increase6、behind7、for8、out9、from10、searchingⅨ、Translation1、the mayor has decided to look into the affairs in person2、Now they are faced with the threat of losing their jobs again3、You only need to fill out a form to get your membership4、As a result, they arrived three hours later than they had planned5、The official got involved in a scandal6、The man living on welfare began to build up his own market7、so we are entitled to have them bow to us as pensation8、After considering your background and experience9、who turned out to be our new manager10、There needs to be someone who can act as a champion for the rights of the poorUnit 4The Telemunications RevolutionPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) The author refers to those places without telemunications facilities such as telephones, which hinders exchange of information、(2) Because they believe Vietnam is desperate for any phones and it lacks experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies、(3) Because Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America、Part TwoⅠ、WritingPeople’s Interpretations of Hi s techHi s tech in its largest sense refers to a set of investment s intensive technologies that lead in the modern science and technology as guides for tapping productivity, promoting social civilization and modernizing national defense、It features improvement, integration, and creativity in technology and has IT, new materials and new energies as its major pillars、When applied to different walks of life, however, it takes on different shades of meaning、Hi s tech in the world of enterprisers is often interpreted as an ideal way to open up new businesses and bring in huge profits、Hi s tech in the context of IT is a general term for such landmarks as network, fiber optics, digitization and information superhighway、To politicians, hi s tech is symbolic of the winning edge a country needs to pete for its rise in the world、With scientists, hi s tech is the representative of sophistication, infiltration, independence, and diffusion、For the military circles, hi s tech means a key factor separating the winners from the losers in the battlefield、As far as college students like us are concerned, hi s tech always signifies a summit that challenges our endurance as well as our knowledge learned in class、Anyone who tries to attain it with one leap or fails to endure the pains during the long course of striving toward it will stand little chance to experience the thrill derived from conquering it、And moreover, hi s tech is something relative and changeable, because today’s hi tech results from yesterday’s technology and will grow out of date as pared to tomorrow’s、In this light, the ideal way of keeping pace with hi s tech is to build up a sound foundation in basic knowledge、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 BDCDBAC8、qualified9、recognizes10、excellenceⅢ、Banked Cloze11、B12、J13、L14、C15、I16、H17、N18、G19、O20、EⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 ADBCB25-30 BDADCⅤ、Cloze31-35 BABCD36-40 CBCAB41-45 DCBCC46-50 ADBCBⅥ、Word Building1、superpower2、superabundant3、superspeed4、superefficient5、auto timer6、infrastructure7、provincial8、investor9、usage10、reliable11、disposal12、persistence13、librarian14、correspondence15、annuallyⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、Concentrate on indoor delights rather than outdoor fights and you ll be much better appreciated、2、As a result of the development of the information superhighway many people may eventually be able to work at home rather than go to an office、3、Some people say that this term pupils achievements will be measured by a formal test rather than by their teachers assessment、4、They argued that their products should be developed on the basis of need rather than profit、5、It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing、Ⅷ、Fill in the Blanks1、boost2、in3、to4、Meanwhile5、However6、between7、in8、resist9、despite10、so thatⅨ、Translation1、Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago2、Theirs is about three times as big as ours3、Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on phone as people in North America4、the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed lines5、can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire6、By installing the latest wireless transmission systems7、Anyone can take good photos8、a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace9、where all the books are at their disposal10、We should make full use of the platformUnit 5Choose to Be Alone on PurposePart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) All 22 million people live alone, which suggests that it is an overwhelming phenomenon in the United States、(2) It depends、If they live with their friends, the friends temporary leaving will be received asa wele change、However, if they live alone, the temporary absence of friends may leave them with a feeling emptiness、(3) To stay rational, settle down in a fortable way and find pleasure from the current life, wait for anything happy that may happen、Part TwoⅠ、WritingCredit CardsPersonal credit cards are being more mon in China、Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things、Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change、Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage、But people need to be careful、There are dangers associated with credit cards、Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget、They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can bee quickly overburdened by debt、The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people、However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people s lives、They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses、Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 CBADCBA8、perfection(or perfection seeking)9、a new and entertaining pastime10、almost an end in itselfⅢ、Banked Cloze11、I12、O13、B14、N15、F16、E17、K18、C19、J20、AⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 CCDDA26-30 BBDDCⅤ、Cloze31-35 BDABD36-40 ACBDB41-45 CACDB46-50 DADBCⅥ、Word Building1、efficiency2、slippery3、accuracy4、inspiration5、underestimated6、overcharged7、electrician8、overreact9、inadequate10、intolerable11、disorderly12、reliable13、organic14、depression15、residenceⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、I ve heard the terrible noise once or twice before, but never so loud as this one、2、Men are never so peaceful, so graceful with each other as they are now、3、Remember that the less processed a food, the higher its mineral and vitamin content、4、The less exercise you do, the more unfit you will bee, and the harder everyday tasks will seem、5、The more openly you and your doctor can talk together, the better service your doctor will be able to give you、1、widowed2、mitted3、embarrassing4、purpose5、rejected6、characteristic7、solitary8、venture9、tame10、deliberatelyⅨ、Translation1、We might just as well walk2、the more likely it is that you will end up failing the exam3、which was why he felt so embarrassed4、and hope that the cooperation can be furthered5、The richest people are not necessarily the happiest6、and she wished that she had stayed at home rather than gone to the supermarket7、attribute academic success/achievement to hard work8、two countries reached a promise on import duty9、consumption is out of proportion to ine10、should have given priority to qualityUnit 6Bribery and Business EthicsPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) Because they don t know how serious the problem of bribery is、(2) Because these practices are likely to be morally wrong and may be certain forms of bribery、(3) They wanted to avoid an unfavorable conclusion drawn from the investigation of their possible violation of the US business laws、(4) Yes、More than 300 US panies, for example, admitted that they had made questionable payments、Part TwoⅠ、WritingFood ContaminationWhile 2008 witnessed the great joy of Olympic Games, for thousands of babies and their parents, their 2008 was a nightmare、Due to the tainted milk, many babies were suffering from kidney stone, and some infants even died、This case, however, is only the latest food safety problem、As people can not live without food and drink, food contamination will result in not only direct health problems, but also other indirect consequences、Firstly, when a product is discovered to be contaminated, people will have lingering fears in a large scale、Secondly, take Sanlu Scandal for instance, when the scandal was publicized, the pany only reaped its bankruptcy、In a sense, food safety problem is harmful to the national economy and can affect social stability、In order to counter food safety problems, corporate leaders should not be blind in pursuit of short term profit through adulteration and other unlawful means、Meanwhile, the government should also perfect its supervision procedures、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 CABACAD8、too much attention9、puppy kindergarten classes10、their mild formⅢ、Banked Cloze11、F12、L13、H14、G15、C16、A17、M18、B19、K20、E21-25 CBDCB26-30 BBCADⅤ、Cloze31-35 DACDB36-40 BACAA41-45 BCBDB46-50 CDCACⅥ、Word Building1、foresight2、e journal3、illiterate4、legalize5、petitive6、observable7、distinguished8、appreciative9、appreciable10、definition11、rising12、assurance13、concerning14、Substantial15、negotiationⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、Suppose you are a very heavy smoker and you are anxious to break the habit, where could you get the help?2、Suppose you have just got married and you are employed for three years to work abroad, how would you explain it to your newly married wife?3、It is pointless to go there next Monday—there s a public holiday、4、It is really astonishing that she refuses to talk to you、5、The children went there to watch the iron tower being erected、Ⅷ、Fill in the Blanks1、standards2、accused3、fund4、questionable5、exaggerated6、discounts7、numbered8、withdrawn9、petitive10、abroadⅨ、Translation1、It is pointless to argue with him2、which I was not able to do before3、The ability to visually distinguish between red and green4、everyone involved in the robbery is under investigation5、concerning whether to stand by the new unfair regulation6、There is no point arguing7、Provided that there is no objections8、it was for being accused of bribery that the Prime Minister resigned9、If only we had not made mistakes10、we should never give up our belief in happinessUnit 7Research into Population GeneticsPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) The book concludes that despite surface features, the races are remarkably alike under the skin、(2) In human blood, because various proteins serve as markers to reveal a person s genetic map、(3) The ultimate aim is to weaken conventional notions of race that cause racial prejudice、Part TwoⅠ、WritingOn Marriage of Chinese On Campus StudentsThere is a new dissension putting forward these days: Should Chinese on campus students be approved to get married before they plete their courses? Some people prefer “yes”while some others prefer “no”、Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide on which side they should stand、In fact, the government allows on campus students to get married before they plete their education、There isn t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on campus students、But it must affect those triers、In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on campus students to get married before they finish their college study, however, it shouldn t be advocated or encouraged, because for on campus students, they play the role as learners、Their main task is to learn、If they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works、So, I believe: Almost all on campus students should deal with the question reasonably、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 BBCADDA8、the “fair use” exception of the US copyright law9、the courts decisions10、bee obsoleteⅢ、Banked Cloze11、J12、E13、I14、K15、G16、N17、D18、A19、F20、MⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 BDCAD26-30 BADBBⅤ、Cloze31-35 CBADB36-40 DBCAB41-45 CBCAB46-50 CDADCⅥ、Word Building1、sufficient2、extensive3、descended4、superficial5、variation6、potential7、Confronted8、migrate9、discounted10、distinct11、adaptable12、reasonable13、identity14、intensely15、creationⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、pared our achievements today with what we started out to be, it is more than a miracle brought about by years of exceptionally hard work、2、Hepworth is more than a film maker; he had learnt to find stories that would have genuine popular appeal、3、The experience of sightseeing in the wonderful island is nothing less than exciting and I am moved to tears、4、Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary project to bring puters and ordinary people together、5、He was very concerned that she should not be tired or bored; he wanted to make sure that the holiday would be nothing less than perfect for her、Ⅷ、Fill in the Blanks1、advanced2、survive3、preference4、dominant5、menced6、evolution7、attributes8、phenomena9、sheds10、controversialⅨ、Translation1、that cooperation was more than an attractive option; it was a responsibility2、new light has been shed on the history of human genes3、only hard work in bination with proper methods4、would serve as a warning to others5、is confined to those who have close contact with the patients6、are in a better position to understand what has happened and what to do7、she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted8、only those observations considered relevant to that task should be recorded9、black people are descended from Africans10、brings about a change in the nature of society and human relationships within itⅩ、Proof Reading1、of∧safest→the2、medicines→medicine/drug3、suffered→suffering4、if→though/although5、between→among6、is→are7、number→deal/amount, quantity8、in→to9、去掉down10、and→butUnit 8Slavery Gave Me Nothing to LosePart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) The timid peered cautiously at the Northerners from behind curtains; and the bold would e outside to watch them go past and got just as much pleasure out of them as they got out of the village、(2) When she was thirteen, she was sent to school in Jacksonville, and then she experienced a huge change、She became aware that she was black、(3) As is described, the contents revealed are nothing but mon objects、It suggests that for ordinary people, no matter what color they are, they share something in mon、Part TwoⅠ、WritingEffects of Beauty ProductsWith the improvement of the living conditions, many people shift their focus to their appearance、Women are in particular worried about wrinkles on their faces、They turn to beauty products, trying to delay the process of aging and stay young、Thus many kinds of skin creams appear on beauty counters、But people differ as to the effects of beauty products、Some people believe that they benefit from them、Skin cream can effectively renew the skin, get rid of wrinkles and beat back the destruction ing with age、Take Sue as an example, after trying a famous skin cream for several months, she found her skin softer and smoother、While others claim that beauty products may have harmful effects on people s skin and their health as well if it contains too much mercury、In my opinion, beauty products on the whole are good、But we should not neglect the bad effects of those misleading products、Customers still control the final buying decision、Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 BDBCDBC8、emotional dependence, shame and fear9、they feel trapped and guilty10、does not guarantee respectⅢ、Banked Cloze11、G12、I13、B14、K15、D16、C17、L18、M19、H20、OⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 DDACD2630 ACBDAⅤ、Cloze31-35 CABDC36-40 BBCBA41-45 DCDBA46-50 DBACCⅥ、Word Building1、investigate2、paying3、cautiously4、guarantee5、permanent6、disapprove(d)7、exclusively8、fragrance9、bribing10、depression11、generously12、tendency13、Responses14、significance15、appreciableⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、People don t mind paying a lot more for good software because they can see the benefits of using it、2、I know she isn t really interested in window shopping, but she doesn t mind waiting while I have a look、3、If people don t mind my not having a degree, I could give a few music lessons、4、No friends came to see her; she shut herself off, in the old familiar world of bedroom and drawing room、5、No cigarette end could give us any clue to or sign of anyone having been there、Ⅷ、Fill in the Blanks1、that2、suffered3、anymore4、slaves5、mirror6、black7、register8、past9、Civil10、nothingⅨ、Translation1、is owned exclusively by a few rich farmers2、in that I think no plan is more practical3、have friends at your elbow4、one of the prices we have to pay for5、in pany with many others6、multiplied the chances of disaster7、I don t mind his staying out so late at night8、broke off business relations with that pany9、were more or less depressed10、invite him to your birthday party in the first placeⅩ、Proof Reading1、on→in2、report后面加was3、demand→demanding4、去掉to5、in改为that6、writing→write7、desirable→undesirable8、begin→began9、its→theirs10、nation→nationalUnit 9Make Euro Disney More EuropeanPart OneⅡ、Text Learning Guide1、Questions(1) To show that the pany faces some delicate cultural issues while it gets ready to open its theme park near Paris、(2) It made an extraordinary series of tax and financial concessions in order to attract it、(3) The Disney management has been criticized as being culturally insensitive、Part TwoⅠ、WritingMy View on OpportunityDifferent people have different views on opportunity、Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world, while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route、As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion、For one thing, I finally believe opportunities are everywhere around us、No one will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has his day”、For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves、Just think of Newton, who discovered the law of gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them、Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely e to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society、Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds、”Ⅱ、Reading prehension(Skimming and Scanning)1-7 CACDBCA8、multiply9、Cross contamination10、storage of foodⅢ、Banked Cloze11、L12、D13、N14、K15、J16、O17、F18、H19、A20、IⅣ、Reading in Depth21-25 CADAB26-30 ACAADⅤ、Cloze31-35 DACCA36-40 DBDBB41-45 CAACB46-50 CADBDⅥ、Word Building1、offensive2、violation3、guidance4、invasion5、attendance6、observance7、recognition8、carefully9、remarkable10、excessive11、appreciation12、earnings13、unemployment14、effective15、extremelyⅦ、Rewrite the Following Sentences1、For all the high attendance levels, the pany sustained a net loss for the first financial year、2、He was pelled to spend most of the time talking to Mrs Harlow rather than his daughter、3、Anyone who is not interested in American culture or false European culture can get to the Louvre art museum by express railway in less than an hour—from Minnie Mouse(popular American culture) to Mona Lisa(authentic European culture) in a very short time、4、The opening of Eastern Europe is another prize for the pany, which thinks that millions of people will put Disneyland at the top of a list of places to visit on their first trip to Western。
U校园新视野大学英语4读写教程答案(Unit 4 )

U校园新视野大学英语4读写教程答案Unit 4 Nature: To worship or to conquer Section A4-2 Text A: Achieving sustainable environmentalism Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities-11) A2) B3) B4) B5) APre-reading activities-21) As I understand, a "green city" is a city or town that focuses on environmentally friendly practices. It aims to improve the livability of urban surroundings and benefit the well-being of citizens living there.2) To build a green city, other measures include water quality control, efficient recycling and management of waste, use of renewable energy sources, increase of city residents' awareness of environmental protection, and easy access to products and services that make green lifestyle choices easy, such as easy access to organic products and clean transportation methods.Reading comprehensionReading comprehension-11) The rule of sane environmentalism, which holds the belief that it is only necessary to combat ecological changes that directly threaten human health and safety.2) Because they directly threaten human beings, and their consequences cannot be easily addressed.3) It indulges in overt earth worship. It is sentimental, highly selective and incompatible with the reality of natural disasters.4) The author means that he doesn't think man should indulge in nature worship because natural disasters can bring people terrible tragedies.5) The author thinks that biodiversity is necessary to the ecosystem, but it has to be sacrificed sometimes to meet more fundamental human needs.6) The author stands on the side of protecting the logging families. To him, the livelihood of the logging families is more important than the spotted owl.7) The author thinks that nature is under the supervision of us humans, rather than being our master. Humans need to respect nature as well as cultivate it. But when humans have to choose between their own interests and those of nature, they should put their own interests in the first place.8) Man should adapt to nature only when his fate and that of nature are closely connected and man's fate is put in danger. For example, ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect will threaten the living environment of man. Therefore, man has to change his behavior anddo something to stop or reduce the impact of ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect.Reading comprehension-21) I don't quite like the author's classification of "environmental necessity" and "environmental luxury".I think this classifying method is too narrow and extreme. To me, all the issues related to environmental protection need to be considered, not just the ones that threaten human health and safety. Take what the author says about the spotted owl for example. If the spotted owl becomes extinct, the whole ecosystem will be affected and we don't know what other environmental problems will arise.I like the author's classification of "environmental necessity" and "environmental luxury". To me, the world can only spend money and energy protecting things that human beings do depend on for survival. It is impossible for the world to deal with all kinds of environmental problems due to its inability to pay for the costs.2) Human activities can either cause natural disasters or make their effects much worse. For example, one reason that sandstorms, floods and landslides take place is that forests have been destroyed by humans and there are not enough trees and plants to hold the soil. To reduce such natural disasters, humans should attach great importance to planting trees, and at the same time make strict laws to protect forests so that people will not cut trees without planning.3) I think man and nature are interdependent. The reasons are as follows. First, man must realize that he is part of nature and he needs to depend on nature. Therefore man can't ignore natural laws and change nature as he likes. Second, man must understand that nature needs to be managed. If nature has a problem, man should try to solve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, man will eventually suffer from the consequences of the problem.4) Some environmental problems the world is faced with: Water pollution: A large population in the world lacks access to clean drinking water.Air pollution: The air in many cities of the world is so seriously polluted that people can hardly see a blue sky.Wildlife protection: Natural habitats of the wildlife are seriously damaged, and many wildlife species are in danger of extinction.Land erosion: Desertification in some places of the world is causing the loss of large areas of grassland every year.To sum up, these problems are caused by the following factors:People don't have strong awareness of environmental protection.People don't have a long-term vision. They hunt or cut down trees for temporary profit, but they don't realize the price they or their children have to pay in the long run.Some local governments don't make good plans about economic development.5) First, the authorities must have better foresight. Environmental protection is a long-lasting campaign and its impact can't be felt in a short term. However, governments and authorities should always keep in mind the imperative of environmental protection. Some economic benefits don't last long, but the harm to the environment may be enduring. Second, strict laws and policies should be made to ensure that the economy is not developed at the cost of the environment. For example, factories which produce heavy pollution should be closed down and punished severely so that other factories will not do the same.4-3 Text A: Language focusWords in use1. consolidate2. differentiate3. dreadful4. incompatible5. alleged6. bizarre7. correlation8. negligible9. habitats10. intelligibleWord building: Practice Word building: Practice-11) harmonious2) disastrous3) spacious4) hazardous5) virtuous6) victorious7) desirous8) adventurous9) evenly10) routinely11) consequent12) respectivelyWord building: Practice-21. victorious2. hazardous3. consequent4. adventurous5. disastrous6. evenly7. spacious8. respectively9. virtuous10. routinely11. harmonious12. desirous Banked cloze1) incompatible2) preserve3) available4) proportion5) utilized6) converted7) dreadful8) balance9) sane10) considerable Expressions in use 1. took on2. called upon3. runs against the grain4. be incompatible with5. come through6. is bound up7. differentiate between8. have struck a chord with4-4 Structure analysis & writingStructured writing: Practice参考:Have you ever been to a national park? How do you like it? Nowadays, national parks are very common in the world, and they can be found in many countries. Most people believe that national parks are necessary because they can help protect the variety of species on earth and offer people a place where they can explore nature and learn more about the environment. However, there are also different voices about the establishment of national parks.Some people are against national parks because they argue that wild areas should not be disturbed, and wild animals should be left entirely alone. But I think these people may not have realized that some wild animals and plants have become so rare that proper protection is necessary and urgent. The establishment of national parks aims to provide a safe home for native plants and animals. For instance, Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province has provided a natural habitat for giant pandas and many other precious species.Other people oppose national parks because they worry that too much exploration of national parks can be damaging to the environment. True, extreme exploration will do harm to anything. But reasonable exploration of national parks can not only increase people's knowledge about the environment, but also is beneficial to the protection of biodiversity. The thing is, in considering building up a national park, the authorities and experts involved must plan carefully to make sure that the national park will play a significant role in protecting biodiversity. In addition, the government can use the park as a livingschool to teach people the importance of environmental protection.All in all, I agree that national parks are necessary. If we can make good use of them, we can not only protect plant and animal species, but also help people learn more about our environment.4-5 TranslationTranslationTranslation-1参考:巴洛克建筑是一种建筑风格,兴盛于16世纪晚期至18世纪中期的欧洲。

新视野大学英语4 Unit1--Unit5 Section A课后练习Unit 1crumble 崩溃,瓦解,消失discern 看出,觉察出,辨明Surpass 超过,胜过shrewd 精明的,机敏的,准确的conversion 转变,改造,转换distort 歪曲,曲解radiant 容光焕发的,喜悦的ingenious 有独创性的,别出心裁的stump 使困惑,难倒proposition 提议,建议,主张1. As the gender barriers (crumbled), the number of women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from the mid-20th century.2. With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop can (discern) customer trends and how things like weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.3. His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not only able to reach but to (surpass) his personal goals.4. He is a man with a(n) (shrewd)business sense. He has built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large fortune.5. The (conversion)of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in many laboratories in the 1950s.6. I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried to (distort) the scientific facts in such a manner that even some highly-educated people were fooled.7. Sixty-two and blessed with his mother's skin, the fisherman had withstood a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked as (radiant) as a man in his forties.8. French educator Louis Braille invented a simple but (ingenious) code which has had an impact on the lives of generations of people who are blind.9. The senators didn't expect us to ask such tough questions, and when we finally did, they got (stumped) and didn't know what to say.10. This newly established university supports the (proposition)that a more diverse higher education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunities for lifelong learning.短语be dripping with 满是…,充满in exchange for 作为交换flare up 突然发怒,骤然make an analogy between在…间做类比set a date for 为…定日期make…out of 使…变成made a pact 约好,达成协议appeale to 诉诸,唤起1. The brick walls of the ruined buildings (were dripping with) green mold and moisture, and she shivered involuntarily, looking down to avoid the sight.2. As urban populations exported finished goods (in exchange for) raw materials from neighboring populations, organized trade grew substantially.3. Knowing just how quickly a wildfire can spread, some residents of the village decided to leave their homes after the flames (flared up) nearby.4. Biology teachers often (make an analogy between) the heart and a pump in order to help students understand how the heart works.5. They would like to (set a date for) their wedding and announce their engagement to their families and friends as soon as possible.6. He was determined not to sour a perfectly good day with the memory of one jealous classmate trying to (make) a fool (out of) him in front of the entire class.7. The couple (made a pact) never to work at the same time, so that one of them was always on full-time parenting duty, and their child wouldn't have to be looked after by strangers.8. The president said that it's the worst earthquake ever to hit the country, and that he (had appealed to) the world for help, asking in particular for heavy-lift helicopters able to carry relief supplies into the isolated mountain areas.英译汉Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist.亚里士多德是古希腊的哲学家和科学家。

第3版新视野大学英语4读写教程课后练习题答案Unit 1Words in use(P10,3)1. As the gender barriers crumbled, the number of women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from the mid-20th century.随着性别壁垒的瓦解,从20世纪中期开始,从事律师、医生或银行家工作的妇女人数开始显著增加。
2. With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop can discern customer trends and how things like weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.通过每年收集的数据,店主可以辨别顾客的趋势,以及天气和经济指标如何影响销售业绩。
3. His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not only able to reach but to surpass his personal goals.他的上司以一种积极的方式推动和激励他,使他不仅能够达到,而且能够超越他的个人目标。
4. He is a man with a(n) shrewd business sense. He has built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large fortune.他是个有精明商业头脑的人。
5. The conversion of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in many laboratories in the 1950s.核辐射直接转化为电能是一种令人兴奋的可能性,20世纪50年代,许多实验室正在积极探索这种可能性。

新视野大学英语第3版读写教程第四册课本练习答案(全)Unit 1Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.crumbled2.discern3.surpass4.shrewd5.conversion6.distort7.radiant8.ingenious9.stumped 10.propositionText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1delicacybankruptcyaccountancysecrecyvacancyurgencyatmosphericmagnetmetallicgloomguiltmasteryText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.bankruptcies2.atmospheric3.delicacies4.urgency5.accountancy6.gloom7.magnet8.metallic9.mastery 10.vacancy 11.guilt 12.secrecy Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)mentioned(2)determine(3)gained(4)responsible(5)heavily(6)artistic(7)opposite(8)analytical(9)distorted(10)stumpedText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.were dripping with2.in exchange for3.flared up4.make an analogy between5.set a date for6.make ... out of7.made a pact8.had appealed to Text B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingCABDB DCAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.triggering2.obscure3.hypothesis4.formulate5.threshold6.incidence7.refute8.realm9.decay10.testimonyText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.play the odds2.subject to3.attributes to4.be factored into5.call for6.By virtue of7.get stuck one into playCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 2Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.deficient2.prosecution3.outrage4.appeased5.conformity6.strandplement8.transient9.appliances 10.outfitText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1dominationorientationconfrontationcomposerbinderscannermanufacturereraseimperialistleftistterroristhumanistText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.domination2.scanners3.humanist4.confrontation5.leftists6.orientation7.erased8.terrorists9.manufacturers 10.binder 11.imperialists posersText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)achieving(2)gorgeous(3)considered(4)context(5)accessories(6)appreciated(7)complexion(8)handsome(9)comment(10)admirationText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.in hopes of2.came up with3.excused herself4.was obsessed with5.reaching out to6.voice an opinion on7.live up to8.in terms ofText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBDDAD BCAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.hampered2.mortal3.corrode4.preface5.embodies6.interwoven7.knit8.collide9.costume10.predominantText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.enquired about2.from a ... perspective3.on the rise4.be accountable to5.are worn out6.is exempt from7.approve of8.being addicted toCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 3Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.exquisite2.dispersed3.decentralized4.deduce5.fixture6.frugality7.administrate8.disjointed9.Reviving 10.elapseText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1punctualitypurityscarcitysenioritysensitivitysolemnityspecialtysuperiorityvalidityvisibilityreassurerestructureText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.seniority2.purity3.specialties4.reassure5. scarcity6.punctuality7.sensitivity8.restructuring9.superiority 10.validity 11.visibility12.solemnityText A > Language focus > Banked cloze (1)frequently(2)immersed(3)disrupted(4)stress(5)sphere(6)challenges(7)quantifythe pleasure with money. It offers more than (8) financial(9)administrate(10)addictionText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.held ... in high regard2.In the interim3.was onto something4.in turn5.from time to time6.pick on7.take a stab at8.boil down toText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingADCBB ACDText B > Language focus > Words in use1.stimulus2.magnitude3.velocity4.quota5.stipulated6.tease7.eligible8.premium9.reminiscence10.decreeText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.be embedded in2.a trace of3.is critical to4.adjacent to5.beat sb. down6.remains committed to7.conceive of8. be eligible forCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 4Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.consolidate2.differentiate3.dreadful4.incompatible5.alleged6.alleged7.alleged8.alleged9.habitats 10.intelligibleText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1harmoniousdisastrousspacioushazardousvirtuousvictoriousdesirousadventurousevenlyroutinelyconsequentrespectivelyText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.victorious2.hazardous3.consequent4.adventurous5.disastrous6.disastrous7.spacious8.respectively9. virtuous10.routinely11.harmonious 12.desirousText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)incompatible(2)preservebiodiversity.(3)available(4)proportion(5)utilized(6)converted(7)dreadful(8)balance(9)sane(10)considerableText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.took on2.called upon3.runs against the grain4. be incompatiblee through 6.is bound up 7.differentiate between 8.have struck a chord withText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingBCCDA ABCText B > Language focus > Words in use1.converge2impaired3contaminate4.vulgar5.dweller6.alienate7.prefer8.injected9.deplore10.invertedText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.be obedient to2.leaned against3.subscribe to4.preside over5.shutting out6.plunged into7.plunged into8.are disconnected fromCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 5Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fabricate2.nominal3.temporal4.reciprocal5.denotes6.consecutive7.spectators8.mutteringposite positeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1assertivedecisivedigestiveimaginativeconsultativequalitativeauthoritativeconservequantitativeunbuttonunsettleunveilText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.conserve2.unbuttoning3.authoritative4.consultative5.imaginative6.quantitative7.unveil8.assertive9.unsettled 10.decisive 11.digestive 12.qualitativeText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)exterior(2)insights(3)complete(4)course(5)inconsistencies(6)offended(7)gestures(8)ornaments(9)sense(10)distinctiveText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.got to the point2.are attached to3.would have starved to death4.If anything5.were suspicious of6.wandered around7.on the side8.was representative ofReading skills > PracticeADBDCText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDACDA CDBText B > Language focus > Words in use1.refund2friction3.mute4.detained5.extractpiles7.convertibles8.mediated9.tactful10.cohesionText B > Language focus > Expressions in usegs behind2.put in charge of3.take a(n) ... approach to4.singled out5.headed for6.incorporated into7.divert … to8. has had an impact on Collocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 6Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.stalked2.stalked3.symmetrical4.lubricated5.twinkled6.mediator7.outposts8.traversing9.emancipate 10.deductiveText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1prevalentpersistentcorrespondentrespondentinclusiveindicativeinductiveinteractiveoperativeresponsive / respondentinitiatespeculativeText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.operative2.indicative3.prevalent4.interactive5.speculative6.initiate7.respondents8.inclusive9.persistent 10.inductive 11.responsive 12.correspondentText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)reason(2)levy(3)generating(4)lightweight(5)reduction(6)enhance(7)achieved(8)emancipate(9)relationships(10)approachesText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.being extracted from2.emancipate ... from3.cater to4.have a say on5.made a racket6.was destined to7.run errands8.has scraped by Text B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDBABC ACDText B > Language focus > Words in use1.transit2.colonized3.execution4.distill5.segregation6.illiterate7.artifacts8.displace9.vigilant10.overthrowText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.was ejected from2.was ejected from3.forbid ... from4.were coiled up with5.ran for6.against his will7.a ghost of8. took upCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 7Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.fringe2.unify3.extinct4.indefinite5.slash6.intricate7.inaugurate8.ventilate 9.collaboration 10.diffusedText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1competence / competitionadolescentdelegationcondemnationrestorationpreservationspecificationreconciliationresignationspeculationrevelationsituateText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.delegation2.restoration3.situate4.specificationspetence6.adolescent7.condemnation8.reconciliation9.preservation 10.resignation 11. speculation12.revelationText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)particulates(2)viable(3)disagree(4)cite(5)rotary(6)vary(7)little(8)minimize(9)locating(10)designedText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.fill up2.fill up3.have factored in4.pose a risk to5.clear up6.is derived from7.hinge on8.is uponText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingDCABB CDAText B > Language focus > Words in use1.intrigued2.neutralize3coherent4.volatile5.disclose6.foretell7.dodge8.intermittent9.wholesale10.dualText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.level off2.keep ... at bay3.account for4.point to5.are starved of6.on a collision course7.on a collision course8. rescued ... fromCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2Unit 8Text A: Language focus: Words in use1.stalked2.expectancy3.terminate4.condolences5.chronicling6.malpractice7.retrospective8.boycott9.incur 10.batchesText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1breakagedrainagebriberyrefineryconstitutionalexceptionalinstitutionalorientalsensationtutorialpresidentialprovincialText A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 21.provincial2.breakage3.institutional4.bribery5.sensations6.drainage7.tutorial8.refineries9.oriental 10.constitutional 11.presidential12.exceptionalText A > Language focus > Banked cloze(1)depressing(2)figure(3)flexibility(4)seemingly(5)sued(6)imagine(7)sparked(8)suffering(9)leaflets(10)passionateText A > Language focus > Expressions in use1.stay on the sidelines2.alerted to3.turned upy siege to5.followed suit6.In the face of7.put out8.get revenge forText B: Reading comprehension: UnderstandingCBADD CDBText B > Language focus > Words in use1.vibrate2.indignant3.activate4.adherence5.timely6.patrons7.tentatively8.serial9.denounces10.impetusText B > Language focus > Expressions in use1.has been swamped with2.in adherence to3.in essence4.marvel atacking ... up es to life 5.feel strongly about 6.was dubbed…as 7.tCollocation: : Practice 1Collocation: : Practice 2。

work at home rather than go to the office.
3. Some people sayபைடு நூலகம்that the pupils' achievements this term will be measured by a formal test rather
than their teacher's assessment.
4. They argued that their products should be developed on the basis of need rather than profit.
5. During weekends the businessmen may spend time establishing friendship and mutual trust rather
1. auto-timer 2. auto-focus 3. autograph 4. auto-reverse
5. autobiography 6. automakers 7. autoloading 8. autocriticism
sentence structure
1. Concentrate on indoor delights rather than outdoor fights and you'll be much better appreciated.
the two. Under the new welfare system, the law encourages welfare clients to work on their own for a

新版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册unit4答案<DIV&NBSP;&NBSP;CLASS=MSONORMAL align="left">unit 4Section AV ocabularyIII.1. investment2. disposal3. condensed4. strategic5. revenue6. scratch7. utilities8. invested9. nowhere 10. transmissionIV.1. is lagging far behind2. are stuck with3. going for4. remain in contact5. keep pace with6. at your disposal7. dates from8. scratched the surface of9. stuck in 10. choose betweenV.1.L2.N3.D4.E5.H6.17.F8.09.1 10.BCollocationVI.1. exchange2. growth3. opportunities4. understanding5. benefits6. peace7. development8. career9. will 10. statusWord BuildingVII.1. superpower2. superabundant3. supermarket4. super-speed5. supercomputer6. superman7. superstar8. super-efficientVIII.1. auto-timer2. auto-focus3. autograph4. auto-reverse5. autobiography6. automakers7. autoloading8. autocriticismsentence structureIX1. Concentrate on indoor delights rather than outdoor fights and you'll be much better appreciated.2. As a result of the development of computer technology many people may eventually be able towork at home rather than go to the office.3. Some people say that the pupils' achievements this term will be measured by a formal test ratherthan their teacher's assessment.4. They argued that their products should be developed on the basis of need rather than profit.5. During weekends the businessmen may spend time establishing friendship and mutual trust ratherthan discussing any particular item of business.X.1. Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.2. Theirs is about three times as big as ours.3. Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.4. the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed lines5. can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire TranslationXI.1. Rather than invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.2. Today, people are spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the past.3. In order to be successful, a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.4. Her fluency in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.5. For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the books are at their disposal.6. We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, expand cooperation in moreareas and seek further development through joint efforts.XII.1,发展中国家认为信息技术是促进经济发展的途径,但一些国家在估算成本与选择技术方面缺乏经验。

新视野大学英语课文翻译第四册Unit 1TextA艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。

新视野大学英语读写教程4答案新视野大学英语4读写教程Unit1Section ALanguage focusWords in use[3]Word building[4]Words learned New words formed-cyDelicate delicacyBankrupt bankruptcyAccountant accountancySecret secrecyVacant vacancyUrgent urgency-icAtmosphere atmosphericMagnetic magnetMetal metallic-yGloomy gloomGuilty guiltMaster mastery[5]1.bankruptciesBanked close[6]1-10:C I A O F H M K J DExpressions in use[7]dripping with exchange for up an analogy between a datefor …out of a pact appealed to[9]亚里士多德是古希腊的哲学家和科学家。
[10]The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called “mean” by Confucius doesn’t mean “compromise”but a “moderate” and “just-right” way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as away to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one’s dailyconduct to make it a virtue through self-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chinese culture. From the time it came into being the present ,it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.Section BLanguage focusWords in use[4]Expressions in use[5]1. play the odds to attributed…to factored into for virtue of stuck into playSentence structure[6]time has come for a broad international effort to integrate China into the global economy.time has come for us to recognize that traditional art forms presented in traditional venues cannot compete with objects produced by popular culture.time has come for considering the policy of conserving these material resources on which the permanent prosperity of our country must depend.[7]reports differ from his earlier work in that they offer solutions to public pension problems.2. These forums are unique in that they provide a venue for those with varying perspectives to have an open and honest dialog.3. Social support has been found to act as a stress reducer in that it protects people in crisis from both physical and psychological problems.CollocationWarm-up1intellectual新视野大学英语4读写教程Unit2 Section ALanguage focusWords in use[3]Word building[4]Words learnedNew words formed-iondominatedominationorientorientation confront confrontation -ercompose composerbindbinderscanscanner manufacture manufacturer erasererase-istimperialimperialistleftleftistterrorterroristhumanehumanist[5]1. domination2. scanners Banked close[6]1-10:J M L B I A H O D F Expression in use[7]hopes of up with obsessed with out to an opinion on up to terms of[9]人们普遍认为,威廉·莎士比亚是最伟大的英语作家和世界杰出的戏剧家。

第三版新视野大学英语4读写教程第一单元课后答案1. Min Liu reconsidered her behavior on Facebook account recently. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 1(正确答案)B) Paragraph 4C) Paragraph 5D) Paragraph 92. The traditional opinion suggests that if one is under 30, he is willing to tell every aspect of his lives online. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 3(正确答案)B) Paragraph 2C) Paragraph 6D) Paragraph 83. A study has found that people in their 20s exert more control over their digital reputations. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 3B) Paragraph 10C) Paragraph 6D) Paragraph 5(正确答案)4. A Yale student thought he should not have said something on the Internet. [单选题] *A) Paragraph7(正确答案)B) Paragraph 9C) Paragraph 10D) Paragraph 125. People who do not believe in intentions of social sites are many. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 6B) Paragraph 7C) Paragraph 9D)Paragraph 10(正确答案)6. Younger people more often delete comments. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 1B) Paragraph 2C) Paragraph 12D) Paragraph 11(正确答案)7. Some people are not asked in these surveys. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 7B) Paragraph 10C) Paragraph 11(正确答案)D) Paragraph 58. A girl is warned by her elder sister. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 10B) Paragraph 8C) Paragraph 16(正确答案)D) Paragraph 139. An expert of culture claimed that teenagers were protective in their nature. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 19B) Paragraph 7C) Paragraph 12D) Paragraph 18(正确答案)10. Kanupriya Tewari didn’t think other people will protect her. [单选题] *A) Paragraph 20(正确答案)B) Paragraph 14C) Paragraph 9D) Paragraph 1311.What does “extinction” mean in Paragraph 1? [单选题] *A) Inborn pattern of behaviorB) No longer in existence(正确答案)C) Put an end toD) All of the above12. Which of the following statements is true? [单选题] *A) The author does not like cash.B) In Victoria Beckham, it is convenient to pay.(正确答案)C) People will use forged banknotes sometime.D) No one hands over notes and counts out change any more.13. Why does the author feel uncomfortable with the abstraction of the idea of cash? [单选题] *A) He is not fashionable.B) The experts don’t like cash.C) Earning money is getting easier.(正确答案)D) Spending money is so fast and easy.14. What may a wallet hold ? [单选题] *A) A cell phone.B) An iPad.C) Gold and silver.D) A cinema ticket.(正确答案)15. What is true about the author? [单选题] *A) He is resistant to iPad.B) He is against technological progress.C) He feels reluctant to part with the traditional wallet.(正确答案)D) He fells insecure in the ever-changing modern world.16. According to the new study, what mental functions started to dull in young adulthood. [单选题] *A. measures of abstract reasoningB. mental speedC. puzzle-solvingD. all of the above(正确答案)17. According to findings published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging, what kept improving with age? [单选题] *A. a person’s memoryB. a person’s ability to speakC. a person’s ability to do exerciseD. a person’s accumulated knowledge(正确答案)18. What do we learn about Timothy Salthouse’s research? [单选题] *A. Young adults need to start worrying about their memories.B. All types of mental flexibility decrease relatively early in adulthood.C. The functioning of people’s minds is still a puzzle to be solved.D. Most people’s minds function quite well even in old age.(正确答案)19. When people’s certain aspects of cognition generally started to decline? [单选题] *A. in old ageB. as early as age 27C. around age 37D. in the late 20s to 30s(正确答案)20. What does the passage mainly talk about? [单选题] *A. people’s mental function change(正确答案)B. people improve their mental functionC. people can understand the complex process of mental functionD. people can not find an aid in understanding the process of dementia。

新版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册unit1答案Unit 1III.1. idle2. justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. worship IV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/objected 10. at bestV1. K2. G3. C4. E5. N6.O7.I8. L9. A 10. D CollocationVI.1. delay2. pain3. hardship4. suffering5. fever6. defeat7. poverty8. treatment9. noise 10. agonyWord buildingVII.1. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrifiedVIII.1. bravery2. jewelry3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discoverySentence StructureIX.1. other than for funerals and weddings2. other than to live an independent life3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .5. other than that it's somewhere in the town centerX.1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night2. would have; told him the answer3. they needn't have gone at all4. must have had too much work to do5. might have been injured seriouslyTranslationXI. -1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3.Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do;we would do it.5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.XII.l.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。

新视野第四册答案与翻译Unit 1Section A. The Temptation of a Respectable Woman《读写教程IV》: Ex. II, p. 81.Her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, to stay about one or two weeks in their home. 2.He was a boring and withdrawn person with a strange personality.3.She decided to leave for her aunt’s house and wouldn’t come back till Gouvernail left their home.4.A once ambitious person, Gouvernail now became one with the mere desire to enjoy a genuinelife now and then.5.His tones of voice and personal charm.6.She was afraid that she could not resist being attracted by Gouvernail.7.He mistook his wife’s feeling towards Gouvernail for pure dislike.8.She had overcome both her misunderstanding of and her subtle feelings towards Gouvernail. 《读写教程IV》: Ex. III, p. 81.Idle2.melting3.imposes4.penetrate5.presence6.nuisance7.nonsense8.keen《读写教程IV》: Ex. IV, p. 91.run down2.taken seriously3.drinking in4.in no sense5.made excellent observations on6.counted on7.for my part8.make a fuss《读写教程IV》: Ex. V, p. 91.sanctions2.Restrictions3.fine4.limits5.problems6.tax7.duty8.responsibility《读写教程IV》: Ex. VI, p. 101. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrified《读写教程IV》: Ex. VII, p. 101. bravery2. jewellery3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discovery《读写教程IV》: Ex. VIII, p. 111. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good.2. Mrs. Baroda said she might have liked Gouvernail if he had been like the others.3. If I had been there, I could have helped you.4. He could have got tickets if there had been some cheap ones.5. Mrs. Baroda might have yielded to the temptation if she hadn’t been a respectable and sensible person.《读写教程IV》: Ex. IX, p. 111. “You were different then.” “So was she.”2. “You used to say he was a man of wit.”“So he is.”3. “You’ve made a mistake here.”“Oh, so I have. Thank you.”4. “Children should behave themselves.”“So should adults.”5. “This glass is cracked.”“Oh, so it is. I hadn’t noticed.”《读写教程IV》: Ex. X, p. 121. He imposed his company upon her in spite of her repeated hints of hoping to be left alone.2. His friends can never count upon how he is going to act under given conditions, as he is always full of surprises.3. Don’t make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected.4. Besides being an upright and respectable woman Mrs. Baroda was also a very sensible one.5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.6. From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.7. To Gaston’s delight, his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvern ail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself.8. Mrs. Baroda felt confused with Gouvernail’s puzzling nature and found it hard to penetratethe silence in which he had unconsciously covered himself.《读写教程IV》: Ex. XI, p. 121. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。
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Unit OneIII.1. idle2. justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. worshipIV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for:6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/object edV1. K2. G3. C4. E5. N6.07.18. L9. A 10. DCol locationVI.1. delay2. pain3. hardship4. suffering5. fever6. defeat7. poverty8. treatment9. noise 10. agonyWord buildingVII.1. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrifiedVIII.1. bravery2. jewelry3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discoverysentence StructureIX.1. other than for funerals and weddings2. other than to live an independent life3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .5. other than that it's somewhere in the town centerX.1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night2. would have; told him the answer3. they needn't have gone at all4. must have had too much work to do5. might have been injured seriouslyTranslationXI. -1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what wemay have done during the day.3.Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.XII.l.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。
closeXIII.1 .B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5. B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9. C 10.AII.D 12.C 13. D 14.A 15. C 16.D 17.B 18.C I9. A 20.DSection BReading Skills.I.1. I was a black and was looked down on because of the ugly shadow of racism in 1976.2. It means that the man was different from others for he was honest and paid debts.3. The farmer's attitude toward me changed when he learned that I was the son of an honest man whowas different from other blacks.4. Because American social morality has changed for the worse.5. Because people believe in honesty and this helps me in my life. Comprehension o f the TextII.1.F2.T3.F4.T5.T6.T7.F8.TVocabulary1 . melted 2. restore 3. initiative 4. obligation, 5. induce6. lest7. relief8. furnish9. enquire 10. meanwhileExercises on Web course only:11. deposit 12: intent 13. behave 14.amused 15. glueIV1. kept his word 2: shrugged off 3. melted away 4. enquire into 5. cool off6. pave the way for7. hold up8. fall apart9. wipe away 10. on creditunit 2Section AComprehension o f the text1. He lived a poor and miserable life during his childhood.2. Because no one in Britain appeared to appreciate his talent for comedy. His comic figures did notconform to British standards.3. Because his dress and behavior didn't seem that English.4. It was the first movie in which Chaplin spoke.5. He used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along without a prepared script.6. His transformation of lifeless object s into other kinds of object s, plus the skill with which heexecuted it again and again.7. She brought stability and happiness to him and became a center of calm in his family.8. Comic.VocabularyIII.1. coarse2. betrayed3. incident4. postponed5. execute6. surrounding7. applause8. extraordinary9. clumsy 10. sparkedIV.1. for2. against3. up4. about5. up6. to7. down8. down9. in 10. onV.l. I 2.J 3.B 4.D 5.E 6.G 7.F 8.L 9.N 10.ACol location<br />VI.1. service2. help/hand3. influence4. guarantee5. visit6. span .7. welcome8. spirit9. duties 10. buildingsWord BuildingVII.1. artist2. terrorist3. novelist4. activists5. biologists6. idealist7. capitalists8. touristVIII.1. terrorism2. industrialism3. realism4. idealism5. criticism6. heroism7. racism8. Modernismsentence structureIX1. If I had known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.2. If he had tried to leave the country, he would have been stopped at the border.3. If we had found him earlier, we could have saved his life.4. If I had caught that plane, I would have been killed in the air crash.5. If he had been in good health, he could have written many books.X.1. it is a wonder to find2. It is a surprise for us to find3. it is a waste of time to argue with him4. It's a comfort to know5. It is a relief for us to learnXI1. If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.3. I never had formal training, I just learned as I went along.4. As their products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining in popularity.5. She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all hermoney was gone, but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.6. No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.XII1 .If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous,it would have attracteda larger audience.‘2. She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.3 .I never had formal training,I just learned as I went along·4. As their products find their way into the international market,their brand is gaining in popularity.5 .She could make up a story by saying she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all hermoney was gone,but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.6 .No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this brought more criticism of him.XII.1.如果没有查理·卓别林,世界电影史就会不一样了。