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41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
1700N-291A 1700N-292 1700N-312 1700N-313 1700N-402 1700N-430 1700N-450 1700N-471 1700N-528 20X1.8-G-N-ISO3601-1 24N-01072 24N-01073 24N-01074 30X1.8-G-N-ISO3601-1 31315X3 33212X3 4205A-211A 4205A-214 4205A-215 4205N120H-065 4205N-128 4205NG-220 4205NH-216A 4210ND-010 6317X3N AXK91113 AZ9003070107 DC10J200T-133 DC10J200T-145 DC10J200T-146 DC10J200T-172 DC10S130-017 DC10S130-025 DC10S130-048 DC10S130-082 DC10S130-086 DC10S130-171 DC10S130-172 DC10S130-242 DC10S130-253 DC10S130-273 DC10S130-301A DC10S130-311 DC10S130-330 DC10S130-357
AZ AQUATAR家族产品系列介绍说明书
C8 Telomer
AZ Electronic Materials Confidential
AQUATAR-3S (1.42/1.44/1.49)
AQUATAR-6 (1.40/1.43/1.45)
Fluoro Polymer
AQUATAR-8A (1.41/1.45/1.52)
for KrF “N” resist
AZ, the AZ logo, BARLi, Aquatar, nLOF, Kwik Strip, Klebosol, and S5pinfil are
registered trademarks and AX, DX, HERB, HiR, MiR, NCD, PLP, Signiflow,
SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.
SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.
2.4 Resist swing reduction effect in 365nm application
Substrate TARC Develop
: Silicon with HMDS(90C/60s) : 64nm FT, NO PAB : AZ 300MIF(2.38%) , puddle 60s
195矮壮素chlormequat ,chlormequat- chloride
Reel of 1000
Tube of 25 Reel of 2000
Reel of 2000
Reel of 2000
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
DIR 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 A5 6 A6 7 A7 8 A8 9 GND 10
AZ P4000系列正相光刻胶技术数据表说明书
Technical datasheetAPPLICATIONGeneral purpose positive tone photoresists featuring a special PAC (Photo Active Compound) engineered to prevent poisoning of plating solutions and extend plating bath life. Excellent substrate adhesion for wet etch applications.•Wide compatibility with electro -plating solu-tions•Safe solvent•Single coat thicknesses from 1.0 to >20µm •May be cured as a permanent dielectric in-* Contact your AZ product representative for more in-formation and special spin programs for ultra thick films.COMPANION PRODUCTSThinning/Edge Bead RemovalAZ ®EBR Solvent or AZ® EBR 70/30 DevelopersAZ ® 400K 1:3 or 1:4, AZ ® 421K, AZ Developer 1:1, AZ 340 RemoversAZ ® 300T, AZ ® 400T, AZ Kwik StripAZ® P4000 SeriesPositive Tone PhotoresistsTYPICAL PROCESSSoft Bake: 90-115C*Rehydrate: for films > 4.0µm thick Expose: 350-450nm sensitive Develop: Spray or immersionDeveloper type: Inorganic (IN) * Use higher soft bake temp. for best adhesion to metals. Ramped temperature may be required for thicker films.OPTICAL CONSTANTS*96µm gold bump plated in AZ P4620 Cyanide electro -plating solutionTYPICAL SPIN CURVES (150MM SUBSTRATE)Note: Thicker films will be coated by varying spin times and other dispense parameters (or via multiple coats). Single films above 7.0µm are not spun to equilibrium.TYPICAL AU PLATING RESULTS (CYANIDE PLATING SOLUTION; PH = 5.5)Resist: AZ P4620Thickness: 24µmDevelop: AZ 400K 1:3Plating Temp: 45CPlating Time: 50 min.Metal Thickness: 20µmStrip: AZ 400TREFERENCE PROCESS (12µM THICK AZ P4620 FILM)* Thicker films may require a ramped soft bake process to avoid bubble formation due to rapid outgassing ofsolvents. Contact your AZ product representative for ultra-thick coat and bake processing guidelines.EXPOSURE LATITUDE FOR 20µM LINES AZ P4620 AT FT = 12µM EXPOSURE LATITUDE FOR 40µM LINES AZ P4620 AT FT = 24µMABSORBANCE SPECTRA OF P4000 SERIES PHOTORESISTS (UNBLEACHED, NORMAL-IZED TO 1µM)PROCESSING P4000 AS A DIELECTRIC INSULATORAZ P4000 Series photoresists may be thermally cured after develop to form stable dielectric isolators. The die-lectric properties are cure temperature dependent as shown in the table below.EXAMPLE COATING SEQUENCE FOR 20+ µM THICK FILMSAZ P4000 SERIES FLUID VISCOSITIESDILL MODELLING PARAMETERSAPPROXIMATE EXPOSURE DOSE REQUIRE-MENT VS. FILM THICKNESS (SUSS MA -200)PROCESS CONSIDERATIONSSUBSTRATE PREPARATIONSubstrates must be clean, dry, and free of organic residues. Oxide forming substrates (Si, etc.) should be HMDS primed prior to coating AZ P4000. Contact your AZ product representative for detailed information on pre-treating with HMDS.COATINGFilms up to 8.0µm thick (depending upon wafer size) may be set and spun to equilibrium using the spin curve graphs as a reference. Thicker films require special coat programs using carefully timed spread and spin cycles. Contact your AZ products representative for additional information.SOFT BAKESoft bake times and temperatures may be application specific. Process optimization is recommended to ensure stable lithographic and adhesion performance. Soft bake temperatures for AZ P4000 should be in the 95-115C range. Temperatures towards the high end of this range will improve adhesion to most metals. Thick films may require gradual ramping of the soft bake temperature to prevent bubbling.FILM REHYDRATIONP4000 photoresist films thicker than 4.0µm require a rehydration hold between soft bake and exposure. Hold times are typically 30-60 minutes (depending upon film thickness) @ relative humidity 40 - 45%.EXPOSUREAZ P4000 is sensitive to exposure wavelengths between 310 and 450nm. 365-436nm is recommended.POST EXPOSE BAKEA PEB is not generally required for P4000 but may be employed to maximize process latitudes and to mitigate standing wave effects caused by monochromatic exposure. PEB temperatures and times may be application specific. As a general rule, PEB temperatures should be in the 100 to 115C range.DEVELOPINGSpray or immersion developing in AZ 400K series developers is recommended. AZ 400K 1:3 or AZ 421K (unbuffered) are recommended for resist film thicknesses above 12µm. AZ 400K 1:4 provides improved devel-oper selectivity for thinner films. AZ Developer 1:1 may be used in applications requiring zero etch rate on Alu-minum substrates.HARD BAKEHard baking (post develop bake) improves adhesion in wet etch or plating applications and improves pattern stability in dry etch processes. Hard bake temperatures should be in the 100 to 110C range to ensure minimal thermal distortion of the pattern. Higher temperatures may be used to cure the pattern (cross link the resin) for use as a permanent insulator.COMPATIBLE MATERIALSAZ P4000 Series materials are compatible with all commercially available lithography processing equipment. Compatible materials of construction include glass, quartz, PTFE, PFA, stainless steel, HDPE, polypropylene, and ceramic.Rev. (08/21)Products are warranted to meet the specifications set forth on their label/packaging and/or certificate of analysis at the time of shipment or for the expressly stated duration. MERCK MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE REGARDING OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Customer is responsible for and must independently determine suitability of Merck´s products for customer ’s products, intended use and processes, including the non -infringement of any third parties´ intellectual property rights. Merck shall not in any event be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect, exemplary or special damages of any kind resulting from any use or failure of the products: All sales are subject to Merck ’s complete Terms and Conditions of Sale. Prices are subject to change without notice. Merck reserves the right to discontinue products without prior notice.The information on our trademarks is available in the Trademarks section on . Detailed information on our trademarks is also available via publicly accessible resources. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2021 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates.DisclaimerHANDLING/DISPOSALAZ P4000 Series materials are flammable liquids containing PGMEA (1-Methoxy -2-propanol acetate). Refer to the current version of the MSDS and to local regulations for up to date information on safe handling and proper disposal. AZ P4000 is compatible with drain lines handling similar organic solvent based materials.。
AZ 10XT Series 厚度正弦光敏胶数据手册说明书
Technical datasheetAPPLICATIONSThick positive tone photoresists for plating applications featuring improved sidewall profiles, aspect ratios, and photospeed vs. typical thick DNQ type materials.• MIF and IN developer compatible • No post exposure bake required• Single coat thicknesses from 4.0 to >20µmTYPICAL PROCESS• Soft Bake: 110ºC/120s* • Rehydration Hold: 30 min.• Expose: 365nm Recommended Post Expose • Bake: Optional• Develop: Puddle, spray or immersion • Developer Type: IN or MIF* SB time is film thickness dependentSPIN CURVES (200MM SILICON)AZ ®10XT SeriesThick Positive Tone PhotoresistsOPTICAL CONSTANTS*3.0µm lines in 12µm thick AZ 10XTUltratech 1500ExposureAZ 400K 1:4 MIF Develop (260s spray) * Unexposed photoresist filmCOMPANION PRODUCTSTHINNING/EDGE BEAD REMOVALAZ® EBR Solvent or AZ EBR 70/30DEVELOPERSAZ 400K Series, AZ 300MIF, AZ 435MIFREMOVERSAZ 300T, AZ 400TREFERENCE PROCESS (DENSE LINES IN 6µM FILM THICKNESS ON SI)LINEARITY @ 380MJ/CM2 3.0µM LINES THROUGH DOSE 3.0µM LINES DOF @ 380MJ/CM2REFERENCE PROCESS (HOLES IN 6.0µM FILM THICKNESS ON SI)LINEARITY @ 380MJ/CM2 3.0µM HOLES THROUGH DOSE 3.0µM HOLESDOF @ 380MJ/CM2PROCESSWINDOWCURVESFOR6.0µ*************************3.0µM DENSE LINES ON SI 3.0µM 1:1 HOLES ON SIREFERENCE PROCESS (DENSE LINES IN 6µM FILM THICKNESS ON CU)LINEARITY @ 450MJ/CM2 3.0µM LINES THROUGH DOSE 3.0µM LINESDOF @ 450MJ/CM2REFERENCE PROCESS (HOLES IN 6.0µM FILM THICKNESS ON CU)LINEARITY @ 440MJ/CM2 3.0µM HOLES THROUGH DOSE 3.0µM HOLESDOF @ 440MJ/CM2PROCESSWINDOWCURVESFOR6.0µ*************************3.0µM DENSE LINES ON CU 3.0µM 1:1 HOLES ON CUREFERENCE PROCESS (LINES IN 12µM FILM THICKNESS ON SI)REFERENCE PROCESS (24µM FILM THICKNESS ON SI)Expose: Ultratech 1500 Dose: 1875 mJ/cm2 Develop: AZ 400K 1:4 600sExpose: Suss MA 200 Dose: 1785 mJ/cm2 Develop: AZ 300 MIF 720sDISPERSION CHARACTERISTICS (UNEXPOSED FILM)THERMAL FLOW CHARACTERISTICS (LARGE PAD AND 10µM LINE)No Bake90°C100°C110°CPROCESS CONSIDERATIONSSUBSTRATE PREPARATIONSubstrates must be clean, dry, and free of organic residues. Oxide forming substrates (Si, etc.) should be HMDS primed prior to coating AZ 10XT. Contact your Product Representative for detailed information on pre-treating with HMDS.COATINGRefer to spin curve graphs for general guidelines on setting spin speeds to achieve the desired film thickness. Note: Spin curve graphs assume coat programs that spin 10XT films to equilibrium. Thicker coats may be achieved by reducing the spin time and allowing films to “self level”. Consult with your AZ products representative for more information on ultra-thick coating techniques.SOFT BAKESoft bake times and temperatures may be application specific. Process optimization is recommended to ensure optimum pattern profiles and stable lithographic and adhesion performance. Soft bake temperatures for AZ® 10XT should be in the 95°-110°C range. For very thick films, ramped soft bake temperatures may be required in order to avoid bubbles formed by rapid outgassing of solvents.FILM REHYDRATIONA rehydration delay of 30-60 minutes between soft bake and exposure is required for films >5.0µm thick. Delay time required will vary with film thickness and ambient humidity.EXPOSUREAZ 10XT is sensitive to exposure energy in the 365-435nm wavelength range.POST EXPOSE BAKEA PEB is optional for AZ 10XT.DEVELOPINGAZ 10XT series photoresists are compatible with MIF (TMAH) or inorganic developers. AZ 435MIF and AZ 400K 1:3 or AZ 400K 1:4 are recommended. Higher normality (less dilute) developers will improve photospeed but may increase CD non-uniformity and dark film loss.HARD BAKEHard baking (post develop baking) improves adhesion in wet etch or plating applications and improves pattern stability in dry etch processes. Hard bake temperatures should be in the 90° to 100°C range to ensure minimal thermal distortion of the pattern.STRIPPINGAZ 10XT Series resists are compatible with industry standard solvent based removers. AZ Kwik Strip, AZ 300T, or AZ 400T is recommended.Rev. (03/21) Products are warranted to meet the specifications set forth on their label/packaging and/or certificate ofanalysis at the time of shipment or for the expressly stated duration. MERCK MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONOR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR USE REGARDING OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTIONTHEREWITH. Customer is responsible for and must independently determine suitability of Merck´s prod-ucts for customer ’s products, intended use and processes, including the non -infringement of any third par-ties´ intellectual property rights. Merck shall not in any event be liable for incidental, consequential, indi-rect, exemplary or special damages of any kind resulting from any use or failure of the products: All salesare subject to Merck ’s complete Terms and Conditions of Sale. Prices are subject to change without notice.Merck reserves the right to discontinue products without prior notice.The information on our trademarks is available in the Trademarks section on .Detailed information on our trademarks is also available via publicly accessible resources. All othertrademarks are the property of their respective owners.© 2021 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates.DisclaimerCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS AZ 10XT Series materials are compatible with all commercially available lithography processing equipment. Compatible materials of construction include glass, quartz, PTFE, PFA, stainless steel, HDPE, polypropylene, and ceramic. HANDLING/DISPOSALAZ 10XT Series materials contain PGMEA (1-Methoxy -2-propanol acetate). Refer to the current version of the MSDS and to local regulations for up to date information on safe handling and proper disposal. Wear solvent resistant gloves, protective clothing, and eye/face protection.AZ 10XT is compatible with drain lines handling similar organic solvent based materials.。
Australia AS/NZS /UNSBrasilDesignationChinaGBCzechRepublicÈSNEuropeENFranceAFNORDINDIN Nr.GermanyW. Nr. DIN17007Design DIN17006Great BritainB.S.ItalyUNIJapanJISRussiaGOSTSpainUNESwedenSSAPIUSAAISI/SAE/ASTMASTMBase steel- - 17100 1.0030 St 00 - - - -. E1952393 T.22394 T.21.0032 St 34-2 (S 250 GT)CEW 2ERW 2,STKM 13 BSTPG 4101010 Q 195 10004P195TR1-E195S 185A 33S 18517100 1.0035St 33S185 (Fe310-0)1449 15 HR, 15 HR, HSFe 310-0S185Fe 320 - St0Fe 310-0A 310-0S 1851300 A 283 Gr.AS235JRS235JRHE235E 24-2S235JR1652 T.22393 T.22394 T.2EN 100251.0037S235JR (Fe 360 B)St 37-21449 37/23 HR, HS, CR, CS6323-ERW3CEW 3Fe 360 BS235JRFe 360 B, C, DSTKM 12 ASTKM 12 CAE 235 BFe 360 BS 235 JR13111015A 283 Gr. CQ 235 AQ 235 B22375Fe 37 B 3 FU-E235S235JRG 2E 24-2 NES235JRG22393 T.22394 T.2EN 100251.0038RSt 37-2S235JRG2 (Fe 360B)1449 27/23 HR,HS,CR,CS4360-40 B6323-HFW 3Fe 360 B FUHFS 3Fe 360 B FN -St3psSt3spAE 235 B FN, FU, Fe 360B FN, FUS 235 JRG 21312A 570 Gr 36K 02502K 03000 Q 255 A 11443Fe 42 B 3 FNFe 42 B 3 FUE275S275JRS275JOHE 28-2S275JR1652 T.217119,-120,-1212393 T.22394 T.2EN 10025,1.0044 S275JR (Fe 430 B)St 44-21449 43/25 HR, HS4360-43 B6323-CEW 4, ERW 3, HFW4, HFS4Fe 430 B FN,Fe 430 BFe 430 B FNSM 400 A, B, CSTKM 19 CSTK 290STKR 400,St4psSt4spAE 275 BFe 430 B FNS 275 JR141114121020K 03000A 570 Gr. 40Quality steelFe 42 B 3 FNS275JOE 28-3 EN 10025 1.0143S275JOSt 44-3 U4360-43C Fe 430 DSTK 290STKR 400-AE 275DS 275 J2G3S 275 J01414-01 A 572 Gr. 42 11448Fe 42 B 3 FNS275J2G3E 28-4 EN 10025 1.0144S275J2G3 (Fe 430 D1)St 44-34360-43 C43 DFe 430 D1 FFFe 430 BFe 430 C (FN)Fe 430 D (FF)SM 400 ABCSt4kpps, spAE 275 DFe 430 D1 FF141114121414A 572 Gr. 42A 573 Gr. 70A611 Gr. DK 02601K 02901 - 2391 T.2 1.0211 St 30 Si (S215GSiT) 1008 E215 2391 T.2 1.0212 St 30 Al (S215GAlT) ERW 2 1008 11378E235+ARP235T1P235TR1- 17100 1.0254 St 37.0360 (SERW)-STKM 12 ASTPG 370STPY 400,CT3MoTK 02501K 02504 E235P235T2P235TR2,1628, 1630V EN 10216-1V EN 10217-11.0255 St 37.4 STS 370, K 03013P265TR1162616291.0256 St 44.0430 (SERWSAW)STKM 13 BSTPG 410K 03005K 03006 P265TR2162816301.0257 St 44.4 STS 410, K 03013Quality steel (boiler tube)12021 P235GH 17175 1.0305 St 35.8 360 C 14STB 340 STPT370K 01200K 01201K 02501K 02504Quality steel- 17172 1.0307 StE 210.7 5LX a. 5LS A11353 E235 - 1629 1.0308 St 35360 (SERW)CFS 3Fe 360 STKM 12 A - 14121010K 02504Structuraland constructionalsteelC22C22E+N1 C 222 C 22AF 42 C 20XC 18XC 25,1652 T.417204EN 10083-2,1.04021.1151C22Ck22055 M 15070 M 201449 22 HS, CS,C 20C 21C 25C 20,S 20 CS 22 CS 20 CK,201 C 22F.112F.1120 - C 25 k145010201023(M) 1020M 1023,Quality steel (boiler tube)12022 P265GH - 17175 1.0405 St 45.8430440C 18STB 410STPT 480-K 02707K 03006Quality steel 11453 E255 -1629E 2391 T.2 1.0408 St 45430 (SERWSAW)CFS 4- STKM 13 B -1020K 03005 - 171721.04091.0430StE 320.7StE 320.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X46E355+ARE455162616291.0421 St 52.0STKM 16 ASTPG 410K 03013 245MBL245NB17172EN 10208-21.0457 StE 240.7 5LX a. 5LS B-17123,-124,-125,-178,-1791.0461EStE 255StE 255TStE 255,K 01701K 02202 L290MBL290NB,17172EN 10208-21.04291.0484StE 290.7StE 290.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X42S275NHS275NLHP275N17103,-123,-124,-125,-178,-179EN 10028-31.04861.0490EStE 285StE 285TStE 285STK 290 S 275NK 01701K 01801K 02007K 02402K 02703K 03000K 03006Structuraland constructionalsteel 12040C35C35E+N1 C 352 C 35AF 55 C 35C 35XC 32XC 381652 T.41720417240EN 10083-21.05011.1181C35Ck35080 A 32080 A 35080 M 361449 40 CS1 C 35C 35S 35 C 35F.113F.1130 - C 35 k15501572103510381040XC 38 H 112050C45C45E+N1 C 45AF 65 C 45C 45XC 42 H 1XC 45XC 48 H 11652 T.4551517204EN 10083-21.05031.1191C45Ck45060 A 47080 M 461449 50 HS, CS1 C 45C 45C 46S 45 CS 48 C45F.114F.1140 - C 45 kF.1142 - C 48 k16501672104210431045Quality steel11550 - 1629EN 10025,1.0507 St 55 - Fe 540 STKM 16 A - -E355K2+NS355NHS355NHLE 355 R EN 10113-21.05451.0562EStE 355S355NStE 355TStE 3554360-50E FeE 355 KG STK 400 -AE 355 KGS 355N2334-01K 12000K 12037K 12211K 12609K 12709 16Mn1148311523422660,E355Fe 52 D FNS355J2HS355J0,E 36-3E 36-4S355J0EN 100251.05531.0570S52-NS 52-3US355J0S355J2G3St 52-3St 52-3 N1449 50/35 HR, HS4360-50 C, D6323-ERW 5, CEW 5, SAW5Fe 510 C FNFe 510 D1 FF,Fe 510Fe 510 BFe 510 B, C, DFe 510 B FNFe 510 C FNFe E 420SM 490 A, B, C,YA, YBSTK 400STKM 16 CSTKR 49017G1S17GS,AE 355 DFe 510 D1 FFS 355J0S 355J2G32132213321342174A 572 Gr. 5010241524K 12709 1152310216-310217-3-171002391 T.21.0580 St 52 CFS 5 - - 102410216-3E355162816301.0581 St 52.4 STS 48013126L360NBL360MBL360QB,17172EN 10208-2,1.05781.0582,StE 360.7StE 360.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X52Structuraland constructionalsteel 12061C60C60E+N1 C 602 C 60AF 70 C 55C 60XC 60XC 60 H 1,1652 T.41720417222EN 10083-2,1.06011.1221C60Ck60060 A 6260 HS14495770-60CS2,1 C 60C 60,S 58 C6060G60GAEN C60 (1 C 60)1665167810601064G 10640High-quality steel unalloyed P215NLP255QL17173171741.1101TTSt 35 NTTSt 35 VC 15 STPL 380K 02201K 03008Stainless steel405S40500Z 8 CA 1217440,-441,-456EN 10088-1,-2,1.4002 X 6 CrAl 13 405 S 17 X 6 CrAl 13 SUS 405 - F.3111 - X 6 CrAl 13 - 405 430S4300017 040 Z 8 C 1717440,-441,-455,-456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4016 X 6 Cr 17430 S 17430 S 18X 8 Cr 17 SUS 430 12 Ch 17 F.3113 - X 6 Cr 17 2320 430304S30400V-3040Cr18Ni90Cr19Ni917 240 X5CrNi18-10Z 4 CN 19-10 FFZ 5 CN 17-08Z 6 CN 18-09Z 7 CN 18-0917456EN 10088-1,-2,-31.4301(X4 CrNi 18-10)X 5 CrNi 18 10304 S 11304 S 15304 S 16304 S 17LW 21LWCF 21 304 S 31SUS 304X 5 CrNi 18-10 SUS 304 08 Ch 18N 10 F.3504 - X 5 CrNi 18 1023322333304304HJ 92610304 LS30403V-304L 00Cr19Ni1000Cr19Ni1117 249 X2CrNi19-11Z 1 CN 18-12Z 2 CN 18-10Z 3 CN 18-10Z 3 CN 19.10 MZ 3 CN 19-11,17456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4306 GX2 CrNiN 18-9X 2 CrNi 19 11,304 C 12 (LT 196)304 S 11305 S 11LW 20LWCF 20S. 536T. 74GX 2 CrNi 19 10X 2 CrNi 18 11X 3 CrNi 18 11SCS 19SUS 304 L03Ch18N11 F.3503 - X 2 CrNi 18-10 2352 304 LJ 92500 .17456EN 10088-1,-2,-3,1.4361 X 2 CrNiSi 1815316S31600V-316 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 17 346Z 3 CND 17-11-01Z 6 CND 17-11Z 6 CND 17-11-02Z 6 CND 17-11-02FFZ 7 CND 17-11-02Z 7 CND 17-12-0217456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4401(X 4 CrNiMo 17-12-2)X 5 CrNiMo 17 2 2,316 S 13316 S 17316 S 19316 S 31316 S 33,X 5 CrNiMo17-12 SUS 316 -F.3534 - X 5 CrNiMo 1712 22347 316316 LS31603 V-316L 00Cr17Ni14Mo2 17 349 X2CrNiMO17-13-2Z 2 CND 17-12Z 2 CND 18-13Z 3 CND 17-11-02Z 3 CND 17-12-02FFZ 3 CND 18-12-02Z 3 CND 18-12-03Z 3 CND 19.10 M17456EN10088-1,-2,-3, 1.4404GX 2 CrNiMoN 18-10X 2 CrNiMo 17 12 2(X 2 CrNiMo 17 132)316 C 12316 S 11316 S 13316 S 14316 S 31316 S 42S. 161S. 537T 75X 2 CrNiMo 1712G-X 2 CrNiMo 1911SUS 316 L -F.3533 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 2F.3537 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 32348316 LJ 92700J 92800J 92804 . Z 3 CND 17-12 Az17456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4429X 2 CrNiMo N 17 133316 S 63X 2 CrNiMoN 1713(SUS 316 LN) -F.3543 - X 2 CrNiMoN 1713 32375 316 LN316 LS3160300Cr17Ni14Mo2 17 350Z 3 CND 17-12-03Z 3 CND 18-14-0317456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4435 X 2 CrNiMo 18-14-3316 S 11316 S 13316 S 14316 S 31LW 22LWCF 22X 2 CrNiMo 1713SUS 316 L03 Ch17N14M3F.3533 - X 2 CrNiMo 1713 22353 316 L316S316000Cr17Ni12Mo2 17 352Z 6 CND 18-12-03Z 7 CND 18-12-0317456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4436X 5 CrNiMo 17-13-3(X 5 CrNiMo 17 133)316 S 19316 S 31316 S 33LW 23LWCF 23X 5 CrNiMo 1713X 8 CrNiMo 1713SUS 316 -F.3534 - X 5 CrNiMo 1712 2F.3538 - X 5 CrNiMo 1713 32343 31617456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4439 X 2 CrNiMoN 17 135-S31803X2CrNiMoN22-5-3Z 3 CND 22-05 Az(Z 2 CND 24-08Az)(Z 3 CND 25-06-03Az)17456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 318 S 13 - SUS 329 J3L - - 2377 -X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 Z 2 NCDU 25-20 17456 1.4539X 1 NiCrMoCuN 2520 5- - - - - 2562 UNS N 08904321S32100 0Cr18Ni10Ti0Cr18Ni11Ti17 24717 248X6CrNiTi18-10 Z 6 CNT 18-1017456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4541 X 6 CrNiTi 18-10321 S 31321 S 51 (10101105)LW 24LWCF 24X 6 CrNiTi 18-11 SUS 32106Ch18N10T08Ch18N10T09Ch18N10T12Ch18N10TF.3523 - X 6 CrNiTi 18 10 2337 3210Cr18Ni11Nb1Cr19Ni11Nb- Z 6 CnNb 18-1017456EN10088-1,-2,-3,1.4550 X 6 CrNiNb 18 10347 S 20347 S 31347 S 51ANC 3 BX 6 CrNiNb 1811X8 CrNiNb 18-11SUS 347 08 Ch 18N12B F.3524 - X 6 CrNiNb 18 10 2338347348316 Ti S31635 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 17347X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2Z 6 CNDT 17-1217456EN10088-1,-2,-31.4571X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2320 S 18320 S 31X 6 CrNiMoTi 17-12SUS 316 Ti 10Ch17N13M2TF.3535 - X 6 CrNiMoTi 1712 22350 316 TiHeat-resistingsteel 17 113 E EN 10095SEW 470,1.4713 X 10 CrAl 7E EN 10095 1.4749 X 18 CrN 28Stainless and Heat resistingsteel310S31000V-310 17255 X 15 CrNiSi 25-21 Z 15 CNS 25-20SEW 470E EN 100951.4841X 15 CrNiSi 25 20X 15 CrNiSi 25-21314 S 25X 16 CrNiSi 25-20SUH 310 20Ch25N20S2F.3310 - X 15 CrNiSi 25-20-310314S 31500,X10CrMoVNb9-1 - 1.4903 X10CrMoVNb 9-1 S 50460S 59180,P91 X20CrMoV11-1 - 1.4922 X20CrMoV12-1 762High-qualitysteel alloyed20MnV6+N - 1.5216 20 MnV 6High-quality steel alloyed (boiler tube)15020 16Mo3 15 D 3 17175 1.5415 15 Mo 316Mo31503-243 B3059-2433606-24316 Mo 3 (KGKW)STBA 12STFA 12STPA 12- F.2601 - 16 Mo 3 29124017A 204 Gr. AK 11820K 12020High-quality Steel alloyed12Ni14+QT2 N 143,5 Ni 355- 1.563710 Ni 1412Ni145 S 15503 LT3603-503 LTSL 3 N 2645STPL 450STBL 45012Ni14F.152A 350-LF 3K 31718K 31918 K32018K 32025 X10Ni9+QT 9 Ni 490171731717417280EN 10028-41.5662 X8Ni91502-502-6501503-509-690509-690509 LT3603-509 LTX 10 Ni 9X 12 Ni 09SL 9 N 5360STPL 690STBL 690F.2645-X 8 Ni 09X8Ni9A 353K 71340K 81340 20CrMn 1422016 MnCr 5 KD16MnCr5+N16 MC 416 MnCr 510132-217210E EN 100841.7131 16MnCr5527 M 17590 H 1716 MnCr 5 18ChGF.1516 - 16 MnCr 5F.1517 - 16 MnCr 521735115G 5115041304130H15130 25CrMo4+QT25 CD 425 CrMo 41717617204EN 10083-11.721825CrMo425 CrMo 4 V708 A 25 25 CrMo 4 (KB)SCCrM 1SCM 420SCM 43020ChM30ChMEN 25CrMo4F.222F.1256 - 30 CrMo 4-1F.8330F.8372 - AM 26 CrMo 4F.8330 - AM 25 CrMo 4222541304130RHG 41300H 4130026CrMo4-2 SEW 685 1.7219 26CrMo 4 K 13047 35CrMo 1513134CrMo4+QT34 CrMo 4 KD34 CrMO 435 CD 417204EN 10083-11.722034CrMo434 CrMo 4 V708 A 3734 CrMo 4 KB35 CrMo 435 CrMo 4 FSCCrM 3SCM 432SCM 435 HAS38ChGM35ChM35ChMLF.125F.125AF.125BF.1250 - 35 CrMo 4F.1254 - 35 CrMo 4 DFF.8231 - 34 CrMo 4F.8331 - AM 34 CrMo 422344135413741400G 41350G 41370H 41350H 41370J 1304841404140 H42CrMo 1514242 CrMo 4 KD42CrMo4+QT42 CD 442 CrMo442CrMo4RR17204EN 10083-11.722542CrMo442 CrMo 4 V708 A 42708 M 40709 M 4038 CrMo 4 KB42 CrMo 4G 40 CrMo 4SCM 440 (H)SCM 440 TKSNB 7EN 42CrMo4 (40 CrMo 4)F.1252 - 40 CrMo 4F.8232 - 42 CrMo 4F.8332 - AM 42 CrMo 42244414041424140RHG 41400H 41400H 41420K 14248High-quality steel alloyed (boiler tube)12CrMo 15121 13CrMo4-5 15 CD 3.515 CD 4.0517175 1.7335 13 CrMo4-413CrMo4-51502-620-4401502 620-4701502 620-5401503-620-4403604-620-4403606-62014 CrMo 316 CrMo 3SFVA F 12STBA 20STBA 22STFA 22STPA 20STPA 2212ChM15ChMF. 2631 - 14 CrMo 4-5TU.ETU.F2216A 182 - F 11F 12A 387 Gr. 12Cl.2K 11562K 11757K 11789K 12062High-qualitysteel alloyedX11CrMo5 17145 1.7374 X11CrMo6-1 P5 High-qualitysteel alloyed (boiler tube)12Cr2Mo 15313 10CrMo9-1010 CD 9-1012 CD 9-1017175 1.7380 10 CrMo 9-101502-6223059-622-4903604-6223606-62212 CrMo 9 10KWKGG 14 CrMo 9 10SCMV 4SCPH 32-CFSFVA F 22 A, BSTBA 24STFA 24STPA 2412Ch8TU.H10CrMo9-102218A 182 F 22A 387 Gr. 22Cl.2J 21890K 21390K 21590Weldable high strength structural steel-E 420 RIFPFeE 420 KG N17103EN10113-21.8902EStE 420S420NStE 420TStE 420FeE 420 KGKWSM 490 A, B, C,YA, YBSTK 54016G2AFAE 420 KGS 420N2143A 633 Gr. EK 02002K 12202K 12437 E460K2+NP460NS460NHS460NLHE 460 RIFPFeE 460 KG N17103EN 10028-31.8905EStE 460P460NStE 460TStE 4604360-55 F FeE 460 KGKWSM 520 B 18G2AF AE 460 KG 2143A 633 Gr. EK 02900K 12202K 12524 - 171721.89701.8971StE 385.7StE 385.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X56L415MBL415NB L415QB EN 10208-21.89721.8973StE 415.7StE 415.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X60L415MBL450MB L450QB EN10208-2 1.8973 StE 445.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X65L485MB L485QB EN10208-2 1.8977 StE 480.7 TM5LX a. 5LS X70L555MB L555QB -5LX a. 5LS X80。
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Developers,and other ancillary chemicals
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PNOZ s30 24-240VACDC 2 n o 2 n c 750330说明书
CE;cULus Listed;EAC (Eurasian);TÜV;CCC Supervisión de revoluciones;Supervisión de parada monocanal;Rearme automático;bicanal;Rearme manual;Rearme manual con superv. EN 1088;EN 60204-1;EN 62061;EN ISO 10218-1;EN ISO 13849-1;VDI 2854 24,0 - 240,0 AC/DC Borne de tornillo 4.0 A 45.0 mm 98.0 mm 120.0 mm 425 g 405 g -20 - 55 °C
PNOZ msi1Ap Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 2,5m PNOZ msi1Bp Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 2,5m PNOZ msi3Ap Adapter Si/Ha 15/15 2,5m PNOZ msi3Bp Adapter Si/Ha 15/15 2,5m PNOZ msi1AP Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 5m PNOZ msi b4 Box PNOZ msi10p Adapter Cable 2,5m PNOZ msi11p Adapter Cable 1,5m PNOZ msi 9p adapter cable 5m
Accesorios opcionales
PNOZ msi1 Bp Adapter Si/Ha 25/25 5m
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strasse 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Página 1/7
On-Line Store:See website for the most current catalogs Email: custcare@ Phone: 866-275-6392 Fax: 866-329-6392COMPRESSORSCOMPRESSORS, INDIVIDUAL BOXESIndividually boxed compressors can be ordered in any quantity. Skid lots are 48 individually boxed compressors. Compressor Warranty: 2 years from date of manufacture of the compressor.Aspera R-12 RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1011343 1011344 1001426 1011345 1005988 1011346 1011347 Manufacture Part Number E5170B E6170B E5187B E6187B T6215A J6220A115V J6226A Description 1/4 HP w/Relay & Overload, R12 1/4 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 1/3 HP w/Relay & Overload, R12 1/3 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 1/2 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 3/4 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 115V 1 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12, 208-230V Ship Wt. Each 24 lbs 24 lbs 25 lbs 26 lbs 32 lbs 48 lbs 51 lbsAspera R-134a RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1011348 1011349 1007963 1011350 1011351 1001270 Manufacture Part Number B5170Z B6170Z E5187Z E6187Z E6210Z T6215Z Description 1/4 HP w/Relay & Overload, R134a 1/4 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R134a 1/3 HP w/Relay & Overload, R134a 1/3 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R134a Super 1/3 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R134a 1/2 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R134a Ship Wt. Each 24 lbs 24 lbs 25 lbs 26 lbs 26 lbs 32 lbsEmbraco R-12 RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1011352 1000936 1005529 1008326 Manufacture Part Number FF10BK FF10BX FFI12BK FFI12BX Description 1/4 HP w/Relay & Overload, R12 1/4 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 1/3 HP w/Relay & Overload, R12 1/3 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R12 Ship Wt. Each 24 lbs 24 lbs 26 lbs 27 lbsEmbraco R-134a RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1008529 Manufacture Part Number FFI12HBX Description 1/3 HP w/Relay, Capacitor & Overload, R134a Ship Wt. Each 27 lbs8-1Catalog List Price: $35.00Effective January 1, 2006 Prices subject to change without notice All returns must have prior approval See website for the most current catalogs Refer to Price List for Fulfillment Class informationOn-Line Store:See website for the most current catalogs Email: custcare@ Phone: 866-275-6392 Fax: 866-329-6392COMPRESSORSTecumseh R-134a RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1005851 1006309 1030698 1006446 1010667 1001259 1001829 1014566 1031361 1033145 1033146 1033149 1033151 1033188 1033202 1033231 Manufacture Part Number AE530AR-718-B6 AE635AR-943-B6 AKA4460YXA AJ250AT-432-B4 AJ250GT-432-B4 638036374 60309001 729011105 AE630AT-932-A4 AK169AT-038-A4 AZ440CR-236-C6 AE510AT-280-A4 AE810AT-166-A4 AE530AR-718-A4 AE530AR-718AEA4440YXA Description Kit-Comp 1/5hp 120/60 Tecumseh Kit-Comp 1/3hp 120/60 Tecumseh Kit-Comp 1/2hp 120/60 Tecumseh Kit-Comp 3/4hp 120/60 Tecumseh Kit-Comp 3/4hp 230/60 Tecumseh Comp Xxxx 120/60 Tecumseh Xxxx Comp 3/4hp 230/50 Tcmseh 134a Kit Compressor 120/60 Service Comp 1/3 120/60 Tec134aHi-torq Kit-Comp. (AK169AT-038-A4) Tecumseh Kit-Comp. (AZ440CR-236-C6) Tecumseh Kit-Comp. (AE510AT-280-A4) Tecumseh Kit-Comp. (AE810AT-166-A4) Tecumseh Comp. (AE530AR-718-A4) Tecumseh Kit Comp Tecumseh AE530AR-718Kit Comp TcmsehAEA4440YXA 134a Ship Wt. Each 24 lbs 26 lbs 52 lbs 58 lbs 57 lbs 39 lbs 25 lbs 25 lbs 41 lbs 17 lbs 23 lbs 21 lbs 21 lbs 21lbs 21lbsTecumseh R-404a RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1006416 1033203 Manufacture Part Number 162964004 AK170AT-030 Description Comp 1 Hp 120/60 Tecumseh Kit Comp Tecumseh AK170AT-030 Ship Wt. Each 39 lbs 41 lbsTecumseh R-12 RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1005426 1006268 1014505 1033144 1033148 1033150 1033232 Manufacture Part Number 21249 22620 71832468 AH334RF-505-J7 AJ201AT-188-B4 AJ201AT-426-B4 AEA4440AXA Description Kit-Comp 1/4hp 120/60 Xxxx Kit-Comp 3/4hp 120/60 Tecumseh Comp 1/3hp 120/60 Tecumseh R-12 Kit-Comp. (AH334RF-505-J7) Tecumseh Kit-Comp. (AJ201AT-188-B4) Tecumseh Kit-Comp. (AJ201AT-426-B4) Tecumseh Kit Comp Tecumseh AEA4440AXA R12 Ship Wt. Each 23 lbs 52 lbs 71 lbs 53 lbs 51 lbs 23lbs8-2Catalog List Price: $35.00Effective January 1, 2006 Prices subject to change without notice All returns must have prior approval See website for the most current catalogs Refer to Price List for Fulfillment Class informationOn-Line Store:See website for the most current catalogs Email: custcare@ Phone: 866-275-6392 Fax: 866-329-6392COMPRESSORSCopeland R-404a RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1005797 1006155 1012406 1012432 1029916 1014306 1010689 1016738 1006373 1007647 1006479 1012774 1008388 1012461 1005827 1001651 1002078 1001905 1004015 1012777 1014178 1001902 1014173 Manufacture Part Number RS80C1E-CAV-252 JS25C1E-IAA-250 RS43C1E-CAA-210 RS64C1E-CAA-210 RS64C1E-CAV-210 RS97C1E-CAV-210 RS43C1E-IAA-214 RS43C1E-IAV-214 RS64C1E-PAA-214 RS64C1E-IAV-214 CS14K6E-PFV-235 CS14K6E-PFV-235 CS14K6E-PFV-275 CS18K6E-PFV-235 CS18K6E-PFV-275 CS20K6E-PFV-275 CS20K6E-PFV-235 CS27K3E-PFV-276 CS27K3E-PFV-236 CS33K6E-PFV-276 CS12K6E-PFV-275 CS12K6E-PFV-235 CS33K3E-TFC-276 Description Kit-Comp 1 1/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1/3hp 120/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1/2hp 120/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3/4hp 120/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3/4hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1/2hp 120/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1/2hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3/4hp 120/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3/4hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2 1/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2 1/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 2-1/2 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3 Hp 230/5/6 Copeland Kit-Comp 3 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3 Hp 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3-1/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1-3/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 1-3/4 240/60 Copeland Kit-Comp 3-1/4 230/5/6 Copeland Ship Wt. Each 56 lbs 50 lbs 52 lbs 54 lbs 54 lbs 52 lbs 50 lbs 52 lbs 53 lbs 55 lbs 77 lbs 75 lbs 76 lbs 80 lbs 81 lbs 81 lbs 82 lbs 81 lbs 80 lbs 85 lbs 77 lbs 86 lbs 81 lbsCopeland R-22 RefrigerantBEVCORe Part Number 1008406 Manufacture Part Number JSL5-0075-CAA-202 Description Kit-Comp 3/4hp 120/60 Copeland Ship Wt. Each 40 lbsDryersBEVCORe Part Number 1005060 1009393 1005199 1035313 Manufacture Part Number 05819801 03209201 03214201 Description Dryer 1/4" in/out 1/3HP-R12 & 134a 1/2HP-R22 Dryer 1/4 in 1/4 out/cap tube 1/3HP-R12 & 134a 1/2HP-R22 Dryer 1/4 in 1/4 out/cap tube w/access valve 1/3HP-R12 & 134a 1/2HP-R22 DryerAccess ValvesBEVCORe Part Number 1005252 1000538 Manufacture Part Number CD8404 CD8406 Description Access valve 1/4 copper tubing cap & core (6/pkg.) Access valve 3/8 copper tubing cap & core (6/pkg.)8-3Catalog List Price: $35.00Effective January 1, 2006 Prices subject to change without notice All returns must have prior approval See website for the most current catalogs Refer to Price List for Fulfillment Class information。
ZET TLERelectronics GmbHFax +49 89 800 97 200 office@ 0 97 800 89 +49 Tel. GermanyPuchheim, D-82178 Junkersstrasse 3, 2004-07-20GENERAL DATALife ExpectancyMinimum operations Mechanical 5 x 107Electrical 1 x 105at 30 A 120 VAC Res. N.O.Operate Time 15 ms typical25 ms maximum with bounce Release Time10 ms typical25 ms maximum with bounce (with no coil suppression)Dielectric Strength 1500 Vrms contact to contact (at sea level for 1 min.)4000 Vrms contact to coil2000 Vrms between contact sets Insulation Resistance 109ohms minimum at 500 VDCDropoutDC:Greater than 10%of nominal coil voltage AC:Greater than 20%of nominal coil voltage Ambient TemperatureAt nominal coil voltageOperatingDC: -40°C (-40°F) to 85°C (185°F)AC:-40°C (-40°F) to 65°C (149°F)Storage-40°C (-40°F) to 105°C (221°F)Vibration 0.062" (1.5 mm) DA at 10–55 HzShockOperational, 10 g for 11 ms 1/2sine pulse (no contact opening > 100usec)Non-destructive,100 g for 11 ms 1/2sine pulse Enclosure P .B.T. polyesterTerminalsTinned copper alloy, P.C.Max. Solder Temp.270°C (518°F)Max. Solder Time 5 seconds Max. Solvent Temp.80°C (176°F)Max. Immersion Time 30 seconds Weight86 gramsPacking unit in pcs20 per plastic tray / 100 per carton boxCOILPowerAt Pickup Voltage DC: 0.925 W (typical)AC: 2.6 VAMax. Continuous DC: 5.0 W at 20°C (68°F)Dissipation AC: 7.0 VA at 20°C (68°F)Temperature Rise DC: 48°C (86°F) at nominal coil voltage AC: 68° C (122°F) at nominal coil voltage TemperatureMax. 155°C (311°F)30 AMP MINIATURE POWER RELAYFEATURES •30 Amp switching capability•DPST-NO and DPDT configuration •Meets 8 mm creepage, 4 kV dielectric •Class F construction •PCB terminals•Epoxy sealed version available•UL, CUR file E44211, VDE pendingNOTES1.All values at 20°C (68°F).2.Relay may pull in with less than “Must Operate” value.3.Specifications subject to change without notice.CONTACTSArrangement DPST (2 Form A)DPDT (2 Form C)RatingsResistive load:Max. switched power:560 W or 8310 VAMax. switched current:30 A (N.O.), 3 A (N.C.)Max. switched voltage: 600 VAC or 30 VDC** Note: If switching voltage is greater than 30VDC, special precautions must be taken. Please contact the factory.Rated Load UL, CUR 30 A at 277 VAC General Use, 100k cycles N.O.1Hp at 120 VAC, 100k cycles 2.5Hp at 240 VAC, 100k cycles110 LRA / 25.3 FLA at 240 VAC (DC coils only), 30k cyclesUL, CUR 3 A at 277 VAC General Use, 100k cycles N.C.Material Silver cadmium oxide or silver tin oxide Resistance<50 milliohms initially(6 V, 1 A voltage drop method)2004-07-20ZET TLERelectronics GmbHFax +49 89 800 97 200 office@ 0 97 800 89 +49 Tel. GermanyPuchheim, D-82178 Junkersstrasse 3,COIL SPECIFICATIONS – DC CoilNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil Resistance ORDER NUMBER*VDC VDC VDC mA ± 10%Ohm ± 10%64.510.5272.022AZ2850–2C–6D 129.020.7140.086AZ2850–2C–12D 2418.041.868.5350AZ2850–2C–24D 4836.083.434.51,390AZ2850–2C–48D 11082.5190.515.27,255AZ2850–2C–110DDimensions in inches with metric equivalents in parentheses. Tolerance: ± .010"COIL SPECIFICATIONS – AC Coil50 HzNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil Resistance ORDER NUMBER*VAC VAC VAC mA ± 10%Ohm ± 10%129.615.6340.08AZ2850–2C–12A52419.231.2166.045AZ2850–2C–24A512096.0156.033.31,125AZ2850–2C–120A5220176.0286.018.23,800AZ2850–2C–220A5240192.0312.016.74,500AZ2850–2C–240A5277221.6360.114.46,000AZ2850–2C–277A5* Substitute “2A” in place of “2C” to indicate 2 Form A contacts. Add suffix “E” to “2A” or “2C” to indicate silver tin oxide contacts. Add suffix “E” at the end of part number for sealed version.。
The AZV393 is a low voltage 2.5V to 5.5V, dual comparator, which has a very low supply current of 100µA, making the part an excellent choice for portable electronic systems. The device is pin-for-pin compatible replacement of the LMV393.
8 VCC 7 OUTPUT 2 6 IN 25 IN 2+
• Guaranteed 2.5V to 5.5V Performance • Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C • Low Supply Current: 100µA Typical • Input Common Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground • Low Output Saturation Voltage: 200mV Typical • Open Collector Output for Maximal Flexibility
applies over full temperature ranges, unless otherwise specified.)
Symbol VOS
AZ100EL16VSECL/PECL Differential Receiver with Variable Output SwingFEATURES• 250ps Propagation Delay• High Bandwidth Output Transitions • 75k Ω Internal Input Pulldown Resistors • Functionally Equivalent to ON Semiconductor MC100EL16 • Variable Output Swing• Available in a 3x3mm MLP PackageDESCRIPTIONThe AZ100EL16VS is a differential receiver with variable output swing. The EL16VS has functionality and output transition times similar to the EL16, with an input that controls the amplitude of the Q/Q ¯ outputs. Maximum swing is achieved by leaving the V CTRL pin open or tied to V EE .The operational range of the EL16VS control input, V CTRL , is from V BB (full swing) to V CC (min. swing). Simple control of the output swing can be obtained by a variable resistor between the V BB and V CC pins, with the wiper driving V CTRL . Typical application circuits and results are described in this Data Sheet.The EL16VS provides a V BB output for single-ended use or a DC bias reference for AC coupling to the device. For single-ended input applications, the V BB reference should be connected to one side of the D/D ¯ differential input pair. The input signal is then fed to the other D/D ¯ input. The V BB pin can support 1.0mA sink/source current. When used, the V BB pin should be bypassed to ground via a 0.01μF capacitor.Under open input conditions (pulled to V EE ) internal input clamps will force the Q output LOW. NOTE: Specifications in ECL/PECL tables are valid when thermal equilibrium is established.PACKAGE AVAILABILITYPACKAGE PART NUMBER MARKING NOTESMLP 8 AZ100EL16VSL AZM16P <Date Code> 1,2 SOIC 8 AZ100EL16VSD AZM100 EL16VS 1,3 TSSOP 8AZ100EL16VSTAZH16VS1,31 Add R1 at end of part number for 7 inch (1K parts), R2 for 13 inch (2.5K parts) Tape & Reel.2 Date Code “YWW”3Date Code “YWW” on underside of part.AZ100EL16VSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which device life may be impaired.Symbol Characteristic RatingUnit V CC PECL Power Supply (V EE = 0V) 0 to +8.0 Vdc V I PECL Input Voltage (V EE = 0V) 0 to +6.0 Vdc V EE ECL Power Supply (V CC = 0V) -8.0 to 0 Vdc V I ECL Input Voltage (V CC = 0V)-6.0 to 0 Vdc I OUTOutput Current --- Continuous--- Surge50 100 mA T A Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85 °C T STG Storage Temperature Range-65 to +150°C100K ECL DC Characteristics (V EE = -4.2V to -5.5V, V CC = GND; V CTRL = V BB )-40°C 0°C 25°C 85°C SymbolCharacteristicMin Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxUnitV OH Output HIGH Voltage 2-1085 -880 -1025 -880 -1025 -955 -880 -1025 -880 mVV OL Output LOW Voltage 2V CTRL = V BB 1-1890 -1620 -1870 -1680 -1870 -1775 -1680 -1870 -1680mVV OL Output LOW Voltage 2V CTRL = V CC-1180 -975 -1135 -990 -1135 -1065 -990 -1135 -990 mVV IH Input HIGH Voltage -1165 -880 -1165 -880 -1165 -880 -1165 -880 mV V IL Input LOW Voltage -1810 -1475 -1810 -1475 -1810 -1475 -1810 -1475 mV V BB Reference Voltage -1420 -1260 -1420 -1260 -1420 -1260 -1420 -1260 mVI IH Input HIGH CurrentD, D ¯ V CTRL 150 40 150 40 150 40 150 40μAI ILInput LOW Current 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 μA I EE Power Supply Current 18 25 18 25 18 25 21 26 mA 1. If V CTRL is Open Circuit, use the V OH (Max & Min) and V OL (V CTRL = V REF : Max only) limits. 2. Each output is terminated through a 50Ω resistor to V CC – 2V.V VPIN DESCRIPTION PIN FUNCTION D, D ¯ Data Inputs V CTRL Output Swing Control Q, Q ¯ Data Outputs V BB Reference Voltage Output V CC Positive SupplyV V EE V BB V 8 MLP (TOP VIEW) LOGIC DIAGRAM AND PINOUT ASSIGNMENT8 SOIC & 8 TSSOPAZ100EL16VS100K PECL DC Characteristics (V EE = GND, V CC = +5.0V)-40°C 0°C 25°C 85°C Symbol CharacteristicMin Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxUnitV OH Output HIGH Voltage 1,3 3915 4120 3975 4120 3975 4045 4120 3975 4120 mVV OL Output LOW Voltage 1,3V CTRL = V BB 23110 3380 3130 3320 3130 3225 3320 3130 3320 mVV OL Output LOW Voltage 1,3V CTRL = V CC3820 4025 3865 4010 3865 3935 4010 3865 4010 mVV IH Input HIGH Voltage 1 3835 4120 3835 4120 3835 4120 3835 4120 mV V IL Input LOW Voltage 1 3190 3525 3190 3525 3190 3525 3190 3525 mV V BB Reference Voltage 1 3580 3740 3580 3740 3580 3740 3580 3740 mVI IH Input HIGH CurrentD, D ¯ V CTRL 150 40 150 40 150 40 150 40μAI ILInput LOW Current 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 μA I EE Power Supply Current 18 25 18 25 18 25 21 26 mA 1. For supply voltages other that 5.0V, use the ECL table values and ADD supply voltage value. 2. If V CTRL is Open Circuit, use the V OH (Max & Min) and V OL (V CTRL = V REF : Max only) limits. 3. Each output is terminated through a 50Ω resistor to V CC – 2V.AC Characteristics (V EE = -4.2V to -5.5V; V CC =GND or V EE =GND; V CC = +4.2V to +5.5V)-40°C 0°C 25°C 85°C SymbolCharacteristicMin Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxUnitt PLH / t PHL Input to Output Delay (Diff) (SE) 250 250 175 125 250 250 325 375 175 125 250 250 325 375 205 155 280 280355405ps t SKEW Duty Cycle Skew 1 (Diff) 5 5 20 5 20 5 20 psV PP (AC) Minimum Input Swing 2150 150 150 150 mVV CMR Common Mode Range 3 V CC -2.0 V CC - 0.4 V CC - 2.0 V CC - 0.4 V CC - 2.0 V CC - 0.4 V CC - 2.0 V CC - 0.4Vt r / t f Rise/Fall Time20 – 80%100 350 100 350 100 350 100 350 ps1. Duty cycle skew is the difference between a t PLH and t PHL propagation delay through a device.2. V PP is the minimum peak-to-peak differential input swing for which AC parameters are guaranteed.3. The V CMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differential input signal. Normal operation is obtained if the HIGH level falls withinthe specified range and the peak-to-peak voltage lies between V PP (min) and 1V.AZ100EL16VSAZ100EL16VSMILLIMETERS INCHES DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX A 12.32 12.570.4850.495 A 1 0.10 0.25 0.004 0.010 A 2 1.25 1.45 0.049 0.057A 3 0.25 0.01 b p 0.36 0.49 0.014 0.019 c 0.19 0.25 0.0075 0.0100 D 4.8 5.0 0.19 0.20 E 3.8 4.0 0.15 0.16e 1.27 0.050 H E 5.80 6.20 0.228 0.244L 1.05 0.041 L p 0.40 1.00 0.016 0.039 Q 0.60 0.70 0.024 0.028v 0.25 0.01 w 0.25 0.01 y 0.10 0.004 Z 0.30 0.70 0.012 0.028 θ0O8O 0O8O NOTES:1. DIMENSIONS D AND E DO NOTINCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 2. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSIONFOR D IS 0.15mm.3. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSIONFOR E IS 0.25mm.AZ100EL16VSMILLIMETERS DIM MIN MAX A1.10A 1 0.05 0.15 A 2 0.80 0.95A 3 0.25b p 0.25 0.45c 0.15 0.28 D 2.90 3.10 E 2.90 3.10e 0.65H E 4.70 5.10L 0.94L p 0.40 0.70v 0.10 w 0.10 y 0.10Z 0.35 0.70θ 0O6ONOTES:1. DIMENSIONS D AND E DO NOTINCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 2. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSIONFOR D IS 0.15mm.3. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSIONFOR E IS 0.25mm.AZ100EL16VSAZ100EL16VS。
Silicon Carbide (SiC) 晶体管模块数据手册说明书
MSCSM120AM042CD3AGDatasheet Phase Leg SiC Power ModuleJanuary20201Revision History (1)Revision1.0 (1)Product Overview (2)2.1Features (3)2.2Benefits (3)2.3Applications (3)Electrical Specifications (4)3.1SiC MOSFET Characteristics(Per MOSFET) (4)3.2SiC Schottky Diode Ratings Characteristics(Per SiC Diode) (6)3.3Thermal Package Characteristics (6)3.4Typical SiC MOSFET Performance Curves (7)3.5Typical SiC Diode Performance Curves (10)Package Specifications (11)Table1•Absolute Maximum Ratings (4)Table2•Electrical Characteristics (4)Table3•Dynamic Characteristics (5)Table4•Body Diode Ratings and Characteristics (5)Table5•SiC Schottky Diode Ratings and Characteristics (6)Table6•Package Characteristics (6)Figure1•MSCSM120AM042CD3AG Electrical Schematic (2)Figure2•MSCSM120AM042CD3AG Pinout Location (2)Figure3•Maximum Thermal Impedance (7)Figure4•Output Characteristics,TJ=25°C (7)Figure5•Output Characteristics,TJ=175°C (7)Figure6•Normalized RDS(on)vs.Temperature (7)Figure7•Transfer Characteristics (7)Figure8•Switching Energy vs.Rg (8)Figure9•Switching Energy vs.Current (8)Figure10•Capacitance vs.Drain Source Voltage (8)Figure11•Gate Charge vs.Gate Source Voltage (8)Figure12•Body Diode Characteristics,TJ=25°C (8)Figure13•3rd Quadrant Characteristics,TJ=25°C (8)Figure14•Body Diode Characteristics,TJ=175°C (9)Figure15•3rd Quadrant Characteristics,TJ=175°C (9)Figure16•Operating Frequency vs.Drain Current (9)Figure17•Maximum Thermal Impedance (10)Figure18•Forward Characteristics (10)Figure19•Capacitance vs.Reverse Voltage (10)Figure20•Package Outline (11)1Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document.The changes are listed by revision,starting with the most current publication.1.1Revision 1.0Revision 1.0is the first publication of this document,published in January 2020.Revision HistoryThe MSCSM120AM042CD3AG is a phase leg1200V/495A silicon carbide power module.Figure1•MSCSM120AM042CD3AG Electrical SchematicFigure2•MSCSM120AM042CD3AG Pinout LocationAll ratings at T J=25°C unless otherwise specified.Caution:These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge.Proper handling procedures should befollowed.2.1FeaturesThe following are key features of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device:•SiC Power MOSFET◦Low RDS(on)◦High temperature performance•Silicon carbide(SiC)Schottky diode◦Zero reverse recovery◦Zero forward recovery◦Temperature-independent switching behavior◦Positive temperature coefficient on VF•Kelvin emitter for easy drive•High level of integration•Aluminum nitride(AlN)substrate for improved thermal performance•M6power connectors2.2BenefitsThe following are benefits of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device:•High efficiency converters•Stable temperature behavior•Direct mounting to heatsink(isolated package)•Low junction-to-case thermal resistance•RoHS Compliant2.3ApplicationsThe MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device is designed for the following applications:•Welding converters•Switched Mode Power Supplies•Uninterruptible Power Supplies•EV motor and traction drive3Electrical SpecificationsThis section shows the electrical specifications of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device.3.1SiC MOSFET Characteristics (Per MOSFET)This section describes the electrical characteristics of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device.Table 1•Absolute Maximum RatingsUnit Maximum Ratings ParameterSymbol V 1200Drain-source voltage V DSS A4951T C =25°C Continuous drain currentI D3951T C =80°C990Pulsed drain current I DM V –10/25Gate-source voltage V GS mΩ5.2Drain-source ON resistance R DSon W 2031T C =25°CPower dissipationP DNote:1.Specification of SiC MOSFET device but output current must be limited due to the size of power connectors.Table 2•Electrical CharacteristicsUnitMaxTypMinTest ConditionsCharacteristicSym-bol μA 60060V GS =0V;V DS =1200V Zero gate voltage drain current I DSS mΩ5.24.2T J =25°C V GS =20V I D =240ADrain–source on resistanceR DSon6.7T J =175°CV2.81.8V GS =V DS ,I D =6mA Gate threshold voltage V GS(th)nA600V GS =20V,V DS =0VGate–source leakage currentI GSSTable 3•Dynamic CharacteristicsUnit MaxTyp MinTest Conditions Characteristic Symbol pF18.1V GS =0V V DS =1000V f =1MHzInput capacitance C iss 1.6Output capacitance C oss 0.15Reverse transfer capacitance C rss nC1392V GS =–5/20V V Bus =800V Total gate charge Q g 246Gate–source charge Q gs I D =240A 300Gate–drain charge Q gd ns 56V GS =–5/20V V Bus =600V Turn-on delay time T d(on)55Rise time T r I D =300A166Turn-off delay time T d(off)R Gon =1.3Ω;R Goff =0.8ΩTJ =150°C 67Fall time T f mJ 6.1T J =150°CInductive Switching V GS =–5/20V Turn on energy E on mJ5.5T J =150°CTurn off energyE offV Bus =600V I D =300A R Gon =1.3ΩR Goff =0.8ΩΩ1Internal gate resistanceR Gint °C/W0.074Junction-to-case thermal resistanceR thJCTable 4•Body Diode Ratings and CharacteristicsUnit MaxTyp MinTest Conditions Characteristic Symbol V4V GS =0V;I SD =240A Diode forward voltageV SD4.2V GS =–5V;I SD =240Ans 90I SD =240A;V GS =–5V;V R =800V;diF/dt =6000A/μsReverse recovery time t rr nC 3300Reverse recovery charge Q rr A81Reverse recovery currentI rr3.2SiC Schottky Diode Ratings Characteristics (Per SiC Diode)This section shows the SiC Schottky diode ratings and characteristics of the device.Table 5•SiC Schottky Diode Ratings and CharacteristicsUnitMaxTypMinTest ConditionsCharacteristicSym-bol V 1200Peak repetitive reverse voltage V RRM μA120060T J =25°C V R =1200VReverse leakage currentI RRM900T J =175°CA180T C =100°CForward currentI FV1.81.5T J =25°C I F =180ADiode forward voltage V F2.1T J =175°CnC 780V R =600VTotal capacitive charge Q C pF846f =1MHz,V R =400V Total capacitanceC630f =1MHz,V R =800V°C/W0.175Junction-to-case thermal resistance R thJC3.3Thermal Package CharacteristicsThis section shows the thermal and package characteristics of the device.Table 6•Package CharacteristicsUnit MaxMin CharacteristicSymbol V 4000RMS isolation voltage,any terminal to case t =1min,50/60Hz V ISOL °C 175–40Operating junction temperature rangeT J °C T Jmax –25–40Recommended junction temperature under switching conditions T JOP °C 125–40Storage temperature range T STG °C 125–40Operating case temperature T C N.m53M6For terminals Mounting torqueTorque53M6To heatsinkg350Package weightWt3.4Typical SiC MOSFET Performance CurvesThis section shows the typical performance curves of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG SiC MOSFET.Figure3•Maximum Thermal ImpedanceFigure4•Output Characteristics,T J=25°CFigure6•Normalized RDS(on)vs.TemperatureFigure8•Switching Energy vs.Rg Figure9•Switching Energy vs.CurrentFigure10•Capacitance vs.Drain Source VoltageFigure12•Body Diode Characteristics,T J=25°C°CFigure16•Operating Frequency vs.Drain Current3.5Typical SiC Diode Performance CurvesThis section shows the typical performance curves of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG SiC diode.Figure17•Maximum Thermal ImpedanceFigure18•Forward CharacteristicsThis section shows the package outline of the MSCSM120AM042CD3AG device.All dimensions are inmillimeters.Figure20•Package OutlineSee application note1908-Mounting instructions for D3and D4power modules on Microsemi's product warranty is set forth in Microsemi's Sales Order Terms and rmation contained in this publication is provided for the sole purpose of designing with and using Microsemi rmation regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates.Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi.It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS."MICROSEMI MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WRITTEN OR ORAL,STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,RELATED TO THE INFORMATION,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION,QUALITY ,PERFORMANCE,NON-INFRINGEMENT,MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.IN NO EVENT WILL MICROSEMI BE LIABLE FOR ANY 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•Class 1 (kWh), Class 2 (kvarh)•Accuracy ±0.5 F.S. (current/voltage)•Compact power transducer•Instantaneous variables data format: 4 DGT•Energies data format: 8+1 DGT•System variables and phase measurements: V LL,V LN,A,A max,An, A dmd,A dmd max,VA, VA dmd,VA dmd max,W, W dmd,W dmd max,W L1-W L2-W L3max, var, PF, PF L1-PF L2-PF L3min,Hz, ASY•Four quadrant power measurement•Energy measurements: total and partial kWh and kvarh(according to EN62053-21 and EN62053-23)•Hour counter (5+2 DGT)•TRMS meas. of distorted sine waves (voltages/currents)•Universal power supply: 90 to 260 VAC/DC, 18 to 60 VAC/DC•Dimensions: 45x83.5x98.5mm•Voltage asymmetry, phase sequence, phase loss control•Up to 3 analogue outputs (20mA or 10VDC)•2digital outputsProduct Description3-phase compact power transducer. Particularly rec-ommended for the measure-ment of the main electrical variables also on board of machines.Housing for DIN-rail mount-ing, with up to 3 analogue outputs, or RS485 communi-cation port or alarm outputs or “Dupline” bus. Parameters programmable by means of CptASoft.Energy ManagementCompact Power TransducerType CPT-DIN “Advanced version”Type SelectionPower supplyL:18 to 60 VAC/VDCH:90 to 260 VAC/VDC Range codesAV5:400/690V L-L/1/5(6)AACV L-N:185 V to 460 VV L-L:320 V to 800 VAV6:120/208V L-L/1/5(6)AACV L-N:45 V to 145 VV L-L:78 V to 250 VPhase current: 0.01A to 6ANeutral current: 0.05A to 6AOptionsAX:advanced functionsSystem3:1-2-3-phase,balanced/unbalanced load,with or withoutneutral1:1-3-phase,balanced load (*)(*) Note: the 3-phase bal-anced load measurementrequires the connection ofthe neutral according to fig.15 and 16 in the final part ofthis document.Neutral current±(2%RDG+3DGT)Phase-phase voltage±(0.5%RDG+2DGT)Phase-neutral voltage±(0.5%RDG+2DGT)Active and Apparent power, ±(1.5%RDG+3DGT)Reactive power±(3%RDG+3DGT)Range accuracy: 0.05In to ImaxCurrent±(0.5%RDG+2DGT)Neutral current±(1%RDG+3DGT)Phase-phase voltage±(0.5%RDG+2DGT)Phase-neutral voltage±(0.5%RDG+2DGT)Active and Apparent power, ±(1%RDG+3DGT) Input specificationsOutputsR2:2-relay outputsO2:2-open collector outputsRS:1-reed relay output +RS485 port (2-wire)A1:1-analogue output:0/4 to 20mA DCA3: 3-analogue outputs:0/4 to 20mA DCV1:1-analogue output:0to 10V DCV3:3-analogue outputs:0to 10V DCS1:RS485/RS422 portS2:RS232 portDB: Dupline bus•One digital output and RS485 communication port (2wires only)•16 freely configurable alarms with OR/AND logic linkableto up to 2 digital outputs•RS422/485/RS232 communication port (MODBUS-RTU), iFIX SCADA compatibilityCptASoft:software to program the working parameters ofthe transducer and to read the energies and the instanta-neous variables. The kit includes the communication cable.CPT -DINOutput SpecificationsInput specifications (cont.)CPT -DINCptASoft software: parameter programming and data readingCptASoftMulti language software to program the workingparameters of the transducer and to read the energies and the instantaneous variables. Compatibility with Windows 95/98/98SE/2000/XP . Working modeT wo different working modes can be selected:-management of a local RS485 network;-management of thecommunication from single instrument to PC (RS232);Programming parametersSystem selection: 1-2-3phasesCT/VT ratiosOutput Specifications (cont.)System selectionSystem 3, unbalanced 3-phase (3-wire, 4-wire)3-phase ARON 2-phase (3-wire)System 3, balanced1-phase (2-wire)3-phase (3-wire, 4-wire)3-phase (3-wire) “1CT+1VT”3-phase (3-wire) “1CT+3VT”System 1, balanced3-phase (4-wire) “1CT+1VT” 3-phase (4-wire), phase to neutral voltage measurement 1-phase (2-wire)Software functionsCPT -DINAC/DC voltage90 to 260VAC/DC 18 to 60VAC/DCPower consumptionAC: 2.5 VA DC: 2WPower Supply SpecificationsGeneral Specifications-W dmd max, VA dmd max, A1max, A 2max, A 3max, W L1 max, W L2max, W L3 max, W sys max, A 1dmd max, A 2dmd max, A 3dmd max, VA sys dmd max,W sys dmd max, PF 1min, PF 2min, PF 3min-all the counters: total kWh, partial kWh, total kvarh, partial kvarh, hour counters -reset of all the above mentioned variables in a single commandSoftware functions (cont.)CPT-DINList of the variables that can be connected to:•RS485/RS422/RS232 communication port•Analogue outputs (“max” variables, “energies” and “hour counter” excluded)•Alarm outputs (“max” variables, energies and “hour counter” excluded)•Pulse outputs (only “energies”)•Dupline bus (only “total energies” + up to 8 selectable variables)(x) = available(o) = not available(x)These variables are available also for the MAX values stored in the EEPROM when the instrument switches off. (#)These variables are available also for the MIN values stored in the EEPROM when the instrument switches off. (*)dmd value integrated in a programmed time interval.(#) The variables are available also for the max values. When the instrument switches off, the values are not stored.CPT-DINAlarm parameters and logicUp alarmOn alarm > Off alarm On alarm < Off alarm start up deactivationAND/OR logical alarm examples:-Block enable.-Controlled variable (VLN, ...).-Alarm type (up, down, in windowalarm, out window alarm).-Activation function.-ON set-point.-OFF set-point.-ON delay.-Logical function (AND, OR).-Digital output (1, 2).Note: any alarm working mode can be linked to the “start up deactivation” function which disables only the first alarm after power on of the transducer.88A,B, C... up to 16parameter controlblocks.CPT-DINFunction DescriptionFigure AThe sign of measured quant-ity and output quantity re-mains the same. The outputquantity is proportional to themeasured quantity.Input and output scaling capability.Working of the analogue outputs (y) versus input variables (x)Figure BThe sign of measured quant-ity and output quantity re-mains the same. On the range X0...X1, the output quantity is zero. The rangeX1...X2 is delineated on the entire output range Y0 =Y1...Y2 and thus presented in strongly expanded form.Figure DThe sign of the measuredquantity changes but that ofthe output quantity remainsthe same. The output quant-ity steadily increases fromvalue X1 to value X2 of themeasured quantity.Figure CThe sign of measured quant-ity and output quantity re-mains the same. With themeasured quantity beingzero, the output quantityalready has the valueY1 = 0.2 Y2.Live zero output.050A 100 A010mA 20 mA-100 kW0100 kW010 mA 20 mAInsulation between inputs and outputs 050A 100A412mA 20mA80 V 100 V 120 V05mA 10mANOTE: in case of fault of first insulation the current from the measuring input to the ground is lower than 2mA.System variablesEquivalent three-phase voltage Voltage asymmetryThree-phase reactive powerNeutral currentThree-phase active powerThree-phase apparent powerCPT -DINUsed calculation formulasWaveform of the signals that can be measuredFigure ASine wave, undistortedFundamental content100%Harmonic content 0%A rms =Figure BSine wave, indentedFundamental content10...100%Harmonic content 0...90%Frequency spectrum: 3rd to 16th harmonic Additional error: <1% FS Sine wave, distortedFundamental content70...90%Harmonic content 10...30%Frequency spectrum: 3rd to 16th harmonic Additional error: <0.5% FSAccuracy6A (Imax)6A (Imax)5A (In)5A (In)0.25A (0.05In)0.5A (0.1In)0.10A (0.02In)0.25A (0.05In)Class 2 accuracy limits (Active energy) EN62053-215(6A) Start-up current: 10mA Class 3 accuracy limits (Reactive energy) EN62053-235(6A) Start-up current: 10mA6A (Imax)6A (Imax)5A (In)5A (In)0.25A (0.05In)0.5A (0.1In)0.1A (0.02In)0.25A (0.05In)Phase variablesInstantaneous effective voltageInstantaneous active powerInstantaneous power factorInstantaneous effective currentInstantaneous apparent powerInstantaneous reactive powerEnergy meteringWhere:i =considered phase (L1, L2 or L3)P =active power; Q =reactive power;t 1,t 2=starting and ending time points of consumption recording; n =time unit;∆t =time interval between two successive power consumptions; n 1,n 2=starting and ending discrete time points of consumption recordingAn = A L1+A L2+A L3+1.5%-1.5%+-∑−=L L L L L L L L V V V A S Y )(m in m a x Three-phase power factor(TPF)∑−=LN LN LN LN V V ASY )(min max Class 2Class 1 (typ)Class 2 (typ)Class 2Class 3Class 3CPT-DINWiring diagrams “system type selection: 3”F=630 mA T (18 to 60VAC/DC)125 mA T (90 to 260VAC/DC)CPT -DINWiring diagrams “system type selection: 3” (cont.)F=630 mA T (18 to 60VAC/DC)125 mA T (90 to 260VAC/DC)CPT-DINWiring diagrams “system type selection: 1”F=630 mA T (18 to 60VAC/DC) 125 mA T (90 to 260VAC/DC)OutputsOpen collector outputs:Theload resistance (Rc) must becalculated so that the closedcontact current is lower than100mA; the VDC voltage mustbe lower than or equal to 30V.VDC: power supply voltage(external). Vo+: positive outputcontact (open collector transis-tor). GND: ground output con-tact (open collector transistor).DCAnalogue output 0-20mA Analogue output 0-10V Relay out.Fig. 17Fig. 18Fig. 20Fig. 21NOTE: the analogue outputs are not insulated among each other.Specifications are subject to change without notice CPT-DINADS1107061112Specifications are subject to change without notice CPT -DINADS110706CPT -DINRS485 serial port and one relay connectionsRS232 Serial port connection4-wire connection of RS485 serial port, the terminalization must be carried out only on the last instrument of the network1...n Instrument2-wire connection of RS485 serial port, the terminalization must be carried out only on the last instrument of the network1...n InstrumentEasy programmingRJ12 communication port for parameters program-ming. The configuration of the transducer can be easily performed by means of CptASoft.CptASoft-kit includes also 1m long connection cable (RJ12 6-pole / RS232 9-polefemale).2-wire connection of RS485 serial port + one relay (R). The terminalization must be carried out only on the last instrument ofthe networkCPT-DINDimensions1.Front panel2.Power ON LED3.Diagnostics LED4.Configuration bus (RJ12 connector)5.Connections screw terminalsFront Panel DescriptionOutputs connectionsSpecifications are subject to change without notice CPT-DINADS11070613。
Alpha Wire AZ161929 电线说明书
Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA (25742), Web: Customer SpecificationPART NO. AZ161929ConstructionDiameters (In)1) Component 1 1 X 1 HOOKUPa) Conductor 16 (19/29) AWG TC 0.054b) Insulation 0.0125" Wall, Nom. ETFE 0.079+/- 0.002(1) Color(s) WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, BROWN ORANGE, SLATE, VIOLETApplicable Specifications1) Other SAE-AS22759/16 150°C / 600 V RMS Environmental1) EU Directive 2011/65/EU(RoHS2):All materials used in the manufacture of this part are in compliance with European Directive2011/65/EU regarding the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in electrical andelectronic equipment. Consult Alpha Wire's web site for RoHS C of C.2) REACH Regulation (EC 1907/2006):This product does not contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) listed on the EuropeanUnion's REACH candidate list in excess of 0.1% mass of the item. For up-to-date information,please see Alpha's REACH SVHC Declaration.3) California Proposition 65:The outer surface materials used in the manufacture of this part meet the requirements of California Proposition 65.PropertiesPhysical & Mechanical Properties1) Temperature Range-55 to 150°C2) Bend Radius 10X Cable Diameter3) Pull Tension 19.1 Lbs, MaximumElectrical Properties(For Engineering purposes only)1) Voltage Rating 600 V RMS2) Inductance0.04 µH/ft, Nominal3) Conductor DCR 4.6 Ω/1000ft @20°C, Nominal OtherPackaging Flange x Traverse x Barrel (inches)a) 1000 FT 6.5 x 4 x 2.5 Continuous lengthb) 500 FT 6.5 x 2 x 1.9 Continuous lengthc) 100 FT 3.5 x 3 x 1.125 Continuous lengthd) Bulk(Made-to-order)[Spool dimensions may vary slightly]Notes:a) Certain colors and put-up combinations may only be available by special order, minimums may apply.Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA (25742)Although Alpha Wire (“Alpha”) makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to errors or omissions and to changes without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability.Alpha provides the information and specifications herein on an “AS IS” basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Alpha be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary) whatsoever, even if Alpha had been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein.ALPHA WIRE - CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYNotice to persons receiving this document and/or technical information. This document is confidential and is the exclusive property of ALPHA WIRE, and is merely on loan and subject to recall by ALPHA WIRE at any time. By taking possession of this document, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that this document cannot be used in any manner adverse to the interests of ALPHA WIRE, and that no portion of this document may be copied or otherwise reproduced without the prior written consent of ALPHA WIRE. In the case of conflicting contractual provisions, this notice shall govern the status of this document. ©2013 ALPHA WIRE - all rights reserved.EU/China ROHS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCETo Whom It May Concern:Alpha Wire Part Number: AZ161929AZ161929 , RoHS-Compliant Commencing With 7/1/2005 ProductionNote: all colors and put-upsThis document certifies that the Alpha part number cited above is manufactured in accordance with Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament, better known as the RoHS Directive (commonly known as RoHS 2), with regards to restrictions of the use of certain hazardous substances used in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. This certification extends to amending Directive 2015/863/EU which expanded the list of restricted substances to 10 items (commonly known as RoHS 3) The reader is referred to these Directives for the specific definitions and extents of the Directives. No Exemptions are required for RoHS Compliance on this item. Additionally, Alpha certifies that the listed part number is in compliance with China RoHS “Marking for Control of Pollution by Electronic Information Products” standard SJ/T 11364-2014. Substance Maximum Control ValueLead0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Mercury0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Cadmium0.01% by weight (100 ppm)Hexavalent Chromium0.1% by weight (1000 ppm )Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) ,Including Deca-BDE0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP)0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)The information provided in this document and disclosure is correct to the best of Alpha Wire's knowledge, information and belief at the date of its release. The information provided is designed only as a general guide for the safe handling, storage, and any other operation of the product itself or the one that it will become part of. The intent of this document is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. Regulatory information is for guidance purposes only. Product users are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulations based on their individual usage of the product.Authorized Signatory for the Alpha Wire:Dave Watson, Director of Engineering & QA1/22/2019Alpha Wire711 Lidgerwood Ave.Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-908-925-8000。
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, please confirm that this is the latest version.Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information.DATA SHEETDocument No. D14676EJ6V0DS00 (6th edition)Date Published October 2007 NS Printed in JapanThe mark <R> shows major revised points.The revised points can be easily searched by copying an "<R>" in the PDF file and specifying it in the "Find what:" field.1999, 2000, 2007DESCRIPTIONThese products are N-channel MOS Field Effect Transistors designed for high current switching applications.ORDERING INFORMATIONPART NUMBERLEAD PLATINGPACKING PACKAGENP88N075EUE-E1-AY Note1, 2 NP88N075EUE-E2-AY Note1, 2TO-263 (MP-25ZJ) typ. 1.4 gNP88N075KUE-E1-AY Note1 NP88N075KUE-E2-AYNote1Pure Sn (Tin)Tape 800 p/reelTO-263 (MP-25ZK) typ. 1.5 gNP88N075CUE-S12-AZNote1, 2Sn-Ag-CuTO-220 (MP-25) typ. 1.9 g NP88N075DUE-S12-AYNote1, 2TO-262 (MP-25 Fin Cut) typ. 1.8 g NP88N075MUE-S18-AY Note1TO-220 (MP-25K) typ. 1.9 g NP88N075NUE-S18-AYNote1Pure Sn (Tin) Tube 50 p/tubeTO-262 (MP-25SK) typ. 1.8 gNotes 1. Pb-free (This product does not contain Pb in the external electrode.)2. Not for new designFEATURES• Channel temperature 175 degree rated • Super low on-state resistanceR DS(on) = 8.5 m Ω MAX. (V GS = 10 V, I D = 44 A) • Low input capacitance C iss = 8200 pF TYP.(TO-220)(TO-262)(TO-263)<R>ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25°C)Drain to Source Voltage (V GS = 0 V) V DSS 75 V Gate to Source Voltage (V DS = 0 V) V GSS±20 V Drain Current (DC) (T C = 25°C) Note1I D(DC)±88 A Drain Current (Pulse) Note2I D(pulse)±352 AW Total Power Dissipation (T C = 25°C) P T1 288Total Power Dissipation (T A = 25°C) P T2 1.8W°CChannel Temperature T ch 175Storage Temperature T stg−55 to +175 °CSingle Avalanche Current Note3I AS 69/88A Single Avalanche Energy Note3E AS 450/14mJ Notes 1.Calculated constant current according to MAX. allowable channel temperature.2. PW ≤ 10 μs, Duty cycle ≤ 1%3. Starting T ch = 25°C, V DD = 35 V, R G = 25 Ω, V GS = 20 → 0 V (See Figure4.) THERMAL RESISTANCEChannel to Case Thermal Resistance R th(ch-C) 0.52 °C/WChannel to Ambient Thermal Resistance R th(ch-A) 83.3 °C/W2Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C)CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL TESTCONDITIONS MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS = 75 V, V GS = 0 V 10 μAGate Leakage Current I GSS V GS = ±20 V, V DS = 0 V ±100 nAGate to Source Threshold Voltage V GS(th)V DS = V GS, I D = 250μA Forward Transfer Admittance | y fs | V DS = 10 V, I D = 44 A 30 60SDrain to Source On-state Resistance R DS(on)V GS = 10 V, I D = 44 A 6.2 8.5mΩInput Capacitance C iss820012300pF Output Capacitance C oss8001200pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance C rssV DS = 25 V,V GS = 0 V,f = 1 MHz440 800 pFTurn-on Delay Time t d(on)3577ns Rise Time t r2870ns Turn-off Delay Time t d(off)105210ns Fall Time t fV DD = 38V, I D = 44A,V GS = 10V,R G = 0 Ω16 40 nsTotal Gate Charge Q G150230nC Gate to Source Charge Q GS30nC Gate to Drain Charge Q GDV DD = 60V,V GS = 10 V,I D = 88A52 nCBody Diode Forward Voltage V F(S-D)I F = 88 A, V GS = 0 V 1.0 VReverse Recovery Time t rr 80 nsReverse Recovery Charge Q rrI F = 88 A, V GS = 0 V,di/dt = 100 A/μs 240 nCTEST CIRCUIT 3 GATE CHARGEV GS = 20 →0 VTEST CIRCUIT 1 AVALANCHE CAPABILITYLDDTEST CIRCUIT 2 SWITCHING TIMELDDτ = 1 μsDuty Cycle ≤1%Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS3Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS4TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C)Figure1. DERATING FACTOR OF FORWARD BIAS SAFE OPERATING AREA T C - Case Temperature - °Cd T - Pe r c e n t a g e of R a t e d P o w e r - %502575125175100150200020*********T C - Case Temperature - °CP T - T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n - W00100255075125175150200Figure2. TOTAL POWER DISSIPATION vs. CASE TEMPERATUREFigure3. FORWARD BIAS SAFE OPERATING AREA V DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t - AFigure4. SINGLE AVALANCHE ENERGYDERATING FACTORStarting T ch - Starting Channel Temperature - °C S i n g l e P u l s e A v al a n c h e E n e r g y- m J0200Figure5. TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCE vs. PULSE WIDTHr t h (t ) - T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c e - °C /W100.010.1110010001 m 10 m 100 m 110100100010100μμSingle PulseT C = 25°CPW - Pulse Width - sData Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS5Figure6. FORWARD TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS V GS - Gate to Source Voltage - VI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t - A2345671010.11000100Figure7. DRAIN CURRENT vs.DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE V DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VI D - D r a i n C u r r e n t - A0200300400500100Figure8. FORWARD TRANSFER ADMITTANCE vs. DRAIN CURRENT| y f s | - F o r w a r d T r a n s f e r A d m i t t a n c e - SI D - Drain Current - A1Figure9. DRAIN TO SOURCE ON-STATE RESISTANCE vs. GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE V GS - Gate to Source Voltage - VR D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m Ω101520Figure10. DRAIN TO SOURCE ON-STATE RESISTANCE vs. DRAIN CURRENT I D - Drain Current - AR D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m Ω510115101001000Pulsed 0V GS = 10 VFigure11. GATE TO SOURCE THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs. CHANNEL TEMPERATURE T ch - Channel Temperature - °CV G S (t h ) - G a t e t o S o u r c e T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e - V1V DS = V GS I D = 250 μA234−50050100150Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS6Figure12. DRAIN TO SOURCE ON-STATE RESISTANCE vs. CHANNEL TEMPERATURE T ch - Channel Temperature - °CR D S (o n ) - D r a i n t o S o u r c e O n -s t a t e R e s i s t a n c e - m Ω86421618141210Figure13. SOURCE TO DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEI F - D i o d e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t- AV F(S-D) - Body Diode Forward Voltage - VFigure14. CAPACITANCE vs. DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGEV DS - Drain to Source Voltage - VC i s s , C o s s , C r s s - C a p a c i t a n c e -p FFigure15. SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSI D - Drain Current - At d (o n ), t r , t d (o f f ), t f - S w i t c h i n g T i m e - n sFigure16. REVERSE RECOVERY TIME vs. DIODE FORWARD CURRENTI F - Diode Forward Current - At r r - R e v e r s e R e c o v e r y T i m e - n sdi/dt = 100 A/μs V GS = 0 V1101000100Figure17. DYNAMIC INPUT/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS V G S - G a t e t o S o u r c e V o l t a g e - VQ G - Gate Charge - nCV D S - D r a i n t o S o u r c e V o l t a g e - V4Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS7PACKAGE DRAWINGS (Unit: mm)NoteNoteNoteNote Not for new design<R>Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS8EQUIVALENT CIRCUITBody DiodeRemark Strong electric field, when exposed to this device, can cause destruction of the gate oxide and ultimatelydegrade the device operation. Steps must be taken to stop generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it once, when it has occurred.Data Sheet D14676EJ6V0DS9TAPE INFORMATIONThere are two types (-E1, -E2) of taping depending on the direction of the device.Reel sideMARKING INFORMATIONLot codePb-free plating marking Abbreviation of part numberRECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONSThese products should be soldered and mounted under the following recommended conditions.For soldering methods and conditions other than those recommended below, please contact an NEC Electronics sales representative.For technical information, see the following website.Semiconductor Device Mount Manual (/pkg/en/mount/index.html)Soldering Method Soldering ConditionsRecommended Condition SymbolInfrared reflow MP-25ZJ, MP-25ZKMaximum temperature (Package's surface temperature): 260°C or below Time at maximum temperature: 10 seconds or less Time of temperature higher than 220°C: 60 seconds or less Preheating time at 160 to 180°C: 60 to 120 seconds Maximum number of reflow processes: 3 timesMaximum chlorine content of rosin flux (percentage mass): 0.2% or lessIR60-00-3 Wave solderingMP-25, MP-25K, MP-25SK, MP-25 Fin Cut Maximum temperature (Solder temperature): 260°C or below Time: 10 seconds or lessMaximum chlorine content of rosin flux: 0.2% (wt.) or less THDWS Partial heating MP-25ZJ, MP-25ZK, MP-25K, MP-25SK Maximum temperature (Pin temperature): 350°C or below Time (per side of the device): 3 seconds or lessMaximum chlorine content of rosin flux: 0.2% (wt.) or less P350 Partial heating MP-25, MP-25 Fin CutMaximum temperature (Pin temperature): 300°C or below Time (per side of the device): 3 seconds or lessMaximum chlorine content of rosin flux: 0.2% (wt.) or lessP300 Caution Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating).<R> <R><R>The information in this document is current as of October, 2007. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC Electronics products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information.No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.NEC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others.Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information.While NEC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features.NEC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific".The "Specific" quality grade applies only to NEC Electronics products developed based on a customer-designated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application.The quality grade of NEC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by NEC Electronics, they must contact an NEC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application.(Note)••••••M8E 02. 11-1(1)(2)"NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes itsmajority-owned subsidiaries."NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (asdefined above).Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audioand visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots.Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disastersystems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support).Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, lifesupport systems and medical equipment for life support, etc."Standard":"Special":"Specific":。
ZETTLER40 AMP 2 POLES POWER RELAY WITH MONITORINGFEATURES•Designed for IEC 61851 Mode 2 and Mode 3 charging applications•Dual NO load contacts plus NC mirror contact acc. EN 60947-4-1 for welding monitoring •40 Amp / 480 VAC switching capability•Meets IEC 62955, IEC 62752 and IEC 62052-11 short circuit requirements •Load contact gap ≥ 3.42 mm•Dielectric strength 5 kV RMS , surge withstand voltage 10 kV •TÜV, UL / CUR and CQC approvalsZETTLERORDERING DATA Example ordering dataAZEV200-2AE1B -12D 1 Form B monitor contact, 12 VDC coil voltage AZEV200-2AE -24Dversion without monitor contact, 24 VDC coilAZEV200-2AE1B -12D(001) special version with non gold plated 1 Form Bmonitor contact.AZEV200-2AE - DNominal coil voltagesee coil voltage specifications tableMonitor contactnil: without monitor contact1B: equipped with 1 Form B monitor contactOptionnil: standard version (xxx): special versionPCB FOOTPRINT / WIRING DIAGRAMLayout and footprint recommendation. Dimensions in mm. Viewed towards terminals.2. Voltage max. is the voltage the coil can endure for a short period of time.3. Values for coil inductance, coil current and coil power for reference only.4. To avoid overheating at elevated ambient temperatures, operate the coil at 40 - 65% of nominal coil voltage after applying the full nominal coil voltage for ≥200 milliseconds.MECHANICAL DATADimensions in mm. Tolerance: ±0.3mm.Pin dimensions for reference only and given without tin coating.CAD data in attachment of the datasheet.nom 2. U BR is the coil suppression circuit breakdown voltage.ZETTLER1 2 3 4 5 6 5Ratio U BR / U nom. R e l e a s e t i m e [m s ]Release time vs. suppressor breakdown voltage (typ.)7 0 1015 20make NC contact (11-12)break NO contacts (1-2, 3-4) 875100 125 150 10% Energization ratio U coil / U nom. O p e r a t e t i m e [m s ]Operate timing vs. coil energization @23°C (typ.)175 020 40 5020030stable close NO contactsmake NO contacts (1-2, 3-4) break NC contact (11-12)Coil temperature rise vs. energization @23°C (typ.) 30507090 20 % Energization ratio U coil / U nom.T e m p e r a t u r e r i s e [K ]1000 40 80 100600.5C o i l p o w e r [W ]11.522.5coil power consumptioncoil temperature rise NOTESGeneral1. All values in this datasheet are at reference temperature of 23°C (73°F) unless stated otherwise.2. Evaluate the component ’s performance and operating conditions under the worst -case conditions of the actual application.3. The datasheet and the component ’s specifications are subject to change without notice.Storage, handling, and environmental guidelines4. Relays are electromechanical components that are sensitive to shock. The relay ’s adjustment can be affected if the relay is subjected to excessiveshock or excessive pressure is applied to the relay case. Relays which have been dropped must no longer be used.5. Substances containing silicone or phosphorus must be avoided in the vicinity to the relay. Outgassing from these substances can penetrate the relayand adhere on the contacts. Deposits of these substances may act as insulators and adversely affect the contact resistance. Silicone can be found e.g. in gaskets, lubricants or filling materials, phosphorus can be found e.g. as a flame retardant in plastics.6. Prevent relays from atmospheres containing corrosive gases. Corrosion of internal structures and contacts leads to malfunction and shortens thecomponent ’s service life.7. Prevent non -sealed relays from atmospheres subject to dust. Dust particles may enter the case and get stuck between the contacts, causing the contactcircuits to fail.8. Do not use these relays in environments with explosive or flammable gases. Electrical arcing at the contacts could ignite these gases and cause fire. 9. For automated dual wave soldering process we recommend preheating with 120°C (248°F) for max. 120 seconds and a soldering temperature of260 ±5°C (500 ±9°F) for max. 10 seconds soldering time (max. 5 seconds per wave). For manual soldering we recommend 350°C (662°F) max. temperature for max. 5 seconds. During the soldering process, no force may be exerted on the relay terminals.10. This relay is designed according to RTII relay technology (flux -proof). It must not be washed, immersion cleaned or conformal coated as substancesmay enter the case and cause corrosion or seizure of mechanical parts.11. Avoid high frequency or ultrasonic vibrations on the relays as these can cause contact welding and misalignment or destruction of internal structures. 12. During operation, storage and transport, ambient temperature should be within the specified operating temperature range. Humidity should be in therange of 5% to 85% RH. Icing and condensation must be avoided. Relays stored for an extended period of time may show initially increased contact resistance values due to chemical effects such as oxidation. Design guidelines13. The relay may pull in and operate with less than the specified must operate voltage value.14. The coil ’s must operate and min. holding voltages and the coil ’s resistance value depend on the temperature of the coil. The specified values are givenfor a coil temperature of 23°C and increase by approx. 0.39% per Kelvin of temperature rise. This circumstance must be considered, especially during operation with high load currents and elevated ambient temperature.15. Coil suppression circuits such as diodes, etc. in parallel to the coil will lengthen the release time. We recommend using suppression circuits with abreakdown voltage of approx. 2 times the nominal coil voltage in order to achieve a quick release time.16. At elevated ambient temperatures, after applying the rated nominal coil voltage for ≥ 200 milliseconds, the coil energization must be reduced to aholding level in order to reduce thermal stress and prevent the coil from overheating.17. For PWM coil control use a fast -switching bypass diode in parallel with the coil to allow the coil current to flow during pulse pauses. Note that thisbypass diode increases the release time of the relay. We recommend ≥ 20 kHz as a PWM frequency in order to avoid audible noise from magnetostriction.18. Contact resistance is a function of load current, dwell time and wear level of the contacts. Immediately after closing the contacts, or if tested with lowcurrent only, the contact resistance will show a relatively high value. A low level steady state contact resistance is reached at higher current after a certain time in thermal equilibrium.19. The relay dissipates heat form power losses through its load terminals. Provide sufficient cross section and area of the PCB traces so that they can actas heat spreader.20. For PCBs with multiple relays, do not place the components directly next to each other. We suggest providing a mounting distance of minimum 10 mmto allow for better cooling.21. A minimum load of 10 mA / 5 V / 50 mW is recommended for gold plated contacts to ensure a reliable and stable connection.ZETTLERThis product specification is to be used in conjunction with the application notes which can be downloaded from the regional ZETTLER relay websites. The specification provides an overview of the most significant part features. Any individual applications and operating conditions are not taken into consideration. It is recommended to test the product under application conditions. Responsibility for the application remains with the customer. Proper operation and service life cannot be guaranteed if the part is operated outside the specified limits.ZETTLER GROUPBuilding on a foundation of more than a century of expertise in German precision engineering, ZETTLER Group is a world -class enterprise, engaged in the design, manufacturing, sales and distribution of electronic components. Our industry leadership is based ona unique combination of engineering competence and global scale.For more information on other ZETTLER Group companies, please visit zettler . For support on this product or other ZETTLER relays, please visit one of the group sites below.SITES FOR ZETTLER RELAYSNORTH AMERICAAmerican Zettler, Inc. ******************CHINAZettler Group, China ******************* EUROPEZettler Electronics, GmbH *****************************Zettler Electronics, Poland ****************************ASIA PACIFICZettler Electronics (HK) Ltd. *******************。
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ZET TLERelectronics GmbHFax +49 89 800 97 200 office@ 0 97 800 89 +49 Tel. GermanyPuchheim, D-82178 Junkersstrasse 3, 2003-07-30MINIATURE POWER RELAYFEATURES •PC Terminals•SPDT through 4PDT arrangement •High switching capacity •AC and DC coils•Push To Test lever available on some models •CE marking•UL, CUR file E43203•TÜV pendingCONTACTSArrangementSPDT (1 Form C)DPDT (2 Form C)3PDT (3 Form C)4PDT (4 Form C)Ratings See chart on page 2UL, CURSee chart on page 2Material-1CT contactSilver cadmium oxide -2C and 2CT contact Silver cerium -3C contact Silver cerium -4C contactSilver ceriumResistance< 50 milliohms initially(24 V, 1 A voltage drop method)GENERAL DATALife ExpectancyMinimum operations Mechanical 2 x 107operationsElectrical See UL/CUR ratings on page 2Operate Time 25 msec max. at nominal coil voltage Release Time25 msec at nominal coil voltage (without suppression)Dielectric Strength 1500 Vrms coil to contact (at sea level for 1 min.)1000 Vrms contact to contact1000 Vrms between contact sets Insulation 100 megohms min. at 500 VDC,Resistance 20°C, 50% RHDropoutDC: > 10% of nominal coil voltage AC: > 30% of nominal coil voltage Ambient TemperatureOperating -55°C (-67°F) to 70°C (158°F)Storage -55°C (-67°F) to 105°C (221°F)Vibration 0.062" (1.5 mm) DA at 10–55 Hz Shock 20 gEnclosure Polycarbonate TerminalsPCMax. Solder Temp.250°C (482°F)Max. Solder Time5 seconds Weight37 gramsCOILPowerAt Pickup Voltage DC:576 mW, 6 to 48 VDC(typical)704 mW, 110 VDC AC:.768 VAMax. Continuous DC:1.2 W (110 V : 1.5 W) at 20°C (68°F)Dissipation AC:1.7 VA at 20°C (68°F)Temperature105°C (221°F)NOTES1.All values at 20°C (68°F).2.Relay may pull in with less than “Must Operate” value.3.Specifications subject to change without notice.ZET TLERelectronics GmbHFax +49 89 800 97 200 office@ 0 97 800 89 +49 Tel. GermanyPuchheim, D-82178 Junkersstrasse 3, 2003-07-30UL/CUR SPDT Heavy duty:Ratings15 A, 250 VAC 100k, Resistive15 A, 30 VDC, 100k N.O., 30k N.C., Resistive DPDT Heavy duty:10 A, 250 VAC, 100k, General use 10 A, 30 VDC, 100k, Resistive1/3HP, 120/240 VAC, 100k Motor load DPDT, Standard duty:7A, 250 VAC, 100k Resistive 7A, 30 VDC, 100k, Resistive3A, 240 VAC/30 VDC, 100k, General use 3PDT, 4PDT, Standard duty:5A, 250 VAC, 100k, Resistive 5A, 30 VDC, 100k, Resistive3A, 240 VAC/30 VDC, 100k, General useCONTACT RATINGSMaximum SPDT Heavy duty, resistive load:RatingsMax. Switched Power: 450 W, 3750 VA Max. Switched Current: 15 AMax. Switched Voltage: 30 VDC, 250 VAC DPDT Heavy duty, resistive load:Max. Switched Power: 300 W, 2500 VA Max. Switched Current: 10 AMax. Switched Voltage: 30 VDC, 250 VAC DPDT Standard duty, resistive load:Max. Switched Power: 210 W, 1750 VA Max. Switched Current: 7 AMax. Switched Voltage: 30 VDC, 250 VAC 3PDT, 4PDT, Standard duty, resistive load:Max. Switched Power: 150 W, 1250 VA Max. Switched Current: 5 AMax. Switched Voltage: 30 VDC, 250 VACZET TLERelectronics GmbHFax +49 89 800 97 200 office@ 0 97 800 89 +49 Tel. GermanyPuchheim, D-82178 Junkersstrasse 3, 2003-07-30HEAVY DUTY RELAYS: AC Coil (50/60 Hz)COIL SPECIFICATIONSNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VAC VAC VAC mA ± 10%Ohm64.87.1200.011.5 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–6A 129.614.3100.046.0 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–12A 2419.228.650.0184 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–24A 4838.457.125.0735 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–48A 12096.0143.010.04,550 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–120A 220176.0261.0 5.514,400 ± 15%AZ164–1CT–220A 240192.0288.05.022,000 ± 15%AZ164–1CT–240A* For DPDT substitute “-2CT” for “-1CT”. For LED add “1” to the end of p/n.STANDARD RELAYS: AC Coil (50/60 Hz)COIL SPECIFICATIONSNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VAC VAC VAC mA ± 10%Ohm64.87.1200.011.5 ± 10%AZ164–2C–6A 129.614.3100.046.0 ± 10%AZ164–2C–12A 2419.228.650.0184 ± 10%AZ164–2C–24A 4838.457.125.0735 ± 10%AZ164–2C–48A 12096.0143.010.04,550 ± 10%AZ164–2C–120A 220176.0261.0 5.514,400 ± 15%AZ164–2C–220A 240192.0288.05.022,000 ± 15%AZ164–2C–240A* For 3PDT or 4PDT substitute “-3C” or “-4C” for “-2C”. For LED add “1” to the end of p/n. “-2C” and “-4C” versions are available with a lockable “push to test” lever. Add suffix “P” to part number for “Push to Test” lever.RELAY ORDERING DATASTANDARD RELAYS: DC CoilCOIL SPECIFICATIONSNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VDC VDC VDC mA ± 10%Ohm54.05.5181.027.5 ± 10%AZ164–2C–5D 6 4.8 6.6150.040.0 ± 10%AZ164–2C–6D 129.613.275.0160 ± 10%AZ164–2C–12D 2419.226.436.9650 ± 10%AZ164–2C–24D 4838.452.818.52600 ± 15%AZ164–2C–48D 11088.0121.010.011,000 ± 15%AZ164–2C–110DRELAY ORDERING DATAHEAVY DUTY RELAYS: DC CoilCOIL SPECIFICATIONSNominal CoilMust OperateMax. ContinuousNominal CurrentCoil ResistanceORDER NUMBER*VDC VDC VDC mA ± 10%Ohm54.05.5181.027.5 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–5D 6 4.8 6.6150.040.0 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–6D 129.613.275.0160 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–12D 2419.226.436.9650 ± 10%AZ164–1CT–24D 4838.452.818.52600 ± 15%AZ164–1CT–48D 11088.0121.010.011,000 ± 15%AZ164–1CT–110D。