





山西农业大学资源环境学院2020年11月30日Shanxi Agricultural UniversityStudents Status CertificateThis is to certify that xxx, female, born on xxx in xxx, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of xxx in School of xxx, Shanxi Agricultural University. It is a full-time, four-year programleading to a Bachelor’s Degree. Her student number is xxx. She is expected to graduate in July, 201School of resources and environmentShanxi Agricultural UniversityDate: November 30, 2020篇二:《官方中英文在读证明模板》*** 大学教务处在读证明***,男/女,学号***,身份证号***,为***学院2009级***专业本科(1)班学生,该生若能完成学院规定的课程,并达到学院的毕业要求和授予学位的条件,按照正常情况,将于2020年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。

学院审核人学院盖章教务处审核人教务处盖章201 年月日**** UniversityCertificate of Full Time StudentThis is to certify that Liu **(female),born on 16/06/1990, Student No.: ******, ID no.:************** is a junior majoring in *********** in School of ********, **** University.She/He is expected to graduate from our university in June/July, 201*, and being granted a Bachelor’s degree if she/he can complete the required curriculum, reach the requirements of the graduation and qualify for the degree.School/ College (stamp) Academic Affairs Office (stamp) Signature:_______________ Signature: ______________11/09/2020**** University--2篇三:《在读证明模板_中英文对照》在读证明兹证明佘梓焜,男,广东省汕头人,中山火炬职业技术学院,管理工程系,市场营销专业121班学生,学生证号120803013该生于2020年录取,已在我院完成三个学期学业,拟毕业时间2020年6月。



篇一:《在校证明,中英文版本,出国留学用》Beijing Jiaotong University在校证明姓名XX,性别男,出生日期XXXX年X月X日,学号XXXXX 于2007年9月入我校土木建筑工程学院土木工程专业本科学习,按国家标准该专业本科的学制为4年。




北京交通大学教务处2010年9月16日Beijing Jiaotong UniversityCertificateThis is to certify that XXXX, male, born on 9 August 1990, student IDnumber XXXX, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student majoring in the program of Civil Engineering in School of Civil Engineering since September 200 The program is a standard four-year program・ According to the flexibility policy of Beijing Jiaotong University, the program can be accomplished in three years to six years. The student is currently studying in the fourth year.Academic Affairs OfficeBeijing Jiaotong UniversityPeople's Republic of ChinaSeptember 16th, 2010篇二:《官方中英文在读证明模板》***大学教务处在读证明*** ,男/女,学号灯* ,身份证号*好,为杆*学院2009级灯*专业本科(1)班学生”该生若能完成学院规定的课程,并达到学院的毕业要求和授予学位的条学院盖章学院审核人教务处审核人件,按照正常情况,将于2020年6月毕业,并可授予学士学位。




重庆大学研究生院20xx年6月3日certificatestudentidnumberidnumberhasbeeneolledasan postgraduatestudentmajoringintheprogramofintheprogr amisastandardprogram.postgraduatedepartmentofchongqinguniversityjune3th,20xx(本文档李逸先生所有,请勿传阅,使用完毕请删除。

)篇二:在读证明模板中英文对照在读证明兹证明xxx,女,xxx人,山西农业大学,xxx学院,xxx 专业xxx班学生,学生证号xxx.该生是我院20xx届应届毕业生,将于20xx年7月毕业。


山西农业大学资源环境学院20xx年11月30日shanxiagriculturaluniversitystudentsstatuscertificatethisistocertifythatxxx,female,bornonxxxinxxx,hasbee neolledasanundergraduatestudentmajoringintheprogram ofxxxinschoolofxxx,shanxiagriculturaluniversity.iti safull-time,four-yearprogramleadingtoabachelor’sdegree.herstudentnumberisxxx.sheisexpectedtogradua teinjuly,20xx.schoolofresourcesandenvironmentshanxiagriculturaluniversitydate:november30,20xx篇三:在校证明英文模版。







学院审核人签字:XXXX大学矿业工程学院XXXX大学教务部20 年月日20 年月日Registration Certificate of China University of Mining & TechnologyThis is to certify that student LI Xiaoqiang, male, born on May 17,1990,passed the National College Entrance Examination and was enrolled into China University of Mining & Technology (CUMT) in September, 2007 as a fulltime undergraduate student with a four-year length of schooling. Now, he is in his fourth year study and majors in Mining Technology in the School of Mining Engineering, CUMT. His Student Registration Number is 09070000.If he/she obtains all the required credits and satisfies CUMT’s requirements for undergraduate graduation and degree conferring, he/she will graduate in July 2011 with bachelor degree. College Checker (Signature):School of Mining Technology Office of Teaching Administration (Seal): China University of Mining & Technology China University of Mining & Technology 03/ 02/ 2010(dd/mm/yyyy) 03/ 02/ 2010(dd/mm/yyyy)。

2018年在校证明中英文模板word版本 (2页)

2018年在校证明中英文模板word版本 (2页)

2018年在校证明中英文模板word版本本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==在校证明中英文模板在校证明中英文模板【1】To: Visa Section of U.S. Consulate General in BeijingThis is to certify that __________ , male/female, born on _____________ , He/She has been studying full-time at our school. He/She is inGrade_____ , Class___ , and performs well all the time.The school vacation is from __________ to _________. During this time _________ will visit_________for ____ days with his/hermother/father/parents. All the expenses during the travel will be borne by his/her mother/father/parents. He/She will still study in our school after he/she comes back.School:Signature:Telephone:Date:在校证明中英文模板【2】June 6, 20xx To whom it may concerned, This is to confirm that the student named Haoyang Li from Class 4, Grade 6 of our school will be travelling to your country within this summer vacation, which starts from July 1 3,201X to August 31 ,201 3. He will be back to school and。

【精品文档】学生在校证明中英文-范文模板 (2页)

【精品文档】学生在校证明中英文-范文模板 (2页)

【精品文档】学生在校证明中英文-范文模板本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==学生在校证明中英文学生在校证明中英文【1】June 6, 201 3 To whom it may concerned, This is to confirm that the student named Haoyang Li from Class 4, Grade 6 of our school will be travelling to your country within this summer vacation, which starts from July 1 3,201X to August 31 ,201 3. He will be back to school and continue his study after returning home. (负责老师或校长签名) (盖章) 负责老师或校长姓名 Nanshan Foreign Languages School Tel: 致: 兹有我校六四班学生李昊阳申请于暑假前往贵国旅游。

我校暑假时间为 20xx 年7 月 13 日至 20xx 年 8 月 31 日。



负责老师或校长签名: 负责老师或校长姓名: 联系电话: 南山外国语学校(盖章) 201X 年 6 月 6 日学生在校证明中英文【2】中文在校证明:________,男/女,出生于______年____月____日,______年___月进入我校学习,现为我校____专业__年级的学生。




大学在读证明,中英对照(优秀范文5篇)第一篇:大学在读证明,中英对照在读证明兹证明XXX,XXXX年 XX月 XX日出生,自 XXXX 年9月开始就读于XXXX大学XXX专业,该生学号为XXXXXXXXX。

按照学校学位授予条例,该生在规定时间内通过所有规定课程和论文答辩后, 她将在XXXX年 XX月获得本校授予的本科毕业证书及学士学位证书。

特此证明!XXXXX大学XXXX年XX月XX日Schooling CertificateThis is to certify that student XXX, born on XX XX, 19XX, has been studying at XX School of XX University with the major of XX since Sept.20XX.Her student No.is XXXXXXXXX.In accordance with the Academic Degree Regulation, she will be granted the Bachelor and Graduation Certificate in June 20XX, after she successfully completes all the courses and dissertation as requested.Hereby it is certified.XXXXXX UniversityMM/DD/YYYY第二篇:在读证明中英对照版在读证明Certificate of Full-time Student 姓名:xx,性别:xx,该生于xxxx年x月考入长春师范大学国际商学院国际经济于贸易专业(全日制四年普通本科),现在国贸x班学习,将于x年x月毕业。

This is to certify that xx(name), xx(gender), was admitted to the International Business School of Changchun Normal University to major in the International Economics and Trade(the ordinary full-time four-year undergraduate)in x(month)xxxx(year).xx(name)has been studying at theInternational Trade Class x, and will graduate in x(month)x(year).特此证明。





This is to certify that , male, was born on . He/She started to study in our school in , and he/she is now in Class Grade . During his/her study in our school, he/she observes the laws and regulations, gets along well with his/her classmates, loves the class, obtains good achievements in both moral and intellectual education, and he/she is an excellent student with all-around development.
During July and/or August, 2011, the summer vacation, he/she will take part in the students exchange program in Siegen, Germany.
School Name:
Signature and Seal:




以下是由关于大学在读证明的内容,希望大家喜欢!大学在读证明(中英文对照)证明兹证明张三(学号123456)与xx年被录取于XXXX大学XXX系XX 专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间xx年7月。


XXX大学XXX系XX年XX月XX日(该处加盖公章)CertificateItistocertifythatLISi,studentNo.123456,hasbeenstudyinginthe DepartmentofXXXXinXXXXUniversity,Chinasincexx.HismajorisXXX X.NowheisasenioroftheDepartmentofXXXX,Thetimeofgraduatingwi llbeJuly,xx.Weherebycertify.Dept.ofXXXXXXXUniversity(date)(该处加盖公章)姓名、性别、出身年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。


华中科技大学教务处二00三年五月十一日Certificatename,se-x,borninmonth,year,wasenrolledinXXXXdepartment(scho ol)ofxx-xx,HuazhongUniversityofScience&TechnologyinSeptembe r,1999,majoringinxx-xx.Thelengthofschoolingisfouryears.Nowh eisasenior.AcademicAffairsOfficeHuazhongUniversityofScience&Technology DateofCertification:May11,xx--Lookatthelargepicture,ignorea lltheannoyingdetails.IfIrepeatedlyworryabouttheun-important details,itisverybadformyfutureresearch!________(学生姓名),_______(性别),生于____年___月____日,_____年_____月考入我校_______________学院学习,系全日制博士研究生/提前攻博生/直博生/硕博连读生/在读硕士生/应届硕士生/应届本科生(请选择),主修________________专业,校内学号为__________,学制_____年,预计于______年____月结束学业。



在读证明中英文模板篇一:在读证明(英文版)CERTIFATIONThis is to certify that , ID Card No., Student No., has been studying the graduate program for Master Degree onin , Ocean University of China from Sept.to nowGraduate SchoolOcean University of ChinaDate:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CERTIFATIONThis is to certify that , ID Card No., Student No., has been studying the graduate program for Master Degree onin , Ocean University of China from Sept.to nowGraduate SchoolOcean University of ChinaDate:篇二:在读证明中英文模板广西医科大学在读证明王丽(女,198年6月22日出生),于2021年1月被广西医科大学继续教育学院录取,主修护理学,函授本科,学制三年,该生学号为2021500428,身份证号码是…, 预计于20年12月毕业。


广西医科大学2021年5月7日Guangi Medal UniversityStudying CertifateThis is to certify that Wang Li, female, born on June 22,1986, was admitted into the Continuing Education School, Guangi Medal Universityin January, 2021.She majors in nursing.It is a part-time, three-year study.Her student number is 2021500428 and her ID number is ….(填身份证号).She is epected to graduate in December, 20.It is hereby to certify.Guangzhou Medal CollegeDate of Issue: May 7, 2021买学校的信封,将在读证明放进信封去,在封口处盖章注意红色部分数据的确认篇三:中英文在读证明北京林业大学教务处在读证明×××(男或女,××××年×月×日出生),于××××年6月参加全国统一高考,被我校经济管理学院工商管理(物业管理方向)专业录取,普通全日制本科,学制四年,该生学号为×××,已完成大学一年级第一学期全部课程,预计于××××年7月毕业。





在读证明英文版Students **, female, student number 00000000, passport No. G0000000, which was born in September 2007 in the grade school to study nursing profession, school system three years, the student has completed two years of study, acceto secondary school after graduation certificate.** Students in school during the performance, excellent results (with the study results), schools in the United Kingdom to support the students learning the two-year HND ******* health and social care courses.Hereby certify thatPrincipal:School stamp:Contact Tel: 0000000Date: July 20, 2009TRANSLATION ABSTRACTCERTIFICATE OF STUDYINGThis is to certify that *** is our student. Her study status is as followingName:Gender: female/maleDate of birth:Course commencement date: (入学时间)Duration: 4 YearsStudent number:Program: 学位名 Majoring In 名Expected graduation date: (毕业时间)If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Tel:Hereby provedSchool of Chemical Engineering &Technology of China University of Mining &Technology (seal):20/4/20xxOffice of Teaching Administration of China University of Mining &Technology (seal):(盖章)20 /4/20xx电话写学院办公室的,或是别的你信任的老师,但是要跟老师打好招呼,鬼佬们一般不打电话问。



在校证明英文(共5篇)第一篇:在校证明英文Jan 13, 2009Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai,It is certified that Wang Peiying, female, born on June 12, 2002.She is currently a student in grade 1 in our school.She has been approved to visit Canada for 7 months beginning from Feb 1 to Aug 30, 2009.Wang Peiying will still study in our school after she finishes visiting in Canada and returns to China.Please afford convenience in case of need to her applying for the Visa to Canada.Affiliated Elementary Schoolof North University of ChinaP.R.China第二篇:在校证明英文模版(请用学校信头纸打印)Statement of Student’s Status在校证明This is to certify that, male/female, born on, has been studying full-time at our school since.He/ She is in Class, Grade, and performs well all the time.兹证明,男/女,出生日期年月日,自年月起到年月在我校年班读书,在校期间表现良好。


School(Seal)学校(盖章)President(Signature)老师(签字)Date :年月日第三篇:在校证明英文此页请用客人公司抬头纸打印以下红字部分请按客人实际情况填写,不符合或多余部分请删除CERTIFICATIONXXX(学生名字)is a student in class XX(班级)grade XX(年级)in XXXXXX(学校名称).Hereby we agree XXX(学生名字)to travel to TURKEY/EYGPT/SOUTH AFRICA/KENYA(选择土耳其、埃及、南非、肯尼亚等国家名,多余的删掉)for vacation in xxx(出国时间某年某月)with his / her(选择男/女,下同)parents.According to the schedule, he/ she will stay there for xx days.All the expenses including transportation, accommodation, meals and health insurance will be paid by his / her parents/himself.We guarantee that he /she will obey the laws of XXX(国家).And then he /she will be back to China to continue to study in our school.Best Regards,领导人签名领导人职位盖学校公章School Name:(学校英文名称)T el:(学校班主任电话)Add:(学校英文地址)第四篇:儿童在校证明英文样本儿童在校证明英文样本SEP 17,2007To whom it may be concern:This is to certify that LUO JIANHUI(Passport No.:G********)is a student of Grade XXX in our school.She/He is going to have a tour to Europe from 23th Oct 2007 to 30th Oct 2007 with her parents.Her/His parents will pay all the cost of this trip.Hereby we confirm that she/he will obey the local rules.We will remain her/his position after the trip and guarantee she/he will come back to China on schedule.Thank you very much!Yours Sincerely,学校名称:******地址:******负责人签名(手写签名)联系电话:盖教务处章备注:请打印在学校抬头信纸上。



中英文在读证明[优秀范文5篇]第一篇:中英文在读证明XX大学研究生在学证明兹证明,张三,男(或女),学号××××,身份证号码:×××× 1979年2月29日出生。




XX大学研究生院年月日CERTIFICATIONThis is to certify that Mr.(or Miss)Zhang San(Matriculation No.××××,ID Number ××××),born on February 29, 1979, has been studying full-time(or non-full-time)in the graduate program for Master’s Degree on English Language and Literature at Graduate School, Sichuan International Studies University from September 2001 till now.The standard studying period is three years(or two years).Signature:Han XueminGraduate SchoolSichuan International Studies UniversityChongqing, P.R.China, 400031Date: April 24, 2002Serial No:第二篇:在读证明中英文(定稿)CertificationXX is a postgraduate majoring in structure engineering in class XX grade one of XX school.He will travel to XX in XX with his parents.According to the schedule, they will stay there for aboutXX days.All the expense including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be covered by his parents.Yours sincerely.Tel:Add:School Name:证明XX是XX大学土木与交通学院结构工程一年级XX班的研究生。



在校证明(中英对照版)第一篇:在校证明(中英对照版)证明兹证明我校2010级硕士研究生张三,性别男,出生年月1988年1月10日,学号123456789,专业:车辆工程,身份证号:010*********, 2010年9月入学,学制3年,情况属实,特此证明。

重庆大学研究生院2011年6月3日Certificate student ID number ID number has been enrolled as an postgraduate student majoring in the program ofin The program is a standard program.Postgraduate department of Chongqing UniversityJune 3th, 2011(本文档李逸先生所有,请勿传阅,使用完毕请删除。



暨南大学学生处2012年12月3日CertificationChengkuang, students ID:2009051230,is student reading in biomedical engineering of biology institute of Jinan University.Hereby certify that.Student office of Jinan University 03,12,2012第三篇:在校证明在读证明兹证明,男,生于年月日。


特此证明学院审核人签字:江苏建筑职业技术学院矿业工程学院2011年10月10日证明白海邦,男,现为我校矿业工程学院矿山机电专业专科三年级学生,学生证号为 0945043101。

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