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7.What animal does the man have as a pet?

A) A dog。B) A cat。C) A rabbit。D) A bird.

8.Where did the woman go on n?

A) ___.

9.What time will the movie start?

A) At 6:30.B) At 7:00.C) At 7:30.D) At 8:00.

10.Who is the tallest in the class?

A) Sam。B) Judy。C) Kitty。D) ___.

11.What is the ___?

A) Spring。B) Summer。C) Autumn。D) Winter.

12.Why did the girl wake up in the middle of the night?

A) Because a huge dog ran after her。B) Because she had a terrible dream.

C) Because her dad woke her up。D) Because the street was too dark.

13.What is the man doing?

A) Walking to his office。B) Looking for a flat.

C) ___ D) Decorating his bedroom.

14.What is the topic of the n?

A) How to make movies。B) How to read novels.

C) How to learn English。D) How to talk with foreigners.

27.Nowadays。I have the n to choose online courses and study by myself.

28.I love this picture of you beside the music fountain.

29.There was a big crowd waiting for the ___ start.

30.Rose received a letter full of love from her ___.

31.Alex did the project on community service much better than his classmates.

32.Leave the reference books behind。or ___.

33.Although Mike didn't win the race。he was still ___ face.


35.Jerry is currently discussing the exchange program with his ___.


36.Tim informed us that his company ___ to perform some of the work.

___ over $30,000 for a children'___ months ago.

38.My friend invited me to join the art club。and I accepted with pleasure.

39.Martin was so busy helping the old that he gave up his part-time job.

40."May I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow?" "I'm afraid you can't。It is closed on Monday."

41.How important it is for kids to imagine freely!

42.Please go over your ___.


Maybe you have never had the ___。___ to all of us because they produce oxygen。which we need to ___.

nally。___ down。___。a quarter of all our medicines come from plants。many of which can only be found in rests。There is still so much we have yet to discover about these unique ecosystems。but if we destroy them。we may never learn all there is to know.
