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课时 13 八年级(下)Units 5-6
1.[2017 青岛]Jack's m other w as s o t ired. S he f ell a sleep she l ay d own o n t he b ed.
A. u ntil
B. as s oon as
C. u nless
D. a lthough
2.[2017 荆州]—Keep w orking h ard,Paul. Y ou w ill s urely r ealize y our d ream o f b eing a w riter
you g ive i t u p h alfway.
—I w ill, t hank y ou, M iss R owling.
A.unl es s
B.i f
C.s i nce
D.t hough
3.The T V p lay J ourney t o t he W est is in terestin g I w ould l i ke t o watc h i t a gain.
A.such; t hat
B. t oo; t o
C. s o; t hat
D. a s; a s
4.He a p iece o f w aste p aper, a nd p ut i t i nto t he r ubbish b ag.
A.picked u p
B. l ooked u p
C. t hrew a way
D. h anded i n
5.Chi na D ream i s i m portan t t o a ll t he C hinese p eople.We must w ork h ard it.
A.to r ealize
B. r ealize
C. r ealizing
D. r ealized
6.[2017 黄石]The o ld b uilding down t o m ake r oom f or t he c ity l ibrary a y ear a go.
A. w as t aking
B. i s t aken
C. was taken
D. w ould t ake
7.[2017 苏州]—Sorry, I've f orgotten y our n ame. C an y ou me?
—I'm Daniel.
A. r emind
B. r eceive
C. r espect
D. remember
8.[2017随州]—Who l i ves t ogether with your grandmot her?
—. S he l ives a lone. I o ften g o t o s ee h er.
A. Nobody
B. Somebody
C. A nybody
D. Everybody
9.[2017 重庆 A 卷]J ane has become much than before. She can express herself in public n ow.
B. b raver
C. l azy
D. l azier
10.[2017 广东]We c an c ollect r ainwater w hen i t r ains , a nd u se i t t o w ater p lants.
B. h eavily
C. n oisily
D. q uietly
Ⅱ.完形填空[2017 孝感]
A b ird w ent t o l ook f or i ts h appiness i n a f araway p lace.
It f lew a nd f lew w hen i t s uddenly s aw a l ittle d ying f lower, w hose f ace w as f ull o f s mile. N ot knowing w hy, t he b ird a sked t he l ittle f lower, “You're g oing t o d ie. W hy a re y ou s till s o 1 ?”
“Because I w ill a chieve m y d ream,”said t he l ittle f lower.
“2 is y our d ream?”
“T o p roduc e s we et f ruit.”
Then t he li ttl e b ird s aw i t:h appine ss i s a3in t he h eart.
The bird continued flying and saw a lame duck help a little duck find the way back home. Although i t w as d isabled, i t h ad a s miling f ace.
“I'm h appy b ecause I c an h elp 4 ,”said t he l ame d uck.
So t he b ird s aw i t: h appiness i s a l ove i n t he h eart.
The bird kept flying and suddenly saw a spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway, 5 it k ept climbing again and fell o ff again. Even so, the spider didn't 6 . T he little bird asked the spider in surprise, “y ou 7 again and again, why don't you have pain but happiness on your face?”
“As long as I keep m aking m y8,I'm abl e to cli mb up i t.9this,I'm so h appy,”s aid t he spider.
The l ittle b ird s aw i t:happiness i s a f aith(信念)in t he h eart.
So the li ttl e bird10looked for happine ss be cause it had s een t he trut h:h appiness is not in the f araway p lace b ut i n y our o wn h eart.
1. A. r ich B. s hy C. happy D. s ad
2. A. What B. H ow C. When D.
3. A. s tory B. h ope C. r ule D.
4. A. b oth B. n one C. o ther D. o thers
5. A. a nd B. so C. b ut D. if
6. A. t ake u p B. g ive u p C. s tay u p D. s et u p
7. A. won B. c ost C. failed D. succeeded
8. A. e fforts B. m istake C. t rouble D. choices
9. A. I nstead o f B. Because of C. A s f or D. A cross f rom
10. A. a lso B. a t l east C.s t ill D. n o l onger
Ⅲ.阅读理解[2017 黄石]
A d octor e ntered t he h ospital h urriedly a fter b eing c alled i n f or a n i mportant s urgery (外科手术).
He f ound t he b oy's f ather w aiting w orriedly.
The doctor said, “I am sorry. I wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as I could and now, I wish you c oul d c al m d ow n s o that I c an do m y w ork q uiet ly.”
“Ca lm dow n?What if your son was in this room right now?If your s on d ies while y ou are wai ting for a doct or, what wi ll you do?”s aid t he f at her angri ly.The doc tor smil ed and repli ed.“W e'll do our best and you s houl d a l s o pr ay(祈祷)f or y our son.”
“C ouldn't he wait some m inutes so that I c an ask about my son's s t ate(状况)?”s ho uted t he father.The nurse ans wer ed,t ears c oming down her face.“His son died yes t erday in a r oad ac ci dent. He w as a t t he b urial (葬礼) when w e c alled h im f or y our s on's s urgery. A nd s ince h e s aved y our s on, he left r unning t o f inish h is s on's b urial.”
1.What w as t he b oy's f ather d oing w hen t he d octor a rrived?
A.He w as l ooking a fter t he b oy.
B.He w as s houting a ngrily a t t he n urse.
C.He w as w aiting w orriedly.
D.Tears w ere c oming d own h is f ace.
2.W hat d oes t he u nderli ned phrase“ca l m d own”m ean i n C hinese?
B. 喊叫
C. 尊重
D. 倾诉
3.How w as t he b oy's s urgery?
A.He d ied.
B.He w as s aved.
C.He w as s till i n d anger.
D.He h ad t o w ait f or t he r esult.
4.Why d id t he d octor l eave r unning a way?
A.To l ook a fter t he b oy.
B.Not t o a nswer t he b oy's f ather.
C.To f inish h is s on's b urial.
D.To c are f or h is o wn s on.
5.Which w ords c an b e u sed t o d escribe t he d octor?
A.Smart a nd b rave.
B.Quiet a nd s trict.
C.Patient but p roud.
D.Helpful a nd s elfless (无私的).
Last summe r,I joined a s t udy c amp i n the U.S.I i mproved m y oral E n glish and m ade lot s of frien ds t her e.The m os t i mport ant t hi ng was t hat I found English s t udy c ould b e1.of fun!
The c amp l as t ed for th ree weeks. Besides 2.a tour in the cit y we al s o had a spec ial class which I had never had in the past. The class included two parts. We watched a movie 3.
. T hen w e a cted o ut t he s cenes.
That d ay, t he t eacher s howed u s a p opular T V s how S herlock. T hat 4. my f avorite. I w as so happy.
I was s ur e t o play it well as I had watc hed it many5..But soon,m y
c onf i dence
tot ally f ade d.I t was so har d to6.the English li nes(台词).And ac ti ng was not my stron g point.I was too shy to per f or m wi th forei gn kids.7.,the y were far kinder,funni er,mor e interesting and c reative t han I h ad t hought.They e ncouraged m e t o t ry.They a lso c heered f or 8.
and g ave m e fiv e when I did a good j ob.It mad e m e f eel m uch9..
It was so much fun. I'm so proud of myself. The 10. during these three weeks will never fade from my m emory.
Ⅴ.任务型阅读理解[2017 咸宁改编]
It was the beginning of a new term. As a new teacher in that school, I didn't know any of the
students. A l ittle g irl w as s tanding a t t he g ate o f t he c lassroom. S he l ooked v ery s hy.
I walked up to her and asked why she stood there. But she said nothing. Then a boy shouted, “She is fr om Grade F our,the wor s t student i n h er grade.”I l ooked at the li ttl e gi rl.①S h e didn't seem to be the smart kind. I understood why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three. I took her h and and l et h er i nto t he c lassroom.
“S it here. Now you are my student and I'm your teacher,”I said. She still said nothing, but suddenly b egan t o c ry.
I lat er learnt tha t her parent s died in a car②/ˈæksɪdənt/.She bec ame s ad and didn't li ke t alking t o ot hers after t ha t.
In the following years, she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day. Three days ago, I received a n i nvitation t o h er w edding. A nd n ow, I a m a t h er w edding, a nd s he i s s miling b rightly.



4.补全短文:从下面四个选项中, 选出能放入文中④处画线部分的最佳选项。

A.she b ecame t he m ost p opular s tudent i n t he s chool.
B.s he was n ot t ha t s hy and s ad l ittl e g irl a ny mor e.
C.she f orgot e verything a nd f eared n othing.
D.s he was s t ill t hat s hy and sad l itt le g irl.
5.W hat c an we l earn from t he s tor y?
(Carla and Victor are talking on the way home before the first day of the graduation exam.)
A: G ood m orning, C arla!
B:G ood mor ning,V i ctor!We a re l e aving j unior high s c hool a fter t he e xam s.I feel so s ad. A:
Me t oo.
B: 1.
A: Y ou're w elcome.
B: 2. They gave us too much.
A: Y es. I t's h ard t o s ay g oodbye. O ur s chool l ife w as u nforgettable. B:
You a re r ight. 3.
A: I h ope t o p ass t he e xams t o g et i nto s enior h igh s chool.
B: I t rust y ou b ecause y ou're t he m ost e xcellent i n o ur c lass. B ut I'm g oing t o a n a rt s chool.
A: 4. I t hink y ou w ill b e s uccessful. B y t he w ay, o ur h ead t eacher t old u s t hat w e w ould h ave a graduat ion part y t he n ext day a ft er t he e xa ms.5.
B: S ure. T hat's g reat. I t's t he m oment w e h ave a g et-together.
Ⅶ.书面表达[2017 重庆 A 卷]


要求:1. 故事必须原创;
2.80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

参考要点:1. 描述你的照片(时间,地点,人物……);




until 直到,引导时间状语从句;as soon as 一……就……,引导时间状语从句;unless 除非,引导条件状语从句;although 尽管,引导让步状语从句。




句意为“保罗,继续努力,你会实现你的作家梦, 你半路放弃。


”unless如果不,除非;if 如果;since 自从;though 尽管。


故选 A。




interesting 是形容词,故用 so 修饰。

too… to…

故选 C。



picked up 捡起,
(用车)接;loo ked up(在字典、书籍等中)查询;threw away扔掉;handed i n上交。






故选 A。



由时间状语“a year ago”可知时态用一般过去时;主语 The old building 与谓语动词词组 take down 之间

故选 C。




”rem ind提醒;rece ive接收;respect尊重;remember记得。

根据提示“Sorr y,I'v e forgott en your






”Nobody没有人;Somebo dy某人;Anybody 任何人;E v erybody每个人。



句意:Jane 变得比之前更。


由比较级标志词 than 可知应填形容词的比较级,根据句意可知此处表示

故选 B。



softly 柔和地;heavily 大地,常用来修饰雨、雪等下得大;noisily 喧闹地;quietly 安静地。

由语境可知选 B。




由上文中的“whos e f ace was f u ll of s mi le”可知此处表示“为什么你


由答语“To produc e s weet f r uit”可知此处问的是“你的梦想是什么”,故选 A。


由上文中的“B ecause I wi ll ac hieve m y dr eam”可知花是对梦想抱
着希望,所以此处表示“快乐就是心中的希望”,故选 B。




结合语境可知“i t kept c limbing a gain a nd f ell off a gain” 与“T he spider f ell o ff t he wal l h alfway”之间是转折关系,故选C。


由上文中的“it kept climbing again and fell off again”可知此处表示“尽管


由上文中的“it kept climbing again and fell off again”可知此处表示“你一


由空后的“I'm able to cl imb up it”可推测此处表示“只要我坚持努力”,故选 A。


结合语境可知“As long as I keep m aking my effort s,I'm able
to cl imb up i t”是“I'm s o h appy”的原因,所以此处表示“因为这个”,故选B。


由“it h ad s een the t r uth:happiness i s n ot in t he faraway p lace but i n y our o wn h eart”可知此处表示“所以这只小鸟不再寻找快乐了”,故选 D。





根据文章第一段最后一句“He found the boy's father waiting worriedly.”他看到男孩的爸爸正在焦急地等待着。


故选 C。


由前文可知医生赶来时孩子的爸爸很生气并指责医生,以及下文医生说“so that I can do my work quietly.所以我可以安静地工作。




根据最后一段护士的话“And since he saved your s on,he left run ning to finish his son's burial.既然他现在已经救了你的儿子,他还要赶去完成他儿子的葬礼。

”可知,医生匆忙地离开是为了去完成他儿子的葬礼,故选 C。








结合备选词汇可知,此处应填f ull,be f ull o f 充满。

2.t aking【解析】句意:除了在城市,我们还上了一节过去从来没有上过的特殊的课。

Bes i des 是介词,后面接动词时需用其动名词形式;take a t our 意为“参观”。

故填 taking。


根据下句的 Then 可知此处表顺序。

故填 first。



故填 was。



It is+adj.+for sb. t o d o s th. 是固定句型,因此此处需填动词原形。

故填r emember。









根据空前的much 可知,此处需填形容词比较级;再由常识可知,当受到别人表扬的时候会感觉很好。




故填 experiences。







故选 B。

5.Everyone d eserves r espect a nd e veryone c an b e h appy.
1-5 C FBGE
This i s a p hoto that is v ery s pe cial t o m e.In the photo,I was10w hile my dad l ooked younger. Look, w e a re p laying p ing-pong h appily.
I u sed to be a ping-pong p layer. My dad trained m e so hard, though he was tired after a day's wor k.Once,I lost a game and I felt s o s ad that I want ed to give up.My f a ther s aid nothi ng,s i tti ng quiet ly w ith me.The next mor ning,I found a pi ece of paper.I t said,“Nev er give up,dear.I am proud of you!”
