考研备考 国际组织全称及缩写复习

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International Organisation 复习

International Organisation One
UN:United Nation
ECOSOC:Economic and Social Council
UNHCR:United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNCTAD:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP:United Nations Development Programme
UNEP:United Nations Environment Programme
WFP:World Food Programme
UNIDCP:United Nations International Drug Control Programme
NGO:Non-Governmental Organisations
ICJ:International Court of Justice
CTBT:Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
UNICEF:United Nations Children's Education Fund
UNFPA:United Nations Population Fund
UNCHS:UN Commission on Human Settlements
UNCDF:UN Capital Development Fund
UNV:United Nations Volunteers
UNIFEM:UN Development Fund for Women
INCB:International Narcotics Control Board
ICPC:International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
UNU:United Nations University UNRISD:United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
UNIDIR:United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
UNITAR: United Nations Institute forTraining and Research
FAO:Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
IBRD:International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The WorldBank)
IDA:International Development Association
IFC:International Finance Corporation
International Organisation Two:
MIGA:Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
ICSID:International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes ICAO:International Civil Aviation Organisation
IFAD:International Fund for Agricultural Development
IMO:International Maritime Organisation
IMF:International Monetary Fund
ITU:International Telecommunication Union
UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation IBE:International Bureau of Education
UNIDO:United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
UPU:Universal Postal Union
WHO:World Health Organisation
PAHO:Pan American Health Organisation
WIPO:World Intellectual Property Organisation
WMO:World Meteorological Organisation
IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency
ISA:International Seabed Authority
WTO:World Trade Organisation
ICC:International Criminal Court
International Organisation Three:
NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAC:North Atlantic Council
BIS:Bank for International Settlements
OECD:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
EU:European Union
EC:European Commission
EIB:European Investment Bank
ESCB:European System of Central Banks
CoE:Council of Europe
WEU:Western European Union
EBRD:European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EFTA:European Free Trade Association
ESA:European Space Agency
CEI:Central European Initiative
NDF:Nordic Development Fund
NIB:Nordic Investment Bank
EBU:European Broadcasting Union
BSECG:Black Sea Economic Co-operation Group
CIS:Commonwealth of Independent States
OAS:Organisation of American States
SIECA:Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration
CACM:Central American Common Market
BCIE:Central American Bank for Economic Integration
LAIA:Latin American Integration Association
SELA:Latin American Economic System
ACS:Association of Caribbean States.
CARICOM:Caribbean Community
International Organisation Four:
CDB:Caribbean Development Bank
OECS:Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
ECCB:Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.
OPANAL:Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America andthe Caribbean
ADB:Asian Development Bank
ECO:Economic Co-operation Organization CP: Colombo Plan
APEC:Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
SPC:Secretariat of the Pacific Community
PIF:Pacific Islands Forum
ASEAN:Association of South-East Asian Nations
MEKONG GROUP:Asian Mekong Basin Development Co-operation SAARC:South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation.
TLAS:The League of Arab States
AFEST:Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.
AMF:Arab Monetary Fund
GCC:Gulf Co-operation Council
OPEC:Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OFID:OPEC Fund for International Development
OAPEC:Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
AMU:Arab Maghreb Union.
AOAD:Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
AU:African Union
International Organisation Five:
AfDB:African Development Bank
BCEAO:Central Bank of West African States
BEAC:Bank of Central African States
BOAD:West African Development Bank
EADB:East African Development Bank
AFREXIM BANK:African Export-Import Bank
ECCAS:Economic Community of Central African States ECOWAS:Economic Community of West African States UEMOA:West African Monetary and Economic Union SADC:Southern African Development Community
LCBC:Lake Chad Basin Commission
EAC:East African Community
IGAD:Inter-Governmental Authority on Development WCC:World Council of Churches
UNPO:Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization ICRC:International Committee of the Red Cross
MSF:Medicines Sans Frontiers
AI:Amnesty International
OPCW:Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons AT:Antarctic Treaty
IPU:Inter-Parliamentary Union
OIC:Organization of the Islamic Conference International Organisation Six:
IDB:Islamic Development Bank
WCO:World Customs Organization
INTERPOL:International Criminal Police Organization. IMSO:International Mobile Satellite Organization
ITSO:International Telecommunications Satellite Organization UWTO:World Tourism Organization
IATA:International Air Transport Association
IRF:International Road Federation
ICFTU:International Confederation of Free Trade Unions WFTU:World Federation of Trade Unions
ETUC:European Trade Union Confederation
WCL:World Confederation of Labour
IOOTF:International Organization of the Francophonie
ISO:International Organization for Standardization
WWF:World Wide Fund for Nature
IOC:International Olympic Committee
UICC:Union for International Cancer Control
INA:Intermediate Nuclear Forces
PLO:Palestinian Liberation Organization
PNE:Peaceful Nuclear Exploration
GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
TPRM :T rade Policy Review Mechanism
MFN:Most Favoured Nation
TBT:Technical Barriers to Trade
International Organisation Seven:
TRIPS:Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
TRIMS:Trade Related Investment Measures
DSU:Dispute Settlement Understanding
ITA:Information Technology Agreement
COMESA:Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa ODS:Ozone Depleting Substances
UNCED:UN Conference on Environment and Development WSSD:World Summit on Sustainable Development
SDI:Strategic Defence Initiative
MITRV:Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles ICBM:Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
BMD:Ballistic Missile Defence
PTBT:Partial Test Ban Treaty
OST:Outer Space Treaty
ABMT:Anti-Ballistic Missiles Treaty
ACDA:Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
