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一、 根据学校年度工作计划, 制定本班本学年教育教学和活动安排, 并组织实施。 二、教育要面向全体学生,对学生一视同仁,方法要与人为Байду номын сангаас,保 证并维护学生的上课权利。平时要善于发现学生中的好人好事, 负责执行对学生的奖励和处罚。 三、对学生要敢于管理,善于管理,要研究和学习管理方法,不断 提高管理水平和教育效果。有计划的组织好班会,对学生开展生 动活泼的正面思想教育,注意培养学生干部,建立班级核心,逐 步树立起正确的班级舆论,形成良好的班风。 四、以《守则》 、 《校规》 、 》 《规范》为依据,通过合适的形式,对学 生开展经常、持久的道德规范教育和遵纪守法教育。 五、通过培养学生学习兴趣,端正学习态度,改进学习方法,养成 良好学习习惯。加强与科任老师的协作,培养学生良好的学风, 不断提高学生的综合素质。 六、组织学生参加劳动及其他公益活动,搞好卫生,上好两操,配 合体育老师上好体育课,开展好体育课外活动。关心学生的生活
f eelings s urvey, by looking up publi c s entiments t o find problems. Probl ems will i ncrea se its s pe cial s upervi sion, set up a ccounts, hold on t o it. We should cons cienti ously implement t he lea ding contra cting matters, se cure d, had a n ans wer to everyt hing, t hen settles rate of 10 0%. Have a n impa ct on s ome of the outsta ndi ng iss ues, supervisi on departme nts and informati on compone nts toget her, play the super vis ory role of the ne ws media t o pr omote pr oblem s olving . Investee 3. insist on a daily run, around the practi ce of trut h cat ching effici ency, focus spe cificati on. To give full play to the party Office around connecti ng, coor dinati ng inter nal and external feature s, contact , rally at all levels, t o motivate every as pect , adhere to t he trut h, strengt heni ng standardiz ed management to a chieve cohere nt, efficient a nd effective functi oni ng of the daily w ork of the Party Committee. I s pr oces sing mes sages s hould strive to streamline, standardi ze and quality. 时 改 修 好 做 位 单 装 合 配 护 围 常 ,日 理 清 的 物 杂 及 圾 垃 上 闭 封 间 层 行 进 板 跳 铺 网 全 安 挂 悬 , 设 搭 架 手 脚 外 Streamlining is to control the num ber of message s, compres s message s, reduci ng proce dures, improve mes sage ha ndling efficie ncy. Specificati ons , is to strictly enforce t he ban i ssue d by t he Communist party a uthorities i n document handling r egulations and provi ncia l and munici pal regulati ons, conscie ntiously stre ngthe n and impr ove communi cations management to ens ure that party documents orderl y. High qualit y, is t o improv e the quality of mess age processi ng, it i s ne ces sary to a ccurately impleme nting the inte ntion of the Party Committee, cleara nce , good communications, policy program cl ose d, e nsuri ng that t here is no error. Second meeting scheduled t o e nsure thor oug h, safe a nd efficie nt. Any arrangement s for the me etings and ev ents, carefully arrange d, item -by-item i nterface impleme nted, sure. To vigorously streamli ne meeti ngs, a ctivities, num ber of press ure reducti on, scale to e nsur e that lea ders hip emerge d from the General Conference a nd e ntertainme nt servi ces, f ocus on big t hings , matters. Third, re cepti on services shoul d lay stres s on humane , per sonal, cultural and human. Re cepti on a nd w ork directly wit h people, re cepti on service s dire ctly affecting t he Office of party Committee The image of the region. At the same time stre ngthe ning t he constructi on of library, im prove the re cepti on conditi ons, m ore human-orie nted, personal, cultural w ork into t he rece ption, a little more human needs, a little more human car e more humane atmosphere, and consta ntly improve the servi ce, improve t he quality of servi ce. Mea nw hile, to furt her pay specia l attention to the daily work of the other Office Syst em. Confide ntial work res ponsi bility system for leadi ng ca dres to impleme nt se curity as a lea der, t o improve the confide ntiality of clas sified per sonnel, e spe cially lea ding cadres, strengthe ning party and Gover nment focus on vital se ctors of security management, to a dvance privacy ma nagement sta ndardization, modernizati on of security techniques as a mea ns of admi nistration accordi ng to law a nd se curity e nforceme nt, ensure the safety of the party and State secrets . Confide ntial work to meet t he dema nds of new technology developme nt
out city created, a nd car e masses life, focus w ork, in -depth i nvestigation, more out boutique masterpiece , makes we of resear ch res ults more to i nto led of deci sion visi on, more t o in nati onal some has effect of new spa per Sha ng publis hed, for advance work , and publicity cha ngde play due of role. Third, i nformation s ubmitted to be pragmati c. Quick a nd timel y. The ancients said: for t he time system; sta tement back for the time being , not hing. T herefore, t he submissi on of information t o do "four", that is, find t he pr oblem faster, e ditorial writi ng, se nd a nd rea d faster appr oval and feedba ck to implement quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mainly refl ect the full pict ure of event s, one is one, two, this i s the life of the informati on. A ccuracy is primarily qualitative and quantitative questions, qua ntitative obj ective of publi cQualitative l ogic. To be reliabl e and useful. We s ubmit informa tion to hav e access to de cision-maki ng, to g uide a nd promote the work a nd s olve pra ctical probl ems. Mixed cum. On the negative informati on a nd emergency information, rapi d es calation in stri ct accorda nce with the procedures, firm, news pape r, ne wspa pers, never late, fail to re port, fals e claim a nd skimmi ng. Investe e 2. s upervision and insist on, around and pr otecti ng their intere sts to touch the t r uth, s eek pra ctical res ults. A dhere to people-oriente d, the m ost important thi ng is to reali ze, safeguard and develop the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming maj ority of the people. We carry out i nspecti on, s o must g o dee p among the mas ses, g o de ep int o the realitie s, always pay attention to the pe ople' s liveli hood, to gra sp the publi c sentime nt, and ear nestly safeguar d t he benefit, a ddres sing t he masse s are most concerne d about a nd reflecti ng the strongest i ssues, efforts to solve the problem of decis ions impleme nted a nd not impleme nted. One is to sti ck to principles . Right of inspe ction is one of the most important powers of the Office , shoul d not only dare t o use , but also with caution. S o-called dared t o use , is to hol d a number of important is sue s, bold supervisi on over supervisi on, track inspe ction, pr oblems a re not solve d do not pass , the blame does not hold did not mis s, di ssatisfacti on of the masse s di d not mis s, the re al right of supe rvision aut hority, with the be nefits. Call wit h ca ution, is s upervi sing department s shoul d strengt hen the cons cious ness of authorized stri ctly accordi ng to pr oce dure, preventi ng the s upervi sion and exces sive to preve nt addi ng burde n to grass -roots. To this e nd, t he s upervi sion Departme nt of the Party Committee of supervi sion must be under city a nd County party Comm ittee Secretary-G eneral (Office). Second, we s hould focus on. Is the Governor, t hose related to t he globalEvent, G overnor the pr otracted difficult, strong G overnor duri ng emergency urgent. Not havi ng s pecial departments in charge of the G eneral G overnor, under the normal pr oce dure can do good thi ngs not G overnor, not aut horize d by County leaders , not the Gover nor. Thir d is to s olve the probl em. The pur pos e of supervisi on, t o resolve t he problem. To a dhere to a nd furt her improve t he