On Existence of Limiting Distribution for Time-Nonhomogeneous Countable Markov Process
支持灵魂伴侣英语作文英文回答:The concept of soulmates, two individuals who are destined to be together, has captivated the human imagination for centuries. While the idea is steeped in romanticism and has been immortalized in countless works of art, literature, and music, the existence of soulmates remains a subject of ongoing debate.Proponents of the soulmate theory argue that each person has a unique and predetermined partner who perfectly complements their personality, values, and experiences. This soulmate is said to provide unconditional love, support, and understanding, creating an unbreakable bond that transcends time and circumstance.Belief in soulmates is often rooted in spiritual or metaphysical traditions. Many cultures believe that souls are connected across lifetimes and that soulmates aredestined to reunite in each incarnation. Others see soulmates as part of a divine plan, arranged by a higher power to guide and support individuals on their life journeys.Despite the romantic allure of the concept, there is limited scientific evidence to support the existence of soulmates. Studies have shown that while compatibility and shared values are important factors in successful relationships, they are not exclusive to soulmate pairings. Moreover, the idea of a predetermined "perfect" partner can create unrealistic expectations and hinder individuals from forming meaningful connections with others.However, the belief in soulmates can have both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it can provide comfort and hope, particularly for those who long for a deep and lasting connection. It can also inspireindividuals to strive for self-improvement and personal growth in the hopes of finding their soulmate.On the other hand, the soulmate concept can lead todisappointment and disillusionment when expectations are not met. It can also foster a sense of exclusivity, making it difficult for individuals to appreciate the value of other relationships in their lives.Ultimately, whether soulmates exist or not is a matter of personal belief. There is no right or wrong answer, and the concept can be interpreted in many different ways. For some, the idea of a soulmate provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life, while others may find it an unrealistic and potentially limiting belief.中文回答:灵魂伴侣存在的可能性:关于灵魂伴侣的存在性,一直是一个备受争论的话题。
Note on Bound States and the Bekenstein Bound
a r X i v :h e p -t h /0406037v 1 3 J u n 2004Preprint typeset in JHEP style -HYPER VERSIONDonald Marolf Physics Department,UCSB,Santa Barbara,CA 93106.Radu Roiban Physics Department,UCSB,Santa Barbara,CA 93106.Abstract:In this brief note we draw attention to examples of quantum field theories which may hold interesting lessons for attempts to devise a precise formulation of the Bekenstein bound.Our comments mirror the recent results of Bousso (hep-th/03110223)indicating that the species problem remains an issue for precise formulations of this bound.Keywords:Bekenstein Bound.1.IntroductionThere has been much discussion in the literature of the idea that quantum systems may be subject to certain fundamental bounds relating their entropy(S)to their size(measured in terms of a radius R or an enveloping area),and perhaps to their energy(E).Such proposed bounds include the Bekenstein bound S<αRE[1,2],the holographic bound S<A/4ℓ2p [3,4],and the more subtle Causal[5]and Covariant[6]Entropy Bounds.Such bounds were originally motivated by considerations of black hole thermodynamics[1,2,3,4].Though this motivation has been criticized by various authors[7,8,9,10],the proposed bounds remain interesting topics of discussion and investigation.The Covariant Entropy Bound represents a refinement of the holographic bound as, at least when spacetime can be treated classically,it gives a precise definition of what is meant by the area A.Similarly,the parameters playing the role of size and energy for the Causal Entropy Bound are well-defined in this context,though the same is not true of the original holographic bound.It is also of interest to study whether a more precise conjecture can be found to replace the Bekenstein bound S<αRE.This was explored in two recent papers[11,12]by Bousso.The Bekenstein bound is unique among those above in that it does not involve the Planck length.It may therefore be conjectured to hold in ordinary field theories,without considering coupling to gravity.This is advantageous for testing the bound,as we have more knowledge as to which such theories exist than we do when gravity is considered.An alternate interpretation of the Bekenstein bound is that,although it does not explicitly refer to the Planck length,it should apply only tofield theories which can in principle be consistently coupled to the gravitationalfield.We shall have little to say here about this more restrictive conjecture.In[11](following Bekenstein[13,14,15])it was argued that a precise version of this conjecture might apply to arbitrary quantumfield theories.In particular,it was argued that a more precise formulation might be able to handle the so-called‘species problem’, referring to the fact that naive interpretations of the bound S<αRE(whereαis afixed constant of order1)are readily violated in any theory containing a large number offields.A simple example arises from a one-particle wavepacket state in a theory of N masslessscalarfields.Such a state has RE∼1,but S∼ln N.Thus,the most naive interpretation of the Bekenstein bound is violated.Bekenstein has long argued that the bound should not apply to such wavepacket states (which will eventually spread out in space),but only to‘complete systems’[13,14,15] which are truly confined to afinite region and that one should include contributions from the energy of any‘walls’used to hold the system together.It is here that some cleverness is needed to make this statement precise since inflat spacetime,even if walls are introduced, the full system(including the walls)will necessarily possess an overall center of mass degree of freedom which will be unconfined and will eventually spread out across all of space.Thus, it is not clear in what sense any sub-system of the universe is truly‘complete’in this sense.Thefinal section of[11]suggested that one should simply disregard the overall center of mass degree of freedom and instead consider‘bound states,’with the size R being the width of the bound state.Following[11],we shall not yet be too precise about how this width is defined.We also note that another proposal was explored in[12],in which the conjecture was made precise in the context of discrete light cone quantumfield theory, where the size is controlled by the size of a compact direction in the spacetime.However, it was noted in[12]that a large number of species can violate the bound as easily in this second context as in the naive example above.Here we consider the‘bound state’proposal of[11]to remove the center of mass degree of freedom and define the resulting quotient to be the set of bound states.One may then test bounds of the form S<αRM,where M is the mass of the bound states.Even in this context one may quickly construct counter-examples.First,consider again a theory of N free massless scalar particles.The above quotient of the one-particle Hilbert space leaves an N-dimensional vector space corresponding to particleflavor.But S=ln N and M=0clearly violates the bound,and atfinite M the bound is violated for large enough N.This counter-example was also pointed out in[12].A similar trivial violation may be constructed from any theory having a clear‘bound state’(say,QCD with its hadrons)and then considering a Lagrangian built from a large number N of mutually non-interacting copies of this system.Now,while the examples above are counter-examples in the technical sense,they ap-pear to be somewhat trivial.This triviality might be taken as an indication that,with a bit of refinement,the bound state version of the Bekenstein bound could be made more robust. Our purpose below is to point out less trivial counter-examples in which the states appear at some intuitive level to all be‘bound states held together by the same force’–though the existence of dual formulations again raises the question of to what extent‘bound states’are fundamentally different from any other sort of state.Our counter-examples concern N=1and N=2supersymmetric SU(N c)gauge theory,where the degrees of freedom are under some control(see for example[16])in the infrared limit.2.Examples:N=1and N=2SU(N c)gauge theory with fundamentalmatterLet us consider an SU(N c)gauge theory in3+1dimensions with matter in the fundamentalrepresentation.The infrared behavior depends on the number N f of matter multiplets Q and˜Q(see for example[16]).Quite generally,if N f<3N c among the low energy degrees of freedom onefinds,in some description,N2f mesons M=Q˜Q and baryons,which are composites of the high energy matterfields.Of particular interest to our discussion is the situation32R(M)=3N f−N c2N c<N f<2N c).Furthermore,even if one changes the rules and requires that the mesons be placed in wavepackets with E∼1/R,the bound is readily violated at large N c,N f.In the limit N fց31The cases with no conformal invariance are quite hard to analyze because the masses of the low energy degrees of freedom depend on the K¨a hler potential and are not under control.2The other conformally invariant answer would be infinite size,but conformal invariance is broken away from thefixed point so that the mesons will have somefinite size in the full theory(which can then be neglected in the long wavelength limit).option(1)would be ruled out if a convincing theory of the above models coupled to gravity could be found.We mention in passing that similar results hold for SU(n)gauge theory with m<n massless fundamental fermions and N=2supersymmetry in3+1dimensions which are confining rather than conformal.Here the mass of mesons can be tuned to be arbitrarily small while taking the confinement energy scale to infinity as fast as one likes, and thus presumably keeping the size of the meson bound states small.Let us return briefly to the actual context discussed in[11],in which Bousso attempted to study the confinement of degrees of freedom to afixed region of space through the use of an external potential.The argument in[12]was that an attempt to use a single potential to confine a large number of species inevitably leads to large radiative corrections,over which one has little control.The bound states in the models above are of a similar nature,as the gluons couple equally to each of the N fflavors of Q and˜Q,though now supersymmetry does allow one to retain some control over the analysis.In the context of such bound states onefinds that degrees of freedom(the relative motion of the constituents)can in fact be confined without great cost in energy.This suggests that if tools could be found to make the analysis tractable,external potential problems of the sort studied in[11]could also lead to large numbers of states localized in a region offixed size.As usual,we expect that strongly coupled quantumfield theories are capable of all manner of surprising behaviors not immediately obvious from their perturbative description.Acknowledgments:We are grateful to Tom Banks,Jan de Boer,and especially Raphael Bousso for several interesting discussions on these issues.D.M.was supported in part by NSF grant PHY03-54978,and by funds from the University of California and the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics.R.R.was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.PHY00-98395as well as by the Department of Energy under Grant No.DE-FG02-91ER40618.References[1]J.D.Bekenstein,‘Black Holes And Entropy,’Phys.Rev.D7,2333(1973);J.D.Bekenstein,‘Generalized Second Law Of Thermodynamics In Black Hole Physics,’Phys.Rev.D9,3292 (1974).[2]J.D.Bekenstein,‘Quantum information and quantum black holes,’arXiv:gr-qc/0107049.[3]L.Susskind,‘The 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Aabscissa 横坐标absencerate 缺勤率Absolutedeviation绝对离差Absolute number绝对数absolute value 绝对值Absolute residuals 绝对残差accident error偶然误差Acceleration array加速度立体阵Accelerationin an arbitrary direction任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential 切向加速度Accelerationvector 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis 可接受假设Accumulation累积Accumulated frequency 累积频数Accuracy 准确度Actual frequency 实际频数Adaptiveestimator 自适应估计量Addition相加Addition theorem加法定理Additive Noise 加性噪声Additivity 可加性Adjustedrate调整率Adjustedvalue校正值Admissibleerror 容许误差Aggregation聚集性Alpha factoringα因子法Alternative hypothesis 备择假设Among groups 组间Amounts 总量Analysisof correlation相关分析Analysisofcovariance协方差分析Analysisof data分析资料Analysis Of Effects 效应分析Analysis Of Variance方差分析Analysisofregression 回归分析Analysis of timeseries 时间序列分析Analysis of variance 方差分析Angulartransformation角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance) 方差分析ANOVA Models方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta分组计算方差分析Arcing弧/弧旋Arcsinetransformation 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area underthe curve曲线面积AREG 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmeticgrid paper算术格纸Arithmetic mean 算术平均数Arithmeticweighted mean 加权算术均数Arrhenius relation 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit拟合的评估Associative laws 结合律Assumed mean假定均数Asymmetricdistribution 非对称分布Asymmetrycoefficient偏度系数Asymptotic bias渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency 渐近效率Asymptotic variance渐近方差Attributable risk 归因危险度Attribute data 属性资料Attribution 属性Autocorrelation 自相关Autocorrelation ofresiduals 残差的自相关Average 平均数Average confidence interval length平均置信区间长度averagedeviation 平均差Average growthrate 平均增长率BBar chart/graph 条形图Base period 基期Bayes'theoremBayes 定理Bell-shapedcurve 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution伯努力分布Best-trim estimator 最好切尾估计量Bias偏性Biometrics 生物统计学Binary logistic regression 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomialdistribution二项分布Bisquare 双平方Bivariate Correlate二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution 双变量正态分布Bivariate normalpopulation 双变量正态总体Biweight interval 双权区间Biweight M-estimator 双权M 估计量Block 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedicalcomputer programs)BMDP 统计软件包Box plot箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound 崩溃界/崩溃点CCanonical correlation典型相关Caption 纵标目Cartogram 统计图Case fatalityrate病死率Case-controlstudy 病例对照研究Categoricalvariable分类变量Catenary 悬链线Cauchydistribution 柯西分布Cause-and—effect relationship因果关系Cell单元Censoring 终检census 普查Center of symmetry对称中心Centering and scaling中心化和定标Central tendency集中趋势Central value中心值CHAID —χ2 AutomaticInteraction Detector 卡方自动交互检测Chance 机遇Chance error 随机误差Chance variable 随机变量Characteristic equation 特征方程Characteristic root特征根Characteristic vector 特征向量Chebshevcriterionoffit 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces 切尔诺夫脸谱图chi—sguare(X2)test 卡方检验卡方检验/χ2 检验Choleskey decomposition乔洛斯基分解Circle chart 圆图Classinterval 组距Classification 分组、分类Class mid-value 组中值Class upper limit组上限Classifiedvariable分类变量Cluster analysis聚类分析Clustersampling 整群抽样Code代码Codeddata 编码数据Coding 编码Coefficient of contingency列联系数Coefficient ofcorrelation相关系数Coefficient ofdetermination 决定系数Coefficientof multiple correlation 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation偏相关系数Coefficient ofproduction—momentcorrelation积差相关系数Coefficient of rankcorrelation 等级相关系数Coefficient ofregression 回归系数Coefficientofskewness 偏度系数Coefficient of variation变异系数Cohort study 队列研究Collection of data资料收集Collinearity 共线性Column 列Column effect 列效应Column factor列因素Combination pool合并Combinative table组合表Combined standard deviation合并标准差Combined variance合并方差Common factor 共性因子Common regression coefficient公共回归系数Common value共同值Commonvariance公共方差Common variation公共变异Communality variance 共性方差Comparability可比性Comparison ofbathes 批比较Comparisonvalue比较值Compartment model 分部模型Compassion伸缩Complement ofan event 补事件Completeassociation 完全正相关Completedissociation 完全不相关Complete statistics 完备统计量Complete survey全面调查Completelyrandomizeddesign完全随机化设计Composite event联合事件Composite events 复合事件Concavity凹性Conditional expectation条件期望Conditionallikelihood 条件似然Conditional probability 条件概率Conditionally linear依条件线性Confidence interval 置信区间Confidence level 可信水平,置信水平Confidence limit 置信限Confidence lowerlimit置信下限Confidence upper limit置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis验证性因子分析Confirmatoryresearch 证实性实验研究Confounding factor 混杂因素Conjoint 联合分析Consistency相合性Consistency check一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate 相合渐近正态估计Consistentestimate相合估计Constituent ratio 构成比,结构相对数Constrainednonlinear regression 受约束非线性回归Constraint 约束Contaminated distribution污染分布ContaminatedGausssian 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution污染正态分布Contamination 污染Contamination model 污染模型Continuity连续性Contingencytable 列联表Contour 边界线Contributionrate 贡献率Control对照质量控制图Control group 对照组Controlled experiments对照实验Conventional depth常规深度Convolution 卷积Coordinate 坐标Correctedfactor校正因子Correctedmean 校正均值Correction coefficient校正系数Correctionfor continuity 连续性校正Correction for grouping归组校正Correctionnumber校正数Correctionvalue 校正值Correctness正确性Correlation 相关,联系Correlation analysis相关分析Correlation coefficient相关系数Correlation 相关性Correlationindex相关指数Correspondence 对应Counting 计数Counts计数/频数Covariance 协方差Covariant共变Cox RegressionCox 回归Criteriafor fitting拟合准则Criteria of leastsquares 最小二乘准则Criticalratio临界比Critical region拒绝域Criticalvalue临界值Cross—over design交叉设计Cross—section analysis 横断面分析Cross-sectionsurvey 横断面调查Crosstabs交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross—tabulation table复合表Cuberoot立方根Cumulative distributionfunction 分布函数Cumulative frequency 累积频率Cumulative probability 累计概率Curvature 曲率/弯曲Curvature 曲率Curve Estimation 曲线拟合Curvefit 曲线拟和Curvefitting 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression曲线回归Curvilinearrelation曲线关系Cut—and-try method尝试法Cycle 周期Cyclist周期性DDtestD检验data资料Data acquisition 资料收集Data bank 数据库Datacapacity 数据容量Data deficiencies 数据缺乏Data handling数据处理Data manipulation 数据处理Data processing 数据处理Data reduction 数据缩减Dataset数据集Data sources 数据来源Data transformation 数据变换Data validity 数据有效性Data-in 数据输入Data-out 数据输出Deadtime 停滞期Degree of freedom自由度degree of confidence可信度,置信度degree of dispersion离散程度Degreeof precision 精密度Degreeofreliability可靠性程度degreeofvariation变异度Degression递减Density function密度函数Density of data points数据点的密度DependentvariableDepth深度Derivative matrix导数矩阵Derivative-free methods无导数方法Design设计design of experiment实验设计Determinacy 确定性Determinant 行列式Determinant 决定因素Deviation离差Deviation from average 离均差diagnose accordancerate 诊断符合率Diagnosticplot 诊断图Dichotomous variable二分变量Differential equation微分方程Direct standardization 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin 斜交旋转Discretevariable 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT判断Discriminant analysis判别分析Discriminantcoefficient判别系数Discriminant function 判别值Dispersion 散布/分散度Disproportional不成比例的Disproportionatesub—classnumbers 不成比例次级组含量Distributionfree 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape分布形状Distribution—free method任意分布法Distributive laws 分配律Disturbance 随机扰动项Doseresponse curve剂量反应曲线Double blindmethod双盲法Double blind trial双盲试验Double exponential distribution 双指数分布Double logarithmic 双对数Downwardrank降秩Dual—space plot 对偶空间图DUD无导数方法Duncan's newmultiple range method 新复极差法/Duncan新法EErrorBar均值相关区间图Effect 实验效应Effective rate 有效率Eigenvalue 特征值Eigenvector 特征向量Ellipse 椭圆Empiricaldistribution经验分布Empiricalprobability经验概率单位Enumeration data计数资料Equal sun-class number 相等次级组含量Equally likely等可能Equation of linear regression 线性回归方程Equivariance 同变性Error 误差/错误Errorof estimate 估计误差Error of replication重复误差Errortype I 第一类错误Error type II第二类错误Estimand 被估量Estimated errormean squares 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares 估计误差平方和Euclideandistance欧式距离Event 事件Exceptional data point异常数据点Expectation plane期望平面Expectation surface期望曲面Expected values 期望值Experiment 实验Experiment design 实验设计Experiment error 实验误差Experimental group 实验组Experimental sampling试验抽样Experimentalunit试验单位Explained variance(已说明方差)Explanatory variable说明变量Exploratory dataanalysis探索性数据分析Explore Summarize探索-摘要Exponential curve指数曲线Exponential growth 指数式增长EXSMOOTH指数平滑方法Extended fit 扩充拟合Extraparameter 附加参数Extrapolation外推法Extreme observation 末端观测值Extremes 极端值/极值FF distributionF 分布F test F检验Factor因素/因子Factor analysis 因子分析Factor Analysis 因子分析Factor score 因子得分Factorial 阶乘Factorialdesign 析因试验设计Falsenegative 假阴性Falsenegative error假阴性错误Family of distributions 分布族Familyof estimators估计量族Fanning 扇面Fatality rate病死率Field investigation现场调查Fieldsurvey现场调查Finite population有限总体Finite-sample有限样本Firstderivative 一阶导数First principal component第一主成分First quartile第一四分位数Fisher information费雪信息量Fitted value 拟合值Fittingacurve 曲线拟合Fixed base 定基Fluctuation 随机起伏Forecast预测Four foldtable 四格表Fourth四分点Fraction blow左侧比率Fractional error相对误差Frequency 频率Freguencydistribution 频数分布Frequency polygon频数多边图Frontierpoint 界限点Functionrelationship 泛函关系GGamma distribution 伽玛分布Gauss increment 高斯增量Gaussiandistribution 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss—Newton increment高斯-牛顿增量General census 全面普查Generalized least squares 综合最小平方法GENLOG(Generalizedliner models)广义线性模型Geometric mean 几何平均数Gini's meandifference基尼均差GLM (General liner models) 通用线性模型Goodness offit 拟和优度/配合度Gradient ofdeterminant 行列式的梯度Graeco—Latin square希腊拉丁方Grand mean 总均值Grosserrors 重大错误Gross—error sensitivity 大错敏感度Groupaverages分组平均Grouped data 分组资料Guessed mean假定平均数HHalf—life半衰期HampelM—estimators汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance 偶然事件Harmonic mean调和均数Hazard function风险均数Hazard rate风险率Heading标目Heavy—tailed distribution 重尾分布Hessian array 海森立体阵Heterogeneity 不同质Heterogeneityof variance方差不齐Hierarchicalclassification组内分组Hierarchical clustering method 系统聚类法High-leveragepoint高杠杆率点High—Low 低区域图HigherOrderInteraction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge折叶点Histogram 直方图Historical cohort study 历史性队列研究Holes 空洞HOMALS 多重响应分析Homogeneityof variance方差齐性Homogeneity test 齐性检验Huber M—estimators 休伯M估计量Hyperbola 双曲线Hypothesis testing假设检验Hypotheticaluniverse假设总体IImage factoring 多元回归法Impossibleevent 不可能事件Independence 独立性Independent variable自变量Index 指标/指数Indirect standardization 间接标准化法Individual 个体Inferenceband推断带Infinite population 无限总体Infinitelygreat无穷大Infinitely small无穷小Influence curve 影响曲线Information capacity 信息容量Initial condition 初始条件Initialestimate 初始估计值Initiallevel 最初水平Interaction 交互作用Interactionterms 交互作用项Intercept 截距Interpolation 内插法Interquartile range四分位距Intervalestimation区间估计Intervals ofequal probability等概率区间Intrinsic curvature固有曲率Invariance 不变性Inverse matrix 逆矩阵Inverse probability逆概率Inversesine transformation 反正弦变换Iteration迭代JJacobian determinant 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function 分布函数Joint probability 联合概率Joint probabilitydistribution联合概率分布KK-MeansCluster逐步聚类分析K means method 逐步聚类法Kaplan—Meier 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan—Merierchart Kaplan—Merier图Kendall's rank correlation Kendall等级相关Kinetic动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test 柯尔莫哥洛夫—斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskaland Wallis test Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H 检验Kurtosis 峰度LLack of fit失拟Ladder of powers幂阶梯Lag 滞后Largesample大样本Large sample test 大样本检验Latinsquare 拉丁方Latin square design 拉丁方设计Leakage 泄漏Least favorable configuration 最不利构形Least favorable distribution 最不利分布Least significant difference 最小显著差法Leastsquare method最小二乘法Least SquaredCriterion,最小二乘方准则Least—absolute—residuals estimates最小绝对残差估计Least—absolute—residuals fit最小绝对残差拟合Least—absolute-residuals line 最小绝对残差线Legend 图例L—estimator L 估计量L—estimator oflocation位置L估计量L-estimatorof scale尺度L估计量Level 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance预期期望寿命Life table 寿命表Life tablemethod生命表法Light—tailed distribution轻尾分布Likelihood function 似然函数Likelihood ratio 似然比line graph线图Linearcorrelation 直线相关Linearequation 线性方程Linear programming 线性规划Linearregression 直线回归Linear Regression线性回归Lineartrend 线性趋势Loading 载荷Location and scaleequivariance 位置尺度同变性Locationequivariance 位置同变性Location invariance位置不变性Location scale family 位置尺度族Log ranktest时序检验Logarithmiccurve对数曲线Logarithmicnormal distribution 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale对数尺度Logarithmic transformation 对数变换Logic check逻辑检查Logistic distribution 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformationLogit 转换LOGLINEAR 多维列联表通用模型Lognormaldistribution 对数正态分布Lost function损失函数Low correlation 低度相关Lowerlimit 下限Lowest-attained variance 最小可达方差LSD 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable潜在变量MMain effect主效应Major heading主辞标目Marginal densityfunction边缘密度函数Marginalprobability边缘概率Marginal probabilitydistribution 边缘概率分布Matched data配对资料Matched distribution 匹配过分布Matchingof distribution 分布的匹配Matching oftransformation 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation数学期望Mathematicalmodel 数学模型MaximumL-estimator 极大极小L估计量Maximumlikelihood method 最大似然法Mean 均数Mean squaresbetween groups 组间均方Mean squares within group组内均方Means(Compare means) 均值-均值比较Median 中位数Median effective dose 半数效量Medianlethaldose半数致死量Median polish中位数平滑Median test中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation 最小距离估计Minimumeffective dose 最小有效量Minimumlethal dose 最小致死量Minimum varianceestimator最小方差估计量MINITAB统计软件包Minor heading 宾词标目Missing data 缺失值Model specification 模型的确定ModelingStatistics 模型统计Modelsforoutliers离群值模型Modifyingthe model模型的修正Modulus ofcontinuity 连续性模Morbidity 发病率Most favorable configuration最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)MultidimensionalScaling (ASCAL) 多维尺度/多维标度MultinomialLogistic Regression 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison 多重比较Multiplecorrelation 复相关Multiple covariance 多元协方差Multiple linearregression 多元线性回归Multipleresponse 多重选项Multiple solutions 多解Multiplication theorem 乘法定理Multiresponse多元响应Multi—stage sampling多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution多元T分布Mutualexclusive 互不相容Mutual independence互相独立NNatural boundary 自然边界Natural dead自然死亡Natural zero自然零Negative correlation 负相关Negative linear correlation 负线性相关Negatively skewed负偏Newman—Keuls methodq检验NK method q检验No statisticalsignificance 无统计意义Nominalvariable名义变量Nonconstancy of variability变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression非线性相关Nonparametric statistics 非参数统计Nonparametric test非参数检验Nonparametrictests非参数检验Normaldeviate正态离差Normal distribution 正态分布Normal equation 正规方程组NormalP—P正态概率分布图Normal Q—Q 正态概率单位分布图Normalranges 正常范围Normal value 正常值Normalization归一化Nuisance parameter多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis无效假设Numerical variable 数值变量OObjective function目标函数Observation unit观察单位Observed value观察值One sided test单侧检验One-way analysis of variance 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA 单因素方差分析Opensequentialtrial 开放型序贯设计Optrim优切尾Optrim efficiency优切尾效率Order statistics 顺序统计量Ordered categories 有序分类Ordinallogistic regression 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable 有序变量Orthogonal basis正交基Orthogonal design 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions 正交条件ORTHOPLAN 正交设计Outlier cutoffs 离群值截断点Outliers 极端值OVERALS 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot 迭代过度PPaired design 配对设计Paired sample 配对样本Pairwise slopes成对斜率Parabola 抛物线Paralleltests平行试验Parameter 参数Parametricstatistics 参数统计Parametrictest 参数检验Pareto直条构成线图(佩尔托图)Partial correlation偏相关Partial regression 偏回归Partial sorting 偏排序Partialsresiduals 偏残差Pattern 模式PCA(主成分分析)Pearsoncurves 皮尔逊曲线Peeling退层Percent bar graph百分条形图Percentage 百分比Percentile 百分位数Percentile curves百分位曲线Periodicity 周期性Permutation 排列P—estimatorP 估计量Pie graph构成图饼图Pitman estimator 皮特曼估计量Pivot 枢轴量Planar平坦Planarassumption 平面的假设PLANCARDS生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation 点估计Poisson distribution泊松分布Polishing平滑Polledstandard deviation合并标准差Polledvariance 合并方差Polygon多边图Polynomial 多项式Polynomial curve 多项式曲线Population 总体Population attributable risk 人群归因危险度Positivecorrelation 正相关Positivelyskewed 正偏Posterior distribution 后验分布Power ofa test 检验效能Precision 精密度Predictedvalue预测值Preliminary analysis预备性分析Principalaxis factoring 主轴因子法Principalcomponentanalysis 主成分分析Prior distribution 先验分布Priorprobability 先验概率Probabilistic model概率模型probability概率Probability density 概率密度Product moment 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace截面迹图Proportion比/构成比Proportionallocationin stratified random sampling 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate 成比例Proportionatesub-classnumbers 成比例次级组含量Prospective study 前瞻性调查Proximities 亲近性Pseudo F test 近似F检验Pseudo model 近似模型Pseudosigma伪标准差Purposive sampling有目的抽样QQR decomposition QR分解Quadratic approximation二次近似Qualitativeclassification 属性分类Qualitativemethod 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis 定量分析Quartile四分位数Quick Cluster 快速聚类RRadixsort基数排序Random allocation 随机化分组Random blocks design随机区组设计Randomevent随机事件Randomization 随机化Range 极差/全距Rankcorrelation 等级相关Rank sum test 秩和检验Ranktest 秩检验Ranked data 等级资料Rate 比率Ratio 比例Raw data原始资料Rawresidual原始残差Rayleigh'stest 雷氏检验Rayleigh'sZ 雷氏Z值Reciprocal 倒数Reciprocal transformation倒数变换Recording 记录Redescending estimators回降估计量Reducingdimensions 降维Re—expression 重新表达Referenceset标准组Region ofacceptance 接受域Regression coefficient 回归系数Regression sum of square 回归平方和Rejectionpoint拒绝点Relative dispersion 相对离散度Relativenumber相对数Reliability可靠性Reparametrization 重新设置参数Replication 重复Report Summaries报告摘要Residual sumof square剩余平方和residualvariance (剩余方差)Resistance耐抗性Resistant line 耐抗线Resistant technique耐抗技术R-estimator oflocation位置R 估计量R—estimator of scale 尺度R估计量Retrospective study 回顾性调查Ridge trace岭迹Riditanalysis Ridit 分析Rotation 旋转Rounding 舍入Row行Row effects行效应Rowfactor行因素RXCtable RXC 表SSample 样本Sample regressioncoefficient 样本回归系数Sample size样本量Sample standarddeviation样本标准差Sampling error 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysissystem ) SAS统计软件包Scale 尺度/量表Scatter diagram散点图Schematic plot 示意图/简图Score test计分检验Screening 筛检SEASON 季节分析Second derivative 二阶导数Secondprincipal component第二主成分SEM(Structural equation modeling) 结构化方程模型Semi—logarithmicgraph 半对数图Semi—logarithmic paper 半对数格纸Sensitivitycurve敏感度曲线Sequential analysis贯序分析Sequence 普通序列图Sequentialdata set顺序数据集Sequential design贯序设计Sequentialmethod 贯序法Sequentialtest 贯序检验法Serial tests系列试验Short-cut method 简捷法Sigmoid curve S形曲线Signfunction正负号函数Sign test符号检验Signed rank 符号秩Significant Level显著水平Significance test显著性检验Significant figure 有效数字Simplecluster sampling简单整群抽样Simple correlation 简单相关Simple randomsampling 简单随机抽样Simple regression 简单回归simpletable 简单表Sine estimator 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate 单值估计Singularmatrix奇异矩阵Skewed distribution偏斜分布Skewness 偏度Slash distribution 斜线分布Slope 斜率Smirnov test斯米尔诺夫检验Sourceof variation 变异来源Spearmanrank correlation 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specificfactor特殊因子Specificfactorvariance特殊因子方差Spectra频谱Spherical distribution 球型正态分布Spread 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the socialscience) SPSS 统计软件包Spurious correlation 假性相关Squareroottransformation 平方根变换Stabilizingvariance 稳定方差Standarddeviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Standard error of difference 差别的标准误Standarderror of estimate标准估计误差Standard error of rate率的标准误Standard normal distribution标准正态分布Standardization 标准化Starting value 起始值Statistic 统计量Statistical control 统计控制Statistical graph 统计图Statistical inference统计推断Statisticaltable统计表Steepestdescent 最速下降法Stem andleaf display茎叶图Step factor步长因子Stepwise regression 逐步回归Storage 存Strata层(复数)Stratified sampling 分层抽样Stratified sampling 分层抽样Strength 强度Stringency严密性Structuralrelationship 结构关系Studentized residual学生化残差/t 化残差Sub-classnumbers次级组含量Subdividing 分割Sufficient statistic 充分统计量Sumof products积和Sum ofsquares离差平方和Sum of squares aboutregression 回归平方和Sum of squaresbetween groups组间平方和Sumof squares of partial regression 偏回归平方和Sure event必然事件Survey调查Survival 生存分析Survival rate 生存率Suspended root gram悬吊根图Symmetry对称Systematicerror系统误差Systematicsampling 系统抽样TTags 标签Tail area尾部面积Tail length 尾长Tail weight 尾重Tangentline切线Target distribution 目标分布Taylor series 泰勒级数Test(检验)Testof linearity线性检验Tendency ofdispersion 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses 假设检验Theoreticalfrequency理论频数Timeseries时间序列Tolerance interval 容忍区间Tolerance lowerlimit容忍下限Tolerance upper limit容忍上限Torsion扰率Totalsum ofsquare 总平方和Totalvariation总变异Transformation 转换Treatment处理Trend 趋势Trend ofpercentage 百分比趋势Trial试验Trialanderror method 试错法Tuning constant细调常数Two sided test 双向检验Two—stage least squares二阶最小平方Two—stagesampling 二阶段抽样Two—tailedtest 双侧检验Two—wayanalysisof variance双因素方差分析Two—way table双向表Type I error 一类错误/α错误TypeII error 二类错误/β错误UUMVU方差一致最小无偏估计简称Unbiasedestimate无偏估计Unconstrainednonlinearregression 无约束非线性回归Unequal subclass number不等次级组含量Ungrouped data不分组资料Uniformcoordinate 均匀坐标Uniform distribution 均匀分布Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimate方差一致最小无偏估计Unit单元Unorderedcategories 无序分类Unweighted leastsquares未加权最小平方法Upper limit 上限Upward rank 升秩VVague concept 模糊概念Validity有效性V ARCOMP (Variance component estimation)方差元素估计Variability 变异性Variable 变量Variance 方差Variation变异Varimax orthogonal rotation 方差最大正交旋转V olumeofdistribution 容积WWtest W检验Weibulldistribution 威布尔分布Weight 权数WeightedChi—square test 加权卡方检验/Cochran检验Weightedlinearregression method 加权直线回归Weighted mean加权平均数Weighted mean square 加权平均方差Weighted sum of square 加权平方和Weightingcoefficient权重系数Weightingmethod 加权法W-estimationW估计量W—estimationoflocation 位置W 估计量Width宽度Wilcoxon paired test 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验Wild point 野点/狂点Wild value 野值/狂值Winsorized mean缩尾均值Withdraw 失访X此组的词汇还没找到YYouden'sindex尤登指数ZZ testZ 检验Zero correlation 零相关Z—transformationZ变换。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:城墙可以保护自我也会禁锢自我英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Great Wall of China stretches for thousands of miles, an impressive feat of ancient architecture and human determination. It was built as a defensive fortification to protect China's territories from invading nomadic groups. However, the iconic wall is also a powerful symbol representing isolation and therejection of foreign influences. City walls, whether physical, mental, or cultural barriers, can insulate and safeguard, but they can also imprison and deprive.From a young age, we instinctively seek to construct walls around ourselves as a form of self-preservation. As children, we build fortresses with blankets and pillows, establishing realms where we feel secure and in control. We color within the lines, following societal norms out of fear of the unknown that lies beyond those boundaries. This mentality persists into adulthood as we aspire for stable careers, committed relationships, and a life marked by certainty and routine.There is comfort in erecting walls around our belief systems and ideologies. Surrounding ourselves with those who share common values and worldviews is reassuring. We can operate within the safety of our echo chambers, shielded from ideological threats and dissenting perspectives that may undermine our beliefs. However, are we protecting ourselves or simply confining our intellectual and spiritual growth?Isolating ourselves behind self-constructed barriers may provide temporary solace, but it also breeds stagnation and closed-mindedness. We become prisoners of our own inflexible thinking, unable or unwilling to adapt to the rapidly evolvingworld around us. The walls intended to preserve our values and traditions ultimately deprive us of enriching cross-cultural experiences and personal growth.Throughout history, civilizations that remained entrenched behind impenetrable physical and psychological city walls found themselves ill-equipped to handle changing political, economic and social tides. They faltered while more open and malleable societies continued advancing through the absorption of new ideas and the integration of foreign innovations.The great paradox is that the more obsessively we cling to walls as sources of security and identity, the more fragile and insecure we become. We erode our ability to navigate uncomfortable complexities and unfamiliar circumstances that inevitably arise. The higher we build our walls, the more detached we become from reality until eventually, we live in self-constructed prisons of our own making.Of course, the concept of walls is not exclusive to physical fortifications or ancient civilizations. We all possess invisible psychological and emotional walls intended to provide a sense of safety and self-preservation. Some boundaries we establish are healthy—they protect our individuality, personal space, and individual rights. However, other self-imposed barriers are moreinsidious, inhibiting authenticity, vulnerability, and human connection.For many, sharing raw emotions or shedding tears in the company of others is viewed as a sign of weakness. We have been conditioned to put on brave facades, concealing the depths of our true feelings behind thick veneers. Yet within those emotional walls, we suffocate, unable to convey our genuine fears, hurts and anxieties. We rob ourselves of the cathartic release and intimacy that comes with being emotionally unguarded in the presence of loving and supportive individuals.Perhaps most tragically, we construct biases and prejudices against those from different racial, cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds. We secure ourselves in self-segregating enclaves, fearful of encroaching "others" we have been conditioned to mistrust. We deprive ourselves of the joys of cultural exchange and the richness of diverse experiences.It requires tremendous courage to leave the safety and certainty of our walled existences. There are no guarantees when we shed our preconceived notions and embark on journeys into the great unknown. Exploring uncharted intellectual territories, interacting with contrasting worldviews, and embracing novel experiences all involve an inherent element of risk. However, thegreatest risk lies not in departure from our comfort zones, but in remaining entombed by the walls we have constructed around our minds, hearts, and beings.In his influential work The Universe in a Single Atom, the Dalai Lama wrote, "The reality of interdependence is what allows for change or transformation in society. When we have some understanding of the Buddhist view of the self and its interdependence, it becomes clearer why clinging to a limited self and a limited subjective perspective can only breed conflict and suffering."With each brick we reinforce around our insular enclaves, we contribute to the societal divides and interpersonal chasms that pervade our world. By shedding our psychological, emotional and cultural walls, we break down those unnatural barriers. We expand our world views, forge deeper human connections and create space for growth. Progress and enlightenment can only transpire when we transcend the self-limiting prisons we have erected.The task of dismantling our walled existences is daunting, but the possibilities that await us on the other side are infinite. We can remain calcified in our coveted routines, shielded but stunted by our own creations. Or we can muster the courage toshed the shackles of our present circumscribed realities, unveiling new vistas of growth and fulfillment. The city walls we have depended upon to preserve us can just as easily confine us. The choice of which path to take ultimately falls upon each of us as individuals.篇2The Walls We BuildAs I gaze out over the ancient city walls that have guarded this town for centuries, I can't help but feel a sense of security and safety wash over me. These sturdy fortifications of stone and mortar stand as an enduring symbol of our community's resilience and our ability to withstand any threat that may come our way. Yet, as I ponder their imposing presence, I also can't shake the feeling that these very walls that protect us may also be preventing us from truly experiencing the world beyond our borders.From the moment we are born, we begin constructing our own personal walls, barriers designed to shield us from harm and discomfort. As children, the walls start small - the refusal to try a new food, the fear of the dark, the reluctance to venture too far from our parents' sides. But as we grow older, these walls growtaller and more formidable. We erect defenses against failure, rejection, and vulnerability. We fortify our belief systems and close our minds to perspectives that challenge our worldviews. In essence, we create our own impenetrable city walls around our sense of self.In many ways, this is an understandable and even necessary human instinct. The world can often feel like a dangerous and unforgiving place, and raising our defenses is a method ofself-preservation. By surrounding ourselves with the safety and familiarity of our personal walls, we establish a sense of control and order amidst the chaos of life. These barriers provide us with a haven where we can retreat when faced with adversity or discomfort, a refuge where we can lick our wounds and regroup before venturing out again.However, as comforting as these self-constructed walls may be, they also have the potential to become our prisons, confining us to a narrow existence devoid of growth and new experiences. Just as the city walls that have historically protected towns from invaders also isolated them from the outside world, preventing the free flow of ideas, goods, and cultural exchanges, so too can our personal walls cut us off from opportunities for learning, connection, and self-actualization.When we stubbornly cling to our entrenched beliefs and refuse to consider alternative perspectives, we risk becoming stagnant and closed-minded. Our personal growth is stunted, as we deny ourselves the chance to expand our horizons and challenge our assumptions. We become trapped within the echo chambers of our own making, surrounded only by those who reinforce our existing viewpoints, and deaf to the voices that could broaden our understanding.Moreover, by erecting impenetrable emotional walls, we deprive ourselves of the profound human connections that give life its richness and meaning. True intimacy and vulnerability become elusive, as we hide behind our defenses, afraid to reveal our authentic selves for fear of rejection or ridicule. We resign ourselves to living on the surface, never truly known or understood by those around us, and never fully knowing or understanding ourselves.Certainly, there are times when self-protection is necessary, and a degree of caution and personal boundaries is healthy. Not every wall we construct is inherently harmful or limiting. But we must be vigilant in examining the nature and purpose of the barriers we erect, lest they become too confining, too restrictive,and ultimately detrimental to our personal growth and fulfillment.The key, then, is to strike a balance – to maintain walls strong enough to safeguard our well-being, but permeable enough to allow for the free exchange of ideas, experiences, and human connection. We must be discerning architects, carefully considering which walls to fortify and which to dismantle, always with an eye towards creating spaces that nurture both our safety and our ability to explore, learn, and evolve.Perhaps we can take inspiration from the modern interpretation of ancient city walls, which have been transformed from formidable fortresses into bustling public spaces, blending elements of protection and openness. Rather than serving as impenetrable barriers, these reimagined walls have become gathering places, lined with shops, restaurants, and parks, where diverse cultures and perspectives can intermingle andcross-pollinate.In a similar vein, we can endeavor to create personal boundaries that are strong yet flexible, shielding us from true harm while remaining open to growth, connection, and the rich tapestry of human experience that lies beyond our self-imposed limits. We can learn to selectively lower our defenses, welcomingnew ideas and perspectives while still maintaining a core sense of self and personal integrity.Ultimately, the walls we construct, whether physical or metaphorical, should serve as tools for our betterment, not obstacles to our progress. They should provide us with a sense of security and grounding, while still allowing us to venture forth and explore the boundless opportunities that await us beyond our self-imposed borders.For just as the ancient city walls that have stood the test of time have been reinterpreted and reimagined to meet the evolving needs of a modern society, so too must we continually reevaluate and adapt the barriers we erect around ourselves. We must embrace the courage to dismantle the walls that confine us, while fortifying those that empower us to live authentic, purposeful, and richly interconnected lives.Only then can we truly know the freedom that comes from striking the delicate balance between protection and exploration, safety and growth, self-preservation and self-actualization. For in the end, the walls we build should not be prisons, but gateways –gateways to a world of boundless possibility and profound personal evolution.篇3City Walls: A Double-Edged Sword for Self-Protection and Self-ImprisonmentEver since I was a child, I've been fascinated by the ancient city walls that surround my hometown. These towering stone fortifications, with their imposing gateways and formidable battlements, have long captured my imagination. To me, they symbolize both security and confinement – a dichotomy that has shaped my understanding of the world and my place within it.As a student of history, I've learned that city walls were originally constructed as defensive measures, designed to protect the inhabitants from external threats such as invading armies, marauders, and hostile neighboring kingdoms. The massive ramparts, often reinforced with deep moats and strategically positioned watchtowers, were meant to be impregnable barriers that would safeguard the city's resources, infrastructure, and most importantly, its people.In many ways, these ancient fortifications achieved their intended purpose. Cities with robust walls were better equipped to withstand sieges, repel assaults, and maintain their autonomy in the face of external aggression. The walls provided a sense ofsecurity and refuge, allowing the citizens to go about their daily lives with a degree of confidence and peace of mind.However, as I've delved deeper into the study of these structures, I've come to realize that city walls also served as instruments of confinement, both literal and metaphorical. While they shielded the populace from external dangers, they also restricted the flow of people, ideas, and commerce. The very elements that made the walls effective defensive barriers also made them obstacles to cultural exchange, intellectual discourse, and economic growth.Within the confines of the city walls, a sense of insularity and parochialism often took root. The citizens, accustomed to the perceived safety of their fortified enclave, became wary of the outside world and resistant to change. Innovative ideas and progressive thinking were sometimes met with skepticism or outright rejection, as the walls fostered a mentality ofself-preservation at the expense of exploration and advancement.This duality of protection and confinement has resonated deeply with me as I navigate the complexities of modern life. Just as city walls once offered both security and limitation, themetaphorical barriers we construct around ourselves can serve a similar dual purpose.On one hand, establishing personal boundaries and erecting figurative walls can be a healthy form of self-protection. In a world that often seems overwhelming and chaotic, these barriers can provide a sense of control, stability, and emotional safeguarding. They allow us to filter out negative influences, harmful relationships, and toxic environments, preserving our mental and emotional well-being.However, just like the ancient city walls, our personal barriers can also become prisons of our own making. If we cling too tightly to our comfort zones and refuse to venture beyond the self-imposed boundaries, we risk stagnation,narrow-mindedness, and a lack of personal growth.The world beyond our metaphorical walls is vast andever-changing, offering countless opportunities for exploration, learning, and self-discovery. By remaining entrenched within our fortified enclaves, we deprive ourselves of the chance to broaden our horizons, challenge our preconceptions, and expand our understanding of the human experience.As a student, I've witnessed firsthand the consequences of both embracing and rejecting these metaphorical walls. Thosewho erect impenetrable barriers around themselves often struggle to adapt to new situations, engage with diverse perspectives, and embrace intellectual curiosity. Conversely, those who tear down their walls and venture into unfamiliar territories often find themselves enriched by the exposure to new ideas, cultures, and ways of thinking.In my academic journey, I've learned to strike a delicate balance between self-protection and self-exploration. I've come to appreciate the value of maintaining healthy boundaries, but I've also recognized the importance of periodically dismantling those walls, even if just temporarily, to allow for personal growth and intellectual nourishment.Just as the ancient city walls were breached during times of peace to facilitate trade and cultural exchange, I too must open myself to the world beyond my comfort zone. It is through this calculated vulnerability that I can truly expand my knowledge, challenge my assumptions, and cultivate a more nuanced understanding of the world around me.Ultimately, the legacy of the city walls serves as a poignant reminder that while self-preservation is a natural instinct, it should not come at the cost of stifling our personal and intellectual development. We must learn to embrace the dualityof protection and exploration, recognizing that true fulfillment lies in the delicate balance between the two.As I continue my academic journey and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, I carry with me the lessons of the city walls. I will strive to erect boundaries that safeguard mywell-being while remaining vigilant against the temptation to entomb myself within those very barriers. For it is only by venturing beyond the confines of our self-imposed walls that we can truly unlock our full potential and embrace the richness that life has to offer.。
学校代码:10276学号:161131061East China University of Political Science and Law 专业学位硕士学位论文MASTER‛S THESIS论文题目:信赖原则研究姓名张秀珍学科、专业法律硕士(法学)研究方向刑事法律实务指导教师王恩海论文提交日期2018年4月15日信赖原则研究(摘要)专业:法律硕士(全日制)研究方向:刑事法律实务作者姓名:张秀珍指导教师:王恩海信赖原则作为过失犯罪理论中的关键内涵,随着过失犯罪理论的不断演进,信赖原则成为当今时代发展的必然产物,其体现的意义主要集中于认定行为人过失犯罪的成立以及注意义务分配上,但我国对信赖原则理论的研究时间比较短而且研究深度也比较有限,本文主要先论述信赖原则的理论来源,进而探讨信赖原则的相关机能以及其在司法实践中具体适用问题,研究交通事业、医疗事业与监督过失领域中信赖原则的司法适用条件及意义,以期能为司法实践提供些许借鉴。
Empirical processes of dependent random variables
n i=1
from R to R. The centered G -indexed empirical process is given by (P n − P )g = 1 n
the marginal and empirical distribution functions. Let G be a class of measurabrocesses that have been discussed include linear processes and Gaussian processes; see Dehling and Taqqu (1989) and Cs¨ org˝ o and Mielniczuk (1996) for long and short-range dependent subordinated Gaussian processes and Ho and Hsing (1996) and Wu (2003a) for long-range dependent linear processes. A collection of recent results is presented in Dehling, Mikosch and Sorensen (2002). In that collection Dedecker and Louhichi (2002) made an important generalization of Ossiander’s (1987) result. Here we investigate the empirical central limit problem for dependent random variables from another angle that avoids strong mixing conditions. In particular, we apply a martingale method and establish a weak convergence theory for stationary, causal processes. Our results are comparable with the theory for independent random variables in that the imposed moment conditions are optimal or almost optimal. We show that, if the process is short-range dependent in a certain sense, then the limiting behavior is similar to that of iid random variables in that the limiting distribution is a Gaussian process and the norming √ sequence is n. For long-range dependent linear processes, one needs to apply asymptotic √ expansions to obtain n-norming limit theorems (Section 6.2.2). The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some mathematical preliminaries necessary for the weak convergence theory and illustrate the essence of our approach. Two types of empirical central limit theorems are established. Empirical processes indexed by indicators of left half lines, absolutely continuous functions, and piecewise differentiable functions are discussed in Sections 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Applications to linear processes and iterated random functions are made in Section 6. Section 7 presents some integral and maximal inequalities that may be of independent interest. Some proofs are given in Sections 8 and 9.
计量经济学英语词汇计量经济学英语词汇Absolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additive Noise, 加性噪声Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alpha factoring,α因子法Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution,双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs), BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categorical variable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Central tendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector, 卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Collinearity, 共线性Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照, 质量控制图Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation, 相关性Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve Estimation, 曲线拟合Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin, 斜交旋转Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲试验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Error Bar, 均值相关区间图Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验Experimental sampling, 试验抽样Experimental unit, 试验单位Explained variance (已说明方差)Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因试验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finite population, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查Generalized least squares, 综合最小平方法GENLOG (Generalized liner models), 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models), 通用线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点High-Low, 低区域图Higher Order Interaction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Image factoring,, 多元回归法Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinite population, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 内插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart,Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显着差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit 转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显着差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组内均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal P-P, 正态概率分布图Normal Q-Q, 正态概率单位分布图Normal ranges, 正常范围Normal value, 正常值Normalization 归一化Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图)Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式PCA(主成分分析)Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 构成图,饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal axis factoring,主轴因子法Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling, 按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和residual variance (剩余方差) Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS 统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequence, 普通序列图Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significant Level, 显着水平Significance test, 显着性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science), SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Test(检验)Test of linearity, 线性检验Tendency of dispersion, 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses, 假设检验Theoretical frequency, 理论频数Time series, 时间序列Tolerance interval, 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit, 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit, 容忍上限Torsion, 扰率Total sum of square, 总平方和Total variation, 总变异Transformation, 转换Treatment, 处理Trend, 趋势Trend of percentage, 百分比趋势Trial, 试验Trial and error method, 试错法Tuning constant, 细调常数Two sided test, 双向检验Two-stage least squares, 二阶最小平方Two-stage sampling, 二阶段抽样Two-tailed test, 双侧检验Two-way analysis of variance, 双因素方差分析Two-way table, 双向表Type I error, 一类错误/α错误Type II error, 二类错误/β错误UMVU, 方差一致最小无偏估计简称Unbiased estimate, 无偏估计Unconstrained nonlinear regression , 无约束非线性回归Unequal subclass number, 不等次级组含量Ungrouped data, 不分组资料Uniform coordinate, 均匀坐标Uniform distribution, 均匀分布Uniformly minimum varianceunbiased estimate, 方差一致最小无偏估计Unit, 单元Unordered categories, 无序分类Unweighted least squares, 未加权最小平方法Upper limit, 上限Upward rank, 升秩Vague concept, 模糊概念Validity, 有效性VARCOMP (Variance component estimation), 方差元素估计Variability, 变异性Variable, 变量Variance, 方差Variation, 变异Varimax orthogonal rotation, 方差最大正交旋转Volume of distribution, 容积W test, W检验Weibull distribution, 威布尔分布Weight, 权数Weighted Chi-square test, 加权卡方检验/Cochran检验Weighted linear regression method, 加权直线回归Weighted mean, 加权平均数Weighted mean square, 加权平均方差Weighted sum of square, 加权平方和Weighting coefficient, 权重系数Weighting method, 加权法W-estimation, W估计量W-estimation of location, 位置W估计量Width, 宽度Wilcoxon paired test, 威斯康星配对法/配对符号秩和检验Wild point, 野点/狂点Wild value, 野值/狂值Winsorized mean, 缩尾均值Withdraw, 失访Youden's index, 尤登指数Z test, Z检验Zero correlation, 零相关Z-transformation, Z变换Z-transformation, Z变换。
克里弗兰第二任总统就职演说SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1893My Fellow-Citizens:In obedience of the mandate of my countrymen I am about to dedicate myself to their service under the sanction of a solemn oath. Deeply moved by the expression of confidence and personal attachment which has called me to this service, I am sure my gratitude can make no better return than the pledge I now give before God and these witnesses of unreserved and complete devotion to the interests and welfare of those who have honored me.I deem it fitting on this occasion, while indicating the opinion I hold concerning public questions of present importance, to also briefly refer to the existence of certain conditions and tendencies among our people which seem to menace the integrity and usefulness of their Government.While every American citizen must contemplate with the utmost pride and enthusiasm the growth and expansion of our country, the sufficiency of our institutions to stand against the rudest shocks of violence, the wonderful thrift andenterprise of our people, and the demonstrated superiority of our free government, it behooves us to constantly watch for every symptom of insidious infirmity that threatens our national vigor.The strong man who in the confidence of sturdy health courts the sternest activities of life and rejoices in the hardihood of constant labor may still have lurking near his vitals the unheeded disease that dooms him to sudden collapse.It can not be doubted that,our stupendous achievements as a people and our country's robust strength have given rise to heedlessness of those laws governing our national health which we can no more evade than human life can escape the laws of God and nature.Manifestly nothing is more vital to our supremacy as a nation and to the beneficent purposes of our Government than a sound and stable currency. Its exposure to degradation should at once arouse to activity the most enlightened statesmanship, and the danger of depreciation in the purchasing power of the wages paid to toil should furnish the strongest incentive to prompt and conservative precaution.In dealing with our present embarrassing situation asrelated to this subject we will be wise if we temper our confidence and faith in our national strength and resources with the frank concession that even these will not permit us to defy with impunity the inexorable laws of finance and trade. At the same time, in our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance or passion, and our judgments should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests.I am confident that such an approach to the subject will result in prudent and effective remedial legislation. In the meantime, so far as the executive branch of the Government can intervene, none of the powers with which it is invested will be withheld when their exercise is deemed necessary to maintain our national credit or avert financial disaster.Closely related to the exaggerated confidence in our country's greatness which tends to a disregard of the rules of national safety, another danger confronts us not less serious. I refer to the prevalence of a popular disposition to expect from the operation of the Government especial and direct individual advantages.The verdict of our voters which condemned the injustice of maintaining protection for protection's sake enjoinsupon the people's servants the duty of exposing and destroying the brood of kindred evils which are the unwholesome progeny of paternalism. This is the bane of republican institutions and the constant peril of our government by the people. It degrades to the purposes of wily craft the plan of rule our fathers established and bequeathed to us as an object of our love and veneration. It perverts the patriotic sentiments of our countrymen and tempts them to pitiful calculation of the sordid gain to be derived from their Government's maintenance. It undermines the self-reliance of our people and substitutes in its place dependence upon governmental favoritism. It stifles the spirit of true Americanism and stupefies every ennobling trait of American citizenship.The lessons of paternalism ought to be unlearned and the better lesson taught that while the people should patriotically and cheerfully support their Government its functions do not include the support of the people.The acceptance of this principle leads to a refusal of bounties and subsidies, which burden the labor and thrift of a portion of our citizens to aid ill-advised or languishing enterprises in which they have no concern. It leads also to achallenge of wild and reckless pension expenditure, which overleaps the bounds of grateful recognition of patriotic service and prostitutes to vicious uses the people's prompt and generous impulse to aid those disabled in their country's defense.Every thoughtful American must realize the importance of checking at its beginning any tendency in public or private station to regard frugality and economy as virtues which we may safely outgrow. The toleration of this idea results in the waste of the people's money by their chosen servants and encourages prodigality and extravagance in the home life of our countrymen.Under our scheme of government the waste of public money is a crime against the citizen, and the contempt of our people for economy and frugality in their personal affairs deplorably saps the strength and sturdiness of our national character.It is a plain dictate of honesty and good government that public expenditures should be limited by public necessity, and that this should be measured by the rules of strict economy; and it is equally clear that frugality among the people is the best guaranty of a contented and strong supportof free institutions.One mode of the misappropriation of public funds is avoided when appointments to office, instead of being the rewards of partisan activity, are awarded to those whose efficiency promises a fair return of work for the compensation paid to them. To secure the fitness and competency of appointees to office and remove from political action the demoralizing madness for spoils, civil- service reform has found a place in our public policy and laws. The benefits already gained through this instrumentality and the further usefulness it promises entitle it to the hearty support and encouragement of all who desire to see our public service well performed or who hope for the elevation of political sentiment and the purification of political methods.The existence of immense aggregations of kindred enterprises and combinations of business interests formed for the purpose of limiting production and fixing prices is inconsistent with the fair field which ought to be open to every independent activity. Legitimate strife in business should not be superseded by an enforced concession to the demands of combinations that have the power to destroy, nor should the people to be served lose the benefit of cheapness whichusually results from wholesome competition. These aggregations and combinations frequently constitute conspiracies against the interests of the people, and in all their phases they are unnatural and opposed to our American sense of fairness. To the extent that they can be reached and restrained by Federal power the General Government should relieve our citizens from their interference and exactions.Loyalty to the principles upon which our Government rests positively demands that the equality before the law which it guarantees to every citizen should be justly and in good faith conceded in all parts of the land. The enjoyment of this right follows the badge of citizenship wherever found, and, unimpaired by race or color, it appeals for recognition to American manliness and fairness.Our relations with the Indians located within our border impose upon us responsibilities we can not escape. Humanity and consistency require us to treat them with forbearance and in our dealings with them to honestly and considerately regard their rights and interests. Every effort should be made to lead them, through the paths of civilization and education, to self- supporting and independent citizenship. In the meantime, as the nation's wards, they should bepromptly defended against the cupidity of designing men and shielded from every influence or temptation that retards their advancement.The people of the United States have decreed that on this day the control of their Government in its legislative and executive branches shall be given to a political party pledged in the most positive terms to the accomplishment of tariff reform. They have thus determined in favor of a more just and equitable system of Federal taxation. The agents they have chosen to carry out their purposes are bound by their promises not less than by the command of their masters to devote themselves unremittingly to this service.While there should be no surrender of principle, our task must be undertaken wisely and without heedless vindictiveness. Our mission is not punishment, but the rectification of wrong. If in lifting burdens from the daily life of our people we reduce inordinate and unequal advantages too long enjoyed, this is but a necessary incident of our return to right and justice. If we exact from unwilling minds acquiescence in the theory of an honest distribution of the fund of the governmental beneficence treasured up for all, we but insist upon a principle which underlies our free institutions.When we tear aside the delusions and misconceptions which have blinded our countrymen to their condition under vicious tariff laws, we but show them how far they have been led away from the paths of contentment and prosperity. When we proclaim that the necessity for revenue to support the Government furnishes the only justification for taxing the people, we announce a truth so plain that its denial would seem to indicate the extent to which judgment may be influenced by familiarity with perversions of the taxing power. And when we seek to reinstate the self-confidence and business enterprise of our citizens by discrediting an abject dependence upon governmental favor, we strive to stimulate those elements of American character which support the hope of American achievement.Anxiety for the redemption of the pledges which my party has made and solicitude for the complete justification of the trust the people have reposed in us constrain me to remind those with whom I am to cooperate that we can succeed in doing the work which has been especially set before us only by the most sincere, harmonious, and disinterested effort. Even if insuperable obstacles and opposition prevent the consummation of our task, we shall hardly be excused; and iffailure can be traced to our fault or neglect we may be sure the people will hold us to a swift and exacting accountability.The oath I now take to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States not only impressively defines the great responsibility I assume, but suggests obedience to constitutional commands as the rule by which my official conduct must be guided. I shall to the best of my ability and within my sphere of duty preserve the Constitution by loyally protecting every grant of Federal power it contains, by defending all its restraints when attacked by impatience and restlessness, and by enforcing its limitations and reservations in favor of the States and the people.Fully impressed with the gravity of the duties that confront me and mindful of my weakness, I should be appalled if it were my lot to bear unaided the responsibilities which await me. I am, however, saved from discouragement when I remember that I shall have the support and the counsel and cooperation of wise and patriotic men who will stand at my side in Cabinet places or will represent the people in their legislative halls.I find also much comfort in remembering that my countrymen are just and generous and in the assurance thatthey will not condemn those who by sincere devotion to their service deserve their forbearance and approval.Above all, I know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid.【。
population 母体sample 样本census 普查sampling 抽样quantitative 量的qualitative/categorical质的discrete 离散的continuous 连续的population parameters 母体参数sample statistics 样本统计量descriptive statistics 叙述统计学inferential/inductive statistics 推论 ...抽样调查(sampliing survey单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling 系统抽样(systematic sampling分层抽样(stratified sampling整群抽样(cluster sampling多级抽样(multistage sampling常态分配(Parametric Statistics)无母数统计学(Nonparametric Statistics)实验设计(Design of Experiment)参数(Parameter)Data analysis 资料分析Statistical table 统计表Statistical chart 统计图Pie chart 圆饼图Stem-and-leaf display 茎叶图Box plot 盒须图Histogram 直方图Bar Chart 长条图Polygon 次数多边图Ogive 肩形图Descriptive statistics 叙述统计学Expectation 期望值Mode 众数Mean 平均数Variance 变异数Standard deviation 标准差Standard error 标准误Covariance matrix 共变异数矩阵Inferential statistics 推论统计学Point estimation 点估计Interval estimation 区间估计Confidence interval 信赖区间Confidence coefficient 信赖系数Testing statistical hypothesis 统计假设检定Regression analysis 回归分析Analysis of variance 变异数分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Sampling survey 抽样调查Census 普查Sampling 抽样Reliability 信度Validity 效度Sampling error 抽样误差Non-sampling error 非抽样误差Random sampling 随机抽样Simple random sampling 简单随机抽样法Stratified sampling 分层抽样法Cluster sampling 群集抽样法Systematic sampling 系统抽样法Two-stage random sampling 两段随机抽样法Convenience sampling 便利抽样Quota sampling 配额抽样Snowball sampling 雪球抽样Nonparametric statistics 无母数统计The sign test 等级检定Wilcoxon signed rank tests 魏克森讯号等级检定Wilcoxon rank sum tests 魏克森等级和检定Run test 连检定法Discrete uniform densities 离散的均匀密度Binomial densities 二项密度Hypergeometric densities 超几何密度Poisson densities 卜松密度Geometric densities 几何密度Negative binomial densities 负二项密度Continuous uniform densities 连续均匀密度Normal densities 常态密度Exponential densities 指数密度Gamma densities 伽玛密度Beta densities 贝他密度Multivariate analysis 多变量分析Principal components 主因子分析Discrimination analysis 区别分析Cluster analysis 群集分析Factor analysis 因素分析Survival analysis 存活分析Time series analysis 时间序列分析Linear models 线性模式Quality engineering 品质工程Probability theory 机率论Statistical computing 统计计算Statistical inference 统计推论Stochastic processes 随机过程Decision theory 决策理论Discrete analysis 离散分析Mathematical statistics 数理统计统计学: Statistics母体: Population样本: Sample资料分析: Data analysis统计表: Statistical table统计图: Statistical chart圆饼图: Pie chart茎叶图: Stem-and-leaf display盒须图: Box plot直方图: Histogram长条图: Bar Chart次数多边图: Polygon肩形图: Ogive叙述统计学: Descriptive statistics期望值: Expectation众数: Mode平均数: Mean变异数: Variance标准差: Standard deviation标准误: Standard error共变异数矩阵: Covariance matrix推论统计学: Inferential statistics点估计: Point estimation区间估计: Interval estimation信赖区间: Confidence interval信赖系数: Confidence coefficient统计假设检定: Testing statistical hypothesis回归分析: Regression analysis变异数分析: Analysis of variance相关系数: Correlation coefficient抽样调查: Sampling survey普查: Census抽样: Sampling信度: Reliability效度: Validity抽样误差: Sampling error非抽样误差: Non-sampling error随机抽样: Random sampling简单随机抽样法: Simple random sampling 分层抽样法: Stratified sampling群集抽样法: Cluster sampling系统抽样法: Systematic sampling两段随机抽样法: Two-stage randomsampling便利抽样: Convenience sampling配额抽样: Quota sampling雪球抽样: Snowball sampling无母数统计: Nonparametric statistics等级检定: The sign test魏克森讯号等级检定: Wilcoxon signed ranktests魏克森等级和检定: Wilcoxon rank sum tests连检定法: Run test离散的均匀密度: Discrete uniform densities二项密度: Binomial densities超几何密度: Hypergeometric densities卜松密度: Poisson densities几何密度: Geometric densities负二项密度: Negative binomial densities连续均匀密度: Continuous uniform densities常态密度: Normal densities指数密度: Exponential densities伽玛密度: Gamma densities贝他密度: Beta densities多变量分析: Multivariate analysis主因子分析: Principal components区别分析: Discrimination analysis群集分析: Cluster analysis因素分析: Factor analysis存活分析: Survival analysis时间序列分析: Time series analysis 线性模式: Linear models品质工程: Quality engineering机率论: Probability theory统计计算: Statistical computing统计推论: Statistical inference随机过程: Stochastic processes决策理论: Decision theory离散分析: Discrete analysis数理统计: Mathematical statistics 统计名词市调辞典众数(Mode) 普查(census)指数(Index) 问卷(Questionnaire)中位数(Median) 信度(Reliability)百分比(Percentage) 母群体(Population)信赖水准(Confidence level) 观察法(Observational Survey)假设检定(Hypothesis Testing) 综合法(Integrated Survey)卡方检定(Chi-square Test) 雪球抽样(Snowball Sampling)差距量表(Interval Scale) 序列偏差(SeriesBias)类别量表(Nominal Scale) 次级资料(Secondary Data)顺序量表(Ordinal Scale) 抽样架构(Samplingframe)比率量表(Ratio Scale) 集群抽样(ClusterSampling)连检定法(Run Test) 便利抽样(ConvenienceSampling)符号检定(Sign Test) 抽样调查(Sampling Sur)算术平均数(Arithmetic Mean) 非抽样误差(non-sampling error)展示会法(Display Survey)调查名词准确效度(Criterion-RelatedValidity)元素(Element) 邮寄问卷法(Mail Interview)样本(Sample) 信抽样误差(Sampling error)效度(Validity) 封闭式问题(Close Question)精确度(Precision) 电话访问法(TelephoneInterview)准确度(Validity) 随机抽样法(Random Sampling)实验法(Experiment Survey)抽样单位(Sampling unit) 资讯名词市场调查(Marketing Research) 决策树(Decision Trees)容忍误差(Tolerated erro) 资料采矿(Data Mining)初级资料(Primary Data) 时间序列(Time-Series Forecasting)目标母体(Target Population) 回归分析(Regression)抽样偏差(Sampling Bias) 趋势分析(Trend Analysis)抽样误差(sampling error) 罗吉斯回归(Logistic Regression)架构效度(Construct Validity) 类神经网络(Neural Network)配额抽样(Quota Sampling) 无母数统计检定方法(Non-Parametric Test)人员访问法(Interview) 判别分析法(Discriminant Analysis)集群分析法(cluster analysis) 规则归纳法(Rules Induction)内容效度(Content Validity) 判断抽样(Judgment Sampling)开放式问题(Open Question) OLAP(OnlineAnalytical Process)分层随机抽样(Stratified Random sampling)资料仓储(Data Warehouse)非随机抽样法(Nonrandom Sampling) 知识发现(Knowledge DiscoveryAbsolute deviation, 绝对离差Absolute number, 绝对数Absolute residuals, 绝对残差Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度Acceleration vector, 加速度向量Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设Accumulation, 累积Accuracy, 准确度Actual frequency, 实际频数Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量Addition, 相加Addition theorem, 加法定理Additive Noise, 加性噪声Additivity, 可加性Adjusted rate, 调整率Adjusted value, 校正值Admissible error, 容许误差Aggregation, 聚集性Alpha factoring,α因子法Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设Among groups, 组间Amounts, 总量Analysis of correlation, 相关分析Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析Analysis of regression, 回归分析Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析Analysis of variance, 方差分析Angular transformation, 角转换ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析Arcing, 弧/弧旋Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换Area 区域图Area under the curve, 曲线面积AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系Assessing fit, 拟合的评估Associative laws, 结合律Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差Attributable risk, 归因危险度Attribute data, 属性资料Attribution, 属性Autocorrelation, 自相关Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关Average, 平均数Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率Bar chart, 条形图Bar graph, 条形图Base period, 基期Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布Best-trim estimator, 最好切尾估计量Bias, 偏性Binary logistic regression, 二元逻辑斯蒂回归Binomial distribution, 二项分布Bisquare, 双平方Bivariate Correlate, 二变量相关Bivariate normal distribution, 双变量正态分布Bivariate normal population, 双变量正态总体Biweight interval, 双权区间Biweight M-estimator, 双权M估计量Block, 区组/配伍组BMDP(Biomedical computer programs), BMDP统计软件包Boxplots, 箱线图/箱尾图Breakdown bound, 崩溃界/崩溃点Canonical correlation, 典型相关Caption, 纵标目Case-control study, 病例对照研究Categorical variable, 分类变量Catenary, 悬链线Cauchy distribution, 柯西分布Cause-and-effect relationship, 因果关系Cell, 单元Censoring, 终检Center of symmetry, 对称中心Centering and scaling, 中心化和定标Central tendency, 集中趋势Central value, 中心值CHAID -χ2 Automatic Interaction Detector, 卡方自动交互检测Chance, 机遇Chance error, 随机误差Chance variable, 随机变量Characteristic equation, 特征方程Characteristic root, 特征根Characteristic vector, 特征向量Chebshev criterion of fit, 拟合的切比雪夫准则Chernoff faces, 切尔诺夫脸谱图Chi-square test, 卡方检验/χ2检验Choleskey decomposition, 乔洛斯基分解Circle chart, 圆图Class interval, 组距Class mid-value, 组中值Class upper limit, 组上限Classified variable, 分类变量Cluster analysis, 聚类分析Cluster sampling, 整群抽样Code, 代码Coded data, 编码数据Coding, 编码Coefficient of contingency, 列联系数Coefficient of determination, 决定系数Coefficient of multiple correlation, 多重相关系数Coefficient of partial correlation, 偏相关系数Coefficient of production-moment correlation, 积差相关系数Coefficient of rank correlation, 等级相关系数Coefficient of regression, 回归系数Coefficient of skewness, 偏度系数Coefficient of variation, 变异系数Cohort study, 队列研究Collinearity, 共线性Column, 列Column effect, 列效应Column factor, 列因素Combination pool, 合并Combinative table, 组合表Common factor, 共性因子Common regression coefficient, 公共回归系数Common value, 共同值Common variance, 公共方差Common variation, 公共变异Communality variance, 共性方差Comparability, 可比性Comparison of bathes, 批比较Comparison value, 比较值Compartment model, 分部模型Compassion, 伸缩Complement of an event, 补事件Complete association, 完全正相关Complete dissociation, 完全不相关Complete statistics, 完备统计量Completely randomized design, 完全随机化设计Composite event, 联合事件Composite events, 复合事件Concavity, 凹性Conditional expectation, 条件期望Conditional likelihood, 条件似然Conditional probability, 条件概率Conditionally linear, 依条件线性Confidence interval, 置信区间Confidence limit, 置信限Confidence lower limit, 置信下限Confidence upper limit, 置信上限Confirmatory Factor Analysis , 验证性因子分析Confirmatory research, 证实性实验研究Confounding factor, 混杂因素Conjoint, 联合分析Consistency, 相合性Consistency check, 一致性检验Consistent asymptotically normal estimate, 相合渐近正态估计Consistent estimate, 相合估计Constrained nonlinear regression, 受约束非线性回归Constraint, 约束Contaminated distribution, 污染分布Contaminated Gausssian, 污染高斯分布Contaminated normal distribution, 污染正态分布Contamination, 污染Contamination model, 污染模型Contingency table, 列联表Contour, 边界线Contribution rate, 贡献率Control, 对照, 质量控制图Controlled experiments, 对照实验Conventional depth, 常规深度Convolution, 卷积Corrected factor, 校正因子Corrected mean, 校正均值Correction coefficient, 校正系数Correctness, 正确性Correlation coefficient, 相关系数Correlation, 相关性Correlation index, 相关指数Correspondence, 对应Counting, 计数Counts, 计数/频数Covariance, 协方差Covariant, 共变Cox Regression, Cox回归Criteria for fitting, 拟合准则Criteria of least squares, 最小二乘准则Critical ratio, 临界比Critical region, 拒绝域Critical value, 临界值Cross-over design, 交叉设计Cross-section analysis, 横断面分析Cross-section survey, 横断面调查Crosstabs , 交叉表Crosstabs 列联表分析Cross-tabulation table, 复合表Cube root, 立方根Cumulative distribution function, 分布函数Cumulative probability, 累计概率Curvature, 曲率/弯曲Curvature, 曲率Curve Estimation, 曲线拟合Curve fit , 曲线拟和Curve fitting, 曲线拟合Curvilinear regression, 曲线回归Curvilinear relation, 曲线关系Cut-and-try method, 尝试法Cycle, 周期Cyclist, 周期性D test, D检验Data acquisition, 资料收集Data bank, 数据库Data capacity, 数据容量Data deficiencies, 数据缺乏Data handling, 数据处理Data manipulation, 数据处理Data processing, 数据处理Data reduction, 数据缩减Data set, 数据集Data sources, 数据来源Data transformation, 数据变换Data validity, 数据有效性Data-in, 数据输入Data-out, 数据输出Dead time, 停滞期Degree of freedom, 自由度Degree of precision, 精密度Degree of reliability, 可靠性程度Degression, 递减Density function, 密度函数Density of data points, 数据点的密度Dependent variable, 应变量/依变量/因变量Dependent variable, 因变量Depth, 深度Derivative matrix, 导数矩阵Derivative-free methods, 无导数方法Design, 设计Determinacy, 确定性Determinant, 行列式Determinant, 决定因素Deviation, 离差Deviation from average, 离均差Diagnostic plot, 诊断图Dichotomous variable, 二分变量Differential equation, 微分方程Direct standardization, 直接标准化法Direct Oblimin, 斜交旋转Discrete variable, 离散型变量DISCRIMINANT, 判断Discriminant analysis, 判别分析Discriminant coefficient, 判别系数Discriminant function, 判别值Dispersion, 散布/分散度Disproportional, 不成比例的Disproportionate sub-class numbers, 不成比例次级组含量Distribution free, 分布无关性/免分布Distribution shape, 分布形状Distribution-free method, 任意分布法Distributive laws, 分配律Disturbance, 随机扰动项Dose response curve, 剂量反应曲线Double blind method, 双盲法Double blind trial, 双盲试验Double exponential distribution, 双指数分布Double logarithmic, 双对数Downward rank, 降秩Dual-space plot, 对偶空间图DUD, 无导数方法Duncan's new multiple range method, 新复极差法/Duncan新法Error Bar, 均值相关区间图Effect, 实验效应Eigenvalue, 特征值Eigenvector, 特征向量Ellipse, 椭圆Empirical distribution, 经验分布Empirical probability, 经验概率单位Enumeration data, 计数资料Equal sun-class number, 相等次级组含量Equally likely, 等可能Equivariance, 同变性Error, 误差/错误Error of estimate, 估计误差Error type I, 第一类错误Error type II, 第二类错误Estimand, 被估量Estimated error mean squares, 估计误差均方Estimated error sum of squares, 估计误差平方和Euclidean distance, 欧式距离Event, 事件Event, 事件Exceptional data point, 异常数据点Expectation plane, 期望平面Expectation surface, 期望曲面Expected values, 期望值Experiment, 实验Experimental sampling, 试验抽样Experimental unit, 试验单位Explained variance (已说明方差)Explanatory variable, 说明变量Exploratory data analysis, 探索性数据分析Explore Summarize, 探索-摘要Exponential curve, 指数曲线Exponential growth, 指数式增长EXSMOOTH, 指数平滑方法Extended fit, 扩充拟合Extra parameter, 附加参数Extrapolation, 外推法Extreme observation, 末端观测值Extremes, 极端值/极值F distribution, F分布F test, F检验Factor, 因素/因子Factor analysis, 因子分析Factor Analysis, 因子分析Factor score, 因子得分Factorial, 阶乘Factorial design, 析因试验设计False negative, 假阴性False negative error, 假阴性错误Family of distributions, 分布族Family of estimators, 估计量族Fanning, 扇面Fatality rate, 病死率Field investigation, 现场调查Field survey, 现场调查Finite population, 有限总体Finite-sample, 有限样本First derivative, 一阶导数First principal component, 第一主成分First quartile, 第一四分位数Fisher information, 费雪信息量Fitted value, 拟合值Fitting a curve, 曲线拟合Fixed base, 定基Fluctuation, 随机起伏Forecast, 预测Four fold table, 四格表Fourth, 四分点Fraction blow, 左侧比率Fractional error, 相对误差Frequency, 频率Frequency polygon, 频数多边图Frontier point, 界限点Function relationship, 泛函关系Gamma distribution, 伽玛分布Gauss increment, 高斯增量Gaussian distribution, 高斯分布/正态分布Gauss-Newton increment, 高斯-牛顿增量General census, 全面普查Generalized least squares, 综合最小平方法GENLOG (Generalized liner models), 广义线性模型Geometric mean, 几何平均数Gini's mean difference, 基尼均差GLM (General liner models), 通用线性模型Goodness of fit, 拟和优度/配合度Gradient of determinant, 行列式的梯度Graeco-Latin square, 希腊拉丁方Grand mean, 总均值Gross errors, 重大错误Gross-error sensitivity, 大错敏感度Group averages, 分组平均Grouped data, 分组资料Guessed mean, 假定平均数Half-life, 半衰期Hampel M-estimators, 汉佩尔M估计量Happenstance, 偶然事件Harmonic mean, 调和均数Hazard function, 风险均数Hazard rate, 风险率Heading, 标目Heavy-tailed distribution, 重尾分布Hessian array, 海森立体阵Heterogeneity, 不同质Heterogeneity of variance, 方差不齐Hierarchical classification, 组内分组Hierarchical clustering method, 系统聚类法High-leverage point, 高杠杆率点High-Low, 低区域图Higher Order Interaction Effects,高阶交互作用HILOGLINEAR, 多维列联表的层次对数线性模型Hinge, 折叶点Histogram, 直方图Historical cohort study, 历史性队列研究Holes, 空洞HOMALS, 多重响应分析Homogeneity of variance, 方差齐性Homogeneity test, 齐性检验Huber M-estimators, 休伯M估计量Hyperbola, 双曲线Hypothesis testing, 假设检验Hypothetical universe, 假设总体Image factoring,, 多元回归法Impossible event, 不可能事件Independence, 独立性Independent variable, 自变量Index, 指标/指数Indirect standardization, 间接标准化法Individual, 个体Inference band, 推断带Infinite population, 无限总体Infinitely great, 无穷大Infinitely small, 无穷小Influence curve, 影响曲线Information capacity, 信息容量Initial condition, 初始条件Initial estimate, 初始估计值Initial level, 最初水平Interaction, 交互作用Interaction terms, 交互作用项Intercept, 截距Interpolation, 内插法Interquartile range, 四分位距Interval estimation, 区间估计Intervals of equal probability, 等概率区间Intrinsic curvature, 固有曲率Invariance, 不变性Inverse matrix, 逆矩阵Inverse probability, 逆概率Inverse sine transformation, 反正弦变换Iteration, 迭代Jacobian determinant, 雅可比行列式Joint distribution function, 分布函数Joint probability, 联合概率Joint probability distribution, 联合概率分布K-Means Cluster逐步聚类分析K means method, 逐步聚类法Kaplan-Meier, 评估事件的时间长度Kaplan-Merier chart, Kaplan-Merier图Kendall's rank correlation, Kendall等级相关Kinetic, 动力学Kolmogorov-Smirnove test, 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米尔诺夫检验Kruskal and Wallis test, Kruskal及Wallis检验/多样本的秩和检验/H检验Kurtosis, 峰度Lack of fit, 失拟Ladder of powers, 幂阶梯Lag, 滞后Large sample, 大样本Large sample test, 大样本检验Latin square, 拉丁方Latin square design, 拉丁方设计Leakage, 泄漏Least favorable configuration, 最不利构形Least favorable distribution, 最不利分布Least significant difference, 最小显著差法Least square method, 最小二乘法Least Squared Criterion,最小二乘方准则Least-absolute-residuals estimates, 最小绝对残差估计Least-absolute-residuals fit, 最小绝对残差拟合Least-absolute-residuals line, 最小绝对残差线Legend, 图例L-estimator, L估计量L-estimator of location, 位置L估计量L-estimator of scale, 尺度L估计量Level, 水平Leveage Correction,杠杆率校正Life expectance, 预期期望寿命Life table, 寿命表Life table method, 生命表法Light-tailed distribution, 轻尾分布Likelihood function, 似然函数Likelihood ratio, 似然比line graph, 线图Linear correlation, 直线相关Linear equation, 线性方程Linear programming, 线性规划Linear regression, 直线回归Linear Regression, 线性回归Linear trend, 线性趋势Loading, 载荷Location and scale equivariance, 位置尺度同变性Location equivariance, 位置同变性Location invariance, 位置不变性Location scale family, 位置尺度族Log rank test, 时序检验Logarithmic curve, 对数曲线Logarithmic normal distribution, 对数正态分布Logarithmic scale, 对数尺度Logarithmic transformation, 对数变换Logic check, 逻辑检查Logistic distribution, 逻辑斯特分布Logit transformation, Logit转换LOGLINEAR, 多维列联表通用模型Lognormal distribution, 对数正态分布Lost function, 损失函数Low correlation, 低度相关Lower limit, 下限Lowest-attained variance, 最小可达方差LSD, 最小显著差法的简称Lurking variable, 潜在变量Main effect, 主效应Major heading, 主辞标目Marginal density function, 边缘密度函数Marginal probability, 边缘概率Marginal probability distribution, 边缘概率分布Matched data, 配对资料Matched distribution, 匹配过分布Matching of distribution, 分布的匹配Matching of transformation, 变换的匹配Mathematical expectation, 数学期望Mathematical model, 数学模型Maximum L-estimator, 极大极小L 估计量Maximum likelihood method, 最大似然法Mean, 均数Mean squares between groups, 组间均方Mean squares within group, 组内均方Means (Compare means), 均值-均值比较Median, 中位数Median effective dose, 半数效量Median lethal dose, 半数致死量Median polish, 中位数平滑Median test, 中位数检验Minimal sufficient statistic, 最小充分统计量Minimum distance estimation, 最小距离估计Minimum effective dose, 最小有效量Minimum lethal dose, 最小致死量Minimum variance estimator, 最小方差估计量MINITAB, 统计软件包Minor heading, 宾词标目Missing data, 缺失值Model specification, 模型的确定Modeling Statistics , 模型统计Models for outliers, 离群值模型Modifying the model, 模型的修正Modulus of continuity, 连续性模Morbidity, 发病率Most favorable configuration, 最有利构形MSC(多元散射校正)Multidimensional Scaling (ASCAL), 多维尺度/多维标度Multinomial Logistic Regression , 多项逻辑斯蒂回归Multiple comparison, 多重比较Multiple correlation , 复相关Multiple covariance, 多元协方差Multiple linear regression, 多元线性回归Multiple response , 多重选项Multiple solutions, 多解Multiplication theorem, 乘法定理Multiresponse, 多元响应Multi-stage sampling, 多阶段抽样Multivariate T distribution, 多元T分布Mutual exclusive, 互不相容Mutual independence, 互相独立Natural boundary, 自然边界Natural dead, 自然死亡Natural zero, 自然零Negative correlation, 负相关Negative linear correlation, 负线性相关Negatively skewed, 负偏Newman-Keuls method, q检验NK method, q检验No statistical significance, 无统计意义Nominal variable, 名义变量Nonconstancy of variability, 变异的非定常性Nonlinear regression, 非线性相关Nonparametric statistics, 非参数统计Nonparametric test, 非参数检验Nonparametric tests, 非参数检验Normal deviate, 正态离差Normal distribution, 正态分布Normal equation, 正规方程组Normal P-P, 正态概率分布图Normal Q-Q, 正态概率单位分布图Normal ranges, 正常范围Normal value, 正常值Normalization 归一化Nuisance parameter, 多余参数/讨厌参数Null hypothesis, 无效假设Numerical variable, 数值变量Objective function, 目标函数Observation unit, 观察单位Observed value, 观察值One sided test, 单侧检验One-way analysis of variance, 单因素方差分析Oneway ANOVA , 单因素方差分析Open sequential trial, 开放型序贯设计Optrim, 优切尾Optrim efficiency, 优切尾效率Order statistics, 顺序统计量Ordered categories, 有序分类Ordinal logistic regression , 序数逻辑斯蒂回归Ordinal variable, 有序变量Orthogonal basis, 正交基Orthogonal design, 正交试验设计Orthogonality conditions, 正交条件ORTHOPLAN, 正交设计Outlier cutoffs, 离群值截断点Outliers, 极端值OVERALS , 多组变量的非线性正规相关Overshoot, 迭代过度Paired design, 配对设计Paired sample, 配对样本Pairwise slopes, 成对斜率Parabola, 抛物线Parallel tests, 平行试验Parameter, 参数Parametric statistics, 参数统计Parametric test, 参数检验Pareto, 直条构成线图(又称佩尔托图)Partial correlation, 偏相关Partial regression, 偏回归Partial sorting, 偏排序Partials residuals, 偏残差Pattern, 模式PCA(主成分分析)Pearson curves, 皮尔逊曲线Peeling, 退层Percent bar graph, 百分条形图Percentage, 百分比Percentile, 百分位数Percentile curves, 百分位曲线Periodicity, 周期性Permutation, 排列P-estimator, P估计量Pie graph, 构成图,饼图Pitman estimator, 皮特曼估计量Pivot, 枢轴量Planar, 平坦Planar assumption, 平面的假设PLANCARDS, 生成试验的计划卡PLS(偏最小二乘法)Point estimation, 点估计Poisson distribution, 泊松分布Polishing, 平滑Polled standard deviation, 合并标准差Polled variance, 合并方差Polygon, 多边图Polynomial, 多项式Polynomial curve, 多项式曲线Population, 总体Population attributable risk, 人群归因危险度Positive correlation, 正相关Positively skewed, 正偏Posterior distribution, 后验分布Power of a test, 检验效能Precision, 精密度Predicted value, 预测值Preliminary analysis, 预备性分析Principal axis factoring,主轴因子法Principal component analysis, 主成分分析Prior distribution, 先验分布Prior probability, 先验概率Probabilistic model, 概率模型probability, 概率Probability density, 概率密度Product moment, 乘积矩/协方差Profile trace, 截面迹图Proportion, 比/构成比Proportion allocation in stratified random sampling,按比例分层随机抽样Proportionate, 成比例Proportionate sub-class numbers, 成比例次级组含量Prospective study, 前瞻性调查Proximities, 亲近性Pseudo F test, 近似F检验Pseudo model, 近似模型Pseudosigma, 伪标准差Purposive sampling, 有目的抽样QR decomposition, QR分解Quadratic approximation, 二次近似Qualitative classification, 属性分类Qualitative method, 定性方法Quantile-quantile plot, 分位数-分位数图/Q-Q图Quantitative analysis, 定量分析Quartile, 四分位数Quick Cluster, 快速聚类Radix sort, 基数排序Random allocation, 随机化分组Random blocks design, 随机区组设计Random event, 随机事件Randomization, 随机化Range, 极差/全距Rank correlation, 等级相关Rank sum test, 秩和检验Rank test, 秩检验Ranked data, 等级资料Rate, 比率Ratio, 比例Raw data, 原始资料Raw residual, 原始残差Rayleigh's test, 雷氏检验Rayleigh's Z, 雷氏Z值Reciprocal, 倒数Reciprocal transformation, 倒数变换Recording, 记录Redescending estimators, 回降估计量Reducing dimensions, 降维Re-expression, 重新表达Reference set, 标准组Region of acceptance, 接受域Regression coefficient, 回归系数Regression sum of square, 回归平方和Rejection point, 拒绝点Relative dispersion, 相对离散度Relative number, 相对数Reliability, 可靠性Reparametrization, 重新设置参数Replication, 重复Report Summaries, 报告摘要Residual sum of square, 剩余平方和residual variance (剩余方差)Resistance, 耐抗性Resistant line, 耐抗线Resistant technique, 耐抗技术R-estimator of location, 位置R估计量R-estimator of scale, 尺度R估计量Retrospective study, 回顾性调查Ridge trace, 岭迹Ridit analysis, Ridit分析Rotation, 旋转Rounding, 舍入Row, 行Row effects, 行效应Row factor, 行因素RXC table, RXC表Sample, 样本Sample regression coefficient, 样本回归系数Sample size, 样本量Sample standard deviation, 样本标准差Sampling error, 抽样误差SAS(Statistical analysis system ), SAS统计软件包Scale, 尺度/量表Scatter diagram, 散点图Schematic plot, 示意图/简图Score test, 计分检验Screening, 筛检SEASON, 季节分析Second derivative, 二阶导数Second principal component, 第二主成分SEM (Structural equation modeling), 结构化方程模型Semi-logarithmic graph, 半对数图Semi-logarithmic paper, 半对数格纸Sensitivity curve, 敏感度曲线Sequential analysis, 贯序分析Sequence, 普通序列图Sequential data set, 顺序数据集Sequential design, 贯序设计Sequential method, 贯序法Sequential test, 贯序检验法Serial tests, 系列试验Short-cut method, 简捷法Sigmoid curve, S形曲线Sign function, 正负号函数Sign test, 符号检验Signed rank, 符号秩Significant Level, 显著水平Significance test, 显著性检验Significant figure, 有效数字Simple cluster sampling, 简单整群抽样Simple correlation, 简单相关Simple random sampling, 简单随机抽样Simple regression, 简单回归simple table, 简单表Sine estimator, 正弦估计量Single-valued estimate, 单值估计Singular matrix, 奇异矩阵Skewed distribution, 偏斜分布Skewness, 偏度Slash distribution, 斜线分布Slope, 斜率Smirnov test, 斯米尔诺夫检验Source of variation, 变异来源Spearman rank correlation, 斯皮尔曼等级相关Specific factor, 特殊因子Specific factor variance, 特殊因子方差Spectra , 频谱Spherical distribution, 球型正态分布Spread, 展布SPSS(Statistical package for the social science),SPSS统计软件包Spurious correlation, 假性相关Square root transformation, 平方根变换Stabilizing variance, 稳定方差Standard deviation, 标准差Standard error, 标准误Standard error of difference, 差别的标准误Standard error of estimate, 标准估计误差Standard error of rate, 率的标准误Standard normal distribution, 标准正态分布Standardization, 标准化Starting value, 起始值Statistic, 统计量Statistical control, 统计控制Statistical graph, 统计图Statistical inference, 统计推断Statistical table, 统计表Steepest descent, 最速下降法Stem and leaf display, 茎叶图Step factor, 步长因子Stepwise regression, 逐步回归Storage, 存Strata, 层(复数)Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Stratified sampling, 分层抽样Strength, 强度Stringency, 严密性Structural relationship, 结构关系Studentized residual, 学生化残差/t化残差Sub-class numbers, 次级组含量Subdividing, 分割Sufficient statistic, 充分统计量Sum of products, 积和Sum of squares, 离差平方和Sum of squares about regression, 回归平方和Sum of squares between groups, 组间平方和Sum of squares of partial regression, 偏回归平方和Sure event, 必然事件Survey, 调查Survival, 生存分析Survival rate, 生存率Suspended root gram, 悬吊根图Symmetry, 对称Systematic error, 系统误差Systematic sampling, 系统抽样Tags, 标签Tail area, 尾部面积Tail length, 尾长Tail weight, 尾重Tangent line, 切线Target distribution, 目标分布Taylor series, 泰勒级数Test(检验)Test of linearity, 线性检验Tendency of dispersion, 离散趋势Testing of hypotheses, 假设检验Theoretical frequency, 理论频数Time series, 时间序列Tolerance interval, 容忍区间Tolerance lower limit, 容忍下限Tolerance upper limit, 容忍上限Torsion, 扰率Total sum of square, 总平方和Total variation, 总变异Transformation, 转换Treatment, 处理Trend, 趋势Trend of percentage, 百分比趋势Trial, 试验Trial and error method, 试错法。
数学专业英语词汇(L)l distribution l分布l function l函数l integral勒贝格积分l measurable function勒贝格可测函数l null set l零集l'hospital rule洛必达规则labeled graph标号图labile不稳定的laboratory system of coordinates实验室坐标系labyrinth迷宫lacation principle介值定理lacunarity缺项性lacunary series间隙级数lacunary space缺项空间lag延迟lag correlation滞后相关lag correlation coefficient滞后相关系数lag covariance落后协方差lag of phase相位滞后lag regression落后回归lagrange bracket拉格朗日括号lagrange equation of motion拉格朗日运动方程lagrange interpolation formula拉格朗日插置公式lagrange interpolation polynomial拉格郎日插值多项式lagrange multiplier拉格朗日乘子lagrange problem拉格朗日问题lagrange remainder term拉格朗日剩余项lagrange residual term拉格朗日剩余项lagrange theorem拉格朗日定理lagrangian拉格朗日算子lagrangian function拉格朗日算子lagrangian operator拉格朗日算符laguerre differential equation拉盖尔微分方程laguerre function拉盖尔函数laguerre polynomial拉盖尔多项式lambert series兰伯特级数lame equation拉梅方程lame function拉梅函数laminar薄层的laminar flow层流片流landau symbol兰道记号landen transformation兰登变换language of formula公式语言laplace beltrami operator拉普拉斯贝尔特拉米算子laplace distribution拉普拉斯分布laplace equation拉普拉斯方程laplace expansion拉普拉斯展开laplace expansion theorem拉普拉斯展开定理laplace integral拉普拉斯积分laplace linear equation拉普拉斯线性方程laplace transform拉普拉斯变换laplacian拉普拉斯算子laplacian equation拉普拉斯方程large sample analysis大样本分析large sample test大样本检验last multiplier最后乘子last term末项latency潜在latent潜在的lateral横的lateral area侧面积lateral surface侧面latin cube拉丁立方latin rectangle拉丁矩形latin square拉丁方latitude纬度lattice格子;格lattice constant点阵常数lattice design格子设计lattice distribution格分布lattice function点阵函数lattice isomorphism格同构lattice matrix点阵矩阵lattice of sets集格lattice operation格运算lattice ordered group格序群lattice point at the boundary边界格点lattice theoretic格论的lattice theory格论latticehomomorphism格同态latus rectum通径laue's equations劳卮方程laurent series罗郎级数law法则law of commutation交换律law of composition合成律law of cosines余弦定律law of deduction演绎定律law of double negation双重否定律law of errors误差律law of excluded middle排中律law of exponentiation指数定律law of inertia惯性律law of iterated logarithm迭对数定律law of large numbers大数定律law of similarity transformation相似变换律law of sines正弦定律law of small numbers小数定律law of tangents正切定律laws of integral exponents整指数定律leading coefficient首项系数leading diagonal衷角线leading ideal猪想leading term知项leaf叶least common denominator最小公分母least common left multiple左最小公倍数least common multiple最小公倍数least common right multiple右最小公倍数least significant digit最小有效数字least squares approximation最小二乘逼近least squares estimator最小二乘估计量least upper bound最小上界lebesgue area勒贝格面积lebesgue decomposition勒贝格分解lebesgue integrable勒贝格可积的lebesgue integral勒贝格积分lebesgue measurable勒贝格可测的lebesgue measure勒贝格测度lebesgue number勒贝格数lebesgue space勒贝格空间lebesgue stieltjes integral勒贝格斯蒂尔吉斯积分left adjoint左伴随的left adjoint homomorphism左伴随同态left almost periodic function左殆周期函数left alternative division ring左交错可除环left alternative law左交错律left alternative ring左交错环left annihilator左零化子left artinian ring左阿廷环left associated element左相伴元素left balanced functor左平衡函子left closed object在闭对象left completion左完备化left continuous左方连续的left continuous function左连续函数left coset左陪集left coset space左傍系空间left derivative左导数left derived functor左导函子left differential左微分left direct product左直积left directed quasiorder逆有向拟序left distributive左分配的left distributive law左分配律left divisor左因子left end point左端点left exact functor左正合函子left exactness左正合性left faithful functor左一一的函子left hand differentiable function左可微函数left hand lower dini derivative左下狄尼导数left hand side左边left hand symmetrizable kernel左方可对称化核left hand upper dini derivative左上狄尼导数left handed co ordinate system左手坐标系left handed curve左旋曲线left handed system左手坐标系left hereditary ring左遗传环left homotopy inverse左同伦逆元left ideal左理想left identity element左幺元left injective dimension左内射维数left inner product左内积left invariant mean左不变平均值left invariant measure左不变测度left inverse左逆的left inverse element左逆元left inverse matrix左逆阵left inverse operator左逆算子left invertible element左可逆元left invertible mapping左可逆映射left isolated point左孤立点left kernel左核left length左长left limit value左极限值left linear topology左线性拓扑left localization左局部化left mean左平均left module左模left monotonicity左单翟left multiplication ring左乘环left noetherian semigroup左诺特半群left non zerodivisor左非零因子left operator左算子left order左整环left periodic group左周期群left primitive ideal左本原理想left primitive ring左本原环left projective space左射影空间left quasi inverse左拟逆元left quasi regularity左拟正则性left quasi simple ring左拟单环left quasigroup左拟群left quotient左商left quotient field左商域left quotient ring左商环left radical左根基left regular element左正则元素left regular representation左正则表示left regularity左正则性left remainder左剩余left representation左表示left resolution左分解left satellite左卫星函子left semihereditary ring左半遗传环left semilinear mapping左半线性映射left side contiuous function左连续函数left side derivative左导数left side half open interval左半开区间left side limit value左极限值left sided decomposition左分解left simple groupoid左单广群left simple semigroup左单半群left tensor product左张量乘积left topology左拓扑left translation左平移left zero divisor左零因子leg of a right triangle直角三角形的侧边legendre function勒让德函数legendre polynomial勒让德多项式legendre relation勒让德关系legendre symbol勒让德记号legendre transform勒让德变换leibniz series莱布尼兹级数leibniz theorem莱布尼兹定理lemma引理lemniscate双纽线lemniscate function双纽线函数lemniscate of bernoulli伯努利双纽线length长度length of arc弧长length of curve曲线的长length of normal法线的长length of queue队列长度length of tangent切线的长length of vector向量的长length unit长度单位lens透镜lens space透镜空间leptokurtic distribution尖峰态分布less than or equal小于或等于letter文字level水准level curve阶层曲线level line等高线level plane水准面level surface等位面lever杠杆levi decomposition列维分解levi problem列维问题lexicographic词典的lexicographic order字典顺序liapunov function李雅普诺夫函数library厍library subroutine库存子程序lie algebra李代数lie continuous group李连续群lie derivative李导数lie group李群lie homomorphism李同态lie ring李环lie series李级数lie subring李子环life insurance寿命保险life table死亡率表life time生存时间lifting提升lifting map提升映射lifting theorem提升定理like term同类项likelihood似然likelihood function似然函数likelihood ratio似然比likelihood ratio test似然比值检验limacon of pascal帕斯卡蚶线limes inferior下极限limes superior上极限limit极限limit case极限情况limit circle极限圆limit circle type极限圆型limit cycle极限环limit distribution极限分布limit element极限元limit function极限函数limit in the sense of pointwise convergence点态收敛极限limit of efficiency有效极限limit of error误差限度limit of integration积分极限limit of proportionality比例极限limit on the left左极限limit on the right右极限limit ordinal number极限序数limit point极限点limit point type极限点型limit relation极限关系limit theorem极限定理limit theorem in probability theory概率论极限定理limit value极限值limitation限制limited有界的limited function有界函数limiting cone极限锥limiting distribution极限分布limiting point极限点limiting position极限位置limitless无界的limits of integration积分限line线line at infinity无穷远线line bundle线丛line coordinates线坐标line critical graph线临界图line element线素line graph线图line integral线积分line of curvature曲率线line of discontinuity不连续线line of horizon水平线line of intersection交线line of nodes交点线line of steepest descent最速下降线line of vector向量线line segment线段linear线的linear acceleration线性加速度linear algebra线性代数linear approximation线性近似linear approximation problem线性逼近问题linear associative algebra线性结合代数linear closure线性闭包linear combination线性组合linear convergence线性收敛linear density线密度linear dependence线性关系linear difference equation线性差分方程linear differential equation线性微分方程linear differential equation with constant coefficients常系数线性微分方程linear dimension线性维数linear eigenvalue problem线性特盏问题linear equation线性方程linear extrapolation线性外插linear form线性形式linear fractional function单应函数linear fractional transformation线性分式变换linear function线性函数linear functional线性泛函linear genus线性狂linear group线性群linear homogeneous equation线性齐次方程linear hull线性闭包linear independence线性无关linear integral equation线性积分方程linear integral equation of the third kind第三种线性积分方程linear interpolation线性插值linear isomorphism线性同构linear manifold线性廖linear map线性映射linear measure线性测度linear operator线性算子linear optimization线性最优化linear optimization problem线性最优化问题linear order线性有序类linear orderedness线性次序linear ordinary differential equation线性常微分方程linear pencil线性束linear programming线性规划linear quotient optimization线性商最优化linear regression线性回归linear relationship线性关系linear space线性空间linear subspace线性子空间linear subsystem线性子系linear system线性系linear system of curves线性曲线系linear system of differential equations线性微分方程系linear transformation线性变换linear vector function线性向量函数linear velocity线速度linearity线性linearization线性化linearly dependent set线性相关集linearly dependent system线性相关集linearly independent set线性无关系linearly independent system线性无关系linearly ordered class线性有序类linearly ordered set线性有序集link group连接群liouville number刘维尔数liouville theorem刘维尔定理lipschitz condition李普希茨条件lipschitz constant李普希茨常数lipschitz continuity李普希茨连续性lipschitz continuous function李普希茨连续函数lipschitz space李普希茨空间listing knot8字纽结liter升literal constant文字常数literal expression文字式litre升lituus连锁螺线load载荷load curve载荷曲线lobachevski space双曲空间lobachevskian geometry双曲几何学local arcwise connectedness局部弧连通性local base局部基local betti group局部贝蒂群local borel set局部波莱尔集local class field theory局部类域论local compactness局部紧性local condition局部条件local continuity局部连续性local convergence局部收敛local coordinate system局部坐标系local degree局部次数local degree of map局部映射度local extremum局部极值local group局部群local isomorphism局部同构local lie group局部李群local limit theorem局部极限定理local lipschitz condition局部李普希茨条件local maximum局部极大local minimum局部极小local parameter局部参数local property局部性质local ring局部环local ringed space局部环式空间local uniformization局部单值化local uniformizing局部单值化localization局部化localization principle局部化原理localizing subcategory局部化子范畴locally analytic function局部解析函数locally arcwise connected space局部弧连通空间locally bounded function局部有界函数locally closed set局部闭集locally compact mapping局部紧映射locally compact space局部紧空间locally connected continuum局部连通连续统locally connected set局部连通集locally connected space局部连通空间locally constant function局部常值函数locally constant sheaf局部常数层locally contractible space局部可缩空间locally convex algebra局部凸代数locally convex space局部凸空间locally convex topology局部凸拓扑locally euclidean connection局部欧几里得联通locally euclidean group局部欧几里得群locally euclidean manifold局部欧几里得廖locally euclidean space局部欧几里得空间locally finite category局部有限范畴locally finite complex局部有限复形locally finite family of sets局部有限集族locally finite graph局部有限图locally finite sum局部有限和locally flat局部平坦的locally free sheaf局部自由层locally homomorphic function局部同态函数locally pathconnected space局部道路连通空间locally regular confidence region局部正则置信区域locally separable space局部可分空间locally soluble group局部可解群locally trivial embedding局部平凡嵌入locally unbiased test局部无偏检验locally uniformizing parameter局部单值化参数locally uniformly convergent sequence局部一致收敛序列locally zero function局部零函数location存储单元location parameter位置参数location principle介值locus轨迹log curve对数曲线log log paper重对数坐标纸logarithm对数logarithm table对数表logarithm to the base10常用对数logarithm to the basese讷代对数logarithmic对数的logarithmic branchpoint对数分歧点logarithmic convexity对数凸性logarithmic coordinates对数座标logarithmic curve对数曲线logarithmic decrement对数衰减logarithmic derivative对数导数logarithmic distribution对数分布logarithmic equation对数方程logarithmic function对数函数logarithmic integral对数积分logarithmic normal distribution对数正态分布logarithmic paper对数坐标纸logarithmic potential对数位势logarithmic residue对数残数logarithmic scale对数尺度logarithmic series对数级数logarithmic singularity对数奇点logarithmic slide rule对数计算尺logarithmic spiral对数螺线logarithmic table对数表logic逻辑logic calculus逻辑学logic of pocket calculator袖珍计算机的逻辑logic of relations关系逻辑logic product合取logic sum析取logical逻辑的logical circuit逻辑电路logical comparison逻辑比较logical diagram逻辑图logical element逻辑元件logical operation逻辑运算logical paradox逻辑悖论logical shift逻辑移位logical symbol逻辑符号logical variable逻辑变量logically true proposition逻辑地真命题logicism逻辑皱logico mathematical model逻辑数学模型logistic暹辑斯谛logistic curve逻辑斯谛曲线logistic system形式系统lognormal distribution对数正态分布longitude经度longitudinal经度的longitudinal axis纵向轴loop闭路loop of a curve曲线的闭路loop space圈空间lopology of the uniformity一致拓扑lorentz group洛伦茨群lorentz transformation洛伦茨变换loss损失loss function损失函数loss system损失系统lot一批lot tolerance fraction defective批容许废品率low of cosines余弦定律lower approximate limit下近似极限lower bound下界lower central series降中心列lower class下类lower control limit下控制界限lower darboux integral达布下积分lower darboux sum达布下和lower density下密度lower dini derivative狄尼下导数lower envelope下包络lower half plane下半平面lower integral下积分lower limit下限lower limit of integration积分的下极限lower measure内测度lower order低位lower pure value下方值lower quartile第一四分位数lower semi modular lattice下半模格lower semicontinuity下半连续性lower semicontinuous decomposition下半连续分解lower semicontinuous function下半连续函数lower semilattice下半格lower sum下和lower triangular matrix下三角形矩阵lower value下方值lower variation负变差lowest common denominator最小公分母lowest common multiple最低公倍数lowest term最低项loxodrome斜驶曲线loxodromic matrix斜驶矩阵loxodromic spiral斜驶曲线loxodromic transformation斜驶变换lozenge diagram菱形图形lune弓形。
Unlocking the Chains of FreedomIn the pursuit of freedom,one might find it paradoxical that the very concept of freedom can sometimes be the very chains that bind us.The English essay that follows explores the complexities of freedom and the metaphorical locks that we must unlock to truly experience it.The notion of freedom is often romanticized as the ultimate goal of human existence.It is the cornerstone of democracy and the driving force behind countless revolutions and social movements.However,true freedom is not a simple,onedimensional concept.It is multifaceted and can be elusive,even when it seems within reach.Firstly,the lock of societal expectations can be a formidable barrier to freedom.From a young age,individuals are often subjected to the pressures of fitting into predefined roles and meeting the aspirations of family,peers,and society at large.This can lead to a life lived in the shadow of others desires,rather than ones own.To unlock this lock,one must cultivate the courage to forge their own path,even if it diverges from the norm.Secondly,the chains of fear can also impede the journey towards freedom.Fear of failure, rejection,or the unknown can hold individuals captive,preventing them from taking risks and embracing new experiences.Overcoming this fear requires a shift in mindset, embracing the possibility of failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. Another lock that binds us is the illusion of control.The desire to control every aspect of our lives and the world around us can be a heavy burden.It is important to recognize that true freedom lies in accepting the unpredictability of life and adapting to change,rather than trying to micromanage every situation.Moreover,the lock of materialism can also restrict our freedom.In a consumerdriven society,the pursuit of wealth and possessions can become an allconsuming goal. However,accumulating material wealth does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment.To unlock this lock,one must prioritize experiences,relationships,and personal growth over material gain.The final lock to consider is the internal lock of selfdoubt and selflimiting beliefs.Often, the most significant barriers to freedom are those we impose upon ourselves.To break free from these chains,individuals must engage in selfreflection and challenge their own beliefs and assumptions.Embracing a growth mindset and believing in ones own capabilities can be a powerful catalyst for change.In conclusion,the journey towards true freedom is a complex and personal one,filled with metaphorical locks that must be unlocked.By confronting societal expectations, overcoming fear,letting go of the need for control,rejecting materialism,and challenging selfdoubt,individuals can begin to experience the rich and fulfilling life that freedom promises.It is a continuous process of selfdiscovery and growth,one that requires courage,resilience,and a willingness to embrace the unknown.。
畅通生命通道 英语作文
畅通生命通道英语作文Clearing the Pathways of LifeLife is a journey filled with countless pathways, each leading us towards new experiences, challenges, and opportunities. However, as we navigate these pathways, we often encounter obstacles that hinder our progress and prevent us from reaching our full potential. These obstacles can take many forms – physical, emotional, or mental – and can significantly impact our ability to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.One of the most critical pathways we must clear is the one that leads to our own well-being. This pathway encompasses our physical, mental, and emotional health, and it is essential that we prioritize its maintenance and upkeep. Far too often, we find ourselves caught up in the demands of daily life, neglecting the needs of our own bodies and minds. We may struggle with issues such as chronic stress, poor sleep, unhealthy eating habits, or a lack of physical activity, all of which can have a detrimental effect on our overall well-being.To clear this pathway, we must make a conscious effort to prioritize self-care. This may involve incorporating regular exercise into our routines, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or seeking professional support for any mental health concerns. It may also mean taking the time to nourish our bodies with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods and ensuring that we get enough rest and relaxation. By doing so, we can not only improve our physical and mental health but also enhance our ability to navigate the other pathways of life with greater clarity and resilience.Another critical pathway to clear is the one that leads to our relationships with others. Our connections with family, friends, and community play a vital role in our overall well-being and fulfillment. However, these relationships can often become strained or even severed due to various factors, such as miscommunication, unresolved conflicts, or a lack of empathy and understanding.To clear this pathway, we must focus on developing and maintaining healthy, supportive relationships. This may involve actively listening to others, practicing effective communication skills, and being willing to engage in difficult conversations when necessary. It may also mean setting healthy boundaries, learning to manage conflicts constructively, and cultivating a sense of empathy and compassion towards those around us.By clearing the pathway to healthy relationships, we can not only strengthen our social connections but also tap into the immense power of human connection. Studies have shown that strong social ties are associated with improved physical and mental health, increased longevity, and a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life.Another crucial pathway to clear is the one that leads to our personal growth and development. Throughout our lives, we are constantly presented with opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve as individuals. However, these opportunities can often be overshadowed by the demands of daily life or our own fears andself-limiting beliefs.To clear this pathway, we must cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and self-improvement. This may involve seeking out new experiences, challenging ourselves to step outside our comfort zones, or engaging in activities that expand our knowledge and skills. It may also mean addressing any limiting beliefs or negative self-talk that may be holding us back from reaching our full potential.By clearing the pathway to personal growth, we can not only enhance our own sense of fulfillment and accomplishment but also contribute to the betterment of the world around us. As we grow and evolve, we can use our newfound knowledge and skills to makea positive impact on our communities and the global society.Finally, one of the most important pathways to clear is the one that leads to our spiritual and existential well-being. This pathway encompasses our search for meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than ourselves. It is a deeply personal and often complex journey, one that can be influenced by our cultural, religious, or philosophical beliefs.To clear this pathway, we must be willing to engage in deep self-reflection and exploration. This may involve practices such as meditation, contemplation, or engaging with spiritual or philosophical texts. It may also mean seeking out the guidance of spiritual leaders, mentors, or communities that can provide support and perspective on our journey.By clearing the pathway to spiritual and existential well-being, we can cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. We can also develop a greater appreciation for the interconnectednessof all things and our role within the larger tapestry of existence.In conclusion, the pathways of life are many and varied, each presenting its own unique challenges and opportunities. By taking a proactive approach to clearing these pathways – through self-care, healthy relationships, personal growth, and spiritual/existentialexploration – we can unlock our full potential and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It is a lifelong journey, to be sure, but one that is well worth the effort. So let us embrace the task of clearing the pathways of life, and embark on a journey of personal and collective transformation.。
万物皆有可能的英语All Things Are Possible: Unlocking the Power of Unwavering Belief.In the realm of human existence, where dreamsintertwine with reality, the concept of possibility holds immense sway. From the lofty aspirations that ignite our hearts to the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that test our limits, our belief in what is possible shapes the very fabric of our lives.The phrase "all things are possible" echoes through the corridors of history, whispering tales of extraordinary achievements and inspiring countless individuals to transcend perceived boundaries. This timeless adage serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, the realm of the possible extends far beyond our current grasp.But what does it truly mean to embrace the belief thatall things are possible? Is it simply a matter of wishful thinking or does it require a profound shift in mindset? To delve into these questions, we must embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the transformative power of unwavering belief.The Psychology of Possibility.At the core of possibility lies the human mind, a complex and enigmatic organ capable of both extraordinary feats and self-limiting beliefs. Our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations play a pivotal role in shaping our perception of the world and the possibilities it holds.Cognitive psychologists have identified a phenomenon known as "cognitive bias," which refers to the tendency of our minds to distort information in ways that reinforce our existing beliefs. This bias can lead us to overlook evidence that contradicts our expectations and to perceive obstacles as insurmountable.To break free from the confines of cognitive bias andopen ourselves to the realm of possibility, we must cultivate a mindset of openness and curiosity. We must challenge our assumptions, embrace new perspectives, and seek out experiences that expand our understanding of the world.The Power of Positive Thinking.The notion of positive thinking has gained significant traction in recent years, and for good reason. Research has shown that positive emotions can boost creativity, enhance problem-solving abilities, and strengthen our resilience in the face of challenges.When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives and the possibilities that lie ahead, our minds become more receptive to new ideas and opportunities. This positive mindset creates a fertile ground for growth and innovation, empowering us to envision and achieve outcomes that once seemed impossible.Overcoming Obstacles: The Role of Persistence.The path to achieving our goals is rarely smooth. Obstacles and setbacks are an inevitable part of life, and it is how we respond to these challenges that ultimately determines our success or failure.Unwavering belief in the possibility of overcoming obstacles is an essential ingredient for achieving extraordinary results. When confronted with adversity, those who possess this belief do not give up easily. They recognize that setbacks are temporary and that with persistence and determination, they can find a way to triumph.History is replete with examples of individuals who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through sheer grit and determination. From Helen Keller's triumph over blindness and deafness to Nelson Mandela's unwavering fight against apartheid, these stories serve as a testament to the transformative power of unwavering belief.The Importance of Taking Action.While belief is a powerful force, it is only through action that we can truly turn our dreams into reality. Taking action, no matter how small, signals to our minds that we are committed to achieving our goals. It creates momentum and propels us forward, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.The act of taking action also provides us with valuable feedback that can help us refine our strategies and adjust our course as needed. Through trial and error, we learn from our mistakes and develop a deeper understanding of what is possible.Embracing Possibility in All Aspects of Life.The belief that all things are possible is not limited to grand aspirations or extraordinary feats. It can be applied to every aspect of our lives, from our personal relationships to our professional endeavors.In our relationships, embracing possibility allows usto approach conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to forgive. It empowers us to see the potential in others and to foster meaningful connections that enrich our lives.In our careers, embracing possibility opens up new avenues for growth and innovation. It encourages us to take risks, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of whatis considered achievable. By believing in our own abilities and the possibility of success, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy that propels us towards our goals.Conclusion.The belief that all things are possible is a powerful force that can transform our lives. It empowers us to overcome obstacles, embrace challenges, and achieve outcomes that once seemed impossible. By cultivating a mindset of openness, embracing positive thinking, and taking persistent action, we unlock the limitless potential that lies within us.Remember, the realm of possibility extends far beyondour current grasp. By believing in ourselves and the power of unwavering belief, we can shatter the chains of limitation and create a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and extraordinary achievements.。
认清自己突破界限英语作文Breakthrough Barriers: Embracing Self-Awareness for Limitless Growth.In the tapestry of human existence, boundaries often emerge as formidable obstacles, hindering our progress and limiting our potential. Yet, within the depths of our being lies an untapped wellspring of self-awareness, a key capable of unlocking the shackles of our self-imposed constraints and propelling us towards boundless growth. By embracing this profound insight, we can shatter thebarriers that confine us and soar to heights previously unimaginable.Self-awareness, the ability to objectively observe our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, serves as the cornerstone of personal transformation. It illuminates the hidden corners of our psyche, revealing both our strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this newfound understanding, we can begin to challenge limiting beliefs, dismantle outdatedpatterns, and forge a path towards a life aligned with our true selves.Breaking through barriers requires courage and determination. It demands that we confront our fears head-on, embrace vulnerability, and step outside of our comfort zones. The process is not without its trials and tribulations, but the rewards far outweigh the risks. By stepping into the unknown, we expand our horizons, cultivate resilience, and open ourselves up to experiences that enrich and empower us.One of the most prevalent barriers we encounter is the fear of failure. This insidious emotion can paralyze us with doubt and prevent us from taking risks that could potentially lead to significant growth. However, by reframing failure as an essential stepping stone on the path to success, we can transform our perception and embrace it as an opportunity for learning and refinement. Each setback provides valuable lessons that can inform our future actions and propel us towards our goals.Another common barrier is the constant comparison of ourselves to others. In an era of social media, it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives and accomplishments to those we see online. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy or envy, which can sabotage ourself-esteem and hinder our progress. Breaking this cycle requires a conscious effort to appreciate our own unique journey and to focus on our own growth, rather thanstriving to meet external standards.Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most insidious barriers we confront. These deeply ingrained beliefs about our capabilities and potential can hold us back from achieving our full potential. They can lead us to believe that we are not capable of success, not deserving of happiness, or not worthy of love. By identifying these beliefs, challenging their validity, and replacing them with empowering thoughts, we can break their hold over us and unlock our true potential.Breaking through barriers is a lifelong endeavor that requires unwavering commitment and a willingness to embracethe unknown. It is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. By cultivating self-awareness, confronting fears, reframing setbacks, and challenging limiting beliefs, we can shatter the barriers that confine us and embark on a path towards boundless growth and fulfillment.As Nelson Mandela once said, "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." This profound quote encapsulates the essence of breaking through barriers. It is not the absence of failures or setbacks that defines our worth, but rather our ability to rise above adversity and emerge stronger and more resilient.In the pursuit of personal growth, we must never lose sight of the transformative power of self-awareness. It is the key that unlocks our potential, empowers us to break through barriers, and guides us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. By embracing this profound insight, we can shatter the confines of our self-imposed limitations and soar towards heights previously unimaginable.。
解开你身上的绳子作文立意英文回答:Unraveling the Bonds that Hold Us Captive.In the tapestry of human existence, we are often ensnared by invisible threads that restrict our freedom and stifle our potential. These bonds, woven from a myriad of sources, both external and internal, can weigh us down, dimming our light and obscuring our true selves. Whether forged by societal expectations, self-limiting beliefs, or the chains of trauma, these ropes entwine around our hearts and minds, holding us captive in a prison of our own making.Breaking free from these confining tethers requires a profound act of introspection, self-awareness, and unwavering determination. It necessitates an unflinching examination of our motivations, fears, and deepest desires. By confronting our shadows and acknowledging our vulnerabilities, we begin to unravel the threads that bindus.Like a skilled weaver, we must patiently and meticulously extract each strand, one at a time. We may encounter resistance, pain, and doubt along the way, but these struggles are essential catalysts for growth and liberation. Each bond we sever brings us closer to our authentic selves, empowering us to forge a path alignedwith our true destiny.The act of unraveling our bonds is not a one-time event but an ongoing journey of self-discovery and transformation. As we navigate the complexities of life, new challenges and obstacles may arise, requiring us to revisit our inner sanctums and confront new layers of confinement. But with each unraveling, we become more resilient, more self-assured, and more capable of embracing our full potential.中文回答:挣脱身上的绳索。
你曾经恐惧什么英语作文英文回答:Throughout the tapestry of human existence, fear has been an enduring companion, weaving its intricate threads into the fabric of our lives. From the primal instinctsthat guard us against danger to the more nuanced apprehensions that shape our choices, fear is an inevitable aspect of our being.As a child, I was haunted by a particular phobia that cast a long shadow over my youth. The mere thought of spiders, with their spindly legs and venomous fangs, sent shivers down my spine. The sight of one would trigger an overwhelming sense of panic, causing me to freeze in my tracks or flee in terror. This arachnophobia, as it is known, permeated my life, disrupting my sleep, limiting my exploration of the outdoors, and instilling a constant sense of unease.As I grew older, I realized that my fear of spiders was not simply a childish whim but a genuine phobia that required attention. With the support of my family and friends, I embarked on a journey to overcome my arachnophobia. I began by gradually exposing myself to spiders, starting with small, harmless species and working my way up to larger, more fearsome ones. Each encounter, though initially terrifying, helped me to build resilience and rewire my brain's response to these creatures.Over time, my fear gradually diminished, morphing from a paralyzing terror to a manageable apprehension. While I may never fully embrace spiders as cuddly companions, I am now able to approach them with a newfound sense of calmness and curiosity. The journey to overcome my arachnophobia taught me the immense power of confronting our fears, no matter how daunting they may seem.As I reflect on my experience, I recognize that fear is not merely a negative force that holds us back. It can also serve as a catalyst for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. By embracing the challenges posed by our fears,we can unlock hidden strengths and forge a path to a more fulfilling life.中文回答:小时候,我曾经对蜘蛛有种近乎病态的恐惧。
方圆之间天地大作文英文回答:In the vast expanse of existence, where the heavens meet the earth, lies a profound connection known as "fangyuan." This tapestry of space and time, inscribed with the infinite possibilities of being, invites us to ponder the boundless nature of our existence.Fangyuan, often translated as "the square and round," transcends mere geometric shapes. It encapsulates the dynamic interplay between form and emptiness, the finite and the infinite, the tangible and the intangible. Within its embrace, we encounter the paradoxical coexistence of boundaries and limitlessness, the sacred and the mundane.The square represents the physical realm, the tangible world we navigate through our senses. Its sides and corners define our existence, shaping our perceptions and limiting our movements. The round, on the other hand, symbolizes theboundless realm, the unfathomable depths of possibilitythat extend beyond our immediate perception. It is the infinite void where dreams and aspirations take flight, where the potential for growth and transformation lies dormant.Together, the square and the round form a harmonious whole, a cosmic jigsaw puzzle where each piece plays an essential role. The square provides structure and stability, grounding us in the physical world. The round expands our horizons, inviting us to explore the boundless expanse of possibility.In the interplay between fangyuan, we discover the true nature of existence. We learn that boundaries are not meant to confine us but to define us, to give shape to our experiences in the physical realm. And it is in embracing the boundless realms of the round that we unlock the true potential of our being.中文回答:方圆之间,天地大。
犀牛濒临危险英语作文The Endangered RhinoRhinos, majestic creatures that have roamed the Earth for millions of years, are now facing a grave threat to their very existence. These iconic animals, once abundant across Africa and Asia, are now teetering on the brink of extinction due to the relentless poaching and habitat loss they have endured.The primary driver of the rhino's decline is the high demand for their horns in traditional Chinese medicine and as a status symbol in certain Asian countries. Rhino horn is believed to have medicinal properties, despite scientific evidence proving otherwise, and this misconception has fueled a lucrative illegal trade that has decimated rhino populations worldwide.Poachers, armed with sophisticated weapons and often backed by organized criminal syndicates, have ruthlessly targeted rhinos, slaughtering them in their natural habitats. The sheer scale of this poaching crisis is staggering, with hundreds of rhinos being killed each year to satisfy the insatiable demand for their horns.The impact of this relentless poaching has been devastating. The once-thriving populations of rhinos have dwindled to a mere fraction of their former numbers. The black rhino, for instance, has seen its population plummet from an estimated 65,000 individuals in the 1970s to just over 5,500 today. The Javan rhino, one of the rarest mammals on the planet, now numbers fewer than 70 individuals, clinging to survival in a single, heavily guarded national park in Indonesia.The loss of these magnificent creatures is not just a tragedy for the species themselves but also for the delicate ecosystems they inhabit. Rhinos play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their environments, acting as ecosystem engineers and influencing the distribution and abundance of other species. Their disappearance can have far-reaching consequences, disrupting the intricate web of life that sustains these fragile habitats.In addition to the poaching crisis, rhinos also face the looming threat of habitat loss. As human populations continue to expand, the natural habitats of rhinos are being encroached upon, fragmenting their ranges and limiting their access to vital resources. This loss of habitat, combined with the relentless poaching, has made it increasingly difficult for rhino populations to recover and thrive.Despite the grim outlook, there are glimmers of hope in the fight tosave the rhino. Conservation efforts led by dedicated organizations, governments, and local communities have made significant strides in protecting these animals and their habitats. Anti-poaching patrols, improved law enforcement, and community-based conservation initiatives have all contributed to the successful protection of some rhino populations.Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as the use of drones and GPS tracking, have enhanced the ability to monitor and track rhino movements, making it harder for poachers to evade detection. Additionally, efforts to reduce the demand for rhino horn in consumer countries, through education and awareness campaigns, have shown promising results in curbing the illegal trade.However, the battle to save the rhino is far from over. Sustained and coordinated global action is required to address the multifaceted challenges facing these endangered animals. Governments must strengthen their commitment to wildlife conservation, allocating resources and implementing robust policies to protect rhinos and their habitats. Collaboration between nations, conservation organizations, and local communities is crucial in order to tackle the poaching crisis and ensure the long-term survival of these magnificent creatures.As we reflect on the plight of the rhino, we must recognize theprofound impact that our actions, or inactions, can have on the natural world. The loss of the rhino would not only be a devastating ecological tragedy but also a profound moral failure on our part. We have a responsibility to future generations to ensure that these iconic animals are preserved, not just as symbols of our natural heritage but as integral components of the delicate ecosystems that sustain life on our planet.The fight to save the rhino is a battle for the very soul of our planet. It is a call to action, a rallying cry for all of us to come together and take decisive steps to protect these magnificent creatures and the fragile environments they call home. Only through our collective efforts and unwavering commitment can we ensure that the rhino, a living testament to the resilience and beauty of the natural world, will continue to roam the Earth for generations to come.。
认清自我量力而行英语作文Embracing Self-Awareness and the Wisdom of Limitations.In the tapestry of life, self-awareness serves as an invaluable thread, guiding us through the intricate labyrinth of our capabilities and aspirations. It empowers us to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, enabling us to navigate the uncharted waters of existence with wisdom and grace. By embracing self-awareness, we unlock the potential for a fulfilling and purposeful life, grounded in the acceptance of our own finite nature.Limiting beliefs, like insidious shadows, can cast a stifling darkness upon our potential. They whisperinsidious doubts, convincing us that our dreams are beyond our reach. However, it is precisely by acknowledging and challenging these limiting beliefs that we pave the path to personal growth and fulfillment. True strength lies not in denying our limitations, but in embracing them as part of the rich tapestry of our being.By understanding our strengths, we can harness them as powerful tools to shape our destinies. Whether it be an aptitude for analytical thinking, a natural talent for creativity, or an unwavering determination, our unique abilities are the seeds of our potential. Cultivating these strengths through education, practice, and self-belief allows us to make meaningful contributions to the world and live lives of purpose and fulfillment.Equally important is the recognition of our limitations. Far from being a source of shame or defeat, our limitations define the boundaries of our human experience. They remind us of our vulnerability, our mortality, and the interconnectedness of all life. By accepting ourlimitations, we release ourselves from the burden of unrealistic expectations. We gain the freedom to focus our energies on those areas where we can truly excel.It is within this delicate dance between strengths and limitations that we discover the true essence of human potential. By embracing our strengths, we sow the seeds ofgreatness. By acknowledging our limitations, we nurture the wisdom of humility. The interplay of these two forces creates a symphony of self-awareness that guides us towards a life of balance and authenticity.In the realm of personal development, self-awareness is the key that unlocks the door to lasting change. By gaining a deep understanding of our motivations, values, and beliefs, we can align our actions with our deepest desires. We become empowered to make choices that are in harmony with our true selves, rather than those dictated by external pressures or societal expectations.Moreover, self-awareness fosters a profound sense of compassion and understanding for others. When we recognize our own imperfections, we become less judgmental of the shortcomings of others. We develop an empathy that allows us to connect with people from all walks of life, regardless of their differences. This empathy serves as a bridge that builds bridges between individuals and communities, creating a more harmonious and just society.In the grand scheme of things, our time on this Earthis finite. It is a precious gift that we must cherish and make the most of. By embracing self-awareness, we gain the wisdom to prioritize what truly matters in life. We learnto allocate our time and energy to those pursuits thatbring us joy, fulfillment, and connection with others.The journey of self-discovery is an ongoing processthat requires patience, introspection, and a willingness to confront our own shadows. It is a path that leads us to a deeper understanding of ourselves, our place in the world, and the boundless potential that lies within us. By recognizing our strengths and limitations, aligning our actions with our values, and cultivating empathy for others, we unlock the true power of self-awareness and live lives that are authentic, meaningful, and filled with purpose.。
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There is a large number of papers in the queueing literature devoted to analysis of state dependent and time dependent queueing systems as Mt /Mt /1 and Mt /Mt /c and associated with their Markovian queueing networks (e.g., see [23–27]). An analysis of such queueing system is motivated by a wide spectra of practical problems well-known in the literature. For instance, a simple example corresponding to the police dispatching problem is given in [26, p. 60] (see also [15] for further discussion). The Mt /Mt /∞ queue, used for a model of emergency ambulances and intensive care units, is considered in [6]. Other applications are known for client/server computer networks, when arrival and service rates of nodes depend on amount of unfinished work and number of available tasks on server (see, e.g., [2,3,19,20]). Typically, an asymptotic analysis of Mt /Mt /1 and Mt /Mt /c uses differential equations for transition probabilities and asymptotic analysis, as t → ∞, for their solutions. This type of analysis is similar to an investigation of stability for Markov
Queueing Systems 46, 353–361, 2004 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
On Existence of Limiting Distribution for Time-Nonhomogeneous Countable Markov Process
V. ABRAMOV vyachesl@.il Department of Mathematics, The Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, and College of Judea and Samaria, 44837 Ariel, Israel R. LIPTSER liptser@eng.tau.ac.il Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel
λij (t) −
dt < ∞, (1.1)
λij (s)I (λij > 0) ds =
λij (s) ds,
∀t > 0,
and create the matrix with entries λij , i = j and λii = − j =i λij . We assume that the Markov chain with this transition intensity matrix is ergodic. To explain our method with more details, notice that (1.1) guarantees the absolute continuity of the distribution for (t)-Markov chain with respect to the distribution for -Markov chain. It is also assumed that -Markov chain is ergodic but the geometrical ergodicity is not required. We show in theorem 2.1 (section 2) that the above-mentioned absolute continuity of distributions provides the limiting distribution, as t → ∞, for (t)-Markov chain coinciding with the invariant measure of -Markov chain. In section 3, we give the proof of theorem 2.1. In section 4, we show that not only the limiting distribution but also other limiting functionals are the same as for -Markov chain. In section 5, an asymptotic equivalence of (t)-Markov chain to an ergodic birthand-death process is established.
is not required. In contrast to that we assume the existence of nonnegative λij , i = j such that (here λij (t) are entries of (t))
∞ 0 2
λij < ∞,
j =i t 0
Received 15 October 2002; Revised 10 March 2003
Abstract. In this paper, sufficient conditions are given for the existence of limiting distribution of a nonhomogeneous countable Markov chain with time-dependent transition intensity matrix. The method of proof exploits the fact that if the distribution of random process Q = (Qt )t 0 is absolutely continuous with respect to the distribution of ergodic random process Q◦ = (Q◦ t )t 0 , then → π, Qt − where π is the invariant measure of Q◦ . We apply this result for asymptotic analysis, as t → ∞, of a nonhomogeneous countable Markov chain which shares limiting distribution with an ergodic birth-anddeath process. Keywords: countable Markov process, existence of the limiting distribution, birth-and-death process
chain and is associated with a verification of stationarity (quasi-stationarity) (see [1,4,5, 7–10,21,29] and many others. We mention now results related to time-nonhomogeneous stochastic models converging, as t → ∞, to time-homogeneous ones. Although first results were published more than 30 years ago by Gnedenko and Soloviev [12] and Gnedenko [11], a remarkable progress was achieved not a long time ago (see [13,14,16,23,30–36]). In particular, Zeifman developed a number of effective tools, permitting investigate successfully ergodicity conditions for special classes of time-nonhomogeneous birth-and-death processes including Mt /Mt /1, Mt /Mt /S and Mt /Mt /S/0 queues (for further discussion, see [14]). In the present paper, we give sufficient conditions, under which a time-nonhomogeneous countable Markov chain with the transition intensity matrix (t) shares the limiting distribution with time-homogeneous ergodic Markov chain with the transition intensity matrix . Our setting is heavily related to the above-mentioned settings and the result obtained supplements the results from [14,31,32,35,36] (more detailed comparison is given in section 6). The main difference with known approaches to this problem is that the convergence (t) → , t →∞