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Prevent Recurrence Mistake-proof
What is a Kaizen event?
A Kaizen event is a planned event (2 - 5 days) of intense improvement activities directed at specific areas of the business toward a larger goal
How do I do a Kaizen event ?
You do a Kaizen the same way as a DMAIC project and using PDCA as your guide
Cycle of ‘Continual’ Improvement
Kaizens follow a continuing cycle of improvement S = Study the change, assure it is stable – then, improve again!
How is a Kaizen Done? (With Good planning!)
Groundwork Period: (D-Phase/Plan)
The Kaizen Groundwork Period
Determining Areas of Improvement Document current state (performance)
The process of leading a Kaizen however, follows the DMAIC format
Learning Objective
This section seeks to standardize the process of Kaizens in an attempt to provide useful tools allowing ‘first-time’ facilitators to ‘hit the ground running’ with a project of their own. One important concept is to start small and tackle the more complex problems at a later date - once momentum is built and the Kaizen process has been understood
Standardized Operations
What is Kaizen ?
(Ky-Zen) “Continual Improvement”
Kai = Change Zen = Good (for the Better) The Basic Philosophy Is to Involve All Employees in Small, Daily Improvements within their Work Areas.
Kaizen Day 1
Prioritize Actions: (Use Project Prioritization Matrix)
High Priority
Low Cost to Implement
Work Methods (Man)
Low Priority
High Cost to Implement
Kaizen events are essentially narrow-focused, short-term DMAIC projects. These can ALSO be done as part of any Lean, BB or GB project
A Kaizen event is a cycle of improvement
All employees now feel they have a voice in the process!
Planning requires good Project Management
Define (Plan)
Measure (Do) Analyze (Check) Improve & Control (Act)
Kanban Cellular Layout
Set-up Reduction
Kaizen is one of the critical tools within a
Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)
Mistake Proofing
VSM Kaizen events Problem Solving
Benefits of Small Daily Improvements can Add Up
20% (One Time)
1/10 of 1% (Every Day)
20% Improvement (One Time)
1/10 x 250 Workdays 25% Improvement Per Year
Identify Desired Result
Find a Solution
Implement Solution (PILOT first)
Did not achieve
Achieve desired result ?
Some of the tools include a Kaizen Schedule, Kaizen Area Improvement Sheet, 7W and 5S forms, Area Action Form, Prioritization Matrix, and a Problem Record Sheet (These are embedded in the presentation and located in forms section …)
Pull System
1-piece Flow 5S
Benefits of a Kaizen
Teamwork Everyone is able to participate and make improvements No one individual, but a team, make the improvements
Kaizens seek small daily improvements resulting in large yearly savings
Compared to a large-scale DMAIC project, Kaizens focus on short-term “blitzes” to make immediate impact and change (change for the better)
RR e v isee SSttaa n d aarrddss
S ta b ilize P rocess
Expose P ro b le m s
E lim in a te P ro b le m s
Kaizen concentrates on improving several aspects of the business:
and Sponsors
Kaizen Best Practices
No rank on team, each person gets one vote (similar to brainstorming techniques)
Be creative, practical, and open minded to other ideas (“Think outside-of-the-box” and break Paradigms)
Confidence Stronger feelings of self-worth
Empowerment Increased control over the job and work environment which fosters ownership and commitment to the change process
FIRST - Standardize, Do, Check, Act (Ensure process is stable) THEN – Plan (for more improvement), Do, Check, Act
Identify Waste Collect Data
Another methodology: Kaizen
Within the Continuous Improvement tools arena, perhaps none is more critical than Kaizen events. While other lean tools may stand alone, Kaizens seek to change culture and processes through the utilization of many of the lean enterprise principles
Benefits of a Kaizen
Awareness Understanding of broad issues and objectives of the organization as a whole Better understanding of Continuous Improvement and the challenges involved with Change
– Kaizen concentrates on improving several aspects of the business:
▪ Safety
▪ Quality ▪ Speed
Value to Customer
Waste (MudaБайду номын сангаас Elimination
Working to
Takt Time
Kaizen Preliminary Day
Preliminary Day: (D-Phase/Plan)
7W Form
6S Form (Embedded below)
Your Company
Kaizen Day 1
Day 1: M-Phase/Do
Kaizen Day 1
Identify and Track Improvement Actions
Kaizen Day 2
Day 2: Analyze Phase/ Check
Test/ Pilot/ Verify Solutions
Kaizen Day 3
Day 3: Improve & Control Phase (Act) Complete Final Report-out to Management
Communication Improved relations between associates and management
Education Improved problem solving The more you teach someone to fish the more than can feed themselves
Materials Machine
Kaizen Day 1
Take pictures and document the ‘BEFORE’ condition (setup) !! You may also list these on a ‘Problem Record Sheet’