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%Objective: the study was designed to analyze the effect of different frequency vibration training (45Hz, 30Hz) on player’ s core strength and stability in the hope
of exploring new approaches for volleyball strength training, providing references for both the improvement of vibration training method and the development of physical strength training. Methods: the subjects were randomly divided into three groups, the control group (no additional vibration stimulation), 30Hz group, 45Hz group, the training time was 9 weeks. After the ex-periment, the core area strength was tested by the
DAVID core strength test system, and the stability of the core area was tested by the eight stage abdominal bridge. Results:the backward extension strength, forward flexion strength, lateral bending strength, cyclotron strength, hip muscle strength and the stability test indexes of the core area of the experimental group increased more significantly than that of the control group;45Hz group per-formed better than 30Hz group in the tests of backward extension strength, forward flexion strength, hip muscle strength and the stability. There is no significant difference in lateral bending strength and cyclotron strength between the 2 groups. Conclusion:vibration training can improve the core area strength and stability, 45Hz vi-bration frequency is more obvious in improving the core area flexor and extensor strength, hip muscle strength and the core area stability.
【作者单位】北京体育大学,北京 100084; 北京警察学院,北京102202;北京体育大学,北京 100084;北京体育大学,北京 100084
1.不同组合力量训练对男子排球运动员下肢爆发力影响的实验研究 [J], 刘羡
2.不同频率全身振动刺激对运动员下肢肌群力量训练效果的对比研究 [J], 任满迎;
3.不同频率振动刺激对排球运动员力量及平衡能力影响的实验研究 [J], 杜文娅;孙越颖;高峰;颜桂平;庄建财
4.组合训练对专业院校男子排球运动员不同肌群力量的影响 [J], 孙长良
5.组合模式训练对男子排球运动员不同肌群力量的影响 [J], 刘朝宝;李江
