


河南工业大学KAB创业社团河南工业大学KAB创业俱乐部(The KAB Entrepreneur Club of Henan University of Technology)是河南工业大学试点实施的“KAB创业教育拓展计划”文件精神下筹建的公益性校级学生团体组织。













Erik T. Michalson 等〔14〕以 Pd/Al2O3 为催化剂制 备出植物甾烷醇。具体反应如下:向高压反应器加 入 130 g 异丙醇,50 g 植物甾醇,0.75 g Pd/Al2O3(钯 含量为 5%),通入氮气,将压力升到 120 psig,加热到 80 ℃,600 rpm 的磁力搅拌下反应 3 h,产率在 80% 以 上,催化剂能重复使用多次。P. Mkäki–Arvela 等〔15〕 以 Pd/C 催化剂,催化 β– 谷甾醇氢化为 β– 谷甾烷醇。 实验考察了微孔和介孔催化剂的催化性能,4 wt% 的 介孔 Pd/C 催化剂与 5 wt% 的微孔 Pd/C 催化剂相比, 谷甾醇转化率较高和催化剂失活较少。对 4 wt% 介孔 Pd/C 催化剂在反应温度为 60~80 ℃和重复使用下, 进行 β– 谷甾醇氢化为 β– 谷甾烷醇的动力学研究。由 实验可知,磷、硫中毒以及焦化容易导致催化剂失活。
Yang Zhou 等〔25〕不使用溶剂情况下,直接催化合 成植物甾烷醇酯。考察 Lewis 酸―表面活性剂催化剂 对植物甾烷醇和不同的脂肪酸酯化影响,通过实验得 到最佳工艺条件:脂肪酸与植物甾烷醇最佳摩尔比为 2∶1,反应温度为 13 ℃,反应时间为 4 h,1% 的十二烷 基硫酸铜 Cu(DS)2 或十二烷基硫铈 Ce(DS)3 作 为催化剂,最高酯化率为 94%。催化植物甾烷醇与饱 和脂肪酸的反应,Cu(DS)2 催化选择性高于 ZnCl2 和磷钨酸。在合成不饱和脂肪酸植物甾烷醇酯时,Ce (DS)3 能抑制反应中不饱和脂肪酸氧化,催化性能优 于 Cu(DS)2。
2013 年第 26 卷第 10 期
备甾烷醇〔12–13〕。植物甾烷醇降低胆固醇效果优于植 物甾醇,还有许多其他生理作用:抗肿瘤作用;防治 冠心病、动脉粥样硬化的功效;止咳、祛痰作用;可以 预防结肠癌。植物甾烷醇的疏水性比植物甾醇强、稳 定性高、安全性更好,作为功能性食品添加剂更安全。



抗菌肽作用机制的研究进展卢亚丽(河南工业大学,河南,郑州,450001)摘要: 抗菌肽是一类来源于多种生物的多肽, 这类活性多肽多数具有分子量小、强碱性、热稳定性及广谱抗菌的特点,还可以抗真菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗寄生虫,且不易产生抗药性。



关键词:抗菌肽,生物活性,作用机制Research Progress on Mechanism of Antimicrobial PeptidesLU Ya-li(Henan University of Technology, Henan, Zhengzhou, 450001) Abstract Antimicrobial peptides are a class of peptides derived from a variety of organisms. They have many advantages, such as small molecular weight, strong alkali, broad-spectrum antimicrobial, good thermal stability. Moreover, antimicrobial peptides also have the characteristics with anti-fungal, anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-parasitic, and less drug resistance generated. They are important innate immune defense material, and have a good application prospect. In this paper, the biological activity and mechanism of action of antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor, antiviral, antiparasitic were reviewed, and the the problems existed in the research of antibacterial peptides were pointed out, as well as the prospects of development of antibacterial peptides.Key words:antimicrobial peptides, biological activity, mechanism 抗菌肽(antibacterial peptides)也称抗微生物肽、肽类抗生素或天然抗生素, 是自然界中普遍存在的一类阳离子活性多肽,在细菌、植物、昆虫、鱼类、两栖类和哺乳动物中均有分布,是在诱导条件下由动物免疫防卫系统产生的一类对抗外源性病原体致病作用的防御性阳离子肽类活性物质, 抗菌肽具有抵御外界微生物侵害,清除体内突变细胞,是生物天然的、非特异性防御系统的重要组成部分[1]。



拉尼斯-费景汉 模 式
September ,2012, School of Economics and Trade,Henan University of Technology 13
Economics of Development: Dual Economy Model and Rural-Urban Migration
September ,2012, School of Economics and Trade,Henan University of Technology 7
Economics of Development: Dual Economy Model and Rural-Urban Migration
September ,2012, School of Economics and Trade,Henan University of Technology 4
Economics of Development: Dual Economy Model and Rural-Urban Migration
L1 L2 L3
L工业部门 的劳动数量
刘易斯模型实际上描述了一个从传统农业为主的经济向以现代工业 部门为主的经济过渡的整个过程。
September ,2012, School of Economics and Trade,Henan University of Technology 5
Economics of Development: Dual Economy Model and Rural-Urban Migration
L1 L2 L3
L工业部门 的劳动数量
刘易斯模型实际上描述了一个从传统农业为主的经济向以现代工业 部门为主的经济过渡的整个过程。



Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), with a history of nearly 100 years, is the first mining university in Chinese history. Its former is Jiaozuo Coal Mining School which was established by the British Syndicate Co. Ltd., in 1909. It has changed its names several times in the course of development, namely, FuZhong Coal Mining University, Jiaozuo Private Institute of Technology, North-west Institute of Technology, Jiaozuo National Institute of Technology, Jiaozuo Mining Institute and Jiaozuo Institute of Technology. The University resumed its name of Henan Polytechnic University in 2004.During a century’s period, HPU has formed its idea of running school “Educate People and Advocate Academic” and founded the spirit of “Learn Eagerly and Act Diligently”. The university has carried on its excellent traditional thoughts of “Work Hard and Achieve Pragmatic Results, Love China and Love HPU”. The deep cultural accumulation through 100 years and rich education experience laid a solid foundation for its rapid development.The HPU has 2100 teaching staff and workers with 506 professors and associate- professors. 494 of the 1339 teachers have obtained their master degree and doctor degree. There are 6 academicians, 1 Yangzi River scholar, 8 specially-engaged professors 38 government special prize winners and other 80 well-known experts, excellent teachers and model workers.The university has 18 schools and departments and possesses 12 disciplines for awarding doctoral degree and 48 for master’s degree, and 8 course s for engineering master degree. It has 57 undergraduate programs with a total number of 26,972 full-time postgraduates, graduates, undergraduates and 7,000 adult students. It recruits students from 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. From 2006, the university begins to enroll overseas students.For the latest 5 years, HPU has obtained research funds with a total of 200 million yuan, including 60 million in 2005. It takes on 53 programs including No. 973 program, nation-level natural scientific funds program and scientific key program, 1200 provincial-level and other technical-service programs, etc. It first creates Gas Geology in the world and has made great achievements in Exploration and Utilization of Gas Resources and Prevention of Gas Disasters. It establishes the model of Chinese Land Trace Fossil Group and their Deposit Environment, laying a foundation in vestige research in the world. It completes the test system for the highest linear motor drive rope-less elevator.Today, with the glory of 100 years history, all the teachers and students of HPU are dedicating their efforts to the goal of building HPU into a high-level university!。



新加坡教育部承认的中国内地大学People’s Republic of China北京大学 Peking University中国人民大学 RenMin University of China清华大学 Tsing Hua University北京交通大学 Beijing JiaoTong University (Northern Jiaotong University)北京科技大学 University of Science and Technology Beijing南开大学 Nankai University天津大学 Tianjin University天津工业大学 Tianjin Polytechnic University天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology天津师范大学 Tianjin Normal University河北大学 HeBei University河北理工大学 Hebei Polytechnic University燕山大学 Yanshan University河北经贸大学 Hebei University of Economics and Business华北科技学院 North China Institute of Science and Technology大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology东北大学 Northeastern University沈阳大学 ShenYang University辽宁工程技术大学 Liaoning Technical University鞍山科技大学 Anshan University of Science and Technology吉林大学 Jilin University延边大学 YanBian University北华大学 Beihua University长春大学 Changchun University吉林师范大学 Jilin Normal University哈尔滨工业大学 Harbin Institute of Technology黑龙江大学 Heilongjiang University佳木斯大学 Jiamusi University齐齐哈尔大学 Qiqihar University东北农业大学 Northeast Agricultural University上海第二工业大学 Shanghai Second Polytechnic University复旦大学 Fudan University同济大学 Tong Ji University上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiaotong University华东理工大学 East China University of Science and Technology 南京大学 Nanjing University东南大学 Southeast University河海大学 Hohai University江南大学 Southern Yangtze University徐州师范大学 Xuzhou Normal University浙江大学 Zhejiang University宁波大学 Ningbo University浙江工业大学 Zhejiang University of Technology嘉兴学院 Jiaxing University湖州师范学院 Huzhou University中国科学技术大学 University of Science and Technology of China安徽大学 Anhui University安徽工业大学 Anhui University of Technology安徽师范大学 Anhui Normal University淮南师范学院 Huainan Normal University厦门大学 Xiamen University集美大学 Jimei University福州大学 Fuzhou University仰恩大学 Yang-En University福建工程学院 Fujian University of Technology南昌大学 Nanchang University东华理工学院 East China Institute of Technology上饶师范学院 ShangRao Normal College江西科技师范学院 Jiangxi Normal University of Science & Technology 宜春学院 Yichun University山东大学 Shandong University中国海洋大学 Ocean University of China山东理工大学 Shandong University of Technology烟台大学 Yantai University聊城大学 Liaochen University郑州大学 Zhenzhou University河南大学 Henan University河南师范大学 Henan Normal University平顶山工学院 Pingdingshan Institute of Technology信阳师范学院 Xinyang Normal University武汉大学 Wuhan University华中科技大学 Huazhong University of Science & Technology 三峡大学 China Three Gorges University湖北师范学院 Hubei Normal University黄冈师范学院 Huanggang Normal College中南大学 Central South University湘潭大学 Xiangtan University吉首大学 Jishou University湖南师范大学 Hunan Normal University湖南理工学院 Hunan Institute of Science and Technology 中山大学 Sun Yat-Sen University五邑大学 Wuyi University华南师范大学 South China Normal University东莞理工学院 Dongguan University of Technology韶关学院 Shaoguan University重庆大学 Chongqing University西南大学 Southwest University渝州大学 Yuzhou University重庆师范大学 Chongqing Normal University重庆交通大学 Chongqing Jiaotong University四川大学 Sichuan University西南交通大学 Southwest Jiaotong University西南科技大学 Southwest University of Science and Technology 四川农业大学 Sichuan Agricultural University西华师范大学 China West Normal University西安交通大学 Xi'an Jiaotong University长安大学 ChangAn University西安科技大学 Xi'an University of Science & Technology咸阳师范学院 XianYang Normal College宝鸡文理学院 BaoJi University of Arts and Sciences。

c语言题库(判断)河南工业大学 河工大 c语言期末考试题库(C language question

c语言题库(判断)河南工业大学 河工大 c语言期末考试题库(C language question

c语言题库(判断)河南工业大学河工大 c语言期末考试题库(C language question bank (judgment), Henan University of Technology C language final examination questions bank)~~~1All the operations of a computer are controlled by the program. Without the program, the computer will accomplish nothing.~y~~~1A program is a set of instructions that a computer can recognize and execute.~y~~~1Since computers can recognize and accept machine instructions directly, machine language is the most suitable language for people to program.~n~~~1A compiler can convert programs written in high-level language into machine instructions.~~~1In general, we refer to programs written in high-level languages as object programs.~n~~~1Before you can generate executable programs, you should compile and connect again.~y~~~1The reason for high-level language is that it can be written in a program that does not follow any form.~n~~~1C programming language freedom is large, so it belongs to unstructured language.~n~~~1The C language is a high-level language that does not allow direct access to physical addresses.~n~~~1Functions are a major part of a C program.~y~~~3If you use the TC2.0 compiler, the compilation system is assigned 2, 1, and 4 bytes to int, char, and float~y~~~3The following are valid variable names: day, sum, and _pint~y~~~3If char c is defined, then c= "C"";~n~~~3The C language can use a symbolic name to represent a constant~y~~~3The following procedures segment float x=3.6; int i; i= (int) x; then x=3, i=3~n~~~3In the C language, character data can be arithmetic operations with integer data~y~~~3The accuracy can be specified when using scanf to enter data~n~~~3In C (+, -) operator can only be used for variable~y~~~3The float a=b=c=1.0 is correct in the C language~n~~~3In putchar (c), C can be an escape character~y~~~4The if statement, whether written on a few lines, is a whole and belongs to the same statement.~y~~~4The entire if statement can be written on multiple lines or written on a single line.~y~~~4In the if statement, if must have else.~~~4In the if statement, else must have if.~y~~~4The else clause cannot be used alone as a statement, and must be paired with if.~y~~~4In the C language compiling system, when the result of logical operations is expressed, the value "1" stands for "truth", and "0" means "false"".~y~~~4Arithmetic operators have precedence over relational operators.~y~~~4Logic is not the highest priority in logical operators.~y~~~4The switch statement is a multi branch selection statement.~y~~~4In judging whether a quantity is true, 0 represents "false", and "0" stands for "true"".~y~~~5In the C language, 3 statements that implement the loop structure are the for statement, the while statement, and the DO-WHILE statement.~y~~~5For ((.)) and while (1) are infinite loops.~y~~~5In C, the while statements that implement loop structures are exactly equivalent to the DO-WHILE statements.~n~~~5The execution statement for (i=1; i++<4;); the value of the latter variable I is 4~n~~~5The for statement can only be used in cases where the number of cycles has been determined.~n~~~5The existing definition of int k=1; executes the statement while (++k<4); then, the value of K is 4~y.~~~5#include <stdio.h> int (main) program j=10, i=0 {int, k=2, s=0; for (;;) {i+=k; if (i>j) {printf (%d, s); break;}s+=i;}}, judge i>j carried out 6.~y~~~5Int s=36; while (s) --s; constitutes a dead loop.~n~~~5Program segment int =0; while (t=1) {printf ("%d\n", "t");} at run time, the printf statement executes 0 times.~n~~~5Program #include, <stdio.h>, int, main (), {int, x=23;. Do {printf ("%d", "x--"); "while" ("X");} the output of the runtime is 23~y~~~6When defining an array, an array subscript can be represented by a variable~n~~~6When referencing elements in an array, the array subscript can be represented by a variable~y~~~6Int a[8]; defines an integer array; the last element in the array is a[8]~n~~~6Int a[6]; defines an integer array; the first element in the array is a[1]~n~~~6Int a[2][3]; defines an array in which there are 6 elements in the array~y~~~6Suppose that s[10] is an array of characters, by scanf ("%d", "s"); you can enter a string to the array~y~~~6Int a[6]={0}; defines an array a, and the initial value of each element in the array is 0~y~~~6Int, a[2][3]={{1}, {2}, {3}}; the correct method of initial values for an array~y~~~6Compare the size of two strings, and you can use the strcpy function~n~~~6To connect two strings, you can use the strcat function~y~~~6To test the length of a string, you can use the strlen function~y~~~7If the definition of the call function appears before the main function, you do not have to declare it.~y~~~7The C language cannot define functions nested, nor can nested functions be called. That is to say, no function can be called in the process of invoking a function~n~~~7The variables defined in the primary function are also valid only in the primary function, not in the entire file or program because they are defined in the main function. The main function cannot use variables defined in other functions.~~~7Variables in different functions can use the same name. They represent different objects and do not interfere with each other.~y~~~7Within a function, variables can be defined in compound statements, which are valid only in the compound statement, which is also called a sub program or a block of programs".~y~~~7The variables defined in a function are external variables, and variables defined outside the function are called local variables, and the external variables are global variables (also known as whole variables).~n~~~7Local variables can be shared by other functions in this document. Its range of validity starts from the location of thedefined variable to the end of the source file.~n~~~7It can be divided into static storage mode and dynamic storage mode from the point of view of the existence of variable value.~y~~~7The so-called dynamic storage means when the program is running, the system allocates a fixed storage space.~n~~~7Static storage is the way to dynamically allocate storage space as needed during program execution.~n~~~7In C, if a pointer variable is used to call an argument, the pointer variable is determined, pointing to a defined cell.~y~~~7In the C language, the call of a function can only get a return value, and the pointer can be used as a function parameter to obtain multiple values.~y~~~7In C language, input and output statements are used to input and output data.~n~~~7When using the putchar function, you must include the header file stdio.h before.~y~~~7Using the putchar function, you can output a string to the terminal.~n~~~7Using the printf function, you can output by a certain number of digits.~y~~~7In the printf function, both%c and%s can output strings.~n~~~7When you enter data into a defined variable with the scanf function, you must add &.~y~~~7When data is entered into a defined variable using the scanf function, the data input ends when an illegal input is entered.~y~~~7The use of input and output functions, putchar (getchar ()), statements are wrong (correct).~~~8The pointer to the array element is the address of the index group element.~y~~~8The program for exchanging two pointer variables P1 and P2 is temp=*p1; *p1=*p2; *p2=temp;~n~~~8Printf ("%d", "a[i]") plays the same role as printf ("%d", "*" (a+i)), and the former is efficient.~n~~~8The array name of the parameter is not a national address, but is handled by pointer variables.~y~~~8The pointer to the function that defines the format is int *p (int, int);.~n~~~8The program segments int, *p, a=2; p=&a; printf ("%d", * (p++)); the output is 2~y.~~~8In C99, you can define pointer variables of the base type of void, which can point to any type of variable.~n~~~8The program segment that points P to the string "China" is char *p; p= "China"";~y~~~8Program segments are int, a, m=4, n=6, *p1=&m, *p2=&n, a= (*p1) / (*p2) +5; after execution, the value of a is 5~y~~~8Void f (int *n) {while ((*n) - (printf); "%d" + + (*n));} (main) {int a=1; f (&a);} no output~n~~~9The C language allows users to build their own composite data structures composed of different types of data, called structures.~y~~~9The name of the struct type is the name of the struct.~n~~~9When defining a struct, the type of a member must be specified, either as a simple data type or as a constructed data type.~y~~~9If the program contains the struct type, the name of the struct member cannot be the same as the variable name in the program.~n~~~9Members of structural variables can perform various operations just like normal variables.~y~~~9Each element of an array in an array of structures is of the same type, and can perform input and output operations on each array element as a whole.~n~~~10The file identifier contains three parts,File path, file name, trunk, and file suffix. The naming rule of a file name follows the naming rule of an identifier. The suffix is used to represent the nature of a file, consisting of 3 letters.~~~10According to the organization of data, data files are divided into ASC|| files (text files) and binary files (image files), and ASC|| files save storage space than binary files.~n~~~10In the buffer file system, each using the file has a corresponding file information in memory, and the file associated with the file pointer to the file information and it also points to an external data on the media file.~n~~~10The pointer variable of a file type data is a pointer to a structure named FILE.~y~~~10Open a file in'w'. If the file already exists, the system empties the contents of the file while opening the file and waits for the new data to be written.~y。



HENAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYHenan University of Technology (HAUT), under the dual administration of State Ministry of Grain of China and Henan Provincial Government, as one of the key universities in Henan Province, was founded in 1956. Now HAUT has developed into an important education and research base in the industry of grain, plant oil and food of China.Located in the High-Tech Development Zone of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, HAUT campus covers an area of 185 hectares. The University provides 61 bachelor degree programs and 108 master degree programs, covering 6 main major academic categories such as engineering, agriculture etc. HAUT has 20 colleges, with an enrollment of more 25000 full-time students. There are 15 research platforms of the national and the provincial levels, and 25 key disciplines of Henan Province. HAUT, as the main collaborative partner of “Henan Grain Crops Innovation Center”, has been enrolled into “2011 Plan” of the first national collaborative innovation center.As a university that has distinctive features in research and education on grain, plant oil and food technology, in super-hard materials development and other related fields, HAUT gathers a high level faculty with strong research capability. With a solid technology development and research foundation in the aspects of the grain storage, agriculture products processing, abrasives and grinder, HAUT exerts a strong influence on above fields domestically and even internationally.EDUCATION QUALITYThere are over 25,000 full time students and nearly 2000 faculties in HAUT. Since its establishment, there have been more than 100,000 professionals graduated from Henan University of Technology. The graduates have become the backbone for China’s grain industry and China’s abras ive and super-hard material industry. HAUT regards the education quality as its life. HAUT was appraised as Excellence by the Ministry of Education in the undergraduate education quality evaluation. For long time students of HAUT have been presenting strong comprehensive quality and creativity. For instance, in the Challenge Cup Competition of College Students for Extracurricular Academic Works, HAUT has attained 5 consecutive first places among all the colleges and universities in Henan Province, and HAUT ranked the 10th place among all the China’s universities, being awarded the “Special Prize” and the “Challenge Cup”. The annual employment rate of graduates Henan University of Technology ranks the first among the all the universities in Henan Province successively in the last several years. HAUT was granted each year the Model School for its employment work by Henan Province for 9 years. For 2 consecutive years the State Ministry of Education awarded Henan University of Technology the “Model University” fo r the employment work of the graduates among all the universities in China. In the last several years, HAUT was also listed as the Top Ten Most-Satisfied Public universities of Henan Province, the Most Influential Education Brands in Henan Province, the Most Ideal Universities of Henan Universities, and one of the top 50 universities in employment nationally.SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHAdhering to the strategy of strengthening the university by backing-up scientific research, HAUT has successively won 7 National Scientific Progress Prizes (one first prize and 6 second prizes), taking a great step in science and technology innovation.HAUT, as the main collaborative partner of “Henan Grain Crops Innovation Center”, has been enrolled into “2011 Plan” of the first nat ional collaborative innovation center. There are 16 national and provincial scientific technology innovation platforms in HAUT namely National wheat and corn deep processing Engineering Laboratory, National Grain Storage an Transportation Engineering Laboratory etc. Furthermore, there are over 60 academic research institutions namely Henan Provincial University Engineering Technology Research Center of Superhard Materials and Products, Henan Provincial University Engineering Technology Research Center of manufacturing automation.In recent 4 years, HAUT has undertaken 123 national natural scientific fund projects and 454 provincial scientific research projects in different fields. There are 39 national and international industrial standards which are established or modified by HAUT; HAUT possesses more than 106 patents, published up to 10681 academic papers, among which there are 1596 SCI, EI, etc academic papers; and more than 245 academic books. SOCIAL SERVICESHenan University of Technology attaches much importance to its functions serving for the social development, closely focusing on the improvement of grain industry technology and local economy construction. In the area of grain and oil processing, nearly 70% large and medium-sized enterprises of wheat processing, 50% vegetable oil processing enterprises, 90% soybean phospholipids processing enterprises in China have adopted the packaged technology provided by HAUT, popularized and applied in southeast asian countries. In the area of grain storage, the grain storage packaged technology and equipment, granary design technology, grain oil processing and logistics park planning design technology, which are developed by HAUT, have been applied widespread in the storage grain system nationally and provincial ly. The loss of China’s grain inventory remains below 1%. In the area of superhard materials and products, the production technology of the superhard materials synthesis and superhard products, which is developed by HAUT, has been widely applied in the processing and manufacture of light industry appliance, high-iron, and auto parts. In the area of equipment manufacture industry, the digital design and manufacture technology, enterprises information technology and new materials technology, which are developed by HAUT, widely join the enterprises technology innovation and technology development via the integration of industry, learning and research. In the area of regional economy planning, HAUT has participated in development plans of finance, logistics, information and industry cluster district in different industries and local areas.INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE AND COOPERATIONHenan University of Technology lays much emphasis on international exchanges and cooperation , HAUT keeps intimate cooperative relationship with more than 50 well-known foreign universities and international institutions of science and technology , such as Kansas State University ,U.S., the University of Reading, U.K., the Politecnico di Torino,the International Standard Organization, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, etc...HAUT provides 5 joint educational programs with the University of Reading and Bangor University, and a joint educational institute with Aberystwyth University, U.K., which promote the educational internationalization of HAUT. HAUT established the Henan Campus of the Politecnoco di Torino in HAUT, conducting cooperation in joint research, education, and joint PhD. Programs. HAUT develops exchange programs with over 30 universities, i.e. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, U.S., University of Central Arkansas, U.S., Eastern Washington University ,U.S., Greifswald University, GER., University of Warsaw, PL., Chosun University, KR and Taiwan Chinese Culture University,. etc. for course credit and recognition and transfer .HAUT is the only university in Henan province approved by the Ministry of Commerce of Chinese central government which can undertake state aids programs to foreign countries, such as hosting special training workshops to officials and engineers from developing countries. In the past 5 years, HAUT has hosted 12 sessions of training courses such as “Workshop on Grain Storage Technology for Developing Countries”, “Seminar on Food Security for Developing Countries(cooperate with the OHRLLS of the United Nations)”, “Workshop on Primary Education for African Countries”, “Training Course on Chinese Shaolin Martial Arts for Developing Countries”, etc.. There are altogether over 300 officials and engineers from over 60 other developing countries participating in the training projects. To ensure the quality of the training projects, famous experts are invited for delivering lectures; on-the-spot visits to industries are organized; special topics such as the Chinese grain processing techniques, food security control, grain storage techniques which match the developing countries are selected. China-aid training projects hosted by the university exert much influence on developing countries in the field of grain industry, helping the developing countries to improve vastly the scientific development of the grain industry of their own countries. Accordingly, frequent international cooperation for technological development has been improved between China and the other developing countries, such as the cooperation with Kingdom of Cambodia, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, etc. in fields of grain technology communication and education.INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONHAUT has been qualified by the Ministry of Education of Chinese Government to undertake international higher education, recruiting international students for Chinese language training and degree programs. Attracted by the strict teaching management, high teaching quality, superior studying and living conditions and surroundings, each year many international students from the U.S.A., Korea, Japan, etc., come to HAUT to pursue Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree or study Chinese. International education has developed into an important part of the educational system of HAUT.Bachelor-Degree Programmes of Henan University of Technology The International Education CollegeFood Science and Engineering Science and Engineering 4 yearsBiotechnology Science and Engineering 4 yearsMarketing Arts and Science 4 yearsAccounting Arts and Science 4 yearsHuman Resource Management Arts and Science 4 yearsCollege of International Advanced TechnologyElectronic & Information Engineering Technology Science and Engineering, 3 years Computer Application & Technology Science and Engineering, 3 yearsCollege of Material Science and EngineeringMaterials Science and Engineering Science and Engineering 4 years Multimolecular Materials and Engineering Science and Engineering 4 years Macromolecule Materials and Engineering Science and Engineering 4 yearsCollege of Electrical EngineeringElectric Engineering and Automation Science and Engineering 4 years Automation Science and Engineering 4 years Technique and Instrumentation of Measurements Science and Engineering 4 yearsCollege of Art DesignIndustrial Design (including 2 orientations) Fine Arts 4 years(Product Design; Vehicle Design)Art Design (including 4 orientations) Fine Arts 4 years(Design of Vision Convey; Environmental Arts Design; Spectacle Artistic Design; Advertising Photography & Design)Animation Fine Arts 4 yearsThe Mass Media CollegeAdvertisement Arts and Science 4 yearsBroadcasting and TV Journalism Arts and Science 4 yearsBroadcasting and Hosting Art Fine Arts 4 yearsInternet and New media Arts and Science 4yearsThe Law CollegeLaws Arts and Science 4 yearsCollege of Mathematics and PhysicsMathematics and Applied Mathematics Science and engineering 4 years Information and Computation Science Science and engineering 4 yearsApplied Physics Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Foreign LanguagesEnglish (Trade Economics; Oral Interpretation) Arts and History 4 yearsCollege of Economics and TradeEconomics and International Business Arts and Science 4 yearsFinance Arts and Science 4 years Cameralistics Arts and Science 4 years Economics (statistical and economic analysis) Arts and Science 4 yearsThe Business CollegeMarketing Arts and Science 4 yearsLogistics Management Arts and Science 4 yearsAccounting Arts and Science 4 yearsBusiness Administration Arts and Science 4 yearsE-commerce Arts and Science 4 yearsTourism Management Arts and Science 4 yearsCollege of Information Science and EngineeringComputer Science and Technology Science and engineering 4 years Electronic Information Engineering Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureCivil Engineering Science and engineering 4 years Engineering Management Science and engineering 4 years Architecture Science and engineering 5 years Constructional Environment and Equipment Engineering Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringMechanical Manufacturing and Automatic Control Science and engineering 4 years (Including 2 orientations; Mordent Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering)Processing Units and Control Engineering (Oil and Foodstuffs) Science and engineering 4 yearsMaterial Formation and control Engineering Science and engineering 4 years (including 3 orientations:Design and Manufacturing of Molds, Bonding Technique, Automation) Vehicle Engineering Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering and Technology Science and engineering 4 yearsApplied Chemistry Science and engineering 4 years Environmental Engineering Science and engineering 4 years Chemistry Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Biological EngineeringBioengineering Science and engineering 4 years Biotechnology Science and engineering 4 years Animal Science Science and engineering 4 yearsCollege of Food Science and TechnologyFood Science and Engineering Science and engineering 4 years Food Quality and Safety Science and engineering 4 years Cereals Engineering Science and engineering 4 yearsFood Nutrition and Detection Education Science and engineering 4yearsConstituting CollegesPurpose for Visit:HAUT likes to establish some students exchange programs if possible.We suggest that exchange methods can be chosen from the following methods:1、2+2 program:students from both sides study two years at home university and the guest university, and they finally gets two bachelor degrees.2、one year or one semester experience program: students from both sides study 1 year or 1 semester at the guest university, the credits achieved at the guest university will be accounted at the home university.3、language program: students are encouraged to go to the guest university for language learning.4、Master degree program: bachelor degree students from both sides are encouraged to continue to study the master degrees at the guest university. Both sides will provide convenience for such students.As HAUT has no experience in cooperating with Canadian universities, we also welcome and consider any cooperation methods put forward by your side for students exchanges, even the teacher exchanges.。



电子信息科学类培养方案一、公共基础平台课和学科基础平台课设置1、公共基础平台课共40学分2、学科基础平台课共37学分课程性质课程编号课程名称学分学时总数学期学时各学期周学时分配讲授实验研讨一二三四五六七八必修课公共基础平台课00100001思想道德修养与法律基础Moral Cultivation &Introduction to Law3 54 54 300100002马克思主义基本原理Basic Principles ofMarxism3 54 54 300100003毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(一)An Introduction to MaoZedong Thought, DengXiaoping Theory &Important Idea of the“Three Represents” (I)3 54 54 300100004毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(二)An Introduction to MaoZedong Thought, DengXiaoping Theory &Important Idea of the“Three Represents” (II)3 54 54 300100005中国近现代史纲要A Survey of ModernHistory of China2 36 36 200100006形势与政策Situation & Policy2 36 36 200200005大学英语读写译(一)College English R eading,Writing & Translating(I)2 36 36 200200006大学英语视听说(一)College English Viewing,Listening & S peaking(I)2 36 36 200200007大学英语读写译(二)College English R eading,Writing & Translating(II)2 36 36 200200008大学英语视听说(二)College English Viewing,Listening & S peaking(II)2 36 36 2课程性质课程编号课程名称学分学时总数学期学时各学期周学时分配讲授实验研讨一二三四五六七八必修课公共基础平台课00200009大学英语读写译(三)College English R eading,Writing & Translating(III)2 36 36 200200010大学英语视听说(三)College English Viewing,Listening & S peaking(III)2 36 36 200200011大学英语读写译(四)College English R eading,Writing & Translating(IV)2 36 36 200200012大学英语视听说(四)College English Viewing,Listening & S peaking(IV)2 36 36 200300001大学体育(一)College PhysicalEducation (I)1 36 36 200300002大学体育(二)College PhysicalEducation (II)1 36 36 200300003大学体育(三)College PhysicalEducation (III)1 36 36 200300004大学体育(四)College PhysicalEducation (IV)1 36 36 200400001大学计算机基础College ComputerFoundation2 54 36 18 300400002计算机程序设计Computer Programming2 54 36 18 3学科基础平台课02300088高等数学B(一)Advanced Mathematics B(I)4 72 72 402300089高等数学B(二)Advanced Mathematics B(II)4 72 72 402300003线性代数Linear Algebra2 36 36 202300004复变函数Functions of ComplexVariables2 36 36 202300119概率论与数理统计Probability Theory &Numeral Statistic2 36 36 202300178电路实验Circuit Experiments0.5 18 18 3课程性质课程编号课程名称学分学时总数学期学时各学期周学时分配讲授实验研讨一二三四五六七八必修课学科基础平台课02300179模拟电子技术实验Analogue ElectronicTechnique Experiments0.5 18 18 302300180数字电子技术实验Digital ElectronicTechnique Experiments0.5 18 18 302300120大学物理A(一)College Physics A(I)6 108 108 602300121大学物理A(二)College Physics A(II)4 72 72 402300182大学物理实验(上)General PhysicsExperiments1 36 36 202300183大学物理实验(下)General PhysicsExperiments1 36 36 202300044电路原理Principles of circuits2.5 54 54 302300046模拟电子技术Analogue ElectronicTechnique3.5 72 72 402300045数字电子技术Digital ElectricalTechnique3.5 72 72 4二、专业培养方案(一)电子信息科学与技术专业1、专业培养目标和要求(1)培养目标培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实的专业基础,良好专业素养,掌握电子信息科学与技术基本理论和方法,受到严格的科学实验训练和科学研究初步训练;能运用所学的知识和技能解决实际问题,适应二十一世纪社会和经济发展的需要,能在电子、通讯、微电子技术、集成电路等相关领域从事科学研究、教学、科技开发、产品应用和管理的高级专门人才。



河南科技大学英文介绍Good morning , dear friends!Welcome to Henan University of Science & Technology. Today I will show you around our school as a guide. Now, we are standing at the gate of our school, and the road before us is called Rixin Road. It’s one of the main roads of our school. Let’s walk long this road; Now you can see the buildings on your right-hand side, and they are the students’ dormitories. Look over there, it’s the place for students to play Ping-pang games. Then, you can see the second students’ canteen in front of the small playground. There are all kinds food, such as noodles bread, rice and so on. So you can eat what you like. Ok let’s move on, on you left-hand side, these are Teaching Buildings where students study there every day. While, on your right-hand side this road is the way to the canteen.Follow me, you can see that the environment around the teaching buildings is very beautiful. There are willows, bridges, peony and other plants. It looks very beautiful and it will make you feel comfortable, especially in Spring . Look the lake, beside the teaching buildings and the bridge across it. Looking from a distance, it’s like an island. Don’t you think it is a good place to relax? While I think it is one of the most beautiful places in our school.Please follow me , now, we are arriving at the square. Sometimes some important activities or ceremonies are held here. Look on both sides of the road the buildings are also teaching buildings. And let’s go ahead, there’s a bridge, after across the bridge ,we can see a tall building on the left-front side. That’s our library and it’s said that it is the largest one inLuoyang. It has been completed last semester, but unfortunately, it isn’t opened to public use until now. but I think it will be opened soon.Ok, we have finished our visiting of our school and I hope it will be helpful for you to know about our school! And I hope you will enjoy it ,thank you !。

河南大学英文简介introduction of Henan University

河南大学英文简介introduction of Henan University

Henan University is located in Kaifeng, a famous historic city and the capital of 7 dynasties in Chinese history. It was founded in 1912 and was originally named The Preparatory College for Further Study in Europe and America. Afterwards it was renamed Zhongzhou University (1923), Henan Zhongshan University (1927), Henan Provincial University (1930), and Henan National University (1942). By the end of the 1940s, it had developed into an influential comprehensive university with 6 colleges, namely, college of Art, college of Science, college of Law, college of Agriculture, college of Engineering and college of Medicine. With the nationwide reorganization of universities and departments in 1953, the university was renamed Henan Teachers College (1953),Kaifeng Teachers College (1956) and Henan Teachers University (1979). The name - Henan University was restored in May, 1984.Since its founding in 1912, Henan University has trained nearly 400,000 graduates for the country. Many famous scholars, such as Fan Wenlan, Feng Youlan, Luo Zhanglong, Mao Lirui, Jiang Liangfu, Ji Wenfu, have taught here. Its graduates Yin Da, Deng Tuo, Hou Jingru, Yuan Baohua, Wang Guoquan, Bai Shouyi, Yang Tingbao, Gao Jiyu, Wang Mingqi, Yao Xueyin, Zhou Erfu, Ma Ke, etc., are well-known experts, scholars or social activists. Its alumni have made and are making great contributions to the development of China and the progress of mankind, constructed under the co-supervision of the province and the ministry, one humanity social science base under the supervision of the ministry of Education. Now there are more than 30,000 students who receive full-time education here. Among the 3,547 staff members, 10 are academicians, 300 havedoctor's degrees, and over 800 are full or associate professors. The university library houses 3 million books, 170 thousand of which are thread-bound ancient writings and 200 thousand books and magazines in foreign languages. The museum houses a collection of valuable cultural relics. With its first-class equipment the key labs are available for various scientific experiments. In addition, the university has its teaching & research institutions such as the Computing Centre, the Network Centre, the Survey and Experiment Centre, and the Audio-Visual Education Centre. Located in the northeast corner of Kaifeng, the old campus is fragrant with flowers and green with grass and trees. With carved beams and painted rafters, the buildings in traditional architecture such as the Auditorium and Building No. 7 are elegant with rich Chinese Culture. The modern buildings such as the Science Building, the University Library and the Gymnasium are grand, magnificent and spectacular. They match each other wellin radiance and beauty giving a unique style and an elegant taste to the university.At present Henan University is a comprehensive university with 11 branches of learning: liberal arts, science, engineering, economics, management, law, philosophy, education, history, agriculture and medicine. It consists of 26 colleges and teaching departments. There are 72 specialties for undergraduates, of which 20 are the subjects in Henan province. 171 specialties offer master’s degrees and 16 offer PhD degrees. We also have 3 post-doctoral Posts. There are two key labs with the deepening of reform in universities; Henan University has entered a new era. It has purchased 122.7 hectares of land for a new campus. 600 million Yuan will be invested in the near future to speed up the all-round construction. The university will take measures to guarantee the guidingprinciple of “Aim high, develop wide and breakthrough any barriers for a long and successful futureAccordingly, the university aims to lay emphasis on the development of liberal arts and sciences. The development of applied disciplines such as economics, trade, and law will be speeded up. The special branches of learning, such as art and physical culture, will come to a higher standard. Engineering will have a moderate development. The university is to be built into a comprehensive and creative university with its unique characteristics and will serve local economy and social progress. The past, the present and the future of Henan University convinces us that her future will be brighter than ever.。



河南工业大学成人学位英语考试真题作文Henan University of Technology Adult Degree English ExamEssay Questions1. In recent years, online shopping has become increasingly popular. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?2. Climate change is a critical issue facing the world today. Discuss the causes and potential solutions to this global problem.3. With the rise of social media platforms, the way we communicate and interact with others has changed dramatically. In what ways has social media impacted society positively or negatively?4. The importance of education in today's society cannot be overstated. Discuss the benefits of receiving a higher education and how it can positively impact an individual's future.5. Technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives. How has technology improved the way we work, communicate, and live? Discuss both the positive and negative effects of technology on society.6. The issue of gender equality continues to be a pressing concern globally. In what ways can we work towards achieving gender equality and ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals?7. The rise of globalization has led to increased connectivity and interdependence among countries. Discuss the benefits and challenges of globalization on a global scale.8. The impact of urbanization on the environment and society is a growing concern. How can we create sustainable cities that promote a healthy environment and quality of life for residents?9. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in how we live and work. Discuss the long-term effects of the pandemic on society and how we can adapt to apost-pandemic world.10. The importance of mental health awareness and support has gained recognition in recent years. How can we promote mental well-being and provide adequate support for individuals struggling with mental health issues?Remember to provide clear examples and evidence to support your arguments in your essay. Good luck!。



介绍河南科技大学的英语作文Located in the heart of China, Henan University of Science and Technology is a renowned institution known forits commitment to academic excellence and innovation.Established in 1952, the university has a rich history and a strong foundation in engineering, science, and technology. With a sprawling campus, it offers a serene environment conducive to learning and research.The faculty at Henan University of Science and Technology is highly qualified, boasting a mix of experienced professors and young, dynamic researchers. They are dedicated to providing students with a well-rounded education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.The university prides itself on its diverse student body, which includes both domestic and international students. This diversity fosters a vibrant campus life and a culture of global understanding and cooperation.Facilities at the university are state-of-the-art, including modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and extensive libraries that provide students with the resources they need to excel in their studies.Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the university experience. Students can participate in a widerange of clubs and societies, from sports teams to cultural groups, ensuring that there is something for everyone.Henan University of Science and Technology also places a strong emphasis on industry collaboration, offering students opportunities for internships and research projects that are directly linked to real-world applications.Graduates from this esteemed university are well-prepared for the challenges of the modern workforce, with many going on to make significant contributions in their respective fields.In conclusion, Henan University of Science and Technology is more than just an educational institution; it is a community that nurtures talent, encourages innovation, and prepares students for a successful future.。



介绍河南工业大学的英语作文Henan University of Technology, located in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, is a comprehensive university with a strong emphasis on engineering and technology. 河南工业大学位于河南省郑州市,是一所以工程技术为主的综合性大学。

Founded in 1956, Henan University of Technology has a long history and a strong academic tradition. 成立于1956年,河南工业大学拥有悠久的历史和雄厚的学术传统。

The university offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines, including engineering, management, agriculture, and art. 该校开设了包括工程、管理、农业和艺术在内的各类课程。

Henan University of Technology has a strong focus on research and innovation, with state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated faculty. 河南工业大学致力于研究和创新,拥有先进的设施和专业的师资力量。

The university also has a strong reputation for its industry collaborations and partnerships, providing students with valuableopportunities for internships and job placements. 该校在与行业的合作和伙伴关系方面声誉卓著,为学生提供了宝贵的实习和就业机会。



河南工业大学(Henan University of Technology)机械工程学科为河南省一级重点学科,拥有机械设计及理论、机械制造及其自动化、机械电子工程、车辆工程和粮油机械及物流装备工程、材料加工工程等学科方向硕士学位授予权,2018年获得机械工程一级学科博士学位授予资格。

学院现有教师107人,其中教授14 人、副教授46人;具有博士学位的教师45人、博士生导师5人,硕士研究生导师36人。





位于河南省会郑州市,是河南省人民政府和国家粮食局共建高校;始建于1956年,先后隶属国家粮食部、商业部和国内贸易部;1959 年开展本科教育,1981 年开始硕士研究生教育,2013年开始博士研究生教育,2017年获批硕士研究生推免资格,2018年获批博士学位授予单位;1998 年划归河南省管理,河南省人民政府和国家粮食局于2010年签约共建河南工业大学。




安徽省所属大学:1、合肥工业大学HeFei University of Technology2、中国科学技术大学China Science & Technology University3、安徽大学University Of Anhui4、安徽工业大学Anhui University of Technology5、安徽农业大学Agricultural University Of Anhui6、安徽医科大学Medical University Of Anhui7、安徽师范大学Anhui Normal University8、安徽理工大学Anhui University of Science and Technology9、皖西学院Western Anhui University10、安徽工程科技学院Anhui University of Engineering Science & Technology 北京市所属大学:1、北京大学Beijing University2、中国人民大学Renmin University Of China3、清华大学Tsinghua University4、北京交通大学Beijing Jiaotong University5、北京科技大学University Of Science and Technology Beijing6、中国石油大学China University Of Petroleum Beijing7、北京邮电大学Beijing University Of Posts and Telecommunications9、中国农业大学China Agricultural University10、北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University11、北京中医药大学Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine12、北京师范大学Beijing Normal University13、北京外国语大学Beijing Foreign Studies University14、北京语言大学Beijing Language and Culture University15、对外经济贸易大学University Of International Business and Economics16、中央财经大学The Central University Of Finance and Economics17、中国政法大学China University Of Political Science and Law18、中央民族大学Central University For Nationalities19、中国协和医科大学Chinese Peking Union Medical College20、北京体育大学Beijing Sport University重庆市所属大学:1、重庆大学University Of Chongqing2、西南师范大学Southwestern Normal University3、重庆工商大学Industrial and Commercial University Of Chongqing4、西南农业大学Agricultural University Of Southwest5、重庆医科大学Medical University Of Chongqing6、西南政法大学Southwest Politics and Law University7、重庆文理学院Institute Of Unity and Coherence In Writing Of Chongqing8、重庆三峡学院Chongqing Sanxia Institute9、重庆交通学院Traffic Institutes Of Chongqing10、重庆邮电学院Post and Telecommunications Institutes Of Chongqing福建省所属大学:1、福建工程学院Fujian University of Technology2、厦门大学Xiamen University3、华侨大学Huaqiao University4、福建农林大学University Of Agriculture and Forestry In Fujian5、集美大学Collects The American University6、福州大学University Of Fuzhou7、仰恩大学Yang'en University8、福建医科大学Medical University Of Fujian9、福建师范大学Fujian Normal University10、福建中医学院Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Fujian广东省所属大学:1、中山大学Zhongshan University2、华南理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of South China3、暨南大学Ji'nan University4、汕头大学University Of Shantou5、深圳大学Shenzhen University6、五邑大学Five City University7、广东工业大学Guangdong University of Technology8、华南农业大学Agricultural University Of South China9、湛江海洋大学Marine University Of Zhanjiang10、广州中医药大学Traditional Chinese Medicine University Of Guangzhou11、广州大学Guangzhou University广西省所属大学:1、广西大学Guangxi University2、广西医科大学Guangxi Medical University3、广西师范大学Guangxi Normal University4、桂林电子工业学院Electronic Engineering Institutes Of Guilin5、桂林工学院Technical Colleges Of Guilin6、广西工学院Guangxi Technical College7、广西中医学院Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Guangxi8、桂林医学院Medical Colleges Of Guilin9、右江民族医学院National Medical College Of Right Rivers10、广西师范学院Guangxi Teachers College海南省所属大学:1、海南大学University Of Hainan2、华南热带农业大学Tropical Agricultural University Of South China3、海南医学院Hainan Medical College4、海南师范学院Hainan Teachers College河北省所属大学:1、华北电力大学North China Electric Power University2、河北大学University Of Hebei3、河北工业大学Hebei University of Technology4、燕山大学University On The Mountain Of Swallows5、河北科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Hebei6、河北农业大学Agricultural University Of Hebei7、河北医科大学Hebei Medical University8、河北师范大学Hebei Normal University9、河北经贸大学University Of Business & Economics In Hebei10、中国人民武装警察部队学院Chinese People 'S Institute Of Armed Police Force11、中央司法警官学院Central Judicial Police Officer's Institutes12、河北理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Hebei13、河北工程学院Hebei University of Technology14、石家庄铁道学院Railway Institutes Of Shijiazhuang15、河北建筑工程学院Hebei Institute Of Civil Engineering河南省所属大学:1、郑州大学Zhengzhou University2、河南大学He'nan University3、河南农业大学Agricultural University Of He'nan4、河南师范大学He'nan Normal University5、河南理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of He'nan6、河南科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of He'nan7、华北水利水电学院North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power8、河南工业大学He'nan University of Technology9、郑州轻工业学院Light Engineering Institutes Of Zhengzhou10、郑州航空工业管理学院Management Colleges Of Aircraft Industry Of Zhengzhou 湖南省所属大学:1、中南大学Middle and Southern University2、湖南大学Hunan University3、湘潭大学University Of Xiangtan4、吉首大学University Of Jishou5、南华大学University Of Nanhua6、湖南农业大学Agricultural University Of Hunan7、湖南师范大学Hunan Normal University8、长沙理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Changsha9、株洲工学院Technical Colleges Of Zhuzhou10、湖南科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Hunan11、长沙理工大学Changsha University江苏省所属大学:1、南京大学Nanjing University2、东南大学Southeast China University3、中国矿业大学China Mining University4、河海大学River Sea University5、江南大学University Of The South6、南京农业大学Agricultural University Of Nanjing7、中国药科大学China Medicine University8、南京理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Nanjing9、南京航空航天大学Nanjing Aero-Space University10、苏州大学University Of Suzhou江西省所属大学:1、南昌大学University Of Nanchang2、华东交通大学Traffic University Of East China3、江西农业大学Agricultural University Of Jiangxi4、江西师范大学Jiangxi Normal University5、江西财经大学Finance and Economics University Of Jiangxi6、江西理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Jiangxi7、东华理工学院East China Institute Of Technology8、南昌航空工业学院Aviation Engineering Institutes Of Nanchang9、景德镇陶瓷学院Ceramic Institutes Of Jingdezhen10、南昌工程学院Nanchang University of Technology辽宁省所属大学:1、大连理工大学Institute Of Technology Of Dalian2、东北大学Northeastern University3、大连海事大学Maritime Affairs University Of Dalian4、辽宁大学Liaoning University5、大连大学University Of Dalian6、沈阳大学University Of Shenyang7、辽宁工程技术大学Liaoning Project Technology University8、沈阳工业大学Shenyang University of Technology9、沈阳农业大学Agricultural University Of Shenyang10、中国医科大学Chinese Medical Sciences University内蒙古自治区所属大学:1、内蒙古大学University Of The Inner Mongol2、内蒙古民族大学National University Of The Inner Mongol3、内蒙古工业大学Inner Mongol University of Technology4、内蒙古农业大学Agricultural University Of The Inner Mongol5、内蒙古师范大学Inner Mongol Normal University6、内蒙古科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of The Inner Mongol7、内蒙古医学院Medical Colleges Of The Inner Mongol8、内蒙古财经学院Finance and Economics Institute Of The Inner Mongol9、赤峰学院Institutes Of Chifeng10、呼伦贝尔学院Institutes Of HulunBuir山东省所属大学:1、青岛港湾职业技术学院Technological Institute Of Qingdao Harbor2、山东大学Shandong University3、中国海洋大学Chinese Marine University4、青岛大学University Of Qingdao5、山东科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Shandong6、烟台大学University Of Yantai7、济南大学University Of Ji'nan8、山东农业大学Shandong Agricultural University9、山东中医药大学Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine University10、山东师范大学Shandong Normal University山西省所属大学:1、山西大学University Of Shanxi2、太原理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Taiyuan3、山西农业大学Agricultural University Of Shanxi4、山西医科大学Mountain Western Medicine S University5、山西师范大学Shanxi Normal University6、山西财经大学Shanxi Finance and Economics University7、中北大学Beijing University Studies8、太原科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Taiyuan9、长治医学院Manages The Medical College Long10、山西中医学院Colleges Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Of Shanxi 上海市所属大学:1、复旦大学Fudan University2、同济大学Tongji University3、上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University4、华东理工大学East China University Of Science5、东华大学Donghua University6、华东师范大学East China Normal University7、上海外国语大学Shanghai International Studies University8、上海财经大学Shanghai University Of Finance9、上海大学Shanghai University10、上海理工大学Shanghai University Of Technology11、上海工程技术大学Shanghai University Of Engineering Science12、上海师范大学Shanghai Normal University13、上海海事大学Shanghai Maritime University14、上海电力学院Shanghai University Of Electric Power15、上海应用技术学院Shanghai Institute Of Technology16、上海对外贸易学院Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade17、华东政法学院East China University Of Politics and Law18、上海体育学院Shanghai University Of Sport19、上海音乐学院Shanghai Conservatory Of Music20、上海戏剧学院Shanghai Theatre Academy天津市所属大学:1、南开大学Nankai University2、天津大学University Of Tianjin3、天津工业大学Tianjin University of Technology4、天津理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Tianjin5、天津医科大学Medical University Of Tianjin6、天津师范大学Tianjin Normal University7、天津科技大学University Of Science and Technology Of Tianjin8、天津财经大学Finance and Economics University Of Tianjin9、中国民用航空学院Civil Aeronautical Engineering Institutes Of China10、天津城市建设学院Urban Construction Institutes Of Tianjin武汉市所属大学:1、武汉大学Wuhan University2、中南财经政法大学Zhongnan University Of Economics & Law3、华中科技大学Central China University Science and Technology4、武汉理工大学Wuhan University Of Technology5、中国地质大学China University Of Geosciences6、华中农业大学Central China Agricultural University7、华中师范大学Central China Normal University8、湖北大学Hubei University9、长江大学Changjiang University10、江汉大学Jianghan University11、武汉科技大学Wuhan University Of Technology12、中南民族大学South-Center University For Nationalities13、湖北工业大学Hubei University Of Technology14、武汉化工学院Wuhan Institute Of Technology15、武汉科技学院Wuhan University Of Science and Engineering16、武汉工业学院Wuhan University of Technology18、湖北中医学院Hubei College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine19、湖北师范学院Hubei Normal University20、武汉体育学院Wuhan Institute Of Sport21、湖北美术学院Hubei Institute Of Fine Acts22、武汉音乐学院Wuhan Conservatory Of Music23、湖北民族学院Hubei Institute For Nationalities浙江省所属大学:1、浙江大学Zhejiang University2、宁波大学University Of Ningbo3、浙江工业大学Zhejiang University of Technology4、浙江师范大学Zhejiang Normal University5、杭州电子科技大学Electronic University Of Science &Technology Of Hangzhou6、浙江理工大学Institutes Of Technology Of Zhejiang7、嘉兴学院Institutes Of Jiaxing8、中国计量学院China Measures The Institute9、浙江科技学院Scientific and Technological Institutes Of Zhejiang10、浙江海洋学院Oceanography Institute Of Zhejiang11、杭州大学Hangzhou University。



蓖麻油制取癸二腈的理论与工程PREPARATION THEORY AND PROCESS OF SEBACONITRILE FROM CASTOR OIL◎赵学敬1,陈莲2(1.河南工业大学,河南郑州4500012.河南化工职业学院,河南郑州450042)Zhao Xuejing1,Chen Lian2(1.Henan University of Technology,Zhengzhou450001,China2.Henan Vocational college of chemical Technology,Zhengzhou450042,China)摘要:癸二腈是蓖麻油主要衍生产品之一,用它再生产癸二胺,最终生产尼龙1010,文章对癸二腈的物化性质、化工原理、制取方法、制取工艺、工艺条件、主要设备、有关曲线表现和制取程序作了全面介绍,以飨读者。

关键词:癸二酸;癸二腈;氨气;化工原理;制取方法Abstract:Sebaconitrile is a main derivative of castor oil,and is used for preparing decamethylene diamine,which is used for producing the final product nylon1010.This paper described the physico-chemical properties,chemical theory,preparation method, preparation process,process conditions,main equipment,related curve expression,and procedure of sebaconitrile,to provide reference for technicians and production enterprises.Key words:sebacic acid;sebaconitrile;ammonia gas;chemical theory;preparation method中图分类号:TQ914.1按蓖麻油衍生产品排序,癸二腈属于第四代,它是以癸二酸和氨气为原料制取的后续产品,是生产癸二胺的直接原料,最终用于生产尼龙1010,也可用来制得医药、染料和某些高聚物。



Good morning, dear professors. I am 张静静from Henan University of Technology, majoring in Measurement and Control Technology and Instrument. It’s really a great honor for me to have the chance to give you my self-introduction.I have been working very hard for my undergraduate courses, taking every subject seriously, and got the scholarship every semester. In addition, I committed to experimental research to focus on cultivating my hands-on ability, and participated in some competitions which have won some awards.我一直在努力学习我的本科课程,认真认真地对待每一个科目,并且获得国家鼓励奖学金此外,我致力于实验研究来注重动手能力的培养,并参加了一些比赛,获得了一些奖项。

As a freshman, I joined the Laboratory of College to studied PLC programming ,and realized vending machine project simulation.In my junior year, I joined the testing project team . After reading a lot of references, I determined to use the plate capacitance method to detect soil moisture and completed the circuit module design. My graduation design is a part identification and sorting system based on machine vision, which mainly completes the dimension measurem ent and defect detection of circular gaskets.大一,我加入学院贝加莱实验室,学习PLC编程,实现自动售货机项目仿真。

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HENAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY河南工业大学Bachelor of ManagementAssignment Cover工商管理学士学位课程作业封面MODULE CODE AND NAME科目代码及名称Module Code 科目代码:__B3_______________Module Name科目名称:__卓越的商务沟通_____Lecturer 讲师:______________Section Code专业班级:___________Student ID 学生证号______Student Name学生姓名:___________Announcement: I declare that this assignment is ENTIRELY my independent work except where referenced. I have marked any Reference sources and am aware of programme regulations concerning plagiarism and referencing.声明:除了标明出处的引用资料之外,此作业是我独立调查完成的。


Signature 签名MEMODATE: September 5, 2011TO: Forrest BlainFROM:SUBJECT: Poetry in emotionThe work rules are changing and we are being judged by a new yardstick. What matters our c ompany is Emotional intelligence in business communication. Here is the report which is about the problem of emotion intelligence in the business communication and the recommendations for action.The problems:Difficult to adapt: Some of our employees are slow to adapt to the new methods. When our company makes some new policies, the employees always use the old ways, they can not fit to the different policies, thus lead to the new methods’ bring into affect become more and more difficult. Some of the employees are unable to adapt their style to changes in our organizational culture. Some of them were unable to take in or respond to feedback about traits they needed to change or improve. Some young employees cannot take criticis m and they get defensive or hostile when leader give them feedback as though it were it were a personal attack. They do not listen or learn. Some of them refuse to accept new things, the process of receiving takes a long time. These situations take a bad effect on our company’s efficiency. Besides it waste a lot of resource and money.Lack of the passion: Most of the employees have no passion on the work that they do. When they do the job, they do not take the work seriously. More than half of the employees who work for our company lack the motivation to keep learning and improving in their job. Without passion, they do not spare any effort to finish the work, and they put off the work which they can accomplish in ahead. In addition, some employees have no passion, they come into being a clear indication of hating the job that the worked. They have no desire to do their best at the work. Because of the lack of passion to the work, they don’t get down to the work, thus the efficient of the work is lower. The employees can not inspire their maximum potential that can not bring more benefits. The employees’lack of passion creates a bad impression on the company’s production andLittle commitment: Employees show little commitment. They care nothing but wages. They have They feel bitter about being underpaid or otherwise taken advantage of the company are certain to feel little commitment to its overall goals. So they isolated and disconnected from decisions that impact their enthusiasm for the efficient of the work. Some of the employee lack of a flair for innovation. When they deal with complex problems, they only slowly, even tediously. Their fear of risk makes them shy away from novel ideas. The employees dare to put forward their own thought; our company makes decisions always have no direction.Poor relationships: The relationship between the employers and the employees is often tense. Some of the employers have bad ability of communication. Sometimes, their unfit words hurt the employee’s feelings. Besides, some employers who have the high education background, is difficult to blend in the team work. The employees, who are talented and brilliant conceptually, look down their nose at other employees, they being too harshly critical, insensitive or demanding, so that they alienated those they worked with. They lack of the spirit of teamwork, the relationship with other workers is very tensely. In addition, some employees often make conflict that has great effect on the work environment. The employers lacks of communication with the employees. They don’t understand the employees. Some employers lack empathy and sensitivity, and so are often abrasive, arrogant, or given to intimidation of subordinates. Thus cause employees’dissatisfactions. Some of the employers have a very tension relationship with the employees. This poor relationship in our company causes a bad work environment.Inappropriate promotion: We promote someone who is our company’s individual contributor to be an outstanding leader; however, it is a classic mistake. Some outstanding individual contributors may not fit to be a leader. Some employees can only to be a individual contributor. They haven’t that ability to be a leader. Some of our employers who are overly ambitious, too ready to get ahead at the expense of other people that leads to waste a lot of resource. The inappropriate promotion lead to make the wrong policy, besides, their leadership is useless and hasn’t any affect. Inappropriate promotion causes the employees think our company makes choice do not think it carefully. Our employees lose heart to our company and they think we are not loyal to them. That led to the employees take a bad mood to work, which affect our company’s goals toLack of the Awareness of improving: Our employees lack of the awareness that improve their ability of the leadership. Many executives, who haven’t realize that it important to educate themselves about their interior landscape. They never sense that the connection between how they behave under stress and their ability to retain loyalty and talent or meet the bottom line. Some managers are emotion person who derailed handled pressure poorly and were prone to moodiness and angry outbursts. Sometimes they get angry, they decide things without thinking carefully about so that lead the worker is compliant. When some complex problems occur, some employers become very nervous and do not know how to deal with it. Lacking of the awareness to improve, our employers can not meet different employee’s and environments’need. Besides, their strain capacity cannot improve, this affect our company’s image.Considering these emotional intelligence problems, I proposal some recommendations for action to improve our company’s development.The solutions:Recognize individual difference: Our masters should recognize individual difference and match employees to different jobs. Our masters should learn to be appreciative of diversity, able to get along with people of all kinds. According to different employees’ features, we should arrange those different works. Some people might be fantastic at recognizing what clients need - that's a form of empathy. Some people might be very good at feeling the mood of a room and tracking that moment-to-moment. Some people might be very skilled at making new connections, have extensive networks. Other people might be very good at understanding the political dynamics of a company. The method which is used should vary from different employees. The right method is that: one track is for employees whom our company values, but who will never be leaders, allowing them to continue to be strong individual contributors and to gain more status and pay; the second track is for our employees considered to be the real leaders. If the managers do that in business, odds in the company we are pretty good at deal with many of those.Resolving conflict in the right way: When our masters confront conflict, they should deal with it the right way. We can follow the tips:Stay focused in the present: When we are not holding on to old hurts andresentments, we can recognize the reality of a current situation and view it as a new opportunity for resolving old feelings about conflicts. Choose ours arguments:Arguments take time and energy, especially if we want to resolve them in a positive way. Consider what is worth arguing about and what is not. Forgive: If we continue to be hurt or mistreated, protect ourselves. But someone else’s hurtful behavior is in the past; remember that conflict resolution involves giving up the urge to punish. End conflicts that can't be resolved: we can choose to disengage from a conflict, even if we still disagree. Only in this way, can we create a harmonious work environment.Learn to use motivates methods: Our employers should train their ability of motivation. The follow are the methods which can improve the ability of motivation.●Achievement goals: Our managers should use their knowledge of our employees’difference toindividualize the rewards they control.Our managers need to make rewards count on performance.Managers should look for different ways to increase the visibility of rewards, making our employees potentially more motivating. Using the achievement goals, the employees will try to work hard to attain more benefits for themselves.●Commitment: Our managers should ensure that our employees have hard, specific goals and feedbackon how well they are doing in achieving those goals. We must ensure that goals are perceived as attainable. The attainable goals will make employees feel confident that increased efforts can lead to achieving performance.●Initiative and optimistic: Our masters should improve the employee’s initiative. Our managers shouldshow care and concern for our employees. If the employees make mistakes, we can ask them the reason why they are wrong and give them a lesson by words. Our masters should have high integrity, with a strong concern for the needs of our subordinates and colleagues, and for the demands of the task at hand, giving these higher priorities. We should call on some of the representations who they choose to attend the meeting and advance theirs ideas.Open the manage emotion intelligence organ: We should arrange some special time to give lesson to the employees and employers. We should encourage the workers to the emotion intelligence organ to resolve their doubts on the work and relationship. By open the training of emotion intelligence, we can help the employees and employers to have the wisdom to know themselves and other fellows. Besides, we can help them establish the right value which is suitable to our company’s culture. In this way, we can control ourselves feeling and know of other fellows’mood. The tense relationship will become better. The workers will have a harmonious work environment. And they will work together as a team. Having a good inner state of the staff, they will perform at their best which is to be motivated, be interested at work.Learn to regulation: Manages should be learning to regulation in order to establish the good image.O ur Company’s manager should take responsibility by admitting their mistake and failures, taking action to fix the problems, and moving on without ruminating about their lapse. When the masters confront the press, they must learn to keep a clear brain and be calm to deal with the emergences. They should be honesty to win the trust. Besides, they should keep in mind that their behavior will influence the employees. Learning to self-control, the employers will have a good relationship with the employees. They will get lots of respects.CONUSIONSAs necessary as these changes are, management should be fit for the changing. Emotion intelligence what move us to purse our goals. In order to make our company get more and more performances, our works should have a passion of what they do and try their best to finish the work. So if we want to create a harmonious work environment, we should enhance our ability of emotion intelligence. I think these suggestions will helpful to improve the emotion intelligence. If you approve, we can have it installed and running it in few weeks. Please give me a call if you have any questions.Reference[1] ABRAHAM, A. 2006. The Need for the Integration of Emotional Intelligence Skills.The Business Renaissance Quarterly, 1(3), p65-79.[2] PIERCE, T. 2011.Take your emotion intelligence to the next level. Associations Now,7(7), p64-64.[3] GABBOTT, M. 2011. Emotion Intelligence as a Moderator of Coping Strategies andService O utcomes in Circumstances of Service Failure. Journal of Service Research, 14(2), p46-50.[4] ALEXANDER, R. 2011. The dark side of emotion intelligence. 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