巢捕食nest predation tec





Amphibian n.袋鼠★★★creature n. 生物★★★prey n.被虐食者★★endanger v. 危及★★★★★mammal n.哺乳动物★★★marine adj. 海洋的★★★predator n.食肉动物★★Prey n. 猎物★★★★reptilen.爬虫类★★★species n. 物种,品种★★★★★wildlife n.野生动物★★★★★vertebrate / invertebrate n. 有/无脊椎动物★alligatorn.美洲鳄★★antelope n 羚羊★★chimpanzee n.黑猩猩★★crocodilen. 鳄鱼★★★★dinosaur n.恐龙★★★★dolphin n.海豚★★★emu n.鸸鹋★★★falconn.猎鹰★★★★frog n.青蛙★★★★giraffen.长颈鹿★★hawk n.老鹰★★kangaroo n. 袋鼠★★★kiwin.几维鸟★★★★koala n.考拉★★★★lizard n.蜥蜴★★leopard n.美洲豹★★★ostrich n.鸵鸟★★★★parrot n.鹦鹉★★★penguin n.企鹅★★★pigeon n.鸽子★★★shark n.鲨鱼★★★★stork n.鹳★★swallow n.燕子★★tortoise n.乌龟★★★turtle n.海龟★★★whale n.鲸★★★★zebra n.斑马★★★以上就是雅思高频词汇“特殊动物”词汇的整理,包括了对这些动物相对应的特色的描述等等。


























2024年高中生物新教材同步必修第二册 第6章 生物的进化生物有共同祖先的证据 第2节 自含答案

2024年高中生物新教材同步必修第二册 第6章 生物的进化生物有共同祖先的证据 第2节 自含答案


















具有干扰因素的食饵-捕食者模型分析目录目录摘要…………………………………………………………………第一部分前言………………………………………………………1.1 生态数学的的研究背景及发展…………………………………1.2 基础知识…………………………………………………………第二部分 Lotka-Volterra模型的改进及其稳定性的研究…………2.1Lotka-Volterra模型………………………………………………2.2模型的研究对象及改进…………………………………………2.3 模型的稳定性的研究……………………………………………第三部分数值模拟3.1利用matlab对模型进行了数值模拟……………………………3.2模型缺陷…………………………………………………………第四部分总结………………………………………………………致谢…………………………………………………………………参考文献………………………………………………………………第一部分 前言1.1 生态数学的的研究背景及发展生态系统具有稳定性、可测性和可控性三大属性,是多层次的、多因子的、多变量的系统,只用常规的定性描述和一般的数理统计,搞不清楚它的内在规律,运用数学模型对生态系统实行管理、预测和调控,使其持续稳定发展是现代生态学研究的重要领域。

种群动力学是生态学的一个重要分支.它广泛地利用数学思想加积分方程、差分方程、泛函微分方程、偏微分方程、算子理论等数学学科中的理论和方法,通过数学建模研究生物种群的生存条件、生物种群与环境之间相互作用的过程、生物种群的演变和发展趋势.揭示生物种群的变化规律,合理利用资源,促进生态平衡这是迄今为止数学在生态学中应用深入,发展最为系统和成熟的分支,种群 动 力 学的研究有着悠久的历史.早在1798年,Malthus 在研究人类的增长时,他引入数学方法,建立了最早的连续确定模型一一Malth 。

模型)(/)(t rN dt t dN =这是一个单种群模型.它反应了人类数量的变化,在t 不很长时是比较符合实际的,但当+∞→t 时种群规模将无限增长是不合实际的,究其原因在于它没有考虑到有限的资源对种群增长的制约作用.针对这个模型,后人不断分析各种因素的影响,完善和改进这一模型,使之能较好地反应人口(单种群)的变化规律,如P. F.Verhulst(1938年)建立的Logistic 模型)/)(1)((/)(k t N t rN dt t dN -=E.M .W right(1945年)建立的有确定时滞的Logistic 模型)/)(1)((/)(k r t N t rN dt t dN --=P. M. Nisbet 和W. S. C. Gurney(1984年)建立的具有生理阶段结构(stagestructure) 模型以及H. 1. Freedman 研究的具有斑块迁移的单种群模型等,无一不是对Malthus 模型的完善和扩展,极大地推动了种群动力学的发展现 实 世 界中种群不可能单独存在,它必与相关种群相互作用,相互依存.Lotka-Volterra 模型是种群动力学中最为经典和重要的两种群相互作用的动力学模型,该模型分别由意大利数学家Volterra(1923年)解释鱼群变化规律和美国种群学家Lotka(1921年)在研究化学反应时提出。

阅读理解-第四十六篇 蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”对环境影晌巨大

阅读理解-第四十六篇 蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”对环境影晌巨大

+第四十六篇Ants Have Big impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"Research by the University of Exeter has reveal ed〔揭示〕that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as “ecosystem engineers” and predator s〔食肉动物〕. The study ,published in the Journal〔杂志〕of Animal Ecology〔生态学〕, found that ants have two distinct〔明显的〕effects on their local environment.Firstly , through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrient s〔营养物〕in the soil. . This can indirectly impact the local population s〔全体居民、种群〕of many animal groups , from decomposer s 〔腐生物〕to species〔物种〕much higher up the food chain〔链条〕.Secondly , they prey〔捕食,被捕食的动物〕on a wide range of other animals , including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.Dirk Sanders , an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation〔保护〕, said: "Ants are very effective〔有效的〕predator s which thrive〔兴盛、长得健壮〕in huge〔巨大的〕numbers. They're also very territorial 〔领土的〕and very aggressive〔侵略的〕,defending their resources and territory 〔领土〕against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence〔影响〕on their surrounding area. "“In this research , we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties〔sbutelty精妙〕of it.What we found is that despite〔尽管〕being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity〔多样化〕of other animal groups. They genuinely〔真正地〕play a key role in the localenvironment ,having a big influence〔影响〕on the grassland food web ,”Sanders said.The study , carried out in Germany , studied the impact of the presence of different combination s〔组合〕and densities of black garden ants and common red ants , both species〔物种〕which can be found across Europe , including the UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of otheranimals in the local area , particularly the density of herbivore s 〔食草动物〕and decomposer s〔腐生物〕. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite〔对立的〕effect , showing that predation〔掠夺行为〕is counteract ing〔抵消〕the positive 〔积极的〕influence.Dr Frank van Veen , another author on the study , said: "What we find that the impact of ants on soil nutrient(营养物)levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels , but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect –thereby(由此)counteract ing the positive influence via(经过、通过)ecosystem engineering. "Ants are important component s(组成)of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass生物量but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact , which obviously(明显地)reduces its richness.However,it is not clear how such disturbance(打扰)damage s(损失)the maintenance(维持)of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration(变化)of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganism s(微生物),and other soil organism s.练习:l. Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers?A Because they build their own nest s.B Because they collect food.C Becaus'e their activity affects the environment.D Because they are predators.2. As predators, antsA prey(捕食)on small as well as large animals.B collect nutritious food from the soilC collect food as decomposer s.D prey on species much higher up the food chain.3. Dir Sanders' study centered on how antsA can manage to thrive in huge numbers.B defend their resources and territory against other predators.C attack those invading animals for survival.D produce such a big impact on the environment.4. What does paragraph 6 tell us?A Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.B Ants bring about a positive influence.to an area when their population is small.C Ants' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.D At higher density , ants produce a positive influence on an area.5. What still remains unclear about ants , according to the last paragraph?A What roles do ants play in the ecosystem in which they live?B How do ants affect the animal diversity in a given ecosystem?C How do human activities affect ants' influence on a given ecosystem?D How do ants alter the physical and chemical environment?第四十六篇蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”对环境影晌巨大埃克斯特大学所做的研究表明,蚂蚁作为“生态系统工程师”和食肉动物的行为对当地的环境影响巨大。



通常用马粪纸作材料,制成高10cm、直径14cm 的圆筒,接头处用胶粘合,然后在圆筒的上、下 两端蒙上纱布,用橡皮圈固定即成。在笼壁、顶 和底的内面衬一层纸(衬纸接头处点以少量浆糊, 使之固定),成虫产卵在衬纸上,即成卵箔。
用有色纸(最好粉红色)作内衬供成虫产卵 的效果最好,既不影响成虫产卵,又容易察看卵 粒。也可用薄型玻璃钢、有机玻璃制作产卵笼, 经久耐用。
1、选择人工繁殖的草蛉种类 注意与防治对象和释放环境类型相联系来选择。
(1)防治叶螨:中华通草蛉,因其耐高温、猎 物范围广。
(2)防治蚜虫:大草蛉、丽草蛉(不耐高温, 蚜虫春秋发生)。
(3)防治棉铃虫:中华通草蛉(耐菊酯、有机 磷类杀虫剂),大田环境。
(2)瘿蚊科:部分种类捕食蚜虫、螨类、介虫, 如食蚜瘿蚊、食螨瘿蚊分别控制多种蚜虫和螨类。
(3)食虫虻科:成虫捕食多种害虫如叶蝉、卷 叶蛾等。幼虫(如大食虫虻和联低颜食虫虻)捕 食多种蛴螬。
(4)斑腹蝇科:幼虫捕食性,如灰色蚜小蝇幼 虫捕食蚜虫,如多种林木、果树蚜虫。
③ 我国利用生产赤眼蜂的人工卵也可以繁殖大 量捕食性天敌。一举多得。
啤酒酵母干粉饲料:啤酒酵母粉(北京啤酒厂) 10g、蔗糖8g。
将以上成分混合研磨,用60目铜筛过即成。 用此配方饲料饲养中华通草蛉和普通草蛉成虫, 产卵率达100%,平均每雌产卵达800~1000粒。晋 草蛉成虫取食此配方饲料,亦能正常产卵。
草蛉(Green lacewing)又名草青蛉,属脉翅目 (Neuroptera)、草蛉科(Chrysopidae),其幼 虫通称蚜狮。



4 对 电子器件 的影响 .
干扰 加速 电子器 件的老化 , 过大 的反向感应 电势可导致稳 压管、整 流管 或晶阐管 的烧毁 。
要是 由于 电力不足、电源波动幅度大 、电源质量差 ( 交流 电源
上叠加有一些高频杂波信号 ) 以及电网分配 不合理等原因所导 致 的。 接地干扰主要由于过大 的接地 电阻 与接 地电压,当二者 发 生变化时 ,产生噪声电压并进入 系统形成干扰。
( )干扰对数 控机床 的影 响 二
干扰是 数控机床 中一种 不期望的输入信号, 将导致多种故 障的发生,干扰 其正常工作。
1对电源 的输入影响 .
电源是数控机床 的输入信号之一。 输入 电压过压或欠压会 导致电机运转 不正常、C T显示消失或显示混乱、电源报 警而 R 【 收稿 日期 】2 0-1- 5 07 0 2
递的数字信 号,是一种 电脉冲信号 , 它们极易受到干扰 ,从而 给数控机床 带来一系列 的故障。因此 , 分析数控机床 的干 扰因
素 ,对应采取抗 干扰 的措施 ,可减少数控机床 的故 障发 生率 , 保持其工作性能的稳 定性 。
2 对控制 电器的动作影响 .
干扰信号会导致控制 电器的输入信 号不 正常 , 并影响反馈 的数字信 号, 从而引起控制电器误动作或不动作,出现程序 中 断、超差 、失控 、停机等故障。
供 电干线上 ,以避免大功率耗电设备 引起的尖峰电压。
( )在电源 电压波动较大 的地 区,加稳压 电源 ,以消除 3 过压 、欠压造成 的影响 。 ( 下转第 9 5页 )
【 作者简介 】李鲤 (93 ) 男 , 16 一 , 四川 南充人 ,兰州城 市学院培黎 工程技术 学院副教授 , 从事数控加 工技术的教学和管理



( 1. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁 810001 ; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049 ) 摘要: 于 2010 ~ 2013 年的繁殖季节, 在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站收集了 9 种青藏高原常见雀 形目鸟类的卵, 分别进行了反射率测量 。 测量光谱范围为可见光( 400 ~ 750 nm ) 和短波近红外( 750 ~ 1050 nm ) 。 卵在两个波段光谱的反射率分别是 0. 066 和 0. 123 , 二者差异极显著。 在可见光范围内, 除赭红尾鸲 Phoenicurus ochruros 的波峰在绿色光范围内, 其他物种都在黄色光范围内; 在短波近红外范围内, 反射率明显分为 3 个组, 以角 百灵和小云雀的地面开放巢较高, 黄嘴朱顶雀和黄腹柳莺的灌丛巢较低, 其他种居中; 开放巢及封闭巢的卵反射率 在可见光范围无显著差异, 但在短波近红外范围有显著差异 。我们认为, 在青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统中, 植被郁 闭度低, 地面营巢环境不利于巢与卵的遮阳, 造成营开放度高的地面巢的鸟卵近红外反射率相对较高, 而灌丛巢和 封闭巢的雀形目鸟类鸟卵相对较低, 但对可见光谱的卵反射率各物种差异不显著 。 关键词: 高寒草甸; 雀形目鸟类; 卵色; 卵反射率; 温度调节; 营巢类型; 巢捕食 中图分类号: Q959. 7 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000 - 7083 ( 2014 ) 04 - 0652 - 07
Motacilla flava、 粉红胸鹨 Anthus roseatus; 灌丛中的地 上巢, 如黄嘴朱顶雀 Carduelis flavirostris 和黄腹柳莺 Phylloscopus affinis; 以及建筑物缝隙中的地上巢, 如 赭红尾鸲 Phoenicurus ochruros 和树麻雀 Passer montanus( 张晓爱等, 2006 ) 。 1. 3 1. 3. 1 研究方法 反射率测量 卵反射率的测定时间为晴天 9 ∶ 00 ~ 11 ∶ 00 , 使 用 FieldSpec FSR VNIR 光 谱 仪 ( ASD Inc. , Boulder, CO ) , 可测量的波长范围为 350 ~ 1050 nm, 将反射探头固定在相 测量间隔为 1 nm, 对鸟卵表面 90° 和距离鸟卵 5 mm 的位置进行反射 光谱的测量, 曝光时间设置为 100 ms, 用聚四氟乙烯 2 ) 对测量进行标准化。 材料制成的白色漫射板 ( WS在测量反射光谱时, 每枚鸟卵根据其长径从尖端到 钝端被划分为 3 个区域, 每个区域随机取测量点 2 6 个点的平均值为每个卵的反射率 ( 杨灿朝等, 个, 2009 ; 程成等, 2011 ; Hargitai et al. , 2011 ) 。每种鸟每 巢选取 1 枚卵测量反射率。 1. 3. 2 数据处理 截取反射波长为可见光谱( 400 ~ 750 nm) 和短波近红外光谱( 750 ~ 1050 nm) 范围内的 1978; Mayer et al., 2009) 。可见 反射率( Bakken et al., 光谱又划分为蓝色光部分 ( 400 ~ 475 nm) 、 绿色光部 分( 475 ~ 550 nm) 、 黄色光部分 ( 550 ~ 625 nm ) 和红 色光部分( 625 ~ 700 nm ) , 绿色光、 黄色光、 蓝色光、 475 / 红色光 色 度 的 计 算 分 别 用 其 反 射 比 率 R400R400700 、 R475550 / R400700 、 R550625 / R400700 、 R625700 / R400700 来 表 示 ( 杨 灿 朝 等, 2009 ) 。 反 射率数据符合正态分布, 分别用配对样本 T 检验分 析在 400 ~ 750 nm 范围内反射率与 750 ~ 1050 nm Smirnov 和 范围内反射率之间的差异; 用 KolmogorovLevene 统计量分别检验所有数据的方差同质性, 用 单因素 ANOVA 分析 9 种鸟类在两个光谱范围内反 NewmanKeuls 检 验 进 行 两 射率 的 差 异, 用 Student两比较, 分析种内和种间的差异; 采用单因素 ANOVA 进行不同巢型反射率均值的比较。 统计分析在 SPSS 18. 0 ( SPSS Inc. , Chicago, IL ) 和 OriginPro 8. 6 ( OriginLab Corp. , Northampton, MA) 上进行。文中数 据均用 Mean ± SE 表示, 所有检验均为双尾。



保护野生鸟类英语作文英文回答:Protecting Wild Birds: A Vital Endeavor.Wild birds, with their vibrant plumage, melodious songs, and captivating aerial feats, play an integral role in the ecological balance of our planet. Their presence enhances the beauty and health of our environment, yet their populations face numerous threats that require urgent conservation efforts.Habitat Loss:One of the primary threats to wild birds is habitatloss due to urban development, agriculture, and other human activities. As natural habitats are converted into roads, buildings, and farms, birds lose critical nesting, feeding, and resting areas. This can lead to population decline and displacement.Pollution:Air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution can have detrimental effects on bird populations. Toxic chemicals can contaminate their food and nesting sites, impairing their health and breeding success. Noise from aircraft, vehicles, and construction can disturb birds, disrupting their feeding, roosting, and migration patterns.Overhunting:In some parts of the world, overhunting poses a significant threat to wild birds. Some species are targeted for their meat, feathers, or eggs, leading to population declines. The illegal wildlife trade also contributes to overhunting, often driven by demand for exotic pets or traditional medicine.Predation:Predators such as cats, raccoons, and snakes can pose athreat to bird nests and chicks. While some predation is a natural part of the ecosystem, human activities canincrease predator populations and expose birds to higher levels of risk.Climate Change:Climate change is emerging as a major threat to wild birds. Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels are disrupting their habitats, affecting their food availability, and influencing their migration patterns. Some species are being forced to adapt or face extinction.Protecting Wild Birds:Protecting wild bird populations requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the threats they face. Here are some key strategies:Habitat Conservation: Protecting and restoring natural habitats is crucial for the survival of wild birds. This includes creating protected areas, promoting sustainableland-use practices, and reforesting degraded areas.Pollution Control: Reducing air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution is essential for the well-being of birds. This involves implementing stricter environmental regulations, promoting clean energy sources, and reducing noise levels.Hunting Regulation: Enforcing hunting regulations and combating the illegal wildlife trade is vital for protecting bird populations. This requires strong law enforcement, public education campaigns, and international cooperation.Predator Control: Managing predator populations can help reduce the risk of bird nest predation. This involves implementing humane predator control methods and limiting human activities that attract predators.Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting climate adaptation measures is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change onwild birds. This includes investing in renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, and supporting research onbird conservation.中文回答:保护野生鸟类,一项至关重要的工作。

the giant anteater的英文介绍

the giant anteater的英文介绍

标题:The Giant Anteater的英文介绍一、引言The Giant Anteater(大食蚁兽),学名Myrmecophaga tridactyla,是一种生活在中美洲和南美洲的大型哺乳动物。



二、外观特征The Giant Anteater的体型庞大,体长可达2米,体重可达40公斤。




三、生活习性The Giant Anteater是一种夜行性动物,白天通常在靠近河岸边的洞穴中舒适地休养生息,夜间才会出来觅食。



四、栖息地The Giant Anteater主要栖息在中美洲和南美洲的热带雨林、草原和半沙漠地区。



五、保护状况The Giant Anteater目前被列为濒危物种,主要是由于其栖息地的丧失和人类的狩猎活动所致。


六、结论通过对The Giant Anteater的英文介绍,我们可以了解到这种独特的动物在外观特征、生活习性、栖息地和保护状况等方面的信息。





保护鸟类动物英语作文Birds are a vital component of our ecosystems, serving as indicators of environmental health and playing crucial roles in pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control. However, despite their essential contributions, birds face numerous threats today, including habitat loss, climate change, and pollution. It is imperative that we take action to protect these beautiful and ecologically important creatures.One of the most significant threats to birds is theloss of their natural habitats. As human development encroaches on bird habitats, birds are forced to adapt to new environments or migrate to find suitable places to nest and feed. However, not all birds can adapt or migrate, and many species are facing extinction due to habitat loss. To address this issue, we must prioritize conservation efforts to protect remaining bird habitats and restore damaged ones. This involves creating protected areas, limiting urban sprawl, and promoting sustainable development practicesthat minimize impact on bird habitats.Climate change is another major threat to birds. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea level rise are disrupting bird migration patterns, reducing food availability, and altering nesting habitats. To mitigate the impacts of climate change on birds, we must reduce our carbon emissions and support policies that promote renewable energy and sustainable land use. Additionally, we must fund research to understand how birds are adapting to changing conditions and what we can do to help them.Pollution is another significant threat to birds. Toxic chemicals, oil spills, and plastic waste are all harmful to birds and their habitats. Birds can become poisoned by ingesting contaminated food or water, and they can also be injured or killed by entanglement in plastic waste. To reduce pollution's impact on birds, we must reduce our use of toxic chemicals, properly dispose of waste, and support policies that regulate industrial pollution.In addition to these threats, birds also face predation from introduced species, diseases, and hunting. To protect birds from these threats, we must monitor bird populations, control the spread of diseases, and regulate huntingpractices. Additionally, we must educate the public about the importance of birds and their role in our ecosystems, encouraging people to respect and protect them.In conclusion, bird conservation is crucial for maintaining the health and diversity of our ecosystems. By protecting bird habitats, mitigating the impacts of climate change, reducing pollution, and regulating hunting practices, we can ensure that our feathered friends have a safe and secure future. Let us come together to protect these beautiful creatures and the valuable contributions they make to our world.**保护我们的羽毛朋友:鸟类保护的重要性**鸟类是我们生态系统的重要组成部分,它们作为环境健康的指标,在授粉、种子传播和害虫控制方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

【托福词汇资料】重点词汇语境记忆法-Begging by Nestlings

【托福词汇资料】重点词汇语境记忆法-Begging by Nestlings

【托福词汇资料】重点词汇语境记忆法-Begging by Nestlings所谓语境记忆单词Remember by the context,也就是将单词置于句子或课文中加以记忆的策略。



那么,在以下内容中就为大家带来托福TPO 阅读重点词汇语境记忆资料,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。

Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that areoverly damaging. A classic example is noisy begging by nestling songbirds when aparent returns to the nest with food. These loud cheeps and peeps might give thelocation of the nest away to a listening hawk or raccoon, resulting in the deathof the defenseless nestlings. In fact, when tapes of begging tree swallows wereplayed at an artificial swallow nest containing an egg, the egg in that “noisy”nest was taken or destroyed by predators before the egg in a nearby quiet nestin 29 of 37 trials.Further evidence for the costs of begging comes from a study of differencesin the begging calls of warbler species that nest on the ground versus thosethat nest in the relative safety of trees. The young of ground-nesting warblersproduce begging cheeps of higher frequencies than do their tree-nestingrelatives. These higher-frequency sounds do not travel as far, and so may betterconceal the individuals producing them, who are especially vulnerable topredators in their ground nests. David Haskell created artificial nests withclay eggs and placed them on the ground beside a tape recorder that played thebegging calls of either tree-nesting or of ground-nesting warblers. The eggs“advertised”by the tree-nesters’begging calls were found bitten significantlymore often than the eggs associated with the ground-nesters’ calls.The hypothesis that begging calls have evolved properties that reduce theirpotential for attracting predators yields a prediction: baby birds of speciesthat experience high rates of nest predation should produce softer beggingsignals of higher frequency than nestlings of other species less oftenvictimized by nest predators. This prediction was supported by data collected inone survey of 24 species from an Arizona forest, more evidence that predatorpressure favors the evolution of begging calls that are hard to detect andpinpoint.Given that predators can make it costly to beg for food, what benefit dobegging nestlings derive from their communications? One possibility is that anoisy baby bird provides accurate signals of its real hunger and good health,making it worthwhile for the listening parent to give it food in a nest whereseveral other offspring are usually available to be fed. If this hypothesis istrue, then it follows that nestlings should adjust the intensity of theirsignals in relation to the signals produced by their nestmates, who arecompeting for parental attention. When experimentally deprived baby robins areplaced in a nest with normally fed siblings, the hungry nestlings beg moreloudly than usual—but so do their better-fed siblings, though not as loudly asthe hungrier birds.If parent birds use begging intensity to direct food to healthy offspringcapable of vigorous begging, then parents should make food delivery decisions onthe basis of their offsprings’ calls. Indeed, if you take baby tree swallows outof a nest for an hour feeding half the set and starving the other half, when thebirds are replaced in the nest, the starved youngsters beg more loudly than the fed birds, and the parent birds feed the active beggars more than those who beg less vigorously.As these experiments show, begging apparently provides a signal of need that parents use to make judgments about which offspring can benefit most from a feeding. But the question arises, why don’t nestlings beg loudly when theyaren’t all that hungry? By doing so, they could possibly secure more food,whichshould result in more rapid growth or larger size, either of which isadvantageous. The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated begging—such energy costs are small relative to the potential gainin calories—but rather in the damage that any successful cheater would do to itssiblings, which share genes with one another. An individual’s success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. Because close relatives have many of the samegenes, animals that harm their close relatives may in effect be destroying someof their own genes. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at theexpense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genesoverall than it might otherwise.托福核心单词Nestling 尚未离巢的小鸟;婴孩原文:Begging by Nestling. 雏鸟的乞食行为。

第四章 捕食者与被捕食者

第四章 捕食者与被捕食者

捕食者和猎物Predator and Prey•捕食与反捕食——猎物的防御对策•进化上的军备竞赛Li Zhang, Animal Behavior, Beijing Normal个阶段,而在每一个阶段上,猎物都有一些逃生方法或防御对策。





羚羊•利用捕食者的感觉限度和感知力:利用捕食者的Li Zhang, Animal Behavior, Beijing NormalLi Zhang, Animal Behavior, Beijing NormalLi Zhang, Animal Behavior, Beijing Normal•带有明显标志表明自身作为食物对捕食者的不利性不可食性是如何进化而来的?为什么这些动物不采取隐蔽自己的对策?警戒色除了把鲜艳色彩与有毒物质相结合外,还可以与声音(响尾蛇和蜜蜂),气味(臭鼬,椿象等)和其他方面的刺激相结合。








生物界的捕食1. 捕食(Predation)生物摄取其他生物个体(猎物,Quarry)的全部或部分为食的现象。



2. 捕食者的分类:(1)食草动物(Herbivore):以植物组织为食的动物,如象、鹿、马、兔、牛、羊等。






3. 捕食的行为对策(Behavioralstrategy)(1)单食者(Monophagia)/特化种(Specialist):对食物的选择非常强,一般情况下仅摄取一种类型的猎物或食物,如大熊猫、食蚁兽等。











TPO11-3 Begging by Nestlings

TPO11-3 Begging by Nestlings

Begging by Nestlings1. The phrase impose on(强加于)in the passage is closest in meaning toA、increase for 为……增加B、remove from从……移除C、place on 强加于D、distribute to 给……分发解析:词汇题。



2. According to paragraph 1, the experiment with tapes of begging tree swallows establishes which of the following? 根据第1段,用乞讨的白肚燕的录音的实验确立了以下哪一点?A、Begging by nestling birds can attract the attention of predators to the nest. 雏鸟的乞讨能吸引对于鸟巢的捕食者的注意。

B、Nest predators attack nests that contain nestlings more frequently than they attack nests that contain only eggs. 鸟巢捕食者袭击装着雏鸟的巢比它们袭击仅装着蛋的巢更频繁。

(表述错误,根据最后一句,捕食者袭击有乞讨声的巢穴比安静的巢穴更频繁)C、Tapes of begging nestlings attract predators to the nest less frequently than real begging calls do. 乞讨的雏鸟的录音比真实的乞讨声不那么频繁地将捕食者吸引到巢里。

(原文没有将录音与真实声音的效果作对比)D、Nest predators have no other means of locating bird nests except the begging calls of nestling birds. 除了雏鸟的乞讨声,捕食者没有其他定位鸟巢的方法。


目前已知的企鹅种类有18种,包括帝 企鹅、金图企鹅、帽带企鹅、巴布亚 企鹅等。
企鹅主要栖息在海洋和陆地交界处的 海滩、岩石和冰雪地带。
企鹅主要以鱼类、乌贼、甲壳类动物 为食,不同种类的企鹅有不同的捕食 技巧和食性偏好。
企鹅的生理企鹅身体呈流线型,有助于在水中游 泳和捕食。它们的翅膀已经演变成鳍 ,并且没有飞行能力。
一些企鹅种类会进行长途迁徙,以寻找 食物和适宜的繁殖地。它们通常会形成 庞大的迁徙队伍,在海洋中游荡数千里 。
企鹅具有非常强烈的归巢本能,无论它们 离开巢穴多远,都能准确地找到回家的路 。这种归巢本能有助于它们在迁徙后重新 聚集在一起。

• 企鹅概述 • 捕食技巧 • 群体行为 • 捕食技巧与群体行为的关联 • 企鹅捕食技巧与群体行为的意义
企鹅主要分布在南极和南半球的其他 寒冷地区,包括南美洲、非洲、澳大 利亚和新西兰的南部海岸。
通过群体协作,企鹅能够更有效地定位和捕 捉猎物。例如,它们可能会采取轮流潜水和 围捕的策略,使得猎物无处可逃。
在群体中,企鹅个体之间可以相互学习和借 鉴捕食经验。这种社会学习有助于企鹅提高



一类捕食-食饵系统的八个正周期解问题陆地成;王奇;张友梅【期刊名称】《佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)001【摘要】In this paper , a predator -prey system with Beddington -DeAngelis functional response and exploited terms was considered using the continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory .The sufficient condi-tion for the existence of eight positive periodic solutions was obtained .%利用重合度理论中的Mawhin延拓定理,研究一类具Beddington -DeAngelis功能反应和收获项的三种群捕食-食饵系统,得到系统至少存在8个正周期解的充分条件。

【总页数】5页(P143-146,149)【作者】陆地成;王奇;张友梅【作者单位】安徽大学数学科学学院,安徽合肥230601;安徽大学数学科学学院,安徽合肥 230601;合肥职业技术学院,安徽巢湖 238000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O175.7【相关文献】1.时间尺度上带有收获项的一类捕食-食饵系统多个正周期解的存在性 [J], 李周红;杨成莲2.一类具有脉冲作用和HollingⅡ型功能性反应的非自治捕食者-食饵系统正周期解的存在性 [J], 王斌;朱勇3.一类中立型捕食者-食饵系统的正周期解 [J], 李建东4.一类脉冲捕食-食饵系统的多个正周期解问题 [J], 方亚运;王奇;郑兆岳5.一类具有Holling Ⅲ功能反应的时滞食饵-捕食系统正周期解的存在性 [J], 罗超良; 侯爱玉; 罗嘉程; 刘清华; 曾彪因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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• 捕食者对摄像设备的反应决定了在实际工作中需度量相机的定位和伪装,安排 相机到巢的合理距离,避免干扰。
蜡填充卵 秃鹰(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) 抓痕
泡沫填充卵 秃鹰啄痕
木卵 棕熊(Ursus arctos)咬 痕
(Anthony et al., 2006)
对加拿大黑雁(Branta canadensis occidentalis)巢捕食的技术方法的研究发
• 人工巢箱招引鸟类是鸟类研究中的常见方法(Rose & Lyon, 2013),和天然洞巢相 比, 人工巢箱中繁殖的鸟类具有更低的巢捕食率, 这主要是受到巢箱结构、巢口
• 巢捕食研究的几个理论模式,如捕食的空间记忆行为(Gö ransson et al.,1975)、生境

研究巢捕食行为的实际工作中,需避免人为干扰,相机监 测仍是目前鉴定捕食者的有效手段(Larriviere, 1999; Mckinnon & Bê ty, 2009), 而且辅以定位亲鸟 (Eggers et al., 2006)、标本实验、人工模拟卵、人 工巢箱等常用的鸟类研究手段,可以很好地探究鸟类的巢捕食, 有助于了解鸟类的保护、生活史策略问题等。
• 但因为巢结构和材料无法与自然巢相媲美(Roper, 1992; Haskell, 1995),有时无法 代表自然巢的捕食情况,如Thompson和Burhans(2004)对比自然巢和人工巢 的巢捕食发现两者的主要捕食者不同,因为蛇类的特殊捕食策略,在人工巢 没有蛇类捕食者。
• 另外亲鸟活动也会影响捕食者,如巢内温度的差异、巢防御(Gill et al., 1997)。
(张雷, 2014)
现巢捕食率较低,且巢捕食者主要是蛇和鼠。因为如猛禽、大型兽类等 捕食者对人工巢箱捕食没有经验,较难突破巢箱。
(Major, 2014)
对澳洲白额澳䳭(Epthianura albifrons)的保护研究中,因了解其捕食者主 要是澳洲渡鸦(Corvus coronoides)和沼泽鹞(Circus approximans) (Major & Sladek,
• 视频分析
• 定位器
• 人工巢箱
• 声音回放
• 定位跟踪
• 以往认为研究者的研究活动会对鸟类繁殖产生负面干扰 (e.g. Anderson & Keith,
1980; Pierce & Simons, 1986; Boellstorff et为研究者活动对巢捕食率的潜在影响,在巢捕食的研究中大多采用相机监
测的技术手段来捕获捕食事件的发生,如自动触发式相机 (Richardson et al.,
2009),定时相机(Thompson & Burhans, 2004)等。通过相机监测可减少探查对巢的
干扰(Cutler & Swann, 1999)。
• 另外,相机监测在研究鸟类繁殖行为,如孵卵、育雏等也能起到很好的记录 功能(Culter & Swann, 1999)。
Mckinnon和Bê ty(2009)比较了人工查探和放置相机两种监测方式下黑腰滨鹬 然巢和人工模拟巢中,两者均没有显著差异。
(Mckinnon & Bêty, 2009)
(Calidris bairdii) 和白腰滨鹬(C. fuscicollis) 巢捕食情况的差异,发现无论在自
• 而在Richardson (2009)对1996-2007年间北美鸟类巢捕食文献数据的Meta分析中,
他发现使用相机监测会减少巢捕食率(虽然数据显著度较低,且地区差异较 大),可能由于一些捕食者,如啮齿类,兽类等对陌生的摄像设备比较警惕或 厌恶(Herranz et al., 2002; Sequin et al., 2003)。
的异质性和破碎化(Donovan et al., 1995)、巢防御(Gill et al., 1997)和降低窝卵数(Martin,
1995; Eggers, 2006)等都是在人工控制的巢箱条件下获得的。
白条锦蛇(Elaphe dione)捕食大山雀(Parus major)
赤峰锦蛇(E. anmnal)捕食杂色山雀(P. varius)雏鸟
并鉴定到捕食者。而且人工模拟卵的成本小,操作简单,是经济有效的实验 方法(Anthony et al., 2006)。
• 人工模拟巢是巢捕食实验中常用方法,通过模拟鸟类巢的布置可以探究潜在
的巢捕食者,评估捕食风险(Major & Kendal,1996;Pä rt & Wretenberg,2002)。
• Ibá ñ ez-á lamo (2012)对25种鸟的巢捕食研究数据进行Meta分析,发现研究活 动并不一定对鸟类繁殖产生负面影响,与鸟种和研究方式有关。对有的雀形 目鸟类,因为有更广泛的捕食者(如哺乳类),而捕食者对研究活动的敏感 性不同(Sutherland, 2007),低频率的研究活动反而会提高其繁殖成功率。
• 1.了解巢捕食的发生和频率
• 2.了解巢捕食者的类型和组成
• 3.探究影响巢捕食的因素 • 4.探究巢捕食对鸟类繁殖的影响
• 鸟类的巢捕食者有蛇、兽类、猛禽、鸦科和其他动物(Deng et al., 2005; 王佳佳等,
(王佳佳等, 2014)
(Su et al., unpublish)
• 人工模型卵 • 毛发鉴定
• 人工模拟巢
• 相机
• 痕迹判断
鸟类巢捕食研究的方法 和技术
• 巢捕食 • 巢捕食的研究方向 • 巢捕食的研究方法 • 巢捕食的技术应用
• 巢捕食是影响鸟类繁殖成功率的主要因素之一(Ricklefs, 1969)。 在鸟类行为和生活史进化过程中,有着重要作用。
• 了解巢捕食风险,确定其捕食者对于研究鸟类种群变化和生 活史特征,提出鸟类保护对策具有重要意义(Lindell, 2000; Chalfoun et al., 2002) 。