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主要意思为“依靠”“依赖”“取决于”等,只用作不及物动词,通常与介词 on, upon 连用,主要用法有:

1. depend on [upon]+某人或某物

I knew I could depend on you. 我知道我可以相信你。

She is a woman who can be depended on. 她是个可以信赖的人。

有时可在某人或某物后用介词 for,表示依靠某人或某物提供某物。如:

We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。

2. depend on [upon]+某人或某物+不定式或动名词

You may depend on me to be there early. 你放心,我会早到的。

You can’t depend on the train arriving on time.千万不要认为火车能正点到达。


I depend on your coming at seven o’clock.我指靠你7点钟来。

You can never depend on him [his] arriving on time. 你决不能指望他能准时到达。

3. depend on [upon]+从句

The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。

Their future depends on how well they do in these exams. 他们的前途取决于他们在这些考试中成绩的好坏。

这类句型中的介词on, upon 有时可省略(尤其是在口语中)。如:

It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。

It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。

注意,depend on [upon] 后不接 that-从句;遇此情况应借助形式宾语 it。如:

You may depend upon it (that) they are valuable. 你可以放心它们是很珍贵的。

You may depend upon it that we shall never lose heart. 你放心我们绝不会灰心。

4.口语中说 It (all) depends或That depends,其意为“那要看情况”。如:

A:Are you going too? 你也去吗?

B:That depends. 那要看情况。

I want to leave early but it all depends. 我想早点离开,但那要看情况。
