

Pride Mobility 量子 6000Z系列产品说明书

Pride Mobility 量子 6000Z系列产品说明书

This IPB contains all informationfor the following models:Quantum 6000Z,Quantum 6000ZHD,and Quantum 6400Z.Quantum 6000Z Series®ACN# 088 609 661I llustrated P arts B reakdownUSYour new Pride Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB) Manual has been compiled from the latest product information available at the time of publication. Pride Mobility Products reserves the right to make changes and updates to this manual and to the product(s) it represents. Any changes, updates, or improvements to the product(s) may result in slight differences between this manual and the product you purchased.An IPB is an illustrated parts listing of all product components which have maintenance significance. IPB’s utilize “exploded”drawings to detail the individual components for each assembly and an itemized list of reference numbers, part numbers, descriptions, and quantities per assembly. Some parts may be included in an assembly but may not be available for pur-chase separately. Refer to the parts list to locate the part numbers for assemblies and components for ordering what you need.To achieve proper identification and relationship of detail parts and next higher assemblies, parts listings are presented in a convenient alphanumeric reference system. Reference numbers for parent assemblies identify one part number that can be used to order all of the components listed within it. Components of an assembly will have the same alpha character as its parent assembly.For example, the parent assembly part number using reference number of A1 — A4 is the only number you need to place an order for parts with references of A1, A2, A3, and A4. Instead of ordering 4 separate parts, use the parent assembly part number to get the complete assembly.Master assembly part numbers have reference numbers that include several subassemblies. By ordering parts using master assembly part numbers, you can save a lot of time and reduce the chance for error.For example, A1 — G10, a master assembly reference number, includes all components of assemblies A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Use caution when ordering assemblies. Check to see if a master assembly part number exists for the com-ponents that you need. If an entire master assembly is not needed, then the individual assembly part number (i.e. for reference number G1 — G10) will be sufficient to use for ordering.Asterisks (*) and NOTES are used throughout this service manual to point out important information regarding assembly structure and contents.For example, in some illustrations, only the left OR right side is shown. In other drawings, only the front OR back is depicted. The part numbers for ALL components are listed. An asterisk will also be used to indicate which components are not illustrated. Illustrated items without callouts are shown for assembly purposes.Updates to the contents of this IPB will be made on a regular basis. Providers may retrieve updates immediately upon their release by going to the Pride Service Website. The web address is . We welcome any questions or comments regarding the new Pride IPB Manual that you may have.Please note all pricing included with this manual is subject to change without prior notice from Pride.Thank you for choosing products from Pride Mobility Products.Copyright © 2009Pride Mobility Products® CorporationINFMANU3602/Rev.I/121709Quantum 6000Z SeriesPage 2Rev.I/121709Rev.I/121709Page 3Quantum 6000Z SeriesSECTION I.Center/Side Frame AssemblyVersion 3Red............................................................................................................................................................................6Blue.........................................................................................................................................................................10Silver.......................................................................................................................................................................14Orange....................................................................................................................................................................18Black.......................................................................................................................................................................22Version 2Red..........................................................................................................................................................................26Blue.........................................................................................................................................................................30Silver.......................................................................................................................................................................34Orange....................................................................................................................................................................38Black.. (42)SECTION II.Transit Package (46)SECTION III.Anti-tip AssemblyVersion 3Red..........................................................................................................................................................................48Blue.........................................................................................................................................................................52Silver.......................................................................................................................................................................56Orange....................................................................................................................................................................60Black.......................................................................................................................................................................64Version 2Red..........................................................................................................................................................................68Blue.........................................................................................................................................................................72Silver.......................................................................................................................................................................76Orange....................................................................................................................................................................80Black.. (86)SECTION IV.Suspension AssemblyStandard........................................................................................................................................................................88HD (90)SECTION V.Swing Arm AssemblyRed................................................................................................................................................................................92Blue ...............................................................................................................................................................................96Silver............................................................................................................................................................................100Orange.........................................................................................................................................................................104Black. (108)SECTION VI.Articulating Beam AssemblyRed..............................................................................................................................................................................112Blue .............................................................................................................................................................................116Silver............................................................................................................................................................................120Orange.........................................................................................................................................................................124Black. (128)Page 4Rev.I/121709Quantum 6000Z SeriesSECTION VII.Motor AssemblyHigh Speed Hammer, Standard ..................................................................................................................................132High Speed Hammer, HD............................................................................................................................................134H2................................................................................................................................................................................136H2 Accu-Trac (140)SECTION VIII.Controller Assembly (144)SECTION IX.Utility Tray AssemblyVR2, H2 MotorNon-Power Positioning/Profiled............................................................................................................................146Tilt Thru Joystick/Profiled......................................................................................................................................148Tilt Thru Toggle/Profiled........................................................................................................................................150Future Actuator/Profiled........................................................................................................................................152Q-Logic, H2 MotorNon-Power Positioning .........................................................................................................................................154Quantum Ready....................................................................................................................................................156Tilt Thru Toggle.....................................................................................................................................................158Q-Logic, H2 Accu-Trac MotorQuantum Ready/Tilt Thru Toggle..........................................................................................................................160Q-Logic, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, Standard/HD...................................................................................................................162Quantum Ready, Standard/HD.............................................................................................................................164Tilt Thru Toggle, Standard/HD..............................................................................................................................166NE, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, HD..................................................................................................................................168Tilt Thru Toggle, HD..............................................................................................................................................170NE+, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, HD..................................................................................................................................172Quantum Ready/Tilt Thru Toggle, HD (174)SECTION X.Wiring Loom/Front StabilizerStandard......................................................................................................................................................................176Power Seating. (178)SECTION XI.Footrest AssemblyPlatform.......................................................................................................................................................................180Mounting BracketStandard ...............................................................................................................................................................182Super Low Tilt.......................................................................................................................................................186High Mount............................................................................................................................................................188Super Low/High Mount .. (190)SECTION XII.Shroud AssemblyStandard......................................................................................................................................................................192Super Low...................................................................................................................................................................194Super Low Tilt, TB2/Lift & Tilt......................................................................................................................................196Power Seating. (198)Rev.I/121709Page 5Quantum 6000Z SeriesSECTION XIII.Seat Tower Assembly (200)SECTION XIV.Wheel AssemblyBlack SpokePneumatic.............................................................................................................................................................202Flat-free.................................................................................................................................................................203Silver SpokePneumatic.............................................................................................................................................................204Flat-free.. (205)SECTION XV.Owner’s PackageQuantum 6000Z/Q6000ZHD (206)SECTION XVI.Decal PackageQuantum 6000Z/Q6000ZHD .......................................................................................................................................207Quantum 6400Z.. (208)APPENDIX A.Electrical System DiagramVR2, H2 MotorNon-Power Positioning/Profiled............................................................................................................................209Tilt Thru Joystick/Profiled......................................................................................................................................210Tilt Thru Toggle/Profiled........................................................................................................................................211Future Actuator/Profiled........................................................................................................................................212Q-Logic, H2 MotorNon-Powering Positioning.....................................................................................................................................213Quantum Ready....................................................................................................................................................214Tilt Thru Toggle.....................................................................................................................................................215Q-Logic, H2 Accu-Trac MotorQuantum Ready/Tilt Thru Toggle..........................................................................................................................216Q-Logic, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, Standard/HD...................................................................................................................217Quantum Ready, Standard/HD.............................................................................................................................218Tilt Thru Toggle, Standard/HD..............................................................................................................................219NE, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, HD..................................................................................................................................220Tilt Thru Toggle, HD..............................................................................................................................................221NE+, High Speed MotorNon-Power Positioning, HD..................................................................................................................................222Quantum Ready/Tilt Thru Toggle, HD. (223)Page 6Rev.I/121709Quantum 6000Z SeriesRev.I/121709Page 7Quantum 6000Z SeriesThe parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Page 8Rev.I/121709Quantum 6000Z SeriesRev.I/121709Page 9Quantum 6000Z SeriesThe parts list is continued from the previous pages.Page 10Rev.I/121709Quantum 6000Z SeriesThe parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.Version #2. Applicable to Serial Number J9620607001S10 and subsequent. Retrofits all previous generations.The parts list is continued from the previous pages.The parts list is continued on the subsequent pages.。



ETS 合肥硅臻芯片技术有限公司(硅臻量子)是一家专注于光量子集成芯片设计的国家高新技术企业,聚焦于打造光量子计算、量子安全、量子教研等领域的量子信息关键器件、设备以及解决方案,矢志通过集成芯片技术让量子信息产品变得更小巧、更高效、更可靠、更实惠,为光量子技术从理论走向实践、从科研走向市场贡献一份力量。

顾问中国科学院院士丨中国量子信息学科开创者中国科学院量子信息重点实验室主任国家科技部中长期规划“量子调控”重大项目⸺“量子密码通信与量子计算的物理实现”首席科学家中国科学技术大学教授中国密码学会量子密码专业委员会委员兼秘书长发表SCI论文100余篇,获美欧授权发明专利2项、中国授权发明专利15项郭光灿院士陈巍博士创始人中国科学技术大学教授丨教育部“青年长江学者”主持了科技部973课题、基金委重大项目课题等科研项目十余项发表SCI论文100余篇,Science 1篇,Nature 1篇,授权发明专利3项任希锋博士首席科学家安徽省科技重大专项承担单位合肥市重点集成电路企业中国通信标准化协会全权会员国家高新技术企业ISO9001认证硅臻量子SILICON EXTREME科学家团队SCIENTIST TEAM企业荣誉ENTERPRISE HONORS产生原理三种随机数发生器的对比统计随机性安全性软件算法经典混沌物理现象好量子随机物理现象好非常好弱一般高(有限长重复,可预测)(依赖窃听者算力假设)(不依赖算力假设,可证明随机)PRNG伪随机数发生器TRNG经典真随机数发生器QRNG量子随机数发生器可抗量子计算、可证明随机的真随机数发生器。









以下是普宙的主要特点:1. 智能手表:具备时间显示、来电提醒、短信提醒、社交应用通知等功能。

2. 运动手环:实时监测运动数据,如步数、心率、卡路里等。

3. 健康监测:监测睡眠质量、血压、血氧饱和度等健康指标。

4. 智能家居控制:可通过普宙与智能家居设备联动,实现远程控制。

二、产品规格1. 尺寸:约12.5mm x 25.5mm x 11.5mm2. 重量:约15g3. 电池容量:约70mAh4. 充电方式:磁吸充电5. 防水等级:IP686. 操作系统:自主研发系统7. 适用人群:运动爱好者、商务人士、健康关注者等三、包装清单1. 普宙设备一台2. 充电器一个3. 数据线一根4. 说明书一份5. 保修卡一张四、使用步骤1. 开机:将普宙设备靠近充电器,连接电源,待设备开机成功后,进入系统设置。

2. 配对手机:打开手机蓝牙功能,搜索普宙设备,按照提示完成配对。

3. 设置语言和时区:进入系统设置,选择语言和时区,确保设备显示正确时间。

4. 智能手表功能设置:根据个人需求,开启或关闭智能手表的各项功能。

5. 运动手环功能设置:进入运动手环设置,选择运动类型,设置目标步数等。

6. 健康监测功能设置:进入健康监测设置,开启所需监测功能,如睡眠监测、血压监测等。

7. 智能家居控制:在智能家居控制设置中,添加设备,实现远程控制。

五、注意事项1. 充电:使用原装充电器和数据线,避免使用非标充电器,以免损坏设备。

2. 防水:虽然普宙具备IP68防水等级,但在游泳、潜水等水下活动中,请勿佩戴。

3. 电池寿命:正常使用情况下,普宙设备可续航约7天,请定期充电。

4. 传感器:运动手环和健康监测功能依赖于传感器,请确保传感器清洁,避免影响数据准确性。

THMDTK-1型 使用手册.doc.

THMDTK-1型 使用手册.doc.

1.输入电源:三相四线(或三相五线) AC380V±10% 50Hz;
2.三相交流电机 1 台:额定功率 370W;转速 2800r/min;
Байду номын сангаас
3.步进电机 1 台:1.2Ω,3A;减速比 1:36;
4.交流伺服电机 2 台:功率 300W,额定转速 3000r/min;
(一)机械部分 1.实训台:采用铁质双层亚光密纹喷塑结构,40mm 厚铸件平板台面,桌子下方设有储存柜,柜子上方设有 两个抽屉,可放置零部件及工、量具等。
图 2-1 实训工作台外观结构图 2.送料机构(十字滑台):主要由滚珠丝杆螺母副、直线导轨副、工作台、垫块、轴承、轴承座、端盖等组 成。分上下两层,上下层均采用伺服电机控制,实现工作台的往复运动,上下工作台面均装有接近开关,实现工 作台找原点及限位保护功能;可完成滚珠丝杆、直线导轨、轴承及轴承座的拆装实训以及两直线导轨之间的平行 度、上下层导轨的垂直度、丝杆两端的等高、丝杆与导轨的平行度和对称度等精度的检测实训。 3.转塔部件:分上下两个模盘,设有 6 个工位,可用来安装不同的模具。主要由圆锥滚子轴承、上下模盘定 位销、上下模盘定位销支架、下模盘下料孔、链轮、链条、上模盘、下模盘、传动轴、轴承座、芯棒和电磁铁等 组成。步进电机经过链传动带动上下模盘同时转动,实现模具调换的功能;可完成转塔传动部分的装配与转塔同 步调整实训。 4.模具:采用真实数控模具,可真实加工工件;主要由方孔模、圆孔模和腰孔模三种模具组成。 5.机械式冲料机构:主要由冲床床身、齿轮、端盖、曲轴、轴瓦、支架、电机座、轴承、卸荷式带轮装置等 组成。与转塔部件和模具相配合,实现冲、压物料的功能;可完成冲床机构的装配工艺实训。 (二)电气控制部分 电气控制部分主要包括电气控制柜,由电源控制模块、步进电机驱动模块、伺服电机驱动模块、可编程控制 器模块、变频器模块、触摸屏模块等组成。电源控制模块主要由三相电源总开关(带漏电和短路保护)、电源控

Phoebus Ultra Arc Titan 高强度追光灯说明书

Phoebus Ultra Arc Titan 高强度追光灯说明书

FEATURES•throws from 100-300 feet •4:1 zoom range•draws less than 15 amps •750 hour lamp life•dowser, iris and clipper•built-in, six-color automatic color changer•steep 70° downward tilt and •60° upward tiltfull 360° horizontal sweep •efficient forced air cooling •superb lumen maintenance hour meter•lightweight aluminum housing,classis, bulkheads and components •magnetic power supply•sturdy 4-point collapsible base •quiet and cool running•easy to transport – easy to operate –easy to afford•Rear Access Door-for quick and easy light field adjustments.Ultra Arc TitanLong Throw FollowspotA division of The Phoebus Company, Inc.2800 Third StreetSan Francisco, CA 94107Tel. 415 550 1177Fax. 415 550 MANUFACTURINGPHOEBUS DESCRIPTIONThe Ultra Arc Titan is the latest addition to the Ultra Arc family of high intensity followspots from Phoebus Manufacturing. Constructed of the highest quality components, the Titan continues the Ultra Arc tradition of dependability and insures years of safe reliable service.The Titan features a 1200 watt single ended HMI lamp with a rated life of 750hours and a color temperature of 5600° Kelvin.Designed for throws between 100 feet and 300 feet the Titan's precision lens system and a specially designed reflector produce maximum light output while maintaining a flat even field. A lightweight magnetic ballast draws less than 15amps from standard 120 volt 50/60 Hz AC powerOptions include a rugged, lightweight road case designed specially for the Titan, a 15 lb. solid state power supply, 220/240 volt 50 Hz operation and a hanging yoke.Ideal for today’s live event venues the Titan advances the Ultra Arc line of followspots to a new level of competitiveness and continues the legacy of quality, dependability and affordability. Ease of handling and quality construc-tion insure that the Ultra Arc line of followspots will cover any application from the smallest schools, clubs and churches to full-scale entertainment facilities.1200WSE lampRREAR ACCESS DOORTitan Long Throw Optical System Performance At Various DistancesThrow SpotFloodIn Feet Min Diam Max Diam FootcandlesMin DiamMax Diam Footcandles505"30"30001'8'650758"4'13001' 6"12'30010010"5'7502'16'16015015"7' 6"3253'24'702001' 9"10'1804'32'403002' 7"15'806'48'18Note: Measurements were completed with a flat field setting and an Osram 1200W/SE lamp.SPECIFICATIONSHead Length 56.0"Overall Head Height 22.2"Overall Height w/Base 56.5"Height of Pivot Point 45.0"Floor to Beam Center 49.0"Base Width 42.0"Front Clearance Radius for:Vertical Movement 36.0"Horizontal Movement 36.0"Rear Clearance Radius for:Vertical Movement 25.0"Horizontal Movement 23.5"Maximum Height at Rear withDownward Tilt 70.0"Maximum Height at Front withUpward Tilt 81.0"Maximum Downward TiltFrom Horizontal 70°Maximum Upward TiltFrom Horizontal 60°Horizontal Sweep 360°Lamp HMI 1200WattPower Requirement 15A 120VAC Head Weight 93 lbs Ballast Weight 43 lbs Base Weight 40 lbs Cord Length。




一、外形参数1. 尺寸:量子膜水晶系列产品的长、宽、高尺寸以及重量。

2. 外观:产品外观的颜色、材质以及表面处理工艺等。

3. 设计:产品整体设计风格,是否符合流行趋势以及人体工程学原理。

二、光学参数1. 折射率:量子膜水晶系列产品的折射率,影响光的传播效果。

2. 透射率:产品的透射率,即光线透过产品的比例,直接影响产品的透明度和透光性。

3. 色彩:产品所表现出的色彩特性,是否符合客户需求以及行业标准。

4. 反光处理:产品表面是否进行反光处理,以及反光效果的细节参数。

三、电气参数1. 电压:产品的工作电压范围,以及额定电压参数。

2. 功率:产品的功率消耗情况,也包括待机功耗等参数。

3. 亮度:产品的亮度参数,可以是LED灯珠的亮度参数,也可以是整体产品的亮度表现。

4. 色温:产品所表现出的色温特性,比如冷暖色调的区分。

5. 显色指数:产品的显色指数,即对物体颜色还原能力的评价参数。

四、功效参数1. 能效等级:产品的能效等级,属于节能环保类产品的能效等级标准。

2. 抗压强度:产品的抗压强度参数,可以衡量其在外部环境下的承载能力。

3. 防水等级:产品的防水等级,对于户外产品尤为重要。

4. 耐老化性:产品的耐老化性能,可以通过光通量衰减率等参数进行评估。

五、环境参数1. 工作温度:产品的工作温度范围,以及在不同温度下的工作表现。

2. 储运环境:产品的储存和运输环境参数,对包装和运输要求有所涉及。

3. 环保标准:产品所符合的环保标准和相关认证情况。

六、其他参数1. 使用寿命:产品的使用寿命参数,包括光源寿命、使用时长等方面。

2. 安装要求:产品的安装要求参数,包括安装方式、安装场所等。

3. 使用场景:产品的适用场景,包括家用、商用等情况。


Silicon Labs SY8253 高效500kHz步进下降电源说明书

Silicon Labs SY8253 高效500kHz步进下降电源说明书

AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 1General DescriptionApplication Note:SY8253High Efficiency,500kHz,3A,23V InputSynchronous Step Down RegulatorFeaturesThe SY8253is a high efficiency 500kHz synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of delivering 3A current.The SY8253operates over a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 23V and integrates main switch and synchronous switch with very low R DS(ON)to minimize the conduction loss.Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor sizes are achieved with 500kHz switching frequency.It adopts the instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient responses for high step down applicationsOrdering Information∙low R DS(ON)for internal switches (top/bottom):105mΩ/50mΩ∙ 4.5-23V input voltage range ∙3A output current capability ∙500kHz switching frequency∙Instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient responses.∙Cycle-by-cycle peak current limitation∙Internal softstart limits the inrush current∙Hic-cup mode output short circuit protection ∙±1.5%0.6V reference∙Power good indicator (SY8253AIC only)∙TSOT23-8/TSOT23-6packageSY8253□(□□)□Temperature Code Package CodeOptional Spec Code Applications∙Set Top Box ∙Portable TV∙Access Point Router ∙DSL Modem ∙LCD TVTypical ApplicationsFigure 1.Schematic Diagram (SY8253AIC)Ordering Number Package type Note SY8253AIC TSOT23-8--SY8253ADCTSOT23-6--SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only2 Figure2.Schematic Diagram(SY8253ADC)SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9SilergyCorp.Confidential-preparedfor InternalUseOnly 3Pinout (top view)BS LX GND IN FBEN(TSOT23-8)(TSOT23-6)Part Number Package type Top Mark ①SY8253AIC TSOT23-8XU xyz SY8253ADC TSOT23-6XT xyzNote ①:x=year code,y=week code,z=lot number code.Pin Name TSOT23-8TSOT23-6Pin DescriptionBS 11Boot-Strap Pin.Supply high side gate driver.Decouple this pin to LX pin with 0.1uF ceramic cap.GND 22Ground pinFB 33Output Feedback Pin.Connect this pin to the center point of the output resistor divider (as shown in Figure 1)to program the output voltage:Vout=0.6*(1+R1/R2)SS 4/Softstart programming pin.Connect a capacitor from this pin to ground to program the softstart time.Tss=Css*0.6V/4uA.Leave thispin open for default 1ms soft-start.PG 5/Power good Indicator.Open drain output.EN 64Enable control.Pull high to turn on.Do not float.IN 75Input pin.Decouple this pin to GND pin with at least 1uF ceramic cap LX86Inductor pin.Connect this pin to the switching node of inductorAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Supply Input Voltage------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V BS-LX,SS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V All other pins----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIN +0.3V Power Dissipation,PD @TA =25°C,TSOT23-8/TSOT23-6-----------------------------------------------------------1.5W Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)θJA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------66°C /W θJC------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15°C /W Junction Temperature Range---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering,10sec.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------260°C Storage Temperature Range-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------65°C to 150°CRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 3)Supply Input Voltage---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.5V to 23V Junction Temperature Range-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40°C to 125°C Ambient Temperature Range------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40°C to 85°CSY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 4Electrical Characteristics(V IN =12V,V OUT =3.3V,L =4.7uH,C OUT =47uF,T A =25°C,I OUT =1A unless otherwise specified)ParameterSymbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Input Voltage Range V IN 4.523V Quiescent Current I QI OUT =0,V FB =V REF *105%100µA Shutdown Current I SHDN EN=0510µA Feedback Reference VoltageV REF 0.5910.60.609V FB Input Current I FBV FB =3.3V-5050nA Top FET RONR DS(ON)1105mΩTop FET Peak Current LimitI LIM,TOP 5.16 6.9A Bottom FET RON R DS(ON)250mΩBottom FET Valley Current LimitI LIM,BOT 3.0 3.74.5A EN Rising Threshold V ENH 1.5V EN Falling Threshold V ENL 0.4V Power Good ThresholdV PGV FB falling,PG from high to low 90%V REF V FB rising,PG from low to high 95%V REF V FB rising,PG from high to low 115%V REF V FB falling,PG from low to high 110%V REF Power Good Delay Time T PG_F PG falling edge 10µs T PG_R PG rising edge60µs Output OVP Response TimeT OVP 10µs Output OVP Off Time t OFF,OVP 1000µs Soft-start Charging CurrentI SS 4µA Short Circuit Protection Wait Timet WAIT,SCP 1.9ms Short Circuit Protection Off Timet OFF,SCP 15msInput UVLO Threshold V UVLO 4.5V Input UVLO Hysteresis V HYS 0.3V Min ON Time 80ns Min OFF Time 160ns Thermal Shutdown TemperatureT SD 150℃Thermal Shutdown HysteresisT HYS15℃Note 1:Stresses beyond the “Absolute Maximum Ratings”may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only.Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specification is not implied.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Note 2:θJA is measured in the natural convection at T A =25°C on a two-layer Silergy Evaluation Board.Note 3:The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9SilergyCorp.Confidential-prepared forInternalUse Only5Block Diagram(SY8253AIC)INBSENFB(SY8253ADC)LXGNDCurrent Sense1.5V0.6Vrent SenseInput UVLO 4.5VInternal PowerThermal ProtectionInternal SST PWM Control &Protect LogicCurSY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9SilergyCorp.Confidential-prepared forInternalUseOnly6VIN =7V,VOUT=5VV IN=12V,VOUT =5V V IN =19V,V OUT =5V V IN =23V,V OUT =5VV IN =5V,V OUT =1.2V V IN =12V,V OUT =1.2V V IN =19V,V OUT =1.2V V IN =23V,V OUT =1.2VTypical Performance CharacteristicsEfficiency vs.Load Current1009080706050403020100110100100010000Load Current (mA)Efficiency vs.Load CurrentEfficiency vs.LoadCurrentV IN =5V,V OUT =3.3V V IN =12V,V OUT =3.3V V IN =19V,V OUT =3.3V V IN =23V,V OUT =3.3V110100100010000Load Current (mA)1009080706050403020100110100100010000Load Current (mA)SY8253 AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only7 Short Circuit Protection(V IN=12V,V OUT=3.3V,0A to Short)Short Circuit Protection(V IN=12V,V OUT=3.3V,3A to Short)V OUT2V/divI L2A/divV OUT2V/divI L2A/divTime(10ms/div)Time(10ms/div)SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 8OperationThe SY8253is a high efficiency 500kHz synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of delivering 3A current.The SY8253operates over a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 23V and integrates main switch and synchronous switch with very low R DS(ON)to minimize the conduction loss.Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor sizes are achieved with 500kHz switching frequency.It adopts the instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient responses for high step down applicationsApplications InformationBecause of the high integration in the SY8253IC,the application circuit based on this regulator IC is rather simple.Only input capacitor C IN ,output capacitor C OUT ,output inductor L and feedback resistors (R 1and R 2)need to be selected for the targeted applications specifications.Feedback resistor dividers R 1and R 2:Choose R 1and R 2to program the proper output voltage.To minimize the power consumption under light loads,it is desirable to choose large resistance values for both R 1and R 2.A value of between 10kΩand 1MΩis highly recommended for both resistors.If V OUT is 3.3V,R 1=100k is chosen,then using following equation,R 2can be calculated to be 22.1k:Output capacitor C OUT :The output capacitor is selected to handle the output ripple noise requirements.Both steady state ripple and transient requirements must be taken into consideration when selecting this capacitor.For the best performance,it is recommended to use X5R or better grade ceramic capacitor greater than 22uF capacitance.Output inductor L:There are several considerations in choosing this inductor.1)Choose the inductance to provide the desired ripple current.It is suggested to choose the ripple current to be about 40%of the maximum output current.The inductance is calculated as:L =V OUT (1-V OUT /V IN,MAX )F SW ⨯I OUT,MAX ⨯40%where Fsw is the switching frequency and I OUT,MAX is the maximum load current.The SY8253regulator IC is quite tolerant of different ripple current amplitude.Consequently,the final choice of inductance can be slightly off the calculation value without significantly impacting the performance.2)The saturation current rating of the inductor must be selected to be greater than the peak inductor current under full load conditions.I SAT ,MIN >I OUT ,MAX +V OUT (1-V OUT /V IN ,MAX )R 2=V0.6V-0.6V R 1.2⋅F SW ⋅L3)The DCR of the inductor and the core loss at the OUTInput capacitor C IN :The ripple current through input capacitor is calculated as :switching frequency must be low enough to achieve the desired efficiency requirement.It is desirable to choose an inductor with DCR<50mΩto achieve a good overall efficiency.External Bootstrap CapThis capacitor provides the gate driver voltage for internal high side MOSEFET.A 100nF low ESR CIN _RMS OUT D(1-D).ceramic capacitor connected between BS pin and LX pin is recommended.To minimize the potential noise problem,place a typical X5R or better grade ceramic capacitor really close to the IN and GND pins.Care should be taken to minimize the loop area formed by C IN ,and IN/GND pins.In this case,a 10uF low ESR ceramic capacitor is recommended.CB 100nF V OUT R 1R 20.6V FB GNDI =I ⋅BSLXSY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9SilergyCorp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 9Load Transient Considerations:The SY8253regulator IC integrates the compensation components to achieve good stability and fast transient responses.In some applications,adding a ceramic capacitor in parallel with R1may further speed up the load transient responses and it is recommended for applications with large load transient step requirements.3)The PCB copper area associated with LX pin must be minimized to avoid the potential noise problem.4)The components R 1and R 2,and the trace connecting to the FB pin must NOT be adjacent to the LX net on the PCB layout to avoid the noise problem.5)If the system chip interfacing with the EN pin has a high impedance state at shutdown mode and the IN pin is connected directly to a power source such as a Li-Ion battery,it is desirable to add a pull down 1Mohm resistor between the EN and GND pins to prevent the noise from falsely turning on the regulator at shutdown mode.PCB Layout Suggestion:Soft-Start:The SY8253provides programmable soft-start time feature.The minimum soft-start time is 1ms typically when SS pin is floating.Connect a capacitor across SS pin and GND to program the soft-start time.Tss(ms)=Css(nF)*0.6V/4uA Layout Design:The layout design of SY8253regulator is relatively simple.For the best efficiency and minimum noise problem,we should place the following components close to the IC:C IN ,L,R1and R2.1)It is desirable to maximize the PCB copper area connecting to GND pin to achieve the best thermal and noise performance.If the board space allowed,a ground plane is highly desirable.2)C IN must be close to Pins IN and GND.The loop area formed by CINand GND must be minimized.(SY8253AIC)SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 10TSOT23-8Package Outline DrawingTop view Side view ASide view BNotes:All dimension in MM and exclude mold flash &metalburrSY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only110.3-0.62.80-3.100.300.1-0.200.01-0.11.90TSOT23-6L Package Outline Drawing-0.50Recommended Pad Layout1.00(max)0.95TYP1.90TYPNotes:All dimension in MMAll dimension don’t not include mold flash &metal burr0.25R EF0.950.62.401.002.70-3.001.50-1.70SY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 12Taping &Reel Specification1.Taping orientationTSOT23-8Feeding directionTSOT23-6Feeding direction2.Carrier Tape &Reel specification for packagesSY8253AN_SY8253Rev.0.9Silergy Corp.Confidential-prepared for Internal Use Only 13Reel Size3.Others:NAReel WidthPackage types Tape width (mm)Pocket pitch(mm)Reel size (Inch)Reel width(mm)Trailer length(mm)Leader length(mm)Qty per reel TSOT23-88478.44001603000TSOT23-68478.44001603000。


Be sure , be safe !
*掉落、浸水、正常环境以外(高温高湿)、接触高浓度气体,毒性气体 后需要进行安全检查(参照说明书),确认无异常后再使用。 *电化学原理检测仪器的保存。 由于电解液会自然消耗,最好把机器保存在相对密闭的环境当中(例如: 塑封袋、塑料保管箱)进行保管,并且放置在干燥环境,避免光照。 *定期更换过滤片,保证传感器所接触气体的洁净程度,延长传感器的使 用寿命。

Vol% 将气体的浓度以体积的百万分之一的单位加以标示。

%LEL 将可燃性气体的爆炸下限度作为100,以百分之一的单位来表示可燃性气体 的浓度。将浓度用体积的百万分之一的濃度单位。 容许度 这是指劳动者在暴露于有害物质的地方工作时,如果该物质在空气中的浓度处 于该数值一下,则可判断不会对几乎所有的劳动者产生健康上的不利影响的浓 度。
•每天进行一次零点调整,机器的动作和接通电源时(机 器调整)一样。此外,因作业环境(温度、湿度等)的变 化导致,导致气体浓度显示发生偏差时,也请进行手动零 点调整。 •手动调零需要等机器完全预热后进行操作,否则会影响 产品的寿命及显示精度。(开机5分钟以后)
*请在非危险场所进行电池的更换,更换电池的过程中,机器的 防暴构造被破坏,在有可燃气体存在的场所非常危险。 *最好选用同一品牌的电池,电池全部更换,例如:XP-3000系 列产品在更换电池时应当更换全部4节5号电池。 *使用AC适配器的情况,应根据电池容量及功率的大小调整充 电时间。充电时间过长会影响电池、传感器(接触燃烧式)的 寿命。
Be sure , be safe !

Hi3798C V200

Hi3798C V200
Hi3798C V200 Data Sheet
文档版本 发布日期
00B02 2016-02-03
版权所有 © 深圳市海思半导体有限公司 2016。保留一切权利。
3 启动模式.......................................................................................................................................3-1
4 地址空间映射...............................................................................................................................4-1
版本 00B01 00B02
修订说明 第一次临时版本发布。 修改地址空间映射。
文档版本 00B02 (2016-02-03)
海思专有和保密信息 版权所有 © 深圳市海思半导体有限公司
Hi3798C V200 Data Sheet 基本信息
前 言...............................................................................................................................................1-1







二、产品特点1. 多功能设计:PD700plus集成了多个功能,包括音频播放、视频播放、游戏娱乐、互联网浏览等。


2. 高清画质:PD700plus支持高清视频播放,可以提供清晰细腻的画面效果。


3. 多种接口:PD700plus配备了多种接口,包括HDMI接口、USB接口、TF卡接口等,方便用户连接各种外部设备,如电视、音箱、存储卡等,拓展功能使用。

4. 智能语音控制:PD700plus支持语音识别功能,用户可以通过语音指令操作设备,不用另外使用遥控器。


5. 远程操控:PD700plus可以通过配套的APP实现手机遥控,用户可以通过手机对设备进行操作,不用到设备附近,操作更加灵活便捷。

6. 网络功能:PD700plus支持Wifi连接,用户可以通过互联网浏览网页、使用各种在线服务,如在线影院、音乐等。

三、功能介绍1. 音频播放:用户可以通过PD700plus播放音频文件,支持多种音频格式,如MP3、WAV、FLAC等。


2. 视频播放:PD700plus支持多种视频格式,如MKV、MP4、AVI等。


3. 游戏娱乐:PD700plus内置了多个游戏,用户可以通过手柄或者键盘操作进行游戏娱乐。


数据导入与导 支持多种数据格式导入,如CSV、Excel等 可将数据导出为多种格式,如PDF、Word、Excel等
01 高级编辑功能
《量子康使用指南 》ppt课件
• 量子康简介 • 量子康使用方法 • 量子康常见问题与解决方案 • 量子康的未来发展 • 总结
量子康品牌创立于2010年,专注于家庭健康产品的 研发、生产和销售。
公司拥有一支专业的研发团队,不断推出创新产品 ,以满足消费者对健康的需求。
02 主界面包括菜单栏、工具栏、工作区和状态栏等 部分
工具栏提供常用工具按钮,方便用户 快速操作
工作区用于显示和编辑数据,状态栏 显示当前状态和提示信息
有时软件更新可以解决启动问题。请访问我们的官方网站 下载最新版本的量子康软件。
如果量子康在使用过程中出现故障,首先观察故障表现, 如显示屏异常、设备过热等,然后根据故障表现判断可能 的原因,如电源故障、传感器故障等。













Mellanox Quantum 产品说明书

Mellanox Quantum 产品说明书

Mellanox Technologies Mellanox Quantum™ Firmware Release NotesRev 27.2000.23062Mellanox Technologies Mellanox Technologies350 Oakmead Parkway Suite 100Sunnyvale, CA 94085U.S.A. Tel: (408) 970-3400Fax: (408) 970-3403© Copyright 2019. Mellanox Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Mellanox®, Mellanox logo, Mellanox Open Ethernet®, LinkX®, Mellanox Spectrum®, Mellanox Virtual Modular Switch®, MetroDX®, MetroX®, MLNX-OS®, ONE SWITCH. A WORLD OF OPTIONS®, Open Ethernet logo, Spectrum logo, Switch-IB®, SwitchX®, UFM®, and Virtual Protocol Interconnect® are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.For the complete and most updated list of Mellanox trademarks, visit /page/trademarks.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.NOTE:THIS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR TEST SUITE PRODUCT (“PRODUCT(S)”) AND ITS RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES “AS-IS” WITH ALL FAULTS OF ANY KIND AND SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIDING THE CUSTOMER IN TESTING APPLICATIONS THAT USE THE PRODUCTS IN DESIGNATED SOLUTIONS. THE CUSTOMER'S MANUFACTURING TEST ENVIRONMENT HAS NOT MET THE STANDARDS SET BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES TO FULLY QUALIFY THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE SYSTEM USING IT. THEREFORE, MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL OPERATE WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MELLANOX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PAYMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGE.Rev 27.2000.23063Mellanox Technologies Table of ContentsDocument Update History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.1 Supported Switch Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.2 Firmware Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.3 Supported Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3.1 Validated and Supported FDR Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3.2 Validated and Supported EDR Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3.3 Validated and Supported HDR Cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3.4Supported Link Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.4 Firmware Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.5 PRM Revision Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Chapter 2 Changes and New Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Chapter 3 Known Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Chapter 4 Bug Fixes History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Chapter 5 Firmware Changes and New Features History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Rev 27.2000.23064Mellanox Technologies Document Update HistoryTable 1 - Release Update HistoryRevision Date DescriptionRev 27.2000.2306October 22, 2019Initial release of this firmware version. This versionintroduces Bug Fixes (see Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 12)IntroductionRev 27.2000.23065Mellanox Technologies 1IntroductionThese are the release notes for the Mellanox Quantum™ firmware, Rev 27.2000.2306. This firm-ware complements the Mellanox Quantum™ switch with a set of advanced features, allowing easy and remote management of the switch.This firmware supports the following protocols:•InfiniBand - SDR,QDR, FDR EDR,HDR1.1Supported Switch SystemsThis firmware supports the devices listed in Table 2. For the most updated list of switches sup-ported, visit the Firmware Download pages on . 1.2Firmware InteroperabilityThis firmware version has been validated to work against platforms with the following firmware and software versions.Table 2 - Supported Switch SystemsModel Number DescriptionMQM8790Mellanox Quantum ™ 40-port Non-blocking Externally Managed HDR 200Gb/s InfiniBand Smart SwitchTable 3 - Firmware InteroperabilityHCA/SwitchFirmware Version Quantum 27.2000.2306Switch-IB 11.2000.2046Switch-IB 215.2000.2046ConnectX®-620.26.1040ConnectX®-5 Ex 16.26.1040ConnectX®-516.26.1040ConnectX®-412.26.1040ConnectX®-3 Pro 2.42.5000ConnectX®-3 2.42.5000Connect-IB®10.16.1200MFT4.13.0Note: The minimal required ConnectX-6 firmware version is 20.25.1532.Rev 27.2000.23066Mellanox Technologies 1.3Supported Cables1.3.1Validated and Supported FDR Cables1.3.2Validated and Supported EDR Cables1.3.3Validated and Supported HDR CablesTable 4 - Validated and Supported FDR CablesSpeedCable OPN #DescriptionFDR MC2207310-003Mellanox® Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 56Gb/s, QSFP, 3m FDR MC2207310-010Mellanox® Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 56Gb/s, QSFP, 10m FDR MC2207310-015Mellanox® Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 56Gb/s, QSFP, 15m FDRMC2207310-100Mellanox® Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 56Gb/s, QSFP, 100mTable 5 - Validated and Supported EDR CablesSpeed Cable OPN #DescriptionEDR MCP1600-E001Mellanox Passive Copper Cable VPI 100GB/S QSFP LSZH 1M EDR MCP1600-E002Mellanox Passive Copper Cable VPI 100GB/S QSFP LSZH 2M EDR MCP1600-E00A Mellanox Passive Copper Cable VPI 100GB/S QSFP LSZH 0.5M EDR MFA1A00-E010Mellanox Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, 10m EDR MFA1A00-E015Mellanox Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, 15m EDR MFA1A00-E100Mellanox Active Fiber Cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, 100m EDRMCP1OPT-E002Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, VPI, up to 100Gb/s, QSFP, LSZH, 2mNote: EDR links raise with RS_FEC.Table 6 - Validated and Supported HDR CablesSpeed OPN # / Name DescriptionHDR MCP1650-H001E30Mellanox® Passive Copper cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP28, PVC, 1m, white pultab, 30AWGHDR MCP1650-H002E26Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB HDR, up to 200GB/S, QSFP56, LSZH, 2M, black pultab, 26AWGHDR MCP1650-H00AE30Mellanox Passive Copper Cable, IB HDR, up to 200GB/S, QSFP56, LSZH, 0.5M, black pultab, 30AWGHDR MCP7H50-H001R30Mellanox® Passive Copper hybrid cable, IB HDR 200Gb/s to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, colored pulltabs, 1m, 30AWGHDRMFS1S00-H003EMellanox® active fiber cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, black pulltab, 3mIntroductionRev 27.2000.23067Mellanox Technologies 1.3.4Supported Link SpeedThe table below lists the current supported link speed.1.4Firmware UpgradeFirmware upgrade may be performed directly from any previous version to this version. To upgrade firmware, please refer to the Mellanox Firmware Tools (MFT) package at:/page/management_toolsHDR MFS1S00-H005E Mellanox® active fiber cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, black pulltab, 5mHDR MFS1S00-H010E Mellanox® active fiber cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, black pulltab, 10mHDR MFS1S00-H100E Mellanox® active fiber cable, IB HDR, up to 200Gb/s, QSFP56, LSZH, black pulltab, 100mHDR MFS1S50-H0xxE Mellanox® active fiber splitter cable, IB HDR, 200Gb/s to 2x100Gb/s, QSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, up to 30mHDRMFS1S90-H003EMellanox® active fiber splitter cable, IB HDR, 2x200Gb/s to 2x200Gb/s, 2xQSFP56 to 2xQSFP56, LSZH, 3mNote: HDR links raise with RS_FEC.Table 7 - Supported Link SpeedSpeed CableCable Length LimitationsSDR Optical Up to 100MCopper Up to 2M QDROptical3/10/15/100MNote: QDR speed is only supported when using FDR cables. See Table 4,“Validated and Supported FDR Cables,” on page 6.FDR Optical 3/10/15/100M EDR Optical Up to 100M Copper Up to 3M HDROpticalUp to 100MNote: HDR optical cables support only HDR speed.Thus, when mask is configured to HDR, the link is not raised when connecting to EDR devices.Copper Up to 2MTable 6 - Validated and Supported HDR CablesSpeed OPN # / Name DescriptionRev 27.2000.23068Mellanox Technologies 1.5PRM Revision CompatibilityFirmware Rev 27.2000.2306 complies with the Mellanox Switches Programmer’s Reference Manual (PRM), Rev 1.40 or later.Changes and New FeaturesRev 27.2000.23069Mellanox Technologies 2Changes and New FeaturesTable 8 - Changes and New FeaturesCategoryDescriptionRelease 27.2000.2306CablesBug Fixes (see Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 12)Rev 27.2000.230610Mellanox Technologies 3Known IssuesThe following sections describe known issues in this firmware release and possible workarounds.Table 9 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Issue1886809Description: FDR speed in Quantum-base switches is supported only when using optical cables 10m\15m\30m and only on ports: #7, #9 - #30.Workaround: N/AKeywords: Cables, ports, speed1713747Description: When using splitter HDR optical cables, toggling the upper port causes the lower port to be toggled as well. Workaround: N/AKeywords: Cables, port toggling1856717Description: High BER may occur when connecting cables of type 0.5/1m DAC to an HDR speed.Workaround: N/A Keywords: Cables1761271Description: CWDM4 AOM cable is currently not supported on Quantum switch systems. Workaround: N/A Keywords: Modules/Cables1563590Description: LR4 modules are currently not supported. Workaround: N/A Keywords: Modules/Cables-Description: The supported length of HDR copper cables is currently up to 2M.Workaround: N/A Keywords: HDR cablesDescription: Although the effective BER (after FEC) is expected to meet our design targets (e.g. 10e-14 or lower), occasionally it may be higher.Workaround: N/A Keywords: Cables-Description: HDR optical cables and Split cables support only HDR speed.Workaround: N/AKeywords: Link Speed, cables, Break-Out cables-Description: The following features are currently not supported on Mellanox Quantum™ based systems:•IB Router•Congestion ControlV oltage reading via MVCR Workaround: N/AKeywords: Mellanox Quantum-Description: When using Mellanox AOC cables longer than 50m use one VL to achieve full wire speed.Workaround: N/A Keywords: CablesKnown IssuesTable 9 - Known IssuesInternal Ref.Issue955641Description: VL_HIGH_LIMIT is not affecting the VL arbiter as expected.Workaround: Arbitration table should be set using only the low priority VL arbitration table.Keywords: VL Arbitration1249608Description: Configuring weight "0" for VL, results in unexpected behavior.Workaround: Arbitration table should be configured with weights other than "0".Keywords: VL Arbitration-Description: Module info page in Diagnostics Data VS-MAD is not supportedWorkaround: N/AKeywords: Diagnostics Data VS-MAD4Bug Fixes HistoryTable 10 lists the bugs fixed in this release.Table 10 - Bug Fixes HistoryInternal Ref.Issues1834740Description: Fixed an issue that resulted in high BER when using optical module with modulefirmware older than 37.50.316.Keywords: Optical cables, BER, cables firmwareDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.2182Fixed in Release: 27.2000.23061899441Description: Fixed an issue that caused the packets to be transmitted from a wrong output port due to awrong configuration of the packet classification decision in the switch forwarding database cache key, thatcaused both AR eligible packets and AR ineligible packets to hit the same cache entry.Keywords: Switch forwarding, Adaptive RoutingDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.2046Fixed in Release: 27.2000.21821885460Description: On rare occasions, and under high SHARP load, switch SHARP operation might get stuck.Keywords: SHARPDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.2046Fixed in Release: 27.2000.21821859715Description: The bandwidth on MFS1S00-H050E cables is 99G/s and on MFS1S00-H100E cables is67Gb/s when connecting at HDR speed to an HDR switch.Keywords: CablesDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1886Fixed in Release: 27.2000.20461797452Description: A port may hang while Link-Maintenance runs on it and the second port’s link istoggled.Keywords: Link-Maintenance, port togglingDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1600Fixed in Release: 27.2000.18861698990Description: HDR link up time when using optical cables may take 6 minutes or more (up to 20minutes).Keywords: HDR, optical cables, link up timesDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1100Fixed in Release: 27.2000.18861718734/ 1723236/ 1718645/ 1710631Description: On rare occasions, HDR link may not raise properly when using optical cables. Keywords: HDR linkDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1012Fixed in Release: 27.2000.16001774870Description: Link flapping and packet loss during High/Low temperature changes.Keywords: LinkDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1400Fixed in Release: 27.2000.1600Bug Fixes HistoryTable 10 - Bug Fixes HistoryInternal Ref.Issues1778837Description: When using a copper splitter cable up to 2m length in HDR100 mode, traffic may drop.Keywords: Cable, HDR100Discovered in Version: 27.2000.1400Fixed in Release: 27.2000.16001534459Description: When working with 8 VLs, TP does not function due to buffers’ configuration.Keywords: VLs, latency, performanceDiscovered in Version: 27.2000.1100Fixed in Release: 27.2000.14001605587Description: Fixed an issue that cause the green port LED to blink in the same frequency regardless of the link speed rate set.Keywords: Port LEDDiscovered in Version: 27.1910.0618Fixed in Release: 27.2000.11421598550Description: Fixed an issue that prevented the port from being split when the request (command) was sent from the NV config tool.Keywords: Split PortDiscovered in Version: 27.1910.0618Fixed in Release: 27.1910.06205Firmware Changes and New Features History Table 11 - Firmware Changes and New Features HistoryCategory DescriptionRelease 27.2000.2182General Bug Fixes (see Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 12)Release 27.2000.2046Mellanox Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™[Beta] Mellanox Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ technology improves the performance of MPI operations by offloading collective operations from the CPU to the switch network, and by eliminating the need to send data multiple times between endpoints.Link Speed Added QDR/FDR support in Quantum switch systems when using optical cables ofup to 30m.Note: QDR speed is only supported when using the FDR cables. See Table 4,“Validated and Supported FDR Cables,” on page 6Cables Removed PLR from active cables longer than 30m.Release 27.2000.1886Physical Layer Retransmission (PLR) Added support to the Physical Layer Retransmission (PLR) functionality for HDR speed.Link Speed Link-up time improvements. The link up time is up to 60 secRelease 27.2000.1600General Bug Fixes (see Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 12)Release 27.2000.1400Link Speed HDR speed rate is at GA level.Cables Added support for Break-Out Cable auto-sensing.Release 27.2000.1142Link Speed HDR link stability enhancements.Note: HDR is at beta level.Release 27.2000.1012Link Speed HDR speed rate is currently at Beta level.Release 27.2000.1004Link Speed Stability improvements for HDR link.Subnet Manager (Adaptive Routing)Added support for Adaptive Routing. Adaptive routing (AR) allows optimizing data traffic flow. The InfiniBand protocol uses multiple paths between any two points. Thus, when unexpected traffic patterns cause some paths to be overloaded, AR can automatically move traffic to less congested paths according to the current temporal state of the network.Adaptive Routing Added support for Private Linear Forwarding Tables (PLFT). This capability helpsSM to optimize traffic.Firmware Changes and New Features HistoryTable 11 - Firmware Changes and New Features HistoryCategory DescriptionRelease 27.1930.0016Link speed Added support for EDR rate speed.Note: For MLNX-OS software version (3.7.1074) to properly work, you must useQuantum unmanaged firmware v27.1930.0016 and above, and ConnectX-6firmware v20.99.6044 and above.Release 27.1930.0012Cables Added support for Copper cables up to 2m at HDR speed.Added support for Optic cables up to 100m at HDR speed.Added support for break-out cables for both copper and optics, at HDR speed.Release 27.1920.0016Link Speed HDR link rise time optimizations.Release 27.1920.0012Power Consumption Improved Quantum switch based system’ power consumption.Release 27.1920.0008Link Speed[Alpha Quality] Added support for HDR speed when using optical cables toconnect between switches (switch to switch connection).Release 27.1920.000Link Speed[Alpha Quality] Added support for 3 & 10 meter optical cables when in loopbackmode at HDR link speed on the front end (edge) ports only.[Alpha Quality] Added support for 1 & 15 meter HDR copper cables whenconnected to a ConnectX-6 adapter cards at EDR link speed.Release 27.1910.0Bug Fixes See Section 4, “Bug Fixes History,” on page 12Release 27.1910.0618General This is the initial GA firmware version for Mellanox Quantum™ 40-port Non-blocking Externally Managed HDR 200Gb/s InfiniBand Smart Switch(MQM8790).Note: This firmware version supports SDR and EDR speeds only.Split Port Enables the user to split a single physical quad-lane QSFP port into 2 dual-laneports using the break-out cable.。





一、材料参数1.1 主要材料量子膜水晶系列采用优质的玻璃材料和先进的量子膜技术制作而成,保证产品的质量和性能。

1.2 透明度量子膜水晶系列具有极高的透明度,可达到90%以上,能够有效提升室内采光效果,让房间更加明亮通透。

1.3 耐磨性经过特殊处理的量子膜水晶系列具有很强的耐磨性,不易受到划痕和磨损,使用寿命长。

1.4 抗污染量子膜水晶系列具有抗污染的特性,表面平整光滑,不易沾染灰尘和污垢,易清洁。

二、产品规格参数2.1 尺寸量子膜水晶系列产品的规格多样,可根据客户需求进行定制,常见的规格包括1200*2400mm、1500*3000mm等。

2.2 厚度量子膜水晶系列的厚度一般在3mm至12mm之间,可根据不同用途和需求进行选择。

2.3 颜色量子膜水晶系列颜色种类丰富多样,包括透明、磨砂、钛金等,满足不同客户的审美需求。

2.4 加工方式量子膜水晶系列产品可采用切割、磨边、钻孔等多种加工方式,以确保产品的充分利用。

三、适用范围参数3.1 室内装饰量子膜水晶系列可以广泛应用于室内装饰领域,如墙面装饰、吊顶装饰等,提升室内空间的美观度和舒适度。

3.2 家具制造量子膜水晶系列可用于家具制造,如玻璃餐桌、玻璃衣柜等,增加家具的时尚感和质感。

3.3 电子产品量子膜水晶系列也可以用于电子产品的外壳制作,如平板电脑、手机等,增加产品的质感和档次。

3.4 商业空间量子膜水晶系列在商业空间装修中也有广泛应用,如商场橱窗、餐厅隔断等,提升商业空间的高端感和氛围。







1. 光学透过率量子膜水晶系列的光学透过率是指该膜材料对可见光的透过比例。


2. 紫外线阻挡率量子膜水晶系列在紫外线阻挡方面具有较高的性能,能有效阻挡85%以上的紫外线,有助于保护人体免受紫外线的伤害,延长家具、地板、墙纸等物品的使用寿命。

3. 红外线阻挡率量子膜水晶系列还具有较高的红外线阻挡性能,可有效防止太阳光的热能进入建筑内部,降低室内温度,减少空调能耗,提高能源利用效率。

4. 硬度该系列膜材料具有较高的硬度,能有效抵御一般的划痕和磨损,保持表面整洁、光滑。

5. 耐候性量子膜水晶系列的耐候性能优异,能长时间抵御紫外线、高温、潮湿等自然环境因素的侵蚀,保持长久的透光性和外观。

6. 自清洁部分量子膜水晶系列产品具有自清洁功能,能够将灰尘、污垢等外界污染物自动清洗干净,保持表面的光洁,减少人工清洁的频次。

7. 防爆性量子膜水晶系列在特殊制备技术下,具备较高的防爆性能,一旦受到破坏也不会产生危险,确保使用安全。

8. 防火性部分量子膜水晶系列产品采用阻燃材料生产,具有良好的防火性能,一旦遇到火灾可以有效减缓火势蔓延速度,增加人员疏散时间。

9. 环保性量子膜水晶系列产品的生产过程基本无污染,产品使用后也能得到回收再利用,符合环保要求,是一种绿色环保材料。







一、功能介绍1. 交互体验优化:摩动核敖丙内置先进的人工智能芯片,具有强大的学习和适应能力,可以根据用户的操作习惯进行智能推荐,提供更加个性化的使用体验。

2. 多元化应用:摩动核敖丙支持多种场景的应用,可以作为智能家居中枢控制系统,实现智能家居的自动化管理;也可以作为移动办公设备,满足用户各种工作需求。

3. 强大的硬件性能:摩动核敖丙配备了高性能的处理器和大容量的存储空间,能够高效处理各类任务,确保系统的稳定性和流畅性。

4. 高清晰度显示:摩动核敖丙采用了先进的显示技术,拥有高分辨率和丰富的色彩表现力,为用户呈现出更加精彩逼真的视觉效果。

二、操作方法1. 开机和关机:按下摩动核敖丙侧面的开关键进行开机,长按开关键即可关机。

2. 导航和菜单操作:使用手指滑动屏幕,即可实现导航和菜单的切换,通过点击屏幕上相应的图标,即可进入相应的功能模块。

3. 应用切换:点击应用图标,即可打开对应的应用程序;双击返回键,可实现应用的切换。

4. 设置和调节:进入设置界面,可调节显示亮度、音量大小、网络设置等,满足用户的不同需求。

三、使用注意事项1. 使用环境:摩动核敖丙适用于室内环境,在干燥、通风的环境中使用,避免长时间曝晒于阳光下,防止损坏产品。

2. 清洁和维护:定期清洁屏幕和机身,避免灰尘和污垢对产品造成影响。


3. 电源和充电:摩动核敖丙配备可拆卸电池,使用时请采用原厂充电器进行充电,并避免长时间过充或过放电。



















量子聚能环对水的总硬度,总碱度有很宽的容忍度,应用实践表明当钙离子达到2000mg/L(以CaCo3 计)ph值大于11时,表现出良好的阻垢效果,他的耐水温远非化学药剂可比,当水温达到150℃时也能阻止垢物沉积。
















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五、规格:聚能量子晶片:20X32MM 椭圆形超能量子晶盘:直径为∮78MM六、用法:直接用于患处(哪痛贴哪)聚能量子晶片的最佳有效面为直径∮60MM,适用于一般的小围痛症和炎症。










十、技术输出企业:Sunning technology Co.,Ltd十二、清洁:每次或定期清洁用人体清洁剂(沐浴露或香皂)清洗即可水温不能高于50℃十三、存放要求不能高于50℃,不低于-10℃。






























