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Information security and computer viruses

Abstract: In this thesis,we study the information security goals, security threats and the main source of threat and to study the information security policy and the current information security under the protection of the main technology. The origin of the computer virus, development, characteristics, classification, hazards, prevention and control conducted a preliminary analysis.

The main focus of this paper is on the current conditions, the computer virus on the information security threats arising from research, analysis of the current era of new information on several anti-virus technology, and new technologies in this Jizhong a brief analysis.In this paper, the status of the current preliminary information security solutions, as well as the prevention of computer viruses, protecting the technical aspects of computer information security advice for improvement. Hope that through this as much as possible in the computer virus prevention and control presented their resear ch findings and perspectives.

Keywords: Information Security、Virus Prevention、Active defense


1 综述 (1)

1.1信息安全的重要性 (1)

1.1.1 社会信息化提升了信息的地位 (1)

1.1.2 社会对信息技术的依赖性逐渐增强 (1)

1.1.3 虚拟的网络财富日益增长 (2)

1.1.4 信息安全已经成为社会的焦点问题 (2)

1.2信息安全的严峻性 (2)

1.2.1 网络安全事件接收和处理情况 (3)

1.2.2 信息系统安全漏洞公告及处理情况 (3)

1.2.3 木马与僵尸网络监测情况 (4)

1.2.4 被篡改网站监测情况 (5)

1.2.5 网页仿冒事件情况 (5)

1.3信息安全相关研究 (6)

1.3.1 密码理论和技术 (6)

1.3.2 安全协议理论和技术 (6)

1.3.3 安全体系结构理论与技术 (6)

1.3.4 信息对抗理论与技术; (6)

1.3.5 网络安全与安全产品。 (6)

2 计算机病毒 (7)

2.1计算机病毒的定义 (7)

2.2计算机病毒的基本特征 (7)

2.2.1 感染性 (8)

2.2.2 潜伏性(隐藏性) (8)

2.2.3 可触发性 (8)

2.2.4 破坏性 (8)

2.2.5 非授权可执行性 (8)

2.3计算机病毒的分类 (8)

2.3.1 按计算机病毒攻击的机型分类 (8)

2.3.2 按计算机病毒攻击的操作系统分类 (9)

2.3.3 按传播媒介分类 (9)

2.3.4 按计算机病毒的寄生方式分类 (9)

2.3.5 按病毒的表现(破坏)情况分类 (10)

2.3.6 按计算机病毒寄生方式和感染途径分类 (10)

2.4计算机病毒发展简史 (11)

2.5计算机病毒分析 (13)

2.5.1 DOS病毒分析 (13)

2.5.2 Windows病毒分析 (15)

3 反病毒技术研究 (19)

3.1CPU反病毒技术 (19)

3.1.1 CPU硬件防毒原理 (19)

3.1.2 防毒CPU家族展示 (19)

3.2实时反病毒技术 (21)

3.1.1 实时反病毒技术简介 (21)

3.1.2 实时反病毒技术具体应用 (22)

3.3虚拟机反病毒技术 (22)

3.4主动防御反病毒技术 (23)

3.4.1 主动防御简介 (23)

3.4.2 基于SSDT的病毒主动防御技术研究 (23)

3.4.3 基于行为分析的病毒主动防御技术研究 (23)

4 总结与展望 (25)

4.1总结 (25)

4.2展望 (25)

毕业论文体会与致谢 (27)
