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How to set up a company:

Forms of Commercial Entities:

a) Individual Entrepreneur (E.I.) or Commercial Entrepreneur, natural person

b)Company or Commercial Entrepreneur, corporate body

c)Economic Interest Group ( A.I.E. )

※Investors can set up a company through either : Notary Public, lawyers, or by choosing Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute's"One stop Service"

Individual Entrepreneur (E.I.) or Commercial Entrepreneur, natural person

This is the same term as "Sole Proprietorship" under the previous Commercial Code of Macao. This kind of business

is exercised by one person using his own name or by his employees. He is wholly liable for all debts incurred in the business.

Company or Commercial Entrepreneur, corporate body

The members of the company contribute either in capital or in industry for the company, practicing profit reverting economic

activities back into the company and sharing the profit with the members.

Economic Interest Group (A.I.E.)

Joining 2 or above companies without affecting their qualifications of legal person, aimed at promoting and developing

each other's economic activities or simply improving and expanding the economic activities of their companies.

Types of Company and responsibilities of the members

1.Unlimited liability Company

Formed by at least 2 members who have subsidiary responsibilities in relation to the company.

2.Mixed Liability Company

a)Mixed Liability Company by quotas*:

Composed of unlimited liability partners as well as limited liability

partners. Limited liability partners are only responsible for their

share proportion. With no responsibility for any debts incurred by

the company. On the other hand, unlimited liability partners are

responsible for all debt of the company.

b)Mixed Liability Company by shares:

Limited liability shareholders acquire shares of the company

and are only responsible for this amount, unlimited liability

shareholders are responsible for all debt of the company.

3.Limited Liability Company by quotas*:

This is the most common type of company set up in Macao, composed of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 30 members. The minimum number of quota issued should therefore be two and the minimum value for each quota should not less than Mop1000, each subscriber should have at least 1 quota.


However, another type of limited liability company by quotas is also available, Limited Liability Company by a Sole Owner. Any natural person can set up his own company with his own capital. This company is formed by 1 quota and consists of 1 single person. This type of company is subject to the same regulations that apply to Limited Liability Company by quotas.

*Quota is a share in a private limited liability company. The rights of transferring is restricted and it prohibit

any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares in the company.

4.Limited Liability Company by shares

A Limited Liability Company by shares has a share capital. The minimum capital is

Mop 1,000,000 and the minimum

value of each share must be Mop 100 with shares of equal value Composed of at least

3 members, the shareholders

are responsible only for the shares they owned, not for the debts of the company. The

company is responsible for the

debts in its total assets.
