申请香港城市大学要提交的材料 Supporting Documents

硕士课程有偏重某一领域的学习,所以申请者必须有相关专业本科电子或计算机相关证件;2.具备中文能力:大部分课程以中文授课,因此申请者须具备中文语言能力或相关证书才可申请;3.具备英文能力:申请者须具备英语能力,如雅思(IELTS)成绩及其他英语测试最低标准成绩也有可能会被考虑;4.推荐信:多数项目会要求有推荐信,推荐信应由申请者前教授证明申请者课业成绩及其他能力水平二、申请英文条件1.Academic qualifications: Applicants must hold a qualifying bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications from an accredited university, or an equivalent established qualification, which is acceptable to the University;2.English language proficiency: All applicants must demonstrate good competence in the English language by achieving an acceptable English language assessment such as IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or equivalent;3.Supporting documents: Most programs will require two letters of recommendation from reputable individuals who can speak with someknowledge of the applicant's academic and/or professional achievements;4.Evidence of previous studies: An official transc ript from applicant’s previous studies, usually in the form of a certification from the university or college, must be submitted to confirm applicant’s academic standing.。
香港城市大学Admissions Requirements

ent (for those whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is NOT English)
a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or
an overall band score of 6.0 in International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or
TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 213 (computer-based test) or 79 (internet-based test); or
Overall band 6.5 in International English Language Testing (IELTS); or
hold a relevant bachelor's degree with first or second class honours (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university.
Applicants for admission to Professional Doctorate programmes must satisfy the entrance requirements specific to individual programmes.


香港城市大学,简称城大(英文:City University of Hong Kong,CityU),香港八所受政府大学教育资助委员会资助并可颁授学位的高等教育院校之一。
香港城市大学的热门专业包括:理工科、统计学、计算机、机械工程、文科、教育、传媒、商科MBA(工商管理硕士)、金融、会计、市场营销、法律、LLM法律硕士、公共管理、MPA(公共管理硕士) 、MPP(公共政策硕士)、医学术、体育研究生申请要求:平均GPA(211/985学校):75平均GPA(非211/985学校):80最低雅思:6.5香港城市大学提供以下两类研究学位课程:哲学博士哲学硕士入学要求申请攻读研究学位课程者须符合以下基本入学条件:1. 哲学硕士学位持有认可大学颁授的一级或二级相关荣誉学士学位或认可的等同学历。
2. 哲学博士学位城大的哲学硕士研究生可于学习过程中申请转读哲学博士学位课程;或持有认可大学颁授的研究式硕士学位或认可的等同学历;或持有认可大学颁授的硕士学位或认可的等同学历;或持有认可大学颁授的一级相关荣誉学士学位或认可的等同学历。

香港城市大学申请必看NotesforApplicants第一篇:香港城市大学申请必看Notes for ApplicantsNotes for Taught Postgraduate Applicants * Information is subject to change without prior noticeProgramme Information and Entrance Requirements Please visit the Programme Information for individual programme information including University's General Entrance Requirements, Programme Entrance Requirements and English Proficiency Requirements.Medium of Instruction and Assessment The normal medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.Application Fee(Non-refundable and Non-transferable)The application fee for admission to a programme is HK$200 per online application.Please submit additional applications if you wish to apply for more than one programme.The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.You are required to pay the application fee online using a credit card(VISA or MasterCard), before submission of the online application.Application Period Please visit here for the up-to-date application schedule of various programmes.You are required to submit the online application before the specified deadline.Supporting Documents The documents to be submitted in supporting your application are listed under the Section on “Supporting Document” in the online application.Please note the following while you are preparing the required documents: Please upload the required supporting documents of your academic and / or professional qualifications(such as academic transcripts and award certificates, examination / English test results, etc.)before submitting your application.Documents unrelated to academic qualifications(e.g.HKID card)need not besubmitted.Submitted documents will not be returned.Transcripts and certificates which are not in English should be accompanied by an official certified translation.It is your responsibility(including CityU students)to provide full information to facilitate the evaluation of your application.Incomplete submission may delay the processing of the application.Selection decisions will mainly be based on the qualifications set out in your application.Additional information/documents provided to the University after the commencement of the selection process may or may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant department.Original documents(including CityU qualifications and public examination results)should be presented for verification upon request by the University at a later time.Provision of any false or misleading information or failure to supply the original documentation for verification will lead to disqualification of the admission application and any offer / enrolment made will be rescinded.All fees paid will not be refunded.Application Acknowlegement, Processing and Results An acknowledgement message will be shown immediately after an applicant has successfully settled the application fee via online payment.In addition, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant upon receipt of his/her online application.Depending on the programme you apply for, applications may be reviewed on a rolling basis during the application period or in batches after the application deadline.Applicants can check the application result online through their application account.In addition, the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies will write to the successful applicants on the offer of admission by post.No letter will be sent otherwise.Multiple Applications If you wish to apply for morethan one programme, click the 'Apply for a New Programme' button after logging into your application account.If you have applied for more than one programme, your programme choices will receive the same priority in our processing.Please note that if you receive more than one admission offer from the University, you can choose to enroll in one programme only.Change of Contact Information Please login your online application to update your correspondence address, email address and contact phone number at e of Application Information Collected 1.The information that you provide in the application, including the HKID card/passport/travel document number, examination results and qualifications, will be used for the following purposes:(a)as a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application;(b)as a basis for the selection of applicants for admission to the programmoffered by the University and for other relevant or related purposes;(c)for obtaining from the relevant examination authority, assessment body or academic institution in Hong Kong and elsewhere information about your public examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications if deemed appropriate;(d)for carrying out checks of your applications, and any records of studies in the University and other institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere if deemed appropriate;(e)for transferring relevant data to the student record system of the University upon the successful outcome of your application;(f)for statistical and research purposes(with personal identifiers removed).2.In accordance with the Personal Data(Privacy)Ordinance, you have the right of access to and theright of correction of the information contained in the application form, and the right to request a copy of such data during the admission exercise.If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies.You may be charged a fee for each request.Data for unsuccessful applications will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.Applicants with Physical or Other Disabilities The admission of an applicant to the University is based on academic criteria and other specified entrance requirements.If you have a physical or other disability, you are not required to declare this at the application stage.However, if you need assistance regarding your application(e.g.to attend an interview), you may discuss your needs with us for special arrangement to be made if practicable.Simultaneous Registration T o enrol for an additional CityU programme or a government-funded programme/place, students must apply in writing to the School of Graduate Studies for approval by the University.Current CityU Students(Programme Transfer)Current CityU students who wish to change their study programme to another one of the same level should not submit an admission application.They should obtain the Programme Transfer Application Form from the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate rmation for CityU Staff For CityU staff seeking application for admission, normal admission procedures will rmation for International/Non-local Students Non-local students are persons who require a student visa/entry permit issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department to study in Hong Kong.Persons holding any of the following documents issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department are NOT considered as non-local students: “Permanent Hong Kong Identity Card”(asdistinguished from a “Hong Kong Identity Card”)dependent visa full-time employment visa/work permit(for part-time study)one-way permit for entry to Hong Kong entry visa/entry permit for quality migrants entry visa/entry permit for capital investment entrants Student Visa/Entry Permit Non-local students must obtain a student visa or an entry permit to study in Hong Kong.Students admitted from overseas countries should direct their applications for a visa to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in their place of residence or to the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR).As part of the application for a visa, applicants are required to nominate a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above to act as a sponsor.Those who have difficulty in nominating a sponsor may write to the University to act in this capacity.For mainland students, the University will be required to act as the sponsor for their study.In accordance with the regulations of the Immigration Department in Hong Kong, students holding a student visa/an entry permit for studying in Hong Kong are allowed to undertake part-time paid employment during their stay in Hong Kong under stipulated conditions.If you need advice on visa requirements, please consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department, HKSAR.Personal Accident and Medical Insurance/Travel InsuranceIt is mandatory for non-local students to purchase a personal accident and medical insurance / travel insurance policy during their study period at the University.For further information, please visit the Mainland and External Affairs Office.Cost of Living The cost of living in Hong Kong is generally high.The estimated basic cost of living for a single student is around HK$6,000 to HK$10,000 per month to cover food, lodging and general livingexpenses, depending on the type of accommodation selected and level of living and personal expenses.The above estimate does not include the tuition fee which may vary by programme depending on the credit load to be taken.Student Accommodation Except that students offered government-funded places for the Postgraduate Certificate in Law programme(PCLL)are eligible to apply for student residence, all taught postgraduate students should seek off-campus accommodation as early as possible before arrival at Hong Kong.Details aboutoff-campusaccommodationareavailable第二篇:香港城市大学硕士研究生入学申请香港城市大学硕士研究生入学申请一、香港城市大学简介一所年轻向上、精力充沛的大学香港城市大学(简称“城大”)于1984年建校,是香港特别行政区政府资助的八所大专院校之一。

申请香港城市大学要提交的材料SupportingDocumentsDepartment:School of Creative Media Code:P80 Programme Title:MFA Creative Media 創意媒體藝術碩士Full time Non-gov't-funded Deadline:31 Mar 2011Economics and Finance P13 MSc Applied Economics 應用經濟學理學碩士Full time Non-gov't-funded 30 Apr 2011 城大要提交的材料Supporting Documents1Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies in support of their applications by uploading the files online:1official certificates and transcripts of academic qualifications (Certificates andtranscripts that are not in English should be accompanied by a formal certifiedtranslation in English) 指專業資格證明文件,正规大学成绩单及其公证1certificates of professional qualifications, if applicable (Certificates that are notin English should be accompanied by a formal certified translation in English)1international English language tests results, if applicable2For Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) the front page ofthe papers(for papers that have been published) or the letter of acceptance(forpapers that have been accepted for publication).1 a letter from the applicant's company, indicating its support of this DBAapplication, is preferable.3For Doctor of Judicial Science (JSD) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) full copies of yourbest three publications, the front page of the other papers(for papers that havebeen published) or the letter of acceptance of the other papers (for papers that havebeen accepted for publication), and a self-assessment of your publications in notmore than 400 words. Where any publication so submitted is in a language other thanEnglish, it must be accompanied by an abstract in English1 A research pr oposal with the tentative title. Please refer to the “Guidelines forPreparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the School of Law”4For Engineering Doctorates (EngD) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) the front page ofthe papers(for papers that have been published) or the letter of acceptance(forpapers that have been accepted for publication).1 a letter from the applicant's company, indicating (1) its support of this EngDapplication, and (2) if the applicant is admitted, its permission for the applicant to workon a company-related research topics for the doctoral thesis. If necessary, the letter ofsupport can be submitted after the applicant's interview.1After the interview, applicants may be asked to provide an outline (minimum ofone full page of A4) of their proposed EngD project.Remarks: Successful applicants are required, on registration, to produce the original copy of the supporting documents for verification.Please provide supporting documents by uploading files online. Application with incomplete documents will not be processed.Upload Files Online before submitting your applicationPlease note the following when you upload the file(s):- only pdf, gif, jpg or word files are acceptable.- compress or reduce the file size before uploading.- each file size should not exceed 1MB.- the total file size of all uploaded documents should not exceed 3MB (except applying for research degree programmes).If the documents apply to more than one programme, you are required to upload the file(s) once only. The file upload function is still available after the submission of your application.Once the files are uploaded, no deletion is allowed. Please check carefully before uploading your files.The file upload will go through virus scanning. The scanning of each file will take about two minutes. Please be patient. The message "the file has been unsuccessfully uploaded" will be shown once the file upload is completed.DocumentType:Academic Transcript / CertificateOthersUpload File:If you are unable to upload the supporting documents,please send photocopies of the documents, along with a Cover Sheet, right after the online submission of your application. Since it normally takes 7 working days to process and to upload the supporting documents received from applicants, you are encouraged to upload your document directly to the application account to facilitate possible early access to your information by the department(s) concerned.Uploaded DocumentsFile Name DocumentTypeFile Size(Bytes)UploadedDate。

香港城市大学申请流程香港城市大学申请流程一、准备申请材料:1. 中文求职信:申请者需提交一封用中文书写的两页简历(即求职信),内容包括申请者的教育背景、工作经验、个人发展历程等。
2. 交叉学科成绩单:申请者需提供原始学科成绩单,内容包括小学、中学及本科或研究生学历历史测试(如中国高考,华中沃院等)及普通考试成绩。
3. 证明:如果申请者是通过语言课程(即雅思、SAT等)取得大学学历或者为非英语母语的申请者,则须提供证明。
二、申请表填写:1. 身份证明和护照:申请者需提供有效的身份证明和护照材料,以确认申请者的个人身份。
2. 申请表:申请者需填写院校申请表,表格内容包括申请者的基本信息(姓名、性别、家庭住址、出生日期)、教育背景、工作经验等。
3. 审查申请材料:申请者需将审查材料寄到申请校,审查材料包括网上申请,护照(或其他身份证明),审查费,历史成绩单,交叉学科成绩单,GMAT(或GRE)证书,TOEFL/IELTS证书,个人成绩报表等。
三、报名考试:1. 录取考试:香港城市大学的录取考试包括普通考试及中文模拟测试。
2. 英语考试:香港城市大学需要申请者通过中文作文和英语口语测试。
3. 写作考试:申请者需要参加单元测试,以检测语文和英文写作能力。
四、面试及评估:1. 网上面试:香港城市大学通常采用网上面试的方式,针对申请者的申请文书、履历及个人经历进行深入的了解。
2. 校园面试:对于位于东南亚等地区的申请者,如有必要,可以安排申请者到校园参加面试。
3. 个人评估:香港城市大学会对申请者的学术成绩及校外活动、个人能力等进行深入的评估,以评估申请者是否适合在大学学习环境中发展与学习。
五、入学申请复审:1. 材料审核:申请者提交审核材料后,香港城市大学院校审核团队会对申请者提交的材料进行完整审核。
2. 体检:在申请者入学申请通过审核后,香港城市大学将安排申请者进行体检,以确保学生身体健康。
3. 资金证明:申请者还需提供资金证明,以确保学生能够维持其学业和生活。
港大 申请文书

1. 个人陈述(Personal Statement):个人陈述是申请文书中最重要的部分,用于向招生官展示申请人的个人背景、学术成就、兴趣爱好、职业规划等方面的情况。
2. 推荐信(Letters of Recommendation):申请香港大学通常需要提交
3. 学术成绩单(Academic Transcript):学术成绩单是申请文书中最重要的支持文件之一,用于证明申请人在学术方面的表现和成就。
4. 语言成绩单(Language Test Score):申请香港大学需要提交语言成绩单,以证明申请人具备足够的英语水平来适应香港大学的教学环境。
5. 其他支持文件(Other Supporting Documents):根据所申请的专业

香港大学研究生申请-英文版Application for AdmissionGeneral Qualifications for AdmissionThe basic qualification necessary for admission to research postgraduate studies is a good honours degree from this University or an equivalent qualification from a comparable institution. In addition, certain degree courses have more specific requirements. Qualifying examinations to test the applicants’ abilities to follow the prescribed courses and/or interviews may be conducted. Applicants with qualifications other than an honours degree are considered on their individual merits.Applicants who wish to be admitted to higher degrees on the basis of a qualification from a university or a comparable institution outside Hong Kong where the language of teaching and/or examination is not English are required to obtain the following:(a) a minimum score in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as specified below:Paper-based test - An overall score of 550 or above- Additional requirement for applicants to the Faculty of Arts except the School of Chinese and the Centre of Buddhist Studies: 4 or above in the T est of Written English (TWE)Internet-based test - An overall score of 80 or above- Additional requirement for applicants to the Faculty of Arts except the School of Chinese and the Centre of Buddhist Studies: 25 or above in the Writing sectionor(b) a minimum overall band of 6 with no subtest lower than5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)(Academic module) (applicants of admission to read for an MPhil or a PhD degree in the Faculty of Arts except the Centre of Buddhist Studies are required to obtain an overall band of 7 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the IELTS); or(c) grade C or above in the Overseas General Certificate of Education (GCE); or(d) grade C or above in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE); or(e) grade C or above in the Cambridge Test of Proficiency in English Language (CPE);unless in exceptional circumstances when they are exempted from this requirement.Since places for research postgraduate studies are limited, it may not be possible to offer admission to all qualified applicants.Application Closing DatesAdmission DetailsGuide to Application for Admission to MPhil/PhD Programmes, 2016-2017The application period for admission in 2016-17 commenced on September 1, 2016and the application dates are as follows:* For application in Main Round onlyThe main round of applications for research degrees will be invited in September 1, 2013 and the closing date will be December 2, 2016. Clearing round applications may be invited after the main round if there are study places left, and the closing dates for these rounds will be April 30, 2017 and August 31, 2017 respectively. Applicants are therefore advised to apply early.Application Round Application PeriodHong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) Initial application to the Research Grants Council (RGC):September 2 noon –December 2, 2016 noonFull application to HKU:September 1 –December 2, 2016Main Round September 1, 2013 –December 2, 20161st Clearing Round December 3, 2013 –April 30, 20172nd Clearing Round May 1, 2014 –August 31, 2017* For further details on the HKPF Scheme, please visit the RGC’s website(.hk/hkphd)MPhil candidates may commence their studies either on September 1, 2017 or January 1, 2018, while PhD candidates may commence their studies on the first day of any calendar month during the academic year. Applications should be made at least three months before the intended date of registration, allowing extra time as necessary for visa and other formalities.On-line Application Procedures, Application Fee and Supporting DocumentsSuggested Steps:Applicant Search potential supervisor(s) of your research areas*Contact potential supervisor(s) to discuss your proposed research areasOn-line Application for Admission* For details of major research areas, contact persons and postgraduate admissions advisors ineach Department and/or Faculty, please visit:http://www.hku.hk/gradsch/web/apply/guide1415/6.html.All applications and supporting documents have to be submitted via the on-line application system by the appropriate closing date as mentioned above. To submit an on-line application, please visit our website: www.hku.hk/gradsch/online.Application fees can be paid in two ways: (1) via the on-line application system by credit card at a discounted rate of HK$150 per application, or (2) by other means at the rate of HK$400 or US$53 per application [see section (e) below for details]. Application fees are non-refundable.Applicants who wish to apply for admission to more than one department should submit one complete set of the on-line application form and supporting documents for each proposed department of study.The University views any act of plagiarism as of the utmost seriousness and it is a form of academic misdemeanour that the University will not tolerate. To discourage plagiarism, the University will conduct a plagiarism check on the application materials submitted by the applicants, includingthe research proposal, research plan and vision statements (the latter two are only applicable for HKPF applications), before offer of admission. Proper referencing is needed in thepreparation of research proposals. The result of the plagiarism check will be taken into consideration when the Department, Faculty and Graduate School review the application. The application may be deemed unsuccessful if plagiarised materials are identified.The application documents include the following:(a) On-line application form(b) On-line submission of certificates and complete transcripts of undergraduate and postgraduate studies Please upload certificates and complete transcripts of your undergraduate and postgraduate studies via the on-line application system. Applicants have to supply certified hard copies of academic certificates and transcripts upon request. Documents that are not in English should be accompanied by a formally translated version in English. If the policy of your institution is that the transcript should remain confidential, please request your institution to send it directly to the HKU Graduate School.For current undergraduate or postgraduate students: It is to your advantage to upload an interim transcript showing the results of courses you have completed so far.For qualifications obtained from HKU (except HKU SPACE): Certificates are not required but if you are a graduate, you are requested to upload your transcript with your on-line application; if you are a current student, you are requested to upload your examination results obtained from the Student Information System through HKU Portal or your examination result slips.(c) On-line submission of statement of research interest or research proposalWhether a statement of research interest or a researchproposal is required depends on your proposed programme and department of study. Please click here for details.In general, a statement of research interest should include your reasons for undertaking graduate work at HKU, while a research proposal should include the background, the objectives and the methodology/approach you propose to take in studying the subject matter.(d) Two on-line academic referee’s reportsPlease invite two people who are familiar with your academic achievements to complete the academic referee's report on-line. After you have submitted your application, an email, which includes a link generated by the HKU computer system, will be sent to your referees inviting them to complete the referee’s report on-line. Please provide complete and accurate information of the referees, including email addresses, in the application form.(e) Proof of payment of application fee (this is not required if payment is made via the on-line application system)Local applicants: Please deposit the amount of HK$400 to any branch of HSBC (account no.:002-222834-014 (Ref: 4001)) or transfer the amount to the account using an ATM machine (account no.: 002-222834-014) and submit the original customer copy of the Account Deposit Form or the ATM customer advice with your application.Overseas applicants: Please pay by bank draft of HK$400 or US$53 payable to “The University of Hong Ko ng”.Note: Please write your full name and proposed department of study on the back of the pay-in-slip or bank draft for identification purposes. Cash will NOT be accepted.Applicants are encouraged to pay the application fee via theon-line application system by credit card, at a discounted rate of HK$150.(f) Official score report of TOEFL, IELTS or other English language proficiency tests as specified in the above section “General Qualifications for Admission” (for applicants from institutions outside H K where the language of instruction and examination is not entirely in English)Applicants should request the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send an official score report to the University direct. The original or a certified copy of the Examinee’s s core record will not be accepted. For this purpose, the TOEFL code of the University is 9671 and please use 99 as the department code for sending the official score report to the HKU Graduate School. [It is a policy of the TOEFL Policy Council to validate scores which are obtained within a two-year period. The University therefore accepts this two-year validity rule in the admission exercise.](g) Official score report of the GMAT or GRE (taken within a five-year period) (ONLY for applicants to the Faculty of Business & Economics) (Institution codes: GMAT – FS2-WL-48; GRE - 2482)(h) Official score report of the GRE Subject Test in Psychology (taken within a five-year period) with a minimum score of 550 (ONLY for applicants to the Department of Psychology if they do not have a first degree in Psychology)(Institution code: 2482)(i) On-line submission of other documentsOther documents that applicants would like to bring to the attention of the University, e.g. list of publications, documentary evidence of academic awards and professional qualifications, and summary of relevant experience.If some of the supporting documents are not ready oravailable at the time of submission of applications, applicants should upload the documents via the on-line application system as soon as they are available, with their full name in English, the proposed curriculum and department of study and application number clearly written on the top right hand corner of each document. On or before the closing date, all supporting documents (except the referee reports) should be uploaded onto the on-line applicationsystem by the applicant; the referee reports will be submitted by the referees directly through the system on-line. Documents/Information submitted/uploaded after the closing date may not be considered.(j) All documents submitted in support of an application will be destroyed if the application is unsuccessful. Documents once submitted will not be returned. Do not send original or irreplaceable documents.(k) All documents will be vetted before a formal letter will be issued to the successful applicant. Any forged documents found shall render the application unsuccessful or conditional offer being withdrawn.Notes to Overseas ApplicantsCost of LivingOverseas applicants offered places may be required to show that they are able to support themselves financially throughout the course before they are allowed to commence their studies. It is very difficult to provide a precise estimate of the likely cost because it will vary from one person to another depending on the type of accommodation selected and other factors. Usually, the postgraduate scholarship is sufficient to cover food, lodging, general living expenses and tuition fees.AccommodationPostgraduate residences are available on campus or nearby and applications from overseas students are welcome. Students should contact the postgraduate residences directly for enquiries on vacancies and booking. Competition for places, however, is keen. For those unable to secure a residential place on campus, rental accommodation in the open market is also available. Admission to the University does not provide any guarantee of accommodation, which remains the responsibility of each student. It is therefore in the interest of overseas students to make definite arrangements for accommodation before arrival. Overseas students are advised to consult the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) on accommodation matters. Information on accommodation options for non-local students is availab le from CEDARS’ website: http://apps.cedars.hku.hk/pg_housingVisaAll non-local students must obtain a visa in order to study in Hong Kong.Students from overseasStudent visa applications should be submitted to the HK Immigration Department through the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) or local Chinese Embassy. All applicants for a student visa for the HKSAR are required to have a local sponsor. Students coming to HKU should request CEDARS to be the visa sponsor by completing the visa sponsorship application form obtainable from CEDARS. A cost recovery handling charge is required.PRC StudentsPRC students (with the exception of those with overseaspermanent residency) must submit the student visa application and visa sponsorship application via the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS).Visa Application ProceduresFor details on the visa application procedures, please visit CEDARS’ website:http://cedars.hku.hk/nonlocal/visa.html.Hong Kong Identity CardAll non-Hong Kong students who intend to stay for more than 6 months should obtain a Hong Kong Identity Card after their arrival.Other InformationOther information regarding our University’s support for international students can be viewed on-line: http://www.cedars.hku.hk/showext.php?id=cl_sissa.Coursework RequirementTo help students’ research work and preparation for writing their thesis, all MPhil and 4-Year PhD students are required to satisfactorily complete the four Graduate School modules and complete two to seventeen faculty/departmental courses before thesis submission. Students have to complete the four Graduate School compulsory modules and complete at least 50% of the faculty/departmental coursework requirements before the end of the probationary period. 3-year PhD students who register on September 1, 2011 and thereafter will be required to satisfactorily complete one Graduate School compulsory module on research ethics before the end of the probationary period.Graduate School Coursework Requirement for MPhil and 4-year PhD studentsThe Graduate School Core Courses are meant to equipstudents with generic knowledge on thesis writing and research methodologies. These courses are not meant to provide students with the discipline-specific knowledge that the faculty/departmental courses will be able to provide.Requirements for students enrolled in or after September 2013:Four compulsory Graduate School modules:(i) Introduction to Thesis Writing(ii) Research Ethics for Graduate Students(iii) Transferable Skills(iv) Research MethodsInformation on course selection procedures, courses to be offered in different semesters and their timetables etc. are available at the Graduate School homepage:http://www.hku.hk/gradsch/web/student/course.Faculty/Departmental Coursework RequirementFaculty/School/Department/Centre Compulsory course(s)required Elective course(s) requiredFaculty of ArchitectureArchitecture 1 2Real Estate & Construction 1 2 Urban Planning & Design 1 2 Faculty of ArtsSchool of Chinese 2 0 School of English 3 1 School of HumanitiesComparative Literature0 3Fine Arts 2 1 History 4 0 Linguistics 2 1 Music For students enrolled after September 20124 (MPhil)2 (PhD)For students enrolled before September 20124 0 Philosophy 2 1 School of Modern Languages andCultures2 1 Centre for Applied English Studies 1 2Centre for the Humanities andMedicine0 3Faculty of Business & EconomicsSchool of Business 1 3School of Economics and Finance 3 (MPhil)12 (PhD) 3 (MPhil) 1 (PhD)Faculty of Dentistry 3 0 Faculty of EducationDivision of Speech & HearingSciences3 0All other Divisions 0 3 Faculty of EngineeringCivil Engineering 1 3 (MPhil)4(PhD) Computer Science For students enrolled from February2013 onwards1 (MPhil)2 (PhD) 1 (MPhil)2 (PhD)For students enrolled betweenSeptember 2007 and January 20130 2-3 (MPhil)5-6 (PhD)Electrical & Electronic Engineering 1 3 (MPhil)4-5 (PhD)Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering 1 2 (MPhil)4 (PhD)Mechanical Engineering 1 2 (MPhil)4 (PhD) Faculty of Law 1 2Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine0 3Faculty of Science FacultyCompulsory Department CompulsoryChemistry 1 1 2 Earth Sciences 1 1 2 Mathematics 1 1 3Physics11 3For students enrolled beforeSeptember 2013: 1 compulsory course and2 elective coursesStatistics & Actuarial Science 1 1 3 School of Biological Sciences 112Faculty of Social Sciences Geography2 0 Politics & Public Administration 2 0 Psychology3(16 for PhD with a specialization in Clinical Psychology and EducationalPsychology)2 (MPhil)3 (PhD) (1 for PhD with a specialization in ClinicalPsychology and Educational Psychology)Social Work & Social Administration 2 2 Sociology4Teaching Centres and Institutes Centre of Buddhist Studies0 3 Hong Kong Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences (Inc. the Centre of Asian Studies)1 (MPhil)2 (PhD)2 (MPhil) 2 (PhD)Institute of Human Performance 0 3 Journalism and Media Studies Centre21 to2 unitsKadoorie Institute1 2 Social Sciences Research Centre1 2For a complete list of courses approved by the Board of Graduate Studies to be offered to research postgraduate students, please refer to the GS homepage at:http://www.gradsch.hku.hk/gradsch/web/student/course/gs /index.htm .Not all courses will be offered in every academic year. The coursework requirement is subject to change from time to time.Graduate School Coursework Requirement for 3-year PhD Students3-year PhD students who register on September 1, 2011 and thereafter are required to satisfactorily complete the Graduate School course Research Ethics for Graduate Students before the end of the probationary period if they have not yet completed equivalent training in previous research degree programmes. In addition, some Faculties/Schools/Departments may require 3-year PhD students to complete a number of courses as part of the degree requirement. Please consult theFaculty/School/Departmental Office for details.3-year PhD students may take the courses offered to MPhil and 4-year PhD students if they find that they are relevant to their studies. Once they are officially enrolled in a course, they will be assessed like all other students in class and their results including failures will be printed on their transcripts.English Enhancement OpportunitiesTo provide more English enhancement opportunities for research postgraduate students, the course GRSC6027 Intensive English for Postgraduate Students has been offered starting from September 2009. The TOFEL or IELTS scores of students admitted in the academic year 2009-10 and thereafter are used to identify their need for English enhancement, and those required to take the course will be notified individually by the Graduate School.AssessmentAll courses/modules taken by research postgraduate students are assessed on a pass/fail basis. Students who fail a course at the first attempt may be re-examined in the same course or an alternative course as determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committees. A student who has not satisfied the examiners in any course (which, for this purpose, includes the alternative course) in a second attempt may be required to discontinue his or her studies.Application for ExemptionStudents who have successfully completed the required course(s) or equivalent(s), either from The University of Hong Kong or a comparable institution, may apply for exemption of one or more course(s). Students will need to producedocumentary evidence of having attended and passed the relevant course(s) with an equivalent standing in the University or other recognised academic institution. Exemption from courses is subject to the approval of the Board of Graduate Studies on a case-by-case basis, taking into account individual circumstances.Awards and Financial AssistanceUniversity Postgraduate FellowshipsThe University Postgraduate Fellowship (UPF) Scheme aims to attract top students worldwide and is available for selected new full-time PhD candidates with excellent academic performances. The fellowship is at a value of HK$70,000 on top of the Postgraduate Scholarships. Applicants in their final year of undergraduate study may also apply for the UPF. The deadline for application is December 2, 2013.There is no separate on-line application form for UPF. Applicants who have applied for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship will be automatically considered for the award of UPF. They are required to submit a short essay on-line on why they should be awarded the UPF.Fees and Living Expenses。

硬件类中英文版成绩单Official trans在读证明(应届生)Undergraduate Certificate毕业证明和学位证明(非应届生)Graduation/Diploma certificate & Degree certificate身份证明文件托福/雅思/其它语言成绩单TOEFL/IELTS Report软件类个人陈述Personal Statement推荐信Reference Letter个人简历Curriculum Vitae实习证明Internship Certificate工作证明Employment Prove排名证明Ranking Certificate获奖证明Honors & Awards研究计划Research Proposal作品集Portfolio注:不同的专业对于软件类的材料要求不太一样,所以大家一定要尽早查官网了解具体的申请要求。

1. 确定申请的院校和专业:在开始申请之前,先确定自己想要申请的香港院校和专业。
2. 准备申请材料:申请香港院校需要准备一系列的申请材料,包括个人简历、成绩单、推荐信、语言能力证明、个人陈述等。
3. 准备语言能力证明:香港大部分院校要求申请者提供英语能力证明,可以通过参加托福、雅思等考试来获得。
4. 提前了解申请时间和流程:不同院校的申请时间和流程可能会有所不同,提前了解并熟悉相关的申请时间和流程,以便及时准备和提交申请材料。
5. 注重个人陈述:个人陈述在申请过程中非常重要,可以通过展示个人特长、独特经历和对所申请专业的兴趣来增加自己的竞争力。
6. 关注申请结果和录取通知:申请完成后,密切关注申请结果和录取通知,及时处理和回复相关的通知。
7. 准备签证材料:如果成功获得录取,还需要准备签证材料,包括护照、签证申请表、录取通知书、资金证明等。
8. 留意奖学金和助学金:一些香港院校提供奖学金和助学金机会,
9. 提前了解香港的生活和文化:作为一个国际学生,了解香港的生活和文化情况,可以帮助你更好地适应和融入香港的学习和生活环境。
10. 注意申请的截止日期:不同院校的申请截止日期可能会有所不同,务必提前了解并注意申请的截止日期,以免错过申请机会。

如香港中文大学所有的专业都有GPA 3.0即80%的要求。
对于部分专业,如香港中文大学的“金融学”专业和香港浸会大学的“应用会计与金融”,GMAT 是除了语言成绩之外,强制要考的科目。
面试通知的形式一般为E-mail 告知、电话告知或在线系统上告知。

1. 在学校开通申请后选择注册新用户,在填了相关信息后提交,得到一组用户ID和申请号以及设定密码,记录好ID以及申请号,用户ID以及申请号都可以用来登录网申系统,申请号也是与学校联系时用。
2. 进入网申系统后填好各个栏目。
3. 在网申过程中请注意第7部分:Supporting Documents,上传文件的数量不限,大小为3m以内,上传之后不能删除,上传之前先检查好上传文件的大小。
4. 各部分填写准确无误后回到checklist,提交并缴费,缴费须用信用卡:Visa或Master Card。
5. 等待学校消息,经常查收邮件,如果有面试、笔试、补交材料之类的信息,学校会通过email联系,录取与否有的专业会通过Email告知,大部分专业需要用之前记录的用户ID,申请号和密码登录系统查询,如果有Conditional Offer或Offer,在Application Result会有显示,Reply Deadline是缴费的截止日期,Programme下方会有如果接收offer,住宿以及签注的指导。
6. 如果被录取,那恭喜你,可以进行下一步,接收录取并办理学生签注。

如何申请香港大学香港大学(The University of Hong Kong,简称HKU)作为香港乃至整个亚洲地区最古老、最具声望的高校之一,吸引着来自世界各地的学子向往。

⾹港城市⼤学申请必看NotesforApplicantsNotes for Taught Postgraduate Applicants* Information is subject to change without prior noticeProgramme Information and Entrance RequirementsPlease visit the Programme Information for individual programme information including University's General Entrance Requirements, Programme Entrance Requirements and English Proficiency Requirements.Medium of Instruction and AssessmentThe normal medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.Application Fee (Non-refundable and Non-transferable)The application fee for admission to a programme is HK$200 per online application. Please submit additional applications if you wish to apply for more than one programme. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. You are required to pay the application fee online using a credit card (VISA or MasterCard), before submission of the online application.Application PeriodPlease visit here for the up-to-date application schedule of various programmes. You are required to submit the online application before the specified deadline.Supporting DocumentsThe documents to be submitted in supporting your application are listed under the Section on “Supporting Document”in the online application. Please note the following while you are preparing the required documents:Please upload the required supporting documents of your academic and / or professionalqualifications (such as academic transcripts and award certificates, examination / English test results, etc.) before submitting your application. Documents unrelated to academic qualifications (e.g. HKID card) need not be submitted.Submitted documents will not be returned.Transcripts and certificates which are not in English should be accompanied by an official certified translation.It is your responsibility (including CityU students) to provide full information to facilitate the evaluation of your application. Incomplete submission may delay the processing of the application.Selection decisions will mainly be based on the qualifications set out in your application.Additional information/documents provided to the University after the commencement of the selection process may or may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant department.Original documents (including CityU qualifications and public examination results) should be presented for verification upon request by the University at a later time. Provision of any false or misleading information or failure to supply the original documentation for verification will lead to disqualification of the admission application and any offer / enrolment made will be rescinded. All fees paid will not be refunded.Application Acknowlegement, Processing and ResultsAn acknowledgement message will be shown immediately after an applicant has successfully settled the application fee via online payment. In addition, an acknowledgement email will be sent to the applicant upon receipt of his/her online application.Depending on the programme you apply for, applications may be reviewed on a rolling basis during the application period or in batches after the application deadline.Applicants can check the application result online through their application account. In addition,the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies will write to the successful applicants on the offerof admission by post. No letter will be sent otherwise.Multiple ApplicationsIf you wish to apply for more than one programme, click the 'Apply for a New Programme' button after logging into your application account.If you have applied for more than one programme, your programme choices will receive the same priority in our processing. Please note that if you receive more than one admission offer from the University, you can choose to enroll in one programme only.Change of Contact InformationPlease login your online application to update your correspondence address, email address and contact phone number at anytime.Use of Application Information Collected1. The information that you provide in the application, including the HKID card/passport/traveldocument number, examination results and qualifications, will be used for the following purposes:(a) as a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application;(b) as a basis for the selection of applicants for admission to the programmoffered by the University and for other relevant or related purposes ;(c) for obtaining from the relevant examination authority, assessment body oracademic institution in Hong Kong and elsewhere information about yourpublic examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications ifdeemed appropriate;(d) for carrying out checks of your applications, and any records of studies in theUniversity and other institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere if deemedappropriate;(e) for transferring relevant data to the student record system of the Universityupon the successful outcome of your application;(f) for statistical and research purposes (with personal identifiers removed).2. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access to and theright of correction of the information contained in the application form, and the right to request a copy of such data during the admission exercise. If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies.You may be charged a fee f or each request. Data for unsuccessful applications will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise. Applicants with Physical or Other DisabilitiesThe admission of an applicant to the University is based on academic criteria and other specified entrance requirements. If you have a physical or other disability, you are not required to declarethis at the application stage. However, if you need assistance regarding your application (e.g. toattend an interview), you may discuss your needs with us for special arrangement to be made ifpracticable.Simultaneous RegistrationTo enrol for an additional CityU programme or a government-funded programme/place, students must apply in writing to the School of Graduate Studies for approval by the University.Current CityU Students (Programme Transfer)Current CityU students who wish to change their study programme to another one of the same level should not submit an admission application. They should obtain the Programme Transfer Application Form from the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies.Information for CityU StaffFor CityU staff seeking application for admission, normal admission procedures will apply. Information for International/Non-local StudentsNon-local students are persons who require a student visa/entry permit issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department to study in Hong Kong. Persons holding any of the following documents issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department are NOT considered as non-local students: "Permanent Hong Kong Identity Card" (as distinguished from a "Hong Kong Identity Card") dependent visafull-time employment visa/work permit (for part-time study)one-way permit for entry to Hong Kongentry visa/entry permit for quality migrantsentry visa/entry permit for capital investment entrantsStudent Visa/Entry PermitNon-local students must obtain a student visa or an entry permit to study in Hong Kong. Students admitted from overseas countries should direct their applications for a visa to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General in their place of residence or to the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). As part of the application for a visa, applicants are required to nominate a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above to act as a sponsor. Those who have difficulty in nominating a sponsor may write to the University to act in this capacity. For mainland students, the University will be required to act as the sponsor for their study.In accordance with the regulations of the Immigration Department in Hong Kong, students holding a student visa/an entry permit for studying in Hong Kong are allowed to undertake part-time paid employment during their stay in Hong Kong under stipulated conditions.If you need advice on visa requirements, please consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department, HKSAR.Personal Accident and Medical Insurance/Travel InsuranceIt is mandatory for non-local students to purchase a personal accident and medical insurance / travel insurance policy during their study period at the University. For further information, please visit the Mainland and External Affairs Office.Cost of LivingThe cost of living in Hong Kong is generally high. The estimated basic cost of living for a single student is around HK$6,000 to HK$10,000 per month to cover food, lodging and general livingexpenses, depending on the type of accommodation selected and level of living and personal expenses. The above estimate does not include the tuition fee which may vary by programme depending on the credit load to be taken.Student AccommodationExcept that students offered government-funded places for the Postgraduate Certificate in Law programme (PCLL) are eligible to apply for student residence, all taught postgraduate students should seek off-campus accommodation as early as possible before arrival at Hong Kong. Details about off-campus accommodation are available at/doc/0d4d5c28af45b307e871972b.html .hk/sro/campus/offcampus.htm.Cancellation of ProgrammeThe University reserves the right to cancel any programmes, in which case all fees paid by applicants will be refunded.。

⾹港⼤学⽹申表格Application No. : MScCPM______________________THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementSUPPORTING DOCUMENTSPlease post the following required documents directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong by the application deadline. Your application number should be marked on each document. Enclosed (Please tick as appropriate.)Originals or certified true copies of academic transcripts# (except HKU graduates). You maycomplete the Transcript Request Forms below and send it to the institute from which thetranscript is requested, if applicable.TOEFL/IELTS/GCE/IGCSE/CPE/GMAT* official score report (if requested).List of publications (if appropriate).Referee’s Report (Please use the standard form below)Correspondence address labels (see below)# Please note that the University will only ACCEPT originals or copies of the documents that have been duly declared as true copies before a notary public (e.g. a Commissioner for Oaths at a City District Office in Hong Kong). You may bring the originals of the documents together with an additional set of their photocopies to the Academic Services Office, UG-05, Knowles Building for verification. The Registry will then forward copies of your verified documents to the relevant Faculty office. Copies of documents may be certified by the appropriate officials of your home institute if you are an overseas applicant. No photocopies will be accepted.*Please delete as appropriate. Please note that the University’s TOFEL code is 9671.275/1110-ATHE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGTranscript Request FormI. To the Applicant: Applicants who did not attach their original official transcript shouldcomplete the first part of this form and send it to the appropriate officer of institute from which the transcript is requested. Name of Applicant: ( )in English in Chinese, if any University/College Attended:Dates of Attendance: From ToTitle of Degree/Diploma: Date of Award:Programme applied for admission at The University of Hong Kong:Master of Science in Construction Project Management(FT/PT*) orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration /Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance /Quantity Surveying** Please delete as appropriate.II. To the Officer responsible for issuing transcripts: The applicant named above has applied for admission to a postgraduate curriculum at The University of Hong Kong. Please send a copy of the official transcript together with this form directly to: Faculty of ArchitectureThe University of Hong Kon gPokfulam RoadHong Kong(Ref.: MSc in Construction Project Management)orMSc(CPM) Majoring in Construction Business Administration / ConstructionLaw and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying)PGForm2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to this application, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONGPOSTGRADUATE MODULAR PROGRAMMEIN THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTUREMaster of Science in Construction Project ManagementREFEREE'S REPORT(Note to applicant: Please complete Section 1 below and send a copy to one of your two referees with the request that he/she completes Section 2 and returns it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.)(Note to referee: The applicant named below is applying for admission to the courses leading to the degree of Master of Science in Construction Project Management or Master of Science in Construction Project Management majoring in Construction Business Administration / Construction Law and Dispute Resolution / Project Finance / Quantity Surveying. It would be helpful to the University in assessing the candidate’s eligibility and suitability to pursue the programme. Kindly complete Section 2 of this report and return it directly to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by31 January 2011. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have the right to request access to their personal data, including referee reports.)SECTION 1Name of applicant(in block letters, surname first)SECTION 21. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?2. How do you rate the applicant's academic ability?(Please tick the appropriate column.)Excellent Good Adequate Marginal Poor Academic PerformanceAnalytical and ReasoningCapabilityImagination and InnovationLearning PotentialMaturity and Independence13. Please make any further comments on the applicant's academic strengths and weaknesses relevant to this application, and with reference to his/her interest in construction project management issues. Use an additional sheet if more appropriate.4. In what ways might the applicant profit from the Master's programme for which he/she is applying?5. How would you recommend the applicant? (Please tick as appropriate.)Recommend enthusiasticallyRecommend with confidenceRecommendRecommend with reservationDo not recommendSignature of Referee DateName and PositionAddressPlease return this form to the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, by 31 January 2011.2Please fill in the following correspondence address labels:Name: Address: Name: Address:Name: Address: Name: Address:。

7.研究计划:(RESEARCH PROPOSAL)是纯学术的,无须加入诸如个人经历、感情这些东西。

香港城市大学内地及对外事务处(MEAO ) 《要求签证担保及学生同意书》请仔细阅读及填报以下各栏致非本地学生申请签证/进入许可及购备保险之说明1. 按照香港的法律规定,凡没有香港特区居留权或入境权而拟来港求学的人士,都必须在来港前取得由香港特区政府入境事务处签发有效的学生签证/进入许可。
2. 根据香港的法例,以访客身份入境的人士不可入学就读。
3. 了解及遵守有关的签证规定和条例,乃学生本人的责任。
)4. 根据香港的入境条例,除个别修课式硕士学位课程获准以兼读模式招收非本地学生外,所有非本地学生均必须修读全日制课程。
5. 学生在申请学生签证/进入许可时,必须提供经济证明文件,以示你有足够的经济能力支持在港的学费及生活费。
6. 大学规定所有非本地学生均必须购买适合及足够的保险,保险保障的范围必须包括:旅游、个人意外、医疗(意外及非意外)、住院和紧急撤离/遣送回国,而保险的有效日期必须涵盖学生在大学整个就读期间。

我申请的是HKU,不过第一份材料是申请NSU,所以有了一些经验,做起来快很多一、申请流程10月份联系教授,到学校各处准备证明,复印,打印,写材料,准备推荐信11月份基本上各项工作完成,准备好材料了,打电话让托福送分,然后就去港大的网页网申,登记,打包材料,拿去学校的Fedex网点快递,一天后到,然后发信给研究生院,告诉他们材料已经寄出,请收到了给confirm letter,并告诉教授,已经投递申请了,OK http://www.hku.hk/gradsch/这是研究生院的网址这是研究生院在我网申后的回信:please submit all the required supporting documents before the application deadline (31 January 2007) to the Graduate School, at:P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong KongFor details regarding the supporting documents required, please visit:http://www.hku.hk/gradsch/rola/app_doc.htmThe results for this round of the admission exercise will beavailable in April 2007. Applicants may check the results online. Details will be given in the application acknowledgement letter (which will normally be sent to you within four weeks after the receipt of your supporting documents by the Graduate School).Should there be any changes in your personal particulars, please contactthe Graduate School by email (*****************.hk)as soon as possible. Thank you二、申请材料我把我的cover letter贴出来,各项解释一下,每个人不一样,不一定要按照我的来做,但是港大要填的申请表上已经注明了要邮寄的材料必备清单,邮寄电话,送分代码,缴费方式,仔细看就知道了,别偷懒Dear Admission Officers:Following items are enclosed in my application package:1. Cover Letter;2. Confirm Letter for the Payment of Application Fee;我是用招行的信用卡给的钱,很方便,刷一下就好,注意把缴费的哪个网页存下来3. Transcript Letter from Dean Office, including: Academic Transcript of undergraduate, Bachelor Degree Certificate, Graduate Diploma Certificate;成绩单要去教务处申请打印英文的,用专用的信封封好,加封口章,不一定要附上港大要求的那张成绩申请单,因为我的学校教务处拒绝把它放进我的成绩单信封,我发了信给港大,说学校不提供此项服务,OK!学位证明也是这样操作的4. Transcript Letter from Graduate School, including: Academic Transcript of post graduate;我的研究生在学成绩单,自己算好,用研究生院的模版填好,先学院盖章,拿去研究生院盖章,开在学证明,没有本科的那么严格5. Others Certificate: Master Degree Certificate (on School), Citizen Certificate, Registered Resident Certificate;身份证和户口的复印件,去学校保卫处开的,然后加盖保卫处公章,中文6. 1th Supporting Documents: CV, Research Proposal, Statement for UPF, Extra-Curricular Activities Report;CV:个人简历,包括学术背景、参加科研活动、发表文章、参加会议、实习、相关其它内容,2-3页最多;RP:研究计划,我申请的是城市规划,10页左右,HKU只要求3-4页,这个主要是用来征服导师的UPF: University PhD Fellowship博士生奖学金申请,额外给的,要向学校说明为什么要给你这个奖学金ECAR:课外活动报告,这是从申请时新加坡学来的,把获奖的和社会公益实践之类的活动全部写上去,英文,最后再把获奖证明付后。
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Department:School of Creative Media Code:P80 Programme Title:MFA Creative Media 創意媒體藝術碩士Full time Non-gov't-funded Deadline:31 Mar 2011Economics and Finance P13 MSc Applied Economics 應用經濟學理學碩士Full time Non-gov't-funded 30 Apr 2011城大要提交的材料Supporting Documents1Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the Chow Y ei Ching School of Graduate Studies in support of their applications by uploading the files online:1official certificates and transcripts of academic qualifications (Certificates andtranscripts that are not in English should be accompanied by a formal certifiedtranslation in English) 指專業資格證明文件,正规大学成绩单及其公证1certificates of professional qualifications, if applicable (Certificates that are notin English should be accompanied by a formal certified translation in English)1international English language tests results, if applicable2For Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) the front page ofthe papers(for papers that have been published) or the letter of acceptance(forpapers that have been accepted for publication).1 a letter from the applicant's company, indicating its support of this DBAapplication, is preferable.3For Doctor of Judicial Science (JSD) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) full copies of yourbest three publications, the front page of the other papers(for papers that havebeen published) or the letter of acceptance of the other papers (for papers that havebeen accepted for publication), and a self-assessment of your publications in notmore than 400 words. Where any publication so submitted is in a language other thanEnglish, it must be accompanied by an abstract in English1A research proposal with the tentative title. Please refer to the “Guidelines forPreparing a Research Proposal for Graduate Studies in the School of Law”4For Engineering Doctorates (EngD) applicant, please also submit the following: 1(in support of the applicant's publication record, if applicable) the front page ofthe papers(for papers that have been published) or the letter of acceptance(forpapers that have been accepted for publication).1 a letter from the applicant's company, indicating (1) its support of this EngDapplication, and (2) if the applicant is admitted, its permission for the applicant to workon a company-related research topics for the doctoral thesis. If necessary, the letter ofsupport can be submitted after the applicant's interview.1After the interview, applicants may be asked to provide an outline (minimum ofone full page of A4) of their proposed EngD project.Remarks: Successful applicants are required, on registration, to produce the original copy of the supporting documents for verification.Please provide supporting documents by uploading files online. Application with incomplete documents will not be processed.Upload Files Online before submitting your applicationPlease note the following when you upload the file(s):- only pdf, gif, jpg or word files are acceptable.- compress or reduce the file size before uploading.- each file size should not exceed 1MB.- the total file size of all uploaded documents should not exceed 3MB (except applying for research degree programmes).If the documents apply to more than one programme, you are required to upload the file(s) once only. The file upload function is still available after the submission of your application.Once the files are uploaded, no deletion is allowed. Please check carefully before uploading your files.The file upload will go through virus scanning. The scanning of each file will take about two minutes. Please be patient. The message "the file has been unsuccessfully uploaded" will be shown once the file upload is completed.DocumentT ype:Academic Transcript / CertificateOthersUpload File:If you are unable to upload the supporting documents, please send photocopies of the documents, along with a Cover Sheet, right after the online submission of your application. Since it normally takes 7 working days to process and to upload the supporting documents received from applicants, you are encouraged to upload your document directly to the application account to facilitate possible early access to your information by the department(s) concerned.Uploaded DocumentsFile Name DocumentT ypeFile Size(Bytes)UploadedDate。