ABG沥青摊铺机、压路机Accurate输送带及各种供料品Action Equipment System Inc装载机、反铲及正铲挖掘机、压路机Ajusta Buckets,Inc液压缸、建筑工程重型附件、厂房建设及重型建筑机构Akzo Nobei Asphalt稀浆封层机、路面养护车、各类养护剂,检测设备ApplicationsAllen Engineering Company刮板输送设备、布料器、震实器Allmand Bros,Inc混凝土泵车,移动式照明塔,挖掘装载机Altec高空升降梯、起重机、挖掘机、电缆及重运输设备Ammann Group沥青拌和站,混凝土拌和站Amulet Manufacturing Company重型设备附件、机械紧固件、液压夹具APE Equipment&Specificatio振动拔桩机Aqua-jet cutting services各种工业切割设备技术Ardco Corp.移动式液体罐车Assaloni co.多用途扫雪车、剪草机Astec Industries碎石设备、筑路设备Astec industries Inc.沥青拌和机Atlas Copco Group各类工程、矿用钻机,气体压缩机,发电机组,电动工具Badger-Insly Equipmment公路设备、建筑设备Barage Products,Inc越野叉车Barko Hydraulics林业设备、建筑设备、工业设备Bauer Group桩工钻机,地下连续墙抓斗Berco S.P.A工程机械配件BICES北京国际工程机械展览会Bitelli铣刨机、压路机、推土机、摊铺机Bizzocchi Co.高空作业车Bomag AG压路机、平地机、稳定土拌和机、遥控式振动板Bombelli专业除雪车Bridgestone/Firestone牵引面、装载机、推土机BRNO F&E CO.,LTD布鲁诺商展有限公司Burkeen Manufacturing Co挖沟机、电缆布埋机Canada NRC(CCMC)加拿大建设工程与设备开发研究中心Carbo Tech Group隧道施工技术与产品Cascade Corporation叉车属具、叉车部件Case两头忙、滑移式多功能装载机、农业机械caterpillar土方机械、筑路机械、农业机械、发电机Cedarapids,Inc摊铺机、沥青拌和站、碎石及筛分设备Champion Road MachineryLimite平地机、沥表摊铺机、压路机CIFA S.P.A 混凝土搅拌站、混凝土布料杆、混凝土搅拌运输车、振动棒Conder高空作业升降平台Continental BiomassIndustries,Inc木材粉粹机、根除机Controls,Inc数字式发动机、发电机保护和控制系统Crusher Rental &Sales,Inc碎石机Cummins Enginc Company发动机、空压机、发电机、挖掘机、牵引车Daewoo挖掘机、装载机、推土机、吊车、挂车、混凝土泵DaimlerChrysler Co.汽车工业技术Deutz发动机技术Diamond Z Manufacturing研磨机Ditch Witch挖沟机、钻孔机、打桩机Dover Convepor电梯、升降工作台、叉车Dresser履带装载机、轮胎装载机、压路机Elgin Sweeper Company清扫车Fiatallis North America两头忙、履带推土机、装载机、平地机、挖掘机Graco Inc.大功率牵引车Gradall Co.液压挖掘机、伸缩臂挖掘机、越野叉车Grove Worldwide吊车、电梯Haulpak泵车HEK manufacturing BV桅升式作业平台Herrenknecht AG隧道开挖技术,全断面护盾式隧道掘进机Hitachi Construction MachineryCo.挖掘机Honda Corporation汽车、工业技术、发动机Hormann Group of Companies铁路通讯系统,基站通讯控制系统、车载信息系统Hotmix Industries 移动式筒式沥青连续拌和站Howly Machinery PTE Ltd.精密切削技术Hyundai Group挖掘机、装载机、工业产品、船舶、重工业技术Idromeccanica空气压缩机Ingersoll-Rand冲击钻、钻机、空压机、压路机、滑移式多功能装载机J Mastenbroek&Co.,Ltd.大型挖沟机、电缆铺设机、软管铺设机、水下电缆铺设机、履带式自卸车,履带式击磨机、散料移布及JCB两头忙、推土机、伸缩臂叉装机Jeamar Winches Inc.手动卷扬机、滑轮Jerr-Dan各种液压救援清障车JLG Industries,Inc.高空作业平台、电梯John Deere两头忙、推土机、履带挖掘机、装载机、平地机、叉车Junttan OY液压桩锤,桩工钻机Kalyn Siebert重型半挂车Kato Co.,Ltd重工业设备、汽车起重机Kawasaki constructionmachinery装载机,压路机、铲运机、摊铺机、推土机、除雪车K-D Manitou,Inc.越野叉车、伸缩臂叉车、小型装载机、修边机Kent Demolition Tools液压和汽动工具Kleemann Reiner Gmbh碎石及筛分设备Kolbelco steel,Ltd. 发动机、电焊机、钢铁、电子、挖掘机、起重机、装载机、抓斗、钻机、空压机Komatsu推土机、挖掘机、平地机、装载机Lancier液压元件,油压软管,电动部件,泵,配件Laser Alignment,Inc.激光测量仪器Leon's Manufacturing Company装载斗、铲板、刮板Linde Gmbh工业气体,制冷设备,化工产品,液压元件,叉车Link-Belt履带吊车、越野吊车Linnhoff沥青拌和站Machinery Trader工程机械设备经销网Mannesmann AG 履带式起重机,汽车起重机,梁式输送机,吊链,电动葫芦,液压缸,机械零部件Mannesmann Dematic履带起重机,汽车起重机,梁式输送机,抓斗,电动葫芦Mannesmann Dematic India. 汽车起重机,堆垛机,梁式输送机Manuli rubber industries工程机械橡胶零部件Maxon Industries,Inc.混凝土设备、环保设备、手动挖掘机MBW Incorporated水泥光整工具、小型建筑设备McMoRan Oil&Gas Co.(moxy)石油及天然气产品MINEXPO美国国际矿业设备展览会Mitsubishi heavy industries汽车起重机,汽车,叉车,电梯Mobil corp.石油开发,油类制品Mobile Concrete移动工混凝土拌和设备Morbark建筑和锯木设备Moxy Trucks of America,Inc.叉车Nichiyu Asia Sdn.Bhd电瓶叉车Niigata engineering数控电动,液压真空引射模具成型机Nissan Motor co,.Ltd.汽车技术与产品Nordberg OY碎石及筛分设备Normet OY 自行式矿井钻车,隧道混凝土喷浆机,自行式高空作业车,森林集材机,叉车Nuclear Regulatury Commission 核能开发研究,原子能原料测试,核能工业的运输与存储,核废料处理O&K Orenstein&Koppel,Inc. 挖掘机Offshore Technology挖泥机,打桩机ORU S.P.A. 水泥混凝土拌和站Paccar Inc.牵引车,泵车,载重车,混凝土搅拌运输车Palm Manufacturing &Sales履带配件Parsons-Trenchers挖掘机、布线机Payhauler Corp 50t越野吊车Pettibone装载机、钻机、吊车、叉车Powerscreen International筛分和清洗设备Putzmeister America混凝土泵R M&C M筑路机械与施工机械化杂志Rammer USA Inc.液压破碎锤Ramrod装载机及附件Rock Systems,Inc.碎石加工成套设备Royal Dutch/Shell Group ofCompanies石油工业,油品开发Samsung履带气挖掘机、轮胎挖掘机、装载推土机Sany(china),Ltd. 拖式泵,压路机Schneider Equipment Ltd.工程机械经销Schwing America.拖式泵,混凝土泵车Shuttle Lift工业吊车Snorkel工业和建筑业高空作业设备South West ConstructionEquipment振动压路机、铲运机、凸块压路机、移动水塔SRS Crisafulli,Inc.挖泥和泵送设备StansteelAsphalt Plant Products沥青拌和设备STFA Group工程机械经销,海运业务Sullair Corporation固定和移动空压机Sunoco Inc.石油工业,油品开发SUZUKE MOTOR Corporation汽车工业、发动机技术TCM Construction,Inc. 建筑设计,建筑施工,建筑施工管理Terramite Construction 小型牵引车、装载机、挖掘机、压实板EquipmentTiger Tool International,Inc.修理工具Tunnel 隧道杂志,介绍隧道掘进施工工艺,施工产品,有关公司,中英文对照UNACOMA意大利铲土运输设备集团与机械车辆集团协会Unit Rig重型越野车Vacamasters Division ofBarone,Inc.真空抽提机Vactor排水管道及污水处理设备Vermeer挖沟机、钻孔机、风镐VMI,Inc.挖泥设备Volvo轮式装载机、挖掘机、运输设备Watrana traction co.经销各类叉车配件Z F Industries Inc.设备传动系统。
ac 冷气机(air conditioner)ach 气冷式冰水主机(air cooled chiller unit)acid 排酸管(acid waste pipe)acp 空气压缩机(air compressor)ad 维修门(access door)af 翼截式(air foil)afo 自动泡沫管(auto foam)afs 气流开关(air flow switch)ahu 空调箱(air handling unit)alk 排管(alkaline waste)ask 自动撒水管(auto sprinkler pipe)asy 自动水雾管(auto spray pipe)ast 储气槽(air storage tank)av 释(排)气阀(air vent)b & s 承插式(bell & spigot)ba 紧急呼吸管(breathing air pipe)bdd 逆止风门(back draft damper)bi 后倾式(backward inclined)bod 风管底部(bottom of duct)bop 管路底部(bottom of pipe)bp 加压泵(booster pump)btm 底部(bottom)btu 热量计(btu meter)bv 蝶阀(butterfly valve)bv 球塞阀(ball valve)bwr 滷水回水管(brine return pipe)bws 滷水送水管(brine supply pipe)ca 压缩空气管(compressed air pipe)cau 电脑室空调箱(computer room air handling unit)cd 天花板扩散型出风口(ceiling diffuser)sd/t 水槽落水头附存水弯(sink drain/trap)cda 乾燥压缩空气管(clean dry air pipe)cdwr 冷却纯水回水管(cooling di water return pipe)cdws 冷却纯水送水管(cooling di water supply pipe)cf 吸顶型风机(ceiling mounted type fan)che 化学管(chemical pipe)chp 冰水泵(chilled water pump)chr 冰水回水管(chilled water return pipe)chs 冰水送水管(chilled water supply pipe)cht 化学加药设备(chemical treatment)chu 冰水机(chiller unit)cip 铸铁管(cast iron pipe)cmh or m3/h 立方公尺/每小时(cubic meter per hour)co 清洁口(cleanout)cop 铜管(copper pipe)cpk 电脑室箱型冷气机(computer room package air conditioner)ctr 冷却水塔(cooling tower)cv 逆止阀(check valve)cw 冷水管(cold water pipe)cwp 冷却水泵(condenser water pipe)cwr 冷却水回水管(condenser water return pipe)cws 冷却水送水管(condenser water supply pipe)db 乾球(dry bulb)df 漏斗式排放口(drain funnel)df 饮水机(drinking fountain)di 纯水管(de-ionized water pipe)dir 纯水回水管(di reclaim water pipe)dl 门百叶(door louver)dn 降(下)(down)dp 排水泵(drainage pump)ds 乾式立管(dry type standpipe)dw 自来水(domestic water)dwg 图(drawing)ea 排风(exhaust air)ea 个,只(计量单位)(each)eaf 排风机(exhaust air fan)eag 格栅式排气口(exhaust air grille)ear 格栅式排气口附风门(exhaust air register)eat 进风温度(entering air temperature)eb 电能开水机(electric boiler)eff. 效率(efficiency)ehe 电能加热器(electric heater)ehu 电能加湿器(electric humidifier)esew 紧急冲身洗眼器(emergency shower & eyewash)et 膨胀水箱(expansion tank)ewh 电能热水器(electric water heater)ewt 进水温度(entering water temperature)etd 电热链式防火风门(electro - thermal line fire damper) f 消防管(firer hydrant pipe)fa 火警(fire alarm)fac 水龙头(faucet)facp 火警控制盘(fire alarm control panel)faf 送风机(fresh air fan)fao 新鲜空气开口(fresh air opening)fc 前倾式(forward curved)fcc 隐蔽式冷风机(fan coil unit - concealed))fce 露明式冷风机(fan coil unit - exposed)fco 地板上清洁口(floor cleanout)fd 防火风门(fire damper)fd/t 地板落水头附存水弯(floor drain / trap)ffl 楼板高度(finish floor level)fh 消防栓(fire hydrant)fhc 消防栓箱(fire hydrant cabinet)fhsc 消防水带箱(fire hose storage cabinet)fj 减震接头(flexible joint)fm 消防干管(fire main)fp 消防泵(fire pump)fps 消防系统(fire protection system)fpw 消防用水(fire protection water)fs 水流开关(flow switch)fu 设备单位(fixture unit)gav 闸阀(gate valve)glv 球型阀(globe valve)h/s 蜂鸣器/频闪灯光(horn / strobe)ha 防护区(hazard)hd 烘手机(hand dryer)hf (s) 排强氢氟酸管(hf (strong) waste pipe)hf (w) 排弱氢氟酸管(hf (weak) waste pipe) hmu 加湿器补给水(humidifier make up pipe) hv 高真空管(high vacuum pipe)hw 热水(hot water)hwp 热水泵(hot water pipe)hwr 热水回水管(hot water return pipe)hws 热水送水管(hot water supply pipe)iw 工业用供水管(industrial water supply pipe) jnd 喷流型出风口(jet nozzle diffuser)jif 诱导式风机(jet induced fan)jp 增压泵(jacket pump)ks 厨房洗槽(kitchen sink)kpa 压力单位(kilopascal(s))kw 仟瓦(kilowatt(s))l 公升(liter)lat 离风温度(leaving air temperature)lav 洗脸盆(lavatory)lbg 线型格栅式出风口(linear bar grille - supply air)ldr 线型回风口(linear diffuser, return)lds 线型出风口(linear diffuser, supply)lfap 火警受信总机(local fire alarm panel)lpm or l/m 公升/分(liter per minute)ls 液位感测器(控制器)(level switch controller)lv 低真空管(low vacuum pipe)lv 百叶(louver)lwt 出水温度(leaving water temperature)mcd 电动控制风门(motorized control damper)mfsd 电动防火排(防)烟风门(motorized fire & smoke damper) mod 电动风门(motorized operated damper)mps or m/s 公尺/秒(meter per second)。
P300 Compressor
巴森思考特, 英格兰 . 多伦多, 加拿大. La Spezia, 意大利. Taichung City, 中国台湾 上海, 中国大陆.
我们的设备广泛应用于石油、化工、钢铁、冶炼、普通工业、烟草、纺 织、发电、天然气等行业
1933 –用于柴油引擎作为机械驱动单机风机的增压器得到开发.
1942 – Elliott 引入“涡轮增压器”,采用过热气体能量驱动的强力透 平同轴驱动一台单级离心式空压机.
1955 -德国Demag 引入第一台齿轮式多级水平剖分离心式空压机用于 一项283 m³ /min气量的工程应用.
1974 –Elliott将压缩机重新设计成 双转子水平剖分的布局
采用了基于12年运行经验的许多 项改进
1980 –Atlas Copco雇用Elliott的工程师并引入了一种对Elliott水平剖 分“完全拷贝”的压缩机.
Thank You !!!
居世界领导地位40年 水平剖分式结构石油裂解气体 压缩机 OTT的油站设备
世界上最先进的100,000HP的 全载蒸汽轮机测试设备 完备的空气动力性能及机械性 能测试能力
PAP Plus 压缩机
1974,基于 12年的运转经验, Elliott 引入了 PAP Plus 系列 空压机. 至今已有30多年的历史。
空压机是什么?空压机全称空气压缩机(英文为:air compressor),是气源装置中的主体,它是将原 动机(通常是电动机)的机械能转换成气体压力能的装置,是压缩空气的气压发生装置。
空压机有哪些类型?空气压缩机的种类很多,按工作原理可分为容积式压缩机、往复式压缩机、离心式压缩 机。
现在常用的空气压缩机有活塞式空气压缩机、螺杆式空气压缩机(螺杆空气压缩机又分 为双螺杆空气压缩机和单螺杆空气压缩机)、离心式压缩机以及滑片式空气压缩机、涡旋式 空气压缩机。
空压机工作原理是什么?由电动机直接驱动压缩机,使曲轴产生旋转运动,带动连杆使活塞产生往复运动,引起 气缸容积变化。
由於气缸内压力的变化,通过进气阀使空气经过空气滤清器(消声器)进入 气缸,在压缩行程中,由於气缸容积的缩小,压缩空气经过排气阀的作用,经排气管,单向 阀 (止回阀) 进入储气罐, 当排气压力达到额定压力 0.7MPa 时由压力开关控制而自动停机。
当储气罐压力降至 0.5--0.6MPa 时压力开关自动联接启动。
气源的工作压力应比气动系统中的最高工作压力高 20%左右,因为要考虑供气管道的 沿程损失和局部损失。
空气压缩机的额定排气压力分为低压(0.7~1.0MPa)、中压(1.0~10MPa)、 高压(10~ 100MPa)和超高压(100MPa 以上),可根据实际需求来选择。
常见使用压力一般为 0.71.25。
首先按空压机的特性要求, 选择空压机的类型。
再根据气动系统所需要的工作压力和流 量两个参数,确定空压机的输出压力 pc 和吸入流量 qc,最终选取空压机的型号。
可参照以下步骤: 1、压缩空气用途。
若最高与最低使用压力差达 3bar 时,就必须考虑「高低压 分流」 , 然后根据尖、 离峰的负担变化来选择不同机型的空压机, 如 「基载」 使用离心式 (单 机>75CMM)或螺旋式(单机<60CMM):「变动负载」使用高压空气机与大型储气桶来因应。
Major Machine / Equipment Name List(主要机器名称表)1.塑胶/ 五金制品类火花机EDM (Electron Discharge Machine)车床Lathe钻床Drill / Drilling Machine钻孔机Hole drilling machine高周波机Ultrasonic Welding Machine超声波机Supersonic Welding Machine热熔接机Heat sealing machine吸塑机Blister Packing Machine收缩机Shrink Wrap Machine移印机Pad Printing Machine丝印机Silk Screen Printing Machine注塑机/啤机Injection Molding Machine磨床Grinding Machine混料机Materials Mixer碎/打料机Regrinding Machine铣床/锣床Milling Machine铣刀Milling Cutter冲床Stamp Molding Machine冲孔机Piercer线切割机Wire Cutting Machine点焊机Spot Welding Machine烫金机Heat Transfer Machine / Hot Stamping Machine真空机Vacuum Machine发电机Power Generator空压机Air Compressor金属探测器Metal Detector电脑锣床CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) Milling Machine 电镀Electro Plating搪胶机Roto-Casting Machine吹瓶机/吹塑机Blow Molding Machine稀释剂Thinner车发机Hair Rooting Machine植毛机Flocking Machine抛光机Polishing Machine封口机Sealing Machine合金啤机/压铸机Die Casting Machine冲床裁断机Die cutting machine2. 陶瓷/ 树脂制品类炼泥机Mud refining machine练土机Earth making machine旋坯机Revolving cutting machine注浆成型Slurrying forming machine滚压成型Roll pressing forming machine上彩Painting / Coloring / Decoration / Ornament 窑Kiln立方窑Cubic Kiln隧道窑Tunnel Kiln滚道窑Rolling Kiln成形机Forming Machine上釉Glazing石蜡Paraffin球磨机Globe-Milling Machine滚压机Rolling Pressing Machine3.木材制品类干燥机Drying Machine集尘机Vacuum Cleaner吸尘机Dust Collecting Machine煤油干燥机Kerosene Drying Machine涂装机Gesso Coating Machine搅拌机Mixer平面印花机Printing machine凸出印花机Embossing Machine刨机/刨床Planer machine角花机Frame Ornament Machine磨刀机Saw Grinder分条机Splitting Machine多片机Multi-blade Saw成型机Molding Machine指接机Finger Joint Machine喷漆机Paint Spraying Machine砂平机Sanding Machine拉线机Scratching Machine打箔机Gold Foil Breaking Machine修饰机Finishing Spraying Machine切角机Corner Cutting Machine钉角机Corner Stapling Machine上胶机Glue Applying Machine包装流水线Assembling Conveyor Lines打包机Strap Packing Machine4. 布品/ 服装制品类电脑制样Computer marker拉布机Spreading machine验布机Fabric Inspection Machine电剪Electrical Cutter钢丝网手套Steel-mash glove速利床尾剪Speeding Cutter裁床Cutting Table冲床裁断机Die cutting machine双针平车Double needle sewing machine单针平车Single needle sewing machine线钉车Picot sewing machine水波车 3 thread overlock stitch sewing machine 急钮车/撞钉机Snap button machine打胶钮车Plastic button setting machine刀车Elastic setting machine测试拉力机Pull test machine狗牙车Embroidery lace machine钮门车Button Hole Sewing Machine拉襟车Cover stitch sewing machine钉钮车Buttoning Sewing Machine喋骨车/五线车Over-locking Sewing Machine人字车Zigzag Sewing Machine挑脚车Blind Stitching Machine打枣车Bar-tacking Machine钉珠Beading漂白Bleaching染色Dyeing打鸡眼Eyelet Setting挑脚Bottom Hemming挑边机Blind Hemming Machine上拉链Fixing of Zipper刺绣Embroidering上袖口Attaching cuffs to the sleeves穿腰带Inserting Belt onto Garment钉麦头Labelling熨衣Pressing / Ironing电蒸斗Electrical Steam Iron压朴机Fusing Machine抽湿烫床Moisture-Extract Ironing Table吸风剪线机Thread-End Cutter运输带式验针机Conveyor type needle detector手提式验针机Portable type needle detector分线机Thread Winder灯箱Light Box脱水机Water Extracting Machine充棉机Stuffing Machine松棉机Puffing Machine缩水机Pre-shrinkage machine翻裤机Bottom leg returning machine钢丝网手套Mesh glove5.电线类/ 电子类绕线机Coil winding machine剪线/剥皮Cutting & Stripping引线尺寸Stripping dimension拉尺Tape measure压端子Terminal crimping拉力计Pull force tester电气连续性测试Continuity test测试夹具Test jig烙铁Soldering iron电烙铁Temperature control soldering iron 电动起子Electric screw driver点胶机Glue dispenser螺丝批Electronic screwing driver手腕带测试仪Wrist strap tester直流电源DC power supply锡浆厚度测试仪Soldering thickness tester锡池Soldering pot热风回流炉Hot air reflow oven波峰焊Wave soldering system铆接Riveting fastening system压接机Air pressing machine防水测试Waterproof tester打磨机Platter machine气动系统Pneumatic system保险柜Strong box打蜡机Burnish machine老化测试夹具Aging test jig双秒表Double needle meter吸尘器Dust collector磁化机Magnetize machine超声波清洗机Ultrasonic cleaning machine6.测量仪器名称磅秤Weighing Scale电子天平Electronic Balance拉力测试仪Tension Tester数显卡尺Digital caliper游标卡尺Vernier caliper千分尺Micrometer温湿度仪Thermo-Humidity indicator温度计Thermometer频率计Cymometer电子除湿炉Electronic dehumidity oven瞄准仪/准直仪Auto collimator探头Jig with needle connector离子发生器/离子风机Ionizer物镜分配仪Lens dispenser抖晃仪Jitter meter测色仪Color Measuring Instrument比色仪Color Comparing Instrument干燥箱Dry Cabinet静电测量仪Electrostatic V oltmeter除静电设备Electrostatic Eliminating Equipment 蒸发器-旋转Evaporator-Rotary恒温恒湿设备Humidity Test Chamber离子计Ion Meter离心机Centrifuge放大镜Magnifier显微镜Microscope湿度计Moisture Meter万用表Multi-meter示波器Oscilloscope压力测试仪Pressure Instrument搅拌器-磁性Stirrer-Magnetic转速计Tachometer张力计Tension Gauge扭力测试仪Torque Instrument超声波测厚仪Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge振动计Vibration Meter粘度计Viscometer传感器Sensor7.印刷纸品类7色柔版印刷机7 color flex printing machine on napkin 单色凹版印刷机 1 color gravure printing machine自动复卷机Auto paper rolling machine平压机Hand fed die-cutting machine复卷机Re-winding machine纸杯机Paper cup machine纸盘机Paper plate machine自动纸盘啤机Paper plate die-cutting machine自动分切机Auto sheeting machine纸张分切机Paper shred cutting machine叉车Fork lifter胶膜分条机Cello shred cutting machine过油机Varnish sealing machine设计Artwork design分色Color separation打稿Color proofing拼版Film setting切纸Paper cutting连水油印刷U.V. In line U.V. water base printing烫金机凹凸Hot stamping embossing水油Water base磨光Calendering光油Varnishing吸塑油Heal seal coating送胶P.P送哑水油Mat WB送U.V. Mat U.V.送哑胶Mat P.P裱纸Lamination下栏Detaching摺纸Paper folding滚切PVC roll cutting丝印Silk screen printing烫金Hot stampingPVC啤盒PVC die-cutting切片Notching裱片Window patching胶盒Box jointing埋面Cover lid binding粘角Corner binding车魔术贴Velcro sewing摺盒Box folding8. 鞋类空气枪Air gun毛刷Brush铁槌Hammer拔钉器Nail puller钳子Pincer鞋拔Shoe horn贴沿条机Welt attaching machine上胶机/贴合机Cementing and attaching machine集尘设备Dust collector加热箱Heated chamber后踵整形机Heel seat pounding & shaping machine蒸汽式鞋面定型机Humid vamp setting machine烤箱Oven自调式压底机Universal sole attaching machine真空箱式加硫定型机Vacuum tank vulcanizing machine回转式真空加硫定型机Rotary vacuum vulcanizing machine加硫机Vulcanizing machine木楦Wood last皮带输送机Belt conveyor滚筒输送机Roller conveyor立体回转式输送带Solid rotating conveyor整型机Moulding machine铝楦Aluminum last拉邦钳Lasting pincer两节式鞋楦Hinge last冲孔器Piercer打孔机Holing machine鞋眼打孔机Eyelet puncher钻孔机Drilling machine后跟打钉机Heel nailing machine上糊机Cementing machine真空吸尘机Vacuum cleaner纸盒定型机Carton making machine射出成型机Injection molding machine气压钉跟机Pneumatic heel tacking machine后踵定型机Backpart moulding machine鞋面定型机Boot vamp moulding machine定型机Shaping machine急速加热冷却后踵定型机Quick heating and cooling counter shaping machine 送料机Raw material delivery machine真空干燥机Vacuum dryer悬挂式干燥机Hanging dryer内线缝底机Mackay stitcher外线机Out seam stitcher瓷热机Ceramic heater清胶机Glue cleaning machine蒸湿式热定型机Humid heat setting unit中底打钉机Insole stapling gun墙式压底机Walled sole attaching machine铆合机Rivet setter划线机Shoe lined machine前邦机Toe lasting machine中邦机Waist lasting machine腰邦机Cement side laster后邦机Counter lasting machine气压拔楦机Pneumatic last slipping machine扫刀Wiper砂轮研磨机Emery wheel grinding machine拔楦机Last extracting machine鞋面蒸湿机Upper conditioner磨底机Sole rubbing machine磨皮机Buffing machine修内里机Lining trimming machine修边机Trimming machine削里机Shaving machine削皮机Skiving machine鞋带机Shoe lace machine蒸气式热风烫平机Steam heating pressing machine量皮机Surface measuring and calculating machine 切条机Strip cutting machine片皮机Splitting machine剪带机Strap cutting machine滚边机Folding machine热熔胶套头印置机Thermo-plastic toe puff applying machine 耐磨试验机Abrasion tester老化试验机Aging tester拉力试验机Tensile strength tester湿度计Moisture tester压缩永久变形试验机Permanent compression tester粘度计Viscosity meter万能材料试验机Universal materials tester破裂强度试验机Bursting strength tester染色脱色试验机Dyeing decoloring tester耐黄变试验机Non-yellowing machine耐硫化试验机Action of sulphur test machine永久伸长率试验机Permanent tension tester硬度计Hardness tester曲折弯度试验机Flexing tester耐寒试验机Freezing tester耐滑试验机Slip resistance tester控制板Control panel斩刀Cutting die切割垫板Cutting board量脚器Foot gauge粉碎机Crusher泡棉贴合机Foam pasting machine中底包边机Insole edge covering machine 中底组合成型机Insole assembling machine中底定型机Insole moulding machine鞋头跷度Toe spring鞋带头Lace tip鞋眼扣环Eyelet clip中底垫皮Sock lining拔空气钉Pull out staple贴底Outsole attaching后跟包皮Heel cover砂轮式磨粗Stone roughing鞋底催化机Sole activator中底滚边Insole binding鞋口滚边Top line binding弯边/卷边机Crimping machine鞋领Collar帆布鞋Canvas shoe功夫鞋Kungfu shoe麻布鞋Linen shoe休闲鞋Leisure shoe登山鞋Mountaineering shoe无后套拖鞋Mule海滩鞋Beach comber牛仔靴Cowboy shoe中童女鞋Girl’s shoe大童女鞋Misses shoe女鞋Ladies shoe男鞋Men’s shoe缎面鞋Satin shoe雨鞋Rain shoe便鞋(无松紧带式) Slip-on便鞋(有松紧带式) Slip-in工作鞋Work shoe。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 空压机 压缩机
中文 Air compressor Compressor Piston compressor Screw compressor Vane compressor Centrifugal compressor Scroll compressor Oil-free compressor Portable compressor
பைடு நூலகம்
活塞式空压机 螺杆式空压机 滑片式空压机 离心式空压机 涡旋式空压机 无油空压机 移动式空压机 喷油螺杆空压机 储气罐 压力表 油管 风冷却器 油冷却器 水冷却器 电机 机头 进气阀 温控阀 压力传感器 吸附式干燥机 冷冻式干燥机 吸附剂 冷煤 过滤器 管路过滤器 高效过滤器 精密过滤器 滤芯 除尘滤芯 除油滤芯 活性碳滤芯 灭菌滤芯 露点
Oil injected screw compressor Air Tank Pressure gauge Oil Tube Air Cooler Oil Cooler Water Cooler Motor Air end Inlet valve Thermostatic valve Pressure sensor Adsorption drier Freeze drier Adsorbent Refrigerant Filter Pipeline filter High efficiency air filter Fine filter Filter element Dust removal filter Oil removal filter Activated carbon filter Sterilization filter Dew point
空压机专业术语中英对照1、活塞式空压机 piston compressor2、螺杆式空压机 screw compressor3、滑片式空压机 vane compressor4、离心式空压机 centrifugal compressor5、涡旋式空压机 scroll compressor6、无油空压机 oil-free compressor7、移动式空压机 portable compressor8、喷油式螺杆空压机 oil injected screw compressor9、储气罐 air tank10、压力表 pressure gauge11、油管 oil tube12、风冷却器 air cooler13、油冷却器 oil cooler14、水冷却器 water cooler15、电机 motor16、机头 air end17、进气阀 inlet valve18、温控阀 thermostatic valve19、压力传感器 pressure sensor20、吸附式干燥机 adsorption drier21、冷冻式干燥机 freeze drier22、吸附剂 adsorbent23、冷煤 refrigerant24、过滤器 filter25、管路过滤器 pipeline filter26、高效过滤器 high efficiency air filter27、精密过滤器 fine filter28、滤芯 filter element29、除尘滤芯 dust removal filter30、除油滤芯 oil removal filter31、活性炭滤芯 activated carbon filter32、灭菌滤芯 sterilization filter33、露点 dew point34、压力露点 pressure dew point35、自动排水器 automatic drain valve36、电子排水器 electronic drain valve37、智能排水器 intelligent drain valve38、机油 oil39、油滤 oil filter40、空滤 air filter41、空滤总成 air filter housing42、油分 air/oil separator43、外置油分 spin-on air/oil separator44、法兰 flange45、外径 outside diameter46、内径 inside diameter47、高度 height48、跑油 run oil49、压差 differential pressure50、干燥机 air drier51、旋入式过滤器 spin-on filter52、维修包 service kit53、售后市场 after market54、压缩空气 compressed air55、软管 tube56、汽水分离器 steam separator57、油水分离器 oil-water separator58、安全芯 safe filter59、联轴器 flex60、卸荷阀 unloading valve61、最小压力阀 min pressure valve62、旁通阀 by pass valve63、单向阀 check valve64、替代品 replacement65、检测阀 check valve66、垫圈 washer67、库存 store68、止动板 lock plate69、密封垫圈 seal washer70、阴转子 female rotor71、阳转子 male rotor72、主转子 main rotor73、闸转子 gate rotor74、截止阀 line valve, stop valve75、排气截止阀 discharge line valve76、吸气截止阀 suction line valve77、部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port78、能量调节器 energy regulator79、容量调节滑阀 capacity control slide valve80、容量控制器 capacity control81、消音器 muffler82、联轴节 coupling83、曲轴箱 crankcase84、曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater85、轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal86、填料盒 stuffing box87、轴封填料 shaft packing88、机械密封 mechanical seal89、波纹管密封 bellows seal90、转动密封 rotary seal91、迷宫密封 labyrinth seal92、轴承 bearing93、滑动轴承 sleeve bearing94、偏心环 eccentric strap95、滚珠轴承 ball bearing96、滚柱轴承 roller bearing97、滚针轴承 needle bearing98、止推轴承 thrust bearing99、外轴承 pedestal bearing100、臼形轴承 footstep bearing101、轴承箱 bearing housing102、止推盘 thrust collar103、偏心销 eccentric pin104、曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight 105、曲柄轴crankshaft106、偏心轴eccentric type crankshaft107、曲拐轴crank throw type crankshaft108、连杆connecting rod109、连杆大头crank pin end110、连杆小头piston pin end111、曲轴crankshaft112、主轴颈main journal113、曲柄crank arm, crank shaft114、曲柄销crank pin115、曲拐crank throw116、曲拐机构crank-toggle117、阀盘valve disc118、阀杆valve stem119、阀座valve seat120、阀板valve plate121、阀盖valve cage122、阀罩valve cover123、阀升程限制器valve lift guard124、阀升程valve lift125、阀孔valve port126、吸气口suction inlet127、压缩机气阀compressor valve128、吸气阀suction valve129、排气阀delivery valve130、圆盘阀disc valve131、环片阀ring plate valve132、簧片阀reed valve133、舌状阀cantilever valve134、条状阀beam valve135、提升阀poppet valve136、菌状阀mushroom valve137、杯状阀 tulip valve138、缸径 cylinder bore139、余隙容积 clearance volume140、附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket141、活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement142、理论排量 theoretical displacement143、实际排量actual displacement144、实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 145、气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder146、活塞行程容积 piston displacement147、气缸 cylinder148、气缸体 cylinder block149、气缸壁 cylinder wall150、水冷套 water cooled jacket151、气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head152、安全盖(假盖) safety head153、假盖 false head154、活塞环 piston ring155、气环 sealing ring156、刮油环 scraper ring157、油环 scrape ring158、活塞销 piston pin159、活塞 piston160、活塞行程 piston stroke161、吸气行程 suction stroke162、膨胀行程 expansion stroke163、压缩行程 compression stroke164、排气行程 discharge stroke165、升压压缩机 booster compressor166、立式压缩机 vertical compressor167、卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor168、角度式压缩机 angular type compressor169、对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor空压机英文菜单及报警信息的中英文对照序号英文报警信息中文报警名称1 Emergencey Stop 紧急制动2 Communication Control 通讯控制3 Invalid Access Code 进入码错误4 No fault stored 无故障信息存储5 No fault reset 无复位指示6 No service indicated 无维修指示7 Remote start enable 远程启动8 Remote start enables 远程停机9 Stop machine first 先停机10 Fan motor fault 风扇电机故障11 High air pressure 空气压力过高12 High oil temp fault 油温过高13 Main motor fault 主电机故障14 Pressure probe fault 压力探测器故障15 Rotation fault 转向故障16 Star/delta fault Y/△故障17 Temperature probe fault 温度探测器故障18 Change air filter 更换空气过滤器19 Chang reclaimer element 更换油分离器滤芯20 High oil 油温过高21 Service due 技术服务时间到22 Max overpress 最高过压(自己复位)23 Total 总时数24 Hours on load 负载时数25 Max. service hrs 技术服务最长时数26 Service hrs to run 技术服务前可运行时数27 Reset service hours 重设技术服务时数28 Auto restarting 自动信息29 Blowing down 放气30 Fault shutdown 故障跳闸31 Off load 空载32 On load 负载33 Ready to start 准备起动34 Stand by 待命35 Starting 启动36 Unable to start 不能起动37 Stopping 停机38 Enter 回车39 Up 向上40 Down 向下41 Operational settings 运行设定值42 Return to previous menu 返回上一菜单43 Control mode auto 控制方式自动44 Run on time 连续运行时间45 Drain open time 排水开启时间46 Reset 复位47 Main menu 主菜单48 Fault history recall 故障史回顾49 Fault history recall 1 故障史回顾1。
往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor 螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor 滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor滑片 blade 旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor涡旋式压缩机scroll compressor 容积式压缩机positive displacement compressor涡旋盘 scroll 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll, fixed scroll 驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll, orbiting scroll 斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor斜盘 swash plate 摇盘 wobble plate 阳转子 male rotor 阴转子 female rotor 主转子 main rotor闸转子 gate rotor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor 膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor单作用压缩机single acting compressor 双效压缩机dual effect compressor双作用压缩机 double acting compressor 双缸压缩机 twincylinder compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor 双级压缩机 compound compressor干活塞式压缩机dry piston compressor 多级压缩机multistage compressor差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor, differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor, dual compressor截止阀 line valve, stop valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve 排气截止阀 discharge line valve 部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 联轴节 coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase容量控制器 capacity control 消声器 muffler 曲轴箱加热器crankcase heater轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal 轴封填料 shaft packing 填料盒 stuffing box机械密封 mechanical seal 转动密封 rotary seal 波纹管密封bellows seal 迷宫密封 labyrinth seal轴承 bearing 滑动轴承 sleeve bearing 滚珠轴承 ballbearing 偏心环 eccentric strap滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承 needle bearing 止推轴承thrust bearing 外轴承 pedestal bearing臼形轴承footstep bearing 偏心销eccentric pin 曲柄轴crankshaft 曲拐轴 crank throw type crankshaft轴承箱bearing housing 止推盘thrust collar 偏心轴eccentric type crankshaft曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight 连杆 connecting rod连杆大头 crank pin end 连杆小头 piston pin end 曲轴crankshaft 主轴颈 main journal曲柄crank arm, crank shaft 曲拐crank throw 曲拐机构crank-toggle 曲柄销 crank pin阀盘 valve disc 阀杆 valve stem 阀座 valve seat 阀板valve plate 阀盖 valve cage 阀罩 valve cover阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程 valve lift 阀孔valve port 吸气口 suction inlet压缩机气阀 compressor valve 排气阀 delivery valve 环片阀ring plate valve 提升阀 poppet valve吸气阀 suction valve 圆盘阀 disc valve 簧片阀 reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀 beam valve菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径 cylinderbore 余隙容积 clearance volume附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket 活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement理论排量theoretical displacement 实际排量actual displacement实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder活塞行程容积piston displacement 气缸cylinder 气缸体cylinder block 气缸壁 cylinder wall水冷套 water cooled jacket 气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head 安全盖(假盖) safety head假盖 false head 活塞环 piston ring 刮油环 scraper ring 油环 scrape ring 气环 sealing ring活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston 活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke 排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor压缩行程 compression stroke 立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor 对称平衡型压缩机symmetrically balanced type compressorTerminology In Reciprocating Compressors Datasheet drivernameplate kw 驱动机铭牌功率 kwno negative tolerance applies 无负偏差Max acceptable piston speed 活塞最大最高许用速度Pulse device 脉动抑制装置 pulse suppress Inlet 压力脉动抑制装置进口处Certified PT 保证点 Pressure at cylinder flange 在汽缸法兰处压力Compressibility 压缩系数(压缩比) TEMP ADIABATIC 绝对温度as built 竣工proposal 投标 Total Bkw at compressor shaft 总功率kw在压缩机轴处Capacity for NNT 无负偏差的容积流量 Even minute traces 仅有微量Elevation 海拔高度 at grade level 级水准 winterization required 要求防冻 Partial Sides 部分侧墙Electrical Classification 电器分类 Class ____ Group ____ Zone 区____组_____级 Main unit 主机L.O Console润滑油站 CW Console 冷却水站 POCKETS/Valves Operation 余隙腔/阀门开启Type Unloaders, Plug/Finger 卸荷器类型塞式/指式 Combined Rod Load C 综合活塞杆负荷(压缩)Combined Rod Load T 综合活塞负荷(拉伸) Auto Loading DelayInterlock 自动负荷延迟联锁Outboard bearing 外置轴承 Slide base for driver 电机导轨座Sole plate for driver 驱动机底座Key less drv 无键驱动 Quilt shaft 套筒轴 Drive Guard 传动装置护罩Compressor Valves Dynamic Response 压缩机气阀动态响应 skid, soleplate, baseplate 底架,底版,底座leveling screw 调节螺钉 Column mouting 立柱安装Bolts or Studs for soleplate to frame用于机身和底板的螺栓或双头螺栓 Rail 导轨 hock block 垫块垫片 shims direct grounted 直接灌浆 Cement/Mortar Grout 水泥/沙浆浇灌 off mounted 分别安装Flange finish 法兰光洁度Inlet strainer 进气过滤器manifold piping 集合管spool piece for inlet strainer 进气过滤器套筒 Match marked 配合标记One CMMN to all unites 所有设备共用一个 Dual filters with transfer valves带转换阀的双联过滤器Seperated machine mounted panel 独立的机器安装控制盘Seperated free standing panel 独立的自由防止控制盘Cyl. LUBRICATORS 汽缸注油器 Hydraulic tension tools 液压安装工具 US Customary Units 美国常用单位Barring device 盘车装置 Instrument air 仪表风 Single or double acting 单作用或双作用Bore 缸径Stroke 行程Cylinder Liner 钢套Piston displacement 活塞排量 Volumetric efficiency 容积效率Liner nominal thickness 钢套公称厚度 Rod REV DEGREE 活塞反向角 Facing 法兰面 Wear bands 支撑环Thread roots stress 螺纹根部应力 Gas configuration 气体组态purge 清除 imulation 模拟、仿真steady state 稳态 transient 动态 transient restart 动态再启动 scenario 方案trend plot 趋势图 interactive 交互式的 simulation 模拟compressor 压缩机flow rate 流量 mass flow rate 质量流量 actual flow rate 实际流量 accumulated volume 累积体积elevation 高程 specific heat 比热 thermal conductivity 导热系数 viscosity 粘度 specific gravity 比重、密度fluid 流体maximum 最大的minimum 最小的surge 喘振stonewall 滞止 convergence 收敛orthogonal 直角的、直交的 toggle 切换 grid 格子 cylinder 汽缸 DPID 驱动机性能曲线CPID 压缩机性能曲线 TPID 燃气轮机性能曲线 performance curve 性能曲线 disconnect 断开data block 数据块 standard conditions 标况 upstream 上游downstream 下游 node 节点pipe 管段 diameter 直径 length 长度 wall thickness 壁厚roughness 粗糙度gas equation 气体方程 knot spacing 空间步长 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 supply 气源、进气点delivery 分输点 valve 阀门 check valve 单向阀、止回阀block valve 截断阀 regulator valve 调解阀gate valve 闸阀 Reynolds Number 雷诺数 absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度 internal diameter 内径Outside diameter of pipe 管外径 gas density/density of the gas 气体密度 universal gas constant 通用气体常数compressibility factor 压缩因子Z molecular weight of gas 气体分子量 gauge pressure 表压Absolute pressure 绝对压力 compression ratio 压比 length of the pipe 管段长度cross-sectional area of the pipe 管子的横截面积 velocity of the gas 气体流速acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度 elevation of pipe 管道的高程suction/discharge temperature 进/出口温度 rated power 额定功率 shaft power 轴功率inlet actual volumetric flow 入口实际体积流量 adiabatic head 绝热压头Design safety factor 设计安全系数F Longitudinal joint safety factor 焊缝安全系数ETemperature derating factor 温度折减系数 Yield strength 屈服强度 Steel pipe 刚性管Plastic pipe 弹性管 liquid configuration 液体组态 pump 泵1. performance parameter性能参数——表征压缩机主要性能的诸参数,如:气量、压力、温度、功率及噪声、振动等2 constructional parameter结构参数——表征压缩机结构特点的诸参数,如:活塞力、行程、转速、列数、各级缸径、外形尺寸等3 inlet pressure/suction pressure吸气压力(吸入压力)——在标准吸气位置气体的平均绝对全压力。
空压机专业术语中英对照空压机专业术语中英对照1、活塞式空压机 piston compressor2、螺杆式空压机 screw compressor3、滑⽚式空压机 vane compressor4、离⼼式空压机 centrifugal compressor5、涡旋式空压机 scroll compressor6、⽆油空压机 oil-free compressor7、移动式空压机 portable compressor8、喷油式螺杆空压机 oil injected screw compressor9、储⽓罐 air tank10、压⼒表 pressure gauge11、油管 oil tube12、风冷却器 air cooler13、油冷却器 oil cooler14、⽔冷却器 water cooler15、电机 motor16、机头 air end17、进⽓阀 inlet valve18、温控阀 thermostatic valve19、压⼒传感器 pressure sensor20、吸附式⼲燥机 adsorption drier21、冷冻式⼲燥机 freeze drier22、吸附剂 adsorbent23、冷煤 refrigerant24、过滤器 filter25、管路过滤器 pipeline filter26、⾼效过滤器 high efficiency air filter27、精密过滤器 fine filter28、滤芯 filter element29、除尘滤芯 dust removal filter30、除油滤芯 oil removal filter31、活性炭滤芯 activated carbon filter32、灭菌滤芯 sterilization filter33、露点 dew point34、压⼒露点 pressure dew point35、⾃动排⽔器 automatic drain valve36、电⼦排⽔器 electronic drain valve37、智能排⽔器 intelligent drain valve38、机油 oil39、油滤 oil filter40、空滤 air filter41、空滤总成 air filter housing42、油分 air/oil separator43、外置油分 spin-on air/oil separator44、法兰 flange45、外径 outside diameter46、内径 inside diameter47、⾼度 height48、跑油 run oil49、压差 differential pressure50、⼲燥机 air drier51、旋⼊式过滤器 spin-on filter52、维修包 service kit53、售后市场 after market54、压缩空⽓ compressed air55、软管 tube56、汽⽔分离器 steam separator57、油⽔分离器 oil-water separator58、安全芯 safe filter59、联轴器 flex60、卸荷阀 unloading valve61、最⼩压⼒阀 min pressure valve62、旁通阀 by pass valve63、单向阀 check valve64、替代品 replacement65、检测阀 check valve66、垫圈 washer67、库存 store68、⽌动板 lock plate69、密封垫圈 seal washer70、阴转⼦ female rotor71、阳转⼦ male rotor72、主转⼦ main rotor73、闸转⼦ gate rotor74、截⽌阀 line valve, stop valve75、排⽓截⽌阀 discharge line valve76、吸⽓截⽌阀 suction line valve77、部分负荷旁通⼝ partial duty port78、能量调节器 energy regulator79、容量调节滑阀 capacity control slide valve80、容量控制器 capacity control81、消⾳器 muffler82、联轴节 coupling83、曲轴箱 crankcase84、曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater85、轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal86、填料盒 stuffing box87、轴封填料 shaft packing88、机械密封 mechanical seal89、波纹管密封 bellows seal90、转动密封 rotary seal91、迷宫密封 labyrinth seal92、轴承 bearing93、滑动轴承 sleeve bearing94、偏⼼环 eccentric strap95、滚珠轴承 ball bearing96、滚柱轴承 roller bearing97、滚针轴承 needle bearing98、⽌推轴承 thrust bearing99、外轴承 pedestal bearing100、⾅形轴承 footstep bearing101、轴承箱 bearing housing102、⽌推盘 thrust collar103、偏⼼销 eccentric pin104、曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight 105、曲柄轴crankshaft 106、偏⼼轴eccentric type crankshaft107、曲拐轴crank throw type crankshaft108、连杆connecting rod109、连杆⼤头crank pin end110、连杆⼩头piston pin end111、曲轴crankshaft112、主轴颈main journal113、曲柄crank arm, crank shaft114、曲柄销crank pin115、曲拐crank throw116、曲拐机构crank-toggle117、阀盘valve disc118、阀杆valve stem119、阀座valve seat120、阀板valve plate121、阀盖valve cage122、阀罩valve cover123、阀升程限制器valve lift guard124、阀升程valve lift125、阀孔valve port126、吸⽓⼝suction inlet127、压缩机⽓阀compressor valve128、吸⽓阀suction valve129、排⽓阀delivery valve130、圆盘阀disc valve131、环⽚阀ring plate valve132、簧⽚阀reed valve133、⾆状阀cantilever valve134、条状阀beam valve135、提升阀poppet valve136、菌状阀mushroom valve137、杯状阀 tulip valve138、缸径 cylinder bore139、余隙容积 clearance volume140、附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket141、活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement142、理论排量 theoretical displacement143、实际排量actual displacement144、实际输⽓量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 145、⽓缸⼯作容积 working volume of the cylinder 146、活塞⾏程容积 piston displacement147、⽓缸 cylinder148、⽓缸体 cylinder block149、⽓缸壁 cylinder wall150、⽔冷套 water cooled jacket151、⽓缸盖(⽓缸头) cylinder head152、安全盖(假盖) safety head153、假盖 false head154、活塞环 piston ring155、⽓环 sealing ring156、刮油环 scraper ring157、油环 scrape ring158、活塞销 piston pin159、活塞 piston160、活塞⾏程 piston stroke161、吸⽓⾏程 suction stroke162、膨胀⾏程 expansion stroke163、压缩⾏程 compression stroke164、排⽓⾏程 discharge stroke165、升压压缩机 booster compressor166、⽴式压缩机 vertical compressor167、卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor168、⾓度式压缩机 angular type compressor169、对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor空压机英⽂菜单及报警信息的中英⽂对照序号英⽂报警信息中⽂报警名称1 Emergencey Stop 紧急制动2 Communication Control 通讯控制3 Invalid Access Code 进⼊码错误4 No fault stored ⽆故障信息存储5 No fault reset ⽆复位指⽰6 No service indicated ⽆维修指⽰7 Remote start enable 远程启动8 Remote start enables 远程停机9 Stop machine first 先停机10 Fan motor fault 风扇电机故障11 High air pressure 空⽓压⼒过⾼12 High oil temp fault 油温过⾼13 Main motor fault 主电机故障14 Pressure probe fault 压⼒探测器故障15 Rotation fault 转向故障16 Star/delta fault Y/△故障17 Temperature probe fault 温度探测器故障18 Change air filter 更换空⽓过滤器19 Chang reclaimer element 更换油分离器滤芯20 High oil 油温过⾼21 Service due 技术服务时间到22 Max overpress 最⾼过压(⾃⼰复位)23 Total 总时数24 Hours on load 负载时数25 Max. service hrs 技术服务最长时数26 Service hrs to run 技术服务前可运⾏时数27 Reset service hours 重设技术服务时数28 Auto restarting ⾃动信息29 Blowing down 放⽓30 Fault shutdown 故障跳闸31 Off load 空载32 On load 负载33 Ready to start 准备起动34 Stand by 待命35 Starting 启动36 Unable to start 不能起动37 Stopping 停机38 Enter 回车39 Up 向上40 Down 向下41 Operational settings 运⾏设定值42 Return to previous menu 返回上⼀菜单43 Control mode auto 控制⽅式⾃动44 Run on time 连续运⾏时间45 Drain open time 排⽔开启时间46 Reset 复位47 Main menu 主菜单48 Fault history recall 故障史回顾49 Fault history recall 1 故障史回顾1。
序号中文英文1 空压机Air compressor2 压缩机Compressor3 活塞式空压机Piston compressor4 螺杆式空压机Screw compressor5 滑片式空压机Vane compressor6 离心式空压机Centrifugal compressor7 涡旋式空压机Scroll compressor8 无油空压机Oil-free compressor9 移动式空压机Portable compressor10 喷油螺杆空压机Oil injected screw compressor11 储气罐Air Tank12 压力表Pressure gauge13 油管Oil Tube14 风冷却器Air Cooler15 油冷却器Oil Cooler16 水冷却器Water Cooler17 电机Motor18 机头Air end19 进气阀Inlet valve20 温控阀Thermostatic valve21 压力传感器Pressure sensor22 吸附式干燥机Adsorption drier23 冷冻式干燥机Freeze drier24 吸附剂Adsorbent25 冷煤Refrigerant26 过滤器Filter27 管路过滤器Pipeline filter28 高效过滤器High efficiency air filter29 精密过滤器Fine filter30 滤芯Filter element31 除尘滤芯Dust removal filter32 除油滤芯Oil removal filter33 活性碳滤芯Activated carbon filter34 灭菌滤芯Sterilization filter35 露点Dew point36 压力露点Pressure dew point37 自动排水器Automatic drain valve38 电子排水器Electronic drain valve39 智能排水器Intelligent drain valve40 机油Oil41 油滤Oil filter42 空滤Air filter43 空滤总成Air filter housing44 油分Air/Oil separator45 外置油分Spin-on Air/Oil separator46 法兰Flange47 外径Outside diameter48 内径Inside diameter49 高度Height50 跑油Run oil51 压差Differential pressure52 干燥机Air drier53 旋入式过滤器Spin-on Filter54 维修包service kit55 售后市场after market56 压缩空气compressed air57 软管Tube58 汽水分离器steam separator59 油水分离器oil-water separator60 安全芯safe filter61 联轴器flex62 卸荷阀unloading valve63 最小压力阀Min pressure valve64 旁通阀by pass valve65 单向阀check valve66 替代品replacement67 检测阀check valve68 垫圈 washer69 库存store70 止动板Lock plate。
常用物资设备名词The Terms of Materials and Equipment in Common Use一. 设备(Equipment)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1翻斗车Dumping Truck23振捣棒Vibration Rod2前翻斗Front Dump Tractor24振捣器Vibrator3平板车Flatbed Truck25水泵Water Pump4油罐车Tanker26随车吊Truck Crane5拖拉机Tractor27三轮车Trike6反铲Excavator28拌和机Concrete Mixer7两头忙Excaloader29空压机Air Compressor8装载机Loader30台钻Table Drill9推土机Bulldozer31手电钻Electric Drill10碾子Roller32钻头Drill Bit11振动碾Vibration Roller33砂轮机Grinding Wheel Machine 12吊车Crane34切割机Cutting Machine13小汽车Car35电焊机Welding Machine14吉普车Jeep(land rover/cruiser)36切断机Cut Off Machine15平路机Grader(smoother/road grader)37弯曲机Bending Machine16摩托车Motorcycle38车床Lathe17车Vehicle39充电机Charging Set18钻机Drilling Machine(rig)40刨床Planer19随车钻机Truck Drill41蛙夯Frog Tamper20灌浆泵Grouting Pump42手扶振动碾Hand Guided Vibratory Roller21发电机Generator43平板振动夯Smooth Drum Vibratory Tamper22电机Electric Motor44犁Plough二. 工具(Tools)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name 1扳手Spanner35黄油枪Grease Gun2活动扳手Monkey Spanner36板牙Screw Die3开口扳手Open Spanner37板牙架Die Handle4梅花扳手Ring Spanner38丝锥Tap5套筒扳手Socket Spanner39三爪拉马Triangle Puller6内六方扳手Key Spanner40拉连Slide Fastener7管子扳手Pipe Spanner41卸甲 D Shackle8管钳Socket Screw42铁桶Iron Bucket9螺丝刀Screwdriver43铁锨Shovel10平口螺丝刀Streight Driver44镐Pickaxe11一字螺丝刀Cross Driver45滑轮Pulley12加柄螺丝刀Heavy Driver46三角刮刀Scraper13电笔螺丝刀Test Driver47断线钳Wire Cutters14钢锉Steel File48轮胎撬棍Tyre Level15什锦锉Assoeted File49工作包Tool Bag16三角锉Triangle File50电工刀Electrician Knife 17平锉Flat File51手梯Ladder18尖嘴钳Nose Pliers52凳子Stool19鱼尾钳Fish Pliers53架子车Cart20老虎钳Pliers54手推车Wheelbarrow21斧子Axe55打气筒Inflator22手锤Hand Hammer56手电筒Flash Torch23台虎钳Table Vice57垫叉Drill Pipe Fork 24冲子Punch58大头锤Big Hammer25截子Cutting Shovel59万能钳Universal Tongs 26凿子Chisel60钢模板Steel Formwork 27卡尺Callipers61U形卡U Clip28塞尺Gap Guage62架子管Scaffold Pipe29钢卷尺Steel Tapeline63管卡Scaffold Clamp 30钢丝刷Wire Brush64L形插销L Bolt31毛刷Hair Brush65撬棍Scabling Rod32压力表Pressure Meter66喷雾器Spayer;Atomizer 33电焊钳Welding Handle67净水器Water Purifier 34电烙铁Soldering Iron68三. 配件(Fittings)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name 1发动机Engine18灯泡Bulb2变速箱Gear Box19喇叭Horn3传动轴Transmission Shaft20水箱Water Box4离合器Clutch21喷油嘴Fuel Injection5刹车片Brake Shoe22油泵Oil Pump6齿轮Gear23轮胎Tyre7轴承Bearing24轮辋Rim8锥形齿轮Cone Bearing25轮轴Axile9十字轴Cross Bearing26内胎Tube10活塞Piston27潜孔锤Under-well Impactor 11密封圈Seal Ring28卷扬机Hoist12橡胶套Rubber Bush29钻塔Drill Tower13马达Motor30抱闸Contracting Brake 14方向盘Steering Wheel31卡盘Chuck15倒车镜Back View Mirror32蓄能器Accumulator16换向灯Turn Lamp33底座Base17大灯Headlight34泵头Pump Head四. 材料(Materials)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name 1螺纹钢筋Twisted Reinfocing Steel Bar45管箍Socket Joint2水泥Cement46变径管箍Diameter Socket3电瓶Battery(store)47对丝Nibble Joint4黄油Grease Oil48弯头Elbow Joint5机油Mobil49变径弯头Diameter Elbow6液压油Hydraulic Oil50游任Flexible Socket7齿轮油Gear Oil51三通Tee Joint8刹车油Brake Oil52变径三通Diameter Tee9柴油Diesel Oil53四通Four Way Joint10汽油Petrol54堵头Bulkhead11煤油Kerosene55闷头Casing Cap12酒精Spirit(alcohol)56生料带Seal Tape13煤气Coal Gas57泵底阀Pump Bottom Valve14氧气Oxygen58镀锌管G.I. Pipe15电焊条Welding Rod59水龙头Stopcock16电缆Electric Cable60绝缘胶布Insulating Tape17角铁Angle Iron61胶水Glue(water)18钢板Plate62胶皮Rubber Sheet19铁皮Iron Sheet63焊锡丝Soldering Wire20钢筋Steel Bar64篷布Tarpaulin(canvas)21柴油滤心Diesel Filter65铁皮瓦Corrugated Sheet22机油滤心Mobile Filter66漆包线Enamel Covered Wire23螺栓Bolt67绝缘漆Insulating Tape24螺母Nut68砂纸Sand Paper(sand cloth砂布)25平垫Flat Washer69塑料管Plastic Pipe26弹簧垫圈Spring Washer70橡胶管Rubber Pipe27钉子Nail71消防带Canvas Pipe (fire pipe) 28铅丝G.I. Wire72止水带Stopping Water29钢丝绳Steel Wire Rope73养护剂Curing Agent(compaund) 30钢管Steel Pipe74减水剂Water-reducing Agent 31滑石粉Talcum Power75填封料Joint Filter32漆Paint76土工布Geotextile33稀料Thinner77麻袋片Piece of Gunny34腻子Putty78棉纱Cotton Cloth35钻杆Drill Pipe79油毛毡Bitumen Sheet36钻杆柱Drill String80沥青Bitumen37套管Well Pipe81松香Colophony38钻杆接头Drill Pipe Joint82漆片Paint Piece39钻头Bit83扎丝Binding Wire40灌浆管Grouting Pipe84尼龙绳Nylon Rope41灌浆塞Grouting Stopple85砂子Sand42泥浆Drilling Fluid86骨料Aggregate43球阀Ball Valve87大石Boulder44截门Gate Valve88毛料Raw Aggregate五. 电器(Electric Appliance)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1灯头Lamp Holder11开关 Switch2灯泡Bulb12拨动开关Toggle Switch3灯管Light Tube13点火开关Ignition Switch4启动器Fluorescent Starter14插头Plug5镇流器Fluorescent Ballast15插座Socket6灯架Lamp Bracket16二极管Diode7保险丝Fuse17三极管Audion8电闸 Switch18电容Capacitance919不间断电源Uninterruptable Power Supply 1020六. 劳保(Things of Labour Insurance)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1安全帽Safety Helmet6口罩Gauze Mask2胶鞋Rubber Overshoes7雨衣Rain Coat3手套Glove8军用水壶Canteen4工作服Work Clothes9草帽Strawhat5护脚Welding Spats10肥皂Soap七. 办公用品(Office Suppliers)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1钢笔Pen32晒图纸Blue Print Paper2圆珠笔Ball Pen33描图纸Tracing Paper3铅笔Pencil34传真纸Fax Paper4毛笔Brush Pen35复写纸Carbon Paper5签字笔Signature Pen36白纸Blank Paper6奈克笔Nike Pen37对讲机Interphone7彩笔Color Pen38计算器Calculator8涂改笔Correction Pen39打印计算器Printing Calculator 9橡皮Rubber Eraser40胶带Adhesive Tape10铅笔刀Pencil Sharpener41胶水Gluewater11文具刀Stationery Kinfe42保险柜Strong Box12文件夹Paper File43柜子Cabinet13笔记本Notebook44照相机Camera14信封Envelop45胶卷Film15信纸Letter Paper46摄象机Pickup Camera16夹子 Clamp47磁带Magnetic Tape17订书机Stapler48热水瓶Thermos Bottle18订书钉Staple49洗脸盆Washbowl19验收单Acceptance Certificate50毛巾Towel20发放单Release Certificate51被子Quit21调拨单Transfer Clip52被套Quit Cover22凭证Voucher53床单Bed Sheet23借款条Due Bill54枕头Pillow24报销单Expense Account55茶杯Teacup25传真机Facsimile Apparatus56茶几Tea Table26电话Telephone57茶叶Tea Leaf27手机Mobile Phone58红茶Black Tea28计算机Computer59绿茶Green Tea29复印机Duplicating Machine60办公桌Desk30打印机Printer61椅子Chair31复印纸Duplicating Paper62沙发Sofa八. 工程技术仪器(Instruments of Engineering Technology)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1天平Sacle11比重计Densimeter2秤砣dead weight12温度计Themometer3电子天平Electric Sacle13酒精灯Spirit Lamp4量筒Measuring Cylinder14望远镜Telescope5烧杯Breaker15水平仪Gradienter6烧瓶Flask16水准仪Water Level7球形瓶Roundness Bottle17皮卷尺Fibre Tape8环刀Annular Sword18三脚架Tripod9筛子Sieve19花杆Ranging Rod10试块模Test Cubic Formwork20标尺Staff Guage九. 商务(Sociality of Commerce)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1索赔Counterclaim23提款Drawing;Draw Money 2反索赔Counterclaim24贷款Provide a Loan3谈判Negotiate25借款Loan4合同Contract26付款Payment;Pay a Sum of Money 5协议Agreement27扣留Detain6条款Clause;Tem;Item;Article28签字Signature7条件Condition;Term29发票Invoice8分包Subcontract30标准发票Profomo Invoice9承包Contract31运输发票Transport Bill10结算Settle Account32海运物质Ocean Shipping Freight11证据Evidence;Proof;Attestation33海关CIQ;Customs;Customhouse 12证明Prove;Testify;Argue;Attest34码头Dock13证书Certificate35到岸Made/Make Land14信用证Letter of Credit36现金Cash15标准Standard;Criterion37支票Cheque;Check16过期Exceed the Time Limit38银行汇票Bank Draft17提前支付Advance Payment39转让Transfer18滞留金Resort Fee40银行证书Bank Certificate19滞纳金Late Fee41银行贷款证书Bank Deposit Certificate20押金Deposit 42银行利息证书Bank Interest Certificate21租金Rent Money43质量检验单Quality Text Certificate22金额Sum44保险单Certificate of Insurance;Policy 十. 其它(Other)序号汉语名称English Name序号汉语名称English Name1身份证ID Card;Identity Card24木工Woodworker; Carpenter2驾驶执照Driver's License25修理工Repairman3科目Subject26混凝土工Concreteman4学历Educational Level27钢筋工Steel Bar Worker5文凭Diploma28工长Sectom Chief;Forman6毕业证书Diploma29保安Security7小学Grade School;Primary School30会计Accountant8初中Junior High School31出纳Casher9高中Senior High School32工程师Engineer10大学College;University;Collegial33人事主管Personal Administer In-charge11小学生Primary Scholar;Pupil34高级工程师Senior/Advanced/Hig h-level/High-grade Enginer12中学生High School Student35总工Chief Engineer13大学生CollegeStudent;Undergraduate36现场经理Site Manager14研究生Graduate Student37商务经理Commercial Manager 15博士生Dr.;Doctor38项目经理Project Manager16博士后Post Doctor39工卡Working Card17留学生Student Abroad40考勤卡Timecard18学位Degree41加班条Overtime Order/Piece 19双学位Both/Double Degree42辞职Resignation;Demission20学士Bachelor;Scholar43裁员Reduce the Stafftrimmer 21硕士Master44解雇Fire;Discharge22博士Docter45申请单Form/List of Application/Requisitio n23教授Professor46请假条List of Leave;十。
空压机工作原理及结构图解析空压机(英文为:air compressor)是气源装置中的主体,它是将原动机(通常是电动机)的机械能转换成气体压力能的装置,是压缩空气的气压发生装置,是利用空气压缩原理制成超过大气压力的压缩空气的机械。
容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor 滑片blade滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor 涡旋盘scroll三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 阳转子 male rotor多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor 主转子 main rotor旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll, fixed scroll 斜盘 swash plate驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll, orbiting scroll 摇盘 wobble plate斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor 闸转子 gate rotor螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor 阴转子 female rotor单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor单作用压缩机 single acting compressor双作用压缩机 double acting compressor双效压缩机dual effect compressor 双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor 双级压缩机 compound compressor多级压缩机 multistage compressor 截止阀 line valve, stop valve差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor, differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor, dual compressor 消声器muffler排气截止阀 discharge line valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 容量控制器 capacity control联轴节coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase 填料盒 stuffing box曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater 轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal轴封填料shaft packing 机械密封 mechanical seal波纹管密封bellows seal 转动密封rotary seal 轴承 bearing迷宫密封labyrinth seal 滑动轴承 sleeve bearing偏心环 eccentric strap 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承needle bearing 止推轴承thrust bearing外轴承 pedestal bearing 臼形轴承 footstep bearing 曲柄轴 crankshaft 止推盘thrust collar 轴承箱 bearing housing 偏心销 eccentric pin曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft 曲拐轴 crank throw type crankshaft连杆connecting rod 连杆大头 crank pin end 曲轴crankshaft连杆小头 piston pin end 主轴颈 main journal 曲柄销 crank pin曲柄 crank arm, crank shaft 曲拐crank throw 曲拐机构 crank-toggle 阀盘valve disc 阀杆valve stem 阀座 valve seat阀板 valve plate 阀盖valve cage 阀罩valve cover阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程valve lift 阀孔valve port吸气口 suction inlet 压缩机气阀compressor valve吸气阀 suction valve 排气阀 delivery valve 圆盘阀 disc valve环片阀 ring plate valve 簧片阀reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀beam valve 提升阀 poppet valve 菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径cylinder bore 余隙容积 clearance volume 附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket 理论排量 theoretical displacement 活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement 实际排量 actual displacement实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 气缸cylinder气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder 气缸体 cylinder block活塞行程容积 piston displacement 气缸壁 cylinder wall假盖false head 水冷套 water cooled jacket气缸盖(气缸头)cylinder head 安全盖(假盖)safety head活塞环 piston ring 气环sealing ring 刮油环 scraper ring油环scrape ring 活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke 压缩行程 compression stroke排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor输气量 capacity of a compressor 标准输气量standard capacity旋转速度rotational speed 外死点 outer dead point内死点 inner dead point 行程stroke 行程容积stroke volume扫气容积swept volume 余隙容积clearance volume曲柄半径 crank radius 相对余隙容积 relative clearance volume工作容积、气缸容积 work volume/cylinder volume 活塞力 piston rod load平衡容积 balancing volume 行程缸径比 stroke bore ratio连杆长度 length of connecting rod 指示图 indicator diagram连杆比ratio of crank radius to length of connecting rod 切向力 tangential force 压力系数 pressure coefficient 活塞平均速度 mean piston speed容积效率、输气系数 coefficient of capacity 曲柄转角 crank rotation angle平均指示压力 mean indicated effective pressure 法向力 normal force活塞力图 piston rod load diagram 平均切向力 mean tangential force端轴承end bearing 定位轴承 location bearing 中体 distance piece 端体 tail piece 平衡重counterweight 阻油圈 oil retainer甩油环oil slinger 挡油盘oil slinger ring 溅油杆 oil dipper机身frame 曲轴箱 crankcase 油底壳oil pan呼吸器 breather 主轴承 main bearing 主轴瓦 main bearing liner主轴承盖 main bearing cap 连杆 connecting rod 十字头crosshead连杆轴瓦 crankpin bearing 连杆大头盖 connecting rod cap连杆小头衬套 connecting rod bushing 连杆杆身 connecting rod body主副连杆 master and articulated connecting rod 十字头滑板 crosshead shoe十字头销 crosshead pin 十字头滑道 crosshead guide浮动十字头销 floating crosshead pin 十字头销衬套 crosshead pin bushing活塞杆 piston rod 贯穿活塞杆 through piston rod 柱塞 plunger盘形活塞disk piston 筒形活塞trunk piston 锥形活塞 conic piston级差活塞 differential piston 迷宫活塞 labyrinth piston 气缸cylinder组合活塞 composite piston 活塞销 piston pin 活塞环 piston ring浮动活塞销 floating piston pin 活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing气环compression ring 油环oil ring 导向环,支撑环 rider ring级差气缸 differential cylinder 动力缸power cylinder 级Stage缸体 cylinder block 缸盖cylinder head 缸套 cylinder liner余隙阀 clearance valve 余隙缸 clearance cylinder 列Throw阀罩valve cage 技术条件 Specification 主机 Bare compressor往复式压缩机 Reciprocating compressor 介质 Compressed medium主机 Bare compressor 原动机,驱动机Driver附属设备 Auxiliary equipment 机体部分 Frame and moving parts喷液冷却 Liquid injecting cooling 理想压缩机 Ideal compressor曲轴活塞压缩机 Crankshaft piston reciprocating compressor无曲轴压缩机 Reciprocating compressor without crankshaft轴活塞压缩机 Shaft piston compressor 额定压力 rated pressure膜片压缩机Diaphragm compressor 气体压缩机 Gas compressor空气压缩机 Air compressor 工艺流程用压缩机 Process compressor船用压缩机 Compressor for ship purpose 冲瓶用压缩机 Filling compressor摩托压缩机 Motor compressor 整体压缩机 Integral compressor微型压缩机 Minitype compressor 固定式压缩机 Stationary compressor移动式压缩机 Portable compressor 撬装式压缩机 Skid mounted compressor无基础压缩机 No-foundation compressor 水冷压缩机 Water-cooled compressor 空冷压缩机Air-cooled compressor 混冷式压缩机 Mixed cooling compressor有十字头式压缩机 compressor with crosshead 排气量capacity无十字头式压缩机 compressor without crosshead 碟状阀 dish valve进气压力 suction pressure 性能参数 performance parameter结构参数 constructional parameter 排气压力 discharge pressure名义压力,公称压力 nominal pressure 级压力比 stage pressure ratio总压力比 overall pressure ratio 压力损失 pressure loss实际压力actual pressure 槽状阀 channel valvex 条状阀 leaf valve多层阀 multistoried valve 环状阀ring valve 网状阀 disk valve菌状阀mushroom valve 组合阀combined valve直流阀 direct-flow valve 舌簧阀reed valve 舌簧阀flap valve气垫阀cushion valve 升程限制器 valve stop/valve guard缓冲片 cushion plate 缓冲片damper plate 导片 guide plate气阀弹簧valve spring 刮油器 oil wiper packing 填函 stuffing填料盒 packing case 前置填函pre-stuffing 安装垫 mounting pad密封环 packing ring 刮油环 oil wiper ring 膜片 diaphragm均压圈equalizing ring 平面调料 rectangle packing 基座 base plate梯形填料 tapered packing 填料压盖 packing glandType of compressor 压缩机类型1. positive displacement compressor 容积式(正位移)压缩机1) reciprocating compressor往复式压缩机2) piston compressor活塞式压缩机3) plunger compressor柱塞式压缩机4) diaphragm compressor 隔膜式压缩机5) rotary compressor回转式压缩机6) double screw compressor双螺杆压缩机7) single screw compressor单螺杆压缩机8) rolling piston compressor滚动活塞式压缩机9) sliding vane compressor 滑片式压缩10) liquid ring compressor 液环式压缩机11) triangle rotor compressor 三角转子压缩机12) scroll compressor 涡旋式压缩机13) Roots blower 罗茨鼓风机2.dynamic compressor 动力式压缩机1) turbo compressor 透平压缩机2) centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机3) axial flow compressor 轴流式压缩机Reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机 基本概念1) compressed medium 压缩介质(介质、工质)—— 被压缩的工质(气体)2) stage 级——完成压缩循环的基本单元3) 段——在一台工艺流程用压缩机中,相邻各级的气量和组分相同时,称为段4) line (row) 列——在同一气缸轴线上的单个气缸或串联气缸,结构上组成一列5) bare compressor 主机——压缩机的机体部分和压缩部分的总称6) driver 驱动机(原动机)——驱动压缩机的动力机械或装置7) auxiliary equipments 附属设备(辅机)——除主机和驱动机外,其余设备的总称8) frame and moving parts 机体部分(基础部分)——压缩机的机身或曲轴箱和运动部件等的总称9) compressing components 压缩部分(气缸部分)—— 压缩机的气缸、活塞、气阀和填料函等部件的总称10) variable-type 变型——对原型机的结构作局部变更,在其型号中标有“结构差异”者,称为原型机的变型11) variant 派生——原型机的机体部分基本不变或其型号中的“结构”不变,而“特征”和(或)性能参数及特性或介质改变者,称为原型机的派生12) inter-cooling 中间冷却(级间冷却)—— 导走级间压缩介质的热量13) after coling 后冷却——导走完成压缩后的压缩介质的热量14) liquid injection cooling 喷液冷却——向压缩介质中喷液以降低介质温度15 ideal compressor 理想压缩机——无余隙容积、无泄漏、亦无压力损失现象的压缩机 types 分类1. crankshaft piston compressor 曲轴活塞压缩机(活塞压缩机)——具有曲轴旋转运动的压缩机2. reciprocating compressor without crankshaft 无曲轴压缩机(无轴压缩机)——没有曲轴或轴的旋转运动的压缩机3. shaft piston compressor 轴活塞压缩机(斜盘压缩机)——活塞轴线平行于动力输入轴轴线,且均布于其周围的压缩机4. diaphragm compressor 隔膜压缩机(膜片压缩机)——机械直接或液压驱动膜片,完成压缩循环的压缩机5. gas compressor 气体压缩机(压气机)——压缩介质除空气外的其他气体,也可包括空气的压缩机之统称6. air compressor 空气压缩机(压风机)——压缩机介质为空气的压缩机7. general purpose compressor/all purpose compressor/compressor for pressedair/pressed–air compressor 动力用压缩机——为气动机械和气动工具提供动力气源的压缩机8. process compressor 工艺流程用压缩机(流程压缩机)——石油、化工等工艺流程用的压缩机9. compressor for ship purpose 船用压缩机——专用于舰船的压缩机10. filling compressor 充瓶用压缩机(充瓶压缩机)——用于压缩介质装瓶的压缩机11. multi–purpose compressor/multi–service compressor 联合压缩机——同一台压缩机中,各气缸分别压缩多种工质且非前后级关系的压缩机12. combined compressor/combination compressor复合压缩机(串联压缩机)——同一压缩机中,分别采用不同类型的压缩机,形成前后级关系,达到提高介质压力的压缩机13. motor compressor/gas–engine compressor 摩托压缩机14. integral compressor/motor compressor 整体压缩机(摩托压缩机)——与往复式原动机部分地共用一个运动机构的压缩机。
空气压缩机的定义空气压缩机又叫空压机(英文为:air compressor)是气源装置中的主体,它是将原动机(通常是电动机)的机械能转换成气体压力能的装置,是压缩空气的气压发生装置。
容积式压缩机 positive displacement compressor往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor 滑片blade滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor 涡旋盘scroll三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 阳转子 male rotor多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor 主转子 main rotor旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 涡旋式压缩机 scroll compressor 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll, fixed scroll 斜盘 swash plate驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll, orbiting scroll 摇盘 wobble plate斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor 闸转子 gate rotor螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor 阴转子 female rotor单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor单作用压缩机 single acting compressor双作用压缩机 double acting compressor双效压缩机dual effect compressor 双缸压缩机 twin cylinder compressor闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor干活塞式压缩机 dry piston compressor 双级压缩机 compound compressor多级压缩机 multistage compressor 截止阀 line valve, stop valve差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor, differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor, dual compressor 消声器muffler排气截止阀 discharge line valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 容量控制器 capacity control联轴节coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase 填料盒 stuffing box曲轴箱加热器 crankcase heater 轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal轴封填料shaft packing 机械密封 mechanical seal波纹管密封bellows seal 转动密封rotary seal 轴承 bearing迷宫密封labyrinth seal 滑动轴承 sleeve bearing偏心环 eccentric strap 滚珠轴承 ball bearing 滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承needle bearing 止推轴承thrust bearing外轴承 pedestal bearing 臼形轴承 footstep bearing 曲柄轴 crankshaft 止推盘thrust collar 轴承箱 bearing housing 偏心销 eccentric pin曲轴平衡块 crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight偏心轴 eccentric type crankshaft 曲拐轴 crank throw type crankshaft连杆connecting rod 连杆大头 crank pin end 曲轴crankshaft连杆小头 piston pin end 主轴颈 main journal 曲柄销 crank pin曲柄 crank arm, crank shaft 曲拐crank throw 曲拐机构 crank-toggle 阀盘valve disc 阀杆valve stem 阀座 valve seat阀板 valve plate 阀盖valve cage 阀罩valve cover阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程valve lift 阀孔valve port吸气口 suction inlet 压缩机气阀compressor valve吸气阀 suction valve 排气阀 delivery valve 圆盘阀 disc valve环片阀 ring plate valve 簧片阀reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀beam valve 提升阀 poppet valve 菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径cylinder bore 余隙容积 clearance volume 附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket 理论排量 theoretical displacement 活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement 实际排量 actual displacement实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 气缸cylinder气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder 气缸体 cylinder block活塞行程容积 piston displacement 气缸壁 cylinder wall假盖false head 水冷套 water cooled jacket气缸盖(气缸头)cylinder head 安全盖(假盖)safety head活塞环 piston ring 气环sealing ring 刮油环 scraper ring油环scrape ring 活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke 压缩行程 compression stroke排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor对称平衡型压缩机 symmetrically balanced type compressor输气量 capacity of a compressor 标准输气量standard capacity旋转速度rotational speed 外死点 outer dead point内死点 inner dead point 行程stroke 行程容积stroke volume扫气容积swept volume 余隙容积clearance volume曲柄半径 crank radius 相对余隙容积 relative clearance volume工作容积、气缸容积 work volume/cylinder volume 活塞力 piston rod load平衡容积 balancing volume 行程缸径比 stroke bore ratio连杆长度 length of connecting rod 指示图 indicator diagram连杆比ratio of crank radius to length of connecting rod 切向力 tangential force 压力系数 pressure coefficient 活塞平均速度 mean piston speed容积效率、输气系数 coefficient of capacity 曲柄转角 crank rotation angle平均指示压力 mean indicated effective pressure 法向力 normal force活塞力图 piston rod load diagram 平均切向力 mean tangential force端轴承end bearing 定位轴承 location bearing 中体 distance piece 端体 tail piece 平衡重counterweight 阻油圈 oil retainer甩油环oil slinger 挡油盘oil slinger ring 溅油杆 oil dipper机身frame 曲轴箱 crankcase 油底壳oil pan呼吸器 breather 主轴承 main bearing 主轴瓦 main bearing liner主轴承盖 main bearing cap 连杆 connecting rod 十字头crosshead连杆轴瓦 crankpin bearing 连杆大头盖 connecting rod cap连杆小头衬套 connecting rod bushing 连杆杆身 connecting rod body主副连杆 master and articulated connecting rod 十字头滑板 crosshead shoe十字头销 crosshead pin 十字头滑道 crosshead guide浮动十字头销 floating crosshead pin 十字头销衬套 crosshead pin bushing活塞杆 piston rod 贯穿活塞杆 through piston rod 柱塞 plunger盘形活塞disk piston 筒形活塞trunk piston 锥形活塞 conic piston级差活塞 differential piston 迷宫活塞 labyrinth piston 气缸cylinder组合活塞 composite piston 活塞销 piston pin 活塞环 piston ring浮动活塞销 floating piston pin 活塞销衬套 piston pin bushing气环compression ring 油环oil ring 导向环,支撑环 rider ring级差气缸 differential cylinder 动力缸power cylinder 级Stage缸体 cylinder block 缸盖cylinder head 缸套 cylinder liner余隙阀 clearance valve 余隙缸 clearance cylinder 列Throw阀罩valve cage 技术条件 Specification 主机 Bare compressor往复式压缩机 Reciprocating compressor 介质 Compressed medium主机 Bare compressor 原动机,驱动机Driver附属设备 Auxiliary equipment 机体部分 Frame and moving parts喷液冷却 Liquid injecting cooling 理想压缩机 Ideal compressor曲轴活塞压缩机 Crankshaft piston reciprocating compressor无曲轴压缩机 Reciprocating compressor without crankshaft轴活塞压缩机 Shaft piston compressor 额定压力 rated pressure膜片压缩机Diaphragm compressor 气体压缩机 Gas compressor空气压缩机 Air compressor 工艺流程用压缩机 Process compressor船用压缩机 Compressor for ship purpose 冲瓶用压缩机 Filling compressor摩托压缩机 Motor compressor 整体压缩机 Integral compressor微型压缩机 Minitype compressor 固定式压缩机 Stationary compressor移动式压缩机 Portable compressor 撬装式压缩机 Skid mounted compressor无基础压缩机 No-foundation compressor 水冷压缩机 Water-cooled compressor 空冷压缩机Air-cooled compressor 混冷式压缩机 Mixed cooling compressor有十字头式压缩机 compressor with crosshead 排气量capacity无十字头式压缩机 compressor without crosshead 碟状阀 dish valve进气压力 suction pressure 性能参数 performance parameter结构参数 constructional parameter 排气压力 discharge pressure名义压力,公称压力 nominal pressure 级压力比 stage pressure ratio总压力比 overall pressure ratio 压力损失 pressure loss实际压力actual pressure 槽状阀 channel valvex 条状阀 leaf valve多层阀 multistoried valve 环状阀ring valve 网状阀 disk valve菌状阀mushroom valve 组合阀combined valve直流阀 direct-flow valve 舌簧阀reed valve 舌簧阀flap valve气垫阀cushion valve 升程限制器 valve stop/valve guard缓冲片 cushion plate 缓冲片damper plate 导片 guide plate气阀弹簧valve spring 刮油器 oil wiper packing 填函 stuffing填料盒 packing case 前置填函pre-stuffing 安装垫 mounting pad密封环 packing ring 刮油环 oil wiper ring 膜片 diaphragm均压圈equalizing ring 平面调料 rectangle packing 基座 base plate梯形填料 tapered packing 填料压盖 packing glandType of compressor 压缩机类型1. positive displacement compressor 容积式(正位移)压缩机1) reciprocating compressor往复式压缩机2) piston compressor活塞式压缩机3) plunger compressor柱塞式压缩机4) diaphragm compressor 隔膜式压缩机5) rotary compressor回转式压缩机6) double screw compressor双螺杆压缩机7) single screw compressor单螺杆压缩机8) rolling piston compressor滚动活塞式压缩机9) sliding vane compressor 滑片式压缩10) liquid ring compressor 液环式压缩机11) triangle rotor compressor 三角转子压缩机12) scroll compressor 涡旋式压缩机13) Roots blower 罗茨鼓风机2.dynamic compressor 动力式压缩机1) turbo compressor 透平压缩机2) centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机3) axial flow compressor 轴流式压缩机Reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机 基本概念1) compressed medium 压缩介质(介质、工质)—— 被压缩的工质(气体)2) stage 级——完成压缩循环的基本单元3) 段——在一台工艺流程用压缩机中,相邻各级的气量和组分相同时,称为段4) line (row) 列——在同一气缸轴线上的单个气缸或串联气缸,结构上组成一列5) bare compressor 主机——压缩机的机体部分和压缩部分的总称6) driver 驱动机(原动机)——驱动压缩机的动力机械或装置7) auxiliary equipments 附属设备(辅机)——除主机和驱动机外,其余设备的总称8) frame and moving parts 机体部分(基础部分)——压缩机的机身或曲轴箱和运动部件等的总称9) compressing components 压缩部分(气缸部分)—— 压缩机的气缸、活塞、气阀和填料函等部件的总称10) variable-type 变型——对原型机的结构作局部变更,在其型号中标有“结构差异”者,称为原型机的变型11) variant 派生——原型机的机体部分基本不变或其型号中的“结构”不变,而“特征”和(或)性能参数及特性或介质改变者,称为原型机的派生12) inter-cooling 中间冷却(级间冷却)—— 导走级间压缩介质的热量13) after coling 后冷却——导走完成压缩后的压缩介质的热量14) liquid injection cooling 喷液冷却——向压缩介质中喷液以降低介质温度15 ideal compressor 理想压缩机——无余隙容积、无泄漏、亦无压力损失现象的压缩机 types 分类1. crankshaft piston compressor 曲轴活塞压缩机(活塞压缩机)——具有曲轴旋转运动的压缩机2. reciprocating compressor without crankshaft 无曲轴压缩机(无轴压缩机)——没有曲轴或轴的旋转运动的压缩机3. shaft piston compressor 轴活塞压缩机(斜盘压缩机)——活塞轴线平行于动力输入轴轴线,且均布于其周围的压缩机4. diaphragm compressor 隔膜压缩机(膜片压缩机)——机械直接或液压驱动膜片,完成压缩循环的压缩机5. gas compressor 气体压缩机(压气机)——压缩介质除空气外的其他气体,也可包括空气的压缩机之统称6. air compressor 空气压缩机(压风机)——压缩机介质为空气的压缩机7. general purpose compressor/all purpose compressor/compressor for pressedair/pressed–air compressor 动力用压缩机——为气动机械和气动工具提供动力气源的压缩机8. process compressor 工艺流程用压缩机(流程压缩机)——石油、化工等工艺流程用的压缩机9. compressor for ship purpose 船用压缩机——专用于舰船的压缩机10. filling compressor 充瓶用压缩机(充瓶压缩机)——用于压缩介质装瓶的压缩机11. multi–purpose compressor/multi–service compressor 联合压缩机——同一台压缩机中,各气缸分别压缩多种工质且非前后级关系的压缩机12. combined compressor/combination compressor复合压缩机(串联压缩机)——同一压缩机中,分别采用不同类型的压缩机,形成前后级关系,达到提高介质压力的压缩机13. motor compressor/gas–engine compressor 摩托压缩机14. integral compressor/motor compressor 整体压缩机(摩托压缩机)——与往复式原动机部分地共用一个运动机构的压缩机。
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往复式压缩机(活塞式压缩机) reciprocating compressor 螺杆式压缩机 screw compressor单螺杆压缩机 single screw compressor 回转式压缩机 rotary compressor 滑片式压缩机 sliding vane compressor单滑片回转式压缩机 single vane rotary compressor 滚动转子式压缩机 rolling rotor compressor三角转子式压缩机 triangle rotor compressor 多滑片回转式压缩机 multi-vane rotary compressor滑片 blade 旋转活塞式压缩机 rolling piston compressor 活塞式压缩机 reciprocating compressor涡旋式压缩机scroll compressor 容积式压缩机positive displacement compressor涡旋盘 scroll 固定涡旋盘 stationary scroll, fixed scroll 驱动涡旋盘 driven scroll, orbiting scroll 斜盘式压缩机(摇盘式压缩机) swash plate compressor斜盘 swash plate 摇盘 wobble plate 阳转子 male rotor 阴转子 female rotor 主转子 main rotor闸转子 gate rotor 无油压缩机 oil free compressor 膜式压缩机 diaphragm compressor单作用压缩机single acting compressor 双效压缩机dual effect compressor双作用压缩机 double acting compressor 双缸压缩机 twincylinder compressor开式曲轴箱压缩机 open crankcase compressor 闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor顺流式压缩机 uniflow compressor 逆流式压缩机 return flow compressor 双级压缩机 compound compressor干活塞式压缩机dry piston compressor 多级压缩机multistage compressor差动活塞式压缩机stepped piston compound compressor, differential piston compressor串轴式压缩机 tandem compressor, dual compressor截止阀 line valve, stop valve 吸气截止阀 suction line valve 排气截止阀 discharge line valve 部分负荷旁通口 partial duty port 能量调节器 energy regulator容量控制滑阀 capacity control slide valve 联轴节 coupling 曲轴箱 crankcase容量控制器 capacity control 消声器 muffler 曲轴箱加热器crankcase heater轴封 crankcase seal, shaft seal 轴封填料 shaft packing 填料盒 stuffing box机械密封 mechanical seal 转动密封 rotary seal 波纹管密封bellows seal 迷宫密封 labyrinth seal轴承 bearing 滑动轴承 sleeve bearing 滚珠轴承 ballbearing 偏心环 eccentric strap滚柱轴承 roller bearing 滚针轴承 needle bearing 止推轴承thrust bearing 外轴承 pedestal bearing臼形轴承footstep bearing 偏心销eccentric pin 曲柄轴crankshaft 曲拐轴 crank throw type crankshaft轴承箱bearing housing 止推盘thrust collar 偏心轴eccentric type crankshaft曲轴平衡块crankshaft counterweight, crankshaft balance weight 连杆 connecting rod连杆大头 crank pin end 连杆小头 piston pin end 曲轴crankshaft 主轴颈 main journal曲柄crank arm, crank shaft 曲拐crank throw 曲拐机构crank-toggle 曲柄销 crank pin阀盘 valve disc 阀杆 valve stem 阀座 valve seat 阀板valve plate 阀盖 valve cage 阀罩 valve cover阀升程限制器 valve lift guard 阀升程 valve lift 阀孔valve port 吸气口 suction inlet压缩机气阀 compressor valve 排气阀 delivery valve 环片阀ring plate valve 提升阀 poppet valve吸气阀 suction valve 圆盘阀 disc valve 簧片阀 reed valve 舌状阀 cantilever valve 条状阀 beam valve菌状阀 mushroom valve 杯状阀 tulip valve 缸径 cylinderbore 余隙容积 clearance volume附加余隙(补充余隙) clearance pocket 活塞排量 swept volume, piston displacement理论排量theoretical displacement 实际排量actual displacement实际输气量 actual displacement, actual output of gas 气缸工作容积 working volume of the cylinder活塞行程容积piston displacement 气缸cylinder 气缸体cylinder block 气缸壁 cylinder wall水冷套 water cooled jacket 气缸盖(气缸头) cylinder head 安全盖(假盖) safety head假盖 false head 活塞环 piston ring 刮油环 scraper ring 油环 scrape ring 气环 sealing ring活塞销 piston pin 活塞 piston 活塞行程 piston stroke 吸气行程 suction stroke膨胀行程 expansion stroke 排气行程 discharge stroke 升压压缩机 booster compressor压缩行程 compression stroke 立式压缩机 vertical compressor 卧式压缩机 horizontal compressor角度式压缩机angular type compressor 对称平衡型压缩机symmetrically balanced type compressorTerminology In Reciprocating Compressors Datasheet drivernameplate kw 驱动机铭牌功率 kwno negative tolerance applies 无负偏差Max acceptable piston speed 活塞最大最高许用速度Pulse device 脉动抑制装置 pulse suppress Inlet 压力脉动抑制装置进口处Certified PT 保证点 Pressure at cylinder flange 在汽缸法兰处压力Compressibility 压缩系数(压缩比) TEMP ADIABATIC 绝对温度as built 竣工proposal 投标 Total Bkw at compressor shaft 总功率kw在压缩机轴处Capacity for NNT 无负偏差的容积流量 Even minute traces 仅有微量Elevation 海拔高度 at grade level 级水准 winterization required 要求防冻 Partial Sides 部分侧墙Electrical Classification 电器分类 Class ____ Group ____ Zone 区____组_____级 Main unit 主机L.O Console润滑油站 CW Console 冷却水站 POCKETS/Valves Operation 余隙腔/阀门开启Type Unloaders, Plug/Finger 卸荷器类型塞式/指式 Combined Rod Load C 综合活塞杆负荷(压缩)Combined Rod Load T 综合活塞负荷(拉伸) Auto Loading DelayInterlock 自动负荷延迟联锁Outboard bearing 外置轴承 Slide base for driver 电机导轨座Sole plate for driver 驱动机底座Key less drv 无键驱动 Quilt shaft 套筒轴 Drive Guard 传动装置护罩Compressor Valves Dynamic Response 压缩机气阀动态响应 skid, soleplate, baseplate 底架,底版,底座leveling screw 调节螺钉 Column mouting 立柱安装Bolts or Studs for soleplate to frame用于机身和底板的螺栓或双头螺栓 Rail 导轨 hock block 垫块垫片 shims direct grounted 直接灌浆 Cement/Mortar Grout 水泥/沙浆浇灌 off mounted 分别安装Flange finish 法兰光洁度Inlet strainer 进气过滤器manifold piping 集合管spool piece for inlet strainer 进气过滤器套筒 Match marked 配合标记One CMMN to all unites 所有设备共用一个 Dual filters with transfer valves带转换阀的双联过滤器Seperated machine mounted panel 独立的机器安装控制盘Seperated free standing panel 独立的自由防止控制盘Cyl. LUBRICATORS 汽缸注油器 Hydraulic tension tools 液压安装工具 US Customary Units 美国常用单位Barring device 盘车装置 Instrument air 仪表风 Single or double acting 单作用或双作用Bore 缸径Stroke 行程Cylinder Liner 钢套Piston displacement 活塞排量 Volumetric efficiency 容积效率Liner nominal thickness 钢套公称厚度 Rod REV DEGREE 活塞反向角 Facing 法兰面 Wear bands 支撑环Thread roots stress 螺纹根部应力 Gas configuration 气体组态purge 清除 imulation 模拟、仿真steady state 稳态 transient 动态 transient restart 动态再启动 scenario 方案trend plot 趋势图 interactive 交互式的 simulation 模拟compressor 压缩机flow rate 流量 mass flow rate 质量流量 actual flow rate 实际流量 accumulated volume 累积体积elevation 高程 specific heat 比热 thermal conductivity 导热系数 viscosity 粘度 specific gravity 比重、密度fluid 流体maximum 最大的minimum 最小的surge 喘振stonewall 滞止 convergence 收敛orthogonal 直角的、直交的 toggle 切换 grid 格子 cylinder 汽缸 DPID 驱动机性能曲线CPID 压缩机性能曲线 TPID 燃气轮机性能曲线 performance curve 性能曲线 disconnect 断开data block 数据块 standard conditions 标况 upstream 上游downstream 下游 node 节点pipe 管段 diameter 直径 length 长度 wall thickness 壁厚roughness 粗糙度gas equation 气体方程 knot spacing 空间步长 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 supply 气源、进气点delivery 分输点 valve 阀门 check valve 单向阀、止回阀block valve 截断阀 regulator valve 调解阀gate valve 闸阀 Reynolds Number 雷诺数 absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度 internal diameter 内径Outside diameter of pipe 管外径 gas density/density of the gas 气体密度 universal gas constant 通用气体常数compressibility factor 压缩因子Z molecular weight of gas 气体分子量 gauge pressure 表压Absolute pressure 绝对压力 compression ratio 压比 length of the pipe 管段长度cross-sectional area of the pipe 管子的横截面积 velocity of the gas 气体流速acceleration due to gravity 重力加速度 elevation of pipe 管道的高程suction/discharge temperature 进/出口温度 rated power 额定功率 shaft power 轴功率inlet actual volumetric flow 入口实际体积流量 adiabatic head 绝热压头Design safety factor 设计安全系数F Longitudinal joint safety factor 焊缝安全系数ETemperature derating factor 温度折减系数 Yield strength 屈服强度 Steel pipe 刚性管Plastic pipe 弹性管 liquid configuration 液体组态 pump 泵1. performance parameter性能参数——表征压缩机主要性能的诸参数,如:气量、压力、温度、功率及噪声、振动等2 constructional parameter结构参数——表征压缩机结构特点的诸参数,如:活塞力、行程、转速、列数、各级缸径、外形尺寸等3 inlet pressure/suction pressure吸气压力(吸入压力)——在标准吸气位置气体的平均绝对全压力。