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1.M:The animal is from China and it is very lovely.

2.W:Yesterday was Lucy’s birthday.Her mother bought her a book.

3.M:Jenny played table tennis with her good friends last night.

4.W:Aunt Li is going to take her son to KFC.

5.M:Jim didn’t go to school because he fell off his bike and hurt his leg.




M:Amy,please turn on the TV.I would like to watch the evening news.



M:Look at that black cloud.When will the rain stop?

W:Yeah,but the report says it will be sunny tomorrow.

M:That should be better.Then we can go on a picnic.


M:When do you often go to school?

W:I often leave home at 7:30 and walk for 20 minutes.


M:Did you have a good time at Bob’s party last night,Mary?

W:Yes.And all the classmates came except Tom.


W:Excuse me.I want a single room and a double room for a night.

M:OK,120 yuan for a single room and 180 yuan for a double room.


W:Hello,Li Lei.You are early at school.What were you doing at eight o’clock last night?

M:I was doing my homework.

W:How long did it take you to finish it?

M:About two and a half hours.


M:Lily! Where are you?

W:I’m in my bedroom,Dad.

M:Are you doing your homework?

W:No.I’m reading a book.

M:What book are you reading?

W:Harry Potter.It’s a very good book.I like it.

M:Could you come here,please? I need some help.

W:Certainly,Dad! I’m coming.What are you making,Dad?

M:I’m making jiaozi.

W:Oh,good! I like jiaozi.



Now everyone,before you start your Chinese exam,you must put down your name,student number and the number of your class on every page of your answer sheet.You must not write on the question paper.If you do not know your student number,there’s a list on the blackboard.If there’s any problem during the exam,just put up your hand.If anyone needs a pencil now or during your exam,I have some on my desk.You can have one.


Hello,everyone.Here’s some information about our trip to the West Lake tomorrow.It’s a long journey,about three hours,so we have to start early.That means we’ll have breakfast at half past seven.The bus has to leave at half past eight.When you finish breakfast,go to the car park to get on the bus.Remember to bring your red tickets for lunch.We’ll have lunch at a restaurant near the lake and you must have your red ticket or you won’t get any lunch! If you haven’t got a red ticket yet,you can get one from the office.

Oh,one more thing,I know it’s summer but it can get quite cold in the mountains even in July,so bring a jacket with you.You’ll need one in the evening.

OK! See you tomorrow morning.
