前言本文件(EN13445-5:2002)由CEN/TC 54“非直接接触火焰压力容器”技术委员会制定,其秘书处由BSI负责运作。
1 范围本标准规详细说明了各个部件制造过程中的要求,即材料的制造和分包,加工过程中监测、加工公差、焊接要求、成形加工要求、产品试验、热处理、修理和最后完成的工序等。
2 引用标准本欧洲标准包括注有日期或未标明日期的参考标准,以及其他标准的条款。
EN 287-1:1992焊工的鉴定考查——熔焊——第一部分:钢EN 288-2:1992金属材料焊接程序的技术规范和鉴定——第2部分:电弧焊的焊接程序技术规范EN 288-3:1992金属材料焊接程序的技术规范和鉴定——第3部分:钢材电弧焊的焊接程序试验EN 288-6:1994金属材料焊接程序的技术规范和鉴定——第6部分:与经验有关的鉴定EN 288-7:1995金属材料焊接程序的技术规范和鉴定——第7部分:利用电弧焊的标准焊接程序进行鉴定EN 288-8:1995金属材料焊接程序的技术规范和鉴定——第8部分:利用生产前的焊接试验进行鉴定EN 729-2:1994焊接质量要求——金属材料的熔焊——第二部分:整体质量要求EN 729-3:1994焊接质量要求——金属材料的熔焊——第三部分:质量要求标准EN 875:1995金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——冲击试验——试样位置、开槽切口方向和检查EN 876:1995金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——纵向拉伸试验EN 895:1995金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——横向拉伸试验EN 910:1996金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——弯曲试验EN1043:1995-1金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——硬度试验——第一部分:电弧焊接的硬度试验EN1321:1996金属材料中焊缝的破坏性试验——焊接接缝的宏观和微观检验EN1418:1997焊工——金属材料全机械焊接和自动焊接用电阻焊设备以及熔焊焊接设备操作员的检验EN10028-2:1992压力用途用钢板——第2部分:具有高温特性的非合金和合金钢EN10028-3:1992压力用途用钢板——第3部分经过正火处理的可焊细晶粒钢EN10028-4:2004压力用途用钢板——第4部分:具有低温特性的镍合金钢EN10216-1:2002压力用途的无缝钢管——交货技术条件——第一部分:规定室温特性的非合金钢管EN10216-2:2002压力用途的无缝钢管——交货技术条件——第二部分:规定高温特性的非合金和合金钢管EN10216-3:2002压力用途的无缝钢管——交货技术条件——第三部分:合金细粒钢管EN10216-4:2002压力用途的无缝钢管——交货技术条件——第四部分:规定低温特性的非合金和合金钢管EN10217-1:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第一部分:规定室温特性的非合金钢管EN10217-2:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第一部分:规定高温特性的非合金和合金钢管EN10217-3:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第三部分:合金细粒钢管EN10217-4:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第四部分:规定低温特性的非合金和合金钢管EN10217-5:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第五部分:规定高温特性在水中电弧焊接的非合金和合金钢管EN10217-6:2002压力用途的焊接钢管——交货技术条件——第六部分:规定低温特性在水中电弧焊接的非合金和合金钢管EN10222-2:2002压力容器用钢锻件——第二部分:有规定高温特性的铁素体钢和马氏体铁钢EN10222-3:2002压力容器用钢锻件——第三部分:低温下有确定性能的镍钢EN10222-4:2002压力容器用钢锻件——第四部分:高弹限强度的可焊接细晶粒钢EN13445-1:2002非直接接触火焰压力容器——第一部分:总则EN13445-2:2002非直接接触火焰压力容器——第二部分:材料EN13445-3:2002非直接接触火焰压力容器——第三部分:设计EN13445-5:2002非直接接触火焰压力容器——第五部分:检验测试3 制造和转承包要求3.1 制造一般责任的压力容器制造根据EN13445-1:2002。
W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 1 - 版本E64M位与串行闪存双路和四路SPIW25Q64BV- 2 -目录1,一般DESCRIPTION (5)2。
FEATURES (5)3引脚配置SOIC208-MIL.......................................... .. (6)4,焊垫配置WSON8X6-MM.......................................... . (6)5,焊垫配置PDIP300-MIL.......................................... . (7)6引脚说明SOIC208密耳,PDIP300密耳和WSON8X6-MM................................ 7......7引脚配置SOIC300mil的.......................................... .. (8)8引脚SOIC封装说明300-MIL (8)8.1包装Types (9)8.2片选(/CS) (9)8.3串行数据输入,输出和IO(DI,DO和IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3)............................. 9.......8.4写保护(/WP) (9)8.5控股(/HOLD) (9)8.6串行时钟(CLK) (9)9座DIAGRAM (10)10功能DESCRIPTION (11)10.1 SPI OPERATIONS (11)10.1.1标准SPI Instructions (11)10.1.2双SPI Instructions (11)10.1.3四路SPI Instructions (11)10.1.4保持功能 (11)10.2写保护 (12)10.2.1写保护Features (12)11,控制和状态寄存器............................................ .. (13)11.1状态REGISTER (13)11.1.1 BUSY (13)11.1.2写使能锁存(WEL) (13)11.1.3块保护位(BP2,BP1,BP0)..................................... .. (13)11.1.4顶/底块保护(TB)....................................... .................................................. ..1311.1.5部门/块保护(SEC) (13)11.1.6状态寄存器保护(SRP,SRP0)....................................... . (14)11.1.7四路启用(QE) (14)11.1.8状态寄存器内存保护........................................... .. (16)11.2 INSTRUCTIONS (17)11.2.1制造商和设备标识........................................... .. (17)11.2.2指令集表1 (18)W25Q64BV11.2.3指令表2(阅读说明书)....................................... (19)出版日期:2010年7月8日- 3 - 修订版E11.2.4写使能(06h) (20)11.2.5写禁止(04h) (20)11.2.6读状态寄存器1(05H)和读状态寄存器2(35H).............................. (21)11.2.7写状态寄存器(01H)......................................... .................................................. .. (22)11.2.8读取数据(03h) (23)11.2.9快速阅读(0Bh) (24)11.2.10快速读双输出(3BH)........................................ .................................................. 0.25 11.2.11快速读四路输出(6BH)........................................ .. (26)11.2.12快速读双I / O (BBh) (27)11.2.13快速读取四I/ O (EBh) (29)11.2.14八进制字读取四I/ O(E3H)..................................... (31)11.2.15页编程(02h) (33)11.2.16四路输入页编程(32H)........................................ . (34)11.2.17扇区擦除(20H) (35)11.2.1832KB的块擦除(52H) (36)11.2.1964KB的块擦除(D8h) (37)20年2月11日芯片擦除(C7H/ 60h) (38)21年2月11日擦除挂起(75h) (39)22年2月11日擦除恢复(7Ah) (40)23年11月2日掉电(B9h) (41)24年2月11日高性能模式(A3H)......................................... (42)25年2月11日发布掉电或高性能模式/设备ID(ABH) (42)26年2月11日读制造商/设备ID(90H)....................................... . (44)27年2月11日阅读唯一的ID号(4BH)........................................ . (45)28年2月11日读JEDEC的ID (9Fh) (46)29年2月11日连续读取模式复位(FFH或FFFFH)...................................... .. (47)12,电气特性.............................................. (48)12.1绝对最大Ratings (48)12.2操作范围 (48)12.3上电时序和写抑制阈值......................................... (49)12.4直流电气Characteristics (50)12.5 AC测量条件.............................................. .. (51)12.6 AC电气Characteristics (52)12.7 AC电气特性(续)......................................... . (53)12.8串行输出Timing (54)12.9输入Timing (54)12.10持有Timing (54)13包装SPECIFICATION (55)W25Q64BV13.18引脚SOIC208密耳(包装代号SS)..................................... .. (55)- 4 -13.28引脚PDIP300密耳(封装代码DA)..................................... (56)13.38触点WSON8x6毫米(封装代码ZE)....................................... (57)13.416引脚SOIC300密耳(封装代码SF)..................................... . (58)14订货INFORMA TION (59)14.1有效的部件号和顶端标记.......................................... (60)15版本HISTORY (61)W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 5 - 修订版E1概述该W25Q64BV(64M位)串行Flash存储器提供了有限的系统存储解决方案空间,引脚和电源。
SMOKE DETECTORWITH INTERCONNECT AND TIMERAlways order by complete part number:A5347CA .5347FEATURESs Interconnect Up to 125 Detectors s Piezoelectric Horn Drivers Guard Outputs for Detector Input s Pulse Testing for Low Battery s Power-ON Resets Internal Timer & Control for Reduced Sensitivity s Built-In Hysteresis Reduces False TriggeringData Sheet26110.2The A5347CA is a low-current, CMOS circuit providing all of the required features for an ionization-type smoke detector. A networking capability allows as many as 125 units to be interconnected so that if any unit senses smoke, all units will sound an alarm. In addition,special features are incorporated to facilitate alignment and test of the finished smoke detector. This device is designed to comply with Underwriters Laboratories Specification UL217.The internal oscillator and timing circuitry keeps standby power to a minimum by powering down the device for 1.66 seconds and sensing smoke for only 10 ms. Every 24 on/off cycles, a check is made for low battery condition. By substituting other types of sensors, or a switch for the ionization detector, this very-low power device can be used in numerous other battery-operated safety/security applications.The A5347CA is supplied in a low-cost, 16-pin dual in-line plastic package. It is rated for continuous operation over the temperature range of 0°C to +50°C.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50009 VIN+V569141516NOTE 1:Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device pin.NOTE 2:Alarm (Smoke) Condition is defined as V15< V13; No Alarm (No Smoke) Condition as V15> V13.Continued next page . . .ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at TA= +25°C, V DD = 9.0 V, V SS = 0 V, C12= 0.1 µF,R 7= 8.2 MΩ (unless otherwise noted).5347SMOKE DETECTOR with INTERCONNECT and TIMER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS continuedNOTE 1:Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device pin.NOTE 2:Alarm (Smoke) Condition is defined as V 15 < V 13; No Alarm (No Smoke) Condition as V 15 > V 13.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe A5347CA is a low-current CMOS circuit providing all of the required features for an ionization-type smoke detector.Oscillator. An internal oscillator operates with a period of 1.67seconds during no-smoke conditions. Every 1.67 seconds, internal power is applied to the entire circuit and a check is made for smoke.Every 24 clock cycles (40 seconds), the LED is pulsed and a check is made for low battery by comparing V DD to an internal reference.Since very-low currents are used in the device, the oscillator capacitor at pin 12 should be a low-leakage type (PTFE, polystyrene, or polypropylene).Detector Circuitry. When smoke is detected, the resistor dividernetwork that sets the sensitivity (smoke trip point) is altered to increase the sensitivity set voltage (pin 13) by typically 130 mV with no external connections to pins 3 or 13. This provides hysteresis and reduces false triggering. An active guard is provided on both pins adjacent to the detector input (pin 15). The voltage at pins 14 and 16 will be within 100 mV of the input. This will keep surface leakage currents to aminimum and provide a method of measuring the input voltage without loading the ionization chamber. The active guard amplifier is not power strobed and thus provides constant protection from surface leakage currents. The detector input has internal diode protection against static damage.Alarm Circuitry. If smoke is detected, the oscillator period changes to 40 ms and the horn is enabled. The horn output is typically 160 ms ON, 80 ms OFF. During the OFF time, smoke is again checked and will inhibit further alarm output if smoke is not sensed.During smoke conditions the low battery alarm is inhibited and the LED is driven at a 1 Hz rate.Sensitivity Adjust. The detector sensitivity to smoke is set internally by a voltage divider connected between V DD and V SS . Thesensitivity can be externally adjusted to the individual characteristics of the ionization chamber by connecting a resistor between pin 13 and V DD , or between pin 13 and V SS .Low Battery. The low battery threshold is set internally by a voltage divider connected between V DD and V SS . The threshold can be increased by connecting a resistor between pin 3 and V DD . The threshold can be de-creased by connecting a resistor between pin 3 and V SS . The battery voltage level is checked every 40 seconds during the 10 mA,10 ms LED pulse. If an LED is not used, it should be replaced with an equivalentresistor (typically 500 Ω to 1000 Ω) such that the battery loading remains at 10 mA.Timer. An internal timer is provided that can be used in various configurations to allow for a period of reduced smoke detector sensitiv-ity (“hush”). When a high-to-low transition occurs at pin 1, the internal timer is reset,the timer mode enabled, and the circuit reset to a no alarm condition. The LED will flash at a 10 second rate. If the level of smoke is increased such that the reduced sensitivity level is reached, the device will go into the alarm condition. The timer, however, will continue to completion of the nominal 10-1/4minute period (368 clock cycles). If the timer mode is not used, pin 1 should be tied low.I/O. A connection is provided at pin 2 to allow multiple smoke detec-tors to be commoned. If any single unit detects smoke (I/O is driven high), all connected units will sound their associated horns after a nominal 3 second delay. The LED is suppressed when an alarm is signaled from an interconnected unit.Testing. On power up, all internal counters are reset. Internal test circuitry allows for low battery check by holding pins 8 and 12 low during power up, then reducing V DD and monitoring HORN 1 (pin 10).All functional tests can be accelerated by driving pin 12 with a 2 kHz square wave. The 10 ms strobe period must be maintained for proper operation of the comparator circuitry.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000TIMING DIAGRAMS IN TYPICAL APPLICATIONNON-TIMER MODETIMER MODEV12OSC. CAPINTERNAL CLOCKLEDHORNDwg. WC-005TIMER STARTTIMER OUTV15 > V13 (NO SMOKE)V15 < V13 (SMOKE)V12OSC. CAPINTERNAL CLOCKLED SMOKE COMPARATORSMOKE CHAMBERHORNDwg. WC-003I/O OPERATIONHORN ONOFFHORN NOT SELF COMPLETING WHEN IN REMOTE ONLY ALARMINTERNAL CLOCKHORNV2 IN I/O4 CYCLES 2 CYCLES40 ms1.67 s72 CLOCK CYCLESV2 OUT I/OINTERNAL CLOCKLOCAL ALARM MODEREMOTE ALARM MODEDwg. WC-004HORN ONOFFHORN5347SMOKE DETECTOR with INTERCONNECT and TIMER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000Dimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters(for reference only)Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the design of its products.Components made under military approvals will be in accordance with the approval requirements.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, AllegroMicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.NOTES: 1.Lead thickness is measured at seatingplane or below.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.Dwg. MA-001-16A inDwg. MA-001-16A mm。
储运注意事项:铁路运输时应严格按照铁道部《危险货物运输规则》中的危险货物配装表进行配装。运输前应先检查包装容器是否完整、密封,运输过程中要确保容器不泄漏、不倒 塌、不坠落、不损坏。严禁与氧化剂、酸类、食用化学品等混装混运。运输车船必须彻底清洗、消毒,否则不得装运其它物品。公路运输时要按规定路线行驶,勿在居民区和人口稠密区停留。?
英文名称2:Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide;tetranbutylammoniumhydroxidesolnimethanol;Tetrabutylamm.hydr.in methanol;Tetrabutylammonium
Industrial automation Closed-loop servo control, process control Automotive test and measurement Programmable logic controllers
Features .............................................................................................. 1 Applications....................................................................................... 1 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Specifications..................................................................................... 3
Ⅳ.上海“中药商品编号”索引根、根茎类编码品名页次01-003-01 人参 1 01-003-021 红参46 01-003-022 高丽红参74 01-004-01 党参71 01-005-01 北沙参25 01-006-01 玄参32 01-007-01 太子参(孩儿参) 17 01-008-01 明党参57 01-008-06 粉沙参76 01-009-01 丹参19 01-010-01 南沙参64 01-011-01 苦参53 01-012-01 西洋参37 01-013-01 珠子参(珠儿参)69 01-014-01 三七 3 01-015-01 甘草23 01-016-01 当归38 01-016-03 当归身40 01-016-05 当归尾39 01-017-01 川芎12 01-018-01 地黄34 01-019-01 黄芪80 01-020-01 黄连81 01-021-01 黄芩79 01-022-01 麦冬47 01-023-01 川贝母10 01-023-03 浙贝母78 01-024-02 白术27 01-025-03 白芍28 01-026-01 白芷29 01-027-01 白前30 01-028-01 白薇32 01-029-01 白蔹31 01-030-01 白头翁27 01-031-01 白及(白芨)27 01-032-01 延胡索(元胡)41 01-033-01 川牛膝11 01-033-02 牛膝(怀牛膝) 17 01-033-06 土牛膝 6 01-034-01 山药8 01-035-01 泽泻59 01-036-01 天麻15 01-037-01 天冬14 01-038-01 大黄 6 01-039-01 附子52 01-040-01 木香16 01-040-05 红木香45 01-041-02 郁金(广郁金)55 01-041-03 郁金(川郁金)55 01-042-02 半夏33 01-043-01 桔梗70 01-044-01 前胡68 01-045-01 柴胡71 01-045-02 软柴胡55 01-046-01 银柴胡84 01-047-01 香附66 01-048-01 龙胆(龙胆草)24 01-049-01 远志48 01-050-01 玉竹22 01-051-01 紫菀88 01-052-01 羌活52 01-053-01 独活67 01-054-01 防风44 01-055-01 防己44 01-056-01 胡黄连63 01-057-01 赤芍48 01-058-01 天花粉14 01-059-01 巴戟天2101-060-02 苍术49 01-061-01 知母57 01-062-01 黄精82 01-063-01 续断86 01-064-01 秦艽69 01-065-01 升麻19 01-066-01 何首乌51 01-067-01 川乌11 01-068-01 草乌61 01-069-01 乌药20 01-070-01 藁本91 01-071-01 葛根87 01-071-02 粉葛77 01-072-01 莪术70 01-073-01 天南星15 01-074-01 常山83 01-075-01 板蓝根(板兰根)54 01-076-01 三棱 4 01-077-01 山柰9 01-078-01 射干73 01-079-01 高良姜75 01-080-01 干姜 5 01-080-03 生姜(鲜生姜)26 01-082-01 粉萆薢77 01-082-02 绵萆薢(川萆薢) 86 01-083-01 土茯苓 6 01-084-01 狗脊59 01-086-01 骨碎补(毛姜)65 01-087-01 石菖蒲24 01-088-01 九节菖蒲 3 01-089-01 茜草61 01-090-01 百部37 01-091-01 百合36 01-092-01 威灵仙65 01-093-01 金果榄58 01-094-01 甘遂23 01-095-01 片姜黄18 01-096-01 广姜黄(姜黄)13 01-098-01 拳参(草河车)76 01-099-01 甘松22 01-100-01 芦根50 01-101-01 白茅根30 01-102-01 山豆根8 01-103-01 白茄根30 01-104-01 苎麻根50 01-105-01 萱草根88 01-106-01 麻黄根85 01-107-01 糯稻根92 01-108-01 猫爪草85 01-109-01 排草83 01-110-01 紫草88 01-112-02 地榆36 01-113-01 地枯蒌34 01-115-01 墓头回89 01-116-01 藕节91 01-118-01 禹州漏芦(漏芦)67 01-119-01 千年健10 01-120-01 贯众60 01-121-01 仙茅26 01-122-01 薤白90 01-123-01 山慈菇(山慈姑) 9 01-125-01 狼毒74 01-126-01 商陆85 01-127-01 红大戟45 01-129-01 天葵子16 01-131-01 白药子31 01-132-01 黄药子82 01-133-01 关白附(白附子) 43 01-133-02 禹白附66 01-134-01 竹节参(竹三七) 41 01-137-01 白河车29 01-138-01 金荞麦(开金锁)5801-139-01 小黄花菜根(藜芦)13 01-141-01 虎杖56 01-142-01 大蓟根7 01-143-01 金雀根58 01-145-01 桃树根71 01-147-01 枸杞根64 01-148-01 马兰根14 01-151-01 羊蹄根43 01-153-01 桑树根79 01-154-01 臭梧桐根72 01-155-01 野蔷薇根83 01-156-01 蒲包草根(蒲包根)89 01-157-01 薏苡根90 01-158-01 朱砂根40 01-159-01 枸骨根64 01-163-01 茅莓根54 01-165-01 茶树根63 01-167-01 胡颓子根(胡颓根)63 01-168-01 山楂根9 01-170-01 金樱子根59 01-171-01 藤梨根92 01-172-01 八角莲 3 01-174-01 岗稔根51 01-178-01 草石蚕62 01-179-01 羊乳根42 01-182-01 菝葜82 01-184-01 七叶一枝花(重楼) 1 01-185-01 蛇六谷84 01-186-01 酸模(酸模根)90 01-187-01 铁包金72 01-188-01 穿破石(川破石)69 01-192-01 千斤拔10 01-195-01 水杨梅根22 01-197-01 了哥王 3 01-198-01 凌霄根76 01-199-01 猫人参84 01-206-01 两面针50 01-207-01 苦甘草53 01-208-01 毛冬青18 01-209-01 徐长卿73 01-213-01 红景天47 01-216-01 刺五加55 03-002-01 细辛60 03-137-02 铁扁担(铁扁担根)72土贝母 5伊贝母42穿山龙68海芋(痕芋头)78雷公藤89蜘蛛香(缬草)90果实、种子类02-001-01 枸杞子143 02-002-01 砂仁(西砂仁) 145 02-004-02 西砂壳115 02-004-03 阳春砂壳(春砂壳)117 02-005-02 五味子[五味子(北)]103 02-005-03 南五味子[五味子(山)]138 02-006-01 栀子143 02-006-03 建栀134 02-007-01 牛蒡子104 02-008-01 马钱子99 02-009-01 木鳖子102 02-010-01 白苏子109 02-010-06 紫苏子158 02-011-01 广天仙子98 02-012-01 牵牛子145 02-013-01 沙苑子(潼蒺藜)126 02-014-01 补骨脂127 02-015-01 车前子103 02-016-01 菟丝子153 02-017-01 南葶苈子(葶苈子) 139 02-018-01 使君子13202-019-01 女贞子98 02-020-01 苘麻子(冬葵子)131 02-021-02 王不留行100 02-022-01 苍耳子121 02-023-01 千金子97 02-024-01 青葙子129 02-025-01 鸦胆子146 02-026-01 茺蔚子137 02-027-01 楮实子158 02-028-01 亚麻子(大胡麻)114 02-029-01 莱菔子148 02-030-01 芥子(白芥子) 121 02-031-02 诃子126 02-032-01 急性子148 02-033-02 蔓荆子162 02-034-01 川楝子97 02-036-01 胡芦巴137 02-037-01 芫荽子119 02-038-01 巨胜子104 02-039-01 光明子115 02-040-01 南烛子139 02-042-01 马蔺子100 02-044-01 韭菜子146 02-046-01 水红花子(川蓼子)107 02-048-01 黄荆子(黄金子) 153 02-049-01 梧桐子154 02-050-01 芸薹子(芸苔子)119 02-051-01 覆盆子168 02-052-01 刀豆(刀豆子)93 02-053-01 枳椇子142 02-054-01 棕榈子158 02-055-01 金樱子133 02-057-01 肉桂子(桂丁香)116 02-058-01 皂荚子125 02-059-01 蛇床子154 02-060-01 地肤子113 02-061-01 大风子(大枫子)94 02-063-01 甜瓜子155 02-064-01 娑罗子152 02-065-01 蓖麻子160 02-066-02 榧子(木榧子)162 02-068-01 预知子153 02-071-01 莲子149 02-072-01 莲子心149 02-074-01 莲房149 02-075-01 苦石莲子130 02-076-01 丝瓜子113 02-077-01 丝瓜络113 02-080-01 西瓜皮114 02-082-01 冬瓜子112 02-083-01 冬瓜皮112 02-084-01 胖大海147 02-085-01 八角茴香93 02-086-01 小茴香98 02-087-01 胡椒(白胡椒)137 02-088-01 花椒120 02-089-01 花椒目120 02-090-02 酸枣仁163 02-091-01 柏子仁142 02-092-01 苦杏仁130 02-094-01 桃仁150 02-095-01 郁李仁131 02-096-01 蕤仁164 02-097-01 火麻仁107 02-098-01 核桃仁(胡桃仁)151 02-100-01 吴茱萸125 02-101-01 山茱萸95 02-102-01 益智(益智仁)151 02-103-01 草果(草果仁)136 02-104-01 草豆蔻135 02-105-01 豆蔻(白豆蔻)122 02-106-01 豆蔻壳(白豆蔻壳)12302-107-01 肉豆蔻(肉果)115 02-108-01 红豆蔻118 02-109-01 佛手126 02-110-02 香橼147 02-111-03 山楂96 02-112-02 白果109 02-113-01 大枣(红枣)94 02-114-01 龙眼肉108 02-115-01 青果核129 02-116-01 西青果114 02-117-01 荜茇134 02-118-01 吕宋果115 02-119-01 薏苡仁166 02-120-01 巴豆107 02-121-01 马兜铃100 02-122-01 罂粟壳164 02-123-01 槟榔162 02-124-01 大腹毛(大腹皮) 95 02-125-02 枣尔槟榔肉(枣尔槟榔)131 02-127-02 瓜蒌子111 02-129-02 瓜蒌皮111 02-130-01 连翘心124 02-130-03 连翘123 02-131-01 乌梅106 02-132-01 橘核168 02-133-01 陈皮(橘皮) 127 02-134-01 橘络167 02-136-03 枳壳140 02-137-03 枳实141 02-138-01 南鹤虱(鹤虱) 140 02-139-01 荜澄茄(毕澄茄)135 02-140-01 桑椹152 02-142-02 槐角161 02-143-01 黑芝麻159 02-145-01 赤小豆(赤豆)119 02-146-01 樱桃核165 02-147-01 荔枝核138 02-149-01 芡实122 02-150-01 白扁豆110 02-150-02 白扁豆衣110 02-151-01 凤眼草106 02-152-03 麦芽118 02-154-03 稻芽(谷芽) 165 02-156-01 石榴皮108 02-157-01 路路通161 02-158-02 蒺藜(白蒺藜) 160 02-159-01 分心木(胡桃隔)105 02-160-01 皂荚(大皂角)125 02-161-01 木蝴蝶102 02-162-01 柿蒂144 02-163-01 秫米151 02-164-01 木瓜102 02-165-02 青皮128 02-166-01 化橘红105 02-166-02 橘红167 02-168-01 锦灯笼(挂金灯) 161 02-169-01 樟梨子165 02-170-01 秋葵子147 02-171-01 白平子109 02-172-01 天竹子(天竺子)101 02-173-01 六轴子106 02-175-01 茭白子136 02-176-01 肥皂子134 02-177-01 功劳子108 02-178-01 莳萝子150 02-179-01 银花子155 02-180-01 朝天子157 02-182-01 桂花子150 02-183-01 曼陀罗子(风茄子)154 02-185-01 白茄子110 02-186-01 决明子116 02-189-01 万年青子9502-195-01 蒲葵子160 02-197-01 野料豆154 02-198-01 绿豆157 02-199-01 绿豆衣157 02-200-01 黑大豆159 02-201-01 穭豆衣168 02-204-01 大豆卷94 02-210-01 花生衣120 02-213-01 荞麦136 02-214-01 淮小麦157 02-215-01 浮小麦152 02-226-01 刀豆壳94 02-227-01 天浆壳(天将壳)101 02-228-01 蒲种壳160 02-229-01 葫芦壳157 02-229-02 金葫芦133 02-232-01 瘪桃干166 02-233-01 苦瓜干129 02-237-01 无花果101 02-239-03 猪牙皂156 02-240-01 枸橘梨144 02-241-01 薜荔果166 02-243-01 杧果核(芒果核)122 02-250-01 茄蒂131 02-251-01 南瓜蒂139 02-252-01 甜瓜蒂155 02-256-01 望江南156 02-258-01 红曲(红粬)117 02-259-01 香豆豉(淡豆豉)146 02-260-01 母丁香112 02-261-01 肉豆蔻花(肉果花)116 10-055-01 芦子122北瓜109松子仁131罗汉果132南瓜子139甜石莲156棉花子158黑枣159全草类03-001-01 广藿香172 03-001-04 藿香219 03-003-01 薄荷218 03-006-01 大蓟(大蓟草)170 03-007-01 小蓟(小蓟草)173 03-008-01 麻黄208 03-009-01 茵陈200 03-009-02 铃茵陈205 03-010-01 蒲公英214 03-011-01 荆芥199 03-013-01 瞿麦218 03-014-01 淡竹叶211 03-015-01 泽兰198 03-016-01 佩兰194 03-017-01 益母草206 03-017-03 童子益母草214 03-019-01 苏败酱(败酱草) 189 03-021-01 墨旱莲217 03-021-02 红旱莲草(红旱莲)188 03-022-01 仙鹤草181 03-023-01 木贼(木贼草) 176 03-024-01 老鹳草184 03-026-01 金沸草(金佛草)195 03-027-01 连钱草(金钱草) 190 03-028-01 萹蓄212 03-029-01 小金牛草(金牛草)173 03-029-02 大金牛草(紫背金牛草) 169 03-031-01 车前草177 03-032-01 鹅不食草213 03-033-01 马鞭草174 03-035-01 鹿衔草209 03-039-01 对坐草(对座草)18303-040-01 浮萍207 03-042-01 伸筋草191 03-046-01 鱼腥草196 03-049-01 白花蛇舌草182 03-051-01 豨莶草(稀莶草)216 03-052-01 广陵香(广灵香)172 03-053-01 西小草185 03-054-01 香薷201 03-056-01 石见穿179 03-057-01 紫花地丁212 03-057-02 竹叶地丁草(竹叶地丁)187 03-058-01 瓦松177 03-060-01 牡蒿(青蒿)191 03-061-01 秋蒿(青蒿)202 03-063-01 刘寄奴187 03-064-01 马齿苋174 03-065-01 卷柏197 03-066-01 积雪草(落得打)205 03-069-01 半枝莲183 03-069-04 垂盆草193 03-070-01 半边莲183 03-071-01 铁苋菜(血见愁) 204 03-072-01 淫羊藿210 03-076-01 腹水草215 03-077-01 苍耳草189 03-078-01 大青草170 03-079-01 小青草173 03-080-01 七星草169 03-081-01 剪刀草210 03-083-01 鸭脚草204 03-085-01 龙须草180 03-086-01 熊掌草217 03-088-01 通天草207 03-090-01 天青地白草175 03-091-01 翻白草219 03-092-01 河白草198 03-093-01 天葵草176 03-095-01 仙桃草181 03-096-01 金枪草194 03-099-01 荔枝草200 03-100-01 佛耳草191 03-101-01 省头草201 03-102-01 千里光171 03-104-01 芫荽草189 03-106-01 水苦荬178 03-107-01 蔊菜216 03-108-01 鸡眼草192 03-115-01 泽漆198 03-116-01 点地梅200 03-119-01 鸭跖草204 03-120-01 蛇莓207 03-122-01 酢浆草(酢酱草)212 03-123-01 田字草181 03-124-01 马蹄金174 03-125-01 律草211 03-126-01 天胡荽176 03-129-01 狗尾草197 03-131-01 灯笼草187 03-133-01 杏香兔耳风190 03-136-01 杜衡189 03-138-01 灰藋草(灰蓼头草)186 03-143-01 碎米荠(白带草)215 03-145-01 龙葵180 03-146-01 铁扫帚204 03-147-01 田皂角181 03-148-01 猪殃殃208 03-149-01 地锦草185 03-151-01 婆婆针211 03-154-01 肺形草195 03-155-01 鹿茸草209 03-160-01 白毛夏枯草182 03-163-01 凉粉草20603-164-01 大狼把草170 03-165-01 天名精(天名精草)175 03-166-01 苘麻192 03-170-01 蜀羊泉215 03-171-01 乌蔹莓(乌敛莓)178 03-174-01 石打穿(黄毛耳草)180 03-175-01 景天三七213 03-177-01 水蜈蚣179 03-179-01 一枝黄花169 03-180-01 岩柏193 03-182-01 过山龙186 03-183-01 阴地蕨188 03-189-01 辣蓼217 03-192-01 虎耳草193 03-198-01 地耳草(田基黄) 185 03-201-01 石上柏179 03-202-01 狗舌草197 03-203-01 农吉利187 03-207-01 乌韭178 03-209-01 绒线草203 03-210-01 牛筋草177 03-212-01 穿心莲202 03-217-01 水线草178 03-218-01 绞股蓝(七叶胆)203 03-228-01 肿节风195 01-111-01 鸡骨草192 04-146-01 荠菜花200 06-040-01 山药藤171 06-071-01 寻骨风188 06-072-01 天仙藤175 06-073-01 海金沙藤206丁癸草169石仙桃179百蕊草186萝藦藤207盒子草208鲜石菖蒲216蟛蜞菊218花类04-001-01 金银花229 04-002-01 菊花(白菊花)235 04-002-08 野菊花236 04-003-01 红花225 04-004-01 西红花223 04-005-01 款冬花238 04-006-01 厚朴花231 04-007-01 佛手花226 04-008-01 旋覆花(旋复花)237 04-010-01 扁豆花232 04-011-01 玫瑰花228 04-012-01 辛夷(辛夷花)227 04-013-01 洋金花(风茄花)232 04-014-01 密蒙花237 04-015-01 鸡冠花228 04-016-01 合欢米(合欢花)224 04-017-01 葛花238 04-019-01 代代花223 04-020-01 芫花226 04-021-01 闹羊花230 04-024-01 月季花222 04-026-01 玉荷花223 04-026-02 荷花(白荷花) 233 04-030-01 马蔺花221 04-031-01 凤仙花222 04-033-01 野蔷薇花236 04-034-01 凌霄花234 04-036-01 白豆蔻花(豆蔻花)223 04-038-01 玉米须222 04-039-01 丁香(公丁香) 220 04-041-01 夏枯草233 04-042-01 谷精草(谷精)226 04-043-01 松花粉22904-044-01 蒲黄239 04-071-01 梅花(绿梅花)236 04-074-01 木樨花(桂花)221 04-075-01 木槿花(白槿花)222 04-076-01 金莲花229 04-077-01 金雀花230 04-078-01 茅针花228 04-079-01 山茶花220 04-080-01 茉莉花228 04-081-01 木芙蓉花(芙蓉花) 221 04-082-01 千日红221 04-083-01 益母花235 04-084-01 臭梧桐花(梧桐花)234 04-085-01 蚕豆花233 04-086-01 蜡梅花240 04-087-01 阳春砂花(春砂花)224 04-143-01 莲须233 04-144-01 槐米239 04-145-01 萱草花(萱草) 238阳桃花225牡蒿子226叶类03-037-01 凤尾草242 03-055-01 石韦243 03-110-01 乌拉草(乌辣草)242 03-214-02 紫苏叶(紫苏)252 04-046-01 苦丁茶244 04-048-01 莱菔叶247 04-050-01 桑叶249 04-052-01 枇杷叶244 04-053-01 大青叶241 04-054-01 番泻叶252 04-056-01 侧柏叶245 04-057-01 枸骨叶(功劳叶)247 04-058-01 南烛叶247 04-059-01 参叶246 04-060-01 荷叶248 04-060-03 荷梗248 04-060-05 荷蒂248 04-061-01 橘叶253 04-062-01 石楠叶243 04-064-01 木芙蓉叶(芙蓉叶)241 04-065-01 银杏叶250 04-066-01 铁树叶249 04-068-01 艾叶242 04-068-03 艾绒242 04-104-01 臭梧桐叶249 04-106-01 枸橘叶247 04-122-01 桉叶(桉树叶)249 04-124-01 罗布麻叶245 04-125-01 胡颓子叶(胡颓叶)246 04-136-01 甜茶251 04-138-01 檵木叶253 04-139-01 四季青241 04-140-01 银花叶251 04-141-01 青松毛244 04-142-01 桑芽250 04-147-01 西河柳243杜仲叶244建兰叶246皮类05-001-01 厚朴260 05-002-02 杜仲258 05-003-01 黄柏263 05-003-03 关黄柏257 05-004-01 牡丹皮258 05-005-01 桑白皮263 05-006-01 地骨皮255 05-007-01 香加皮261 05-008-01 椿皮(椿根皮)264 05-009-01 浙桐皮(海桐皮)262 05-011-01 秦皮(北秦皮)26205-012-01 白鲜皮255 05-013-01 合欢皮256 05-014-01 木槿皮(白槿皮)254 05-015-01 苦楝皮259 05-016-01 紫荆皮264 05-022-01 官桂259 05-023-01 肉桂256 05-024-01 地枫皮(钻地风) 255 05-026-01 土荆皮254 05-028-01 姜皮261 05-034-01 草大戟260藤、木、茎枝类06-001-01 沉香273 06-002-01 檀香284 06-003-01 降香276 06-018-01 苏木272 06-019-01 槲寄生(桑寄生) 283 06-020-01 木通267 06-020-02 川木通(广木通)267 06-021-01 竹茹271 06-022-01 桂枝278 06-023-01 桑枝280 06-025-01 油松节275 06-026-01 通草(方通草)279 06-027-01 鬼箭羽277 06-028-01 皂角刺273 06-031-01 钩藤276 06-032-01 忍冬藤273 06-033-01 鸡血藤274 06-034-01 首乌藤(夜交藤) 277 06-035-01 海风藤279 06-036-01 青风藤274 06-037-01 石楠藤269 06-038-01 络石藤278 06-041-01 大血藤(红藤)266 06-042-01 丁公藤266 06-043-01 宽筋藤277 06-046-01 丝瓜藤270 06-048-01 黄瓜藤280 06-049-01 野葡萄藤281 06-050-01 鸡矢藤(鸡屎藤)274 06-055-01 功劳木268 06-056-01 香樟木277 06-057-01 伽南香(伽香)272 06-060-01 清明柳281 06-066-01 接骨木(扦扦活) 281 06-067-01 鸟不宿269 06-069-01 瘪竹284 06-074-01 梗通草281 06-079-01 六月雪268 01-210-01 黄藤280 03-001-02 广藿香梗(广藿梗)267 03-001-06 藿香梗284 03-004-01 肉苁蓉270 03-005-01 锁阳282 03-016-03 佩兰梗275 03-018-05 鲜石斛283 03-018-08 石斛(川石斛)269 03-018-21 铁皮枫斗278 03-020-01 透骨草279 03-050-01 灯心草271 03-094-01 金丝草275 03-105-01 麦秆草(麦杆草)272 03-178-01 矮地茶(平地木)282 03-185-01 芝麻杆(芝麻梗)270 03-193-01 八楞木266 03-199-01 石龙芮269 03-214-01 紫苏梗282 03-215-01 土藁本266野毛豆藤281树脂类06-004-01 安息香286 06-005-01 苏合香287 06-007-01 枫香脂(芸香)289 06-008-01 松香288 06-009-01 乳香289 06-010-01 没药288 06-011-01 血竭286 06-013-01 阿魏288 06-062-01 桃胶(桃树胶)290 06-075-01 藤黄290菌藻类07-001-03 茯苓(白茯苓)294 07-004-01 猪苓296 07-006-01 海藻295 07-008-01 冬虫夏草291 07-009-01 雷丸296 07-011-01 马勃291 07-020-01 昆布(海带)293 07-022-01 竹蝗292 07-023-01 石木耳291 07-024-01 狼苔(浪苔)295 07-025-01 老君须292 07-026-01 灵芝292金蝉花294银耳(白木耳)296猴头菇296动物类08-001-01 鹿茸318 08-003-01 鹿鞭(鹿肾)319 08-005-01 鹿筋319 08-006-01 鹿角317 08-006-02 鹿角胶318 08-006-03 鹿角胶霜(鹿角霜)318 08-008-01 豹骨314 08-009-01 猴骨323 08-010-01 羚羊角319 08-013-01 牛黄300 08-014-01 麝香328 08-016-01 熊胆326 08-019-01 马宝299 08-020-01 狗宝310 08-021-01 海龙315 08-022-01 海马315 08-023-01 狗肾311 08-028-01 玳瑁311 08-030-01 哈蟆油(哈士蟆油)313 08-031-01 珊瑚313 08-032-01 龟甲(龟版)307 08-034-01 鳖甲328 08-036-01 珍珠母312 08-037-01 牡蛎307 08-038-01 紫贝齿321 08-039-01 蛤壳322 08-040-01 白螺蛳壳304 08-041-01 线鱼胶311 08-044-01 水蛭303 08-045-01 鱼脑石310 08-046-01 石决明304 08-049-03 海螵蛸316 08-052-01 瓦楞子300 08-054-01 紫河车321 08-058-01 鸡内金309 08-059-01 凤凰衣303 08-060-01 干蟾298 08-061-01 蟾酥327 08-062-01 僵蚕327 08-063-01 蝉蜕325 08-063-02 老秋蝉305 08-064-01 蚕砂314 08-065-01 蚕茧壳314 08-067-01 穿山甲31408-068-02 蛤蚧322 08-069-01 金钱白花蛇310 08-070-01 乌梢蛇303 08-071-01 蕲蛇326 08-072-01 蛇蜕317 08-074-01 全蝎306 08-075-01 土鳖虫(地鳖虫)298 08-076-01 蝼蛄326 08-077-01 蜣螂(蜣螂虫)325 08-080-01 将军干313 08-081-01 地龙305 08-086-01 夜明砂311 08-087-01 五灵脂299 08-088-01 刺猬皮310 08-093-01 红娘虫306 08-094-01 九香虫298 08-095-01 斑蝥320 08-096-01 虻虫313 08-097-01 蛴螬虫322 08-098-01 蜈蚣323 08-099-01 蜂房323 08-100-01 蜂蜜324 08-102-01 蜂腊324 08-104-01 五谷虫300 08-105-01 青娘虫309 08-106-01 鼠妇虫325 08-107-01 天龙299 08-108-01 桑螵蛸316 08-109-01 坎炁(脐带干) 307 08-110-01 牛角* 300 08-111-01 鸬鹚涎314 08-112-01 人指甲298 08-113-01 羊角306 08-114-01 水牛角303 08-122-01 海粉316 08-123-01 紫矿茸321 08-124-01 紫梢花321 09-014-01 海浮石(浮海石)315 09-025-01 鹅管石322阿胶(阿胶珠)308人工牛黄300虫白蜡305龟甲胶308珍珠312猪胆膏317猴枣323矿物类09-001-01 朱砂336 09-002-01 水银331 09-003-01 石膏331 09-004-01 龙骨(化龙骨)332 09-005-01 龙齿332 09-007-01 软滑石(滑石)339 09-008-01 雄黄345 09-010-01 雌黄347 09-011-01 炉甘石340 09-012-01 赭石(代赭石)347 09-013-01 磁石(灵磁石)347 09-015-01 寒水石346 09-016-01 禹余粮(禹粮石)342 09-017-01 花蕊石338 09-018-01 咸秋石341 09-019-01 云母石330 09-020-01 青礞石339 09-020-02 金礞石340 09-022-01 金精石339 09-023-01 阳起石337 09-026-01 蛇含石343 09-027-01 玄精石335 09-028-01 钟乳石341 09-029-01 皮硝335 09-029-03 芒硝33509-029-04 玄明粉334 09-030-01 银硝343 09-031-01 白石英333 09-031-03 紫石英346 09-032-01 自然铜336 09-033-01 大青盐(青盐) 330 09-034-01 白石脂333 09-034-02 赤石脂338 09-035-02 白矾(明矾)333 09-036-01 胆矾342 09-036-02 绿矾344 09-037-01 红砒石337 09-037-02 白砒石334 09-038-01 硫黄344 09-039-01 红硇砂337 09-039-02 白硇砂334 09-040-01 石燕332 09-041-01 石蟹332 09-044-01 玛瑙338 09-045-01 银朱343 09-048-01 青铅339 09-049-01 针砂338 09-053-01 广丹330 09-055-01 无名异330 09-056-01 轻粉341 09-057-01 白粉霜334 09-058-01 铅粉343 09-059-01 铜绿343 09-060-01 硼砂346 09-061-01 琥珀344 09-062-01 铁落342 09-063-01 密陀僧344红粉337黄升342其他类10-001-01 冰片(合成龙脑)355 10-001-02 天然冰片(右旋龙脑)351 10-008-01 青黛357 10-009-02 鲜竹沥360 10-010-02 金墨358 10-017-01 干漆(干漆炭)350 10-018-01 血余炭354 10-020-01 海金沙359 10-025-01 柿霜饼(柿霜)358 10-026-01 百草霜354 10-032-01 灶心土356 10-035-01 臭芜荑359 10-036-01 烟胶359 10-043-02 人中白349 10-043-03 淡秋石360 10-048-01 人中黄350 10-069-01 六神曲352 10-099-01 陈棕炭357 10-100-01 芦荟355 10-101-01 胡桐泪(梧桐泪)358 10-102-01 方儿茶352 10-103-01 樟脑361 10-104-01 五倍子351 10-105-01 没食子356 10-106-01 天竺黄350 10-106-02 人工天竺黄349 02-223-01 地栗粉353西瓜霜354陈墨357丁桂散349天水散350六一散352玉泉散353失笑散353吊筋药354鸡苏散357青六散357益元散359海蛤散360温六散360碧玉散360黛蛤散361目前少用品种根、根茎类01-212-01 红孩儿(薯莨)362甘草节362甘草梢362津柴胡(秋柴胡)362铁棒锤362黄芪皮362甜桔梗363果实、种子类川楝肉364马料豆364金钩子364南芡实364相思子364橘白364草类川柴胡(竹叶柴胡)365追风草365麻绒365鲜铁扁担365寮刁竹365花类04-094-01 三七花366砂仁花366叶类04-121-01 枸杞叶367三七叶367荷叶边367荷叶络367桑叶络367菊花叶367蒸桑叶367藤、木、茎枝类01-215-01 柘木368 06-047-01 南瓜藤368 10-045-01 虫笋368桂木(桂枝木)368桂枝尖368动物类08-018-01 象皮369 08-027-01 水獭肝369 08-078-01 花蜘蛛369 08-083-01 象牙屑369 08-089-01 山羊血369牛胆膏369黄唇胶(黄鱼肚)369鹿胎370蝉肚370矿物类09-021-01 银精石371升药底371。
FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089") Pitch 5-Row, 6-Row and 8-Row VHDM-HSD ™Module-to-BackplaneConnector SystemFeatures and Benefitss Up to 5.0 Gbps bandwidth per signal pair enables state-of-the-art system design and performance s2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089”) pitch provides real signal density of 10 differential pairs for 5-row and 6-row and 15 differential pairs for 8-row per centimeter (25 and 38 pairs respectively per inch) sMinimum distance between daughtercards:– 5-row system offers 15.00mm (.591")– 6-row system offers 18.00mm (.709")– 8-row system offers 22.00mm (.866")sGround planes between signal columns provide tightly controlled impedance for rise times down to 50 picoseconds (10-90%). This ensures very low cross talk between signals within and between columnssGround pins are in the same grid as signal pins, allowing wider channels for PCB routing and traces up to 0.25mm (.010”) wides6-row or 8-row VHDM-HSD wafers can be applied to the same stiffener as standard VHDM ® 6-row or 8-row wafers. The combination of VHDM and VHDM-HSD wafers, grouped together in the same stiffener, provides cost effective solutions to different performance parametersThe Very High Density Metric High Speed Differential (VHDM-HSD) connector system has been expanded to include 5-row, 6-row and 8-row daughtercard and backplane modules. VHDM-HSD is designed for differential-pair architecture applications that require very high interconnect density and signal integrity in a single-ended configuration.The same great modularity features and components ofVHDM are provided in the VHDM-HSD. The 5-row and 6-row systems feature 2 signal pairs per column and the8-row system features 3 signal pairs per column inincrements of 10 and 25 columns. All circuits areutilized as signal circuits without the need to use some asground circuits.The daughtercard connector consists of a metal stiffener just as with the VHDM system. The system combines the signal wafers, power modules and guidance modules into one continuous connector that can be ordered as a single specific part number. The card pitch of the VHDM-HSD 8-row system is the same as the standard VHDM 8-row system, allowing both signal wafer types for single ended and differential pair to be used together. Thismodularity and design flexibility allow engineers toincorporate both connector systems on the sameplatforms. The system is based on a 2.00mm (.079")pitch and includes vertical and right angle products thatcan be configured up to 2000 circuits. The maximumlength of a daughtercard connector on a single stiffeneris 300mm (12").The backplane connectors feature headers with open ends for continuous side-to-side stacking and headers with guide pins and polarizing keys on either end to aid in proper alignment of the mating daughtercard. The power modules occupy just a small width and hold sequentially matable pins that each manage 10.0 amps of current.Molex offers application tooling for pressing VHDM-HSD connectors into PCBs as separate modules or as complete assemblies. VHDM-HSD cable assemblies are also available for connecting backplane headers to high-performance cables.Note: VHDM and VHDM-HSD are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradyne,Inc.元器件交易网FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089") Pitch 5-Row, 6-Row and 8-Row VHDM-HSD ™Module-to-Backplane Connector SystemPress Fit Right Angle ReceptacleApplicationsThe VHDM-HSD products are used in very high speed, short rise-time, high circuit count applications connecting daughtercards to the backplane:s Network Switches s Routerss Computer Serverss Telecommunication Equipment sInternetworking DevicesORDERING INFORMATIONDaughtercard AssemblyConfiguration 5-Row 6-Row 8-Row Signal wafers, power modules and guide modules sequentiallyassigned by application VHDM-HSD wafers74670-XXXX 74880-XXXX 74680-XXXX Combination of VHDM and VHDM-HSD wafers74686-XXXX 74886-XXXX74686-XXXXBackplane Header Signal Module Standard Loaded Pin Height 0.76µm (30µ”) Gold5-Row6-Row8-Row10-Column 25-Column 10-Column 25-Column 10-Column 25-Column Open Ended4.25mm (.167”)74695-100374695-250374979-100374979-250374649-100374649-25034.75mm (.187”)74695-100174695-250174979-100174979-250174649-100174649-25015.15mm (.203”)74695-100474695-250474979-100474979-250474649-100474649-25046.25mm (.266”)74695-100274695-250274979-100274979-250274649-100274649-2502Left Guide PinNo Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74696-100374696-2503––74650-100374650-25034.75mm (.187”)74696-100174696-2501––74650-100174650-25015.15mm (.203”)74696-100474696-2504––74650-100474650-25046.25mm (.266”)74696-100274696-2502––74650-100274650-2502Left Guide Pin“A” Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74696-101374696-2513––74650-101374650-25134.75mm (.187”)74696-101174696-2511––74650-101174650-25115.15mm (.203”)74696-101474696-2514––74650-101474650-25146.25mm (.266”)74696-101274696-2512––74650-101274650-2512Right Guide PinNo Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74697-100374697-2503––74651-100374651-25034.75mm (.187”)74697-100174697-2501––74651-100174651-25015.15mm (.203”)74697-100474697-2504––74651-100474651-25046.25mm (.266”)74697-100274697-2502––74651-100274651-2502Right Guide Pin“A” Polarizing Key 4.25mm (.167”)74697-101374697-2513––74651-101374651-25134.75mm (.187”)74697-101174697-2511––74651-101174651-25115.15mm (.203”)74697-101474697-2514––74651-101474651-25146.25mm (.266”)74697-101274697-2512––74651-101274651-2512Backplane Power and Guide Components5-Row and 6-Row 8-Row Power Module 74029-600074029-8000Keying Post 74069-001074069-0010Guide Pin74076-0001/000274076-0001/0002Americas Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A.1-800-78MOLEX amerinfo@ Far East North Headquarters Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan 81-462-65-2324feninfo@ Far East South Headquarters Jurong, Singapore 65-6-268-6868fesinfo@ European Headquarters Munich, Germany 49-89-413092-0eurinfo@ Corporate Headquarters 2222 Wellington Ct.Lisle, IL 60532 U.S.A.630-969-4550Visit our Web site at /product/backplan/hsd.htmlOrder No. USA-158 Rev. 2Printed in USA/2.5K/JI/JI/2003.03©2003, MolexNote: VHDM and VHDM-HSD are trademarks or registered trademarks of Teradyne,Inc.元器件交易网。
0.284 0.340 0.474 0.617 0.84 1.04 1.27 1.67 2.30 2.71 4.09 4.37 6.17 7.22 8.84 10.70 14.40 17.20 19.40 23.10 24.30 37.90 44.4 57.7 72.2 80.1 101.0 117.0 138.5
第 1 页,共 4 页
PN = 0.25 Mpa
PN = 0.6 Mpa
PN = 1.0 Mpa
PN = 1.6 Mpa
中国石化集团第三建设公司市场经营部编制 2000年10月20日 PN = 2.5 Mpa PN = 4.0 Mpa
标 准 DN 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 70(65) 80 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600
0.254 0.290 0.450 0.553 0.795 0.870 0.954 1.43 1.95 2.20 2.78 3.49 3.86 4.88 5.93 7.32 9.4 10.5 11.7 14.9 16.2 20.6 29.9 36.7 44.2 52.7 65.9 78.3 94.3
M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M20 M20 M22 M22 M27 M27 M27
M10×40 M10×40 M10×40 M10×40 M12×50 M12×50 M12×50 M12×50 M16×55 M16×55 M16×60 M16×60 6×65 M16×65 M16×65 M16×70 M20×70 M20×75 M20×80 M20×80 M20×85 M22×85 M22×90 M27×95 M27×100 M27×105
DATUM / DATE : 2009-11-02 Gurtspezifikation / Tape specification:
I Rollenspezifikation / tape and reel specification:
DATUM / DATE : 2009-11-02
H Induktivitätskurve / Inductance curve:
Induktivität vs Strom (typ.) Inductance vs Current (typ.)
Geprüft / checked
Kontrolliert / approved
Datum / date
D-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 http://www.we-online.de
L (µH)
0,00 0 5 10 15 Current (A) 20 25 30 35
Freigabe erteilt / general release:
A5754铝合金化学成份:A5754铝合金力学性能:抗拉强度σb (MPa):165~265。
铝板带国家标准(GB/T 3880-2006),适用于铝合金板带材料的统一标准。
API 7K 第5版中文版
8.2 质量控制人员资格...............................................................16
9.7 活塞泥浆泵零部件...............................................................31
29.7 %
0.97 %
※黄光指数: 空白样和专用料的初始黄光指数约为1.2; 空白样照射20天时,黄光指数已超过3(微黄); 空白样照射50天时,黄光指数超过6(黄); 60天时,专用料黄光指数基本无变化。
缺口冲击强度 J·m-2 灯照前 灯照后 强度下降
40 %
1.5 %
※将 ABS 与 PVC 共混改性,并保持适当配比 PVC/ABS=60/40~40/60,不仅能改善 PVC 的加工性能, 而且还能提高 PVC 的机械性能,使 PVC/ABS 合金的冲击强度超过 ABS和PVC 。研究开发机械性能 优良且耐候性能良好的 PVC/ABS 合金,对于充分发挥合金使用价值、开拓塑料新品种具有重要的 现实意义。
伸长保留率% ≤ 30 75 72 66 60 68
0.15% UV-326 + 0.15% HALS 770
0.15% UV-326 + 0.15% HALS 622
0.15% UV-326 + 0.15% HALS 944
0.15% UV-531 + 0.15% HALS 770
0.15% UV-531 + 0.15% HALS 622
聚甲醛氧化或热氧化时,除生成自由基外,还同时脱除甲醛,甲醛进一步氧化成甲酸,使制品力 学性能显著下降,一般使用受阻酚抗氧剂和协同稳定剂组成耐热氧稳定体系。协同稳定剂包括两类 物质,一类是高分子含氮化合物,如蜜胺、共聚聚酰胺等,主要作用是防止甲醛脱除;另一类是有 机酸盐,如硬脂酸钙、柠檬酸钙等,在体系中做为酸承受体。
工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第1部分:化学有害因素Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplacePart 1: Chemical hazardous agentsGBZ 2。
1—2007代替GBZ 2-20022007—04-12中华人民共和国卫生部发布2007—11—01实施前言此次修订将GBZ 2—2002《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》分为GBZ 2。
1 《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第1部分:化学有害因素》和GBZ 2。
2 《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值第2部分:物理因素》。
自本部分实施之日起,GBZ 2—2002中相应的内容作废。
本部分与GBZ 2-2002相比主要修改如下:a)进一步明确了职业卫生标准所采用的概念及其定义,并增加了以下内容:—-超限倍数及其应用;——总粉尘、呼吸性粉尘和空气动力学直径的定义;——化学物质的致癌性参考分类、标识及其应用;——致敏性物质的标识及其应用;——经皮标识的应用。
本部分主要起草单位:中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所、复旦大学公共卫生学院、华中科技大学同济公共卫生学院、北京大学公共卫生学院等.本部分主要起草人:苏志、李涛、梁友信、杨磊、王生、张敏、吕伯钦、吴维皑、徐伯洪、刘占元、郑玉新、闫慧芳、陈卫红、谷京宇、杜燮祎、周志俊、夏昭林、何丽华、赵一鸣、黄汉林、缪剑影、刘晓延、张幸、雷玲、朱菊一.本部分所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为:—-GBZ 2—2002。
NP 可能存在于:▪鞋大底材料▪凉鞋▪衣服/鞋/配饰中的塑料与橡胶组件化学品种类或物质名称壬基苯酚 (NP)按 CAS 编号列出的物质清单NP 是一系列同分异构体的统称(分子式和质量相同但化学结构不同),常用NP 包括: 104-40-5 对-壬基酚 11066-49-2 异壬壬苯酚25154-52-3 苯酚(2,6-二甲基庚烷-4基) 84852-15-3苯酚(4-壬基-, 旁支)在服装和制鞋业中的用途说明NP 是大量化学物质生产中所用的中间体,包括广泛使用的表面活性剂类壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚 (NPEO ) 及用于保护或稳定聚合物(例如橡胶和聚氯乙烯 (PVC ))的多种抗氧化剂。
环境中的 NP 主要来源于NPEO 的生物降解,也可能在聚合物的生产过程由有意新增的NP 抗氧化剂的热解衍生而成。
全球立法均限制 NP 的使用。
欧盟正在审议立法限制 NP 在纺织品中的使用。
领先的服装和鞋类品牌商均对 NP 在其产品中的使用设定了严格限制。
NP 的使用为何受到限制?1▪NP 对水生生物有剧毒,可能对水生环境造成长期有害的影响。
▪高于一定暴露层级时,NP 可能损害人类的生育能力和胎儿。
指导:从材料供货商采购符合 NP 含量要求的材料(纺织品、组件和饰件)▪联络您的供货商,向其说明您需要的材料中 NP 含量应 <10 ppm (0.001%)。
▪与您的材料供货商共享此信息表,指示他们与其化学品供货商合作,按下一节中的指导采购符合 NP 含量要求的化学品配方。
▪建议材料供货商调整塑料/橡胶材料加工所用时间和温度,将 NP 稳定剂热解成 NP 的几率降到最低。
▪让您的供货商确认其生产的材料未超过 NP 含量限值 (<10 ppm),并提供证明,或者如果需要,提供第三方实验室出具的测试报告。
▪对供货商的材料执行风险检查,送样给第三方实验室执行测试,以确保未超过 NP 的含量限值 (<10 ppm)。
2-甲氧基-5-吡啶硼酸频哪醇酯 化学品安全技术说明书
化学品安全技术说明书公司地址:上海化学工业区奉贤分区银工路28号E栋楼客服热线:400-133-2688 1 化学品及企业标识1.1 产品标识符化学品俗名或商品名:2-甲氧基-5-吡啶硼酸频哪醇酯CAS No.:445264-61-9别名:2-甲氧基吡啶-5-硼酸频哪酯;2-(6-甲氧基-3-吡啶基)-4,4,5,5-四甲基-1,3,2-二氧环戊硼烷;6-甲氧基-3-吡啶硼酸频那醇酯;2-甲氧基吡啶-5-硼酸频哪醇酯;6-甲氧基吡啶-3-硼酸频哪醇酯;2-甲氧基-5-(4,4,5,5-四甲基-1,3,2-二氧硼戊环-2-基)吡啶;1.2 鉴别的其他方法2-Methoxy-5-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)pyridine2-Methoxy-5-pyridineboronicacidpinacolester1.3 有关的确定了的物质或混合物的用途和建议不适合的用途仅供科研用途,不作为药物、家庭备用药或其它用途。
2 危险性概述2.1 GHS分类健康危害严重损伤/刺激眼睛:EyeIrrit.2皮肤腐蚀/刺激:SkinIrrit.22.2 GHS 标记要素,包括预防性的陈述危害类型GHS07:感叹号;信号词 【警告】危险申明H315 引起皮肤过敏。
H319 造成了严重的眼睛发炎。
警告申明P264 在处理后要彻底清洗双手或 … 。
P280 戴防护手套/防护服/护眼/防护面具。
P302+P352 如沾染皮肤:用大量肥皂和水清洗。
P305+P351+P338 如进入眼睛:用水小心清洗几分钟。
P321 特殊明确的治疗见本标签上的...。
P332+P313 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。
P337+P313 如果发生眼刺激:求医/就诊。
?P362 脱掉受污染的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。
RSHazard symbol(s) 无数据资料R-phrase(s) 无数据资料S-phrase(s) 无数据资料2.3 其它危害物-无3 成分/组成信息3.1 物质分子式 - C12H18BNO3分子量 - 235.094 急救措施4.1 必要的急救措施描述一般的建议请教医生。
5804中⽂资料Combining low-power CMOS logic with high-current and high-voltage bipolar outputs, the UCN5804B and UCN5804LB BiMOS II translator/drivers provide complete control and drive for a four-phase unipolar stepper-motor with continuous output current ratings to 1.25 A per phase (1.5 A startup) and 35 V.The CMOS logic section provides the sequencing logic, DIRECTION and OUTPUT ENABLE control, and a power-on reset function. Three stepper-motor drive formats, wave-drive (one-phase), two-phase, and half-step are externally selectable. The inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS, and NMOS circuits. TTL or LSTTL may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors to ensure a proper input-logic high.The wave-drive format consists of energizing one motor phase at a time in an A-B-C-D (or D-C-B-A) sequence. This excitation mode consumes the least power and assures positional accuracy regardless of any winding inbalance in the motor. Two-phase drive energizes two adjacent phases in each detent position (AB-BC-CD-DA). This sequence mode offers animproved torque-speed product, greater detent torque, and is less susceptible to motor resonance. Half-step excitation alternates between the one-phase and two-phase modes (A-AB-B-BC-C-CD-D-DA), providing an eight-step sequence.The bipolar outputs are capable of sinking up to 1.5 A and withstanding 50 V in the off state (sustaining voltages up to 35 V). Ground-clamp and flyback diodes provide protection against inductive transients. Thermal protection circuitry disables the outputs when the chip temperature is exces-sive.Both devices are rated for operation over the temperature range of -20°C to +85°C. The UCN5804B is supplied in a 16-pin dual in-line plastic batwing package with a copper lead frame and heat-sinkable tabs for improved power dissipation capabilities; the UCN5804LB is supplied in a 16-lead plastic SOIC batwing package with a copper lead frame and heat-sinkable tabs.FEATURESI 1.5 A Maximum Output Current I 35 V Output Sustaining VoltageI Wave-Drive, Two-Phase, and Half-Step Drive Formats I Internal Clamp DiodesI Output Enable and Direction Control I Power-On ResetI Internal Thermal Shutdown CircuitryBiMOS II UNIPOLARSTEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVERAlways order by complete part number, e.g., UCN5804B .Data Sheet 26184.12C*5804115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-********BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERTRUTH TABLEDrive Format Pin 9Pin 10Two-Phase L L One-Phase H L Half-Step L H Step-InhibitHHTYPICAL INPUT CIRCUITDwg. EP-021-4TYPICAL OUTPUT DRIVERDwg. EP-010-5INCopyright ? 1987, 2000 Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.5075100125150510A L L O W A B L E P A C K A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N I N W A T T STEMPERATURE IN °C43225Dwg. GP-049-2A5804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = 25°C, T J ≤ 150°C, V DD = 4.5 V to 5.5 V (unless otherwise noted). Limits CharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 50 V—1050µA Output Sustaining Voltage V CE(sus)I OUT = 1.25 A, L = 3 mH 35——V Output Saturation VoltageV CE(SAT)I OUT = 700 mA — 1.0 1.2V I OUT = 1 A — 1.1 1.4V I OUT= 1.25 A— 1.2 1.5V Clamp Diode Leakage Current I R V R = 50 V —1050µA Clamp Diode Forward Voltage V F I F = 1.25 A — 1.53.0V Input CurrentI IN(1)V IN = V DD —0.5 5.0µA I IN(0)V IN = 0.8 V —-0.5-5.0µA Input VoltageV IN(1)V DD = 5 V3.5— 5.3V V IN(0)-0.3—0.8V Supply Current I DD 2 Outputs ON—2030mA Turn-Off Delay t ON 50% Step Inputs to 50% Output ——10µs Turn-On Delayt OFF 50% Step Inputs to 50% Output ——10µs Thermal Shutdown TemperatureT J—165—°CTIMING CONDITIONSA. Minimum Data Set Up Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 nsB. Minimum Data Hold Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 nsC. Minimum Step Input Pulse Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 µsDwg. W-110AONE PHASE HALF STEPOOUTPUT ENABLEOUTPUT C OUTPUT DCLOCK115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERWAVE-DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = L, One Phase = H Step A B C D POR ON OFF OFF OFF 1ON OFF OFF OFF 2OFF ON OFF OFF 3OFF OFF ON OFF 4OFFOFFOFFONTWO-PHASE DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = L, One Phase = LStep A B C D POR ON OFF OFF ON 1ON OFF OFF ON 2ON ON OFF OFF 3OFF ON ON OFF 4OFFOFFONONHALF-STEP DRIVE SEQUENCEHalf Step = H, One Phase = LStep A B C D POR ON OFF OFF OFF 1ON OFF OFF OFF 2ON ON OFF OFF 3OFF ON OFF OFF 4OFF ON ON OFF 5OFF OFF ON OFF 6OFF OFF ON ON 7OFF OFF OFF ON 8ONOFFOFFONAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONInternal power-on reset (POR) circuitry resets OUTPUT A (and OUTPUT D in the two-phase drive format) to the on state with initial applica-tion of the logic supply voltage. After reset, the circuit then steps according to the tables.The outputs will advance one sequenceposition on the high-to-low transition of the STEP INPUT pulse. Logic levels on the HALF-STEP and ONE-PHASE inputs will determine the drive format (one-phase, two-phase, or half-step). The DIRECTION pin determines the rotation se-quence of the outputs. Note that the STEP INPUT must be in the low state when changing the state of ONE-PHASE, HALF-STEP, or DIRECTION to prevent erroneous stepping.All outputs are disabled (off) when OUTPUT ENABLE is at a logic high. If the function is not required, OUTPUT ENABLE should be tied low.In that condition, all outputs depend only on the state of the step logic.During normal commutation of a unipolar stepper motor, mutual coupling between the motor windings can force the outputs of the UCN5804B below ground. This condition will cause forward biasing of the collector-to-substrate junction and source current from the output. For many L/R applications, this substrate current is high enough to adversely affect the logic circuitry and cause misstepping. External series diodes (Schottky are recommended for increasedefficiency at low-voltage operation) will prevent substrate current from being sourced through the outputs. Alternatively, external ground clamp diodes will provide a preferred current path from ground when the outputs are pulled below ground.Internal thermal protection circuitry disables all outputs when the junction temperature reaches approximately 165°C. The outputs are enabled again when the junction cools down to approxi-mately 145°C.5804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlTYPICAL APPLICATION L/R Stepper-Motor DriveThe products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERUCN5804BDimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters(for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Webbed lead frame. Leads 4, 5, 12, and 13 are internally one piece.5.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 25 devices.Dwg. MA-001-17A in18Dwg. MA-001-17A mm185804 BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTOR TRANSLATOR/DRIVER/doc/a3712eddb9f3f90f76c61b7c.htmlUCN5804LB(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel) Dimensions in Inches(for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters(controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Webbed lead frame. Leads 4, 5, 12, and 13 are internally one piece.5.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 47 devices or add “TR” to part number for tape and reel.115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-50005804BiMOS II UNIPOLAR STEPPER-MOTORTRANSLATOR/DRIVERMOTOR DRIVERSFunctionOutput Ratings*Part Number ?INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FOR BRUSHLESS DC MOTORS3-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —28 V 39333-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —50 V 39323-Phase Power MOSFET Controller —50 V 76002-Phase Hall-Effect Sensor/Driver 400 mA 26 V 3626Bidirectional 3-Phase Back-EMFController/Driver ±600 mA 14 V 89062-Phase Hall-Effect Sensor/Driver 900 mA 14 V 36253-Phase Back-EMFController/Driver ±900 mA 14 V 8902–A 3-Phase Controller/Drivers ±2.0 A 45 V 2936 & 2936-120INTEGRATED BRIDGE DRIVERS FOR DC AND BIPOLAR STEPPER MOTORSDual Full Bridge with Protection & Diagnostics ±500 mA 30 V 3976PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±650 mA 30 V 3966PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±650 mA 30 V 3968PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 2916PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 2919PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±750 mA 45 V 6219PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±800 mA 33 V 3964PWM Current-Controlled Full Bridge ±1.3 A 50 V3953PWM Current-Controlled Dual Full Bridge ±1.5 A 45 V 2917PWM Current-Controlled Microstepping Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3955PWM Current-Controlled Microstepping Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3957PWM Current-Controlled Dual DMOS Full Bridge ±1.5 A 50 V 3972Dual Full-Bridge Driver ±2.0 A 50 V 2998PWM Current-Controlled Full Bridge ±2.0 A 50 V3952DMOS Full Bridge PWM Driver ±2.0 A 50 V 3958Dual DMOS Full Bridge ±2.5 A 50 V 3971UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR & OTHER DRIVERSVoice-Coil Motor Driver ±500 mA 6 V 8932–A Voice-Coil Motor Driver ±800 mA 16 V 8958Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Drivers 1 A 46 V 7024 & 7029Unipolar Microstepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.2 A 46 V 7042Unipolar Stepper-Motor Translator/Driver 1.25 A 50 V 5804Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.8 A 50 V 2540Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 1.8 A 50 V 2544Unipolar Stepper-Motor Quad Driver 3 A 46 V 7026Unipolar Microstepper-Motor Quad Driver 3 A 46 V 7044*Current is maximum specified test condition, voltage is maximum rating. See specification for sustaining voltage limits or over-current protection voltage limits. Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the output.?Complete part number includes additional characters to indicate operating temperature range and package style.Also, see 3175, 3177, 3235, and 3275 Hall-effect sensors for use with brushless dc motors.。
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5-644754-4 Product Details
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TE Part Number: 5-644754-4
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Product Highlights:
?MTA-156 Connectors
?Number of Positions = 24
?Mating Type = Header
?Wire-to-Board Application
? 3.96 mm Contact Centerline Spacing
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
?Product Type = MTA-156 Connectors
?Number of Positions = 24
?Mating Type = Header
?PCB Mount Angle = Right Angle
?Right Angle Bending Side = Front
?PCB Retention Feature = No
?Mating Polarization = Without
?Mating Connector Lock = With
?Four Points of Contact = Without
?Shrouded = No
?Mounting Ears = Without
?Mating Connector Lock Type = Friction Lock
?PCB Thickness (mm [in]) = 2.36 – 3.18 [0.093
?Post Size (mm [in]) = 1.14 [.045]
Mechanical Attachment:
?Panel Attachment = Without
Electrical Characteristics:
?Current Rating (Amps.) = 7
?Voltage Rating (VAC) = 600
Termination Related Features:
?Solder Tail Contact Plating = Matte Tin
?Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) =
4.45 [0.175]
Body Related Features:
?Narrow = No
?Post Number(s) Omitted = None
?Solder Tail Contact Material = Copper Alloy Contact Related Features:
?Contact Centerline Spacing (mm [in]) = 3.96
?Contact Shape = Square
?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = Tin
?Contact Material = Copper Alloy
Housing Related Features:
?Housing Color = White
?Housing Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0
?Housing Material = Polyester GF
Configuration Related Features:
?Backwall/Post Interruption(s) = Without Industry Standards:
?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV
?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder
capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°
C, Wave solder capable to 265°C
?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was
RoHS compliant
Conditions for Usage:
?Terminate To = Printed Circuit Board Operation/Application:
?Application = Wire-to-Board
?Brand = Tyco Electronics
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