



A PLUS MAKE YOUR PRODUCTION A-PLUSAVxx08 SeriesDATA SHEETA PLUS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INC.Address:3 F-10, No. 32, Sec. 1, Chenggung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 115, R.O.C.(115)台北市南港區成功路㆒段32號3樓之10. TEL: 886-2-2782-9266FAX: 886-2-2782-9255WEBSITE : http: // Sales E-mail:sales@Technology E-mail: service@1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION:The AVH308 , AV0708 , AV1408 and AV2108 are single-chip voice synthesizing CMOS IC.They are low cost with proper functions and can synthesize voice up to 3.5, 7, 14 and 21 seconds, usingA plus 4-bit LOGPCM algorithm. Customer speech data can be programmed into ROM by changing one maskduring the device fabrication. Besides, not only a very flexible functions I/O pin is available for the user to apply in various applications, but also an interactive development tool “EzSpeech” is ready for user-friendly programming.2. FEATURES:(1). Single power supply can operate from 2.4V to 6.4V (in this range, user can set Rosc as a fixed value).(2). The total voice duration is about 3.5, 7, 14 or 21 seconds those can be partitioned up to 8 voice_sections.Each voice_section length is flexible.(3). Voice length can be individually up to 3.5, 7, 14 or 21 seconds at 6kHz S.R. for each voice_section.Voice+mute length can be individually up to 11, 21, 21 or 21 seconds at 6kHz sample rate for eachvoice_section.(4). Total 16 voice_steps are available for 2 sub_tables. Each sub_table can only use maximum 8voice_steps. For each voice_step, it can specify one voice_section and IO1 output enable options if IO1 is set as an output.(5). Build in oscillator, 15 kinds of playback speed option for internal resistor used : ( 4.0k ~ 18.1kHz)A B C D E F G H18.1kHz 14.4kHz 12.0kHz 10.3kHz 9.0kHz 8.0kHz 7.2kHz 6.6kHzI J K L M N O -6.0kHz 5.6kHz 5.2kHz 4.8kHz 4.5kHz 4.3kHz 4.0kHz -<Internal oscillator: OSC pad must be bonded to GND>(6). IO1 can be either input or output pin (Mask option).(7). Optional “Two Triggers Input” (TG and IO1), or “One Trigger Input” (TG pin only).(A). Each input pin has mask options for Edge/Level, Hold/Unhold and Retrigger/Irritrigger trigger modes.(B). TG input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low、10M pull low or floating input type.(C). IO1 input can choose CDS+1M、CDS、1M pull-low or floating input type.(D). Debounce time: Long debounce for push buttons. Short debounce for switches. (※In Two TriggersInput Mode, only one kind of debounce time is available.)(E). Priority:TG > IO1.(8). IO1 has the following output option A~F :(A). Stop_High pulse : high active stop pulse output whenever device stop playing.(B). Busy_High active : high active signal output during playing.(C). Busy_Low active : low active signal output during playing.(D). LED 3Hz flash : 3Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate.(E). LED 6Hz flash : 6Hz sink signal output for driving LED during playing at 6kHz sample rate.(F). LED dynamic 2/4 : dynamic sink signal output for driving LED during playing.※Where (D) and (E) is the LED flash rate at 6kHz sample rate. For different sample rate, the LED flash rate is different from original 3Hz or 6Hz.(9). PWM1 and PWM2 can directly drive buzzer or 8, 16, 32 or 64 ohms speaker.(10). The voice_section length of “voice length + mute length” must be the multiple of 80Hex (AVH308 ) or100Hex (AV0708 , AV1408 , AV2108).(11). In voice_section sequence arrangement (00~07), If there are some voice_sections with only mute andwithout voice, they should be put next to the last voice_section with voice. Besides, that is not allowed to put a pure mute voice_section between 2 voice_sections with voice, or put the pure mute voice_section on first place (00).(12). Oscillator selection:(A). External oscillator: Connect OSC pin to Vdd with a resistor, Rosc.(B). Internal oscillator: Connect OSC pin to GND. (Not suggested because of frequency shift and systemstability)※Input Type Description:Option DescriptionCDS + 1M Normal selection for button trigger.Only 1M pull-low resistance when key-pressed, and 1M+300K(parallel) pull-low resistance when key-released.CDS Internal 300K ohms pull-low resistance, usually for photo-resistor trigger.1M pull-low Internal 1M ohms pull-low resistance, reserve for some special applications. 10M pull-low Internal 10M ohms weak pull-low, usually for touching trigger.Floating No internal resistor connection, usually connected to other output pin or connected to GND by an external resistor.* 10M pull-low option is not available for IO1 input.18.1kHz 14.4kHz 12.0kHz 10.3kHz 9.0kHz 8.0kHz 7.2kHz 6.6kHzI J K L M N O - 6.0kHz 5.6kHz 5.2kHz 4.8kHz 4.5kHz 4.3kHz 4.0kHz - <如果選擇內建的頻率振盪器,請將 OSC 腳接㆞。



• 为了更好地保证各楼层都有良好的采光,
• 以我国为例,南楼高度为h,该地冬至日
L=h x cot H
• 为了更好地利用太阳能,应不断调整太阳 能热水器与地平面之间的倾角,使太阳光 与集热板成直角
• 集热板与地平面之间的夹角(a)和当天的 正午太阳高度角(H)互余,即a+H= 90° 时集热效果最佳
8.该地纬度可能为( )
,当地正值一年中( )
为节能减排,河北省邯郸市新建区全部安装可以通过电脑调控太阳能板 与水平面夹角的路灯和路口红绿灯。下图为拍摄的邯郸市红绿灯照片。读 图完成10~11题。
阅读材料,完成下列问题。 材料 上图为云南省略图。下图为上图中甲 地与我国某中学正午太阳高度角之差的年变 化示意图。 • 计算该中学的纬度,说出P至Q时段甲地与
该中学直立物正午日影的朝向及长短变化。 • 【答案】4.20°N。 • 甲地:影子朝北,由短变长。 • 该中学:影子朝南,由长变短。

台达 vfd-v变频器说明书

台达 vfd-v变频器说明书

第五章功能•參數說明00系統參數機種識別出廠設定值工廠設定設定範圍依機種顯示額定電流顯示出廠設定值工廠設定設定範圍依機種顯示230V系列功率[馬力] 0.75[1]1.5[2]2.2[3]3.7[5]5.5[7.5]7.5[10]11[15]15[20]18.5[25]22[30]30[40]37[50]45[60]55[75]75[100]機種代碼 4 6 8 10 12141618202224 26 28 3032定轉矩額定電流5 7.5 11 17 253349657590120 146 182 220300變轉矩額定電流6.3 9.4 13.8 21.331.341.361.381.393.8113150 183 228 275375最高載波頻率15kHz 10kHz6kHz460V系列功率[馬力] 0.75[1]1.5[2]2.2[3]3.7[5]5.5[7.5]7.5[10]11[15]15[20]18.5[25]22[30]30[40]37[50]45[60]55[75]75[100]機種代碼 5 7 09 11 13151719212325 27 29 3133定轉矩額定電流3 4.2 6 8.5 13182432384560 73 91 110150變轉矩額定電流3.8 5.3 7.5 10.616.322.5304047.556.375 91.3 113.8138188最高載波頻率 15kHz 10kHz6kHz00-00參數決定驅動器容量,在出廠時已設定於本參數內。




參數重置設定出廠設定值0設定內容10 參數重置(基底頻率為60Hz)9參數重置(基底頻率為50Hz)位元設定Bit 0 1 參數不可讀20 1 Bit11頻率、轉矩命令不可改(僅限於PU05) 21 2 Bit21數位操作器(PU05)不能運作(Run)22 4位元設定的輸入方法:本系列有些功能的參數設定是採用位元設定法來設定參數,此法的優點是設定一個數值可重覆組合多項功能,但設定時需先將二進位的編碼自行轉換成十進位數值後再輸入此參數。


operating conditions. 3) Measured on approximately 1” square of 1 oz copper.
VIN = 12V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
© 2006 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
© 2006 MPS. All Rights Reserved.
BS 1 IN 2 SW 3 GND 4
95 90 VIN = 12V
VIN = 5V
VIN = 23V
MP2307 Rev. 1.7

MPS Proprietary Information. Unauthorized Photocopy and Duplication Prohibited.

ГОСТ 8240-89 热轧槽钢 规格-俄中对照

ГОСТ 8240-89 热轧槽钢 规格-俄中对照

40 П 400 115 8,0 13,5 15,0 9,0 61,50 48,30 15260,0 763,0 15,80 445,00 760,00 89,90 3,51 3,05
Примечания к табл. 1 и 2: 1. Площадь поперечного сечения и масса 1 м швеллера вычислены по номинальным размерам; плотность стали принята равной 7,85 г/см3表1、2 注:1. 槽钢横截面面积和1米的 重量根据额定尺寸计算,钢的密度取7.85g/cm3。
ГОСТ 8240-89 (СТ СЭВ 2210-80)
Москва 莫斯科
18 180 70 5,1 8,7 9,0 3,5 20,70 16,30 1090,0 121,0 7,24 69,80 86,00 17,00 2,04 1,94
18a 180 74 5,1 9,3 9,0 3,5 22,20 17,40 1190,0 132,0 7,32 76,10 105,00 20,00 2,18 2,13
3. По точности прокатки швеллеры изготовляют:槽钢按轧制精度可分为:
повышенной точности - Б; 高精度槽钢-Б;



so si dle dc1 dc2 dc3 dc4 nak syn etb can em sub esc fs gs re us sp ! " #
116 117 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 141 142 143
$ % & ` ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
144 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 170 171
64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y
72 73 74 75 76 77
3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71

ASCLL码表 完整版

ASCLL码表 完整版
Exclamation mark Double quotes (or speech marks) Number Dollar Procenttecken Ampersand Single quote Open parenthesis (or open bracket) Close parenthesis (or close bracket) Asterisk
W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ Delete €
Uppercase W Uppercase X Uppercase Y Uppercase Z Opening bracket Backslash Closing bracket Caret - circumflex Underscore Grave accent Lowercase a Lowercase b Lowercase c Lowercase d Lowercase e Lowercase f Lowercase g Lowercase h Lowercase i Lowercase j Lowercase k Lowercase l Lowercase m Lowercase n Lowercase o Lowercase p Lowercase q Lowercase r Lowercase s Lowercase t Lowercase u Lowercase v Lowercase w Lowercase x Lowercase y Lowercase z Opening brace Vertical bar Closing brace Equivalency sign - tilde

ZX12232G-1 液晶显示器用户手册说明书

ZX12232G-1 液晶显示器用户手册说明书

中文液晶显示器使用说明书ZX12232G-1ZX12232G (ST7920) 并口演示程序Keil C51// DV12232G 测试程序(并口)//*************************************************************************** //连线表: CPU=89C52 *//RS=P2.0 RW=P2.1 E=/(WR*RD) *//FOSC=12MHz D0-D7=P0.0-P0.7 /RSET=/(CPU RSET) *//*************************************************************************** #include <reg52.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <intrins.h>#include <stdio.h>char xdata LcmWriteCom _at_ 0x0000; //写指令char xdata LcmWriteData _at_ 0x0100; //写数据char xdata LcmReadBF _at_ 0x0200; //读BF&ACchar xdata LcmReadData _at_ 0x0300; //读数据sbit Key=P3^4;unsigned char code AC_TABLE[]={0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87, //第一行汉字位置0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97, //第二行汉字位置};unsigned char code str2[]="欢迎光临dvlcd!!";unsigned char code str1[]="迪威液晶显示技术欢迎您!内含八千汉字库。



《国际标准ASCII码大全》2007年11月10日星期六 13:03目前计算机中用得最广泛的字符集及其编码,是由美国国家标准局(ANSI)制定的ASCII 码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国标准信息交换码),它已被国际标准化组织(ISO)定为国际标准,称为ISO 646标准。



所以,7 位ASCII码是用七位二进制数进行编码的,可以表示128个字符。





为了便于查询,以下列出ASCII码表:第128~255号为扩展字符(不常用)1 / 52 / 5扩充字符集(Extended Character Set)3 / 5ISO Latin-1字符集(编码160-255)编码字符编码字符编码字符编码字符160 172 ¬184 ¸196 Ä161 ¡173 185 ¹197 Å162 ¢174 ®186 º198 Æ163 £175 ÷187 »199 Ç164 ¤176 188 ¼200 È编码字符编码字符编码字符编码字符208 Ð220 Ü232 è244 ô209 Ñ221 Ý233 é245 õ210 Ò222 Þ234 ê246 ö211 Ó223 ß235 ë247 ÷212 Ô224 à236 ì248 ø4 / 5[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]5 / 5。



扩展 I/O单元
注: 1.CPM1A/CPM2A最多只可以连1台CPM1A-AD041和1台其它的扩展单元或扩 展I/O单元。
项目 输入点数 输入信号范围
MOV 指令
写入量程控制字 读出转换数据
通道(n+1) 通道(n+2) 通道(m+1) 通道(m+2) 通道(m+3) 通道(m+4)
模拟量输入1 转换数据
模拟量输入2 转换数据 模拟量输入3 转换数据
模拟量输入4 转换数据
‘m’为分配给CPU单元或前一个扩展单元或扩展I/O 单元的最后一个输入通道,‘n’为分配给CPU单元或 前一个扩展单元或扩展I/O单元的最后一个输出通道
2.一旦设定好量程控制字,在CPU单元上电期间不能再改变设定。如需改 变设定,必须将CPU单元断电后重新上电。
3.对于不使用的输入,将输入通道设置为OFF,并且将电压输入端子VIN 和COM短路。
模拟输入设备的配线 CPM1A-AD041端子排列
189C(6300) 1770(6000)
-0.25 V
5 V 5.25 V
1~5 V
1~5V的电压输入对应于十六进制数0000~1770(0000~6000)。完整的数据输出范围是FED4~189C (-300~6300)。输入电压在0.8到1V之间时使用补码来表示转换数据。如果输入的电压小于0.8V时,断线检测功 能将被激活并且转换的数据为8000。

IO-Link线性传感器使用手册 NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPE 版本00 20

IO-Link线性传感器使用手册 NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPE 版本00 20

Gebrauchsanleitung IO-Link für Lineare Sensoren User manual IO-Link for Linear Sensors NOVOtechnik SIEDLE GRUPPEContentIO-Link 2 1IODD Files 2 2Device specification 2 3Process data 2 4Parameter Data 34.1Identification data 34.2Device parameter data 34.2.1Device Access Locks 44.2.2Profile Characteristics 44.2.3PD Input Descriptor 44.2.4Application Specific Tag 44.2.5Null point offset 44.2.6Averaging 44.2.7Resolution 44.2.8Mode 44.2.9Error Messages while Parametrization 55Events: Warnings and Errors 5 6Storage of Parameter Data 5 7Factory Reset 5 8Document Changes 5IO-LinkThis document reflects the Novotechnik sensor protocol implementation of the standard IO-Link protocol.A basic knowledge of the IO-link interface is required for a proper understanding of this document.Most of the definitions made are according to the IO-Link Standard specifications.For making use of all the features that these specifications offer, a knowledge about them is absolutely necessary.The linear sensors supports the IO-Link Smart Sensor Profile specifications (Edition 2011) according IEC 61131-9.The IO-Link interface is a point-to-point connection based on a UART protocol with 24 V pulse modulation. Data isexchanged cyclically between the IO-Link Master and the IO-Link device using the IO-Link protocol. The protocol con-tains process data and also requested additional data for state determination or configuration.1 IODD FilesFor integration in a common IO-Link projecting tool, IO Device Description (*.IODD) files are provided. These files canbe downloaded from the Novotechnik Web Site, see Downloads/Operating manuals where also this document can befound.IODD see file Product series_IODD_model. zip2 Device specification3 Process dataThe process data are transmitted cyclically. The sensor outputs a signed integer value via the IO-Link interface, e.g.:32 bits = position or 48 bits = 32 bits position and 16 bits speedThe absolute position relates to the factory default null point.Resolution of position data: 1 or 5 μmResolution of speed data: 0.1 or 0.5 mm/sThe factory default null point can be shifted via the parameter “Null point offset".The validity of the process data 0xF000 FF10 ... 0x7FFF FFF0 is confirmed by a PD Valid Infomation (process data valid).In case of an error, if no position marker or magnet can be detected, the error value 0x7FFF FFFC is put out and the data is labeled as invalid (PD Invalid Bit).Hint: The IO-Link functionality PD Invalid Bit is handled differently by different IO-Link masters (refer to the manual for the respective master).4 Parameter DataDevice parameters are exchanged non-cyclically and on request of the IO-Link master. Parameter values can be written into the sensor (Write) or device states can be read out of the sensor (Read) by means of the "On-Request Data Ob-jects".4.1 Identification data4.2 Device parameter data*) changeable during operation.Only TP1/TH1 series: Process data are invalid until renewed output of valid process data after 10 ms**) changeable during operation but only effective after Power Off / Power On4.2.1 Device Access LocksWith this parameter, it is possible to active or deactivate the function of the parameter manager.In order to lock the parameter manager, bit #1 of the 2 byte value must be set to "1" (locked), to unlock bit #1 is set to "0".4.2.2 Profile CharacteristicsThis parameter indicates which profile is supported by the IO-Link device.The sensor supports the Smart Sensor Profile:Profile Identifier -> DeviceProfileID: 0x0001 "Smart Sensor Profile"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8000 "Device Identification"Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8002 "ProcessDataVariable“Profile Identifier -> FunctionClassID: 0x8003 "Sensor Diagnosis"4.2.3 PD Input DescriptorThis parameter describes the composition of the process data variables used. The sensor processes the process data variable as follows:0x000E Subindex 0:0x03 -> Data type = IntegerT 0x20 -> Data size = 32 bits 0x00 -> Offset = 0 bit0x30 -> Data size = 48 bitsOnly TP1/TH1 series:0x40 -> Data size = 64 bits0x60 -> Data size = 96 bits4.2.4 Application Specific TagThis parameter makes it possible to assign the IO-Link device an arbitrary, 32-byte string. This can only be used by the customer for application-specific identification and applied in the parameter manager. The entire object is accessed via subindex Null point offsetSame as process data value, this parameter is a signed 32-bits decimal value.The null point offset can be done without magnet or position marker. The value is added to the factory default null point as a simple offset: maximum value corresponding sensor length.Access takes place via subindex AveragingThe behavior of the output filter can be adjusted for smoothing the signal noise of the output signal. This allows to achieve a better repeatability.0 without moving average1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) moving average across2 (or 4, 8, 16, 32) values4.2.7 ResolutionThe setting of the resolution can be changed (see IODD: 0 = 1 µm, 1 = 5 µm). When changing the resolution of the position signal from 1 to 5 µm, the resolution of the speed signal changes from 0.1 to 0.5 mm/s and vice versa.4.2.8 ModeThe ordered product model can be configured regarding number of position markers and measured variables:mode 0 = 1x positionmode 1 = 1x position + 1x speedOnly TP1/TH1 series:mode 2 = 2x positionmode 3 = 2x position + 2x speedmode 4 = 3x position4.2.9 Error Messages while ParametrizationThe following IO-Link error messages are stored if parametrization fails:5 Events: Warnings and ErrorsWhen an event occurs, the sensor sets the so-called "Event Flag". During an event is read by the master, no parameter data can be exchanged6 Storage of Parameter DataThe device parameters that have been set by the configuration tool and IODD are stored non-volatile.They can be changed and stored again in the sensor any time via the configuration tool or by the PLC.The device acknowledges any change of the parameters to the master.7 Factory ResetResetting to factory default settings is done with command 0x80 in index 0x0002 subindex 00.8 Document Changes。



最全ASC‎I I码对照‎表 ASCII‎码值对照表‎ASCII‎码值 ASCII‎码中英文对‎照表0010 0000 32 20 空格0010 0001 33 21 !0010 0010 34 22 "0010 0011 35 23 #0010 0100 36 24 $0010 0101 37 25 %0010 0110 38 26 &0010 0111 39 27 '0010 1000 40 28 (0010 1001 41 29 )0010 1010 42 2A *0010 1011 43 2B +0010 1100 44 2C ,0010 1101 45 2D -0010 1110 46 2E .0010 1111 47 2F /0011 0000 48 30 00011 0001 49 31 10011 0010 50 32 20011 0011 51 33 30011 0100 52 34 40011 0101 53 35 50011 0110 54 36 60011 0111 55 37 70011 1000 56 38 80011 1001 57 39 90011 1010 58 3A :0011 1011 59 3B ;0011 1100 60 3C <0011 1101 61 3D =0011 1110 62 3E >0011 1111 63 3F ?0100 0000 64 40 @0100 0001 65 41 A0100 0010 66 42 B0100 0011 67 43 C0100 0100 68 44 D0100 0101 69 45 E0100 0110 70 46 F0100 0111 71 47 G0100 1000 72 48 H0100 1001 73 49 I0100 1010 74 4A J0100 1011 75 4B K0100 1100 76 4C L0100 1101 77 4D M0100 1110 78 4E N0100 1111 79 4F O0101 0000 80 50 P0101 0001 81 51 Q0101 0010 82 52 R0101 0011 83 53 S0101 0100 84 54 T0101 0101 85 55 U0101 0110 86 56 V0101 0111 87 57 W0101 1000 88 58 X0101 1001 89 59 Y0101 1010 90 5A Z 0101 1011 91 5B [ 0101 1100 92 5C \ 0101 1101 93 5D ] 0101 1110 94 5E ^ 0101 1111 95 5F _ 0110 0000 96 60 ` 0110 0001 97 61 a 0110 0010 98 62 b 0110 0011 99 63 c 0110 0100 100 64 d 0110 0101 101 65 e 0110 0110 102 66 f 0110 0111 103 67 g 0110 1000 104 68 h 0110 1001 105 69 i 0110 1010 106 6A j 0110 1011 107 6B k 0110 1100 108 6C l 0110 1101 109 6D m 0110 1110 110 6E n 0110 1111 111 6F o 0111 0000 112 70 p 0111 0001 113 71 q 0111 0010 114 72 r 0111 0011 115 73 s 0111 0100 116 74 t 0111 0101 117 75 u 0111 0110 118 76 v 0111 0111 119 77 w 0111 1000 120 78 x 0111 1001 121 79 y 0111 1010 122 7A z 0111 1011 123 7B { 0111 1100 124 7C | 0111 1101 125 7D } 0111 1110 126 7E ~ 0111 1111 127 7F DEL (delet‎e) 删除ESC键 VK_ES‎C APE (27)回车键: VK_RE‎T URN (13) TAB键: VK_TA‎B (9)Caps Lock键‎: VK_CA‎P ITAL‎(20) Shift‎键: VK_SH‎I FT ()Ctrl键‎: VK_CO‎N TROL‎(17) Alt键: VK_ME‎N U (18)空格键: VK_SP‎A CE (/32)退格键: VK_BA‎C K (8)左徽标键: VK_LW‎I N (91)右徽标键: VK_LW‎I N (92)鼠标右键快‎捷键:VK_AP‎P S (93) Inser‎t键: VK_IN‎S ERT (45) Home键‎: VK_HO‎M E (36) Page Up: VK_PR‎I OR (33) PageD‎o wn: VK_NE‎X T (34)End键: VK_EN‎D (35)Delet‎e键: VK_DE‎L ETE (46)方向键(←): VK_LE‎F T (37)方向键(↑): VK_UP‎(38)方向键(→): VK_RI‎G HT (39)方向键(↓): VK_DO‎W N (40)F1键: VK_F1‎(112)F2键: VK_F2‎(113)F3键: VK_F3‎(114)F4键: VK_F4‎(115)F5键: VK_F5‎(116)F6键: VK_F6‎(117)F7键: VK_F7‎(118)F8键: VK_F8‎(119)F9键: VK_F9‎(120)F10键: VK_F1‎0 (121)F11键: VK_F1‎1 (122)F12键: VK_F1‎2 (123)Num Lock键‎: VK_NU‎M LOCK‎(144)小键盘0: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(96)小键盘1: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(97)小键盘2: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(98)小键盘3: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(99)小键盘4: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(100)小键盘5: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(101)小键盘6: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(102)小键盘7: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(103)小键盘8: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(104)小键盘9: VK_NU‎M PAD0‎(105)小键盘.: VK_DE‎C IMAL‎(110)小键盘*: VK_MU‎L TIPL‎Y (106)小键盘+: VK_MU‎L TIPL‎Y (107)小键盘-: VK_SU‎B TRAC‎T (109)小键盘/: VK_DI‎V IDE (111)Pause‎Break‎键: VK_PA‎U SE (19)Scrol‎l Lock键‎: VK_SC‎R OLL (145)注意:1.在ASCI‎I码中,有4组字符‎:一组是控制‎字符,如LF,CR等,其对应AS‎C II码值‎最小;第2组是数‎字0~9,第3组是大‎写字母A~Z,第4组是小‎写字母a~z。



Revised 108CL-2 PennEngineering • † 大部分的PEM自锁紧螺母都符合NASM45938/1标准。

请与我们的市场开发部门联系索取完整的军工业标准和国家航空件标准指南(Bulletin NASM),您也可以在我们的网站上查询相关信息。

和材质螺纹 编码编码类型产品编码规则––PEM 300®商标PEM ®自扣紧螺母在薄板上提供承载螺纹– 用于铝材,冷轧钢材,以及其它韧性材料。











适用于不锈钢板材的自锁紧螺母PEM 300®自锁紧螺母(SP™)是专为最薄至.030”/ 0.8 mm 的不锈钢板材提供可靠永久安装而设计。


这个特性使PEM 300紧固件适合安装在不锈钢板材中,其相同的自扣紧原理多年来已被数以万计的应用所证明。

©2000 P ennEngineering注意查看此处的PEM®商标PennEngineering • CL-3所有尺寸单位均为英寸.碳钢和不锈钢螺母(英制) - S,SS,CLS和 CLSS系列CEAT(产品外轮廓可能有些差异)(1) 为避免板材变形,优化产品性能,应用时,中心与板边缘间的设定距离应大于或等于规定值。





HS19264-1 液晶模块使用说明书

HS19264-1 液晶模块使用说明书





深圳汉昇实业有限公司SHENZHEN HANSHENG INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD地址:深圳市南山区西丽镇牛成村208栋亿莱工业大厦5楼邮编:518055公司主页:联系电话:传真:一、 HS19264-1产品主要特性● 8位并行数据接口,适配M6800系列时序。

● 拥有64×64位(512字节)的显示存储器,其数据直接作为显示驱动信号。

● 简单的操作指令。

● 低功耗(具体参数见各款产品外形文件)二、 产品外形SCALE:A0.4580.4580.050.051.6BALED B/L TYPE 8.2MAX 12.5EL B/L TYPE NO B/L TYPE5.4MAX 10.0B A项 目 标 准 尺 寸 单位 模块体积 130.0×65.0×12.5maxmm 定位尺寸 121.0×53.0 mm 视 域 104.0×39.0 mm 点 阵 192×64 位 点 距 离 0.508×0.508 mm 点 大 小0.458×0.458mm三、 接口顺序序号符号功能说明1 VSS 电源地2 VDD 电源输入(+5V )3 V0 LCD 驱动电压输入端(对比度调节)4 RS 寄存器选择端 H :数据寄存器;L :命令寄存器5 R/W 读/写信号6 E 使能信号 7-14 DB0-DB7 数据总线15 /CS1 片选信号1,低有效,选择左屏16 /RST 复位信号,低有效17 /CS2 片选信号2,低有效,选择中屏 18 /CS3 片选信号3,低有效,选择右屏 19 VOUT 负压输入输出端 20 LEDA 背光正极四、 原理简图VDDV0LEDA LEDKCS1CS2CS319264点阵系列3片选模块原理框图五、 电气特性(测试条件 Ta=25,Vdd=5.0+/-0.25V)1. 逻辑工作电压(Vcc): 4.5~5.5V2. 电源地(GND): 0V3. 输入电压: 0~Vcc4. 输入高电平(Vih): 2.0~Vcc5. 输入低电平(Vil): 0~0.8V6. 输出高电平(Voh): 2.4min7. 输出低电平(Vol): 0~0.4V8. 模块工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 9. 白侧光工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 10. 底黄绿光工作电流: 见相关产品外形文件 11. 工作频率: 0.4~5.5MHz六、 工作时序图KS0108的操作时序图D0-D7(WRITE)D0-D7(READ)R/W /CS1 /CS2 CS3 D/IE时序参数表(Vdd=2.7~5.5V ,Vss=0V Ta= -20℃~+75℃)项目符号最小值最大值单位E 周期时间 Tcyc 1000 - nS E 高电平宽度 Pweh 450 - nS E 低电平宽度 Pwel 450 - nS E 上升时间 Tr - 25 nS E 下降时间 Tf - 25 nS 地址建立时间 Tas 140 - nS地址保持时间 Tah 10 - nS 数据建立时间 Tdsw 200 - Ns 数据延时时间 Tddr - 320 Ns 数据保持时间(写) Tdhw 10 - nS 数据保持时间(读) Tdhr 20 - Ns七、 指令说明指令名称 控制状态 指令代码 RS R/W D7D6D5 D4 D3 D2 D1D0显示开关设置 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 D 显示起始行设置 0 0 1 1 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1L0页面地址设置 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 P2 P1P0列地址设置 0 0 0 1 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1C0读取状态字 0 1 BUSY 0ON/OFF RESET0 0 0 0写显示数据 1 0 数 据 读显示数据1 1数 据指令功能详解下面是KS0108指令写入的流程图:1. 读状态字(read status )格式 BUSY 0NO/OFF RESER 0 0 0 01) BUSY=1表示KS0108正在处理计算机发来的指令或数据。

dc2598a 描述 lt8390a 60v 2mhz 同步降压-升压控制器 示例手册说明书

dc2598a 描述 lt8390a 60v 2mhz 同步降压-升压控制器 示例手册说明书

1UG-1318 Rev ADESCRIPTIONLT8390A60V 2MHz Synchronous Buck-Boost ControllerDemonstration circuit 2598A is a 60V 2MHz synchronous buck-boost controller featuring the L T ®8390A . It accepts an input voltage from 4V to 24V (with transient to 60V) and regulates 12V output at up to 4A. DC2598A features high efficiency and 2MHz switching frequency, a high speed for a 4-switch buck-boost controller . It has a PGOOD flag, short-circuit fault protection, ISMON current-monitoring output signal, and spread spectrum frequency modulation (SSFM) or frequency synchronization.The LT8390A has a wide input voltage range from 4V to 60V. It can regulate an output as a boost, a buck, or a 4-switch boost-buck controller . It has adjustable switch-ing frequency between 600kHz and 2MHz. It has an option for external frequency synchronization or spread spec-trum frequency modulation. Its high switching frequency is unique to buck-boost controller ICs. Because of this, it can be used for high power when the input may be above, below, or equal to the output.DC2598A features an option to turn on spread spectrum by simply changing the position of a jumper from “NO SSFM/SYNC” to “SSFM” (or to “SYNC”).All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PERFORMANCE SUMMARYSmall ceramic input and output capacitors are used to save space and cost. There is a protection diode from LED+ to GND to prevent negative ringing during a short-circuit with long wires. Optional EMI input, output, and gate resistor component placeholders exist when a low EMI application is needed.Under voltage lockout can be adjusted with a few resistors and output voltage can be changed from 12V with FB resis-tors changes. Please note that higher voltage outputs may require higher voltage MOSFETs and output capacitors.The LT8390A data sheet gives a complete description of the part, operation and applications information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for demonstration circuit 2598A. The LT8390AEUFD is assem-bled in a 28-lead 4mm × 5mm plastic QFN package with a thermally enhanced ground pad. LT8390A is also available in a 28-Lead plastic TSSOP (FE) package. Proper board layout is essential for maximum thermal performance. See the data sheet section “Layout Considerations”. Design files for this circuit board are available at /DC2598ASpecifications are at T A = 25°CPARAMETER CONDITIONMIN TYP MAX Input Voltage RangeOperating4V 60V Full Load (4A) Input Voltage Range Component Temp Rise <60°C with No Airflow 7V23VTypical Efficiency 12V Input, 12V 4A Output, 2MHz 90%Switching Frequency R3 = 59.0k 2MHz Peak Switch Current Limit R1 = 0.005Ω10A (AC) Output Ripple12V Input, 12V 4A Output 70mV P-P Input Under Voltage Lockout (Falling Turn-Off)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 4.0V Input Under Voltage Lockout (Rising Turn-On)R7 = 383k, R8 = 165k 5.0V V ISMON12V 4A Output 1.0VMaximum Load Current12V Input, 12V Output44.5A2UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 1. Test Procedure Setup Drawing For DC2598ADemonstration circuit 2598A is easy to set up to evaluate the performance of the LT8390A Follow the procedure below:1. With the input power supply off, connect the input power supply and output load as shown in the test setup drawing in Figure 1.2. Connect the EN/UVLO terminal to GND.3. Make sure that the SSFM jumper is in the correct posi-tion – either with SSFM turned ON or OFF . Only placethe jumper in the SYNC position if an external SYNCfrequency source is connected to the SYNC pin.4. Turn the input power supply on and make sure the voltage is between 4V and 24V for proper steady state operation.5. Release the EN/UVLO-to-GND connection.6. Observe the 12V output voltage, the load current mea-surement via the ISMON pin voltage and the high effi-ciency of this small converter .QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 2. DC2598A, LT8390A 2MHz Buck-Boost Efficiency 12V OUTFigure 3. Recommended Maximum DC Current with No Airflow (for DC2598A)UG-1318 Rev A3QUICK START PROCEDUREFigure 4. DC2598A, LT8390A Output Ripple Measured at C454UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREUG-1318 Rev A56UG-1318 Rev AQUICK START PROCEDUREOptimized for Fast T ransient ResponseDC2598A is assembled as a very small 2MHz buck-boost converter with high efficiency. The ceramic output capaci-tors are used for a very small solution size overall. How-ever , for large signal transients on the output, more output capacitance may be useful, and matched with new com-pensation values. The figure below shows an optimizedlarge signal transient response DC2598A with the addi-tion of two aluminum electrolytic output capacitors and updated RC compensation values. Simply add two Sun-con 25HVHZ47M 47µF 25V capacitors to the output and change the compensation to R4 = 82k and C4 = 470pF. When these changes are made, the no load to full load (4A) transient has less than ±5% V OUT change.V IN V OUT R1L17UG-1318 Rev AITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTIONMANUFACTURER/PART NUMBERRequired Circuit Components11C1CAP ., 1μF, X7S, 100V, 10%, 080521C2CAP ., 4.7μF, X5R, 10V, 10%, 0402TDK, C1005X5R1A475K050BC 31C3CAP ., 0.47μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402TAIYO YUDEN, EMK105ABJ474KV-F 41C4CAP ., 2200pF, X7R, 25V,1 0%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E222KA01D 61C5CAP ., 0.022μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R71E223KA61D 71C6CAP ., 1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0603KEMET , C0603C105K3RACTU 52C7, C8CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A81C10CAP ., 22μF, ALUM, 63V, 20%, SMD 6.3mm × 7.7mm SUN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES CORP , 63CE22FS 92C12, C32CAP ., 4.7μF, X7S, 100V, 20%, 1206AVX, 12061Z475MAT2A103C14, C20, C45CAP ., 22μF, X5R, 25V, 10%, 1206MURATA, GRM31CR61E226KE15L 162D1, D2DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 100V, 250mA, SOD-323F, AEC-Q101NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, BAT46WJ 251L1IND., 1μH, Power Shielded, 20%, 7.3A, 6mm × 5.5mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 74437336010272M1, M2XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 60V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ065N06LS5ATMA1292M3, M4XSTR., POWER MOSFET , 25V, 40A, TSDSON-8INFINEON, BSZ031NE2LS5ATMA1311R1RES., 0.005Ω, ±1%, 1.5W, 3216, AEC-Q200SUSUMU, KRL3216E-C-R005-F-T1321R2RES., 0.01Ω, 1%, 3/4W, 1206, SENSE SUSUMU, KRL1632E-M-R010-F-T5331R3RES., 59k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW040259K0FKED 342R4, R6RES., 10k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210K0FKED 351R5RES., 110k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402110KFKED 361R7RES., 383k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402383KFKED 371R8RES., 165k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW0402165KFKED 401R11RES., 100k, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402100KFKED 451U1IC, 2MHz SYN. BUCK-BOOST CONTROLLER, 28-PIN QFNLINEAR TECH., LT8390AEUFD#TRPBF Optional Electrical Components 53C37, C38, C44CAP ., 0.1μF, X7R, 25V, 10%, 0402AVX, 04023C104KAT2A 110C26, C34, C39CAP ., OPTION, 0402121C27CAP ., 1μF, X5R, 16V, 10%, 0402AVX, 0402YD105KAT2A130C29, C30CAP ., 0805, OPTION 140C33, C40, C41, C42CAP ., OPTION, 1206152C35, C36CAP ., 0.1μF, X5R, 100V, 10%, 0402MURATA, GRM155R62A104KE14D 171D3DIODE, SCHOTTKY, 20V, 1A, SOD-323F NXP SEMICONDUCTORS, PMEG2010EJ 180D4, D5DIODE, OPTION, SCHOTTKY, SMD 220FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4, FB5, FB6IND., OPTION, BEAD, FERRITE, 1206260L2IND., OPTION, XAL4020 SERIES 30Q1XSTR., OPTION, PPAK 1212-8PARTS LISTPARTS LISTITEM QTY REFERENCE PART DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER/PART NUMBER381R9RES., 124k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW0402124KFKED391R10RES., 75k, 1%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040275K0FKEDRES., OPTION, 0402410R12, R20, R21, R25, R28,R29, R30426R14, R15, R16, R17, R24, R26RES., 0Ω, 1/16W, 0402, AEC-Q200VISHAY, CRCW04020000Z0ED432R18, R19RES., 10Ω, 5%, 1/16W, 0402VISHAY, CRCW040210R0FKED440R22, R23, R27RES., OPTION, 0805Hardware194E1, E2, E9, E10TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.094", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2501-2-00-80-00-00-07-0206E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8TEST POINT, TURRET, 0.064", MTG. HOLE MILL-MAX, 2308-2-00-80-00-00-07-0210E11TEST POINT, OPTION231JP1CONN., HDR, MALE, 2mm × 3,2mm, THT, STR WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 62000621121KEYSTONE, 575-4244J1, J2, J3, J4CONN., BANANA JACK, FEMALE, THT, NON-INSULATED, SWAGE284MH1, MH2, MH3, MH4STANDOFF, NYLON, SNAP-ON, 0.375"WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 702933000461XJP1CONN., SHUNT, FEMALE, 2 POS, 2mm WURTH ELEKTRONIK, 608002134218UG-1318 Rev A9UG-1318 Rev AInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However , no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM10UG-1318 Rev AUG16906-0-5/18(A)© ANALOG DEVICES, INC. 2017-2018ESD CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features patented or proprietary protection circuitry, damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precautions should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Legal Terms and ConditionsBy using the evaluation board discussed herein (together with any tools, components documentation or support materials, the “Evaluation Board”), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below (“Agreement”) unless you have purchased the Evaluation Board, in which case the Analog Devices Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale shall govern. Do not use the Evaluation Board until you have read and agreed to the Agreement. Your use of the Evaluation Board shall signify your acceptance of the Agreement. This Agreement is made by and between you (“Customer”) and Analog Devices, Inc. (“ADI”), with its principal place of business at One Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062, USA. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, ADI hereby grants to Customer a free, limited, personal, temporary, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to use the Evaluation Board FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONL Y. Customer understands and agrees that the Evaluation Board is provided for the sole and exclusive purpose referenced above, and agrees not to use the Evaluation Board for any other purpose. Furthermore, the license granted is expressly made subject to the following additional limitations: Customer shall not (i) rent, lease, display, sell, transfer , assign, sublicense, or distribute the Evaluation Board; and (ii) permit any Third Party to access the Evaluation Board. As used herein, the term “Third Party” includes any entity other than ADI, Customer , their employees, affiliates and in-house consultants. The Evaluation Board is NOT sold to Customer; all rights not expressly granted herein, including ownership of the Evaluation Board, are reserved by ADI. CONFIDENTIALITY. This Agreement and the Evaluation Board shall all be considered the confidential and proprietary information of ADI. Customer may not disclose or transfer any portion of the Evaluation Board to any other party for any reason. Upon discontinuation of use of the Evaluation Board or termination of this Agreement, Customer agrees to promptly return the Evaluation Board to ADI. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS. Customer may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer chips on the Evaluation Board. Customer shall inform ADI of any occurred damages or any modifications or alterations it makes to the Evaluation Board, including but not limited to soldering or any other activity that affects the material content of the Evaluation Board. Modifications to the Evaluation Board must comply with applicable law, including but not limited to the RoHS Directive. TERMINATION. ADI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon giving written notice to Customer . Customer agrees to return to ADI the Evaluation Board at that time. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THE EVALUATION BOARD PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ADI MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO IT . ADI SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATIONS, ENDORSEMENTS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE EVALUATION BOARD INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NONINFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT WILL ADI AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESUL TING FROM CUSTOMER’S POSSESSION OR USE OF THE EVALUATION BOARD, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DELAY COSTS, LABOR COSTS OR LOSS OF GOODWILL. ADI’S TOTAL LIABILITY FROM ANY AND ALL CAUSES SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100.00). EXPORT . Customer agrees that it will not directly or indirectly export the Evaluation Board to another country, and that it will comply with all applicable United States federal laws and regulations relating to exports. GOVERNING LAW . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (excluding conflict of law rules). Any legal action regarding this Agreement will be heard in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and Customer hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Agreement and is expressly disclaimed.。



最全ASCII码对照表2009-04-15 00:00Bin Dec Hex 缩写/字符解释0000 0000 0 00 NUL (null) 空字符0000 0001 1 01 SOH (start of handing) 标题开始0000 0010 2 02 STX (start of text) 正文开始0000 0011 3 03 ETX (end of text) 正文结束0000 0100 4 04 EOT (end of transmission) 传输结束0000 0101 5 05 ENQ (enquiry) 请求0000 0110 6 06 ACK (acknowledge) 收到通知0000 0111 7 07 BEL (bell) 响铃0000 1000 8 08 BS (backspace) 退格0000 1001 9 09 HT (horizontal tab) 水平制表符0000 1010 10 0A LF (NL line feed, new line) 换行键0000 1011 11 0B VT (vertical tab) 垂直制表符0000 1100 12 0C FF (NP form feed, new page) 换页键0000 1101 13 0D CR (carriage return) 回车键0000 1110 14 0E SO (shift out) 不用切换0000 1111 15 0F SI (shift in) 启用切换0001 0000 16 10 DLE (data link escape) 数据链路转义0001 0001 17 11 DC1 (device control 1) 设备控制1 0001 0010 18 12 DC2 (device control 2) 设备控制2 0001 0011 19 13 DC3 (device control 3) 设备控制3 0001 0100 20 14 DC4 (device control 4) 设备控制4 0001 0101 21 15 NAK (negative acknowledge) 拒绝接收0001 0110 22 16 SYN (synchronous idle) 同步空闲0001 0111 23 17 ETB (end of trans. block) 传输块结束0001 1000 24 18 CAN (cancel) 取消0001 1001 25 19 EM (end of medium) 介质中断0001 1010 26 1A SUB (substitute) 替补0001 1011 27 1B ESC (escape) 溢出0001 1100 28 1C FS (file separator) 文件分割符0001 1101 29 1D GS (group separator) 分组符0001 1110 30 1E RS (record separator) 记录分离符0001 1111 31 1F US (unit separator) 单元分隔符0010 0000 32 20 空格0010 0001 33 21 !0010 0010 34 22 "0010 0011 35 23 #0010 0100 36 24 $0010 0101 37 25 %0010 0110 38 26 &0010 0111 39 27 '0010 1000 40 28 (0010 1001 41 29 )0010 1101 45 2D - 0010 1110 46 2E . 0010 1111 47 2F / 0011 0000 48 30 0 0011 0001 49 31 1 0011 0010 50 32 2 0011 0011 51 33 3 0011 0100 52 34 4 0011 0101 53 35 5 0011 0110 54 36 6 0011 0111 55 37 7 0011 1000 56 38 8 0011 1001 57 39 9 0011 1010 58 3A : 0011 1011 59 3B ; 0011 1100 60 3C < 0011 1101 61 3D = 0011 1110 62 3E > 0011 1111 63 3F ? 0100 0000 64 40 @ 0100 0001 65 41 A 0100 0010 66 42 B 0100 0011 67 43 C 0100 0100 68 44 D 0100 0101 69 45 E 0100 0110 70 46 F 0100 0111 71 47 G 0100 1000 72 48 H 0100 1001 73 49 I 0100 1010 74 4A J 0100 1011 75 4B K 0100 1100 76 4C L 0100 1101 77 4D M 0100 1110 78 4E N 0100 1111 79 4F O 0101 0000 80 50 P 0101 0001 81 51 Q 0101 0010 82 52 R 0101 0011 83 53 S 0101 0100 84 54 T 0101 0101 85 55 U 0101 0110 86 56 V 0101 0111 87 57 W 0101 1000 88 58 X0101 1100 92 5C \0101 1101 93 5D ]0101 1110 94 5E ^0101 1111 95 5F _0110 0000 96 60 `0110 0001 97 61 a0110 0010 98 62 b0110 0011 99 63 c0110 0100 100 64 d0110 0101 101 65 e0110 0110 102 66 f0110 0111 103 67 g0110 1000 104 68 h0110 1001 105 69 i0110 1010 106 6A j0110 1011 107 6B k0110 1100 108 6C l0110 1101 109 6D m0110 1110 110 6E n0110 1111 111 6F o0111 0000 112 70 p0111 0001 113 71 q0111 0010 114 72 r0111 0011 115 73 s0111 0100 116 74 t0111 0101 117 75 u0111 0110 118 76 v0111 0111 119 77 w0111 1000 120 78 x0111 1001 121 79 y0111 1010 122 7A z0111 1011 123 7B {0111 1100 124 7C |0111 1101 125 7D }0111 1110 126 7E ~0111 1111 127 7F DEL (delete) 删除ESC键VK_ESCAPE (27)回车键:VK_RETURN (13)TAB键:VK_TAB (9)Caps Lock键:VK_CAPITAL (20)Shift键:VK_SHIFT ()Ctrl键:VK_CONTROL (17)Alt键:VK_MENU (18)空格键:VK_SPACE (/32)退格键:VK_BACK (8)左徽标键:VK_LWIN (91)右徽标键:VK_LWIN (92)鼠标右键快捷键:VK_APPS (93) Insert键:VK_INSERT (45) Home键:VK_HOME (36) Page Up:VK_PRIOR (33) PageDown:VK_NEXT (34)End键:VK_END (35)Delete键:VK_DELETE (46)方向键(←):VK_LEFT (37)方向键(↑):VK_UP (38)方向键(→):VK_RIGHT (39)方向键(↓):VK_DOWN (40)F1键:VK_F1 (112)F2键:VK_F2 (113)F3键:VK_F3 (114)F4键:VK_F4 (115)F5键:VK_F5 (116)F6键:VK_F6 (117)F7键:VK_F7 (118)F8键:VK_F8 (119)F9键:VK_F9 (120)F10键:VK_F10 (121)F11键:VK_F11 (122)F12键:VK_F12 (123)Num Lock键:VK_NUMLOCK (144) 小键盘0:VK_NUMPAD0 (96) 小键盘1:VK_NUMPAD0 (97) 小键盘2:VK_NUMPAD0 (98) 小键盘3:VK_NUMPAD0 (99) 小键盘4:VK_NUMPAD0 (100) 小键盘5:VK_NUMPAD0 (101) 小键盘6:VK_NUMPAD0 (102) 小键盘7:VK_NUMPAD0 (103) 小键盘8:VK_NUMPAD0 (104) 小键盘9:VK_NUMPAD0 (105) 小键盘.:VK_DECIMAL (110) 小键盘*:VK_MULTIPLY (106) 小键盘+:VK_MULTIPLY (107) 小键盘-:VK_SUBTRACT (109) 小键盘/:VK_DIVIDE (111) Pause Break键:VK_PAUSE (19) Scroll Lock键:VK_SCROLL (145)。

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