



Lipidamis®是将植物浸泡在精炼葵花籽油中 萃取得到,提取出亲脂性活性分子。 这些提取物受天然抗氧剂保护,可以调入任 何化妆品油相配方中作为产品活性成分。 超过150种选择,详见第19页的植物活性物 总表!
Oil-Soluble Plant Complexes 与Lipidamis®系列采用相同的生产方式, Lipidamix® 是数种植物的效果综合,这些植 物按照其已知美容属性、以特定的美容方面 需求精心选取,力求达到最优效果。 Lipidamis®可以帮您轻松压缩天然配方研制 的工作量,一次性添加3-7种植物活性成分, 仅需一份技术文件和一次检测即可。
I 培训学校 学校提供各种各样的关于植物的培训课程,包 含生态环境保护、生物多样性、可持续发展、 植物学、植物萃取、植物养生等。
I 美容化妆品谷(The Cosmetic Valley) 作为这个世界第一个香水化妆品工业科技竞争 园区中充满活力的一员,我们与美容化妆品谷 共同承诺开发环保化妆品。
8 Alban Muller International®
产品特点: 绝对不含防腐剂 使用天然溶剂 基料为天然来源 不含石油衍生物
请查询第19页开始的已开发植 物活性物总表
Phytamis®是我们环保型植物活性物系列中的 明星系列,以水和植物来源的乙醇进行萃取 得到。我们使用巴斯德法杀菌,用zeodration环境友好的低温真空干燥技术完整保护 植物分子。 Phytamis®以植物性甘油为基料,含有各种活 性组分,比如咖啡因、芸香苷、维生素C和柠 檬酸等。Phytamis®尤其适合各类中高档天然 诉求护肤品以及对产品有效性有较高要求的 产品。


帕尔曼医生认为:维护健康比治疗疾病更重要! 高颈椎区域是疾病的关键!
可移动脊椎保护贯穿其中的神经,神经又与内脏器 官相联接,所以内脏功能失调与脊骨错位有关。
广东阳江蒋先生今年五月开始睡 床垫
以前,每二天一次大便, 睡了床垫之后每天一次, 并且没有以前的恶臭味 了,血液过去一检查就是粘稠
古代民间流传谚语:家有三年艾, 郎中不用来。 孟子曰:七年之病,术三年之艾。
(功能草本艾香包+矿石能量发热包) 结合枕头,作用于颈部,打通颈部经络, 缓解各种肩颈疾病,舒缓绷紧的肌肉
三关一门 玉枕关 固肾补肾气 夹脊关 华佗 救补护益之功 尾闾关 强壮充实人体纯阳 命门 长寿大穴人体阳气的根本
这是俄罗斯萨朗斯克,5钻经销 商的妈妈。她微循环操作很棒, 是一位很资深的FOHOW人,现 在身体很棒,气色也很好,她 自己分享,几年前的她并不是这 样子的,在做微循环检测的时 候,很明显的血脂稠,血流速 度缓慢,而且她也有很严重的 三高症,最后她想自己健康, 就自己买了一台微循环的仪器, 并学习操作。 同时用我们的口服产品和睡床 垫,一起来全方位调节,一段 时间就自己检测一次,现在她 的血管非常好,而且三高症也 没了,所以她很爱我们的公司, 很喜欢中医,都能说出很多穴 位的名字
远红外痊愈力 森林2500:增强人体免疫力及抗菌力 100%FOHOW功能纤维3000:增强人体免疫力减少疾病传染 空气维生素:对人体的生命活动起到重要作用,活化细胞,净化 血液,消除疲劳
从事微循环临床研究20多年,独创了一套系统的 诊断和治疗微循环障碍性疾病的方案。完成了专 著《实用微循环学》














从头到脚50例荣格产品调理配方依照刘素芳教师的课程整理,并经本人审核1. 头皮屑多:B 族+复合维生素2.白发:蛋白+B 族+ 葡萄籽+ 血红素(营养抵达发根发稍)3.男性谢顶:遗传因素引发或后天饮酒过量,也是肾虚引发的:钙+B族+复合维生素+ 虫草+ 蛋白4.毛发全脱:压力引发,半个月掉光,三个月的时刻已长满:钙+B族+复合维生素+血红素+虫草+蛋白5.湿疹疱疹:壳聚糖+蜂胶+B 族,6.对称性神经炎:B族+壳聚糖7.全身皮癣:服用蜂胶+壳聚糖就生效了,加服复合维生素+ 芦荟胶囊+芦荟果肉8.头痛:(病毒型) VC+蜂胶(神经型)钙镁片+ B族+VC;(拴塞型) B 族+鱼油+卵磷脂9.糖尿病:壳聚糖、钙、B族、复合维生素、蜂胶粉、鱼油、螺旋藻,依照自己实际情形,自己选择加服,能够不是全数同时服用10.脑萎缩、痴呆、脑疲劳:钙+卵磷脂+B族+葡萄籽+蛋白11. 脑血栓:鱼油+磷脂+B族+葡萄籽+螺旋藻+y-氨基丁酸12. 抑郁症:钙镁片+B族+葡萄籽+蛋白+磷脂13. 先本性痴呆的减缓:铁锌钙+牛初乳+B族+复合维生素+DHA藻粉老年人大量用B族(6粒以上)磷脂葡萄籽VE14. 脑颤、手颤:钙镁+B族+磷脂+葡萄籽VE+DHA15. 失眠:钙镁片+B族+y-氨基丁酸+血红素+复合维生素+蛋白16. 更年期女性:大豆葛根粉(早晚各一袋,经期不吃),钙+B族+磷脂+血红素+葡萄籽男性加虫草17. 冬季伤风:蜂胶(2-4粒)+VC+壳聚糖+大蒜精(抗伤风2-4粒儿童1-2 粒)18. 咳嗽:病毒性咳嗽(伤风)果肉+VC+蜂胶(去壳将粉末慢慢咽下,不喝水):过敏性咳嗽:蜂胶+葡萄籽+虫草平常加钙和维生素;老年气管性咳嗽,肺气肿等:虫草+蜂胶+果肉+壳聚糖19.眼睛问题:按年龄处置,青年和儿童一样随爸爸妈妈戴眼镜,是遗传基因,假设是后天的必然加胡萝卜素+B族飞蛾眼,迎风流泪,浑浊不清必然加B 族,老年人必然多吃胡萝卜素,肝火大的加力樽壳聚糖虫草VC,眼底病变或视网膜问题用鱼油20. 过敏性鼻炎:蜂胶+葡萄籽+VC 平常加钙和复合维生素21. 口腔问题:口臭等蜂胶+益生菌+B 族+钙+VC 牙齿黄缺VE 芦荟牙膏老年性口舌生疮:蜂胶粉2 粒(去壳)+B 族4 粒不喝水,蛋白撒在溃疡面上成效超级好22. 胃病: 壳聚糖+松花粉(胃肠紊乱者成效超级好,打饱嗝往上返流者可试试)螺旋藻严峻者加蛋白,萎缩性胃炎、十二指肠溃疡必需加蛋白胃疼的2 粒壳聚糖吃下,专门快能够胃不疼,壳聚糖是碱性的,酸碱平稳胃会舒畅痛风患者必需加壳聚糖和螺旋藻23. 心脏病:配方1 心律不齐、心率过缓加血红素蛋白,大拇指板门处发青是心肌缺血,VE(心脏不行必然加)钙镁片配方2:葡萄籽+VE+磷脂24. 肺病或结核:花粉+虫草+VC+蜂胶+壳聚糖无咳嗽可有选择的处置25. 肾病伴随皮肤瘙痒:肾病要与缺钙者区别开,腰部酸痛早上眼肿,下午腿肿或耳聋耳鸣都是肾病的表现,壳聚糖+虫草+VE26. 风湿、类风湿:体质不同,会起包。



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2. 亚健康“亚健康皮肤”是因各种因素导致皮肤组织机能低下,并界于健康与非健康之间的状态的一类肤质。



3. 影响皮肤的因素1. 遗传:我们常说的天生丽质2. 年龄:各种营养随年龄流失(制造胶原蛋白、保湿因子的能力降低)3. 外界环境:空气及水质污染,紫外线,油烟等4. 体内因素:营养、睡眠、压力等5. 保养4. 影响美丽的条件1.皮肤角质层要保持一个良好的状态。



API Heat Transfer AO Series 冷却器说明书

API Heat Transfer AO Series 冷却器说明书

Fluid Cooling Industrial AO SeriesPerformance Notes▪Interchange for Young OCH ▪Adjustable louvers (manual) ▪Medium flow rates ▪Moderate heat removal ▪One or two passMaterialsTubes Copper Fins Aluminum Turbulators SteelFan Blade Aluminum with steel hub Fan Guard Zinc plated steel Cabinet Steel with powder coat finish Manifolds Steel Connections Steel RatingsMaximum Operating Pressure 300 PSI Test Pressure 300 PSIMaximum Operating Temperature 400°FNet Weight (LBS)Model WeightAO-5 47AO-10 62AO-15 72AO-20 86AO-25 120AO-30 135AO-35 160AO-40 185OPTIONSInternal pressure bypass Foot bracketsSAE & metric connectionsCorrosive resistant marine coatingOne Pass with BypassTwo Pass with BypassOne Pass (Medium to High Oil Flows)ModelFlow Range GPM (USA)AOR - 5-1 2 - 80AOR - 10-1 3 - 80AOR - 15-1 4 - 80AOR - 20-1 5 - 80AOR - 25-1 6 - 100AOR - 30-1 7 - 100AOR - 35-1 8 - 112AOR - 40-19 - 118Two Pass (Low to Medium Oil Flows)ModelFlow Range GPM (USA)AOR - 5-2 2 - 25AOR - 10-2 2 - 30AOR - 15-2 2 - 30AOR - 20-2 2 - 40AOR - 25-2 2 - 40AOR - 30-2 2 - 40AOR - 35-2 3 - 40AOR - 40-24 - 40ModelSeries AOAOR - Internal pressure bypass includedFoot Mounted Brackets Blank - No Brackets FB - Foot BracketsSpecify Motor Required Single PhaseSingle Phase Expl. ProofThree Phase Three Phase 575 Volt Three Phase Expl. Proof–Connection Type Blank - NPT S - SAE M - MetricNumber of Passes*Blank - No Bypass 1 - One Pass 2 - Two PassBypass Setting*Blank - No Bypass30-30 PSI 60 - 60 PSI––––*ADD FOR AOR MODELS ONLY: Bypass setting & number of passesThis is a partial flow pressure bypass only. It is not designed to be a full flow system bypass.Model Size Selected–How to Order0916t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mSpecificationsExplosion Proof Motors (Class I GP.D & Class II GP.F, G)*575 VoltCaution: Do not over oil or over grease. Ball bearings – No grease needed at start up. Grease as follows:5,000 Hours/Year5 Year Grease Interval Continuous — Normal Applications2 Years Seasonal Service — Motor is idle for 6 months or more1 Year C ontinuous —High ambients, dirty or moist locations, high vibration6 MonthsPublished electrical ratings are approximate, and may vary because of motor brand. Actual ratings are on motor nameplate.* C atalog dB(A) sound levels are at seven (7) feet. dB(A) sound levels increase by six (6) dB(A) for halving this distance and decrease by six (6) dB(A) for doubling this distance.Published electrical ratings are approximate, and may vary because of motor brand. Actual ratings are on motor nameplate.* C atalog dB(A) sound levels are at seven (7) feet. dB(A) sound levels increase by six (6) dB(A) for halving this distance and decrease by six (6) dB(A) for doubling this distance.t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o mFan Rotation Clockwise/Facing Motor ShaftPiping Diagram* S ee dimension chart for NPT or optional internal SAEconnection size.One Pass Without BypassTwo Pass Without Bypass1/2-13 UNC-2BAO 35 & 40(Top & Bottom)4 PlacesAIRFLOWNOTE: MOTOR MOUNTING BRACKET ONAO-5 & AO-10 IS ROTATED 90°THJBAG2.316.19M3 PlacesDFLKCNP1.75 1.62E Approx.10.36C V Viscosity CorrectiontesyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulic▪Pneumatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪w wOne Pass OilTwo Pass OilOil Flow - GPMH o r s e p o w e r R e m o v e d I n C o o l e rOil Flow - GPMH o r s e p o w e r R e m o v e d I n C o o l e r12345678910203040Performance Curves are based on 50SSU oil leaving the cooler 40°F higher than the ambient air temperature used for cooling. This is also referred to as a 40°F approach temperature.STEP 1 D etermine the Heat Load. This will vary with different systems, buttypically coolers are sized to remove 25 to 50% of the input nameplatehorsepower.(Example: 100 HP Power Unit x .33 = 33 HP Heat load.) If BTU/HR is known: HP = BTU/HR 2545STEP 2 D etermine Approach Temperature. Desired oil leaving cooler°F – Ambient air temp. °F = Actual ApproachSTEP 3 D etermine Curve Horsepower Heat Load. Enter the informationfrom above:Horsepower heat load x 40 x Cv = Curve HorsepowerActual ApproachSTEP 4 E nter curves at oil flow through cooler and curve horsepower.Any curve above the intersecting point will work.STEP 5 D etermine Oil Pressure Drop from Curves:l = 5 PSI n = 10 PSI s = 14 PSI ✚ = 20 PSI Multiply pressure drop from curve by correction factor found in oil P correction curve.Desired Reservoir TemperatureReturn Line Cooling: Desired temperature is the oil temperature leaving the cooler. This will be the same temperature that will be found in the reservoir.Off-Line Recirculation Cooling Loop: Desired temperature is the oil temperature entering the cooler. In this case, the oil temperature change must be determined so that the actual oil leaving temperature can be found. Calculate the oil temperature change (oil T) with this formula: Oil T = (BTU’s/HR) / (GPM Oil Flow x 210).To calculate the oil leaving temperature from the cooler, use this formula: Oil Leaving Temp. = Oil Entering Temp – Oil T.This formula may also be used in any application where the only temperature available is the entering oil temperature.Oil Pressure Drop: Most systems can tolerate a pressure drop through the heat exchanger of 20 to 30 PSI. Excessive pressure drop should be avoided. Care should be taken to limit pressure drop to 5 PSI or less for case drain applications where high back pressure may damage the pump shaft seals.Oil TemperatureTypical operating temperature ranges are:Hydraulic Motor Oil 110°- 130°F Hydrostatic Drive Oil 130°- 180°F Bearing Lube Oil 120°- 160°F Lube Oil Circuits 110°- 130°F5010000200350051234O i l P M u l t i p l i e rOil Viscosity - SSUOil P Correction Curve400Oil Pressure Correctiont e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w。

MAXFORCE 量子滴蚂蚁吸引粉说明书

MAXFORCE 量子滴蚂蚁吸引粉说明书

MAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT1/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THECOMPANY/UNDERTAKINGProduct identifierTrade name MAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAITProduct code (UVP) 79212690SDS Number 102000018213EPA Registration No. 432-1506Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstUse Insecticide, Ant killerRestrictions on use See product label for restrictions.Information on supplierSupplier Bayer Environmental ScienceA division of Bayer CropScience LP5000 Centregreen Way, Suite 400Cary, NC 27513USAResponsible Department Email:************************Emergency telephone no.Emergency Telephone1-800-334-7577Number (24hr/ 7 days)Product Information1-800-331-2867Telephone NumberSECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONClassification in accordance with regulation HCS 29CFR §1910.1200This material is not hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29CFR 1910.1200.Hazards Not Otherwise Classified (HNOC)No physical hazards not otherwise classified.No health hazards not otherwise classified.SECTION 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT2/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022Hazardous Component Name CAS-No.Concentration % by weight Imidacloprid 138261-41-3 0.03SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURESDescription of first aid measuresGeneral advice When possible, have the product container or label with you whencalling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. Thenature of this product, when contained in commercial packs, makesspillage unlikely. However, if significant amounts are spillednevertheless, the following advice is applicable.Skin contact Take off contaminated clothing and shoes immediately.Wash offimmediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.Call aphysician or poison control center immediately.Eye contact Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20minutes.Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes,then continue rinsing eye.Call a physician or poison control centerimmediately.Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately.Rinse out mouthand give water in small sips to drink.DO NOT induce vomiting unlessdirected to do so by a physician or poison control center.Never giveanything by mouth to an unconscious person.Do not leave victimunattended.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedSymptoms If large amounts are ingested, the following symptoms may occur:Dizziness, Abdominal pain, NauseaSymptoms and hazards refer to effects observed after intake ofsignificant amounts of the active ingredient(s).Due to its low concentration intake of a hazardous amount of activeingredient from this formulation is unlikely.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreatment Appropriate supportive and symptomatic treatment as indicated by thepatient's condition is recommended.SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing mediaSuitable Water spray, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Foam, SandUnsuitable High volume water jetMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT3/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 Special hazards arisingfrom the substance ormixtureDangerous gases are evolved in the event of a fire.Advice for firefightersSpecial protective equipment for firefighters In the event of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Firefighters should wear NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing.Further information Contain the spread of the fire-fighting media. Do not allow run-off fromfire fighting to enter drains or water courses.Specific hazards from the substance or mixture which can increase the fireFlash point>100 °C / 212 °FAuto-ignition temperature No data availableLower explosion limit No data availableUpper explosion limit No data availableExplosivity Not explosive92/69/EEC, A.14 / OECD 113SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPrecautions Keep unauthorized people away. Isolate hazard area. Avoid contactwith spilled product or contaminated surfaces.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upMethods for cleaning up The nature of this product, when contained in commercial packs,makes spillage unlikely. However, if significant amounts are spillednevertheless, the following advice is applicable. Soak up with inertabsorbent material (e.g. sand, silica gel, acid binder, universal binder,sawdust). Clean contaminated floors and objects thoroughly,observing environmental regulations. Keep in suitable, closedcontainers for disposal.Additional advice Use personal protective equipment. If the product is accidentallyspilled, do not allow to enter soil, waterways or waste water canal. Reference to other sections Information regarding safe handling, see section 7.Information regarding personal protective equipment, see section 8.Information regarding waste disposal, see section 13.SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT4/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 Advice on safe handling No specific precautions required when handling unopenedpacks/containers; follow relevant manual handling advice. Avoid contactwith skin, eyes and clothing.Advice on protection against fire and explosion Do not use this product in or on electrical equipment due to the possibility of shock hazard. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition.Hygiene measures Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling and beforeeating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, using the toilet orapplying cosmetics.Remove Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) immediately afterhandling this product. Remove soiled clothing immediately and cleanthoroughly before using again. Wash thoroughly and put on cleanclothing.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesRequirements for storage areas and containers Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Store in original container and out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked storage area.Advice on common storage Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl parametersMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT5/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022*OES BCS: Internal Bayer AG, Crop Science Division "Occupational Exposure Standard"Exposure controlsPersonal protective equipmentIn normal use and handling conditions please refer to the label and/or leaflet. In all other cases the following recommendations would apply.Respiratory protection When respirators are required, select NIOSH approved equipmentbased on actual or potential airborne concentrations and inaccordance with the appropriate regulatory standards and/or industryrecommendations.Hand protection Chemical-resistant gloves (barrier laminate, butyl rubber, nitrilerubber or Viton)Eye protection Safety glasses with side-shieldsSkin and body protection Wear long-sleeved shirt and long pants and shoes plus socks. General protective measures Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. Ifno such instructions for washables, use detergent and warm/tepidwater.Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESInformation on basic physical and chemical propertiesForm gelColour colourless to light yellowOdour weak, characteristicMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT6/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 Odour Threshold No data availablepH 4.0 - 6.0 (10 %) (23 °C) (deionized water)Melting point/range No data availableBoiling Point No data availableFlash point > 100 °C / 212 °FFlammability No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableThermal decomposition175 °C Heating rate:3 K/minExothermic decomposition.The value mentionedrelates to the active ingredient.Ignition temperature 380 °C / 716 °FMinimum ignition energy No data availableSelf-accelaratingNo data availabledecomposition temperature(SADT)Upper explosion limit No data availableLower explosion limit No data availableVapour pressure No data availableEvaporation rate No data availableRelative vapour density No data availableRelative density No data availableDensity ca. 1.43 g/cm³ (20 °C)Water solubility solublePartition coefficient: n-Imidacloprid: log Pow: 0.57octanol/waterViscosity, dynamic >= 5,400 mPa.s (20 °C)Velocity gradient 80 /sViscosity, kinematic No data availableOxidizing properties No oxidizing propertiesExplosivity Not explosive92/69/EEC, A.14 / OECD 113Other information Further safety related physical-chemical data are not known.MAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT7/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity Stable under normal conditions.Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactions No hazardous reactions when stored and handled according to prescribed instructions.Conditions to avoid Extremes of temperature and direct sunlight.Incompatible materials No incompatible materials known.Hazardous decompositionproductsNo decomposition products expected under normal conditions of use.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONExposure routes Skin contact, Eye contact, IngestionImmediate EffectsEye Not expected to produce significant adverse effects whenrecommended use instructions are followed.Skin May be harmful in contact with skin.Ingestion May be harmful if swallowed.Inhalation Not expected to produce significant adverse effects whenrecommended use instructions are followed.Information on toxicological effectsAcute oral toxicity LD50(Rat) > 2,500 mg/kgTest conducted with a similar formulation.Acute inhalation toxicityDuring intended and foreseen applications, no respirable aerosol isformed.Acute dermal toxicity LD50(Rat) > 2,000 mg/kgTest conducted with a similar formulation.Skin corrosion/irritation No skin irritation (Rabbit)Test conducted with a similar formulation.Serious eye damage/eye irritation No eye irritation (Rabbit)Test conducted with a similar formulation.Respiratory or skin sensitisation Skin: Non-sensitizing. (Guinea pig)OECD Test Guideline 406, Magnusson & Kligman test Test conducted with a similar formulation.Assessment STOT Specific target organ toxicity – single exposureMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT8/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 Imidacloprid: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Assessment STOT Specific target organ toxicity – repeated exposureImidacloprid did not cause specific target organ toxicity in experimental animal studies.Assessment mutagenicityImidacloprid was not mutagenic or genotoxic based on the overall weight of evidence in a battery of in vitro and in vivo tests.Assessment carcinogenicityImidacloprid was not carcinogenic in lifetime feeding studies in rats and mice.ACGIHNone.NTPNone.IARCNone.Assessment toxicity to reproductionImidacloprid caused reproduction toxicity in a two-generation study in rats only at dose levels also toxic to the parent animals. The reproduction toxicity seen with Imidacloprid is related to parental toxicity. Assessment developmental toxicityImidacloprid caused developmental toxicity only at dose levels toxic to the dams. The developmental effects seen with Imidacloprid are related to maternal toxicity.Aspiration hazardBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Further informationAcute toxicity studies have not been performed on this product as formulated.Acute toxicity studies have been bridged from a similar formulation(s).The non-acute information pertains to the active ingredient(s).SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONToxicity to fish LC50 (Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)) 211 mg/lExposure time: 96 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid.Toxicity to aquatic invertebrates EC50 (Daphnia magna (Water flea)) 85 mg/lExposure time: 48 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid. EC50 (Chironomus riparius (non-biting midge)) 0.0552 mg/l Exposure time: 24 hMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT9/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022The value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid.EC50 (Cloeon dipterum (Mayfly)) 0.00102 mg/lExposure time: 96 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid.Chronic toxicity to aquatic invertebrates EC10 (Chironomus riparius (non-biting midge)): 0.87 µg/l Exposure time: 28 dThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid. EC10 (Caenis horaria (Mayfly)): 0,024 µg/lExposure time: 28 dThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid.Toxicity to aquatic plants IC50 (Desmodesmus subspicatus (green algae)) > 10 mg/lGrowth rate; Exposure time: 72 hThe value mentioned relates to the active ingredient imidacloprid. Biodegradability Imidacloprid:Not rapidly biodegradableKoc Imidacloprid: Koc: 225Bioaccumulation Imidacloprid:Does not bioaccumulate.Mobility in soil Imidacloprid: Moderately mobile in soilsResults of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT and vPvB assessment Imidacloprid: This substance is not considered to be persistent,bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT). This substance is not considered to bevery persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB).Additional ecologicalinformationNo other effects to be mentioned.Environmental precautions Do not allow to get into surface water, drains and ground water. SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste treatment methodsProduct Dispose in accordance with all local, state/provincial and federalregulations.Contaminated packaging Dispose of rinse water in accordance with local and national regulations.Follow advice on product label and/or leaflet.MAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT10/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 RCRA Information Characterization and proper disposal of this material as a special orhazardous waste is dependent upon Federal, State and local laws andare the user's responsibility. RCRA classification may apply.SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION49CFR Not dangerous goods / not hazardous materialIMDGUN number 3077Class 9Packaging group IIIMarine pollutant YESProper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID,N.O.S.(IMIDACLOPRID MIXTURE)IATAUN number 3077Class 9Packaging group IIIEnvironm. Hazardous Mark YESProper shipping name ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE, SOLID,N.O.S.(IMIDACLOPRID MIXTURE )This transportation information is not intended to convey all specific regulatory information relating to this product. It does not address regulatory variations due to package size or special transportation requirements.Freight Classification: INSECTICIDES OR FUNGICIDES, N.O.I., OTHER THANPOISONSECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONEPA Registration No.432-1506US Federal RegulationsTSCA listSucrose 57-50-1Water 7732-18-5US. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt D) No export notification needs to be made.SARA Title III - Section 302 - Notification and InformationNot applicable.SARA Title III - Section 313 - Toxic Chemical Release ReportingNone.MAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT11/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 US States Regulatory ReportingCA Prop65This product does not contain any substances known to the State of California to cause cancer.This product does not contain any substances known to the State of California to causereproductive harm.US State Right-To-Know IngredientsSucrose 57-50-1 MN, RIEnvironmentalCERCLANone.Clean Water Section 307(a)(1)None.Safe Drinking Water Act Maximum Contaminant LevelsNone.EPA/FIFRA Information:This chemical is a pesticide product regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets, and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Following is the hazard information required on the pesticide label:Signal word:Caution!Hazard statements:Harmful if absorbed through skin.Harmful if swallowed.Causes moderate eye irritation.SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONAbbreviations and acronyms49CFR Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49ACGIH US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesATE Acute toxicity estimateCAS-Nr. Chemical Abstracts Service numberCERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act EINECS European inventory of existing commercial substancesELINCS European list of notified chemical substancesIARC International Agency for Research on CancerIATA International Air Transport AssociationIMDG International Maritime Dangerous GoodsN.O.S. Not otherwise specifiedNTP US. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on CarcinogensOECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentMAXFORCE® QUANTUM ANT BAIT12/12 Version 4.0/USA Revision Date: 11/15/2022 102000018213Print Date: 11/16/2022 TDG Transportation of Dangerous GoodsTWA Time weighted averageUN United NationsWHO World health organisationNFPA 704 (National Fire Protection Association):Health - 0 Flammability - 0 Instability - 0 Others - noneHMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System, based on the Fourth Edition Ratings Guide) Health - 0 Flammability - 0 Physical Hazard - 0 PPE -0 = minimal hazard, 1 = slight hazard, 2 = moderate hazard, 3 = severe hazard, 4 = extreme hazard,* = chronic health hazardReason for Revision: The following sections have been revised: Section 11: Toxicological Information. Section 12. Ecological information. Section 15: Regulatory information. Section 16: Other Information. Reviewed and updated for general editorial purposes.Revision Date: 11/15/2022This information is provided in good faith but without express or implied warranty. The customer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with label instructions. The product names are registered trademarks of Bayer.。


























LOMA 311
金融服務的 卓越運營LOMA頒發的初級證書
課程數目: 五門必修課程
機構投資: 原理與實務
LOMA 357
1 LOMA 已不再使用LOMA286 和LOMA305,但這兩門課程還是AFSI 和 FFSI認證中的有效課程。 2 LOMA326和LOMA380使用到2015年年底为止。
專 業成就選修學分 (PACs) 必須經LOMA認可。PACs是 對 專業人士在共同基金、股票經紀、退休計劃、及銀行等 金融服務領域已經取得成績的認可。PACs可以使從事 金融服務領域工作的專業人士根據自己的需要來規劃
學習,並將非LOMA的學習成就運用于財富管理規劃師 (FFSI) 的資格認證。LOMA要求考生必須在金融服務領 域,如年金、共同基金/投資、退休計畫和銀行進行深 入的學習,以獲得總數為三門的專業成就選修學分。這 三門學分的修習領域不限定於單一產品,也不限定於 LOMA所開設的課程,但必須被LOMA所承認。
简体 《金融服务领域的商业法》
出版时间:2008年1月 ISBN 978-1-57974-325-3 《金融服务领域的商业法应试指南》
出版时间:2008年1月 ISBN 978-1-57974-326-0
中文LOMA 320 保險行銷
LOMA 320從人壽、健康保險業的整體需要,介紹了市場 的原理和市場的功能。
繁體 《保險行銷》
34 1-800-ASK-LOMA (Option 1)
International Programs—Chinese
中文FLMI教育培訓課程 — 壽險管理師
自1932年以來,FLMI資格認證已經被全世界的保險、金 融行業公認為衡量本行業員工專業水準的標準。自1998 年初開始,LOMA逐年推出中文課程。中文FLMI教材出版 以後,考生便可以選用中文參加已推出的FLMI中文課程 的考試,並獲得與通過相應英文課程考試同等效力的資 格認證。



玉石能量面部焕颜疗程 特色
芳香精油疗法 玉石能量疗法 特色技术
成份比较: 精油:是从植物里提取出来的,称为植物的血液、
植物的荷尔蒙。 植物的特性: 免疫力:当我们看见花草树木生长在室外,每天
接受着风吹日晒、寒冬雪雨,依然健康拙状的成 长,说明植物具有极强的免疫能力 再生力:为什么花儿开了才会香,吸引蜜蜂采花 粉,经传播花粉,繁殖下一代。说明植物具有极 强的再生能力。
玉石能量面部焕颜疗程 护理的核心优势
针对性强:量身定做,适合您肌肤护理疗 程;
根据中医全息人体面部反射区的划分为上 焦区(心、肺)、中焦区(肝、脾)、下 焦区(生殖系统),面部就是脏腑的一面 镜子,脏腑功能的好坏直接通过面部的症 状就能清楚,通过香薰疗法的精油对各区 疏通、排毒、补充能量对应理疗,改善面 部肌肤的综合问题。
注重经络的疏导——能量玉石,让面部气血运行畅通, 使面部气血充盈,肤色红润;
(能量玉石特配工具,伊奴专有,符合人体工学原理设 计,可以强化刺激穴位,操作简单,携带方便。精油与 玉石是大自然带给人类的磁场与能量。二者的结合通过 刮拭经络精油分子能更快渗透至肌肤基底层,促进血液 流动,加强细胞的代谢速度,排出皮肤的毒素,激活细 胞再生功能,消除面部残余负能量,从而达到调理、改 善之功效。
根据皮肤情况选择伊奴面霜 取适量涂抹面部按摩至吸收。
根据皮肤情况选择伊奴隔离 取适量涂抹面部按摩至吸收。 乳
以常规5-7天/次 12次为一个疗程; 诉求疗效:每周2次;12次为一个疗程; 疗程时间:90分钟

Miracare SLB高性能表面活性化系统产品介绍说明书

Miracare SLB高性能表面活性化系统产品介绍说明书

Miracare® SLBHigh Performance Surfactant System for Enhanced Sensorial CleansingBeauty & CareSkin CareFragrance Hair Care1Miracare ®SLBStructured Surfactant Liquid SystemMiracare® SLB products are innovative surfactant blends that form liquid crystal structures in cleansing formulations. These Structured Surfactant Liquid systems have a unique rheology profile that provides aesthetically pleasing textures and enables the suspension of insoluble oils and particles.Miracare® SLB allows formulators to develop cleansing products that deliver breakthrough performance in combination with an exceptional in-use experience:w Rich foam w Unique texturew Long-lasting moisturization w Excellent hair & skin conditioning w Enhanced scent experienceUnique texture and formulation flexibilityw M iracare SLB: a unique structuration enabling to: • Stabilize high levels of conditioning oils• Incorporate high levels of fragrance and essential oils • S uspend high density particles such as mica, pigments, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide• Incorporate high molecular weight polymers wM iracare SLB: delivering formulation flexibility • Cold processable concentrate • T exture ranging from a lotion-like fluid to a high viscosity cream• Dense and rich foam, even in the presence of oil • C ompatibility and enhanced performance with cationic ingredients (surfactants, polymers...)Miracare® SLB is ideal for use in formulating INCI: W ater, Sodium Trideceth Sulfate,Sodium Lauroamphoacetate, Cocamide MEA w Body washes w Liquid hand soaps w ShampoosToday’s consumers require more than cleansing from their personal care products. Fragrance plays an integral role in driving purchases due to consumer needs for products that rejuvenate, protect and scent, both skin and hair. The overall objective is to leave the consumer feeling revitalized and invigorated, generally improving their well-being.0.0874%266%647%Test on an internal untrained blind panel (15 persons), body wash applied onforearm by the same operator, olfactory evaluation of fragrance intensity by each panelist after 5 min, 2 h and 6 h. (Units: 0: no scent, 1: very low scent, 2: moderate scent, 3: intense scent, 4: very intense scent)Fragrance (post-added)3%Jaguar® C170.35%F r a g r a n c e I n t e n s i t y0.0826321Time (h)Miracare® SLB - Enhanced Fragrance Experience4Cleansers are Closer to the Original Fragrance Scent with Miracare® SLBIt is always a challenge for formulators to stabilize the smell of a fragrance in a cleansing formulation: fragrance tends to change and get degraded over time, which forces manufacturers to use tailor-made perfumes for their surfactant chassis.Provide Long Lasting Scent on Skin and Hair with Miracare® SLBMiracare® SLB allows to substantiate moisturizing claims through the use of high levels of oil without compromising on the end fragrance properties.Blind panel test, 13 persons, fragrance was evaluated by each person by smelling the formulation in the bottle and comparing to the reference (pure fragrance on wool)w Improved Persistence of Fragrance on Hairw I % p a n e l i s t sMiracare ® SLBMicellar70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0%40%60%Time (h)43210 2 4 6F r a g r a n c e I n t e n s i t yTime (h)43.532.521.510.50Among 64% panelists perceiving an olfactory difference between both formulations, 60% found Miracare® SLB product closer to the pure fragrance.Blind panel test, 10 persons; the intensity of fragrance was evaluated by each person on a wet hair tress, after drying, and then after 2h and 24h.(Units: 0: no scent, 1: very low scent, 2: moderate scent, 3: intense scent, 4: very intense scent) Hair drying conditions: 65°C, maximum air speed, 7 minutes.F r a g r a n c e I n t e n s i t yTime (h)0 5 20● Miracare® SLB wash applied on forearm by the same operator, olfactory evaluation of fragrance intensity by each panelist after 5 min, 2 h, and 6 h.w 8Miracare® SLB shampoo on wet hair just after shampoow O Miracare® SLB shampoo51
Amount of color Impact of the market benchmark and Miracare® SLB shampoo on the red shade with red pigments stabilized and efficiently delivered.Virgin HairColored HairShampooed HairMiracare® SLB - Rejuvenate Hair More than just cleansing, consumers want their hair to lookbetter. This is increasingly difficult as dried out, damaged hairis more common with the number of hair treatments used today.Miracare® SLB enables the formulation of high performanceproducts designed to deliver a range of solutions for color fadereduction, anti-dandruff and even hair coloring.w D eliver More Active Ingredients with Miracare® SLBMiracare® SLB shampoos provide higher deposition ofsilicone oil on both virgin and damaged hair comparedto the benchmark.Miracare® SLB FormulationsY o u n g 's M o d u l u s (E +09 N /m 2)Reference (SLES)Miracare® SLB Moisturizing Shampoo2.702.602.502.402.302.202.102.00The elastic deformation part of the elongation test curve provides insights on the level of moisturized feel of the hair fiber.Tensile test was carried out at Martech Labs (USA) on double bleached hair.w D eliver Soothing Anti-Dandruff Performance• A n innovative combination of Zinc Pyrithione and Meadow foam Oil leaves hair flake-free and moisturized. • A panel of 14 people used a Soothing Anti-Dandruff Shampoo made from Miracare® SLB and observed visible reduction ofdandruff after 12 days. This matches the performance of a leading international reference.Dandruff study was carried out at CRL Institute (USA).Both shampoos contained identical active levels Zinc Pyrithione; results are expressed as mean of % change from baseline.w S often and Tame Unmanageable Hair with Oil Therapy• A unique moisturizing complex featuring natural oil, guar and wheat protein is stabilized and delivered with Miracare® SLB. • Young’s Modulus measures stiffness.• L ower Young’s modulus shows that hair fibers are softer and more manageable. • A fter the first application of Miracare® SLB MoisturizingShampoo, hair is significantly more moisturized and manageable.Hair Repair Shampoo Waterqs 100%Miracare® SLB 36545%Mirasil® DME-2 (Water, Dimethicone,Laureth-8, Succinoglycan)4%Jaguar® C17(Guar Hydroxypropyltrimo-nium Chloride)0.35%Cetrimonium Chloride 2%Sodium Chloride2%Mackstat® GCM (Glyceryl Caprylate, Methylisothiazolinone)qs Citric AcidpH= 5.0 – 5.5Natural Oil Shampoo (Silicone-free)Waterqs 100%Miracare® SLB 36545%Sunflower Oil 3%Jaguar® C17(Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride)0.35%BHT0.05%Sodium Chloride 3%Mackstat® GCP (Phenethyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Caprylate)qsCitric AcidpH= 5.0 – 5.5Formulation tested at the Schrader Institute against a leading brand.Soothing Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Waterqs 100%Miracare® SLB 36540%Meadowfoam Oil 3%Jaguar® C17(Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride)0.4%Zinc Pyrithione 1%Sodium Chloride 3%BHT0.05%Phenagon®PBD (Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid)qs Citric AcidpH= 5.0 – 5.5Formulation tested at CRL against a leading brand.Moisturizing Shampoo Waterqs 100%Miracare® SLB 36545%Sunflower Oil 4%Jaguar® C17(GuarHydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride)0.35%Miracare® CT-100(Stearyl Alcohol,Cetrimonium Bromide)2.7%Sodium Chloride2%Mackpro® P lus Wheat-C (Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid)0.1%D-Panthenol 0.1%Phenagon® PBD (Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, Dehydroacetic Acid)qs Citric AcidpH= 5.0 – 5.5Formulation tested at the Schrader Institute against a leading brand.7LocationReduction in visible flakesMiracare®SLB Soothing Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Leading International BrandScalp -40%-40%Drape(Shoulders)-10%-10%8 Formulation texture can be tuned,from fluid to lotion-like.Viscosity (mPa.s) at 10 rpm■■■■ 10,000.0 -■ 20,000.0 -■Towards Innovative Claims With robust formulation stability and efficientNorth America Solvay Novecare 8 Cedar Brook DriveCranbury, NJ 08512 – USA Tel: +1-800-973-7873F: +1-609-860-0463*********************EuropeSolvay Novecare40, rue de la Haie-Coq – F-93306 Aubervilliers Cedex – France Tel: +33 (0) 1 53 56 50 00 F: +33 (0) 1 53 56 53 90Asia PacificSolvay Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. 438B Alexandra Road#02-09/12 Alexandra Technopark – Singapore 119968Tel: +65 - 6291 1921F: +65 - 6394 3377Latin America Solvay Novecare Centro EmpresarialAvenida Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215, Bloco B-1º Andar Cep: 05804-902 – São Paulo-SP Brazil Tel: +55 11 3747-7637F: +55 11 3741-8378W W E U A P R I L 2014S O L V A Y N O V E C A R E - D i L e o G r a p h i c D e s i g n , m a r i a d i l e o @c o m c a s t .n e tSolvay S.A.Rue de Ransbeek, 3101120 Bruxelles BelgiqueT: +32 2 264 2111F: +32 2 264 3061。



专利名称:A PRESS发明人:ALITALO, Hannu Juhani 申请号:EP95907668.0申请日:19950203公开号:EP0741612A1公开日:19961113专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Press machine roll bending, including frame and tool, these are connected to frame and are bent in these plates and are inserted into. Formal books of sending to press, frame are parallel to tool (3a by frame part (1a, 1b), 3b), these frame parts length having the same and tool (3a, 3b) and each frame part are substantial constant, and cross section is over the whole length. And, frame (1a, 1b) connection is to be moved relative to each other, it include the length of multiple hydraulic cylinders (5) in frame parts with press machine, these hydraulic cylinders are connected to frame parts and (act between 1a, with tool (3a 1b), 3b) it can be and press and be relatively located remotely from each other towards each other, by means of these hydraulic cylinders.申请人:ALITALO, Hannu Juhani地址:Myllykulmantie FIN-31700 Urjala As FI国籍:FI代理机构:Holmström, Stefan Mikael, et al更多信息请下载全文后查看。

西莫科IONFORCE Ionizing Bar 用户手册说明书

西莫科IONFORCE Ionizing Bar 用户手册说明书

IONIZATIONSOLUTIONS Ionizing Bar IONforce™User’s ManualAbout Simco-IonSimco-Ion develops, manufactures, and markets system solutions to manage electrostatic charge. As the world's largest provider of electrostatics management products and services, Simco-Ion improves its customers' business results by providing a total solution to their electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference challenges. Simco-Ion Technology Group is a division of Illinois Tool Works (ITW), located in Alameda, California. For more information about Simco-Ion visit or call 800-367-2452. Simco-Ion is ISO 9001 and ANSI ESD S20.20 certified.© 2013 Simco-IonImportant Safety InformationDo not operate the ionization system until all electrical connections and mechanical mountings are complete and secure. The required Controller unit and its electrical power outlet must be properly grounded to ensure proper operation. Do not operate the equipment in an area where flammable chemicals or explosive vapors are present.Do not expose the equipment to excessive moisture (condensation) and do not submerge in any liquid. Do not service or clean the IONforce bar or the Controller unit when electrical power is on. Be sure to turn off the Controller unit and disconnect the line cord from the outlet.Do not connect or disconnect the HV cable connectors when the Controller unit is on. Possible damage to the Controller unit, or personal injury may result.A factory-qualified service technician must perform component service and repairs. Please contact Simco-Ion Customer Service for information.Carefully read the following safety information beforeinstalling or operating the equipment. Failure to follow these safety warnings could result in damage to yourionization system and/or voiding the product warranty.Contents1 Description (1)1.1 IONforce Ionizing Bar (2)1.2 Features (3)2 Installation (5)2.1 Location (6)2.2 Mounting (7)2.3 Standard Installation (8)3 Operation (11)4 Maintenance (12)4.1 Cleaning & Adjustments (13)4.2 Emitter Cleaning (15)4.3 Emitter & Assembly Replacement (16)5 Specifications (18)6 Warranty & Service (22)1Description1.1 IONforce Ionizing Bar1.2 Features1.1IONforce Ionizing BarThe Simco-Ion' IONforce ion bar provides rapid neutralization of static charges and prevents electrostatic discharge (ESD) in applications such as cleanrooms and workstations. Powered with a Simco-Ion' PFC or VisION Controller unit, the IONforce bar produces positive and negative ions that rapidly neutralize any potentially destructive charges in the work area.Figure 1. IONforce Ionizing BarThe IONForce requires minimal maintenance and can provide years of dependable ionization performance. The IONforce ion bar is suitable for clean environments within industry standard ISO Class 10 or higher.1.2Features•The IONforce ion bar operates on the principles of DC corona ionization to produce positive and negative air ions. The bi-polar air ions are mobilized by forced air flow from the work area system or through an optional air purge feature built into the bar.•Electrostatic particle attraction and contamination are greatly reduced or eliminated on surfaces positioned within the range of the bar.•The compact design of the IONforce bar profile minimizes turbulence in laminar air flow, and allows for simplified mounting on a HEPA/ULPA or T-grid within the work area.•Careful selection of low-outgasing and RoHS compliant materials along with cleanroom assembly of the IONforce bar ensures minimal source contamination and dependableservice.•The IONforce ion bar is supplied with emitter points of either general purpose Tungsten or ISO Class 1 cleanroom gradeSingle Crystal Silicon (SCSi).•Reduction of Hazardous substances per global regulatory requirements.2Installation2.1 Location2.2 Mounting2.3 Standard Installation2.1LocationFor optimum performance, the IONforce ion bar should be installed perpendicular to laminar airflow in the equipment. The emitter electrode housings in the bar must not be obstructed or be in direct contact with the equipment frame or filter grid.2.2MountingThe IONforce bar is supplied with special hanging hardware for suspension mounting to a HEPA filter grid or workstation frame.Each bar is supplied with (2) two or (3) three spring-clamp hangers and a set of push-in adapters with built-in #6-32 stud or nut hardware. The hangers may be used without the adapters to provide clearance holes for installer supplied #8 or #10 screw hardware.Bars up to 762 mm (30") long require a hanger at each end of the bar.On longer bars a hanger in the middle of the bar is also necessary.Optional mounting brackets are available for common equipment mounting situations.Contact Simco-Ion Customer Service for additional information. Note:The installer must determine the best hanger clip and adapter combination for the equipment installation. See Figure 1 for a typical bar hanger arrangement.2.3Standard Installation1.Adapter installation into the hanger: Align the narrow base of the Adapter with the retainer tabs in the underside of the Hanger. Push the adapter firmly until it locks into the tabs.2.Hanger installation onto the bar: Push the open end of the hanger directly over the upper cover of the bar. Carefully stretch one leg of the hanger and release the lip into the groove of the lower cover. Repeat this operation for the other leg of the hanger.3. A small screwdriver may be levered in the side slot of the hanger to ease this installation. Note: Verify that both lips of the hanger are fully engaged into the grooves of the lower cover only! The hangers may be adjusted along the length of the bar for precise alignment with mounting holes or brackets in the equipment.4.Install any necessary support brackets for the bar into the equipment. Hold the hanger fasteners up to the equipment mounting holes, and install and tighten any required screws or nuts. Verify that no hardware has contacted the upper cover on the bar.5.Install the HV power cord connector fully into the end cap of the IONforce bar. Secure the connector into the bar with the provided #6 thread forming screw. Ensure that the connector is secure prior to operation.6.Install the gas tubing into the fitting at the opposite end of the bar (Air assisted bars only): Push the tubing into the fitting until it stops.7.Route and secure the bar power cord and gas tubing clear of all sharp edges and moving parts within the equipment.Caution:Be certain the electrical power is turned off before connecting or disconnecting the HV power cord between the Controller unit and the IONforce bar.8.Insert the polarized plugs from the HV power cord into thematching polarized connector positions in the Controller unit.Connect the green wire terminal to the grounding stud at the Controller unit. Tighten the nut securely. See Figures 2 and 3.9.Remove the orange shipping caps from the emitter electrodehousings along the bottom of the bar.10.Verify that the Controller unit power cord is connected to aproperly grounded outlet of the correct voltage and phase.•Perform the following installation checks:•Check that all power cords and gas tubing are properly connected.•Ensure that the HV connector into the bar has been secured by the locking screw.•Check that the IONforce bar and the Controller unit are securely mounted.•Check that no objects are contacting or blocking the bar emitter electrode housings.Figure 2. IONforce Bar Connections to PFC Controller UnitFigure 3. IONforce Bar Connections to VisION Controller UnitOperation1.Turn on the power supply. The IONforce bar immediatelybegins emitting positive and negative air ions.2.Connect the gas tubing to the equipment supply (air assistedmodels only).3.Adjust the gas pressure to the bar per specifications.4.Measure the discharge times and the offset voltage from the barin accordance with standard ESD-STM3.1-2000, Ionization. Adjust the Controller unit as necessary.Caution:Review the Controller unit operating instructions beforeapplying electrical power to prevent personal injury or damage to the IONforce bar.Maintenance4.1 Cleaning & Adjustments4.2 Emitter Cleaning4.3 Emitter & Assembly Replacement4.1Cleaning & AdjustmentsPeriodic maintenance of the IONforce bar is recommended to ensure optimum performance. Harsh environmental conditions such as high temperature, high relative humidity, airborne contaminates, etc., can affect bar performance and physical appearance. Although the following maintenance criteria is suggested, a more frequent schedule may be required if unfavorable environmental conditions exist.Simco-Ion recommends verifying the ionization system for cleanliness, as well as proper performance on a quarter / yearly basis, or as required for the application. Refer to the Controller unit operating instructions for maintenance details and adjustment schedule.1.Disconnect electrical power to the Controller unit before performing any maintenance procedure on the IONforce bar.2.Clean the exterior of the IONforce bar, and power cord using a soft, lint-free cloth or swab moistened only with the cleaning agents listed below.3.Deionized or distilled water (do not use unfiltered or "tap" water). Isopropyl alcohol (do not use butyl alcohol or ether)4.Verify that the IONforce bar is completely dry and all electrical and mechanical connections are complete and secure before resuming operation.IONforce Emitter electrodes will have a normal service life of three or more years when provided regular maintenance. Visual inspection of the emitter electrodes is the first step in maintaining reliable performance from the ionizer bar. The tips of the electrodes must remain pointed and free from any deposited material buildup for proper ionizing function.Note:In some cases it may be necessary to allow the system to discharge for 5 minutes before servicing. This is due to capacitive storage in the HV cabling and bar.Dirty electrodes typically have a white coating about the pointed tip and must be cleaned. Severely blunted or broken electrodes must be replaced.Disconnect power to the IONforce bar before any electrode cleaning or replacement.To avoid possible contamination of a cleanroom location,remove the bar from the area before cleaning or replacingemitter electrodes.Caution:New emitter electrodes are sharply pointed. Follow allcleaning and replacement instructions to avoid damage to, orinjury from the emitter electrode while servicing.4.2Emitter Cleaning1.Visually inspect each emitter electrode for signs of depositedmaterial.2.Simco-Ion recommends using the ITW-TEXWIPE modelTX726, CrushTube swab for cleaning the emitter electrodes. A substitute method consists of a cleanroom swab saturated witha solution of de-ionized water and Isopropyl alcohol. Theseitems may be obtained from local cleanroom product suppliers.3.The TX726 CrushTube swab is shipped with a protective sleevecovering the white foam swab end. Remove the protectivesleeve to expose the swab end. Discard the protective sleeve.The CrushTube swab has an inner glass vial of alcohol inside of a plastic tube. Crush the inner glass vial by squeezing the plastic tube, then tilt the foam swab end down to allow thealcohol to wet the swab. Carefully insert the wetted swab onto the emitter point, slowly rotate the tube, and withdraw. Repeat until all deposited material has been removed. Each CrushTube swab may be used to clean from 5 to 8 emitter tips, depending on the amount of material on each tip. When the swab fails to remove the material, a new swab should be used. Clean all the emitter electrode points, wait a few seconds for the alcohol to evaporate, and apply power to the ionizer bar.4.3Emitter & Assembly Replacement1.Either worn and broken emitter electrodes or the completeemitter assembly can be removed from the ionizer bar withspecial Simco-Ion tools. See "Replacement Parts" list forspecific information. See the instructions included with the tool for replacement procedure.2.Following replacement, Turn the power on to the Controller unitand calibrate the IONforce bar per instructions in the operation manual.3. A ½ hour "conditioning" period is recommended for an IONforcebar with new electrodes prior to returning to a cleanroomlocation.5 Specifications5.1 Specifications5.2 Dimensions5.3 Replacement Parts5.1SpecificationsInput Voltage±3.5 VDC min, ±8 KVDC max Input Current±0.50 (nominal)Gas Supply Clean dry air (CDA) or Nitrogen, 170 kPa (25 psi) nominal, 310 kPa (45 psi) maxEmitters High purity tungsten or Single Crystal SiliconOperating Env.Temperature 10-35°C (50-95°F) recommended; relative humidity 20-65%HV Cable (Standard)2340 mm (92"), 20 kV-rated with PVC jacket; optional 2340 mm (92"), 20 kV-rated, RoHS compliantEnclosure Polycarbonate and Stainless Steel Weight0.16 kg per 305mm (0.35 lb per 12") Warranty Two year limited warranty5.2Dimensions5.3Replacement Parts4370760Tungsten Emitter Point4371327Single Crystal Silicon Emitter Point4108640 Emitter Assembly, Tungsten4108177 Electrode Extractor Tool5051419 Kit, Emitter Assembly Removal Tool 5051260 Kit, Electrode with Extractor Tool (Tungsten x7) 5051261 Kit, Electrode with Extractor Tool (Tungsten x11) 5051262 Kit, Electrode with Extractor Tool (Tungsten x15) 5051263 Kit, Electrode with Extractor Tool (Tungsten x19) 5050538 Kit, 2:1 Multi-Connector (HV2 x2)5050539 Kit, 4:1 Multi-Connector (HV4 x2)5051409 Kit, Mounting (2 Clip)5051410 Kit, Mounting (3 Clip)5051417 Kit, Tubing (3050 mm/ 120")4108681 Cable Assembly (Standard wire)4108682 Cable Assembly (RoHS wire)6 Warranty & Service Simco-Ion provides a limited warranty for the IONforce Ionizing Bar. New products manufactured or sold by Simco-Ion are guaranteed to be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of two (2) years from date of initial shipment. Simco-Ion liability under its new product warranty is limited to servicing (evaluating, repairing, or replacing) any unit returned to Simco-Ion that has not been subjected to misuse, neglect, lack of routine maintenance, repair, alteration, or accident. In no event shall Simco-Ion be liable for collateral or consequential damages. Consumable items such as, but not exclusive to, emitter points, emitter wires, batteries, filters, fuses or light bulbs are only covered under this warranty if found defective as received with the new product.To obtain service under this warranty, please contact Simco-Ion *********************************************(510)217-0470.NotesNotesTechnology Group1750 North Loop Rd., Ste 100Alameda, CA USA 94502Tel: 510-217-0600Fax: 510-217-0484Toll free:800-367-2452Sales services: 510-217-0460Tech support: 510-217-0470**********************************************************************************************IONforce 5200966-M Rev 2。

10 英文调节能量存储,以适应可变能源资源的高渗透

10 英文调节能量存储,以适应可变能源资源的高渗透

Abstract —The variability and non-dispatchable nature of wind and solar energy production presents substantial challenges for maintaining system balance. Depending on the economical considerations, energy storage can be a viable solution to balance energyproduction against its consumption. This paper proposesto use discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to decompose the required balancing power into different time-varying periodic components, i.e., intra-week, intra-day, intra-hour, and real-time. Each component can be used to quantify the maximum energy storage requirement for different types of energy storage. This maximumrequirement is the physical limit that could betheoretically accommodated by a power system. The actual energy storage capacity can be further quantified within this limit by the cost-benefit analysis (future work). The proposed approach has been successfully used in a study conducted for the 2030 Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) system model.Some results of this study are provided in this paper.Index Terms —Imbalance power, energy storage, integration of variable resources, discrete Fourier transform, WECC System.I. I NTRODUCTIONigh penetrations of variable energy resourcescreate significant uncertainty in required powergeneration, needed to balance the energy productionagainst the consumption [1-2]. New technologies, suchas new wind and solar forecasting tools, demand-sidecontrol, fast start-up units, and many others have beenproposed to address this balancing issue [1]. Amongthose options, energy storage can be a viable solutionbecause of its fast response and control flexibility [3-4].A. Energy Storage as an Ancillary Service Resource Today, many electricity storage technologies, including pumped hydro, various batteries,Yuri V. Makarov, Michael C.W. Kintner-Meyer, Pengwei Du, and Chunlian Jin are with the Energy Science and Technology Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, P.O. Box 999, MSIN: K5-20, Richland, WA - 99352, USA (e-mail: yuri.makarov@, michael.kintner-meyer@, pengwei.du@,chunlian.jin@). Howard F. Illian is with Energy Mark, Inc. 334 Satinwood Ct,. N.Buffalo Grove, Illinois, 60089 (email:howard.illian@).compressed air, flywheels, capacitors, and others are proposed or already used to control the grid [3-6]. Energy storage (ES) systems can be used to follow the net load changes, stabilize voltage and frequency, manage peak loads, improve power quality, and ultimately support renewable integration. A summary of performance requirements needed for a variety of energy storage applications can be found in [6]. Wind and solar power variations are hard to predict and cause multiple impacts including the impact on system reliability. To maintain balance betweengeneration and load, costly flexible generation resources that have sufficient start up time, ramping speed, and capacity may be employed. Alternatively, energy storage for periods from days to less than 1 hour can help to smooth out unpredicted power fluctuations. For the intra-hour variations, energy storage can provide essential ancillary services such as fast regulation and load following. This would have great advantages because fast regulation may be twice as effective as gas turbines and 20 times more effective than steam turbines [7]. Therefore, the short-term ES represents a new perspective class of ancillary service resource.The 2007 FERC 1Order No. 890 allows so-called “non-generation” resources like energy storage toparticipate in regulation markets on a non-discriminatory basis. Since then, new market ruleshave been developed by some Independent SystemOperators (ISOs). For example, the New York ISOalready started to support the integration of limitedenergy storage resources (LESR) [8].The balancing ancillary services represent anattractive business opportunity for ES. Numerousresearch and demonstration projects in this area have been planned or currently under development. Forexample, Beacon Power Corporation is constructing the grid-scale 20 MW flywheel plant in Stephentown, New York, in an attempt to provide approximately 10% of New York's overall frequency regulation needs. AES has tested an Altairnano lithium-titanatebattery (2MW/500kWh) in a pilot program with California ISO. Furthermore, the Department of Energy’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act1FERC stands for Federal Energy Regulatory CommissionSizing Energy Storage to Accommodate High Penetration of Variable Energy ResourcesYuri V. Makarov, Michael C.W. Kintner-Meyer, Pengwei Du, Chunlian Jin, and Howard F. IllianH(ARRA) stimulus funding is sponsoring 37 projects with a combined value of 637 million dollars, which combine smart grid and energy storage functionality [9]. This will greatly accelerate the entrance of ES into the power grid, in particular, the module, distributed ES (e.g. community energy storage, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles). If modeled and controlled properly, these aggregated small-size ESs can provide the ancillary services cost-effectively. In view of these, it can be envisioned that ES will become more integral to the grid operation, and play a key role in providing ancillary service to enable a high penetration of wind power and other renewable resources [9].B. Sizing of Energy StorageAmong other characteristics, an energy storage can be characterized by its energy capacity (MWh), power capacity (MW), round-trip efficiency, and ramping capability. The capital cost of energy storage consists of an energy component ($/MWh) and a power component ($/MW). The former represents the cost of the storage medium, and the latter represents the cost associated with the power electronics. The current cost for energy storage is still relatively high. However, as mentioned above, several companies are exploring the competitiveness of their novel storage technologies in very specific high-value markets. These markets usually require short duration energy storage, which power output can be sustained at the rated power capacity level from 15 to 20 minutes. Longer duration energy storage (for over several hours or for a day) are generally pumped hydro or compressed air energy storage technologies, which generally are less flexible in their placement compared to battery or flywheel energy storage. Both from a transmission planning and technology development points of view it is of interest to estimate the total market size for different energy storage systems.In this context, the optimal operation and sizing of ES is a subject of intensive research work. Stochastic optimization has been proposed to find the optimal sizing of energy storage so as to maximize the expected operation profit (or minimize the cost) while taking into account transmission constraints [10-15]. In [16], battery energy storage (BES) is used in conjunction with a wind farm. The capacity of BES is determined to ensure constant dispatched power to the grid while the voltage level across the dc-link of the buffer is kept within preset limits. Some authors used probabilistic methods to model the operation of energy storage [6]. They evaluated two potential control strategies, i.e., the energy is released as soon as the local network can absorb it, or the energy is stored and is sold when the price of electricity is higher. The value of storage in relation to power rating and energy capacity was investigated so as to facilitate appropriate sizing. The BES storage device can be used to reinforce the dc bus during transients, thereby enhancing its low-voltage ride through capability. When properly sized, it can effectively damp short-term power oscillations, and provide superior transient performance over a number of seconds [17]. Using a BES unit to provide frequency regulation was discussed in [11].State-of-the-art ES models that would be appropriate for transmission and distribution uses were reviewed in [9]. They can be used for optimizing storage size for ancillary services.C. Need for Sizing Tools for Power Systems Planners This paper presents a novel perspective on the sizing issue of grid-scale ES for utilities which are concerned with the system flexibility characteristics needed to mitigate the volatility of wind and solar power. Essentially, the maximum size of ES can be decided upon the cycling components of the required balancing power. Previous research work conducted at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) studied the capacity requirement of energy storage in WECC for year 20302[18]. The follow-up work reported in this paper aims at determining the maximum feasible size of energy storage by identifying different cycling components of the balancing power. This proposed approach does not use either production cost models or comprehensive storage models. It is based on the fact that an energy storage cycles energy within certain frequency range. For example, a flywheel can cycle energy 4 cycles per hour or even faster if the full energy capacity is used. To find the maximum cycling requirements at different frequencies, a frequency decomposition of the balancing power signal is used in the paper. The components of this decomposition are periodic signals with zero total energy, representing the cycling job for the energy storage. These periodic components also indicate the duration requirements for storage technologies. Ultimately an optimal allocation of storage technologies can be determined based on this cycling analysis.This paper is organized as follows. Section II discusses the basic methodology to decompose the 2 Internal PNNL study that estimated the technical potential of the energy storage for meeting new balancing requirements in the WECC for a 88 GW wind power scenario.balancing power using discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Section III presents the simulation results for the 2030 WECC system model. Section IV provides the final discussion and conclusions.II. D ECOMPOSITION OF B ALANCING P OWER U SINGDFTThe balancing process consists of several components, including scheduling, load following, andregulation. While the scheduling component usuallyreflect hourly dispatches of generation units providing most of the energy to the load, the load following and regulation components help to achieve intra-hour balance by covering the gap between the hourly schedules and minute-by-minute system load.A. Balancing Power The power system control objective is to minimize area control error (ACE) to the extent sufficient to comply with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Control Performance Standards (CPS). Therefore, regulation and load following signals are signals that oppose deviations of ACE from zero: ()10()a s a s ACE I I B F F -=--+- (1) where subscript a denotes actual, s denotes schedule, Istands for interchange between control areas, F standsfor system frequency, and B is the system frequency bias (MW/0.1 Hz, a negative value). The generation output consists of two components:a s dev G G G =+(2)where subscript s refers to hour-ahead schedule 3, and dev refers to the deviation from the schedule.Similarly, the load can be separated into twocomponents as follows:_a f ha dev L L L =+ (3)where L f_ha is hour-ahead load forecast.Based on the assumption that_s f haG L =(4)the difference between the actual load, L a , and theforecasted load, L f_ha , represents the load deviation that is compensated by generators (or energy storage) procured for load following and regulation processes. _dev a f ha a s L L L L G =-=- (5) Wind and solar generation can be treated as negative load._w w wa f ha dev G G G =+ (6) 3 Please note that the hour-ahead schedule can be implemented differently in the different markets.where w a G is the actual wind power, _w f ha G is hour-ahead wind power forecast, and wdevG is the deviation from the forecast.Therefore, similarly to the situation without wind, the balancing power can be expressed as follows: __w s f ha f ha G L G =- (7)__()()w s w w dev a a a f ha a f ha L L G G L L G G =--=--- (8)Fig. 1 shows the imbalance power in the WECC model for August 2030. The balancing power needed in the system is opposite to the imbalance. It is assumed that the peak load in 2030 will have grown to 205 GW, and the installed wind capacity will be 88GW (up from about 7 GW in 2008 [18]). The highly fluctuating imbalance signal is attributable to the highvariability of wind power. It also represents the gap between the scheduled generation and actual load. By utilizing energy storage, the imbalance can be reduced by charging the energy storage whenever there is over-generation (imbalance signal is above zero) and discharging the storage during periods of under-generation (imbalance signal is negative). Periodic zero total energy components of the imbalance signal in Fig. 1 correspond to the maximumcharging/discharging job that can be allocated to theenergy storage.time in hoursI m b a l a n c e p o w e r (G W )Fig. 1. Imbalance power imposed by load and wind variability for assumed 88 GW of installed wind capacity (WECC model for Aug.2030).B. DFT Analysis Different energy storage technologies are best suited for operation over different time periods. Theimbalance power, shown in Fig. 1, can be broken down into the components spanning differentfrequency ranges. This decomposition can be achieved by using DFT. Each component of the periodic signal, except for the zero frequency component, representscycling energy that averages to zero over each cycle.Generally, in a discrete form, the DFT analysis and synthesis equations are written as follows [19]:Analysis equation (fast Fourier transform)1[][]N tfNt X f x t W -==∑0,,1f N =- (9) Synthesis equation (inverse Fourier transform) []101[]N tf N f x t X f W --==∑0,,1t N =- (10)where N is the number of the data points in the sequence (x [0], x [1], , x [N -1]), and()2j tf tfN W e π-=.The basic approach to decompose the imbalance signal using DFT consists of five steps, as shown in Table 1.Four different frequency ranges are selected, and thesignal is decomposed into four categories: slowcycling, intra-day, intra-hour and real-timecomponents. The band-pass filter applied to thespectrum is a rectangular window with unit magnitude within the band and zero magnitude outside of the band, as illustrated in Fig. 2 and Table 2. It is symmetric around one half of the sampling frequency. Table 1: Procedures of applying DFT for cycling analysis Steps Description1 Assume that the data sampling x (t ) issampled each minute (or 0.0167 Hz). Thedata window selected for DFT analysis is 2days (2880 samples), which starts at 0:00 and ends at 48:00.2 The data points are increased to 5760 samplewith zero padding.3 The spectrum, X (f ), is obtained by DFT. Aband-pass filter (see Fig. 2) is applied to the spectrum, X (f ).4 The filtered spectrum is converted back tothe time-domain signal, x´(t ), by using inverse DFT.5 The time-domain signal x´(t ) is characterizedby the magnitude and periodicity.frequencies are f l and f u, and the filter is symmetrical about the half ofthe sampling frequency, f s /2)Table 2: Specifications of frequency bands of the balancing signalcomponentsComponent f l (Hz) f u (Hz) Slow cycling 0 2.315e-5Intra-day 2.315e-5 9.259e-5 Intra-hour 9.259e-5 0.00333Real-time 0.00333 0.00833The frequency ranges given in Table 2 have no astrict definition and they are loosely connected to the dispatch intervals. The reason is that a dispatchinterval can contain half cycle, the entire cycle, twocycles, and so on depending on researchers’ judgment. Currently they are set for periods of 3-12 hours (intra-day), 5 minutes –3 hours (intra-hour), and 2–5 minutes (real time).C. Simulation Results The DFT method described in Section II was applied to a simulated WECC system imbalance powermodel reflecting a future high wind penetrationscenario for 2030. Several simplifying assumptionswere made to determine the balancing requirementscurve. The balancing requirement was derived from the uncertainty in the load and wind forecasting. The scenario assumed 88 GW of wind capacity in the WECC system. Furthermore, it was assumed aconsolidation of all WECC balancing areas into onesingle balancing area. This model was derived in a previous PNNL project analyzing the energy storagepotential applications in the WECC system [18]. D. Decomposition of Balancing Power for a Particular DayFig. 3 shows the one-day imbalance power signal (top) and the corresponding spectrum (bottom). Most of the energy is concentrated in the low and middle frequency bands.G WBy applying the filters shown in Fig. 2 and Table 2, in Fig. 4 the imbalance power, x (t ), is decomposed into four components, namely, into slow cycling, intra-day, intra-hour, and real time components, x 1(t ), x 2(t ), x 3(t ) and x 4(t ). By summation of these components, we can reconstruct the original time-domain signal. Thereconstructed imbalance power matches well with the original signal, as shown in Fig. 5.The frequency and magnitude of the decomposed signal play an important role in determining the required energy storage characteristics as well as technologies appropriate for each application.HoursM W(a) Slow cycling component x 1(t )HoursM W(b) Intra-day component x 2(t)HoursM W(c) Intra-hour component x 3(t)HoursM W(d) Real-time component x 4(t )Fig. 4. Decomposition of imbalance signal for a day in August 2030HoursG W-12HoursM WFig. 5. Comparison between original signal and reconstructed signal.The frequency of cycling increases for intra-hour and real time components. This means that the energy capacity requirements are decreasing, while the cycling requirements are increasing. The cycling requirement has implication for the life time of the energy storage.The energy storage power capacity requirement is associated with the magnitude of the cycles. On this particular day, the imbalance power swings between 10.7 GW and -4.1 GW, while intra-hour component swings between 6.1 GW and -4.8 GW, and real-time component swings between 154 MW and -153 MW 4. Therefore, the intra-day balancing process requires more ES power capacity than the intra-hour process by 43. The same fact has also been observed for other days as described below.E. Sizing of Energy StorageTo determine the size of energy storage for slow-cycling, intra-day, and intra-hour balancing processes, the method described in Section II was applied. We assumed a depth of discharge for the ES of 80%. Table 3 shows both the power and energy capacities for the energy storage.In the full balance scenario (second column), the energy storage compensates for all the imbalance power. In the partial balance scenario (third column), the energy storage compensates for only intra-hour and real-time components. In the fourth column, the reduction in ES requirements between the full balance and partial balance is shown.4Despite the asymmetric power capacity requirement, the energy requirement remains symmetric (the positive and negative energy are equal), which is important for the energy storage applications.Table 3: Comparison of the full balance and partial balancescenariosEnergy storage size Full balance Partial balance Reduction inES requirements Power 13.4 GW 7.7 GW 42.6% Energy68.1 GWh4.3 GWh 93.6%A very significant ES energy capacity (68.1 GWh) would be required in the full balance scenario. The state of charge of ES in this scenario is shown in Fig. 6. The size of the energy storage can be reduced to 3.8 GWh for the intra-hour component and to 568 MWhfor the real-time component as shown in Fig. 7.daysG W hFig. 6. State of charge profile for energy storage in Aug 2030(storage size=68.05 GWh)daysG W h(a) Intra-hour component (storage size=3.8 GWh)daysM W h(b) Real-time component (storage size=568 MWh)Fig. 7. State of charge profile for intra-hour and real-timecomponents in August 2030III. C ONCLUSIONSThis paper presents a novel methodology of characterizing maximum energy storage requirements for a balancing area or their interconnection. The approach is particularly useful for the system planning community as well as for the energy storage providers.The introduction of a cycling taxonomy (slow-cycle, intra-day, intra-hour, intra-minute and real-time) offers a new way to characterize the key features of energy[1] J. C. Smith, M. R. Milligan, E. A. DeMeo, B. 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From 1990 to 1997, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Power Systems and Networks at St. Petersburg State Technical University. From 1993 to 1998, he conducted research at the University of Newcastle, University of Sydney, Australia, and Howard University, Washington, DC. From 1998 to 2000, he worked at the Transmission Planning Department, Southern Company Services, Inc., Birmingham, AL, as a Senior Engineer. From 2001 to 2005, he occupied a senior engineering position at the California Independent System Operator, Folsom, CA. Now he works for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA. His activities are around various theoretical and applied aspects of power system analysis, planning, and control. He participated in many projects concerning power system transmission planning (power flow, stability, reliability, optimization, etc.) and operations (control performance criteria, quality, regulation, impacts of intermittent resources, etc.). Dr. Makarov was a member of the California Energy Commission Methods Group developing the Renewable Portfolio Standard for California; a member of the Advisory Committee for the EPRI/CEC project developing short-term and long-term wind generation forecasting algorithms; and a voting member of the NERC Resources Subcommittees and NERC Wind Generation Task Force. For his role in the NERC August 14th Blackout Investigation Team, he received a Certificate of Recognition signed by the U.S. Secretary of Energy and the Minister of Natural Resources, Canada.Michael Kintner-Meyer is a Staff Scientist with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland. He has a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington. He is leading the energy storage analysis efforts at PNNL.Pengwei Du received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY in 2006. He is now a research engineer at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. His research interests include Distributed Generation, power system modeling and analysis, and digital signal processing.Chunlian Jin (M’06) received her B.S.E.E. from Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China, in 2000, and her M.S.E.E. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2003. Her research interests include energy storage analysis, modeling and assessment of power system operations and control performance, and integration of renewable resources. Currently, she is a research engineer with the Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. She finished PhD courses in University of South Carolina. Howard F. Illian graduated from Carnegie Institute of Technology (Carnegie-Mellon University) in 1970 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. From 1970 until 1982 he worked for ComEd in the field of Operations Research, and was Supervisor, Economic Research and Load Forecasting from 1976 until he was reassigned to Bulk Power Operations in 1982 where he was Technical Services Director when he retired in 1998. He is now President of Energy Mark, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in the commercial relationships required by restructuring. He has authored numerous papers in the field of Engineering Economics, and has testified as an expert witness in this field before the Illinois EPA, the Federal EPA, the Illinois Commerce Commission and the Public Utility Commission of Texas. He has developed and applied several new mathematical techniques for use in simulation and decision making. He has served on the NERC Performance Subcommittee, the Interconnected Operations Services Implementation Task Force, the Joint Inadvertent Interchange Task Force, and the NAESB Inadvertent Interchange Payback Task Force. Recent work includes significant contributions to the development of new NERC Control Performance Standards including the Balancing Authority Ace Limit and a suggested mathematical foundation for control based on classical statistics. He first applied discrete Fourier transforms to load analysis in 1991. His current research concentrates on the development of technical definitions for Ancillary or Reliability Services including frequency response and their market implementation.。



品质名词(中英对照) AABC analysis ABC 分析Abnormality 不正常性Abscissa 橫座標Absolute deviation 絕對離差Absolute dispersion 絕對離勢Absolute error 絕對誤差Absolute frequency 絕對次數Absolute number 絕對數Absolute reliability 絕對可靠度Absolute term 絕對項Absolute value 絕對值Absolute variation 絕對變異Abstract number 抽象數Abstract unit 抽象單位Accelerated factor 加速係數,加速因子Accelerated life test 加速壽命試驗Accelerated test 加速試驗Acceleration 加速度Acceptable limit 允收界限Acceptable process 允收製程水準Acceptable quality 允收品質Acceptable quality level (AQL) 允收品質水準Acceptable reliability level (ARL) 允收可靠度水準Acceptability 允收性Acceptability criterion 允收標準Acceptance 允收,驗收Acceptance, probability of 允收機率Acceptance, region of 允收區域Acceptance and rejection criteria 允收與拒收準則Acceptance boundary 允收界限Acceptance coefficient 允收係數Acceptance control chart 驗收管制圖Acceptance cost 驗收費用Acceptance criteria 允收準則Acceptance error 允收誤差Acceptance inspection 驗收檢驗Acceptance limit 允收界限Acceptance line 允收線Acceptance number 允收(不良品)數Acceptance plan 驗收計畫Acceptance procedure 驗收程序Acceptance/rectification scheme 允收/精選方案Acceptance sampling, attribute 計數值驗收抽樣Acceptance sampling, variable 計量值驗收抽樣Acceptance sampling plan 驗收抽樣計畫Acceptance sampling scheme 驗收抽樣方案Acceptance test 驗收試驗Acceptance value 允收值Acceptance zone 允收區域Acceptance product 允收品Accepting lot 允收批Access time 接近時間,故障診斷時間Accessibility 可接近性Accident rate 意外率Accidental error 偶誤,偶然誤差Accidental fluctuation 偶然波動Accidental movement 意外移動Accounting test 驗算(決算)試驗Accumulated operating time 累積操作時間Accuracy 準確度Accuracy of data 數據準確度Accuracy of estimation 估計準確度Accuracy of the mean 平均數準確度Achieved availability 實際可用度Action 行動,措施Action, corrective 矯正行動(措施)Action control chart 行動管制圖Action limit 行動界限Active line 行動線Active maintenance time 實際維護時間Active parallel redundancy 主動並複聯(置)Active preventive maintenance 現行預防維護時間Active redundancy 主動複聯(置)Active repair time 實際修復時間Active standby 主動備用Active time 運用時間Actual frequency 實際次數Actual limit 實際界限Actual range 實際全距Actual value 實際值Adaptability 可適應性Adaptive control 修改管制Addition theorem 加法定理Additivity 加法性,可加性Adjusted average 修正平均數Adjusted value 修正值Adjustment factor 調整係數Administration time for a repair 修復之治理時間Administrative time 治理時間Adopted value 採用值Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment (AGREE) 電子裝備可靠度顧問團Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) 航空無線電公司After-sales service 售後服務Age 年限Age at death 死亡年限Age at failure 失效年限Age-based maintenance 年限基準維護Aggregative method 綜合法Aging 老化Agreement of quality assurance 品質保證之協定Agreement on verification method 驗(查)證方法之協議Alarm signals 警告(報)訊號Alert time 待命時間Algebraic sum 代數和Algorism (Algorithm) 阿拉伯數字計數法Alias 假名Alienation 餘相關Alignment chart 列線圖Allocation 配當Allocation of reliability 可靠度配當Allowable percent defective (Acceptable quality level, AQL) 允收不良率(允收品質水準)Allowance 允差,裕度Alternative hypothesis 對立假設American Management Association (AMA) 美國治理協會American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 美國標準協會American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) 美國品質管制學會American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 美國機械工程師學會American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 美國材料試驗學會American Standard Association (ASA) 美國標準協會American Statistical Association (ASA) 美國統計協會American War Standards (AWS) 美國戰時標準Ambient condition 周遭條件Analysis, sequential 逐次分析Analysis by accumulated frequency 累積法,累積次數分析Analysis by non-accumulated frequency 次數法,非累積次數分析Analysis of correlation 相關分析Analysis of covariance 共變異數分析Analysis of means (A VON) 平均數分析Analysis of problem 問題之分析Analysis of variance (ANOV A) 變異數分析Analysis sample 分析樣本Analytical error 分析誤差Angular transformation 角度轉(變)換Anti-logarithm 逆對數Anti-mode 逆眾數AOQL Sampling Table 平均出廠品質界限抽樣數Applicability 應用性Applied statistics 應用統計學Apportionment of reliability 可靠度配當Apportionment techniques 配當技術Appraisal cost 鑑定成本,評估成本Appraisal system 評估制度Appraisal of quality 品質評估Approach to sequential testing 逐次試驗法Approval of processes and equipment 核准製程與設備Approximate mode 近似眾數Approximate number 近似數值Approximation 近似法,概算AQL (Acceptable quality level) 允收(品質)水準Arbitrary average (Assumed average,Arbitrary mean) 假定平均數Arbitrary origin 假定原點Arbitrary scale 假定標度Area bar chart 面積條圖Area chart (diagram, graph) 面積圖Area sampling 地區抽樣Arithmetic average 算術平均數Arithmetic cross 算術交叉Arithmetic graph 算術圖Arithmetic line chart 算術線圖Arithmetic mean 算術平均數Arithmetic paper 算術紙Arithmetic probability paper 算術機率紙Arithmetic progression (Arithmetic series) 算術級數,等差級數Arithmetic scale 算術標度,等差標度Arithmetic series 算術級數,等差級數Army Ordnance Table 陸軍兵工署(抽樣)表Army Service Forces Table 陸軍(抽樣)表序列Array 序列Array distribution 序列分配(布)Array of data 數據序列Assemble 裝配(組立)Assembled product 裝配品Assembly 裝配件Assembly inspection 裝配檢驗Assembly quality analysis report 裝配品質分析報告Assessed failure rate 評估失效率Assessed mean active -maintenance time 評估時間現行維護時間Assessed mean life 評估平均壽命Assessed mean time between failures 評估平均失效間格時間Assessed mean time to failure 評估平均失效前時間Assessed reliability 評估可靠度Assessed value 評估值Assessment of subcontractor 分包商之評鑑Assignable cause (Special cause) 非機遇缘故(专门缘故)Assignable variation 非機遇變異Associated dependent variable 相聯因變數Associated variate 相聯變量Association coefficient 相聯係數Association of attribute 品性相聯Association table 相聯表,聯合表Assumed mean (Assumed average,Arbitrary average)假定平均數Assumed median 假定中位數Assumed origin 假定原點Assurance quality 保證品質Assurance function 保證功能Asymmetrical distribution 不對稱分配(布)Asymmetry 不對稱Asymptotic distribution 趨近分配(布)At random 隨機Attribute 計數值,屬性Attribute classification 品性分類Attribute data 計數數據Attribute inspection 計數值檢驗Attribute sampling 計數值抽樣Attribute sampling plan計數值抽樣計畫Attribute testing (Go no-go testing) 計數值試驗(通過與不通過試驗)Attribute value 計數值Audit 稽核Audit for reliability 可靠度稽核Audit of decision 稽核決策Audit plan 稽核計畫Audit report 稽核報告Auditing report 稽核報告Auto-correlation 自動相關Automatic switch-over redundancy 自動切換複聯(置)Automatic test equipment (Am) 自動試驗裝備Auto-regression 自動回歸Availability 可用性,可用度Average (Mean) 平均數,平均值Average, grand 總平均Average, moving 移動平均數Average, sample 樣本平均數Average, standard error of 標準誤平均數Average, universe 群體平均數Average, weighted 加權平均數Average amount of inspection 平均檢驗數Average and range chart 平均數及全距(管制)圖Average availability 平均可用度Average deviation (A.D.) (Mean deviation) 平均差Average error (Mean error) 平均誤差Average number of defects 平均缺點數Average of ratios 比例平均數Average outgoing quality (AOQ) 平均出廠品質Average outgoing quality curve 平均出廠品質曲線Average outgoing quality level 平均出廠品質水準Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL) 平均出廠水準Average quality level 平均出廠品質界限Average quality level line 品質平均線Average quality protection 平均品質保護Average range 平均全距Average run length (ARL) 平均連串長度Average sample number (ASN) 平均樣品數Average range 平均全距Average run length (ARL) 平均連串長度Average sample number(ASN) 平均樣本數Average sample number curve 平均樣本曲線Average sample size (ASS) 平均樣本大小Average sample size curve 平均樣本大小曲線Average sample 平均抽樣Average total inspection (ATI) 平均總檢驗(件)數Average total inspection curve 平均總檢驗數曲線Average value 平均值Avoidable cause 可幸免之缘故Avoidable quality cost 可幸免之品質成本Axiom 公理Axis 軸Axis of abscissa 橫軸Axis of ordinate 縱軸BBad lot 壞批Balance frequency 平稳次數Balanced complete type 平稳完備型Balanced design 平稳設計Balanced experiment 平稳實驗Balanced incomplete type 平稳不完備型Balanced sample 平稳樣本Band chart 帶形圖Band curve chart 帶形曲線圖Bank of reliability data 可靠度資料庫Bar chart (diagram) 條(形)圖Bartlett's test 巴特萊特試驗Base line 基線Base number 基數Base period 基期Base point 基點Basic reliability 差不多可靠度Batch (Lot) 批Batch of material 材料批Batch process 分批製造方法Batch size 批量Batch testing 批試驗Bathtub curve 浴缸曲線Bathtub failure curve 浴缸失效曲線Bayes' estimator 貝式估計式Bayes' theorem 貝式定理Bayesian approach 貝式法Bayesian approcah to design 貝式設計法Bayesian estimation 貝式估計Bead map 標珠圖Bell-shaped curve 鐘形曲線Bell-shaped distribution 鐘形分配(布)Bell-shaped failure pattern 鐘形失效型態JBell System 貝爾系統Benign failure 無危險的失效Bernoulli distribution 白努利分配(布)Best fit 最適配合Best fitting line 最適線Best fitting curve 最適曲線Best linear invariant estimator 最佳線型不變估計式Best linear unbiased estimator 最佳線型不偏估計式Beta coefficient β係數Beta distribution β分配(布)Beta function β函數Between-class variance 組間變異數Between-column variance 組間變異Between-column variation 行間變異Between-row variation 列間變異Between sample variation 樣本間變異Bias 偏差Bias, downward 向下偏差Bias, downward type 向下型偏差Bias, upward 向上偏差Bias, upward type 向上型偏差Biased error 偏誤Biased estimate 偏差估計Biased sample 偏差樣本Biased test 偏差試驗Bilateral 雙邊Bill of material (BOM) 物料清單Bimodal 雙峰Bimodal curve 雙峰曲線Bimodal distribution 雙峰分配(布)Bimodal redundancy 雙峰型複聯(置)Bimodality 雙峰性Binary system 二元制Binomial, skewed 偏態二項Binomial coefficient 二項係數Binomial curve 二項曲線Binomial distribution 二項分配(布)Binomial equation 二項方程式Binomial expansion 二項展開式Binomial population 二項群體Binomial probability distribution 二項機率分配(布)Binomial probability paper(BIPP) 二項機率紙Binomial series 二項級數Binomial theorem 二項定理Bi-serial 雙數列Biserial correlation 雙數列相關Biserial coefficient of correlation 雙數列相關係數Biserial ratio of correlation 雙數列相關比Bivariate 雙變量Bivariate distribution 雙變量分配(布)Bivariate frequency distribution 雙變量次數分配(布)Bivariate normal distribution 雙變量常態分配(布)Blend 混,混合Block 量塊,(實驗)區,方塊Block design 實驗區設計Block diagram 方塊圖Block factor 地區因素Block in series 串聯方塊Boundary 界Boundary, cell 組界Bowker-Goode variables plan Bowker-Goode 記量值(抽樣)計畫Bowl drawing 碗珠抽樣Bowl experiment 碗珠實驗Bowl test 碗珠試驗Bowley's coefficient of skewness Bowley偏態係數Bowley's formula Bowley公式Bureau of Ordnance, U.S. Navy 美國海軍兵工署Break-even chart 損益平稳圖Break-even point (BEP) 損益平稳點Breakthrough 突破British Standards Institution 英國標準協會Broken curve 中斷曲線Broken series 中斷數列Broken trend 中斷趨勢Built-in test (BIT) 內含測試,自測Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (BCIQ) 商品檢驗局Bulk sampling Burn-in 大宗抽樣Business Process Management (BPM) 業務流程治理Buyer 買方,客戶CC chart C(管制)圖Calculated value (Computed value) 計算值Calculation chart 計算圖Calendar time 日曆時間Calibration 校正Calibration record 校正記錄Camp-Meidell inequality Camp-Meidell不等式Capability 能力Capability, machine 機器能力Capability, process 製程能力Capability ratio 能力比Capacity 能量,容量Caption 縱標目Carrying out the audit 實施稽核Cartogram 統計圖Case method 個案法Catastrophic failure 突然故障,崩壞失效,致命失效Category 類別Cauchy distribution Cauchy 分配(布)Causality 因果律Cause 缘故Cause, assignable 非機遇缘故Cause, avoidable 可幸免缘故Cause, chance 機遇缘故Cause, common 共同缘故Cause, findable 可尋找缘故Cause, random 隨機缘故Cause, special 专门缘故Cause, substantial 本質缘故Cause, unavoidable 不可幸免缘故Cause and effect 因果Cause and effect diagram 特性要因圖Cell 組Cell boundary 組界Cell deviation (d) 組離差Cell frequency (f) 組次數Cell interval (i,h) 組距Cell limit 組限Cell method 分組法Cell mid-point (Xm) 組中點Cell value 組值Censored sample 檢剔樣本Censored test 檢剔試驗Censorship 檢剔Census 普查Center line 中線Central inspection station 中央檢驗站Central limit theory 趨中理論,中央極限理論Central limit theorem 趨中理論,中央極限理論Central line (CL.) 中心線Central moment 中心動差Central ordinate 中縱座標Central tendency 集中趨勢Central value 中值,中心值Certainty 確定性Certified chart 驗證圖Certified equipment 合格設備Certified quality engineer (CQE) 合格品質工程師Certified quality technician (CQT) 合格品質技術師Certified reliability engineer (CRE) 合格可靠度工程師Certification 驗證Chain model 鍊結模型Chain reliability 鍊結可靠度Chain sampling plan (CHSP) 鍊結抽樣計畫Chance 機遇Chance cause 機遇缘故Chance error (Probable error) 機遇誤差,機誤Chance factor 機遇因素Chance failure 機遇故障,機遇失效Chance failure period 機遇失效期Chance fluctuation 機遇波動Chance variable 機遇變數Chance variation 機遇變異Change control 改變(變更)治理Chaotic variation 混亂變異Characteristic (品質)特性Characteristic, qualitative 質的特性Characteristic, quantitative 量的特性Characteristic curve, operating (OC curve) 操作特性曲線,OC曲線Characteristic diagram 特性要因圖Characteristic function 特性函數Characteristic life 特性壽命Characteristic operating curve (OC curve) 特性操作曲線(OC曲線)Characteristic value 特性值Chargeable failure 可計列失效,故障Charlier check Charlier 覆檢法Chart 圖,(管制)圖Chart, acceptance control 驗收管制圖Chart, average and range 平均數及全距(管制)圖Chart, average number of defects 平均缺點數(管制)圖Chart, control 管制圖Chart, cumulative sum 累積和(管制)圖Chart, defects per unit 每單位內缺點數(管制)圖Chart, fraction defective 不良率(管制)圖Chart, group 多項(管制)圖Chart, individual 個別值(管制)圖Chart, median 中位數(管制)圖Chart, moving and range 移動平均數及全距(管制)圖Chart, moving range 移動全距(管制)圖Chart, modified control limits 修正管制界限(管制)圖Chart, multi-variation 變異值(管制)圖Chart, multiple 複式(管制)圖Chart, number defectives 不良(品)數(管制)圖Chart, number of defects 缺點數(管制)圖Chart, percent defective 不良率管制圖Chart, range 全距(管制)圖Chart, run 操作(記錄)圖Chart, shop 工廠(管制)圖Chart, Shewhart control Shewhart 管制圖Chart, two-way control 雙向管制圖Chebyshev's inequality Chebyshev 不等式Check inspection 覆核檢驗Check sampling 覆核檢驗員Check inspector 覆核抽樣Chi-square ,卡方Chi-square distribution 分配(布),卡方分配(布)Chi-square test 檢定,卡方檢定Chi-squared distribution 分配(布),卡方分配(布)Chip 小圓片Chronic defect 慢性缺點Chronological chart 時序圖Chronological series 時序數列Class 組Class boundaries (True class limits)組界(真實組限)Class form 組形Class frequency (f) 組次數Class interval (i,h) 組距Class limit 組限Class mark 組標,中值Class mean 組平均數Class mid-point(Xm) 組中點Class mid-value 組中值Class of median 組中位數Class value 組值Classes, number of 組數Classification chart 分組,分類Classification frequency 分組次數Classification frequency series 分組次數數列Classification of defectives 不良品分類Classification of defects 缺點分類Classfication of failure 失效分類,故障分類Classification process 分組(方)法Clearance 間隙,餘隙Cluster 集團Cluster sampling 集團抽樣Cochran's test Cochran 檢定Code 簡化,代號Code letter 代字Coded unit 簡化單位Coded value 簡化值Coding 簡化Coding rule 簡化規則Coefficient 係數Coefficient, correlation 相關係數Coefficient of alienation 餘相關係數Coefficient of association 相關係數Coefficient of binomial distribution 二項分配(布)係數Coefficient of colligation 束聯係數Coefficient of contingency 列聯係數Coefficient of correlation 相關係數Coefficient of determination (r2) 定限係數Coefficient of dispersion 離勢係數Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度係數Coefficient of multiple correlation 複相關係數Coefficient of net correlation 淨相關係數Coefficient of net regression 淨迴歸係數Coefficient of non-determination 不定限係數Coefficient of part correlation 部份相關係數Coefficient of partial correlation 部份相關係數Coefficient of rank correlation 等級相關係數Coefficient of reliability 可靠度係數Coefficient of regression 迴歸係數Coefficient of skewness 偏態係數,偏斜係數Coefficient of variation (CV) 變異係數Cold standby 冷置係數Collective quality 集體品質Columbia sampling table Columbia 抽樣計畫Column (Column/Row) 行,縱行(行/列)Column head 標目Column diagram 直行圖Combination 組合Combinational model 複合模型Combined environmental reliability test (CERT) 複合環境可靠度試驗Combined failure 複合失效,複合故障Combined stress life test 複合應力壽命試驗Commissioning 委製Commodity 商品Common cause (Chance cause) 共同缘故(機遇缘故)Company standard 公司標準Companys need 公司需要Company-wide quality control (CWQC) 全公司品質管制Comparability 可比性Comparable measure 可比量數Compensating error 補償誤差Compensating fluctuation 補償波動Competing product 競爭產品Complete association 全相聯Complete block design 完全區集法Complete confounding 完全交絡Complete dissociation 全不相聯Complete failure 完全故障,完全失效Complaint 埋怨Complaint index 埋怨指標Completed product verification 成品驗證Component 元件,組件Component bar chart 成份條圖Component distiibution 組成份分配(布)Component part diagram 成份圖Component ratio 成份比Component reliability 元件可靠度Component variance 成份變異數Components of variance 變異數成份Composite curve 複合曲線Composite design 複合法Composite hypothesis 複合假設,組合假設Composite unit 複合單位Compound distribution 複合分配(布)Compound event 複合事件Compound probability 複合機率Compounding technique 複合法Compressed limit 壓縮界限Compressed limit gauging 壓縮界限規則Computed value 計算值Concentric circle diagram 同心圓圖Conception of limit 極限概念Conceptual design 概念設計Conceptual design review 概念設計審查Concession 特採,特認Concomitant factor 共變因素Concomitant variable 共變數Concomitant variation 共變異Concurrency 併行Condition maintenance 狀態維護Condition monitoring 狀態監督Condition-based maintenance 狀態基準維護Conditional probability 條件機率Conditions of use 使用條件Confidence 信任,信賴Confidence coefficient 信任係數,信賴係數Confidence interval 信任區間,信賴區間Confidence in test results 試驗結果的信賴度Confidence level 信任水準,信賴水準Confidence limit 信任界限,信賴界限Confidence range 信任全距,信賴全距Configuration control 型態管制Configuration items 型態件Configuration management 型態治理Confirmation 確認Conformance to the requirement 符合要求Conformation 一致Conforming article 合格品Conformity 符合Confounding 交絡Confounding, complete 完全交絡Confounding, partial 部份交絡Connector 連接器Consignment 委託,寄售Consistency 一致性Constancy 恆久性Constancy of great numbers 大數恆久性Constant 常數Constant cause system 恆常缘故系統Constant error 恆常誤差Constant failure period 恆常失效期Constant failure rate dustribution 恆常失效率分配(布)Constant weight (Fixed weight) 固定權數Constraint 束縛Consultant 治理顧問師Consumer 消費者Consumer acceptance specification 消費者允收規格Consumerism 消費者主義Consumer's risk (CR) 消費者冒險率Consumer test panel 消費者試驗小組Consumer preference 消費者偏好Consumer sensitivity test 消費者感官試驗Contingency 列聯Contingency coefficient 列聯係數Contingency table 列聯表Contingency theorem 列聯理論Continuity correction 連續校正Continuous change 連續變更Continuous data 連續數據Continuous distribution 連續分配(布)Continuous production 連續生產Continuous sampling 連續抽樣Continuous sampling plan (CSP) 連續抽樣計畫Continuous series 連續數列Continuous variable 連續變數Contract 合約Contract preparation 擬定合約Contract review 合約檢討Contract requirements 合約需求Contract requirements analysis 合約需求分析Contractors 合約商Contrast analysis 對照分析Control, in 在管制(狀態)下Control, lack of 缺乏管制Control, out of 超出管制Control, state of 管制狀態Control, under 在管制(狀態)下Control chart 管制圖Control chart, cumulative sum 累積和管制圖Control chart, defects per unit 每單位內缺點數管制圖Control chart, two-way 雙向管制圖Control chart factor 管制圖係數Control chart for attribute 計數值管制圖Control chart for variable (measurement) 計量值管制圖Control chart method 管制圖法Control chart pattern 管制圖類型Control factor 管制因素Control gaging (gauging) 管制規測Control level 管制水準Control limit 管制界限Control limit, lower 管制下限Control limit, modified 修正管制界限Control limit, upper 管制上限Control limit factor 管制界限因數Control line 管制線Control of measuring and test equipment 量測與試驗設備之管制Control of nonconforming material 不合格物料之管制Control of nonconforming product 不合格產品之管制Control of production 生產管制Control of reliability 可靠度管制Control of verification status 驗證狀況之管制Control plan 管制計畫Control point 管制點Control station 管制站Control system 管制系統Controllability 可管制性Controlled process 管制製程Controlled state 管制狀態Controlled variability 管制變異性Controlled variable 管制變數Controlling item 管制項目Convenience lot 合宜的批Convergence 收斂Cooked distribution 中斷分配(布)Coordinate 座標Coordinate axis 座標軸Coordinate line 座標線Coordination 協調Coordination for reliability 可靠度協調Correction 校正,修正Correction, Sheppard Sheppard 校正數Correction factor 修正因數Correction for continuity 連續校正Correction for mean 平均數校正Correction term 校正項Corrective action 矯正行動,改正措施Corrective maintenance 矯正維護,改正維護Corrective maintenance time 矯正維護時間,改正維護時間Corrective sorting 修正選別Correlated measure 相關量數Correlated samples 相關樣本Correlation 相關Correlation, coefficient of 相關係數Correlation, direct 直截了当相關Correlation, index of 相關指數Correlation, inverse 反相關Correlation, multiple 複相關Correlation, negative 負相關Correlation, net 淨相關Correlation, nonlinear 非線性相關Correlation, nonsense 無意義相關Correlation, part 部份相關,偏相關Correlation, partial 部份相關,偏相關Correlation, perfect 完全相關Correlation, rank 等級相關Correlation, serial 數序相關Correlation, simple 簡相關Correlation, zero 零相關Correlation analysis 相關分析Correlation chart 相關圖Correlation, coefficient 相關係數Correlation coefficient, rank 等級相關係數Correlation matrix 相關矩陣Correlation of attributes 品性相關Correlation ratio 相關比Correlation of x on y x與y的相關比Correlation ratio of y on x y與x的相關比Correlation scatter chart 相關散佈圖Correlation surface 相關面Correlation table 相關表Correlation theory 相關理論Correlogram 相關圖Corrosive atmosphere 腐蝕性空氣Cost 成本,費用Cost, acquisition 取得成本Cost, appraisal 評估(鑑定)成本Cost, external failure 外部失敗成本Cost, internal failure 內部失敗成本Cost, life cycle 壽命週期成本Cost, logistic 後續成本Cost, prevention 預防成本Cost, quality 品質成本Cost, quality control 品質管制成本Cost, rework 重加工成本Cost effectiveness 成本效益Cost function 成本機能Cost model for reliability optimization 可靠度最佳化成本模式Cost reduction 成本減低Count (Countable) data 點計數據Counter variation 反行變異Co-variation 共變異Covariance 共變異數,共變數Covariance analysis 共變異數分析Covariance matrix 共變異矩陣Craps, game of 擲骰遊戲Credibility 信用Creep failure 潛變失效,潛變故障Crest 峰Criteria for workmanship 工作技藝準則Criterion 準則,規範Criterion, acceptance 驗收準則(規範)Critical component control 重要組件管制Critical defect 嚴重缺點Critical defective 嚴重不良品Critical design review 關鍵設計審查Critical failure 關鍵故障,嚴重失效Critical items 關鍵品目,重要件Critical path 要徑Critical path analysis 要徑分析法Critical region 臨界區域,棄卻區域,判定區Critical value 臨界值,判定值Criticality 嚴重性,關鍵性Cross 交叉Cross check 互校Cross classification 交叉分類Cross correlation 交叉相關Cross formula 交互公式Cross-hatch 交叉線Cross-hatched map 交叉圖Cross-over design 交叉計畫Crossed design 交叉法Crude mode 概括眾數Crude moment 概括動差Cubic chart (diagram) 立方圖Culled 檢選Cumulant 累積數Cumulation, downward 向下累積Cumulation, total 全部累積Cumulation, upward 向上累積Cumulation average chart 累積平均數(管制)圖Cumulative curve 累積曲線Cumulative curve chart 累積曲線圖Cumulative damage 累積損壞Cumulative distribution (Ogive) 累積分配(布)Cumulative distribution function 累積分配(布)函數Cumulative error 累積誤差Cumulative failure frequency 累積故障次數,累積失效次數Cumulative frequency 累積次數Cumulative frequency arrangement 累積次數排列Cumulative frequency curve 累積次數曲線Cumulative frequency 累積次數曲線圖Cumulative frequency distribution 累積次數分配(布)Cumulative frequency polygon 累積(次數)多邊形Cumulative frequency (probability) function 累積次數(機率)函數Cumulative frequency table 累積次數表Cumulative function 累積函數Cumulative graph 累積圖Cumulative hazard function 累積冒險函數Cumulative mean 累積平均數Cumulative normal distribution 累積常態分配Cumulative number of failures 累積失效數,累積故障數Cumulative percentage of failures 累積失效百分率,累積故障百分率Cumulative probability distribution 累積機率分配(布)Cumulative sum 累積和Cumulative sum chart 累積和(管制)圖Cumulative sum control chart 累積和管制圖Cumulative terms 累積項Curtailed (Truncated) inspection 截略檢驗Curtailed (Truncated) sample inspection截略樣品檢驗Curtailed sampling 截略抽樣Curtailed sampling inspection 截略抽樣檢驗Curtaijed sampling plan 截略抽樣計畫Curtailment of sampling plan 抽樣計畫之截略Curve 曲線Curve, frequency 次數曲線Curve, normal 常態曲線Curve chart (diagram) 曲線圖Curve fitting 曲線配合Curve of error 誤差曲線Curve of means 平均數曲線Curve of probability 機率曲線Curve type criterion 曲線型準則Curve shape 曲線形狀Curvilinear correlation 曲線相關Curvilinear regression 曲線迴歸Curvilinear trend 曲線趨勢Curvilinearity 曲線性Customer 客戶,顧客Customer complaint 顧客埋怨Customer feedback information 顧客回饋資訊Customer incurred cost 顧客引發成本Customer operation cost 顧客作業成本Customer repair cost 顧客修理成本Customer requirement 顧客要求Customer satisfaction 顧客滿意度Customer's need 顧客需要Cusum chart 累積和(管制)圖Cycles 週期Cycles between failures 失效間隔週期,故障間隔週期Cycle of operation 操作週期Cyclic curve 週期(循環)曲線Cyclic damage 週期性損壞Cyclic load 週期性負荷Cyclical deviation 週期(循環)離差Cyclical fluctuation 週期波動Cyclical trend 週期趨勢Cyclical movement 週期移動Cyclical variation 週期變異Cycling failure rate 週期性失效率,週期性故障率DD chart d管制圖Data 數據Data analysis 數據分析Data bank 資料室(庫)Data exchange program 數據交換計畫Data, inspection 檢驗數據Data item 資料項,文件項目Data processing 資料處理Death rate 死亡率Debug (debugging) 除錯Decile 十分位數Decimal fraction 小數Decision function 決策函數Decision line 決定線Decision making 決策Decision variable 決策變數Decreasing failure rate distribution 遞減失效率分配(布)Decrement 減量Decrement rate 減率Defect 疵病,缺點Defect, chronic 慢性缺點Defect, critical 嚴重缺點Defect, incidental 偶發缺點Defect, major 要紧缺點Defect, minor 次要缺點Defect, sporadic 突發缺點Defect and failure analysis 缺點與失效分析Defect chart 缺點數(管制)圖Defect Free 零缺點Defect prevention 缺點預防Defects, number of 缺點數Defects classification 缺點分類Defects per hundred units (dphu) 百件缺點數Defects per unit chart 每單位(內)缺點數(管制)圖Defects per unit plan 每單位(內)缺點數(管制)計畫Defective 不良品Defective, fraction 不良率Defective chart 不良品數(管制)圖Defective material 不良材料Defective number 不良品數Defective part 不良零件Defective parts, percentage of 不良零件百分率Defective prevention 不良品預防Defective unit 不良品(單位)Defectives, number of 不良(品)數Defectives classification 不良品分類Definition(s) 定義Deflated series 調節數列Deflated value 調節值Deflating index 調節指數Degradation 劣化Degradation failure 劣化故障,劣化失效Degree of accuracy 準確度Degree of approximation 近似度Degree of association 相聯度Degree of confidence 信任(賴)度Degree of contribution 貢獻度Degree of freedom (DF) 自由度Degree of reliability 可靠度Delivery 交貨,出廠Delivery inspection 出廠檢驗Delivery qulaity 出廠品質Delivery time 運送時間Demerit 減點Demerit chart 減點(數)(管制)圖Demerit rating 減點評比Demerits per unit 每單位(內)減點數Demonstration 示範,驗證,展現Demonstration test 驗證試驗,展現試驗Density function 密度函數Dependability 可恃性,相依性,依賴性Dependent factor 因變因數Dependent failure 相依失效,相依故障Dependent variable 因變數Derating 降等,額降,減額定Derivation 導出Derived table 導出表Descriptive item 說明項Descriptive statistics 記述統計(學)Design 設計Design baseline 設計準則Design change 設計變更Design considerations 設計考量Design control 設計管制Design change control 設計變更管制Design control, new 新設計管制Design criterion 設計準則Design disclosure package 設計啟導文件Design effect cost 設計效應成本Design freeze 設計凍結Design in 設計進去Design input 設計輸入Design matrix 設計矩陣Design output 設計輸出Design of experiment 實驗計畫Design planning 設計規畫Design profile 設計輪廓Design proving 設計認可Design qualification 設計之合格性Design release 設計發佈Design requalification 設計合格之再認定Design review 設計審查Design specification 設計規格Design validation 設計確認Design verification 設計驗證,查證Design verification test 設計驗證試驗Designation 名稱Designed experiment 實驗計畫Destructive inspection (test) 破壞性檢驗(試驗)Detailed design 細部設計Detailed design review 細部設計審查Detailed inspection (100% inspection) 全數檢驗(百分之百檢驗)Detect 偵測Detection of a failure unit 失效單位之檢測,故障單位之檢測Detection time 檢測時間Deterioration 衰變,劣化Determination, coefficient of 定限係數Development 發展Development test 發展試驗Deviation 離差Deviation, average 平均差Deviation, mean 平均差Deviation, root-mean-square 均方根差Deviation, sample standard 樣本標準差Deviation, standard 標準差Deviation, universe standard 群體標準差Deviation permit 差異特許Deviation report 差異報告Diagnosis 診斷Diagnostic arm 診斷能力Diagonal distribution 對角分配(布)Diagram, bar 條(形)圖Diagram, curve 曲線圖Diagram, scatter 散佈圖Diagrammatic presentation (Graphic presentation) 圖示Dice experiment 擲骰實驗Dichotomy 二分法Dichotomy, double 雙次二分法。

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能量赋活系列Energy-Reviving Series能量赋活洁颜蜜69117成分:水、硬脂酸、聚乙二醇-400、肉豆蔻酸、甘油、月桂酸、氢氧化钾、丁二醇、硬脂醇聚醚-20、PEG-7 橄榄油酸酯、PEG-150 二硬脂酸酯、羟丙基甲基纤维素、丙烯酸(酯)类共聚物、苯乙烯/丙烯酸(酯)类共聚物、CI 77891、茶(CAMELLIA SINENSIS)提取物、红没药醇、姜(ZINGIBER OFFICINALE)提取物、羟苯甲酯、羟苯丙酯、香精、EDTA 四钠产品说明:渺渺绿茶清润,肌肤寸寸苏醒。





Energy-Reviving Cleansing CreamFunction description: Moisturizing of green tea cleansing gel enables the skin to revive. Gentle cleansing elements like hundreds of massage beads, smooth the fine line and accelerate the skin metabolism for smooth skin texture. The green tea vitalizing ingredient that has the antioxidant ability can stimulate the skin protection mechanism and assist in intensive repair of skin. Thus, the skin becomes smooth and tight as well as fresh and bright.Usage: Get some cleansing cream on the palm, knead it until foam is yielded, smooth the foam on face, then rinse with clean water.能量赋活青春液69118成分:水、丁二醇、甘油、PCA 钠、尿素、糖基海藻糖、聚季铵盐-51、丙二醇、甘油聚甲基丙烯酸酯、甜菜碱、PEG/PPG/聚丁二醇-8/5/3 甘油、甜菜根提取物、泛醇、尿囊素、马齿苋提取物、1,2-己二醇、辛二醇、卡波姆、三乙醇胺、透明质酸钠、乙酰基六肽-8、棕榈酰四肽-7、寡肽-1、PPG-26-丁醇聚醚-26、PEG-40 氢化蓖麻油、甲基异噻唑啉酮、香精产品说明:润活万物的生命之泉,赋予肌肤弹力和青春活力!蕴含丰富的动力保湿藻及VB5,直达肌底,充盈表皮间脂质,优化肌肤环境,令肌肤饱满莹润,呈现勃勃生机。




Energy-Reviving Youth TonerFunction description: It is the life stream moisturizing everything on earth and endowing the skin with ever-increasing elasticity and youthful vigor. It is rich in dynamic moisturizing algae and VB5, it can penetrate through bottom skin, fill up the intercellular lipid and optimize the skin environment so that the skin becomes full and smooth quickly, with thriving vitality. Micro molecule peptide can activate the repairing potential of skin and solidify the elastin so as to make the skin tight and smooth as well as supplement the water and energy for full absorption of subsequent nutrition.Usage: Get some youth toner after facial cleansing, apply it on face and neck by pressing (or using a cotton pad). It can also be used together with compressed facial mask. Have a mask soaked intoner, apply the mask on face for 3 minutes, then you will see a better preventive and repair effect.能量赋活精华素69119成分:水、丁二醇、甘油、葡聚糖、海藻糖、PEG/PPG/聚丁二醇-8/5/3 甘油、PCA 钠、尿素、糖基海藻糖、聚季铵盐-51、蚕丝提取物、燕麦氨基酸类、水解小麦蛋白、稻糠油、霍霍巴籽油、角鲨烷、生育酚乙酸酯、丙烯酸(酯)类/C10-30 烷醇丙烯酸酯交联聚合物、燕麦(A VENA SATIV A)仁提取物、柠檬酸、乙酰酪氨酸、氨基丙醇抗坏血酸磷酸酯、草莓虎耳草提取物、牡丹根提取物、黄芩根提取物、谷胱甘肽、马齿苋提取物、甜菜根提取物、香蕉(MUSA NANA)果提取物、积雪草(CENTELLA ASIATICA)提取物、乙酰基六肽-8、三乙醇胺、1,2-己二醇、辛二醇、羟癸基泛醌、寡肽-1、尿囊素、透明质酸钠、甲基异噻唑啉酮、香精产品说明:凝聚多种紧致精华,让你的时钟“慢慢”转!突破性“焕时因子”——微分子肽,赋予肌肤能量,强化纤维网,赋予肌肤捕捉胶原蛋白的能力。




Energy-Reviving EssenceFunction description: This product contains a variety of tightening and recovery essence that can shift your clock. The break-through “Time Recovery Factor”—micro molecule peptide can endow the skin with new energy as well as the skin with the ability to capture the collagen and strengthen fibrous reticulum. The elastic tightening formula, combined with different tightening essence such as micro collagen, dynamic moisturizing algae, etc. which can be helpful to instant lift for skin and effective smooth of wrinkles and dry skin so as to make the face plump and tight. Natural plant whitening extract, with dense infiltration, where the tender and pure skin is fixed, with tight and dynamic smiling face.Usage: Get some essence after toner is applied, apply it on face and neck by pressing.能量赋活展颜日霜69120成分:水、丁二醇、牛油果树果脂、环五聚二甲基硅氧烷、PEG-100 硬脂酸酯、鲸蜡硬脂醇、碳酸二辛酯、甲氧基肉桂酸乙基己酯、新戊二醇二辛酸酯/二癸酸酯、甘油、双-PEG/PPG-16/16 PEG/PPG-16/16 聚二甲基硅氧烷、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、辛酸丙基庚酯、水解胶原、甜菜根提取物、葡聚糖、生育酚乙酸酯、植物甾醇类、红没药醇、PEG-10 大豆甾醇、聚二甲基硅氧烷/乙烯基聚二甲基硅氧烷交联聚合物、卡波姆、三乙醇胺、苯氧乙醇、羟苯甲酯、羟苯丁酯、羟苯乙酯、羟苯丙酯、乙酰基六肽-8、棕榈酰四肽-7、寡肽-1、泛醌、羟癸基泛醌、PCA 钠、尿素、糖基海藻糖、聚季铵盐-51、马齿苋提取物、春榆(ULMUS DA VIDIANA)根提取物、甘草酸二钾、透明质酸钠、香精产品说明:丰沛保湿精华承载卓颜赋活成分,快速渗入,更在肌肤表层形成保护膜,抗击环境刺激。





Energy-Reviving Refreshing Day CreamFunction description: Abundant moisture essence contains resurrection factors that can penetrate instantly and form the defensive protection film on the skin surface in order to resist the environmental stimulus. A variety of complex collagens can directly enter into the deep skin and make the dry skin plentiful and plump, so that the skin is more smooth and tight and away from dry skin and fine lines. Acetyl-L-carnosine-3 can stimulate the skin to generate plenty of elastic protein, recover the skin elasticity and avoid the loose wrinkles. You can own the tight and smooth skin full of pearlescent shinning in life.Usage: Get some day cream after essence is applied, apply it on face and neck by pressing.能量赋活新生晚霜69121成分:水、丁二醇、牛油果树果脂、鲸蜡硬脂醇、聚二甲基硅氧烷、蔗糖多硬脂酸酯、碳酸二辛酯、新戊二醇二辛酸酯/二癸酸酯、水解胶原、辛酸丙基庚酯、山嵛醇聚醚-25、葡聚糖、甜菜根提取物、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、植物甾醇类、生育酚乙酸酯、红没药醇、聚二甲基硅氧烷/乙烯基聚二甲基硅氧烷交联聚合物、海藻糖、木鲁星果棕籽脂、PEG-10 大豆甾醇、PCA 钠、尿素、糖基海藻糖、聚季铵盐-51、苯氧乙醇、羟苯甲酯、羟苯丁酯、羟苯乙酯、羟苯丙酯、羟癸基泛醌、马齿苋提取物、春榆(ULMUS DA VIDIANA)根提取物、甘草酸二钾、卡波姆、三乙醇胺、香桃木(MYRTUS COMMUNIS)提取物、乙酰基六肽-8、泛醌、香蕉(MUSA NANA)果提取物、积雪草(CENTELLA ASIATICA)提取物、寡肽-1、甘草酸二钾、透明质酸钠、香精产品说明:白金级修护成分——辅酶Q10,巩固胶原蛋白弹性,修护弹力纤维,提高肌肤紧致度,赋予肌肤嫩滑紧致的年轻触感。
