
一、冠词 (Articles)冠词是指用来限定名词范围的词语,分为定冠词和不定冠词两种。
1. 定冠词 (Definite Articles)定冠词包括"the",用于特指已提及或共知的人、事物或概念。
例如:- The book on the table is mine.(桌子上的那本书是我的。
)- The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东方升起。
)2. 不定冠词 (Indefinite Articles)不定冠词包括"a"和"an",用于泛指或表示名词是一个类别中的任意一个。
例如:- I saw a bird in the garden.(我在花园里看到一只鸟。
)- She wants to be an actress.(她想成为一名女演员。
)二、指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)指示代词指代特定的人、事物或位置,并且根据离说话人的距离分为远指和近指两种。
1. 远指代词远指代词包括"that"和"those",用于指代离说话人较远的事物或人们。
例如:- That is a beautiful sunset.(那是一个美丽的日落。
)- Look at those flowers over there.(看看那边的花。
)2. 近指代词近指代词包括"this"和"these",用于指代离说话人较近的事物或人们。
例如:- This is my new car.(这是我的新车。
)- These are my friends.(这些是我的朋友。

限定词1.什么叫限定词限定词位于名词之前,对名词起特指、泛指或表示数量等限定作用的一类词,如:特指:the book, my book, this book 等(说话或听话人都知道指点哪一个事物。
)泛指:a book, some books, 等(泛指是指点任何一个(些)事物)数量:two books, many books, much sugar 等在句子中担任主语、宾语、补足语等的名词词组,一般都由“限定词(+形容词)+名词(+后置修饰语)”构成。
总的来说,限定词一般不与专有名词搭配,用于普通名词时要根据名词的数和类别来决定.我们把名词划分为以下三类:单数可数名词:a book that book 等复数可数名词:these books such books 等不可数名词:some tea little water 等2、哪些是限定词兹将限定词列表如下,表中指明各个限定词与三类名词搭配的情况:限定词单数可数复数可数不可数a(n) book -- -—a (little)bit of -— -- breada great amount of -——- breada great (good) deal of -- —— breada great(good, large, small)number of —- books --all day books breada lot of —— books breadanother book -- --any book books breadboth -— books ——double the price the quantities the strengtheach book -- --either book -———enough -- books breadevery book —- -—(a) few —— books —-fewer,(the) fewest —— books -—the first, the second, etc prize prizes -—half an hour the men the breadthe last book books -—(the ) least thing —— breadless —— -— bread(a) little -— -— breadlots of —— books breadmany a book books —-more -- books breadmost —— books breadmuch —- -— breadmy, your, his, etc book books breadTom’s, the old man’s, etc book books breadneither book -- --the next book books --no book books breadone book ———-one-third, two—fifths, etc (of)the book (of) the books the timeother student students breadthe other book books --plenty of —- books breadseveral -- books --some (某一)book books breadsuch book books breadthat book books breadthe book books breadthese -— books —-this book -— breadthose -- books ——twice, three times, etc the figure the quantities his strengthtwo, three, etc —- books --what(ever) book books breadwhich(ever) book books breadwhose book books breadzero(不用冠词或其它限定词) man men bread[注] 表内“-”表示有关限定词不能与该类名词搭配.限定词的搭配 1、概说名词词组中,当两个或两个以上的限定词同时出现时,限定词之间有一定的搭配关系,根据其不同的搭配位置可分为三类,其中最重要的一类是中位限定词,:Write your answer on every other line。

several hundred guests 后 后 such a misfortune 前 中
all other students 前 后 some such alloy 中 后
有上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词和前位限定词之间是相互排 斥的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位 限定词。所以,“我的那本书”不是 my that book 而是 that book of mine ,因为 my 和 that 同是中位限定词,不可并列。但后位限 定词的使用却不受此限制。例如: his 中 two 后 last two books 后 后 more sheets 后 the first two chapters 中 后 后
基数词(Cardinal Numeral)和序数词(Ordinal Number)
倍 数 词 ( Multiplicative Numeral ) 和 分 数 词 ( Fractional Numeral) 量词(Quantifier):a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great/ good deal of , a large / small amount / quantity of , a great/large/good number of等。
有些限定词如a (little) bit of,a large amount of,a great deal of,(a) little,much,less,(the) least等只能与不可数名词 搭配。 a bit of water (a) little space a large amount of money less oil much noise (the) least oil

我们还应该注意这两种用法的意思区别。 ①I will stay here for another three days. 意思 是“我还要在这里再呆三天”。“another+数 词+名词复数”这一结构的基本意思是“在原 有基础上的一个延续”。 ②I am always busy from Monday to Thursday, but I can come on three other days. 意思是“我 其他三天(Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)能 来”。“数词+other+名词复数”这一结构只 是单纯地表示“其他的…,另外的…”。
3、不定限定词some, any
⑴ 从与名词搭配来看,some和any均可以与不可 数名词和可数名词复数连用,表示“一些”。 some一般用在肯定句中;而any一般用在否定 句中。例如: ①Clint is busy. He always has some work to do. But John is lazy. He never does any work. ②Last night I was very hungry and I wanted some food to eat. But now I am not hungry and I don’t want any food to eat. ③I need some medicine to cure my cough. ④I want to buy some computer books. ⑤I don’t have any friend here.
this, these, that, those 既可以是形容词,放在名 词或one,ones之前作定语;也可以是代词,代 替名词或名词短语;还可以作副词,表程度。 如: I don’t like this book, I like that one. I don’t like this, it’s too difficult. Yesterday I bought a water-melon, this big.

2) 三类限定词的搭配关系 如果一个名词词组带有上述 三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照“前位--中位- -后位”的顺序排列。 例如: all前the中four后teachers. all前your中three后books. all前these中last后few后days. 如果只有上述两类限定词, 其搭配关系仍按上述顺序。例如: half前his中lecture. those中last后few后months. several后hundred后guests. all 前other后students. such前a中misfortune. some中such后 alloy.
6〕能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词 如this, that, (the) least等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配。 例如: (the) least sign (of prejudice), this / that job, (the) least knowledge, this / that work. 7〕能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词 还有些限定 词如a lot of, lots of, enough, more, most, such, other等可与复 数名词和不可数名词搭配。例如: a lot of books, a lot of money, lots of chickens, lots of food, plenty of chairs, plenty of water, enough copies, enough coal, more articles, more time, most people, most work, such men, such bread, other men, other bread. 不定量限定词less原先只与不可数名词搭配,但在现代英 语中,less既可与不可数名词也可与复数名词搭配。例如: less money, less mistakes.

在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词 出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题。按其不同的搭 配位置,限定词可分为:
按照限定词和限定词之间的不同搭配位置,限定词可分为中位 限定词(Central Determiner)、前位限定词(Predeterminer)和 后位限定词(Postdeterminer)。
several hundred guests all other students 后 后 前 后 such a misfortune some such alloy 前 中 中 后 有上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词和前位限定词之间是相互排 斥的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位 限定词。所以,“我的那本书”不是my that book而是that book of mine,因为my 和that 同是中位限定词,不可并列。但后位限定词 的使用却不受此限制。例如: his last two books 中 后 后 two more sheets 后 后 the first two chapters 中 后 后
个别限定词有跨类现象,如such既属于前位限定 词,又可归入后位限定词。由于它只是在such a ...和 such an …这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其 他限定词(some,any,no,all,few,another, other,many,one,two等)搭配时,such则是后位 限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such,any such,no such,few such,one such等,因 此把它归入后位限定词。
有些限定词如this,that等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配。 例如: this/that job this/that work

例如,“the sun”(太阳)、“the moon”(月亮)、“the United States”(美国)等等。
例如,“a book”(一本书)、“an apple”(一个苹果)等等。
近指代词包括“this”和“these”,用于指出靠近说话者的人或事物,例如,“this book”(这本书)、“these apples”(这些苹果)等等。
远指代词包括“that”和“those”,用于指出远离说话者的人或事物,例如,“that house”(那栋房子)、“those mountains”(那些山)等等。

2 . 只能与单数名词搭配的限定词
有些限定词如:a(n), one , another, each, every ,either, neither, many a 等,只能与 单数名词搭配。例如: each worker every student either book neither sentence an apple one copy another book many a book
1 限定词与三类名词的搭配关系
1 . 能与三类名词搭配的限定词 有些限定词如: the, some, any , no, another, whose以及 my , your 等物主限定词和名词属格(John’s , my friend’s)等能与三类名词搭配。 eg: the book the books the money my book my books my money some book some books some money whose book whose books whose money No student is to leave the classroom. I have no time to write to you . And whose side are you on ?
5. 能与单.复数名词搭配的限定词
有些限定词,如:the first , the second, the last, the next 等, 既可与单数名词搭配,也可与复数名词搭配,例如: the first rose the first roses the last man the last men the next meeting the next meetings ·My first reaction was to hit him, but he was old ,and my second was to resign. ·The next thing he heard was an insistent knocking on the door of his room. ·The last three shipments of grain for West Africa haven’t yet arrived.

限定词的分类前位限定词1 不定限定词all,both,half2 表示倍数或分数的词double,twice,three times;one-third,two-thirds等3 指示限定词such(与不定冠词连用):与中位限定词a/an或后位限定词a lot of 等连用时4 疑问或连接限定词what(只用于感叹句中)5 不定限定词1 修饰复数可数名词(a) few of, many of, a good/great many of, a (great/large/good/small) number of, etc.2 修饰不可数名词a bit of, (a) little of, much of, a great/good deal of, a great amount of, etc.3 修饰复数可数名词与不可数名词most of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, etc.上述不定量限定词只有后跟中位限定词the, my, his, her, your, etc., this, that, these, those时用作前位限定词中位限定词1 冠词a/an, the2 物主限定词my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their3 指示限定词this,that,these,those4 不定限定词1 通用限定词each,every2 肯定限定词some3 非肯定限定词any,either4 否定限定词no,neither5 量词限定词enough5 名词所有格——名词+-'s6 疑问限定词/连接限定词/关系限定词 what(ever),which(ever),whose,whosever后位限定词1 序数词 first,second,third,etc.2 通用序数词 last,next,additional,further,past,etc.3 基数词 one,two,three,etc.4 不定限定词1修饰复数可数名词(a)few (of), fewer, (the) fewest, many (of), several2修饰不可数名词(a) little (of), much (of)3修饰不可数名词和复数名词less, more(of),most(of)4修饰单数可数名词和不可数名词(the)least5修饰单、复数可数名词another,certain6 修饰单、复数可数名词及不可数名词other5 开放性量词1修饰复数可数名词a good/great many (of), a (great/large/good/small) number of, etc.2修饰不可数名词a bit of, a great/good deal of, a great amount of, etc.3修饰复数可数名词与不可数名词a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity of, etc.6 指示限定词such(不与冠词连用)限定词与名词的搭配关系A 只修饰单数可数名词的限定词前位限定词what a;中位限定词a/an, each, every, either, neither;后位限定词many a, one, etc.B 只修饰复数可数名词的限定词前位限定词both后位限定词two,three,etc.,(a) few, fewer, (the) fewest, many, several, these, those.前位限定词或后位限定词a good/great many (of), a (great/good/small) number of, etc.C 只能与不可数名词连用的后位(或前位)限定词(a)bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of, a great amount of, (great/large) amounts of, (a) little (of), much (of) D 只与单数和复数可数名词连用的后位限定词first, second, third, etc., last, next, another, (a) certain, etc.E 只与不可数名词和复数可数名词连用的限定词中位限定词enough, 零冠词后位限定词less, more, most, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity ofF 只与单数可数名词及不可数名词连用的限定词中位限定词this, that后位限定词(the) leastG可与单、复数可数名词及不可数名词连用的限定词前位限定词all, half, double, twice, three times, one-third, two-thirds, such中位限定词the, my, your, etc., some, any, either, no, what(ever), which(ever), whose, whosever, 名词所有格后位限定词additional, further, past, other, such代词分类表。

b) 前位限定词包括 all,both,half; double,twice,three times等; one-third,two-fifths等; what,such (a/ an) (跨类限定词)。
c)后位限定词包括 one,two,three等; first,second,third等;next,last,other,another等;many, much,(a) few,(a) little,fewer,(the) fewest,less,(the) least,more,most;several等; plenty of,a lot of,lots of,a great/large/good number of,a great/ good deal of,a large/ small amount of;such等。
个别限定词有跨类现象,如such既属于前位限定 词,又可归入后位限定词。由于它只是在such a ...和 such an …这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其 他限定词(some,any,no,all,few,another, other,many,one,two等)搭配时,such则是后位 限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such,any such,no such,few such,one such等,因 此把它归入后位限定词。
有些限定词如the,some,any,no,other,whose以及my, your等物主限定词和名词属格(John’s,my friend’s)等能与三类 名词搭配。例如: the book the books the money my book my books my money my friend’s book my friend’s boods my friend’s money any book any books any money some book some books some money no book no books no money the other book the other books the other money whose book whose books whose money

冠词:定冠词,不定冠词形容词性的物主代词限定词:my,your,his,her,our,their,its名词所有格:John's,my friend's.指示限定词:this,that,these,those,such.关系限定词:whose,which.疑问限定词:what,which,whose.不定限定词:no,some,any,each,every,enough,either,neither,all,both,half,several,many,much,(a) few,(a) little,other,another.数词限定词:基数词和序数词量词限定词:a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great deal of,a good deal of,a large,amount of,a small amount of,a quantity of,a great number of,a good number of 等We use much+ uncountable noun:•Did you buy much food?•How much money do you want?•I haven’t got much luggage.We use many + plural noun:•My grandpa doesn’t have many teeth.•We don’t know many people.•How many photos did you take?We use a lot of + all types of noun:•We bought a lot of food.•Paula hasn’t got a lot of free time.•Did they ask you a lot of questions?SYN: lots of; a load of/ loads of; plenty ofnumerous / a great (good) many / a large number ofa large amount of / a great deal ofWe use much in questions and negative sentences, but not usually in positive sentences:•Did you drink much coffee?•I don’t drink much coffee.but•I drink a lot of coffee.•Do you drink much coffee? –Yes, a lot.We use many and a lot of in all types of sentences:•Have you got many friends/ a lot of friends?•We haven’t got many friends/ a lot of friends.•We’ve got many/ a lot of friends.To emphasize many, use so many, too many or many more:•There were so many kids in the park.•Too many spices will ruin the sauce.•We need to spend many more hours on this project.You can also use so much, too much, or much more to emphasize much (much is common in positive sentences in this case):•I feel so much love for my kids.•She always puts too much milk in coffee.•How much more money do you want to borrow?Fill in the blanks using many or much.Exercise 1•He doesn’t have ________ tools.•We don’t have ________ time.•Do you need ________ things from the store?•Their kids don’t get ________ toys at Christmas.•How ________ did you spend?•How ________ pairs of jeans did you buy?•There aren’t ________ movies that you like.•How ________ pairs of shoes did you bring?•She doesn’t own ________ video games.many much many many much many many many manya few + plural noun:•Last night I wrote a few letters.•We are going away for a few days.•I speak a few words of Spanish.•Are there any shops in the village? –Yes, a few .a little + uncountable noun:•She didn’t eat anything but she drank a little water.•I speak a little Spanish.•Can you speak Spanish? –Yes, a little .Exercise 2Circle the correct quantity word or phrase.•Can I have a little / a few ice cream, please?•I haven’t got much / many text messages today.•Do you drink many / a lot of coffee, Zoe?•I’ve got much / a few good songs on my mp3 player.•The museum closes at 5 pm. There isn’t much / many time to look around.•Is £20 a few / a lot of money in euros?•Could you give me a little / a few information about the tour, please?•There aren’t much / many people at this party.a little and a few are more positive=some, a small amount/number compare:•He spoke little English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.•He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with him.•She’s lucky. She has few problems.•Things are not going well with her. She has a few problems.little and few are negative ideas =nearly no•We must be quick. There is little time. (=not much, not enough time)•He isn’t popular. He has few friends. (=not many, not enough friends)you can also say:•There is very little time.•He has very few friends.Exercise 3Put in little / a little / few / a few.•We must be quick. We have little time.•Listen carefully. I am going to give you ………… advice.•Do you mind if I ask you ………….. questions?•This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so …… tourists come here.•I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got ……….. patience.•‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘Yes, please. …………..’•This is a very boring place to live. There’s ……… to do.•‘Have you ever been to Paris?’ ‘Yes, I’ve been there ………… times.’some&anyWe can use both some and any with uncountable and plural nouns.In general, we use some in positive sentences and any in negative and question sentences.some any•We bought some flowers.•He’s busy. He’s got some work to do.•I need some medicine to cure my cough.•Would you like some coffee?-Yes, please.•Can I have some soup, please?-Yes. Help yourself.•Can you lend me some money?-Sure. How much do you need?•We didn’t buy any flowers.•He’s lazy. He never does any work•Have you got any medicine to cure your cough?1. any + singular 表示“无论哪一个,任何一个”,可用于任何类型的句子。

英语的限定词包括定冠词(the),不定冠词(a,an),零冠词,物主限定词:my,your,his,her,our,your,their,one’s,its名词属格:John’s,Lily’s指示限定词:this,that,these,those,such关系限定词:whose,which疑问限定词:what,which,whose不定限定词:no,some,any,each,every,enough,either,neither,all,both,half several,many,much,(a) few,(a) little,other,another.基数词和序数词倍数词和分数词量词:A lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large/small amount quantity of, a great /large/good number of限定词与三类名词的搭配关系。
(U,C,Plural)能与这三类名词搭配的:The,some,any,no,other,whose以及my,your等物主限定词和名词属格(John’s,my friend’s)I have no time to write to you.It is still unclear whose houses were burnt last night.只能与单数名词搭配的限定词A(an),one, another,each,every,either,neither,many a, such a,etc.He is going to buy another car.只能与复数名词搭配的限定词Both ,two,three,another two/three,many, (a)few , several,these,those,a (great) number of等只能与复数名词搭配。

常见的限定词包括冠词(the, a, an)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)、数量词(some, any, many, few)、疑问词(which, what, whose)等。
以下是常见的限定词的使用:1. 定冠词the:指特定的人或事物,已被提及或被上下文中明确知道。
- I watched the movie last night.(我昨晚看了那部电影。
)- The dog is barking loudly.(那条狗在大声叫。
)2. 不定冠词a/an:泛指一个人或事物,尚未被提及或不需要特别指定。
- I saw a cat in the garden.(我在花园里看到了一只猫。
)- She gave me an apple.(她给了我一个苹果。
)3. 指示代词this/that/these/those:用于指示特定的人或事物。
- I like this book.(我喜欢这本书。
)- Those flowers are beautiful.(那些花很漂亮。
)4. 数量词some/any/many/few:用于表示数量或程度。
- She bought some fruits at the market.(她在市场上买了一些水果。
- Do you have any questions?(你有什么问题吗?)- There are many students in the classroom.(教室里有很多学生。
)- He has few friends.(他没有多少朋友。

限定词( determiner)限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、定量或不定量等限定作用的一类词。
一、英语限定词种类1. 定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词。
如: the, a2. 名词属格。
女口: my friend ' s, Tom s …3. 物主限定词。
如:my, your…4. 指示限定词。
如: this, that, these, those, such …5. 疑问限定词。
如: what, whose, which …6. 关系限定词。
如: which, whose …7. 不定限定词。
如: some, any, each, every, either, neither, all8. 数词 (基数词、序数词、倍数词、分数词 )9. 量词。
如: a lot of, lots of , a great/good deal of ,a great/large/good number of二、限定词与三类名词的搭配关系限定词按它词汇意义可分为特指限定词、泛指限定词、定量限定词、不定量限定词四大类。
这四类限定词有的能与单数、复数可数名词搭配,也可与不可数名词搭配1) 能与三类名词搭配的限定词主要有the; my, John ' s, the old man ' s…;some, any, no, all, other, such, what ( ever ), which (ever), whoseeg. the book - the books ------ the money,my book ---- my books -- my moneyJohn ' s book--- John ' s books -- John 's money2) 能与单数名词搭配的限定词。
如 :a (n) , each, every, another, either ,one, neither, many a, such a(n) …eg. each worker , every student ,either book ,another book3) 能与复数名词搭配的限定词。

一、限定词的概念限定词(determiner)是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指(specific reference)、类指(generic reference)以及表示确定数量(definite quantity)和非确定数量(indefinite quantity)等限定作用的词类。
名词词组除有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义(referential meaning),是特指(即指特写的对象),还是类指(即泛指一类人或物);是有确定的数量,还是没有确定的数量。
二、限定词包括哪些词定冠词(defintite article):the;不定冠词(indefintite article):a, an;零冠词(zero article)物主限定词(possessive determiner):my, your, his, her, our, your, their, one's, its;名词属格(genitive noun):Tom’s, my mother’s;指示限定词(demonstrative determiner):this, that, these, those, such;关系限定词(relative determiner):whose, which;疑问限定词(interrogative determiner):what, which, whose;不定限定词(indefintite determiner):no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, other, another;基数词(cardinal numeral):one, two, three, four, five…;序数词(ordinal numeral):first, second, third, fourth, fifth…;倍数词(multiplicative numeral):one thir d, two thirds…;分数词(fractional numeral):twice, three times…;量词(quantifier)a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great of, a good deal of, a large of, a small amount of, a quantity of, a great of, a good number of…。

限定词限定词(DETERMINER〕是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指(SPECIFIC REFERENCE〕、类指(GENERIC REFERENCE〕以及表示确定数量(DEFINITE QUANTITY〕和非确定数量(INDEFINITE QUANTITY〕等限定作用的词类.名词词组除有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义(REFERENTIAL MEANING〕,是特指(即指特写的对象〕,还是类指(即泛指一类人或物〕;是有确定的数量,还是没有确定的数量.能在名词词组中表示这种所指意义的词类就是限定词.英语的限定词包括:定冠词(DEFINTITE ARTICLE〕,不定冠词(INDEFINITE ARTICLE〕,零冠词(ZERO ARTICLE〕物主限定词(POSSESSIVE DETERMINER〕,my, your, his, her, our, your, their, one's, its.名词属格(GENITIVE NOUN〕,John's, my friend's.指示限定词(DEMONSTRATIVE DETERMINER〕,this, that, these, those, such.关系限定词(RELATIVE DETERRMINER〕,whose, which.疑问限定词(INTERROGATIVE DETERMINER〕,what, which, whose.不定限定词(INDEFINITE DETERMINER〕,no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, other, another.基数词(CARDINAL NUMERAL〕和序数词(ORDINAL NUMERAL〕倍数词(MULTIPLICATIVE NUMERAL〕和分数词(FRACTIONAL NUMERAL〕量词(QUANTIFIER〕a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great of, a good deal of, a large of, a small amount of, a quantity of, a great of, a good number of等.限定词与名词词组中心词之间有着某种固定的搭配关系;如果名词之前带有两个或两个以上的限定词,则限定词与限定词之间也有某种固定的搭配关系.本讲主要解决这两种搭配关系问题.1 限定词与三类名词的搭配关系限定词的选择决定于随后的名词的类别,是单数名词、复数名词,还是不可数名词.1〕能与三类名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如the, some, any, no, other, whose以及my, your等物主限定词和名词属格(John's, my friend's〕等能与三类名词搭配.例如:the book, my book, my friend's book, John's book, any book, some book, no book, the otherbook, whose book, the books,my books, my friend's book, John's books, any books, some books, no books, the otherbooks, whose books, the money, my money, my friend's money, John's money, any money, some money, no money, the other money, whose money.2〕只能与单数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如a(n), one, another, each, every, either, neither, many a, such a 等只能与单数名词搭配.例如:each worker, either book, an apple, another book, such a book, every student, neither sentence, one copy, many a book.3) 只能与复数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如both, two, three, another two / three, many, (a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of等只能与复数名词搭配.例如:both workers, several students, a number of essays, many students, (a) few words, these / those books, two / three visitors, another two / three students.4) 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如a (little) bit of, a great amount of, a great deal of, (a) little, much等只能与不可数名词搭配.例如:a bit of water, a great amount of labour, a great deal of work, (a) little space, much noise.5〕能与单、复数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如the first, the second, the last, the next等既可与单数名词搭配,也可与复数名词搭配.例如:the first rose, the last man, the next meeting, the first roses, the last men, the next meetings.6〕能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如this, that, (the) least 等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:(the) least sign (of prejudice), this / that job, (the) least knowledge, this / that work.7〕能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词还有些限定词如a lot of, lots of, enough, more, most, such, other等可与复数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:a lot of books, a lot of money, lots of chickens, lots of food, plenty of chairs, plenty of water, enough copies, enough coal, more articles, more time, most people, most work, such men,such bread, other men, other bread.不定量限定词less原先只与不可数名词搭配,但在现代英语中,less既可与不可数名词也可与复数名词搭配.例如:less money, less mistakes.2 限定词与限定词的搭配关系以上讲的是限定词与三类名词的搭配关系.除上述搭配关系外,限定词与限定词之间还存在着一定的搭配关系.在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题.按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为:1〕中位、前位、后位限定词按照限定词与限定词之间不同搭配位置,限定词可分为中位限定词(CENTRAL DETERMINER〕、前位限定词(PREDETERMINER〕和后位限定词(POSTDETERMINER〕.a) 中位限定词包括a(n), the, zero; this, that, these, those; my, your, etc; Merry's, my friend's;some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough; what(ever), which(ever), whose等b) 前位限定词包括all, both, half; double, twice, three times, etc; one-third, two-fifths, etc;what, such, (a / an)等c) 后位限定词包括one, two, three, etc; first, second, third, etc; next, last, other, another, etc; many, much, (a) few, (a) little, fewer, (the) fewest, less, (the) least, more, most; several, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a great / large / good number of, a great / good deal of, a large / smallamount of; such等2) 三类限定词的搭配关系如果一个名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照"前位--中位--后位"的顺序排列.例如:all前the中four后teachers.all前your中three后books.all前these中last后few后days.如果只有上述两类限定词,其搭配关系仍按上述顺序.例如:half前his中lecture.those中last后few后months.several后hundred后guests.all前other后students.such前a中misfortune.some中such后alloy.由上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词之间和前位限定词之间是互相排拆的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词.所以,"我的那本书"不是* my that book而是that book of mine,因为my和that同是中位限定词,不可同时并列.但后位限定词的使用却不受此限.除上述those last few months, several hundred guests之外, this last two books, the first two chapters, three other girls, two more sheets, the next few weeks, many more copies, a few more samples, another twenty tons等都是后位限定词重叠使用的实例.个别限定词有跨类现象,如such既属于前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词.由于它只是在such a...和such an...这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其他限定词(some, any, no, all, few, another, other, many, one, two, etc)搭配时,such则是后位限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such, any such, nosuch, few such, one such等。

1.前位限定词有:all,both,half;double,twice,three timesone –third,two-fifths等,what,such等2.中位限定词有:a, an, the , zero;that ,those ,thesemy ,your等my friend’s May’s等some,any,no,every,each,either ,nether ,enough等what(ever),which(ever)等.3.后位限定词有: one ,two ,three等first, second , third等next ,last ,other ,another等many,much,few,less,more,most等several,such等plenty of,a great of ,a good many of等搭配顺序:前位----中卫----后卫如:all the four teachers前--------中—后all your three books前—中—后如果只有两位限定词,也是这个顺序:all other students前—后such a misfortune前----中those last few years中-----后—后注意:中位限定词和前位限定词之间相互排斥,即一个词前不能有两个中位或后位限定词。
故,“我的那本书”不是my that book ,而是that book of mine。
而后位限定词却可重叠使用,如those last few months , another twenty tons, many more copies , the first two chapters,such 既属于前位限定词,又属于后位限定词。
在such a...和such an …中属于前位限定词在与其他限定词搭配时属后位限定词,如some such, any such, no such, few such , one such 等。

any money
some book
some books
some money
no book
no books
no money
the other book the other books the other money
whose book
whose books whose money
单数名词 有些限定词如a(n), one, another, each, every, either, neither, many a, such a等只能与单数名词搭配。
each worker
every student
either book
neither sentence
an apple
one copy
another book
many a book
such a book
lt should be compulsory reading for every adult.这应是每个成年人必读的。 Neither accusation is true.两项指控都不能成立。
疑问限定词:what ,which,whose 不定限定词:no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, other, another 基数词: one, two, three, four, twenty(20), thirty(30), forty(40), fifty(50) etc
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限定词限定词(DETERMINER〕是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指(SPECIFIC REFERENCE〕、类指(GENERIC REFERENCE〕以及表示确定数量(DEFINITE QUANTITY〕和非确定数量(INDEFINITE QUANTITY〕等限定作用的词类.名词词组除有词汇意义外,还有其所指意义(REFERENTIAL MEANING〕,是特指(即指特写的对象〕,还是类指(即泛指一类人或物〕;是有确定的数量,还是没有确定的数量.能在名词词组中表示这种所指意义的词类就是限定词.英语的限定词包括:定冠词(DEFINTITE ARTICLE〕,不定冠词(INDEFINITE ARTICLE〕,零冠词(ZERO ARTICLE〕物主限定词(POSSESSIVE DETERMINER〕,my, your, his, her, our, your, their, one's, its.名词属格(GENITIVE NOUN〕,John's, my friend's.指示限定词(DEMONSTRATIVE DETERMINER〕,this, that, these, those, such.关系限定词(RELATIVE DETERRMINER〕,whose, which.疑问限定词(INTERROGATIVE DETERMINER〕,what, which, whose.不定限定词(INDEFINITE DETERMINER〕,no, some, any, each, every, enough, either, neither, all, both, half, several, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, other, another.基数词(CARDINAL NUMERAL〕和序数词(ORDINAL NUMERAL〕倍数词(MULTIPLICATIVE NUMERAL〕和分数词(FRACTIONAL NUMERAL〕量词(QUANTIFIER〕a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great of, a good deal of, a large of, a small amount of, a quantity of, a great of, a good number of等.限定词与名词词组中心词之间有着某种固定的搭配关系;如果名词之前带有两个或两个以上的限定词,则限定词与限定词之间也有某种固定的搭配关系.本讲主要解决这两种搭配关系问题.1 限定词与三类名词的搭配关系限定词的选择决定于随后的名词的类别,是单数名词、复数名词,还是不可数名词.1〕能与三类名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如the, some, any, no, other, whose以及my, your等物主限定词和名词属格(John's, my friend's〕等能与三类名词搭配.例如:the book, my book, my friend's book, John's book, any book, some book, no book, the other book, whose book, the books,my books, my friend's book, John's books, any books, some books, no books, the other books, whose books, the money, my money, my friend's money, John's money, any money,some money, no money, the other money, whose money.2〕只能与单数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如a(n), one, another, each, every, either, neither, many a, such a 等只能与单数名词搭配.例如:each worker, either book, an apple, another book, such a book, every student, neither sentence, one copy, many a book.3) 只能与复数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如both, two, three, another two / three, many, (a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of等只能与复数名词搭配.例如:both workers, several students, a number of essays, many students, (a) few words, these / those books, two / three visitors, another two / three students.4) 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如a (little) bit of, a great amount of, a great deal of, (a) little, much 等只能与不可数名词搭配.例如:a bit of water, a great amount of labour, a great deal of work, (a) little space, much noise.5〕能与单、复数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如the first, the second, the last, the next等既可与单数名词搭配,也可与复数名词搭配.例如:the first rose, the last man, the next meeting, the first roses, the last men, the next meetings.6〕能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词有些限定词如this, that, (the) least等能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:(the) least sign (of prejudice), this / that job, (the) least knowledge, this / that work.7〕能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词还有些限定词如a lot of, lots of, enough, more, most, such, other等可与复数名词和不可数名词搭配.例如:a lot of books, a lot of money, lots of chickens, lots of food, plenty of chairs, plenty of water, enough copies, enough coal, more articles, more time, most people, most work, such men, such bread, other men, other bread.不定量限定词less原先只与不可数名词搭配,但在现代英语中,less既可与不可数名词也可与复数名词搭配.例如:less money, less mistakes.2 限定词与限定词的搭配关系以上讲的是限定词与三类名词的搭配关系.除上述搭配关系外,限定词与限定词之间还存在着一定的搭配关系.在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题.按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为:1〕中位、前位、后位限定词按照限定词与限定词之间不同搭配位置,限定词可分为中位限定词(CENTRAL DETERMINER〕、前位限定词(PREDETERMINER〕和后位限定词(POSTDETERMINER〕.a) 中位限定词包括a(n), the, zero; this, that, these, those; my, your, etc; Merry's, my friend's; some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough; what(ever), which(ever), whose等b) 前位限定词包括all, both, half; double, twice, three times, etc; one-third, two-fifths, etc; what, such, (a / an)等c) 后位限定词包括one, two, three, etc; first, second, third, etc; next, last, other, another, etc; many, much, (a) few, (a) little, fewer, (the) fewest, less, (the) least, more, most; several, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a great / large / good number of, a great / good deal of, a large / small amount of; such等2) 三类限定词的搭配关系如果一个名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照"前位--中位--后位"的顺序排列.例如:all前the中four后teachers.all前your中three后books.all前these中last后few后days.如果只有上述两类限定词,其搭配关系仍按上述顺序.例如:half前his中lecture.those中last后few后months.several后hundred后guests.all前other后students.such前a中misfortune.some中such后alloy.由上述诸例可以看出,中位限定词之间和前位限定词之间是互相排拆的,即一个名词中心词之前不可并用两个中位限定词或两个前位限定词.所以,"我的那本书"不是* my that book 而是that book of mine,因为my和that同是中位限定词,不可同时并列.但后位限定词的使用却不受此限.除上述those last few months, several hundred guests之外, this last two books, the first two chapters, three other girls, two more sheets, the next few weeks, many more copies, a few more samples, another twenty tons 等都是后位限定词重叠使用的实例.个别限定词有跨类现象,如such既属于前位限定词,又可归入后位限定词.由于它只是在such a...和such an...这样的搭配中属于前位限定词,而在与其他限定词(some, any, no, all, few, another, other, many, one, two, etc)搭配时,such则是后位限定词,一律放在上述这些限定词的后面,如some such, any such, nosuch, few such, one such等。