





函数发生器作为信号激励源,其参数精度是设计时应考虑的重要因素 ...波形发生器的应用范围很广。






1 芯片功能介绍1.1 MAX038芯片的性能特点MAX038CPP芯片采用20引脚DIP封装,引脚图如图1所示。

各引脚功能简述如下:REF:芯片内部2.5 V参考电压输出;GND:模拟地;A1,A0:输出波形选择,TTL/CMOS兼容;COSC:内部震荡器外接电容;FADJ,DADJ:输出频率、占空比调节;IIN:震荡频率控制器电流输入;PDI,PDO:内部鉴相器输入、输出;SYNC:同步信号输出,允许内部震荡器与外电路同步;DGND,DV+:内部数字电路电源;V+,V-:MAX038电源(+5 V,-5 V);OUT:波形输出端。


该芯片具有如下的功能特点:(1)输出频率范围:0.1~20 MHz,最高可达40 MHz:(2)输出波形占空比(15%~85%)独立可调,占空比可由DADJ端调整,如果DADJ 端接地,则输出占空比为50%;(3)具有低输出阻抗的输出缓冲器,输出阻抗的典型值为0.1 Ω;(4)备有TTL兼容的独立同步信号SYNC(方波输出,固定占空比为50%),方便组建频率合成器系统;(5)低温度漂移。


副微調 SUB-T
按下左選單按鍵將游標移到 SUB-T,此時螢幕顯示 TH(油門桿),按增加(+)或減少(-)按鍵可設定伺服機 的中心點。再次按下左選單按鍵可繼續設定 ST(轉 向舵)的伺服機中心點。 預設值為 0,可設定範圍 +15 ~ -15。
模型選擇 MODEL
按下左選單按鍵將游標移到 MODEL,此時螢幕顯 示你正在操作的遙控模型編號。按增加(+)或減少(-) 按鍵可選擇模型編號 1 ~ 5。
負的油門桿 ARC 設定值



負的油門桿 ARC 設定值
可設定範圍 1 ~ 5。
伺服機非線性控制 ARC
按下左選單按鍵將游標移到 ARC,此時螢幕顯示 TH(油門桿),按增加(+)或減少(-)按鍵可設定油門 ARC 動作方式。再次按下左選單按鍵可繼續設定 ST(轉向舵)的 ARC 動作方式。(注意)轉向舵 ARC 對左轉和右轉有相同效果,而油門桿 ARC 只對加 油有效,對煞車無效。 關於 ARC 功能,後面將有進一步說明。 預設值為 0,可設定範圍 +100 ~ -100。
z 液晶螢幕顯示與功能說明
同時按下兩顆選單按鍵,游標會自動移到 BATT, 並顯示目前電池電壓值。 當電壓低於 9.1V 時,低電力警告的嗶聲會響起, 此時請更換電池。

WT2003S-16S 芯片 使用说明书

WT2003S-16S 芯片 使用说明书

WT2003S-16S芯片使用说明书V1.032017-01-17Note:WAYTRONIC ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD.reserves the right to change this document without prior rmation provided by WAYTRONIC is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,WAYTRONIC makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document.Contact WAYTRONIC to obtain the latest version of device specifications before placing your orders.No responsibility is assumed by WAYTRONIC for any infringement of patent or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.In简介WT2003S-16S是一款功能强大的新型高品质MP3芯片,从多方位满足客户的要求。





目录1.第一部分 (4)1.1.芯片特点 (4)1.2.芯片I/O口介绍 (4)1.3.技术规格 (5)1.4.电气参数 (5)1.5.可开发定制功能 (6)2.第二部分模拟U盘版本 (6)2.1.模拟U盘版本特点 (6)2.2.模拟U盘版本管脚介绍 (7)2.3.功能介绍 (7)2.3.1.按键控制模式 (7)2.3.2.UART控制协议 (8)2.3.3.协议命令格式 (8)2.3.4.写操作指令 (9)写操作指令返回码格式 (9)指定SPI文件索引播放(A0) (9)指定SPI根目录文件名播放(A1) (10)播放暂停命令(AA) (10)停止命令(AB) (10)下一曲命令(AC) (10)上一曲命令(AD) (10)音量控制命令(AE) (11)指定播放模式(AF) (11)插播指令(B1) (11)指定EQ模式(B2) (11)指定播放完结束是否需要返回码(BA) (12)查询当前设置音量(C1) (12)读取当前工作状态(C2) (12)查询SPI-FLASH内音乐文件总数(C3) (12)查询当前播放文件曲目(C9) (13)查询当前外设连接状态(CA) (13)查询当前播放歌曲的歌曲名(CB) (13)2.3.5.主动反馈码 (14)外设存储连接状态 (14)2.4.参考电路 (14)2.4.1.模拟U盘版本最小系统电路(包含功放电路) (14)B连接电路 (15)2.4.3.按键控制电路 (16)2.5.音频文件排序 (16)3.第三部分TF卡版本 (17)3.1.TF卡版本特点 (17)3.2.TF卡版本管脚介绍 (18)3.3.控制模式 (18)3.3.1.按键控制 (18)3.4.串口控制 (19)3.4.1.协议命令格式 (19)3.4.2.命令列表 (19)3.4.3.写操作指令 (21)写操作指令返回码格式 (21)指定SD卡文件索引播放(A2) (21)指定SD卡文件名播放(A3) (21)指定SD卡文件夹内索引播放(A4) (21)指定U盘根目录索引播放(A6) (22)指定U盘文件名播放(A7) (22)指定U盘文件夹内文件索引播放(A8) (22)暂停放音命令(AA) (22)停止命令(AB) (22)下一曲命令(AC) (23)上一曲命令(AD) (23)音量控制命令(AE) (23)指定播放模式(AF) (23)组合播放命令(B0) (23)插播指令(B1) (24)切换当前工作盘符(D2) (25)3.4.4.读操作指令 (25)查询当前设置音量(C1) (25)读取当前工作状态(C2) (25)查询SD卡内音乐文件总数(C5) (26)查询SD卡内指定文件夹内音乐文件总数(C6) (26)查询U盘内音乐文件总数(C7) (26)查询U盘内指定文件夹内音乐文件总数(C8) (26)查询当前播放文件曲目(C9) (27)查询当前外设连接状态(CA) (27)查询当前播放歌曲的歌曲名(CB) (27)3.4.5.使用注意事项 (27)3.5.音频文件排序 (28)3.6.参考电路 (29)3.6.1.TF卡方案最小系统电路(包含功放) (29)B座连接电路 (29)3.6.3.按键电路 (30)4.封装尺寸 (31)5.历史版本 (31)1.第一部分1.1.芯片特点1.芯片内置48MHZ晶振2.支持MP3音频格式解码3.芯片内置看门狗4.四个多功能16位定时器5.一个全双工标准的UART串口。

Moxa 1 MGate MB3660 Series 8 和 16 端口冗余 Modbus 网关特性

Moxa 1 MGate MB3660 Series 8 和 16 端口冗余 Modbus 网关特性

MGate MB3660Series8and16-port redundant Modbus gatewaysFeatures and Benefits•Supports Auto Device Routing for easy configuration•Supports route by TCP port or IP address for flexible deployment•Innovative Command Learning for improving system performance•Supports agent mode for high performance through active and parallelpolling of serial devices•Supports Modbus serial master to Modbus serial slave communications•2Ethernet ports with the same IP or dual IP addresses for networkredundancy•SD card for configuration backup/duplication and event logs•Accessed by up to256Modbus TCP clients•Connects up to Modbus128TCP servers•RJ45serial interface(for“-J”models)•Serial port with2kV isolation protection(for“-I”models)•Dual VDC or VAC power inputs with wide power input range•Embedded traffic monitoring/diagnostic information for easy troubleshooting•Status monitoring and fault protection for easy maintenanceCertificationsIntroductionThe MGate MB3660(MB3660-8and MB3660-16)gateways are redundant Modbus gateways that convert between the Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols.They can be accessed by up to256TCP master/client devices,or connect to128TCP slave/server devices.The MGateMB3660isolation model provides2kV isolation protection suitable for power substation applications.The MGate MB3660gateways are designed to easily integrate Modbus TCP and RTU/ASCII networks.The MGate MB3660gateways offer features that make network integration easy, customizable,and compatible with almost any Modbus network.For large-scale Modbus deployments,MGate MB3660gateways can effectively connect a large number of Modbus nodes to the same network. The MB3660Series can physically manage up to248serial slave nodes for8-port models or496serial slave nodes for16-port models(the Modbus standard only defines Modbus IDs from1to247).Each RS-232/422/485serial port can be configured individually for Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII operation and for different baudrates,allowing both types of networks to be integrated with Modbus TCP through one Modbus gateway. High Performance with Innovative Command LearningThe MGate MB3660gateways support two communication modes:transparent mode and agent mode.For transparent mode,the gateway converts Modbus commands from Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU/ASCII,and vice versa,or from serial(master)to serial(slave).However,since only one Modbus protocol request-response action can be executed at any given time,each Modbus device has to wait its turn,resulting in poorer performance.In order to provide better performance,the MGate MB3660gateways are designed with an innovative Command Learning function,which can be activated with a single mouse click.Once activated,the gateway will learn and remember the Modbus commands it receives,and once a command has been learned,the gateway will act as though it were in agent mode,and actively send Modbus requests to the relevant Modbus devices.Since the data is saved in a different memory space that can be accessed by the SCADA system,the SCADA system can retrieve Modbus response data directly from the gateway’s memory,instead of waiting for the data to pass through the Modbus devices,dramatically increasing communication performance.Auto-Device Routing for Easy ConfigurationMoxa’s Auto-Device Routing function helps eliminate many of the problems and inconveniences encountered by engineers who need to configure large numbers of Modbus devices.A single mouse click is all that’s required to set up a slave ID routing table and configure Modbus gateways toautomatically detect Modbus requests from a supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)system.By removing the need to manually create the slave ID routing table,the Auto-Device Routing function saves engineers significant time and reduces cost.Modbus Gateway with Power and Ethernet RedundancyFor a complicated Modbus system,redundancy is extremely important.The MGate MB3660Modbus gateways support redundancy for both the power input and Ethernet connection.The MGate MB3660gateways come with dual AC or DC power inputs built in for power redundancy,and have dual Ethernet ports(with different IPs)for network redundancy.To accommodate different types of applications,the dual Ethernet ports can be configured in one of two ways:•Use the same IP for both Ethernet ports.In this case,the MGate MB3660gateway will automatically switch to the backup LAN when the main LAN fails.•Use different IP addresses for each of the two Ethernet ports.In this case,Modbus clients/masters can use both Ethernet ports to communicate with Modbus RTU/ASCII slave devices at the same time.SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)2IP addressesAuto MDI/MDI-X connectionEthernet Software FeaturesIndustrial Protocols Modbus TCP Client(Master),Modbus TCP Server(Slave)Configuration Options Web Console(HTTP/HTTPS),Device Search Utility(DSU),MCC Tool,Telnet Console Management ARP,DHCP Client,DNS,HTTP,HTTPS,SMTP,SNMP Trap,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,TCP/IP,Telnet,UDP,NTP Client,RADIUSMIB RFC1213,RFC1317Time Management NTP ClientSecurity FunctionsAuthentication Local databaseRADIUSEncryption HTTPS,AES-128,AES-256,SHA-256Security Protocols SNMPv3HTTPS(TLS1.2)Serial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),8-pin RJ45(115200,n,8,1)No.of Ports MGate MB3660-8Series:8MGate MB3660-16Series:16Serial Standards RS-232/422/485(software selectable)Connector MGate MB3660-8/16:DB9maleMGate MB3660-8/16-J:RJ45Baudrate50bps to921.6kbpsData Bits7,8Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkStop Bits1,2Flow Control RTS/CTS,DTR/DSR,RTS Toggle(RS-232only)RS-485Data Direction Control ADDC(automatic data direction control)Pull High/Low Resistor for RS-4851kilo-ohm,150kilo-ohmsTerminator for RS-485120ohmsIsolation2kV(I models)Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDSerial Software FeaturesIndustrial Protocols Modbus RTU/ASCII Master,Modbus RTU/ASCII Slave Configuration Options Serial ConsoleModbus RTU/ASCIIMode Master,SlaveFunctions Supported1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,23Max.No.of Commands256per serial portMemory Size65535bytesModbus TCPMode Client(Master),Server(Slave)Max.No.of Client Connections256Max.No.of Server Connections128Functions Supported1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,23Max.No.of Commands256Memory Size65535bytesModbus(Transparent)Max.No.of Client Connections256Max.No.of Server Connections128Power ParametersInput Voltage All models:Redundant dual inputsAC models:100to240VAC(50/60Hz)DC models:20to60VDC(1.5kV isolation)No.of Power Inputs2Power Connector Terminal block(for DC models)Power Consumption MGate MB3660-8-2AC:109mA@110VACMGate MB3660I-8-2AC:310mA@110VACMGate MB3660-8-J-2AC:235mA@110VACMGate MB3660-8-2DC:312mA@24VDCMGate MB3660-16-2AC:141mA@110VACMGate MB3660I-16-2AC:310mA@110VACMGate MB3660-16-J-2AC:235mA@110VACMGate MB3660-16-2DC:494mA@24VDCRelaysContact Current Rating Resistive load:2A@30VDCPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions(with ears)480x45x198mm(18.90x1.77x7.80in)Dimensions(without ears)440x45x198mm(17.32x1.77x7.80in)Weight MGate MB3660-8-2AC:2731g(6.02lb)MGate MB3660-8-2DC:2684g(5.92lb)MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC:2600g(5.73lb)MGate MB3660-16-2AC:2830g(6.24lb)MGate MB3660-16-2DC:2780g(6.13lb)MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC:2670g(5.89lb)MGate MB3660I-8-2AC:2753g(6.07lb)MGate MB3660I-16-2AC:2820g(6.22lb)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature0to60°C(32to140°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsSafety MGate MB3660-8-2AC/16-2AC/8-2DC/16-2DC:IEC62368-1,UL62368-1MGate MB3660I-8-2AC/16-2AC:IEC62368-1,UL62368-1MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC/16-J-2AC:UL60950-1EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMC EN55032/35EMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:1kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFFreefall IEC60068-2-31Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-64MTBFTime MGate MB3660-8-2AC:721,988hrsMGate MB3660-8-2DC:711,978hrsMGate MB3660-8-J-2AC:616,505hrsMGate MB3660-16-2AC:495,416hrsMGate MB3660-16-2DC:490,684hrsMGate MB3660-16-J-2AC:437,337hrsMGate MB3660I-8-2AC:429,807hrsMGate MB3660I-16-2AC:256,208hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x MGate MB3660Series gateway Power Supply1x power cord,suitable for your region Cable1x RJ45-to-DB9console cable Installation Kit1x wall-mounting kitDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationMGate MB3660-8-2DC8DB9male–20-60VDC(1.5kV isolation) MGate MB3660-16-2DC16DB9male–20-60VDC(1.5kV isolation) MGate MB3660-8-2AC8DB9male–100-240VAC(47-63Hz) MGate MB3660-16-2AC16DB9male–100-240VAC(47-63Hz) MGate MB3660I-8-2AC8DB9male2kV100-240VAC(47-63Hz) MGate MB3660I-16-2AC16DB9male2kV100-240VAC(47-63Hz) MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC8RJ45–100-240VAC(47-63Hz) MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC16RJ45–100-240VAC(47-63Hz) Accessories(sold separately)CablesCBL-F9M9-150DB9female to DB9male serial cable,1.5mCBL-F9M9-20DB9female to DB9male serial cable,20cmCBL-RJ45F9-1508-pin RJ45to DB9female serial cable,1.5mCBL-RJ45SF9-1508-pin RJ45to DB9female serial cable with shielding,1.5mConnectorsMini DB9F-to-TB DB9female to terminal block connectorPower CordsPWC-C13AU-3B-183Power cord with Australian(AU)plug,1.83mPWC-C13CN-3B-183Power cord with three-prong China(CN)plug,1.83mPWC-C13EU-3B-183Power cord with Continental Europe(EU)plug,1.83mPWC-C13JP-3B-183Power cord with Japan(JP)plug,7A/125V,1.83mPWC-C13UK-3B-183Power cord with United Kingdom(UK)plug,1.83mPWC-C13US-3B-183Power cord with United States(US)plug,1.83mCBL-PJTB-10Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cableMounting KitsWK-45-01Wall-mounting kit,2L-shaped plates,6screws,45x57x2.5mm©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Nov07,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。



输出触点容量............................................................................................................................ 4
装置主要技术参数.................................................................................................................... 4
适用范围 ................................................................................................................................... 1
装置主要特点............................................................................................................................ 1
电话:010-62986668 传真:010-62981900
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1) 本说明书仅适用于 CSC-280 系列数字式保护(测控)装置。 2) 请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照说明书的规定调整、测试和操作。如
人机接口(MMI) ................................................................................................................... 7

HK32F030MxxxxA HK32F0301MxxxxA 数据手册说明书

HK32F030MxxxxA HK32F0301MxxxxA 数据手册说明书



修订记录目录1 简介 (1)2 产品概述 (3)2.1 产品特性 (3)2.2 器件一览表 (5)3 功能介绍 (8)3.1 结构框图 (8)3.2 存储器映射 (8)3.3 存储器 (9)3.3.1 Flash (9)3.3.2 内置SRAM (9)3.3.3 EEPROM (9)3.4 CRC计算单元 (9)3.5 供电方案 (10)3.6 电源监控器 (10)3.7 低功耗模式 (10)3.8 IO保持 (10)3.9 STBAWU定时器 (10)3.10 复位 (10)3.10.1 系统复位 (11)3.10.2 电源复位 (11)3.11 时钟和时钟树 (11)3.12 SYSCFG (13)3.13 GPIO (13)3.14 引脚选择功能(IOMUX) (13)3.15 中断与事件 (14)3.15.1 NVIC (14)3.15.2 System Tick定时器 (14)3.15.3 EXTI (14)3.16 ADC (14)3.16.1 AWD唤醒功能 (15)3.17 定时器 (15)3.17.1 高级定时器 (15)3.17.2 通用定时器 (15)3.17.3 基本定时器 (16)3.18 AWUT定时器 (16)3.19 独立看门狗(IWDG) (16)3.20 窗口看门狗(WWDG) (16)3.21 I2C总线 (16)3.22 通用同步/异步收发器(USART/UART) (17)3.23 串行外设接口(SPI/I2S) (17)3.24 蜂鸣器(Beeper) (18)3.25 64位UID (18)3.26 调试接口 (18)4 电气性能指标 (19)4.1 最大绝对额定值 (19)4.1.1 极限电压特性 (19)4.1.2 极限电流特性 (19)4.1.3 极限温度特性 (19)4.2 工作参数 (20)4.2.1 推荐工作条件 (20)4.2.2 上/下电复位特性 (20)4.2.3 内部参考电压 (21)4.2.4 工作电流特性 (21)4.2.5 内部高速(HSI)时钟特性 (21)4.2.6 内部低速(LSI)时钟特性 (22)4.2.7 外部时钟输入特性 (22)4.2.8 EEPROM存储器特性 (22)4.2.9 Flash存储器特性 (23)4.2.10 IO输入引脚特性 (23)4.2.11 IO输出引脚特性 (23)4.2.12 NRST复位管脚特性 (24)4.2.13 TIM计数器特性 (24)4.2.14 ADC特性 (24)5 典型电路 (27)5.1 电源供电 (27)6 管脚定义 (28)6.1 SOP8封装 (28)6.2 TSSOP16封装 (29)6.3 TSSOP20封装 (30)6.4 TSSOP24封装 (31)6.5 TSSOP28封装 (32)6.6 QFN20封装 (33)6.7 QFN24封装 (34)6.8 QFN28封装 (35)6.9 各封装的管脚定义 (35)6.10 多引脚选择(IOMUX) (40)6.10.1 SOP8封装的IOMUX映射 (40)6.10.2 TSSOP16封装的IOMUX映射 (43)6.11 引脚复用(AF)功能表 (45)7 封装参数 (47)7.1 SOP8封装 (47)7.2 TSSOP16封装 (48)7.3 TSSOP20封装 (49)7.4 TSSOP24封装 (50)7.5 TSSOP28封装 (52)7.6 QFN20封装 (53)7.7 QFN24封装 (56)7.8 QFN28封装 (56)8 订货信息 (59)9 缩略语 (61)10 重要提示 (63)1简介本文档为HK32F030MxxxxA及HK32F0301MxxxxA系列芯片的数据手册。




目前已有的产品包括PCI 总线,PCIe总线,USB总线,串口等等。











目录在开始使用前请仔细阅读下面说明 (1)一、概述 (3)1.1 产品信息 (3)1.2 使用流程 (4)1.3 选型建议 (4)1.4 产品优势 (6)二、主要产品展示 (7)FY2400 (7)FY2450 (8)FY4400 (9)FY4401 (10)FY4405 (11)FY6400 (12)FY6402 (13)FY6403 (14)FY6405 (15)FY6451 (16)FY5400 (17)FY5402 (18)FY5403 (19)FY5405 (20)FY5451 (21)FY3400 (22)FY3401 (23)FY3402 (24)FY3403 (25)FY3404 (26)FY3405 (27)FY3406 (28)FY3451 (29)三、用户注意事项 (30)四、版本信息 (31)一、概述1.1 产品信息简介本公司的IO (开关量/数字量)控制板卡,是实现自动化控制的基础设备。

产品按照总线可以分为:PCI总线;PCIe 总线;USB 总线;RS232总线控制卡是在工业控制领域,自动化集成设备中应用的一种电子设备。




它使用SxS存储卡作为其记录存储介质,使用3片1/2英寸全高清Exmor CMOS成像器(1920×1080),实现了高分辨率、高灵敏度、低噪波和宽动态范围的图象质量。


它支持1080/50i隔行扫描和1080/50P的逐行扫描,用户可在最高50Mbps模式下使用MPEG HD422压缩技术记录全高清视频(1920×1080),也可以使用MPEG HD420压缩技术或使用DVCAM 25Mbps格式记录全标清视频。





一.镜头部分1.镜头该机采用焦距为5.8 mm~81.2mm(等效于在35 mm镜头上的31.4mm至439mm)14倍可切换电动/手动变焦镜头。






当将“聚焦环”拉向机身后方或靠近“Full MF”方位,该机便设置为“全手动聚焦”模式。


并且可以按下把手上变焦钮后方的“EXPANDED FOCUS”(放大焦点)按钮,使屏幕中央图像进一步放大,便于仔细对焦(再次按该按钮,退出放大焦点模式,恢复正常状态)。

广州致远电子股份有限公司 8 通道继电器输出模块产品用户手册说明书

广州致远电子股份有限公司 8 通道继电器输出模块产品用户手册说明书

广州致远电子股份有限公司NDAM-28088通道继电器输出模块修订历史目录1. NDAM-2808简介 (1)1.1主要技术指标 (2)1.1.1继电器输出参数 (2)1.1.2系统参数 (2)1.2原理框图 (3)1.3端子信息 (4)1.3.1端子排列 (4)1.3.2端子描述 (4)1.4ID地址设定 (5)1.5信号指示灯 (6)1.6机械规格 (6)1.6.1机械尺寸 (6)1.6.2安装方法 (7)2. 继电器输出功能 (9)2.1继电器结构 (9)2.2继电器输出原理与接线 (9)2.3通道锁定与安全值输出 (10)3. NDAM-2808应用实例 (11)3.1安装设备 (11)3.2操作设备 (11)3.3NDAM-2808固件升级 (15)3.3.1软件方式升级 (15)3.3.2硬件方式升级 (16)4. NDAM-2808应用注意事项 (17)5. 免责声明 (18)1. NDAM-2808简介NDAM-2808具有8路继电器输出,输出光电和继电器双重隔离,所有的继电器都提供常开、常闭接口,能同时控制工业现场8路开关设备。

隔离耐压高达3000V DC。



图1.1 NDAM-2808模块外观1.1 主要技术指标1.1.1 继电器输出参数◆输出路数:8路◆继电器类型:单刀双掷◆输出接口:提供公共端COM、常开NO、常闭NC接口◆输出负载:125V AC@0.5A30V DC@1A◆接触电阻:初始值小于50mΩ◆绝缘强度:触点与线圈之间1000Vrms(1分钟)触点与触点之间750 Vrms(1分钟)◆机械寿命:100,000,000次◆电气寿命:200,000次@1A 30V DC◆最大操作时间:3ms◆最大释放时间:3ms1.1.2 系统参数◆CPU:32位RISC ARM◆操作系统:实时操作系统◆隔离耐压:3000 V DC◆内部总线供电,无需外接电源◆工作温度范围:-20℃~+85℃◆工业级塑料外壳,标准DIN导轨安装◆ESD保护1.2 原理框图8通道继电器输出模块NDAM-2808采用32位ARM处理器,使用实时操作系统实现软件控制,具有非常快速的数据响应能力,能够实时的响应主站或者上位机的操作命令,与系统主站进行可靠的数据通讯,准确的快速的控制工业现场的开关设备。


VCC is given first priority. In the event of the VCC supply being powered down, the device will automatically deselect the VCC prior to regulator dropout and immediately select VSBY (second priority) as its power source.
Operating Ambient
0 to +70
Operating Junction
0 to +150
Power Dissipation: (TO-263) Note 1
Internally Limited
Unit V V V
215 Topaz Street, Milpitas, California 95035 Tel: (408) 263-3214 Fax: (408) 263-7846
Maximum Output Current
VCC selected
1500 2500
VSBY selected
375 750
Short Circuit Output Current VCC selected
VSBY selected
VCC Pin Reverse Leakage

FOX数字Micron MX数字咬报警器用户指南说明书

FOX数字Micron MX数字咬报警器用户指南说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.FOX digital Micron MX Digital Bite Alarm User Guide Home » FOX digital » FOX digital Micron MX Digital Bite Alarm User GuideContents1 FOX digital Micron MX Digital Bite Alarm2 OVERVIEW3 FEATURES4 FITTING THE BATTERIES5 SWITCHING ON/ OFF6 COMPATIBILITY (I-COM®)7 DRYING OUT AFTER USE IN HEAVY RAIN8 BATTERY REQUIREMENTS9 CONTROLS10 LOW BATTERY WARNING11 WARRANTY & PRODUCTREGISTRATION12 Documents / Resources12.1 ReferencesFOX digital Micron MX Digital Bite AlarmFEATURESWeatherproof Sealed CaseSWITCHING ON/ OFFPush down the power switch and release to activate the unit.Push up and release the power switch in the top position to deactivate the unit.MX hardcase. Do not use excessive force when fitting the hardcase as this may result in damage to the alarm.the Fox MX receiver. Up to four MX Micron’s can be used at one time with the MX Receiver.Multi-colour LED control Simply pushes the rubber button to cycle through the LED colors on the MX heads. There is a choice of six colors: (Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Purple and White)Patents: EP1668983 Designed and Developed in the UK. ERP (effective radiated power) = -8 dBm max Operating frequency = 433.92MHz Ingress Protection Rating: IPX4Documents / ResourcesFOX digital Micron MX Digital Bite Alarm [pdf] User GuideMicron MX Digital Bite Alarm, Micron MX, Digital Bite Alarm, Bite Alarm, AlarmReferencesFox: Carp Fishing Tackle, Rods, Reels, Clothing And MoreDeclarations of conformityDocuments contractuelsDeclarations of conformityDocumenti regolamentoKeurmerkenDokumenty RegulaminoweDocumente reglementareManuals+,。

HP Latex 360 打印机和相关配件说明书

HP Latex 360 打印机和相关配件说明书

Challenge• Achieve greater capacity with faster print production to satisfy customer demand.• Drastically reduce turnaround for durable output by eliminating outgassing processes.• Explore new markets for premium applications such as printed decorations and furnishings.• Reduce the impact of printing in the workplace and on the environment.Solution• HP Latex 360 Printer with water-based HP Latex Inks for vehicle wraps, high image-quality outdoor signage and indoor applications.• Avery® MPI1900 vinyl with DOL1460 laminate for vehicle wraps.• Avery® MPI2000™ Opaque Series and Avery® MPI2040™ Transparent for vehicle flat panels, shop fascia graphics and self-adhesive labels.• Avery® MPI3000™ for promotional graphics, point of sale boards, window displays and hoarding panels.• ImagePerfect™ IP2605 Backlit Film with HP Latex Inks for illuminated poster sites.• ImagePerfect™ IP2113 Banner for banners.Results• 30 percent faster print speed than eco-solvent printer for comparable image quality boosts businesscapacity and shortens turnaround to help meet tight deadlines.• Saving days with lamination/finishing straight off the printer compared to minimum 36-hour eco-solvent print outgassing for vehicle wraps.• HP Latex Printing Technologiesenvironmental credentials and safety certifications 1,2 offer opportunity to reduce hazards in the workplace and costs related to additional air-extraction equipment.3• Superior scratch resistance of HP Latex Inks compared to eco-solvent prints offers greater peace of mind and can reduce reprints.4• Range of substrates supported by HP Latex Inks with higher image quality offers superior quality products and flexibility to explore new premium applications.ASAP UK looks to grow turnover by replacing eco-solvent and multiplying customer choice with HP Latex Printing TechnologiesAt a glanceIndustry: Sign & Display Business name: ASAP UK Headquarters: Southampton, UK Website: © Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.4AA5-1716ENW, March 2014Get connected./go/graphicartsShare with colleagues.It all adds up. Our HP Latex printer can operate anywhere.3 HP Latex Inks are water-based, aren’t toxic and are dry off the printer . They don’t require outgassing and can be finished and delivered earlier ,” says Terry, comparing the planning, organization and investment in production facilities that is required when operating eco-solvent printers compared to HP Latex Printing Technologies. “We have dedicated storage areas on racks for eco-solvent prints that ensure the free flow of air so that they can outgas for at least 24 hours. They have to be handled carefully while they are sticky to avoid damaging prints.”Terry explains that water-based HP Latex Inks are easier to maintain and eliminate labor-intensive maintenance processes with strong cleaning products that are required for theireco-solvent ink technology. “Our HP Latex 360 Printer requires little or no maintenance and it’s automatic. It’s straight up and running in the morning. It saves that precious half hour that our eco-solvent printers require for a strong clean. We adhere to strict maintenance routines that are very much a manual process for our eco-solvent printers, and we also have service contracts for all our printing equipment. Thanks to its higher productivity, two HP Latex printers have the production capacity to match output from our three eco-solvent printers, and therefore we would save on a service contract,” he says.Making a difference with environmental credentials“The health and safety of our staff comes first so the environmental credentials and safety certifications of HP Latex PrintingTechnologies 1,2 are important to us in our working environment, and as a company in a broader social context. We are a 9001 quality management certified and ASAP is ISO 14000- certified for environmental management. We have a 20 kilowatt solar panel system that supplies part of our energy needs,” Terry explains highlighting the importance ASAP places on the environmental impact of their business. “More and more customers do enquire about our processes and products and their impact on the environment, particularly in the public sector ,” Terry claims.ASAP multiplies customer choices to expand market opportunities“We are able to produce more from a single printer and that translates into an increase in our production capacity. That’s the first major benefit to our business from our HP Latex 360 Printer . Secondly, we are able to achieve a much higher image quality than before, if and when the customer or application demands it, and we can’t match that quality on our eco-solvent ink technology. And finally, the flexibility of HP Latex Inks is opening up new markets for us. HP Latex Inks can print on a massive range of materials such as wall covers, fabrics, wallpapers, self-adhesive vinyl, and the list goes on. It offers printed products with a higher quality look and feel. We are looking forward to exploring wall covering applications, soft signage, custom furnishings on fabric, and other new applications that we can sell or customers will demand,” Terry concludes.“We have significantly boosted our service level with HP Latex Printing Technologies, we can offer higher image quality when needed, and we can create a range of premium applications such as soft signage that customers increasingly value.”– Jason Terry, managing director at ASAP UKASAP UK started out 17 years ago as a high street sign shop with a staff of three employees. Today ASAP UK, based inSouthampton, UK employs 25 staff and last year turnover grew by around 20 percent and is targeting another 15 percent growth for the current year in a backdrop of challenging economicconditions. “You need to keep up - you need to be innovative and your capabilities as a printing business need to match evolving customer demands,” says Jason Terry, managing director at ASAP UK L TD, explaining why ASAP , after closely following the evolution of HP Latex Printing Technologies since its inception and now with third-generation HP Latex Inks, recently installed the HP Latex 360 Printer .Since first adopting large-format digital printing 10 years ago, ASAP had used exclusively solvent and eco-solvent ink technology.ASAP offers customers superior performance with HP Latex Printing Technologies“We print like-for-like quality, 30 percent faster on our HP Latex printer . For an application like vehicle wraps, we can print at 18 m 2 per hour compared to 12 m 2 an hour using eco-solvent,” Terry says. “At comparable speed, HP Latex Inks offer much higher image quality than our eco-solvent printers. Turnaround is normally our greatest challenge. We often receive orders as late as 4 or 5pm for next day delivery. Up to now we have had to split jobs between our three eco-solvent printers to meet tight deadlines to satisfy the service that our customers demand. Add to that a minimum 24 hours for outgassing an eco-solvent print before lamination, compared to prints that are ready to finish straight off our HP Latex printer .“We have significantly boosted our service level, with HP Latex Printing Technologies we can offer higher image quality when needed, and we can create a range of premium applications such as soft signage that customers increasingly value. Retail customers don’t want the plastic look and feel you get with solvent ink on vinyl if they can have a far superior product. We regularly print updates to a store location map for a local shopping center . Now we print it on ImagePerfect Backlit Film using HP Latex Inks and it is a far superior product,” Terry explains.“We can gain three whole days on the first print when producing vehicle wraps using HP Latex printers compared to our eco-solvent equipment. When laminating eco-solvent wraps we need to allow a full three days to outgas the print otherwise the solvents sealed within the laminate can compromise the adhesive. The outgassing process is eliminated with HP Latex prints as they dry straight off the printer ,” explains Terry. “In addition HP Latex prints 30 percent faster .”Reducing overheads while saving precious time“Our eco-solvent printers operate in a dedicated closed off area created for them. Each printer has its own extractor fan,with another one in the workspace, plus air conditioning.1) UL ECOLOGO Certification to UL 2801 demonstrates that an ink meets a range of stringent criteria related to human health and environmental considerations (see /EL).2) HP Latex Inks are GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certified (see ).3) Special ventilation is not required to meet US OSHA requirements on occupational exposure to VOCs from HP Latex Inks. Special ventilation equipment installation is at the discretion of the customer – no specific HP recommendation is intended. Customers should consult state and local requirements and regulations.4) Durability comparison based on testing of representative eco-solvent inks including eco-sol Max inks on Avery SA vinyl for display permanence and scratch, rub/abrasion, and chemical resistance. HP image permanence and scratch smudge, and water resistance estimates by HP Image Permanence Lab on a range of media including HP printing materials. See /go/supplies/printpermanence.。

佳能 MP360复印机 说明书

佳能 MP360复印机 说明书
作为 ENERGY STAR® 的合作伙伴,佳能公司已确定本产品符合有关能 量效率的 ENERGY STAR® 准则。
设置指南 (印刷文件)源自首先请务必阅读本指南。本指南包括有关安装本设备以及使用前准备的说明。 在使用本设备之前要遵守本指南中的所有步骤。
用户指南 (本手册)
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MX28F160C3T/B16M-BIT [1M x16] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE3V ONLY FLASH MEMORY- Word write suspend to read- Sector erase suspend to word write- Sector erase suspend to read register report•Automatic sector erase, word write and sector lock/unlock configuration •Status Reply- Detection of program and erase operation comple-tion.- Command User Interface (CUI)- Status Register (SR)•Data Protection Performance- Include boot sectors and parameter and main sectors to be locked/unlocked•100,000 minimum erase/program cycles •Common Flash Interface (CFI)•128-bit Protection Register- 64-bit Unique Device Identifier - 64-bit User-Programmable•Latch-up protected to 100mA from -1V to VCC+1V •Package type:- 48-pin TSOP (12mm x 20mm)- 48-ball CSP (8mm x 6mm)FEATURES•Bit Organization: 1,048,576 x 16•Single power supply operation- VCC=VCCQ=2.7~3.6V for read, erase and program operation- VPP=12V for fast production programming - Operating temperature:-40°C~85°C •Fast access time : 70/90/110ns •Low power consumption- 9mA typical active read current, f=5MHz- 18mA typical program current (VPP=1.65~3.6V)- 21mA typical erase current (VPP=1.65~3.6V)- 7uA typical standby current under power saving mode•Sector architecture- Sector structure : 4Kword x 2 (boot sectors), 4Kword x 6 (parameter sectors), 32Kword x 31 (main sectors)- Top/Bottom Boot•Auto Erase and Auto Program- Automatically program and verify data at specified address- Auto sector erase at specified sector •Automatic Suspend EnhanceGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MX28F160C3T/B is a 16-mega bit Flash memory organized as 1M words of 16 bits. The 1M word of data is arranged in eight 4Kword boot and parameter sectors,and thirty-one 32K word main sectors which are indi-vidually erasable. MXIC's Flash memories offer the most cost-effective and reliable read/write non-volatile random access memory. The MX28F160C3T/B is packaged in 48-pin TSOP and 48-ball CSP . It is designed to be re-programmed and erased in system or in standard EPROM as 70ns, allowing operation of high-speed micropro-cessors without wait states.MXIC's Flash memories augment EPROM functionality with in-circuit electrical erasure and programming. The MX28F160C3T/B uses a command register to manage this functionality. The command register allows for 100%TTL level control inputs and fixed power supply levels during erase and programming, while maintaining maxi-mum EPROM compatibility.MXIC Flash technology reliably stores memory contents even after 100,000 erase and program cycles. The MXICMX28F160C3T/Bmechanisms. In addition, the combination of advanced tunnel oxide processing and low internal electric fields for erase and program operations produces reliable cy-cling. The MX28F160C3T/B uses a 2.7V~3.6V VCC sup-ply to perform the High Reliability Erase and auto Pro-gram/Erase algorithms.The highest degree of latch-up protection is achieved with MXIC's proprietary non-epi process. Latch-up pro-tection is proved for stresses up to 100 milliamps on address and data pin from -1V to VCC + 1V.The dedicated VPP pin gives complete data protection when VPP< VPPLK.A Command User Interface (CUI) serves as the inter-face between the system processor and internal opera-tion of the device. A valid command sequence written to the CUI initiates device automation. An internal Write State Machine (WSM) automatically executes the algo-rithms and timings necessary for erase, word write and sector lock/unlock configuration operations.A sector erase operation erases one of the device's 32K-word sectors typically within 1.0s, 4K-word sectors typi-cally within 0.5s independent of other sectors. Each sec-tor can be independently erased minimum 100,000 times. Sector erase suspend mode allows system software to suspend sector erase to read or write data from any other sector.Writing memory data is performed in word increments of the device's 32K-word sectors typically within 0.8s and 4K-word sectors typically within 0.1s. Word program sus-pend mode enables the system to read data or execute code from any other memory array location.MX28F160C3T/B features with individual sectors lock-ing by using a combination of bits thirty-nine sector lock-bits and WP, to lock and unlock sectors.The status register indicates when the WSM's sector erase, word program or lock configuration operation is done.The access time is 70/90/110ns (tELQV) over the oper-ating temperature range (-40°C to +85°C) and VCC sup-ply voltage range of 2.7V~3.6V.MX28F160C3T/B's power saving mode feature substan-tially reduces active current when the device is in static mode (addresses not switching). In this mode, the typi-cal ICCS current is 7uA (CMOS) at 3.0V VCC.As CE and RP are at VCC, ICC CMOS standby mode is enabled. When RP is at GND, the reset mode is enabled which minimize power consumption and provide data write protection.A reset time (tPHQV) is required from RP switching high until outputs are valid. Similarly, the device has a wake time (tPHEL) from RP-high until writes to the CUI are recognized. With RP at GND, the WSM is reset and the status register is cleared.MX28F160C3T/BMX28F160C3T/BMX28F160C3T/BTable 1. Pin DescriptionSymbol Type Description and FunctionA0-A19input Address inputs for memory address. Data pin float to high-impedance when the chip isdeselected or outputs are disable. Addresses are internally latched during a write orerase cycle.DQ0-DQ15input/output Data inputs/outputs: Inputs array data on the second CE and WE cycle during a pro-gram command. Data is internally latched. Outputs array and configuration data. Thedata pin float to tri-state when the chip is de-selected.CE input Chip Enable : Activates the device's control logic, input buffers, and sense amplifiers.CE high de-selects the memory device and reduce power consumption to standbylevel. CE is active low.RP input Reset/Deep Power Down: when RP=VIL, the device is in reset/deep power down mode,which drives the outputs to High Z, resets the WSM and minimizes current level.When RP=VIH, the device is normal operation. When RP transitions from VIL to VIH,the device defaults to the read array mode.WE input Write Enable: to control write to CUI and array sector. WE=VIL becomes active. Thedata and addresses are latched on the rising edge of the second WE pulse.VPP input/supply Program/Erase Power Supply:(1.65V~3.6V or 11.4V~12.6V)Lower VPP<VPPLK, to protect any contents against Program and Erase Command.Set VPP=VCC for in-system Read, Program and Erase Operation.Raise VPP to 12V±5% for faster program and erase in a production environment.OE input Output enable: gates the device's outputs during a real cycle.WP input Write Protect: When WP is VIL, the sectors marked Lock Down can't be unlockedthrough software. When WP is VIH, the lock down mechanism is disable and sectorspreviously locked down are now locked and can be unlocked and locked through soft-ware. After WP goes low, any sectors previously marked lock down revert to that state. VCC supply Device power supply: (2.7V~3.6V).VCCQ input I/O Power Supply: supplies for input/output buffers. (VCCQ must be tied to VCC) GND supply Ground voltage: all the GND pin shall not be connected.MX28F160C3T/BSECTOR STRUCTURE (TOP)Sector Sector Size Address Range (h)Boot Sector 04K Word FF000 ~ FFFFFBoot Sector 14K Word FE000 ~ FEFFFParameter Sector 04K Word FD000 ~ FDFFFParameter Sector 14K Word FC000 ~ FCFFFParameter Sector 24K Word FB000 ~ FBFFFParameter Sector 34K Word FA000 ~ FAFFFParameter Sector 44K Word F9000 ~ F9FFFParameter Sector 54K Word F8000 ~ F8FFFMain Sector 032K Word F0000 ~ F7FFFMain Sector 132K Word E8000 ~ EFFFFMain Sector 232K Word E0000 ~ E7FFFMain Sector 332K Word D8000 ~ DFFFFMain Sector 432K Word D0000 ~ D7FFFMain Sector 532K Word C8000 ~ CFFFFMain Sector 632K Word C0000 ~ C7FFFMain Sector 732K Word B8000 ~ BFFFFMain Sector 832K Word B0000 ~ B7FFFMain Sector 932K Word A8000 ~ AFFFFMain Sector 1032K Word A0000 ~ A7FFFMain Sector 1132K Word98000 ~ 9FFFFMain Sector 1232K Word90000 ~ 97FFFMain Sector 1332K Word88000 ~ 8FFFFMain Sector 1432K Word80000 ~ 87FFFMain Sector 1532K Word78000 ~ 7FFFFMain Sector 1632K Word70000 ~ 77FFFMain Sector 1732K Word68000 ~ 6FFFFMain Sector 1832K Word60000 ~ 67FFFMain Sector 1932K Word58000 ~ 5FFFFMain Sector 2032K Word50000 ~ 57FFFMain Sector 2132K Word48000 ~ 4FFFFMain Sector 2232K Word40000 ~ 47FFFMain Sector 2332K Word38000 ~ 3FFFFMain Sector 2432K Word30000 ~ 37FFFMain Sector 2532K Word28000 ~ 2FFFFMain Sector 2632K Word20000 ~ 27FFFMain Sector 2732K Word18000 ~ 1FFFFMain Sector 2832K Word10000 ~ 17FFFMain Sector 2932K Word08000 ~ 0FFFFMX28F160C3T/BSECTOR STRUCTURE (BOTTOM)Sector Sector Size Address Range (h)Boot Sector 04K Word00000 ~ 00FFFBoot Sector 14K Word01000 ~ 01FFFParameter Sector 04K Word02000 ~ 02FFFParameter Sector 14K Word03000 ~ 03FFFParameter Sector 24K Word04000 ~ 04FFFParameter Sector 34K Word05000 ~ 05FFFParameter Sector 44K Word06000 ~ 06FFFParameter Sector 54K Word07000 ~ 07FFFMain Sector 032K Word08000 ~ 0FFFFMain Sector 132K Word10000 ~ 17FFFMain Sector 232K Word18000 ~ 1FFFFMain Sector 332K Word20000 ~ 27FFFMain Sector 432K Word28000 ~ 2FFFFMain Sector 532K Word30000 ~ 37FFFMain Sector 632K Word38000 ~ 3FFFFMain Sector 732K Word40000 ~ 47FFFMain Sector 832K Word48000 ~ 4FFFFMain Sector 932K Word50000 ~ 57FFFMain Sector 1032K Word58000 ~ 5FFFFMain Sector 1132K Word60000 ~ 67FFFMain Sector 1232K Word68000 ~ 6FFFFMain Sector 1332K Word70000 ~ 77FFFMain Sector 1432K Word78000 ~ 7FFFFMain Sector 1532K Word80000 ~ 87FFFMain Sector 1632K Word88000 ~ 8FFFFMain Sector 1732K Word90000 ~ 97FFFMain Sector 1832K Word98000 ~ 9FFFFMain Sector 1932K Word A0000 ~ A7FFFMain Sector 2032K Word A8000 ~ AFFFFMain Sector 2132K Word B0000 ~ B7FFFMain Sector 2232K Word B8000 ~ BFFFFMain Sector 2332K Word C0000 ~ C7FFFMain Sector 2432K Word C8000 ~ CFFFFMain Sector 2532K Word D0000 ~ D7FFFMain Sector 2632K Word D8000 ~ DFFFFMain Sector 2732K Word E0000 ~ E7FFFMain Sector 2832K Word E8000 ~ EFFFFMain Sector 2932K Word F0000 ~ F7FFFMX28F160C3T/B2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONThe product includes an on-chip WSM to manage sec-tor erase, word write and lock-bit configuration functions.After initial device power-up or return from reset mode (see section on Bus Operations), the device defaults to read array mode. Manipulation of external memory con-trol pins allow array read, standby and output disable operations.Status register and identifier codes can be accessed through the CUI independent of the VPP voltage. All functions associated with altering memory contents -sector erase, word write, sector lock/unlock, status and identifier codes - are accessed via the CUI and verified through the status register.Commands are written using standard microprocessor write timings. The CUI contents serve as input to the WSM, which controls the sector erase, word write and sector lock/unlock. The internal algorithms are regulated by the WSM, including pulse repetition, internal verifica-tion and margining of data. Addresses and data are in-ternally latched during write cycles. Address is latched at falling edge of CE and data latched at rising edge of WE. Writing the appropriate command outputs array data, accesses the identifier codes or outputs status register data.Interface software that initiates and polls progress of sector erase, word write and sector lock/unlock can be stored in any sector. This code is copied to and executed from system RAM during flash memory updates. After successful completion, reads are again possible via the Read Array command. Sector erase suspend allows system software to suspend a sector erase to read/write data from/to sectors other than that which is suspend. Word write suspend allows system software to suspend a word write to read data from any other flash memory array location.With the mechanism of sector lock, memory contents cannot be altered due to noise or unwanted operation. When RP=VIH and VCC<VLKO (lockout voltage), any data write alteration can be failure. During read opera-tion, if write VPP voltage is below VPPLK, then hard-ware level data protection is achieved. With CUI's two-step command sequence sector erase, word write or sector lock/unlock, software level data protection is 3 BUS OPERATIONThe local CPU reads and writes flash memory in-sys-tem. All bus cycles to or from the flash memory conform to standard microprocessor bus cycles.3.1 ReadInformation can be read from any sector, configuration codes or status register independent of the VPP volt-age. RP can be at VIH.The first task is to write the appropriate read mode com-mand (Read Array, Read Configuration, Read Query or Read Status Register) to the CUI. Upon initial device power-up or after exit from reset, the device automati-cally resets to read array mode. In order to read data, control pins set for CE, OE, WE, RP and WP must be driven to active. CE and OE must be active to obtain data at the outputs. CE is the device selection control. OE is the data output (DQ0-DQ15) control and active drives the selected memory data onto the I/O bus, WE must be VIH, RP must be VIH, WP must be at VIL or VIH.3.2 Output DisableWith OE at a logic-high level (VIH), the device outputs are disabled. Output pins (DQ0-DQ15) are placed in a high-impedance state.3.3 StandbyCE at a logic-high level (VIH) places the device in standby mode which substantially reduces device power consumption. DQ0~DQ15 outputs are placed in a high-impedance state independent of OE. If deselected dur-ing sector erase, word write or sector lock/unlock, the device continues functioning, and consuming active power until the operation completes.3.4 ResetAs RP=VIL, it initiates the reset mode. The device en-ters reset/deep power down mode. However, the data stored in the memory has to be sustained at least 100nsMX28F160C3T/Band output high impedance state.In read modes, RP-low deselects the memory, places output drivers in a high-impedance state and turns off all internal circuits. RP must be held low for a minimum of 100ns. Time tPHQV is required after return from reset mode until initial memory access outputs are valid. Af-ter this wake-up interval tPHEL or tPHWL, normal op-eration is restored. The CUI is reset to read array mode and status register is set to 80H. Sector lock bit is set at lock status.During sector erase, word write or sector lock/unlock modes, RP-low will abort the operation. Memory con-tents being altered are no longer valid; the data may be partially erased or written.In addition, CUI will go into either array read mode or erase/write interrupted mode. When power is up and the device reset subsequently, it is necessary to read sta-tus register in order to assure the status of the device. Recognizing status register (SR.7~0) will assure if the device goes back to normal reset and enters array read mode.3.5 Read Configuration CodesThe read configuration codes operation outputs the manu-facturer code, device code, sector lock configuration codes, and the protection register. Using the manufac-turer and device codes, the system CPU can automati-cally match the device with its proper algorithms. The sector lock codes identify locked and unlocked sectors.3.6 WriteWriting commands to the CUI enable reading of device data and identifier codes. They also control inspection and clearing of the status register. When VCC=2.7V-3.6V and VPP within VPP1 or VPP2 range, the CUI addition-ally controls sector erase, word write and sector lock/ unlock.The Sector Erase command requires appropriate com-mand data and an address within the sector to be erased. The Full Chip Erase command requires appropriate com-mand data and an address within the device. The Word Write command requires the command and address of mands require the command and address within the de-vice or sector within the device (Sector Lock) to be locked. The Clear Sector Lock-Bits command requires the command and address within the device.The CUI does not occupy an addressable memory loca-tion. It is written when WE and CE are active (whichever goes high first). The address and data needed to ex-ecute a command are latched on the rising edge of WE or CE. Standard microprocessor write timings are used.MX28F160C3T/B4 COMMAND DEFINITIONSThe flash memory has four read modes: read array, readconfiguration, read status, read query, and two writemodes: program, erase. These read modes are acces-sible independent of the VPP voltage. But write modesare disable during VPP<VPPLK. Placing VPP on VPP1/2 enables successful sector erase, word write and sec-tor lock/unlock.Device operations are selected by writing specific com-mands into the CUI. T able 3 defines these commands.Table 2. Bus OperationMode Notes RP CE OE WE DQ0~DQ15Read1,2VIH VIL VIL VIH DOUTOutput Disable2VIH VIL VIH VIH High ZStandby2VIH VIH X X High ZReset2VIL X X X High ZWrite2,3,4,5VIH VIL VIH VIL DINNotes:1.Refer to DC Characteristics for VPPLK, VPP1, VPP2 voltage.2.X can be VIL or VIH for pin and addresses.3.RP at GND±0.2 to ensure the lowest power consumption.4.Refer to Table 3 for valid DIN during a write operation.5.To program or erase the lockable sectors holds WP at VIH.MX28F160C3T/BTable 3. Command Definition (1)Command Bus Notes First Bus Cycle Second Bus CycleCycles Operation Address Data Operation Address DataRequired(1)(2)(3)(1)(2)(3) Read Array1Write X FFHRead Configuration> 22,4Write X90H Read IA ID Read Query22,7Write X98H Read QA QD Read Status Register23Write X70H Read X SRD Clear Status Register13Write X50HSector Erase/Confirm2Write X20H Write SA D0H Word Write22,5Write X40H/10H Write WA WD Program/Erase Suspend1Write X B0HProgram/Erase Resume1Write X D0HSector Lock2Write X60H Write SA01H Sector Unlock26Write X60H Write SA D0H Lock-Down Sector2Write X60H Write SA2FH Protection Program2Write X C0H Write P A PDNotes:1.Bus operation are defined in Table 2 and referred to AC Timing Waveform.2.X=Any address within device.IA=ID-Code Address (refer to Table 4).ID=Data read from identifier code.SA=Sector Address within the sector being erased.WA=Address of memory location to be written.WD=Data to be written at location WA.PA=Program Address, PD=Program DataQA=Query Address, QD=Query Data.3.Data is latched from the rising edge of WE or CE (whichever goes high first)SRD=Data read from status register, see T able 6 for description of the status register bits.4.Following the Read Configuration codes command, read operation access manufacturer, device codes, sectorlock/unlock codes, see chapter 4.2.5.Either 40H or 10H command is recognized by the WSM as word write setup.6.The sector unlock operation simultaneously clear all sector lock.7.Read Query Command is read for CFI query information.MX28F160C3T/B4.1 Read Array CommandUpon initial device power-up and after exit from reset mode, the device defaults to read array mode. This op-eration is also initiated by writing the Read Array com-mand. The device remains enabled for reads until an-other command is written. Once the internal WSM has started a sector erase, word write or sector lock con-figuration the device will not recognize the Read Array command until the WSM completes its operation unless the WSM is suspended via a Sector Erase Suspend or Word Write Suspend command. If RP=VIL device is in read Read Array command mode, this read operation no longer requires VPP . The Read Array command func-tions independently of the VPP voltage and RP can be VIH.4.2 Read Configuration Codes CommandThe configuration code operation is initiated by writing the Read Configuration Codes command (90H). To re-turn to read array mode, write the Read Array Command (FFH). Following the command write, read cycles from addresses shown in T able 4 retrieve the manufacturer,device, sector lock configuration codes and the protec-tion register(see Table 4 for configuration code values).T o terminate the operation, write another valid command.Like the Read Array command, the Read Configuration Codes command functions independently of the VPP voltage and RP can be VIH. Following the Read Configu-ration Codes command, the information is shown:CodeAddress Data (A19-A0)(DQ15-DQ0)Manufacturer Code00000H00C2H Device Code(Top/Bottom)00001H 88C2/88C3H Sector Lock Configuration XX002H LocK - Sector is unlocked DQ0=0- Sector is locked DQ0=1- Sector is locked-down DQ1=1Protection Register Lock 80PR-LK Protection Register81-88PRTable 4: ID Code4.3 Read Status Register CommandCUI writes read status command (70H). The status reg-ister may be read to determine when a sector erase,word write or lock-bit configuration is complete and whether the operation completed successfully. (refer to table 6) It may be read at any time by writing the Read Status Register command. After writing this command,all subsequent read operations output data from the sta-tus register until another valid command is written. The status register contents are latched on the falling edge of CE or OE, whichever occurs last. CE or OE must toggle to VIH before further reads to update the status register latch. The Read Status Register command func-tions independently of the VPP voltage. RP can be VIH.4.4 Clear Status Register CommandStatus register bits SR.5, SR.4, SR.3 or SR.1 are set to "1"s by the WSM and can only be reset by the Clear Status Register command (50H). These bits indicate various failure conditions (see Table 6). By allowing sys-tem software to reset these bits, several operations (such as cumulatively erasing multiple sectors or writing sev-eral words in sequence) may be performed. The status register may be polled to determine if an error occurred during the sequence.T o clear the status register, the Clear Status Register command (50H) is written on CUI. It functions indepen-dently of the applied VPP Voltage. RP can be VIH. This command is not functional during sector erase or word write suspend modes.MX28F160C3T/B4.5 Sector Erase CommandErase is executed one sector at a time and initiated by a two-cycle command. A sector erase setup is first writ-ten (20H), followed by a sector erase confirm (D0H). This command sequence requires appropriate sequencing and an address within the sector to be erased. Sector pre-conditioning, erase, and verify are handled internally by the WSM. After the two-cycle sector erase sequence is written, the device automatically outputs status register data when read (see Figure 8). The CPU can detect sec-tor erase completion by analyzing the output data of the status register bit SR.7.When the sector erase is complete, status register bit SR.5 should be checked. If a sector erase error is de-tected, the status register should be cleared before sys-tem software attempts corrective actions. The CUI re-mains in read status register mode until a new com-mand is issued.This two-step command sequence of set-up followed by execution ensures that sector contents are not acciden-tally erased. An invalid sector Erase command sequence will result in both status register bits SR.4 and SR.5 being set to "1". Also, reliable sector erasure can only occur when 2.7V~3.6V and VPP=VPP1/2. In the absence of this high voltage, sector contents are protected against erasure. If sector erase is attempted while VPP<VPPLK SR.3 and SR.5 will be set to "1". T o successfully erase the boot sector, the corresponding sector lock-bit must be clear first. In parameter and sectors case, it must be cleared the corresponding sector lock-bit. If sector erase is attempted when the excepting above sector being locked conditions, SR.1 and SR.5 will be set to "1". Sec-tor erase is not functional.4.6 Word Write CommandWord write is executed by a two-cycle command se-quence. Word write setup (standard 40H or alternate 10H) is written, followed by a second write that specifies the address and data. The WSM then takes over, controlling the word write and write verify algorithms internally. Af-ter the word write sequence is written, the device auto-matically outputs status register data when read (see Figure 6). The CPU can detect the completion of the word write event by analyzing the status register bit SR.7. When word write is complete, status register bit SR.4should be checked. If word write error is detected, the status register should be cleared. The internal WSM verify only detects errors for "1"s that do not successfully write to "0"s. The CUI remains in read status register mode until it receives another command.Reliable word writes can only occur when VCC=2.7V~3.6V and VPP=VPP1/2. If VPP is not within acceptable limits, the WSM doesn't execut the program command. If word write is attempted while VPP<VPPLK, status register bits SR.3 and SR.4 will be set to "1". Successful word write requires for boot sector that WP is VIH the corresponding sector lock-bit be cleared. In parameter and main sectors case, it must be cleared the corresponding sector lock-bit. If word write is at-tempted when the excepting above sector being clocked conditions, SR.1 and SR.4 will be set to "1". Word write is not functional.4.7 Sector Erase Suspend CommandThe Sector Erase Suspend command (50H) allows sec-tor-erase interruption to read or word write data in an-other sector of memory. Once the sector erase process starts, writing the Sector Erase Suspend command re-quests that the WSM suspend the sector erase sequence at a predetermined point in the algorithm. The device outputs status register data when read after the Sector Erase Suspend command is written. Polling status reg-ister bits SR.7 and SR.6 can determine when the sector erase operation has been suspended (both will be set to "1"). Specification tWHRH2/tEHRH2 defines the sector erase suspend latency.When Sector Erase Suspend command is written to the CUI, if sector erase was finished, the device would be placed read array mode. Therefore, after Sector Erase Suspend command is written to the CUI, Read Status Register command (70H) has to be written to CUI, then status register bit SR.6 should be checked if/when the device is in suspend mode.At this point, a Read Array command can be written to read data from sectors other than that which is sus-pended. A Word Write commands sequence can also be issued during erase suspend to program data in other sectors. Using the Word Write Suspend command (see Section 4.9), a word write operation can also be sus-pended. During a word write operation with sector erase suspended, status register bit SR.7 will return to "0".MX28F160C3T/BHowever, SR.6 will remain "1" to indicate sector erase suspend status.The only other valid commands while sector erase is suspended are Read Status Register, Read Configura-tion, Read Query, Program Setup, Program Resume, Sector Lock, Sector Unlock, Sector Lock-Down and sec-tor erase Resume. After a Sector Erase Resume com-mand is written to the flash memory, the WSM will con-tinue the sector erase process. Status register bits SR.6 and SR.7 will automatically be cleared. After the Erase Resume command is written, the device automatically outputs status register data when read (see Figure 9). VPP must remain at VPP1/2 while sector erase is sus-pended. RP must also remain at VIH (the same RP level used for sector erase). Sector cannot resume until word write operations initiated during sector erase suspend has completed.If the time between writing the Sector Erase Resume command and writing the Sector Erase Suspend com-mand is shorter than 15ms and both commands are writ-ten repeatedly, a longer time is required than standard sector erase until the completion of the operation.4.8 Word Write Suspend CommandThe Word Write Suspend command allows word write interruption to read data in other flash memory locations. Once the word write process starts, writing the Word Write Suspend command requests that the WSM sus-pend the Word write sequence at a predetermined point in the algorithm. The device continues to output status register data when read after the Word Write Suspend command is written. Polling status register bits SR.7 and SR.2 can determine when the word write operation has been suspended (both will be set to "1"). Specification tWHRH1/tEHRH1 defines the word write suspend latency. When Word Write Suspend command write to the CUI, if word write was finished, the device places read array mode. Therefore, after Word Write Suspend command write to the CUI, Read Status Register command (70H) has to be written to CUI, then status register bit SR.2 should be checked for if/when the device is in suspend mode.At this point, a Read Array command can be written to read data from locations other than that which is sus-pended. The only other valid commands while word write is suspended are Read Status Register Read Configura-tion, Read Query and Word Write Resume. After Word Write Resume command is written to the flash memory, the WSM will continue the Word write process. Status register bits SR.2 and SR.7 will automatically be cleared. After the Word Write Resume command is written, the device automatically outputs status register data when read (see Figure 7). VPP must remain at VPP1/2 while in word write suspend mode. RP must also remain at VIH (the same RP level used for word write).If the time between writing the Word Write Resume com-mand and writing the Word Write Suspend command is short and both commands are written repeatedly, a longer time is required than standard word write until the comple-tion of the operation.。



广州唯创电子有限公司MP3录音模块WT2003芯片资料V0.032014-01-03Note:WAYTRONIC ELECTRONIC CO.,L TD. reserves the right to change this document without prior notice. Information provided by WAYTRONIC is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, WAYTRONIC makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document. Contact WAYTRONIC to obtain the latest version of device specifications before placing your orders. No responsibility is assumed by WAYTRONIC for any infringement of patent or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. In addition,WAYTRONIC products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices/systems or aviation1.WT2003概述WT2003是广州唯创电子有限公司研发的一款小巧的新型高品质MP3芯片,支持WAV、MP3音频解码。



2.芯片特性兼容MCS-51指令系统最大支持48MHz系统时钟支持MP3、WMA、WAV解码支持MPEG-1, MPEG-2 ,MPEG-2.5 和 Layer 1、2、3解码两个多功能8位定时器,支持捕捉和PWM模式两个多功能16位定时器,支持捕捉和PWM模式一个全速USB 2.0收发器锁相环时钟发生器9路10位ADC上电自动复位内置双通道LDO 5V→1.8V;5V→3.3V3. WT2003系统功能框图注意:TF 方案和SPI-FLASH 方案对应不同的程序方案。

TMS320f280x 数据手册NEW

TMS320f280x 数据手册NEW

TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806, TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801TMS320C2802, TMS320C2801,and TMS320F2801x DSPs数据手册著作编号:SPRS230J2003年-2007年9月修正除非有其他说明,本文档中包含了自发布日起的产品数据信息。



目录修订历史1 F280x,C2801x,C280x DSPs1.1特点1.2商标2 介绍2.1 引脚分配2.2 信号描述3 功能概况3.1 内存映射3.2 简单描述3.2.1 C28X CPU3.2.2 存储器总线(哈佛总线结构)3.2.3 外设总线3.2.4 实时JTAG接口和分析3.2.5 FLASH存储器3.2.6 ROM存储器3.2.7 M0,M1 SARAMs3.2.8 L0,L1,H0 SARAMs3.2.9 BOOT ROM3.2.10 安全性3.2.11 外设中断扩展(PIE)模块3.2.12 外部中断(XINT1,XINT2,XNMI)3.2.13 振荡器和锁相环(PLL)电路3.2.14 看门狗3.2.15 外部时钟3.2.16 低功耗模式3.2.17 外设框架3.2.18 通用输入输出(GPIO)复用引脚3.2.19 32位CPU定时器(0,1,2)3.2.20 控制外设3.2.21 串口外设3.3 寄存器映射3.4 器件仿真寄存器3.5 中断3.5.1 外部中断3.6 系统控制3.6.1 OSC和PLL模块3.6.2 看门狗模块3.7 低功耗模式模块4 外设4.1 32位CPU定时器0/1/24.2 增强型PWM模块(ePWM1/2/3/4/5/6)4.3 高精度PWM(HRPWM)4.4 增强型CAP模块(eCAP1/2/3/4)4.6 增强型AD转换模块4.6.1 ADC不用时引脚连接4.6.2 ADC寄存器4.7 增强型CAN模块(e-CAN-A和eCAN-B)4.8 SCI模组(SCI-A,SCI-B)4.9 SPI模组(SPI-A,SPI-B,SPI-C,SPI-D)4.10 I2C总线4.11 GPIO复用引脚5 器件支持5.1 器件和开发工具名称5.2 文档支持6 电路规范6.1 绝对最大额定值6.2 推荐运行条件6.3 电气特性6.4 电流消耗6.4.1 减小电流消耗6.4.2 电流消耗图表6.5 DSP无信号缓冲区时的引脚冲突连接6.6 时序参数模型6.6.1 时序参数的一般注意事项6.6.2 测试负荷电路6.7 时钟要求和特性6.8 上电时序6.8.1 电源管理和监控电路解决方案6.9 通用输入输出(GPIO)多路复用器6.9.1 GPIO-输出时序6.9.2 GPIO-输入时序6.10 增强型控制外设6.10.1 增强型脉宽调制(ePWM)时序6.10.2 Trip-Zone 输入时序6.10.3 外部中断时序6.10.4 I2C电路特性和时序6.10.5 串行外设接口(SPI)主动模式时序6.10.6串行外设接口(SPI)被动模式时序6.10.7 片上模-数转换器6.10.7.1 ADC上电控制位时序6.11 详细描述6.12 FLASH时序6.13 ROM时序(仅适用于C280x)7 从F280X到C280X的移植7.1 移植方法8 机械数据图形列表2-1 TMS320F2809,TMS320F2808 100-pin PZ LQFP(Top V iew)2-2 TMS320F2806 100-pin PZ LQFP(Top V iew)2-3 TMS320F2802,TMS320F2801,TMS320C2802,TMS320C2801,100-pin PZ LQFP(Top V iew)2-4 TMS320F2801x 100-Pin PZ LQFP(Top V iew)2-5 TMS320F2809,TMS320F2808,TMS320F2806,TMS320F2802,TMS320F2801,TMS320F28016,TMS320F28015,TMS320C2802,TMS320C2801 100-ball GGM and ZGM MicroStar BGA(Bottom View) 3-1 原理框图3-2 F2809内存映射3-3 F2808内存映射3-4 F2806内存映射3-5 F2802,C2802内存映射3-6 F2801, F28015,F28016,C2801内存映射3-7 外设中断资源3-8 使用外设中断模块时的中断复用3-9 时钟和复位电路3-10 OSC和PLL 方块图3-11 3.3V外部晶振的使用3-12 1.8V外部晶振的使用3-13 内部晶振的使用3-14 看门狗模块4-1 CPU定时器4-2 CPU定时器中断信号和输出信号4-3 280x系统的多路PWM模块4-4 ePWM4-5 eCAP功能方块图4-6 eQEP功能方块图4-7 ADC模块方块图4-8 使用内部参考时的ADC引脚连接4-9使用外部参考时的ADC引脚连接4-10 eCAN方块图和接口电路4-11 Ecan-A存储映射4-12 Ecan-B存储映射4-13 串行通信接口模组方块图4-14 SPI模组方块图(被动模式)4-15 I2C接口设计4-16 GPIO复用引脚方块图4-17 使用取样窗口的条件5-1 TMS320X280X器件命名举例6-1 典型的运行电流相对频率(F2808)6-2 典型的运行电流相对频率(F2808)6-3 无信号缓冲时的硬件连接6-4 3.3V测试负荷电路6-5 时钟时序6-7 热复位6-8 有效写入PLLCR寄存器的举例6-9 通用输出时序6-10 采样模式6-11 通用输入时序6-12 空闲进入和退出时序6-13 备用进入和退出时序6-14 使用通用IO口的中断唤醒6-15 PWM HI-Z特性6-16 ADCSOCAO or ADCSOCBO 时序6-17 外部中断时序6-18 SPI主动模式外部时序(CLOCK PHASE = 0)6-19 SPI主动模式外部时序(CLOCK PHASE = 1)6-20 SPI被动模式外部时序(CLOCK PHASE = 0)6-21 SPI被动模式外部时序(CLOCK PHASE = 1)6-22 ADC上电控制位时序6-23 ADC 模拟输入阻抗模式6-24 单通道模式时序6-25多通道模式时序表单列表2-1 硬件特性(100MHZ器件)2-2 硬件特性(60MHZ器件)2-3 信号描述3-1 F2809的FLASH段地址3-2 F2808的FLASH段地址3-3 F2802、F2806的FLASH段地址3-4 F2801、F28015、F28016的FLASH段地址3-5 使用代码保护模式的影响3-6 等待状态3-7 自举模式选择3-8 外部frame0寄存器3-9 外部frame1寄存器3-10 外部frame2寄存器3-11 器件硬件寄存器3-12 PIE外部中断3-13 PIE配置和控制寄存器3-14 外部中断寄存器3-15 PLL,Clocking,Watchdog,and Low-Power Mode 寄存器3-16 PLLCR寄存器位定义3-17 可能的PLL配置模式3-18 低功耗模式4-1 CPU定时器0,1,2配置和控制寄存器4-2 ePWM控制和标准寄存器4-4 eQEP控制和标准寄存器4-5 ADC寄存器4-6 3.3V eCAN收发器4-7 CAN寄存器MAP4-8 SCI-A寄存器4-9 SCI-B寄存器4-10 SPI-A寄存器4-11 SPI-B寄存器4-12 SPI-C寄存器4-13 SPI-D寄存器4-14 SPI-C寄存器4-15 GPIO寄存器4-16 F2808 GPIO复用表6-1 系统时钟为100MHZ时TMS320F2809,TMS320F2808的电流消耗6-2系统时钟为100MHZ时TMS320F2806的电流消耗6-3系统时钟为100MHZ时TMS320F2802,TMS320F2801的电流消耗6-4系统时钟为100MHZ时TMS320C2802,TMS320C2801的电流消耗6-5各种外设的典型电流消耗(100MHZ时)6-6 TMS320x280x时钟表和命名(100MHZ器件)6-7 TMS320x280x时钟表和命名(60MHZ器件)6-8 输入时钟频率6-9 XCLKIN时序要求-PLL enabled6-10 XCLKIN时序要求-PLL disabled6-11 XCLKOUT 开关特性(PLL bypassed or enabled)6-12 电源管理和监控电路解决方案6-13 Reset(XRS)时序要求6-14 通用输出开关特性6-15 通用输入时序要求6-16 IDLE模式时序要求6-17 IDLE模式开关特性6-18 STANDBY模式时序要求6-19 STANDBY模式开关特性6-20 HALT模式时序要求6-21 HALT模式开关特性6-22 ePWM时序要求6-23 ePWM开关特性6-24 Trip-Zone 输入时序要求6-25 高精度PWM特性(SYSCLKOUT=(60~100MHZ)6-26 eCAP时序要求6-27 eCAP开关特性6-28 eQEP时序要求6-29 eQEP开关特性6-30 外部ADC启动转换开关特性6-31 外部中断时序要求6-32 外部重点开关特性6-34 SPI主动模式外部时序(Clock Phase=0)6-35 SPI主动模式外部时序(Clock Phase=1)6-36 SPI被动模式外部时序(Clock Phase=0)6-37 SPI被动模式外部时序(Clock Phase=0)6-38 ADC电器特性(通过推荐运行条件验证)6-39 ADC上电延时6-40 不同ADC配置时的电流消耗(ADCCLK=12.5MHZ)6-41 单通道模式时序6-42 多通道模式时序6-43 Flash耐性6-44 SYSCLKOUT=100MHZ时的Flash参数6-45 Flash/OTP进入时序6-46 不同频率时的最大最小要求Flash/OTP等待状态6-47 ROM/OTP进入时序6-48不同频率时的最大最小要求ROM/OTP等待状态8-1 F280x Thermal Model 100-pin GGM Results8-2 F280x Thermal Model 100-pin PZ Results8-3 C280x Thermal Model 100-pin GGM Results8-4 C280x Thermal Model 100-pin PZ Results8-5 F2809 Thermal Model 100-pin GGM Results8-6 F2809 Thermal Model 100-pin PZ Results版本历史注意:早期版本的页码可能和当前版本页码有所不同该数据手册自SPRS230I到SPRS230J修正该文档因保证技术的准确性,已经被再次审阅。



布线时的注意事项 必须将外部电源全部切断后,才能进行安装、接线等操作,否则可能引起触电或设备损坏; 在安装布线完毕,立即清除异物,通电前请盖好产品的端子盖板,避免引起触电; 请按本手册中的说明在 L、N 端接入交流电源。将交流电源接入其他端子会烧毁 PLC;

请不要从外部对主模块的+24V 端子供电,否则会损坏本产品; 接入 PLC 的输入、输出信号线不要与其他强电或强干扰线路并排布线,以减少干扰; 请不要将主模块的接地端子 与强电系统共地。
BOM 编码 R33010281
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麦格米特控制技术有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。内容如有改动,恕不另行通知。
产品报废时的注意事项 在报废 PLC 时,请注意: 电路板上的电解电容器焚烧时可能发生爆炸; PLC 主体为塑料结构件,焚烧时可能产生有毒气体; 请按工业废弃物进行处理,或者按当地的环境保护规定处理。

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FEATURESs Dual Device Modules Electrically Isolated Packages Pressure Contact Construction s International Standard FootprintKEY PARAMETERS VRRM2000V IFSM6000A IF(AV)(per arm) 280A Visol2500VCIRCUIT OPTIONS MP03 XX 280 Series Dual Diode ModulesReplaces December 1998 version, DS5105-2.0 DS5105-3.0 January 2000Symbol ParameterConditionsMax.Units A V R = 0V R = 50% V RRM V R = 0V R = 50% V RRMA 2s A 2sA 10ms half sine;T j = 150o C 10ms half sine;T j = 150o CSurge (non-repetitive) on-state currentI FSMI 2t for fusingI 2t SymbolParameterConditionsUnitsoC/W R th(j-c)Virtual junction temperature T vj oCT sto Storage temperature range Mounting torque = 5Nm with mounting compound3 phasehalfwave dcCommoned terminals to base plate AC RMS, 1min, 50Hz Max.0.220.23R th(c-hs)Isolation voltageSymbolParameterConditions1.1mA Forward voltage 30V FM I RM Peak reverse current At V RRM , T j = 150o C At 400A peak, T case = 25o C V TO Threshold voltage V 0.80m Ω0.6At T vj = 150o C At T vj = 150o Cr TOn-state slope resistanceThermal resistance - junction to case per DiodeThermal resistance - case to heatsink per DiodeoC/WV isol2.560004800180000115000oC/W oC/W 0.210.05-40 to 150150oC kVUnits Max.V Surge Ratings - Per ArmTHERMAL & MECHANICAL RATINGSCHARACTERISTICSapplied to both the heatsink and module mounting surfaces.This should ideally be 0.05mm (0.002") per surface to ensure optimum thermal performance.squarely over the mounting holes, (or 'T' slots) in the heatsink. Using a torque wrench, slowly tighten the recommended fixing bolts at each end, rotating each in turn no more than 1/4 of a revolution at a time. Continue until the required torque of 5Nm (44lb.ins) is reached at both ends.starting to tighten the others. Such action may DAMAGE the module.Adequate heatsinking is required to maintain the base temperature at 75o C if full rated current is to be achieved.Power dissipation may be calculated by use of V (TO) and r T information in accordance with standard formulae. We can provide assistance with calculations or choice of heatsink if required.The heatsink surface must be smooth and flat; a surface finish of N6 (32µin) and a flatness within 0.05mm (0.002")are recommended.Immediately prior to mounting, the heatsink surface should be lightly scrubbed with fine emery, Scotch Brite or a mild chemical etchant and then cleaned with a solvent to remove oxide build up and foreign material. Care should be taken to ensure no foreign particles remain.Part number is made up as follows:MP03 HB 280 - 18MP = Pressure contact module 03= Outline typeHB = Circuit configuration code (see "circuit options" - front page)280= Nominal average current rating at T case = 75o C 18= V RRM /100Examples:MP03HB280 - 16MP03G280 - 20MP03GN280 - 18Note: Prefered type is HB configuration. G and GN types are available for specific applications, only when requested.MOUNTING RECOMMENDATIONSORDERING INSTRUCTIONSCURVESFig. 3 Surge (non-repetitive) forward current vs time (with 0% V RRM , T case = 150˚C)values of heatsink thermal resistance.(Note: R th(hs-a) values given above are true heatsink thermal resistances to ambient and already account for R th(c-hs) module contact thermal).PACKAGE DETAILSFor further package information, please contact your local Customer Service Centre. All dimensions in mm, unless stated otherwise. DO NOT SCALE.CIRCUIT CONFIGURATIONSCUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRESFrance, Benelux, Italy and Spain T el: +33 (0)1 69 18 90 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 54 50North America T el: 011-800-5554-5554. Fax: 011-800-5444-5444UK, Germany, Scandinavia & Rest Of World T el: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020SALES OFFICESFrance, Benelux, Italy and Spain T el: +33 (0)1 69 18 90 00. Fax: +33 (0)1 64 46 54 50Germany T el: 07351 827723North America T el: (613) 723-7035. Fax: (613) 723-1518. T oll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639) /T el: (831) 440-1988. Fax: (831) 440-1989 / Tel: (949) 733-3005. Fax: (949) 733-2986.UK, Germany, Scandinavia & Rest Of World Tel: +44 (0)1522 500500. Fax: +44 (0)1522 500020These offices are supported by Representatives and Distributors in many countries world-wide.© Dynex Semiconductor 2000 Publication No. DS5105-3 Issue No. 3.0 January 2000TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION – NOT FOR RESALE. PRINTED IN UNITED KINGDOMHEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS DYNEX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD Doddington Road, Lincoln.Lincolnshire. LN6 3LF. United Kingdom.Tel: 00-44-(0)1522-500500Fax: 00-44-(0)1522-500550DYNEX POWER INC.Unit 7 - 58 Antares Drive,Nepean, Ontario, Canada K2E 7W6.T el: 613.723.7035Fax: 613.723.1518T oll Free: 1.888.33.DYNEX (39639)This publication is issued to provide information only which (unless agreed by the Company in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. The Company reserves the right to alter without prior notice the specification, design or price of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user's responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injuryor death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to the Company's conditions of sale, which are available on request.All brand names and product names used in this publication are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.e-mail: power_solutions@Datasheet Annotations:Dynex Semiconductor annotate datasheets in the top right hard corner of the front page, to indicate product status. The annotations are as follows:-Target Information: This is the most tentative form of information and represents a very preliminary specification. No actual design work on the product has been started.Preliminary Information: The product is in design and development. The datasheet represents the product as it is understood but details may change.Advance Information: The product design is complete and final characterisation for volume production is well in hand.No Annotation: The product parameters are fixed and the product is available to datasheet specification.。
