1、首先配置驱动,把m.properties,win32com.dll拷贝到你的jdk 中具体位置为C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin然后配置windows系统环境变量,在path中加入C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin;打开你的java工程,配置user library,并导入comm.jar包。
串口读写代码如下CommPortIdentifier portID =CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(com);//1,先拿到Identifier//其中com是String类型的,传入的是串口名com="COM1";SerialPort port = (SerialPort)portID.open("MyComm", 100000000);//2,打开串口//"MyComm"是串口名,100000000是串口过期时间(ms)。
port.setSerialPortParams(rate, databits,stopbit, parity);//3,设置串口属性//rate 波特率(默认9600),databits载波位(默认8),stopbit停止位(默认1),parity校验位(默认0无校验)port.setFlowControlMode(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE);//4(可选)设置数据流控制模式,默认为无port.close();//关闭串口3、串口读入写出流。
第三章 自适应数字滤波器数字信号处理-时域离散随机信号处理 教学课件
y j X Tj W W T X j
W [w1, w2, , wN ]T, X j [x1j , x2 j , , xNj ]T
ej d j y j d j X Tj W d j W T X j (3.2.4)
第三章 自适应数字滤波器 2. 利用均方误差最小准则求最佳权系数和最小均方误差
1. 自适应滤波器的矩阵表示式
图 3.2.2 表示的是一个有N个权系数的自适应线性组合器,
图中N个权系数w1,w2,…,wN受误差信号ej的自适应控制。对于固 定的权系数,输出yj是输入信号x1j,x2j,…,xNj的线性组合,因此 称它为线性组合器。这里的x1j,x2j,…,xNj可以理解为是从N个不
为性能函数。为选择权系数,使性能函数到达它的最小点, 一
些有用的自适应方法都是基于梯度法的,我们用 j 表示E[ej2] 的梯度向量,它是用E[ej2]对每个权系数求微分而形成的一个
列向量, 用公式表示如下:
2 j
(1)是对称矩阵,即 RxTx Rxx ;
(2) 是正定或半正定的,因为对于任意矢量V满足下式:
V T RxxV E[V T XX TV ] E[( X TV )2 ] 0
中控控制设备代码及编程作者:guoyinsihjm中控控制设备代码及编程CNPCI-8/CLI-8通用继电器模块简介:1.兼容CNPCI-8协议,可以直接和CREATRON主机连接2.两个CRESNET接口,一个RS232接口,8路接口3.经验:1. ID CODE MODE的拨码向下拨下去为启用状态2.CNPCI-8 PGMIITX RX 2PINRX TX 3PING G 5PIN3.使用CRESNET 24V G 来作为继电器的电源。
4.多个继电器可以使用CRESNET Y Z RS485级联.5. UNLLNC 默认为有电NO 默认为有电C 220V AC6.中控底层代码:单路: r1 onx0d 第一路加电r1 offx0d 第一路断电模式:r8 onx0d r7 onx0d r6 offx0d r5 offx0dr8 onx0d r7 onx0d r6 offx0d r5 offx0d思美760音频矩阵中控码1.760 COM接口:2TX 3RX 5GNG 57600 N81自动IP : PGMIITX RX 2PINRX TX 3PING G 5PINRS232接口直通焊接2.推子号音量推子推子1推子2推子3------------推子12190 290 390--------------1290静音按钮第一路按钮第二路按钮第三路按钮--------第十二路按钮192 292 392 -------------12923.矩阵控制码:音量大:CC 190 1 1000X0D音量小:CC 590 0 1000X0D开启静音:CS 192 65535X0D取消静音:CS 192 0X0D单击音量大取消静音:CC 590 1 1000X0D CS 592 0X0D单击音量小取消静音:CC 590 0 1000X0D CS 592 0X0D时序电源(PDS PC820)1. 该型号没有中控受控接口。
92. //通过串口对象获得读串口流对象
93. inputStream = new DataInputStream(serialPort.getInputStream());
86. //传送串口名创建CommPortIdentifier对象服务。
87. portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName);
89. //使用portId对象服务打开串口,并获得串口对象
2. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
3. import java.util.Date;
4. import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
6. import mPortIdentifier;
RXTX是一个开源包,主要是在COMM开源包中做扩张,以前的COMM包只能在WINDOWS下面对串口或并口做操作,扩充后的RXTX可以在LINUX和MAC下对串口和并口做操作。 现在跨平台:
99. } catch (NoSuchPortException ex)
100. {
101. throw new Exception(ex.toString());
102. } catch (PortInUseException ex)
42. private String dataProtocol;
一步一步教你找手机刷机用的RX与TX点首先说一下为什么在这里我要祥解找手机刷机用的RX与TX点.在这里大家先看看图中刷机平台上的MTK处有一项就是连机,读写字库,解锁都要用到的开机键也就是开机点(PWQKEY).再看一看仪器连接手机的线吧,在这里我讲到的就是我自己用PL-2303IC(USB转COM)做的仪器,图中大家看到了一个连接电脑的USB插头,一个微型主机,两个夹子两跟线头,就是这么多东西了.其中一个黑色的夹子就是接手机的地线(GND),一个红色夹子就是接到手机的供电线(VBAT),而两跟线头中的白色线就是手机发送(TX)数据到电脑的.绿色线就是手机接收(RX)电脑传输过来数据的.所以大家都知道刷机用到的就是五个点:开机点(PWRKEY),供电点(VBAT),接地点(GND),发送数据点(T X),接收数据点(RX).开机点很容易找,开机按键处就是开机点了.供电和接地也很容易找,直接是电池供电触点处的触点就是了.最后难找的就是TX与RT点了.在这里我就教三种方法给大家找手机刷机用的RX与TX点.第一种就是直接在主板上找到,在下面一楼有祥解.第二种方法就是上网查找,在下面二楼有祥解.第三种方法就是在手机数据接口处找,在下面三楼四楼有祥描述:刷机平台里要求按开机键图片:描述:我做的仪器仪图片:描述:仪器仪总体线路图图片:描述:主机里面的线路图片:第一种就是直接在主板上找到描述:杂牌3198图片:描述:飞利普390 图片:描述:金立V5600 图片:描述:三菱M600 图片:描述:高防N95 8G 图片:第一种就是直接在主板上找到,在图是大家都见到有很多主板上面都会有:VBAT(电源),GND(接地),PWRKE Y(开机点),TX(发送数据),RX(接收数据)这五点有,全都会标有英文的,极少有点没标明的.这种就比较容易找.大家参考图中的点吧..描述:防N95 8G图片:第二种方法就是上网查找描述:先是论坛然后找到搜索点击进去图片:描述:先输入手机型号,再选择到适合的系列图片:描述:提交后就可以看到资料列表,其中很多都会有定义的图片:描述:选择有定义的资料进去,里面的图就会有RX与TD的脚位点图片:描述:左边数起第9脚是接地图片:第二种方法就是上网找,先上论坛然后找到搜索点击进去, 输入手机型号,再选择到适合手机的系列资料提交,提交之后会有资料的列表,再选到有定义的资料进去.最后就可以找到有定义的图片或者文字了.但有的人像图中知道了是10脚和12脚是RXTX,但不知那一边数起,你再看看图中的GND(接地)是1,9,11脚,那你再测一下那一边数起1.9.11脚是接地的,那就知道那一边数起了.接着测一下两脚对地阻值,对地电压,这样就知那一个是TX脚,那一RX脚了.有人小细心看到,为什么网上那一张图10脚是RX,12脚是TX,而我测到的10脚高电压是TX,12脚低电压是RX.事情这样的,网上那一张图显示的10脚是RX,12脚是TX,这是对仪器来说是对的,但对手机来说是刚才相反10脚高电压是TX,12脚低电压是RX,明白了吧..描述:左边数起第11脚是接地图片:描述:左边数起第12脚对地阻值11K 图片:描述:第10脚开机后有2.8V,是TX点图片:描述:第12脚开机后有2.4V,是RX点图片:第三种方法就是在手机数据接口处找描述:给手机夹上电源不用开机图片:描述:未开机时4号脚有3.6V的电压是供电脚图片:描述:未开机时其它脚都没电压图片:描述:开机后1号脚有2.7V电压是TX 图片:描述:开机后7号脚有2.3V电压是RX 图片:第三种方法就是在手机数据接口处找,在手机数据接口中的RX与TX就难找点了,因为数据接口里包括了:U 盘数据传输,耳机声音传输,刷机用的RX与TX.而每种传输都有四要根线左右.而RX,TX两根线与其它线不同点的是不开机时是没电压的,也就是说CPU不工作这两点是没电压的,当开机时或者CPU工作时TX上会有2.8V左右的电压,RX上会有2.4V左右的电压,接口上其它点是没这特点的,而且这两点对地的阻值是差不多的,大约是10K左右..那为什么TX电压比RX电压高点呢,因为对手机来说,TX是发送数据,RX是接收数据,理所当然TX比RX电压高了.最后说到就是怎样容易找到RX与TX.第一步先给手机夹上电.然后数据接口上每个点都测量一次,如果只有1V以下的电压和没电压的都不用理会,如有3.6V的电压那就可能是电源供电点了.如有2V左右的电压,那很大可能就是开机点,再按住开机键,看看电压有没有完全掉下来,如果完全掉下来,那就确实是开机点了,.测完之后记录下来那些点有电压,然后就是开机测量电压了,开不了机的就是要长按开机键,再每个点测一次,再排除了刚才有电压的点,剩下来有电压的两点就是TX与RX点了.再提一提就是TX电压比RX电压高一点,TX是2.8V左右,RX是2.4V左右,两个点对地的阻值差不多.,这样就找到手机的TX与RX点了.上面就实找一次中天ZT9298的RX与TX点.它的接口中有一个点是有3.6V是电源电压的描述:1号脚对地是7K阻值图片:描述:7号脚对地是也是7K阻值图片:描述:高电压的1号脚接白色TX线低电压的7号脚接绿色RX线图片:描述:连机正常OK图片:第三种方法在数据接口再实找TX RX描述:给手机供电示用开机图片:描述:9号脚有2V的电压可能是开机点图片:描述:3按住开机按键9号脚没电压了,确实9号脚是开机点图片:描述:其它都没电压图片:描述:开机后14号脚有2.7V电压是TX点图片:这次实找是用菲利普S800手机,他的数据接口里包括了开机线..描述:开机后15号脚有2.4V最压是RX点图片:描述:14号脚对地10K阻值图片:描述:15号脚对地也是10K阻值图片:描述:白线接14号TX线,绿线接15号RX线图片:描述:连机正常OK图片:总结完成本一大贴花了我5小时才完成,终于写到8楼完成了,希望对大家有帮助.我就是这样自己下载一个MTK破解平台,再用PL-2303IC做个微型主机,再买点通用的手机插头,这样刷了不少机,解了不少锁.在这里再次多谢/read-htm-tid-86639.html这贴的原创主人,是他这一贴启发了我,帮助了我.大家有时间去看看吧!。
MODBUS通讯协议学习总结第一篇:MODBUS通讯协议学习总结MODBUS通讯协议学习总结1、协议分3个层次看:协议应用函数层,如读写coil,寄存器;RTU或者ASCII传输层硬件底层2、比如上位机发来:01 06 00 01 02 D5 00 55 含义:表示上午12点05分开始采集,12*60+5=725=0X02D5 01地址06表示功能码 00 01寄存器地址 02 D5数据 00 55 crc3、就当是一个简单的协议看。
比如:上位机发送A,下位机知道这个是>90分按照他给的框架,自己再自由定义比如:从机地址,可以写01-FF 255个这个是从机先固定好的。
crc 在通过modbus串口传数据的时候用,网络上不用。
GPIB一、简介:GPIB(General-Purpose Interface Bus)-通用接口总线,大多数打印机就是通过GPIB线以及GPIB接口与电脑相连。
1965年惠普公司设计HP-IB1975年 HP-IB变成IEEE-488标准1987年 IEEE488.2被采纳, IEEE 488-1978变成IEEE488.1-19871990年SCPI规范被引入IEEE 488仪器1992年修订IEEE 488.21993年 NI公司提出HS4881965年, 惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard)设计了惠普接口总线(HP-IB, 用于连接惠普的计算机和可编程仪器.由于其高转换速率(通常可达1Mbytes/s), 这种接口总线得到普遍认可, 并被接收为IEEE标准488-1975和ANSI/IEEE 标准488.1-1987. 后来, GPIB比HP-IB的名称用得更广泛. ANSI /IEEE 488.2 -1987加强了原来的标准, 精确定义了控制器和仪器的通讯方式. 可编程仪器的标准命令(Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments, SCPI)采纳了IEEE488.2定义的命令结构,创建了一整套编程命令二、接口与总线接口部分是由各种逻辑电路组成,与各仪器装置安装在一起,用于对传输的信息进行发送、接收、编码和译码;总线部分是一条无源的多芯电缆,用做传输各种消息。
CDMA系统是干扰受限系统,所有用户共用同一频段,基站通过不同的正交编码来区分不同的用户,每一通信用户的信号对于其他用户来说都是干扰信号,用户数与每个用户受到的干扰成正比.直放站的使用,使施主基站的覆盖范围变大,用户数量增多,必然也给基站引入了部分噪声.即使直放站覆盖区域没有用户,直放站设备电子器件产生的噪声和空间白噪声也会通过上行链路放大以后传递到基站,产生噪声干扰.当直放站产生的噪声干扰超出正常范围时,施主基站的反向信号强度指标RSSI(Received SignalStrength Indicator)将出现异常。
RSS I值在反向信号通道基带接收滤波之后产生,查看RSSI的平均值是判断干扰的重要手段.如果直放站接入后,发现RSSI值抬升超过2 dBm,或是主集和分集的RSSI差值超过5 dBm,那么肯定是直放站产生的干扰超出正常范围,引起施主基站的RSSI异常.RSSI是指基站1.2288M频带内的反向信号接收强度指示。
使用Java的RXTX类库进行串口通讯的基本步骤如下:1. 导入RXTX类库:在Java项目中,需要导入RXTX类库,以便使用串口通讯功能。
2. 打开串口连接:使用RXTX类库中的SerialPort类打开串口连接。
例如:```javaSerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort("COM1");serialPort.openPort();serialPort.setParams(SerialPort.BAUDRATE_9600,SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);```3. 发送数据:使用RXTX类库中的write()方法发送数据。
例如:```javabyte[] data = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03};serialPort.write(data, data.length);```4. 接收数据:使用RXTX类库中的read()方法接收数据。
例如:```javabyte[] buffer = new byte[1024];int length = serialPort.read(buffer, buffer.length);```5. 关闭串口连接:使用RXTX类库中的closePort()方法关闭串口连接。
诺基亚设备告警代码的含义翻译诺基亚设备告警代码的含义翻译告警号星级⽹优级别告警描述告警解释及处理建议7523 ** 2 TRX TEMPERATURE DANGEROUSLY HIGH TRX 单元中的温度⾼于80 摄⽒度(必须关闭TX 电源以防⽌组件损坏)7524 ** 2 TX FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER某个TX 锁相合成器(PLLI 或PLL2 )出现故障7525 ** 2 TX MAIN FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER TRX 参考频率合成器未锁7526 ** 2 RX FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER某个RX 锁相合成器出现故障7527 ** 2 RX MAIN FREQUENCY TUNER OUT OF ORDER RX 参考频率合成器未锁(PLL3 )7528 ** 3 TEST LOOP TUNING OUT OF ORDER TRX 环路合成器未锁并可能发⽣故障7529 ** 2 RECEIVER FAULT 该告警表⽰某个RX 模块合成器中有故障7530 ** 2 TX OUTPUT POWER LEVEL DECREASED因为RFU 中的HW 发⽣故障,TX 功率电平低于给定的值(发射功率电平下降)7531 ** 2 TX OUTPUT POWER LOST如果发送器电源的测量指出断电(尽管传输应该是活的), TRX 软件产⽣该告警。
7532 ** 2 TRANSMITTER OUT OF CONTROL如果发送器电源的测量指出有电(尽管传输应该被关闭), TRX 软件产⽣该告警7533 ** 2 TX ANTENNA OR COMBINER CONNECTION FAULTY该告警指出在TRXTX 接⼝中的SWR 太⾼,发射天线或合路器连接失败7535 ** 2 RECEIVING FAULT IN BASEBAND MODULE使⽤了分集,则两条EQDSP接收线路都有故障。
RS232 9针串口定义
电脑9针串口电脑串口引脚定义按序号说明:1 载波检测(DCD)2 接受数据(RXD)3 发出数据(TXD)4 数据终端准备好(DTR)5 信号地线(SG)6 数据准备好(DSR)7 请求发送(RTS)8 清除发送(CTS)9 振铃指示(RI)串口母头连接器的管脚定义9PIN-25 PIN-connector Name Dir Descriptionconnector1 8 CD input Carrier Detect2 3 RXD input Receive Data3 2 TXD output Transmit Data4 20 DTR output Data Terminal Ready5 7 GND-- System Ground6 6 DSR input Data Set Ready7 4 RTS output Request to Send8 5 CTS input Clear to Send9 22 RI input Ring Indicator此上为计算机串口管脚定义说明。
针脚定义符号1 载波检测 DCD2 接收数据 RXD3 发送数据 TXD4 数据终端准备好 DTR5 信号地 SG6 数据准备好 DSR7 请求发送 RTS8 清除发送 CTS9 振铃提示 RIPin 1 Received Line Signal Detector(Data Carrier Detect)Pin 2 Received DataPin 3 Transmit DataPin 4 Data Terminal ReadyPin 5 Signal GroundPin 6 Data Set ReadyPin 7 Request To SendPin 8 Clear To SendPin 9 Ring Indicator2、RS-232C母接头定义(25芯)针脚定义 符号1 频蔽地线2 发送数据 TXD3 接收数据 RXD4 请求发送 RTS5 允许发送 CTS6 数据准备好 DSR7 信号地 SG8 载波检测 DCD9 发送返回(+)10 未定义11 数据发送(-)12~17 未定义18 数据接收(+)19 未定义20 数据终端准备好 DTR21 未定义22 振铃 RI23~24 未定义25 接收返回(-)Pin 1 Protective GroundPin 2 Transmit DataPin 3 Received DataPin 4 Request To SendPin 5 Clear To SendPin 6 Data Set ReadyPin 7 Signal GroundPin 8 Received Line Signal Detector (Data Carrier Detect)Pin 20 Data Terminal ReadyPin 22 Ring IndicatorRS-232C,25芯针转换为9芯针25芯接口 9芯接口2 33 24 75 86 67 58 120 422 9二、补充(几个小时的查询和求助才弄明白的,呵呵,珍贵啊)1.RX232公接头的图片和引脚编号:2.从两个图可以看出,公接头和母接头相连时rx-rx,tx-tx,进而可知下载线的两端接口本应该rx-rx、t x-tx的,但买串口线时需要买交叉串口线(实现RX-tx的连接),进而实现一段发送一段接收。
Freescale 半导体用户指南说明书
Freescale Semiconductor User’s GuideDocument Number: MC1320xRFCUGRev. 1.2, 03/20101IntroductionThe MC1320x RF Daughter Card (1320xRFD-A00) is used in conjunction with a microcontroller development board for RFIC evaluation, code development, and system evaluation. The RF Daughter Card interfaces directly to the M68EVB908GB60, RG60 and QG60 HCS08 family Microcontroller Development Boards and to the M52235 EVB Microcontroller Development Board, but it can be adapted to other boards that offer access to the MCU input/output ports.The RF Daughter Card is configured with all the off-chip circuitry required for functional performance of the MC1320x RF data modem except the MCU. The MCU interface required by the RFIC is pinned out at the edge of the card using standard header pins. The RF interface is accomplished through an onboard PCB antenna. Also, there is an SMT jumper that can be relocated, which will redirect the RF interface to an on-board 50 ohm connector. The SMA connector can be used with standard coax cables for testing purposes. Figure 1-1 shows the RF Daughter Card.Figure1-1. MC1320x RF Daughter CardMC1320x RF Daughter CardUser’s GuideIntroductionFigure1-2 shows the RF Daughter Card installed in a GB60 development board.Figure1-2. MC1320xRF Daughter Card In GB60 Development Board Figure1-3 shows the M52235 EVB development board.Figure1-3. M52235 EVB Development BoardSafety Information 2Safety InformationAny modifications to this product may violate the rules of the Federal Communications Commission and make operation of the product unlawful.47 C.F.R. Sec. 15.21This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.47 C.F.R. Sec.15.105(b)This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. The antenna(s) used for this equipment must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 8 inches (20cm) from all persons.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:•This device may not cause harmful interference.•This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.3Revision HistoryThe following table summarizes revisions to this document since the previous release (Rev 1.1).Revision HistoryLocation RevisionSection 6Updated document cross reference.MC1320x MCU Interface4MC1320x MCU InterfaceFigure4-1 shows the typical connections between the MC1320x transceiver and a microcontroller unit (MCU). See the MC13202/203 Reference Manual, document MC13202RM, for interface considerations. Details about the interconnects for both the GB60 and M52235 Development boards are described in Section5.1, “Development Board Interconnects”. ArrayFigure4-1. MCU Interface PinoutDaughter Card Description 5Daughter Card DescriptionAs shown in Figure5-1 and Figure8-1, connector J101 is the main interface to the GB60 Development Board. The interface connections described in Section5.1, “Development Board Interconnects”, fall under the following three broad categories:1.Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)2.Control3.PowerFigure1-2 shows how the RF Daughter Card is mounted on the GB60 Development Board.NOTEEnsure that zero ohm resistor R104 is in place on the MC1320x DaughterCard. As of this release, previous versions of the MC1320x Daughter Cardmay not have R104 inserted.NOTEJ101 Pin 1 of the MC1320x must to be connected to GB_PORT Pin 1 of theGB60 Development Board.As shown in Figure5-1 and Figure8-1, connector J102 is the main interface to the M52235 Development Board. Figure1-3 shows how the RF Daughter Card is mounted on the M52235 Development Board.NOTEJ102 Pin 1 of the MC1320x must be connected to MCU_PORT Pin 1 on theM52235 Development Board.Figure5-1 shows the top side of the RF Daughter Card PCB with component placement.Figure5-1. MC1320x Daughter Card (Top View)Daughter Card DescriptionFigure5-2 shows the shows the bottom side of the RF Daughter Card PCB.Figure5-2. MC1320x Daughter Card (Bottom View)5.1Development Board InterconnectsThe following sections describe the interconnects for both the GB60 and M52235 Development boards. Table5-1 lists the pin connections for J101 and Table5-2 lists the pin connections for J102.Table5-1. J101 Pin ConnectionsPin Number Pin Name Description Functionality1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,15,16,17 18,21,23,25,26,28, 29, 30,33N/C No connection.5PTA2Connects to PTA2 on GB60.Provides a wakeup function to the MCU via Pin22 when jumper is installed between J103 pins1 and 2.13GPIO1Connects to General PurposeInput/Output 1 of MC1320X.When gpio_alt_en, Register 9, Bit 7 = 1, GPIO1 functions as an “Out of Idle” Indicator.14GPOI2Connects to General PurposeInput/Output 2 of MC1320X.When gpio_alt_en, Register 9, Bit 7 = 1, GPIO2 functions as a “CRC Valid” Indicator.Daughter Card Description19IRQConnects to IRQ pin of MC1320X.Allows the MC1320X to issue an IRQ to theMCU.20RESETOptionally connects to RESET of MC1320X when R101 or R102 are installed.Allows the MCU to reset the MC1320X.22PTE1/RXD1Connects to PTE1/RXD1 of GB60.Provides a wakeup function to the MCU via Pin5 when jumper is installed between J103 pins 1 and 2.24XCLK/16MHz Connects to CLKO of MC1320Xwhen jumper is installed between J103 pins 3 and 4.Provides reference based on MC1320X 16 MHz reference oscillator to the MCU.27PTC2/BAUD SEL Connect to PTC2/BAUD SEL ofGB60.31RXTXENConnect to RXTXEN of MC1320X.Allows the MCU to control the RXTXEN line ofthe MC1320X.32RESETConnects to RESET of MC1320X.Allows the MCU to reset the MC1320X.34PTD5/CESI/A TTN Connects to PTD5/CESI of GB60when R104 is installed. Connectdirectly to Pin 15 of J102.Allows the MCU to wake up the MC1320X from Doze or Hibernate.35MOSIConnect to MOSI of MC1320x.SPI36SPSCKConnect to SPICLK of the MC13201.SPI37CE Connect to CE of MC1320X.SPI38MISO Connects to MISO of MC1320X.SPI39V_INConnects the Daughter Card to the supply voltage output of the GB60 board.Provides supply voltage to the Daughter Card. Voltage must not exceed 16 Vdc. See Section, “Power Connections”.40GNDConnect ground on GB60 board to ground on Daughter Card.Table 5-1. J101 Pin Connections (continued)Pin NumberPin Name DescriptionFunctionalityDaughter Card DescriptionTable5-2. J102 Pin ConnectionsPin Number Pin Names Description Functionality 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14,16, 18, 22N/C No connection1V_IN Connects the Daughter Card to thesupply voltage output on theM52235EVB.Provides supply voltage to the Daughter Card. Voltage must not exceed 16 Vdc. See Section5.1.0.3, “Power Connections”.2IRQ Connects to IRQ pin of MC1320X.Allows the MC1320X to issue an IRQ to theMCU.3GND Connects the ground of the RFDaughter Card to the ground of theM52235EVB9GPIO1Connects to General PurposeInput/Output 1 of MC1320X.When gpio_alt_en, Register 9, Bit 7 = 1, GPIO1 functions as an “Out of Idle” Indicator.10GPOI2Connects to General PurposeInput/Output 2 of MC1320X.When gpio_alt_en, Register 9, Bit 7 =1, GPIO2 functions as a “CRC Valid” Indicator.13RESET Connects to RESET of MC1320Xand Pin 32 of J101.Allows the MCU to reset the MC1320X.15PTD5/CESI Connects to ATTN of MC1320Xand Pin 34 of J101.Allows the MCU to wake up the MC1320X from Doze or Hibernate.17MOSI Connects to MOSI of MC1320X.SPI19MISO Connects to MISO of MC1320X.SPI20RXTXEN Connect to RXTXEN of MC1320X.Allows the MCUntrol the RXTXEN line of theMC1320X.21SPICLK Connect to SPICLK of theMC1320XSPI23PTE2/CE-QSPI-CSO Connects to Pin 1 of J104Allows Chip Enable (CE) selection.See Section5.1.0.1, “SPI Connections”.24PTE2/CE-AN7Connects to Pin 3 of J104Allows Chip Enable (CE) selection.See Section5.1.0.1, “SPI Connections”.Daughter Card DescriptionNOTEIn the following sections, pin numbers not in parenthesis reference theGB60 Development Board. Pin numbers in parenthesis reference theM52235 Development Board. ConnectionsJ101 pins 35 through 38 (J102 pin 17, 19, 21 and 23) provide the following four wire SPI interface:•MOSI•SPICLK•CE•MISOThe MC1320x always functions as a slave device. SPI operation is described in detail in the appropriate MC1320x Data Sheet and/or MC1320x Reference Manual.NOTEAs it applies to the M52235 Development Board, the CE signal on (J102 Pin23 and Pin 24) are hard wired to header J104. These pins control thefunctionality of CE.When Pin 2 and Pin 3 of J104 are shorted, CE is wired to (J102 Pin 24)(PTE2/CE-AN7).When Pin 1 and Pin 2 of J104 are shorted, CE is wired to (J102 Pin 23)(PTE2/CE-QSPI_CS0). Connections•J101 Pin 19 (J102 Pin 2) is the IRQ line from the MC1320x. Connection to the MCU depends on how the MCU services interrupts.•J101 Pin 31 (J102 Pin 20), RXTXEN, allows the MCU to initiate transceiver functions.•J101 Pin 34 (J102 Pin 15), ATTN, allows the MCU to wake up the MC1320x from Doze or Hibernate low power modes.NOTERXTXEN and ATTN are also available at header J105 for manual control.•J101 Pin 24 provides the MC1320x CLKO to the MCU when a jumper is installed at J103.•J101 Pin 32 (J102 Pin13) interfaces with the MCU to provide a Reset to the MC1320x.•J101 Pin 5 and Pin 22 provide a wake up function to the MCU when a jumper is installed at J103.•J101 Pin 13 and Pin 14 (J102 Pin 9 and Pin 11) provide access to the MC1320x GPIO1 and GPIO2 ports.RF Circuit5.1.0.3Power ConnectionsJ101 Pin 39 (J102 pin 1) provides the supply voltage to the RF Daughter Card. V oltage on this line should never exceed 16.0 VDC and the nominal voltage supply should not exceed 16.0 VDC. J101 Pin 40 (J102 pin 3) is ground.NOTEMCU connection signals are dependent on the on-board voltage regulator.If R105, D101, and C101 are mounted and R115 is removed, J101 Pin 39will provide the interface supply voltage which must never exceed 3.6 V.Nominal supply voltage should never exceed 3.4 V. ConnectionsHeader J105 provides connections to a number of MC1320x contacts for non-MCU connections. As already stated, the RXTXEN and ATTN lines are available at J105 for external control using switches or other hardware. The MC1320x GPIO is also available for connection to external hardware.6RF CircuitThe MC1320x has an internal TX/RX switch. This feature allows for an external RF circuit that has a very low component count. The MC1320x requires only a few passive components and a balun to provide an interface to an antenna or a 50 ohm circuit. Figure6-1 shows a schematic for only the RF portion of the MC1320x Daughter Card.Figure6-1. RF Portion of 20x Daughter CardSoftware Configuration To provide a design that is of the lowest possible cost to produce, this reference design was built on a printed circuit board consisting of only two layers and with a printed circuit board antenna. The antenna is an Inverted F design widely used in the 2.4 GHz band. This antenna provides good performance while minimizing Bill of Material (BOM) cost.For more information on a low cost design approach, see the ZigBee Hardware Design Considerations Reference Manual (ZHDCRM)7Software ConfigurationAs shown in Figure8-1, the legend in the schematic shows the recommended jumper settings for Wake, ClkOut, and Chip Enable.NOTEThe Wake and ClkOut signals are only for interface to the GB60Development Board. The Chip Enable signal is only for interface to theM52235 Development Board.For software development, Freescale recommends users obtain the most recent software development tools and documentation from the following web pages:•For ZigBee related software and documentation go to /zigbee•For microcontroller software and documentation go to Bill of Materials (BOM) and Schematic8Bill of Materials (BOM) and Schematic This section contains the RF Daughter Card BOM and schematic.Table8-1. Bill of MaterialsQty Part Number ValueRatingToleranceManufacturer Part Number Reference196000310100Label 21*6mmTest BarCode96000310100BARCODE101350610710001100nF16V±10% X7R Murata GRM155R71C104KA88D C103, C104,C105050610710001100nF16V±10% X7R Murata GRM155R71C104KA88D C101 (NotMounted)2506208100011µF 6.3V±10% X5RMurata GRM188R60J105KA01D C102, C1060506208100011µF 6.3V±10% X5R Murata GRM188R60J105KA01D C108 (NotMounted)05061061000010nF16V±10% X7R Murata GRM155R71E103KZ01E C107(NotMounted)153300833001 3.3µF10V20%Vishay Sprague293D335X0010A2TE3C109250210268000 6.8pF50V±0.25pF NP0/C0GMurata GRM1555C1H6R8DZ01J C110, C11115021031000010pF50V±5% NP0/C0GMurata GRM1555C1H100JZ01D C112150210210000 1.0pF50V±0.25pF NP0/C0GMurata GRM1555C1H1R0CZ01D C113040110003303MM3Z3V3T1G 3.3V/200mW5%ONSemiconductorMM3Z3V3T1G D101 (NotMounted)141100017001Green_LED Citizen CL-170G-CD-T D102135501320200MC13202FreescaleSemiconductorMC13202IC101 134000298109LP2981IM5-3.3-40 to +125°C National LP2981IM5-3.3 NOPB IC1021200304040012*20p PinHeader - RightAnglemot/molex70216-4010-89-4402J1011200304024012*12p PinHeader - RightAnglemot/molex70216-2410-89-4242J1021200304004002*2p PinHeaderAMP0-826632-2J103 120030400300jumper_1x3AMP826629-3J104Bill of Materials (BOM) and Schematic200304020082*10 Pin HeaderAMP1-826632-0J105 (Not Mounted)120150700202SMA_edge_Re ceptacle_Fema lemot/sma-end_launch 142-0701-831J106220030000100ProbeLoop TobyElectronics TP-107-02-5-T J107, J108254710518001 1.8nH 300mA ±0.3nH TOKO LL1005-FHL1N8S L101, L102254710539002 3.9nH ±0.3nHTOKO LL1005-FHL3N9S L103, L104171000566010fsl566-1FreescaleSemiconductor FSL566-1 FR4 0.76mm PCB1014611000000010R 62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEO RC0402JRE070RL R103, R112, R115,R1040611000000010R62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEORC0402JRE070RLR101, R102 (NotMounted)061100410001100R 62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEO RC0402JRE07100RL R105 (Not Mounted)06110061000110K62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEORC0402JRE0710KLR106, R107, R108, R110 (NotMounted)161100747000470K 62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEO RC0402JRE07470KL R109161100422000220R 62.5mW/25V 5%YAGEO RC0402JRE07220RL R1111611200000010R 125mW/150V 5%YAGEO RC0805JRE070RL R1130611200000010R 125mW/150V 5%YAGEO RC0805JRE070RL R114 (Not Mounted)15813091600416.000MHz ±20ppm ±20ppmKDS ZD00882X101156360240001LDB212G4005C-001MurataLDB212G4005C-001Z101Table 8-1. Bill of MaterialsQty Part Number Value Rating ToleranceManufacturer Part Number ReferenceNOTESHow to Reach Us:Home Page:E-mail:*********************USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:Freescale SemiconductorTechnical Information Center, CH3701300 N. Alma School RoadChandler, Arizona 85224+1-800-521-6274 or +1-480-768-2130*********************Europe, Middle East, and Africa:Freescale Halbleiter Deutschland GmbHTechnical Information CenterSchatzbogen 781829 Muenchen, Germany+44 1296 380 456 (English)+46 8 52200080 (English)+49 89 92103 559 (German)+33 1 69 35 48 48 (French)*********************Japan:Freescale Semiconductor Japan Ltd.HeadquartersARCO Tower 15F1-8-1, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0064, Japan0120 191014 or +81 3 5437 9125***************************Asia/Pacific:Freescale Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd.Technical Information Center2 Dai King StreetTai Po Industrial EstateTai Po, N.T., Hong Kong+800 2666 8080**************************For Literature Requests Only:Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405Denver, Colorado 802171-800-521-6274 or 303-675-2140Fax: 303-675-2150*********************************************Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semiconductor products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals”, must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Freescale Semiconductor product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Freescale Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Freescale Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Freescale Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. All rights reserved.。
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看协议学5G--多卡终端(UE)5G规范自4G(LTE)时代起拥有双(多)卡的终端(UE)越来越多;这一方面是每个运营商无线网络覆盖范围不同,另一方面运营商资费差异的原因;终端(UE)设备商鉴于成本原因,大多数采用单发单收(RX/TX)技术;而多SIM卡设备(UE)是允许在一台设备中使用多个订阅,可适用于不同的网络;3GPP在TS38.300 20节对单发单收(RX/TX)多SIM卡终端定义,其中Multi-(U)SIM工作项指定解决单Rx/单Tx Multi-USIM(MUSIM)用户设备 (UE) 的寻呼时机冲突问题的解决方案并通知网络A,从网络A切换到MUSIM目的并支持向MUSIM UE指示传入寻呼是否用于语音服务;其具体要求:5G中NG-RAN可支持以下一项或多项针对MUSIM设备操作的增强功能:•- 寻呼冲突避免;•- 终端(UE)网络切换;1.寻呼冲突避免目的是解决当MUSIM设备(如双USIM终端)在与相应USIM关联的两个网络(如网络A和网络B)中处于RRC_IDLE/RRC_INACTIVE状态时两个USIM上的寻呼时机重叠。
Network A是NR,Network B是E-UTRA或NR。
MUSIM设备可以确定两个网络上的潜在寻呼冲突并可以触发动作以防止 NR 网络上的潜在寻呼冲突(见TS 23.501[3]节);而如何选择两个RAT/网络之一来避免寻呼冲突,留给UE实现。
在从网络A 切换之前,MUSIM设备应该通知网络A离开RRC_CONNECTED状态或者在暂时切换到网络B时在网络A中保持RRC_CONNECTED状态。
当配置为这样做时MUSIM设备可通过使用RRC(见TS38.331[12])或NAS信令(见TS 23.501[3])向网络A发出离开RRC_CONNECTED状态的消息。
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