?? ??百杀得MIT-20
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?? ??百杀得MIT-20
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Enhance your workflowAgilent BioTek offers a wide range of accessories to help increase productivity, expand your plate reader’s capabilities, and maintain the performance of your Agilent BioTek microplate reader system.Agilent BioTekDetection AccessoriesFPOOrdering GuideAgilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plateAgilent BioTek Take3 microvolume plate increases the functionality of your Agilent BioTek microplate reader by decreasing the sample size required to a mere 2 μL! Take3 microvolume plates are compatible with Agilent BioTek Cytation, Synergy and Epoch readers for microvolume absorbance and fluorescence quantification.Agilent BioTek BioSpa 8 automated incubatorAgilent BioSpa 8 automated incubator enables complete workflow automation for ELISA to long-term live cell assays. It handles up to eight microplates or other labware in the temperature and CO 2/O 2 - controlled environment, withhumidity monitoring. Link a washer or dispenser and a plate reader or imager for start-to-finish workflow automation.PeripheralsPeripherals (cont.)Dual reagent injector and accessoriesThe dual reagent injector module enables applications that require rapid inject/read functions, like calcium flux assays. Two precision syringes supply rapid injection of 5-1000 µL in 1 µL increments. Injectors are available for Agilent BioTek Cytation, Synergy Neo2, Synergy H1, and Synergy HTX.Agilent BioTek microplate multimode and single mode readers enable a wide range of detection workflows in the life science laboratory. Peripherals and accessories are available to further increase productivity.and 2 BioCell locations.TAKE3Complete slide replacement kit with calibration solution. Includes the Take3 calibration solution Cat. No. 4693002 and the slide replacement kit Cat. No. 4690009.4690010Agilent BioTek BioStack microplate stackerAutomate routine microplate reading processes for up to 50 plates at a time with the compact Agilent BioTek BioStack. BioStack 4 offers the added utility of patented plate de-lidding and re-lidding for 96- to 1536-well plates and Nunc 6- to 48-well plates.Peltier Cooling ModuleThe Peltier Cooling Module promotes a rapid interior cool down after incubated processes. It maintains environmental stability, allowing < 1 °C rise in ambient temperature. For use with AgilentBioTek Cytation cell imaging multimode reader. Cat. No. 1700001Gas controller and accessoriesThe compact gas controller provides full control over CO 2 and O 2concentration to optimize cell assays.Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 shown with CO 2/O 2 gas controller and dual reagent injector.Agilent BioTek Gen5 microplate reader software editionsCompliance tools (cont.)The fluorescence test plate checks for: – Carrier ‘flatness’– Fluorescence intensity linearity (excitation 485 nm, emission 528 nm)– Limit of detection for:- Fluorescence intensity - green (excitation 485 nm, emission 528 nm)- Fluorescence intensity - blue (excitation 360 nm, emission 460 nm)- Fluorescence polarization (excitation 485 nm, emission 528 nm)- Time-resolved fluorescence (excitation 360 nm, emission 620 nm)Each fluorescence test plate comes with:– Certificate of Calibration– Flash drive with user manual and test protocols – Dust blower and cleaning swabs – NIST-traceable fluorescein standard– For use with Cytation, Synergy and FLx800Fluorescence test plate 1400501Test platesAgilent BioTek test plates are designed to automate testing of critical performance parameters, without requiring liquid testing.Agilent BioTek single- and multimode readers come with Gen5 software for reader control, data collection, analysis, reporting and exporting. Other editions are available to help comply with GxP requirements.Compliance toolsProduct qualification packagesAgilent BioTek product qualification packages contain comprehensive procedures, checklists, test data and log sheets so that users can perform IQ/OQ/PQ testing specific to their laboratory and organizational requirements. Qualification packages are delivered on a USB drive, with documentation, and test data in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Adobe PDF formats.Some of the procedures call for liquid testing – Agilent BioTek provides instructions within theprocedures, and for convenience offers several prepared reagents (see Test Reagents below)Test reagents and accessories7120782Fluorescence filter cubes Fluorescence filter cubes (cont.)For Synergy Neo2Special cubes for common applicationsRequired for top measurement when paired with cubes 1035101 or higher. Not for use with single PMT configurations of Synergy Neo2. Excitation cubes for dual emission assaysRequired for top measurement when paired with cubes 1035101 or higher. Not for use with single PMT.Emission cubes for dual emission assays*Any lower cube with open “LUM” position.Fluorescence filter cubes (cont.)* Not for Synergy LX, Synergy HTXFluorescence filters540/25EYFP emission7082249Standard filtersStandard filters are compatible with Synergy LX, HTX, H1, Neo2 and Cytation, except where noted.Fluorescence filters (cont.)Custom filtersCustom filters are available for the less common applications where alternative filters might be required.Custom filters are compatible with Synergy LX, HTX, H1, Neo2 and Cytation, except where noted.575/10Alexa Fluor 568 excitation7092174* Not for Synergy LX, Synergy HTXLampsDichroic mirrorsAgilent BioTek single- and multimode readers come with Gen5 software for reader control, data collection, analysis,reporting and exporting. Other editions are available to help comply with GxP requirements.All except FP50%200-850200-8507132121n/a Cy5660580-655665-85071386607137660Absorbance filtersELx808800 TSMiscellaneousLearn more and buy online:/lifesciences/biotekGet answers to your technical questions and access resources in the Agilent Community: U.S. and Canada1-800-227-9770*****************************Europe************************Asia Pacific************************For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.RA44442.0706018519This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2021Published in the USA, November 29, 20215994-4172ENDistributed by Fisher Scientific. Contact us today:。
BS 7846:2009 BSI 英国标准电缆—受火影响时排放少量烟和腐蚀气体的600/1000V热固绝缘铠装耐火电缆—规范未经英国标准协会许可不得复制,除非版权法允许提高国际标准TMBS 7846:2009 BRITISH STANDARD出版和版权信息文件上显示的英国标准协会(BSI)版权日期表明了此文献最后一次发行的时间。
○C BSI 2009ISBN 978 0 580 66960 6ICS 29.060.20以下是本标准工作的BSI相关参考文献参考GEL/20/17委员会09/30 199575 DC草案评论历次版本1996年9月第一次出版2000年10月第二版2009年9月第三版(目前这个版本)出版后公布修正日期2/ 50BRITISH STANDARD BS 7846:2009内容前言范围规范性引用文件术语和定义电压标示和耐火分类导体绝缘线芯识别成缆衬层铠装护套电缆标示密封圈试验目录试验条件例行试验抽样试验型式试验附录附录A(资料性附录)电缆选择和运行推荐附录B(资料性附录)电缆安装推荐附录C(资料性附录)咨询或订货时需提供的信息附录D(规范性附录)厚度测量附录E(规范性附录)刮磨试验附录F(规范性附录)护套的绝缘电阻常数试验附录G(规范性附录)铠装试验BS 7846:2009 BRITISH STANDARD 附录H(规范性附录)铠装电阻附录I空白附录J(规范性附录)电缆护套的收缩试验附录K(规范性附录)成品电压试验附录L(规范性附录)F2类耐火试验—直径大于20mm电缆的附加规定附录M(规范性附录)兼容性试验附录N(资料性附录)铠装的总横截面积附录O空白附录P(资料性附录)型式试验注意事项附录Q(资料性附录)使用指导参考文献图的目录图E.1—刮磨试验图 L.1 试样的耐火加机械冲击试验安装方法表的目录表1—带厚,钢丝直径和锌层质量表2—试验安排表表3—兼容性要求表4—二芯600/1000V钢丝铠装电缆表5—三芯600/1000V钢丝铠装电缆表6—四芯600/1000V钢丝铠装电缆表7—五芯600/1000V钢丝铠装电缆表8—600/1000V钢丝铠装辅助电缆表9—二芯600/1000V联锁钢带铠装电缆表10—三芯600/1000V联锁钢带铠装电缆表11—四芯600/1000V联锁钢带铠装电缆表12—五芯600/1000V联锁钢带铠装电缆表A.1—交流系统电缆的选择4/ 50BRITISH STANDARD BS 7846:2009表B.1—电缆安装最小弯曲半径表B.2—安装后试验电压表E.1—刮磨试验中施加于电缆上的垂直作用力表G.1—温度校正多因子系数表H.1—二芯、三芯、四芯、五芯电缆的最大钢丝铠装电阻值表H.2—辅助电缆的最大钢丝铠装电阻值表H.3—二芯、三芯、四芯、五芯联锁钢带铠装电缆的最大电阻值表K.1—成品试验电压表N.1—二芯、三芯、四芯、五芯钢丝铠装电缆的铠装钢丝的总横截面积表N.2—铜导体钢丝铠装辅助电缆的铠装钢丝的总横截面积表N.3—二芯、三芯、四芯、五芯电缆的连锁钢带铠装的总横截面积表P.1—烟发散试验表页数总览文件包含封面,扉页,页码i-iv,页码1-48,封底BS 7846:2009 BRITISH STANDARD 前言出版信息本标准由BSI出版,于2009年9月30日开始生效,在GEL/20电线电缆技术委员会的授权下,由GEL/20/17的下属委员会,低压电缆起草编写。
块状泡棉 2块 [450(长) x 450(阔) x 75(高)毫米] 2块 [450(长) x 300(阔) x 75(高)毫米] 碎泡棉 2袋体积相等于15,187,500立方毫米 2袋体积相等于10,125,000立方毫米 乳胶棉 2块 [450(长) x 450(阔) x 75(高)毫米] 2块 [450(长) x 300(阔) x 75(高)毫米] 非泡棉填充物 松散纤维 Loose fiber (公仔棉) 2-3千克 (必须说明密度) 迭合纤维Bonded fiber (喷胶棉) 2块 [450 x 450毫米 x 75 (制成品厚度)] 2块 [450 x 300毫米 x 75 (制成品厚度)]
上海标检产品检测有限公司 STC (Shanghai) Company Limited
BS7177:1996床垫,长椅沙发(无扶手和 : 床垫, 床垫 长椅沙发( 靠背), ),床底座的阻燃测试 靠背),床底座的阻燃测试
轻度测试 EN597-1:1995 EN597-2:1995 中度测试 EN597-1:1995 EN597-2:1995 BS6807:1996 section 2, 5号火源 高度测试 EN597-1:1995 EN597-2:1995 BS6807:1996 section 2, 7号火源 非常高度危险 EN597-1:1995 EN597-2:1995 BS6807:1996 section 2, 5,7号火源
1.轻度测试应用范围: 办公室,学校,博物馆,展览馆,日间照 管中心 2.中度测试应用范围: 酒店卧房,公共建筑,饭店,公共场所, 娱乐场所,旅馆,医院 3.高度测试应用范围: 某些酒店卧房,医院病房,海上装置等 4.非常高度危险测试应用范围: 监狱
英国衬垫家具及床垫的阻燃性标 准 讲解
BS 7176 ,BS 7177
上海标检产品检测有限公司 STC (Shanghai) Company Limited
BS 7176:1995非家用座椅组合的燃烧测试
❖ 轻度测试 BS EN 1021-1 BS EN 1021-2 ❖ 中度测试 BS EN 1021-1 BS EN 1021-2 BS 5852 (crib 5) ❖ 高度测试 BS EN 1021-1 BS EN 1021-2 BS 5852(crib 7) ❖ 非常高度危险 BS EN 1021-1 BS EN 1021-2 BS5852:1990 section 4 &5, 7号火源
1.轻度测试应用范围: 办公室,学校,博物馆,展览馆,日间照
管中心 2.中度测试应用范围: 酒店卧房,公共建筑,饭店,公共场所,
3.高度测试应用范围: 某些酒店卧房,医院病房,海上装置等
4.非常高度危险测试应用范围: 监狱
STC (Shanghai) Company Limited
英国标准协会(BSI)于2003年 10 月 17 日对BS7176:1995标准作 出修订,并实时生效。新修订 的标准名为BS7176:1995 Incorporating Amendment No. 1, 2003(合并 修正案)
其主要针对填充物测试。标准内规定所 有衬垫家具除了需要通过现有的BS7176 标准外,其填充物料还必须符合英国家 俬及家具防火安全条例1988 的标准。
上海标检产品检测有限公司 STC (Shanghai) Company Limited
高尔斯泵安装、操作和维护手册 Model HT 3196 i-FRAME说明书
Model HT 3196 i-F.................................................................................................................................................................4 安全.....................................................................................................................................................................................4 安全警示等级...............................................................................................................................................................4 环境安全........................................................................................................................................................................4 用户健康与安全...........................................................................................................................................................5 易爆环境中防爆产品的安全规定...........................................................................................................................7 产品认证标准..................................................................................................................................................................8 CSA 合格证书..................................................................................................................................................................9 产品保修.........................................................................................................................................................................11
Revision Date:
Page 2 of 65 泵外光滑表面的保护 ................................................................................................ .. 13
1.4.1 安装/维护员工通用安全说明 ......................................................................................... .7
1.4.2 安装和维护的安全考虑因素 .......................................................................................... .8 1.5 泵装置的运行 ............................................................................................................. .9
2.2.1 短时间贮存................................................................................................................. .13
2.2.2 长时间贮存................................................................................................................. .13
BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具耐燃性规范
BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性测试BS 7176,非家用座椅用软垫家具,耐燃性测试火灾给人民带来的灾难是无穷的,轻则致残,重则致命。
易朔产品服务(厦门)有限公司将为您提供专业的BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性测试,联系我们,免费咨询!BS 7176 Specification for resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non-domestic seating by testing compositesBS 7176采用测试复合料的非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性规范BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性测试适用范围该标准为软垫家具座椅阻燃性要求规范标准,测试方法适当根据BS 5852, BS EN1021-1,BS EN 1021-2执行,其中家用软垫座椅和交通工具上的软垫座椅本标准不适用。
BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性测试要求执行要求并注意对危险场所类别的应用危险级别:低危、中危、高危、极高危BS 7176非家用座椅用软垫家具的耐燃性测试相关标准BS 7175 Methods of test for The ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sourcesBS 7175 床罩和枕头阴燃和明火点火源的可燃性测试方法BS7177: Specification for resistance to ignition of mattresses, divans and bed basesBS7177: 垫子、沙发和床垫防火规范BS 5852:2006 Methods of test for Assessment of the Ignitability of Upholstered Seating by Smouldering and Flaming Ignition SourcesBS 5852:2006有软垫装饰的座椅类产品闷烧及火焰燃烧测试方法。
BS7176-1995 中文版
Flammability Test For Upholstered Furniture BS 7176:1995 装潢家具燃烧性测试方法BS 7176:1995测试方法:BS EN 1021-1:1994BS EN 1021-2:1994BS 5852:1990点火火源:Smouldering cigarette (香烟测试)- Source 0 (火源0)Match flame equivalent (明火测试–火柴火焰等价物)-Source 1 (火源1)Pine wood crib (明火测试- 木栅栏)-Source 5 (火源5)-Source 7 (火源7)表格3测试水平与点火火源的对应关系火源0 BS EN 597-1:1995火源1BS EN 597-2: 1995 火源5BS EN 6807:1996火源7BS EN 6807:1996Low hazard (低度) √ √ Medium hazard (中度) √ √ √ High Hazard (高度)√√√点火次序:按照横向从右向左的火源顺序。
测试样办:物料 – 布料– 填充 450 x 450 x 75 mm 450 x 300 x 75 mm与样板配套的测试设备如下图所示:操作方法:1.将填充物放进包皮布内,并将其放进凹进框内。
可以通过多出大约20mm 长的包皮布沿方框的周围包紧,以至于包皮布的边缘正好接触到金属延伸处。
测试材料: 需经过至少16小时的条件处理温度:23 +/- 2℃ 相对湿度:50 +/- 5 %之后,在如下环境下进行测试:测试温度 : 10℃ - 30℃测试相对湿度: 50 +/- 5 %450mm300mm450mm填充 包皮纵断面夹子香烟(无滤嘴),点火标准渐进陰燃点燃不合格a) 测试组件表现出逐步增强的燃烧行为以至于继续燃烧不安全并需要主动灭火;b) 测试组件陰燃直至在测试期间完全熄灭;c) 测试组件在测试期间,陰燃直至测试样本的终端,即:顶边或底边,任一侧边或烧透;d) 测试组件陰燃1小时以上;e) 测试组件在最终测试时,在距离火源原始位置除上方外的所有方向出现腿色乃至焦碳痕迹的最近点的距离超过100mm。
产品通过瑞士OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100CLASS I测试(婴儿皮肤可接触),
防火阻燃(CA117, BS7176,BS7177,EN1021,BS5852),吸湿快干
巴斯夫 莊桥 7168 安全技术说明书
安全技术说明书页: 1/10 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 11.11.2022版本: 2.0日期/上次修订: 08.11.2019上次版本: 1.0日期 / 首次编制: 08.11.2019产品: 莊桥 7168Product: Joncryl® 7168(30748295/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 03.08.20231. 化学品及企业标识莊桥 7168Joncryl® 7168推荐用途和限制用途: 墨水, 清漆或涂料用聚合物公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 11.11.2022版本: 2.0产品: 莊桥 7168Product: Joncryl® 7168(30748295/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 03.08.2023标签要素和警示性说明:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要添加危险警示标签其它危害但是不至于归入分类:注意有关存储和操作的规定或注解,无已知特殊危害。
APPLICATION GUIDE Updated: Friday, July 16th 2021 A Guide To Anti-Vibration Products for FastenersContentsWhat we testedWashersAdhesivesNylon locking patchesMethodologyPerformance criteriaResultsSplit washersNordlock washersLoctite 248 adhesive (withLoctite 7088 primer)Loctite 2760 adhesiveNylok-treated T-nutsZinc-plated fastenersPerformance comparisonchartRecommendationsIndustrial machines are often affected by vibration, which can loosen the threaded fasteners that hold joints together. To keep your machine’s joints tightly fitted together in such conditions, you need something that will prevent your fasteners from coming loose.So what’s the best solution? After testing six ways to protect fasteners from vibration, we found Nordlock washers and Loctite products to be the most effective.Keep reading to find out what products we tested, how we evaluated them, and how to find the right anti-vibration solution for you.What we testedWashers, adhesives, and locking patches are some of the most common ways to keep fasteners tight. We tested six of these products in search of the best anti-vibration solution:WashersSplit washersNordlock washersAdhesivesLoctite 248 with Loctite 7088 primerLoctite 2760Nylon locking patchesNylock-treated T-nutsZinc-plated fasteners with locking patchesMethodologyTo evaluate each solution, we conducted an accelerated vibration test. This means we subjected our test jig to vibrations with significantly higher frequency and amplitude than in standard operational environments. Any solution that performs well in our accelerated environment will be sure to meet the demands of real application scenarios!Performance criteriaWe want to make it easy for you to build the right products, so we put a lot of thought into which components we offer on our machine design platform. Fasteners are no exception. Here’s what we looked for with each solution:Rate at which the fasteners loosenedTotal number of loose fasteners (observed after the vibration test)How easy it was to useHow well it integrated with Vention’s other componentsResultsSplit washersVention First ReleaseThe split washer works in two ways: first, its spring shape helps maintain the fastener’s preload. Second, the sharp edge of the split washer digs into the parent material to prevent the fastener from unscrewing.This second function only works when the parent material is softer than the split washer, which is made of spring steel. For this reason, split washers won’t be effective in any application that uses steel as the joint’s parent material. You don’t have to worry about this with Vention joints, though. Our joints are made of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, which is softer than any split washer.Split washer test results: Out of 66 fasteners, 4 came completely loose during the test, and an additional 22 fasteners were under spec post-test (but were not yet turning freely).Split washer conclusions: Split washers are a good anti-vibration method for Vention joints. The washers are able to dig into the parent material, build up a burr, and resist further loosening.Nordlock washersVention First ReleaseThe Nordlock washer is a two-piece wedge style washer. Each half of the washer has two serrated surfaces: fine serrations on the outside, and larger wedge-shaped serrations on the inside. The fine serrations dig into the parent material when the fastener is torqued. This prevents the washers from slipping against the bolt or joint’s surface.The broadly serrated inner surfaces prevent the fastener from unscrewing. Because of the wedges, any attempt to loosen the fastener will increase its preload before the washer is able to ratchet to the next set of wedges. Nordlock washers are an excellent choice of anti-vibration method.Nordlock washer test results: Out of 20 fasteners, none came completely loose during the test, and 14 fasteners were under spec post-test. Fourteen might seem like a lot, but it’s somewhat of a false positive; we believe the slight decrease in torque was caused by initial settling of the washers (the two parts of each washer fell into place better after the test began).Nordlock washer conclusions: The only drawback to these washers is that if your application features a counterbore, the fastener heads will protrude from it. Other than that, Nordlock washers are an excellent choice of anti-vibration method with extremely high vibration endurance.Loctite 248 adhesive (with Loctite 7088 primer)Vention First ReleaseLoctite, one of the most common anti-vibration methods, is an anaerobic adhesive that works by gluing the male and female threads together. It’s available in many different strengths, from light to permanent. Loctite 248 is a medium-strength adhesive that comes in a convenient stick format. The manufacturer recommends using it with the Loctite 7088 primer.Loctite 248 adhesive + primer results (9-hour curing period): Out of 25 fasteners, 7 came loose during the test (although none were completely loose), and 6 were under spec post-test.Loctite 248 adhesive + primer conclusions: Loctite 248 is better than nothing, but it’s not as good as the other methods we tested. Plus, cleaning the threads, applying the primer and glue, and waiting for it to dry was inconvenient.Loctite 2760 adhesiveVention First ReleaseLoctite 2760 is a liquid anaerobic adhesive with a high locking strength. The adhesive cures in the threads between the fastener and T-nut to create a glued connection between them. Loctite 2760 cures fully in 24 hours without the use of an activator, but we prepared this test on a Friday and ran it on the following Monday night, which gave it a full 72 hours of cure time.Overall, Loctite 2760 performed very well, with only 2 fasteners coming loose during the test and an additional 6 found under spec post-test. Loctite 2760 is the best product so far in terms of the total number of fasteners under spec (in our post-test observations).Loctite 2760 adhesive (72-hour curing period): Out of 30 fasteners, 2 came loose during the test (although none were completely loose), and 6 were under spec post-test.Loctite 2760 adhesive conclusions: Loctite 2760 had the best overall performance out of any method we tested. However, that might not be enough to justify the time it takes to clean the fasteners and apply it, given that Nordlock washers are almost as good and much more convenient.Nylok-treated T-nutsVention First ReleaseThese specialty T-nuts are just standard Vention T-nuts with locking patches applied to the threads. We tested two types: some with half of the thread treated, and others with the full thread treatment.Unfortunately, neither type performed well. The Nylok patch adds so much resistance when installing a fastener that the T-nut twists and misaligns with the extrusion T-slot. To fix the misalignment problem, we had to tighten and loosen the fastener while wiggling the T-nut into position.There are two problems here. First, all this wiggling means you might wear out the Nylok patch before you can even run a test. Second, it’s way too easy to get the T-nut misaligned. If you don’t carefully check and fix these misalignments before starting your application, the vibrations will cause the T-nut to realign itself. When it finally pops into the correct location, the bolt will lose all pre-tensioning.Nylok-treated T-nut test results: Out of 20 fasteners (10 half-treated and 10 full-treated), 14 came completely loose during the test, and all 20 were under spec post-test.Nylok-treated T-nut conclusions: Overall, Nylok-treated T-nuts are a poor choice of anti-vibration method. With 100% of the sample fasteners under spec post-test, need we say more?Zinc-plated fastenersVention First ReleaseTo measure the performance of zinc-plated fasteners, we had to conduct two tests: one of bare zinc-plated fasteners, and one with a locking patch on the zinc-plated fasteners. This allowed us to isolate the two variables (the first being the change in surface treatment from black-oxide to zinc, and the secondbeing whether or not there was a locking patch).Both types of zinc plated fasteners performed extremely poorly in the vibration testing. This is likely due to the reduction in friction coefficient caused by the zinc plating.These locking patches behaved similarly to those used in the Nylok-treated T-nuts. They were likewise difficult to install, and the locking patch caused the T-nut to rotate. Even with a full locking patch, the zinc-plated fasteners failed to match the performance of the standard black oxide baseline. It should be noted that the plain black zinc test had to be stopped 5 minutes early because the jig became too loose to continue the test.Bare zinc-plated fastener test results: Out of 31 fasteners, 18 came completely loose during the test, and 20 were under spec post-test.Zinc-plated fastener with full locking patch test results: Out of 36 fasteners, 11 came completely loose during the test, and 25 were under spec post-test. Zinc-plated fastener conclusions: Overall, zinc-plated fasteners are a poor choice of anti-vibration method—even with the locking patch, their performance was worse than the black oxide baseline.Performance comparison chartVention First ReleaseThe chart shows the performance of each product tested relative to plain black zinc fasteners. The number above the bar represents the performance factor. For example, the standard black oxide fasteners used by Vention are 4.9 times better performing than plain black zinc. Likewise, Loctite 2760 or Nordlock could be used to achieve performance factors of 50 and 94 times better than plain black zinc for high vibration environments. RecommendationsWe found that the most effective anti-vibration solutions are anaerobic adhesives and mechanical washers.Overall, Nordlock washers were extremely effective. They’re as easy to install as any standard washer—and easier to install than the next-best contender, the Loctite 2760 adhesive. The drawback of Nordlock washers is that the fastener heads protrude above the part surface when installed in counterbores.If you can’t use Nordlock washers—because your application includes counterbores, and fastener head protrusion is unacceptable—adhesives are a great alternative. Out of the two glues we tested, Loctite 2760 was easiest to use (because it did not require any primer) and performed best. Just remember that fasteners used with Loctite 2760 must be free of contaminants.The bottom line: Nordlock washers and Loctite 2760 adhesive are our top picks, each with some advantages over the other depending on application.。
AS7316-26XB 快速安装指南说明书
Quick Start GuideAttach the Brackets1.Attach each of the brackets to the router using four of theincluded bracket screws.Mount the Router in a Racke the screws and cage/clip nuts supplied with the rack tosecure the router in the rack.Ground the Router1.Ensure the rack is properly grounded and in compliance withETSI ETS 300 253. Verify that there is a good electrical connection to the grounding point on the rack (no paint or isolating surface treatment).2.Attach the grounding wire (#6 AWG) to the grounding point onthe router’s rear panel. Then connect the other end of the wire to rack ground.Connect Power1.Install one or two AC or DC PSUs in the router.The router supports up to two PSUs that must have the same matching airflow direction as the installed fan trays.2.Connect an external AC or DC power source to the PSUs.Note: The router has the Open Network InstallEnvironment (ONIE) software installer pre-loaded on the router, but no switch software image. Information about compatible switch software can be found at .Note: The drawings in this document are for illustration only and may not match your particular model.Caution: Installing the router in a rack requires twopeople. One person should position the router in the rack, while the other person secures it using the rack screws.1121Caution: The earth connection must not be removed unless all supply connections have been disconnected.Attention: Le raccordement à la terre ne doit pas être retiré sauf si toutes les connexions d’alimentation ont été débranchées.32142126-Port 25G/100G Cell Site Gateway RouterAS7316-26XB1.Cell Site Gateway Router AS7316-26XB2.Rack Mounting Kit—2 brackets and 8 screws3.Power cord (included with AC PSUs only)4.Grounding kit—grounding lug, 2 screws, and 2 washers5.Ring lugs (x4) (included with DC PSUs only)6.Power cord ties (x2) (included with AC PSUs only)7.Documentation—Quick Start Guide (this document) andSafety and Regulatory Information1Package Contents234576e the DC ring lugs included with the DC PSU.2.Connect the DC return wire.3.Connect the -36 – -72 VDC wire.Verify Router Operation1.Verify basic router operation by checking the system LEDs.When operating normally, the PSU0/PSU1, Diag, and Fan LEDs should all be on green.Perform Initial System Boot1.If the network operating system (NOS) installer is located on anetwork server, first connect the RJ-45 Management (Mgmt) port to the network using 100-ohm Category 5, 5e or better twisted-pair cable. (Not required if the NOS installer is located on attached storage.)2.Boot the router. Wait for the ONIE software to locate andexecute the NOS installer, and then wait for the installer to load the NOS software image.Subsequent router boots will bypass ONIE and directly run the NOS software.Connect Network Cables1.For the RJ-45 Management port, connect 100-ohm Category 5,5e or better twisted-pair cable.2.Connect DAC cables to the SFP28/QSFP28 slots. Or first installSFP28/QSFP28 transceivers in the slots and then connect fiber optic cabling to the transceiver ports. 3.As connections are made, check the port status LEDs to be surethe links are valid.For the SFP28 ports:■Green — 25 Gbps mode ■Amber — 10 Gbps modeEach QSFP28 port has four LEDs that indicate valid links in the following modes:■ 1 LED Green — 100 Gbps mode ■ 1 LED Blue — 40 Gbps mode■1-4 LEDs Amber — 25 Gbps breakout mode (four lanes)■1-4 LEDs Purple — 10 Gbps breakout mode (four lanes)Connect Timing Ports and GPS Antennae coax cables to connect the 1-pulse-per-second (1PPS) in/out ports to other synchronized e coax cables to connect the 10 MHz in/out ports to othersynchronized devices.3.Attach an external GPS antenna to the GPS Antenna port forclock synchronization with GPS e a shielded cable to connect the Time-of-Day (ToD) port toother devices that use ToD synchronization e a shielded cable to connect the Building-Integrated TimingSupply (BITS) port to other devices that use BITS synchronization signals.Caution: Use a UL/IEC/EN 60950-1 certified powersupply to connect to a DC converter, and a #14 AWG (for -36 VDC to -72 VDC PSU) wire to connect to a DC PSU.Attention: Utilisez une alimentation certifiée UL/IEC/EN 60950-1 pour le connecter à un convertisseur CC et un câble AWG #14 (pour -36 VDC à -72 VDC) pour vous connecter à une alimentation CC.Note: Refer to the network operating system (NOS) installer and NOS documentation for details on software options and set up for ONIE.1235167221812345Hardware SpecificationsSwitch ChassisSize (WxDxH)438.4 x 299.8 x 43.25 mm (17.26 x 11.8 x 1.7 in.) Weight 6.15 kg (13.56 lb), with two installed PSUs Temperature Operating: 0° C to 45° C (32° F to 113° F)Storage: -40° C to 70° C (-40° F to 158° F) Humidity Operating: 5% to 95% (non-condensing)Power265 Watts maximumConsumptionAC PSUPower Rating100–240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 400 WattsAC Input100–240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 6–3 A48 VDC PSUPower Rating48 VDC, 400 WattsDC Input-36 V – -72 V, 14–7 ARegulatory CompliancesEmissions EN 55032:2015+AC:2016, Class AEN 61000-3-2:2014, Class AEN 61000-3-3:2013FCC Class AVCCI Class AImmunity EN 55024:2010+A1:2015IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/5/6/8/11Safety UL (CSA 22.2 No 60950-1 & UL60950-1)CB (IEC/EN60950-1)CCC快速入门指南安装支架1.使用附带的四个支架螺丝将支架都安装到路由器。
ISO 7176-10帮助轮椅用户“跨越”障碍
ISO 7176-10帮助轮椅用户“跨越”障碍
1.ISO/IEC关于远程教育的标准帮助用户找到合适资源 [J], 姚正凡
2.浅议如何帮助艺术生跨越文化课障碍 [J], 张洁
3.肢体障碍者无障碍卫生间设计探讨--以手动轮椅用户为例① [J], 李高峰; 段金娟; 赖卿; 魏晨婧
4.肢体障碍者无障碍卫生间设计探讨——以手动轮椅用户为例 [J], 李高峰; 段金娟; 赖卿; 魏晨婧
5.帮助学生跨越物理思维的障碍——典型习题的处理 [J], 李建丽
2021年ASTM B117 ,1788_美国盐雾试验标准
ASTM B117 ,1788_美国盐雾试验标准欧阳光明(2021.03.07)美国材料试验标准(ASTM)代码:B 117-02盐雾试验仪的标准操作规程本标准已被批准供国防部下属司,局使用。
2.参考文献2.1ASTM标准:B 368用以加快铜腐蚀的醋酸-盐雾试验方法(CASS试验)。
D 609供测试涂料,清漆,更换贴面以及相关贴面产品用的冷轧钢板制备规程。
D 1193试剂水规格。
D 1654在腐蚀性环境使用的涂装或贴面试样鉴定用试验方法。
E 70玻璃电极水溶液的pH值测试方法。
E 691开展实验室间研究,以确定测试方法精度所适用的规程。
G 85改进的盐雾试验规程。
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FIRE RESISTANCE OF CONTRACT FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGSA GUIDE PREPARED BY THEBRITISH CONTRACT FURNISHING ASSOCIATIONCONTRACT FURNITURE FIRE RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTSRequirements in the contract area are a voluntary standards regime but if specified, by a customer, become subject to Contract Law. Requirements are given by British Standards (BS) but test methods are a mixture of BS and European Standards (Norms) (EN). This is because of differences between UK law and other European national laws.The requirements standards are graded, that is they have more than one level to cater for different types of use, in some cases there is discretion as to which level can be chosen. If the customer does not specify the level required, you should always ask for clarification, the customer may be assuming a level or may be entirely ignorant. Where disputes have arisen in these circumstances, the supplier nearly always loses as they are deemed to have a responsibility to advise where the specification is not clear.It is not unknown for customers to ask for non fire-retardant products to save cost, you must not agree to this. Despite the fact that fire resistance is a voluntary regime, custom and practice dictates that the accepted standards should be adhered to, pleas that it is voluntary or that the customer said otherwise are exceedingly unlikely to provide a defence in court.It is well worth having a copy of the requirement standards for reference but there is no point in holding copies of the test methods standards as these are really for test laboratory use only.Upholstered Furniture and SeatingThe requirements are laid down in BS7176: 1995 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and are for the testing of a composite of filling and cover. The normal requirements are Medium Hazard, which covers hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars, places of entertainment, hospitals, hostels and messes. Medium Hazard requires resistance to the ignition source specified in BS EN1021-1 (cigarette), BS EN1021-2 (match) and Ignition Source 5 (Crib 5) specified in BS5852.Some contract areas are classified Low Hazard by BS7176 and only need cigarette and match test. These are offices, schools, colleges, universities, museums and day centres. In practice, most customers will ask for Medium Hazard as a matter of course and most manufacturers supply to Medium Hazard as the norm.Depending on the volumes manufactured there are requirements for re-testing. For runs of less than 200, predictive testing can be used. This tests a fabric sample using a standardised filling. The fabric should still be re-tested every 20,000m. For runs of more than 200 units, re-testing should take place every 2,500 units or monthly.Products must be permanently and clearly labeled and BS7176 gives the specification for this.Note that the actual tests are to all intents and purposes the same as for the Domestic Furniture Regulations although the labeling is different. This is because the Domestic Furniture Regulations specifically reference BS5852. Since Amendment 1 to BS7176,furniture that has been demonstrated to meet the requirements of The Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 shall be considered to satisfy the requirements for Low Hazard category of BS7176. This means that product that is certified to BS5852 is considered to meet BS7176 but not vice-versa. For companies that supply both domestic and contract markets, this saves the cost of dual testing.Mattresses, Divans and Bed BasesThe requirements are laid down in BS7177: 1996 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and provides for the testing of a composite and for testing of individual fillings of different types. Mattresses, divans and bases can be tested on their own or as a total bed assembly where the bed coverings are known (the normal situation in the contract environment). Where the bedding is specified Section 3 of BS6807 provides the test method, where the bedding cannot be specified Section 2 of BS6807 is used. The difference is in the detailed positioning of the ignition sources. The normal requirements are Medium Hazard, which covers messes, day centers, hotels, hostels, old peoples’ homes, holiday camp chalets, boarding schools, residential schools and halls of residence. Medium Hazard requires resistance to the ignition sources specified in BS EN597-1 (cigarette), BS EN597-2 (match) and the Ignition Source 5 specified inBS6807 Section 2 or 3. Hotels, hostels and old peoples’ homes can also be High Hazard, in which case they have to meet resistance to ignition with Ignition Source 7of BS6807 Section 2 or 3 in place of Ignition Source 5. The level of hazard requiredwill be dependent on the features of individual premises and their usage. These ignition sources equate to the ignition sources of BS5852 and BS EN1021-1 & 2.Depending on the volumes manufactured there are requirements for re-testing. For production of less than 400 units per month, one unit should be tested every 6 months. For production of between 400 and 2,400 units per month, one unit should be tested per 2,400 and for production of more than 2,400 units per month, one per month.Products must be permanently and clearly labeled and BS7177 gives the specification for this.Bedcovers and PillowsBS7175: 1989 gives test methods for assessing the resistance to ignitions of bedcovers and pillows. It draws on BS5852 and BS6807 for ignition sources. Requirements arenot laid down but could be inferred from BS7177. The test results are expressed as a straight pass/fail against each ignition source.Fabrics for Curtains and DrapesThe requirements are laid down in BS5867: 1980. There are three performance requirements, expressed as Types A, B and C, for contract use Type B is the appropriate one. The test method is given in BS5438 and is for a small flame source applied to a vertical oriented sample, either to the face or to the bottom edge. Type B testing is carried out on 6 samples according to BS5438 but if one sample fails, a pass can still be gained if there are no failures on testing a further 6 samples.Textile Floor CoveringsThe requirements are laid down in BS5287: 1988 and are suitable for all textile floor coverings. The test method is given by BS4790, which simulates a small ignition source lying on the floor covering. For contract use an affected radius of less than 35mm is required. Note that there are three mounting methods: loose-laid, fully adhered and loose-laid with underlay; the results will only be valid if the floor covering is laid in the same way as the sample tested.Wall CoveringsWall coverings are a potentially difficult area and requirements would depend on the type (use) and size of space and the presence of automatic fire detection. In general terms concrete, brickwork, plasterboard, ceramic tiles, plaster and rendering, woodwool slab, thin vinyl and paper coverings on inorganic surfaces are acceptable everywhere including circulation spaces and escape routes. Timber, hardboard, blockboard, particleboard, heavy flock papers and flame retardant treated thermosetting plastics can be used in rooms but not on stairways and corridors that form escape routes. In rooms of area less than 4m² polystyrene wall and ceiling linings may also be used. The relevant standard is BS476 Part 7, covering surface spread of flame on vertical surfaces, this uses a gas fired radiation panel 900mm square as its heat source with the flame burning for 1 min. Up to 9 samples can be used to obtain 6 valid results. Class 3 is the requirement for small rooms and is met if the average spread of flame is limited to 265mm after 1.5 min and 710mm after 10 min. Class 1 is the requirement for other rooms and is met if the average spread of flame is limited to 165mm after 10 min. Circulation spaces and escape routes require Class 0, which is not BS476 but is found in Part B of Building Regulations. Partitions should meet, at least, the requirements of the space that they divide.Compliant construction products are readily available but furnishing materials are unlikely to have been tested. Careful thought should be given before changing a wall covering or using an unusual material. The advice of the local Fire Officer should be sought in any area where there is the slightest doubt as to suitability.WatchpointsThe main problems encountered are with imported fabrics and upholstery as most other countries don’t have ignition resistance requirements to UK levels. The issue is verifying any claims made by an overseas supplier. Verbal assurance is worthless, written assurance is better but you would be well advised to insist on copies of test certificates, note especially the date of issue in connection to re-testing (above). Be aware that there are forged certificates in circulation and that these are indistinguishable from the genuine article. If in doubt, the way to check is to call the test laboratory and have them confirm that they have issued that certificate, to that company, for that particular product. You should view with particular caution any products manufactured in the Far East and imported through a 3rd party company based in another EU country. Such arrangements are often a ploy to circumvent national safety requirements (not just furniture, these arrangements are found for a wide range of goods) by exploiting the EU “free passage of goods” policy.Special Requirements for the Public SectorThe public sector have some particular requirements, these are found in BS5815 although there can be departmental issued documents as well.BS5815In three parts this specifies performance requirements and construction for sheets, pillowslips, towels, napkins, counterpanes and quilt covers for use in the public sector. Part 3 is counterpanes and quilt covers. The flammability requirement called up is found in BS5438.The British Contract Furnishing Association is the leading trade association in the UKfor companies supplying furniture and furnishings into the contract area. The contract area comprises, offices, hotels, restaurants, bars, educational establishments, hospitals and healthcare establishments and some niche areas. The BCFA represents a sector worth around £2 billion annually.Project House, 25 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe HP11 2LQ Tel: 01494 896790 Fax: 01494 896799 E: enquiries@。