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One day an old man was walking along the beach when he saw a young man far away pick ing up someth ing and very gen tly throw ing it into the sea. As he got ______________________ 1 ___ he called out

to the young man, “ Goodnorning! What are you doing? ”

The young man ___ 2 ___ , looked up and replied, Throwing starfishes into the sea. ”

Why are you throwing starfishes into the sea? ”

The sun is up and the ______ 3 ____ is going away. And if I don' throw them in they 'll

___ 4 ___ .”

But, young man, don 'you ____ 5___ t hat there are miles and miles of beach and starfishes

all along it. You can '____ 6 ___ make a differenee! ”

The young man ___ 7 ___ politely. Then he picked ano ther starfish and threw it into the sea,

and said, ft made a differenee for that ____ 8___ . ”

There is someth ing very ___ 9 ___ in each and every one of us. We have all bee n give n the

ability to make a difference to shape the future. We must each find our own starfish. And if we

throw our starfish wisely as well, the 10 will be better.

1. A. better B. farther C. closer D. faster

2. A. con ti nued B. stopped C. watched D. an swered

3. A. water B. wind C. boat D. fish

4. A. leave B. die C. run D. lose

5. A. believe B. realize C. expect D. guess

6. A. possibly B. hardly C. especially D. fortun ately

7. A. replied B. argued C. spoke D. liste ned

8. A. day B. time C. place D. one

9. A. special B. brave C. stra nge D. Lucky

10. A. family B. village C. country D. world



A tee nage girl could n ' hertOaimily rules, so she left home. She wan ted to be a star

and became ___ 1 ___ . But she had a little educati on and a few years later, she had to ask for

food on the street for a livi ng. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woma n. But she is still look ing for her 2 . She has bee n to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes,

she puts up a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she ___ 3 ___ ,

"I still love you …Come back home! ”

One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so ________ 4 ___ that she couldn ' t

believe her eyes. " Is that me? ” She moved and read the words, " I still love you …” She cried. She couldn ' wait to go back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She

6 the door. The door ope ned itself. She rushed to the bedroom

7 . Her mother was

8 there. She woke her mother up, " It mes Your daughter is back home! ” The

mother and daughter looked at each other with exciteme nt, full of happy tears. The daughter asked,

“ Why is the door uniocked? A thief could ___ 9 ___ . ” The mother answered softly, “ The door
