海信 有线高清晰数字电视接收器 使用指南
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Eaton 5P UPS 产品说明书
Flexibility: The Eaton ® 5P is available in space saving 1Uand 2U rackmount configurations. Efficiency: The 5P provides industry leading efficiency of up to 99 percent.Manageability:• UPS management: By integrating Eaton’s IntelligentPower Manager ® Software you can monitor and manage the power devices on your network.• Energy metering: The 5P meters energy consumption at the UPS level.LCD display: Eaton’s next-generation LCD offers agraphical interface which provides all critical UPS information in a single screen view.More power: The 5P protects more devices by providing20 percent more wattage compared to traditional UPSs.Battery life: Eaton’s exclusive ABM ® technology increases battery service life by 50 percent.Intelligent Power Manager SoftwareBy integrating software with the Eaton 5P , you can:• S eamlessly integrate with VMware’s vCenter Server ™virtualization management solution, as well as virtualization platforms such as Citrix ® XenServer, Microsoft SCVMM ™, Red Hat ® and other Xen ® open source platforms • I nitiate live migration of virtual machines (VM) to automatically and transparently migrate VMs during power disruptions to unaffected devices with systems such as VMware vMotion™ and Microsoft Live Migration • E xecute graceful shutdown of computers and virtual machines/servers during an extended power outage To learn more, please visit: /intelligentpowerServices and supportEaton provides product support 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek. From battery replacement to full UPS service plans, Eaton has one of the top service models in the industry.Three-year warrantyThe 5P warranty covers both the UPS and the batteries for three years. No other manufacturer in the industry offers as comprehensive a warranty.Eaton 5P rackmount UPSEnterprise class battery backup for network closets and small data centersProduct brochureCommunication slot with optional network card Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States /powerquality© 2019 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USA BR153009EN / GG January 2019Eaton, Intelligent Power Manger and ABM are registered trademarks.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.5-15P inputplugWhat’s in the box• User manual CD • I ntelligent Power Software Suite CD • Quick start guide • F our-post rail kit (5P550R ears only)• E xtra wall mounting ear (5P1500R & 5P1550GR)• U SB cable • R S-232 cable • P hillips head screw driver (2U models only)G models only • 2 IEC-to-IEC jumper cables • O utput cable locking system • I nput cable locking system To interact with the Eaton 5P rackmount UPS, please visit:/5Prm5P RACKMOUNT MODEL SELECTION GUIDE* * D ue to continuous product improvement programs, all specifications are subject to change without notice.Please visit /5Prm to view complete and updated product specifications, including complete battery runtimes.**Catalog numbers that end in RT can be used in both rackmount or tower configurations.5P 2U rear panel5P 1U rear panelRS-232 portUSB port(8) 5-15Routput receptaclesCommunication slot with optional network cardRS-232 portUSB port (5) 5-15R output receptaclesRemote power off/Remote on-offconnector Remote power off/Remote on-offconnector Two individually controlled groupsof outlets Two individually controlled groupsof outlets Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Composable Infrastructure TestedTECHNOLOGY ALLIANCER E A DY。
FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMREV.CInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.aHigh Precision 10 V ReferenceAD587One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 617/329-4700Fax: 617/326-8703FEATURESLaser Trimmed to High Accuracy:10.000 V ؎5 mV (L and U Grades)Trimmed Temperature Coefficient:5 ppm/؇C max, (L and U Grades)Noise Reduction CapabilityLow Quiescent Current: 4 mA max Output Trim CapabilityMIL-STD-883 Compliant Versions AvailablePRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSser trimming of both initial accuracy and temperature coefficients results in very low errors over temperature with-out the use of external components. The AD587L has amaximum deviation from 10.000 V of ±8.5 mV between 0°C and +70°C, and the AD587U guarantees ±14 mV maximum total error between –55°C and +125°C.2.For applications requiring higher precision, an optional fine trim connection is provided.3.Any system using an industry standard pinout 10 volt refer-ence can be upgraded instantly with the AD587.4.Output noise of the AD587 is very low, typically 4 µV p-p. A noise reduction pin is provided for additional noise filtering using an external capacitor.5.The AD587 is available in versions compliant with MIL-STD-883. Refer to the Analog Devices Military Products Databook or current AD587/883B data sheet for detailed specifications.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD587 represents a major advance in the state-of-the-art in monolithic voltage references. Using a proprietary ion-implanted buried Zener diode and laser wafer trimming of high stability thin-film resistors, the AD587 provides outstanding perfor-mance at low cost.The AD587 offers much higher performance than most other 10 V references. Because the AD587 uses an industry standard pinout, many systems can be upgraded instantly with the AD587. The buried Zener approach to reference design pro-vides lower noise and drift than bandgap voltage references. The AD587 offers a noise reduction pin which can be used to further reduce the noise level generated by the buried Zener.The AD587 is recommended for use as a reference for 8-, 10-,12-, 14- or 16-bit D/A converters which require an external precision reference. The device is also ideal for successiveapproximation or integrating A/D converters with up to 14 bits of accuracy and, in general, can offer better performance than the standard on-chip references.The AD587J, K and L are specified for operation from 0°C to +70°C, and the AD587S, T and U are specified for –55°C to +125°C operation. All grades are available in 8-pin cerdip. The J and K versions are also available in an 8-pin Small Outline IC (SOIC) package for surface mount applications, while the J, K and L grades also come in an 8-pin plastic package.NOISE V OUTTRIMGNDNOTE:PINS 1,3 AND 7 ARE INTERNAL TEST POINTS.NO CONNECTIONS TO THESE POINTS.AD587–SPECIFICATIONS(T A = +25؇C, V IN = +15 V unless otherwise noted)Model AD587J/S AD587K/T AD587L/UMin Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units OUTPUT VOLTAGE9.99010.0109.99510.0059.99510.005VOUTPUT VOLTAGE DRIFT10°C to +70°C20105ppm/°C –55°C to +125°C20105GAIN ADJUSTMENT+3+3+3%–1–1–1LINE REGULATION113.5 V ≤ + V IN≤ 36 VT MIN to T MAX100100100±µV/VLOAD REGULATION1Sourcing 0 < I OUT < 10 mAT MIN to T MAX100100100±µV/mA Sourcing –10 < I OUT < 0 mA2T MIN to T MAX100100100QUIESCENT CURRENT242424mAPOWER DISSIPATION303030mWOUTPUT NOISE0.1 Hz to 10 Hz444µV p-pSpectral Density, 100 Hz100100100nV/√HzLONG-TERM STABILITY151515±ppm/1000 Hr. SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT-TO-GROUND305030503050mASHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT-TO-V IN305030503050mA TEMPERATURE RANGESpecified Performance (J, K, L)0+700+700+70°COperating Performance (J, K, L)3–40+85–40+85–40+85Specified Performance (S, T, U)–55+125–55+125–55+125Operating Performance (S, T, U)3–55+125–55+125–55+125NOTES1Spec is guaranteed for all packages and grades. Cerdip packaged parts are 100% production test.2Load Regulation (Sinking) specification for SOIC (R) package is ±200 µV/mA.3The operating temperature ranged is defined as the temperatures extremes at which the device will still function. Parts may deviate from their specified performance outside their specified temperature range.Specifications subject to change without notice.ORDERING GUIDEInitial Temperature Temperature PackageModel1Error Coefficient Range Options2AD587JQ10 mV20 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C Q-8AD587JR10 mV20 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C SO-8AD587JN10 mV20 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C N-8AD587KQ 5 mV10 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C Q-8AD587KR 5 mV10 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C SO-8AD587KN 5 mV10 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C N-8AD587LQ 5 mV 5 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C Q-8AD587LN 5 mV 5 ppm/°C0°C to +70°C N-8AD587SQ10 mV20 ppm/°C–55°C to +125°C Q-8AD587TQ10 mV10 ppm/°C–55°C to +125°C Q-8AD587UQ 5 mV 5 ppm/°C–55°C to +125°C Q-8AD587JCHIPS10 mV20 ppm/°C0°C to +70°CNOTES1For details on grade and package offerings screened in accordance with MIL-STD-883, refer to theAnalog Devices Military Products Databook or current AD587/883B data sheet.2N = Plastic DIP; Q = Cerdip; SO = SOIC.–2–REV. CAD587REV. C –3–ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*V IN to Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 V Power Dissipation (+25°C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 mW Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) . . . . . . . . . . . . .+300°C Package Thermal ResistanceθJC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22°C/W θJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110°C/W Output Protection: Output safe for indefinite short to ground and momentary short to V IN .*Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.DIE SPECIFICATIONSThe following specifications are tested at the die level for AD587JCHIPS. These die are probed at +25°C only.(T A = +25°C, V IN = +15 V unless otherwise noted)AD587JCHIPS Parameter Min Typ Max UnitsOutput Voltage 9.99010.010V Gain Adjustment –13%Line Regulation13.5 V < + V IN < 36 V 100±µV/V Load RegulationSourcing 0 < I OUT < 10 mA 100µV/mA Sinking –10 < I OUT < 0 mA 100µV/mA Quiescent Current24mA Short-Circuit Current-to-Ground 50mA Short-Circuit Currrent-to-V OUT50mANOTES 1Both V OUT pads should be connected to the output.2Sense and force grounds must be tied together.Die Thickness:The standard thickness of Analog Devices Bipolar dice is 24 mils ± 2 mils.Die Dimensions: The dimensions given have a tolerance of ±2 mils.Backing : The standard backside surface is silicon (not plated). Analog Devices does not recommend gold-backed dice for most applications.Edges: A diamond saw is used to separate wafers into dice thus providing perpendicular edges half-way through the die.In contrast to scribed dice, this technique provides a more uniform die shape and size . The perpen-dicular edges facilitate handling (such as tweezer pick-up) while the uniform shape and size simplifies substrate design and die attach.Top Surface: The standard top surface of the die is covered by a layer of glassivation . All areas are covered except bonding pads and scribe lines.Surface Metalization: The metalization to Analog Devices bipolar dice is aluminum. Minimum thickness is 10,000Å.Bonding Pads: All bonding pads have a minimum size of 4 mils by 4 mils. The passivation windows have 3.5 mils by 3.5 mils minimum.DIE LAYOUTPIN CONFIGURATIONTP *TRIMV OUTTP *NOISEREDUCTION+V IN TP *GND *TP DENOTES FACTORY TEST POINT. NO CONNECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE TO THESE PINS.Die Size: 0.081 × 0.060 InchesAD587REV. C–4–THEORY OF OPERATIONThe AD587 consists of a proprietary buried Zener diode refer-ence, an amplifier to buffer the output and several high stability thin-film resistors as shown in the block diagram in Figure 1.This design results in a high precision monolithic 10 V output reference with initial offset of 5 mV or less. The temperature compensation circuitry provides the device with a temperature coefficient of under 5 ppm/°C.NOISE V OUTTRIM GNDNOTE:PINS 1,3 AND 7 ARE INTERNAL TEST POINTS.NO CONNECTIONS TO THESE POINTS.Figure 1.AD587 Functional Block Diagram A capacitor can be added at the NOISE REDUCTION pin (Pin 8) to form a low-pass filter with R S to reduce the noise contribu-tion of the Zener to the circuit.APPLYING THE AD587The AD587 is simple to use in virtually all precision reference applications. When power is applied to Pin 2, and Pin 4 is grounded, Pin 6 provides a 10 V output. No external compo-nents are required; the degree of desired absolute accuracy is achieved simply by selecting the required device grade. The AD587 requires less than 4 mA quiescent current from an oper-ating supply of +15 V.Fine trimming may be desired to set the output level to exactly 10.000 V (calibrated to a main system reference). System cali-bration may also require a reference voltage that is slightly differ-ent from 10.000 V, for example, 10.24 V for binary applications.In either case, the optional trim circuit shown in Figure 2 can offset the output by as much as 300 mV, if desired, with mini-mal effect on other device characteristics.OUTPUTC Figure 2.Optional Fine Trim ConfigurationNOISE PERFORMANCE AND REDUCTIONThe noise generated by the AD587 is typically less than 4 µV p-p over the 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz band. Noise in a 1 MHz band-width is approximately 200 µV p-p. The dominant source of this noise is the buried Zener which contributes approximately 100 nV/√Hz . In comparison, the op amp’s contribution is negli-gible. Figure 3 shows the 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz noise of a typical AD587. The noise measurement is made with a bandpass filter made of a 1-pole high-pass filter with a corner frequency at 0.1 Hz and a 2-pole low-pass filter with a corner frequency at 12.6 Hz to create a filter with a 9.922 Hz bandwidth.Figure 3.0.1 Hz to 10 Hz NoiseIf further noise reduction is desired, an external capacitor may be added between the NOISE REDUCTION pin and ground as shown in Figure 2. This capacitor, combined with the 4 k Ω R S and the Zener resistances, form a low-pass filter on the output of the Zener cell. A 1 µF capacitor will have a 3 dB point at 40 Hz, and it will reduce the high frequency (to 1 MHz) noise to about 160 µV p-p. Figure 4 shows the 1 MHz noise of a typi-cal AD587 both with and without a 1 µF capacitor.Figure 4.Effect of 1 µF Noise Reduction Capacitor on Broadband Noise TURN-ON TIMEUpon application of power (cold start), the time required for the output voltage to reach its final value within a specified error band is defined as the turn-on settling time. Two components normally associated with this are: the time for the active circuits to settle, and the time for the thermal gradients on the chip to stabilize. Figure 5 shows the turn-on characteristics of theAD587. It shows the settling to be about 60 µs to 0.01%. Note the absence of any thermal tails when the horizontal scale is ex-panded to 1 ms/cm in Figure 5b.AD587REV. C–5–DYNAMIC PERFORMANCEThe output buffer amplifier is designed to provide the AD587 with static and dynamic load regulation superior to less com-plete references.Many A/D and D/A converters present transient current loads to the reference, and poor reference response can degrade the converter’s performance.Figure 6 displays the characteristics of the AD587 output ampli-fier driving a 0 mA to 10 mA load.Output turn-on time is modified when an external noise reduc-tion capacitor is used. When present, this capacitor acts as an additional load to the internal Zener diode’s current source, re-sulting in a somewhat longer turn-on time. In the case of a 1 µF capacitor, the initial turn-on time is approximately 400 ms to 0.01% (see Figure 5c).a.Electrical Turn-Onb.Extended Time Scalec.Turn-On with 1 µF C N Figure 5.Turn-On CharacteristicsFigure 6a.Transient Load Test Circuit Figure rge-Scale Transient Response Figure 6c.Fine Scale Settling for Transient LoadOUTAD587REV. C–6–In some applications, a varying load may be both resistive and capacitive in nature, or the load may be connected to the AD587 by a long capacitive cable.Figure 7 displays the output amplifier characteristics driving a 1000 pF, 0 mA to 10 mA load.V OUTFigure 7a.Capacitive Load Transient /Response Test CircuitFigure 7b.Output Response with Capacitive Load LOAD REGULATIONThe AD587 has excellent load regulation characteristics. Figure 8 shows that varying the load several mA changes the output by only a few µV.Figure 8.Typical Load Regulation Characteristics TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCEThe AD587 is designed for precision reference applications where temperature performance is critical. Extensive tempera-ture testing ensures that the device’s high level of performance is maintained over the operating temperature range.Some confusion exists in the area of defining and specifying ref-erence voltage error over temperature. Historically, references have been characterized using a maximum deviation per degree Centrigrade; i.e., ppm/°C. However, because of nonlinearities in temperature characteristics which originated in standard Zener references (such as “S” type characteristics), most manufactur-ers have begun to use a maximum limit error band approach to specify devices. This technique involves the measurement of the output at three or more different temperatures to specify an out-put voltage error band.Figure 9 shows the typical output voltage drift for the AD587L and illustrates the test methodology. The box in Figure 9 is bounded on the sides by thc operating temperature extremes,and on the top and the bottom by the maximum and minimum output voltages measured over the operating temperature range.The slope of the diagonal drawn from the lower left to the upper right corner of the box determines the performance grade of the device.Figure 9.Typical AD587L Temperature DriftEach AD587J, K, L grade unit is tested at 0°C, +25°C and +70°C. Each AD587S, T, and U grade unit is tested at –55°C,+25°C and +125°C. This approach ensures that the variations of output voltage that occur as the temperature changes within the specified range will be contained within a box whose diago-nal has a slope equal to the maximum specified drift. The posi-tion of the box on the vertical scale will change from device to device as initial error and the shape of the curve vary. The maxi-mum height of the box for the appropriate temperature range and device grade is shown in Figure 10. Duplication of these results requires a combination of high accuracy and stable temperature control in a test system. Evaluation of the AD587will produce a curve similar to that in Figure 9, but output readings may vary depending on the test methods and equip-ment utilized.Figure 10.Maximum Output Change in mVAD587REV. C –7–NEGATIVE REFERENCE VOLTAGE FROM AN AD587The AD587 can be used to provide a precision –10.000 V output as shown in Figure 11. The V IN pin is tied to at least a +3.5 V supply, the output pin is grounded, and the AD587 ground pin is connected through a resistor, R S , to a –15 V supply. The –10 V output is now taken from the ground pin (Pin 4) instead of V OUT . It is essential to arrange the output load and the sup-ply resistor R S so that the net current through the AD587 is be-tween 2.5 mA and 10.0 mA. The temperature characteristics and long-term stability of the device will be essentially the same as that of a unit used in the standard +10 V output configuration.1nF–15V–10VL <10mASFigure 11.AD587 as a Negative 10 V Reference USING THE AD587 WITH CONVERTERSThe AD587 is an ideal reference for a wide variety of 8-, 12-,14- and 16-bit A/D and D/A converters. Several representative examples follow.10 V REFERENCE WITH MULTIPLYING CMOS D/A OR A/D CONVERTERSThe AD587 is ideal for applications with 10- and 12-bit multi-plying CMOS D/A converters. In the standard hookup, as shown in Figure 12, the AD587 is paired with the AD754512-bit multiplying DAC and the AD711 high-speed BiFET Op Amp. The amplifier DAC configuration produces a unipolar 0 V to –10 V output range. Bipolar output applications and other operating details can be found on the individual product data sheets.Figure 12.Low Power 12-Bit CMOS DAC ApplicationThe AD587 can also be used as a precision reference for mul-tiple DACs. Figure 13 shows the AD587, the AD7628 dual DAC and the AD712 dual op amp hooked up for single supply operation to produce 0 V to –10 V outputs. Because both DACsare on the same die and share a common reference and output op amps; the DAC outputs will exhibit similar gain TCs.Figure 13. AD587 as a 10 V Reference for a CMOS Dual DACPRECISION CURRENT SOURCEThe design of the AD587 allows it to be easily configured as a current source. By choosing the control resistor R C in Figure 14,you can vary the load current from the quiescent current (2 mA typically) to approximately 10 mA.+V I L = + I BIAS10VR CFigure 14. Precision Current SourceAD587REV. C –8–P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C 1 1 3 6 a –1 5–1 0 / 8 8PRECISION HIGH CURRENT SUPPLYFor higher currents, the AD587 can easily be connected to a power PNP or power Darlington PNP device. The circuit in Figure 15 can deliver up to 4 amps to the load. The 0.1 µF capacitor is required only if the load has a significant capacitive component. If the load is purely resistive, improved high fre-quency supply rejection results can be obtained by removing thecapacitor.Figure 15a. Precision High-Current Current Source Figure 15b.Precision High-Current Voltage SourceCerdip (Q-8) PackageMini-DIP (N-8) Package Small Outline (R-8) PackageOUTLINE DIMENSIONSDimensions shown in inches and (mm).。
Crossword Puzzle
Байду номын сангаас
15 16
4 14
1. color of the sky 3. to put in your hands 5. apple and pumpkin are types of this 6. add an e to the word cut 9. unscramble: egear 10. unscramble: mnia 11. a clock tells you this 12. unscramble: lead 14. day before Saturday 15. where you live 17. She __ her bed.
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2. antonym for new 4. My pool is __ than yours. 5. use this to call people 6. past tense of come 7. past tense of tell 8. has a tail and flies in the sky 9. surprised 10. breakfast is one of these 13. a triangle is this 16. put your lunch on this
2. antonym for new 4. My pool is __ than yours. 5. use this to call people 6. past tense of come 7. past tense of tell 8. has a tail and flies in the sky 9. surprised 10. breakfast is one of these 13. a triangle is this 16. put your lunch on this
。小隙游 2C 比�隙游向径承轴心向——1C 隙游�7� 。垫衬带圈外�内——LK+ 。垫衬带圈内——L+ 。垫衬带圈外——K+ 。装安对成联串——TD 。装安对成面对面——FD 。装安对成背靠背——BD 垫衬及合配�6� 。环动止�槽动止带径外圈外——RN 。槽动止带径外圈外——N 。孔油�槽油带上圈外——4E 。孔油或口切有上圈套——E 。03�1 度锥�孔锥圆——03K 。21�1 度锥�孔锥圆——K 状形圈套�5� 。圈封密胶橡式触接非带面两——VV 。圈封密胶橡式触接非带面一——V 。圈封密胶橡式触接带面两——UDD�DD 。圈封密胶橡式触接带面一——UD�D 。盖尘防板钢带面两——SZZ�ZZ 。盖尘防板钢带面一——SZ�Z 盖尘防�圈封密�4� 。架持保无——V 。架持保压冲——W 。架持保脂树成合——T 。架持保体实金合铜——M 架持保�3� 。钢锈不为体动滚�圈套——H 。钢碳渗为体动滚�圈套——g 料材�2� 。致一定规 OSI 与度宽圈外�度角�径端小的道滚圈外的承轴子滚锥圆——J 。承轴子滚心调力推载负高——H 。承轴子滚柱圆载负高——E 。承轴子滚心调载负高——�架持保压冲带�DC� �架持保体实铜黄带�AC�C 。度 82 为角触接�承轴子滚锥圆——D 。度 02 为角触接�承轴子滚锥圆——C 。度 51 为角触接�承轴球触接角——C 。度 04 为角触接�承轴球触接角——B 。度 52 为角触接�承轴球触接角——5A 。度 03 为角触接�承轴球触接角——A 。承轴的同不准标与计设部内——A 构结部内 �1 用使�承轴子滚心调——11S 。下以度氏摄 052 在制限度温用使——92X 。下以度氏摄 002 在制限度温用使——82X 。下以度氏摄 051 在制限度温用使——62X 格规殊特�9� 。级 2 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——2P 。级 4 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——4P 。级 5 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——5P 。级 X6 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——X6P 。级 6 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——6P 。级 0 的定规准标 SIJ 合符级等差公——�略省�0P 级等差公�8� 。隙游向径的承轴子滚柱圆用机电——TC 。隙游向径的承轴子滚柱圆�承轴球沟深用机电——MC 。大隙游 5CM 比�隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——6CM 。大隙游 4CM 比�隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——5CM 。大隙游 3CM 比�隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——4CM 。隙游准标隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——3CM 。小隙游 3CM 比�隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——2CM 。小隙游 2CM 比�隙游向径承轴球型微�型小——1CM 。大隙游 4CC 比�隙游向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——5CC 。大隙游 3CC 比�隙游向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——4CC 。大隙游准标比�隙游向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——3CC 。隙游准标向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——CC 。小隙游准标比�隙游向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——2CC 。小隙游 2CC 比�隙游向径�换互可不�承轴子滚柱圆——1CC 。大隙游 4C 比�隙游向径承轴心向——5C 。大隙游 3C 比�隙游向径承轴心向——4C 。大隙游准标比�隙游向径承轴心向——3C 。隙游准标向径承轴心向——�略省�NC 。小隙游准标比�隙游向径承轴心向——2C
㊀全国大学英语四㊁六级考试大纲(2016年修订版)㊀200㊀8.全国大学英语六级考试作文评分样卷D i r e c t i o n s:F o r t h i s p a r t,y o ua r e a l l o w e d30m i n u t e s t ow r i t e a ne s s a y c o mm e n t i n g o n t h e s a y i n g I fy o uc a n n o td o g r e a t t h i n g s,d os m a l l t h i n g s i na g r e a tw a y. Y o uc a n c i t e e x a m p l e s t o i l l u s t r a t e y o u r p o i n t o f v i e w.Y o us h o u l dw r i t ea t l e a s t150w o r d s b u t n om o r e t h a n200w o r d s.W r i t e y o u r e s s a y o n A n s w e r S h e e t1.14p o i n t sW e a l l r e m e m b e r a t i m ew h e nw e s p o k e p r o u d l y a b o u t b e c o m i n g t h e n e x t B i l l G a t e s,o r S t e p h e nH a w k i n g,a n di t sn e v e r w r o n g t od r e a m b i g.A st i m e p a s s e sb y,w e g r a d u a l l y r e a l i z e t h a t m o s to fu sa r eb o u n dt os t a y o r d i n a r y.Y e tt h e r e ss t i l la w a y o fa c h i e v i n g e x c e l l e n c y.A st h es a y i n g g o e s, I f y o uc a n n o td o g r e a tt h i n g s,d os m a l lt h i n g si n a g r e a tw a y.A p e r f e c t l i f ed o e s n th a v et ob es o g l o r i o u so rs p a r k l i n g a s g r a n d p l a y s p e r f o r m e d i n t h e a t r e s.T h et r u e v a l u el i e si n o u ra t t i t u d et o w a r d st i n y d a i l y i s s u e s,o f w h i c h t h e r e p a i r m a nw o r k i n g i no u r c o m m u n i t y i s a n i d e a l e x a m p l e.B i c y c l eGr e p a i r i n g i s c e r t a i n l y n o t t h e b r i g h t e s t o r b e s tGp a i d p r o f e s s i o n t om a n y,b u t t h i sm a n p u t s h i s h e a r t a n d s o u l i n t o i t a n d v i e w s i t a sh i sw a y o f s e r v i n g f o r p e o p l ei nt h ec o m m u n i t y,w h i c hi sw h y h ee a r n sh i g h r e p u t a t i o n.A s a g e n e r a t i o na b o u t t o s t e p i n t o t h e f i e r c e l y c o m p e t i t i v es o c i e t y,w ea r eh a u n t e db y t h e f e e l i n g o fw o r r y a n dh e l p l e s s n e s s.I fw e s t r i v e f o r a c c o m p l i s h i n g r e m a r k a b l e s u c c e s s a n d b e c o m i n g w o r l dGr e n o w n e d,w e l l p r o b a b l y f e e l f r u s t r a t e d a n d d i s a p p o i n t e d.O n l y b y r e a l i z i n g E x c e l l e n c y d e r i v e s f r o ms m a l lm a t t e r s c a nw e s u r v i v e a n d t h r i v e.11p o i n t sI f y o u c a n n o t d o g r e a t t h i n g s,d os m a l l t h i n g s i na g r e a tw a y i s t h e g r e a t e s t s a y i n g I v e e v e r h e a r d.I a d m i r em a n yp e o p l e.S o m eo f t h e ma r eh e r o e sw h od o g r e a t t h i n g s,b u t s o m e o f t h e ma r e o r d i n a r yp e o p l e.T h e y d o s m a l l t h i n g sw h i c h s e e m s s i m p l e a n db o r i n g.T o i l l u s t r a t e i t,I s h o wa n e x a m p l e f i r s t.M y C h i n e s e t e a c h e r,M i s s C h e n,i s a n o r d i n a r y s e n i o rh i g hs c h o o lt e a c h e r.S h et e a c h e se v e r y d a y.H o w e v e r,i n m y e y e s,s h e sa g r e a t t e a c h e r.S h er e a l l y l o v e sh e rs t u d e n t sa n dh e rc o u r s e sa r e w o n d e r f u l.S h e w i l l s p e n dh e r s p a r e t i m e t o p r e p a r e a g o o d c l a s s.S h e s a l w a y sw i l l i n g t o h e l p s t u d e n t s.A s a r e s u l t,s h e s a v e r yp o p u l a r t e a c h e r i no u r s c h o o l.M i s sC h e nd o e s n t d o g r e a t t h i n g s,b u t s h e t r i e s t om a k eh e r j o b g r e a t.W h e n y o ud o t h i n g sw h o l e h e a r t e d l y,y o u a r e g r e a t p e r s o n.O b v i o u s l y,n o t e v e r y o n e h a s t h e c h a n c e t o b e a h e r o,b u tw h e nw e d o o u r s m a l l t h i n g s i n g r e a tw a y,w e s u c c e e d.T h i s i s a n a m a z i n g q u a l i t y.S ow e s h o u l d n t c o m p l a i n t h a tw e c a n t d o g r e a t t h i n g s.L e t s201 样卷d o s m a l l t h i n g s i na g re a tw a y t ob e o u r o w nh e r o .8p o i n t sAs u c c e s s f u l gr e a tm a ns a i d : as o l d i e rw h od o n tw a n t t ob ea g e n e r a l i sn o t a g o o d s o l d i e r .W e c a n f i n d t h a tm o s t o fm e nw a n t t o b e c o m e g r e a tm a n ,a n d d o g r e a t t h i n g s !B u ta na r m y h a s o n l y o n e g e n e r a l ,m o s t o f s o l d i e r s c a no n l yb ean o r m a l s o l d i e r .S os h o u l d t h es o l d i e r s a l l g o b a c kh o m e ,j u s t b e c a u s e t h e y c a n t b e c o m e a g e n e r a l ?O f c o u r s en o t !E v e r y o n e h a s h i s v a l u e i n h i s p o s i t i o n .A n a r m y c a n tw i n b a t t l e i f h a s o n l y a g e n e r a l b u t n o s o l d i e r s .I f y o u a r ea s o l d i e r ,j u s t d o y o u rb e s t ,s t a y i n y o u r p o s i t i o na n de v e r yo n ew i l l r e s p e c t y o u i n c l u d e t h e g e n e r a l .A sm y f a t h e r ,a l t h o u g h h e sw o r k i n gi n t h e g o v e r n m e n t a s an o r m a l p u b l i c s e r v a n t n o t a no f f i c e r ,b u t h e d i d h i s b e s t i nw o r k .H e s o l v e d l o t s o f q u e s t i o n sf o r h i s d e p a r t m e n t ,a n ds e r v e d f o rh u n d r e d so f p e o p l eaw e e kt oh e l p t h e m ,h e f e e l s t h a t h e s s u c c e s s f u l b e c a u s eh i s l e a d e r a n d a l l t h e p e o p l eh e s e r v e d s a i d t oh i m : yo u a r e a g r e a t m a n .S ow e j u s t d o o u r b e s t i n o u rw o r k ,d om o r e f o r t h e o t h e r s !W e a r e a l l t h e g r e a tm a n !5p o i n t sA s s h o wi nt h i s s a y i n g ,R e c e n t a l l y m a n yp e o p l e ,e s p e c i a l l yy o u n gpe r s o n ,t h i n k i t i s c e r t a i n l y d o g o o d t o d o g r e a t t h i n g s ,r a t h e r t h a n s m a l l t h i n g s .M o r e o v e r ,t h e y of t e n t h i n k d os m a l l t h i n g s h a s n ov a l u e a n db o r i n g .T h e s a y i n g a b o v et r i e st oc r i t i c i z et h e p h e n o m e n o nt h a t m o s t p e o p l e w a n td o g r e a t t h i n g s r a t h e r t h a ns m a l l t h i n g s .I t s r e a l l y aw r o n g v i e w s .A f t e rc a r e f u l l y c o n s i d e r a t i o n ,I h a v e s t a t e t h a t t h e s a y i n g i sm o r e b i a s e d .I t g i v e n f o l l o w i n g r e a s o n s .F i r s t l y ,T h e r e n o t o n l yg r e a t t h i n g sb u ta l s os m a l l t h i n g s i ne v e r yp r o j e c t .B e s i d e s ,t h es m a l l t h i n g sc a nd ov e rye x c e l l e n t t o o ,if y o u c a nm a k e y o u rm i n d s t od o i t .F u r t h e r ,I f y o uc a n t d oa s m a l l t h i ng sw e l l ,n e i t h e r g r e a t t h i n g s .F r o m w h a t d i s c u s s e d a b o v e ,w e c o n c l u d e t h a t q u e s t i o n q u i t ed e p e n d s o nc h o i c e .I nm yo w ne y e s ,n om a t t e rw h a t a b i l i t y w e h a v e ,h o we x c e l l e n tw e a r e .B e c a u s e i f y o uw a n tw a l kt h o u s a n d sm i l e s ,y o u h a v e t o d o e v e r y s t e p i n y o u f o o t .O n l y i f d o s m a l l t h i n g sw e l l ,d o g r e a tt h i n g s i n t h e s a m e t i m e .2p o i n t sN o w a d a y s ,e v e r y b o d y w a n t d o g r e a t t h i n g s ,s u c ha s s t u d e n tw ew o u l dr a t h e r t oe l e c t t h eh o t o f s a u c er a t h e r t h a ns t u d y t h eu s e f u l t e k n o l o g e .B u t ,a ss h o wi nt h ee a s s y t h a t i t s a y i n g I f y o u c a n n o t d o g r e a t t h i n g s ,d o s m a l l t h i n g s i na g r e a tw a y .T h e r e a r es o m er e a s o n sw es h o u l dd os o m es m a l l t h i n g s .T ob e g i n w i t h ,n o t h i n g i s㊀全国大学英语四㊁六级考试大纲(2016年修订版)㊀202㊀d i s t i n g u i s hb yg r e a t t h i n g sa n ds m a l l t h i n g s.T os u m u p t h es m a l l t h i n g.I t i sa l s oa g r e a t t h i n g.A n d t h e g r e a t t h i n g i s o w n t o p e o p l e s o p i n i o n.T h e n,i fw a n t t o b e s u c c e s s,t h e s m a l l t h i n g sw i l l h e l p t o y o u.F u r t h e rm o r e,t h em o s t o f a l l f a m o u s p e o p l e i s g r o w n i n s m a l l t h i n g s.F i n a l l y,t h e t h i n g sm u s t s a i d t o y o u r s e l f.I f y o uu n a b l e t o d o,y o u s h o u l d g i v eu pq u i c k l y.I n s h o r t,i t i s t i m e t o d o s o m e t h i n g s n om a t t e r h o w g r e a t t h i n g s o r s m a l l t h i n g s.W h e n w e g r o w i n g u p,w ea r e g e tb e n e f i t e df r o mt h o s es m a l l t h i n g s.E v e r y i s i m p o r t a n t.E v e r y t h i n g s i s b e n e f i t t o y o u r f u t u r e.O n l y b y t h i sw a y w e c a n s u c c e s s f u l a n dm o r eh a p p y.。
拓谟吾Crane Group L系列吊车型号L70、L65、L60、L55、L50、L45、L40、
Maximum Capacity 26,455 lbs-------------235'-4'-------------binI---59'-1" ----IJI II---39'-4"P60ANote: Tip capacities are dependent on certain trolley types.L70L65 = 213'-3'L60 = 196'-10"L55 = 180'-5'_l229'-8' --17,055 lbs8,4881bs9,354 lbsL50 = 164'-1"10,382 lbsL45 = 147-8"11,905 lbsL40 = 131'-3'13,228 lbsL35 = 114'-10'14,991 lbsL30 = 98'-5'17,747 lbs21,385 lbstV60A Y800At�in--j 32'-10' I-J850AF.E.M. 1.001Maximum Free-Standing Hook HeightsMechanical Data2-part (lifting)4-part (lifting)Function HoistTypeSpeed vs Weight 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear 4th Gear 5th Gear 1st Gear 2nd Gear 3rd Gear 4th Gear 5th Gear Motor (hp)Motor (kW)Rope Length (ft)50 LVF 30Optimaft/min lbs 9913,2281259,9211786,6142563,3075026,4556319,8428913,2281286,61450371,11575 LVF 30Optimaft/min lbs 14513,2281849,9212636,6143753,3077326,4559219,84213213,2281886,61475551,870100 LVF 30Optimaft/min lbs 19713,2282509,9213556,6145193,3079926,45512519,84217813,2282606,614100751,926or 3,343150 LCC 30ft/minlbs28313,2283389,9214246,6145653,3076761,65314226,45517119,84221413,2282836,6143383,3071501102,139Trolley 6 DVF 4ft/min 5.5 4.0Swing RVF 162Optima rpm 2 x 7.5 2 x 5.5P o w e r R e q u i r e m e n t s :480V (+6%o r -10%)60H z m e a s u r e d a t t u r n t a b l e .A m p e r a g e :50L V F 30:88A m p (3p h a s e s e r v i c e w i t h g r o u n d )A m p e r a g e :75L V F 30:118A m p (3p h a s e s e r v i c e w i t h g r o u n d )A m p e r a g e :100L V F 30:147A m p (3p h a s e s e r v i c e w i t h g r o u n d )A m p e r a g e :150L C C 30:245A m p (3p h a s e s e r v i c e w i t h g r o u n d )Notes:1. The 50 LVF 30 is the standard hoist option for the MD 310B-K12. Other hoist options must be at the request of the customer.2. Hoist speeds with "Optima" hoist units are 25% faster than the speeds listed above when lowering the hook.3. The 100 LVF 30 hoist drum can be purchased in either a small or large drum size depending on the customers needs.4. Values given under "Rope Length" are for drum spooling capacity only.Hoist165 (26,455 lbs) 329 (13,228 lbs) 394 (6,614 lbs)0.70Rated Load Chart C a p a c i t y (l b s )229'-8"213'-3"196'-10"180'-5"164'-1"147'-8"131'-3"114'-10"98'-5"20'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45530'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45540'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45550'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45560'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45570'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45580'-0"22,97824,57024,82424,83125,37325,98526,45526,45526,45590'-0"19,93721,37221,62221,62822,10822,65023,56323,69023,77998'-5"17,86619,19519,44219,44819,886 20,380 21,213 21,32921,385100'-0"17,51918,83019,07619,08219,51320,00020,81920,933110'-0"15,55116,76017,00417,00917,40017,84218,58518,688114'-10"14,72615,89316,13616,14016,515 16,937 17,64817,747120'-0"13,91715,04315,28515,28915,647 16,051 16,731130'-0"12,94413,59413,83513,83914,16914,54115,167131'-3"12,78913,43113,67213,67614,002 14,37114,991140'-0"11,76712,76213,00013,00113,228 13,250147'-8"10,97711,93112,16812,17012,46312,787150'-0"10,74911,69211,92911,93012,218160'-0"9,86110,75710,99310,99511,265164'-1"9,53310,41310,64810,64910,913170'-0"9,0799,93510,17010,171180'-0"8,3849,2059,4399,440180'-5"8,3559,1749,4089,409190'-0"7,7648,5538,786196'-10"7,3768,1458,378200'-0"7,2077,966210'-0"6,7037,437213'-3"6,5507,275220'-0"6,246229'-8"5,842M a x .L o a d R a d i u s F r o m8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"8'-6"T o71'-1"75'-1"75'-9"75'-9"77'-2"78'-9"81'-6"81'-10"82'-2"Notes:1. The above load chart was calculated using the SM-DM trolley system.2. Values above the red line can be achieved with 4-part line configuration only.3. Deduct 551 lbs from values below the red line when using 4-part line configuration instead of 2-part.H o o kR a d i u sRated Load Chart 2-P a r t C a p a c i t y (l b s )229'-8"213'-3"196'-10"180'-5"164'-1"147'-8"131'-3"114'-10"98'-5"20'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22830'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22840'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22850'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22860'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22870'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22880'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22890'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22898'-5"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228100'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228110'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228114'-10"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228120'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228130'-0"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228131'-3"13,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,22813,228140'-0"12,96113,22813,22813,22813,22813,228147'-8"12,17313,13113,13013,13113,22813,228150'-0"11,94612,89212,89112,89213,208160'-0"11,06111,96011,96011,96112,256164'-1"10,73411,61611,61611,61711,905170'-0"10,28111,14011,13911,140180'-0"9,58910,41210,41110,412180'-5"9,56010,38110,38110,382190'-0"8,9719,7629,761196'-10"8,5849,3559,354200'-0"8,4159,177210'-0"7,9138,649213'-3"7,7608,488220'-0"7,457229'-8"7,055M a x .L o a d R a d i u s F r o m10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"T o 137'-7"146'-8"146'-8"146'-8"149'-10"147'-8"131'-3"114'-10"98'-5"H o o kR a d i u sRated Load Chart 4-P a r t C a p a c i t y (l b s )229'-8"213'-3"196'-10"180'-5"164'-1"147'-8"131'-3"114'-10"98'-5"20'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45530'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45540'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45550'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45560'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45570'-0"26,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45526,45580'-0"22,66924,48524,48524,48525,08425,70026,45526,45526,45590'-0"19,63721,29521,29521,29521,82622,37223,34723,47223,55998'-5"17,57319,12419,12419,12419,60920,10620,99621,11021,164100'-0"17,22618,76018,76018,76019,23619,72620,60120,714110'-0"15,26416,69616,69616,69617,12817,57218,36618,468114'-10"14,44115,83115,83115,83116,24416,66917,42917,527120'-0"13,63514,98314,98314,98315,37915,78516,511130'-0"12,26213,53913,53913,53913,90314,27814,947131'-3"12,10813,37613,37613,37613,73714,10814,771140'-0"11,08912,30512,30512,30512,64312,990147'-8"10,30111,47611,47611,47611,79712,125150'-0"10,07411,23811,23811,23811,553160'-0"9,18910,30610,30610,30610,601164'-1"8,8629,9629,9629,96210,250170'-0"8,4099,4869,4869,486180'-0"7,7178,7588,7588,758180'-5"7,6888,7278,7278,727190'-0"7,0988,1088,108196'-10"6,7117,7017,701200'-0"6,5437,523210'-0"6,0406,995213'-3"5,8876,834220'-0"5,584229'-8"5,182M a x .L o a d R a d i u s F r o m10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"T o 70'-4"74'-11"74'-11"74'-11"76'-5"78'-0"80'-11"81'-3"81'-7"H o o kR a d i u sManitowoc Crane Group - Americas Shady Grove, Pennsylvania Facility1565 Buchanan Trail EastShady Grove, PA 17256-0021, USATel:[Int + 001] 717 597 8121Fax:[Int + 001] 717 597 4062。
A10GbsBiCMOSAdaptiveCableEqualizer_slicer_DETAIL A 10Gb/s BiCMOS Adaptive Cable EqualizerGuangyu Evelina Zhang ,Student Member,IEEE,and Michael M.Green ,Member,IEEEAbstract—A 10Gb/s adaptive equalizer IC using SiGe BiCMOS technology is described.The circuit consists of the combination of an analog equalizer and an adaptive feedback loop for minimizing the inter-symbol interference (ISI)for a variety of cable charac-teristics.The adaptive loop functions using a novel slope-detection circuit which has a characteristic that correlates closely with the amount of ISI.The chip occupies an area of 0.87mm 0.81mm and consumes a power of 350mW with 3.3V power supply.This adaptive equalizer is able to compensate for a cable loss up to 22dB at 5GHz while maintaining a low bit-error rate.Index Terms—Adaptive equalizers,broadband communication,BiCMOS,BiCMOS analog integrated circuits,equalizers,wire communication cable.I.I NTRODUCTIONAS BIT RATES increase in broadband data communica-tion systems,the nonideal effects of the channel have an increasingly important impact on the quality of the signal.In particular,the loss (caused by skin effect and dielectric loss)in copper causes signi?cant attenuation of the transmitted data at high frequencies.At bit rates of 10Gb/s and higher,even a rela-tively short section of copper can cause signi?cant distortion of the data.In order to avoid bit errors and successfully receive the data signal,equalization is required.Since often the exact char-acteristic of the channel is not known,adaptive equalization is desirable.A block diagram of a typical receiver is shown in Fig.1.The equalizer is the ?rst block in the receiver,after which the re-stored data is then applied to the CDR.As an example of a copper cable characteristic,Fig.2shows the measured trans-mission characteristic for two RU-256copper cables,one with length 4feet;the other with length 15feet.At 5GHz the 4-foot cable exhibits a loss of 5dB at 5GHz;the 15-foot cable ex-hibits a loss of 13dB,which would result in a completely closed eye.One of the goals of this circuit design was to make the circuit adaptive such that the inter-symbol interference (ISI)is minimized for a wide range of cable characteristics.In theory,the transfer function of a copper cable should be monotonically decreasing.The nonmonotonicities in Fig.2are due to re?ec-tions that come from discontinuities in the connectors and mis-matches between the cables and the measurement equipment.In general the analog equalizer presented in this paper is not well-suited for media that exhibit large amounts of re?ections.However,as will be demonstrated shortly,for the characteristicsManuscript received January 14,2005;revised July 18,2005.This work was supported by Qlogic,Jazz Semiconductor,and UC Discovery Grant Com 01-10086.The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science,University of California,Irvine,CA 92697-2625USA (e-mail:mgreen@/doc/b0f35cd37f1922791688e8f6.html ).Digital Object Identi?er 10.1109/JSSC.2005.857354shown in Fig.2the equalizer described here has been shown to function well.At relatively low bit rates,most adaptive equalizers have been implemented using a digital approach [1],[2].Design of a dig-ital equalizer at the receiver side involves a delay element and a decision circuit that requires a recovered clock.The extraction of the clock depends on the input data of the clock and data re-covery (CDR)circuit,which increases the system complexity and could lead to problems with CDR locking.On the other hand,an analog approach is often preferred for higher speeds for its low power consumption and simplicity.A number of papers have been reported on analog cable equalization at bit rates on the order of 100Mb/s [3]–[5].Recently,two papers re-ported cable equalizers with bit-rates up to 3.5Gb/s [6],[7].InCMOS equalizer operating at 10Gb/s was presented [8]where more design effort was needed to overcome the gain limitations of CMOS.An analog FIR approach to 10Gb/s equalization was presented in [9].A BiCMOS process was chosen for this design due to boththehighand high intrinsic gain of the bipolar transistors.In particular,it was critical that the slicer used in the adaptive feedback loop (explained in Section III)exhibited high gain in order to restore the logic levels.This paper,which is an expanded version of the paper pre-sented in [10],is organized as follows.Section II discusses the principle of operation for the equalizer and adaptive loop.Section III describes the circuit design details for eachblock.Measurement results of prototypes are presented in Section IV .Finally,conclusions are drawn in Section V .II.P RINCIPLE OF O PERATIONTo understand the equalizer’s operation,we ?rst consider the operation of a simpli?ed linear circuit,shown in Fig.3oper-ating at a bit rate normalized to 1b/s.A rudimentary cable model shown in Fig.3(a),consisting of four RC sections,is used for this illustration.As mentioned in the previous section,this medium exhibits a monotonically decreasing transfer function.Thus,we would expect the ISI to be dominated by the attenu-ation of short (i.e.,1UI)pulses.In other words,the worst ISI would come from an isolated logic “1”of duration 1UI sur-rounded by strings of logic “0.”This is illustrated in Fig.4,where the response of the Fig.3(a)cable model,withset to 0.188,is shown for three different input pulse widths:1s,2s,and 3s.Clearly the worst case ISI comes from the shortest pulse width.Thus,our approach for designing the equalizer and adaptation loop is to reduce the ISI of a singlepulse,described as follows.0018-9200/$20.00?2005IEEEFig.1.Block diagram of broadband receiver including equalizer.TABLE IO PTIMUM T RANSIENT C HARACTERISTICS OF E QUALIZER FOR T HREE D IFFERENT C ABLE MODELSFig.2.S for two copper cables.As shown in Fig.3(b),thesignal from the cable is applied to an LC bandpass ?lter centered at 0.5Hz witha of 2.The equalizeroutput consists of a weighted sum of the originalsignal from thecableand the bandpassoutput .As illus-trated in Fig.3(b),weightingparameterdetermines the proportion of each signal that is summed at the output.Inparticular,if the input signal has a DC voltageswingbe.A sketch of the response at each node to a 1-s input pulse is shown in Fig.3(c).The linear equal-izer ’s transfer function is givenby(1)At DC,the transfer functiongivesfrequency (i.e.,0.5Hz),the transferfunctiongivesThe equalizer ’s operation can be illustrated in the time domain by considering its response to a 1-s unit interval pulse.This is shown in the curve labeled “cable output ”in Fig.5.As mentioned earlier,since the cable exhibits nearly unity gain at DC and signi ?cant attenuation at the Nyquist rate of 0.5Hz,the output pulsewidth is reduced.The equalizer operates by reducing the DC voltage swing while maintaining the gain at 0.5Hz,resulting in an increased pulse width.This is illustrated in Fig.5,where the equalizer pulse response is shown for threedifferent valuesof .In thiscasegives zero ISI.Note that the stage that follows this equalizer would require suf ?cient gain in order to restore the appropriate DC logic swing.We now consider a group of three different cable characteris-tics [parameterized by different valuesofin the Fig.3(a)cable model]and for each characteristic determine the valueof such that the ISI is zero.In doing this we can observe the equalizer ’s behavior at the optimum settings and identify a suitable method for adaptation.The cable pulse responses are shown in Fig.6(a).The resulting equalizer output wave-forms are shown in Fig.6(b),where for each ofthevalues,weightingparamter was set to its optimumvalue such that the pulsewidth for each waveform is exactly 1s.Table I lists the characteristics of each waveform.Note from this table that although the voltage swings and slew rates vary widely (more than 50%over the rangeof ),these values track each other,resulting in transition times that show much less variation (less than 15%).Thus,it is feasible to use this equalizer output transi-tion time as a rough measurement of ISI to be used in the adap-tive loop,where the optimum transition time is approximately 60%of the unit interval.(This optimum transition time value depends on the of the LC tank circuit;for this example a of 2was chosen because that is approximately the same value asFig.3.Linear circuit normalized to 1b/s forillustration.Fig.4.Pulse responses of cable.that of the LC tank used in the transistor-level implementation described in the next section.)The above analysis was based on a simpli ?ed linear circuit.As will be described in the following sections,the actual cir-cuit realization,based on current-mode logic (CML)techqniues,is of course nonlinear.However,the primary concern for min-imizing the ISI is to set precisely the timing of the zero cross-ings.In the vicinity of the zero crossings,CML circuitry in fact behaves nearly linearly.As will be shown shortly,the analysis given here does indeed apply to the actual transistor-level cir-cuitry.III.C IRCUIT D ESIGNThe block diagram of the adaptive equalizer is shown in Fig.7.The feedforward path consists of three parts:1)equalizer ? lter,which functions as a high-pass ?lter whose character-istics can be adjusted and whose operation was described in the previous section;2)slicer,which restores the full logic levels after the equalizer ?lter;and 3)output driver,which is used to drive an external50load.The feedback path consists of two slope detectors and an integrator,used to compare the difference between the transition times of the equalizer ?lter output and the slicer output.Each part will be described in detail asfollows.Fig.5.Pulse response of RC ladder (for C =0:125)and linear equalizer output for three different values of .A.Feedforward PathThe equalizer ?lter schematic is shown in Fig.8.The input data is applied to a peaked ampli ?er which resonates at thewith bandwidth of 9GHz (“slow ”path).Theoutputsand are applied to the mixer.The output of the mixer is thus the weighted sumofand with the weighting determinedby.Fig.9shows the magnitude transfer function for three different valuesof,exhibiting a maximum equal-ization of 22dB (de ?ned as the ratio of the gain at 5GHz to the DC gain).To demonstrate that this equalizer behaves like the linear pro-totype presented in Section II,the following simulation is per-formed.An input pulse with 100ps pulsewidth is applied to the(a)(b)Fig.6.(a)Pulse response of three different cable characteristics.(b)Pulse response of equalizer with optimum value of chosen for each cablecharacteristic.Fig.7.Adaptive equalizer blockcable 1followed by the equalizer ?lter.Byadjusting ,the output transitiontimevaries accordingly.The output pulsewidth varies directly with the value of the control voltageas shown in Fig.10.Notethatps corresponds to zero ISI,consistent with the results given in Section II.We observe that the pulses in Fig.10(which come from the transistor-level realization of the equalizer)look quite different from the pulses in Fig.5(which come from the simple linear model of the equal-izer).The reason for this difference is that the circuit realization is nonlinear due to the saturating characteristics of the CML blocks.However,in the vicinity of the zero crossings,the CML blocks behave linearly.Thus,the pulse widths of the Fig.10waveforms are consistent with those of Fig.5.1Thecable model used in this simulation is based on a behavioral model thatapproximates the characteristic in Fig.2corresponding to a length of 15feet.The relationbetweenand can be characterized by coef ?cientwith units of ps/mV .Simulation gives a valueof approximately 1.5ps/mV;i.e.,if is increased by 1mV ,the equalizer transition time decreases by 1.5ps.B.Feedback PathAs discussed in Section II,the feedback path functions to set the transition time of the equalizer ?lter output to a ?xed value of approximately 60ps so that the ISI is minimized.To accomplish this,the equalizer ?lter output is applied to the input of a slicer.The slicer,shown in Fig.11,is implemented by two cascaded CML buffers.The ?rst buffer exhibits fast transition time and corrects the signal amplitude.The second buffer is capacitively loaded so that it produces an output with a ?xed transition time of 60ps,independent of the input transition time.Thus,eachFig.8.Equalizer ?lterschematic.Fig.9.Magnitude plot of equalizer output for three different controlvoltages.Fig.10.Relation between output pulsewidth and transition time.transition at the equalizer ?lter output (where the transition time varies)always results in a transition at the slicer output with a 60ps transition time.In order to compare the transition times of these two signals a transition time detector is required.The transition time detector plays a critical role in the equal-izer circuit performance.Traditionally,such detectors are made up of a high-pass ?lter and recti ?er [4].However,the design ofaFig.11.Slicer schematic.recti ?er that operates at 10Gb/s is dif ?cult.In this circuit a dif-ferent approach was used,where the detection is performed by a single stage.As illustrated in Fig.12(a),theinputsand are applied to the gates of a CMOS differential pair.For a slow transition of either polarity,the source-coupled node voltage is minimum when the differential input is 0.Thus,the response to any input transition is a negative pulse whose amplitude is de-termined by the differential pair design.However,a faster tran-sition will have a smaller pulse amplitude due to the capacitance that is always present at the source-coupled node.Fig.12(b)shows 100ps input pulses with two different transition times;Fig.12(c)shows the corresponding detector output waveforms.The energy contained in each negative pulse is nearly propor-tional to the input transition time.In the feedback path,two detectors —one connected to the equalizer ?lter output,the other connected to the slicerFig.12.(a)Transition detector circuit.(b)Input waveforms.(c)Outputwaveforms.Fig.13.Schematic of integrator with common-mode feedback circuit.output —give output pulses whose energy is proportional to the input transition time.The pulses from both detector outputs are then applied to the differential inputs of an integrator (shown in Fig.13,including the common-mode feedback circuit);the integratoroutput,which is fed back to the equalizer,responds to the difference in transition time between the de-tector inputs.When the adaptive loop reachessteady-state,will be set such that the equalizer output will exhibitthe same transition time as the slicer output,thus minimizing the ISI.Although this circuit should function as a transition time detector,it is also sensitive to the signal levels of the input.In particular,if there is any mismatch in the DC levels between the two detector outputs,there will be a steady-state error in the equalization.Fortunately,the nonlinearity of the equalizer itself maintains a logic level that is independent of the equalizer settings,which can be observed in Fig.10.Thus,care needs to be taken only in ensuring that the logic levels of the input and output of the transition detectors are well-matched.The transferfunctionof the Fig.13integrator is givenbyFig.14.Operation of slicer and integrator.whereand .The integratortimeis set to 75ns.To illustrate the operation of the slicer and integrator,simulation was performed by varying theequalizer transitiontimeand observing the control voltage.The simulation results are shown in Fig.14.The combination of detector and integrator can be characterized by detectorgainwith units of mV/ps,where is proportional to the transi-tion density.SimulationgivesmV/ps for this circuit。
xps电子结合能对照表1.0Bi6p1 3.9 Pt 5d10.0P 3p 18.0At 6s 24.0Kr 4s 34.0K 3s 44.0Ra 6s 52.0Tm 5s 65.7V 3s1.0Ce4f 4.0 Ir 5d10.0Ti 4s 18.0Ce 5p 24.0Sn 4d 35.0Re 5p3 44.0U 6s 52.3Yb 5s 66.0Ni 3p1.0Co3d 4.0Pm 4f 10.0V 4s 18.0Pr 5p 25.0Th 6p1 35.2Mo 4p 44.4Y 4s 52.6Fe 3p 66.0Pt 5p1 1.0Cr3d 4.5Ag 4d10.0Zr 5s 18.1Hf Ntv Ox 26.0Bi 5d3 35.2W Na2WO445.0Ta 5p1 53.0Sn loss 67.8Ta 5s1.0Fe3d 4.8Dy 5d10.5Bi 6s 18.2 C 2s 26.0He 1s 35.3Y loss 45.1As 2O3 53.4Os 4f5 68.0Ra 5d1.0Ga4p 5.0 B 2p10.7Cd 4d5 18.4Sr 4p 26.0Rn 6s 35.8W O3 45.5As Ntv Ox54.0Os 5p1 68.0Tc 4s1.0Hf5d 5.0 Br 4p11.0Kr 4p 18.7Ga 3d5 26.1Lu 5p 36.0Ce 5s 45.7Ge loss 54.2Se CdSe68.5Br 3d5 1.0In 5p 5.0Ca 3d11.0Rn 6p 18.8Ga 3d 26.8Ta 2O5 36.0Gd 5s 46.0Re 5p1 54.5Se GeSe68.5Br KBr 1.0Na3s 5.0 Er 4f 11.0Sc 4s 18.9Ga 3d3 26.8Zr 4p 36.6Sr 4s 46.3Ga loss 54.9Se 3d5 68.8Cd 4p1.0Os5d 5.0Po 6p11.1Cs 5p3 19.0Eu 5p 27.0Br 4s 36.7V 3p 46.8Re 2O7 54.9Li 1s 69.0Br 3d1.0Pb6p 5.3Se 4p11.6Cd 4d3 19.0Nd 5p 28.2Sc 3p 37.0W 5p3 46.8W 5p1 54.9Li OH 69.5Br 3d3 1.0Sn5p 5.5 Cl 3p12.0Cs 5p 19.0Pb 5d5 28.6In loss 37.5Hf 5p1 47.0Mn 3p 54.9Se 3d 70.0Re loss 1.2Yb4f7 5.8Au 5d12.0Po 6s 19.0Ra 6p 28.8Rb 4s 38.0Pm 5s 47.0Rh 4p 55.2Se GeSe271.0Pt 4f7 1.4Pd4d 6.0Ta 5d12.0Te 5s 19.0Sm 5p 29.0Dy 5p1 38.0Pr 5s 47.9Ru 4p 55.3LiCO3 71.8Mg loss1.4Rh4d 6.0 Y 4d12.0Tl 5d5 19.1Ga Sb fract29.0Er 5p 38.3Sn loss 48.0Dy 5s 55.6Nb 4s 72.6Pt 4f2.0Cd5p 6.2Hg 5d12.6Cs 5p1 19.4Ga AlAs etch29.0Lu 5p 39.0Eu 5s 48.0Rn 5d 55.7Se 3d3 72.7Al 2p3 2.0Mg3s 6.9Eu 4f 13.0Tl 5d 19.5N 2s 29.1Ge 3d5 39.0Nd 5s 48.0Sb loss 56.8Au 5p3 72.9Al 2p2.0Mo4d 7.0 O 2p13.2Rb 4p 19.7Ga P fract 29.2 F 2s 39.0Tc 4p 48.5 I 4d 56.8Lu 5s 73.1Tl 5p3 2.0Nb4d 7.0Sm 4f 13.2Rb 4p 19.7Ga As fract29.4Ge 3d 39.5Tm 5p 49.5Ho 5s 57.4Er 5s 73.2Al 2p1 2.0Nd4f 7.0Sn 5s14.0Ne 2p 20.0U 6p 29.5Ho 5p1 40.0At 5d 49.5Mg CO3 58.0Ag 4p 73.8Al N2.0Ni 3d 7.0Xe 5p14.0Sc 3d 20.2Zn loss 29.7Ge 3d3 40.0Ba 5s 49.6Mg(OH)258.0Fr 5d 74.0Au 5p1 2.0Pr 4f 7.1Lu4f714.2Hf 4f7 20.5Gd 5p 30.2Ge Se 40.0In loss 49.6Mg 2p3 58.0Hg 5p3 74.2Cr 3s2.0Sb5p 7.1Tb 4f 15.0Fr 6p 20.7Ga 2O3 30.3Na 2p 40.0Tb 5s 49.7Mg O 58.1W loss 74.3Al 2O3 2.0Sc4p 7.7Gd 4f 15.0H 1s 21.0Pb 5d3 30.9Nb 4p 40.1Te 4d 49.8Mg 2p 58.2Ti 3s 74.3Al2O3-nH2O 2.0Tc4d 7.8Dy 4f 15.0Hf 4f 21.6Ta 4f7 30.9Pb loss 40.2Re 4f7 49.9Mg 2p1 58.3Te loss 74.4Pt 4f5 2.0Ti 3d 8.0 At 6p15.0Rb 4p1 21.8Tb 5p 31.0Hf 5p3 41.0Ne 2s 50.0Mg CO3 58.6Ag 4p 74.4Al (OH)3 2.0V 3d 8.0 S 3p15.0Tl 5d3 22.0Dy 5p3 31.0Po 5d 41.0Sm 5s 50.0Sr loss 58.9Y loss 74.9Cu 3p2.0Yb 4f 8.3Ho 4f 15.7Cl 3s 22.0Pm 5p 31.3W 4f7 41.2Re 4f 50.3Zr 4s 59.0Co 3p 74.9Se loss 2.0Zr 4d 8.3Lu 5d15.9Hf 4f5 22.3Ar 3s 31.5Ge Se2 41.4Re Ntv Ox 50.4Mg NtvOx159.2As loss 75.0Cs 4d5 2.5Yb4f58.4Lu2O315.9 I 5s 22.7Ta 4f 31.7Sb 4d 41.5As3d5 50.7Os 4f7 60.8Ir 4f7 75.1Pt O2-nH2O 2.6Te5p 8.5Tm4f716.0K 3p 23.0Cs 5s 32.1Ga loss 41.8As 3d 50.7Pd 4p 61.0Mg loss 75.1W 5s2.8Cu3d 8.6Lu4f516.0P 3s 23.1O 2s 32.3W 4f 42.0As S 50.7Sc 3s 62.0Ir 4f 75.5Al Ntv Ox 2.8Mn3d 8.9 Ar 3p16.0S 3s 23.3Ho 5p3 32.4Ti 3p 42.0Th 6s 50.9Mg reoxid62.0Ir O2 76.0Cs 4d2.8Re5d 9.0 F 2p16.9In 4d 23.3Y 4p 32.6Ta 5p3 42.1Ca 3s 51.0Ir 5p3 62.0Ir 5p1 77.8Ni loss 2.8Si 3p 9.0Ru 4d17.0La 5p 23.4Ta S2 33.0La 5s 42.1Cr 3p 51.0Mg NtvOx262.0Mo 4s 78.3In 4p2.8W 5d 9.0Sb 5s17.0Th 6p3 23.5Ca 3p 33.2Ge O2 42.2As 3d3 51.4Os 4f 62.0Xe 4d 79.0Cs 4d33.0Ge4p 9.0 Si 3s17.0Xe 5s 23.5Yb 5p 33.4Lu 5p 42.7Re 4f5 51.5Pt 5p3 62.3Hf 5s 80.0Ru 4s3.0 I 5p 9.1As 4p17.1Hf O2 23.8Bi 5d 33.5W 4f5 42.7T a loss 51.5Mg reoxid62.7Ir Ntv Ox80.7Rh 4s3.0Pb6s 9.7Zn 3d17.7Pb 5d 24.0Ta 4f5 33.8Ge Ntv Ox43.0As 2S3 51.7Re loss 63.3Na 2s 81.0Hg 5p1 3.2Bi6p310.0Ba 5p17.9Ga InAs (ar)24.0Bi 5d5 34.0Fr 6s 44.0Os 5p3 51.9Mg NtvOx363.8Ir 4f5 81.8Re 5s82.0Br loss101.8Si Almand.119.4Ga loss 137.8Pb 2O3 158.9Y 2(CO3)3 181.0Ge 3s 204.1Nb NbO 235.3Mg Auger 82.0Mn 3s 101.9Hg 4f 119.4Tl CO3 137.8Se Auger159.2Bi Ntv Ox 181.1Zr 3d3 205.0Nb 3d3 237.0Pm 4p3 82.7Pb 5p3 102.0Pt 5s 120.0Hg 5s 138.3Pb 4f 159.6Ho 4d5 181.2Br 3p3 205.1S loss 237.6Ta 4d3 84.0Au 4f7 102.0Si 3N4 120.0Tl 4f 138.5Ge loss 160.0Bi 5s 182.0Br 3p 205.8Lu 4d3 237.9Rb 3p3 84.0Ba 4d3 102.6Si O 121.0Pm 4d138.8Pb Ntv Ox161.2S PbS 182.0Fr 5p1 206.1Nb NbO2238.0Cs 4s84.7Ba 4d 102.9Zn loss 121.1 I 4p 139.0Pb CO3161.3Ho 2O3 182.1Yb 4d5 207.0Ce 4p3 238.0Rn 4f85.0Au 4f 103.0Ga 3p 122.0Ge 3p3 139.0Xe 4p 161.5S CuS, TaS2182.4Zr O2 207.0Xe 4s 238.9Mo loss85.0Th 5d5 103.0Ga 3p3 122.1Tl 4f5 139.5Zn 3s 161.7Se 3p3 182.8Er Auger 207.3P loss 241.8Ar 2p386.0Ba 4d5 103.0Pt loss 122.4Cu 3s 140.0Fr 5p3 161.9S HgS 183.7Si loss 207.4Nb Nb2O5242.0Ar 2p86.9 Kr 3d5 103.0Si O2 122.4In 4s 140.3Gd 4d5 162.2S MoS2 184.0Po 4f 207.4Nb Ntv Ox243.1W 4d587.2Kr 3d 103.0U 5d3 127.0Rn 5p3 140.7As 3p3 162.3Bi 4f5 184.9Yb 2O3 208.0Kr 3p3 243.9Ar 2p187.7Au 4f5 103.5Si O2-nH2O128.2Eu 4d5 141.2Gd2O3 162.4S Na2S2O3185.3S loss 210.0At 4f 245.0Nd 4p188.0 Al loss 103.7Al loss 128.3Tl loss 141.7Pb 4f5 162.6S FeS2 185.5 I 4s 210.8Hf 4d5 248.0Ba 4s 88.1Au2O3103.9Hg 4f5 128.6P InP etch142.0As 3p 163.9S 2p3 187.8Br 3p1 210.9Dy Auger248.0Rb 3p1 88.2Kr 3d3 104.0La 4d 129.0Ge 3p1 145.9Tb 4d5 164.0Rn 5p1 187.9 B CrB 213.0 B loss 249.6S loss 88.2Pd 4s 104.0Po 5p3 129.0P InP etch146.0Sr loss 164.0S 2p 188.0 B 1s 213.0La 4p1 250.0Sm 4p388.3Zn 3p 106.3Pb 5p1 129.0Sm 4d 147.0As 3p1 164.0Sr loss 188.0B MoB, LaB6214.0Rn 5s 253.0Mo loss89.0Os 5s 107.0Ga 3p1 129.3P GaP etch148.0At 5p1 165.1S 2p1 188.1 B WB 217.5Cl loss 253.0Tc 3d89.1Mg 2s 108.0Au 5s 130.0Be loss 148.0Pb 5s 166.6S Na2SO3 188.2 B Ni3B 218.0Pr 4p3 253.0Tc 3d590.6Sn 4p 109.7Rb 3d5 130.0Ho Auger 148.5Tb F3 167.3Er 4d5 188.9 B Ntv Ox 220.5Se Auger254.0Ra 5s91.0Fe 3s 109.7Rb OAc 130.1P 2p3 148.8Al loss 167.3Se 3p1 189.0P 2s 221.3Hf 4d3 255.0Br 3s92.8 Bi 5p3 109.9Cd 4s 130.6P 2p 149.8Pb loss 167.6Si loss 189.2Tm Auger 223.0Ce 4p1 255.0Eu 4p393.0Th 5d3 110.0Ce 4d 131.4P 2p1 149.9P loss 168.5Er 2O3 190.8 B N 225.7As 3s 255.0Pm 4p194.0 U 5d5 110.0Rb 3d 132.0Po 5p1 149.9Tb 3O7 168.5S Na2SO4 190.9Yb 4d3 226.1Ta 4d5 255.1Se Auger94.6 Tl 5p1 110.5Ni 3s 132.7Ga loss 150.5Si 2s 168.5S Na2S2O3194.0 B 2O3 228.0Mo 3d5 255.6W 4d395.2 Ir 5s 110.6Mg loss 133.4Al loss 152.0Zn loss 168.6P loss 195.0At 5s 228.0Nd 4p3 257.0Tc 3d396.0Br loss111.2Rb 3d3 133.6Si loss 152.3Dy 4d5 168.8Y loss 195.0U 5p3 229.0S 2s 260.0Re 4d597.0Ag 4s 111.8Be 1s 133.7Sr 3d5 152.9Sb 4s 169.1Te 4s 196.0Lu 4d5 229.4Mo O2 (?)260.0U 5p198.7Er Auger112.6Te 4p 133.7Sr CO3 153.0Ra 5p3 169.3Er 4d3 196.1Zr loss 229.5Mo 3d 261.0As Auger99.8 Si 2p3 113.6Be O 134.0Sr 3d 155.8Y 3d5 173.0Ba 4p 197.0La 4p3 229.7Mo S2 261.5Tb Auger 99.8Mg loss 114.7Be Ntv Ox 134.9Sm 2O3 156.1Dy 2O3 173.3Ga loss 197.5Ge Auger 229.9Se 3s 264.3Rb loss 99.9Hg 4f7 115.0At 5p3 135.5Sr 3d3 156.6Y 2O3 175.4Tm 4d 198.4Se Auger 230.0As Auger267.5S loss 100.1Si 2p 115.0Pr 4d 135.6Eu 2O3 157.0Bi 4f7 175.9Tb loss 198.7Cl 2p 231.1Mo 3d3 267.7W loss 100.2Si O 115.5Se Auger 136.8Pb O2 157.0Bi 4f 176.3Tm 2O3 198.9Cl 2p3 232.6Mo Ntv Ox268.0Fr 4f 100.4Si 2p1 116.2Si loss 136.8Rb loss 157.0Bi loss 177.0Po 5s 198.9Cl MCl 232.9Tb Auger268.4Sr 3p3 100.4Si C 117.7Tl 4f7 136.9Pb 4f7 157.0Y 3d 177.0Th 5p3 199.8Cl C-Cl 233.0Kr 3p1 270.0Cl 2s 100.6Sb 4p 117.9Al 2s 137.0Tl 5s 157.9Y3d3 178.7Se Auger 200.0Ra 5p1 233.1Mo O3 271.3Gd 4p3 100.7Hg O 118.0Nd 4d 137.1Sn 4s 158.5Cs 4p3 178.7Zr 3d5 200.5Cl 2p1 234.0Fr 5s 273.5Re 4d3 100.9Co 3s 118.2Bi 5p1 137.5Pb O 158.8Bi 2O3 179.9Zr 3d 201.4Nb 3d 234.0Pr 4p1 274.5Er Auger 100.9Hg S 118.2Tl 2O3 137.6Pb 3O4 158.9Ga 3s 180.9Cs 4p1 202.3Nb 3d5 234.0Th 5p1 275.0La 4s278.7Sr 3p1 301.6Mg Auger340.3Pd 3d3 382.0U 4f 412.7Lu 4p1 460.2Gd Auger515.0Eu Auger 560.0Pd 3p1 279.0Os 4d5 305.0Pr 4s 341.4Ge Auger 384.9Tl 4d5 420.4Ta loss 462.5Ta 4p1 515.6V 2p 560.9Ti 2s 280.1Ru 3d5 305.5K loss 342.0Th 4f5 386.0Tm 4p1 421.6Mo loss 463.1In loss515.9V 2O3 562.8Ta 4s 281.0Ru Ntv Ox 307.2Rh 3d5 343.0Ho 4p1 388.0U 4f5 423.3W 4p3 464.0Bi 4d3 517.1V 2O5 565.0Na Auger 281.1Ru O2 308.5Rh Ntv Ox343.0Zr 3p1 388.3Se Auger 424.5N loss 466.1Ru 3p3 517.3V O2 567.0Rn 4d3 282.2Ru 3d 308.9Rh 2O3 346.5Pd loss 389.8K loss 425.0As Auger 466.8Nb 3s 518.5Re 4p1 568.1Cu Auger 282.6 C VC 308.9Sr loss 346.6Ca 2p 390.3Yb 4p1 425.0Tc 3p3 468.0As Auger519.0As Auger 570.9Ga Auger 282.9 C NbC 309.4Rh 3d 347.1Ca O 391.7Ga Auger 425.5Pb loss 468.5Tm 4s 519.6Pt 4p3 572.5Te CdTe 283.0 C T aC 310.4Ge Auger347.2Mg Auger 391.7Mg Auger 429.6Zr 3s 471.0Os 4p3 519.7V 2p1 572.9Te 3d5 283.0Sm 4p1 311.0Tb 4p1 347.8Ca UHV Ox393.8Mo 3p3 433.0Ge Auger 471.5Zn Auger521.3Rh 3p1 573.0Zn Auger 284.0Tb Auger 311.1Y 3p1 349.0Sm 4s 393.8Y 3s 434.3Pb 4d3 473.0Po 4d5 524.0Na Auger 573.6Ag 3p3 284.2Ru 3d3 311.9Ir 4d3 353.0Au 4d3 395.6Tb 4s 436.0Ho 4s 474.0Se Auger524.8Ge Auger 574.1Cr B 284.5 C HOPG 311.9Rh 3d3 357.2Sr 3s 397.0N CrN 437.3Hf 4p1 474.7In loss528.2Sb 3d5 574.3Cr 2p3 284.5Se Auger 312.5Mg Auger357.9Ge Auger 397.1N AlN 437.8Ca 2s 480.8Yb 4s 529.4O Ag2O, NiO575.0Cr 2p 285.0 C 1s 313.0 C loss357.9Mg Auger 397.3N TiN 440.0Bi 4d5 484.9Sn 3d5 529.6Sb 2O3 575.5Cr Ntv Ox 285.4 C C-OR 314.5Pt 4d5 358.3Hg 4d5 397.6N Si3N4 443.6Ge Auger 486.3Sn O 529.8O MgO 575.6Cr 2O3 286.0Cl loss 315.1Se Auger358.6Se Auger 398.4N 1s 443.8In 3d5 486.4Ga Auger530.5O NaOH 576.5Te O2 286.0Tb 4p3 315.2Ho 4p3 359.0As Auger 398.4N BN 444.3In 2O3 487.3Sn O2 531.1O Al2O3 576.6Cr Ntv Ox 287.0 C C-Cl 319.5Ar 2s 359.2Lu 4p3 398.4Sc 2p3 444.4In Ntv Ox488.4Ru 3p1 531.1Sb 2O5 577.0Fr 4d5 287.8 C C=O, C-F 320.0Nd 4s 359.3Zr loss 399.8Se Auger 444.8In P fract488.8Ho Auger531.8O 1s LiOH 577.0Te 3d 288.9 C COOR 320.8Er 4p3 360.8Nb 3p3 399.9Tm Auger 444.9In GaAs 490.5W 4p1 532.3Pd 3p3 577.2Hg 4p3 289.0Eu 4p1 321.2K loss 363.0Eu 4s 400.6Ta 4p3 445.0Tc 3p1 493.3Sn 3d3 532.5Ga Auger 577.7Cr Ntv Ox 289.0Kr 3s 321.8Rb 3s 363.6Ga Auger 401.0Sc 2p 445.2In Ntv OH494.6Zn Auger532.5O B2O3, SiO2578.2Ir 4p1 289.4 C MCO3 322.0U 5s 363.7Dy Auger 401.9Sc 2O3 445.9In Ntv CO3494.8Ir 4p3 532.6Sb 3d 579.5Cr O3 290.0Ce 4s 323.6Mg Auger366.0Er 4p1 402.2N H4 446.4Re 4p3 496.3Rh 3p3 532.9O HgO 579.8Ge Auger 290.6Gd 4p1 326.8Ge Auger366.8Ag 2S 403.2Sc 2p1 446.9Pb loss 497.1Se Auger533.0At 4d3 580.0Cr KCrO4 290.8C C-CO3, CF2329.4Zr 3p3 367.7Ag O 404.1Cd O 447.3Ga Auger 497.2Sn 3d 533.8Hf 4s 581.8Zn Auger 291.7 C pi->pi* 331.0Pm 4s 368.2Ag Ag, Ag2O405.0Cd 3d5 448.0In 3d 497.4Na Auger536.4Na Auger 583.3Te 3d3 292.7 C CF3 331.2Pt 4d3 368.5Mg Auger 405.1Cd Te 450.3Er 4s 498.0Sc 2s 537.6Sb 3d3 583.5Cr 2p1 292.9K 2p3 KX 332.0Dy 4p1 370.0Eu Auger 405.4Cd Se, CO3451.4In 3d3 499.0Sn loss 541.0Rn 4d5 586.2Er Auger 293.0Os 4d3 332.3Tm 4p3 371.0Ag 3d 405.5Tl 4d3 453.0Se Auger 500.0Po 4d3 544.0Tc 3s 586.9Tm Auger 294.0Th 5s 333.0Th 4f7 371.0As Auger 406.7Cd(OH)2 453.9Ti 2p3 503.8Ga Auger544.2Sb loss 588.9Ga Auger 295.0K 2p 333.1Mg Auger374.2Ag 3d3 407.2N O3 454.3Na Auger 505.0Mo 3s 546.3Au 4p3 591.0Ru 3s 295.6Dy 4p3 334.0Au 4d5 376.0Gd 4s 408.0Cd 3d 455.1Ti O 507.0At 4d5 548.0Os 4p1 593.6W 4s 295.7K 2p1 335.0Pd 3d5 376.2Nb 3p1 411.0Tb Auger 456.0Ti 2p 507.5Sn loss548.1Cu Auger 600.0Gd Auger 296.2Ir 4d5 335.4Pd Ntv Ox377.2K 2s 411.3Mo 3p1 457.4Ti 2O3 507.9Lu 4s 552.4Na Auger 600.7Te loss 296.2Se Auger 337.0Pd O 377.3U 4f7 411.7Cd 3d3 458.0As Auger 512.1V 2p3 553.2O loss 603.0Fr 4d3 299.0Ra 4f 337.5Pd 3d 377.8Hg 4d3 412.0Pb 4d5 458.2Ti CaTiO3513.2Na Auger553.3Sb loss 603.0Ra 4d5 299.2Y 3p3 339.0As Auger379.5Hf 4p3 412.3Ge Auger 458.7Ti O2 513.5Ga Auger557.1Tb Auger 604.0Ag 3p1 300.6Sr loss 339.8Yb 4p3 381.0Mg Auger 412.6Dy 4s 460.0Ti 2p1 513.9Dy Auger558.5Zn Auger 609.1Pt 4p1609.6Tl 4p3 675.0Xe 3d 724.0Pt 4s 819.7Te 3p3 915.9Cr Auger999.0 O Auger 1107.0N Auger1243.8Pd Auger 617.0Cd 3p3 676.0Th 4d5 724.8Cs 3d5 826.0In 3s 918.6Cs Auger1003.0Nd 3d3 1108.0Sm 3d3 1245.9Tl Auger 619.0 I 3d 676.7In loss 724.8Cs Cl 830.5Co Auger925.3Co 2s 1003.6Cr Auger 1109.8Cd Auger1249.0Ge 2p1 619.2 I 3d5 677.9Tm Auger724.9Cs2O:SiO2833.0Ce Auger929.0Rn 4p1 1004.8Te 3s 1112.9Sb Auger1250.8Pt Auger 619.2 I KI 679.0Bi 4p3 736.0U 4d5 833.0F Auger930.9 I 3p1 1008.7Ni 2s 1116.6Ga 2p3 1259.8Ru a 623.2Ni Auger680.2Hg 4p1 740.0At 4p3 835.2La 2O3 931.7Cu Cl 1013.0O Auger 1117.7Sc Auger1264.2Mo Auger 625.2Re 4s 682.0Sm Auger740.0Cs 3d3 836.0La 3d5 931.8Pr 3d5 1014.7V Auger 1126.0Eu 3d5 1265.0Rh Auger 626.1Ho Auger682.4Xe 3d3 748.0Ho Auger 836.5Te loss 932.0Cs Auger1020.3Te Auger 1128.0La 3p3 1265.8Ge loss 626.4V 2s 685.1 F CaF2749.0Cs loss837.2La B6 932.3Cu S 1021.7Zn O 1128.9Ag Auger1272.0Ce 3p1 627.8Rh 3s 685.7 F 1s 756.2Sn 3p1 837.9Co Auger932.4Cu 2O 1021.8Zn 2p3 1129.0Sn Auger1272.0U 4p1 628.2Cu Auger685.7 F LiF 758.0Nd Auger 841.1Gd Auger932.6Cu 2p3 1022.3Zn S 1131.8Te Auger1275.7Tb 3d3 629.4Ga Auger688.9 F CF2 761.1Pb 4p1 844.2Cs Auger932.9Cu 2O 1022.5Sb Auger 1135.0Ag Auger1296.2Dy 3d5 630.6 I 3d3 690.9Ir 4s 761.2Au 4s 846.0Fe Auger933.9Cu O 1027.0Pm 3d5 1137.0Ba 3p1 1298.6Mo Auger 634.5Er Auger695.7Cr 2s 761.8Cs loss 846.7Tl 4s 934.0Xe 3p3 1027.2Cr Auger 1141.0Xe 3s 1303.3Mg 1s 635.0Cu Auger697.4Co Auger763.4Gd Auger 851.0Po 4p1 934.6Cu(OH)21031.0Zn loss 1143.4Ga 2p1 1304.0Cl Auger 636.0Ra 4d3 700.3Tb Auger766.4Sb 3p3 851.6Mn Auger936.6Bi 4s 1031.9Sb Auger 1148.9Sc Auger1307.0Hf Auger 638.7Mn 2p3 702.0Ne Auger768.0Rn 4p3 852.6Ni 2p3 940.7Cu CT 1034.9Ti Auger 1151.0In Auger1315.3Mg loss 640.4Ni Auger703.1In 3p1 768.6Mn 2s 852.9Ni B 942.2Cu CT 1042.0At 4s 1153.0Fr 4s 1316.1Pt Auger 640.5Ga Auger703.5 F loss 770.2Sn loss 853.0La 3d3 943.8Cu CT 1043.0U 4p3 1155.0Eu 3d3 1318.0Ta Auger 640.9Mn Mn3O4705.0Po 4p3 772.8Cd 3s 853.8Ni O 944.0Sb 3s 1044.8Zn 2p1 1159.4Pd Auger1319.0Nb Auger 641.0Mn MnO 705.2Ni Auger777.7Ni Auger 854.3Ni Ntv Ox944.1Mn Auger1049.6Sn Auger 1170.0Th 4p1 1321.6Lu Auger 641.0Mn Mn2O3706.7Fe 2p3 778.3Co 2p3 855.4Ni(OH)2945.5Sb Auger1052.0Pm 3d3 1184.0Ce 3p3 1322.3Re Auger 641.6Mn MnO2707.2Fe S2 779.0U 4d3 859.0F Auger952.2Cu 2p1 1055.3V Auger 1185.5Rh Auger1323.9As 2p3 642.4Au 4p1 707.5Ga Auger779.2Co O 863.0Ne 1s 952.2Pr 3d3 1055.5Zn loss 1186.8Gd 2O31324.5Mo Auger 643.5 I loss 709.8Fe O 779.5Co 3O4 869.9Ni 2p1 952.5Cs Auger1058.0Ra 4p1 1186.9Gd 3d5 1326.3Mg loss643.6Pb 4p3 710.4Fe2O3-g780.0Ba 3d5 870.5Cs Auger959.5Cr Auger1058.0Sn Auger 1190.0Ag Auger1334.0Pt Auger 645.0Mn 2p 710.5Fe 3O4780.0Ba CO3, OAc870.7T e 3p1 959.9Te Auger1063.0Ba 3p3 1194.0Ca Auger1335.1Dy 3d3 647.5Cu Auger710.8Fe2O3-a780.6Co (OH)2 875.0 I 3p3 965.0Th 4p3 1067.7Ti Auger 1196.4Zn 2s 1337.7Zr Auger 649.7Mn 2p1 711.5Fe OOH780.9Co Ntv Ox 878.1F Auger969.3Te Auger1071.8Na2O-SiO21208.0Ra 4s 1352.9Ho 3d5 651.0Cd 3p1 711.6 F loss 782.2Sb loss 879.0Ra 4p3 970.4 I Auger1071.9Na OH 1213.0Pd Auger1358.7Er 3d5 652.2Zn Auger712.2Ni Auger784.0Fe Auger 882.0Ce O2 976.8V Auger1072.0 I 3s 1217.0Cs 3s 1359.5As 2p1 655.0Eu Auger713.0Co Auger793.7Co 2p1 884.0Ce 3d5 979.7O Auger1072.0Na 1s 1217.0Ge 2p3 1363.6Yb Auger 655.7Ga Auger713.0Th 4d3 795.2Ba 3d3 885.2Sn 3s 980.0Fr 4p1 1072.0Na Cl 1217.0Ru Auger1365.5Mo Auger 657.2 I loss 714.1In loss 797.0Pr Auger 886.0At 4p1 981.0Nd 3d5 1076.4In Auger 1219.6Gd 3d3 1367.1Tm Auger 658.0Os 4s 714.6Sn 3p3 802.0Ba loss 886.5Ba Auger981.8 I Auger1081.0Sm 3d5 1221.4C Auger1368.2Zr Auger 659.4Zn Auger715.1Er Auger803.6Hg 4s 888.0Fe Auger994.6Te Auger1084.0In Auger 1225.0Ag Auger1373.3Tb 3p3 665.2In 3p3 719.5Cu Auger805.0Bi 4p1 888.4Te loss 995.0Po 4s 1092.5Te Auger 1234.7Rh Auger1378.9Gd 3p3 665.3Ho Auger719.6Ag 3s 808.9Tb Auger 891.7Pb 4s 995.0Sb Auger1097.0Rn 4s 1234.8Ge loss1390.9Pb Auger 669.7Xe 3d5 719.9Fe 2p1 810.0Fr 4p3 898.0Ba Auger996.0Xe 3p1 1097.2Cu 2s 1235.0K Auger1392.6Zr Auger 671.5Pd 3s 721.5Tl 4p1 812.6Sb 3p1 900.3Mn Auger997.3Cr Auger1102.8Ti Auger 1242.0Pr 3p3 1393.3Ho 3d3817.0Ba loss 902.0Ce 3d3 998.0Cs 3p3 1103.1Cd Auger 1242.1Tb 3d5 1395.0Si Auger。
电源技术公司Eaton的5P UPS系列技术参数说明说明书
TechnicalSpecificationsEaton 5P UPS technical specifications (550 - 3000 VA models)*Model overviewCatalog number Power rating(VA/watts) Input OutputDimensions(HxWxD, in.)Weight(lb.)5P Tower 120V, 50/60 Hz Models5P750 750/600 5-15P (6 ft) 8 x 5-15R 9.1 x 5.9 x 13.6 24 5P1000 1000/770 5-15P (6 ft) 8 x 5-15R 9.1 x 5.9 x 13.6 25 5P1500 1440/1100 5-15P (6 ft) 8 x 5-15R 9.1 x 5.9 x 17.5 36 5P2200 1950/1920 5-20P (8 ft) 4 x 5-15R, 4 x 5-20R 3.4 x 17.4 x 20.6 595P3000 3000/2700 L5-30P (10 ft) 4 x 5-15R, 4 x 5-20R,1 x L5-30R 3.4 x 17.4 x 25.4 815P Tower 208/230V, 50/60 Hz Models5P850G 850/600 C14 6 x C13 9.1 x 5.9 x 13.6 23 5P1550G 1550/1100 C14 8 x C13 9.1 x 5.9 x 17.5 34 5P Rackmount 1U 120V, 50/60 Hz Models5P550R 550/420 5-15P (6 ft) 5 x 5-15R 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 14.3 20 5P750R 750/600 5-15P (6 ft) 5 x 5-15R 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 20.0 31 5P1000R 1000/770 5-15P (6 ft) 5 x 5-15R 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 20.0 33 5P1500R 1440/1100 5-15P (6 ft) 5 x 5-15R 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 21.8 44 5P Rackmount 1U 208/230V, 50/60 Hz Models5P850GR 850/600 C14 6 x C13 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 20.0 30 5P1550GR 1550/1100 C14 8 x C13 1.7 (1U) x 17.2 x 21.8 43 5P Rackmount 2U 120V, 50/60 Hz Models5P1500RT 1440/1440 5-15P (8 ft) 8 x 5-15R 3.4 x 17.4 x 20.6 65 5P2200RT 1950/1920 5-20P (8 ft) 4 x 5-15R, 4 x 5-20R 3.4 x 17.4 x 20.6 655P3000RT 3000/2700 L5-30P (10 ft) 4 x 5-15R, 4 x 5-20R,1 x L5-30R 3.4 x 17.4 x 25.4 87Runtime data**Load (watts) 50 100 200 400 600 700 800 1000 1500 2500 5P550R 3719 9 35P750(R)5P850G(R)40 19 8 45P1000(R) 51 25 11 7 65P1500(R)5P1550G(R)47 20 12 10 8 55P1500RT 56 26 15 11 9 7 35P2200(RT) 59 33 20 16 13 8 45P3000(RT) 41 27 22 18 14 9 4 **Runtimes are displayed in minutes. Runtimes are approximate and may vary with equipment, configuration, battery age, temperature, etc. View interactive runtime graphs at /5P and /5Prm.Additional specificationsGeneral 5P Tower5P RackmountGraphical LCD Graphical display. UPS status in a single viewLEDs 3 status-indicating LEDsTopology Lineinteractive Configuration Tower Rack 1U & Rack 2UColor Black and silverDiagnostics Full system self test at power upWarranty 3 years including batteries with product registrationRail kit None 4-post rail kit (included)Optional 2-post rail kit:∙ 1U(R): RK2PA∙ 2U(RT): 103007018-5591Remote emergency poweroffROO and RPO: Rear connector for remote on/off and power offContents (Ships with the following items) UPSUser manual CDIntelligent Power Software CDQuick start guideUSB cableRS-232 serial cableG-Models only:2 IEC-to-IEC jumper cables2200/3000 models only:Phillips head screw driverTower pedestalsUPSUser manual CDIntelligent Power Software Suite CDQuick start guide4-post rail kit (5P550R ears only)Extra wall mounting ear (5P1500R & 5P1550GR)USB cableRS-232 serial cableG-Models only:2 IEC-to-IEC jumper cablesOutput cable locking systemInput cable locking system2200/3000 models only:Tower pedestalsPhillips head screw driverElectrical inputNominal voltage 120V: 100/120/127V230V(G models): 200/208/220/230/240VDefault voltage Low Voltage: 120VHigh Voltage: 230VInput voltage range 120V: 89-151 Vac208V: 160-262 Vac230V: 160-294 VacFrequency 50/60Hz Frequency range 60 Hz: 47–70 Hz50 Hz: 56.5–70 HzElectrical outputOn utility voltage regulation 120V: 102-132 Vac 230V: 184-256 VacOn battery voltageregulation-10%, +6% of nominalEfficiency Normal or line mode: >96% above 60% loadFrequency tolerance ±0.1HzOver current protection Electronic current limitLoad segments Two load segments for individual controlBatteryBattery description Sealed, lead-acid; maintenance freeBattery management ABM technology; 3-stage charging extends battery service life by 50% and providesadvance warning for battery replacementBattery replacement Hot-swappable internal batteriesStart on battery Cold-start enabled; first cold start is always forbiddenCommunicationsUser interface LCD graphical display. UPS status in a single view.LEDs 3 status-indicating LEDsCommunication ports RS-232 (RJ45) portUSB port as standard (HID)6-foot RS-232 and USB cables includedCommunications card slot Network Card-MS (optional)Relay-MS (optional)Power managementEaton Intelligent Power Software Suite CD (included)softwareEnvironmental & standardsRoHS compliance YesSurge protection IEEE ANSI C62.41 Cat B2Safety conformance 120V: UL1778; UL497AEMC compliance 120V: FCC Part 15 subpart B Class B120V (2200/3000): FCC Part 15 subpart B Class AEMC markings IEC 62040-2 C1-C2 / EN 55024 / CISPR22 Class B / FCC part 15 Class B2200/3000IEC 62040-2 C1-C2 / EN 55024 / CISPR22 Class A / FCC part 15 Class AAudible noise < 45 dB at 1 meter (3000VA: < 50 dB at 1 meter)Operating temperature 0 to 35°C (32°F to 95°F) 5P1500RT, 2200 & 3000: 0 to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)Safety conformance CE / cULus / NOMStorage temperature -15°C to 40°C (5°F to 104°F)Relative humidity 0 to 95% non-condensingAltitude Up to 10,000 ft (3000m) without de-ratingHeat dissipation (battery fully charged)5P UPS Model Line mode, BTU/hr Battery mode, BTU/hr5P550R 72 3445P750/5P850G/82 389 5P750R/5P850GR5P1000/5P1000R 106 5005P1500/5P1550G113 714 5P1500R/5P1550GR5P1500RT 305 20475P2200/5P2200RT 305 20475P3000/5P3000RT 305 2047*Due to continuing product improvement programs, specifications are subject to change without notice.。
Eaton 5P1150I 无交流电源备用电源产品说明说明书
Eaton 5P1150IEaton 5P USV, 1150 VA, 770 W, Eingang: C14, Ausgänge: (8)C13, TowerAllgemeine spezifikationUSV Eaton 5P5P1150I743172042842345 mm230 mm150 mm11.12 kg CE-KennzeichnungTUVUL 1778IEC/EN 62040-1 IEC/EN 62040-2 CEEACcTUVus USVProduktname Katalognummer UPC Produkt Länge/Tiefe Produkthöhe Produktbreite Produktgewicht Einhaltung(en) Zertifikat(e)Produkttyp60 HzSinuswelle770 W0,7TowerSchwarz/SilberNeinC14150 V240 V50 HzEaton Intelligent Power Manager Eaton Intelligent Power ProtectorAuswechselbarBleisäure, wartungsfrei (austauschbar)97Eaton 5P UPS Quick Start Guide EC DoC Eaton 5PSekundäre Frequenz max Ausgangswellenform LeistungAusg.leist.faktor FormfaktorGehäuseBeinhaltet Netzwerkkarte Eingangsanschluss Eingangsspannung – min Ausgangsspannung – max Sekundäre Frequenz min Softwarekompatibilität Batteriewechsel BatterietypEffizienzBesondere Merkmale Benutzerhandbücher ZertifizierungsberichteAutomatische Spannungsregelung (Automatic VoltageRegulation/AVR) Energieeffizienz, Reduzierung von Energie- und KühlkostenReiner Sinusausgang1 Steckplatz für optionale Kommunikationskarte (Netzwerkmanagementkarte, Relaiskarte oder Netzwerk- und Industriekarte)Mit virtuellen Umgebungen (VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix Xen, Redhat) kompatibel Vollständig mit der Eaton Intelligent Power Manager-Software vernetzt1 USB-Anschluss + 1 serielle Schnittstelle Erweitertes Batteriemanagement (ABM, Advanced Battery Management) für längere Batterielebensdauer Grafisches LCD-Display der nächsten GenerationHot-Swap-fähige Batterien Dezentraler Neustart und Laufzeitoptimierung mit zwei steuerbaren Steckdoseneinheiten Dezentrales Ein/Aus und dezentrale Stromabschaltungs-AnschlüsseBauformFreistehendes ModellAusgangsspannung – min200 VFarbeSchwarz/SilberErweiterte AkkukapazitätNoAusgangsspannungsbereich 230 V (+6%/-10%)TopologieLine-InteraktivBTU WertOnline: 158Laufzeit auf Halblast11.5 minEingangsnennspannung230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V)Eingangsfrequenz-Bereich47–70 Hz (50-Hz-System), 56,5–70 Hz (60-Hz-System), 40 Hz im Modus mit geringer EmpfindlichkeitEingangsspannung – max294 VSpannungsartACPhase (Ausg.)1AkkumanagementABM oder Konstantlademethode (vom Benutzer wählbar), automatischer Batterietest, TiefentladungsschutzAutomatische AusschaltfunktionJaAnzahl der Ausgänge C138VA Wert1150 VAPotentialfreier SchaltkontaktJaSteckdosen(8) C13Phase (Ein.)1VerpackungsinhaltUSB-KabelSerielles Kabel(2) IEC-IEC KabelSchnellstartanleitungSicherheitshinweise,Geräuschpegel< 40 dB bei 1 MeterEinspeisungstyp1LaufzeitgrafikAnzeige des LaufzeitgraphsBenutzeroberfläche Multilinguales Grafik-LCD DisplayAnzahl Batterien2Spannung230 VTemperaturbereich0-90 % nicht kondensierendEthernet-SchnittstelleNeinKommunikationUSB-Port (HID-konform) serieller Anschluss RS-232 Mini-Klemmleiste fürRemote On/Off und Remote Power OffKontakte (2 Ausgänge, Optokoppler, RJ)Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit0-90 % nicht kondensierendRack-Montage-BausatzNeinAusgangsfrequenz50/60 HzLaufzeit bei Volllast4 minSchnittstellentypsonstigePrimäre Frequenz - min47 HzBatterieleistung12 V / 9 AhEaton Konzern plcEaton-Haus30 Pembroke-StraßeDublin 4, Irland© 2023 Eaton. AlleRechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetragene Marke. Alle anderen Warenzeichen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmedia USV-Anlage230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V)Steckplatz für optionale Kommunikationskarte 160-294 V (einstellbar auf 150 V - 294 V)50-60 Hz70 Hz2000 mTypAusgangsnennspannungErweiterungssteckplätzeEingangsspannungsbereichNennfrequenzPrimäre Frequenz - maxHöhe。
Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook ("Handling Precautions"/"Derating Concept and Methods") and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).
Fig. 8.4 VDS - VGS
Fig. 8.5 VDSS - Ta
Fig. 8.6 RDS(ON) - ID
2012-09-10 Rev.1.0
Fig. 8.7 RDS(ON) - Ta
Fig. 8.8 IDR - VDS
Fig. 8.9 C - VDS
IP5306The IP5306 is a highly integrated power management chip designed for applications in electronic devices such as mobile phones and portable devices. It provides a wide range of power management functions, including battery charging, DC-DC conversion, and power distribution. In this document, we will explore the features and capabilities of the IP5306.OverviewThe IP5306 is a single-chip power management solution that combines multiple features into a compact package. It not only simplifies the power management design but also saves space in the overall system. Some of the key features of theIP5306 include:1.Battery charging: The IP5306 supports both linear and switchingcharging modes, allowing for efficient charging of various types of batteries. It also provides battery protection features to ensure safe and reliable charging.2.DC-DC conversion: The chip integrates a buck-boost converter thatallows for DC-DC conversion with high efficiency. This enables the system tooperate at different voltage levels and maximize the utilization of the available power.3.Power distribution: The IP5306 incorporates multiple power outputs,including VOUT1, VOUT2, and VOUT3, which can be independently controlled and used to drive various components in the system. This flexibility in power distribution makes it suitable for a wide range of applications.4.System control: The chip features an I2C interface that allows for easycontrol and monitoring of the device. This interface enables the system toadjust the charging and power distribution parameters dynamically, providing better power management capabilities.Battery ChargingThe IP5306 supports both linear and switching charging modes, depending on the application requirements. In the linear charging mode, the chip maintains a constant current flow to charge the battery, while in the switching charging mode, it adjusts the charging current and voltage dynamically to optimize the charging efficiency.The chip also provides multiple battery protection mechanisms, including overvoltage protection (OVP), overcurrent protection (OCP), and thermal regulation. These features ensure safe and reliable charging while prolonging the battery lifespan.DC-DC ConversionThe buck-boost converter integrated into the IP5306 allows for efficient DC-DC conversion with a wide input voltage range. It can step up or step down the input voltage to match the required output voltage of the system components. This flexibility in voltage regulation enables the system to operate at different power levels while maximizing power utilization.The converter also incorporates features such as overcurrent protection and short-circuit protection to ensure the safety and stability of the system during operation.Power DistributionThe IP5306 provides multiple power outputs, including VOUT1, VOUT2, and VOUT3, which can be independently controlled. These outputs can be used to drive various system components, such as displays, sensors, and communication modules. The chip allows for easy configuration of the output voltage levels to match specific requirements.The power distribution capability of the IP5306 makes it suitable for various applications, from small portable devices to larger systems with multiple components.System ControlThe IP5306 features an I2C interface that enables easy control and monitoring of the chip. Through this interface, the system can adjust various parameters, such as charging current, output voltage levels, and battery protection thresholds. It also provides real-time monitoring of key parameters, such as battery voltage and charging status.The system control capabilities of the IP5306 enhance the overall power management efficiency and enable dynamic adjustment of the power management parameters based on the system’s requirements.ConclusionThe IP5306 is a highly integrated power management chip that provides a wide range of functions, including battery charging, DC-DC conversion, and power distribution. Its compact size, efficiency, and comprehensive protection mechanisms make it suitable for various electronic devices and portable applications. With itsI2C interface, the chip enables easy control and monitoring of the power management functions, facilitating optimized power utilization and extended battery life.。
X61 102082M-5PT型研磨机 X62 102082M-5PT型抛光机
3 . 4修正 轮数 量 : 4个
35最小 研磨 / 光厚 度 : .mm . 抛 02 36最大 研磨 / 光厚 度 : 0 . 抛 3 mm
37最大 研 磨 / 光直 径 : 2 0mm . 抛 4
修 正轮 采用 专用 修 正轮—— 铸铁 基 体表 面 贴金 刚石 丸片 ( 标配 为国产 10号粒 度 , 五台配 一套) 0 每
31 .1设备外 形 尺 寸 ( ×宽 ×高) 13 × 长 :77mm
1 2 2 0mm×2 9 51 mm( 含地 脚 高 5 0mm)
31 . 2设备质 量 : 30 g 约 30k
4 设 备 主 要 配 置
41 动元件 .气
42减 速机 .
P C 人 机 界面 、 频器 等 元件 , 制 先进 可靠 , 可 L、 变 控 也
21可 拓 展性 强 : 过 配 套 不 同 的上 下 盘 、 阳 . 通 太
电 孑 工 业 苣 用 设 备
企业之 窗・
轮 等 零 部 件 可 实 现 1B7 T与 1B等 设 备 之 问 的 3 P 5
相互 转换 ,可满 足对 尺 寸不 大 于 2 0mm、 2 9 3 0mm、 3 0TT 等 工件 的双 面高精 度研 磨 / 6 11 II 抛光加 工 。
37最 大研 磨 / 光直 径 : 2 0mm . 抛 4 38下 研磨 / . 抛光 盘转 速 : ~6 mi O 0r n /
39整机 功 率 : .
22承 载量大 效 率高 : 台设备 的加 工效 率较 以 . 单
往 的 1B 5及 1B 6 W 型设 备 分 别 提 高 了 4 % ̄ 3 3 .P 0 U 1%, 7 生产 率得 到 了大幅 度 的提升 。 23可维 护性 强 :整机 采用 扣板 骨架 包裸 结 构 , I 去 除各 门板后 主体 结 构完全 裸 露于施 工 者 ,拆 卸 维
艾特邦 5P UPS 5P1000R 产品说明书
Eaton 5P1000REaton 5P UPS, 1U, 1000 VA, 770 W, 5-15P input, Outputs: (5) 5-15R, 120V, true sine wave, network card optionalGeneral specificationsEaton 5P UPS5P1000R74317204305420 in1.7 in17.4 in32.5 lb 3 year on electronics, 3 year on batterieswith registrationCE Marked RoHS Compliant cULus ListedUL 1778IEC 62040-2 C1-C2 / EN 55024 / CISPR22 Class B / FCC part 15 Class B UL 497AProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances CertificationsView runtime graphABM technology (3-stage charging extends battery service life by 50% and provides advance warning for battery replacement)User replaceableSealed, lead-acidNone; See Eaton 5PX UPS for extended runtimes options (5) 5-15RLine-interactive770 W1000 VASine wave120V0.77120V default (100/120/125V) 102-132 Vac15-15P6 ft120V default (100/110/120/125V)89-151 Vac (adjustable to 70-153 Vac)50-60 Hz47-70 Hz (50 Hz system), 56.5-70 Hz (60 Hz system), 40-70 Hz in low-sensitivity mode RS-232 (RJ45) ports; USB port as standard (HID). 6-foot RS-232 and USB cables includedOne slot; Gigabit Network Card (Network-M2) is optionalEaton Intelligent Power ManagerLCD graphical displayRuntime graphBattery management Battery replacement Battery typeExtended battery capability ReceptacleTopologyWattageVA ratingOutput waveform VoltageOutput power factor Output nominal voltage Output voltage range Feed typeInput connection Input cord length Input nominal voltage Input voltage range Nominal frequency Input frequency range Communication Expansion slots Software compatibility User interfaceAltitude0.77Up to 10,000 ft (3000m) without de-rating Online: 106, Battery 500<45 dB at 1 meter 0-90% non-condensing 0° to 35°C (32° to 95°F)ROO/RPO: Rear terminal block connector for remote on/off and power off Rack 1UYes 97%Input power factor BTU RatingNoise level Relative humidity Temperature range Special featuresForm factor Rack size Rack mounting kit Efficiency Package contents Standard factory warranty Extended service plans 5P UPS User manual CDIntelligent Power Software Suite CD Quick start guide USB cableRS-232 serial cable 4-post rail kit3-YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY w/ REGISTRATION -3 years-Parts, electronics, and batteries coverage -Standard ground shipping -Technical support ADVANCED DEPOT EXCHANGE-5-YEAR DEPOT REPAIR: 5SW5Y-1400UC-Expedited parts coverage for 5 years-Parts, electronics and UPS batteries coverage-Next business day shipping -Technical support 5-YEAR ON-SITE PLAN: WFLN75XX-2509UC - On-site parts and labor coverage for years 5- Parts, electronics and UPS batteries coverage - 24x7 on-site labor coverage, next-day response- Next-day shipping - Technical supportEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respective owners./socialmedia5-series UPS overview brochure Eaton 5P Rackmount UPS brochure Eaton 5P1000R 2D drawingEaton 5P750R and 5P1000R 3D drawing Eaton 5P UPS 3D drawings Eaton 5P UPS visio stencils Eaton 5P UPS installation and user manual Eaton Specification Sheet - 5P1000RBrochuresDrawingsManuals and user guidesSpecifications and datasheets。
Eaton 5P UPS 产品说明说明书
Eaton 5P1550IREaton 5P UPS, 1550 VA, 1100 W, Input: C14, Outputs: (6) C13,Rack, 1UGeneral specificationsEaton 5P UPS5P1550IR743172042934438 mm43.2 mm554 mm19.36 kg 3 year on electronics, 2 year on batteryCE Marked TUV IEC/EN 62040-1 UL 1778IEC/EN 62040-2 CEEACcTUVusProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances CertificationsView runtime graph Lead-acid maintenance-free (replaceable)User replaceable 3ABM or constant voltage charging method (user selectable), automatic battery test, deep discharge protection 12 V / 9 AhNo230V (6) C131100 W230 V (+6%/-10%)50/60 Hz230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)Line-interactiveC14230V default (200/208/220/230/240V)50-60 Hz160-294 V (adjustable to 150 V-294 V)47-70 Hz (50 Hz system), 56.5-70 Hz (60 Hz system), 40 Hz in low sensitivity mode2000 m <40 dB at 1 meter Runtime graph Battery typeBattery replacement Battery quantity Battery managementBattery rating Extended battery capability Voltage Receptacle Wattage Output voltage range Output frequency Output nominal voltageTopology Input connection Input nominal voltageNominal frequency Input voltage rangeInput frequency rangeCommunicationAltitude Noise level Temperature rangeUSB port (HID compliant)Serial port (RS232)Mini-terminal block for remote On/Off and RemoteNoYesOne slot for optional communication cardEaton Intelligent Power Manager, Eaton Intelligent Power ProtectorOther 0-90% non-condensing Online: 2250-90% non-condensingRack482.6 mm (19 inch) device Black/silver1Yes1UBlack/silverYes971Ethernet interface Potential free switch contact Expansion slotsSoftware compatibility Type of interface BTU RatingRelative humidityForm factor Construction type EnclosurePackage contentsPhase (output)Auto shutdown function Rack sizeColorRack mounting kit EfficiencyPhase (input)Power OffDry contacts (2 outputs,optocoupler, RJ)Rack-mounting kitCable locking systemUSB cableSerial cable(2) IEC-IEC cablesQuickstart guideSafety instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respective owners./socialmediaEaton UPS and battery services Eaton UPS Services Quick Guide 2021EC DoC Eaton 5PEaton 5P UPS - Installation and user manual Eaton 5P UPS Quick Start Guide Eaton 5P UPS DatasheetBrochuresCompliance information Manuals and user guidesTechnical data sheets。
1. 尺寸和外观:晶相f355p的尺寸为XX长 x XX宽 x XX高(单位为毫米),外观采用现代简约设计风格,外壳材质为高强度塑料,具有良好的抗压和抗震性能。
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镥 双碱碱过主类多稀待
5d¹6s² 4f¹5d¹6s²
4f⁷6s² 4f⁷5d¹6s²
原 4f¹⁴6s² 4f¹⁴5d¹6s²
95.96(2) [97]
55 Cs 56 Ba 57–71 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn P 8
非体素 金 属
† 相对原子质量录自 Atomic weights of the elements 2011(IUPAC Technical Report),以 12C = 12 为基准。稳定元素的质量数取四位有效数字,末位数的不确定度加注在其后的圆括号内,[a,b] 表示其质量数依据其同位素丰度变 化而介于a、b之间。放射性元素的质量数放在方括号内,表示其半衰期最长的同位素的质量数。
但“准确限值系数”怎么理解?怎么选择使用?提问者:matt_bj - 一级最佳答案5P10,后面的10就是准确限值系数。
下面几个型号的电流互感器是什么意思?悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2010-6-29 19:55LDJ-35-5P10/5P10-500/5A提问者:晨语扬- 二级最佳答案LDJ带触头盒加强型电流互感器,电压等级35KV双二次绕组:1、0.5,仪表用CT准确等级2、5P10 :保护用10倍额定电流5%误差变比:一次500安,二次5安)LDJ带触头盒加强型电流互感器,电压等级35KV双二次绕组仪表用:1、0.5,仪表用CT准确等级、2、0.5,仪表用CT准确等级、变比:一次500安,二次5安)LDJ-35-5P10/5P10-500/5ALDJ带触头盒加强型电流互感器,电压等级35KV双保护用绕组:1、5P10 :保护用10倍额定电流5%误差2、5P10 :保护用10倍额定电流5%误差变比:一次500安,二次5安。
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