Germany is divided into four topographic regions, with southern areas higher than the north. Many rivers flow over Germany and there are a lot of big lakes as well.
The geography of Germany
初二四班 安天琦
German flag is made up of three colors, black, red and yellow.
The song of Germany is full of justice and freedom.
The territory of Germany covers 357,020 km2,
ranking the seventh in Europe.
地势北低南高,分为四个地形区: 北德平原,平均海拔不到100米;中德山地, 由东西走向的高地块构成;西南部莱茵断裂谷 地区,两旁是山地,谷壁陡峭;南部的巴伐利 亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间拜恩阿尔卑斯山 脉的主峰楚格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰. 主要河流有莱茵河(流经境内865公里)、易 北河、威悉河、奥得河、多瑙河。 较大湖泊有 博登湖、基姆湖、阿莫尔湖、里次湖。
There is a dark eagle on the national emblem , which stands for strength and courage.
geography 德国位于欧洲西部,东邻波兰、捷克,南 接奥地利、瑞士,西接荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、 法国,北与丹麦相连并邻北海和波罗的海与北 欧国家隔海相,是欧洲中部邻国最多的国家 。
No sense of humor
Work carefully and Responsible
See the Germans from Example
Rigorous and Earnest
If lost some money in the street, the British never panic, at most, he’ll shrug his shoulders and still very gentlemanly walked up, as if nothing had happened; Americans likely calls the police, after reporting a case to the security authorities and leave a phone, then chew chewing gum and flicking; Japanese must be hate his own carelessness very much and makes re-examination when back home,and never let it happens secondly. But the German is different. He will be on the lost sites and picture coordinates and grid within 100 square meters. Then look for the money grid by grid with a magnifying glass.
Germany is located in Western Europe. East neighboured Poland, the Czech republic, South by Austria and Switzerland, West meets Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, North and Denmark connected and adjacent north and Baltic sea and the Nordic countries facing each other across the sea.
After the German Revolution of 1918–1919 and the subsequent military surrender in World War I, the Empire was replaced by the Weimar Republic in 1918, and partitioned in the Versailles Treaty.
However, the most popular ball game of Germany is football.
Historical figures
• 贝多芬Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 –1827) was a German composer and pianist. • 爱因斯坦Albert Einstein, (1879 – 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. • 歌德 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) was a German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist, and polymath. • 黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770 –1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism. • 马克思 Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 – 1883) was a German philosopher, sociologist, economic historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist who developed the theory of Marxism. • 俾斯麦Otto Von Bismarck (1815 – 1898) was a statesman who unified Germany, made it a major player in world affairs, and kept Europe at peace after.
黑森林蛋糕 Black Forest cake
There is a place in southern Germany called black forest tourism resort, is rich in black cherry. Therefore, local people will be surplus black cherry clamp in chocolate cake inside, and coated with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chip, and made a black forest cake. Spread to other place, with no black cherry, so black forest cake also omitted black cherry, into a chocolate cake.
Oktoberfest originated in Germany, more than 100 years of history, its origins are generally two arguments. One is in 1810, the Lourdes of Wales horse Westphalia married at horse racing, horse racing after the people swig of beer to celebrate the festival, the festival inherited, resulting in an Oktoberfest today. There is also a celebration that local farmers harvest barley and hops and enormous amounts of beer produced.
Germany is traversed by some of Europe‘s major rivers such as the Rhine(莱茵河) and Danube (多瑙河). Thanks to its central situation Germany has more neighbors than any other European country; these are Denmark(丹麦)in the north, Poland (波兰)and the Czech Republic(捷克共和国)in the east, Austria奥地利and Switzer(瑞士)land in the south, France and Luxembourg卢(森堡)in the south-west and Belgium(比利时)and the Netherlands(荷兰)in the north-west.
Exports Export goods Main export partners
€1.146 trillion (2010) machinery, vehicles, chemicals, metals and manufactures, foodstuffs, textiles France 10.2%, U.S. 6.7%, Netherlands 6.7%, U.K. 6.6%, Italy 6.3%, Austria 6%, China 4.5%, Switzerland 4.4% (2009 est.) €1.020 trillion (2010) machinery, vehicles, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles, metals Netherlands 8.5%, China 8.2%, France 8.2%, U.S. 5.9%, Italy 5.9%, U.K. 4.9%, Belgium 4.3%, Austria 4.3%, Switzerland 4.2% (2009 est.) $1.057 trillion (31 December 2010 est.) $4.713 trillion (30 June 2010)
歌德 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) was a German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist,
and polymath. 黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770 –1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism.
Germany is traversed by some of
Europe‘s major rivers such as the Rhine,(莱茵河) and Danube (多瑙 河). Thanks to its central situation
Germany has more neighbors than
The national flower of Germany
国花:The cornflower is the national flower of Germany. It is also called the knapweed.The iking because of their blue color. At present, the flowers are also available in white, pink, and red.矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、 荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科。头状花序生在纤 细茎秆的顶端,仿佛一位隽秀的少女,向着 “生命之光”——太阳,祈祷幸福和欢乐。 矢车菊是德国的名花,德国人用她象征日耳 曼民族爱国、乐观、顽强、俭朴的特征,并 认为她有吉祥之兆,因而被誉为“国花”。
any other European country; these are Denmark(丹麦)in the north, Poland (波兰)and the Czech Republic(捷克共和国)in the east, Austria奥地利and Switzer(瑞士)land
and polymath. 黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770 –1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism.
Germany is traversed by some of
Europe‘s major rivers such as the Rhine,(莱茵河) and Danube (多瑙 河). Thanks to its central situation
Germany has more neighbors than
The national flower of Germany
国花:The cornflower is the national flower of Germany. It is also called the knapweed.The iking because of their blue color. At present, the flowers are also available in white, pink, and red.矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、 荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科。头状花序生在纤 细茎秆的顶端,仿佛一位隽秀的少女,向着 “生命之光”——太阳,祈祷幸福和欢乐。 矢车菊是德国的名花,德国人用她象征日耳 曼民族爱国、乐观、顽强、俭朴的特征,并 认为她有吉祥之兆,因而被誉为“国花”。
any other European country; these are Denmark(丹麦)in the north, Poland (波兰)and the Czech Republic(捷克共和国)in the east, Austria奥地利and Switzer(瑞士)land
德国- 英文介绍(课堂PPT)
rlin - Germany's capital, is one of the world famous metropolis; and also most popular tourist attraction. Existing population of nearly 3.4 million. Berlin as Germany's leading industrial city, the main industrial sectors are electronics, machinery manufacturing, chemicals, printing, textile and food processing. Berlin is an international transport hub. April 5, 1994, Berlin and Beijing became sister cities.
• Munich - Germany's third largest city, Population of about 1.3 million, It is a well-known German and European tourist city, It is the most magnificent palace in the southern German cultural center, more than 800 years of history. Munich is rich in beer, drink volume in the world, so people usually referred to Munich as the "beer capital."
• Munich - Germany's third largest city, Population of about 1.3 million, It is a well-known German and European tourist city, It is the most magnificent palace in the southern German cultural center, more than 800 years of history. Munich is rich in beer, drink volume in the world, so people usually referred to Munich as the "beer capital."
On October 3, 1990, after reunification of Germany is still using the federal republic of the national flag. Three color flag can be in the airport, hotel, party and other occasions suspension. The federal government agencies and embassies, with black hawk hanging the national emblem of design.
meets Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, France, north and
Denmark connected and
adjacent north and Baltic sea and
the Nordic countries facing each
other across the sea. .
The introduction of Germany
The development of Germany
Germany is located in Western
Europe, east neighbour Poland,
the Czech republic, south by
Austria and Switzerland, west
The state government to parliament a republic. The President is head of state. The federal government by the federal prime minister and federal minister of certain people, the federal prime minister for the heads of government. Germany is a founding member of the European Union, is the United Nations, the north Atlantic treaty organization, the g8, the union for the Mediterranean members.
Main point
National Symbols
history & geography political & economic
Festivals & food
national emblem
national stone Amber
the national flower
national bird Ciconia ciconia
National motto :Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit national anthem:Das Deutschlandlied
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pronounced is a federal parliamentary republic in western-central Europe. It consists of 16 constituent states, which retain limited sovereignty, and covers an area of 357,021 square kilometres (137,847 sq mi) with a largely temperate seasonal climate. Its capital and largest city is Berlin. The seat of government is Berlin and Bonn. Germany is a great power and traditionally a leader in many cultural, theoretical and technical fields.
National Symbols
history & geography political & economic
Festivals & food
national emblem
national stone Amber
the national flower
national bird Ciconia ciconia
National motto :Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit national anthem:Das Deutschlandlied
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, pronounced is a federal parliamentary republic in western-central Europe. It consists of 16 constituent states, which retain limited sovereignty, and covers an area of 357,021 square kilometres (137,847 sq mi) with a largely temperate seasonal climate. Its capital and largest city is Berlin. The seat of government is Berlin and Bonn. Germany is a great power and traditionally a leader in many cultural, theoretical and technical fields.
• 他曾带领日耳曼人到达他们从未经历过的权力与征服的顶峰,将卐字 旗从北欧一直插到高加索山脉和非洲。他一度在欧洲呼风唤雨,刮起 了一阵纳粹主义的狂风暴雨。
• 在历史长河中,一个非凡及不可量的人物的伟大例子。
➢德国经济占欧洲第一位,相当于英国法国经济 的总和。在欧洲10强企业中,德国企业占5家。 德国占欧盟的50%经济。 ➢德国是商品的出口大国。主要经济以工业为主。 ➢旅游业、交通运输业发达。 ➢德国是啤酒生产的大国。 ➢德国名牌多。
场 合 窃 窃 私 语 , 那 是 十
的 则。是 分
• 慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest)原名 “十月节”,起源1810年10月12日,因在这个节 日期间主要的饮料是啤酒,所以人们习惯性地称 其为啤酒节。每年九月末到十月初在德国的慕尼 黑举行,持续两周,是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活 动,也是世界三大啤酒节之一。
国石:琥珀 国鸟: 白鹳
• 成立于罗马帝国灭亡(1806)后。 • 1815年成立,1871年统一德国。 • 二战结束后,1948年6月20号,德国分成东西德。 • 1989年11月9号,柏林墙倒塌,东德并入西德,德国实际
意义上统一。 • 1972年10月11日,与中国建立了大使级关系。
语言:德语(日耳曼系语言) 货币:欧元(1欧元=8.0321人民币元) 气候:10月份开始下雪到次年的4月雪才化完
• 在历史长河中,一个非凡及不可量的人物的伟大例子。
➢德国经济占欧洲第一位,相当于英国法国经济 的总和。在欧洲10强企业中,德国企业占5家。 德国占欧盟的50%经济。 ➢德国是商品的出口大国。主要经济以工业为主。 ➢旅游业、交通运输业发达。 ➢德国是啤酒生产的大国。 ➢德国名牌多。
场 合 窃 窃 私 语 , 那 是 十
的 则。是 分
• 慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest)原名 “十月节”,起源1810年10月12日,因在这个节 日期间主要的饮料是啤酒,所以人们习惯性地称 其为啤酒节。每年九月末到十月初在德国的慕尼 黑举行,持续两周,是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活 动,也是世界三大啤酒节之一。
国石:琥珀 国鸟: 白鹳
• 成立于罗马帝国灭亡(1806)后。 • 1815年成立,1871年统一德国。 • 二战结束后,1948年6月20号,德国分成东西德。 • 1989年11月9号,柏林墙倒塌,东德并入西德,德国实际
意义上统一。 • 1972年10月11日,与中国建立了大使级关系。
语言:德语(日耳曼系语言) 货币:欧元(1欧元=8.0321人民币元) 气候:10月份开始下雪到次年的4月雪才化完
Munich - Germany's third largest city, Population of about 1.3 million, It is a well-known German and European tourist city, It is the most magnificent palace in the southern German cultural center, more than 800 years of history. Munich is rich in beer, drink volume in the world, so people usually referred to Munich as the "beer capital."
Berlin - Germany's capital, is one of the world famous metropolis; and also most popular tourist attraction. Existing population of nearly 3.4 million. Berlin as Germany's leading industrial city, the main
• Yellow shield • Backgroung • Black eagle • Red beak and
• German is in the middle od Europe, It has wonderful culture. It also has many famous cities such as berlin and munich.
Brandenburg Concerto
Famous musician in the Classical period
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) The great German composer in Vienna, one of classical music to send representatives on the development of world music (from the classical period to the Romantic period) plays a vital role, was the world known as the "Le Saint." Beethoven "Ninth Symphony Chorus," "The Fifth Symphony of Destiny", "6th Pastoral Symphony," "third, fourth, fifth Emperor Piano Concerto", "Clair de Lune", "Pathetique Piano Sonata "," Missa Solemnis "," destiny ", etc. These are all from classical to show freedom and beauty of passionate movement.
Since its birth in the early 1970s, metal has since branched out into dozens of subgenres, each incorporating a unique style or theme. Death Metal, for example, is an aggressive subgenre that tends to emphasize deep, guttural growls, fast tempos, blast beat drumming, complex song structures, and a general emphasis on gory lyrical content. Black Metal on the other hand, is a subgenre that tends to focus more on lofi production to enhance atmosphere while employing tremolo picking, shrieked vocals, unconventional song structures, and generally Satanic or anti-Christian lyrics. While each subgenre is inherently different, it is clear that the original message of individualism found in the early heavy metal music is still alive today.
The federal republic of the national emblem
German national emblem
for the golden shield
emblem. The shield is a
head on red necks on the
wings, claws black hawk,
meets Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, France, north and
Denmark connected and
adjacent north and Baltic sea and
the Nordic countries facing each
other across the sea. A
The origin of the SanSeQi vary and people can be traced back to the earliest in the first century of the Roman empire, in the later 16 th century Germany a peasant war and 17 th century Germany bourgeois democratic revolution, the representative of a republic SanSeQi flying on the earth and German.
The introduction of Germany
The development of Germany
Germany is located in Western
The state government to parliament a republic. The President is head of state. The federal government by the federal prime minister and federal minister of certain people, the federal prime minister for the heads of government. Germany is a founding member of the European Union, is the United Nations, the north Atlantic treaty organization, the g8, the union for the Mediterranean members.
black hawk symbolizes
strength and courage. In
1950 the German national
emblem is formulated the
products of history.
Its design for a gold yellow shield emblem features a unique style of black eagle, hawk beak, claw are red. The design of the twelfth century came from the earliest HuoHeng sauron family, this family has ruled Prussia, and later became the German royal family. To the eagle in figure, as early as the ninth century had appeared. It is said that, this design is by frank king Charles I troops from the Roman empire to Germany.
人口 82,31万
挪威 瑞典
35.70 万平方 公里
法国 意大利
德国 波 兰
不来梅 汉诺威
杜塞尔多夫 波恩
汉堡 (贸柏易之林城)
莱比锡 德里斯顿 纽伦堡 慕尼黑
♪ 德国国旗呈长方形,长 与宽之比为5∶3。自上而 下由黑、红、黄三个平行 相等的横长方形相连而成。 三色旗的来历众说纷纭, 最早可追溯到公元一世纪 的古罗马帝国,在后来16 世纪的德国农民战争和17 世纪的德国资产阶级民主 革命中,代表共和制的三 色旗也飘扬在德意志大地 上。
♪ 德国的午餐一般多在单位食堂(Mensa)或吃快餐 (Schnellgerichte),如一个由土豆、沙拉生菜和几块肉组成的拼盘, 外加一杯饮料。
♪ 德国人的家庭晚餐通常是冷餐,内容是很丰盛的:一盘肉食的拼盘,鲜 嫩可口的蔬菜,新鲜的水果。有的家庭主妇还摆出各种风味的于酪,
♪ 文学:
♪ 诺贝尔文学奖获得者:
♪ 塞道尔·蒙森、欧肯、海泽、霍普特曼、托马斯·曼、黑塞、 伯尔因、君特.格拉斯、赫塔·穆勒
♪ 诺贝尔和平奖获得者:
♪ 施特莱斯曼、奥西茨基、勃兰特
与中国的饮食习惯不同,德国人最讲究、最丰盛的不是午餐、 晚餐,而是早餐。早餐的内容一般般都大同小异:首先是咖啡、 茶、各种果汁或牛奶,主食为各种面包,以及与面包相配的黄 油、干酪和果酱,外加香肠和火腿。
parliament and the most important legal body
The government is led by a chamcellor who is appointed
by the presence
Economy and Infrastructure
Germany is the largest economy in Europe, with a strong focus on manufacturing and export led growth
Religion and Beliefs
The major of Germany is Christian, with a strong Catholic and Protective condition
Religion in public life
Germans have a strong belief in the separation of church and state, ensuring that relevant practices do not affect government decisions
Germany is a very popular destination for international students because of its
high quality education system, world class research facilities, and excel job
Language and Education
parliament and the most important legal body
The government is led by a chamcellor who is appointed
by the presence
Economy and Infrastructure
Germany is the largest economy in Europe, with a strong focus on manufacturing and export led growth
Religion and Beliefs
The major of Germany is Christian, with a strong Catholic and Protective condition
Religion in public life
Germans have a strong belief in the separation of church and state, ensuring that relevant practices do not affect government decisions
Germany is a very popular destination for international students because of its
high quality education system, world class research facilities, and excel job
Language and Education
一年一度的啤酒节(Oktoberfest)让整个城 市都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中,活泼的巴伐利亚人脸上 总是洋溢着笑容,并且这种欢乐和自由的氛围已经 成为吸引世界各地旅游者的一个重要因素。
目的地指南 景点介绍 发现新堡 文化地理
新天鹅堡(New Swan Stone Castle )如果世界上只允许有一座童话城堡存在,那它的名字一定是新天鹅堡
古老与现代相融合 文化与艺术魅力交相辉映 自从柏林墙倒塌之后,它突飞猛进地发展,吸引着世上最优秀和 聪明的人才,从艺术家到科学家到建筑设计师,还有大批的游客
Berlin:The capital and largest city of Germany
柏林是一个宽容的国际大家庭,有来自180多个国家的人们共同生活在这个城市中。在每年五 六月份基督升天节期间举行的文化狂欢节便是柏林国际大家庭的最好展示。这期间,在柏林生 活的各国朋友会穿上他们家乡的民族服装,走上街头载歌载舞,并在克罗依茨贝格区的大舞台 上演出。同时柏林也是一座彩虹之城,在这里允许搞基;
沟通东西南北欧洲,有“欧洲路十字路口”之称; 北部平原,南部低山丘陵,为德国农牧业提供了重要发展条件; 鲁尔工业区是世界上主要的工业区之一
About Germans and Customer
About Germans 德人给人的印象就像他们的国旗颜色一般三色分明 德人给人的印象往往是:
沉默寡言(Silent)、不苟言笑(Serious) 呆板而沉重(stiffness)、 态度诚恳坦率(Honest attitude) 不擅长幽默(No sense of humor) 办事认真仔细,责任心极强,对工作不能有一点敷 衍了事(Work carefully and Responsible)
英文介绍德国 PPT
A glimpse of german automobiles
-----A Eternal Culture
We all want to possess so much money and we can own one or more our own automobiles….
2 The art of Germany
• Speaking of the Germany Renaissance art have to say
• Other German food.
• As we know Beethoven,is the great Germany • Musician.
• Benz is a German brand name of automobile, buses, coaches, and trucks. Benz automobiles have introduced –both in past and present – the majority of technological and safety features common in modren vehicles.
motorcycles and high-performance engine famous car. BMW motorcycles in the international market, the most expensive, even more than the luxury cars.
BMW is famous for its performance and luxury enjoyment.
Here, I just introduce a little information about automobiles , if you are interested in autombiles,you can acquaint it by many methods…
• Am 11.10.1972: Aufnahme der deutschchinesischen diplomatischen Beziehungen
• Die Wirtschaftsordnung von BRD: Marktwirkschaft
Die bedeutenden Industriezweige
• Prüfung: schriftliche Prüfung (klausur), mündliche Prüfung, Referat, Semesterarbeit, Schein (1-4)
• Österreich grenzt an • Deutschland, Tschechien • die Slowakei, Ungarn • Slowenien, Italien • die Schweiz, Lichtenstein
• Sehenswürdigkeiten in Wien: Schloss Schönbrunn, Stephansdom, Hofburg (Amtssitz des österreichischen Bundespräsidenten)
• Die drei größten Komponisten der
• die Großräume München und Stuttgart (Hightech, Automobil),
• Rhein-Neckar (Chemie),
• Frankfurt am Main (Finanzen),
• Köln, Hamburg (Hafen, Airbus-
Flugzeugbau,Medien), Berlin und
Magister und Diplom abgelegt, doch
• Die Wirtschaftsordnung von BRD: Marktwirkschaft
Die bedeutenden Industriezweige
• Prüfung: schriftliche Prüfung (klausur), mündliche Prüfung, Referat, Semesterarbeit, Schein (1-4)
• Österreich grenzt an • Deutschland, Tschechien • die Slowakei, Ungarn • Slowenien, Italien • die Schweiz, Lichtenstein
• Sehenswürdigkeiten in Wien: Schloss Schönbrunn, Stephansdom, Hofburg (Amtssitz des österreichischen Bundespräsidenten)
• Die drei größten Komponisten der
• die Großräume München und Stuttgart (Hightech, Automobil),
• Rhein-Neckar (Chemie),
• Frankfurt am Main (Finanzen),
• Köln, Hamburg (Hafen, Airbus-
Flugzeugbau,Medien), Berlin und
Magister und Diplom abgelegt, doch
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The introduction of Germany
The development of Germany
Germany is located in Western
Europe, east neighbour Poland,
the Czech republic, south by
Austria and Switzerland, west
The federal republic of the national emblem
German national emblem
for the golden shield
emblem. The shield is a
head on red necks on the
wings, claws black hawk,
Napoleon, a poet meet a wear black cloak hang red and golden patch pelosi button of the students volunteer corps, singing "pity the oppressed people symbol black, red is freedom's mood, golden light and truth is ideal characterization of", hence with black, red, yellow SanSeQi as a united Germany's flag. Many times after the restructuring.
The state government to parliament a republic. The President is head of state. The federal government by the federal prime minister and federal minister of certain people, the federal prime minister for the heads of government. Germany is a founding member of the European Union, is the United Nations, the north Atlantic treaty organization, the g8, the union for the Mediterranean members.
On October 3, 1990, after reunification of Germany is still using the federal republic of the national flag. Three color flag can be in the airport, hotel, party and other occasions suspension. The federal government agencies and embassies, with black hawk hanging the national emblem of design.
black hawk symbolizes
strength and courage. In
1950 the German national
emblem is formulated the
products of history.
Its design for a gold yellow shield emblem features a unique style of black eagle, hawk beak, claw are red. The design of the twelfth century came from the earliest HuoHeng sauron family, this family has ruled Prussia, and later became the German royal family. To the eagle in figure, as early as the ninth century had appeared. It is said that, this design is by frank king Charles I troops from the Roman empire to Germany.
meets Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, France, north and
Denmark connected and
adjacent north and Baltic sea and
the Nordic countries facing each
other across the sea.
Germany is Europe's first big powers, the world's second largest commodity exporters and the third largest commodity importers, at the same time in medical research, technology innovation in many fields such as a leading position in the world. On October 3, 1990, since the cold war split the 41 years of German unity again.
The origin of the SanSeQi vary and people can be traced back to the earliest in the first century of the Roman empire, in the later 16 th century Germany a peasant war and 17 th century Germany bourgeois democratic revolution, the representative of a republic SanSeQi flying on the earth and German.
The federal republic of the national flag
A rectangle, long and wide ratio is 5:3. Top down by black, red, gold (yellow) three parallel equal horizontal rectangles connected and into.
The development of Germany
Germany is located in Western
Europe, east neighbour Poland,
the Czech republic, south by
Austria and Switzerland, west
The federal republic of the national emblem
German national emblem
for the golden shield
emblem. The shield is a
head on red necks on the
wings, claws black hawk,
Napoleon, a poet meet a wear black cloak hang red and golden patch pelosi button of the students volunteer corps, singing "pity the oppressed people symbol black, red is freedom's mood, golden light and truth is ideal characterization of", hence with black, red, yellow SanSeQi as a united Germany's flag. Many times after the restructuring.
The state government to parliament a republic. The President is head of state. The federal government by the federal prime minister and federal minister of certain people, the federal prime minister for the heads of government. Germany is a founding member of the European Union, is the United Nations, the north Atlantic treaty organization, the g8, the union for the Mediterranean members.
On October 3, 1990, after reunification of Germany is still using the federal republic of the national flag. Three color flag can be in the airport, hotel, party and other occasions suspension. The federal government agencies and embassies, with black hawk hanging the national emblem of design.
black hawk symbolizes
strength and courage. In
1950 the German national
emblem is formulated the
products of history.
Its design for a gold yellow shield emblem features a unique style of black eagle, hawk beak, claw are red. The design of the twelfth century came from the earliest HuoHeng sauron family, this family has ruled Prussia, and later became the German royal family. To the eagle in figure, as early as the ninth century had appeared. It is said that, this design is by frank king Charles I troops from the Roman empire to Germany.
meets Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, France, north and
Denmark connected and
adjacent north and Baltic sea and
the Nordic countries facing each
other across the sea.
Germany is Europe's first big powers, the world's second largest commodity exporters and the third largest commodity importers, at the same time in medical research, technology innovation in many fields such as a leading position in the world. On October 3, 1990, since the cold war split the 41 years of German unity again.
The origin of the SanSeQi vary and people can be traced back to the earliest in the first century of the Roman empire, in the later 16 th century Germany a peasant war and 17 th century Germany bourgeois democratic revolution, the representative of a republic SanSeQi flying on the earth and German.
The federal republic of the national flag
A rectangle, long and wide ratio is 5:3. Top down by black, red, gold (yellow) three parallel equal horizontal rectangles connected and into.