

LT1117-2.5 中文资料

LT1117-2.5 中文资料

封装 TO-252-2L TO-263-3L
AMS1117-ADJ AMS1117-1.2 AMS1117-1.5 AMS1117-1.8 AMS1117-2.5 AMS1117-2.85 AMS1117-3.0 AMS1117-3.3 AMS1117-5.0 AMS1117-2.85 AMS1117-3.0 AMS1117-3.3 AMS1117-5.0
AMS1117-1.5, IOUT=10mΑ, VIN=3.5V ,TJ=25°C 10mA≤IOUT≤1A, 3.0V≤VIN≤10V
1.176 1.2 1.224 V 1.152 1.2 1.248
1.485 1.500 1.515 V 1.470 1.500 1.530
VOUT AMS1117-1.8,
共10页 第5页
AMS1117是一个低漏失电压调整器,它的稳压调整管是由一个PNP驱动的NPN管组成的,漏 失电压定义为: VDROP = VBE+ VSAT。
AMS1117有固定和可调两个版本可用,输出电压可以是:1.2V,1.5V,1.8V,2.5V,2.85V, 3.0V,3.3V,和5.0V。片内过热切断电路提供了过载和过热保护,以防环境温度造成过高的结 温。
共10页 第3页
输出电压温度稳定性 线性调整 负载调整 漏失电压 静态电流 纹波抑制比 可调管脚电流 可调管脚电流变化 温度稳定性 长期稳定性 RMS输出噪声
热阻系数 (无散热片)
最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
IOUT=10mA, VIN=4.85V,TJ=25°C , 2.820 2.850 .880



FEATURESOUTPUTINPUTADJ/GNDINPUTADJ/GNDKTP (PowerFLEX5/TO-252) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTDCY (SOT-223) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)INPUTOUTPUTADJ/GNDKVU (TO-252) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTINPUTADJ/GNDOUTPUTOUTPUTOUTPUTKCS (TO-220) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTKTE (PowerFLEX5) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)INPUTOUTPUTADJ/GNDOUTPUTDRJ (QFN) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)V OUT(2)ADJ23418765V IN(1)V IN(1)V IN(1)V OUT(2)V OUT(2)NC(1) V IN pins (2, 3, 4) must be connected together.(2) V OUT pins (5, 6, 7) must be connected together.V OUTDESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATIONADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER2004–REVISED APRIL2006• 1.5-V,1.8-V,2.5-V,3.3-V,5-V,and•Specified Dropout Voltage at Multiple Current Adjustable-Output Voltage Options Levels•Output Current of800mA•0.2%Line Regulation Maximum•0.4%Load Regulation MaximumThe TLV1117is a positive low-dropout voltage regulator designed to provide up to800mA of output current. The device is available in1.5-V,1.8-V,2.5-V,3.3-V,5-V,and adjustable-output voltage options.All internal circuitry is designed to operate down to1-V input-to-output differential.Dropout voltage is specified at a maximum of1.3V at800mA,decreasing at lower load currents.The low-profile surface-mount KTP package allows the device to be used in applications where space is limited. The TLV1117is designed to be stable with tantalum and aluminum electrolytic output capacitors having an ESR between0.2Ωand10Ω.Unlike pnp-type regulators,in which up to10%of the output current is wasted as quiescent current,the quiescent current of the TLV1117flows into the load,increasing efficiency.The TLV1117C device is characterized for operation over the virtual junction temperature range of0°C to125°C, and the TLV1117I device is characterized for operation over the virtual junction temperature range of–40°C to 125°C.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PowerFLEX,PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2004–2006,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TLV1117C ORDERING INFORMATIONT AV O TYPPACKAGE (1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-15CDRJR ZYH Tube of 80TLV1117-15CDCY 1.5VSOT-223–DCY T2Reel of 2500TLV1117-15CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-15CKVUR ZE15QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-18CDRJR ZYK Tube of 80TLV1117-18CDCY 1.8VSOT-223–DCY T4Reel of 2500TLV1117-18CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-18CKVUR ZE18QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-25CDRJR ZYM Tube of 80TLV1117-25CDCY 2.5VSOT-223–DCY T6Reel of 2500TLV1117-25CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-25CKVUR ZE25QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-33CDRJR ZYP 0°C to 125°CTube of 80TLV1117-33CDCY 3.3VSOT-223–DCY V3Reel of 2500TLV1117-33CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-33CKVUR ZE33QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-50CDRJR ZE50Tube of 80TLV1117-50CDCY 5VSOT-223–DCY VT Reel of 2500TLV1117-50CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-50CKVUR ZE50PowerFLEX™–KTE Reel of 2000TLV1117CKTER TLV1117C PowerFLEX/TO-252(2)–KTP Reel of 2000TLV1117CKTPR TV1117QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117CDRJR ZYS ADJTube of 80TLV1117CDCY SOT-223–DCY V4Reel of 2500TLV1117CDCYR TO-220–KCS Tube of 50TLV1117CKCS TLV1117C TO-252–KVUReel of 2500TLV1117CKVURTV1117(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at /sc/package.(2)Complies with TO-252,variation AC2Submit Documentation Feedback ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER2004–REVISED APRIL2006 TLV1117I ORDERING INFORMATIONT A V O TYP PACKAGE(1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-15IDRJR ZYJTube of80TLV1117-15IDCY1.5V SOT-223–DCY T3Reel of2500TLV1117-15IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-15IKVUR ZF15QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-18IDRJR ZYLTube of80TLV1117-18IDCY1.8V SOT-223–DCY T5Reel of2500TLV1117-18IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-18IKVUR ZF18QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-25IDRJR ZYNTube of80TLV1117-25IDCY2.5V SOT-223–DCY T8Reel of2500TLV1117-25IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-25IKVUR ZF25QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-33IDRJR ZYR–40°C to125°C Tube of80TLV1117-33IDCY3.3V SOT-223–DCY VSReel of2500TLV1117-33IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-33IKVUR ZF33QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-50IDRJR ZF50Tube of80TLV1117-50IDCY5V SOT-223–DCY VUReel of2500TLV1117-50IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-50IKVUR ZF50PowerFLEX–KTE Reel of2000TLV1117IKTER TLV1117IPowerFLEX/TO-252(2)–KTP Reel of2000TLV1117IKTPR TY1117QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117IDRJR ZYTADJ Tube of80TLV1117IDCYSOT-223–DCY V2Reel of2500TLV1117IDCYRTO-220–KCS Tube of50TLV1117IKCS TLV1117ITO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117IKVUR TY1117(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at/sc/package.(2)Complies with TO-252,variation AC3Submit Documentation FeedbackV OUTV INADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM4Submit Documentation FeedbackAbsolute Maximum Ratings (1)Package Thermal Data (1)Recommended Operating ConditionsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MINMAX UNIT V I Continuous input voltage16V T J Operating virtual-junction temperature 150°C T stg Storage temperature range–65150°C(1)Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.PACKAGE BOARD θJP (2)θJC θJA PowerFLEX (KTE)High K,JESD 51-5 2.7°C/W 11.6°C/W 23.3°C/W PowerFLEX/TO-252(KTP)High K,JESD 51-5 1.4°C/W 19.2°C/W27.6°C/W QFN (DRJ)High K,JESD 51-5 1.78°C/W46.5°C/W SOT-223(DCY)High K,JESD 51-730.6°C/W 52.8°C/W TO-252(KVU)High K,JESD 51-5TBD 30.3°C/W TO-220(KCS)High K,JESD 51-53°C/W17°C/W19°C/W(1)Maximum power dissipation is a function of T J (max),θJA ,and T A .The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambient temperature is P D =(T J (max)–T A )/θJA .Operating at the absolute maximum T J of 150°C can affect reliability.(2)For packages with exposed thermal pads,such as QFN,PowerPAD™,and PowerFLEX,θJP is defined as the thermal resistance between the die junction and the bottom of the exposed pad.MIN (1)MAX UNITTLV1117 2.715TLV1117-152.915TLV1117-183.215V INInput voltageV TLV1117-25 3.915TLV1117-33 4.715TLV1117-506.415I O Output current0.8A TLV1117C 0125T J Operating virtual-junction temperature°C TLV1117I–40125(1)The input-to-output differential across the regulator should provide for some margin against regulator operation at the maximum dropout (for a particular current value).This margin is needed to account for tolerances in both the input voltage (lower limit)and the output voltage (upper limit).The absolute minimum V IN for a desired maximum output current can be calculated by the following:V IN(min)=V OUT(max)+V DO(max @rated current)5Submit Documentation FeedbackTLV1117C Electrical CharacteristicsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006T J =0°C to 125°C,all typical values are at T J =25°C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS (1)MIN TYP MAX UNITV IN –V OUT =2V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C1.238 1.25 1.262Reference voltage,V REFTLV1117V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 1.225 1.25 1.27V IN =3.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.485 1.5 1.515TLV1117-15V IN =2.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 1.455 1.5 1.545V IN =3.8V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.782 1.8 1.818TLV1117-18V IN =3.2V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA1.746 1.8 1.854V V IN =4.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C2.475 2.5 2.525Output voltage,V OUTTLV1117-25V IN =3.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 2.450 2.5 2.550V IN =5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 3.267 3.3 3.333TLV1117-33V IN =4.75V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 3.235 3.3 3.365V IN =7V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 4.950 5.0 5.050TLV1117-50V IN =6.5V to 12V,I OUT =0to 800mA 4.9005.0 5.100I OUT =10mA,V IN –V OUT =1.5V to 13.75V TLV11170.0350.2%I OUT =0mA,V IN =2.9V to 10VTLV1117-1516I OUT =0mA,V IN =3.2V to 10V TLV1117-1816Line regulationI OUT =0mA,V IN =3.9V to 10V TLV1117-2516mV I OUT =0mA,V IN =4.75V to 15V TLV1117-3316I OUT =0mA,V IN =6.5V to 15VTLV1117-50110I OUT =10mA to 800mA,V IN –V OUT =3V TLV11170.20.4%I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =2.9VTLV1117-15110I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.2V TLV1117-18110Load regulationI OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.9V TLV1117-25110mV I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =4.75V TLV1117-33110I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =6.5V TLV1117-50115I OUT =100mA1.1 1.2Dropout voltage,V DO (2)I OUT =500mA 1.15 1.25V I OUT =800mA1.2 1.3Current limitV IN –V OUT =5V,T J =25°C (3)0.81.2 1.6A Minimum load current V IN =15V TLV1117 1.75mA All fixed-voltage Quiescent current V IN ≤15V510mA optionsThermal regulation 30-ms pulse,T A =25°C0.010.1%/W Ripple rejection V IN –V OUT =3V,V ripple =1V pp ,f =120Hz6075dB ADJ pin current80120µA Change in ADJ pin current V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 0.25µA Temperature stability T J =full range0.5%Long-term stability 1000hrs,No load,T A =125°C 0.3%Output noise voltage f =10Hz to 100kHz 0.003%(%of V OUT )(1)All characteristics are measured with a 10-µF capacitor across the input and a 10-µF capacitor across the output.Pulse testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible.(2)Dropout is defined as the V IN to V OUT differential at which V OUT drops 100mV below the value of V OUT ,measured at V IN =V OUT(nom)+1.5V.(3)Current limit test specified under recommended operating conditions6Submit Documentation FeedbackTLV1117I Electrical CharacteristicsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006T J =–40°C to 125°C,all typical values are at T J =25°C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS (1)MIN TYP MAX UNITV IN –V OUT =2V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C1.238 1.25 1.262Reference voltage,V REFTLV1117V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 1.200 1.25 1.29V IN =3.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.485 1.5 1.515TLV1117-15V IN =2.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 1.44 1.5 1.56V IN =3.8V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.782 1.8 1.818TLV1117-18V IN =3.2V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA1.728 1.8 1.872V V IN =4.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C2.475 2.5 2.525Output voltage,V OUTTLV1117-25V IN =3.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 2.4 2.5 2.6V IN =5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 3.267 3.3 3.333TLV1117-33V IN =4.75V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 3.168 3.3 3.432V IN =7V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 4.95 5.0 5.05TLV1117-50V IN =6.5V to 12V,I OUT =0to 800mA 4.805.0 5.20I OUT =10mA,V IN –V OUT =1.5V to 13.75V TLV11170.0350.3%I OUT =0mA,V IN =2.9V to 10VTLV1117-15110I OUT =0mA,V IN =3.2V to 10V TLV1117-18110Line regulationI OUT =0mA,V IN =3.9V to 10V TLV1117-25110mV I OUT =0mA,V IN =4.75V to 15V TLV1117-33110I OUT =0mA,V IN =6.5V to 15VTLV1117-50115I OUT =10mA to 800mA,V IN –V OUT =3V TLV11170.20.5%I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =2.9VTLV1117-15115I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.2V TLV1117-18115Load regulationI OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.9V TLV1117-25115mV I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =4.75V TLV1117-33115I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =6.5V TLV1117-50120I OUT =100mA1.1 1.3Dropout voltage,V DO (2)I OUT =500mA 1.15 1.35V I OUT =800mA1.2 1.4Current limitV IN –V OUT =5V,T J =25°C (3)0.81.2 1.6A Minimum load current V IN =15V TLV1117 1.75mA All fixed-voltage Quiescent current V IN ≤15V515mA optionsThermal regulation 30-ms pulse,T A =25°C0.010.1%/W Ripple rejection V IN –V OUT =3V,V ripple =1V pp ,f =120Hz6075dB ADJ pin current80120µA Change in ADJ pin current V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 0.210µA Temperature stability T J =full range0.5%Long-term stability 1000hrs,No load,T A =125°C 0.3%Output noise voltage f =10Hz to 100kHz 0.003%(%of V OUT )(1)All characteristics are measured with a 10-µF capacitor across the input and a 10-µF capacitor across the output.Pulse testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible.(2)Dropout is defined as the V IN to V OUT differential at which V OUT drops 100mV below the value of V OUT ,measured at V IN =V OUT(nom)+1.5V.(3)Current limit test specified under recommended operating conditions7Submit Documentation FeedbackTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSInput/Output Differential (V)S h o r t -C i r c u i t C u r r e n t (A ) (5C)1251007550250−25−50m V O U T (%)1020304050607080Frequency (Hz)R i p p l e R e j e c t i o n (d B )100k10k 1k 1001001020304050607080900200400600800Load (mA)R i p p l e R e j e c t i o n (d B )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTLOAD REGULATIONvs(V IN –V OUT )RIPPLE REJECTIONRIPPLE REJECTIONvsvsFREQUENCY LOAD CURRENT (ADJ VERSION)(ADJ VERSION)8Submit Documentation Feedback−2−1.5−1−0.500.511.52Temperature (5C)O u t p u t V o l t a g e V a r i a t i o n (%)1251007550250−25−5015060708090100110120130140150Temperature (5C)A D J P i n C u r r e n t (m A )1251007550250−25−50150Time (m s)O u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (V )L o a d C u r r e n t (A )−60200−20−40Time (m s)O u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (m V )1234567I n p u t V o l t a g e (V )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)TEMPERATURE STABILITYADJ PIN CURRENTvsTEMPERATURETLV1117-33LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSETLV1117-33LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE9Submit Documentation Feedback0. Current (mA)D r o p o u t V o l t a g e (V )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)DROPOUT VOLTAGEvsLOAD CURRENT10Submit Documentation FeedbackAPPLICATION INFORMATIONV OV IBecause I ADJ typically is 55 µA, it is negligible in most applications.V OUT +V REF ǒ1)R2R1Ǔ)(I ADJ R2)V OUT is calculated as:TLV1117ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006A.Output capacitor selection is critical for regulator rger C OUT values benefit the regulator by improving transient response and loop stability.B.C ADJ can be used to improve ripple rejection.If C ADJ is used,a C OUT that is larger in value than C ADJ must be used.C.C IN is recommended if TLV1117is not located near the power-supply filter.D.An external diode is recommended to protect the regulator if the input instantaneously is shorted to GND.E.This device is designed to be stable with tantalum and aluminum electrolytic output capacitors having an ESR between 0.2Ωand 10Ω.Figure 1.Basic Adjustable RegulatorPACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderableDevice Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117-15CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-15CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-15IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-15IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-18CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-18CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-18IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDRJRACTIVESONDRJ81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAULevel-2-260C-1YEAR29-Sep-2006OrderableDevice Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117-18IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-18IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-25CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBD Call TI Call TI TLV1117-25CKTPR PREVIEW PFM KTP 23000TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-25CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-25IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-25IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-33CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBD Call TI Call TI TLV1117-33CKTTR PREVIEW DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-33CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-33IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IDCYG3ACTIVESOT-223DCY480Green (RoHS &CU SNLevel-2-260C-1YEAR29-Sep-2006Orderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)no Sb/Br)TLV1117-33IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-33IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-33IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS350TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-33IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-50CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS350TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-50CKTTR PREVIEW DDPAK/TO-263KTT3TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-50CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-50IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117CKCS ACTIVE TO-220KCS350TBD CU SN N/A for Pkg TypeTLV1117CKCSE3ACTIVE TO-220KCS350Pb-Free(RoHS)CU SN N/A for Pkg Type29-Sep-2006Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117CKTER NRND PFM KTE 32000TBD CU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTPR NRND PFM KTP 23000TBDCU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTPRG3NRND PFM KTP 23000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTTR ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117CKTTRG3ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IKCS ACTIVE TO-220KCS 350TBD CU SN N /A for Pkg Type TLV1117IKCSE3ACTIVE TO-220KCS 350Pb-Free (RoHS)CU SN N /A for Pkg Type TLV1117IKTER NRND PFM KTE 32000TBD CU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTPR NRND PFM KTP 23000TBDCU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTPRG3NRND PFM KTP 23000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTTR ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117IKTTRG3ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117IKVURG3ACTIVEPFMKVU32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SNLevel-3-260C-168HR(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS),Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt),or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package,or 2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.29-Sep-2006。



2.850 2.880 V 2.850 2.910 V 2.850 2.910 V
3.300 3.333 V 3.300 3.365 V
5.000 5.050 V 5.000 5.100 V
0.035 0.2 %
6 mV
6 mV
∆VOUT 线性调整率
LM1117-2.85 IOUT = 0mA, 4.25V≤VIN≤10V
LM1117/LM1117I-800mA 低压差线性调压器
LM1117 是一个低压差电压调节器系列。其压差在 1.2V 输出,负载电流为 800mA 时为 1.2V。它与国 家半导体的工业标准器件 LM317 有相同的管脚排列。LM1117 有可调电压的版本,通过 2 个外部电阻可实 现 1.25~13.8V 输出电压范围。另外还有 5 个固定电压输出(1.8V、2.5V、2.85V、3.3V 和 5V)的型号。
3.300 3.333 V 3.300 3.432 V
5.000 5.050 V 5.000 5.200 V
0.035 0.3 %
10 mV
15 mV
0.5 %
15 mV
1 1.10 1.15 1.20 1200 1.7
5 5 0.01 60
1.238 1.225
LM1117-1.8 IOUT = 10mA,VIN-VOUT =3.8V, TJ = 25℃ 0≤IOUT≤800mA, 3.2V≤VIN≤10V LM1117-2.5 IOUT = 10mA,VIN-VOUT =4.5V, TJ = 25℃ 0≤IOUT≤800mA, 3.9V≤VIN≤10V LM1117-2.85 IOUT = 10mA,VIN-VOUT =4.85V, TJ = 25℃ 0≤IOUT≤800mA, 4.25V≤VIN≤10V 0≤IOUT≤500mA, VIN = 4.1V LM1117-3.3 IOUT = 10mA,VIN-VOUT =5V, TJ = 25℃ 0≤IOUT≤800mA, 4.75V≤VIN≤10V LM1117-5.0 IOUT = 10mA,VIN-VOUT =7V, TJ = 25℃ 0≤IOUT≤800mA, 6.5V≤VIN≤12V LM1117-ADJ IOUT = 10mA, 1.5V≤VIN-VOUT≤13.75V LM1117-1.8 IOUT = 0mA, 3.2V≤VIN≤10V LM1117-2.5 IOUT = 0mA, 3.9V≤VIN≤10V



LTC 1661MSOP封装的微功率,双通道10位DAC特点:•纤巧:两个采用8引脚MSOP封装的10位DAC----占用极级空间为SO-8封装的一半•微功率:每路DAC的电流仅为60Ua睡眠模式:1uA(以延长电池的使用寿命)•轨至轨电压输出可驱动1000pF的容性负载• 2.7V至5.5V的宽电压范围•用于独立和同时DAC更新的双缓冲结构•基准范围包括电源以提供比例式0V~VCC输出•基准输入在所有阻值(典型值260KΩ)条件下均具有很定阻抗---除了外部缓冲器•具有施密特(schmitt)触发器输入的三线式串行接口•差分非线性度:≤±0.75LSB(最大值)应用•移动通信•数字控制式放大器和衰减器•便携式电池供电型仪器•针对制造的自动校准•远程工业设备描述•LTC®1661 将两个准确的可串行寻址的10位数模转化器(DAC)集成在两个微小型的MS8 封装之中。








•系统框架图微分非线性绝对最大额定值(注释1)电压值(VCC) 到地(GND) --------- -0.3V~7.5V 工作温度范围逻辑输入到地 --------- -0.3V~7.5V LTC1661C …………………0℃~70℃ Vout A,VoutB ,REF 到GND----- -0.3V~VCC+0.3V LTC1661I ………………-40℃~85℃ 最大结温……………………………………125℃ 焊接温度(焊接10s)----300℃ 储存温度范围------------------------ -65℃~150℃逻辑控制 地址译码器移位寄存器锁存器 锁存器 锁存器 锁存器 A 通道10位AD 输出 B 通道10位AD 输出封装及订货信息军工级产品请联系工厂电气特性标注为表示此参数在产品的整个工作温度范围,其他没有特殊说明的,均指在环境温度TA=25℃。



Reel of 1000 TLV1117-33IDRJR
SOT-223 – DCY
Tube of 80
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-33IDCYR
TO-252 – KVU
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-33IKVUR
TA –40°C to 125°C
VO TYP 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V 5V
The low-profile surface-mount KTP package allows the device to be used in applications where space is limited. The TLV1117 is designed to be stable with tantalum and aluminum electrolytic output capacitors having an ESR between 0.2 Ω and 10 Ω.



JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe CJ1117 is a series of low dropout three-terminal regulators with a dropout of 1.15V at 1A output current.The CJ1117 series provides current limiting and thermal shutdown. Its circuit includes a trimmed bandgap reference to assure output voltage accuracy to be within 1%. Current limit is trimmed to ensure specified output Current and controlled short-circuit current. On-chip thermal shutdown provides protection against any combination of overload and ambient temperature that would create excessive junction temperature.The CJ1117 has an adjustable version, that can provide the output voltage from 1.25V to 12V with only 2 external resistors.The CJ1117 series is available in the industry standard SOT-223,SOT-89,TO-220,TO-252 and TO-263 power packages.FEATURES• Low Dropout Voltage: 1.15V at 1A Output Current• Trimmed Current Limit• On-Chip Thermal Shutdown• Three-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V• Operation junction Temperature: 0 ℃ to125℃APPLICATIONS• PC Motherboard• LCD Monitor• Graphic Card• DVD-Video player• NIC/Switch• Telecom Modem• ADSL Modem• Printer and other peripheral EquipmentJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR PIN CONFIGURATIONST Package A Package(SOT-223) (SOT-89)P Package U Package(TO-220) (TO-252)B Package D Package(TO-263) (TO-251)Figure 2. Pin Configurations of CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 3. Functional Block Diagram of CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTDORDERING INFORMATIONNumber Package TemperatureRange PartCJT1117-ADJCJT1117-1.5CJT1117-1.8SOT-223 0 to 125℃CJT1117-2.5CJT1117-3.3CJT1117-5.0CJA1117-ADJCJA1117-1.5CJA1117-1.8SOT-89 0 to 125℃CJA1117-2.5CJA1117-3.3CJA1117-5.0CJP1117-ADJCJP1117-1.5CJP1117-1.8TO-220 0 to 125℃CJP1117-2.5CJP1117-3.3CJP1117-5.0CJU1117-ADJCJU1117-1.5CJU1117-1.8TO-252 0 to 125℃CJU1117-2.5CJU1117-3.3CJU1117-5.0CJB1117-ADJCJB1117-1.5CJB1117-1.8TO-263 0 to 125℃CJB1117-2.5CJB1117-3.3CJB1117-5.0CJD1117-ADJCJD1117-1.5CJD1117-1.8TO-251 0 to 125℃CJD1117-2.5CJD1117-3.3CJD1117-5.0CJ Χ 1117- ZADJ: Adjustable OutputPackage Circuit Type 1.5: Fixed Output 1.5VT: SOT-223 U: TO-252 1.8: Fixed Output 1.8VA: SOT-89 B: TO-263 2.5: Fixed Output 2.5VJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORABOSLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NOTE 1)Parameter Value UnitV IN20 VMaximum Junction Temperature 150 ℃Storage Temperature Range -65 to 150 ℃Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec.) 300 ℃ESD (Machine Model) 600 VNote 1: Su=tresses greater than those listed under ”Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage tothe device. These are stress ratings only, and functional of the device at these or any other conditions beyond thoseindicated under “Recommended Operating Conditions” is not implied. Exposure to “Absolute Maximum Ratings” forextended periods may affect device reliability.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSParameter MinUnitMaxV IN 15 VOperating Junction Temperature Range 0 125 ℃JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOperating Conditions: V IN ≤10V, T J =25℃ unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions MinTyp Max Unit Reference Voltage CJ1117-ADJ I OUT =10mA, =2V,10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤8V, P ≤ Maximum power Dissipation1.238 1.225 1.250 1.250 1.262 1.270 VCJ1117-1.5,I OUT =10mA, V IN =3.5V10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.0V ≤V IN ≤10V 1.485 1.470 1.5 1.5 1.515 1.530 V CJ1117-1.8, I OUT =10mA, V IN =3.8V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.2V ≤V IN ≤10V 1.782 1.746 1.8 1.8 1.818 1.854 V CJ1117-2.5, I OUT =10mA, V IN =4.5V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.9V ≤V IN ≤10V 2.475 2.450 2.5 2.5 2.525 2.550 V CJ1117-3.3, I OUT =10mA, V IN =5.0V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 4.75V ≤V IN ≤10V 3.267 3.235 3.3 3.3 3.333 3.365 V Output Voltage CJ1117-5.0, I OUT =10mA, V IN =7.0V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V4.950 4.9005.0 5.05.050 5.100VCJ1117-ADJIOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 0.035 0.2 % CJ1117-1.5IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-1.8IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-2.5IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-3.3IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV Line Regulation CJ1117-5.0IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V1 6 mV CJ1117-ADJV IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 0.2 0.4 % CJ1117-1.5V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-1.8V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-2.5V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-3.3V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV Load Regulation CJ1117-5.0V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A1 15 mVJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED)Operating Conditions: V IN ≤10V, T J =25℃ unless otherwise specified.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ∆V REF =1%, IOUT =0.1A 1.00 1.1 V∆V REF =1%, I OUT =0.5A 1.08 1.18 V Dropout Voltage ∆V REF =1%, I OUT =1.0A 1.15 1.25 VCurrent Limit V IN -V OUT =2V 1.25 1.35 A Adjust Pin Current 60 120 µA Adjust Pin Current Change 1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 0.2 5 µA Minimum Load Current (ADJ) 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V (ADJ only) 1.7 5 mA Quiescent Current V IN = V OUT +1.25V 5 10 mA Ripple Rejection f=120Hz, C OUT =22µF Tantalum,V IN -V OUT =3V, I OUT =1A60 75 dBTemperature Stability 0.5 %Long-Term Stability TA=125℃, 1000hrs 0.3 % RMS Output Noise(% of V OUT )TA=25℃, 10Hz ≤f ≤10KHz0.003 % Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case SOT-223 TO-252/251 TO-220 TO-263 15 104.5 4℃/WThermal Shutdown Junction Temperature150 ℃ Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 25 ℃JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD 1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORTypical Applications元器件交易网。

Wellington Trellis 11173 产品说明书

Wellington Trellis 11173 产品说明书

Model#11173Wellington TrellisW221122-A5080*W201121-A2040**W201121-A2040**W201121-A2040**W201121-A2040**W201121-A2040**W201121-A2040*QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? CONTACT US!115 Vision Parkway 1-877-258-6020P.O.Box Assembly Instruction Manual Please read instructions thoroughly before beginning assembly.Check boxes carefully for contents listed. Some parts are packaged inside of others.Assemble on a clean, flat, non-abrasive surface to prevent scratching.In the event of missing or damaged parts please call or email our customer service department at the contact info below.75" 28"Starting at bottom of 74" left post (part 1), insert one 27½" outer cross rail (part 3) and two 27½" inner cross rails (part 4). When inserting two inner cross rails insert sides with four routed holes facing each other. Insert two 26½" vertical rails (part 6) through outer holes of inner cross rails and into outer holes of outer cross rail.Starting at top of same 74" left post, insert another 27½" outer cross rail (part 3) and two more 27½" inner cross rails (part 4). When inserting two inner cross rails insert sides with four routed holes facing each other. Insert to 26½" vertical rails (part 6) through outer holes of inner cross rails and into outer holes of outer cross rail.Insert two 27½" middle cross rails (part 5) into remaining routed holes in side of post,inserting free ends of 26½" vertical rails into middle cross rail. Insert four 16¾" vertical rails (part 7) into remaining holes in inside cross rails. Insert two 13" vertical rails (part 8) into remaining holes in middle cross rails. Insert free ends of cross rails into 74" right post (part 2).123Using four ¾" screws per post, fasten together trellis. Be sure all parts are fully inserted into posts before securing. Using PVC, super or crazy glue, apply glue to inside corners and place on top of each post.4Option 1 (soft ground)Slide one ground anchor (part 12) into bottom of each post until it meets bottom cross rail. Using two 1” self-tapping screws per post, screw the post to ground anchor using the pilot holes for ing ground anchor installation layout drawing, dig holes approximately 10” deep. Set trellis in holes and level. Back fill with soil removed from holes. Option 2 (permanent installation)NOTE: There is very little room for error with this installation method. Using ground anchor installation layout drawing, dig holes 10” deep according to dimensions. Fill with cement and place ground anchors in wet cement. Be sure that ground anchors are straight and in accordance with dimension of ground anchor installation layout drawing. Allow cement to dry.Slide trellis over ground anchors. Using two 1” self-tapping screws, fasten post to ground anchor.Ground Anchor InstallationGround Anchor Layout Drawing27.75"Please call manufacturer direct with questions concerning missing or defective parts at Toll Free: 877-258-6020.Dura-trel,Inc. products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects resulting in delaminating, peeling, flaking, corroding, cracking, crazing, or extreme amounts of fading or bleaching causing the PVC to change to its natural color for a period of 20 years from the date of purchase.Normal weathering is defined as exposure to sunlight and extremes of weather and atmosphere which will cause any colored surface to gradually fade.CONDITIONS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY:A. Physical abuse, misuse, neglect, or improper storage.B. Improper installation or installation not in strict adherence to the instructions written by Dura-Trel, Inc.C. This warranty does not apply if materials are painted, varnished, or coated with any substance.D. Dura-Trel, Inc. is not responsible for damages to product during shipping.E. Damage attributable to atmospheric pollutants, hail, lightning, hurricane, tornado, wind borne objects, earthquake, fire, mildew, casualty, act of God, building or ground settlement, or subjection to stress or weight.CLAIMS AND REMEDIES:If a Dura-Trel, Inc. product is determined to have a manufacturing defect which is covered by this warranty, Dura-Trel, Inc. will replace the material containing the defect (labor not included) F.O.B from the point of manufacture. Dura-trel, Inc. will not be responsible for any cost incurred in the removal or reinstallation of the product.Important: All claims must be sent to the following address and should describe the defect claim.Dura-Trel, Inc., P.O. Box 122, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085Dura-Trel, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue or change its design and/or color. If the original color or style is not available, Dura-Trel, Inc. shall have the right to substitute a product designated by Dura-Trel, Inc.Dura-Trel, Inc. shall not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the use of these products.。







电源输入电压是指电源输入端能接受的最大电压和最小电压,它是1111稳压芯片能够正常工作的前提,其范围一般介于3.3V到35V 之间,是与用户所使用电源有关的。













Absolute Maximum RatingsElectrical Characteristics( Vin = 3.25V, Co = 10uF, Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)ParameterSymbolValueUnitsInput Voltage V IN(MAX)18V Junction Temperature T J -25°C ~ +125°C °C Storage TemperatureT STG-55°C ~ +150°C°CParameterSymbolTest ConditionMIn.Typ.Max.UnitsReference Voltage Vref V IN = 3.25V, I O = 10mA1.225 1.250 1.275V Line Regulation dV OUT1I OUT =10mA, 3.25V < V IN < 12.25V 0 1.0 2.5mV Load Regulation dV OUT2V IN =3.25V, 10mA < I OUT < 1A 0 1.0 6.0mV Dropout Voltage 1V DROP1I OUT = 100mA - 1.00 1.15V Dropout Voltage 2V DROP2I OUT = 1A - 1.10 1.25V Quiescent Current Iq V IN < 12V-510mA Ripple RejectionRRf = 120Hz, C OUT = 22uF Tantalum,4.15V < V IN < 4.35, I OUT = 500mA55100200dBS1117Sep 2002. Rev. 0Featuresadjustable version.Space saving SMD types of SOT-223 and D-Pak(TO-252) 1.1V Drop-out Voltage 1.0A Output CurrentCurrent Limiting and Thermal protection Over Current Protection.Ouput trimmed to 2% Tolerance Fast Transient ResponseGeneral DescriptionThe S1117 is a series of low dropout voltage regulators which can pro-vide up to 1A of output current. On chip precision trimming adjusts the refernce/output voltage to within ·2%. Current limit is also trimmed to ensure specified output current and controlled short-circuit current.The S1117 series is available in SOT-223 and DPAK power packages.A minimum of 10uF tantalum capacitor is required at the output to improve the transient response and stability.Symbol1/41.0A Adjustable LDO Linear RegulatorPRELIMINARYApplicationsPost Regulator for Sitching DC/DC Converter High Efficiency Linear Regulator Battery Chargers PC Add on CardMotherboard clock suppliesElectrical Characteristics( Vin = 3.25V, Co = 10uF, Ta = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Parameter Symbol Test ConditionMIn.Typ.Max.UnitsCurrent Limit I LimitV IN - V OUT = 2V 1 1.5-A Adjust Pin Current Iadj Vin = 3.25V. Io = 10mA1035100uA Minimum Load Current I Min 10--mA Long Term Stability StableT A = 125°C, 1000hrs -0.03 1.0%RMS Output Noise 10Hz < f < 10kHz-0.003-%Thermal Shutdown Tsd Vin = 3.25V Tj = 130 to 210deg 150170200°C Thermal ShutdownHysteresis Thys Vin = 3.25V Tj = 210 to 130deg 51035°C Over Voltage ProtectionV OVP Vin = 10V to 25V Io = 10mA 14.416.418.4VS11172/4Fig 4. Absolute Maximum safe operating S11173/44/4S1117Typical ApplicationV out = (1 + R 2/R 1) X V refExample) If R1 = 125ohm, Rd=25ohm,V out= (1 + 25/125) X 1.25 = 1.5V。



CJT1117-3.3中文资料JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe CJ1117 is a series of low dropout three-terminal regulators with a dropout of 1.15V at 1A output current.The CJ1117 series provides current limiting and thermal shutdown. Its circuit includes a trimmed bandgap reference to assure output voltage accuracy to be within 1%. Current limit is trimmed to ensure specified output Current and controlled short-circuit current. On-chip thermal shutdown provides protection against any combination of overload and ambient temperature that would create excessive junction temperature.The CJ1117 has an adjustable version, that can provide the output voltage from 1.25V to 12V with only 2 external resistors.The CJ1117 series is available in the industry standard SOT-223,SOT-89,TO-220,TO-252 and TO-263 power packages.FEATURESLow Dropout Voltage: 1.15V at 1A Output CurrentTrimmed Current LimitOn-Chip Thermal ShutdownThree-Terminal Adjustable or Fixed 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V Operation junction Temperature: 0 ℃ to125℃APPLICATIONSPC MotherboardLCD MonitorGraphic CardDVD-Video playerNIC/SwitchTelecom ModemADSL ModemPrinter and other peripheral EquipmentJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR PIN CONFIGURATIONST Package A Package(SOT-223) (SOT-89)P Package U Package(TO-220) (TO-252)B Package D Package(TO-263) (TO-251)Figure 2. Pin Configurations of CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 3. Functional Block Diagram of CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTDORDERING INFORMATIONNumber Package T emperatureRange PartCJT1117-ADJCJT1117-1.5CJT1117-1.8SOT-223 0 to 125℃CJT1117-2.5CJT1117-3.3CJT1117-5.0CJA1117-ADJCJA1117-1.5CJA1117-1.8SOT-89 0 to 125℃CJA1117-2.5CJA1117-3.3CJA1117-5.0CJP1117-ADJCJP1117-1.5CJP1117-1.8TO-220 0 to 125℃CJP1117-2.5CJP1117-3.3CJP1117-5.0CJU1117-ADJCJU1117-1.5CJU1117-1.8TO-252 0 to 125℃CJU1117-2.5CJU1117-3.3CJU1117-5.0CJB1117-ADJCJB1117-1.5CJB1117-1.8TO-263 0 to 125℃CJB1117-2.5CJB1117-3.3CJB1117-5.0CJD1117-ADJCJD1117-1.5CJD1117-1.8TO-251 0 to 125℃CJD1117-2.5CJD1117-3.3CJD1117-5.0CJ Χ 1117- ZADJ: Adjustable OutputPackage Circuit Type 1.5: Fixed Output 1.5VT: SOT-223 U: TO-252 1.8: Fixed Output 1.8VA: SOT-89 B: TO-263 2.5: Fixed Output 2.5VJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORABOSLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (NOTE 1)Parameter Value UnitV IN20 VMaximum Junction Temperature 150 ℃Storage Temperature Range -65 to 150 ℃Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec.) 300 ℃ESD (Machine Model) 600 VNote 1: Su=tresses greater than those listed under ”Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage tothe device. These are stress ratings only, and functional of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicat ed under “Recommended Operating Conditions” is not implied. Exposure to “Absolute Maximum Ratings” for extended periods may affect device reliability.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSParameter MinUnitMaxV IN 15 VOperating Junction Temperature Range 0 125 ℃JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSOperating Conditions: V IN ≤10V, T J =25℃ unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions MinTyp Max Unit Reference Voltage CJ1117-ADJ I OUT =10mA,=2V,10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤8V, P ≤ Maximum power Dissipation1.238 1.225 1.250 1.250 1.262 1.270 VCJ1117-1.5,I OUT =10mA, V IN =3.5V10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.0V ≤V IN ≤10V 1.485 1.470 1.5 1.5 1.515 1.530 V CJ1117-1.8, I OUT =10mA, V IN =3.8V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.2V ≤V IN ≤10V 1.782 1.746 1.8 1.8 1.818 1.854 V CJ1117-2.5, I OUT =10mA, V IN =4.5V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 3.9V ≤V IN ≤10V 2.475 2.450 2.5 2.5 2.525 2.550 V CJ1117-3.3, I OUT =10mA, V IN =5.0V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 4.75V ≤V IN ≤10V 3.267 3.235 3.3 3.3 3.333 3.365 V Output Voltage CJ1117-5.0, I OUT =10mA, V IN =7.0V 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A, 6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V4.950 4.9005.0 5.05.050 5.100VCJ1117-ADJIOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 0.035 0.2 % CJ1117-1.5IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-1.8 IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-2.5 IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV CJ1117-3.3 IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 1 6 mV Line Regulation CJ1117-5.0IOUT=10mA, 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V1 6 mV CJ1117-ADJV IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 0.2 0.4 % CJ1117-1.5 V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-1.8V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-2.5V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV CJ1117-3.3V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 1 10 mV Load Regulation CJ1117-5.0V IN -V OUT =2V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A1 15 mVJIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATORELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED)Operating Conditions: V IN ≤10V, T J =25℃ unless otherwise specified.Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit ?V REF =1%, IOUT =0.1A 1.00 1.1 VV REF =1%, I OUT =0.5A 1.08 1.18 V Dropout Voltage ?V REF =1%, I OUT =1.0A 1.15 1.25 VCurrent Limit V IN -V OUT =2V 1.25 1.35 A Adjust Pin Current 60 120 μA Adjust Pin Current Change 1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V, 10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A 0.2 5 μA Minimum Load Current (ADJ) 1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V (ADJ only) 1.7 5 mA Quiescent Current V IN = V OUT +1.25V 5 10 mA Ripple Rejection f=120Hz, C OUT =22μF Tantalum,V IN -V OUT =3V, I OUT =1A60 75 dBTemperature Stability 0.5 %Long-Term Stability TA=125℃, 1000hrs 0.3 % RMS Output Noise(% of V OUT )TA=25℃, 10Hz ≤f ≤10KHz0.003 % Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case SOT-223 TO-252/251 TO-220 TO-263 15 104.5 4℃/WThermal Shutdown Junction Temperature150 ℃ Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis 25 ℃JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Characteristics CJ1117JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD1A LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR Typical Applications。


(2) Complies with TO-252, variation AC
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TA –40°C to 125°C
VO TYP 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V 5V
Reel of 1000 TLV1117-15IDRJR
SOT-223 – DCY
Tube of 80
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-15IDCYR
TO-252 – KVU
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-15IKVUR
Reel of 1000 TLV1117-18IDRJR
SOT-223 – DCY
Tube of 80
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-18IDCYR
TO-252 – KVU
Reel of 2500 TLV1117-18IKVUR
Unlike pnp-type regulators, in which up to 10% of the output current is wasted as quiescent current, the quiescent current of the TLV1117 flows into the load, increasing efficiency.



单位 mA mA V
参数名称 电压调整率
规范值 最小 典型 最大
1117-2.85 1117-3.00 1117-3.30 1117-5.00 负载调整率
IO=0mA Vin=4.25~10V
I ADJ 50 A
6. 2 800mA 应用线路
7. 外形尺寸
25 30mS 脉冲
frip = 120Hz
Vrip = 1Vp-p
Ta=125 ,1000 小时 10Hz f 10kHz
% of Vout 结到散热片的热阻
输出电压从额定值下降 100mV 时
1 10
1 12
12 mV
1 15
1.00 1.10 1.05 1.15 V
fRIPPLE =20kHz
V RIPPLE 0.5V p-p
20 CADJ =25 F 10 C ADJ =25 F 0 VOUT =5V
0 0.2 0.4
0.6 0.8
输出电流 A
输出电压变化 %

1117c 芯片参数

1117c 芯片参数

1117c 芯片参数







LM1117 中文PDF资料

LM1117 中文PDF资料

R2 VOUT=VREF x (1+R2/R1)+IADJ x R2
图 2. 典型可调输出电压

负载瞬态反应(VOUT=5 V)
可调管脚电流 ( A)


Vin=3.8V,Iout=10mA, Tj=25℃(图 1) Vin=3.1V∼12V, Iout=1mA∼1A,(图 1) Vin=3.8V,Tj=25℃ (图 1) Vin=3.8V,Iout =1mA, ΔT=0℃∼125℃,图 1 VKA =VREF, ΔVin=3.3V∼8V,图 1 ΔIout =1mA∼800mA, Vin=3.3V,图 1 图1 Vin>8V,图 1 Iout=0.1A,图 1 Iout=0.5A,图 1 Iout=1A,图 1 1% 6%
Vin=3.2V,Iout=10mA, Tj=25℃(图 1) Vin=2.5V∼12V, Iout=1mA∼1A,(图 1) Vin=3.2V,Tj=25℃ (图 1) Vin=3.2V,Iout =1mA, ΔT=0℃∼125℃,图 1 VKA =VREF, ΔVin=2.7V∼8V,图 1 ΔIout =1mA∼800mA, Vin=2.7V,图 1 图1 Vin>8V,图 1 Iout=0.1A,图 1 Iout=0.5A,图 1 Iout=1A,图 1 1% 7.5%
赛 普 微 电 子 有 限 公 司
Super Microelectronics
基本特性: � 此稳压源输入最高电压 16V。 � 提供固定电压输出 1.2V、1.5V、1.8V、2.5V、3.3V、5V 和可调电压输出。 � 输出电压精度可控制在 1%范围内。 � 较宽输出电流范围 1mA ~ 1A 。 SOT-223 PKG � 非常好线性调整率和负载调整率。 � 低开启电压。 � 提供封装 SOT-223,TO-252。 应用范围:
mA mV/℃

LM1117_稳压芯片 资料7I

LM1117_稳压芯片 资料7I

w w w.C hi n ad z.Co mLM1117/LM1117I800mA Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM1117is a series of low dropout voltage regulators with a dropout of1.2V at800mA of load current.It has the same pin-out as National Semiconductor’s industry standard LM317.The LM1117is available in an adjustable version,which can set the output voltage from1.25V to13.8V with only two external resistors.In addition,it is also available in five fixed voltages,1.8V,2.5V,2.85V,3.3V,and5V.The LM1117offers current limiting and thermal shutdown.Its circuit includes a zener trimmed bandgap reference to as-sure output voltage accuracy to within±1%.The LM1117series is available in LLP,TO-263,SOT-223, TO-220,and TO-252D-PAK packages.A minimum of10µF tantalum capacitor is required at the output to improve the transient response and stability.Featuresn Available in1.8V,2.5V,2.85V,3.3V,5V,and Adjustable Versionsn Space Saving SOT-223and LLP Packagesn Current Limiting and Thermal Protectionn Output Current800mA n Line Regulation0.2%(Max) n Load Regulation0.4%(Max) n Temperature Range—LM11170˚C to125˚C —LM1117I−40˚C to125˚C Applicationsn 2.85V Model for SCSI-2Active Terminationn Post Regulator for Switching DC/DC Convertern High Efficiency Linear Regulatorsn Battery Chargern Battery Powered InstrumentationTypical ApplicationActive Terminator for SCSI-2Bus10091905Fixed Output Regulator10091928April2006LM1117/LM1117I800mA Low-DropoutLinear Regulator©2006National Semiconductor Corporation ww w.Ch in ad z.C om Ordering InformationPackage TemperatureRange Part Number Packaging MarkingTransport Media NSC Drawing 3-lead SOT-2230˚C to +125˚CLM1117MPX-ADJ N03A Tape and Reel MP04ALM1117MPX-1.8N12A Tape and Reel LM1117MPX-2.5N13A Tape and Reel LM1117MPX-2.85N04A Tape and Reel LM1117MPX-3.3N05A Tape and Reel LM1117MPX-5.0N06A Tape and Reel −40˚C to +125˚CLM1117IMPX-ADJ N03B Tape and Reel LM1117IMPX-3.3N05B Tape and Reel LM1117IMPX-5.0N06B Tape and Reel3-lead TO-2200˚C to +125˚CLM1117T-ADJ LM1117T-ADJ Rails T03B LM1117T-1.8LM1117T-1.8Rails LM1117T-2.5LM1117T-2.5RailsLM1117T-2.85LM1117T-2.85RailsLM1117T-3.3LM1117T-3.3Rails LM1117T-5.0LM1117T-5.0Rails3-lead TO-2520˚C to +125˚CLM1117DTX-ADJ LM1117DT-ADJ Tape and Reel TD03BLM1117DTX-1.8LM1117DT-1.8Tape and Reel LM1117DTX-2.5LM1117DT-2.5Tape and Reel LM1117DTX-2.85LM1117DT-2.85Tape and Reel LM1117DTX-3.3LM1117DT-3.3Tape and Reel LM1117DTX-5.0LM1117DT-5.0Tape and Reel −40˚C to +125˚CLM1117IDTX-ADJ LM1117IDT-ADJ Tape and Reel LM1117IDTX-3.3LM1117IDT-3.3Tape and Reel LM1117IDTX-5.0LM1117IDT-5.0Tape and Reel 8-lead LLP0˚C to +125˚CLM1117LDX-ADJ 1117ADJ Tape and Reel LDC08ALM1117LDX-1.81117-18Tape and Reel LM1117LDX-2.51117-25Tape and Reel LM1117LDX-2.851117-28Tape and Reel LM1117LDX-3.31117-33Tape and Reel LM1117LDX-5.01117-50Tape and Reel −40˚C to 125˚CLM1117ILDX-ADJ 1117IAD Tape and Reel LM1117ILDX-3.31117I33Tape and Reel LM1117ILDX-5.01117I50Tape and Reel TO-2630˚C to +125˚C LM1117SX-ADJ LM1117SADJ Tape and Reel TS3BLM1117SX-2.85LM1117S2.85Tape and Reel LM1117SX-3.3LM1117S3.3Tape and Reel LM1117SX-5.0LM1117S5.0Tape and ReelL M 1117/L M 1117I 2w ww.C hi n ad z.Co mBlock Diagram10091901 Connection DiagramsSOT-22310091904Top ViewTO-22010091902Top ViewTO-25210091938Top ViewTO-26310091944Top View10091945Side ViewLLP10091946When using the LLP packagePins2,3&4must be connected together andPins5,6&7must be connected togetherTop ViewLM1117/LM1117I3ww w.Ch in ad z.C om Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Maximum Input Voltage (V IN to GND)20VPower Dissipation (Note 2)Internally LimitedJunction Temperature (T J )(Note 2)150˚CStorage Temperature Range -65˚C to 150˚CLead TemperatureTO-220(T)Package 260˚C,10sec SOT-223(IMP)Package 260˚C,4secESD Tolerance (Note 3)2000VOperating Ratings (Note 1)Input Voltage (V IN to GND)15VJunction Temperature Range (T J )(Note 2)LM11170˚C to 125˚C LM1117I−40˚C to 125˚CLM1117Electrical CharacteristicsTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T J =25˚C.Limits appearing in Boldface type apply over the entire junc-tion temperature range for operation,0˚C to 125˚C.Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin (Note 5)Typ (Note 4)Max (Note 5)UnitsV REFReference VoltageLM1117-ADJI OUT =10mA,V IN -V OUT =2V,T J =25˚C 10mA ≤I OUT ≤800mA,1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V1.2381.2251.2501.250 1.2621.270V VV OUTOutput VoltageLM1117-1.8I OUT =10mA,V IN =3.8V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,3.2V ≤V IN ≤10V 1.7821.746 1.8001.800 1.8181.854V V LM1117-2.5I OUT =10mA,V IN =4.5V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,3.9V ≤V IN ≤10V2.4752.450 2.5002.500 2.5252.550V V LM1117-2.85I OUT =10mA,V IN =4.85V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,4.25V ≤V IN ≤10V 0≤I OUT ≤500mA,V IN =4.10V2.8202.7902.790 2.8502.8502.850 2.8802.9102.910V V V LM1117-3.3I OUT =10mA,V IN =5V T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,4.75V ≤V IN ≤10V 3.2673.235 3.3003.300 3.3333.365V V LM1117-5.0I OUT =10mA,V IN =7V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V 4.9504.9005.0005.000 5.0505.100V V ∆V OUTLine Regulation (Note 6)LM1117-ADJI OUT =10mA,1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤13.75V 0.0350.2%LM1117-1.8I OUT =0mA,3.2V ≤V IN ≤10V 16mV LM1117-2.5I OUT =0mA,3.9V ≤V IN ≤10V 16mVLM1117-2.85I OUT =0mA,4.25V ≤V IN ≤10V 16mV LM1117-3.3I OUT =0mA,4.75V ≤V IN ≤15V 16mV LM1117-5.0I OUT =0mA,6.5V ≤V IN ≤15V110mVL M 1117/L M 1117I 4w w w.C hi n ad z.Co mLM1117Electrical Characteristics(Continued)Typicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T J=25˚C.Limits appearing in Boldface type apply over the entire junc-tion temperature range for operation,0˚C to125˚C.Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin(Note5)Typ(Note4)Max(Note5)Units∆V OUT Load Regulation(Note6)LM1117-ADJV IN-V OUT=3V,10≤I OUT≤800mA0.20.4% LM1117-1.8V IN=3.2V,0≤I OUT≤800mA110mVLM1117-2.5V IN=3.9V,0≤I OUT≤800mA110mVLM1117-2.85V IN=4.25V,0≤I OUT≤800mA110mV LM1117-3.3V IN=4.75V,0≤I OUT≤800mA110mV LM1117-5.0V IN=6.5V,0≤I OUT≤800mA115mVV IN-V OUT Dropout Voltage(Note7)I OUT=100mA 1.10 1.20V I OUT=500mA 1.15 1.25V I OUT=800mA 1.20 1.30VI LIMIT Current Limit V IN-V OUT=5V,T J=25˚C80012001500mAMinimum Load Current(Note8)LM1117-ADJV IN=15V 1.75mAQuiescent Current LM1117-1.8V IN≤15V510mALM1117-2.5V IN≤15V510mALM1117-2.85V IN≤10V510mALM1117-3.3V IN≤15V510mALM1117-5.0V IN≤15V510mA Thermal Regulation T A=25˚C,30ms Pulse0.010.1%/W Ripple Regulation f RIPPLE=120Hz,V IN-V OUT=3V V RIPPLE=1V PP6075dB Adjust Pin Current60120µAAdjust Pin Current Change 10≤I OUT≤800mA,1.4V≤V IN-V OUT≤10V0.25µATemperature Stability0.5% Long Term Stability T A=125˚C,1000Hrs0.3% RMS Output Noise(%of V OUT),10Hz≤f≤10kHz0.003%Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case 3-Lead SOT-22315.0˚C/W 3-Lead TO-220 3.0˚C/W 3-Lead TO-25210˚C/WThermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient (No air flow)3-Lead SOT-223(No heat sink)136˚C/W3-Lead TO-220(No heat sink)79˚C/W3-Lead TO-252(Note9)(No heat sink)92˚C/W3-Lead TO-26355˚C/W8-Lead LLP(Note10)40˚C/WLM1117/LM1117I5ww w.Ch in ad z.C om LM1117I Electrical CharacteristicsTypicals and limits appearing in normal type apply for T J =25˚C.Limits appearing in Boldface type apply over the entire junc-tion temperature range for operation,−40˚C to 125˚C.Symbol Parameter ConditionsMin (Note 5)Typ (Note 4)Max (Note 5)UnitsV REFReference VoltageLM1117I-ADJI OUT =10mA,V IN -V OUT =2V,T J =25˚C 10mA ≤I OUT ≤800mA,1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V1.2381.2001.2501.2501.2621.290V VV OUTOutput VoltageLM1117I-3.3I OUT =10mA,V IN =5V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,4.75V ≤V IN ≤10V 3.2673.168 3.3003.300 3.3333.432V V LM1117I-5.0I OUT =10mA,V IN =7V,T J =25˚C 0≤I OUT ≤800mA,6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V4.9504.8005.0005.000 5.0505.200V V ∆V OUTLine Regulation (Note 6)LM1117I-ADJI OUT =10mA,1.5V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤13.75V 0.0350.3%LM1117I-3.3I OUT =0mA,4.75V ≤V IN ≤15V 110mV LM1117I-5.0I OUT =0mA,6.5V ≤V IN ≤15V115mV ∆V OUTLoad Regulation (Note 6)LM1117I-ADJV IN -V OUT =3V,10≤I OUT ≤800mA 0.20.5%LM1117I-3.3V IN =4.75V,0≤I OUT ≤800mA 115mV LM1117I-5.0V IN =6.5V,0≤I OUT ≤800mA120mV V IN -V OUTDropout Voltage (Note 7)I OUT =100mA 1.10 1.30V I OUT =500mA 1.15 1.35V I OUT =800mA1.20 1.40V I LIMITCurrent Limit V IN -V OUT =5V,T J =25˚C80012001500mA Minimum Load Current (Note 8)LM1117I-ADJV IN =15V1.75mA Quiescent CurrentLM1117I-3.3V IN ≤15V515mA LM1117I-5.0V IN ≤15V515mA Thermal Regulation T A =25˚C,30ms Pulse0.010.1%/W Ripple Regulationf RIPPLE =120Hz,V IN -V OUT =3V V RIPPLE =1V PP6075dBAdjust Pin Current 60120µA Adjust Pin Current Change10≤I OUT ≤800mA,1.4V ≤V IN -V OUT ≤10V 0.210µA Temperature Stability 0.5%Long Term Stability T A =125˚C,1000Hrs0.3%RMS Output Noise (%of V OUT ),10Hz ≤f ≤10kHz 0.003%Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case 3-Lead SOT-22315.0˚C/W 3-Lead TO-25210˚C/W Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient No air flow)3-Lead SOT-223(No heat sink)136˚C/W 3-Lead TO-252(No heat sink)(Note 9)92˚C/W 8-Lead LLP(Note 10)40˚C/WNote 1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional,but specific performance is not guaranteed.For guaranteed specifications and the test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics.L M 1117/L M 1117I 6w w w.C hi n ad z.Co mNote2:The maximum power dissipation is a function of T J(max),θJA,and T A.The maximum allowable power dissipation at any ambient temperature isP D=(T J(max)–T A)/θJA.All numbers apply for packages soldered directly into a PC board.Note3:For testing purposes,ESD was applied using human body model,1.5kΩin series with100pF.Note4:Typical Values represent the most likely parametric norm.Note5:All limits are guaranteed by testing or statistical analysis.Note6:Load and line regulation are measured at constant junction room temperature.Note7:The dropout voltage is the input/output differential at which the circuit ceases to regulate against further reduction in input voltage.It is measured when theoutput voltage has dropped100mV from the nominal value obtained at V IN=V OUT+1.5V.Note8:The minimum output current required to maintain regulation.Note9:Minimum pad size of0.038in2Note10:Thermal Performance for the LLP was obtained using JESD51-7board with six vias and an ambient temperature of22˚C.For information about improvedthermal performance and power dissipation for the LLP,refer to Application Note AN-1187.Typical Performance CharacteristicsDropout Voltage(V IN-V OUT)Short-Circuit Current1009192210091923Load Regulation LM1117-ADJ Ripple Rejection1009194310091906LM1117/LM1117I7ww w.Ch in ad z.C om Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)LM1117-ADJ Ripple Rejection vs.CurrentTemperature Stability1009190710091925Adjust Pin Current LM1117-2.85Load Transient Response1009192610091908LM1117-5.0Load Transient ResponseLM1117-2.85Line Transient Response1009190910091910L M 1117/L M 1117I 8w w w.C hi n ad z.Co mTypical Performance Characteristics(Continued) LM1117-5.0Line Transient Response10091911Application Note1.0EXTERNAL CAPACITORS/STABILITY1.1Input Bypass CapacitorAn input capacitor is recommended.A10µF tantalum on the input is a suitable input bypassing for almost all applications.1.2Adjust Terminal Bypass CapacitorThe adjust terminal can be bypassed to ground with a by-pass capacitor(C ADJ)to improve ripple rejection.This by-pass capacitor prevents ripple from being amplified as the output voltage is increased.At any ripple frequency,the impedance of the C ADJ should be less than R1to prevent the ripple from being amplified:1/(2π*f RIPPLE*C ADJ)<R1The R1is the resistor between the output and the adjust pin. Its value is normally in the range of100-200Ω.For example, with R1=124Ωand f RIPPLE=120Hz,the C ADJ should be> 11µF.1.3Output CapacitorThe output capacitor is critical in maintaining regulator sta-bility,and must meet the required conditions for both mini-mum amount of capacitance and ESR(Equivalent Series Resistance).The minimum output capacitance required by the LM1117is10µF,if a tantalum capacitor is used.Any increase of the output capacitance will merely improve the loop stability and transient response.The ESR of the output capacitor should range between0.3Ω-22Ω.In the case of the adjustable regulator,when the C ADJ is used,a larger output capacitance(22µf tantalum)is required.2.0OUTPUT VOLTAGEThe LM1117adjustable version develops a1.25V reference voltage,V REF,between the output and the adjust terminal. As shown in Figure1,this voltage is applied across resistor R1to generate a constant current I1.The current I ADJ from the adjust terminal could introduce error to the output.But since it is very small(60µA)compared with the I1and very constant with line and load changes,the error can be ig-nored.The constant current I1then flows through the outputset resistor R2and sets the output voltage to the desiredlevel.For fixed voltage devices,R1and R2are integrated insidethe devices.3.0LOAD REGULATIONThe LM1117regulates the voltage that appears between itsoutput and ground pins,or between its output and adjustpins.In some cases,line resistances can introduce errors tothe voltage across the load.To obtain the best load regula-tion,a few precautions are needed.Figure2,shows a typical application using a fixed outputregulator.The Rt1and Rt2are the line resistances.It isobvious that the V LOAD is less than the V OUT by the sum ofthe voltage drops along the line resistances.In this case,theload regulation seen at the R LOAD would be degraded fromthe data sheet specification.To improve this,the load shouldbe tied directly to the output terminal on the positive side anddirectly tied to the ground terminal on the negative side.10091917FIGURE1.Basic Adjustable RegulatorLM1117/LM1117I9ww w.Ch in ad z.C om Application Note(Continued)When the adjustable regulator is used (Figure 3),the best performance is obtained with the positive side of the resistor R1tied directly to the output terminal of the regulator rather than near the load.This eliminates line drops from appearing effectively in series with the reference and degrading regu-lation.For example,a 5V regulator with 0.05Ωresistance between the regulator and load will have a load regulation due to line resistance of 0.05Ωx I L .If R1(=125Ω)is con-nected near the load,the effective line resistance will be 0.05Ω(1+R2/R1)or in this case,it is 4times worse.In addition,the ground side of the resistor R2can be returned near the ground of the load to provide remote ground sens-ing and improve load regulation.4.0PROTECTION DIODESUnder normal operation,the LM1117regulators do not need any protection diode.With the adjustable device,the internal resistance between the adjust and output terminals limits the current.No diode is needed to divert the current around the regulator even with capacitor on the adjust terminal.The adjust pin can take a transient signal of ±25V with respect to the output voltage without damaging the device.When a output capacitor is connected to a regulator and the input is shorted to ground,the output capacitor will discharge into the output of the regulator.The discharge current de-pends on the value of the capacitor,the output voltage of the regulator,and rate of decrease of V IN .In the LM1117regu-lators,the internal diode between the output and input pinscan withstand microsecond surge currents of 10A to 20A.With an extremely large output capacitor (≥1000µF),and with input instantaneously shorted to ground,the regulator could be damaged.In this case,an external diode is recommended between the output and input pins to protect the regulator,as shown in Figure 4.5.0HEATSINK REQUIREMENTSWhen an integrated circuit operates with an appreciable current,its junction temperature is elevated.It is important to quantify its thermal limits in order to achieve acceptable performance and reliability.This limit is determined by sum-ming the individual parts consisting of a series of tempera-ture rises from the semiconductor junction to the operating environment.A one-dimensional steady-state model of con-duction heat transfer is demonstrated in Figure 5.The heat generated at the device junction flows through the die to the die attach pad,through the lead frame to the surrounding case material,to the printed circuit board,and eventually to the ambient environment.Below is a list of variables that may affect the thermal resistance and in turn the need for a heatsink.R θJC (ComponentVariables)R θCA (ApplicationVariables)Leadframe Size &Material Mounting Pad Size,Material,&Location No.of Conduction Pins Placement of Mounting PadDie SizePCB Size &Material Die Attach Material Traces Length &Width Molding Compound Size and MaterialAdjacent Heat Sources Volume of Air Ambient Temperatue Shape of Mounting Pad10091918FIGURE 2.Typical Application using Fixed OutputRegulator 10091919FIGURE 3.Best Load Regulation using AdjustableOutput Regulator 10091915FIGURE 4.Regulator with Protection DiodeL M 1117/L M 1117I10ww w.Ch in ad z.C om Application Note(Continued)The LM1117regulators have internal thermal shutdown to protect the device from over-heating.Under all possible operating conditions,the junction temperature of the LM1117must be within the range of 0˚C to 125˚C.A heatsink may be required depending on the maximum power dissipation and maximum ambient temperature of the application.To deter-mine if a heatsink is needed,the power dissipated by the regulator,P D ,must be calculated:I IN =I L +I GP D =(V IN -V OUT )I L +V IN I GFigure 6shows the voltages and currents which are present in the circuit.The next parameter which must be calculated is the maxi-mum allowable temperature rise,T R (max):T R (max)=T J (max)-T A (max)where T J (max)is the maximum allowable junction tempera-ture (125˚C),and T A (max)is the maximum ambient tem-perature which will be encountered in the application.Using the calculated values for T R (max)and P D ,the maxi-mum allowable value for the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (θJA )can be calculated:θJA =T R (max)/P D If the maximum allowable value for θJA is found to be ≥136˚C/W for SOT-223package or ≥79˚C/W for TO-220package or ≥92˚C/W for TO-252package,no heatsink is needed since the package alone will dissipate enough heat to satisfy these requirements.If the calculated value for θJA falls below these limits,a heatsink is required.As a design aid,Table 1shows the value of the θJA of SOT-223and TO-252for different heatsink area.The copper patterns that we used to measure these θJA s are shown at the end of the Application Notes Section.Figure 7and Figure 8reflects the same test results as what are in the Table 1Figure 9and Figure 10shows the maximum allowable power dissipation vs.ambient temperature for the SOT-223and TO-252device.Figures Figure 11and Figure 12shows the maximum allowable power dissipation vs.copper area (in 2)for the SOT-223and TO-252devices.Please see AN1028for power enhancement techniques to be used with SOT-223and TO-252packages.*Application Note AN-1187discusses improved thermal per-formance and power dissipation for the LLP .TABLE 1.θJA Different Heatsink AreaLayout Copper AreaThermal ResistanceTop Side (in 2)*Bottom Side (in 2)(θJA ,˚C/W)SOT-223(θJA ,˚C/W)TO-25210.0123013610320.0660*******.30846040.530755450.76069526106647700.211584800.49870900.689631000.8825711017957120.0660.06612589130.1750.175937210091937FIGURE 5.Cross-sectional view of Integrated Circuit Mounted on a printed circuit board.Note that the case temperature is measured at the point where the leadscontact with the mounting pad surface 10091916FIGURE 6.Power Dissipation DiagramLM1117/LM1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Application Note(Continued)TABLE 1.θJA Different Heatsink Area (Continued)Layout Copper AreaThermal Resistance140.2840.2848361150.3920.3927555160.50.57053*Tab of device attached to topside copperL M 1117/L M 1117Iw w w.C hi n ad z.Co mApplication Note(Continued)10091913 FIGURE7.θJA vs.1oz Copper Area for SOT-22310091934 FIGURE8.θJA vs.2oz Copper Area for TO-25210091912 FIGURE9.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.Ambient Temperature for SOT-22310091936FIGURE10.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.Ambient Temperature for TO-25210091914FIGURE11.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.1oz Copper Area for SOT-22310091935FIGURE12.Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation vs.2oz Copper Area for TO-252LM1117/LM1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Application Note(Continued)10091941FIGURE 13.Top View of the Thermal Test Pattern in Actual ScaleL M 1117/L M 1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Application Note(Continued)10091942FIGURE 14.Bottom View of the Thermal Test Pattern in Actual ScaleLM1117/LM1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Typical Application Circuits10091930Adjusting Output of Fixed Regulators10091931Regulator with Reference100919291.25V to 10V Adjustable Regulator with ImprovedRipple Rejection100919275V Logic Regulator with Electronic Shutdown*L M 1117/L M 1117Iw w w.C hi n ad z.Co mTypical Application Circuits(Continued)10091932Battery Backed-Up Regulated Supply10091933Low Dropout Negative Supply LM1117/LM1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted3-Lead SOT-223NS Package Number MP04A3-Lead TO-220NS Package Number T03BL M 1117/L M 1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)3-Lead TO-263NS Package Number TS3BLM1117/LM1117Iww w.Ch in ad z.C om Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)3-Lead TO-252NS Package Number TD03B8-Lead LLPNS Package Number LDC08AL M 1117/L M 1117Iw w w.C hi n ad z.Co m NotesNational does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.For the most current product information visit us at .LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systemswhich,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or(b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform whenproperly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life supportdevice or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCENational Semiconductor manufactures products and uses packing materials that meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification(CSP-9-111C2)and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification(CSP-9-111S2)and contain no‘‘Banned Substances’’as defined in CSP-9-111S2.Leadfree products are RoHS compliant.National Semiconductor Americas CustomerSupport Tel:1-800-272-9959National SemiconductorEurope Customer Support CenterFax:+49(0) Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National SemiconductorAsia Pacific CustomerSupport SemiconductorJapan Customer Support Datasheet Download 。



NCP1117, NCV11171.0 A Low−Dropout Positive Fixed and Adjustable Voltage RegulatorsThe NCP1117 series are low dropout positive voltage regulators that are capable of providing an output current that is in excess of 1.0 A with a maximum dropout voltage of 1.2 V at 800 mA over temperature. This series contains nine fixed output voltages of 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.9 V, 2.0 V, 2.5 V, 2.85 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and 12 V that have no minimum load requirement to maintain regulation. Also included is an adjustable output version that can be programmed from 1.25 V to 18.8 V with two external resistors. On chip trimming adjusts the reference/output voltage to within ±1.0% accuracy. Internal protection features consist of output current limiting, safe operating area compensation, and thermal shutdown. The NCP1117 series can operate with up to 20 V input. Devices are available in SOT−223 and DPAK packages.Features•Output Current in Excess of 1.0 A•1.2 V Maximum Dropout V oltage at 800 mA Over Temperature •Fixed Output V oltages of 1.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.9 V, 2.0 V, 2.5 V, 2.85 V, 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and 12 V•Adjustable Output V oltage Option•No Minimum Load Requirement for Fixed V oltage Output Devices •Reference/Output V oltage Trimmed to ±1.0%•Current Limit, Safe Operating and Thermal Shutdown Protection •Operation to 20 V Input•NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Site and Control Changes•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableApplications•Consumer and Industrial Equipment Point of Regulation •Active SCSI Termination for 2.85 V Version •Switching Power Supply Post Regulation•Hard Drive Controllers•Battery ChargersFigure 1. Fixed Output RegulatorFigure 2. AdjustableOutput RegulatortoFigure 3. Active SCSI Bus Terminator TYPICAL APPLICATIONSSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the packagedimensions section on pages 11 and 12 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONSee general marking information in the device markingsection on page 14 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Input Voltage (Note 1)V in20VOutput Short Circuit Duration (Notes 2 and 3)−Infinite−Power Dissipation and Thermal CharacteristicsCase 318H (SOT−223)Power Dissipation (Note 2)Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient, Minimum Size Pad Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−CaseCase 369A (DPAK)Power Dissipation (Note 2)Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Ambient, Minimum Size Pad Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−CaseP DR q JAR q JCP DR q JAR q JCInternally Limited16015Internally Limited676.0W°C/W°C/WW°C/W°C/WMaximum Die Junction Temperature Range T J−55 to 150°C Storage Temperature Range T stg−65 to 150°COperating Ambient Temperature Range NCP1117NCV1117T A0 to +125−40 to +125°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.1.This device series contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests:Human Body Model 2000 V per MIL−STD−883, Method 3015.Machine Model Method 200 V.2.Internal thermal shutdown protection limits the die temperature to approximately 175°C. Proper heatsinking is required to prevent activation.The maximum package power dissipation is:P D+T J(max)*T AR q JA3.The regulator output current must not exceed 1.0 A with V in greater than 12 V.Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitReference Voltage, Adjustable Output Devices(V in–V out = 2.0 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25°C)(V in–V out = 1.4 V to 10 V, I out = 10 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)V ref1.2381.2251.25−1.2621.270VOutput Voltage, Fixed Output Devices1.5 V(V in = 3.5 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 2.9 V to 11.5 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)1.8 V(V in = 3.8 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 3.2 V to 11.8 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)1.9 V(V in = 3.9 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 3.3 V to 11.9 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)2.0 V(V in = 4.0 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 3.4 V to 12 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)2.5 V(V in = 4.5 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 3.9 V to 10 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA,) (Note 4)2.85 V(V in = 4.85 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 4.25 V to 10 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)(V in = 4.0 V, I out = 0 mA to 500 mA) (Note 5)3.3 V(V in = 5.3 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 4.75 V to 10 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)5.0 V(V in = 7.0 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 6.5 V to 12 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)12 V(V in = 14 V, I out = 10 mA, T A = 25 °C)(V in = 13.5 V to 20 V, I out = 0 mA to 800 mA) (Note 4)V out1.4851.4701.7821.7551.8721.8621.9701.9602.4752.4502.8212.7902.7903.2673.2354.9504.90011.88011.7601.500−1.800−1.9001.9002.000−2.500−2.850−−3.300−5.000−12.000−1.5151.5301.8181.8451.9291.9382.0302.0402.5252.5502.8792.9102.9103.3333.3655.0505.10012.12012.240VLine Regulation (Note 5)Adjustable (V in = 2.75 V to 16.25 V, I out = 10 mA)Reg line−0.040.1%1.5 V (V in =2.9 V to 11.5 V, I out = 0 mA) 1.8 V (V in =3.2 V to 11.8 V, I out = 0 mA)1.9 V (V in = 3.3 V to 11.9 V, I out = 0 mA)2.0 V (V in =3.4 V to 12 V, I out = 0 mA) 2.5 V (V in = 3.9 V to 10 V, I out = 0 mA)2.85 V (V in = 4.25 V to 10 V, I out = 0 mA)3.3 V (V in =4.75 V to 15 V, I out = 0 mA)5.0 V (V in =6.5 V to 15 V, I out = 0 mA) 12 V(V in = 13.5 V to 20 V, I out = 0 mA)−−−−−−−−− Regulation (Note 5)Adjustable (I out = 10 mA to 800 mA, V in = 4.25 V)Reg line−0.20.4%1.5 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in =2.9 V) 1.8 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in =3.2 V)1.9 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in = 3.3 V)2.0 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in =3.4 V) 2.5 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in = 3.9 V)2.85 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in = 4.25 V)3.3 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in =4.75 V)5.0 V (I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in =6.5 V) 12 V(I out = 0 mA to 800 mA, V in = 13.5 V)−−−−−−−−− regulator output current must not exceed 1.0 A with V in greater than 12 V.5.Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during testing to maintain the junction temperature as close to ambient as possible.Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitDropout Voltage (Measured at V out− 100 mV)(I out = 100 mA)(I out = 500 mA)(I out = 800 mA)V in−V out−−−0.951. Current Limit (V in−V out = 5.0 V, T A = 25°C, Note 6)I out100015002200mA Minimum Required Load Current for Regulation, Adjustable Output Devices(V in = 15 V)I L(min)−0.8 5.0mAQuiescent Current1.5 V(V in = 11.5 V)1.8 V(V in = 11.8 V)1.9 V(V in = 11.9 V)2.0 V(V in = 12 V)2.5 V(V in = 10 V)2.85 V(V in = 10 V)3.3 V(V in = 15 V)5.0 V(V in = 15 V)12 V(V in = 20 V)I Q−−−−−−−−− Regulation (T A = 25°C, 30 ms Pulse)−0.010.1%/WRipple Rejection (V in−V out = 6.4 V, I out = 500 mA, 10 V pp 120 Hz Sinewave) Adjustable1.5 V1.8 V1.9 V2.0 V2.5 V2.85 V3.3 V5.0 V12 V RR6766666664626260575073727072706868646154−−−−−−−−−−dBAdjustment Pin Current (V in = 11.25 V, I out = 800 mA)I adj−52120m AAdjust Pin Current Change(V in−V out = 1.4 V to 10 V, I out = 10 mA to 800 mA)D I adj−0.4 5.0m A Temperature Stability S T−0.5−% Long Term Stability (T A = 25°C, 1000 Hrs End Point Measurement)S t−0.3−% RMS Output Noise (f = 10 Hz to 10 kHz)N−0.003−%V out6.NCP1117: T low = 0°C ,T high = 125°CNCV1117: T low = −40°C,T high = 125°CT A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)I a d j , A D J U S T P I N C U R R E N T (m A )020406080100Figure 8. Adjust Pin Currentvs. Temperature Figure 9. Quiescent Current Changevs. Temperature2.0I o u t , O U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )V o u t , O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (%)−50−250255075100125150T A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)−50−25255075100125150t, TIME (m s)−2007.56.54080120160O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (m V )I N P U T V O L T A G E (V )20020020406080100101001.0 k10 k100 k204060801002004006008001000I out , OUTPUT CURRENT (mA)R R , R I P P L E R E J E C T I O N (d B )f ripple , RIPPLE FREQUENCY (Hz)R R , R I P P L E R E J E C T I O N(d B )Figure 10. NCP1117XTA Ripple Rejectionvs. Output CurrentFigure 11. NCP1117XTA Ripple Rejectionvs. FrequencyFigure 12. NCP1117XT285Line Transient ResponseFigure 13. NCP1117XT285Load Transient ResponseFigure 14. NCP1117XT50Line Transient Response Figure 15. NCP1117XT50Load Transient ResponseC in = 10 m F C out = 10 m F V in = 6.5 VPreload = 0.1 A T A = 25°Ct, TIME (m s)00.500.1−0.14080120160L O A D C U R R E N T C H A N G E (A )O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (V )200C in = 10 m F C out = 10 m F V in = 4.5 VPreload = 0.1 A T A = 25°Ct, TIME (m s)00.500.1−0.14080120160L O A D C U R R E N T C H A N G E (A )O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (V )200t, TIME (m s)−2005.254.254080120160O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (m V )I N P U T V O L T A G E (V )200C in = 1.0 m F C out = 10 m F I out = 0.1 A T A = 25°C20C in = 1.0 m F C out = 10 m F I out = 0.1 A T A = 25°CFigure 16. NCP1117XT12 LineTransient ResponseFigure 17. NCP1117XT12 LoadTransient Responset, TIME (m s)C in = 10 m F C out = 10 m F V in = 13.5 V Preload = 0.1 A T A = 25°C00.500.1−0.14080120160200L O A D C U R R E N T C H A N G E (A )O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (V )60801001201401601800., LENGTH OF COPPER (mm)405060708090100010203025155.0L, LENGTH OF COPPER (mm) 18. SOT−223 Thermal Resistance and MaximumPower Dissipation vs. P .C.B. Copper LengthR q J A , T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E ,J U N C T I O N −T O −A I R (°C W )P D , M A X I M U M P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )R q J A , T H E R M A L R E S I S T A N C E ,J U N C T I O N −T O −A I R (°C W )0.4Figure 19. DPAK Thermal Resistance and MaximumPower Dissipation vs. P .C.B. Copper Lengtht, TIME (m s)−20014.513.54080120160O U T P U T V O L T A G E D E V I A T I O N (m V )I N P U T V O L T A G E (V )20020C in = 1.0 m F C out = 10 m F I out = 0.1 A T A = 25°CP D , M A X I M U M P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W )APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONIntroductionThe NCP1117 features a significant reduction in dropout voltage along with enhanced output voltage accuracy and temperature stability when compared to older industry standard three−terminal adjustable regulators. These devices contain output current limiting, safe operating area compensation and thermal shutdown protection making them designer friendly for powering numerous consumer and industrial products. The NCP1117 series is pin compatible with the older LM317 and its derivative device types.Output VoltageThe typical application circuits for the fixed and adjustable output regulators are shown in Figures 20 and 21.The adjustable devices are floating voltage regulators. They develop and maintain the nominal 1.25 V reference voltage between the output and adjust pins. The reference voltage is programmed to a constant current source by resistor R1, and this current flows through R2 to ground to set the output voltage. The programmed current level is usually selected to be greater than the specified 5.0 mA minimum that is required for regulation. Since the adjust pin current, I adj , is significantly lower and constant with respect to the programmed load current, it generates a small output voltage error that can usually be ignored. For the fixed output devices R1 and R2 are included within the device and the ground current I gnd , ranges from 3.0 mA to 5.0 mA depending upon the output voltage.External CapacitorsInput bypass capacitor C in may be required for regulator stability if the device is located more than a few inches from the power source. This capacitor will reduce the circuit’s sensitivity when powered from a complex source impedance and significantly enhance the output transient response. The input bypass capacitor should be mounted with the shortest possible track length directly across the regulator’s input and ground terminals. A 10 m F ceramic or tantalum capacitor should be adequate for most applications.Figure 20. Fixed Output RegulatorFrequency compensation for the regulator is provided by capacitor C out and its use is mandatory to ensure output stability. A minimum capacitance value of 4.7 m F with an equivalent series resistance (ESR) that is within the limits of 0.25 W to 2.2 W is required. The capacitor type can be ceramic, tantalum, or aluminum electrolytic as long as it meets the minimum capacitance value and ESR limits over the circuit’s entire operating temperature range. Higher values of output capacitance can be used to enhance loop stability and transient response with the additional benefit of reducing output noise.Figure 21. Adjustable Output RegulatorV out +V ref ǒ1)R2R1Ǔ)I adj R2The output ripple will increase linearly for fixed and adjustable devices as the ratio of output voltage to the reference voltage increases. For example, with a 12 V regulator, the output ripple will increase by 12 V/1.25 V or 9.6 and the ripple rejection will decrease by 20 log of this ratio or 19.6 dB. The loss of ripple rejection can be restored to the values shown with the addition of bypass capacitor C adj , shown in Figure 21. The reactance of C adj at the ripple frequency must be less than the resistance of R1. The value of R1 can be selected to provide the minimum required load current to maintain regulation and is usually in the range of 100 W to 200 W .C adj u12p f ripple R1The minimum required capacitance can be calculated from the above formula. When using the device in an application that is powered from the AC line via a transformer and a full wave bridge, the value for C adj is:f ripple +120Hz,R1+120W ,then C adj u 11.1m FThe value for C adj is significantly reduced in applications where the input ripple frequency is high. If used as a post regulator in a switching converter under the following conditions:f ripple +50kHz,R1+120W ,then C adj u 0.027m FFigures 10 and 11 shows the level of ripple rejection that is obtainable with the adjust pin properly bypassed.Protection DiodesThe NCP1117 family has two internal low impedance diode paths that normally do not require protection when used in the typical regulator applications. The first path connects between V out and V in , and it can withstand a peak surge current of about 15 A. Normal cycling of V in cannot generate a current surge of this magnitude. Only when V in is shorted or crowbarred to ground and C out is greater than 50 m F, it becomes possible for device damage to occur.Under these conditions, diode D1 is required to protect the device. The second path connects between C adj and V out , and it can withstand a peak surge current of about 150 mA.Protection diode D2 is required if the output is shorted or crowbarred to ground and C adj is greater than 1.0 m F.Figure 22. Protection Diode PlacementD1A combination of protection diodes D1 and D2 may be required in the event that V in is shorted to ground and C adj is greater than 50 m F. The peak current capability stated for the internal diodes are for a time of 100 m s with a junction temperature of 25°C. These values may vary and are to be used as a general guide.Load RegulationThe NCP1117 series is capable of providing excellent load regulation; but since these are three terminal devices,only partial remote load sensing is possible. There are two conditions that must be met to achieve the maximum available load regulation performance. The first is that the top side of programming resistor R1 should be connected as close to the regulator case as practicable. This will minimize the voltage drop caused by wiring resistance RW + from appearing in series with reference voltage that is across R1.The second condition is that the ground end of R2 should be connected directly to the load. This allows true Kelvin sensing where the regulator compensates for the voltage drop caused by wiring resistance RW −.Figure 23. Load SensingRemote LoadThermal ConsiderationsThis series contains an internal thermal limiting circuit that is designed to protect the regulator in the event that the maximum junction temperature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 175°C, the regulator output switches off and then back on as the die cools. As a result, if the device is continuously operated in an overheated condition, the output will appear to be oscillating. This feature provides protection from a catastrophic device failure due to accidental overheating. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for proper heatsinking. The maximum device power dissipation can be calculated by:P D +T J(max)*T AR q JAThe devices are available in surface mount SOT−223 and DPAK packages. Each package has an exposed metal tab that is specifically designed to reduce the junction to air thermal resistance, R q JA , by utilizing the printed circuit board copper as a heat dissipater. Figures 18 and 19 show typical R q JA values that can be obtained from a square pattern using economical single sided 2.0 ounce copper board material. The final product thermal limits should be tested and quantified in order to insure acceptable performance and reliability. The actual R q JA can vary considerably from the graphs shown. This will be due to any changes made in the copper aspect ratio of the final layout,adjacent heat sources, and air flow.Figure 24. Constant Current Regulator Figure 25. Slow Turn−On RegulatorFigure 28. Battery Backed−Up Power SupplyFigure 29. Adjusting Output of FixedVoltage RegulatorsThe 50 W resistor that is in series with the ground pin of the upper regulator level shifts its output 300 mV higher than the lower regulator. This keeps the lower regulator off until the input source is removed.Constant CurrentI out +Vref R)I adjNCP1117DTA AdjustableDPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DTAG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DTARK DPAK 2500 / Tape & ReelNCP1117DTARKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DTAT5DPAK NCP1117DTAT5G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117STAT3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117STAT3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT1212DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT12G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT12RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT12RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST12T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST12T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT15 1.5DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT15G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT15RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT15RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST15T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST15T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT18 1.8DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT18G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT18RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & ReelNCP1117DT18RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT18T5DPAK NCP1117DT18T5G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST18T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST18T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT19RKG1.9DPAK (Pb−Free)2500 / Tape & Reel †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.*NCV prefix is for automotive and other applications requiring site and control changes.NCP1117DT20 2.0DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT20G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT20RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT20RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST20T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST20T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT25 2.5DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT25G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT25RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & ReelNCP1117DT25RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT25T5DPAK NCP1117DT25T5G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST25T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST25T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT285 2.85DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT285G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT285RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT285RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST285T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST285T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT33 3.3DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT33G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT33RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & ReelNCP1117DT33RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT33T5DPAK NCP1117DT33T5G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST33T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST33T3G SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCP1117DT50 5.0DPAK 75 Units / Rail NCP1117DT50G DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117DT50RK DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1117DT50RKG DPAK (Pb−Free)NCP1117ST50T3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCP1117ST50T3GSOT−223(Pb−Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.*NCV prefix is for automotive and other applications requiring site and control changes.NCV1117DTARK*AdjustableDPAK 2500 / Tape & ReelNCV1117DTARKG*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117STAT3*SOT−2234000 / Tape & ReelNCV1117STAT3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117ST12T3*12SOT−223NCV1117ST12T3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117DT15RK* 1.5DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT15RKG*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117ST15T3*SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST15T3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117DT18RKG* 1.8DPAK (Pb−Free)2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT18T5*DPAK NCV1117DT18T5G*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117DT20RK* 2.0DPAK NCV1117DT20RKG*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117ST20T3*SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST20T3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117DT25RK* 2.5DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT25RKG*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117ST25T3*SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST25T3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117DT33T5* 3.3DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT33T5G*DPAK (Pb−Free)NCV1117ST33T3* 3.3SOT−2234000 / Tape & Reel NCV1117ST33T3G*SOT−223(Pb−Free)NCV1117DT50RK* 5.0DPAK 2500 / Tape & Reel NCV1117DT50RKG*DPAK (Pb−Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.*NCV prefix is for automotive and other applications requiring site and control changes.117AJG ALYWW17−15G ALYWW17−18G ALYWW117−2G ALYWW17−25G ALYWW17285G ALYWW17−33G ALYWW117−5G ALYWW17−12G ALYWWAYW 117−A GG 1ST SUFFIX CASE 318HA = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = YearWW, W = Work WeekG or G = Pb−Free PackageDPAK DT SUFFIX CASE 369C23123123123123123123123123123Adjustable1.5 V1.8 V2.0 V2.5 V2.85 V3.3 V5.0 V12 VAdjustable1.5 V1.8 V2.0 V2.5 V2.85 V3.3 V5.0 V12 V(Note: Microdot may be in either location)AYW 17−15GG123AYW 17−18GG123AYW 117−2G G123AYW 17−25GG123AYW 7−285GG 123AYW 17−33GG123AYW 117−5G G123AYW 17−12GG1231.9 VAYW 17−19GG12317−19G ALYWW1231.9 V17AJVG ALYWW1715VG ALYWW1718VG ALYWW1172VG ALYWW1725VG ALYWW1733VG ALYWW1175VG ALYWWAYW 117AV GG 1ST SUFFIX CASE 318HA = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = YearWW, W = Work WeekG or G = Pb−Free PackageDPAK DT SUFFIX CASE 369C23123123123123123123123Adjustable1.5 V2.0 V2.5 V3.3 V12 VAdjustable1.5 V1.8 V2.0 V2.5 V3.3 V5.0 V(Note: Microdot may be in either location)AYW 1715V GG123AYW 1172V GG123AYW 1725V GG 123AYW 1733V GG123AYW 1712V GG123ST SUFFIX CASE 318H−01ISSUE ONOTES:1.DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS.2.INTERPRET DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994.3.DIMENSION E1 DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.23 PER SIDE.4.DIMENSIONS b AND b2 DO NOT INCLUDEDAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.08 TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE b AND b2 DIMENSIONS AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.5.TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY.6.DIMENSIONS D AND E1 ARE TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE H.DIM MIN MAX MILLIMETERS A −−− 1.80A10.020.11b 0.600.88b10.600.80b2 2.90 3.10b3 2.90 3.05c 0.240.35c10.240.30D 6.30 6.70E 6.707.30E1 3.30 3.70e2.30e1 4.60L0.25−−−T10 __*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*DT SUFFIX CASE 369C−01ISSUE Oǒmm inchesǓSCALE 3:1*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*VSDIMMIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 0.2350.245 5.97 6.22B 0.2500.265 6.35 6.73C 0.0860.094 2.19 2.38D 0.0270.0350.690.88E 0.0180.0230.460.58F 0.0370.0450.94 1.14G 0.180 BSC 4.58 BSC H 0.0340.0400.87 1.01J 0.0180.0230.460.58K 0.1020.114 2.60 2.89L 0.090 BSC 2.29 BSC R 0.1800.215 4.57 5.45S 0.0250.0400.63 1.01U 0.020−−−0.51−−−V 0.0350.0500.89 1.27Z0.155−−−3.93−−−NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION。



Positive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Features• Guaranted Output Voltage Accuracy within 2%• Fast Transient Response• Guaranteed Dropout Voltage at Multiple Currrents• Load Regulation : 0.1% Typ.• Line Regulation : 0.03% Typ.• Low Dropout Voltage : 1.1V Typ. at I =1A • Trimmed Current Limit : 1A Typ. at Tj =125℃• On-Chip Thermal Limiting : 150℃ Typ.• Adjustable Output : 1.25~7.75V• Standard 3-pin TO-252 , SOT-223 Power Pack-agesApplications• Active SCSI Terminators • Low Voltage Logic Supplies • Battery-Powered Circuitry• Post Regulator for Switching Power SupplyGeneral DescriptionThe AT1117 is a low dropout three-terminal adjustable regulators with 1A output current capability. In order to obtain lower dropout voltage and faster transient response, which is critical for low voltage applications, the AT1117 has been optimized. The device is available in an adjustable version and fixed output voltages of 1.8V, 2.5V,2.85V, 3.3V and 5V, the output available voltage range is from 1.25~7.75V with an input supply below 9V. Dropout voltage is guaranteed at a maximum of 1.2V at 1A.Current limit is trimmed to ensure specified output current and controlled short-circuit current. On-chip thermal limiting provides protection against any combination of overload that would create excessive junction temperatures. The AT1117 is available in the industry standard 3-pin TO-252 the low profile surface mount SOT-223 power packages which can be used in applications where space is limited.Block DiagramPositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Pin ConfigurationFront View for SOT-223 Front View for TO-252AT1117Ordering InformationPart number Package MarkingAT1117- V SOT-223AT1117V ××××××∆∆AT1117- YTO-252AT1117Y ∆∆××××××:Output V oltage 18:1.8V 25:2.5V 28:2.85V 33:3.3V 50:5.0V ××××××:Date Code ∆∆: Output V oltagePin DescriptionPin No.SymbolI/ODescription1ADJ/GND --Adjust Pin / Ground pin 2OUT O Regulated voltage output pin 3IN I Supply voltage input pinPositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Absolute Maximum Ratings(T J =+250C)ParameterSymbol Limits Unit Input voltageV IN 13.2V Operating junction temperature range Control section Power transistor T J0 to 1250 to 150℃℃Storage temperatureT STG -65 to +150℃Lead Temperature (soldering, 10second )T L260℃Electrical Characteristics(T J =+250C)ValuesParameterPart number Symbol ConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitReference V oltageAT1117V REF10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A,1.5V ≤ (V IN -V OUT ) ≤10.75V 1.2251.2501.275V AT1117-180A ≤I OUT ≤1A,3.3V ≤V IN ≤12V 1.7641.8001.836V AT1117-250A ≤I OUT ≤1A,4.0V ≤V IN ≤12V 2.4502.5002.550V AT1117-280A ≤I OUT ≤1A,4.35V ≤V IN ≤12V 2.7902.8502.910V AT1117-330A ≤I OUT ≤1A,4.75V ≤V IN ≤12V 3.2353.3003.365V Output V oltage AT1117-50V OUT0A ≤I OUT ≤1A,6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V 5.1005.0004.900V AT1117I OUT =10mA,1.5V ≤ (V IN -V OUT ) ≤10.75V (Note1)0.030.2%AT1117-18I OUT =0A, 3.3V ≤V IN ≤12V (Note 1)16mV AT1117-25I OUT =0A, 4.0V ≤V IN ≤12V (Note 1)16mV AT1117-28I OUT =0A, 4.35V ≤V IN ≤12V (Note 1)16mV AT1117-33I OUT =0A, 4.75V ≤V IN ≤12V (Note 1)16mV Line RegulationAT1117-50REG LINEI OUT =0A, 6.5V ≤V IN ≤12V (Note 1)110mV AT1117(V IN -V OUT )=3V ,10mA ≤I OUT ≤1A (Note 1)0.10.4%Load Regulation AT1117-18REG LOADV IN =3.3V, 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A (Note 1)110mVPositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.AT1117-25V IN =4.0V, 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A(Note 1)110mV AT1117-28V IN =4.35V, 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A(Note 1)110mV AT1117-33V IN =4.75V, 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A(Note 1)110mV AT1117-50V IN =6.5V, 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A(Note 1)115mV I OUT =100mA (Note 2)1 1.1V I OUT =500mA (Note 2) 1.05 1.2V Dropout V oltage V D I OUT =1A (Note 2) 1.1 1.3V Current LimitI LIMIT (V IN -V OUT )=5V 1000mA Adjust Pin Current I ADJ (V IN -V OUT )=3V , I OUT =10mA 60120µA Adjust Pin Current ∆I ADJ 0A ≤I OUT ≤1A,1.5V ≤ (V IN -V OUT ) ≤12V 0.25µA Minimun Load Current Io (V IN -V OUT )=12V (Note 1) 1.7mA Ripple Rejection PSRR F RIPPLE =120HZ, V RIPPLE =1V P-P ,(V IN -V OUT )=3V 6075dB Thermal Rejection T R TJ=25℃, 30ms Pulse0.010.1%/W Temperature Stability T S 0.5%Long Term Stability L S T J =125℃, 1000Hrs 0.3%RMS Output Noise V N T J =25℃, 10Hz ≤F ≤10KHz,(% of VOUT)0.003%Thermal ResistanceθJC (Junction-to-Case, at Tab)15℃/W AT1117-18V IN ≤12V 510mA AT1117-25V IN ≤12V 510mA AT1117-28V IN ≤12V 510mA AT1117-33V IN ≤12V 510mA Quiescent CurrentAT1117-50I INV IN ≤12V510mANote 1: See thermal regulation specifications for changes in output voltage due to heating effects. Load line regulations are mea-sured at a constant junction temperature by low duty cycle pulse testing.Note 2: Dropout voltage is specified over the full output current range of the device. Dropout voltage is defined as the minimum input/output differential measured at the specified output current. Test points and limits are also shown on the Dropout Voltage curve.Note 3: Minimum load current is defined as the minimum output current required to maintain regulation.Positive Adjustable RegulatorTypical Application CircuitPositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Timing CurveLoad Transient ResponceDropout V oltage vs Output CurrentPositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Output V oltage vs Input V oltageInput Current vs Input V oltagePositive Adjustable RegulatorInput Current vs TemperaturePositive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Small Outline 3-pin Plastic SOT-223INCHES MILLIMETERS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES A 0.060.07 1.50 1.80-A10.020.08-B 2.90 3.10-c 0.250.26 6.30 6.70-E 0.130.15 3.30 3.70-e 0.09BSC 2.3BSC -e10.18BSC 4.6BSC -H 0.260.29 6.707.30-L 1.10-K 0.060.08 1.50 2.00-α0○10○0○10○-β13○13○-Positive Adjustable Regulator2F, No.10, Prosperity RD. II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 300,Taiwan, R.O.C.Small Outline 3-pin Plastic TO-252INCHES MILLIMETERS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES A0.0860.094 2.18 2.39-A10.0350.0500.89 1.27-b 0.0200.0350.5080.89-b20.2050.215 5.207 5.461-C 0.0180.0230.460.58-C10.0180.0230.460.58-D 0.2100.245 5.334 6.22-E 0.2500.265 6.35 6.73-e10.1560.204 3.96 5.18-H 0.3700.4109.39810.41-L 0.0200.51-L10.0250.0400.64 1.02-L20.0350.0800.89 2.032-。


SPX1117(SOT-223 封装)从接点到焊贴片的热阻为 15℃/W,31℃/W 从焊贴片到周围环境,从接点到 周围环境的总热阻为 46℃/W(表 1)。SPX1117 的内部热限定功能,可以在一些过载的情况下保护器件。需 要注意,当器件处于连续工作状态下,最大接点温度不会超过 125℃。当温度>155℃启动热保护功能,当 温度<145℃时,解除热保护功能。
长期稳定性 RMS 输出噪声 温度阻抗
10mA≤IOUT≤800mA,1.4V≤(VIN-VOUT)≤12V 1.225
1.250 0.3
VINMIN≤VIN≤12V,VOUT≤Fixed/Adj IOUT=10mA 10mA≤IOUT≤800mA,VOUT≤Fixed/Adj IOUT=100mA IOUT=100mA IOUT=100mA 4.25V≤VIN≤6.5V
……Low dropout regulators thus save considerable power and dissipation. 本文采用国内一些文章已经出现的叫法,称 Dropout Voltage 为压差。 如您对本文的某些地方存在疑问,可与 周立功单片机发展有限公司 的技术支持部门联系,我们将竭 诚为您服务。
SPX1117 为提供多种 3 引脚封装:SOT-223,TO-252,TO-220 及 TO-263。一个 10uF 的输出电容可有效 地保证稳定性,然而在大多数应用中,仅需一个更小的 2.2uF 电容。
译注: DROPOUT(minimum input-to-output differential)Voltage。 从以下这段话,我们可以看出 Dropout Voltage 是一个系统效率的相关量。One way towards improved
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FEATURESOUTPUTINPUTADJ/GNDINPUTADJ/GNDKTP (PowerFLEX5/TO-252) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTDCY (SOT-223) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)INPUTOUTPUTADJ/GNDKVU (TO-252) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTINPUTADJ/GNDOUTPUTOUTPUTOUTPUTKCS (TO-220) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)OUTPUTKTE (PowerFLEX5) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)INPUTOUTPUTADJ/GNDOUTPUTDRJ (QFN) PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)V OUT(2)ADJ23418765V IN(1)V IN(1)V IN(1)V OUT(2)V OUT(2)NC(1) V IN pins (2, 3, 4) must be connected together.(2) V OUT pins (5, 6, 7) must be connected together.V OUTDESCRIPTION/ORDERING INFORMATIONADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER2004–REVISED APRIL2006• 1.5-V,1.8-V,2.5-V,3.3-V,5-V,and•Specified Dropout Voltage at Multiple Current Adjustable-Output Voltage Options Levels•Output Current of800mA•0.2%Line Regulation Maximum•0.4%Load Regulation MaximumThe TLV1117is a positive low-dropout voltage regulator designed to provide up to800mA of output current. The device is available in1.5-V,1.8-V,2.5-V,3.3-V,5-V,and adjustable-output voltage options.All internal circuitry is designed to operate down to1-V input-to-output differential.Dropout voltage is specified at a maximum of1.3V at800mA,decreasing at lower load currents.The low-profile surface-mount KTP package allows the device to be used in applications where space is limited. The TLV1117is designed to be stable with tantalum and aluminum electrolytic output capacitors having an ESR between0.2Ωand10Ω.Unlike pnp-type regulators,in which up to10%of the output current is wasted as quiescent current,the quiescent current of the TLV1117flows into the load,increasing efficiency.The TLV1117C device is characterized for operation over the virtual junction temperature range of0°C to125°C, and the TLV1117I device is characterized for operation over the virtual junction temperature range of–40°C to 125°C.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PowerFLEX,PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2004–2006,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TLV1117C ORDERING INFORMATIONT AV O TYPPACKAGE (1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-15CDRJR ZYH Tube of 80TLV1117-15CDCY 1.5VSOT-223–DCY T2Reel of 2500TLV1117-15CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-15CKVUR ZE15QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-18CDRJR ZYK Tube of 80TLV1117-18CDCY 1.8VSOT-223–DCY T4Reel of 2500TLV1117-18CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-18CKVUR ZE18QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-25CDRJR ZYM Tube of 80TLV1117-25CDCY 2.5VSOT-223–DCY T6Reel of 2500TLV1117-25CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-25CKVUR ZE25QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-33CDRJR ZYP 0°C to 125°CTube of 80TLV1117-33CDCY 3.3VSOT-223–DCY V3Reel of 2500TLV1117-33CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-33CKVUR ZE33QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117-50CDRJR ZE50Tube of 80TLV1117-50CDCY 5VSOT-223–DCY VT Reel of 2500TLV1117-50CDCYR TO-252–KVU Reel of 2500TLV1117-50CKVUR ZE50PowerFLEX™–KTE Reel of 2000TLV1117CKTER TLV1117C PowerFLEX/TO-252(2)–KTP Reel of 2000TLV1117CKTPR TV1117QFN –DRJReel of 1000TLV1117CDRJR ZYS ADJTube of 80TLV1117CDCY SOT-223–DCY V4Reel of 2500TLV1117CDCYR TO-220–KCS Tube of 50TLV1117CKCS TLV1117C TO-252–KVUReel of 2500TLV1117CKVURTV1117(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at /sc/package.(2)Complies with TO-252,variation AC2Submit Documentation Feedback ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER2004–REVISED APRIL2006 TLV1117I ORDERING INFORMATIONT A V O TYP PACKAGE(1)ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-15IDRJR ZYJTube of80TLV1117-15IDCY1.5V SOT-223–DCY T3Reel of2500TLV1117-15IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-15IKVUR ZF15QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-18IDRJR ZYLTube of80TLV1117-18IDCY1.8V SOT-223–DCY T5Reel of2500TLV1117-18IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-18IKVUR ZF18QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-25IDRJR ZYNTube of80TLV1117-25IDCY2.5V SOT-223–DCY T8Reel of2500TLV1117-25IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-25IKVUR ZF25QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-33IDRJR ZYR–40°C to125°C Tube of80TLV1117-33IDCY3.3V SOT-223–DCY VSReel of2500TLV1117-33IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-33IKVUR ZF33QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117-50IDRJR ZF50Tube of80TLV1117-50IDCY5V SOT-223–DCY VUReel of2500TLV1117-50IDCYRTO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117-50IKVUR ZF50PowerFLEX–KTE Reel of2000TLV1117IKTER TLV1117IPowerFLEX/TO-252(2)–KTP Reel of2000TLV1117IKTPR TY1117QFN–DRJ Reel of1000TLV1117IDRJR ZYTADJ Tube of80TLV1117IDCYSOT-223–DCY V2Reel of2500TLV1117IDCYRTO-220–KCS Tube of50TLV1117IKCS TLV1117ITO-252–KVU Reel of2500TLV1117IKVUR TY1117(1)Package drawings,standard packing quantities,thermal data,symbolization,and PCB design guidelines are available at/sc/package.(2)Complies with TO-252,variation AC3Submit Documentation FeedbackV OUTV INADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM4Submit Documentation FeedbackAbsolute Maximum Ratings (1)Package Thermal Data (1)Recommended Operating ConditionsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MINMAX UNIT V I Continuous input voltage16V T J Operating virtual-junction temperature 150°C T stg Storage temperature range–65150°C(1)Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings"may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions"is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.PACKAGE BOARD θJP (2)θJC θJA PowerFLEX (KTE)High K,JESD 51-5 2.7°C/W 11.6°C/W 23.3°C/W PowerFLEX/TO-252(KTP)High K,JESD 51-5 1.4°C/W 19.2°C/W27.6°C/W QFN (DRJ)High K,JESD 51-5 1.78°C/W46.5°C/W SOT-223(DCY)High K,JESD 51-730.6°C/W 52.8°C/W TO-252(KVU)High K,JESD 51-5TBD 30.3°C/W TO-220(KCS)High K,JESD 51-53°C/W17°C/W19°C/W(1)Maximum power dissipation is a function of T J (max),θJA ,and T A .The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambient temperature is P D =(T J (max)–T A )/θJA .Operating at the absolute maximum T J of 150°C can affect reliability.(2)For packages with exposed thermal pads,such as QFN,PowerPAD™,and PowerFLEX,θJP is defined as the thermal resistance between the die junction and the bottom of the exposed pad.MIN (1)MAX UNITTLV1117 2.715TLV1117-152.915TLV1117-183.215V INInput voltageV TLV1117-25 3.915TLV1117-33 4.715TLV1117-506.415I O Output current0.8A TLV1117C 0125T J Operating virtual-junction temperature°C TLV1117I–40125(1)The input-to-output differential across the regulator should provide for some margin against regulator operation at the maximum dropout (for a particular current value).This margin is needed to account for tolerances in both the input voltage (lower limit)and the output voltage (upper limit).The absolute minimum V IN for a desired maximum output current can be calculated by the following:V IN(min)=V OUT(max)+V DO(max @rated current)5Submit Documentation FeedbackTLV1117C Electrical CharacteristicsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006T J =0°C to 125°C,all typical values are at T J =25°C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS (1)MIN TYP MAX UNITV IN –V OUT =2V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C1.238 1.25 1.262Reference voltage,V REFTLV1117V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 1.225 1.25 1.27V IN =3.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.485 1.5 1.515TLV1117-15V IN =2.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 1.455 1.5 1.545V IN =3.8V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.782 1.8 1.818TLV1117-18V IN =3.2V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA1.746 1.8 1.854V V IN =4.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C2.475 2.5 2.525Output voltage,V OUTTLV1117-25V IN =3.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 2.450 2.5 2.550V IN =5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 3.267 3.3 3.333TLV1117-33V IN =4.75V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 3.235 3.3 3.365V IN =7V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 4.950 5.0 5.050TLV1117-50V IN =6.5V to 12V,I OUT =0to 800mA 4.9005.0 5.100I OUT =10mA,V IN –V OUT =1.5V to 13.75V TLV11170.0350.2%I OUT =0mA,V IN =2.9V to 10VTLV1117-1516I OUT =0mA,V IN =3.2V to 10V TLV1117-1816Line regulationI OUT =0mA,V IN =3.9V to 10V TLV1117-2516mV I OUT =0mA,V IN =4.75V to 15V TLV1117-3316I OUT =0mA,V IN =6.5V to 15VTLV1117-50110I OUT =10mA to 800mA,V IN –V OUT =3V TLV11170.20.4%I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =2.9VTLV1117-15110I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.2V TLV1117-18110Load regulationI OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.9V TLV1117-25110mV I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =4.75V TLV1117-33110I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =6.5V TLV1117-50115I OUT =100mA1.1 1.2Dropout voltage,V DO (2)I OUT =500mA 1.15 1.25V I OUT =800mA1.2 1.3Current limitV IN –V OUT =5V,T J =25°C (3)0.81.2 1.6A Minimum load current V IN =15V TLV1117 1.75mA All fixed-voltage Quiescent current V IN ≤15V510mA optionsThermal regulation 30-ms pulse,T A =25°C0.010.1%/W Ripple rejection V IN –V OUT =3V,V ripple =1V pp ,f =120Hz6075dB ADJ pin current80120µA Change in ADJ pin current V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 0.25µA Temperature stability T J =full range0.5%Long-term stability 1000hrs,No load,T A =125°C 0.3%Output noise voltage f =10Hz to 100kHz 0.003%(%of V OUT )(1)All characteristics are measured with a 10-µF capacitor across the input and a 10-µF capacitor across the output.Pulse testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible.(2)Dropout is defined as the V IN to V OUT differential at which V OUT drops 100mV below the value of V OUT ,measured at V IN =V OUT(nom)+1.5V.(3)Current limit test specified under recommended operating conditions6Submit Documentation FeedbackTLV1117I Electrical CharacteristicsADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006T J =–40°C to 125°C,all typical values are at T J =25°C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS (1)MIN TYP MAX UNITV IN –V OUT =2V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C1.238 1.25 1.262Reference voltage,V REFTLV1117V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 1.200 1.25 1.29V IN =3.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.485 1.5 1.515TLV1117-15V IN =2.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 1.44 1.5 1.56V IN =3.8V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 1.782 1.8 1.818TLV1117-18V IN =3.2V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA1.728 1.8 1.872V V IN =4.5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C2.475 2.5 2.525Output voltage,V OUTTLV1117-25V IN =3.9V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 2.4 2.5 2.6V IN =5V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 3.267 3.3 3.333TLV1117-33V IN =4.75V to 10V,I OUT =0to 800mA 3.168 3.3 3.432V IN =7V,I OUT =10mA,T J =25°C 4.95 5.0 5.05TLV1117-50V IN =6.5V to 12V,I OUT =0to 800mA 4.805.0 5.20I OUT =10mA,V IN –V OUT =1.5V to 13.75V TLV11170.0350.3%I OUT =0mA,V IN =2.9V to 10VTLV1117-15110I OUT =0mA,V IN =3.2V to 10V TLV1117-18110Line regulationI OUT =0mA,V IN =3.9V to 10V TLV1117-25110mV I OUT =0mA,V IN =4.75V to 15V TLV1117-33110I OUT =0mA,V IN =6.5V to 15VTLV1117-50115I OUT =10mA to 800mA,V IN –V OUT =3V TLV11170.20.5%I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =2.9VTLV1117-15115I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.2V TLV1117-18115Load regulationI OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =3.9V TLV1117-25115mV I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =4.75V TLV1117-33115I OUT =0to 800mA,V IN =6.5V TLV1117-50120I OUT =100mA1.1 1.3Dropout voltage,V DO (2)I OUT =500mA 1.15 1.35V I OUT =800mA1.2 1.4Current limitV IN –V OUT =5V,T J =25°C (3)0.81.2 1.6A Minimum load current V IN =15V TLV1117 1.75mA All fixed-voltage Quiescent current V IN ≤15V515mA optionsThermal regulation 30-ms pulse,T A =25°C0.010.1%/W Ripple rejection V IN –V OUT =3V,V ripple =1V pp ,f =120Hz6075dB ADJ pin current80120µA Change in ADJ pin current V IN –V OUT =1.4V to 10V,I OUT =10mA to 800mA 0.210µA Temperature stability T J =full range0.5%Long-term stability 1000hrs,No load,T A =125°C 0.3%Output noise voltage f =10Hz to 100kHz 0.003%(%of V OUT )(1)All characteristics are measured with a 10-µF capacitor across the input and a 10-µF capacitor across the output.Pulse testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible.(2)Dropout is defined as the V IN to V OUT differential at which V OUT drops 100mV below the value of V OUT ,measured at V IN =V OUT(nom)+1.5V.(3)Current limit test specified under recommended operating conditions7Submit Documentation FeedbackTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSInput/Output Differential (V)S h o r t -C i r c u i t C u r r e n t (A ) (5C)1251007550250−25−50m V O U T (%)1020304050607080Frequency (Hz)R i p p l e R e j e c t i o n (d B )100k10k 1k 1001001020304050607080900200400600800Load (mA)R i p p l e R e j e c t i o n (d B )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTLOAD REGULATIONvs(V IN –V OUT )RIPPLE REJECTIONRIPPLE REJECTIONvsvsFREQUENCY LOAD CURRENT (ADJ VERSION)(ADJ VERSION)8Submit Documentation Feedback−2−1.5−1−0.500.511.52Temperature (5C)O u t p u t V o l t a g e V a r i a t i o n (%)1251007550250−25−5015060708090100110120130140150Temperature (5C)A D J P i n C u r r e n t (m A )1251007550250−25−50150Time (m s)O u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (V )L o a d C u r r e n t (A )−60200−20−40Time (m s)O u t p u t V o l t a g e D e v i a t i o n (m V )1234567I n p u t V o l t a g e (V )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)TEMPERATURE STABILITYADJ PIN CURRENTvsTEMPERATURETLV1117-33LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSETLV1117-33LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE9Submit Documentation Feedback0. Current (mA)D r o p o u t V o l t a g e (V )ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)DROPOUT VOLTAGEvsLOAD CURRENT10Submit Documentation FeedbackAPPLICATION INFORMATIONV OV IBecause I ADJ typically is 55 µA, it is negligible in most applications.V OUT +V REF ǒ1)R2R1Ǔ)(I ADJ R2)V OUT is calculated as:TLV1117ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORSLVS561G–DECEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2006A.Output capacitor selection is critical for regulator rger C OUT values benefit the regulator by improving transient response and loop stability.B.C ADJ can be used to improve ripple rejection.If C ADJ is used,a C OUT that is larger in value than C ADJ must be used.C.C IN is recommended if TLV1117is not located near the power-supply filter.D.An external diode is recommended to protect the regulator if the input instantaneously is shorted to GND.E.This device is designed to be stable with tantalum and aluminum electrolytic output capacitors having an ESR between 0.2Ωand 10Ω.Figure 1.Basic Adjustable RegulatorPACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderableDevice Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117-15CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-15CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-15IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-15IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-15IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-18CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-18CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-18IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IDRJRACTIVESONDRJ81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAULevel-2-260C-1YEAR29-Sep-2006OrderableDevice Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117-18IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-18IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-18IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-25CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBD Call TI Call TI TLV1117-25CKTPR PREVIEW PFM KTP 23000TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-25CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-25IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-25IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-25IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-33CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS 350TBD Call TI Call TI TLV1117-33CKTTR PREVIEW DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000TBDCall TI Call TITLV1117-33CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-33IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IDCYG3ACTIVESOT-223DCY480Green (RoHS &CU SNLevel-2-260C-1YEAR29-Sep-2006Orderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)no Sb/Br)TLV1117-33IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-33IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-33IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-33IKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS350TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-33IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-50CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50CKCS PREVIEW TO-220KCS350TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-50CKTTR PREVIEW DDPAK/TO-263KTT3TBD Call TI Call TITLV1117-50CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117-50IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117-50IDCYRG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117-50IKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU32500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117CDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117CDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY480Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117CDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY42500TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117CDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEARTLV1117CDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ81000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117CKCS ACTIVE TO-220KCS350TBD CU SN N/A for Pkg TypeTLV1117CKCSE3ACTIVE TO-220KCS350Pb-Free(RoHS)CU SN N/A for Pkg Type29-Sep-2006Orderable Device Status (1)Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)TLV1117CKTER NRND PFM KTE 32000TBD CU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTPR NRND PFM KTP 23000TBDCU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTPRG3NRND PFM KTP 23000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLV1117CKTTR ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117CKTTRG3ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117CKVURG3ACTIVE PFM KVU 32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-260C-168HR TLV1117IDCY ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480TBD CU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117IDCYG3ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 480Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IDCYR ACTIVE SOT-223DCY 42500TBDCU SNPB Level-2-235C-1YEAR TLV1117IDRJR ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IDRJRG4ACTIVE SON DRJ 81000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1YEAR TLV1117IKCS ACTIVE TO-220KCS 350TBD CU SN N /A for Pkg Type TLV1117IKCSE3ACTIVE TO-220KCS 350Pb-Free (RoHS)CU SN N /A for Pkg Type TLV1117IKTER NRND PFM KTE 32000TBD CU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTPR NRND PFM KTP 23000TBDCU SNPB Level-1-220C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTPRG3NRND PFM KTP 23000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLV1117IKTTR ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117IKTTRG3ACTIVE DDPAK/TO-263KTT 31000Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SN Level-3-245C-168HR TLV1117IKVURG3ACTIVEPFMKVU32500Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)CU SNLevel-3-260C-168HR(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan -The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free (RoHS),Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt),or Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS):TI's terms "Lead-Free"or "Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package,or 2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green (RoHS &no Sb/Br):TI defines "Green"to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine (Br)and Antimony (Sb)based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.29-Sep-2006。
