



□a t r a n d o m随便地,任意地□a t c l o s e r a n g e在近距离□w i t h i n r a n g e在射程内□b e a t t h e r a p责备某人□t a k e t h e r a p受罚,背黑锅□r a t h e r t h a n而不是□r a t t l e o f f急促流畅地背诵出□r a t t l e o n/a w a y喋喋不休地说,急促地说□r a t t l e t h r o u g h匆忙地做□r e a d a l o u d朗读□r e a d o u t读出声来□g e t r e a d y准备好□h a v e s t h.r e a d y备好某物□b e r e a d y(f o r)(为……)准备好□r e a d y m o n e y/c a s h现金□b y r e a s o n o f由于,因为□b y r e a s o n t h a t因为……,由于……□o n t h e r e b o u n d①在弹回中②处于情绪波动的状态□r e c k o n o n期待,指望□b r e a k/b e a t/c u t t h e r e c o r d打破记录□h o l d t h e r e c o r d o f保持……的记录□p u l l o u t①(火车)离站②(使)撤离,(使)退出□o n p u r p o s e故意地□p u t a c r o s s使……被理解□p u t a w a y储存,把……放好□p u t d o w n①击败,镇压②写下来□p u t f o r w a r d建议,提出□p u t o f f推迟,延误□p u t o n①穿,戴②增加③上演□p u t o u t扑灭,熄灭□p u t t h r o u g h①(电话)把……接通②使经历□p u t u p①举起②张贴③留宿(某人)④把……拍卖□p u t u p w i t h忍受,容忍□a b a d q u a r t e r o f a n h o u r难熬的片刻□a t c l o s e q u a r t e r s彼此非常接近□t a k e u p o n e's q u a r t e r s住宿□b e s i d e t h e q u e s t i o n离题,与题无关□b e y o n d/o u t o f q u e s t i o n毫无疑问,确定无疑□c a l l s t h.i n t o q u e s t i o n对某事提出疑问□i n q u e s t i o n①考虑中的②有疑问的□o u t o f t h e q u e s t i o n不可能的,办不到的□w i t h o u t q u e s t i o n毫无疑问□ (a s) q u i c k a s a f l a s h/(a s) q u i c k a s l i g h t e n i n g 飞快,一闪而过□a t q u i e t安静的(地),平静的(地)□o n t h e q u i e t悄悄地,秘密地□q u i t e a s t h.不寻常的,出众的□a r a f t o f很多的□f o r a r a i n y d a y未雨绸缪□o n t h e r a m p a g e暴跳如雷,横冲直撞□o u t o f p l a c e不合适的,不相称的□t a k e t h e p l a c e o f代替□b e p l e a s e d t o d o s t h.乐意做某事□t a k e(a)p l e a s u r e i n以……为乐□p l e n t y o f大量的,充足的□p l u c k u p(t h e)c o u r a g e(t o d o s t h.)鼓起勇气(做某事)□p o l a r b e a r北极熊□p o u n c e o n急忙抓住,攫捕□p u t...i n t o p r a c t i c e实行,实施□p u t/s e t/p l a c e a p r e m i u m o n高度重视□p r e v e n t s b.f r o m阻止某人做……□t a k e p r e v e n t i v e a c t i o n采取预防措施□a t a p r i c e以极高的代价□p r i c k u p o n e's e a r s竖起耳朵听□i n p r i n c i p l e原则上□p r o s a n d c o n s利与弊□p r o c e e d a g a i n s t起诉(某人)□p r o c e e d f r o m源于……□i n t h e p r o c e s s o f在……过程中□t h e p r o d i g a l回头的浪子□i n p r o p o r t i o n成比例□o u t o f p r o p o r t i o n不成比例□b e p r o u d o f以……为傲□p r o v i d e f o r①供养②(法律上)允许□i n p u b l i c公开地□p u l l a f a c e板起脸,拉长脸□p u l l d o w n拆毁(建筑物)□p u l l i n(火车)进站,(车辆)靠边停下□o n a p a r w i t h和……同等□u p t o p a r达到水平(或标准)□f o r m y p a r t至于我,对我来说□f o r t h e m o s t p a r t主要地,就绝大部分而言□i n p a r t部分地,在某种程度上□p l a y a p a r t i n在……中起作用□t a k e p a r t i n参加□i n p a r t i c u l a r尤其,特别□p a s s b y漠视,不理会□p a s s o f f冒充□p a s s o u t昏过去□p a v e t h e w a y f o r为……铺平道路□p a y b a c k偿还,向……报复□p a y f o r为……而付出代价□p a y o f f①偿清(债务)②出钱收买③支付工资后解雇□m a k e p e a c e w i t h与……讲和□k e e p t h e p e a c e维护和平,维持治安□p e r k u p(使)快活起来□i n p e r s o n亲自□p i c k o u t①选出,拣出②辨别出□p i c k u p①拣起②自然学会③(车辆)中途搭人□p i n c h o f f掐掉□a t a p i n c h必要时□Y o u n g P i o n e e r少先队员□p i s s a b o u t胡闹,浪费时间□p i s s o f f①走开②使厌恶,使失去兴趣□i n p l a c e o f替代□i n t h e f i r s t p l a c e首先□t h e O l y m p i c s/t h e O l y m p i c G a m e s奥林匹克运动会□a l l a t o n c e突然□o n c e a n d f o r a l l一劳永逸□o n c e i n a w h i l e偶尔,有时□o n c e u p o n a t i m e从前□o n e a n o t h e r互相□o n l i n e s h o p p i n g网上购物□i n o p e r a t i o n①操作中,运转中②实施中,生效□p u t...i n t o o p e r a t i o n使……实施,使……生效□t h e o p e r a t i v e w o r d关键词□o r s o大约,或许□i n o r d e r t h a t为……□i n o r d e r t o为了□o n o r d e r已订购的□o u t o f t h e o r d i n a r y不平常的,非凡的□e a c h o t h e r相互,彼此□n o n e o t h e r t h a n不是别的(人或物)□o n e a f t e r t h e o t h e r一个接一个地□o t h e r t h a n除……之外□t h e o t h e r d a y几天前□o u t o f①从……里②……之中③缺乏,没有④出于,由于□o w i n g t o由于□o n o n e's o w n独自地,独立地□k e e p p a c e w i t h与……并驾齐驱□t a k e p a i n s尽力,煞费苦心□a p a i r o f一副,一双,一条,一把□a b o v e p a r①在票面价值以上②在标准以上□a t p a r与票面价值相等□m a k e u p o n e's m i n d下定决心□s p e a k o n e's m i n d直言不讳□t o m y m i n d依我看□i n m i n t c o n d i t i o n(s t a t e)完美的,崭新的□i n a m i n u t e立刻,马上□m i s t a k e s b.f o r把某人错认为□m o b i l e p h o n e移动电话□m o p e a r o u n d(尤指闷闷不乐地)闲荡□m o r e o r l e s s几乎,大约□n o m o r e不再□n o m o r e t h a n至多,不超过□o n c e m o r e再一次□n o t a n y m o r e不再□a t(t h e)m o s t至多,不超过□m a k e t h e m o s t o f充分利用□i n t h e n a m e o f以……的名义□n e i t h e r...n o r...既不……也不……□n o n e b u t只有□n o t a t a l l别客气□n o t h i n g b u t只不过□n o w a n d t h e n不时,常常j u s t n o w刚才□h a v e s b.'s n u m b e r对某人心中有数□o n/u n d e r o a t h发誓说真话□o c c u r t o(s b.)(念头)出现(在某人的脑子里),想到□a t o d d s意见不一致□a s o f t e n a s n o t往往,多半□m o r e o f t e n t h a n n o t多半□m a k e...i n t o把……转变为□m a k e i t做成,成功□m a k e o f f逃走□m a k e o u t①写出,开出②看懂,听懂,明白□m a k e u p①编造②化妆③组成④和解□m a k e u p f o r弥补,补偿□b e t h e m a k i n g o f s b.使某人成功□h a v e t h e m a k i n g o f s t h.有条件成为某物□i n t h e m a k i n g在制造、形成或发展的过程中□a d o g i n t h e m a n g e r占着茅坑不拉屎的人□m a r k e t e c o n o m y市场经济□m a s s m e d i a(电视、报纸等)大众传播媒体□t h e f i r s t(s e c o n d)m a t e大(二)副□a m a t t e r o f c o u r s e理所当然的事□n o m a t t e r不管……□m a y a s w e l l还是……为好□b y a l l m e a n s当然可以□b y m e a n s o f用,靠□b y n o m e a n s决不□i n t h e m e a n t i m e与此同时□a t t h e m e r c y o f由……支配□h a v e m e r c y o n对……表示怜悯□m i c r o w a v e o v e n微波炉□i n t h e m i d s t o f在……之中□m i l k s h a k e奶昔□M i l k y W a y银河□m i l l i o n s o f数以百万的……□b e a r/k e e p i n m i n d牢记□l i s t e n i n①收听(广播等)②偷听,监听□a l i t t l e很少□l i t t l e b y l i t t l e逐渐地□l i v e o n靠……过日子□l i v e u p t o不辜负,达到□m a k e a l i v i n g谋生□a s l o n g a s只要□n o l o n g e r不再□b e f o r e l o n g不久□l o n g f o r盼望,渴望□l o o k a t看,考虑,审视□l o o k d o w n o n轻视,看不起□l o o k f o r寻找,寻求□l o o k i n t o检查,调查□l o o k o u t①往外看②注意,留神□l o o k o v e r检查(事物),过目□l o o k t h r o u g h查看,审查□l o o k t o①指望②留意,负责□l o o k u p查阅□l o o k u p t o尊敬□b e i n l u c k交好运□b e o u t o f l u c k倒霉□l e a v e s b.i n t h e l u r c h弃某人于危难之中□m a i l i n g l i s t邮寄名单□b e m a d e f r o m由……制造□b e m a d e o f由……制造□m a k e o n e's w a y去,前去□m a k e f o r①走向②促进,有助于□(n o t)i n t h e l e a s t一点也(不)□l e a s t o f a l l最不□l e a v e a l o n e不打扰,不干预□o n l e a v e休假□t a k e F r e n c h l e a v e不告而别,擅自行动□a t l e i s u r e①空闲的②悠闲的□a t o n e's l e i s u r e当某人有空的时候□a t l e n g t h①详尽地②最后,终于□e v e n l e s s/m u c h l e s s/s t i l l l e s s更不用说,更何况□n o l e s s t h a n不少于,多达□l e t b e听任,不打扰□l e t g o o f松开,放开□l e t o f f①放(枪、炮等)②饶恕,从轻发落□a t l i b e r t y①自由的②有空,闲着□t a k e t h e l i b e r t y t o d o s t h.冒昧地做某事□c o m e t o l i f e①苏醒②活跃起来□t a k e s b.'s l i f e杀死某人□l i f t o f f升空,起飞□i n t h e l i g h t o f鉴于□t h r o w l i g h t o n阐明□m a k e l i g h t o f轻视,视……为微不足道□h a v e a l i k i n g f o r喜欢□t o s b.'s l i k i n g合某人的意□o f f l i m i t s禁止进入□w i t h i n l i m i t s适度地,在合理的范围内□i n l i n e f o r有获得……的希望□i n l i n e w i t h与……一致□t h e l i o n's s h a r e最大的一份□k e e p t o坚持,保持□k e e p u p①使(斗志、价格等)不低落②维持,继续□k e e p u p w i t h跟上□k i c k o u t撤职,解雇□k i l l o f f消灭,杀光□k i n d o f有点儿,有几分□k i w i f r u i t猕猴桃□b e n d o n e's k n e e t o向……跪下,屈服于□d r o p(o n)t o o n e's k n e e s跪下□k n o c k d o w n①击倒,撞倒②降低(价格等)□k n o c k o f f①把……敲掉,击倒②停止工作□k n o c k o u t①敲空②击倒,打昏□i n t e n s i v e c a r e(医院里的)重症监护(部)□l a c k o f/b y l a c k o f/f o r l a c k o f因缺乏……□b e l a c k i n g不足,不够□b y l a n d走陆路□a t l a r g e①自由的②整个的,一般的□a t t h e l a t e s t最迟,至迟□o f l a t e近来□l a t e r o n后来,以后□l a u g h a t嘲笑,漠视□l a y d o w n①献出(生命)②制定③铺设□l a y o f f①(暂时)解雇②放弃,戒掉□l a y o u t①安排,布置②摆开,展示□l a z y b o n e s懒骨头□l e a d t o导致,引起□l e a n u p o n倚靠,依靠□a t(t h e)l e a s t至少,起码□i n s o m u c h a s因为,鉴于,至如此程度□f o r i n s t a n c e例如,比如□i n t h e f i r s t i n s t a n c e首先,第一,最初□i n s t e a d o f代替,而不是□a d d i n s u l t t o i n j u r y伤害之余又侮辱□ t o a l l i n t e n t s a n d p u r p o s e s在任何一方面,实际上□ i n t h e i n t e r e s t(s) o f为了……的利益,有助于□a t i n t e r v a l s不时,相隔一定的距离(或时间)□b e c l o s e l y i n t e r t w i n e d密切相关的□t h e i n t e r v e n i n g y e a r s(两件事情之间的)那些年□i n i r o n s上镣铐,入狱□i r o n o u t①熨烫②解决,消除□i r r e s p e c t i v e o f不顾,不论□b e i t c h i n g f o r/t o d o s t h.渴望(做)某事□ I v y L e a g u e常春藤联盟(美国东部有高度学术水平和社会声誉的名牌大学的通称)□j e t l a g高速飞行后的时差反应□j o i n s t h.t o s t h.将……和……连接起来□j o i n u p从军□p l a y a j o k e o n s b.与某人开玩笑□j u m p o n责备,责骂□j u s t n o w①此刻②刚才□b r i n g s b.t o j u s t i c e将某人绳之以法□k e e p a t坚持(做)□k e e p b a c k①留在后面②阻止③隐瞒□k e e p d o w n①限制,控制②压制□k e e p o f f①避开,不接近②不让……接近,挡开□k e e p o n继续(进行)□k e e p o u t o f(使)置身于……之外□l o s e/g i v e u p h o p e失去希望□o n t h e h o r i z o n即将来临的,已露端倪的□h o r i z o n t a l b a r单杠□a t a l l h o u r s在任何时候,始终不间断地□k e e p e a r l y h o u r s早起早睡□t h e H o u s e o f L o r d s(英)上议院□t h e H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s(美)众议院□(a)h u n d r e d a n d o n e许多□n i n e t y-n i n e o u t o f a h u n d r e d几乎全部□h u r r y u p匆忙,赶紧,仓促□i n a h u r r y匆忙地,急于,轻易地□h u s t l e a n d b u s t l e忙碌,奔忙,繁忙□o n t h i n i c e如履薄冰地,处于危险境地□i f o n l y要是……多好□i f s a n d b u t s保留意见□b e i n f o r注定要遭受□t h e i n s a n d o u t s详情,底细,来龙去脉□b y i n c h e s①逐渐地②勉强地□e v e r y i n c h完全地,彻头彻尾□i n c h b y i n c h缓慢地□w i t h i n a n i n c h o f十分接近,险些□o n o n e's o w n i n i t i a t i v e主动地□t a k e t h e i n i t i a t i v e采取主动,首先采取行动 i n q u i r e a f t e r问候□i n q u i r e i n t o查究,调查□i n s i d e a n d o u t①里里外外②彻底地□i n s i d e o u t①内外翻转地②彻底地□i n s o f a r a s至……度,在……范围□t r y o n e's h a n d(a t)试做,试身手□M a n y h a n d s m a k e l i g h t w o r k.人多好办事。



TEM4词‎汇高分必背‎短语90个‎1. abide‎by (=be faith‎f ul to ; obey)忠于;遵守。


be abund‎a nt in, 大量存在,盛产。

3.have acces‎s(to) (不可数名词‎)能接近,进入,了解4 of‎one’s‎own‎accor‎d自愿地,主动地5 in accor‎d with 与…一致out‎of‎one’s accor‎d with 同….不一致, with one accor‎d (=with every‎b ody agree‎i ng)一致地6 in accor‎d ance‎with (=in agree‎m ent with) 依照, 根据7 on‎one’s‎own‎accou‎n t1) 为了某人的‎缘故, 为了某人自‎己的利益; on accou‎n t of 因为; on no accou‎n t不论什‎么原因也不; (=in no case, for no reaso‎n)绝不要,无论如何不‎要(放句首时句‎子要倒装)8 take…i nto accou‎n t(=consi‎d er)把...考虑进去9.accou‎n t for (=give an expla‎n atio‎n or reaso‎n for) 解释, 说明,占了。

比例,10. accus‎e…of指控,控告11. be accus‎t omed‎to doing‎‎ s th. (=be in the habit‎of, be used to)习惯于.12. be acqua‎i nted‎with(=to have knowl‎e dge of) 了解;&nbs p;(=to have met socia‎l ly) 熟悉13. adapt‎onese‎l f to(=adjus‎t onese‎l f to) ; 使自己适应‎于14. adapt‎…(for) (=make sth. Suita‎b le for a new n eed) 改编, 改写(以适应新的‎需要)15. adher‎e to粘附; 坚持, 遵循16. adjus‎t..(to) (=chang‎e sligh‎t ly)调节; 适应;17. amoun‎t to (=to be equal‎to) 总计, 等于.18. appea‎l to sb. for sth. 为某事向某‎人呼吁. appe al to sb. 对某人有吸‎引力19. appro‎v e of vt. 批准20. assur‎e sb. of sth.向…保证, 使…确信.21. attac‎h(to) (=to fix, faste‎n; join) 缚, 系,结,Eg. On diffe‎r ent occas‎‎i ons, Presi‎‎d e ntHu Jingt‎‎a o attac‎‎h es great‎‎ impor‎‎t ance‎‎to the strat‎‎e gy of revit‎‎a lizi‎‎n g China‎‎throu‎‎g h scien‎‎c e and educa‎‎t ion. 胡锦涛书记‎多次强调科‎教兴国的重‎要性!22. make an attem‎p t at doing‎sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…‎23. attri‎b ute…to…把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果24. (be) aware‎of意识到‎,知道.25. in bulk 成批地,不散装的,大量地26. but for (=witho‎u t) 要不是. 表示假设27. be capab‎l e of 能够, 有能力,可能。



固定搭配1.52. During the famine, many people were ________ to going withoutfood for days. (2001年真题52)A. sunkB. reducedC. forcedD. declined[解说]正确答案为B. reduce与介词 to搭配,be reduced to sth./doing sth意为“使陷入不良境遇”; force意为“迫使”,常带有主观色彩,受某种主观力量的驱使, be forced to do sth;declined意为“衰落;降低”; sink意为“下沉;倒下”, sunk、declined 没有be done to用法。

2. 56.The multinational corporation was making a take-over ________ fora property company. (2002年真题56)A. applicationB. bidC. proposalD. suggestion [解说]正确答案为B. make a bid for表示在竞标、拍卖、竞选中“投标,申办”或“参加竞选”,如:He made a bid for the presidency. (他参加了总统竞选)。

Make an application for 表示“申请”或“请求”。

Make a proposal to sb.表示“向….求婚”。

Make a suggestion.表示“提出建议”。

3.55. ________ William! I know he would win. (2002年真题55)A. ThanksB. Goodness knowsC. Thank completedD. Good old [解说]正确答案为D. Good old+人名(Jonh/William)表示对人(不负众望)的行为表示赞赏。



by accident 偶然on account of 因为,由于,为了……的缘故in addition to 另外,加之in addition 除…之外〔还〕in the air 流传中on 〔the/an〕average 按平均值,通常on the basis of 根据,在…的根底上at best 充其量,至多for the better 好转,向好的方向开展on board 在船〔车或飞机〕上out of breath 喘不过气来on business 因公,因事in any case 无论如何,不管怎样in case of 假设,如果发生;防范in case 假使,以防〔万一〕in no case 决不,无论如何不by chance 偶然,碰巧in charge 〔of〕负责,管理〔a〕round the lock 日夜不停地in mon 共用的,共有的in conclusion 最后,总之on condition 〔that〕如果in consequence of 由于…的缘故,因为on the contrary 正相反in contrast with/to 与…比照起来,与…形成比照out of control 失去控制out of danger 脱离危险have/gain access to 可以获得take…into account 考虑到,顾及,体谅take advantage of 占…的廉价,利用pave the way 〔for〕铺平道路,为…作准备pay attention to 注意do/try one‘s best 尽力,努力get/have the best of 战胜make the best of 充分利用get/have the better of 战胜,在…中占上风catch one‘s breath 屏息;喘气,气喘;歇口气take care 注意,留神take care of 保护,照料take a chance 冒险,投机take charge 开场管理,接收keep…pany 陪伴take 〔a〕delight in 以…为乐make a difference 有影响,起〔重要〕作用carry/bring/put into effect 使生效,实行,实现e/go into effect 生效,实施take effect 生效,起作用catch sb‘s eye 被某人看到,引起某人注意keep sb‘s head 保持镇静in the world 终究,到底lose sb‘s head 慌乱,仓皇失措lose heart 丧失勇气,失去信心get/catch/take hold of 抓住,得到keep house 管理家务throw/cast light on/upon 使人了解,说明bear/keep in mind 记住have in mind 考虑到,想到make up one‘s mind 下定决心,打定主意a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,终究ahead of 在...之前 ahead of time 提前all at once 突然,同时 all but 几乎;除了...都all of a sudden 突然 all over 普及all over again 再一次,重新 all the time 一直,始终all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于anything but 根本不 as a matter of fact 实际上apart from 除...外(有/无) as a rule 通常,照例as a result(of) 因此,由于 as far as ...be concerned 就...而言as far as 远至,到...程度 as for 至于,关于as follows 如下 as if 好似,仿怫as good as 和...几乎一样 as usual 像平常一样,照例look after照顾,照看look ahead向前看look forward to盼望look in顺便来访look at考虑look back回头看look down on/upon看不起look for寻找look on观看look out注意look over把……看一遍look thrrough浏览look to照看look up好转as to 至于,关于 all right 令人满意的;可以as well 同样,也,还 as well as 除...外(也),即...又aside from 除...外(还有) at a loss 茫然,不知所措at a time 一次,每次 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不at all costs 不惜一切代价 at all events 不管怎样,无论如何at all times 随时,总是 at any rate 无论如何,至少at best 充其量,至多 at first 最初,起先at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at hand 在手边,在附近at heart 心里,本质上 at home 在家,在国at intervals 不时,每隔... at large 大多数,未被捕获的at least 至少 at last 终于at length 最终,终于 at most 至多,不超过at no time 从不,决不 by accident 偶然at one time 曾经,一度;同时 at present 目前,现在at sb’s disposal 任...处理 at the cost of 以...为代价at the mercy of 任凭...摆布 at the moment 此刻,目前at this rate 照此速度 at times 有时,间或 back and forth 来回地,反复地back of 在...后面 before long 不久以后beside point 离题的,不相干的 beyond question 毫无疑问by air 通过航空途径 by all means 尽一切方法,务必by and by 不久,迟早 by chance 偶然,碰巧by far 最,...得多 by hand 用手,用体力by itself 自动地,单独地 by means of 用,依靠by mistake 错误地,无意地 by no means 决不,并没有by oneself 单独地,单独地 by reason of 由于by the way 顺便说说 by virtue of 借助,由于by way of 经由,通过...方法 due to 由于,因为each other 互相 even if/though 即使,虽然ever so 非常,极其 every now and then 时而,偶尔every other 每隔一个的 except for 除了...外face to face 面对面地 far from 远非,远离for ever 永远 for good 永久地for the better 好转 for the moment 暂时,目前for the present 暂时,目前 for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益for the time being 暂时,眼下 from time to time 有时,不时hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联 head on 迎面地,正面的heart and soul 全心全意地 how about ...怎么样in a hurry 匆忙,急于 in case of 假设,防范in a moment 立刻,一会儿 in a sense 从某种意义上说in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 简言之,总之in accordance with 与...一致,按照 in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除...之外(还) in advance 预先,事先in all 总共,合计 in any case 无论如何in any event 无论如何 in brief 简单地说in charge of 负责,总管 in mon 共用的,共有的in consequence(of) 因此;由于 in debt 欠债,欠情in detail 详细地 in difficulty 处境困难in effect 实际上,事实上 -in general 一般来说,大体上in favor of 支持,赞成 in front of 面对,在...前in half 成两半 in hand 在进展中,待办理in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念 in itself 本质上,就其本身而言in line with 与...一致 in memory of 纪念in no case 决不 in no time 立即,马上in no way 决不 in order 按顺序,按次序in other words 换句话说 in part 局部地in particular 特别,尤其 in person 亲自,本人in place 在适宜的位置 in place of 代替,取代,交换in practice 在实践中,实际上 in proportion to 与...成比例in public 公开地,当众 in quantity 大量in question 正在谈论的 in regard to 关于,至于in relation to 关于,涉及 in return 作为报答/回报/交换in return for 作为对...报答 in short 简言之,总之in sight 被见到;在望 in spite of 尽管in step 齐步,合拍 in step with 与...一致/-协调in tears 流着泪,在哭着 in the course of 在...期间/过程中in the distance 在远处 in the end 最后,终于。



专四常考固定搭配Act as 充当,起……作用Act for 代表,代理Adhere to 遵守,坚持All in all 总的来说Answer back 无礼回嘴,顶嘴Answer for 对……负责,承担后果Answer to 对……有反应,适应,符合Apply to 适用于,应用于Be as good as one’s word 守信Be compatible with 与……兼容的(合得来的),相符Be consistent with 与……一致,符合Be cut out 本质上适宜或适合Be exposed to 暴露于Be frugal of 节约的,节俭的Be guilty of 有……罪Be independent of 独立于Be indicative of 暗示的,表明的Be particular about 对……挑剔Be positive of/about 对……肯定的,对……有把握的Be reduced to 使陷入不良境遇Be relevant to 与……相关的Be revealed to 想……揭示Be sensitive to 对……敏感的Be susceptible to 易受影响的,过敏的,易受感动的Bring down the house 博得全场观众的喝彩Break down (机器等)停止运转,崩溃,瓦解Break into 破门而入Break up 打碎,击碎Break out 爆发,突然出现,逃脱Buy/sell sth on credit 赊买(卖)某物By chance 偶然地By heart 用心By/in comparison with 与……相比By means of 依靠,凭借Call back 召回,回电话Call for 要求,需要Call forth 唤起Call out 召集,挑起斗争Carry away 使深受感动而失去自制力Carry forward 推进Carry off 拿走,夺走,赢得Carry on 继续Catch up on 赶上进度Clear up 整理,消除,放晴Come about 发生Come across 偶然遇见Come by 获得,得到,从旁走过Come in handy 迟早有用Come off 发生,举行,结果是成功的Come on 进步,进展,快点,赶快Come over 过来,抓住Come round 绕道而来,恢复,还原Come up with 想出(计划,主意,办法等)Comply with 履行,服从Confess (to) doing sth 承认做过某事Credit sth to sb 给予(赋予)某人某物Cut in 插入,打断Cut into 侵犯(利益),打断Cut off 切去,停止,中断Cut out 删除,剪裁(衣服)Cut short 打断,缩减Disapproval of 不赞成,反对Disguise as 伪装成,假造成Distaste (n.) for 不喜欢Do without 没有……也可以Draw in 引诱,退缩,(火车等)到站,(天)黑,(日)渐短Draw on 穿上,鼓励或诱惑做某事,临近Draw out 取出存款,使说出,(火车等)缓缓开出Draw up 拉起,(车辆)驶进,停下,制定,起草Engage (oneself) in 从事,参与,使忙于Entitle sb to sth 使某人有权做某事Exempt…from…免于,豁免Face up to 接受,面对(不愉快或艰苦的事)Find fault with sb/sth 挑措,挑茬Get about(尤指病后)走动,往来各处,(消息,谣言等)传开Get at 到达,意思是Get away 走开,逃脱Get away with 做了某事而没被处罚,批评Get in on (口)参加,加入Get no where 毫无进展Get off (从……)下来,下车,出发,上班,脱下(衣服等),(使)逃脱惩罚,逃避(责任等),解除(婚约等的)约束Get on 进展,相处,上车,继续干Get on with 继续进行Get over 从(疾病,失望,震惊中)恢复过来Get through (使)了解,熬过,干完工作Grant sb sth/grant sth to sb 给予(赋予)某人某物Hand down 把……传递下来Hand in 提交Hand out 取出,分发Hand over 交出,移交Hang by a thread 摇摇欲坠,危在旦夕Hang on 坚持,不挂断,赖在某处不走,摆脱不掉,有赖于In accord with 与……一致In accordance with 根据In association with 与……联系,与……合伙In contrast to 和……形成对比In excess of 超过In favor of 同意,赞成In good/bad form(运动员,赛马等)处于良好或不良的竞技状态In line with 符合,与……一致In relation to 关于,与……相比In search of/in the search for 寻找In sight 在视线内(指看得见)In terms of 就……而言,在……方面,根据In the light of 考虑到Indulge (oneself) in 使自己尽情享受,沉溺于Keep track of 与……保持接触 跟上……的进程或发展 明了Keep up 保持Keep up with 赶上 跟上Know sb by sight 跟某人面熟Lay aside 搁置 积蓄Lay down 放下 放弃Lay off 解雇 停止工作 休息Lay out 摆开 展示 布置 安排Lend credit to 使更可信 证实Live up to 遵守 实践 不辜负Look up 向上看 尊敬 仰望 查询 拜访 好转Look to 当心 留意Look on 看待Make provision for 为……做好准备 为……采取预先措施Make sense of 弄懂……的意思Make up 捏造 化妆Move along 向前移动Move off 离开Move on 继续前进Move out 搬出 开始行动None other than 不是别的 正是……On occasion 有时On account of 因为On purpose 故意地On the scene 在场On the spot 在现场On view 展览着 上映着Out of breath 上气不接下气地Out of control 不受控制地Out of stock 脱销地Out of turn 不按顺序地 不合时宜地 鲁莽地Pass off 发生 顺利完成Pass over 不考虑 忽略 忽视Pay up 付清钱Pick up 捡起 用车接送 使恢复精神 自然而然地学会 获得Prey on 捕食 掠夺Pull back 把……向后拉 反悔 使 撤退 紧缩开支Pull out 火车 离站 离开 撤离Pull round 脱离危险期 恢复健康Pull through 脱离危险期 恢复健康 度过难关 克服困难Pull up 使 停下 比赛中 赶上 追上 制止 责备 骂Put across 讲清楚 使人接受Put by 把……放在一边 储存 回避Put down 记下来 写下来Put off 推迟 关掉 使不高兴 使反感Put out 伸出 手等 熄灭 火等 Put over 使被理解 传达……的意义 尤指用欺骗手段 做成Put sb through 为某人接通电话Put sth right 纠正某事Put up with 忍受Put up 抬起;张贴;提出;请愿;建议;问题等Reach agreement upon 双方就……达成一致意见 达成协议Reach agreement with sb 与……达成协议Refrain sb/oneself from 忍住 克制Revenge oneself on sb 向某人报仇See sb out 送某人到门口See sb through 帮助……度过 困难 See to 关注 关照 留意 注意Show around 带某人参观 为某人做向导Show off 炫耀 卖弄Show up 出现Side with sb 与某人采取同样的立场 支持某人Stand up 经得起Step aside 让职位给别人 下台Step back 退回Step up 扩大 加速Subscribe to 向……捐款 订阅Take on 呈现;承担(义务;责任等);盛气凌人Take into account 考虑 注意To the exclusion of 把……排除在外Take advantage of 利用 占……便宜Turn down 拒绝某人、建议或忠告 调低速度、音量、强度或流量Turn in 交还 上交Turn out 生产 产出 关上 关掉 结果是Turn sb out 将某人撵出去 使搬走 撤退Turn up 意外地发生 出现 增加速度、音量、强度或流量Without fail 务必 必定动词短语be about to do 刚要,即将be friends with 与……友好bear in mind 记住bring into effect 实行;使生效bring into operation 实施;使生效can not help 禁不住,忍不住carry into effect 施行;使生效cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解catch fire 着火,烧着catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息catch one's eye 引人注目catch sight of 看到,发现come into effect 生效;实施come into operation 施行,实行,生效come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒come true 实现could not help 禁不住,忍不住cut short 中断,打断do one's best 尽力,努力enjoy oneself 过得快活fall in love with 爱上find fault(with) 找岔gain an advantage over 胜过,优于get hold of 得到,获得get rid of 丢弃,摆脱, get the best of 战胜get the better of 战胜,占上风get together 会面,装配give rise to 引起,导致give way 让路,让步go ahead 开始,进行go into effect 施行,实行,生效go into operation 生效,实施go wrong 出错,出故障had better 应该had rather 宁愿had rather……than 宁愿……而不愿……have an advantage over 胜过,优于have in mind 想到;记得;打算have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系have(something/much/little)to do with 和……(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系help oneself 自用,自取keep an eye on 留意,照看keep in mind 记住keep one's head 保持镇静keep one's word 守信用keep pace(with) (与……)齐步前进lead the way 引路,带路learn by heart 记住,背诵leave alone 不打扰,不干预let alone 更别提,不打扰let go (of) 放,松手lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心lose one's head 慌乱,仓皇失措lose one's temper 发脾气,发努lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见make a /the difference 有影响,起作用make friends 交朋友make fun of 取笑,嘲弄make one's way 去,前往make sense 讲得通,言之有理make sure 查明;务必make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分利用make up one's mind 下决心,打定主意make use of 使用,利用make way 让路,让出地方may as well 还不如,不妨never mind 不要紧;不用担心pay attention to 注意piece together 拼合play a part(in) 起作用,参于put into effect 实施;使生效put into operation 实施;使生效put into practice 实施;实行put to use 使用see to it that 注意,务必,保证see that 注意,务必,保证set fire to 使燃烧,点燃take……for 把……认为是take a chance 冒险,投机take(a)delight in 以……为乐take advantage of 利用,趁……之机take care 当心,注意take care of 照顾,照料take charge 管理,接管take effect 生效,起作用take into account 考虑take for granted 认为……理所当然take one's time 不着急,不着慌take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功take part (in) 参加,参于take place 发生,进行,举行take the place of 代替,取代take turns 依次,轮流throw light on 阐明,使了解think better of 经考虑改变对……的看法try one's best 尽力,努力形容词同介词的搭配absent from 不在,缺席abundant in 富于alien to 与……相反angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒anxious about/for 忧虑,担心appropriatefor/to 适当,合适applicable to 适用于apt at 聪明,善于apt to 易于ashamed of 羞愧,害臊approximate to 近拟,接近aware of 意识到abailable to sb for sth 可用,可供bare of 几乎没有,缺乏bound for 开往……capable of 能够careful of/about/with; 小心,注意certain of /about 确信,肯定about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特clear of 没有,不接触clever at 善于close to 接近,亲近comparable to/with 可比较conscious of 察觉到,意识到consequent on 随之而来considerate towards 体谅,体贴contemporary with 与……同时代content with 满足于contrary to 违反counter to 与……相反crazy about 热衷,着迷critical of 挑剔,批评curious about 好奇,想知道distinct from 种类(风格)不同doubtful of /about 怀疑east of 在……东面equal to 相等,胜任equivalent to 等于,相当于essential to/for 必不可少expert at/in/on 善于faithful to 忠实于familiar to sb 为……所熟悉familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓fatal to 致命的favourable to 支持,赞成favourable for 有帮助的fearful of 惧怕fit for 适于foreign to 非……所原有fond of 喜欢free of /from 未受……;免费free with 康慨,大方guilty of 有……罪的hungry for 渴望ignorant of 不知道impatient at sth. 不耐烦impatient of 无法容忍with sb independent of 不受……支配impatient for 急切,渴望indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心indignant with sb. 愤慨inferior to 级别低于,不如ab/about sth innocent of 无……罪,无辜intent on 专心于invisible to 不可见的jealous of 嫉妒keep on 爱好,很喜欢liable for 对……有责任liable to 易于loyal to 忠于mad at/with sb. 生气,愤怒mad with 因……发狂next to 下一个,其次necessary to /for 必要的opposite to 在对面open to 不限制,开放的particular about 挑剔,讲究parallel to 与……平等,类似peculiar to 独特的,独有的patient with 有耐心prior to 在……之前popular with 受……喜爱,爱戴representative of 代表……的relative to 与……有关rich in 富于responsible for 负责,是……原因sensitive to 对……敏感sensible of 觉查到sick of 厌恶,厌倦short of 缺少skilled at /in 善于similar to 相似sufficient for 足够的subject to 受制于,易于superior to 优于,级别高于suitable for/to 适合于suspicious of 怀疑sure of /about 对……有信心,确信typical of 是典型的,特有的tired of 对……不在感兴趣votal to 对……关系重大uncertain of /about 不确知mad about/on 狂热迷恋void of 没有,缺乏名词同介词的搭配absence from 缺席,不在absence of 缺乏access to ……的入口,通路acquaintance with 相识,了解action on sth 对……的作用addition to sth 增加admission to /into 进入,入(场,学,会) admission of sth 承认advance in 改进,进步advantage over 优于……的有利条件affection for/towards 爱,喜欢answer to ……的答案anxiety for sth 渴望apology to sb for sth 道歉appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁appeal for 魅力,吸引力appetite for 对……的欲望application 把……应用于……approach to 类似,办法,通道of sth/to sth argument 赞成/反对……的理由arrangement for 对……的安排for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击attempt at 尝试,企图attention to 对……的注意attraction for 对……的吸引力balance between ……之间的平衡barrier to ……的障碍belief in 对……的信仰,相信candidate for 候选人,人选check on 检查,阻止claim for sth 要求collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突comment on /about 对……的评论between A and Bcomplaint of /about 报怨,控告compromise between/on 折中,妥协concentration on sth 专心,集中精力concentration of sth 集中,聚集concern about/for/over 担心confidence in 对……的信任,相信connection between; 关系,连接consent to sth 同意with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接触,联系contest for sth 争夺,竞争contradiction between 矛盾,不一致contrast to/with sth 对比,对照contribution to 贡献,捐献,促成conversation with sb 对话conversion 转变,转换about sth of sth into sthcredit for sth 荣誉,赞扬damage to sth 损坏danger to sb/sth 危险decision on/against 做/不做……的决定decrease in sth ……的减少defence against 防御,保卫delegate to 参加……的代表demand for 对……的需求departure from 离开desire for sth 渴望difference 不同,差异difference 分歧between……in……between……over……dispute about 争论,辩论distinction between 区别doubt about/as to 怀疑effect on 对……的作用emphasis on 对……的强调,注重encounter with 遭遇,遇到enthusiasm about/for 热情entrance to ……的入口,入场envy of sb 嫉妒exception to ……的例外of /at sthexposure to sth 暴露fancy for sth 喜爱faith in 对……的信任,信仰glance at 扫视gratitude to sb 感激guess at sth 猜测for sth hatred for/of 仇恨hazard to 危险hunger for 渴望impact on/ upon 对……的撞击,巨大影响improvement on/in 对……的改进,提高increase in sth 增加,增长independence from 独立,自主influence on 对……的影响inquiry about 对……的查询inquiry into 对……的调查interaction with sth 相互作用inteference in/with 干涉,阻碍between /among sthintroduction to 引言,介绍,入门memorial to sth 引进(物) invitation to 邀请investment in sth 投资loyalty to sb/sth 忠诚memorial to sb/sth 纪念obstacle to sth 形成阻碍objection to sth 反对opponent of sth ……的障碍opponent at /in sth 对手patience with 反对者passion for 对……的强烈爱好,热爱precaution against 耐心pity for sb/sth 可怜,怜悯preference for sth 预防,防备preface to ……的前言preparation for 偏爱;为 ... 做的准备preference to sth 优先proposal for sth 准备prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重preparation for 建议in favour of ……protection for sb 保护protest against sth 抗议against sth provision for/against 准备pull at/on sth 拉,拖ratio of sth to sth 比率reaction to 对……的反应reason for 原因,理由reference to 提及,参考regard for 对……的注意,尊重remedy for 补救,解决reply to sb/sth 对……的回答reputation for 名声,名气request for sth 要求research on/into 对……的研究,调查resistance to 对……的抵抗,阻力response to 对……的回答,反应responsibility for 责任,负责restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束search for 对……的搜寻service to 服务,贡献similarity between ……的相似之处skill at 技巧,熟练solution to ……的解决办法sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛stress on 对……的强调supplement to sth 补充,增刊sympathy for 对……的同情sympathy with 对……的赞同taste for 对……的爱好,喜爱taste in 对……的审美能力tendency to sth 趋向,趋势trust in 对……的信赖,信任wish for 欲望,愿望常用其它短语a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是after all 毕竟,究竟ahead of 在……之前ahead of time 提前all at once 突然,同时all but 几乎;除了……都all of a sudden 突然all over 遍及all over again 再一次,重新all the time 一直,始终all the same 仍然,照样的as regards 关于,至于anything but 根本不as a matter of fact 实际上apart from 除……外(有/无) as a rule 通常,照例as a result(of) 因此,由于as far as ……be concerned 就……而言as far as 远至,到……程度as for 至于,关于as follows 如下as if 好像,仿怫as good as 和……几乎一样as usual 像平常一样,照例as to 至于,关于all right 令人满意的;可以as well 同样,也,还as well as 除……外(也),即……又aside from 除……外(还有) at a loss 茫然,不知所措at a time 一次,每次at all 丝毫(不),一点也不at all costs 不惜一切代价at all events 不管怎样,无论如何at all times 随时,总是at any rate 无论如何,至少at best 充其量,至多at first 最初,起先at first sight 乍一看,初看起来at hand 在手边,在附近at heart 内心里,本质上at home 在家,在国内at intervals 不时,每隔……at large 大多数,未被捕获的at least 至少at last 终于at length 最终,终于at most 至多,不超过at no time 从不,决不by accident 偶然at one time 曾经,一度;同时at present 目前,现在at sb's disposal 任……处理at the cost of 以……为代价at the mercy of 任凭……摆布at the moment 此刻,目前at this rate 照此速度at times 有时,间或back and forth 来回地,反复地back of 在……后面before long 不久以后beside point 离题的,不相干的beyond question 毫无疑问by air 通过航空途径by all means 尽一切办法,务必by and by 不久,迟早by chance 偶然,碰巧by far 最,……得多by hand 用手,用体力by iteslf 自动地,独自地by means of 用,依靠by mistake 错误地,无意地by no means 决不,并没有by oneself 单独地,独自地by reson of 由于by the way 顺便说说by virtue of 借助,由于by way of 经由,通过……方法due to 由于,因为each other 互相even if/though 即使,虽然ever so 非常,极其every now and then 时而,偶尔every other 每隔一个的except for 除了……外face to face 面对面地far from 远非,远离for ever 永远for good 永久地for the better 好转for the moment 暂时,目前for the present 暂时,目前for the sake of 为了,为了……的利益for the time being 暂时,眼下from time to time 有时,不时hand in hand 手拉手,密切关联head on 迎面地,正面的heart and soul 全心全意地how about ……怎么样in a hurry 匆忙,急于in case of 假如,防备in a moment 立刻,一会儿in a sense 从某种意义上说in a way 在某种程度上in a word 简言之,总之in accordance with 与……一致,按照in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除……之外(还) in advance 预先,事先in all 总共,合计in any case 无论如何in any event 无论如何in brief 简单地说in charge of 负责,总管in common 共用的,共有的in consequence(of) 因此;由于in debt 欠债,欠情in detail 详细地in difficulty 处境困难in effect 实际上,事实上in general 一般来说,大体上in favour of 支持,赞成in front of 面对,在……前in half 成两半in hand 在进行中,待办理in honour of 为庆祝,为纪念in itself 本质上,就其本身而言in line with 与……一致in memory of 纪念in no case 决不in no time 立即,马上in no way 决不in order 按顺序,按次序in other words 换句话说in part 部分地in particular 特别,尤其in person 亲自,本人in place 在合适的位置in place of 代替,取代,交换in practice 在实践中,实际上in proportion to 与……成比例in public 公开地,当众in quantity 大量in question 正在谈论的in regard to 关于,至于in relation to 关于,涉及in return 作为报答/回报/交换in return for 作为对……报答in short 简言之,总之in sight 被见到;在望in spite of 尽管in step 齐步,合拍in step with 与……一致/协调in tears 流着泪,在哭着in the course of 在……期间/过程中in the distance 在远处in the end 最后,终于in the event of 如果……发生,万一in the face of 即使;在……面前in the first place 首先in the future 在未来in the least 丝毫,一点in (the)light of 鉴于,由于in the way 挡道in the world 究竟,到底in time 及时in touch 联系,接触in turn 依次,轮流;转而in vain 徒劳,白费力instead of 代替,而不是just now 眼下;刚才little by little 逐渐地lots of 许多many a 许多more or less 或多或少,有点next door 隔壁的,在隔壁no doubt 无疑地no less than 不少于……;不亚于……no longer 不再no more 不再no more than 至多,同……一样不none other than 不是别的,正是on one's guard 警惕,提防nothing but 只有,只不过now and then 时而,偶尔off and on 断断续续,间歇地off duty 下班on a large/small scale 大/小规模地on account of 由于on(an/the) average 平均,通常on behalf of 代表on board 在船(车/飞机)上on business 因公on condition that 如果on duty 上班,值班on earth 究竟,到底on fire 起火着火on foot 步行, on guard 站岗,值班on hand 在场,在手边on occasion(s) 有时,间或on one's own 独立,独自on purpose 故意地on sale 出售,廉价出售on schedule 按时间表,准时on second thoughts 经重新考虑on the contrary 正相反on the grounds of 根据,以……为由on (the) one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面on the point of 即将……的时刻on the road 在旅途中on the side 作为兼职/副业on the spot 在场;马上on the whole 总的来说,大体上on time 准时once again 再一次once(and)for all 一劳永逸地once in a while 偶尔once more 再一次once upon a time 从前one another 相互or else 否则,要不然or so 大约,左右other than 非;除了out of 从……中;由于;缺乏out of breath 喘不过气来out of control 失去控制out of date 过时的out of doors 在户外out of order 出故障的out of place 不适当的out of practice 久不练习,荒疏out of sight 看不见,在视野外out of the question 毫无可能的out of touch 不联系,不接触over and over(again) 一再地,再三地prior to 在……之前quite a few 相当多,不少rather than 不是……(而是) regardless of 不顾,不惜right away 立即,马上side by side 肩并肩,一起so far 迄今为止sooner or later 迟早,早晚step by step 逐步地such as 例如,诸如thanks to 由于,多亏that is (to say) 就是说,即to the point 切中要害,切题under control 处于控制之下under the circumstances 这种情况下up to date 在进行中up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于what if 切合目前情况的what about 怎么样with respect to 如果……将怎么样with regard to 关于,至于without question 关于,至于,with the exception of 除……之外without question 毫无疑问word for word 逐字的名词的固定搭配on account of 因为,由于in addition to 除……之外(包括)in the air 在流行中,在传播中on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说on the basis of 根据,在……的基础上at (the) best 充其量,至多for the better 好转,改善on board 在船(车、飞机)上out of breath 喘不过气来on business 因公,因事in any case无论如何,总之in case of 假使,万一in case 假如,以防(万一),免得in line 成一直线,排成一行in line with 与……一致,按照at a loss 困惑,不知所措by all means 无论如何,必定by means of 借助于,用by no means 决不in memory of 纪念at the mercy of 在…支配下by mistake 错误地at the moment现在,此刻for a moment 片刻,一会儿for the moment 现在,暂时in a moment 立刻,马上as a result of 由于…的结果in return 作为报答,作为回报on the road 在旅途中as a rule 规章,规则;通常,照例in the long run 最终,从长远观点看for the sake of 为了…起见on sale 出售;贱卖on a large scale 大规模地on a small scale 小规模地in secret 秘密地,私下地in a sense 从某种意义上说in shape 处于良好状态on the side作为兼职,额外at the same time 但是,然而,同时at times 有时for the time being 目前,暂时from time to time 有时,不时in no time 立即,马上in time 及时,适时地on time准时on top of 在……之上out of touch 失去联系in truth 事实上,实际上,的确on try 试穿by turns 轮流,交替地in turn 依次,轮流in vain 徒劳,无效a variety of 种种,各种by virtue of 由于make a/the difference 有影响,很重要carry/bring into effect 使生效,使起作用put into effect 实行,生效come/go into effect 生效,实施take effect 生效,起作用catch one’s eye 引人注目keep an eye on 留意,照看make faces做鬼脸find fault 埋怨,挑剔catch fire 着火come/go into force 生效,实施keep one’s head 保持镇静lose one’s head 不知所措keep house 管理家务,做家务throw/cast light on使明白,阐明bear/keep in mind 记住have in mind 记住,考虑到,想到make up one’s mind 下决心come/go into operation 使投入生产,使运转put in order 整理,检修keep/hold pace with 跟上,与…同步play a part 起作用take place 发生,进行take the place of 代替make progress 进步,进展give rise to 引起,使发生make sense 讲得通,有意义catch the sight of 发现,突然看见(go) on the stage 当演员take one’s time 不急不忙,从容进行keep in touch 保持联系keep track 通晓事态,注意动向lose track 失去联系make use of 利用动词的固定搭配account for 说明(原因等) aim at 瞄准,针对allow for 考虑到arrive at 达成,得出ask after 询问,问候call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁call up 召集,动员;打电话care for 照管,关心;喜欢,意欲carry off 夺去carry on 继续下去;从事,经营carry out 贯彻,执行;实现count up 把……相加cover up 掩饰,掩盖cut across 走捷径,抄近路deal with 处理,对付,安排do without 没有……也行fill in/out 填充,填写get at 得到,接近;意思是get into 进入,陷入go for竭力想取得;喜爱;支持,拥护go through 经历,经受;详细检查live on/by 靠…生活,以…为食live through 度过,经受过look for 寻找,寻求look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视look over 检查,查看,调查look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习make for 走向,驶向;有助于occur to 被想到,被想起play with 以…为消遣,玩弄refer to 参考,查阅,涉及,提到run for 竞选run into 撞上,偶然碰见see to 注意,负责,照料,修理send for 派人去请,召唤;索取check up (on) 校对,检查,检验cheer up 使高兴,使振奋clear away 扫除,收拾clear up 收拾;澄清;放晴make it clear that 弄清楚come off 实现,成功,奏效come on 请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是come round (around) 来访,前来;苏醒,复原cut down 削减,降低cut off 切断;删去;停止cut out 删除die down 渐渐消失,平息get up 起床;增加,增强give away 泄露;分送give back 送还,恢复give in 交上;投降,屈服give up 停止,放弃go ahead 开始,前进;领先go by 过去go down下降,降低;被载入,传下去go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开go out 外出;熄灭go over 检查,审查;复习,重温go up 上升,增加;建起hand down 流传下来,传给,往下传hand in 交上,递交hang on 抓紧不放;继续下去make up 构成,拼凑;弥补,赔偿;化装mix up 混淆,混合,搞糊涂pass away 去世,逝世pass out 失去知觉,昏倒pay back 偿还,回报pay off 还清(债) pay up 全部付清pick out 选出,挑出,拣出;辨认,辨别出pick up 拾起,(偶然)得到;(车船)中途搭(人),学会pull down 拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低pull off 脱(帽、衣) pull on 穿,戴pull out 拔出,抽出;(车、船)驶出put away 放好,收好;储存put down 记下,放下;镇压,平定put forward 提出shut out 排除sit in 列席,旁听sit up 迟睡,熬夜speed up 使加速stand out 突出,显眼take on 呈现;接纳,承担,从事take over 接管,接办take up 占据;开始;拿起,接收take up with 和…交往,忍受,采用think over 仔细考虑throw away 扔掉,抛弃touch up 润色,改进turn down 拧小,调低;拒绝turn in 交出,上缴;转身进入turn on 接通,打开wear out 用破;耗尽,使精疲力竭while away 消磨(时间) wipe out 擦去,抹去;消灭,毁灭work out 解决,算出;弄懂,制定出work up 引起,激起;逐渐上升work on 从事于,努力做get down to 开始,着手get out of 逃避,改掉get the better of 占上风,胜过give oneself away 泄露,露马脚give oneself up 自首,投降,投案give way to 给…让路,被…代替go along with 陪同前往,随行go back on 违背go in for 从事,致力于,追求go before 居前hang on to 紧握住,坚持下去have to/have got to 不得不,必须have to do with 与…有关keep out of 躲开,置身…之外stand up for 为…辩护;维护stand up to 面对,坚决抵抗;经得起come to stay 木已成舟stay by 守在一边take...as 把……作为think of...as 把…看做是,以为…是think better of 改变主意,重新考虑形容词的固定搭配be able to (do) 能(做),会(做) be about to (do) 即将,正要be absent from 缺勤,缺课be abundant in 富于,富有be accustomed to 习惯于be acquainted with 与…相识,熟悉be active in 积极于be afraid of 恐怕,害怕,担忧be alive to 发觉,感觉,对…敏感be angry at 因某事生气be bent on 热恋于,一心想be beside oneself 忘乎所以be better off 处境较好,情况好转take a shower 淋浴,洗澡take aim 瞄准,设立目标take away 拿走,减去;夺去take ~~ by surprise 出奇制胜take one’s place 就坐,入坐take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责take office 就职,上任take ~~ for 把~当作take off 脱去,除去;离开;起飞;模仿;起程;致死;复制,作副本;减弱take one’s temperature 量体温take part in 参与,参加take it easy 别着急,慢慢来take place = happen 发生,举行take the place of 代替take pride in 以~~为荣,对~~骄傲take sb. by the arm 拉某人的胳膊turn give a new turn to 对~~予以新的看法in one’s turn 轮到某人做某事out of turn 不按次序的,不合适宜的take one’s turn to do 轮到做turn a blind eye to 对~~视而不见turn against 背叛,采取敌对态度turn back 折回,往回走turn down 折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑turn into 走进;变成,变为turn to ~~for help 求助于turn off 关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产turn on 打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于turn one’s attention to 把注意力转向turn out 培养;证明是;制成;实际情况是turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新turn (a)round 旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策turn to 变成;着手于turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱【词组】draw on 借鉴(经验,知识)assume the responsibility for 承担起...责任be interrelated and interdependent 相互关联相互依赖的strike a balance between A and B 在A和B间寻求平衡be markedly incompatible with 与...明显不协调consensus on 就...达成共识every other day 每隔一天try to do sth.设法think of想出drop in on sb顺便拜访某人look on the bright side看到事物光明的一面out of mind发狂,疯狂back and forth 前后fire and water 水火flesh and blood 骨肉heat and cold 冷热iron and steel 钢铁north and south 南北off and on 开关rain or shine 阴晴young and old 老少rain and wind 风雨in need 在危难中in the wake of 随着…而来bang up 弄伤。



专四核心词汇总结come about发生,产生,改变方向;发生,转向come across来到,偶遇,<口>给人印象深刻;不期而遇,交付come at袭击,达到,得到;到达,攻击come back回来,在记忆中重理,复原,恢复,反驳come before在……之前来,在……之上come down下来,倒塌,没落,病倒,捐钱,流传下来,垂下come down on惩罚,索取;处罚,批评come down to归结为,涉及come down upon处罚,批评c o m ed ow n w i th付钱,染上(病)come forth出现,涌理,被公布come forward自告奋勇,自愿come in进来,到达终点,流行起来,当选,(钱)到手come in for接受,受到,继承come into进入,得到,继承;继承,取得come off离开,举行,实现,成为come of出身于,由……引起;起源于,结果come on突然产生,要求,成为……负担,偶遇,跟着来,开始,出台,上演;快点,赶快出来,长出,传出,视去,接展出,露出,罢工;出现,真相大白come outcome round to改变主意come through 经历,脱险,传出,拥助;经历,成功come to达到,继承,复苏,停止;想起,共计come under归入,受到come up走近,上来,发芽,流行,发生,捡提出;上升,讨论,出现come up against 碰到;遭遇come up with赶上,提出;拿出come upon突然产生,要求,成为……负担,偶遇;突临,突袭6)dodo away with 给束,(口)干掉do down 胜过,欺骗do for对……有效,代替,干掉do over重做do up束起,重新整修,收给齐整,疲乏,包好do with 利用,忍受,需要,乐意做do without免除,不用7)drawdraw away拉走,退走draw back拉起,退却,缩回draw a blank抽空签,一无所获draw in收,引诱,接近黄昏,紧缩开支draw on戴上,吸收,利用,引诱,向……提取,招来,临近draw out抽出,拉长,使说出实情,拟订,跑到别人前面并拉开距离draw to a close接近结束draw up草拟,停住,逼近,追上,整队2.介副词短语1) asadv.同样地,被看作,像:prep、当做常用搭配:as against sth 与……比较,比起…- 来as regards sth 关于,至于as far as sb/sth is concerned 至于,就……而言even as 正巧在……的时候,正当as ever 依旧,仍然as a marter of fact 事实上as follows 如下just as well 不妨2)by-prep.在附近,在旁边,经,由,依据,按照,通过,用:adv.通过,经过,附近常用搭配:by all accounts据大家所说bit by bit渐渐,一点一点day by day日渐by far到目前为止by and large大体上,基本上by all means尽一切办法,一定by no means决不by mistake错误地side by side并排,并肩3)for prep.(表示目的)为了,因为,至于,对于,通合于常用搭配: as for 至于就……方面说来done for 不中用的,完蛋have an eye for 很能鉴赏,很能看出for fear that唯恐,害怕take sth or sb for granted 想当然,不当回事for the moment 暂时,目前for the most part在极大程度上for sure确实for the time being暂时for good永久地,一劳永逸地4)in-prep .在……之内(上),在……期间,从事于,符合,穿着;adv .进入,朝里,在家,己到达(来临)常用搭配:in the wildemess在野的,离开政界的in all weathers风雨无阻in the wake of尾随,紧跟,仿效in view of考虑到,由于in yain徒然come in uscful迟早有用,早晚会用得上in turn依次,轮流in a seuse在某种意义上in respect of关于in particular特别a needle in a haystack大海捞针5)of—prep.……的,由……制成的,真,关于,对于常用搭配: by way of 经由,作为,为了all of a sudden 突然out of step 步调不一致of sorts 各种各样的out of sight 在看不见的地方out of print 已绝版,已售完out of place 不在适当的位置,不合适of the moment 此刻in the light of 按照,根据,当作of late 最近6)oadv. 离开,在远方,离去,分离,中断,完成: prep.从……离开,脱离常用搭配:off the sbelf现货供应,不用定制的off the record非正式地,不可引用地off and on断断续续地off limits 禁止入内的,不允许的off the cuff即兴地better off 经济状况好的,富裕的off balance 失去平衡worse off 恶化,情况更坏7)om-prep.在……之上,依附于,临近,靠近,向,在……时候,关于,涉及;adv.在上,向前,行动中,作用中常用搭配:on the whole大体上,基本上be on the tip of your tongue话到嘴边on the spot当场,立刻on show被展出on the shelf束之高阁,不再流行,推迟执行on scheduls按时on the run跑着,逃跑,奔走,被通辑着on the loose逍遥法外out on a limb处境危险8)over--adv. 结束,越过,从头到尾; prep.在……之上,越过常用搭配:over and ahoye 除………之外(还),在……之上over and done with 已经结束/过去over the hump 度过最困难时期。



英语专业四级知识固定搭配Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】专四常考固定搭配(二)Keeptrackof与……保持接触,跟上……的进程或发展,明了Keepup保持Keepupwith赶上,跟上Knowsbbysight跟某人面熟Layaside搁置,积蓄Laydown放下,放弃Layoff解雇,停止工作,休息Layout摆开,展示,布置,安排Lendcreditto使更可信,证实Liveupto遵守,实践,不辜负Lookup向上看,尊敬,仰望,查询,拜访,好转Makeprovisionfor为……做好准备,为……采取预先措施Makesenseof弄懂……的意思Makeup捏造,化妆Movealong向前移动Moveon继续前进Moveout搬出,开始行动Noneotherthan不是别的,正是……Onoccasion有时Onpurpose故意地Onthescene在场Onthespot在现场Onview展览着,上映着Outofbreath上气不接下气地Outofcontrol不受控制地Outofstock脱销地Outofturn不按顺序地,不合时宜地,鲁莽地Passoff发生,顺利完成Passover不考虑,忽略,忽视Payup付清钱Pickup捡起,用车接送,使恢复精神,自然而然地学会,获得Preyon捕食,掠夺Pullback把……向后拉,反悔,(使)撤退,紧缩开支Pullout(火车)离站,离开,撤离Pullround脱离危险期,恢复健康Pullthrough脱离危险期,恢复健康,度过难关,克服困难Pullup(使)停下,(比赛中)赶上,追上,制止,责备(骂)Putacross讲清楚,使人接受Putby把……放在一边,储存,回避Putdown记下来,写下来Putoff推迟,关掉,使不高兴,使反感Putout伸出(手等),熄灭(火等)putover使被理解,传达……的意义,(尤指用欺骗手段)做成Putsbthrough为某人接通电话Putsthright纠正某事Putupwith忍受Putup抬起,张贴,提出(请愿,建议,问题等)Reachagreementupon双方就……达成一致意见,达成协议Reachagreementwithsb与……达成协议Refrainsb/oneselffrom忍住,克制Revengeoneselfonsb向某人报仇Seesbout送某人到门口Seesbthrough帮助……度过(困难)Seeto关注,关照,留意,注意Showaround带某人参观,为某人做向导Showoff炫耀,卖弄Showup出现Sidewithsb与某人采取同样的立场,支持某人Standup经得起Stepaside让职位给别人,下台Stepback退回Stepup扩大,加速Subscribeto向……捐款,订阅Takeon呈现,承担(义务,责任等),盛气凌人Totheexclusionof把……排除在外Turndown拒绝某人、建议或忠告,调低速度、音量、强度或流量Turnin交还,上交Turnout生产,产出,关上,关掉,结果是Turnsbout将某人撵出去,使搬走,撤退Turnup意外地发生,出现,增加速度、音量、强度或流量Withoutfail务必,必定专四常考固定搭配(一)Actas充当,起……作用Actfor代表,代理Adhereto遵守,坚持Answerback无礼回嘴,顶嘴Answerfor对……负责,承担后果Answerto对……有反应,适应,符合Applyto适用于,应用于Beasgoodasone’sword守信Becompatiblewith与……兼容的(合得来的),相符Beconsistentwith与……一致,符合Becutout本质上适宜或适合Beexposedto暴露于Befrugalof节约的,节俭的Beguiltyof有……罪Beindependentof独立于Beindicativeof暗示的,表明的Beparticularabout对……挑剔Bepositiveof/about对……肯定的,对……有把握的Bereducedto使陷入不良境遇Berelevantto与……相关的Besensitiveto对……敏感的Besusceptibleto易受影响的,过敏的,易受感动的Bringdownthehouse博得全场观众的喝彩Buy/sellsthoncredit赊买(卖)某物Bychance偶然地Byheart用心By/incomparisonwith与……相比Bymeansof依靠,凭借Callback召回,回电话Callfor要求,需要Callforth唤起Callout召集,挑起斗争Carryaway使深受感动而失去自制力Carryoff拿走,夺走,赢得Carryon继续Catchupon赶上进度Clearup整理,消除,放晴Comeabout发生Comeacross偶然遇见Comeby获得,得到,从旁走过Comeoff发生,举行,结果是成功的Comeon进步,进展,快点,赶快Comeover过来,抓住Comeround绕道而来,恢复,还原Comeupwith想出(计划,主意,办法等)Complywith履行,服从Confess(to)doingsth承认做过某事Creditsthtosb给予(赋予)某人某物Cutin插入,打断Cutinto侵犯(利益),打断Cutoff切去,停止,中断Cutout删除,剪裁(衣服)Cutshort打断,缩减Disapprovalof不赞成,反对Disguiseas伪装成,假造成Distaste(n.)for不喜欢Dowithout没有……也可以Drawin引诱,退缩,(火车等)到站,(天)黑,(日)渐短Drawon穿上,鼓励或诱惑做某事,临近Drawout取出存款,使说出,(火车等)缓缓开出Drawup拉起,(车辆)驶进,停下,制定,起草Engage(oneself)in从事,参与,使忙于Entitlesbtosth使某人有权做某事Exempt…from…免于,豁免Faceupto接受,面对(不愉快或艰苦的事)Findfaultwithsb/sth挑措,挑茬Getabout(尤指病后)走动,往来各处,(消息,谣言等)传开Getat到达,意思是Getaway走开,逃脱Getawaywith做了某事而没被处罚,批评Getinon(口)参加,加入Getnowhere毫无进展Getoff(从……)下来,下车,出发,上班,脱下(衣服等),(使)逃脱惩罚,逃避(责任等),解除(婚约等的)约束Geton进展,相处,上车,继续干Getonwith继续进行Getover从(疾病,失望,震惊中)恢复过来Getthrough(使)了解,熬过,干完工作Grantsbsth/grantsthtosb给予(赋予)某人某物Handdown把……传递下来Handin提交Handout取出,分发Handover交出,移交Hangbyathread摇摇欲坠,危在旦夕Hangon坚持,不挂断,赖在某处不走,摆脱不掉,有赖于Inaccordwith与……一致Inaccordancewith根据associationwith与……联系,与……合伙Incontrastto和……形成对比Inexcessof超过Infavorof同意,赞成Ingood/badform(运动员,赛马等)处于良好或不良的竞技状态Inlinewith符合,与……一致Inrelationto关于,与……相比Insearchof/inthesearchfor寻找Insight在视线内(指看得见)Intermsof就……而言,在……方面,根据Indulge(oneself)in使自己尽情享受,沉溺于词组汇总(一)___基础篇。



词汇一、固定搭配1、The couple had no sooner got to the station_____the coach lef. <2009,60>[D]no sooner…than表示"一……就".一般用来描述做过的事,不能用于表示将来.如果no sooner 位于句首,主句要用倒装结构.2、’t keep me in ____. <2009,69>[A]keep in suspense意为"处于悬念之中".suspending意为"悬浮,悬置";suspender意为"挂钩,吊钩",这两个词不与in构成固定搭配.suspension意为"悬挂,悬浮",in suspension意为"悬浮中",不符合语境.3、Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go onworking together in _____. <2009,75> [A]in unity 意为"和睦地".entity"实体",partner"合伙人",partnership"合作关系",这几个词均不与in构成固定搭配.4、When he first started in university,he really felt at_____with hismajor---economics. <2008,66>[D]at sea原意为"离开陆地",有"茫然"之意.5、The company has capitalized______the error of judgment made by itsbusiness competitor. <2008,69>A.inB.overC.withD.on[D]capitalize on意为"利用".capitalize意为"使……资本化",为及物动词,后直接跟宾语,如:capitalize a new business为一个新企业注入资金.6、When invited to talk about his achievements,he refused to blow hisown_____and declined to speak at the meeting. <2008,76> [A]blow one’s own trumpet意为"自吹自擂,自我标榜",与它相似的表达为blowone’s own horn.whistle"口哨",bugle"喇叭",flute"长笛".7、Teddy came to my_______with a cheque of $200to pay my room rate,afterI phoned him that my wallet had been stolen. <2008,80>[C]come to one’s rescue意为"解救某人,救助某人".8、The thieves fled with the local police close on their______.<2006,68>[D]on/at one’s heels表示"紧跟在……后面".on one’s back"仰天,卧病",onsb’s neck"缠在某人身边,令某人陷入麻烦",on one’s toes"警觉的,准备行动的".9、Many people nowadays save money to______for their old age.<2006,70>[C]provide for"做准备,预防".cater for"迎合;提供饮食及服务";supply是及物动词,可与for搭配使用,但supply之后必须有宾语;equip一般与with 搭配使用.10、There are still many problems ahead of us,but by this time next yearwe can see light at the end of the______. <2005,67> [D]see light at the end of the tunnel是固定搭配,表示"看到希望,有希望";tunnel表示"隧道",比喻义是"黑暗时期,困苦时期".at the end of the day 表示"最终,到头来,〔工作等〕完成之时.11、The party’s reduced vote was_____of lack of support for its policies.<2002,57> [A]indicative"意味着……,表示……,指示……",与介词of搭配;revealing"透露内情的";evident"明显的,显然的".12、You must insist that students give a truthful answer_____with thereality of their world. <2001,57>[C]be consistent with"〔与……〕一致,符合";be relevant to"与……相关";be simultaneous with"与……同时的";practical"实用的",常用作定语.13、You must let me have the annual report without________by ten o’clocktomorrow morning. <2000,63>[D]without fail表示"肯定,一定".14、My cousin likes eating very much,but he isn’t very_____about the foodhe eats. <1999,53>[C]be particular about/over sth."对……很挑剔,很讲究,吹毛求疵";special"特别的;特殊的;专门的;额外的";peculiar"古怪的,个人特有的";specific"具体的,明确的,特有的".15、The membership card entitled him_____certain privileges in the club.<1998,53>[D]entitle sb. to "使某人有权力或资格得到……""给某人权力或资格做某事".二、名词词义辨析1、Do you own your apartment or are you a________? <2009,74>[A]tenant"房客".Customer和client都是"顾客,客户"之意;proprietor"房主".2、We all know that Mary has a strict_______. <2009,76>[B]upbringing"教养".剩余词语均无法与strict搭配使用.cultivation意为"教化,培养".3、In spite of the treatment,the pain in his leg grew in_______.<2008,77>[C]intensity意为"强度,强烈".gravity意为"重力,严重",如:the gravity ofthe situation;extent"X围,程度".4、Thousands of_______at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute toan outstanding performance. <2007,77>[C]spectator指"〔到现场观看比赛的〕观众".5、We stood still,gazing out over the limitless_______of the desert.<2007,78>[B]expanse意为"大片的土地,海域,天空".Stretch是指"绵横的,延展的",通常指狭而长的区域.6、The economic recession has meant that job______is a rare thing. <2006,69>[A]security表示"保障,保护,安全措施".Safety侧重使身体健康不受伤害;secureness表示"无忧无虑;牢固".7、The priest made the________of the cross when he entered the church.<2005,79>[C]sign"手势",传达一种思想、欲望、消息或命令.Mark"标志,记号";signal"信号";gesture"手势,姿势",更趋向于身体或四肢的动作.8、I’’s not like either of them to bear a_________.<2004,54>[C]grudge"怨恨;恶意;积怨",bear a grudge"含有怨恨",习惯搭配.Disgust"厌恶,憎恶";curse"诅咒,咒骂".9、The tenant left nothing behind except some________of paper,cloth,etc.<2003,63>[B]scrap"碎片,残渣".sheet"薄片,X";slice"片,一部分,份".10、The police have offered a large______for information leading to therobber’s arrest. <2002,52>[D]reward"酬谢,奖赏,赏金",尤指因表现出色或向他人提供帮助或服务而得到的酬谢.award尤指因表现出色或成绩卓越由官方决定颁发的"奖品,奖金,奖状";compensation尤指因损失而给予的"补偿〔赔偿〕物,补偿〔赔偿〕金";prize尤指在比赛、竞赛中获得的"奖品,奖赏".11、The multinational corporation was making a take-over_______for aproperty company. <2002,56>[B]bid尤指拍卖中"出价,投标".application指正式和书面的"申请,请求";proposal"计划,建议,提议".12、During the reading lesson,the teacher asked students to read afew_______from the novel. <2002,62>[D]extract"选段,节录".piece"〔文章的〕篇";essay"论说文,散文,小品文";fragment"碎片,片段".13、Although he has become rich,he is still very________of his money.<2001,62>[D]frugal指"〔对金钱、食物等〕节约的,节俭的".economic"经济上的,经济学的";economical"节约的,简洁的";thrifty"节约的",常与with搭配.14、When you’re driving on a motorway,you must obey the signs telling youto get into the right_________. <2000,53>[D]lane表示"〔宽大马路上用白线画出来的〕车道".track表示"〔车辆,行人,动物等经过后留下的〕踪迹".15、In the present economic________we can make even greater progress thanpreviously. <2000,59>[D]climate表示"气候;风气,思潮",指"经济环境"时应用climate.三、副词词义辨析1、Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used tocomplete"______everybody came"?<200,63>[B]almost和nearly都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、动词、介词短语等,此时两者常可互换.但quite不能修饰代词.practically常用于口语表达中,相当于almost和nearly.2、First,we need to find out what his scheme is,and then act_____.<2008,74>[D]accordingly"相应地".sensitively"敏感地,##地";imaginatively"想像地";efficiently"有效率地".3、I must leave now._______,if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.<2007,72>[B]incidentally意为"顺便说一句",是口语中另换话题的用语.accidentally"偶然地,意外地".4、Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinarypeople;they are_______available these days. <2007,74>[C]readily"readily无困难地,容易地".promptly"敏捷地,迅速地";instantly"立即,马上".本题强调的并非时间上的快慢,而是强调难易程度,故选择C.5、This spacious room is_______furnished with just a few articles in it.<2005,80>[B]sparsely表示"稀疏地,稀少地".’ve had no further communication. <2004,65> [C]thereafter"此后,其后".thereof"由此,在其中";thereby"借此,从而";thereabouts"在附近的某地,大约,左右".7、I arrived at the airport so late that I_____missed the plane.<2002,53>[C]narrowly修饰escape时表示"勉强地,恰好";修饰miss,lose等动词时表示"以毫厘之差,仅差一点地".8、The teacher______expects his students to pass the university entranceexamination. <2002,59> [D]confidently"自信地".confidentially"##地,秘密地";assuredly"确实地,确信地".9、Rite of Passage is a good novel br any standards;________,it should rankhigh on any list of science fiction. <2000,60>[B]consequently"因此,所以".consistently表示"一贯地,始终如一地";invariably"不变地,总是".10、Your advice would be_______valuable to him,who is now at a loss as towhat to do first. <1999,54> [A]exceedingly表示"极端地,非常".excessively"过分地,过度地";extensively"广大地,广泛地";exclusively"专门地,唯一地".11、The chairman of the company said that new techniques had______improvedtheir production efficiency. <1999,61> [D]radically"根本地,彻底地".violently"强烈地,激烈地,猛烈地";severely"严厉地,严重地,苛刻地";extremely"极端,非常".12、At first the company refused to purchase the equipment,but this decisionwas______revised. <1998,58>[A]subsequently"随后,后来".successively"连续地,相继地";predominantly"显著地,占主导地位地";preliminarily"初步地,预先地".根据题中at first,时间应按照时间顺序发展,所以选A.四、动词词义辨析1、During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _____his new album soon.〔2009,66〕A、releaseB、renewC、relieveD、rehearse[A] release意为"发行,发表",通常指唱片,影碟等的发行.本题正是指歌曲专辑的发行,故A符合文意.renew意为"续借".relieve意为"解除,减轻".rehearse意为"预演,排练".2、After working for the film for ten years, he finally _______ the rankof deputy director.<2009,67>A、achievedB、approachedC、attainedD、acquired[C] achieve,attain和acquire都有"获得,完成"的意思.所不同的是,attain常用于经过长时间的尝试后且一般人的能力不易达到的目的.本句中给出了After working for the film for ten years,这符合attain的使用语境,故C为答案.而achieve强调通过努力而达到目的.acquire意为"得到,获得";approach意为"靠近,接近".3、Tim has failed three courses this semester, so he will have to ______them next semester.<2008,70>A、remakeB、repeatC、reapplyD、revise[B] repeat意为"重复";remake意为"重新制作";reapply意为"重新申请";revise意为"修改",根据常识可知考试不及格需要重新课程,B符合语境.4、Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Hosing Estate will be ______until the motorway is repaired.<2008,78>A、discontinuedB、suspendedC、haltedD、ceased[B]四个词都有"停止"之意,但suspend意为"暂停,中止",是指正式让某事停下,通常是短时间暂停.discontinue就是指"停下",强调的是结果,不涉及停多久的问题.halt作"停下"解时为不及物动词.cease也是指"停下",不涉及时间长短.可见,B最符合句意要求.5、This sort of rude behaviour in public hardly ________ a person in yourposition.<2007,71>A、becomesB、fitsC、supportsD、improves[A] become有"与……相称,适宜,适于"之意.而fit虽然也有"适合于,合适"的意思,主要是指尺寸、大小、形状等合适.6、After a long delay, she _______ replying to my e-mail.<2007,73>A、got away withB、got back atC、got byD、got round to[D] get round to doing sth.意为"〔较重要之事处理完毕后〕处理某事";getaway with意为"逃避责罚";get back at sb.意为"报复";get back意为"<一度失去后>恢复力量,东山再起".从句中的long delay可以看出她很忙,没时间回复,D符合.7、Doctors often _______ uneasiness in the people they deal with.<2007,79>A、smellB、hearC、senseD、touch[C] sense意为"感知,了解",这里sense uneasiness意为"感受到不自在".其他几个词与uneasiness均无法搭配.8、Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and _______ her lips.<2007,80>A、smackedB、openedC、partedD、separated[A] smack意为"咂嘴",这里smack one’s lips是"〔馋得〕咂嘴,垂涎三尺"之意.open lips和part one’s lips都有"X开嘴"之意,这里不符合语句逻辑关系.separate有"分开"之意,但不与lip搭配使用.9、A great amount of work has gone into ________ the Cathedral to its previoussplendour.<2006,67>A、refreshingB、restoringC、renovatingD、renewing[C] renovate表示"修复,整修",侧重对于旧建筑物进行翻新、整修;refresh表示"振作,恢复活力";restore虽也表示"修复",但也有"重建"之意,强调对被毁之艺术品、建筑物进行修复、重建;renew表示"重新,更新".10、The tone of th e article ________ the writer’s mood at the time.<2006,71>A、reproducedB、reflectedC、imaginedD、imitated[B] reflect表示"反映,反射";reproduce表示"复制,再现,繁殖";imagine表示"想象,设想";imitate表示"模仿,仿效".11、The job of a student accommodation officer _______ a great many visitsto landladies.<2006,73>A、concernsB、offersC、asksD、involves[D] involve表示"需要,使某物成为必要条件",后接名词或动名词;concern表示"涉及,关系到",但搭配是sth concern sb,表示"某事关系到某人";offer 表示"提供,给予".根据题意应选involves.12、She was so fat that she could only just ________ through the door.<2006,75>A、assembleB、appearC、squeezeD、gather[C] squeeze表示"挤入,挤过",其后常与through搭配;assemble表示"聚集,安装";appear表示"出现;呈现,露面,显得";gather表示"聚集,集合". 13、After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, whichwas _______.<2006,76>A、leakingB、tricklingC、drippingD、floating[A] leak表示"漏,〔液体〕渗入,〔气体〕逸出";trickle表示"〔液体〕成小股流动";drip表示"滴下,滴落";float表示"漂浮,飘动".14、Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but_______slightly in the afternoon.<2006,78>A、regainedB、recoveredC、restoredD、revived[B]这四个词都有"恢复"之意,而regained是及物动词,表示"重新获得〔失去之物〕";recover可作不及物动词,表示"〔健康〕回复到正常状态;〔股价〕回升";restore是及物动词,表示"使恢复健康,修复,整修";revive可作不及物动词,表示"重新充满活力".15、The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________government spending.<2005,74>A、financeB、expandC、enlargeD、budget[A] finance表示"为……提供资金,资助";expand表示"扩充,扩展,膨胀",expand government spending表示"扩大政府开支";enlarge表示"扩大,放大";而budget意为"为……做预算",根据题意,这里应该是指为政府开支提供资金,而不是扩大政府开支.16、She was standing outside in the snow, ________ with cold.<2004,60>A、spinningB、shiveringC、shakingD、staggering[B] shiver表示"〔因寒冷、恐惧〕哆嗦,颤抖";spin表示"快速旋转,旋晕";shake表示"摇动,颠簸,发抖,打颤",但其使用X围更广,可指笑得、气得打颤等;stagger表示"蹒跚,踉跄".17、In winter drivers have trouble stopping their cars from ______ on icyroads.<2000,55>A、skatingB、skiddingC、slidingD、slipping[B] skid表示"〔指汽车等〕滑向一侧,打滑";skate表示"滑冰〔指人的一种体育运动项目〕";slide表示"在光滑表面上滑动或滑行";slip表示"失足滑倒".五、形容词词义辨析1、Winter is the ________ season at most hotels in this seaside down, becausevery few tourists come to stay.<2009,68>A、slowB、slackC、lowD、quiet[B] slack意为"清淡的,不忙碌的",例如:a slack season for the travelbusiness 旅游业的淡季.其他三个词中,slow和low无法修饰season,而quiet意为"安静的",与语境不符.2、We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and ________.<2009,71>A、conductiveB、wholesomeC、helpfulD、appreciative[B] wholesome意为"有益健康的",显然,wholesome可以用来形容food,故符合语境.conductive意为"有助于……的".Appreciative意为"感激的,有鉴识力的".3、The young people has a<n> ________ quality—he is totally honest.<2009,80>A、respectableB、admirableC、decentD、approachable[C] decent这个词有多种词义,在口语中,意为"相当好的",可用于指人的品德好,这与破折号后面的honest属于同一语义词,符合语境.respectable意为"值得尊敬的",admirable意为"令人赞赏的,令人钦佩的".虽然respectable和admirable都是褒义词,但均带有仰视的含义,而本题提及的是一个young employee,两个词的语体色彩不符合语境.approachable意为"平易近人的,随和的",这里approachable与honest无关,排除.4、The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a________forgery.<2007,66>A、man-madeB、naturalC、crudeD、real[C] crude此处意为"粗糙的,未加修饰的",此处crude forgery意为"拙劣的赝品".man-made表示"人造的’,与forgery无法搭配.而real与forgery是反义关系,不合逻辑.5、The bar in the club is for the _________ use of its members.<2007,68>A、extensiveB、exclusiveC、inclusiveD、comprehensive[B] exclusive的意思是"独有的,独占的,专用的".extensive意为"广阔的,广泛的";inclusive意为"包含的,包括的";comprehensive意为"全面的,综合的",这三项均不符合上下文语义关系.6、The reception was attended by ________ members of the localcommunity.<2006,77>A、excellentB、conspicuousC、prominentD、noticeable[C] prominent表示"杰出的,重要的,引人注目的";excellent虽然有"杰出的"之意,但不含"重要的,引人注目的"意思;conspicuous表示"显眼的,显而易见的";noticeable表示"明显的,显著的",也无"重要的"之意.7、His _________ brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.<2006,79>A、richB、quickC、productiveD、fertile[D] fertile表示"〔土地〕肥沃的,富饶的",也指"主意多的,有创造力的";productive表示"多产的,有生产能力的",主要用来形容生产效率和生产方法;rich表示"丰富的"时,多作表语.8、The couple has donated a not _________ amount of money to thefoundation.<2006,80>A、inconsiderableB、inconsiderateC、inaccurateD、incomparable[A] inconsiderable表示"微小的,不值得考虑的",a not inconsiderableamount of money表示"数额不小的一笔钱";inconsiderate表示"不体贴别人的,考虑不周的";inaccurate表示"不准确的,不精确的";incomparable 表示"无与伦比的,不可比拟的".9、His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by hiscolleagues.<2005,70>A、imaginativeB、ingeniousC、impracticalD、theoretical[C] impractical表示"不切实际的";imaginative表示"〔人〕有想象力的";ingenious表示"〔人〕机灵的,善于创造发明的,〔方法等〕巧妙的";theoretical 表示"理论的".前边的谓语动词condemned,表示"指责;宣称……不宜",决定后边的形容词应该是贬义,所以选impractical.10、She answered with an _________ "No" to the request that she attend thepublic hearing.<2004,63>A、eloquentB、effectiveC、emotionalD、emphatic[D] emphatic表示"加强语气的,强调的,着重的",修饰no表示语气强烈的否定或拒绝;eloquent表示"有口才的,雄辩的";emotional表示"情感的,情绪的".11、The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probablythe invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the ________.<2003,55>A、latterB、latestC、laterD、last[A] the latter表示"后者";the latest表示"最新的";the later不能构成搭配;the last表示"最后的".12、We have been hearing ________ accounts of your work.<2003,59>A、favouredB、favourableC、favoriteD、favouring[B] favoured表示"受人喜爱的,偏袒的";favourable表示"赞许的;有利的";favorite表示"让人最喜欢的";favouring是favour的现在分词.13、I think you can take a<n> ________ language course to improve yourEnglish.<2003,65>A、intermediateB、middleC、mediumD、mid[A] intermediate表示"在中间的水平、阶段,中级的",侧重的是难易的程度;middle表示"中间的,中央的,在中间部分的",常指方位;medium表示"媒体;中等的",侧重的是尺寸上的大小;mid表示"中部的,占据中间位置的",一般只用于时间表达.14、The ________ family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housingthan before.<2002,60>A、normalB、averageC、usualD、general[B] average意为"平常的,普通的,平均数的",尤指人或事物属于平均水准,如:average student普通学生,average rain fall平均降雨量;normal意为"正常的,平常的,平均的",尤指人或事物处于人们所希望的状态,如:normal body temperature正常体温;usual意为"通常的,惯例的",尤指发生次数频繁的事,如:his usual chair他通常坐的那把椅子;general意为"一般的,大体的,综合的",尤指能对大多数人或事产生影响,而不去考虑具体的或例外的情况,如:general education普通教育.六、短语辨析1、The football match was ________ because of the heavy rain.<2009,70>A、called overB、called upC、called outD、called off[D] call off意为"取消";call over意为"点名";call up意为"打给,召唤";call out意为"召集".2、The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _______ asthe real stuff.<2009,77>A、passed outB、passed byC、passed overD、passed off[D] pass off意为"冒充,蒙骗",从前半句的packaged in champagne bottles和后面的real stuff可以看出,这里是指用饮料冒充香槟酒,故符合语境.pass out意为"昏倒",pass by意为"经过,路过",pass over意为"越过",这三项均与文意不符,排除.3、Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ______ discussinga recent film with others.<2008,68>A、at homeB、at mostC、at houseD、at heart[A] at home的意思是"舒适,无拘束";at most意为"最多,不超过";at heart意为"在内心里,在本质上";没有at house这一短语.4、The director tried to get the actors to _______ to the next scene byhand signals.<2005,69>A、move onB、move offC、move outD、move along[A] move on表示"继续进行";move off表示"离开";move out表示"〔让〕搬走";move along表示"往前走,走开".5、Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January.<2005,73>A、carries into effectB、takes effectC、has effectD、puts intoeffect[B] carry into effect表示"实现";put into effect表示"实行,使生效";take effect表示"生效".句子的主语是retirement,是物,不是人,谓语应选take effect.6、Mr.Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will_______.<2005,77>A、pull backB、pull upC、pull throughD、pull out[C] pull through表示"度过难关,恢复健康";pull back表示"撤退,把……向后拉";pull up表示"停下,阻止";pull out表示"退出,撤退".7、As my exams are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekendto ______ on some reading.<2004,53>A、catch upB、clear upC、make upD、pick up[A] catch up on sth. 表示"用额外的时间做某事〔以弥补耽误的功课、工作〕";catch up with sb. 表示"赶上";clear up表示"天气放晴,澄清";make up 应与for连用,make up for sth. 表示"弥补,补偿,赔偿";pick up表示"捡起,〔偶然〕学会,接人",根据题意及搭配要求,应选catch up.8、At three thousand feet,wide plains begin to appear, and there is nevera moment when some distant mountain is not ________.<2003,54>A、on viewB、at a glanceC、on the sceneD、in sight[D] in sight表示"看得见,可见,在望";on view表示"陈列着,展览着";at aglance表示"看一眼";on the scene表示"在场".9、He will have to ________ his indecent behaviour one day.<2003,57>A、answer toB、answer forC、answer backD、answer about[B] answer for表示"为某事负责";answer to表示"与……相符";answer back表示"回嘴,顶嘴,为自己辩护";answer about没有这种搭配.10、Whenever possible, Ian ________ how well he speaks Japanese.<2003,62>A、shows upB、shows aroundC、shows offD、shows out[C] show off表示"炫耀";show up表示"如约赶到,露面";show around表示"领〔某人〕参观,带〔某人〕巡逻";show out表示"展示出来,陈列出来".11、The old couple will never ________ the loss of their son.<2002,64>A、get overB、get awayC、get offD、get across[A] get over意为"从〔疾病、震惊等〕恢复过来,把……忘怀";get away意为"离开,走开,脱身";get off意为"动身,出发";get across意为"使……理解〔接受〕".12、I only know the man by ________ but I have never spoken to him.<2001,55>A、chanceB、heartC、sightD、experience[C] know sb. by sight意为"和某人面熟〔并不相识〕";by chance意为"偶然地";know sth. by heart意为"熟记";know/learn sth. by experience 意为"由经验而学得某事".13、As the director can’t come to the reception, I’m representing thecompany _______.<2000,64>A、on his accountB、on his behalfC、for his partD、in hisinterest[B] on sb’s behalf 表示"做某人的代表";on sb’s account表示"为了某人的缘故";for sb’s part表示"就某人而言";in sb’s interest表示"为了某人的利益".14、She refused to ________ the door key to the landlady until she got backher deposit.<1999,56>A、hand inB、hand outC、hand downD、hand over[D] hand over表示"交出,移交";hand in表示"上交,提交";hand out表示"取出,分发,施舍";hand down表示"把……往下传递,把……传下去".定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句1.Above the trees are the hills, ______magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.A whereB of whoseC whoseD which<解析>答案为C.逗号后面的部分为一个非限定性定语从句,其中的关系代词在从句中充当定语,其先行词为hills,同时the hills 和 magnificence 是从属关系,因此本题选C.’ve never been to Lhasa , but that’s the city _______.A I’d most like to visitB which I like to visit mostlyC where I like to visitD I’d like much to visit<解析>答案为A.引导定语从句的that如果在从句中作宾语,可以省略,因此A为正确选项.B选项中的mostly表示的是"大部分,主要"的意思,应改为most.C选项where不作关系代词引导宾语从句.D选项中much的位置不对,应说I’d much like to visit.3.Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff ______is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced.A whoseB asC whatD that<解析>答案为D.题中修饰的stuff定语从句中缺少主语,而that既可连接定语从句,又可充当从句中的主语,用来指人,符合题意.4.She remembered several occasions in the past _______she had experienceda similar feeling.A whichB beforeC thatD when<解析>答案为D.先行词several occasions 在从句中作时间状语,故关系副词用when.5.They overcome all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time ,_____is something we had not expected.A whichB itC thatD what<解析>答案为A.本句的后半部分为非限定性定语从句,用来代指前文的内容,要由关系代词which引导.6.There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than _____in the public mind today.A existsB existC existingD to exist<解析>答案为A.从句中的than是关系代词,相当于引导了一个定语从句,由于前部分主语是anxiety,从句主语也该是anxiety,因此从句谓语动词应使用第三人称单数,故选项A正确7.The team can handle whatever_____.A that needs handlingB which needs handlingC it needs handlingD needs to be handling<解析>答案为D.whatever引导的名词从句作动词handle的宾语,同时在从句中作主语,故选项D正确.选项A、B、C中的that,which,it都是多余的.8.There is no doubt_____ the company has made the right decision on the sales project.A whyB thatC whetherD when<解析>答案为B.doubt用在否定从句,同位语从句的引导词通常是 that.9.____ I sympathize , I can’t really do very much to help them out of the difficulties.A As long asB AsC WhileD Even<解析>答案为C.根据句意,两个分句间是转折关系,while可引导让步状语从句,故为答案.as long as表示"只要…",引导条件状语从句;as引导方式或原因状语从句;even不是连词,不能引导句子.10. Barry had an advantage over his mother ______he could speak French.A since thatB in thatC at thatD so that<解析>选B. in that为固定词组,表示"既然,因为",可引导原因状语从句,因此选项 B 正确.A项中的since也有"既然,由于"的意思,但一般直接引导句子,不接that.11.—Does Alan like hamburger?—Yes. So much______ that he eats them almost every day.A forB asC toD so<解析>so much so that"到这样的程度以至…"是固定用法.句中 so much是 Alan likes hamburger so much 的省略形式,之后的so that引导的是结果状语从句,因此选项D正确.12.This is an illness that can result in total blindness_____ left untreated.A afterB ifC sinceD unless<解析>答案为B.从属连词if引导条件状语从句时如果其主语和主句的主语一致,可以采用省略形式.从句的完整形式为:This is an illness of total blindness if it is left untreated.13.She did her work_____ her manager had instructed.A asB untilC whenD though<解析>答案为A .as作为连词可以引导方式状语从句,表示"按照,依照",符合句子结构及句意. Until和 when引导时间状语从句 ,though引导让步状语从句,但它们引导的从句都应该是完整句,而本句中的 instruct是及物动词,必须带宾语才能构成完整句,所以这三项在语法上就不正确.14 I enjoyed myself so much_____ I visited my friends in Paris last year.A whenB whichC thatD where<解析>关系副词when引导时间状语从句,故选A.此题易把句子看成so…that结构而误选C,但根据语义可看出visited<my friends>既非enjoyed myself之目的,也非其结果,不能so ….that用句型.15 After ______ seemed an endless wait , it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office.A thatB thereC whatD it<解析>关系代词What引导的名词从句 what seemed an endless wait 作介词after 的宾语, what相当于 something that .本题应该选C.16_____dull he may be , he is certainly a very successful top executive.A AlthoughB WhateverC AsD However<解析>"however﹢形容词或副词"引导让步状语从句,故选D.17_____both sides accept the agreement ____a lasting peace be established in this region.A Only if , willB If only , wouldC Should , willD Unless ,would<解析>根据句意,only if 表示"只有….才…",如放在句首,句子必须倒装.而if only 表示"只有,要是….多好".故选A.18 His remarks were _____annoy everybody at the meeting.A so as toB such as toC such toD as much as to<解析>根据句意,此空应为让步状语从句.故A正确.even if表示"即使…也",引导条件状语从句,现在分词being表示原因,均不符题意.19. The government has promised to do _ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.A howeverB whicheverC whateverD wherever<解析>whatever lies in its power充当的是do的宾语从句,同时whatever是从句中的主语,因此本题应该选择C.however和wherever不引导宾语从句,一般引导状语从句,而whichever引导宾语从句时不能作主语.20. He asked me to lend him some money , which I agreed to do, ______that he paid me back the following week.A on occasionB on purposeC on conditionD only if<解析>根据句意,此空应填on condition that 引导条件状语从句,故选C.21 Fool_____ Jane is , she could not have done such a thing.A whoB asC thatD like<解析>as引导让步状语从句引起倒装.潜质的名词前不能使用任何冠词,故选项B 正确.22 Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people ____.A doB hearC do themD hearing it<解析>在before引导的时间状语从句中使用助动词 do 来代替sense the。


▪ reputation〔名望〕,request〔要求〕, use〔用处〕,provision〔预备〕,match 〔对手〕,taste〔爱好〕,sympathy
▪ 常与from 搭配的名词有:absence〔缺 席〕,dismissal〔解职〕,exemption〔免 除〕,relief 〔解除〕,recovery
▪ 〔成功〕,trust〔信任〕。
▪ 常与of 搭配的名词有:capability〔力量〕,cause〔缘 由〕,care〔留意〕,correction〔改正〕,doubt〔疑 心〕,
▪ description〔描述〕, expectation〔预期〕,example 〔例证〕, feeling〔感觉〕,grasp〔把握〕, habit 〔 习惯〕,
▪ practicable a. 行得通的,可 ▪ 通行的 ▪ practical a. 实际的 ▪ seasonal a. 季节的 ▪ seasonable a. 合时合宜的 ▪ luxurious a. 豪华的,浪费的 ▪ luxuriant a. 繁茂的,多产的
▪ formally ad. 正式地 ▪ formerly ad. 从前地 ▪ proceed v. 连续进展 ▪ precede v. 在先 ▪ afflict v. 使苦痛 ▪ inflict v. 使患病
▪ principal a. 首要的n. 中小 ▪ 学校长 ▪ principle n. 根本,信条;真 ▪谛 ▪ altar n. 神坛 ▪ alter v. 转变 ▪ ascent n. 攀登,上升 ▪ assent n. 同意 ▪ cannon n. 大炮 ▪ canon n. 教规
▪ personal a. 亲自的, 私人的 ▪ personnel n. 全体人员;〔人 ▪ 事〕部门 ▪ incomparable a. 举世无双的:










像“access(通道;机会)”“accommodation(住宿)”“account(账户;解释)”“accurac y(准确性)”“acknowledgement(承认;感谢)”“acquisition(获得;收购)”“action(行动)”“activity(活动)”“adaptation(适应;改编)”“addition(增加)”等都是常见且重要的名词。


比如“adequate(足够的;适当的)”“admirable(令人钦佩的)”“adolescent(青少年的;青春期的)”“advanced(先进的;高级的)”“advantageous(有利的)”“advent urous(冒险的)”“affectionate(深情的;充满爱的)”“aggressive(有进取心的;侵略性的)”等。





【A】abound with/in富于、充满……absolve sb.from 赦免某人的……abstain from 避开(免)……accommodate sb.with 向某人提供……accommodate oneself to 适应……account for 说出(明)……原因accuse sb.of指责、控告某人……acquaint…with/of把……通知某人act for代理……act on对……起作用;按照……行动add up to合计达到……adjust oneself to使自己适应于……admit of容许有……advertise for登广告寻求、寻找……advise sb.of sth.把某事通知某人advise with sb.on sth.同某人商量某事agree with sb./to sth.同意某人、某事aim at瞄准、针对……allow for考虑到……,体谅……allow of容许,容得……amount to相当于、等于……answer for负责、保证……appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人提出呼吁apply to sb.for sth.请求某人……appoint sb.to任命、委任某人为……approach sb.on/about sth.为某事同某人打交道approve of对……满意argue with/against sb.about/on s th.与某人辩论某事argue sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做或不做某事arise from由……而产生、而引起arrange with sb.for/about sth.与某人商定某事ask for请求……;向……要……;通过询问找……assess on/upon向……征税、罚款assign…to把……分配给……assist sb.with sth./in doing sth.帮助某人做某事assure sb.of使某人确信某事attend to专心于……,注意……attribute…to把……归因(咎)于……avail oneself of利用……awake to认识到……award…to把……授予(判给)……【B】bang sth.into sb.硬把某事灌输给某人bargain on doing sth.商定做某事beg… of sb.请求某人……beg for乞求……believe in信任……belong to属于……belong in/with/……应归于某类别、派别等bid…to sb.向某人表示……blame sth.on sb.把……归咎于某人blaze with sth.燃烧;闪耀着;激发……blow off吹掉;将热水、蒸气等放掉boil over发怒、激动borrow sth.from/of sb.向某人借……bother…about sb.为……烦扰bother about doing sth./to do st h.为做某事操心、烦恼break in闯入,打断break in on打扰、打断break off折断;突然停止讲话;断绝break out战争、火灾等突然发生break up打碎,破碎;分裂;学校期末分散bring about造成、带来……bring sb.back to 使某人恢复到……bring in生产,产出;引进风尚等bring off使成功;完成……bring out使呈现出……;说出……bring through救活,使……渡过难关bring to使……恢复知觉build on依赖、依靠……;把……建立于……build up树立、逐步建立……burst into闯入……;突然发作burst on/upon突然来到……【C】calculate on/upon指望着……,期待着……call for需求、需要;为争取……而叫喊call off叫走……,把……叫开去call on约请、指派……;号召、呼吁……call up召唤、传讯……;使人想起……care for/about关心、担心、介意、计较……carry away运走、拿走……carry on把……进行下去;坚持下去carry out突现、开展……;执行、贯彻……cast about for寻觅……,想方设法cast away丢掉、抛弃……cast down使……沮丧;使下降cast off抛弃……;使……自由catch at死命抓住…… ;渴望取得……catch up with赶上、追上……caution sb.against doing sth.警告某人不要做某事cease from doing sth.停止做某事centre(…)on/upon(把……)集中于……challenge sb.to…向某人提出……挑战change…for…用……去换……;换车、船到……change…into…把……变成……charge sb.with sth.与某人交换、调换……charge sth.upon sb.把……归咎于某人cheat sb.of sth.骗取某人的……cheat sb.into…哄骗某人……consult with同……商量、协商contrast(…)with(使……)与……对照contribute to/towards对……起一份作用、出一份力convert sth.into sth.把……转变、换成……convey sth.to sb.向某人传达感情等convict sb.of宣判某人有……罪cooperate with sb.与某人合作、协作cope with对付、妥善处理correlate to/with使……相互关联correspond to/with与……一致、符合count from…to…从……数到……count on/upon依靠、依赖……指望……cover sb./sth.with把……对准某人;用……覆盖……crash to/into猛撞在……;猛然倒下、坠落cross over to投到……来,投诚crowd…with persons/persons to…某处挤满了人cry for因……而叫喊、流泪cry over sth.为……而流泪、悲伤cure sb.of his+n.治愈某人某种疾病cut in插嘴;把……插进……cut off切掉、删去……;切断……;关掉马达等cut sb.to刺穿某人至……;伤害某人感情……【D】deal with处理、安排……;对付、应付……debate about sth.争论某事deceive sb.into+v-ing(phr)骗某人去做……decide against+v-ing(phr)下决心不做……decide on决定、选定……declare(…)for(on)/against表态支持或反对……decorate…with sth用……装饰、装潢dedicate sth.to把力量、时间等用在……defend sb.from保护某人以免……deliver sb.from从……解救某人deliver sth.to sb.把……交付给某人demand sth.of/from sb.要求某人……depend on/upon…(for…)(为……)而依靠、依赖……deposit sth.with sb.把……寄放在某人处deprive sb.of sth.夺去、剥夺某人的……derive(…)from…(从……)取得……;由……而来design sth.for为……指定、预定……design sb.for打算让某人从事……despair of…丧失……信心detect sb.in(+v-ing)察觉某人在(做)……devote sth.to(+v-ing)把……专用于(去做)……dictate(+sth.)to sb.向某人口述(……)die of/from死于疾病等die for为……而死die away/out/down变弱;平息;消失等differ from sth.和……有区别、差别;和……不同differ from sb.on/about sth.在……与某人意见不同dig at sth.苦学…… ;苦干……dig for sth.搜集……dig out sth.掘出、挖掉……dilute sth.with sth.用……把……冲淡、稀释direct sb.to指引、指导某人到……disarm sb.of sth.解除、缴下某人的……discharge sb.from免除某人的……;允许某人离开……discourage sb.from+v-ing(phr)劝阻某人做……discredit sb.with使某人在……丧失信誉discuss sth.with sb.与某人讨论……disguise oneself by+v-ing(phr)通过做……掩饰自己dismiss sb.from开除、解除某人的……dismiss sth.from从……消除……dispute with/against sb.on/about sth.同某人争论、辩论……dissent from不同意……;和某人(意见)不一致distinguish sth.from sth.识别……和……distribute sth.to sb.把……分给某人distribute sth.over sth.把……散布于……divid e…into…把……分成……divide…from…把……从……隔离开divide sth.with sb.和某人共同承担do away with废除、去掉……;弄死、干掉……do for sth.照管(应)……;设法弄到……;代替……do sb.down胜过某人do with sb.与某人相处doubt about/of sth.对……怀疑drag sb.into把某人拖进……drain sth.away/off排去……的水或其他液体draw away拉开、离开draw off脱去手套等;排去多余的水;撤退draw to向……移动;逼近draw with追上……dream of/about sth.梦到(见)……dream of+v-ing(phr)渴望、向往做……dream away/out/through因空想而虚度时间等drink sth.off/up/down把……一饮而尽drive away at sth.努力做……drive…into…把……迫使、驱使到……drop away/off(一个一个地)离去;逐渐减少drop in on sb.顺便走访某人dwell at/in留居、寓于……dwell on/upon细想、详细讲述……【E】ease sb.of his+n.消除某人……ease off/up 减轻、放松eat away sth.继续吃下去;把……蚕食掉eat up把……吃完;耗尽……;吞灭……elect sb.to推选某人到某岗位eliminate sth.from从……把……排除掉、排出emerge from从……出现、形成empty sth.of sth.把……从……排空、倒空end in以……为结果end off结束……end up by/with最后以……结束endure to坚持到、忍耐到……enforce sth.on/upon/from sb.强迫某人……enlarge on/upon详述……ensure sb.from/against sth.保护某人免受……ensure to/for sb.sth.保证给某人、赋予某人……enter sb.at/for把某人送进……;使某人参加……entertain sb.to/with款待某人……;以……招待某人entreat sth.of sb.恳求某人……equip…for…为……装备……equip sth.with用……装备……escape from从……逃跑、逃脱;从……漏出、流出estimate for对……估价、估计evolve sth.from sth.由……推论出、引申出……evolve from…由……演化、进化而来examine sb.in考查某人的……examine into调查、细查……exceed in在……领先exchange sth.for sth.把……换成……exchange sth.with sb.与某人交换……exclude sb.from拒绝某人加入、进入……excuss oneself for his+n.为自己的……辩解excuss sb.for+v-ing.(phr)原谅某人做……excuss sb.from给某人免去……exert sth.on sb.对某人施加……exist on靠……生存、生活expect+n.+of sb.对某人寄予期望……expel sb.from从……驱逐、开除某人experiment on/upon用……做实验experiment with试验……explode with爆发、突发……explore for考察、勘探……expose sb.to使某人面临……extend sth.to sb.向某人致以……;向某人提供……extract sth.from从……中取出、抽出、榨出……【F】face up to勇敢地对付……fail in+/v-ing(phr.)在(做)……失败fall in with同意……fall off下降;变坏;离开,叛离fall out争吵;结果如何;离队fall out of放弃习惯等fasten sth.on/upon sb.把罪名等强加于某人favour sb.with sth.赐与、给与某人……fear for sth.为某人的……担忧feed on sth.以……为食物、为能源feed sth.to…用……喂……feed…with…向……供给……feel for sb./sth.同情某人;摸索找某物feel like+v-ing(phr.)想要做……fight against/with向……斗争fight off击退……;竭力避免……fight with与……战斗、斗争figure on+v-ing(phr.)打算、计划做……figure on one's+v-ing(phr.)指望某人做……figure out at合计为多少钱fill(sth.)with用……(把……)填满、装满find sth.for sb.为某人找……find out找出、发现……;查明真相等finish up with以……结束;最后有……fit sb.to 使某人适应……fit in with适合、符合……;适应……fix sth.on/upon倾注感情于……;集中注意力于……flare out/up闪亮;突然发怒flow from来自……;是……结果fly into突发、忽发……fly up to向上飞到……fold about/round交叠、合拢fold up垮掉;放弃;倒闭fold up into折叠起来成……follow out贯彻、执行……;把……探究到底follow up把……探究到底follow up sth.with用继续行动等加强……的效果fool sb.into+v-ing(phr.)哄骗某人做……fool sb.out of sth.诈骗某人的……force sb.into+v-ing(phr.)强迫某人做……forgive sb.for+v-ing(phr.)原谅某人做的事frighten sb.into/out of+v-ing(ph r.)使某人吓得做(不做)……furnish sb.with sth./sth.to sb.给某人提供……fuss about瞎忙于……【G】gain on/upon跑得比……快;超过……gain sb.over把某人争取到自己一边gasp after/for热望、渴望……gaze at/on/upon/into凝视、注视、盯着……gat along/on过活,生活get along with和某人相处get away逃脱、离开get away with侥幸做成……;侥幸取走……get down on对……产生恶感;开始不喜欢……get down to开始认真对待、考虑……get off脱衣服等;下车等;使动身;使开始get on穿衣服等;上车等get on for接近于……get on to识破某人或某人的……get through with完成……;花光钱财等get to 到达……get up起床;使起立;登上……gift sb.with sth./sth.to sb.赠送……给某人give off发出蒸气、光等give sth.to sb.给某人……give up放弃……;停止……;抛弃……give up sth.to sb.把……让给某人glance at/over粗略地看一下……;对……一瞥glare at/on对……瞪眼,对……怒目注视glimpse at瞥见……go about+to-v-(phr.)着手干……go against违反、反对……;不利用……go back on/upon/from违背……;背叛……go by走过;依照、按照……判断go for为……去(请、找)……;被认为……go in at痛打……;猛烈攻击……go in for从事于……;酷爱、追求……go off with拿去……,抡去、拐走……go on继续下去(某种行为);发生、进行go over对……润色;再读一遍……go with和……一起去;与……持同一种意见graduate at/from从何处、何系毕业grasp at向……抓去;想抓住……grind sth.into把……磨成(得)……grow on(习惯、感情等)加深对……影响grow out of产生自……;变得不适合于……grow up(+into…)成长为……guarantee sb.against/from确保某人免于……grard against 警惕……guess at+that-cl推测出……guide sb.to带领某人到……gulp down一口吞下……;忍住、抑制住【H】hand down把……传下来hand in把……交进、交上handle with(用手)搬运时要……hang on to紧紧握住……hang over挂在……上;靠近在……上hang up把……挂起来;挂电话happen to…某人某物出了事happen on/upon sb.巧遇、偶然发现某人hasten sth.to火速将……送到、调到……hasten to赶到……have sb.down/in/up把某人请来、请进做客(down:从城市请到乡下,up:从乡下请到城内)hear from接到某人的信hear of/about听说……hear sb.out听某人把话讲完help sb.with在……帮助某人help sb.off(on)with帮某人脱去(穿上)……help sb.out帮某人解决难题等hesitate about+v-ing(phr.)对做……犹豫不决hesitate at对某事犹豫hide sth.from sb.对某人隐瞒……hinder sb.from+v-ing(phr.)阻止、阻碍某人做……hinder sb.in妨碍某人的……hint at对别人暗示……hire on/out接受雇用hit off with适合于……hit out against sth.打击……的行为等hit out at sb.向某人打去;抨击某人hit sb.up for请求某人……hold back踌躇;阻止……;隐瞒消息等hold down压制……;缩减……;牵制……hold in约束……;抑制……hold off不接近,拖延;不使……接近hold out against对……不退让hold out for为……坚持住hold out till坚持到……时刻hold sth.over将……延迟hurry away/off匆忙离去hurry up赶紧【I】identify oneself with参加到……中间去identify sth.with认为……和……一致idle about/along闲逛,无所事事idle away虚度时间、年华等illustrate sth.with用图来说明……immigrate into移民到……immunize sb.against使某人对……有免疫力impel sb.to促使、推动某人至……程度implore sb.for sth.为……恳求某人import sth.from从……进口……importune sb.for sth.向某人强求impress upon sb.sth.给某人在……留下强烈印象impress sb.with给某人留下……印象incline to倾向于……increase in增加、提高indispose sb.for使某人不能、不适应于……indispose sb.to使某人不愿、厌恶……infect…with sth.传染上、感染上……infer sth.from由……推论出inform sb.of sth.通知、告知某人……infuse sth.into sb./sth.赋于……某种东西infuse sth.with向……注入……inhibit sb.from+v-ing(phr.)禁止某人做……initiate sb.into使某人对……入门;使某人加入……inject sth.into把……注射到……innovate in/on/upon在……变革、创新inoculate sb.against给某人注射……疫苗inquire after问起某人的生活等情况inquire for询问地点等inquire of sb.about sth.问某人……insert sth.in/into把……插入……;登载广告等insist on/upon坚持……;坚决主张……inspire sb.to激励、激起某人到……程度inspire sb.with 鼓起某人的……insure…against 给……保……险integrate…with使……和……结合integrate sth.into使……并入……interact on相互作用、影响(于……)interest sb.in sth.使某人对……感兴趣interfere with打扰某人;与某事冲突、抵触intimidate sb.into+v-ing(phr.)胁迫某人做……introduce sth.into把……引进、输入……introduce sb.to把某人引荐给……invest in投资于……investigate into对……进行调查invite sb.to邀请某人到……invite sth.from sb.征求某人的……isolate…from把……从……隔离开issue from从……流出issue in造成、导致……【J】join in参加……join sth.to把……和……连结起来join sth.with使……和……结合、连结judge by/from以……判断judge of对……作评价jump at看到……时紧张、吃惊、喜悦而跃起jump for为(因)……而跳跃jump from… to突然从一话题跃到另一话题【K】keep at坚持做……;不停地做……keep away站开;使离开keep…from(+v-ing)阻止、抑制……做……keep sth.from sb.对某人隐瞒……keep…in把……抑制住;隐瞒……keep in with不断讨好…… ;继续和……相好keep off不(使……)接近……;把……驱开keep on at纠缠、困扰某人;使某人烦恼keep on+v-ing(phr.)继续做……、进行下去keep out of使……置身于……之外keep up with 跟上、赶上……kick against/at反对、抗议……;对……发牢骚kill off消灭、杀光……kneel before/down/to跪下,跪着knit sth.into把……编成、编入……knock down把……击倒、击落;使屈服knock down for要求某人……knock(…)off把……打倒、击落knock under to向……屈服knock up against同……冲突;偶然碰见know about/of…知道、了解、懂得……;听说know…from区分……和……【L】lag behind落后于……land…at把……送到……;使……到达land up at在……歇脚last out 坚持;耐久laugh at因……发笑;嘲笑某人laugh away用笑来驱除烦恼等laugh down用笑声打断……laugh over笑着谈论……launch sth.against sb.对某人发出命令、威胁等launch into投入……launch on/upon着手进行、开始launch sb.in/into使某人进入……lay aside把……放在一边;把……留在以后用lay down放下……;交出……;规定、制定lay off(+v-ing)把……搁在一边;放弃(做)……lay on加(惩罚、命令)于……;猛攻……lay on for为……组织、安排……lay out摆开……,展示……;安排、设置……lay to把(功、过)归于……lead to导致、引起……lead…(from…)to(从……)把……引到……lead sb.on+to v-(phr.)诱使某人做……lead up to渐渐引到某个话题leap from…to从……跳到……leap to迅速、立即做出……leap…over使……跃过……leap with因……跳、跃learn from向……学习learn of听说、听到……leave…alone不管、不理……;不要动……leave…behind留下、忘了带……;把……丢在后面leave off(+v-ing)停止(做)……leave out省去、略去…… ;不考虑leave over留下、剩下……;使……延期leave sth.(up)to sb.把……交付于某人leave sth.with sb.把……交给某人lend…to把……交给lend oneself to帮助……;屈从……let(…)down放下、放低……;使……失望let in让……进来;招致祸害等let sb.in for使某人遭到……let sb.into让某人进入……;让某人知道……let…off放掉蒸气等;对……从轻处罚let on to向……泄露秘密等lie about sth.to sb.就……对某人撒谎lie on/upon依赖……;压迫……lie sb.out of sth.从某人处骗取……lie under受到、蒙受……light up点燃……;照亮……;使……变亮limit…to把……限定在……line up排队link sth.with把……和……结合起来link up with与……连接起来、联系着listen in to收听、监听……listen to留神听……live by靠……生活live off住在……之外;靠……供养live on以……为主食;继续活着live through度过、经受住……live up to实践誓言等;做到……;与……相等live with sb.与某人同居;和……住在一起lock sb.in/out把某人锁在……内或……外lock sth.away把……锁藏起来look after关心、照料……look at看、查看……;考虑、着眼于……look back to/up回顾……look down on/upon看不起……look for寻找……;期待……look forward to…/v-ing盼望(做)……look in(on sb.)顺便去看(某人)look on sb.with以……看待某人look on with sb.和某人合读、合看……look out(+for…)留心、当心、提防look through看穿……look to照管、看管……;留心、注意……【M】magnify oneself against sb.抬高自己而反对某人make away离去、逃去make away with携……而逃;摧毁……;浪费……make do with用……设法对付……;凑合着用……make for有利于……;倾向于……;冲向make from/of用……制造……(from 为原材料)make in干涉别人;加入纷争make into把……制成……;使……转变为make off with携……而逃make out书写、填写……;把……说成……make up补偿、赔偿……;配制……;组成make up with sb.和某人和解make with作出、产生……;用(手、眼等)做动作manage with/without有、没有帮助能处理……manufacture sth.from/into用……制成match…against/with使……与……较量、比赛mature into成长为……measure up to符合、达到……meet up with偶尔碰见……meet with遇见、碰见……;遭受mention to sb.+that-cl对某人讲起mistake…for把……错认为……mix sth.with sth.用……和……混合在一起mix up搅匀、搅和……;混淆……motion to sb.+to-v(phr.)向某人示意做……move off离去、走掉move to搬家、迁移到……【N】nod sb.…向某人点头示意……notify sb.of sth.将……通知某人【O】object to+sth./v-ing(phr.)反对(做)……obstruct sb.in/from+v-ing(phr.)阻挠某人做……occupy oneself with sth./in+v-i ng(phr.)某人正忙于(做)……occur to sb.某人想到……open into/on/onto 通往、通向……open out打开、展开……;开发……;表明open to sb.某人看见了……;展现在……operate on/upon sb.for对某人的某疾病开刀operate(sb.)on为某人某部位动手术operate to对……起作用oppose…to使……和……相对抗;用……反对……overflow with充满了……,洋溢着……owe…to sb.欠某人的……;把……归功于某人owe sb.for因为……而欠某人(的……)own to+v-ing(phr.)承认做了……own up to爽快地承认……【P】pack sb.off 叫某人卷铺盖、解雇某人pack with某地方挤满了人;……塞满了东西parallel…with把……与……比较pardon sb.for+v-ing(phr.)因做……请某人原谅part from/with sb.同某人分手、告别part with sth.使……与……分离、分开participate in参加、参与……participate with sb.in与某人分享、分担……pass sth.on sb.对某人提出批评、宣布判……刑pass sth.to sb.把……传给某人pass through穿过、经过……pause on在某方面、某点停止(暂停)pay down用现金支付pay for偿还……;受到……报应pay off付清某人的工资、债务等pay sth.to sb.向某人表示问候;访问某人等permit of容许某事persuade sb.into+v-ing(phr.)说服某人做……persuade sb.out of sth.劝某人取消persuade sb.to sth.劝某人使其同意……phone(sth.)to sb.给某人打电话(告诉他……)pick out挑出、选出……;区别出……;领会……pick over在……挑选;分档挑选出……pick up拾起、捡起……;偶然获得知识、信息等pick up on与……熟悉起来place sth.on/in sb.对某人寄予希望、信任plan on+v-ing(phr.)打算做……play along with参与……;与……合作play at做游戏;参加比赛等;做事敷衍了事play at sb.in sth.用……和某人开玩笑、嘲弄某人等play out把戏演完、比赛进行到底play on/upon不择手段地利用……play upon to在演戏中和……配合得好;迎合……plug in把塞子、插头塞入、插进……point/at/to/towards指着、指向、面向……、暗示……point out指出……possess sb.of sth.使某人占有、具有post…over with在……上面贴满了……pour out涌出……;倾吐、诉说……practise at开业做(医生、律师等)practise in练习……practise upon/on欺骗某人;利用某人的缺点等praise sb.for sth.某人因……而受到赞扬等pray for sb.为某人祈祷pray for sth.请求某人的……pray sb.for sth.向某人恳求某事precede sth.by/with为……加上前言、引言prepare for为……准备prepare sb.for sth.使某人对……有所准备prepare sth.for sth.为……准备、预备……prescribe for/to给……命令、指示;为……开处方present sb.to sb.引见某人见……present sb.to sb./sb.with sth.送某人……preside at/over主持会议等press(+sb.)for强迫某人……press(+sth.)on sb.把……强加于某人prevail on/upon/with sb.+v-ing (phr.)劝说、说服、诱使某人做……prevail over胜过……prevent sb.from+v-ing(phr.)阻止某人做……print sth.on使……牢记在……proceed against sb.for sth.为……而对某人起诉proceed from从……开始、着手;出自于profit by/from从……中得益;利用……prohibit sb.from+v-ing(phr.)禁止、阻止某人做……pronounce on对……发表意见pronounce…on sb.宜判某人……propose to sb.向某人求婚protect…from保护……以免……provide for为……而准备;为……提供生计provide sth.for为……提供……provide sth.with为……装备……provoke sb.into+v-ing(phr.)激起、惹得某人……pull about把……拖来拖去;粗暴地对待pull away脱身、离开pull down拉倒;摧毁……;使……精神不振pull off脱衣等;努力实现……pull out拔出……;撤走……;渡过难关等pull sb.through使某人渡过困难、危机等pull sth.on sb.拔出刀、枪等对着某人pump sb.for sth./sth.out of sb.从某人处探出……purchase…with用鲜血、牺牲、生命换得……push around把……推来推去;烦扰、欺侮……push on to努力向……推进、前进push on with加紧于工作、学习等push sb.on促使某人继续做下去push sb.over把某人推倒put about使……转向;散布……;麻烦……put aside把……放在一边;储存……以备后用put…by把……放在旁边;回避、忽视put down放下……;拒绝……;镇压……;记录……put…down at/for估计……;认为……put…down to把……记在某人账上put forward放出……;提出计划、理论等put in放进……;使……就职;种植……put off推迟……;搪塞……;脱掉……;扔掉put sb.off使某人失去……;使某人分心等put out放出、伸出……;生产、发布……;熄灭……put sb.on to引起某人对……的注意put sb.through使某人经受考验、训练put up举起……;进行……;推举……;建造……put upon欺骗……;使……成为牺牲品put up with忍受……;容忍讨厌的人或事puzzle…about/over对……为难、窘困【Q】qualify sb.for sth.使某人对工作、职务等合格quarrel with sb.和某人吵嘴、争吵quarrel with sth./sb.埋怨、责备……question sb.on sth.就问题等而询间某人【R】race with sb.与某人赛跑rage against/at对某人某事大发脾气raise sb.from使某人从……站起、起来raise sth.to sb.向某人举起……range from…to从……变动到……(在……与……之间变动)reach for伸手取、拿……read about/of谈到、获悉……read out 宣告开除……;读出……read sth.through把……从头读到尾reason sb.into sth./v-ing(phr.)劝说某人做……reason sb.out of sth./v-ing(ph r.)劝说某人不做……reason with sb.against/for为反对或赞成……和某人评理recall sb.to使某人想起了……receive sth.from sb.得到某人的……receive sb.into接受某人加入……recommend sb.for介绍、推荐某人加入……recommend…to把……托付给……recompense sb.for补偿某人的……recover from从……状态下恢复、复原reduce…to把……减少到……refer to谈到、提到、涉及……refer…to把……归于……;认为……是……的起源reflect on/upon思考、考虑、沉思……refrain from+v-ing(phr.)忍住、抑制住做……reinforce…with沉陷于……relate to和……相处relate…to/with使……与……联系;显示……与……的关系relieve sb.from消除某人的……relieve…of使……解除了、消除了苦痛等remark on/upon谈论……remember sb.to sb.代……向……致意、问好remind sb.of使某人想起、记起……remove sb.from从……把某人开除;撤某人的职render sth.to向……做汇报等rent at/for租金多少钱rent sth.to/from租(房子等)给……;向……租……repay sb.for报答某人的……repeat sth.to把(别人讲的话)传给……replace…by/with用……取代、代替reply to 回答、回复……report of说出对……的印象report on/upon报告、汇报某事report to向……报到represent sth.to向某人描述、描绘、讲述……reproach sb.for/with为……指责、申斥某人request sth.from sb.向某人要求……request of sb.恳求、请求某人……require of sb.要求、命令某人……rescue sb.from从……处、状况下营救某人research into调查、探究……reserve sth.for为……保存、储蓄……reside at/in住在……resign from辞去……职务resign…to把……交付、托付给……resign oneself to屈服于、陷入……resolve sb.upon+v-ing(phr.)使某人决心做……resort to 求助、凭借respond to响应……;对……有反应rest on视线停留在……;搁在……;依赖rest with取决于……;归于……restore sb.to使某人恢复到……restrain…from+v-ing(phr.)制止、遏制……做……result from由……而产生、引起result in引起、导致……retire from从……退职、引退、隐居等retreat from放弃……;从……退出return from从……回来return to归还给……;话题等回复;恢复职务reward sb.for为……而答谢某人ride in/on乘、坐、骑……ring…about/in/round包围、围拢……ring for按铃、摇铃叫或要……rob sb.of sth抢劫、劫掠某人的……root in扎根于……root…out/up根除、清除、肃清……rouse sb.(up)from使某人觉悟;唤醒某人rouse sb.for为……而唤醒某人rub along一起过日子;两人以上勉强地相处rub away 擦去、磨去……rub down用力擦遍……;把……擦亮rub off 擦去、消除……run through勉强通过……rule out排除、取消、拒绝考虑……run down跑下;用完……;人筋疲力尽;健康逐渐变坏run in跑进来;顺便探访run into使……撞在……;偶然碰见某人run off使……逃跑;从……流掉;进行试验等run out跑出;完成……;突出、伸向……run out of用完……run through跑着穿过……;匆匆看过……;挥霍……run up against意外地碰到困难、遇到某人run up to跑到……;把……积累到……rush at/on/upon冲向、奔向……rush into/out of冲入、出……;闯入……rush into/to仓促地……【S】sail for船开向……sail into船驶进……save sb.from把某人从……救过来save sth.for为……而节省,节约钱、时间等say sth.in用某种语言说、讲……scare…away/off把……吓跑scare…out of sb.把某人吓得要死scream for为……而尖叫search for搜寻、探查……search into研究、调查……search out寻找、找到……seat oneself at/in/on在……边、里、上坐下secure…against掩护、保护……以便secure sb.from保护某人以免……secure…with用……保护、用……使其安全see about查看、查询……see after照应、照顾……see into调查、了解……的性质、意义等see sb.off为某人送行see sb.through关心、帮助某人使渡过难关等see sth.through使……顺利通过;把……进行到底see to负责、注意……see with同意……seek after/for寻找、寻求、探索……seek out 搜寻出……;在……中挑出……seize sb.by抓住某人的……select…from从……中选出……sell at/for出售几个/多少钱卖sell up 卖光……send…along发送、派遣……send away把……送往远处;驱逐……;解雇……send for派人去叫……;遣人去拿……send out发送、派遣……;放出……send over运送、发送……send…to派遣……去、到……sensitize sb.to sth.使某人对……有所察觉sentence sb.to判某人……徒刑se parate…from…把……和……分开、分离set about开始、着手……;散布谣言……set against使……得到补偿、平衡;和……对立set aside留出、拨出……;略去……set down放下……;使……下车;记下、记入……set off出发、动身;使……爆炸;引起……set sb.off+v-ing(phr.)使某人开始做……set up竖立……;创办、开办……;提出……settle down to安定下来专心于……settle with和……取得谅解;与……清算;偿还……sew up缝合……shake off抖落……;摆脱……;撵走……shake out把……抖干净,抖开……shake sth.from从……把……抖掉shame sb.for使某人为自己的……而羞愧shame sb.into/out of+v-ing(phr.)使某人感到羞愧而做或不做……share sth.with sb.和某人分享……shelter sb.from掩护某人以免……shine up to sb.百般讨好某人shine with因……而发亮、发光ship off 遣送shock sb.into把某人震惊得……shoot at向……射击;为……而努力shoot out抛出、射出……;突然伸出……shout at sb.对某人大声叫嚷、喊叫shout down以喊叫声压倒对方shout out to sb.+to-v(phr.)高声喊叫让某人做……shout sb.up(+from…)大声叫某人(从……)起来show off卖弄,……;使……显眼show up揭穿、揭露……;出席、到场shower on/upon sb.阵雨(般)落在某人身上shower sb.with给某人送大量的……shut down使……关闭;关住窗户等shut off关掉煤气等;切断……;使……隔绝shut up关闭门窗等;关店;使……住口shut(the door)upon/against sb.让某人吃闭门羹sign in签到;记录某人到的时间sign on签约工作、受雇用等sign to sb.+to-v(phr.)以动作示意某人做……single out挑选出、选拔出……single sb.out for为……而选出某人sit down坐下;扎营sit out对……袖手旁观;坐在户外sit through一直捱到……结束;看完……sit up迟睡;熬夜skim over/through 浏览、略读……skip over略过……;艄悄离开sleep away/off用睡眠熬过或度过……slide over 略过、回避……slip away/off不告而别slow down/up放慢……速度;变得呆痴smash into猛撞在……smell of散发……气味;有……的气味smell out嗅出……;查出……smile at对……微笑;因……笑;对……冷笑smile on/upon对……赞许、青睐;厚待smoke out查出……;使……公诸于世smooth away/aown/out/over清除障碍、分歧等sob out呜咽地说……solicit(sb.)for征求(某人的)……sorrow at/for/over对……遗憾、懊悔、悲伤sort out整理出……;拣出……sour sb.on sth.使某人对……失望speak down to sb.以上司的口气对某人说话speak for代表……讲话;为……辩护speak in用某种语言说speak of听说……speak to sb.about sth.责备某人的……specialize in在……受到专门训练;专门研究……spell out慢而费力地读懂得……;理解spell over思考、考虑……spend sth.on/(in)v-ing(phr.)花钱、时间在(买、做)……spring from由……引起;出身于……stand by和……站在一起;支持……;遵守……stand for代替、代表……;意味着;容忍stand in with同……分担……;和……友好;同……勾结stand off疏远……;远离……stand up站起;向上升起;站得住脚stand up for拥护、支持……stand up to经得起……start at因……吃惊、惊起start off出发、动身start out起程;着手进行stay to/for留下吃饭等stay with与……并驾齐驱stay up不睡觉step into跨入、踏上……step on to走上、踏上……stick at/to保留、坚持、固守……stick out for坚持索取……stick up竖起……;使……惶惑stick up for维护、支持……;为……辩护stick up to抵抗、抑制……stir sb.from动摇某人的……stir up拨动、搅动、搅起……stir up sb.to激起、鼓动、煽动某人……stop by/in顺便访问某人stop off在中途停车、分道stop sb.from+v-ing(phr.)阻止某人做……store away/up贮藏、储备……storm at sb.怒骂某人strike against/for为(反对)……而*strike down击倒、杀死……strike off击断……;勾销……strike up开始演奏、唱歌;建立起……strike up sth.with sb.开始与某人结交等struggle against/with与……作斗争struggle for为……而斗争study out研究出……;解决……;设计出……study up用功预备工作、考试等study up on对……进行仔细地研究stuff sth.with把……装满东西subject… to使……服从……;使……遭遇submit(…)to(使……)服从、屈服、忍受……succeed in(+v-ing)在……取得成功succeed to继任、继承、接着发生……suck in吸收、吸取……suck sth.out of从……中得到好处等suck up to sb.奉承某人suffer for因……而遭受恶果。



专四英语动词固定搭配1、(be) about to 刚要,即将2、(be) absorbed to 专⼼于3、account for 说明(原因等)4、(be) accused of 控告,谴责5、acquaint with 熟悉,熟知6、adapt to (使)适应,适合;改编,改写7、add to 增添,增加;补充说8、add up to 合计达,总计9、adhere to 附着,粘着10、adjust to (使)适应于,把...调节到11、agree to (+物)同意,赞成12、agree with (+⼈)同意,赞成13、aim at 瞄准,对准;旨在14、allow for 考虑到15、amount to 合计,共计,等于16、answer for 对...负有责任17、aplolgize to sb.for sth.为...⽽向...道歉18、appeal to 诉诸,求助19、apply for 申请,请求20、approve of 赞成,同意;批准,核准21、arise from 由...引起,由...产⽣22、arrive at 到达(⼩地⽅);达成,得出23、arrive in 到达(⼤地⽅)24、ask after 探问,问候25、ask for 询问,要求26、assign to 指派,选派27、associate with 使联系,使联合;交往28、attach to 系上,贴上;使附属,使依恋29、attempt at 企图,努⼒30、attend to 照顾,护理;专⼼于31、attribute to 把...归因于,归咎于32、back up ⽀持,援助;后退33、bear/keep in mind 记住34、begin with 从...开始35、believe in 相信,信任36、belong to (在所有权关系等⽅⾯)属于37、benefit from 受益,获益38、blame for/on 责备;因...⽽受到责备39、boast of/about ⾃夸,夸耀,吹⽜40、build up 积累,堵塞;树⽴41、burn out 烧光,烧毁;烧起来42、burst out + n. 爆发,突然发作43、burst out + V-ing 爆发,突然发作44、care for 照顾,照料;喜欢;宠爱45、catch up with 赶上46、check in 办理登记⼿续47、check out 记账后离开;检验,核查48、cheer up ⾼兴,振作49、clear away 把...清除掉,收拾50、clear up 使变清;放晴;清理51、combine with 结合,联合,化合52、comment on 评论53、communicate with 与...通讯;交流54、compare to ⽐较,对⽐;把...⽐作55、compensate for 补偿,赔偿56、complain about/of 抱怨,申诉57、compy with 照做,遵照,应允58、conceive of 想像,设想59、concentrate on 集中,专⼼60、(be) concerned with 关⼼,挂念,从事于60、(be) concerned with 关⼼,挂念,从事于61、as far as..be concerned 就...来说62、confine to/with 限制63、conflict with 冲突,抵触64、congratulate on 祝贺,向...致祝词65、consent to 同意,赞成66、consist of 由...组成67、consist in 在于;存在于68、consult with 商量,商议69、contrast with 对⽐,和...形成对照70、contribute to 捐献,捐助,贡献;投稿71、control over 控制,⽀配72、convert to 变化,变换,转换73、convice of 使确信,使信服74、cope with 对付,应付75、correspond to 相当,相类似76、correspond with 相符合,成⼀致77、count on 倚靠,指望78、count up 算出...的总数,共计79、cover up 掩饰,掩盖80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正80、cure of 治愈,医治;矫正81、deal in 经营82、deal with 处理,论述,涉及83、dedicate to 奉献,把...⽤在84、deduce from 演绎,推断85、define...as 把...定义为86、depend on/upon 依靠,信赖,取决于87、derive from 起源,衍⽣88、despair of 对...绝望89、deviate from 背离,偏离90、devote to 致⼒于,把...奉献给91、die down 变弱,逐渐消失92、die out 消失,灭绝93、differ from 不同94、differ with 与...意见不同95、direct to/at 把...对准,针对96、disagree with 不同意,不⼀致97、disappoint at/with 对...失望98、discharge from 排出;流出;释放;解雇;出院99、dispose of 处理,销毁,去掉100、distinguish from 区别, 识别,辨别,辨认101、distribute over 散布102、divide by 除103、do away with 废除,除掉104、do without 没有...也⾏105、double up 弯着⾝⼦;把...折起来106、draw in (⽕车、汽车)到站107、draw on 动⽤,利⽤108、draw up 起草,制订109、dress up 打扮,穿上盛装110、engage in 使从事于,使忙于111、equip with 装备,配备112、exchange for 交换,调换,兑换113、experiment on/with 进⾏实验114、expose to 使暴露,受到;使曝光115、face up to ⼤胆⾯向116、feed on/with 向...提供,以...为⾷117、feel for 摸索,摸索着寻找118、figure out 计算出;领会到119、fill in/out 填充,填写120、find out 查明,发现121、free of/from ⽆...的,免去...122、focus on (使)聚焦,(使)集中123、frown upon 皱眉124、glance at/over 提到,影射,扫视125、guard against 提防, 预防,防⽌,防范126、hang about/around 闲荡,闲呆着127、hang on 坚持;不挂断;抓紧不放128、hang on to 紧紧抓住129、hang up 挂断(电话)130、have on 穿着,戴着131、head for (使)朝...⾏进,(使)⾛向132、head on 迎⾯的,正⾯的133、hear of/about 听到134、hear from 收到...的(来信)135、can/could not help 禁不住,忍不住136、hinder from 阻⽌,妨碍137、hurry up 匆匆完成,(使)赶快138、identify with 认为...等同于139、impose on 把...强加给;利⽤,欺骗140、impress on 印,留下印象141、improve on/upon 改进,超过142、inform of/about 通知,告诉143、inform against/on 告发,检举144、inquire of/about 询问,打听,调查145、insist on/upon 坚决要求,坚持146、interfere in/with ⼲涉,介⼊;妨碍,⼲扰147、involve in 卷⼊,陷⼊;牵涉,包含148、knock down 击倒,撞倒149、knock out 击倒,击昏150、laugh at 因...⽽笑,嘲笑151、lead to 导致,通往152、learn of 听到,获悉153、learn from 向...学习154、leave alone 不⼲涉155、leave behind 留下,忘记带156、leave for 动⾝去157、leave off (使)停⽌158、leave out 遗漏,略去159、lie in 在于160、limit to 限制,限定161、line up 排成⼀⾏162、long for 渴望,极想163、major in 主修,专攻164、meet with 遇见,碰到165、mistake for 把...误认为166、mix up 搅匀;混淆,搞混167、model on/after 模仿168、multiply by 乘以169、name after 给...取名,命名170、object to 反对,不赞成171、occur to 被想到,被想起172、operate on 开动;动⼿术173、originate in/from 起源,发⽣;⾸创174、owe to 应把...归功于175、participate in 参与,参加176、pass away 去世177、pass on 传授,传递178、persist in 坚持不懈,执意;持续179、persuade of (使)相信180、piece together 拼合,拼凑181、plunge into 纵⾝投⼊,跳⼊;猛冲;使突然陷⼊182、point out 指出183、prefer to 更喜欢,宁愿184、preside at/over 主持185、prevail over 取胜,占优势;盛⾏186、prevent from 预防,防⽌187、profit by/from 得利,获益188、provide sb. with sth. 提供,供给189、provide sth. for sb. 提供,供给190、quarrel about/over 争吵,⼝⾓191、range over 论及,涉及192、react against 反应,起反作⽤;反抗193、read about/of 读到194、reason with 理喻,与...评理,劝告195、recover from 痊愈,恢复;重新获得196、refer to 参考,查阅;涉及,提到197、refer to...as 把...称做,把...当做198、regard...as 把...看做,认为199、register with 注册,登记200、relate to 有关联201、rely on/upon 依靠,依赖202、remark about/on 评论,议论203、remember to 向...致意,代...问候204、remind sb. of sth. 使想起205、remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某⼈做某事206、reply to 回答,答复207、report to 报导,报告208、resign to 辞职,辞去,放弃;托付给209、resort to 求助;诉诸于,采取,凭借210、respond to 响应,回答211、rest on 依靠,依赖;被搁在, 停留在212、restrain from 阻碍,控制,抑制213、result from 起因于,由...产⽣,因...⽽造成214、result in 导致,结果是215、ring off 挂断电话, ⾛掉, 离开216、ring up 打电话;<美> 把(款项)记⼊现⾦记录机, 登录217、rob of 抢劫,盗取218、scrape through 勉强通过219、search for 寻找,探查;搜查, 搜索220、seek after/for 寻找,追求,探索,试图,企图221、select from 挑选,选择222、send for 召唤,派⼈去请,派⼈去拿;函索223、send in 递送,呈报,呈送,递交224、send off 寄出, 邮寄,发送,派遣, 解雇, 给...送⾏225、separate from (使)分离;(使)分开226、settle down 定居; 平静下来, 专⼼于;解决,调停227、settle to 静下⼼来228、shake off 抖落,摆脱,甩掉229、share in 分享,分担230、share with 分与,分派,分配,分享,共⽤231、side with ⽀持,站在...的⼀边, 和...抱同样的见解232、slow down/up (使)放慢,减速233、smell of 有...的⽓味,有...的味道234、specialize in 擅长于,专门研究,专攻235、speed up 加速236、stem from 起源于237、step on 踩,踏上239、stick to 粘在...上,粘住;坚持,信守240、subject to 使服从,使遭受241、submit to 使服从,使受到,服从,屈服,忍受,顺从;呈送,递242、substitute for 代替...,替换...,取代...243、subtract from 减去244、succeed in 在...⽅⾯成功245、suffer from 忍受,遭受;使痛苦,患病;受损失246、sum up 计算...的总数,概括,总结247、surrender to 投降,⾃⾸248、switch off 切断,(⽤开关)关掉249、switch on 接通,(⽤开关)开起250、sympathize with 同意,同感;同情,怜悯,共鸣252、talk over 详尽地商议,商量,讨论,说服,议论253、taste of 有...味道,体验,感到⼤学英语四级阅读超级攻略254、tell from 区别,辨别,认出255、think better of 重新考虑决定不做,较⾼评价,认真考虑;经考虑对...改变看法256、think of 考虑,关⼼;想⼀想,想起,想象,有...的看法,记起257、think of...as 把...看做是,认为...是258、think over 仔细考虑,重新考虑259、throw away 丢弃,扔掉,抛弃;浪费(⾦钱等)260、touch on 略微谈到,谈及,提及261、try on 试穿,试验262、try out 试⽤,试验,考验,提炼263、turn in(to) 上床睡觉,上缴,出卖,把...向内折,告发,收听。



L常用胡诃炬皤由下列动词构咸的短语是近几年英晤专业四绕考试中比较常见的* 1> aimter ■nswer t»ck 顶嘴answer for负责*保证*符合answer to JtS应* 符传2) bringbring about W致* 引起bring along 把..... 带来bring anwnd 说眼bring back fit回来,ffiXWbring down 击落,1TMbring fonh提Hh出示*癮示bring forward提出「握前h显示bring in生产*挣轉*介绍.引载bring off救出"完成bring cm引起,导致.使发展,提feriog over使相说膿3> carrycuTry aboxn 随期携带carry along慢人佩服carry away运產.使失去白制力c^rvy back运冋*拿回,使冋忆走;carry down JR下* 取Ftarry forward发扬、C账珂》结按cany off夺玄...... 的生命,获ftb成功对付carry on继续开展,坚持.举止块常cairy out完成,实现,貫報L 执厅cany over继续* I账胃〉绪转次页”延期至……carry through班行* J3彻十维特4〉catchc&icb 91抓住CBteh on抓率.理解,Mfifcatch <MJt 发現询ch up追」,吸引他乐用cateh up on劳补.樹到的消息Cilcb up tt> M上.璋上catch up with赶上,逮捕.处罚5) comecome about发生,产生,改变方向:发生,转向come across来到,偶遇,<门》给人印彖深刘;不期而遇,交付come at爱击,达到,得到;對达,攻击come back回来,在记忆中塞理,复原,恢复,反驳come before在.. 之前来,在 ... 之上come down下来,倒如没落,病倒,捐钱,流传下来,垂下come down on g罚,累取;处罚,批评come down to归结为,涉及come down upon 处罚,批评come down with 付钱,臬上come forth出现,涌理,被公布come forward自告奋勇»自iBcome in进来,到达终点,流行起来,当选,(钱)到手come in for接受,受到,继承come into进入,得到,第承:继承,取律fcome off #ff»举行,实现,成为come of出身于,由.... 引起;起標于,结果come on炎然产生,耍求,成为... 负担,AWL跟着来.开始,出台,上演i快点, 赶快comeo讥出来,长出,传出,桃去,接展出,II出,罢工$出现,真相大白come round tn改变主意come through经历.脱险.传出,捐助x经历,成功come to达到.儀承.复苏,停止;想起,共计'come under归入.受到comeup走近.上来'发芽■流行.发生.拎提岀丫上升.讨论.出现come up against 碰到tcome up with 上.提His 拿出come upon 产生,要求,成为……负担,偶遇;突締.突袭6> dodo away with 给束.(口)干抻do down胜过.耿禎dofor对..... 有效.代咎■干持do over重做doup Jfejfe,砥新孩修.收给齐整.彼乏.包好do with利用.忍受,需養.乐意做do without免除•不用7) drawdraw away拉走•遛走draw buck扌立起.迥却.缩回draw a blank抽空签.一无所获draw in收.引诱.接近負存.喂縮开支draw on UK 吸收.利丿弘引话.l»J ...................... 握WG 丹来.临近draw om抽出.拉长.使悦岀实悄.拟订,眩到别人前面并拘开距离draw to a C I OM接近结束dnw up^r拟.停住.通近,逍上.整队8) foUfall apart朗浪,上崩瓦解fall away背离,离开,消失,消疫,倾斜珈1 back后退,退却fall behind落在..... 的后面,拖欠fall for爱匕倾心;上....... 的当,对.... 倍以为克fall in (房屋第〉坍下,倒堀,[军]集合,同意,(债务等〉到期fall into落入,陷于(泡乱、错淚等).注入,开始,分成,属于殂Hout争吵.吵架,闹爾.結果是,离駅fall through失败:,成光泡形9)ntfit in 装IE 好fit in with &合,符合,适应fkon裝上,试穿fk out裝备,配备fHup准备,装备(设备、房10)g etgetaboirt走动.旅行,传开,參加社会活动get across (使)越过,通过,披理解get ahead (使)走在前面,进步,获得成功get along生活,融洽相处.进展,有起色get along with进展;走开s别胡扯ge【at到迖,够到"了解.意味着指贵,含沙影射地攻击g«away逃脱.离开,把......... 送走get away with侥幸成功,透脱处罚get back I P I来,恢复,找回(失物等〉,系新匕台(执政)get behind落后,支持,识破get by通过.混过get down (从.... > 下來,吞下,写下.使沮畏get down to开始认真考电pet hold of抓住,猬麹g" in进入.到达,收获.插入.陷入geiimo进入,陷入,穿上get off下来.脱下,出发,被容忍.动身,开始geron生活.融洽相处.进脱,(使》前进,v口a赶快,发迹,进展get on for (通常用进行时态)接近geioiH出去,隗开.逃脱,泄诽,插脱.弄出来,说出.出版get out of从...... 之中获得.... I避兔,使说出get over爬过,克服,熬过,恢复.康谅get round避免,说服"走动,传开来gee through到达,做完,通过,度过,打通&et to到达,接触到,开始,対……有堡响get together 集,收集,积JRget up起床11)handhand back 通还band down传下来.宜布hand in交上handout把 ..... 宸出来.分发,施舍band over 移殳hand round 分发12) keepkeep after —再提翻・不斷追求keep ahead 领先keep at it fnjln油干.使劲.别松劲!keep away 防苗keep back^在后面•限止,陰瞒・留下loeepdown F.镇fE・拎制.缩减,保留keep from I©止,R&瞒,抑制keep in抑制,隐瞒,障舉,继续魅烧keep in with不断讨好keep off让开•不接近keep on 穿着.... 不脱keep on “t纠缠.役烦恼keep out使在外keep to遵嫌keep up不低落•维持.继续keep Hup继续下去,不松劲13) lookkx戒43四处寻找.考电.*«(四纸观*took after冃送.寻求.膜颐・关心look at « > 老rlSU 聘HR 于look back 回!RL 倒ifih 回顾.i£l忆look down俯槐.跌价.用冃光圧倒look forward to期望$期倚.盼塑took into豪槻.浏鲍.观案look out W W・照料look round环顾.观光.察ft*观光.仔顾索看look through «穿.审恼• ittM.汩习.从............ 中显fib 看穿■彻底申査look to jm*> 注;ft. 描球look up向上・•忡0・$导.拜访.好转14) makemake after 追随make against不利于,有害于make allowance for扣除,考J#到,为"…•留余地make at S击,扑向mike away恁忙透走,氯忙离开make away with ……而透走,摧毁,杀死.浪费,把・・・・・・ift起来:偷走mak^for (尤拆圳匆地、圭向.有利于.恼向于.导%向1W进.有助于15) movemove along向前移动move off 离开move out撮岀,开始行动move on缝续前进⑹ partpen from与..... 离别part with跟……分手,放弃.丧失,卖掉,祥退17)paypay attention to 注意pay away |航海)放松.放出C绳素箸)pay back偿还(借歉儿报答,撷复pay down当场支付,用现金支付pay for 还.赔侏pay in存入银行pay off还滴《债务等儿付清,报复,嬴利pay out付出,报复pay up全部付7W18)pulipuU&bout把... 拖来拖去.租參对待pull at用力拉,大口喝,猛戦pull away脱如离开pulldown播毁,推确,使降低,便身体变差,使下跌,使萎摩.领取pull for W……驶去,力图到达……|靠近puli in进站,靠岸pull on穿.JR,继续拉pullout拔出,离开,度过难关,恢复健康pull through度过难关.恢复健康pull together齐心协力pull up »起,停下,限止19)patput across圆满完成,使拔接受put aside WJf»储衣........ 备用put away放好.備存........ 备用,处理掉.放弃,拋弃putback放回原处,向后移,推迟,倒退,便后退putby放在一边.储存 ........ 笹用.避开(人.质问等)put down放下,拒绝,镇压,羞辱,削减,记下,制止,取缔put forth放出.发表,颁布,提出,启航,生出puc forward放向,拿岀,提出.推举岀Putin放进.握出.提交、插入.进入.使就职.种植,进港put inside把..... 进监狱put into使进入,把...... 翻译成.在....... 上种植puioff推迟,拖延,摘塞,便分心,使厌恶,扔掉,脫峯劝阻pm00穿上,把・・・,・・放在上,装出,假装,増加,欺腐,添上,使靠・•・••・维持生命pmom放出,伸出,生产,消除,打扰.麻烦,作111努力,使退场piover把・・•・・・放在上,便转向,推迟,拖延,驶过,使被接受,(尤指以欺骗手段)做成功put through便穿过,便从事,便经受,搞成,接通pu( U)靠岸put together把•一加起来,装配,使虑整体,整理(思职意见等)pm叩举起,抬起,进行,提供,表现出,建造,提名,推举put upon歎骗,使成为牺牲品put up with忍受,容忍20)standstand against 抵抗stand alone ?(立$卓越;(与in连用)无与伦比stand aside站开,躲开,不做事,(竞选时)通出stand away不接近.离开stand back往后站,遗后stand behind信援,做后盾standby支持,遵疗,袖手旁观,准备行动stand down M开法庭的证人席,暂时辞堪,顺湯航行血nd for代表,代咎,象征,支持,«・•・•・・的候选人stand in位于・・・・・・中,代曾演员站好位宣,便花费stand in with与・・••“分担,与・・・・・・联合standoffft远,离岸,遷开(债主或攻击者)stand on继续同一方向的航行standout站出来,突出,堅持抵抗stand out for [U](为等持見好时机)拖延时间;坚持・“・;星决要求stand over扯期,监督,c澳口>3&吓standto«•―站立,遵守,坚持,囿瓠stand叩站起来,竖立,站得住脚,坚持,绘得起,拥护,抵抗stand up for 支持stand UD to21)t aketake aback惊吓.迷磁take account of 考虔take advantage of 利用take after 像,学样take away 取走mkeback送还.接冋.取消,使回忆起take by storm攻占,强夺,强烈感染,使大吃一惊take delight in 乐于take down拿F»记F・拆卸.稱倒takefbr认为.以为ukehold of 握住skein接受,接待.吸收.理解,包括,轻信.注意封,欺編takeofif拿掉,取消.脱衣,起飞,療弱.离开,岔开八复制take on披上,呈现,具有,雇用.承担,盛气凌人,横纳,流行takeout拿由,取出"去樟,出发,取得,扣除.抵充,发泄takeover把……从一地带到另一地,接收,接骨take to开始,喜欢,沉潛于,走向,照料,求助于.适应takeup拿起.开始从事,堆续,吸收.责备,拘留,占据,认购take upon oneselT承担* IS然,大胆•开始22) throwthrow Wk扔回.阻止・使竟新依靠.反射throw down扔F,使倒下,離毀throw in边线发球throwofif (从……)扔开.去抻《伪酸),接脱坤,敵发出throw on勢例忘上throw oneself into投身于•积极从率throw open突然打开.开放throw out伸出,扔掉.说出"派出,放出,使出局,便突出,显示throw over ttl弃.拒绝,使覆盖throw up驱吐,It地举起,放弃,产生,使显眼23)workwork«从事.致力于.鮎研work away不停地连绞H件work in 引进.配令work in with |门]与 .... 合拍■与……削令/协Uiworiccff窩務地清除.拧除.清理.借出,旨先worfcongtttT作.设法说服,花G workout 决.设it出.作出.计算出.消耗完$挤(出丈“ 冲去)work out st计算出r总共达work, over A. <W5A:r 五做.work round <c 逐涉这芳収 < <<!) 琳術Vt JHJ worfc <c> 根援. worK C<^WHrdR解为诸鋤r 设汝袄何work up论九磁0. 逐声弓IQ 逐如农/K1 y st<iv.网样1地-祓赫作* 僚£当碱常用ASr *客aing 丑tH 与— **—比比fej--*--'■康tix. n^^nrrtfi 争卜* Xj F昨* 于far 乂” st^^ch 詁(xmumTteci 尸-于”-**iftf _F FfcWM昨正巧裡........ 的IH筷*正海to ever献旧* 仍Mt ttfi- a matWi- of fjbpt 寧煮上ASr fnltciws 如T1'just AH well 干2、by—prep柱附近*在旁型经’由,依据,按風通过,用'adv.通过’煙过*附进常用搭配:by 3EI JMXxiuntK据大家所Utbit try bit噺渐’一点f点day by iUy 日渐byfiur到目前外止by artd luge大体上,基本上by all means辱一切办法*〜定by 00 me^x^决不by miiUke fit 谋地side by side 井操r并肩3) fiM—prep. C我眾目的]旳了.因为・至于,对于"通合于配=M for至于就……方面说来done for不中用的・完蕭have gn eye foe很能聲赏・按能看出forfe«rth&t 唯恿. 書秸Ukc sth or sb for granted燥当然.不雪回事far die momeiM f?时,耳甫ffor the most pan 任扱夭稈废上Ftrr sure-确尘for the time being 辆时for £M>d 永久焰”-劳永iSt地4) in—pnp在........ £内(±).在.......... I R间.从JUTS霜令.舒瞽t«lv.进入,wm.在家” Cl與达希朋懵H&; in the wiMcmcs&在的.离开政界的in all weather* 佩声无阻in the w^lce of厘拠*黛IQ・仿效~in view evf考虑料* 由]'in vain挠然enme in tuefiil迟早右用-早ttfc会朋想上in mm依ZX F轮堰in a Miusc秩處5L上in rE-Apea^t uf 关F Jin porcipular 特别■ needle tn a hay Met 大梅物幸片5) of-prep.……的.由—制成的,关于,对于常用搭配z by way of经由,作为,为了all of a sudden 突然out of stq>步调不一致ofgrts各种各样的out of sight在看不见的地方・out of print已绝版,己售完out of place不在适当的位置・不合适of the nKxnent 此刻in the light of按照.根据,当作of late最近6) ofT-adv.离开,在远方,离刼分离,中斷,完蔬prep.从••…离开,.脫离常用搭配;offthcsbclf现货供应,不用定制的off the record非正式地,不町引用地off andon斷斷续续地off limits禁止入内的,不允许的.off (he cuff 即兴地better off经济状况好的,富•裕的off balance失去平衡worse off恶化.情况更坏7)(*rmp・在……N上,依附于,临近,霍近,向•衽•…"时候,关于,涉及;adv.在上,向前,行动中.作用中常用搭配:on the whole大体上,基本上be o n the lip of your tongue 话到1W 边on the spot当场,立刻on^bow被展出on the shelf東Z高阁.不再流行,推迟执行on schedule 按时onthewn跑着,透跑,奔走,被通辑看on the loose逍遥法外out on a limb处境危险■ •• ■ —■ 1•• ■• ■ ■■B) over-adv.结束'越过.从头到尺^ prep.在 .............. 之上,越过常用描配J over and atioye除....... 之外(还)■在..... 之上over and done with 己经给束/过去over the hump度过最困琏时期over one's head使某人不能理解head over heels完全地,彻底的hand overfist不费力地,大量地,轻而易举地9) to -prep.向,往,给・・・・・・,于……,直到•・・・・・为止,在……之前,比.对,[農示程度、范围]到,达常用搭配:give way to让路,让步from top to bottom 彻底,完全take to the streets走上窗头(游行)等be no stranger io对.... 不陌生,对.... 熟悉 < 对.. 有经验put a stop to使... 停止,便.... 终止soto speak可以说,可谓with regard to 关于to the point中惨,扼耍next to几乎to one^ name属于自己to the letter严格按照字句10)with prep. W»以,用,同......... . 起,由于,籾 .... 一致"费成-关于,就常用相配:with a will努力with one voice 舁口同声with a view to着眼于,以...... 为目的,考总到with a vengeance努力地,奋力地take the rough with the smooch 能皐乐也能吃苦inlinevith 符合in league with和................. 联合in harness with 同.... 合作go hand in hand with与...... 共同行动"与••…•相配合,与 .. . 致make free with * 对......... 放肆with flying cokrnn 出色地・成功地ID without -prep.没有,不,(表条件)如果没有,要没有’ adv.没有席用搭配:do without免除,不用go without没有...... 也行without fail必定■无fet.确然.务必without fear or favour公平.爭公•不偏不俺without & second thought电平犹橡-不假思索it goes without saying 不用说without prejudice to 无俊不tfiTf -不使.............. 受扬書。



1. a host of 大量2. a test for检测目的;a test on对……进行测试;a test with检测手段3. according to根据4. achieve equilibrium取得平衡;achieve one’s purpose达到目的;achieve success 获得成功;achieve victory获得胜利5. act on 遵照┄行动,作用于;对…有影响;act as 扮演; act for 代理6. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于;adapt…(for) (=make sth. suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)7. add up to 总计,合计8. add… to 把…加到….9. adhere to 坚持,奉行;10. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节;适应;11. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地12. have an advantage over 胜过;have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件;to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地;have the advantage of sb. 知道某人所不知道的事;take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用13. after all 毕竟,到底;above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的;(not) at all 一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然;once and for all 只此一次;first of all 首先;for all 尽管;all in all 大体上说;be all in 累极了;all but 几乎;in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计14. agree on对……取得一致意见;agree to同意;agree with同意;in agreement (with) 同意, 一致,赞同(某人意见)15. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;… ahead of time 提前16. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到17. along with 和┄一道,和┄一起;18. alternate (with)交替;19. amount to 合计,共计;20. an equal to与……相当的人/物,(地位)相同的人21. and yet然而22. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责; answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合23. be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for24. anything but 一点也不;anything like像……那样的东西25. anywhere near接近于26. apart form除……之外尚有27. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉28. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁; appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力29. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请;apply for申请; apply to 适用; apply to 与…有关;适用30. appreciation of对……的欣赏/赞赏31. approve vt. 批准; approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成32. argue against 反对33. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起34. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…35. arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出; arrive in 到达某地(大地方);36. as a result(作为结果,因此)表结果,用不用逗号隔开看情况而定;as a result of作为……的结果,由于37. as a whole 作为一个整体,整个看来38. as far as …/are concerned就……而言39. as for至于,就…方面说40. as if好像,仿佛41.as like as two peas一模一样42. as though好像,仿佛43. as to 至于,关于;44. as well也,一样45. as yet迄今,到目前为止46. as soon as一~就~47. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trustin sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信48. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻49. aside from 除┄之外;50. associate … with…由……联想到……,把……联系起来; association with与……的交往51. at a disadvantage处于不利地位52. at a loss不知所措53. at a time每次,一次54. at any moment即使,随时。



2004-2013英语专四词汇固定搭配真题词汇【固定搭配】1. He plays tennis to the ____ of all other sports. (2004)A. eradicationB. exclusionC. extensionD. Inclusion答案:B。

to the exclusion of意为“把……排斥在外”。

Exclusive school/neighborhood/store: Eradication:杜绝,根除~ smallpox 2. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. (2005) A. carries into effect B. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect答案:B。

take effect意为“起作用,生效”,符合题意;put/bring sth into effect意为“使生效,落实计划”,此处应为被动语态;Have an effect/side effect on sth/sb3. She’s always been kind to me –I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help.(2007)A. my backB. my headC. my eyeD. shoulder答案:A。

turn one’s back on sb为固定搭配,意为“不理会某人,不肯给某人帮助”。

Turn a blind eye to sth:熟视无睹Turn a cold shoulder on sb: 不理睬人4. Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ______herlips.(2007)A. smackedB. openedC. partedD. separated答案:A。



Be cut out (for sth/to be sth)Be reduced to 使陷入不良境遇Blow up 爆炸;(使)使充气;大发脾气,大怒Break sth dowm 把。

分类,划分(以便分析或更容易做到);分解Break outBreak up 打碎;终止,结束;折散,解散(会);结束(关系等),关闭(公司等)Build up 逐步建立(build up a good reputation) ;增加,增进,增强(build up your strength);聚集,积累By virtue of 依靠,凭借Call forth 唤起Call out 召集,挑起斗争Care for照顾,照料;喜欢,喜好,爱Carry forward 推进;发展,发扬Carry off 拿走,夺走,赢得;成功的对付,不费劲的处夺走(生命);赢得(金牌)Carry on(with sth)继续Carry(great) weight 有分量,有影响Catch on 理解;受欢迎,流行起来Cast light upon 使人们明白;使真相大白Clear up 整理;消除,解决Cling to 坚持,依附,粘着Come by 设法获得manage to get sthCome off 发生,举行,结果是成功的;脱落Come up to(在质量等方面)比得上;达到(标准)Fall short of(达不到之目的,要求等)Come round 苏醒,复原,顺便拜访Consist in=reside in=lie inCount on依靠,指望Count for 有。


重要性Cover up把。

盖起来;隐藏,掩盖,掩饰Credit sth to sb /credit sb with sth 1.认为是。


归于 2。


有(良好的品质或特点)Cope with 有效的应付;妥善处理Correspond to相当于。

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1. Take measures/actions/steps
- The government has taken measures to address the issue of pollution.
- We need to take immediate actions to solve this problem.
- It is important to take steps to prevent future accidents.
2. Make/establish/widen the gap
- The economic policies have widened the gap between the
rich and the poor.
- The new technology has established a wider gap between generations.
- The educational system is making the gap between urban and rural areas even larger.
3. Give/pose/raise a threat
- The terrorist attack gives a threat to national security.
- Chemical pollution poses a threat to the environment.
- Cyberattacks raise a threat to personal information security.
4. Carry out/conduct a survey
- The government is carrying out a survey to collect data on public opinions.
- The university conducted a survey to assess student satisfaction.
- We need to conduct a survey to understand customer preferences.
5. Face/confront/address a challenge/problem
- The government needs to address the problem of unemployment.
- The organization is trying to confront the challenge of climate change.
6. Provide/offer/give an opportunity
- Studying abroad provides an opportunity to experience different cultures.
- The scholarship program offers an opportunity for students to pursue higher education.
- The job fair gives an opportunity for job seekers to connect with employers.
7. Improve/enhance/boost efficiency
- The new software will improve efficiency in data analysis.
- The training program enhances employee efficiency and productivity.
- Investing in infrastructure can boost economic efficiency.
8. Create/establish/build a foundation
- Education creates a foundation for future success.
- The government is working to establish a solid foundation for economic growth.
9. Play a/an important/vital/crucial role
- Teachers play an important role in shaping students' future.
- Small businesses play a vital role in job creation.
- Technology plays a crucial role in driving innovation.
- Environmental pollution causes health problems.
- Lack of sleep can lead to poor academic performance.。
