Boosting SVM classifiers with logistic regression







本文还将对Boosting算法在各个领域的应用进行综述,以期为读者提供全面、深入的Boosting 算法理解和应用参考。

二、Boosting算法概述Boosting算法是一种集成学习技术,其核心思想是将多个弱学习器(weak learner)通过某种策略进行组合,从而形成一个强学习器(strong learner)。









还有GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree)、GBoost、LightGBM等基于决策树的Boosting算法,它们在处理大规模数据集和高维特征时表现出良好的性能。






1. 对数据进行预处理在SVM算法中,数据预处理是提高分类器性能的重要步骤。





2. 对数据集进行均衡在训练数据集中,我们可能会发现某个类别的样本数很少,而另一个类别的样本数很多。







3. 数据特征的提取在SVM算法中,数据特征的提取可以说是至关重要的。




4. SVM参数的调优SVM算法中的参数调优也是提高分类准确率的重要方法之一。

boosting分类 -回复

boosting分类 -回复


它通过串行训练一系列弱分类器(weak classifier)来构建一个强大的集成分类器(ensemble classifier)。




这个过程被称为"向前推导"(forward stagewise)。

Boosting分类算法的一种最著名的实现方式是AdaBoost(Adaptive Boosting)算法。










此外,AdaBoost 对异常值比较敏感,因此在处理存在异常值的数据时需要额外的处理。





Boosting算法Boosting算法也是一种基于数据集重抽样的算法,与Bagging 算法主要区别在于,需要动态调整训练样本中各数据权重,每一次迭代增加不能被正确学习的样本权重,相对地降低了能被正确学习的样本权重,从而提升在整个训练样本数据集上的学习正确率。







图7-5 Boosting算法的原理示意图Boosting算法最典型的是Adaptive Boosting算法,简称AdaBoost算法,其基本流程描述如下。


二、Boosting系列算法Boosting算法包括以梯度提升为核心方法的系列算法,主要包括前面介绍的调整错分样本权重的AdaBoost算法、以决策树为基函数的Boosting Tree算法、利用损失函数的负梯度在当前模型的值作为回归问题提升树算法中残差的近似值的GBDT算法、大规模并行Boosting Tree的XGBoost算法。



boosting分类摘要:1.Boosting 分类简介2.Boosting 分类的核心思想3.Boosting 分类的方法4.Boosting 分类的优缺点5.Boosting 分类的应用实例正文:Boosting 分类是一种集成学习方法,其核心思想是通过组合多个基本分类器来提高分类准确率。


Boosting 分类的核心思想是加权训练样本。

在每一轮训练中,Boosting 算法会根据样本的权重来调整训练样本,使得分类器更加关注那些容易被误分类的样本。


Boosting 分类的方法主要包括三种:AdaBoost、Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) 和XGBoost。

AdaBoost 是一种基于梯度的Boosting 方法,其主要思想是在每一轮训练中,根据样本的权重来调整基本分类器的权重。

GBM 是另一种基于梯度的Boosting 方法,它使用了树模型,可以处理更复杂的数据结构。

XGBoost 是GBM 的优化版本,它使用了更加高效的算法,可以更快地训练模型。

Boosting 分类的优点是它可以提高分类准确率,尤其是在处理大量数据时。

此外,Boosting 分类方法也相对简单,易于实现和理解。

然而,Boosting 分类也存在一些缺点,例如它可能会过拟合,导致在测试集上的表现不佳。

一个典型的Boosting 分类应用实例是文本分类。

例如,我们可以使用Boosting 分类来对新闻文章进行分类,根据它们的主题将它们分为不同的类别。


另一个应用实例是图像分类,例如,我们可以使用Boosting 分类来对图片进行分类,根据它们的内容将它们分为不同的类别。








Boosting回归模型最常用的算法包括AdaBoost和Gradient Boosting,它们在实际应用中都取得了很好的效果。






在Boosting 回归模型中,有一些重要的参数需要调整,比如学习率、树的数量和树的深度等。











它的原理是将若干个弱分类器(weak classifier)通过加权平均的方式组合成一个强分类器(strong classifier),以提高分类的准确率。




具体实现的过程如下:1. 给每个样本赋一个权重值,初始化为1/n,其中n为样本数目。

2. 针对每个样本训练一个弱分类器,例如决策树。

3. 对每个弱分类器计算出它们的误差率,即错误分类样本的权重和。

4. 更新每个样本的权重,在每轮训练中,分类错误的样本会获得更高的权重值。

5. 将所有的弱分类器按照误差率给出权重。

6. 以各个弱分类器的权重作为权重进行加权平均,得到最终的分类器。


具体实现步骤如下:1. 给每个样本赋一个权重值,初始化为1/n,其中n为样本数目。

2. 针对每个样本训练一个弱分类器,例如决策树。

3. 对每个弱分类器计算出它们的误差率,即错误分类样本的权重和。

4. 计算每个弱分类器的权重,并更新样本的权重,增加分类错误的样本的权重,减少分类正确的样本的权重。

5. 重复上述步骤,直至满足条件为止(例如:弱分类器的数目、误差率等)。

6. 将所有的弱分类器按照误差率给出权重。

7. 以各个弱分类器的权重作为权重进行加权平均,得到最终的分类器。





支持向量机中类别不平衡问题的代价敏感方法支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种常用的机器学习算法,广泛应用于分类和回归问题中。




















例如,径向基函数(Radial Basis Function,RBF)核函数在处理类别不平衡问题时表现良好,能够更好地区分样本。




在集成学习中,支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)和随机森林(Random Forest)是两种常用的算法。























多分类SVM分类器优化技巧支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种高效的分类算法,一般应用于二分类问题。




1. One-vs-All 方法One-vs-All 方法是一种简单有效的方法,用于将多分类问题转化为二分类问题。

该方法的思路是,对于有 k 个类别的问题,构造 k 个二分类学习器,每次将其中一个类别作为正例,剩余的 k-1 个类别作为负例。

训练完成后,对于一个待分类的样本,将其输入到 k 个分类器中,选择分类器输出中置信度最高的类别作为预测类别。

One-vs-All 方法的优点是简单易理解,但是分类器的数量较多,对于大规模数据集计算量较大。

2. One-vs-One 方法One-vs-One 方法是一种常用的多分类方法。

与 One-vs-All 方法不同,它的思路是通过构造 k(k-1)/2 个二分类学习器,每次仅将两个类别之间的样本作为正负例进行训练。

训练完成后,对于一个待分类的样本,将其输入到 k(k-1)/2 个分类器中,统计每个类别在分类器输出中的数量,选择具有最大数量的类别作为预测类别。

One-vs-One 方法相对于 One-vs-All 方法计算量较小,但是需要训练大量的分类器,对于数据集较大的问题,计算量依然非常大。

3. 多类核函数多类核函数是一种直接将多个类别映射到一个高维空间的方式。



4. 类别平衡技巧有时候,样本分布可能不均衡,导致分类器对样本量较多的类别预测结果较为准确,而对样本量较少的类别预测结果误差较大。





以下是一些常用的二分类模型:1. 逻辑回归(Logistic Regression):逻辑回归是一种经典的分类模型,它通过拟合一个逻辑函数来预测一个样本属于某个类别。


2. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM):支持向量机是一种强大的分类器,它试图找到一个最优超平面来分隔两个类别。

通过最大化超平面与最近数据点之间的距离,SVM 可以在高维空间中有效地处理非线性问题。

3. 决策树(Decision Tree):决策树是一种基于树结构的分类模型,通过递归地分割数据来创建决策规则。


4. 随机森林(Random Forest):随机森林是一种集成学习方法,它结合了多个决策树以提高预测性能。


5. 朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes):朴素贝叶斯是一种基于贝叶斯定理的分类模型,它假设特征之间是相互独立的。


6. K 最近邻(K-Nearest Neighbors,KNN):K 最近邻是一种基于实例的分类方法,它将新样本分配给其最近的 k 个训练样本所属的类别。

KNN 适用于处理非线性问题,但对大规模数据集的效率可能较低。

7. 深度学习模型(Deep Learning Models):深度学习模型,如卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)和循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN),在处理图像、语音和自然语言处理等领域的二分类问题时非常有效。



logit替代方法在统计学中,逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)是一种广泛应用于分类问题的方法。


然而,除了Logistic Regression之外,还有许多可以替代这种方法的技术。

本文将探讨一些可以替代logistic regression的方法。

1. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM)SVM是一种监督学习算法,可以用于分类和回归问题。

与Logistic Regression不同的是,SVM可以处理非线性关系,因为它可以使用核函数将数据映射到更高维空间。



2. 决策树(Decision Trees)决策树是一种基于树结构的机器学习方法,可以用于分类和回归问题。




与Logistic Regression相比,决策树可以处理非线性关系,并且更容易解释和理解。

3. 随机森林(Random Forest)随机森林是一种集成学习方法,由多个决策树组成。




4. 神经网络(Neural Networks)神经网络是一种受到生物神经系统启发的机器学习模型。



相对于Logistic Regression,神经网络可以提供更高的灵活性和更强的建模能力。



q e c fc sict n i ec ne a cn b a uae .ae n L gsc rges n ad S p otV c rMahn (VM ) un y o l s ai n a h itr l a e cl l dB sd o o ii e rsi n u p r et c i S a f o i n c t t o o e ,
DOI1.7 8 .s.028 3 . 1. . 2 文章编 号:0 28 3 (0 12 —1 90 文献标识码 : 中图分类号 : P 0 . :0 7  ̄i n10 —3 1 0 1 90 3 s 2 2 4 10 .3 12 1 )90 4 —2 A T 31 6
1 引言
XI L n 。 I o g u . tg ae i a y c s lsi c t n lo i m a e o o i i n S M ・ mp t r E g E i g L U Qin s n I e r td b n r -l s a s i i ag r h b s d n L gs c n a c fa o t t a d V Co u e n i ・
C m ue E gnei o p t n ier g口 r n
,口 f c
计算机 工程 与应 用
2 1 ,7 2 ) 0 14 (9
19 4
集成 L gs c S o i i 与 VM 的二 分 类 算 法 t
谢 玲 , 琼 荪 刘
XI ig L U Qin sn E Ln , I o g u
Ke r s o i i rg e s n S p o e trMa hn ( VM ) bn r-ls ; tg a o y wo d :L gs c e rsi ; u p r V c c ie S t o t o ; ia ca s i e rt n y n i

sophisticated classifiers -回复

sophisticated classifiers -回复

sophisticated classifiers -回复什么是Sophisticated ClassifiersSophisticated Classifiers(复杂分类器)是一种在机器学习中广泛使用的技术,用于将数据点分配到不同类别中。


Sophisticated Classifiers 在许多应用领域都得到了广泛的应用,如自然语言处理、图像识别、金融预测等。

常见的Sophisticated Classifiers算法有许多常见的Sophisticated Classifiers 算法,具体选择哪个算法取决于应用和数据的特性。

下面是几个常见的算法:1. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM): SVM是一种基于统计学习理论的监督学习算法,可以用于二分类或多分类问题。


2. 随机森林(Random Forests): 随机森林是一种基于决策树的集成算法。


3. 深度学习神经网络(Deep Learning Neural Networks): 深度学习神经网络是一种基于神经网络结构的复杂分类器。


4. 梯度提升(Gradient Boosting): 梯度提升是一种迭代的集成学习算法。


5. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN): CNN是一种特别适用于图像处理和识别的神经网络。






















决策树、支持向量机、logistic、随机森林分类模型的数学公式决策树(Decision Tree)是一种基于树状结构进行决策的分类和回归方法。

决策树的数学公式可以表示为:对于分类问题:f(x) = mode(Y), 当节点为叶子节点f(x) = f_left, 当 x 属于左子树f(x) = f_right, 当 x 属于右子树其中,mode(Y) 表示选择 Y 中出现最频繁的类别作为预测结果,f_left 和 f_right 分别表示左子树和右子树的预测结果。

对于回归问题:f(x) = Σ(y_i)/n, 当节点为叶子节点f(x) = f_left, 当 x 属于左子树f(x) = f_right, 当 x 属于右子树其中,Σ(y_i) 表示叶子节点中所有样本的输出值之和,n 表示叶子节点中样本的数量,f_left 和 f_right 分别表示左子树和右子树的预测结果。

支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,简称 SVM)是一种非概率的二分类模型,其数学公式可以表示为:对于线性可分问题:f(x) = sign(w^T x + b)其中,w 是超平面的法向量,b 是超平面的截距,sign 表示取符号函数。

对于线性不可分问题,可以使用核函数将输入空间映射到高维特征空间,公式变为:f(x) = sign(Σα_i y_i K(x_i, x) + b)其中,α_i 和 y_i 是支持向量机的参数,K(x_i, x) 表示核函数。

Logistic 回归是一种常用的分类模型,其数学公式可以表示为:P(Y=1|X) = 1 / (1 + exp(-w^T x))其中,P(Y=1|X) 表示给定输入 X 的条件下 Y=1 的概率,w 是模型的参数。

随机森林(Random Forest)是一种集成学习方法,由多个决策树组成。

对于分类问题,随机森林的数学公式可以表示为:f(x) = mode(Y_1, Y_2, ..., Y_n)其中,Y_1, Y_2, ..., Y_n 分别是每个决策树的预测结果,mode 表示选择出现最频繁的类别作为预测结果。

gradientboostingclassifier分类 -回复

gradientboostingclassifier分类 -回复

gradientboostingclassifier分类-回复Gradient Boosting Classifier 分类算法是一种常用的集成学习方法,本文将介绍该算法的原理、应用以及具体实现步骤。

第一部分:原理Gradient Boosting Classifier(梯度提升分类器)是一种基于决策树的集成学习算法,通过串行地训练多个决策树,并逐步优化整体模型来进行分类。

其主要原理可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 初始化模型:首先,我们需要选择一个基础模型作为初始模型,通常选择决策树作为基础模型。


2. 计算残差:接下来,我们计算当前模型预测值与实际标签之间的残差。


3. 训练新模型:基于上一步计算的残差,我们使用决策树来训练一个新模型。


4. 更新模型:将新训练的模型与初始模型进行加权相加,得到当前的模型。


5. 迭代训练:重复上述步骤,直到达到指定的迭代次数或者模型性能收敛为止。


第二部分:应用Gradient Boosting Classifier 算法在实际应用中广泛应用于分类问题。


以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 信用评分:在金融领域,使用Gradient Boosting Classifier算法可以根据历史数据来预测客户的信用评分。


2. 文本分类:在自然语言处理领域,我们可以使用Gradient Boosting Classifier来进行文本分类任务。






1.监督学习算法:- 线性回归(linear regression):通过拟合一条直线来预测连续数值。

- 逻辑回归(logistic regression):用来预测二分类问题中的概率。

- 决策树(decision tree):通过创建一棵树来对数据进行分类或回归。

- 随机森林(random forest):由多个决策树组成的集成模型,用于分类和回归问题。

- 支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM):通过将数据映射到高维空间来进行分类。

- 朴素贝叶斯(naive Bayes):基于贝叶斯定理的概率分类算法。

- K近邻算法(k-nearest neighbors,KNN):根据相似性度量在训练集中找到最近的k个样本进行分类。

- 神经网络(neural networks):具有多层神经元的模型,用于复杂的问题建模。

2.无监督学习算法:- 聚类算法(clustering):将相似的数据点分组,例如K均值聚类(k-means clustering)和层次聚类(hierarchical clustering)。

- 高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model,GMM):将数据建模为多个高斯分布的组合。

- 异常检测(anomaly detection):通过找到与其他数据不同的异常点来进行异常检测。

3.增强学习算法:- Q学习(Q-learning):用于强化学习的经典算法,通常用于在没有先验知识的情况下学习最佳行为策略。

- 蒙特卡洛树(Monte Carlo Tree Search,MCTS):在树中模拟大量随机探索来学习最佳策略。

- 深度Q网络(Deep Q-Network,DQN):结合了深度神经网络和Q 学习的增强学习算法。

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Boosting SVM Classifiers with Logistic RegressionYuan-chin Ivan Chang Institute of Statistical ScienceAcademia SinicaTaipei,Taiwan11529,ROCEditor:AbstractThe support vector machine classifier is a linear maximum margin classifier.It performs very well in many classification applications.Although,it could be extended to nonlinear cases by exploiting the idea of kernel,it might still suffer from the heterogeneity in the training examples.Since there are very few theories in the literature to guide us on how to choose kernel functions,the selection of kernel is usually based on a try-and-error manner.When the training set are imbalanced,the data set might not be linear separable in the feature space defined by the chosen kernel.In this paper,we propose a hybrid method by integrating“small”support vector machine classifiers by logistic regression models.By appropriately partitioning the training set,this ensemble classifier can improve the performance of the SVM classifier trained with whole training examples at a time.With this method,we can not only avoid the difficulty of the heterogeneity,but also have probability outputs for all examples.Moreover,it is less ambiguous than the classifiers combined with voting schemes.From our simulation studies and some empirical results,wefind that these kinds of hybrid SVM classifiers are robust in the following sense:(1)It improves the performance(prediction accuracy)of the SVM classifier trained with whole training set, when there are some kind of heterogeneity in the training examples;and(2)it is at least as good as the original SVM classifier,when there is actually no heterogeneity presented in the training examples.We also apply this hybrid method to multi-class problems by replacing binary logistic regression models with polychotomous logistic regression models.Moreover,the polychotomous regression model can be constructed from individual binary logistic regression models.Keywords:Support vector machine,imbalanced training sets,logistic regression,poly-chotomous logistic regression.1.IntroductionThe support vector machine classifier is a linear maximum margin classifier.It can be ex-tended to nonlinear cases by exploiting the idea of kernel,and transforming the data from its original input space to the feature space without explicitly specifying the transforma-tion(see Vapnik(1995)).Then,to construct a linear maximum margin classifier in the feature space.Typically,it is nonlinear in the input space.But it is still linear in a higher dimensional feature space implicitly defined by the chosen kernel function.The SVM classifiers performs very well in many classification applications such as pat-tern recognition,text classification,bio-informatics,etc.A good geometric interpretation and the efficiency of generalization are its advantages.But if the given training data are1heterogeneous or imbalanced,it might have less satisfying performance.It is worse,espe-cially,when the given training data have some implicit geometric structure and is not linear separable in the feature space defined by the chosen kernel ually,this problem can be solved by choosing another appropriate kernel function.But in the most cases,the kernel functions was chosen empirically or by a try-and-error manner.So far,we have found no satisfying theoretical results on kernel selection in the literature,yet.For a classification problem with imbalanced training set,if the training set can be ap-propriately divided into some smaller sub-sets,then each sub-training set is more likely to be linear separable in the(implicitly chosen)feature space.Then,we can construct many small“localized”SVM classifiers for each sub-training set,which will not be affected by the heterogeneity of the whole training set.Thus,they will have better local prediction accu-racies than the SVM classifier trained with whole training examples.If we can effectively combine these classifiers into a global one,then it is very likely that it will outperform the classifier trained with whole training examples.So,the remaining problem is how to com-bine these local classifiers into one global classifier,and still to gain their local advantages, simultaneously?In this paper,we propose a hybrid classification method by integrating the“local SVM classifiers”with logistic regression techniques; a divide-and-conquer method.The computational bottle neck of the hybrid method proposed here is still in the SVM.The logistic regression will not introduce any new computational difficulties.By Begg and Gray (1984),we can build the polychotomous logistic regression model from some individualized binary logistic regression models,which will make the computation of multi-class problem more efficient.Therefore,it can be useful when the size of training set is large.In Zhu and Hastie,they propose a“kernelized logistic regression”method,which can also provide probability outputs for examples.But the computational complexity of their method is O(n3)where n denotes the size of training examples.Hence,it is very difficult to apply to the problems with large training sets.In machine learning,the voting(or weighting)is one of the popular methods to put many classifiers together becoming one classifier(see Tumer and Ghosh(1996),Hastie and Tibshirani(1998),Bauer and Kohavi(1999)and Optiz and Maclin(1999)).There are also many studies about how to train a classifier with imbalanced training examples and on different ensemble methods.For example,see Provost and Fawcett(1998),Japkowicz (2000a,b),Weiss and Provost(2001)and Kubat et al.(1997).But there are always some ambiguities on how to decide the weights for the classifiers with different classification ing logistic regression models to integrate these local classifiers allows us to take advantages of the statistical modelling theory tofind the optimal weights for each local classifiers.The results can be easily extended to multi-class classification problems and the multiple labelling problems by using polychotomous logistic regression models instead.We have applied this method to both simulated data as well as some bench mark data from UCI repository of machine learning(Blake and Merz(1998)).These empirical results show that the proposed hybrid method is very promising in dealing with classification problem with non-homogeneous training data.In the following of this paper,we willfirst explain the effects of the non-homogeneity in the training sets using simulated data sets.We state the hybrid procedures for both binary and multi-class classification problems in Section3.Section4contains some sim-2ulation/empirical results.In Section5,we will discuss the possible future works.A brief introduction of(polychotomous)logistic regression will also be given in Appendix.2.HeterogeneityIt is well known that the performance of the case-based learning algorithm depends heavily on the given training examples.It hard to have a good prediction accuracy,if there is some heterogeneity in the training set.Unfortunately,due to modern data collection techniques, it is very common to have large and imbalanced training sets in many classification appli-cations.For example,in data mining applications of biological sciences,text classification, etc,the size of the negative examples often heavily outnumbers the size of the positive examples(Kubat et al.(1997)).In many practical applications,we might just have very little knowledge about what the “positive”cases should be;or,there are just few positive cases in hand.(That’s why we need to train a classifier.Otherwise,we already know how to distinguish them from others, and no classifier is needed.)But it might be convenient for us to point out what kind of cases should not be“classified”as positive cases.Thus,it is convenient for us to include a lot of“negative”examples into training sets.Usually,people will collect their negative examples from the“complement of the positive examples”.Since we have very little idea about what the range of positive examples should be.It is very likely that the collected negative examples are actually from many different sub-populations(see also Weiss and Provost(2001)).They are called negative by different aspects from a view point of the given positive examples,which we are really interested in.In other words,they might be called“negative”for different reasons.Geometrically, these negative sub-sets might be located in different directions/distances from the location of positive examples.When it happens,the“geometry-based”classification algorithms, such as the SVM,will suffer from this kind of the hidden“geometric-heterogeneity”(such as trying different kernel functions).Because the SVM depends heavily on the implicit geo-metric property of the data in the feature space,and we are not able to foresee the possible geometric structure in the feature space,it is hard to choose a suitable kernel function for each classification problem.We will illustrate effects of the“geometric-heterogeneity”by the pictures below.They are very common in the practical problems.Especially,when the sizes of the positive and the negative examples in the training set are imbalanced.2.1Geometric HeterogeneityNow,assume a kernel is chosen.Figure1and2are pictures of the of the training data in the feature space projected by a transformation implicitly defined by the chosen kernel.Figure 1shows that the negative and positive parts of the data set might not be separable by a simple linear hyper-plain.Nevertheless,the positive set can be easily separated from each negative sub-sets by a different linear hyper-plain.Figure2shows that some the negative sets are redundant.(In the rest of this section,we will assume that the kernel function has been chosen by users,and all the pictures of data are in the feature space.) Let C1and C2be two“local”classifiers constructed by SVM using P against N1,and P against N2in Figures1(a),respectively.Let L1and L2be two corresponding separating hyper-plains for these two sub-classifiers C1and C2.Suppose C3is a SVM classifier trained3L1L2L3Negative (N1)Negative(N2) Positive(P)Mickey Mouse(a)Olympic Circles(b)Figure1:Effect of Heterogeneity Iwith whole training examples( use N1and N2together versus P for training),and L3is the separating hyper-plain of C3.It is clear to see from Figure1(a)that it is nonlinear separable in the feature space defined by the chosen kernel,and Classifier C3will have small generalization errors.On the other hand,the local classifier C1and C2might be much better than C3,locally.But,each of them alone is certainly not a good global classifier.It suggests that it is possible to construct a better classifier than C3by combining C1and C2,effectively.Voting might be a convenient choice,but it usually will introduce a lot of ambiguity and noise(see Bauer and Kohavi(1999)).A better integration method is needed.Figure1(b)is a more extreme example.When the negative examples in the feature space sit on all directions as shown in Figure1(b),it is definite not linear separable.(Certainly, we can apply another kernel function to the feature space.But as mentioned before,there is no clear guideline of kernel selection,yet.)Positive (P)NegativeN1NegativeN2L1L2OXPipe(a)Bi-Direction(b) Figure2:Effect of Heterogeneity IIFigure2(a)shows that the separating plain L1is good enough to separate the positive examples P from N1and N2.The hyper-plain L2,constructed with P and N2,is redundant;4that is the negative examples N2provides very little information for constructing thefinal classifier.In this case,it is very difficult to combine these two into one classifier with high specificity and high sensitivity by voting(or weighting)scheme.Figure2(b)shows us a more complicated situation than Figure2(a).The common of data sets in Figure1and2is that the negative examples in the training sets can be further divided into several sub-groups(N i’s),and from the view point of the positive examples(P),these sub-groups(N i’s)actually sit on different directions(aspects) (1)or on different“distances”away from the positive group(2).Thus,it is possible to improve the performance of the original SVM classifier by combining these local classifiers, effectively.3.Hybrid MethodSuppose the size of negative examples is much larger than the size of the positive exam-ples,and these negative examples can be divided into some smaller subsets by a clustering algorithm.It follows from the discussion in the previous section,we can construct many local SVM classifiers using the whole positive examples against each negative subset ob-tained from the clustering algorithm.Then,we can integrate these local SVM classifiers with logistic regression models.The statistical model selection techniques can assist us to take the advantages of each local classifier such that thefinal global classifier could have a better performance than original SVM classifiers has.When the training examples are homogeneous,the performance of this hybrid method will still be compatible to that of the SVM classifier trained with whole data.3.1Hybrid ProcedureFor a two-class classification problem with training examples,a(2-norm)soft margin sup-port vector machine is to solve the following equation:ξ2(1)minimizeξ,w,b w·w +Ci=1subject to y i( w·x i +b)≥1−ξi,i=1,···, ,ξi≥0,i=1,···, ,where y i∈{−1,1}denotes the labels of examples and x i denotes the feature vector.Let H=H(x)= w·x +b=0be the separating hyper-plane obtained from(1).Then the “signed-distance”from example x i to the hyper-plane H is d H,i=y i w·x i +b.3.1.1Binomial/Multinomial CaseLet P and N denote the sets of positive and the negative examples,respectively.Suppose we have an imbalanced training data that the size of negative examples outnumbers of the size of positive examples;i.e.the ratio of||P||/||N||is relatively small.(Notation||S|| denotes the number of elements in a set S.)Assume further that we can divide the set N into k subsets,say N1,···,N k.Then for each i,i=1,···,k,we can construct an SVM5classifier∆i by using PN i as a training set.(Thus,there are k classifiers in total.)Fori=1,···,k,let H i be the separating hyper-plain of Classifier∆i in feature space,and d s,i be the“signed-distance”of the example s to the hyper-plain H i.Thus,every example s inthe data set can be represented by a k-dimension vector d=(d s,1,···,d s,k).Procedure I(Nominal Case):Step0.Divide the negative examples into k partitions by a clustering C0as positive examples(baseline)and one of the{C i,i=1,···,k}ata time as negative examples to produce k SVM linear classifiers(∆1,···,∆k).pute the“signed distances”for each example to the separating hyper-planes of all classifiers obtained in Step1.That is,every example s in the data setcan be represented by d s=(d s,1,···,d s,k).(That is the vector d s will be used as a new feature vector for example s.)Step 3.Perform logistic regressions using d as vectors of covariates/regressors.(Model selection techniques can be used for selecting the best subset regressors.)e cross-validation tofind a probability threshold T for dividing the positiveand negative examples.Step5.Repeat Step2for all testing data,then calculating the prediction probabilityp0for all testing examples using logistic regression model obtained from Step3.bel the testing example as positive,when p0is larger than a threshold T,otherwise label it as negative.Remark1The number of partitions,k,may depend on the ratio of||P||/||N||.Our sim-ulation results show that the performances are very stable for different k’s.We will suggestto choose a k such that||P||/||N i||is close to1,for each i=1,···,k.Here k is chosen by user,and it can be much smaller than the number of the original feature vector.Thus,Step2can be used as a“dimension-reduction”scheme.Suppose we have a multi-class classification problems with k+1classes.Let C i,i=0,···,k denote these k+1sub-classes of training examples.If there is no ordinal relationshipamong these classes,and the sizes of classes are comparable,then we can apply ProcedureI to the multi-class problem by replacing Step6by Step6’below:Step6’Assigning a test example will be assigned to Class i,if p i=max{p0,···,p k}.(Randomization might be needed if there is a tie in{p0,···,p k}.)3.1.2Multi-class Problems With Ordinal RelationshipFollowing the notation above.Suppose that the sub-classes C i’s have a monotonic rela-tionship;such that C0⊂C1⊂···⊂C k.In order to incorporate this information into6classification,a polychotomous logistic regression model will be used.Below is a procedure for the ordinal classes case.Procedure II (Ordinal Case):Step e SVM to produce k classifiers (∆1,···,∆k )based “one-against-preceding-classes”;i.e.for each j =1,···,k ,to train Classifier ∆j using C j as the positive set and i =0,···,j −1C i as the negative set.Step pute the distance from each subject to the separating hyperplane of each classifiers;i.e.for each subject there is a vector d =(d 1,d 2,···,d k ),where d i denote the distance of the subject to the separating hyperplane of the i -th classifiers.Step 3.Perform logistic regressions using d as vectors of covariates/regressors.(Again,the model selection methods can assist us to select the best subset of co-variates/regressors.)Step 4.Repeat Step 2,and calculating the prediction probability p i ,for i =0,···,k for all testing examples using the final model obtained in Step 3.Step 5.Assign a testing example to Class i ,if p i =max {p 0,···,p k }.(Again,randomization might be needed if there is a tie in p ’s.)4.Empirical ResultWe apply the proposed method to some simulated data sets as well as some real data sets from UCI machine learning repository.The results are summarized in below.It shows that the hybrid method is very promising in both binary and multiple classification problems.4.1SimulationIn our simulation studies,we suppose that a kernel is chosen,and the simulated data are already in the feature space defined by the chosen kernel.Note that the SVM classifier is just a linear classifier in this feature space.So,we will compare our results with the SVM linear classifiers in this feature space.All the simulation results are done with a statistical software R .The SVM code of R is in its package e 1071,which is implemented by David Meyer based on C/C++code by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin (see URL ).Study 1The data are generated from bivariate normal distributions with different mean (location)vectors and the same covariance matrix I 2as below:x ij ∼N (µi ,I 2),(2)where µ=v ∗d ,for v t =(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(−1,0),(0,−1)and d =0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,4.5,and I 2denote the 2×2identity matrix.For each Class i ,i =0,1,···,5,there are 400examples (j =1,···,200)generated from (2).For each class,we choose 200for training7and the rest 200will be used as testing examples.Hence,the size of training set and testing set are both 1000examples,and the ratio ||P ||/||N ||is 1/4.Figure 3are typical data maps in the feature space for different d ’s.The results are summarized in Table 1.42243210123202420242024420246422466420246X 1X 2X 1X 1X 1X 2X 2X 2(d=0.5)(d=1)(d=2)(d=3)Figure 3:Cloverleaf (d =0.5,1,2,3)Suppose we can foresee that data map of the training set in the feature space is as showed in Figure 3.Then,we can simply apply another radial based kernel function to the feature space to get a very good SVM classifier,and it is denoted by SVM R in Table 1.In Table 1,the SVM L is SVM linear classifier in this feature space,and Hybrid denotes the proposed method that integrates the local SVM classifiers with a logistic model.For d =0.5,SVM L might have the highest 80%accuracy,but it has 100%false negative rate,and then is certainly not a good classifier we want.Although,the Hybrid method has the lowest accuracy,but it has the most balanced false positive and false negative rates.From the false negative rates,it is clear that the SVM L is not a good classifier in this case.In the rest of Table 1,we only compare the results of Hybrid and SVM R ,and we found that the results of Hybrid are very comparable to those of SVM R .Moreover,we found that Hybrid have more balanced false positive and negative rates,and the ROC curve below (Figure 4)will reflect this advantage of our hybrid method.Now,suppose that we do not know the negative examples are actually from 4different distributions.We first apply a K-mean clustering algorithm to it,then again apply the Procedure I to get a hybrid classifier.(In our simulations,we use the K-mean function in Matlab with its default parameters.)Figure 5shows us an typical example (d =1.5)of clusters obtained from the k-mean algorithm for different k ’s.Table 2summarizes the results for different clusters numbers (k =3,4,5)and different d ’s.8d method True Neg.False Pos.False Neg.True Pos.Accuracy0.5Hybrid6591411505070.9%SVM R76535195577.0%SVM L8000200080.0% 1Hybrid710901475376.3% SVM R779211851579.4%1.5Hybrid7109010010081.0%SVM R769311472679.5% 2Hybrid741595015089.1% SVM R750506813288.2% 3Hybrid788121318797.5% SVM R79461818297.6% 4Hybrid7982219899.6% SVM R7991219899.7%4.5Hybrid8000119999.9%SVM R8000219899.8%Table1:Hybrid=SVM Linear+Logistic regression;SVM L=SVM classifier with linear kernel;SVM R=SVM classifier with radial base kernel function.We found that the results in Table2is very similar to that in Table1.In order to study the false positive and false negative rates,for d=4,and for each k=3,4,5,we repeat the simulations10times in order to compute the average ROC curve.In Figure4are ROC curves for different k’s.In thefirst row of Figure4are the individual ROC curves for each run of simulation with different cluster number k’s.The second row are their corresponding average ROC curves.It shows that the hybrid methods can have very good sensitivity and specificity.These results suggest that if we cannot foresee the geometric structure,and the negative examples outnumbers the positive examples,then we can divide the negative examples into smaller sub-sets and apply Procedure I to construct a hybrid classifier,which could have a more stable prediction accuracy.Study2:In Study2,the size of training and testing sets are the same as in Study1.They are also generated from bivariate normal,but with mean vectorµ=(d×i,o)t,for i=0, (4)and d=0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4.The picture of data sets with different d’s are shown in Figure6. That is there arefive groups with the same distribution,but different location parameter d’s.For each i,i=0,···,4,we generate a group a data.Similar to that in Study1,there are200examples for each class,and1000example in total in the training set.Testing data are generated in the same manner.But we now are treat them as multi-class problems. That is our purpose is to classify testing examples to one of these5groups.Using Procedure II—that is to integrate SVM local classifiers with a ordinal logistic regression model.The results for d=0.5,2and4are summarized in Table3.The column 3to5are Accuracy,Precision and Recall for each groups(Group0to4)and different d’s, Curves for 3 ClusterFalse Positive RateT r u e P o s v e R a e0.0000.0020.0040.006095096097098099100ROC Curves for 4 ClustersFalse Positive RateT r u e P o s v e R a e0.0000.0020.0040.0060.008094095096097098099100ROC Curves for 5 ClusterFalse Positive RateT r u e P o s v e R a e0. 1.0000204060810ROC Curve for 3ClustersFalse Positive Rate T r u e P o s v e R a e0. 1.0000204060810ROC Curve for 4ClustersFalse Positive Rate T r u e P o s v e R a e0. 1.0000204060810ROC Curve for 5ClustersFalse Positive RateT r u e P o s v e R a eFigure 4:ROC curves for k =3,4,5and d =4;First row are curves for 10individualsimulations of each k ,and the second row are the corresponding mean ROC curves of the first row.d Clusters KTrue Neg.False Neg.False Pos.True Pos.Accuracy(%)3708168923274.00.54711164893674.756911591094173.236821371186374.51.046681211327974.756581361426472.23704969610480.81.54715868511482.95708929210881.63739656113587.424739606114087.95736566414488.03777232317795.434784151618596.95785141518697.137945619598.9447991119999.857990120099.9Table 2:SVM +Logistic Regression With Clustered Negative Examples10Figure 5:K-mean Clustering of Negative Examples With d =1.5(K=3,4,5);Only negativeexamples are shown in this picture.respectively.The F in the last columns of Table 3is a harmonic mean of precision and recall,which is a common measurement used in the information retrieval/text classification.As expected,we found that the prediction accuracy of the middle classes are lower than those of the classes in the two ends.But all the prediction accuracy are increasing when d is getting larger.202431123202463112320246831123202468104202051015311230510152031123X 1X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 1X 1X 1X 1X 1Figure 6:Ordinal Data:(d=0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4)11d Group Accuracy Precision (P )Recall (R )F =21P+1R0.500.8020.5060.4200.45910.5130.2680.8300.40520.3510.2180.8700.34930.7190.2450.1950.21740.8150.5060.4200.459200.9540.8810.8900.88610.8770.6710.7550.71120.8620.6420.7000.67030.8730.6570.7650.70740.9450.9010.8150.856400.9910.9800.9750.97710.9780.9320.9600.94620.9800.9460.9550.95130.9840.9470.9750.96140.9910.9700.9850.978Table 3:Ordinal Data4.2UCI Data SetWe apply the hybrid method to two data sets obtained from UCI Machine learning archive —Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC)and Pen Digit Recognition.We apply Procedure I to the WDBC data set and apply Procedure II to the Pen Digit Recognition data set.Below are summarization of our results.Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer:This data set is known to be linear separable.The results shown below is obtained from 10-fold cross-validation for the hybrid method.As the usual 10-fold cross-validation,we use one sub-group for testing,and the other 9sub-groups for training.By using each sub-group in the training set,we can train an SVM classifier.The final ensemble classifier is constructed by integrating these 9classifiers into one according to the steps of Procedure I .The results we have here is slightly better than the 97.5%,which is the accuracy given in the description of this data set (see Table 4).Pen Digit Recognition:In this data set,we have ten classes labelled 0to 9.Let C i denote the class of digit i ,for i =0,···,9.Then we construct 9local classifiers using C i versus i −1j =0C j for i =1,···,9.Here we use an ordinal logistic regression to integrate these local SVM classifiers according to Procedure II .We have 97.8%accuracy,the detailed is summarized in Table 5.To apply the usual one-against-one voting scheme to an n classes multi-class classificationproblem,we have to construct C n 2=n (n −1)/2classifiers.That means there will need 45local classifiers in this case.By using Procedure II ,we only need 9of them,so it is more efficient when the number of classes is large.12。
