













输入也可以设置成电流测量的模式,其可选的电流增益为106 V/A和108V/A。





万能遥控器代码一览表 .•&
海尔 103.112 .118 .119. 150.151.152 .153 .154 .155 .156. 182. 183. 184. 193.
194.213 .228
海信000.006.007. 008.010.014 .015. 025. 045.046.103. 105.
华发HUAFA 007.016.025
创维011. .070.017.072. 073. 074. 079. 083.010 .107.
108.109162163.164 .165 .166 .167. 168. 169. 177. 224.225. 235.246
熊猫001. 011.016. 021. 022.023.024 .025. 026.028.033 .040 .043. 053.



商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明 电暖毯 63011000 - 001 - ⽺⽑制毯⼦及旅⾏毯 63012000 10 001 ⾮电暖的,长度不超过3⽶ ⽑毯 63012000 20 001 动物细⽑制,⾮电暖的 ⽺⽑制毯⼦及旅⾏毯 63012000 20 002 ⾮电暖的,长度超过3⽶ 棉制毯⼦ 63013000 - 001 ⾮电暖的 ⼈造纤维制的毯⼦及旅⾏毯 63019000 10 001 ⾮电暖的 丝制毯⼦及旅⾏毯 63019000 20 001 ⾮电暖的,含丝及绢丝85%及以上 床上⽤品 63021010 - 001 针织或钩编的,棉制 床单 63022110 - 001 ⾮针织或钩编的,棉制,印花 棉床单 63022110 - 002 ⾮针织或钩编的,印花 棉制印花床单 63022110 - 003 ⾮针织或钩编的 棉制印花枕套 63022190 10 001 - 棉制印花枕罩 63022190 20 001 - 被套 63022190 90 001 ⾮针织或钩编的,棉制,印花 化纤制印花床单 63022210 - 001 ⾮针织或钩编的 棉制床单 63023191 - 001 ⾮针织或钩编,⾮印花⾮刺绣 棉制枕套 63023199 10 001 ⾮刺绣的 棉与亚⿇混纺床上⽤织物制品 63023199 20 001 ⾮刺绣 棉制枕套 63023199 30 001 ⾮刺绣 化纤制床单 63023290 10 001 ⾮刺绣 化纤制枕套 63023290 20 001 ⾮刺绣 ⼿⼯棉制餐桌⽤织物制品 63024010 10 001 针织或钩编类的 ⼿⼯植物纺织纤维制餐桌⽤制品 63024010 20 001 针织或钩编类的 ⼿⼯化纤制餐桌⽤制品 63024010 90 001 针织或钩编类的 棉制餐桌⽤织物制品 63024090 10 001 针织或钩编的,⾮⼿⼯ 植物纺织纤维制的餐桌⽤织物制品 63024090 20 001 针织或钩编的,⾮⼿⼯ 化纤制餐桌⽤织物制品 63024090 90 001 针织或钩编的,⾮⼿⼯ 台布 63025190 - 001 ⾮针织或钩编的,棉制,⾮刺绣 涤纶餐⼱ 63025390 90 001 ⾮针织或钩编的,⾮刺绣 涤纶台布 63025390 90 002 ⾮针织或钩编的,⾮刺绣 棉制浴⼱ 63026010 10 001 针织或钩编的⽑圈织物的 棉制针织或钩编⽑⼱织物浴⼱ 63026010 10 002 含类似⽑圈织物的制品 浴⼱ 63026010 10 003 棉制,针织或钩编⽑圈织物的。



AMETEK阿美特克电: 153******** Q :2851519549阿美特克 DE公司 (AMETEK-Drexelbrook)是举世闻名的物位、液位测量技术领域里的行业先锋。







阿美特克发生器305010901SAMETEK氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK过滤器 71849SEAMETEK镜头 CH13-0007-tAMETEK电路板 13-0307AMETEK铂电阻 13-0236氧化锆锆管AMETEK71785SEAMETEK比值分析仪测量池880324901AMETEK比值分析仪检测电路板880020901AMETEK阿美特克比值分析仪配件200880001AMETEK269323011AMETEK阿美特克温度控制器269323011AMETEK烟尘仪 4200AMETEK阿美特克 74422SEAMETEK射频导纳液位计UP010620B1AMETEK镉灯 300-2070AMETEK氧化锆头 71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤组件100-1848AMETEK阿美特克滤芯 300-6217AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆WDG1210/Insitu 72"AMETEK阿美特克露点仪 3050AMETEK阿美特克气体分析仪Thermox-CMFA-P2000AMETEK阿美特克 500124901AMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源电源880107902S阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源触发器880118901AMETEK阿美特克线性传感器P-10A-10KA238AMETEK阿美特克压力模块APM002CAMETEK阿美特克过滤器 74422seAMETEK阿美特克储存箱 880060901SAMETEK H2S分析仪H2S分析仪 933- 光源镉灯 -300-2070H2S分析仪 933- 空心阴极铜线灯-300-8707AMETEK阿美特克马达119153-54AMETEK阿美特克马达ELECTRONICALLY PROTECTED L 240v 50/60Hz 10.5A u.s,pATENT #6,756,713 AMETEK356010,PRESSURE GAUGE/4"× 4" ~ 100psi\P656 ,GAUGE,AMETEK阿美特克锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克冷镜式水露点分析仪13-1200-L-N-2AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克 305400901SAMETEK阿美特克超声波液位计US-21AMETEK便携式烟气分析仪cmfa-p2000AMETEK阿美特克氧量分析仪 |WDG1210|Insitu-72|AMETEK气体分析仪C MFA-P2000AMETEK可燃性氣體分析儀用顯示模組90219VEAMETEK氧氣分析儀用取樣探棒70049SEAMETEK电源/ 键盘模块90253VEAMETEK WDG1210/lnsitu-36"AMETEK过滤器 72346SEAMETEK前箍 169JEAMETEK后箍 010JEAMETEK阿美特克 200886002AMETEK阿美特克 880020901AMETEK阿美特克铂电阻 13-0236AMETEK阿美特克电路板 13-0307AMETEK阿美特克镜头CH13-0007-tAMETEK过滤器 71849SEAMETEK氧化锆传感器71785SE阿美特克933 硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707镉灯300-2070AMETEK 热电偶 SC4326-NR-FC阿美特克天然气露点仪13-100-C-N-025阿美特克DewPoint Testers-冷镜式露点分析仪) ( -30 to 110°F )AMETEK 湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK 干燥器 305400901S\3050-OLVAMETEK 氧化锆头 71063SEAMETEK 取样过滤器71072SEAMETEK 氧化锆室 70597SE阿美特克露点仪13-1210-C-N-2AMETEK 湿气发生器305010901SA METEK 湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK 干燥器 305400901SAMETEK 氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK 过滤器 71849SEAMETEK 镜头 CH13-0007-tAMETEK 电路板 13-0307AMETEK 铂电阻 13-0236AMETEK 880020901AMETEK 200886002阿美特克电机电板型号 pn100-1662阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050 水分析仪校验管305431901S阿美特克71862SEAMETEK FIRE HORNFIRE HORN\NT2-φ100\AMETEK FIRE HORN,TYPE:NT2-24D,VOLTAGE RATING:24VDC,SIZE:Φ100mm,EXPLOSION-PROOF CLASS:CLASSⅡAMETEK 微量水分仪电解池303372908sAMETEK 干燥器型号3050-OLV 干燥器部件号305400901S\3050-OLVAMETEK 95384WE 氧量分析仪毫伏导线ametek型号 388-11032序列号:P-2087阿美特克主机P/N:13-1200-C-N-2配件: P/N:CHP-0535阿美特克 P/N:CHP-0536阿美特克P/N:CH13-0054阿美特克P/N:CHC08435阿美特克P/N:CH13-2277阿美特克融融指数测试仪MFI-10阿美特克碤玻漓窗2008887001阿美特克密封垫880042001阿美特克o 型圈 202813026阿美特克P/N:300.8707阿美特克P/N:300.2070阿美特克P/N:300.9437阿美特克P/N:100.0515阿美特克 P/N:305010901S阿美特克P/N:305110901S阿美特克P/N:305449901S阿美特克P/N:305400901S阿美特克P/N:300.9147阿美特克P/N:305900901阿美特克P/N:3051229035阿美特克P/N:305648901阿美特克P/N:3054S0901S阿美特克P/N:305644901阿美特克P/N:3054319015阿美特克P/N:100.1662阿美特克P/N:100.1771阿美特克P/N:100.1578阿美特克P/N:301.1078阿美特克 P/N:100.1848阿美特克P/N:300.4511阿美特克P/N:300.4753仪) P/N:300.2375阿美特克P/N:100.0666氧量探头 71785SE阿美特克阿美特克的零点干燥器 \PN305617901S\3050-SLR 阿美特克的干燥器 \PN305400901S\3050-SLR 用阿美特克的湿气发生器 \305010901S\-J阿美特克用P/N:300.5728阿美特克O型圈(H2S在线分析阿美特克电机电板型号 pn100-1662阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050 水分析仪校验管305431901S 阿美特克AMETEK保险丝( H2S在线分析仪) 1A, 300-9244阿美特克 AMETEK保险丝( H2S在线分析仪) 6.3A ,300-6291阿美特克 AMETEK保险丝( H2S在线分析仪) 0.5A , 300-6291阿美特克 AMETEK过滤器芯( H2S在线分析仪) 300-6217阿美特克AMETEK第一级过滤膜300-5862阿美特克AMETEK第二级过滤膜300-8594阿美特克AMETEK色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK 阿美特克 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头 (Mirror assembly, regular chiller) CH13-0007-t AMETEK 阿美特克 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪电路板( PCB COATED) 13-0307AMETEK 阿美特克 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪铂电阻( RTD Assembly ) 13-0236阿美特克 P/N:880114901S阿美特克P/N:72391SE阿美特克P/N:880111901阿美特克P/N:880112901S阿美特克 P/N:72392SE阿美特克P/N:200887001阿美特克P/N:880042001阿美特克P/N:202813026阿美特克P/N:880033901阿美特克 P/N:200880001阿美特克 P/N:88006901阿美特克P/N:880136901阿美特克P/N:265972001阿美特克P/N:269439024阿美特克 P/N:269439019阿美特克 P/N:205223011阿美特克P/N:269323011阿美特克P/N:880019902阿美特克P/N:880041001阿美特克 P/N:880041001阿美特克P/N:880041002阿美特克P/N:407467904阿美特克P/N:280465003阿美特克P/N:880108912S阿美特克 P/N:880108913S阿美特克P/N:880108915S阿美特克P/N:880108916S阿美特克P/N:880108917S阿美特克P/N:880061001阿美特克 P/N:880115901S阿美特克P/N:880060901S阿美特克P/N:880114901S阿美特克P/N:880020901阿美特克P/N:880107901S 阿美特克 P/N:80440SE阿美特克 P/N:80436SE阿美特克P/N:80449SE阿美特克P/N:203176001阿美特克P/N:880088901阿美特克 P/N:265858006阿美特克P/N:265858007阿美特克P/N:269128002阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901阿美特克固体过滤器305448901S阿美特克水分发生器305010901S阿美特克干燥器305400901S阿美特克过滤膜300-5862阿美特克过滤膜300-8594阿美特克过滤器300-6217阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217(连接H2S分析仪AT-1101)阿美特克 3050 水分析仪校验管305431901S阿美特克水分发生器305010901S阿美特克干燥器305400901S阿美特克比值分析仪880020901阿美特克比值分析仪200886002品牌:阿美特克品名:氧量分析仪型号: |WDG1210|Insitu-72||阿美特克配件 3050水露点仪125mA专用保险:型号 280750238阿美特克配件 3050水露点仪 3.15A 专用保险型号: 280750251阿美特克配件 933硫化氢分析仪耐腐蚀 O 型圈型号: 300-6241PHONE : 18 0 65 21 90 38石英窗备件号 200 887 001 AMETEK石英窗垫圈备件号 880 042 001 AMETEK石英窗密封圈备件号 202 813 026AMETEKP/S 触发组件备件号 880 118 901比值分析仪 880-NSL AMETEK除雾器金属垫备件号 880 063 001比值分析仪 880-NSL AMETEK继电器 PC组件备件号80436SE比值分析仪880-NSL AMETEKAMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880042001 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 202813026AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 200887001AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 202813026 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880033901AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 200880001AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880063001 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880118901AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880136901AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 265972001 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 269439024AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 269439019AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 205223019 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 205223011AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 269323011AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880019902 AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880041001AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880041002AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880108914S AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880108915S AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880061001AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880115901S AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880060901S AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 880114901SAMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880020901 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 880107901 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 200896001 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 251744000 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 200892001 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 200884001 AMETEK 阿美特克 P/N : 200095002S AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 72391SE AMETEK阿美特克P/N : 72392SE。

ECM_830_Manual BTX公司电转染细胞手册

ECM_830_Manual BTX公司电转染细胞手册

ECM ® 830Instruction ManualWarrantyThe BTX Instrument Division of Genetronics, Inc. (Genetronics) warrants that the ECM 830 is free of defects for a period of two (2) years from time of delivery from an authorized Genetronics Distributor. If any defects covered by this warranty appear within the above period, Genetronics shall have the option of repairing or replac-ing the equipment at its expense. Such repair or replace-ment shall be the customer’s exclusive remedy for breach of warranty or for negligence. This warranty does not extend to any instrumentation which has been (a) sub-jected to misuse, neglect, accident or abuse, (b) repaired or altered by anyone other than Genetronics without Genetronics’ express and prior approval, (c) used in violation of instructions furnished by the BTX Instrument Division of Genetronics, Inc. Manufacturer shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages or for loss, damage or expense (whether or not caused by orresulting from Manufacturer’s negligence) directly or indirectly arising from use of the instrumentation sold hereunder either separately or in combination with any other equipment or from any other cause.The above warranty shall be in lieu of and excludes all other expressed or implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for any purpose, or otherwise. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Manufacturer shall not be liable for any claims of any kind whatsoever, as to the equipment delivered or for non-delivery of equipment and whether or not based on negligence.Manufacturer will correct any malfunction not caused by operator abuse at no charge for parts and labor. All service under the warranty will be made at the Genetronics, Inc. San Diego, CA facilities or at another location approved by Genetronics, Inc. Owner will ship instrument prepaid to San Diego, CA. Manufacturer will return the instrument after servicing, freight prepaid to owner’s address.Warranty is VOID if the instrument is changed in any way from its original factory design or if repairs are attempted without written authorization by Manufacturer.Warranty is VOID if parts or connections not manufac-tured by Manufacturer are used with a BTX instrument.Note: under no conditions should the instrument or accesso-Table of ContentsWarranty Information (i)Customer and Technical Service Information (2)Safety Guidelines (3)Safety Terms and Symbols (4)Electrical and Technical Specifications (4)Getting Started (7)Features (7)Quick Start (7)Connecting (7)Initializing (8)Instrument Controls (9)Operating Basics (16)Advanced Operation (17)Electroporation/Electrofusion Theory (19)Electroporation (19)Electrofusion (20)Applications (21)Electroporation (21)Bacteria and Yeast (21)Mammalian Cells (21)Plant (22)Other (22)Electrofusion (23)Embryo Manipulation (23)Hybridoma Formation (23)Plant Protoplast (23)Other (23)AppendicesAppendix A:ECM 830 Electrode Operation Ranges (24)Appendix B:Optimization Strategies (28)Appendix C:Electrical Troubleshooting (30)Appendix D:Experimental Troubleshooting (30)Appendix E:Glossary of Electrical Terms (32)Appendix F:Glossary of Biological and Technical Terms (33)Appendix G:Electroporation and Electrofusion Pulse GeneratorCompatibility (36)Appendix H:Recommended Reading (37)Appendix I:Product Information and Ordering (37)Appendix J:General Care and Cleaning (38)Appendix K:BTX Generator Footswitch Instructions (39)NotesPage 2Customer and Technical ServiceInformationCustomer ServiceFor any inquiry or request for repair service, contact the BTX Instrument Division of Genetronics, Inc. Customer Service group in writing or by the following:Phone: 1-800-289-2465 1-858-597-6006Fax: 1-858-597-9594E-mail: cust@If outside the United States and Canada, call: 1-858-597-6006or contact your nearest BTX Distributor.Technical ServiceBTX is the ultimate resource for technical information on the use of high voltage electric fields for performing highefficiency cell fusion, embryo manipulation, gene transfer,bacterial transformation and general electroporation ofmolecules and drugs into cells. We constantly track andmonitor all scientific publications in this area. Our Technical Service group extracts and enters pertinent information, such as results and parameters from these papers into a Database Management System. The resultant Electronic Genetics®Database can be accessed and searched on any combination of the field identifiers.For technical assistance or information, contact the BTX Instrument Division of Genetronics, Inc. Technical Service group:Phone: 1-800-289-2465 1-858-597-6006Fax: 1-858-597-9594E-mail: tech@If outside the United States and Canada, call: 1-858-597-6006or contact your nearest BTX Distributor.BTX ®A Division of Genetronics, Inc.11199 Sorrento Valley RoadSan Diego, CA 92121-1334U.S.A.Page 3830 ManualSafety GuidelinesReview the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, use this product only asspecified.Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.To Avoid Fire or Personal InjuryUse Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cordspecified for this product and certified for the country of use.Connect and Disconnect Properly. Do not connect ordisconnect probes or test leads while they are connected to a power source.Ground the Product. This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoidelectric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or output terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.Observe All Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, observe all ratings and markings on the product.Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product.Do Not Operate Without Covers. Do not operate this product with covers or panels removed.Use Proper Fuse. Use only the fuse type and ratingspecified for this product.Avoid Exposure to Circuitry. Do not touch exposedconnections and components when power is present.Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures. If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected byqualified service personnel.Provide Proper Ventilation. Refer to installation instruc-tions for details on installing the product to ensure proper ventilation.Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.Safety Terms and SymbolsThese terms may appear in this manual:WARNING – Warning statements identify conditionsor practices that could result in injury orloss of life.CAUTION – Caution statements identify conditions orpractices that could result in damage tothis product or other property.These terms may appear on the product:DANGER – Danger indicates an injury hazardimmediately accessible as you read themarking.WARNING – Warning indicates an injury hazard notimmediately accessible as you read themarking.CAUTION – Caution indicates a hazard to propertyincluding the product.Electrical and Technical SpecificationsElectrical and Technical Specifications DisplayType: 20-character by 4-line liquid crystal LED backlitPower SourceV oltage: 100 – 240 Vac, 50 - 60 Hz, CAT IIPower: Pulse: 500WIdle:150WFusing: T2.5250VEnvironmentalFor Indoor Use OnlyOperating Temperature: 10º C to + 40º CCooling: Convection through metal caseHumidity: ≤ 90% relative humidity830 ManualMechanicalFootprint: 12.5” x 12.25” x 5.5” (31.75 x 31.12 x 13.97 cm) (W-D-H)Weight: 15 lbs (6.8 kg)Controls: Single rotary encoder with integrated push buttonElectricalVoltage5-500 V olts (LV mode) @ 1 V olt resolution30-3000 V olts (HV mode) @ 5 V olts resolution(Voltage Delivery @ 5% accuracy and Voltage Monitoring @ 5.0% accuracy)Pulse Length10µs - 999µs (LV mode) @ 1µs resolution1ms – 999ms (LV mode) @ 1ms resolution1s - 10s (LV Mode) @ 0.1 s resolution10µs - 600µs (HV mode) @ 1µs resolutionPulse Interval100ms – 999ms @ 1 ms resolution1.0s – 10.0s @ 0.1s resolution (upper limit is power limited)Multiple Pulsing1 – 99 pulsesCurrent Limit500A limit at 100µsPollution Degree 2Not to be operated in conductive pollutants atmosphere* Note: See Side BarGeneral SpecificationsCertifications and Compliance’sOver voltage Category:CA T III Products in this Category: Distribution-level mains, fixed installationCA T II: Local-level mains, applications and portableequipmentCA T I: Signal levels in special equipment or parts ofequipment, telecommunications and electronicsMeets requirements of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromag-netic Compatibility (EC) and Low-V oltage Directive73/23/EEC for Product Safety.Compliance was demonstrated to the following specifications as listed in the Official Journal of the European Communities: EN 50081-1 EmissionsEN 55011 Class B Radiated and Conducted EmissionsEN 55082-1 ImmunityIEC 10004-2 Electrostatic Discharge ImmunityIEC 10004-3 RF Electromagnetic Field ImmunityIEC 10004-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst ImmunityLow V oltage Directive 73/23/EECEN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equip-ment for measurement, control and laboratory use.830 ManualGetting StartedCarefully open the box containing the ECM 830 Electropora-tion system. Verify receipt of the following items:ECM 830 Pulse Generator (1)Power Cord (1)BTX Electroporation Systems may be customized with the addition of various electrodes and accessories. Thefollowing items complete a typical system order:Model 630 B Electroporation Safety Stand(1)Model 660 Cuvette Rack(1)Model 610 BTX Cuvettes Plus(10)Model 620 BTX Cuvettes Plus (10)Model 640 BTX Cuvettes Plus (10)If you have ordered alternative or different items, pleaseverify their receipt.FeaturesThe ECM 830 is a Square Wave Electroporation Systemdesigned for all in vitro and in vivo electroporation applica-tions. The generator utilizes the new BTX Power Platform Technology and an all-new digital user interface.Quick StartConnectingInsert female end of power cord into male power interface on the back panel of the ECM 830. Plug male end of power cord into appropriate electrical outlet. Insert male banana plugs of the 630 B Safety Stand or alternative electrode device into High V oltage output located on front panel of the ECM 830.InitializingPush the power switch located on the front panel of the ECM 830. The display will flash:ECM 830ElectroporatorOS=v1.08, App =v0.00Genetronics, Inc.Following this initialization screen, the first time the instru-ment is initialized, the factory default display will then read:Set ParametersMode: LVV oltage: 0050VP. Length: 020 msThe first page of the Set Parameter Screen from the last time the ECM 830 was used will be displayed each time the ECM 830 is powered up after this initial startup.830 Manual ParameterControlPowerSwitchParameter Control KnobThe Parameter Control Knob is a rotary encoder controlling both the parameter (i.e. voltage) and the value of the param-eter under control (i.e. 50 volts). The display will indicate which parameter is under control by the presence of an arrow to the left of the parameter. To select a parameter to adjust, rotate the knob until the arrow is to the left of the desired parameter, then push to select. The arrow will move to the left of the value displayed for that parameter. To adjust the value of a parameter under control, rotate the knob clockwise to increase the value and counter clockwise to decrease it. In order to move between screens, move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and rotate the knob clockwise to move to the next screen. In order to move to the previous screen, move the cursor to the top of the screen and rotate the knob counterclockwise.DisplayThe ECM 830 Display will show two possible screens, the Set Parameter Screen and the Pulsing Completed Screen as well as various Status Messages.Set Parameter ScreenThe Set Parameter Screen is indicated by a display showing “Set Parameters” on the first line of each of three screen pages. The Mode, V oltage and Pulse Length are shown on the first page; the Number of Pulses, Pulsing Interval and Polarity are shown on the second page and the Advanced Features including Save, View and Load are shown on the third and final page of the Set Parameter Screen. The ECM 830 will beep when toggling from one page to another. ModeThe Mode indicates “LV” for low voltage mode or “HV” for high voltage mode. Adjusting the voltage as appropriate automatically controls the mode. There is no manual mode control.VoltageThe V oltage indicates the set voltage in volts. The low voltage mode range is 5V– 500V in 1V increments and the high voltage mode range is 30V-3000V in 5V increments. A beep is heard when transitioning between LV and HV modes.830 ManualTable 1P . LengthPulse Length indicates the set pulse length in m s or ms. The pulse length minimum is 10 m s in both HV and LV modes. In the LV mode, the maximum pulse length is 10 seconds. The pulse length units change from m s to ms at 1ms and from ms to s at 1s. Refer to Table 1 for HV pulse length maximum limits. To estimate approximate pulse lengths at various voltages in the high voltage mode, refer to Table 1 below.Please note that the voltage determines the maximum pulse length in the HV mode. If the voltage is increased and the pre-set pulse length is longer than the maximum pulse length allowed, the pulse length will automatically adjust to that level.Page 12Interval protocols!Programability protocols # Pulses The # Pulses indicates the number of set pulses from 1-99.Interval The Interval indicates the time duration between pulses. The interval range is 100 ms to 10.0 seconds, switching from units of ms to seconds after 999 ms, with 0.1 sec resolution.Advanced Features The final Set Parameters page enables the user to save, view, and load up to three programs. Please note that parameters can be changed inadvertently once a program is loaded. A default program is used to initialize the system. Program 1 is used to automatically store changes in parameters set each time the system is pulsed. Programs #2 and #3 can be used to set and save experimental parameters for instant use.Save To save the current set parameters as a program, push the parameter control knob to move the arrow to the left of the program number. Rotate the knob to designate the appropriate program number, then push and hold the knob in, releasing after a new screen is displayed. The new screen will read Saved Current Parameters to Set N . Push the parameter control knob again to return to the setup screen.View To view the appropriate program parameters, push the parameter control knob to move the arrow to the left of the program number. Select the appropriate program number by rotating the parameter control knob, then hold the knob in, releasing after a new screen is displayed. The new screen will outline the parameters currently stored under that program number. Push the parameter control knob again to return to the setup screen.Load To load a saved program, push the parameter control knob to move the arrow to the left of the program number. Please note that in addition to three available programs, there is also the default program as outlined in the Initializing section. Rotate the knob to change the program number. Push and hold the knob in, releasing after a new screen is displayed. The new screen will read Loaded Set N to Current Parameters . Push the parameter control knob again to return to the setup screen.On-Line Help In the Set Parameter Mode, an On-Line Help function is enabled. On-Line Help provides a definition for all setparameters and advanced functions. To use On-Line Help,830 Manual rotate the parameter control knob so that the arrow is to the left of the parameter or feature of interest (not the value of the parameter). Push the parameter control knob in and hold until the definition is displayed. Push a second time to return to the Set Parameter Screen.ModeLow voltage or high voltage range modeVoltageThe amplitude of the output pulseP LengthThe time duration or length of the pulse# PulsesThe number of output pulsesIntervalThe time interval between pulsesSaveSave current setup parameters to nonvolatile memoryViewShow the setup parameters stored in nonvolatile memoryLoadLoad setup parameters from memory to useStatus MessagesFollowing the initiation of a pulsing sequence, various status messages are displayed. The following status messages may be observed: Charging, Pulsing, Pulse Aborted, and Tem-perature Failure.ChargingAs soon as the start switch is pressed, the Charging status message is displayed. The capacitors in the ECM 830 are overcharged during the duration of this message.PulsingOnce the capacitors have reached the preset voltage level, they are discharged and the Pulsing status message is displayed for the duration of the pulse or preset number of pulses. A click or a beep will be heard upon the delivery of each pulse. The sound that is heard is a function of the pulse length. At pulse lengths less than 1-2 ms, clicks will likely be heard. At pulse lengths at or above 1-2 ms beeps should be heard. A final, more extended beep will be heard upon completion of the pulsing sequence. Following the pulsing status message, the Pulsing Completed Screen is displayed.Pulsing Aborted During ChargingIf the start switch is activated a second time prior to delivery of a pulse, the pulsing sequence is aborted and the Pulsing Aborted During Charging status message is displayed.Temperature FailureIf unit is rapidly pulsed at the high end of the two voltage modes, it is possible for a high temperature warning to occur. In this event, the status message observed is Unit Cooling Please Wait . When the unit has cooled down to a safe level, two beeps will sound and the message will change to Ready . Pushing the start button, or rotating the parameter control knob will shift user back to Parameter Set Screen.Pulsing Completed ScreenThe Pulsing Completed Screen is displayed following the delivery of a pulse or train of pulses and is indicated by the display Pulsing Completed on the top line of each of two screen pages. Page 1 comes up automatically; rotate the parameter control knob clockwise to view page 2 and counterclockwise to go back to page 1. Press the knob to return to the Set Parameters Screen or press the start switch to deliver another pulse. The pulsing completed screen displays monitored parameters including Mode, V oltage, Pulse Length, Number of Pulses, Pulse Interval and Polarity. Please note that parameters will be displayed, even if Safety Stand or other output is not connected. Always verify that your sample is connected with the HV output.ModeMode indicates the voltage mode used in the delivery of the last pulse: LV or HV.830 Manual VoltageV oltage indicates the output voltage of the last pulse, in volts. For pulses of 10 255 µs, the voltage is measured at the end of the pulse, and for pulses longer than 255 µs, the voltage is measured at the beginning, or peak.P LengthP Length indicates the duration of the pulse in m s from10-999 µs, ms from 001 to 999 ms, or in seconds from 1.0 to 10.0 s.# Pulses# Pulses delivered in the last pulsing sequence is displayed, from 1-99.IntervalThe Interval between the next-to-last and the last pulse is monitored and displayed in ms from 100-999 ms and in seconds from 1.0 to 10.0 seconds. If only one pulse is delivered, none is displayed.PolarityThe Polarity used in the last sequence of pulses is monitored and displayed as Unipolar.High Voltage OutputThe High V oltage Output is located in the lower center portion of the front panel. Plug the high voltage cables into this output following the color-coded polarity.SmartLinkThe Smartlink port on v1.08 ECM 830 and beyond is equipped with footswitch connection capabilities. If your instrument falls in this category and you wish to use the footswitch, please see appendix K on page 39. If your instrument does not fall into this category, contact BTX customer service at (800) 289-2465 orcust@ for assistance.630B & 630 RB-1Simple, single dial operation with parameter control knobOperating BasicsUse with Safety Stand 630B and BTX Disposable Electroporation Cuvettes Plus1.Insert the safety stand banana plugs into the HV Output on the front panel of the ECM 830.2.Press the power switch to initialize the ECM 830.3.Rotate parameter control knob to move arrow to voltage and push to select. Rotate knob to adjust voltage. Push again to select that voltage.4.Rotate parameter control knob to move arrow to P Length and push to select. Rotate knob to adjust pulse length. Push again to select that pulse length.5.Rotate parameter control knob to move arrow to #Pulses (Page 2) and push to select. Rotate knob to adjust the number of pulses. Push again to select that number of pulses.6.Rotate parameter control knob to move arrow to Interval if you have designated more than one pulse in 5 and push to select. Rotate knob to adjust the pulse interval. Push again to select that pulse interval.7.Prepare sample, pipette into the appropriate BTX Disposable Cuvettes Plus, place the cuvette in the 630B Safety Stand and secure the safety cover.8.Press the Start button. The ECM 830 will charge and then deliver the electroporation pulse or train of pulses selected, beeping with the delivery of each pulse.9.Process sample. Do not forget to recordappropriate parameters as displayed on thePulsing Completed Screens, for documentationpurposes.10.To return to ready mode, press the Start button.11.To abort a pulse before delivery, press the Startbutton during the charging mode.Use with Alternative Electrode Chambers and ApplicatorsThe ECM 830 may be used to power all BTX electroporation and electrofusion chambers and applicators. Follow the above instructions in conjunction with instructions provided for the specific electrode. Refer to Appendix A for graphical representation of operating ranges of various chambers and applicators with the ECM 830.Use with FootswitchPlease see Appendix K on page 39 Advanced Operation: Programming1.Set parameters as outlined in Operating Basics.2.Once presetting of parameters has been completed, rotatethe parameter control knob until the save function has been reached.3.Press knob in and release. Now rotate to select whichprogram number the chosen settings (see Preset Param-eters above) should be saved under. Program #1 isreserved for current parameters in active use and cannotbe used for pre-set storage.4.Push and hold knob in, releasing only after a new screenreading Saved Current Parameters to Set N is displayed.(N refers to program number designated in step 2)5.Push the parameter control knob again to return to the SetParameter Screen.6.From the Set Parameter Screen, use the parametercontrol knob to rotate until the load function has beenreached.7.Push the knob in and release. Now rotate to select theappropriate program number.8.Push and hold knob in, releasing only after a new screenreading Loaded Set N to Current Parameters isdisplayed.9.Push the parameter control knob again to return to theSet Parameter Screen.Pore FormationElectroporation ProcessElectroporation/Electrofusion TheoryElectroporationElectroporation is the application of controlled, pulsed electric fields to biological systems. If the biological system contains a lipid bilayer, such as is the case if the system is a suspension of cells or liposomes, the pulsed electric field may overcome the field potential of the lipid bilayer, resulting in a reversible breakdown of the bilayer and a resulting formation of temporal pores in the mem-brane. The pores formed are of the order of 40-120 nm.Most pores reseal within a few seconds, after allowing the transfer of materials into and out of the cells.During a typical electroporation process, target cells and molecules are mixed together. When an electroporation pulse is delivered, the result is the formation of temporal pores. Before the pores reseal, the target molecules are observed to enter the cells. Upon resealing of the pores,the molecules become incorporated within the cell. The eventual target site depends on the application; forexample, molecules can remain in the cytoplasm, interact with the membrane and move into the nucleus.Applications for electroporation include permeabilization of virtually all cells to a wide variety of molecules and ions. The most common applications for electroporation are the transformation or transfection of cells with DNA or RNA. Other applications for electroporation include electroactivation, electroinsertion of proteins into cell membranes and electroextraction of molecules from cells.Although electroporation has mainly been used as aresearch tool, recent work has demonstrated its potential for clinical applications. Some areas being exploredinclude: electrochemotherapy which involves electropora-tion for delivering chemotherapeutic agents directly to tumor cells, encapsulation of drugs/genes into cells for their use as carrier systems, transdermal delivery of drugs/genes, gene therapy and delivery of drugs/genes with an electroporation catheter.Electrofusiontransgenic plant production. characterized by waveform.Voltage may be directly set on the instrument. gentler to cells which yields higher viability.Alternating CurrentMammalian Cells Expressing GFP Following EPAlternating current generators, such as the BTX ECM 2001and radio frequency (RF) generators deliver a sinusoidal wave. These are used to cause dielectrophoresis, in which cells may be brought together for fusion. Parameters, which typically may be set, include amplitude, duration and frequency.ApplicationsElectroporationBacteria and Yeast ElectroporationThe most common application is transformation. Fieldstrength and pulse length are critical parameters for reporting,optimization and troubleshooting bacterial and yeast applica-tions.Mammalian Cell ElectroporationElectroporation has been used successfully to introduce many different molecule types into cells. Most commonly, elec-troporation is used for the processes of transfection, in which nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), is introduced into cells.Electroporation can be used to deliver oligonucleotides into cells for anti-sense applications. It can be used to deliver proteins into cells, even large enzymes such as restriction enzymes and antibodies, for various purposes. Peptides have also been electroincorporated. Smaller molecules have been incorporated into cells and liposomes, such as dyes, sugars and dNTP S.Electroporation has been used to study cellular activation processes, by electropermeabilizing cells to Ca 2+, Mg 2+ and Na +. Electroporation is also used to electroinsert proteins into the cell membrane. Finally, electroporation has been used to introduce drugs, such as the chemotherapeutic agent bleomy-cin, into cancer cells, in vitro and in vivo .The use of low impedance buffers such as PBS may result in a voltage drop so that the actual peak voltage delivered to samples may be less than the set voltage.With exponential decay generators, monitoring is necessary to identify the pulse length, or time constant, since this param-eter may be very much dependent on the impedance of the sample (sample load).。



Referred to Full Scale
Referred to Full Scale
NTSC, PAL NTSC, PAL Input Tied to Common-Mode
Logic Family Convert Command High Level Input Current(5) (VIN = 5V) Low Level Input Current (VIN = 0V) High Level Input Voltage
100 10 +2.4 +1.0 5
CMOS/TTL Compatible Straight Offset Binary
+0.1 +0.2 +4.9 +4.8 +0.1 +2.8 5
–2.5 –2.5
REFB + 0.8 1.25
±0.25 ±53 ±0.3 ±75 58 ±10 ±10 3.0
2Vp-p 1Vp-p 2Vp-p
DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Differential Linearity Error (Largest Code Error)



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2一、 选择题1 1 1 .B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C1.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.A5 解释:线索二叉树中某结点是否有左孩子,不能通过左指针域是否为空来判 断,而要判断左标志是否为 1。

二、 填空题1 2 3 .归并排序。

. 能否将关键字均匀影射到哈希空间上.一端 先进后出有无好的解决冲突的方法4 5 6 7 8 9 . 顺序存储或链式存储 (1+n )/2.从任意节点出发都能访问到整个链表.时间 空间.n-1 n(n-1)/2.2n-1.n n三、 判断题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 .F.F 非空才成立.F 有向的非强连通图,不成立.T.F 表头没有前驱,表尾没有后序.T.F 先序跟后序不行,中序才行.T.F 不可能0.T1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F四、 应用题1 .逻辑结构是从操作对象抽象出来的数学模型,结构定义中的“关系”描述的 是数据元素之间的逻辑关系;物理结构是数据结构在计算机中的表示(又称 映像),又称存储结构。

物理结构是指数据具体存放在哪个位置,逻辑结构是2 3.由 AOV 网构造拓扑序列的拓扑排序算法主要是循环执行以下两步,直到不存 在入度为 0的顶点为止。

(1) 选择一个入度为 0的顶点并输出之;(2) 从网 中删除此顶点及所有出边。

拓扑序列 1:abcdef 拓扑序列 2:adbcef.二叉树图如下:4 5 .略。

已经不纳入考纲.哈夫曼编码问题编码: 3: 000020: 10 10: 0001 22: 11 18: 001 37: 016.二叉排序树问题比根节点小的往左子树插,大的往右子树插。

图如下:删除50有两种做法:《数据结构》中的解析这里我用第二种做法:五.算法设计题1 & .算法填空(L.elem[i-1]) L.length-1 ++p *p L.length-1;2. 设计算法: 输入 n 个元素的值 创建带头结点的单链线性表 L 。



商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明核反应堆 84011000 - 001 -电磁式同位素分离器 84012000 - 001 -⽓体(六氟化铀)离⼼机 84012000 - 002 -同位素分离机 84012000 - 003 -未辐照燃料元件(释热元件) 84013010 - 001 -发电⽤⽔管锅炉 84021110 - 001 蒸发量≥900吨/⼩时碱回收锅炉岛 84021190 55 001 -纸浆⼚废料锅炉 84021200 10 001 蒸发量<45吨/⼩时蒸发量未超45吨/时⽔管锅炉 84021200 90 001 除纸浆⼚废料锅炉外混合锅炉 84021900 - 001 -⽕管锅炉 84021900 - 002 -铁道机车锅炉 84021900 - 003 -蒸⽓炉 84021900 - 004 混合锅炉过热⽔锅炉 84022000 - 001 -⽔冷壁 84029000 - 001 -蒸汽锅炉备件 84029000 - 002 -燃油锅炉(家⽤型) 84031010 - 001 -壁挂式燃⽓锅炉 84031090 - 001 -集中供暖⽤的热⽔锅炉 84031090 - 002 -集中式电加热热⽔锅炉 84031090 - 003 -燃油锅炉 84031090 - 004 -热⽔锅炉 84031090 - 005 -热⽔锅炉 84031090 - 006 壁挂式热⽔锅炉 84031090 - 007 集中供暖⽤沼⽓锅炉 84031090 - 008 但编号8402的货品除外锅炉炉体 84039000 - 001 KGR-50除灰及碎渣机 84041010 - 001 锅炉⽤低温过热器 84041010 - 002 锅炉附件节热器 84041010 - 003 8402所列锅炉的辅助设备管式炉壁 84041020 - 001 8403所列锅炉的辅助设备表⾯冷凝器 84042000 - 001 ⽔或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的混合式冷凝器 84042000 - 002 ⽔或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的空冷式冷凝器 84042000 - 003 ⽔或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的冷凝器 84042000 - 004 ⽔蒸汽或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的喷射式冷凝器 84042000 - 005 ⽔或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的⽔蒸汽冷凝器 84042000 - 006 ⽔或其他蒸汽动⼒装置的发⽣炉煤⽓发⽣器 84051000 - 001 -煤⽓发⽣器 84051000 - 002 -⽔解⽓体发⽣器 84051000 - 003 -⽔解⼄炔⽓体发⽣器 84051000 - 004 -⽔煤⽓发⽣器 84051000 - 005 -特制⽓体发⽣器 84051000 - 006 ⽔解的⼄炔发⽣器 84051000 - 007 -船舶动⼒⽤汽轮机 84061000 - 001 -电⼚汽轮机 84068130 - 001 功率>350MW低压转⼦锻件 84069000 - 001 -⾼低压转⼦ 84069000 - 002 汽轮机⽤汽轮机中压缸叶⽚ 84069000 - 003 -汽轮机转⼦ 84069000 - 004 -航空器内燃发动机 84071010 - 001 输出功率≤298KW航空器内燃发动机 84071020 - 001 输出功率>298KW舷外发动机 84072100 - 001 -摩托车发动机 84073200 - 001 50点燃式发动机散件 84073300 - 001 250毫升<排⽓量≤1000毫升发动机 84073410 - 001 1000ml三菱发动机散件 84073410 - 002 往复活塞式,排⽓量2000毫升其他超3000cc车⽤往复式活塞引擎 84073420 90 001 -沼⽓发动机 84079010 - 001 往复活塞式汽油发动机 84079090 10 001 转速<3600r/min,发电机⽤汽油发动机 84079090 20 001 转速<4650r/min,⼯程机械⽤船⽤柴油机 84081000 - 001 -柴油发动机 84082010 10 001 功率≥132.39kw拖拉机⽤拖拉机⽤柴油发动机 84082010 10 002 压燃式,功率≥132.39K柴油发动机 84082010 90 001 87章除拖拉机外功率≥132.39kw柴油发动机(客车⽤) 84082010 90 002 功率≥132.39KW拖拉机⽤柴油机 84082090 10 001 功率<132.39KW机车⽤柴油发动机 84089010 - 001 -单缸柴油机 84089091 11 001 ⾮87章车辆⽤,功率≤14KW农业⽤单缸柴油机 84089091 11 002 功率≤14KW农业⽤柴油发动机 84089091 19 001 ⾮87章车辆⽤,功率≤14KW,农业⽤单缸柴油机 84089091 91 001 ⾮87章车辆⽤,⾮农业,功率≤14KW柴油发动机 84089091 99 001 ⾮87章车辆⽤,⾮农业,功率≤14KW柴油发动机 84089092 10 001 ⼯程机械⽤,转速<4650r/min挖掘机⽤柴油发动机 84089092 10 002 14千⽡<功率≤132.39千⽡柴油发动机 84089092 20 001 14农业⽤柴油机 84089092 20 002 ⾮87章车辆⽤14叉车发动机 84089092 90 001 14柴油发动机 84089092 90 002 ⾮87章⽤14农业⽤柴油机 84089093 10 001 ⾮87章⽤,功率≥132.39KW的柴油发动机 84089093 90 001 ⾮87章⽤功率≥132.39kw引擎⽀撑衬 84091000 - 001 航空器发动机⽤。



商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明酪蛋⽩ 35011000 - 001 -酪蛋⽩原 35011000 - 002 -酶凝酪素 35011000 - 003 -酸酪蛋⽩ 35011000 - 004 -碘化酪蛋⽩ 35019000 - 001 -可溶酪蛋⽩ 35019000 - 002 -酪蛋⽩胶 35019000 - 003 -酪蛋⽩酸钙 35019000 - 004 -酪蛋⽩酸钠 35019000 - 005 -酪蛋⽩酸盐 35019000 - 006 -酪蛋⽩酸铵 35019000 - 007 -氯化酪蛋⽩ 35019000 - 008 -溴化酪蛋⽩ 35019000 - 009 -鞣酸(单宁酸)酪蛋⽩ 35019000 - 010 -⼲蛋⽩(卵清蛋⽩) 35021100 - 001 -⼲卵清蛋⽩ 35021100 - 002 -鲜的卵清蛋⽩ 35021900 - 001 -乳清蛋⽩浓缩物 35022000 - 001 -⽩蛋⽩盐 35029000 - 001 -碘化⽩蛋⽩ 35029000 - 002 -汞⽩蛋⽩盐 35029000 - 003 -铁⽩蛋⽩盐 35029000 - 004 -⾎清蛋⽩ 35029000 - 005 -鱼⽩蛋⽩ 35029000 - 006 -溴化⽩蛋⽩ 35029000 - 007 -鞣酸⽩蛋⽩ 35029000 - 008 -明胶 35030010 10 001 感光胶⽚⽤明胶 35030010 90 001 除感光胶⽚⽤的正、长⽅形薄⽚明胶的衍⽣物 35030010 90 002 -明胶粉 35030010 90 003 ⾮感光胶⽚⽤溴化鞣酸明胶 35030010 90 004 -鞣酸明胶 35030010 90 005 -阿胶 35030090 - 001 -动物胶 35030090 - 002 -⾻胶 35030090 - 003 -固体动物胶 35030090 - 004 -筋胶 35030090 - 005 -⽪胶 35030090 - 006 -鱼胶 35030090 - 007 -鱼鳔胶 35030090 - 008 -腱胶 35030090 - 009 -蛋⽩胨 35040010 - 001 -酵母胨 35040010 - 002 -酪蛋⽩胨 35040010 - 003 -⾁胨 35040010 - 004 -⾎胨 35040010 - 005 -醇溶⾕蛋⽩ 35040090 - 001 -⼤⾖球蛋⽩ 35040090 - 002 -铬矾⽪粉 35040090 - 003 -⾕蛋⽩ 35040090 - 004 -核蛋⽩ 35040090 - 005 -⾓蛋⽩ 35040090 - 006 -离析蛋⽩ 35040090 - 007 -卵球蛋⽩ 35040090 - 008 -锰胨酸盐 35040090 - 009 -⽪粉 35040090 - 010 -球蛋⽩ 35040090 - 011 -乳球蛋⽩ 35040090 - 012 -铁胨酸盐 35040090 - 013 -胨酸盐 35040090 - 014 -焙烤淀粉 35051000 - 001 -⼆醛基淀粉 35051000 - 002 -改性淀粉 35051000 - 003 -改性⽊薯淀粉 35051000 - 004 -糊精 35051000 - 005 -可溶性淀粉 35051000 - 006 -麦芽糊精 35051000 - 007 -麦芽糖糊精 35051000 - 008 -醚化淀粉 35051000 - 009 -溶胀淀粉 35051000 - 010 -外科⼿套滑粉 35051000 - 011 -修饰淀粉 35051000 - 012 -预凝化淀粉 35051000 - 013 -酯化淀粉 35051000 - 014 -淀粉胶 35052000 - 001 -糊精胶 35052000 - 002 -浆糊 35052000 - 003 以淀粉、糊精为基本成份胶 35052000 - 004 以淀粉、糊精为基本成份胶⽔ 35052000 - 005 以淀粉、糊精为基本成份结构胶 35061000 10 001 零装<1Kg,玻璃幕墙硅酮结构胶调制粘合剂 35061000 90 001 以淀粉、糊精为基本成份环氧胶 35061000 90 002 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精混合胶 35061000 90 003 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精混合胶⽔ 35061000 90 004 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精胶粘剂 35061000 90 005 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精强⼒胶 35061000 90 006 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精万能胶 35061000 90 007 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精万能胶⽔ 35061000 90 008 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精粘合剂 35061000 90 009 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精粘合胶 35061000 90 010 零装<1kg不含淀粉、糊精胶⽔ 35069110 - 001 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份胶粘剂 35069110 - 002 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份接着剂 35069110 - 003 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份强⼒胶 35069110 - 004 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份热熔胶 35069110 - 005 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份以聚酰胺为基本成分的粘胶剂 35069110 - 006 -粘合剂 35069110 - 007 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份粘接剂 35069110 - 008 ⾮零包装以聚酰胺为基本成份环氧胶 35069120 - 001 ⾮零售包装环氧树脂胶 35069120 - 002 ⾮零售包装胶⽔ 35069120 - 003 ⾮零包装以环氧树脂为基本成份热熔胶 35069120 - 004 ⾮零包装以环氧树脂为基本成份万能胶 35069120 - 005 ⾮零包装以环氧树脂为基本成份以环氧树脂为基本成分的粘合剂 35069120 - 006 每件净重>1公⽄粘合剂 35069120 - 007 ⾮零包装以环氧树脂为基本成份粘接剂 35069120 - 008 ⾮零包装以环氧树脂为基本成份结构胶 35069190 10 001 硅酮结构密封胶PU胶⽔ 35069190 90 001 -PVC胶⽔ 35069190 90 002 -SURLYN树脂胶⽔ 35069190 90 003 -⽩乳胶 35069190 90 004 -丙烯酸胶粘剂(胶浆) 35069190 90 005 -硅胶粘接剂 35069190 90 006 -混合胶⽔ 35069190 90 007 -强⼒胶 35069190 90 008 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂强⼒胶⽔ 35069190 90 009 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂热熔胶 35069190 90 010 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂万能胶 35069190 90 011 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂万能胶⽔ 35069190 90 012 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂橡胶液(胶⽔) 35069190 90 013 -橡胶粘合剂 35069190 90 014 -粘合剂 35069190 90 015 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂粘接剂 35069190 90 016 ⾮零包装含其他橡胶、树脂调制胶 35069900 - 001 -⾕蛋⽩胶 35069900 - 002 -胶⽔ 35069900 - 003 -万能胶⽔ 35069900 - 004 ⾮零包装不含橡胶、塑料成份粘合剂 35069900 - 005 ⾮零包装不含橡胶、塑料成份粗制凝乳酶 35071000 - 001 -碱性蛋⽩酶 35079010 - 001 -碱性脂肪酶 35079020 - 001 -α-淀粉酶 35079090 - 001 -β-淀粉酶 35079090 - 002 -β-呋喃果糖苷酶 35079090 - 003 -丙酮酸脱羧酶 35079090 - 004 -菠萝蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 005 -纯净"(离析)酶" 35079090 - 006 -蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 007 碱性蛋⽩酶除外淀粉酶 35079090 - 008 -淀粉葡萄苷酶 35079090 - 009 -纺织品脱浆剂 35079090 - 010 -分解蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 011 -⾼效⽣物净⽔剂 35079090 - 012 酶制剂⾕氨酰胺氧化酸转氨酶 35079090 - 013 -果胶酶 35079090 - 014 -聚合酶 35079090 - 015 -抗坏⾎酸氧化酶 35079090 - 016 -连接酶 35079090 - 017 -裂解酶 35079090 - 018 -麦芽淀粉酶 35079090 - 019 -麦芽糖酶 35079090 - 020 -酶 35079090 - 021 粗制乳酶的浓缩物除外酶试剂 35079090 - 022 -酶制剂 35079090 - 023 -酶制品 35079090 - 024 -⽊⽠蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 025 -⽊⽠凝乳蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 026 -嫩⾁⽤的酶催制品 35079090 - 027 -尿素酶 35079090 - 028 -凝⾎酶 35079090 - 029 -凝⾎酶原酶 35079090 - 030 -葡萄糖异构酶 35079090 - 031 -⼈体胎盘碱性磷酸酯酶 35079090 - 032 -⽔解酶 35079090 - 033 -胃蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 034 -⽆花果蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 035 -细菌α-淀粉酶 35079090 - 036 -细菌蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 037 -纤维素酶 35079090 - 038 -氧化还原酶 35079090 - 039 -胰蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 040 -胰酶 35079090 - 041 -胰凝乳蛋⽩酶 35079090 - 042 -胰脏的酶催浓缩物 35079090 - 043 -胰脏酶催制剂 35079090 - 044 -异构酶 35079090 - 045 -真菌淀粉酶 35079090 - 046 -脂(肪)酶 35079090 - 047 碱性脂肪酶除外转化酶 35079090 - 048 -转移酶 35079090 - 049 -。



2021报关员考试商品归类代码说明商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明虫胶 13011000 - 001 -虫胶板 13011000 - 002 -虫胶片 13011000 - 003 -废虫胶 13011000 - 004 -梗胶 13011000 - 005 -片胶 13011000 - 006 -石榴色虫胶 13011000 - 007 -原胶 13011000 - 008 -阿拉伯胶 13012000 - 001 -巴士拉胶 13012000 - 002 -黄蓍胶 13012000 - 003 -尼罗河胶 13012000 - 004 -塞内加尔胶 13012000 - 005 -亚丁胶 13012000 - 006 -腰果树胶 13012000 - 007 -印度胶 13012000 - 008 -胶黄耆树胶 13019010 - 001 -没药 13019020 - 001 -乳香 13019020 - 002 -血竭 13019020 - 003 -阿魏 13019030 - 001 -阿魏胶 13019030 - 002 -松脂 13019040 - 001 -大戟脂 13019090 10 001 -龙血树脂 13019090 10 002 -愈创树脂 13019090 10 003 -氨草胶 13019090 90 001 -安息香胶 13019090 90 002 -巴西胶 13019090 90 003 -贝壳松脂 13019090 90 004 -波斯树脂 13019090 90 005 -草树树脂 13019090 90 006 -达马脂 13019090 90 007 -大麻树脂 13019090 90 008 -刚果胶 13019090 90 009 -黑牵牛子树脂 13019090 90 010 -黄脂石 13019090 90 011 -加拿大香脂 13019090 90 012 -柯巴树脂 13019090 90 013 -柯巴香脂 13019090 90 014 -苦树脂 13019090 90 015 -麦加香脂 13019090 90 016 -秘鲁香脂 13019090 90 017 -山达脂 13019090 90 018 -苏合香脂 13019090 90 019 -塔普香脂 13019090 90 020 -藤黄树脂 13019090 90 021 -妥鲁香脂 13019090 90 022 -香树脂 13019090 90 023 -榄香脂 13019090 90 024 -鸦片浸膏 13021100 - 001 -鸦片液汁 13021100 - 002 -甘草浸膏 13021200 - 001 -甘草液汁 13021200 - 002 -啤酒花浸膏 13021300 - 001 -啤酒花液汁 13021300 - 002 -巴巴斯可根浸膏 13021400 - 001 -除虫菊浸膏 13021400 - 002 -除虫菊液汁 13021400 - 003 -枯杷木浸膏 13021400 - 004 -泡林藤浸膏 13021400 - 005 -鱼藤浸膏 13021400 - 006 -日本漆 13021910 - 001 生的生漆 13021910 - 002 天然漆天然漆 13021910 - 003 -中国漆 13021910 - 004 生的麻黄浸膏粉 13021990 11 001 供制农药用麻黄浸膏 13021990 12 001 供制农药用麻黄浸膏粉 13021990 91 001 供制医药用麻黄浸膏 13021990 92 001 供制医药用麻黄浸膏粉 13021990 93 001 非制农药、医药用麻黄浸膏 13021990 94 001 非制农药、医药用颠茄浸膏 13021990 99 001 -龙胆浸膏 13021990 99 002 -芦荟复合浸膏 13021990 99 003 -天仙子浸膏 13021990 99 004 -天仙子液汁 13021990 99 005 -雄蕨浸膏 13021990 99 006 -雄蕨液汁 13021990 99 007 -药西瓜浸膏 13021990 99 008 -制药用的芦荟液汁 13021990 99 009 -制药用的人参浸膏 13021990 99 010 -制药用的人参液汁 13021990 99 011 -果胶 13022000 - 001 -果胶酸盐 13022000 - 002 -果胶酸脂 13022000 - 003 -琼脂 13023100 - 001 -瓜耳胶天然碱 13023200 - 001 -瓜尔豆胶 13023200 - 002 -农用植物胶 13023200 - 003 -食用植物胶 13023200 - 004 -古俄胶 13023900 - 001 -。



AMETEK阿美特克PS触发组件880118901 AMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克880107901(询~**~价:15 8 0 5 0 6 12 13 李-*-*工)AMETEK阿美特克回样阀200896001AMETEK阿美特克压力计251744000AMETEK阿美特克200892001AMETEK阿美特克进料阀200884001AMETEK阿美特克校验镜片200095002SAMETEK阿美特克电缆72391SEAMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707AMETEK阿美特克冷静式水露点分析仪13-1200-C-N-2AMETEK阿美特克碤玻漓窗2008887001AMETEK阿美特克密封垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克o型圈202813026阿美特克氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克零点干燥器305617901SAMETEK阿美特克干燥器305400901S\AMETEK阿美特克湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662AMETEK阿美特克氧化头78715SEAMETEK阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)1A,300-9244AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)6.3A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克O型圈(H2S在线分析仪)300-2375AMETEK阿美特克过滤器芯(H2S在线分析仪)300-6217AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱(H2S在线分析仪)100-1857AMETEK阿美特克第一级过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克第二级过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK阿美特克1 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头CH13-0007-t AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪电路板(PCB COATED)13-0307 AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪铂电阻(RTD Assembly) 13-0236AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217AMETEK阿美特克880020901检测电路板AMETEK阿美特克石英窗200 887 001AMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫圈880042001AMETEK阿美特克P/S触发组件 880 118 901AMETEK阿美特克除雾器金属垫 880063001 更新型号880063901 AMETEK阿美特克继电器PC组件 80436SEAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器垫880063001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器衬芯880136901AMETEK阿美特克固态继电器265972001AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439024AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223011AMETEK阿美特克除雾器880019902AMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041001AMETEK阿美特克880041002AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克880061001AMETEK阿美特克72392SEAMETEK阿美特克气体比重计388-11032AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克露点仪13-1200-C-N-2三脚架CHP-0535气缸CHP-0536过滤器CH13-0054滤芯替换CHC0843520立方英尺虹吸管瓶CH13-2277AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆加热丝TEMPCO G12 01HDC16281 72931KE 75 120V 型号73052TEAMETEK阿美特克流量计组件305449901SAMETEK阿美特克比例电磁阀305648901AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆74422SEAMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040901AMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040904AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆锆头71785SEAMETEK键盘模块90253VEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆71063SEAMETEK阿美特克热电偶71697KEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克过滤器300-6217Ametek 产品询价:BACKPLANE ASSEMBLY;PN:80439SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克处理器电路板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041002AMETEK阿美特克控制器后基板880112901SAMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克280465001 停产替代280465003AMETEK阿美特克传感器板80467SE TM2000AMETEK阿美特克手摇仪表校验泵JOFRA 65-P016AMETEK阿美特克HPC41-10KPSI-NAMETEK阿美特克65-R975过滤器组件 AMETEK 880033901AMETEK阿美特克氙气闪光灯200880001AMETEK阿美特克NSL灯 880118901AMETEK阿美特克扩展PC组件 80449SEAMETEK阿美特克CPU显示模块 880115901SAMETEK阿美特克光源灯前过滤镜片 880103001AMETEK阿美特克过滤镜片O型圏880271001AMETEK阿美特克CAL3200温度控制器269323011AMETEK阿美特克石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克氧含量分析仪显示模块90219VEAMETEK阿美特克电源板 880114901SAMETEK阿美特克锆管导线95385WEAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀300-9242AMETEK阿美特克K型热电偶71697KEAMETEK阿美特克传感器电路板80471SEAMETEK阿美特克流量开关72684SEAMETEK阿美特克阻火器v70487SEMU150-400L;SERIAL NO.: 33740/33741/33742 数量11PUMP SHAFT;POS NO.: 2110;GARBARINO;PUMP TYPE: MU150-400L;SERIAL NO.: 33740/33741/33742 数量1MPELLER;POS NO.: 2200;GARBARINO;PUMP TYPE: MU150-400L;SERIAL NO.:33740/33741/33742 数量2轴承箱\GARBARINO\3130\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2键\GARBARINO\6700.2\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2键\GARBARINO\6700.1\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2靠背轮\GARBARINO\7410\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量1意大利MECAIR 马佳尔电磁阀 PXA42X-24/DC美国泰勒低温安全阀产品型号:Taylor 82D9341315-MCDELTADC线扫描型热检2030/230V/50HZAVITEQ振动器 MVFS50-2P,380-500V/50HzEVAC5435015数量45775500 数量45774000数量45900200数量2SABB Y753-14750Tyco泰科:FV311SCDIGITAL TELEPHONE\4225\NAVIGATION LIGHTS\CXH8\AASTRA TECHNOLOGIES MECAIR Sequencer MT2 24dvcCARRIER \50BW400034\空调/90MA-412-621KNORR LK3904MMCTHAB2317-35MC35m GTP Tape & Header Assembly.kenz BOOM BEARING\14015\吊机/EHC20/2400 OSRL 数量1MSATB200-290-130-004Pos. 14006 : boom bearing (2 off installed )for Kenz crane 996.032 (type EHC 20/2400)GARDNER DENVERPP1078354PP1083757BARKSDALE P/N:B1X-S32SS 2 pcsBARKSDALE P/N:B2S-C32SSA.O,SMITH 电机型号 F48H83B81KLINGER克林格球阀型号25-PN63火焰监测器 RJ95DSS2-1CE 综合式 2台品牌Fireye 型号60-2721-6DET-TRONICS对射式可燃气体探头校准镜,OPECL A,Part NO.: 009104-00Ex-Tech ProductsTYPE: CP135SYNNFABRDSPM振动传感器42011EXCoalescer Filter Element,436RCS-PM-SS-CE;PARTNUMBER:10500-418;BURGESS-MANNING,INCTIDELAND ML-300UL参数描述Colour: tbaRange: tbaVertical Divergence: 2.7° at 50%Voltage of System: 12VPower Consumption: tbaFlash Character: tbaDuty Cycle: tbaVisibility: 360º omnidirectionalMaterial: PlasticWeight: 9.1kgSynchronisation: GPS (Hardwire option available)Sun switch Threshold: AdjustableIP Rating: IP-66充电器 firetrol LL-1580(CNY14200)5个控制器 firetrol #KAS-2000-003 2个Rototherm thermal resistanceTYPE:RTDASSY-000096,IDECOIdeco К-750 ( winch 2042) brake pad AM-1165 12 X 1-1/8 X 12 20PC Ideco К-750 ( winch 2042) brake pad AM-1175 12 X 1-1/8 X 6 2PCK-100 (K-400)brake bad for winch L75-10250 10 X 1 X 12 2PCK-100 (K-400) brake bad for winch L55-10250 10 X1 X12 18PCDNFT-PRG,DIGITAL NO-FLOW TIMER;厂家:HS COMPRESSION;厂家部件号:620-233-002FIREYE火焰探测器85IRF1-2高温锁紧扣G 3/4" 11-012-0-WR526-AAAG 42589 数量10高温锁紧扣G 3/4" 11-012-2-WR526-AAAA 55954 数量10厂家:Carl Kurt Walther GmbH &Co.KGStearns:emoji: Challenger:trademark: Anti-Exposure Work Suit,20套 I580 Mustang Survival Deluxe Anti-Exposure Worksuit 20套 MS2075A.O,SMITH motorTYPE: F48H83B81TRANSOMIK 1200BC2-14/690Controlair电气比例阀550-ACDNORTHSTAR 编码器HSD35-1024-AA-716MM BORE,DIF,ABZ,5--26VCORE, CARRIER CORP, KH29EZ050, FILTER DRIERkoomey1/4IN3WAY AIR CONTROL VALVE 250PSI VALVE AIR. 1/4'' 49650 OLD P/N13-01150 PART NO:1222-01001/4IN THREE POSITION 4 WAY CONTROL VALVE 1/4''3 POSITION 4 WAY AIR CONT VALVE PART NO: 1240-01001/4IN ROTOR TYPE 4 WAY AIR CONT VALVE 250PSI VALVE 1/4'' ROTOR TYPE。

SAEJ2044 SEP 2002

SAEJ2044 SEP 2002





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商品名称编码附加编码附加序号说明不渗透性⽯墨 38011000 - 001 ⼈造⽯墨核品位⼈造⽯墨 38011000 - 002 -浸渍⽯墨 38011000 - 003 ⼈造⽯墨⼈造⽯墨 38011000 - 004 -半胶态⽯墨 38012000 - 001 -胶态⽯墨 38012000 - 002 -⽯墨乳 38012000 - 003 -电极⽤碳糊 38013000 - 001 -糊浆(⽯墨) 38013000 - 002 -浆状⽯墨 38013000 - 003 -索德伯格电极糊 38013000 - 004 -粉状活性碳 38021000 - 001 -活性碳 38021000 - 002 -活性碳粉 38021000 - 003 -活性碳粒 38021000 - 004 -活性碳纤维 38021000 - 005 -动物炭⿊ 38029000 - 001 -废动物炭⿊ 38029000 - 002 -废⾻炭⿊ 38029000 - 003 -⾻炭⿊ 38029000 - 004 -龟壳炭⿊ 38029000 - 005 -活化铝⼟矿 38029000 - 006 -活性硅藻⼟ 38029000 - 007 -活性粘⼟ 38029000 - 008 -活性珍珠岩 38029000 - 009 -⾓炭⿊ 38029000 - 010 -⽪炭⿊ 38029000 - 011 -蹄炭⿊ 38029000 - 012 -天然活性碳陶瓷 38029000 - 013 -象⽛炭⿊ 38029000 - 014 -⾎炭⿊ 38029000 - 015 -粗妥尔油 38030000 - 001 -精炼妥尔油 38030000 - 002 -妥尔油 38030000 - 003 -⽊素磺酸钠 38040000 - 001 -⽊素磺酸盐 38040000 - 002 -⽊质素磺酸钙 38040000 - 003 -亚硫酸盐⽊浆残余碱液 38040000 - 004 - 硫酸盐松节油 38051000 - 001 -⽊松节油 38051000 - 002 -松节油 38051000 - 003 -脂松节油 38051000 - 004 -松油 38052000 - 001 -粗对甲基异丙基苯 38059000 - 001 -粗制⼆聚戊烯 38059000 - 002 -亚硫酸盐松节油 38059000 - 003 -松⾹ 38061010 - 001 -松⾹粉 38061010 - 002 -松⾹膏 38061010 - 003 -松⾹粒 38061010 - 004 -树脂酸 38061020 - 001 -树脂酸钙 38062010 - 001 -树脂酸钾 38062010 - 002 -树脂酸铝 38062010 - 003 -树脂酸锰 38062010 - 004 -树脂酸钠 38062010 - 005 -树脂酸铅 38062010 - 006 -树脂酸铜 38062010 - 007 -树脂酸锌 38062010 - 008 -树脂酸钴 38062010 - 009 -松⾹脂 38063000 - 001 -酯胶 38063000 - 002 -聚合松⾹ 38069000 10 001 -歧化(脱氢)松⾹ 38069000 10 002 - 歧化松⾹ 38069000 10 003 -氢化松⾹ 38069000 10 004 -氢化松⾹酸甲酯 38069000 10 005 - 氧化松⾹ 38069000 10 006 -聚合树脂酸 38069000 90 001 -歧化(脱氢)树脂酸 38069000 90 002 - 氢化树脂酸 38069000 90 003 -松⾹醇 38069000 90 004 -松⾹精 38069000 90 005 -松⾹油 38069000 90 006 -氧化树脂酸 38069000 90 007 -沉淀焦油 38070000 - 001 -粗⽊精 38070000 - 002 -杜松油 38070000 - 003 -缝线蜡 38070000 - 004 -精制⽊焦油 38070000 - 005 -硫酸盐沥青 38070000 - 006 -⽊焦油 38070000 - 007 -⽊焦油沥青 38070000 - 008 -⽊沥青 38070000 - 009 -⽊杂酚油 38070000 - 010 -⽊杂酸油 38070000 - 011 -啤酒桶沥青 38070000 - 012 -。



产品编号产品名称产品包装产品单价AE232-100G缓冲液100G441AE232-25G缓冲液25G117AE232-5KG ADA BUFFER5KGAE319-100ML PAGE电泳玻璃板硅化处理试剂100ML375AE319-12PK PAGE电泳玻璃板硅化处理试剂12PK426AE429-10MG抑肽酶10MG625AE434-100G琼脂糖100G1549AE434-1KG AgaroseⅣ1KGAE434-25G琼脂糖25G426AE434-5G琼脂糖5G98AE437-100MG两性霉素B100MG AE437-1G两性霉素B1GAE477-20ML氨苄青霉素钠20ML325AE531-0.5ML牛血清白蛋白标准溶液0.5ML229AE531-1.0ML牛血清白蛋白标准溶液 1.0ML380AE531-1.5ML牛血清白蛋白标准溶液·475AE566-1L ALKALINE TRANSFER SOLUTION AE566-250ML ALKALINE TRANSFER SOLUTION AE776-100G琼脂糖100G1142AE776-1KG Agarose3:01HRBAE776-25G琼脂糖25G343AE776-5G琼脂糖5G82AJ234-100G琼脂糖100G3015AJ234-25G琼脂糖25G829AJ234-2KG Agarose SFR2KGAJ234-5G琼脂糖5G198AJ365-100ML ABTS100ML389AJ468-100U琼脂糖酶-取消AJ581-5MG抗蛋白酶5MG472AJ582-50MG AEBSF50MG555AJ608-5MG放线菌素D5MG958AJ637-100G琼脂100G216AJ637-500G琼脂500G981AJ637-50KG AGAR50KG0ALS001041肌动蛋白-停产1MG468ALS001069乙醇脱氢酶-停止100MG601ALS001130醛缩酶100MG935ALS002763L-氨基酸氧化酶2MG695ALS002764L-氨基酸氧化酶5MG1456 ALS009043腺苷脱氨酶250U735AN0239A磷酸氢二铵500G26AN3795-100G对氨基笨磺酸100G24AN4306-100G对氨基酚100G78AN4306-2KG对氨基酚-CP2KG0AN4306-50G对氨基酚-CP50G0AN4307-100G邻氨基酚100G92AN4307-25G邻氨基酚-CP25G0AN4307-2KG邻氨基酚-CP2KG0AN5254-100G营养琼脂100G65AN5255-250G琼脂粉250G72AN5255-25KG琼脂粉25KG0AS0017-250G琼脂糖250G498AS0017-50G琼脂糖50G110AS1033-100G丙烯酰胺-5折优惠AT011高压灭菌指示带,2.5CM×55M卷98AT012高压灭菌指示带,1.8CM×50M卷78AT0173-500ML冰乙酸500ML49AT0216A氢氧化铵500ML24AT0216G氢氧化铵500ML35AT0785-500ML乙酸36%500ML32AT0850-500G氯化铵500G48AT0851-25KG硫酸铵-GR-5折优惠AT0851-500G硫酸铵-5折优惠AT0853-500G乙酸铵500G24AT0855-20KG草酸铵-GR20KG0AT0855-500G草酸铵500G34AT0856-500G碳酸铵500G26AT0857-500G过硫酸铵500G34AT0860-20KG磷酸二氢铵-GR20KG0AT0860-500G磷酸二氢铵500G34AT0861-20KG磷酸氢二铵-GR20KG0AT0861-500G磷酸氢二铵500G34AT0862-500G柠檬酸铵500G54AT0941-25G茜素绿25G98AT0941-500G茜素绿-BS500G0AT0949-25G茜素红25G19AT0957-25G苋菜红25G37AT0960-25G酸性品红25G26AT0971-25G茜素黄R25G17AT0972-25G茜素黄GG25G17AT0987-10G氨基黑10B10G28AT1014-25G L-抗坏血酸25G12AT1014-500G L-抗坏血酸-AR500G0AT1021-25G邻氨基苯甲酸25G32AT1021-500G邻氨基苯甲酸-AR500G0AT1022-25G对氨基苯甲酸25G32AT1024-25G1-氨基-2-萘酚-4-磺酸25G22AT1025-1G偶氮胂I1G62AT1026-1G偶氮胂III1G56AT1070-25G安替吡啉25G18AT1071-25G氨基比林25G19AT1074-25G4-氨基安替吡啉25G28AT1074-500G4-氨基安替吡啉-AR500G0AT1351-500G结晶氯化铝500G34AT1354-500G硝酸铝500G27AT1357-500G氢氧化铝500G26AT1358-500G中性氧化铝500G39AT1359-500G碱性氧化铝500G39AT1360-100G酸性氧化铝-AR100G0AT1360-500G酸性氧化铝500G39AT1569-20KG氯化铵-AR20KG0AT1569-500G氯化铵500G32AT1570-250G氟化铵-AR250G0AT1570-500G氟化铵500G28AT1574-500G乙酸铵500G26AT1575-10KG草酸铵-AR10KG0AT1575-500G草酸铵500G32AT1578-500G磷酸铵500G26AT1583-100G偏钒酸铵100G38AT1587-10KG碳酸氢铵-AR10KG0AT1587-500G碳酸氢铵500G22AT1595-500G磷酸二氢铵500G26AT1597-500G柠檬酸铁铵500G44AT1600-10KG柠檬酸铵-AR10KG0AT1601-500G柠檬酸铵500G38AT1603-500G500G0AT1620-500ML苯胺500ML29AT1634-100G盐酸苯胺100G54AT1706-500ML乙酸36%500ML19AT1876-100G2-氨基噻唑100G27AT1876-2KG2-氨基噻唑-AR2KG0AT1921-500ML40%乙醛500ML34AT2076-5G丙氨酸5G20AX174-100G琼脂糖100G1816AX174-1KG AgaroseⅢ1KGAX174-250G AgaroseⅢ250GAX174-25G琼脂糖25G499AX174-5G琼脂糖5G110B0010-0.1OD M13/pUC Sequencing B0011-0.1OD M13/pUC Sequencing B0011-1.0OD M13/pUC Sequencing B0012-0.1OD M13/pUC Sequencing B0012-1.0OD M13/pUC Sequencing B0013-0.1OD M13/pUC ReverseB0013-1.0OD M13/pUC ReverseB0081-1000U钻石Taq酶1000UB0081-200U钻石Taq酶200UB0089-1000U Taq酶-B0089-200U Taq酶-B0089-5000U Taq酶-B0090-100U Taq Plus100UB0090-200U Taq Plus200UB0090-500U Taq Plus500UB0093-100U Pfu DNA Polymerase B0093-200U Pfu DNA Polymerase B0093-500U Pfu DNA Polymerase B0095-100U Heatstart Taq DNAB0095-200U Heatstart Taq DNAB0095-500U Heatstart Taq DNAB01BUFFER5*1ML152B0147Cohesive-end adaptor0.5B0148Duplex0.5ODB0172-100G双丙烯酰胺100G349B0172-10KG BIS-ACRYLAMIDE10KG0B0172-25G双丙烯酰胺25G96B19Diluent Buffer SetB22Buffer for Eco52I+B2292-6福尔马林4L284B23Buffer for SduI+B24Buffer for ScaI+B25Buffer for Eam1105I+ B26Buffer for Ecl136II+ B27Buffer for Bpu10I+B28Buffer for TaqI+B29Buffer for KpnI+B30Buffer5*1ML152B57Buffer for BamHI+BB0025-100G双丙烯酰胺-5折优惠BB0025-25G双丙烯酰胺-5折优惠BB0025-25KG BIS-ACRYLAMIDE-5折优惠BB0044-1KG硼酸-5折优惠BB0072-100MG5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚基磷酸酯钠100MG144BB0072-500MG5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚基磷酸酯钠500MG664BB0078-500MG D-生物素500MG204BB0078-5G D-生物素5G1298BB0079-100G BIS-TRIS-7折优惠BB0079-500G BIS-TRIS-7折优惠BB0083-100G X-Gal-5折优惠BB0083-1G X-Gal-5折优惠BB0083-500MG X-Gal-5折优惠BB0085-100MG X-GLUC100MG1078BB0085-5G X-GLUC5G0BB0114-100G牛肉浸膏100G280BB0114-15KG牛肉浸膏15KG0BB0114-500G牛肉浸膏500G1190BB0260-1G BCA1G304BB0260-25G BCA25G0BB0260-5G BCA-没有折扣BB0266-100G N,N-二-羟乙基甘氨酸-7折优惠BB0266-25G N,N-二-羟乙基甘氨酸-7折优惠BB0443-25G溴百里酚蓝25G698BB0443-5G溴百里酚蓝5G171BB0637-1KG聚环氧依稀月桂酰醚1KG287BB0637-250G聚环氧依稀月桂酰醚250G88BB1111-1G碱性品红1G62BB1111-25G碱性品红25G1048BB1111-5G碱性品红5G0BB1147-100G苯甲酸100G52BB1147-1KG苯甲酸1KG448BB1160-100ML BCIP×NBT100ML398BB1160-1L BCIP×NBT1L0BB1160-25ML BCIP×NBT25ML109BB1168-100MG X-GLUC-NA100MG962BB1168-20MG X-GLUC-NA20MG245BB1170-100ML BCIP×INT100ML554BB1170-25ML BCIP×INT25ML166BB1171-100MG5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚基磷酸酯钠100MG158BB1171-1G5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚基磷酸酯钠1G1173BB1171-500MG5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚基磷酸酯钠500MG655BB1171-5G BCIP-Na25G0BB1182-1G BLUO-GAL1G1822BB1182-500MG BLUO-GAL500MG998BB2230-100G溴酚蓝100G996BB2230-25G溴酚蓝25G278BB2230-5G溴酚蓝5G76BB5BUFFER B+5MLBD02-0.05MG T7DNA Phage BD02-0.25MG T7DNA Phage BD03-0.05MG pBR322DNA0.05MG BD03-0.25MG pBR322DNA0.25MG BD10-0.05MG LambdaDNA(dam,dcm)0.05MG90BD10-0.25MG LambdaDNA(dam,dcm)0.25MG360BD11-0.05MG Lambd DNA0.05MG BD11-0.25MG Lambda DNA0.25MG BE116-100ML BCIP×NBT100ML357BE116-25ML BCIP×NBT25ML98BE410-25G碱性品红-7折优惠BE410-5G碱性品红-7折优惠BE530-100ML BRADFORD REAGENT100ML BE530-1L BRADFORD REAGENT1LBE535-1KIT BRADFORD METHOD1KITBE671-1L BIO-BLOCK IN PBSBE692-100ML BCIP×INT100ML479BE692-25ML BCIP×INT25ML132BE952-500KU杆菌肽500KU492BG5BUFFER G+5MLBJ472-1G BIG CHAP1GBJ472-250MG BIG CHAP250MGBJ472-5G BOG CHAP5GBJ579-10MG贝他定10MG1379BK186-100G盐酸甜菜碱100G78BK186-1KG Betaine hydrochloride1KGBK186-500G盐酸甜菜碱500G324100MLBK217-100ML BLUE-BANDIT蛋白质电冰染色液BK217-1L BLUE-BANDIT PROTEIN STAIN500MLBK217-500ML BLUE-BANDIT蛋白质电冰染色液BM101Diamond TM250bpBM102Diamond TM250bpBM201-100μL Protein Marker,Low RangeBM201-30μL Protein Marker,Low RangeBM225-100G BES100G720BM225-25G BES25G198BM225-500G BES500G0BM523Protein Marker,Mid Range,ready BM524Protein Marker,Mid RangeBM525Pre-stained Protein Marker,Mid BN3002A硼砂500G40BN5216-1G6-苄氨基嘌呤1G40BN5216-5G6-苄氨基嘌呤5G188BN5244-100G牛肉浸膏100G49BN5244-20KG BEEF EXTRACT20KGBN5244-500G牛肉浸膏500G225BN5245-500G酵母浸膏500G64BO5BUFFER O+5MLBP10移液器,0.5-10μL支880BP100移液器,10-100μL支880BP1000移液器,100-1000μL支880BP2移液器,0.1-2.5μL支880BP20移液器,2-20μL支880BP200移液器,20-200μL支880BP50移液器,5-50μL支880BP5000移液器,1000-5000μL支880BS243双链DNA补平和连接试剂盒10次460BS244双链DNA补平和连接试剂盒20次820BS249MMLV First StrandBS250MMLV First StrandBS251AMV First StrandBS252AMV First StrandBS293Ready-to-Use PCR KitBS294Ready-to-Use PCR KitBS295HiFi Ready-to-Use PCRBS296HiFi Ready-to-Use PCRBS297Genepha Long PCRBS298Genepha Long PCRBS353UNIQ-10柱式DNA胶回收试剂盒50次300BS354UNIQ-10柱式DNA胶回收试剂盒100次500BS363UNIQ-10柱式PCR产物纯化试剂盒50次290BS364UNIQ-10柱式PCR产物纯化试剂盒100次480BS382PROTEASE INHIBITOR COCKTAIL BS387PROTEASE INHIBITOR COCKTAIL BS409Trizol25ML190BS410Trizol100ML720BS413UNIQ-10柱式质粒小量抽提试剂盒50次310BS414UNIQ-10柱式质粒小量抽提试剂盒100次53050次410BS423UNIQ-10柱式细菌基因组DNA抽提试BS424UNIQ-10柱式细菌基因组DNA抽提试100次760BS433pUCm-T Vector1μGBS434pUCm-T Vector5μGBS435PCR产物克隆试剂盒20次320BS436PCR产物克隆试剂盒100次129010次500BS463UNIQ-200柱式质粒中量抽提试剂盒BS464UNIQ-200柱式质粒中量抽提试剂盒20次80010次1000BS465UNIQ-500柱式质粒小量抽提试剂盒20次1800BS466UNIQ-500柱式质粒小量抽提试剂盒BS473经典基因组DNA抽提试剂盒50次350BS474经典基因组DNA抽提试剂盒100次42050次350BS483EZ-10柱式血液基因组DNA抽提试剂100次680BS484EZ-10柱式血液基因组DNA抽提试剂BS503Quik LB AgarBS511快速连接试剂盒20次140BS512快速连接试剂盒100次560BS513平端DNA片段添A试剂盒40次330BS514平端DNA片段添A试剂盒100次760BS523一步法制备感受态细胞溶液25ML200BS524一步法制备感受态细胞溶液50ML350BS525高效感受态细胞制备试剂盒50ML160BS526高效感受态细胞制备试剂盒100ML290BS573经典总RNA抽提试剂盒20次280BS574经典总RNA抽提试剂盒100次1080BS583UNIQ-10RNA抽提BS584UNlQ-10柱式总RNA抽提试剂盒100次1120BS589MAMMALIAN PROTEIN EXTRACTION BS596BACTERIAL PROTEIN EXTRACTION BS633UNlQ-10柱式mRNA抽提纯化试剂盒10次800BS634UNlQ-10柱式mRNA抽提纯化试剂盒20次1270BS653MMLV Single StepBS654MMLV Single StepBS663AMV Single StepBS664AMV Single StepBS686INCLUSION BODY PROTEINBS689-A IMMUNOPRECIPITATION KIT50次BS694Components sold separately BS721-20ML两性霉素B溶液-5折优惠BS722-20ML氨苄青霉素钠溶液-5折优惠BS723-5ML G418SULFATEBS724-20ML硫酸庆大霉素,R-射线灭菌-5折优惠BS725-20ML HYGROMYCIN B-BS725-2ML R-射线灭菌-5折优惠BS726-210ML硫酸卡那霉素-5折优惠BS727-20ML硫酸新霉素溶液(射线灭菌)-5折优惠BS728-20ML制霉菌素溶液(R-射线灭菌)-5折优惠BS729-2*10ML青霉素G溶液-5折优惠BS730-2*10ML硫酸链霉素溶液(R-射线灭菌)-5折优惠BS731-2*10ML盐酸四环素溶液-5折优惠BS732-2*10ML青霉素/链霉素-5折优惠BS733-2*10ML青霉素/链霉素/两性霉素B-5折优惠BS734-2*10ML青霉素/链霉素/新霉素-5折优惠BS801Quik LB AmpBS802Quik LB AgarBS803Quik LB AgarBS804Quik LB KanBS805Quik LB AgarBS806Quik LB AgarBS858HYLB-Capsule20capsulesBS859-100LB Broth-Capsule100BS859-20LB Broth-Capsule20BS860-100LB Agar-Capsule100BS860-20LB Agar-Capsule20BS861-20LB#NAME?Agar-Capsule BS862-20LB Lennox-Capsule20BS863-20LB Lennox Agar-Capsule BS864-20SOB Broth-Capsule20BS865-20SOB Agar-Capsule20BS866-20SOC Broth-Capsule20BS867-20NZCYM Broth-Capsule20BS868-20NZCYM Agar-capsule20BS869-20NZYM-Capsule20capsulesBS870-20NZYM Agar-Capsule20BS871-20NZM Broth-capsule20BS872-20NZM Agar-Capsule20BS873-20YT-Capsule20capsulesBS874-20YT Agar-Capsule20BS875-20YT-Top Agar-Capsule20BS876-202×YT-Capsule20capsulesBS877-202×YT Agar-Capsule20BS878-202×YT Top Agar-Capsule BS879-20YPD Broth-Capsule20BS880-20YPD Agar-Capsule20BS881-20M9Broth-Capsule20BS882-20M9CA Broth-Capsule20BS883-20Super Broth-Capsule20BS884-20Super Broth Agar-Capsule BS885-20Super Broth TopBS886-20Lambda Broth-Capsule20BS887-20Tryptone Broth-Capsule20BS888-20YM#NAME?20BS889-20TYGPN-Capsule20capsulesBS890-20M63Broth-Capsule20BS891-20YM Agar-Capsule20BS892-20Terrific broth-Capsule20BT0897-100KG硼酸-GR100KG0BT0897-500G硼酸500G34BT0901-250G苯甲酸250G29BT0922-1KG溴酚蓝-IND1KG0BT0922-25G溴酚蓝25G28BT0943-5G溴甲酚绿5G24BT0944-10G溴甲酚绿钠盐10G38BT0944-250G溴甲酚绿钠盐-AR250G0BT0956-5G溴酚红5G26BT0959-25G碱性品红25G19BT0962-25G曙红Y,醇溶25G39BT0963-25G曙红Y,水溶25G39BT0968-10G溴甲酚紫10G42BT0981-25G备士麦棕Y25G22BT0990-25G巴比妥钠25G70BT1018-1G吲哚-3-乙酸1G16BT1019-1G吲哚-3-丁酸1G16BT1127-25G煌橙25G32BT1128-25G苄橙25G32BT1135-1KG巴比妥酸-AR1KG0BT1135-25G巴比妥酸25G21BT1497-500G氯化钡500G27BT1500-500G硫酸钡500G26BT1501-500G硝酸钡500G24BT1502-500G乙酸钡500G43BT1504-500G氢氧化钡500G26BT1679-500G硼酸-5折优惠BT1695-250G苯甲酸250G19BT1735-250G反丁烯二酸-AR250G0BT1735-500G反丁烯二酸500G29BT1737-100G焦性没食子酸100G48BT1743-250G苯甲醇250G37BT1743-5KG苯甲醇-AR5KG0BT1972-500G双酚A500G30BT1972-5KG双酚A-AR5KG0BT2062-25G牛黄酸25G22C0101-1KG柠檬酸钠二水1KGC0101-500G柠檬酸钠二水500G50KGC0101-50KG SODIUM CITRATE,TRISODC0102-10G二甲基胂酸10G131C0102-250G二甲基胂酸250G2683C0102-50G二甲基胂酸50G590C0164-1G胰凝乳蛋白酶1G838C0164-250MG胰凝乳蛋白酶250MG252C0164-5G胰凝乳蛋白酶5G3810C0179-100G碳酸钙无水100GC0179-1KG碳酸钙无水1KG20KGC0179-20KG CALCIUM CARBONATE,ANHYC0179-500G碳酸钙无水500GC0182-10G胞嘧啶核苷10G280C0182-2G胞嘧啶核苷2G67C0182-50G胞嘧啶核苷50G1168C0196-10G二甲基胂酸钠盐三水10GC0196-250G二甲基胂酸钠盐三水250GC0196-50G二甲基胂酸钠盐三水50GC0206-100G L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐一水100G10KGC0206-10KG L-CYSTENINE HYDROCHLORIDE,MC0206-25G L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐一水25GC0206-500G L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐一水500GC0230-100G氯霉素100G578C0230-10G氯霉素10G70C0230-1KG CHLORAMPHENICOL1KG0C0230-25G氯霉素25G159C0258-100G十六烷基-二甲基-乙基-溴化铵100G181C0258-10KG CETYLDIMETHYLETHYL AMMONIUM BROMIDE C0258-25G十六烷基-二甲基-乙基-溴化铵25G58C0258-500G十六烷基-二甲基-乙基-溴化铵500G814C0271-1G磷酸肌酸钠盐四水1GC0271-25G磷酸肌酸钠盐四水25GC0271-5G磷酸肌酸钠盐四水5GC0279-100G磷酸氢钙二水100GC0279-10KG CALCIUM PHOSPHATE,DIBADIHYDRATE C0279-500G磷酸氢钙二水500GC0285-100G ACES100G724C0285-25G ACES25G199C0285-500G ACES500G0C0330-100G硫酸铜五水100GC0330-2.5KG CUPRIC SULFATE,PENTAH2.5KGC0330-500G硫酸铜五水500GC0365-10KG CAPS10KG0C0365-1KG3-(环已氨基)-1-丙磺酸1KG2382C0365-250G3-(环已氨基)-1-丙磺酸250G655C0365-50G3-(环已氨基)-1-丙磺酸50G168C0379-100G刚果红100G303C0379-25G刚果红25G88C0392-10KG CHES10KG0C0392-250G CHES250G1318C0392-25G CHES25G180C0398-100G4-氯-1-萘酚100G1618C0398-1KG4-CHLORO-1-NAPHTHOL1KG0C0398-25G4-氯-1-萘酚25G445C0398-5G4-氯-1-萘酚5G107C0412-1G胞嘧啶1G73C0412-25G胞嘧啶25G1327C0412-5G胞嘧啶5G305C0415-100G氯化铯100G448C0415-20KG CESIUM CHLORIDE20KGC0415-25G氯化铯25G121C0415-500G氯化铯500G1996C0433-100G胆固醇100G238C0433-1KG CHOLESTEROL1KG0C0433-25G胆固醇25G72C0433-500G胆固醇500G1021C0436-1G甲酚红1G32C0436-25G甲酚红25G482C0436-5G甲酚红5G106C0465-1G CHAPS-7折优惠C0465-25G CHAPS-7折优惠C0465-500G CHAPS-7折优惠C0465-5G CHAPS-7折优惠C0472-100G考马士亮兰R-250-C0472-1KG COOMASSIE BRILLIANT BLUEC0472-25G考马士亮兰R-250-C0472-5G考马士亮兰R-250-C0473-100G硫酸铯100G1034C0473-25G硫酸铯25G286C0473-5G硫酸铯5G75C0500-1G甲酚红钠盐1G30C0500-25G甲酚红钠盐25G477C0500-5G甲酚红钠盐5G105C0528-100G结晶紫100G303C0528-25G结晶紫25G80C0528-500G结晶紫500G1376C0529-1KG柠檬酸1KG262C0529-20KG CITRIC ACID20KGC0529-250G柠檬酸250G74C0556-1KG氯化钙二水-没有折扣1KGC0556-250G氯化钙二水250GC0556-500G氯化钙二水500G50KGC0556-50KG CALCIUM CHLORIDE,DIHYDC0611-100MG5-三磷酸胞苷三钠盐100MG675C0611-1G CYTIDINE-5-TRIPHOSPHATE,TRIS1G0C0611-50MG5-三磷酸胞苷三钠盐50MG372C0615-100G考马士亮兰G-250-C0615-2.5KG COOMASSIE BRILLIANT BLUEC0615-25G考马士亮兰G-250-C0615-5G考马士亮兰G-250-C0707-100G1-氯-2,4-二硝基苯100G258C0707-25G1-氯-2,4-二硝基苯25G77C0707-500G1-氯-2,4-二硝基苯500G1075C0758-100G氯化十六烷基吡啶100G145C0758-30KG CETYLDIMETHYLETHYL AMMONIUM BROMIDE C0758-500G氯化十六烷基吡啶500G658C0833-100G十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵100G105C0833-1KG十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵1KG819C0833-25KG CTAB25KG0C0833-500G十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵500G447C0887-100G氯化铯100G359C0887-25G氯化铯25G98C0887-500G氯化铯500G1632C0887-5KG氯化铯5KG0C94271-100MG放线菌酮(环已酰亚胺)100MG299C94271-1G放线菌酮(环已酰亚胺)1G1182 CA33112DIGIT-12项功能1个36CA33210DIGIT,56项功能1个25CB0035-1KG柠檬酸钠二水-CB0035-500G柠檬酸钠二水-CB0037-100G考马士亮兰R-250-CB0037-25G考马士亮兰R-250-CB0037-5G考马士亮兰R-250-CB0038-100G考马士亮兰G-250-CB0038-25G考马士亮兰G-250-CB0038-5G考马士亮兰G-250-CB0051-100G硫酸铯100G1156 CB0051-25G硫酸铯25G351CB0051-5G硫酸铯5G95CB0052-100G碳酸钙无水100G CB0052-1KG碳酸钙无水1KGCB0052-500G碳酸钙无水500G CB0054-100G氯化铯100G413CB0054-25G氯化铯25G114CB0054-500G氯化铯500G1960 CB0055-1KG柠檬酸-7折优惠CB0055-250G柠檬酸-7折优惠CB0088-100G L-胱氨酸100G68CB0088-1KG L-CYSTINE1KG0CB0088-500G L-胱氨酸500G252CB0097-250G3-(环已氨基)-1-丙磺酸-7折优惠CB0097-50G3-(环已氨基)-1-丙磺酸-7折优惠CB0105-100G十六烷基-二甲基-乙基-溴化铵100G198CB0105-25G十六烷基-二甲基-乙基-溴化铵25G65CB0105-500G十六烷基-二架基-乙基-溴化铵500G916CB0108-100G十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵-7折优惠CB0108-1KG十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵-7折优惠CB0108-500G十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵-7折优惠CB0115-250G CHES-7折优惠CB0115-25G CHES-7折优惠CB0118-100G氯霉素-5折优惠CB0118-25G氯霉素-5折优惠CB0118-25KG氯霉素-5折优惠CB0124-1G6-氯嘌呤-取消CB0124-250MG6-氯嘌呤-取消CB0124-25G6-CHLOROPURINE5G0CB0132-100G L-半胱氨酸100G134CB0132-500G L-半胱氨酸500G530CB0132-50G L-半胱氨酸50G72CB0132-5KG L-CYSTEINE5KG0CB0133-100G L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐100G256CB0133-25G L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐25G77CB0152-1G CIBACRON BRILLIANT REDCB0152-25G CIBACRON BRILLIANT REDCB0152-5G CIBACRON BRILLIANT REDCB0153-1G CIBACRON BRILLIANT YELLOW CB0153-25G CIBACRON BRILLIANT YELLOW CB0153-5G CIBACRON BRILLIANT YELLOW CB0155-1G汽巴蓝F3GA1G30CB0155-5G汽巴蓝F3GA5G106CB0201-1K KU胰凝乳蛋白酶-CB0201-250KU胰凝乳蛋白酶-取消CB0321CTP25UMOL135CB0321-1ML CTP(100mM)1ML0CB0351-100ML氯仿:异戊醇(24:1)100ML118CB0351-200ML氯仿:异戊醇(24:1)200ML192CB0351-950ML CHLOROFORM:ISOAMYL ALCOHOL(24:1)950ML CB3060-100G酪蛋氨基酸(酪蛋白水解物)-没100G60CB3060-4*500G酪蛋氨基酸(酪蛋白水解物))-4*500G950CB3060-500G酪蛋氨基酸(酪蛋白水解物))-500G250CB3060-70KG酪蛋氨基酸(酪蛋白水解物)70KG0CB4211-1G天青石蓝1G75CB4211-5G天青石蓝5G312CB5277-1G头孢菌素C锌盐1G71 CB5277-25G头孢菌素C锌盐25G1463 CB5277-5G头孢菌素C锌盐5G322 CE203-5ML即用型细菌细胞裂解液5ML745 CE302-1G CHAPSO1G370 CE302-50G CHAPSO50G0CE302-5G CHAPSO5G1609 CE506-100ML1M氯化钙溶液100ML CE506-500ML1M氯化钙溶液500ML CLS001260碳酸酐酶50MG321 CLS001263碳酸酐酶250MG1069 CLS001333胰凝乳蛋白酶1G227 CLS001334胰凝乳蛋白酶10G1604 CLS001430胰凝乳蛋白酶25MG241 CLS001432胰凝乳蛋白酶100MG755 CLS001448胰凝乳蛋白酶250MG334 CLS001641CLOSTRIPAIN1MG0 CLS001652胶原(蛋白)5G468 CLS001654胶原(蛋白)1G132 CLS001656胶原(蛋白)10G735 CLS001722羧肽酶B1KU401 CLS001724羧肽酶B3KU869 CLS001847过氧化氢酶2G454 CLS001849过氧化氢酶10G1871 CLS001872过氧化氢酶10ML200 CLS001873过氧化氢酶100ML935 CLS001896过氧化氢酶10ML214 CLS001898过氧化氢酶100ML1403 CLS002598纤维素酶250MG307 CLS002601纤维素酶1G762 CLS002610纤维素酶1G401 CLS002611纤维素酶10G3140 CLS003708胰蛋白酶100MG174 CLS004103胆淄醇酯酶100U401 CLS004104胆淄醇酯酶500U1510 CLS004174胶原酶2型100MG321 CLS004177胶原酶2型5G0 CLS004180胶原酶3型100MG321 CLS004182胶原酶3型1G1871 CLS004183COLLAGENASE,TYPE35G0 CLS004186胶原酶4型100MG321 CLS004188胶原酶4型1G1871 CLS004189COLLAGENASE,TYPE45G0 CLS004194胶原酶1型100MG321 CLS004196胶原酶1型1G1871 CLS004197COLLAGENASE,TYPE15G0 CLS004202胶原酶2型50MG374CLS004204胶原酶2型250MG1443 CLS004206胶原酶3型50MG374 CLS004208胶原酶3型250MG1443 CLS004210胶原酶4型50MG374 CLS004212胶原酶4型250MG1443 CLS004214胶原酶1型50MG374 CLS005273胶原酶10KU1804 CLS005301羧肽酶B10MG962 CLS005304羧肽酶B50MG4276 CLS005305羧肽酶B5MG641 CLS005623CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN A,PURIFIED5G CLS005630胰凝乳蛋白酶原1G481 CLS005632胰凝乳蛋白酶原5G1737 CLS009068羧肽酶Y5MG3341 CLS009070羧肽酶Y1MG802 CLT001弹簧水夹,不锈钢,40MM4个15 CLT002弹簧水夹,不锈钢,60MM4个17 CLT003弹簧水夹,弹力钢,80MM4个20 CLV001铜,260MM,爪式万能夹1个23 CN0721-500G磷酸氢钙500G74 CN0721C磷酸氢钙500G74 CN1138-1KG卡那胶1KG350 CN1138-20KG卡那胶20KG0 CN1138-500G卡那胶500G180 CN3924A-250G水合氯醛250G42 CN5204-500G干酪素500G98 CT0123-500ML氯仿(三氯甲烷)500ML60 CT0124-4L氯仿(三氯甲烷)4L398 CT0124-500ML氯仿(三氯甲烷)-HPLC500ML0 CT0914-10G邻甲酚酞10G20 CT0928-100G克罗拉卓蓝100G35 CT0933-5G考马士亮兰G-2505G CT0934-10G考马士亮兰R-250-BS10G CT0934-500G考马士亮兰R-250-BS500G CT0934-5G考马士亮兰R-2505G CT0953-25G甲酚红25G26 CT0953-500G甲酚红-AR500G0 CT0954-250G刚果红-IND250G0 CT0954-25G刚果红25G28 CT0966-25G结晶紫25G16 CT0966-500G结晶紫-AR500G0 CT0969-10G间甲酚紫10G34 CT0969-200G间甲酚紫-AR200G0 CT0970-5G邻苯耳酚紫5G26 CT0975-100G香豆素100G48 CT0976-5G姜黄素5G44 CT0978-5G钙黄绿素5G20CT0985-25G铬黑T25G22 CT0986-250G依来铬蓝黑R-IND250G0 CT0986-25G依来铬蓝黑R25G19 CT1004-250G变色酸-AR250G0 CT1004-25G变色酸25G34 CT1027-10G偶氮氯膦I-AR10G CT1027-1G偶氮氯膦I1G CT1028-1G偶氮氯膦III1G CT1059-25G邻甲酚酞络合指示剂25G78 CT1105-25G辛可宁25G238 CT1110-10G铬天青S10G29 CT1112-25G D-泛酸钙25G26 CT1114-100G氯化胆碱100G34 CT1136-250G黄七精Y-IND250G0 CT1136-25G黄七精Y25G118 CT1143-10G盐基淡黄10G32 CT1314-250G碳酸钙250G25 CT1315-500G硝酸钙500G26 CT1317-500G乙酸钙500G29 CT1318-500G草酸钙500G34 CT1321-500G氧化钙500G0 CT1322-500G氟化钙500G29 CT1325-250G氢氧化钙-AR250G0 CT1325-500G氢氧化钙500G22 CT1326-25KG柠檬酸钙-AR25KG0 CT1326-500G柠檬酸钙500G32 CT1330-500G无水氯化钙500G26 CT1331-500G氯化钙二水500G CT1425-500G硫酸铜五水500G CT1426-10KG硝酸铜-AR10KG0 CT1427-500G乙酸铜500G64 CT1429-10KG氯化铜-AR10KG0 CT1429-500G氯化铜500G48 CT1434-10KG氢氧化铜-AR10KG0 CT1434-250G氢氧化铜-AR250G0 CT1434-500G氢氧化铜500G57 CT1439-100G酒石酸铜100G52 CT1444-500G无水硫酸铜500G39 CT1459-100G硫酸钴100G0 CT1460-100G硝酸钴100G34 CT1460-2KG硝酸钴-AR2KG0 CT1461-100G乙酸钴100G38 CT1463-100G草酸钴100G59 CT1464-100G氯化钴100G29 CT1464-5KG氯化钴-AR5KG0 CT1482-500G硝酸铬500G52 CT1484-500G氧化铬500G64CT1485-500G氯化铬500G0CT1490-250G氧化镉250G0CT1491-250G氯化镉250G49CT1492-100G乙酸镉100G47CT1493-100G硫酸镉100G0CT1495-250G硝酸镉250G68CT1542-1KG活性碳粉状1KGCT1542-500G活性碳粉状-AR500GCT1543-1KG活性碳柱状1KGCT1544-1KG活性碳颗粒状1KGCT1544-500G活性碳颗粒状-AR500G(用于1KG) CT1611-100G十六烷基-三甲基-溴化铵-5折优惠CT1614-25G十六烷基-三甲基-氯化铵25G46CT1702-500G柠檬酸-5折优惠CT1705-500G氯乙酸500G28CT1707-500ML正辛酸500ML44CT1859-500ML蓖麻油500ML32CT1860-25ML香柏油25ML14CT2004-500ML氯仿(三氯甲烷)500ML28CT2041-100G肌酐-BR100G0CT2041-5G肌酐5G98CT2042-25G肌醇25G14CT2042-500G肌醇-BR500G0CT2042-5KG肌醇-BR5KG0CT2056-25G肌酸25G19CT2057-25G胆酸25G72CT2121-500G环糊精500G39CT2149-100G乳酸钙100G22CT2149-5KG乳酸钙-BR5KG0CT2154-25G泛酸钙25G24CT2154-500G泛酸钙-BR500G0D0044-1DATP-低于5折优惠D0046-1DCTP-低于5折优惠D0048-1DGTP-低于5折优惠D0050-1DTTP-低于5折优惠D0055DNTP-低于5折优惠D0056dNTP-低于5折优惠D0081-1000U Tsg DNA PolymeraseD0081-200U Tsg DNA PolymeraseD0081-5000U Tsg DNA PolymeraseD0198-10G硫酸葡聚糖10G146D0198-10KG DEXTRAN SULFATE10KGD0198-250G硫酸葡聚糖250G2438D0231-100ML二甲亚砜100ML49D0231-20L DMSO20L0D0231-500ML二甲亚砜500ML188D0238-1KG二乙醇胺1KG229D0238-2.5KG DIETHANOLAMINE 2.5KG0D0238-250G二乙醇胺250G65D0238-500G DIETHANOLAMINE(用于1KG)500G0D0293-250ML二乙胺250ML93D0293-950ML二乙胺950ML322 D0425-1G二硫赤藓糖醇1G81D0425-25G DTE25G0D0425-5G二硫赤藓糖醇5G349 D0430-100G DAB,TETRAHYDROCHLORIDE100G0D0430-1G3,3二氨基联苯胺四盐酸二水D0430-25G3,3二氨基联苯胺四盐酸二水D0430-5G3,3二氨基联笨胺四盐酸二水D0435-10G DANSYL CHLORIDE10G D0435-1G丹磺酰氯1G207 D0435-5G丹磺酰氯5G928 D0445-10G DEAE葡聚糖10G109 D0445-250G DEAE DEXTRAN250G D0445-50G DEAE葡聚糖50G480 D0456-100G2’-DEOXYADENOSINE,MONOHYDRA100G0D0456-1G2’-脱氧腺苷一水1GD0456-5G2’-脱氧腺苷一水5GD0464-20L N’,N-DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE20L0D0464-250ML N’,N-二甲基甲酰胺250ML73D0464-500ML N’,N-二甲基甲酰胺500ML113 D0467-100G2’-DEOXYCYTIDINE,HYDROCHLOR100G0D0467-1G2’-脱氧胞苷盐酸盐1G272 D0467-5G2’-脱氧胞苷盐酸盐5G1235 D0475-100G2-DEOXYGUANOSINE,MONOHYDRATE100G0D0475-100MG2’-脱氧鸟苷一水100MG D0475-1G2’-脱氧鸟苷一水1GD0475-500MG2’-脱氧鸟苷一水500MG D0481-1G2’-脱氧胸苷1G81D0481-25G2’-脱氧胸苷25G1666 D0481-5G2’-脱氧胸苷5G367 D0491-1G2’-脱氧尿苷1G583 D0491-250MG2’-脱氧尿苷250MG169 D0491-5G2’-脱氧尿苷5G2650 D0503-100MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧腺苷二钠盐100MG1832 D0503-50MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧腺苷二钠盐50MG941 D0518-100MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧胞苷三钠盐100MG1390 D0518-50MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧胞苷三钠盐50MG763 D0526-250MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧鸟苷三钠盐250MG4000 D0526-50MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧鸟苷三钠盐50MG881 D0532-100MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧胸苷三钠盐100MG1994 D0532-50MG5’-三磷酸-2’-脱氧胸苷三钠盐50MG1200 D0613-10G脱氧胆酸钠盐10G67D0613-250G脱氧胆酸钠盐250G1391D0613-500G DEOXYCHOLIC ACID SODIUM D0613-50G脱氧胆酸钠盐50G306D0624-100ML十二烷基-三甲基-氯化铵100ML256D0624-25ML十二烷基-三甲基-氯化铵25ML85D0624-500ML十二烷基-三甲基-氯化铵500ML1096 D0644-100G DNA100G0D0644-1G DNA1G68D0644-25G DNA25G1290 D0644-500G DNA500G0D0644-5G DNA5G284D0649-100KU脱氧核糖核酸酶I100KU D0649-50KU脱氧核糖核酸酶I50KU D0657-1G2’-脱氧-D-核糖1G126D0657-50G2-DEOXY-D-RIBOSE50G0D0657-5G2’-脱氧-D-核糖5G572D0665-100G葡聚糖100G858D0665-1KG DEXTRAN1KG0D0665-25G葡聚糖25G236D0665-5G葡聚糖5G59DT0119-500ML二氯甲烷500ML65DT0120-4L二氯甲烷4L430 DT0120-500ML二氯甲烷-HPLC500ML0DT0151-500ML N,N-二甲基甲酰胺500ML69DT0152-4L N,N-二甲基甲酰胺4L592 DT0153-4L N,N-二甲基甲酰胺-HPLC4L0DT0153-500ML N,N-二甲基乙酰胺500ML84DT0163-500ML二甲亚砜500ML118 DT0164-4L二甲亚砜4L788 DT0746-500ML二氯甲烷500ML32DT0777-500ML N,N-二甲基甲酰胺500ML42DT0778-500ML N,N-二甲基乙酰胺500ML39DT0913-25G酚酞25G12DT0913-2KG酚酞-IND2KG0DT0973-25G二甲基黄25G38DT0994-25G变色酸钠25G42DT0997-25G二苯胺磺酸钠25G20DT1043-5G双硫腙(铅试剂)5G18DT1079-25G二苯偶氮碳酰肼25G38DT1100-250G对苯二酚250G37DT1101-100G间苯二酚100G26DT1102-100G邻苯二酚100G156 DT1321氯化钙干燥管,单球5个20DT1322氯化钙干燥管,双球5个20DT1568-500G硅藻土500G22DT1609-25G十二烷基-三甲基-溴化铵25G26DT1609-500G十二烷基-三甲基-溴化铵-AR500G0DT1612-100G十二烷基-三甲基-氯化铵-AR100G0DT1612-25G十二烷基-三甲基-氯化铵25G26DT1621-100G二苯胺100G19DT1621-2KG二苯胺-AR2KG0DT1635-100G对苯二胺100G32DT1635-25G对苯二胺25G0DT1636-100G邻苯二胺100G32DT1637-100G间苯二胺100G32DT1644-500ML二乙醇胺500ML29DT1664-500ML N,N-二甲基甲酰胺500ML34DT1665-500ML N,N-二甲基乙酰胺500ML32DT1697-500G月桂酸500G29DT1729-500G D-酒石酸500G104DT1731-100G DL-苹果酸-BR100G0DT1731-500G DL-苹果酸500G38DT1899-500G糊精500G29DT1976-100G2,4-二硝基苯酚100G44DT1977-100G二硝基苯酚100G64DT2003-500ML二氯甲烷500ML24DT2043-10G甜醇10G78DT2047-25G盐酸吡哆醇25G24DT5551-100G邻二氯苯酚100G97DTC003组织培养皿,12/包10*包26DTC007组织培养皿,10/包10包28DTC009组织培养皿,10/包10包35DTC015组织培养皿,单独包装包19E0105-100G乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水100GE0105-1KG乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水1KGE0105-500G乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水500GE0105-50KG EDTA DISODIUM SALTE0109-100G曙红Y100G378E0109-25G曙红Y25G104E0109-5G曙红Y5G32E0219-10G红霉素10G265E0219-2G红霉素2G63E0219-50G红霉素50G1102E0322-100G乙二胺四乙酸100G45E0322-1KG乙二胺四乙酸1KG361E0322-500G乙二胺四乙酸500G198E0492-1G溴化乙锭-7折优惠E0492-25G溴化乙锭-7折优惠E0492-500G ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]500GE0492-5G溴化乙锭-7折优惠E0582-1L乙二醇1L212E0582-250ML乙二醇250ML65E0582-4L ETHYLENE GLYCOL4LE0720-100G乙二胺四乙酸二钾盐二水100GE0720-20KG EDTA DEPOTASSIUN SALTE0720-500G乙二胺四乙酸二钾盐二水500GE0732-1KG EGTA1KG0E0732-250G EGTA250G3236E0732-50G EGTA50G690E0732-5G EGTA5G83E261Low Range IE273Wide-Range Marker200μGE279Marks-IT TM100μGE683Low Range IIE687Low Range IIIE840DNA MicroMarker TME854PCR DNA MarkerEB0075-100G二乙胺四乙酸二钾盐二水100G0EB0075-500G二乙胺四乙酸二钾盐二水500G0EB0107-100G乙二胺四乙酸-7折优惠EB0107-1KG乙二胺四乙酸-7折优惠EB0107-500G乙二胺四乙酸-7折优惠EB0185-100G乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水-EB0185-1KG乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水-EB0185-500G乙二胺四乙酸二钠盐二水-EB0192-25G红霉素25G408EB0192-5G红霉素5G98EB0195-1G溴化乙锭-7折优惠EB0195-5G溴化乙锭-7折优惠EB0577-100G EDC100G0EB0577-1G EDC1G89EB0577-25G EDC25G202EB0577-5G EDC5G425EB315-100U无机焦磷酸酶-取消EB315-500U无机焦磷酸酶-取消EB333-200U无机焦磷酸酶-取消EB333-50U无机焦磷酸酶-取消EB517-10KU MMLV Reverse Transcriptase EB517-2KU MMLV Reverse Transcriptase EE406-5ML ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]5MLEE522-100ML EDTA100ML192EF0261碱性磷酸酶,150U/μL7500U899EF0341碱性磷酸酶200U187EF0342碱性磷酸酶5*200U560EJ586-5MG E-645MG936EJ844-10TABS ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]10TABSEJ844-25TABS ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]25TABSEJ845-10T ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]10TABSEJ845-25T ETHIDIUM BROMIDE[EB]25TABSEK0031T4多聚核苷酸激酶500UEK0032T4多聚核苷酸激酶2500UEL0011T4DNA连接酶EL0012T4DNA连接酶EL0013T4DNA连接酶EL0014T4DNA连接酶EL0017T4DNA连接酶EL0021T4RNA连接酶EL0331T4DNA连接酶EL0334T4DNA连接酶EL0337T4DNA连接酶ELS002290弹性蛋白酶25MG401ELS002292弹性蛋白酶100MG1269EN0171核酸酶BAL3150UEN0181微球菌核酸酶8000U455EN0191外切核酸酶III4000UEN0201核糖核酸酶H100UEN0202核糖核酸酶H500UEN0321核酸酶S110000U EN0361尿嘧啶DNA糖基酶200U455EN0362尿嘧啶DNA糖基酶5×200U1819EN0531RIBONUCLEASE A10MGEP0041DNA聚合酶IEP0042DNA聚合酶IEP0051DNA聚合酶IEP0052DNA聚合酶IEP0061T4DNA聚合酶EP0062T4DNA聚合酶EP0081T7DNA聚合酶EP0101T3RNA聚合酶EP0102T3RNA聚合酶EP0103T3RNA聚合酶EP0111T7RNA聚合酶EP0112T7RNA聚合酶EP0113T7RNA聚合酶EP0131SP6RNA聚合酶EP0161末端脱氧核苷转移酶500U606EP0162末端脱氧核苷转移酶2500U2425EP0421DNA polymerase IEP0422DNA polymerase IEP0441M-MLV逆转录酶2×5000U EP0442M-MLV逆转录酶10×5000U ER0011Alu I600UER0021Alw21I200UER0022Alw21I1000UER0031Alw26I1000UER0032Alw26I5000UER0041Alw44I1000UER0042Alw44I5000UER0051BamH I4000UER0052BamH I20000U ER0053BamH I HC20000U ER0061Bcn I1000U ER0062Bcn I5000U ER0072Bg1I10000U ER0081Bgl II500UER0082Bgl II2500U ER0091Bpu1102I200UER0092Bpu1102I1000U ER0111Bsp68I500UER0112Bsp68I2500U ER0121Bsp1191I2500U ER0131Bsp120I1500U ER0132Bsp120I7500U ER0133Bsp120I HC7500U ER0142Bsu15I3000U ER0151BsuR I3000U ER0152BsuR I15000U ER0161Cfr I200UER0162Cfr I1000U ER0172Cfr9I1500U ER0181Cfr10I200UER0182Cfr10I1000U ER0192Cfr13I5000U ER0202Cfr42I6000U ER0211Csp6I1500U ER0221Dra I1500U ER0222Dra I75000U ER0231Eam1104I300UER0232Eam1104I1500U ER0241Eam1105I1000U ER0242Eam1105I5000U ER0251Ecl136II1500U ER0252Ecl136II7500U ER0273EcoR I HC25000U ER0281Eco24I1500U ER0291Eco31I500UER0292Eco31I2500U ER0301Eco32I2000U ER0303Eco32I HC1000U ER0311Eco47I800UER0322Eco47III1000U ER0331Eco52I500UER0332Eco52I2500U ER0342Eco57I500UER0362Eco72I10000U ER0372Eco81I2500UER0381Eco88I1000U ER0392Eco91I5000U ER0401Eco105I600UER0402Eco105I3000U ER0421Eco147I1000U ER0422Eco147I5000U ER0432Sca I5000U ER0452Esp3I1000U ER0471Hin1I300UER0472Hin1I1500U ER0482Hin6I10000U ER0491Hinc II500UER0501Hind III5000U ER0502Hind III25000U ER0503Hind III 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江苏三木集团有限公司--光固化树脂及其单体齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯聚氨酯丙烯酸酯齐聚物氨基丙烯酸酯单体(六官能基单体)单体(三官能基单体) 单体(双官能基单体) 单体(单官能基单体)产品名称产品类别6104 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104-80 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6105-80 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6109A 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104D 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6105-80D 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6118 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6107 齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104 齐聚物氨基丙烯酸酯6116 齐聚物氨基丙烯酸酯6117 齐聚物氨基丙烯酸酯SM6201 聚氨酯丙烯酸酯SM6318 聚氨酯丙烯酸酯SM6202 聚氨酯丙烯酸酯SM611 单体(单官能基单体)SM612 单体(单官能基单体)氨基丙烯酸酯6109D 单体(双官能基单体)SM626 单体(双官能基单体)SM624 单体(双官能基单体)SM623 单体(双官能基单体)SM625P 单体(双官能基单体)SM625 单体(双官能基单体)SM622 单体(双官能基单体)6119预聚物单体(三官能基单体)SM631 单体(三官能基单体)SM632 单体(三官能基单体)SM631P 单体(三官能基单体)SM631E 单体(三官能基单体)SM661 单体(六官能基单体)产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104基本性质:化学名称:双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:6000-12000主要特点:•低色度•高光泽•硬度佳与抗化性佳主要用途:•涂料•油墨•粘合剂产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104-80基本性质:化学名称:双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯,含15 %TMPTA物性与化性:官能度:2-3 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:2000-5000主要特点:•低色度•高光泽•硬度佳•抗化性佳主要用途:•纸张光油•摩托车罩光产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6105-80基本性质:化学名称:双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯,含20 %TPGDA物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:900-3000主要特点:•低色度•高光泽•坚韧性佳•耐刮性佳主要用途:•纸张上光•木器涂料•油墨与金属装饰展彩剂产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6109A基本性质:化学名称:脂肪酸改性环氧二丙烯酸酯,含20 %TPGDA 物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:60000-90000主要特点:•湿润性•流平性佳•促进柔韧性主要用途:•木器底漆•哑光漆•金属•塑料产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6104D基本性质:化学名称:低粘度双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:3000-6000主要特点:•低色数•流平性•高反应性主要用途:•纸张•木器•塑胶产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6105-80D基本性质:化学名称:低粘度双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯,含20 %TPGDA物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:1酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:10000-35000CPS/25 ℃主要特点:•低色数•流平性•应用便利主要用途:•纸张•木器•塑胶产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6118基本性质:化学名称:溴化双酚A 环氧二丙烯酸酯,含25 %TPGDA物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:透明澄清液体色度:2酸价mgKOH/g:3 粘度CPS/60 ℃:2000-8000主要特点:•阻燃性佳•耐热性佳主要用途:•木器•塑料•油墨产品名称:齐聚物环氧丙烯酸酯6107基本性质:化学名称:多元醇改性环氧丙烯酸酯物性与化性:官能度:2 外观:无色到微淡黄色粘稠液体色度:2酸价mgKOH/g:5 粘度CPS/60 ℃:6000-9000主要特点:高光泽快速固化,较好的柔韧性,较强附着力,粘度中等。

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