



学科英语专业学位类别Dissecting the Degree Categories of English Major: A Comprehensive Overview.The field of English, as a discipline, offers a vast array of degree categories, each tailored to suit the interests and career aspirations of students. This article delves into the various degree categories available in English, focusing on their requirements, potential career paths, and the skills they equip students with.1. Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English.The BA in English is the most common undergraduate degree in the field. It offers a broad education in literature, language, and culture, covering topics such as poetry, drama, prose, linguistics, and more. This degree prepares students for a wide range of careers, including teaching, editing, publishing, and corporate communication.Requirements: Students usually need to complete around 120 credits, including core courses, electives, and athesis or capstone project. Core courses cover literature from different periods and cultures, while electives allow students to specialize in areas like creative writing, Shakespearean studies, or children's literature.Skills Acquired: BA in English graduates develop strong analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills. They are able to read, interpret, and write about complex literary texts, and apply these skills to various contexts.2. Master of Arts (MA) in English.The MA in English is a graduate-level degree that builds on the foundation of a BA, offering a more focused and specialized education. Students can choose tospecialize in areas like literature, creative writing, or linguistics. This degree is often a prerequisite for advanced academic or research positions.Requirements: MA programs usually require students tocomplete 30-36 credits, including core courses, seminars, and a thesis or research project. Admission criteria typically include a strong undergraduate record, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.Skills Acquired: MA graduates gain advanced knowledge and research skills in their chosen area of specialization. They are able to conduct independent research, write critically and analytically about literary and cultural texts, and contribute to academic discussions and publications.3. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English.The PhD in English is the highest degree awarded in the field, designed for those interested in pursuing an academic career in teaching and research. This degree requires students to conduct original research and write a dissertation.Requirements: PhD programs are highly competitive and require students to complete a minimum of 60 credits,including courses, seminars, and the dissertation. Admission criteria are stringent, often requiring a strong MA record, research experience, and a competitive GRE score.Skills Acquired: PhD graduates are equipped with the highest level of knowledge and research skills in their field. They are able to conduct independent, original research, publish in academic journals, and contribute significantly to the field of English studies.In conclusion, the degree categories in English offer a diverse range of options for students, catering to their interests and career goals. From the BA, which provides a broad foundation, to the MA and PhD, which offer more focused and specialized education, these degrees equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a variety of fields.。



学科分类和代码中英文对照表一、自然科学类1. 数学(Mathematics)代码:01012. 物理学(Physics)代码:01023. 化学(Chemistry)代码:01034. 天文学(Astronomy)代码:01045. 地球科学(Earth Sciences)代码:01056. 生物学(Biology)代码:01067. 农学(Agricultural Science)代码:01078. 林学(Forestry)代码:01089. 环境科学(Environmental Science)代码:010910. 气象学(Meteorology)代码:0110二、工程技术类1. 机械工程(Mechanical Engineering)代码:02012. 电气工程(Electrical Engineering)代码:02023. 电子工程(Electronic Engineering)代码:02034. 计算机科学与技术(Computer Science and Technology)代码:02045. 建筑学(Architecture)代码:02056. 土木工程(Civil Engineering)代码:02067. 水利工程(Hydraulic Engineering)代码:02078. 化学工程(Chemical Engineering)代码:02089. 材料科学与工程(Material Science and Engineering)代码:020910. 航空航天工程(Aerospace Engineering)代码:0210三、人文社会科学类1. 哲学(Philosophy)代码:03012. 经济学(Economics)代码:03023. 法学(Law)代码:03034. 教育学(Education)代码:03045. 文学(Literature)代码:03056. 历史学(History)代码:03067. 管理学(Management)代码:03078. 心理学(Psychology)代码:03089. 社会学(Sociology)代码:030910. 新闻传播学(Journalism and Communication)代码:0310四、医学与健康类1. 基础医学(Basic Medical Sciences)代码:04012. 临床医学(Clinical Medicine)代码:04023. 口腔医学(Dental Medicine)代码:04034. 公共卫生与预防医学(Public Health and Preventive Medicine)代码:04045. 中医学(Traditional Chinese Medicine)代码:04056. 药学(Pharmacy)代码:04067. 护理学(Nursing)代码:04078. 医学影像学(Medical Imaging)代码:04089. 康复医学(Rehabilitation Medicine)代码:040910. 生物医学工程(Biomedical Engineering)代码:0410五、艺术与设计类1. 美术学(Fine Arts)代码:05012. 设计学(Design)代码:05023. 音乐学(Music)代码:05034. 舞蹈学(Dance)代码:05045. 戏剧与影视学(Theatre, Film and Television)代码:05056. 摄影(Photography)代码:05067. 书法(Calligraphy)代码:05078. 雕塑(Sculpture)代码:05089. 工艺美术(Arts and Crafts)代码:050910. 服装设计与工程(Fashion Design and Engineering)代码:0510六、军事学类1. 战略学(Strategic Studies)代码:06012. 战术学(Tactical Studies)代码:06023. 军事指挥学(Military Command)代码:06034. 军事后勤学(Military Logistics)代码:06045. 军事装备学(Military Equipment)代码:06056. 国防科技(National Defense Technology)7. 军事训练学(Military Training)代码:06078. 军事历史学(Military History)代码:06089. 军事心理学(Military Psychology)代码:060910. 军事法学(Military Law)代码:0610七、交叉学科类1. 生物信息学(Bioinformatics)代码:07012. 纳米科学与技术(Nanoscience and Technology)代码:07023. 金融工程(Financial Engineering)代码:07034. 能源科学与工程(Energy Science and Engineering)代码:07045. 智能科学与技术(Intelligence Science and Technology)代码:07056. 数据科学与大数据技术(Data Science and Big Data Technology)代码:07067. 空间科学与技术(Space Science and Technology)8. 材料基因工程(Material Genome Engineering)代码:07089. 环境科学与工程(Environmental Science and Engineering)代码:070910. 计算社会科学(Computational Social Science)代码:0710八、体育学类1. 体育教育训练学(Physical Education and Training)代码:08012. 运动人体科学(Sports Human Science)代码:08023. 运动康复(Sports Rehabilitation)代码:08034. 社会体育指导与管理(Social Sports Guidance and Management)代码:08045. 体育赛事管理(Sports Event Management)代码:08056. 体育新闻与传播(Sports Journalism and Communication)代码:08067. 体育休闲与旅游(Sports Leisure and Tourism)代码:08078. 武术与民族传统体育(Martial Arts and Traditional National Sports)代码:08089. 运动训练(Sports Training)代码:080910. 体育产业管理(Sports Industry Management)代码:0810九、语言学类1. 汉语言文学(Chinese Language and Literature)代码:09012. 外国语言文学(Foreign Languages and Literatures)代码:09023. 语言学及应用语言学(Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)代码:09034. 翻译学(Translation Studies)代码:09045. 对外汉语教学(Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)代码:09056. 语音学与语音识别(Phonetics and Speech Recognition)代码:09067. 计算语言学(Computational Linguistics)代码:09078. 修辞学(Rhetoric)代码:09089. 文艺理论(Literary Theory)代码:090910. 比较文学与世界文学(Comparative Literature and World Literature)代码:0910。



中图分类号学校代码 10224密级公开学号硕士学位论文单击此处输入题目,不超25字,不设副标题.作学位类别所在学院工程学院一级学科农业工程二级学科农业机械化二○一三年六(冬季毕业填为十二)月Classified Index : Code :10224Confidential (yes/no): NO.:Dissertation for the Master Degree单击此处输入论文英文题目Candidate:Supervisor:Degree Category:College:First level discipline:Second level discipline:Harbin ChinaJune2013目录目录摘要 (I)英文摘要 ............................................................................................................................. I II 1[单击此处输入一级标题,页眉自动生成。

] . (1)1.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (1)1.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。

] (1)2[单击此处输入一级标题。

] (3)2.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (3)2.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。

] (3)3[单击此处输入一级标题。

] (5)3.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (5)3.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。

] (5)4[单击此处输入一级标题。

] (7)4.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (7)4.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。

] (7)5[单击此处输入一级标题。

] (9)5.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (9)5.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。

] (9)6[单击此处输入一级标题。

] (11)6.1[单击此处输入二级标题。

] (11)6.1.1[单击此处输入三级标题。



国际问题专业英语词汇表Absolute/Simple/Relative majority AbolitionismAbsolutismAd hocAdverse shocksAggregation of different interests Agnostic political temper Alleviation of humanitarian disaster Amnesty internationalAnomalous periodsAppeasement policy Appropriation committeeArmisticeArmed confrontationArm to teethArms control~ dealer/merchant of death~ raceArticulation of interests Asymmetric shocks/threat AuthoritarianismAutocracy(The) Axis powersBalance of powerBank liquidityBargaining chipsBehind closed doorsBi (tri-, multi-) lateral relations~ economic cooperation~ tradeBilliard ball gameBipartisan supportBlackmailBlockadeBond market and equity market Bordering subjectsBoundary negotiationBrainchildBraindrain~washBring all positive factors into full play Bring to justice~ fruitionBubble economyBudget surplus~ deficitBuffer zoneBusiness cycle(to) Carve out sphere of influenceCaste societyCatastrophic changeCapital accountCapital accumulationCapital flightCatholic CeasefireCenter-bordering areaCivil rights movementsClash of civilizationCoalition buildingCollective securityColonialism & neo-colonialismCommand economy~ massive media attentionCommon destinyCommunal disintegrationComplete prohibition & thoroughdestruction of nuclear weapons Concessional loan 优惠贷款Conciliatory mannerConflict & compromiseConsent of the governedConservative authoritarianism ConservatismConsociational democracyContested/competitive election 差额选举(equal-number /single-candidate election:等额选举)ConstructionismConsultationsContainment policyContingencyConstitutional monarchy system~ amendmentCosmopolitan communityCosmopolitanismCovenant(盟约)Conventional weaponsConvertible hard currencyCountry of one’s residence Counterbalance Counterproductive crusadeCredible monetary policyCrisis confidenceCross-border organized crime~ transactionCultural hegemonyCultural relicCurrent account(to) Deal a severe blow to DecentralizationDecision making procedureDeep-rooted/seated habitDe facto (de jure)Defense alliance(to) Defer debts(De)CentralizationDelayed repayment of capital & interest DependencyDepression, recessionDeregulated worldDerivative marketDespotism DétenteDeveloped countriesDeveloping ~Underdeveloped ~Less developed ~Direct democracyDisarmament and arms control Discernible national interest Disparity of wealthDispersed structure of power Disputed areasDistribution of benefitsDivision, tension & conflict DomesticationDomestic consensus oninternational objectives Double-edge sword functionDraft treaty 草约Drug smuggling/trafficking/pushingDual nationalityDurable goodsDuring a period of similar duration in Dutiable goods/duty-free goods(应/免税物品)Dysfunctional institutionEarly warning systemEcocideEconomic sanction~ bottom up/out~ take-off~ recessionEco-system disasterEgalitarian divisionElectoral CollegeEmpirical investigationEndangered speciesEpic-making importanceEqual opportunityEquality of economic opportunity Established principle of international law Establishment of diplomatic relationsEthnic cleansing (apartheid)Excess democracyExchange rate mechanismExchange of needed goodsExclusive economic zoneExtensive obligationsExtraditionExtraterritorial rightExtreme alternativesFundamental rightsFair economic competitionFailed paradigmFar-reaching implicationsFascismFeasibility studyFederal expenditureFeminismFinancial constraint~ industry~ sectorFiscal crisis财政危机~ stimulusFlightism(逃跑主义)Fluctuating rateForeign currency reserveForensic mattersForestallForward deployed military strategy Founding fatherFragmentationFree riderFrictionFull employment~ diplomatic relationsFully-fledged powerGenocideGeographical strategyGlobal governanceGlobalizationGross domestic productHead-on confrontationHealth CertificateHegemonic stabilityHeir apparentHolocaustHostile hegemonsHorizontal/Vertical proliferationIdeological hegemony of classical liberalism Incumbent partyIn consideration of the actual conditions IncrementalismIndividualismIntegrationInterest groupsInternationalizationInternational criminal courtInternational status~ waters~ situationIntellectual property rightsInter-bank market Interdisciplinary subjects Indiscriminate killingIndustrial revolutionImminent threat(to) Impose unilateral restrictions on Iron trianglesIrreversible natureLaunch a new initiativeLegacyLeague of NationsLandslide victory/defeatLife laneLip serviceLiquidationism (流寇主义)Low/high policy/politicsMacroeconomic policyMight is rightMainstream cultureMajority tyranny~ ruleMajoritarian democracyManifest destinyMaritime resourcesManeuverMarket accessMatters of mutual interest Maverick geniusMcCarthyismMedium-term objectivesMergers and acquisitionsMigrant workersMilestone/cornerstone/Military-industrial complex Military junta~ regime~ intervention~ encirclement~ build-up~ exercise~provocationMilitary-KeynesianismMonetary stabilityMoney launderingMulti-dimensional chess gameMutual surveillanceMutually exclusive interestsNational power and prestige~ self-determination~ comprehensive strength~ competition strength~ treatment~ referendum~ identity~ sovereignty~ mergeNazismNegative income taxNeo-liberalismNeo-realismNon-aligned movementsNordic countriesNuclear arsenalOil embargoOpportunitistOrthodoxOverseas marketPacifismPanaceaParliamentary democracyParochial prejudice ParticularizationPartisan alignmentsPatrimonial sea (承袭海)Pax-Americana美利坚治下的和平Peaceful handover of power Peacekeeping operationPer capita income/GDPPPP Purchase parity power 购买力平价Peripheral countriesPluralism Policy stasis~ mix~ instrumentsPolitical authority~ attitude~ asylum~ consensus~ consultation~ culture~ democratization~ disequilibrium~ distemper/temper~ elites~ entrepreneurs~ feasibility~ fugitive(政治逃犯)~ institutions~ isolation~ legitimacy/legitimation~ offender(政治犯)~ power~ structure~subversionPolarization of societyPopular movementPopulismPositivismPostindustrial societyPotential security concerns~ adversaryPower politics 大国政治Precision-guided bombsPredominant opinionPreemptive strikePremature conclusionPress conference 新闻发布会Primitive capital accumulationPrivate sector~ propertyProliferation of weapons of mass destruction Prospective customersProtestantPublic goods theory~ sector (private ~)Pure fabrication~ realpolitikQuarantine Office (检疫所)Racial discriminationRational allocation of resources Rationalism 理性主义Real/constant dollarReal estate speculationRecipientRegional conflict 地区冲突~ economic cooperation 地区经济合作Regionalization 地区化Regular consultationsRegulatory bureaucracyRehabilitation CenterRepressive regimeRevisionismRights and obligationsRotating chairmanSacred and inviolable rightScale economyScapegoatSecondary marketSecret ballotSeek a fair and reasonable solution Segmented marketSelf-fulfilling prophecySelf-imposed obligationSeparation of powerService the debt(to) shape the policy agendaShock therapyShort-term deficitSkepticsSlim majority in favorSlippery conceptSocial bargain~ buffer~ infrastructureSocialization(to) Solve disputes by peaceful means Spillover effectSpecial-operations forcesStaff writer 特约撰稿人Staggered electionStaple food 主食StanceStanding army~ committee(to) Start from scratchState/private sectorState/national sovereigntyStatic pie/growing pieStatus quo power (potential power) Strategic defense 战略防御~ intention~ reserve~ position~ key areaStreamlineStructural unemploymentSubmerged convictionSummit meetingSunk costSupply-side economySupranational community Suspension of negotiationsSustained/sustainable development mode Swap marketSynchronous business circlesSystem overloadTangible assetTax evasion/cut/reduction/revenue Technocrat governanceTelepathyTerritorial air~ contiguity~ dispute~ integrity~ jurisdiction~ sea~ waterslimits of ~breadth of ~Territorial and power ambition Territory properTerritorial seaTertiary industry TotalitarianTrading blocTransaction cost(to) Trigger a chain reaction Triple Entente 三国协约Twofold realizationUltimatumUnconditional surrender Universally recognized norms UniversalizationUpward social mobility~ redistribution of wealth UtilitarianismUtterly destituteVested interestV oice voteVirtuous/vicious cycleWin-win propositionZero-sum gameWaves of labor displacement ~ of business cycleXenophobiaYear-on-year growth Zionism外交机构/事务专有名词Announcement宣言Appointed ambassador to Bretton Woods Pact CommuniquéCommercial counselor’s office Consulate-general ConsulateCircular noteDe jure recognition De facto recognitionCertificate of appointmentDeclaration, manifestoDiplomatic practice~ bag, pouch(外交邮袋)~ channels~ courier(外交信使)~ envoy mission~ immunities~ personnel~ policy~ practice(外交惯例)~ privileges~ rank~ representative~ strategyBalance of power diplomacyCultural ~Energy ~Head of the state ~Human rights ~Multilateral ~During one’s absenceMinistry of Foreign AffairsEmbassy(大使馆)Legation (公使馆)Consulate-general (总领事馆)ConsulateOffice of the charge d’affaires (代办处) Accredited to …ambassador (extraordinary & plenipotentiary) 向…派(特命全权)大使Minister-counselor charge d’affaires(公使衔参赞)Military attache’s office (武官处) Commercial counselor’s office (商务处)Press section; information service (新闻处)Protocol Department (礼宾司)Information Department(新闻司)Press section, information serviceLiaison office (联络处)Ad hoc committee(特别委员会)Interim committee(临时委员会)Appropriate body(主管机构)Auxiliary body(辅助机构)Interim counselor (临时代办)Consul-general(总领事)Doyen (dean) of the diplomatic corps(外交使团团长)Roving ambassador(巡回大使)Ambassador-at-large(无任所大使)Special envoy(特使)Charge d’affaire (代办)Attache (随员)Permanent representative(常任/常驻代表)Alternate; deputy; substitute(副代表)Plenipotentiary(全权代表)Chief delegate(首席代表)Observer(观察员)Military/naval/air attaché(陆/海/空武官)His (Her, Your) Majesty(陛下)His (Her, Your) Excellency(阁下)His (Her, Your) Royal Highness(殿下)Exequatur(驻在国发给领事或商务人员的)许可证书Formal noteForeign affairsLetter of appointmentLetter of credence, credentials(国书)Memorandum, aidememoire(备忘录)Letter of introductionLetter of recall(召回公文)Mutual recognitionNormalizationTerms of reference(职权范围)Formal note(正式照会)Verbal note(普通照会)Circular note(通知照会)Summary record(摘要记录)Verbatim record(逐字记录)Persona non-grat(不受欢迎的人)Persona grata(受欢迎的人)StatementAn absolute majority(绝对多数)Simple majority(简单多数)Relative majority(相对多数)Qualified majority(特定多数)To serve as……in rotation(轮流担任)To develop the national economy To develop relations of peace & friendship, equality & mutualbenefit & prolonged stabilityTo establish consular relations建立领事关系To establish normal state relationsTo exchange ambassadors互换大使To make representations to,to take up a (the) matter with(向…交涉)To lodge a protest with(向……提出抗议)To express regret(表示遗憾)To take exception to; to object to(提出异议)An atmosphere of cordiality(诚挚友好的气氛)To make up for each other’s deficienciesTo negotiate thru diplomatic channelsTo peddle munitionsTo proceed to take up one’s post(赴任)To assume one’s post(就任)To resume charge of the office/to return to one’s post(返任)To present one’s credentialsTo request the consent ofTo resume charge of the office,to return to one’s postTo resume diplomatic relationsat ambassadorial levelTo review the guard of honor(检阅仪仗队)To safeguard national sovereignty & resources To safeguard national independence &the integrity of sovereigntyTo safeguard world peaceTo seek a fair & & reasonable solutionTo sever diplomatic relationsTo solve disputes by peaceful meansTo suspend/sever diplomatic relationsTo take concerted stepsTo take exception to, to object toTo undertake obligations in respectof the nuclear-free zoneTo upgrade diplomatic relationsTo be shocked to learn of(惊悉)To be distressed by the unhappy news of; to be deeply grieved by(恸悉)Welcoming banquet欢迎宴Reciprocal banquetReceptionCocktail partyLuncheon(午宴)All countries, big or small, should be equal.国际关系Fishery resourcesFriendly exchangesFrontier region, border region Fundamental rightsInalienability of territory(领土不可割让)Joint actionLoans with no or low interest无息贷款Maritime resourcesMerger of statesMutual understanding &mutual accommodationNational boundaryNeutral state/countrySponsor country(发起国)Host country(东道国)Inviting country(邀请国)Never to attach any conditions Normalization of relationsOuter spacePatrimonial seaPeople-to-people contacts & exchanges Plebiscite(公民投票)ProtectoratePractical, efficient, economical & convenient for use200 nautical-mile maritime rights Reduction or cancellation of debts Refugee campRight of residenceRudimentary code of international relations Secretariat(秘书处)Sole legal governmentStatus quo of the boundarySuzerain stateSuzeraintyTrusteeship 和平共处the five Principles of Peaceful coexistence mutual respect for sovereignty &territorial integritymutual non-aggressionnon-interference in each other’sinternal affairsequality & mutual benefitpeaceful coexistence国际组织ASEANAsian & Pacific CouncilCaribbean Common Market/Community Central American MarketCommunityConference of Heads of State & Government of the Organization of African Unity Conference of Developing Countries(the 77-nation group)International Confederation ofFree Trade UnionInternational Court of JusticeInternational Organization of Journalists International Red Cross ConferenceInter-Parliamentary UnionLeague of Red Cross SocietiesWorld Peace CouncilWorld Confederation of LaborNordic Council活在美国:你得知道,海外学历的英语表达方法ACCAC威尔士学历管理、教学大纲与评估委员会AICE国际高级教育证书A-level中学高级水平考试ARELS(Association of Recognised English Language Services)英语语言认证教学机构联合会AS-level中学准高级水平考试BA(Bachelor of Arts)文学学士BAC(British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education)英国私立延续教育及高等教育认证委员会BALEAP(British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes)英国学术英语讲师协会BASELT(British Association of State English Language Teaching)英国公立英语语言教学机构协会BATQI(British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions)英国英语教学合格院校联合会B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering)工程学士B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science)理学学士BTEC(Business and Technology Education Council)工商及技术教育委员会CCEA(Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum,Examinations and Assessment)北爱尔兰教学大纲、考试与评估委员会CIFE(Conference for Independent Further Education)私立延续教育联合会COSHEP(The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals)苏格兰高等教育校长委员会CVCP(Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals)大学校长委员会DENI (Department of Education Northern Ireland)北爱尔兰教育部DfEE(Department for Education and Employment)教育与就业部D.Phil(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士EAP(English for Academic Purposes)学术英语EAQUALS(European Association for Quality Language Service)欧洲语言教学质量服务机构EiBA( English in Britain Accreditation Scheme)英国英语认证计划EEA(European Economic Area)欧洲经济区EIS(Education In????ation Service)教育信息服务处ELSIS(English Language Service for International Students)外国学生英语语言教学ELT(English Language Training)英语语言培训ESL(English as a Second Language)英语外语教学ESP(English for Specific Purposes)专用英语FE(Further Education)延续教育GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)普通中等教育证书GMAT(General Management Admission Test)管理专业入学考试GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全国通用职业资格GSVQ(General Scottish Vocational Qualification)苏格兰通用职业资格GTTR(Graduate Teacher Training Registry)毕业教师培训注册处HE(Higher Education)高等教育HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会HND(Higher National Diploma)国家高等教育文凭IB(International Baccalaureate)国际高中毕业考试IELTS(International English Language Testing System)国际英语语言测试系统(简称雅思)ISC(Independent Schools Council)私立学校委员会IGCSE(International GCSE)国际普通中等教育证书Independent Schools Council私立学校委员会ISIS(Independent Schools In????ation Service)私立学校信息服务处LCCI(London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)伦敦工商会LEA(Local Education Authority)地方教育局LLM(Master of Law) 法学硕士MA(Master of Arts)文学硕士MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士M.Chem(Master of Chemistry)化学硕士M.Ed(Master of Education)教育硕士M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)工程硕士M.Phil.(Master of Philosophy)研究硕士M.Phys(Master of Physics)物理硕士M.Sc.(Master of Science)理学硕士M.Res.(Master of Research)研究硕士M.Sci(Master of Science)理学硕士(本科水平)NARIC(National Academic Recognition In????ation Centre)全国学术认证信息中心NHS(National Health Service)国民保健体系NISS(National In????ation Services and Systems)全国信息服务系统NUS(National Union of Students)全国学生联合会NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全国职业证书ODA(Overseas Development Administration)海外发展管理局OFSTED(Office for Standards in Education)教育标准办公室PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)教育学研究生证书PAM (Professions Allied to Medicine)医学有关职业PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)(教育学研究生文凭)PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)研究生文凭PG Dip.(Postgraduate Diploma)研究生文凭Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士QAA(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)高等教育质量保障局QCA(Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)教学大纲和学历管理委员会RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)科研水平评估SCE(Scottish Certificate of Education)苏格兰教育证书SEED(Scottish ????utive Education Department)苏格兰执行教育部SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education )苏格兰教育证书SHEFC(Scottish Higher Education Funding Council)苏格兰高等教育基金管理委员会SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)苏格兰学历管理委员会SVQ(Scottish Vocational Qualifications)苏格兰职业资格TQA( Teaching Quality Assessment)教学质量评估TEFL(Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage)英语外语教学TAE(Teaching Assessment Exercise)教学质量评估TESOL (Teaching English to Speakersof Other Language )面向母语为非英语者的英语教学课程TOEFL(Test of English as a ForeignLanguage)英语外语考试(简称托福)TOEIC (Test of English forInternational Communication)国际英语考试UCAS((Universities and CollegesAdmission Service)高等院校招生办公室UKCOSA (The Council forInternational Education)英国国际教育委员11。



0239-7528 1851-2372 1224-2780 2146-3123 1860-5397 1876-2883 1757-6180 1369-703X 1934-8630 0791-7945 1996-3599 0324-1130 0525-1931 0144-8617 0008-6223 1897-5593 1664-3828 1634-0744 1842-4090 2044-4753 0920-5861 1933-6918 2045-3701 1478-811X 2228-5806 2211-1247 0008-8846 1895-1066 1733-7178 2081-9900 1868-4904 0008-8994 0272-8842 0862-5468 0173-9913 1584-8663 0352-9568 1612-1872 1752-153X 1359-7345 0275-7540 0098-6445 1385-8947 0009-2347 0255-2701 0360-7275 0263-8762 0009-2509 0930-7516 0009-2460 0009-3122 1451-9372 0009-3068 0251-0790



加州大学圣地亚哥分校可申请课程目录1500字加州大学圣地亚哥分校(University of California San Diego)拥有丰富多样的课程目录,涵盖了广泛的学科领域。

以下是一些可申请的课程目录:1. 电子工程学(Electrical Engineering)- 电路设计与分析(Circuit Design and Analysis)- 控制系统(Control Systems)- 信号处理(Signal Processing)- 微电子学(Microelectronics)- 通信网络(Communication Networks)2. 生物工程学(Bioengineering)- 生物医学器械(Biomedical Instrumentation)- 生物材料科学(Biomaterials Science)- 细胞工程学(Cellular Engineering)- 生物药物工程(Biopharmaceutical Engineering)- 分子工程学(Molecular Engineering)3. 计算机科学与工程(Computer Science and Engineering)- 算法设计与分析(Algorithm Design and Analysis)- 数据结构与算法(Data Structures and Algorithms)- 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)- 计算机图形学(Computer Graphics)- 分布式系统(Distributed Systems)4. 材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)- 材料结构与性能(Materials Structure and Properties)- 材料制备与加工(Materials Preparation and Processing) - 材料表征与分析(Materials Characterization and Analysis) - 纳米材料科学(Nanomaterials Science)- 能源材料(Energy Materials)5. 心理学(Psychology)- 认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)- 社会心理学(Social Psychology)- 发展心理学(Developmental Psychology)- 临床心理学(Clinical Psychology)- 行为神经科学(Behavioral Neuroscience)6. 经济学(Economics)- 宏观经济学(Macroeconomics)- 微观经济学(Microeconomics)- 产业组织经济学(Industrial Organization Economics)- 国际经济学(International Economics)- 行为经济学(Behavioral Economics)7. 政治学(Political Science)- 国际关系(International Relations)- 公共管理与政策(Public Administration and Policy)- 公民学(Civic Studies)- 比较政治学(Comparative Politics)- 美国政治学(American Politics)8. 化学(Chemistry)- 有机化学(Organic Chemistry)- 无机化学(Inorganic Chemistry)- 物理化学(Physical Chemistry)- 分析化学(Analytical Chemistry)- 生物化学(Biochemistry)以上仅为加州大学圣地亚哥分校的部分课程目录,学生可以根据自己的兴趣和学习目标选择适合的课程进行申请。

Universal Decimal Classification

Universal Decimal Classification
3.2.2 (0...) Common auxiliaries of form. Table 1d
3.2.3 (1/9) Common auxiliaries of place. Table 1e
3.2.4 (=...) Common auxiliaries of human ancestry, ethnic grouping and nationality. Table 1f
The application of UDC[edit]
UDC is used in around 150,000 libraries in 130 countries and in many bibliographical services which require detailer of countries it is the main classification system for information exchange and is used in all type of libraries: public, school, academic and special libraries.[13][14][15]
UDC is also used in national bibliographies of around 30 countries. Examples of large databases indexed by UDC include:[16]
NEBIS (The Network of Libraries and Information Centers in Switzerland) – 2.6 million recordsCOBIB.SI (Slovenian National Union Catalogue) – 3.5 million recordsHungarian National Union Catalogue (MOKKA) – 2.9 million recordsVINITI RAS database (All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute of Russian Academy of Science) with 28 million recordsMeteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA) with 600 journal titlesPORBASE (Portuguese National Bibliography) with 1.5 million records



自动化系生物信息学二级学科-清华大学自动化系自动化系生物信息学二级学科攻读工学博士学位研究生培养基本要求(适用于2009级博士生)一、适用学科控制科学与工程(Control Science and Engineering,工学门类,学科代码081100) 下的生物信息学二级学科(Bioinformatics Program,学科代码081107)。











注:根பைடு நூலகம்国务院学位委员会办公室、教育部研究生工作办公室编制《授予博士硕士学位和培养研究生的学科专业简介》及全国专业学位教育指导委员会网站信息整理。



美国工业工程博士专业的申请心得我申请了美国十六所学校的PhD,除了Boston University是Systems Engineering,其他都是Industrial Engineering,到现在有7所美国学校还没结果,剩下九所里面有两个给了offer,一个给了口头的offer,三个拒信,三个ad,这个结果自己已经很满意了,希望我的申请经验能给同样希望去美国读博士的同学参考。

Industrial Engineering, Ph.D.Applied 16: OSU, USC, BU, UIC, Rutgers, Northwestern, RPI, Northeastern, U Mass, UFL, PSU, Lehigh, U Pitt, WPI, Gatech, U BuffaloPending 7Rej 3:Northwestern, U Pitt, U BuffaloOfficial Offer 2:Boston U (TA), OSU (Fellowship)Unofficial offer 1:UMass Amherst (Fellowship + RA)AD 3:Rutgers (funding pending), RPI(declined), WPI(declined)早上发邮件从了BU,我想我的申请之路就此告一段落吧,还有些没出来结果的,也没有再继续等待的必要了…Boston,心之所属的城市,附近那么多所可以选择的学校,也算为我们的将来许下一个最初的蓝图吧。


应当说本科的时候背景还是不错的,GPA 88.8/100,ranking在学硕Top3;参加过一些数学建模比赛,最好成绩是北美赛的二等奖吧;大三暑期在GE实习过两个月,做的是一块X光探伤仪器控制板上的一个小的辅助软件,活儿很简单,但是速度很快,所以经理和同事们印象都很好。

2020mathematics subject classification -回复

2020mathematics subject classification -回复

2020mathematics subject classification -回复2020 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) 是国际数学界广泛使用的一个分类系统,用于组织和归纳数学领域的研究成果。










MSC代码是由两部分组成的,首先是一个大类别代码(Primary Codes),用来标识特定领域的数学,例如代数、分析、几何等。

其次是一个子类别代码(Secondary Codes),用来更具体地定义所属领域的子领域。


这个代码属于代数领域(Primary Code为11),具体是在模的表示论中的代数理论(Secondary Code为M38)。









学位专业名称中英文翻译对照表序号专业学位名称英文名称1金融硕士Master of Finance2应用统计硕士Master of Applied Statistics3税务硕士Master of Taxation4国际商务硕士Master of International Business5保险硕士Master of Insurance6资产评估硕士Master of Valuation7审计硕士Master of Auditing8法律硕士Juris Master9社会工作硕士Master of Social Work10汉语国际教育硕士Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages 11应用心理硕士Master of Applied Psychology12翻译硕士Master of Translation and Interpreting13新闻与传播硕士Master of Journalism and Communication14出版硕士Master of Publishing15文物与博物馆硕士Master of Cultural Heritage and Museology16工程硕士Master of Engineering17临床医学硕士Master of Medicine18工商管理硕士Master of Business Administration19公共管理硕士Master of Public Administration20会计硕士Master of Professional Accounting21旅游管理硕士Master of Tourism Administration22图书情报硕士Master of Library and Information Studies23工程管理硕士Master of Engineering Management24高级工商管理硕士Executive Master Of Business Administration25艺术硕士Master of Fine Arts26口腔医学硕士Master of Stomatological Medicine序号工程硕士领域名称英文名称1光学工程Optical Engineering2材料工程Material Engineering3电子与通信工程Electronics and Communication Engineering 4控制工程Control Engineering5计算机技术Computer Technology6软件工程Software Engineering7化学工程Chemical Engineering8环境工程Environmental Engineering9生物工程Biotechnology Engineering10制药工程Pharmaceutical Engineering11项目管理Project Management12物流工程Logistics Engineering13生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering备注序号代码门类、一级学科及专业名称英文翻译101哲学 PHILOSOPHY 20101哲学 PHILOSOPHY 4010102中国哲学 CHINESE PHILOSOPHY 5010103外国哲学FOREIGN PHILOSOPHIES 6010104逻辑学 LOGIC 7010105伦理学 ETHICS 8010106美学 AESTHETICS 9010107宗教学 RELIGIOUS STUDIES 10010108科学技术哲学 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1102经济学 ECONOMICS 120201理论经济学 THEORETICAL ECONOMICS 13020101政治经济学 POLITICAL ECONOMICS 14020102经济思想史 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHTS 15020103经济史 ECONOMIC HISTORY 16020104西方经济学ECONOMICS 17020105世界经济WORLD ECONOMY 18020106人口、资源与环境经济学ECONOMICS OF POPULATION, RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT 190202应用经济学 APPLIED ECONOMICS 20020202区域经济学 REGIONAL ECONOMICS 21020203财政学 PUBLIC FINANCE 22020204金融学 FINANCE 23020205产业经济学 INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS 24020206国际贸易学 INTERNATIONAL TRADE 25020207劳动经济学 LABOR ECONOMICS 26020208统计学 STATISTICS 27020209数量经济学 QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS 280202Z1保险学INSURANCE 290202Z2金融工程FINANCE ENGINEERING 300202Z3精算学ACTUARIAL SCIENCES 310202Z4城市经济学URBAN ECONOMICS 320202Z6物流学LOGISTICS 33020224计算金融学COMPUTIONAL FINANCE 3403法学 LAW 350301法学 LAW 36030101法学理论 JURISPRUDENCE 37030102法律史LEGAL HISTORY 38030103宪法学与行政法学C ONSTITUTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW 学科专业名称中英文翻译对照表代码为2位的是学位授予门类,代码为4位的是一级学科名称,代码为6位的是二级学科即专业名称。

专业学位类别代码 英语笔译

专业学位类别代码 英语笔译

Professional Degree Category Code: English TranslationThe Professional Degree Category Code for English Translation refers to a standardized code used to identify and classify the specific degree program in the field of English Translation. This code is typically assigned by educational institutions or regulatory bodies to ensure consistent identification and reporting of degree programs across various institutions and regions.The code for English Translation usually consists of a combination of letters and numbers, which is unique and specific to this degree program. It serves as a uniform identifier that allows for easy recognition and comparison of degree programs in the field of English Translation, facilitating the process of education planning, admissions, and credentialing.By assigning a unique code to the English Translation degree program, it becomes easier for students, educators, and employers to understand the requirements, curriculum, and objectives of the program. This, in turn, promotes transparency and consistency in education, enabling students to make informed decisions about their educational pursuits and career paths.专业学位类别代码是用于标识和分类特定学位项目的标准化代码,在英语笔译领域尤为如此。



院系(Schools and Departments)专业(Majors)大学英语教学部Department of College English Studies数学与计算科学学院(School of Mathematics and Computational Science)数学与应用数学(Mathematics and Applied Mathematics)信息与计算科学(Information and Computational Science)统计学(Statistics)物理与材料科学学院(School of Physics and Material Science)应用物理学(Applied Physics)电子科学与技术(Electronic Science and Technology)材料物理(Material Physics)光信息科学与技术(Optical Information Science and Technology)化学化工学院(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)化学(Chemistry)应用化学(Applied Chemistry)化学工程与工艺(Chemical Engineering and Technology)材料化学(Material Chemistry)高分子材料与工程(Polymer Material and Engineering)生命科学学院(School of Life Science)生物科学(Biology)生物技术(Biotechnology)生物工程(Biological Engineering)环境科学(Environmental Science)计算机科学与技术学院(School of Computer Science & T echnology)计算机科学与技术(Computer Science and Technology)软件工程(Software Engineering)网络工程(Internet Engineering)电子科学与技术学院(School of Electronic Science & T echnology)电子信息工程(Electronics & Information Engineering)通信工程(Telecommunications Engineering)微电子学(Micro-electronics)自动化(Automation)测控技术与仪器(Measuring and Control Technology & Instruments)电气工程及其自动化(Electrical Engineering & Automation)机电一体化/机械电子学(Mechanical-electrical Integration )/ (Mechatronics)管理学院(School of Administration)信息管理与信息系统(Information Management & Information Systems)物流管理(Logistics Management)行政管理(Public Administration)劳动与社会保障(Labor and Social Security)人力资源管理(Human Resources Management)图书馆学(Library)档案学(Archives)经济学院(School of Economics)国际经济与贸易(International Economics & Trade)经济学(Economics)财政学(Public Finance)金融学(Finance and Banking)统计学(Statistics)电子商务(Electronic Commerce)工商管理学院(School of Business Administration)工商管理(Business Administration)市场营销(Marketing)会计学(Accounting)财务管理(Financial Management)旅游管理(Tourism Management)法学院(School of Law)法学(Law)社会学系(Department of Sociology)社会学(Sociology)社会工作(Social Work)政治学系(Department of Politics)思想政治教育(Education of Political Thought)政治学与行政学(Politics and Administration)哲学系(Department of Philosophy)哲学(Philosophy)应用心理学(Applied Psychology)历史系(Department of History)历史学(History)考古学(Archaeological studies)中文系(Department of Chinese Language and Literature)汉语言文学(Chinese Language and Literature)对外汉语(Chinese as a Foreign Language)新闻传播学院(School of Journalism & Communication)新闻学(Journalism)广播电视新闻学(Science of Radio & Television)编辑出版学(Editing and Press)广告学(Advertising)外语学院(School of Foreign Studies)英语(English)俄语(Russian)法语(French)日语(Japanese)艺术学院(School of Art)艺术设计(Art Design)平面设计(Graphic Design)绘画(Painting)音乐表演(Music Performance)导演(戏剧影视方向)Conductor for Drama导演(表演方向)Conductor for Performance。



US Doctoral Program Admission Guidelines IntroductionThe United States is home to some of the best universities in the world, offering exceptional doctoral programs across various disciplines. Pursuing a doctoral degree in the US is a prestigious opportunity for students seeking advanced education and research opportunities. In this document, we will explore the admission guidelines for doctoral programs in the United States.1. Minimum Educational RequirementsIn order to be eligible for admission to a doctoral program in the US, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree from an accredited institution. Most universities require a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 for undergraduate studies or 3.5 for graduate studies.2. Standardized TestsStandardized tests play a significant role in the admission process for doctoral programs in the US. The most commonly required tests include:2.1. Graduate Record Examination (GRE)The GRE is a widely accepted standardized test for doctoral program admissions. It measures analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning skills. Most universities require GRE scores, and a strong performance can greatly enhance an applicant’s chances of admission.2.2. Subject TestsSome doctoral programs may require applicants to take subject-specific tests, such as the GRE Subject Tests or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), depending on the field of study. These tests assess a candidate’s knowledge and proficiency in their chosen subject area.3. Letters of RecommendationDoctoral program applicants are usually required to submit letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can evaluate their academic abilities and potential for research. These recommendations provide insights into an applicant’s qualifications, achievements, and future prospects.4. Statement of PurposeA well-crafted statement of purpose is an essential component of the doctoral program application process. It allows applicants to showcase their academic and research interests, as well as their future goals. The statement of purpose should clearly articulate why the applicant is interested in pursuing a doctoral degree and how it aligns with their career aspirations.5. Research ProposalFor many doctoral programs, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, applicants are required to submit a research proposal. This proposal should outline the research question, objectives, methodologies, and expected outcomes of the proposed research project. It provides an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate their research potential and feasibility of the study.6. Academic TranscriptsDoctoral program applications typically require submission of official academic transcripts from all previously attended institutions. These transcripts should provide a detled record of courses taken, grades obtned, and degrees conferred.Transcripts play a crucial role in evaluating an applicant’s academic performance and determining their eligibility for the program.7. English ProficiencySince English is the primary language of instruction in most US doctoral programs, international applicants are generally required to demonstrate English proficiency. This is usually done through standardized tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Minimum score requirements vary among universities.8. InterviewsSome doctoral programs may conduct inte rviews to assess an applicant’s suitability for their program. These interviews can be conducted in person or through video conferencing platforms. The interview provides an opportunity for applicants to discuss their research interests, academic qualifications, and career aspirations with faculty members.ConclusionAdmission to a doctoral program in the United States is a competitive process that requires careful preparation and a strong application. By understanding theguidelines outlined in this document, prospective students can enhance their chances of being admitted to the doctoral program of their choice. It is important to note that admission criteria may vary among universities and specific programs, so it is crucial for applicants to thoroughly research the requirements of each program and tlor their applications accordingly.Note:Please refer to individual university websites or contact their admissions offices for the most accurate and up-to-date information on admission guidelines and requirements.。



在不同领域中, Division的具 体定义和方式可 能有所不同

组织架构:明确各部门职责和权限,提高管理效率 决策支持:提供数据分析和预测,辅助决策制定 资源分配:合理分配人力、物力和财力等资源,优化资源配置 风险管理:识别和评估潜在风险,制定相应的应对措施
XX,a click to unlimited possibilities
Division的定义 和作用
Classification 的原理和分类方式
人工智能技术:提高分类和分 组的准确性和效率
大数据分析:提供更深入的洞 察和自动化流程
区块链技术:确保数据安全和 透明度
DivisionandClassification在金融领域的应用:通过对金融产品进行分类管理, 提高金融市场的透明度和规范性。
优点:DivisionandClassification方法可以帮助企业更好地组织和管理数据,提高数据质 量和准确性,同时也可以提高企业的竞争力和市场地位。
缺点:DivisionandClassification方法需要耗费大量时间和人力成本,同时需要专业的技 术和知识支持,如果操作不当可能会影响数据的准确性和可靠性。



1. 美国,在美国,大学和学院通常使用一套标准的代码系统,称为CIP(Classification of Instructional Programs)。


2. 加拿大,加拿大的大学通常使用一种称为CIP2016的分类系统。


3. 欧洲,欧洲各国的大学通常使用不同的代码系统。

例如,在德国,植物表型组学专业可能属于生物学领域,其代码可能是BIO (生物学)或类似的代码。






学历学位中英文对照学历、学位的中英文对照不同的国家,学位也不一样.按照《中华人民共和国学位条例》“Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of China”中国学历的翻译标准如下:结业证书Certificate of Completion毕业证书Certificate of Graduation肄业证书Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/Attendance/Study教育学院College/Institute of Education中学Middle [Secondary] School师范学校Normal School [upper secondary level]师范专科学校Normal Specialized Postsecondary College师范大学Normal [Teachers] University公证书Notarial Certificate专科学校Postsecondary Specialized College广播电视大学Radio and Television University中等专科学校Secondary Specialized School自学考试Self-Study Examination技工学校Skilled Workers [Training] School业余大学Spare-Time University职工大学Staff and Workers University大学University (regular, degree-granting)职业大学Vocational University结业证书Certificate of Completion毕业证书Certificate of Graduation肄业证书Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/Attendance/Study师范学校Normal School对应,美国学校提供的学位有很多种,依所学领域的不同,而有不同的学位.美国的学历大搜罗如下:Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博士学位。



学科分类编号(Subject classification number)I carefully collated documents, documents from the networkI only collect and sort outIf there is any mistakePlease check it yourself!NumberingHubei Social Science Fund ProjectApplicationProject categorySubject classificationSubject nameProject LeaderUnit responsible for the person in chargeDate of filling inThe leading group office of social science work of Hubei provincial Party committee of the CPCSeptember 2008Applicant's commitment:I promise to fill in the contents of this tableIf approvedI promise to use this table as a binding agreementComply with the relevant provisions of the leading group office of social science work of the Hubei provincial Party committee of the CPCCarry out research work seriously according to planAchieve expected research resultsThe office of social science work leading group of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the CPC has the right to use all data and information in this tableApplicant (signature):Specific dateFill in the descriptionFirst, this form is carefully and truthfully filled with computerTwo, the number of applicants on the top right of the cover isnot filledOther columns are filled by applicants in ChineseAmong them, "subject classification" fill in the name of the first level disciplineSuch as "economic theory""Three, apply for books and newspapers sent in 5 copiesFill in with a computerA3 paper double-sided printingRaphe bindingFour. Address of the leading group office of social science work of Hubei provincial Party committee of CPC: Propaganda Department of Hubei provincial Party committee of the CPCPostal Code: 430071First, basic situationSubject nameProject categoryA. major bidding projectB. key projectsC. general projectD. general optional items Person in chargeFull nameGendercivilfamilyDate of birthSpecific date Administrative duty Professional duties Research expertiseFinal educationLast degreeTutorWork unitContact number Postal address Postal CodeMain participants Full nameGenderBirthYearsmajorpostResearch Expertise Education Academic degreeWork unitExpected resultsA. monographB. papersWord count(unit: 1000)C. Research ReportD. otherApply for funds(unit: 10000 yuan)Expected completionTimeYearsTwo. Subject design demonstration1. topic selection: review of research status at home and abroad and significance of topic selection2. content: the basic ideas and methods of the subject research; the main points of view3. expected value: the degree of theoretical innovation or practical application value4. Research Foundation: the project leader has relevant results; the main reference (two categories limit 20 items)5, words: no more than 4000 words(please fill in the form in 4 parts)Three, the completion of the project conditions and guaranteesWhat important research subjects have been completed by the responsible person and the main members; the social evaluation of scientific research achievements; the completion of the research ability and time guarantee; data equipment; scientific research meansFour. Expected research resultsSerial numberResearch stage(start stop time)Achievement nameAchievement formUndertakerOneTwoThreeFourFiveFive. BudgetSerial numberExpenditure subjectSum of money (yuan)OneInformation fee and printing subsidy fee TwoDomestic travel expensesThreeSmall conference feeFourComputer use feeFiveService feeSixTotal (yuan)Other sources of fundingSix. The audit opinions of the unit responsible for the projectThe application in the content is true; the project leader and the participants of the political and professional quality is suitable for research work undertaken the project; the unit can provide the completion time and the condition required; the unit agree to assume the project management tasks and to ensure the credibility ofOfficial seal of unit scientific research management departmentSpecific dateOfficial SealSignature of the person in charge of the unit Specific dateSeven, discipline review group comments Number of subjectsActual numberVoting resultAffirmative voteDissenting voteAbstentionsRecommended amount of financial aid(unit: 10000 yuan)(voting not passed, not filling this column) Million yuanExpert adviceStandtermmeaningseePresiding expert Sign:Specific date Discipline leader Sign:Specific date reviewTrialnotthroughtooprimarybecause1. improper selectionNot eligible for financial aid;2. inadequate argumentation;3. the quality and level of the project leader should not undertake this project;4. the strength of the research group is not strong or the division of labor is not good;5. data preparation is not enough;6. the final results are not clear;7. no other conditions required for the completion of the project;8. after comparisonThis project has a more appropriate undertaker;9. other reasons (to be explained):Presiding expertSign:Specific dateDiscipline leaderSign:Specific dateEight, the Provincial Social Science Planning Office opinionSignature: Year Month DayNine, provincial social science planning leading group approval opinionsSignature: Year Month DayTopic design demonstration (loose leaf)The name, unit and other relevant information of the applicant must not appear in this tableSubject name:1. topic selection: review of research status at home and abroad and significance of topic selection2. content: the basic ideas and methods of the subject research; the main points of view3. expected value: the degree of theoretical innovation orpractical application value4. Research Foundation: the person in charge of the project has been related achievements in the past three years; the main reference (two categories, 20 items)5, words: no more than 4000 words(please fill in the form in 4 parts)- 1 -。



学科分类号(Discipline classification number)My well-organized document comes from the webI only collect the collationIf there are any mistakesStill ask oneself to check!Discipline classification numberUndergraduate thesis (design)Title (Chinese) :(English) :Student name:Study no. :Department:Major:Advisor:Date of commencement:(date) (month) (year)College graduation thesis (design) integrity statementThe author solemnly states: the undergraduate graduation thesis submitted (design)Under the guidance of the instructorThe achievement of independent researchThere is no intellectual property disputeExcept what is already quoted in this articleThe paper does not contain any results published or written by any other person or groupBoth individuals and groups that have contributed significantly to the study of the paper have been clearly identified in this paperThe legal results of this statement shall be borne by the authorSignature of the undergraduate thesis (design) :(date) (month) (year)An example of the professional catalogue of medical and agricultural sciences(blank line)Catalog (small 3 black center)(blank line)Abstract (no. 4 song bodyThe following with) (Ⅰ)Key words (Ⅰ)The Abstract (Ⅰ)Key words (Ⅰ)1? Introduction............ one2? Materials and methods (4)2.1? Material (4)2.2? Experimental method (7)2.2.1? Chromosome (7)2.2.2? Card treasure fuchsine dye (9)2.2.3? G - banding (10)2.2.4? DAPI staining (11)2.2.5? Image processing and karyotype analysis (12)3? The results and analysis... (13)3.1? Karyotype (13)3.1.1? Karyotype of (14)3.1.2? Karyotype type (15)3.1.3? Relative length coefficient of (15)3.2? G - with (16)3.3? Fluorescence banding (17)4? Conclusion or discussion (18)References (22)Thanks (23)The appendix (24)Examples of catalogue of humanities and social sciences (blank line)Catalog (small 3 black center)(blank line)Abstract (no. 4 song bodyThe following with) (Ⅰ)Key words (Ⅰ)The Abstract (Ⅰ)Key words (Ⅱ)One, foreword (1)Ii. "poetry exhibition" shows the style of The TimesReflect "the patriarchal" theme (3)(a) "words" reflects social background (3)(2) "words" reflects the theme of "a dream of red mansions" (7)1. The "feudalism" thought (7)2. The "male" thought (9)Three, the author through the "words" to portray the character (10)(a) details (11)(2) the language characteristic (12)(3) the connotation and significance of the poetry (13)Four, the author revolves around the development of the plot of "words" creation idea (13)Five, four times "words" of the differences in writing style...14(a) scene difference (15)(2) the seasonal differences (15)(3) the differences in poetry way (16)Six, the conclusion (17)References (17)Thanks (17)The appendix (18)Abstract abstract and key word examples (middle, English)Dynamic monitoring of grassland desertification in maqu county of the Yellow River source region and analysis of regional landscape structure (no. 3 black body center)(blank line)Pick up (number 4 black center)The desertification of grass is one of the main causes of the continuous degradation of grassland and the declining productivityUnder the multi-factor synthesis, the desertification area of marqu county has been expanding rapidly and the desertification has been increasing rapidly in the last 50 yearsThe special geographical location and unique ecological effect make the grassland desertification of this area characteristic and important research significanceThis paper takes TM image data as the information source and combines GPS ground positioning sample survey and historical dataUsing GIS analysis methods, analysis the present situation of grassland desertification ma qu county and nearly 14 years changes dynamically, and the application principle and method of landscape ecology, landscape of desertification area structure characteristics and desertification, this paper analyzes the impact on regional landscape, and the results show that: (1) ma qu county of grassland desertification area of the overall increase is more obvious(2) from the development of desertificationDesertification generally presents a trend towards the source and downstream of the Yellow River(3) there is obvious potential development space for regional desertification(4) the landscape pattern of the sandy area of marqu county is characterized by a distinct band distribution of landscape pattern in marqu county, which is affected by the direction of the Yellow River and the geographical location of the mountains and the typical topography of the mountains(no. 4)(blank line)Key words (no. 4 black body center)The Yellow River source area; Grassland desertification; Landscape pattern; 3S technology (no. 4 bionics)(blank line)Grassland Desertification Dynamic Monitoring and Landscape Pattern Analysis of Maqu County in the Source Region of Yellow River (3 Times New Roman body center)(blank line)Abstract (4 Times New Roman)Twenty Grassland desertification is one of the main having according to the Grassland ecosystem degrade and the productivity technical continuously... The result showed that... (4)... (small 4 Times New Roman)(blank line)Key words (4 Times New Roman)The Yellow River; Grassland desertification. Landscape pattern;3 s technology. (small4 Times New Roman)An example of a professional paper in the field of medical science and medicine1. Foreword (no. 4 black body)It can be a very good thing to do2 times x times x (as the headline of the body 14 black body)2.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4 black body)It's a very good idea2.1.1 - x * * * (as the title of body 34 black body)It can be a very good thing to do3 times x times x (as the headline of the body 14 black body)It can be a very good thing to do(empty line after text)References (no. 4 black body center)[1], b0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1[2] - x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x[3] - x x x x x x x x..................Thank you. Thank youAnother page)It is not a good idea to have a good timeAppendix: (another page4 blackbodyThus do)Examples of professional papers in humanities and social sciences1. Foreword (no. 4 black body)It is a very important thing to do.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4 black body)(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2)4 black body)It's a very good idea-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4 black body)It can be a very good thing to do-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4 black body)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --4 black body)........................(empty line after text)References (no. 4 black body center)[1], b0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1[2] - x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x[3] - x x x x x x x x..................Thank you. (center 4Another page)It can be a very good thing to doAppendix: another page4 blackbodyThus do)The annotation examplesThe notes are placed at the bottom of each pageTo use aStyle:New medical college of jiangsu. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine dictionary [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai science and technology press, 1986:2705 ~ 2706Below the same)Wu chengshan. The treatment of acute mycordysis by turning white grass [J]. Journal of zhejiang Chinese medicine college, 1989, 13 (1) : 21-22. (page number refers to the page number of specific reference content).Wang qi. The study of the chemical composition of the process of lowering blood sugar and turning white grass in white grass, lychee nucleus2004.Examples of references(empty line after text)References (4 black center)[1] jiangsu new medical college. Big dictionary of traditional Chinese medicine [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai science and technology press, 1986:2705 ~ 2706Below the same)[2] wu chengshan. Treatment of acute mycordysentery in white grass [J]. Journal of zhejiang Chinese medicine college, 1989, 13 (1) : 21-22.[3] Liu YannaSu ShiwenZhu tingru. Research on the antibacterial activity of white grass [J]. Journal of shenyang institute of medicine, 1983, 6:17 ~ 22.[4] Shen PingFan xrLi guangwu. Microbiology experiment [M]. Beijing: higher education press,1999-221, 50 ~ 53.[5] FuMingSheng-gui liuA study on the bacteriostasis of gray and grey berries [J]. Journal of huazhong normal university (natural science edition), 2005, 39 (2) : 246.[6] luo min, wu liangju, wang jiyu et al. Research on the effective composition of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and bacteriostasis of bamboo vinegar [J]. World bamboo vine communication, 2005, 3 (4) : 37 ~ 39.The comparison of antibacterial activity in different polar extracts of red nanophyll [J]. Wuhan botany research, 2005, 23 (4) : 355 ~ 357.[8] zheng-xiang ningJian-hua gaoQin yan et al. Effect of lychee essential oil on the preservation of western sausage [J]. Food and fermentation industry, 1997, 23 (4) : 34-36.[9] Rose P.C., etal. Indian J.P., 1961, 23 (8) : 222 ~ 223.[10] Demagglo A.E., etal. J.P. Sci., 196453 (8) : 945 ~ 946.[11] wang qi. Studies in the chemical composition of white grass, lychee nucleus, and white grass. Kunming: kunming medical school2004:52 ~ 56.。

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Subject: newspapers
Classification : wrapping
Subject: college classes
Classification : enjoy
garbage making paper planes reading editorial
tolerate morning dislike
The conclusion
• It consists of a concluding sentence that restates or reinforces the controlling idea presented in the thesis statement. • It concludes the whole essay instead of one parts appear, if you can handle them it will be exciting, but most of the time you confront failure; it is disappointing and upsetting, and you may think there is no hope in studying this subject. If you really do give up, everything is over. But if you can hold on, the situation will change. In the third phase, you have gained a thorough understanding of the subject, and you can find a genuine interest in it. Now you like the subject not because of your impulse, but because of the real value of it.
Principles of Classification and Division
1 Choose an appropriate principle of classification and division suited to your purpose. ( 按写作的的目的选择如 何分类还是归类)
divided into, be classified into, be divisible into, be classifiable into
Students in our school fall into three groups according to their different intentions of taking part in sports. Many students go to the playground when they feel tired after a few hours of study. These students put much more emphasis on their study efficiency than on the fun of sports. They just want to go back to their classrooms from the playground with clearer ad quicker mind. Thus they don’t actually care whether they can enjoy themselves on the sports ground or not. Students that make up the second group are real sports lovers. Sometimes they even put aside their study for a game. They take part in the sport that interests them most, no caring whether it is most beneficial to their health. The third group want s beauty
Division and Classification
• Division —to deal with one thing; to separate the whole into parts. Emphasize on distinctions or differences • Classification—to organize things that share certain qualities; to group things systematically. Emphasize on similarities
Division (分类法)
In my experience I find that studying can be divided into three phases—no matter what is being studied. In the first phase, you are very interested in the new subject. You are willing to study and everything about the subject is appealing and mysterious. But after exploring the subject for a considerable amount of time, the second phase comes along. The subject you have been learning seems a little boring, and sometimes you have the idea to give up.
The body
• The discussion and explanation of each of the classes, groups, or categories. • Appropriate to your purpose • Consistent—resulting subgroups are based on the same principle • Exclusive—resulting subgroups do not overlap • Complete—no important subgroups are omitted
• How to write an essay of classification
The Introduction
• To select a subject that can be divided into categories • To tell how many categories are going to be classified and to state the specific areas • The method of classification is usually included in the thesis statement.
Romance Comedy
• Look at the following statements, and decide whether each one is or is not an example of classification.
• Chairs fall into four categories according to their physical design: _____, _____, _____, and _____. • We can classify containers into four groups according to the material that they are made of: _____, ____, ____, and ______. • The teachers in this college can be classified according to the way they dress: those who dress _____, those who dress _____, and those who dress _____.
1 Chairs fall into four categories: diningroom chairs, kitchen chairs, living-room chairs, and lawn chairs. 2 Restaurants fall into the categories of McDonald’s , KFC, Pizza Hut.
from sports. Boys want to become strong; girls want to be slim and graceful. Those who consider sports the only way of reducing weight also belong to this group. They are very carefully choosing the kind of exercise they do, and they are afraid that certain sports may ruin their figures. No matter which group they belong to, they all benefit form sports. Questions: What is the topic sentence? What is the subject classified? How many groups has it been divided into?