2011年6月PRETCO考试A级真题试卷及答案 - 听力

P a r t i s t e n i n gC o mp r e h e n s i o n Ⅰ㊀L
S e c t i o nA 1 .M:I ’ v eg o t ab a dc o l d ,M i s s .C a nI s e et h ed o c t o r ? n o w W:S o r r y ,h ew o n ’ t b ef r e eu n t i l 2o ’ c l o c kt h i s a f t e r n o o n . :Wh a t d o e s t h em a nw a n t t od o ? Q 【 答案】 C 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 男士说他的感冒很严重, 询问女士现在能 不能看病, 说明他需要找医生看病。所以正确答 。 案为 C 2 .W:E x c u s em e .C a nI t a k et h i s b u s t ot h ea i r p o r t ? M:N o .Y o us h o u l dt a k eb u s N o . 8o v e r t h e r e . :Wh a t c a nw el e a r nf r o mt h ec o n v e r s a t i o n ? Q 【 答案】 C 【 题型】 语义题 【 解析】 女士询问男士乘坐这辆巴士能否到达机 场, 男士回答说不, 她需要乘坐八号巴士。由此可 知女士所指的这辆巴士不到机场。所以正确答案 。 为C 3 .M:T h em e e t i n gw i l l s t a r t a t 9o ’ c l o c ki nt h em o r n i n g . W:Y e s , b u t w e s h o u l da r r i v e t h e r e 1 5m i n u t e s e a r l i e r . :Wh e ns h o u l dt h e ya r r i v ea t t h em e e t i n g ? Q 【 答案】 A 【 题型】 时间题 【 解析】 男士表示会议上午九点钟开始, 女士表示 5分。所以正 他们要提前十五分钟到场, 即 8点 4 确答案为 A 。 4 .W:D oy o uw a n t t ob u yah o u s ei nt h es u b u r b s ? M:N o ,Ip r e f e rt ol i v ei nt h ec i t yc e n t e rn e a rm y w o r k . Q :Wh a t d ow el e a r nf r o mt h ec o n v e r s a t i o n ? 【 答案】 A 【 题型】 语义题 【 解析】 女士问男士想不想在郊区买房, 男士回答 更愿意住在他工作地点附近的市中心, 由此可知 男士在市中心工作。所以正确答案为 A 。 5 .M:I ’ mi n t e r e s t e di ny o u r c h i l d r e n ’ ss h o e s .C a nI p l a c ea no r d e r o f 2 0p a i r s ? W:S o r r ys i r .Wec a n ’ t a c c e p t a no r d e ro f s u c ha s m a l l q u a n t i t y . :Wh y d o e s n ’ t t h e w o m a na c c e p t t h e m a n ’ s o r d e r ? Q 【 答案】 B 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 男士说他对该公司生产的童鞋感兴趣, 并 询问能否订 2 0双。女士回答说她们不能接受数 量那么少的订单, 由此可知女士拒绝接受男士的 。 订单是因为订单数量太少。所以正确答案为 B S e c t i o nB C o n v e r s a t i o n1 W:P a u l ,y o uh a v et oh e l pm e ! M:N op r o b l e m . o m e t h i n gi s w r o n gw i t hm yc o m p u t e r ! W:S M:Wh a t ’ s t h ep r o b l e m ? W:( 6 )T h es c r e e nh a sg o n eb l a c k .I k e p t m o v i n gt h e m o u s eb u t n o t h i n gh a p p e n e d . i dy o ut r yt os t a r t i t a g a i n ? M:D W:Y e s ,b u t i t s t i l l d i d n ’ t w o r k . M:H m m .D i dy o uc h e c kt om a k es u r ea l l c o n n e c t i o n s ? a r ea l l r i g h t W:N o ,I d i d n ’ t . 7 )L e t m eh a v eal o o ka t t h ec o n n e c t i o n s f i r s t . M:( h a n ky o u . W:T Q 6 :Wh a t ’ s w r o n gw i t ht h ew o m a n ’ s c o m p u t e r ? 【 答案】 A 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 该题提问的是女士的电脑有什么问题, 通过女士的回答“ T h es c r e e nh a sg o n eb l a c k . ” 可 知电脑黑屏了。所以正确答案为 A 。 Q 7 :Wh a t i s t h em a ng o i n gt od of i r s t ? 【 答案】 C 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 该题提问的是男士首先要做什么。在对 话结尾, 男士知道女士并未检查所有的连接, 所 L e t m eh a v eal o o ka t t h ec o n n e c t i o n s 以他建议 “ f i r s t . ” , 即先看看连接的情况。所以正确答案为 C 。 C o n v e r s a t i o n2 M:( 8 )I ’ mp r e t t y n e r v o u s a b o u t t h i s a f t e r n o o n ’ s i n t e r — 1—

2011年6⽉⼤学英语六级听⼒真题及答案 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspond ing letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
11. A) She will give him the receipt later. B) The man should make his own copies. C) She has not got the man's copies ready. D) The man forgot to make the copies for her. 12. A) She phoned Fred about the book. C) She ran into Fred on her way here. B) She was late for the appointment. D) She often keeps other people waiting. 13. A) Mark is not fit to take charge of the Student Union. B) Mark is the best candidate for the post of chairman. C) It won't be easy for Mark to win the election. D) Females are more competitive than males in elections. 14. A) It failed to arrive at its destination in time. B) It got seriously damaged on the way. C) It got lost at the airport in Paris. D) It was left behind in the hotel. 15. A) Just make use of whatever information is available. B) Put more effort into preparing for the presentation. C) Find more relevant information for their work. D) Simply raise the issue in their presentation. 16. A) The man has decided to choose Language Studies as his major. B) The woman isn't interested in the psychology of language. C) The man is still trying to sign up for the course he is interested in. D) The woman isn't qualified to take the course the man mentioned. 17. A) They are both to blame. B) They are both easy to please. C) They can manage to get along. D) They will make peace in time. 18. A) They are in desperate need of financial assistance. B) They hope to do miracles with limited resources. C) They want to borrow a huge sum from the bank. D) They plan to buy out their business partners. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way. B) We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune. C) We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune. D) We think it serves them right for being mean to other people. 20. A) They want to show their genuine sympathy. B) They have had similar personal experiences. C) They don't know how to cope with the situation. D) They don't want to reveal their own frustration. 21. A) They themselves would like to do it but don't dare to. B) It's an opportunity for relieving their tension. C) It's a rare chance for them to see the boss lose face. D) They have seen this many times in old films. 22. A) To irritate them. C) To relieve her feelings. B) To teach them a lesson. D) To show her courage. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. A) Smuggling drugs into Hong Kong. B) Having committed armed robbery. C) Stealing a fellow passenger's bag. D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong. 24. A) He said not a single word during the entire flight. B) He took away Kumar's baggage while he was asleep. C) He was travelling on a scholarship from Delhi University. D) He is suspected of having slipped something in Kumar's bag. 25. A) Give him a lift. B) Find Alfred Foster. C) Check the passenger list. D) Search all suspicious cars. 参考答案 11 C) She has not got the man’s copies ready. 12 B) She was late for the appointment. 13 C) It won’t be easy for Mark to win the election. 14 A) It failed to arrive at its destination in time. 15 A) Just make use of whatever information is available. 16 D) The woman isn’t qualified to take the course the man mentioned. 17 A) They are both to blame. 18 A) They are in desperate need of financial assistance. 19 C) We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune. 20 C) They don’t know how to cope with the situation. 21 A) They themselves would like to do it but don’t dare to. 22 C) To relieve her feelings. 23 D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong. 24 D) He is suspected of having slipped something in Kumar’s bag. 25 B) Find Alfred Foster. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

2011年6月大学英语六级真题Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Certificate Craze. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试2.其目的各不相同3.在我看来……The Certificate Craze注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sen tences with the information given in the passage.Minority ReportAmerican universities are accepting more minorities than ever. Graduating them is another matter.Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, was justifiably proud of Bowdoin's efforts to recruit minority students. Since 2003 the small, elite liberal arts school in Brunswick, Maine, has boosted the proportion of so-called under-represented minority students in entering freshman classes from 8% to 13%. "It is our responsibility to reach out and attract students to come to our kinds of places," he told a NEWSWEEK reporter. But Bowdoin has not done quite as well when it comes to actually graduating minorities. While 9 out of 10 white students routinely get their diplomas within six years, only 7 out of 10 black students made it to graduation day in several recent classes."If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education. "But if you look at who walks across the stage for a diploma, it's still largely the white, upper-income population."The United States once had the highest graduation rate of any nation. Now it stands 10th. For the first time in American history, there is the risk that the rising generation will be less well educated than the previous one. The graduation rate among 25- to 34-year-olds is no better than the rate for the 55- to 64-year-olds who were going to college more than 30 years ago. Studies show that more and more poor and non-white students want to graduate from college – but their graduation rates fall far short of their dreams. The graduation rates for blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans lag far behind the graduation rates for whites and Asians. As the minority population grows in the United States, low college graduation rates become a threat to national prosperity.The problem is pronounced at public universities. In 2007 the University of Wisconsin-Madison – one of the top five or so prestigious public universities – graduated 81% of its white students within six years, but only 56% of its blacks. At less-selective state schools, the numbers getworse. During the same time frame, the University of Northern Iowa graduated 67% of its white students, but only 39% of its blacks. Community colleges have low graduation rates generally –but rock-bottom rates for minorities. A recent review of California community colleges found that while a third of the Asian students picked up their degrees, only 15% of African-Americans did so as well.Private colleges and universities generally do better, partly because they offer smaller classes and more personal attention. But when it comes to a significant graduation gap, Bowdoin has company. Nearby Colby College logged an 18-point difference between white and black graduates in 2007 and 25 points in 2006. Middlebury College in Vermont, another top school, had a 19-point gap in 2007 and a 22-point gap in 2006. The most selective private schools –Harvard, Yale, and Princeton – show almost no gap between black and white graduation rates. But that may have more to do with their ability to select the best students. According to data gathered by Harvard Law School professor Lani Guinier, the most selective schools are more likely to choose blacks who have at least one immigrant parent from Africa or the Caribbean than black students who are descendants of American slaves."Higher education has been able to duck this issue for years, particularly the more selective schools, by saying the responsibility is on the individual student," says Pennington of the Gates Foundation. "If they fail, it's their fault." Some critics blame affirmative action –students admitted with lower test scores and grades from shaky high schools often struggle at elite schools. But a bigger problem may be that poor high schools often send their students to colleges for which they are "undermatched": they could get into more elite, richer schools, but instead go to community colleges and low-rated state schools that lack the resources to help them. Some schools out for profit cynically increase tuitions and count on student loans and federal aid to foot the bill – knowing full well that the students won't make it. "The school keeps the money, but the kid leaves with loads of debt and no degree and no ability to get a better job. Colleges are not holding up their end," says Amy Wilkins of the Education Trust.A college education is getting ever more expensive. Since 1982 tuitions have been rising at roughly twice the rate of inflation. In 2008 the net cost of attending a four-year public university – after financial aid – equaled 28% of median (中间的)family income, while a four-year private university cost 76% of median family income. More and more scholarships are based on merit, not need. Poorer students are not always the best-informed consumers. Often they wind up deeply in debt or simply unable to pay after a year or two and must drop out.There once was a time when universities took pride in their dropout rates. Professors would begin the year by saying, "Look to the right and look to the left. One of you is not going to be here by the end of the year." But such a Darwinian spirit is beginning to give way as at least a few colleges face up to the graduation gap. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the gap has been roughly halved over the last three years. The university has poured resources into peer counseling to help students from inner-city schools adjust to the rigor (严格要求)and faster pace of a university classroom –and also to help minority students overcome the stereotype that they are less qualified. Wisconsin has a "laserlike focus" on building up student skills in the first three months, according to vice provost (教务长)Damon Williams.State and federal governments could sharpen that focus everywhere by broadly publishing minority graduation rates. For years private colleges such as Princeton and MIT have had success bringing minorities onto campus in the summer before freshman year to give themsome prepara tory courses. The newer trend is to start recruiting poor and non-white students as early as the seventh grade, using innovative tools to identify kids with sophisticated verbal skills. Such pro grams can be expensive, of course, but cheap compared with the millions already invested in scholarships and grants for kids who have little chance to graduate without special support.With effort and money, the graduation gap can be closed. Washington and Lee is a small, selective school in Lexington, Va. Its student body is less than 5% black and less than 2% Latino. While the school usually graduated about 90% of its whites, the graduation rate of its blacks and Latinos had dipped to 63% by 2007. "We went through a dramatic shift," says Dawn Watkins, the vice president for student affairs. The school aggressively pushed mentoring (辅导) of minorities by other students and "partnering" with parents at a special pre-enrollment session. The school had its first-ever black homecoming. Last spring the school graduated the same proportion of minorities as it did whites. If the United States wants to keep up in the global economic race, it will have to pay systematic attention to graduating minorities, not just enrolling them.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

例: How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C.1. What does the man like about the play?A. The story.B. The ending.C. The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A. A hotel.B. A bank.C. A restaurant.3. At what time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:20.B. 5:10.C.4:40.4. What will the man do?A. Change the plan.B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some help.C. Listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

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2011年6月大学英语三级(A)Part Ⅱ Structure (15 minutes)16. All students are eager to know ________they wilt pass the exam or not.A) ifB) thatC) whetherD) why17. When the couple _______ here, they ________ to the park.A) will come;will goB) come;goC) will come;goD) come;will go18. —I cannot find Tom anywhere.—He _________ have been off long. I heard him make a call just now.A) shouldn't B) can't C) mustn't D) needn't19. No matter who he is, young or old, people's state of mind tends to keep _____ with the rapid change of society.A) contactB) progressC) touchD) pace20. To tell you the truth, it's very hard for us to help them get rid of Internet addiction. But we _________ on this problem trying to improve the situation.A) workedB) had workedC) are workingD) had been working21. There was an earthquake happened, _______ 100 people and with more than 300A) killed; injuredB) killing; injuredC) killed; injuringD) killing; injuring22. 50miles southwest of the country _______ the famous beautiful mountain.A) layingB) lieC) liesD)lays23. Everyone has periods in their lives ________ everything seems so hard.A) whenB) whereC) whichD) that24. Miss Liu doesn't mind ______ your homework as long as it is done by yourself.A) you to delay handing inB) your delaying handing inC) your delaying to hand inD) you delay to hand in25. By no means _______ ready to quit her study.A) will sheB) she willC) she isD) is sheSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. The New York Times __________ (be) popular with those statesmen.27. The people in your town are far ________ (friendly) than we expected.28. Injury problem could ________ (short) basketball player's career.29. I will tell Mary the truth instead of you, but I'd rather you _______ (tell) her.30. By the time I graduate from university, I _______ (be) a student for 15 years.31. This famous poem should _________ (translate) into Chinese because it is really worth reading.32. According to the latest report, more and more young people intend to learn __________ (economy) and social science.33. The dancer might have been killed in the crash if she ________ (go) to American by plane.34. (catch) ________ by the host for stealing, the boy felt rather ashamed.35. It's obvious that you hurt my feeling on purpose, so it's no use _______ (make) an apology.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the material carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage,you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements,numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) or D).You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.It is known to us that English is not as old as Chinese, but it is widely used by most people all over the world. English speakers enjoy creating new words. In fact, a majority of words are traceable and each of them may have an interesting story.However, no one will really care where a word comes from because it makes little difference in using them in our dally life. Did you ever feel confused about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham?About a hundred years ago, some men went to American from Europe, coming from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They didn't know how to use English properly. Seen them eating round pieces of beef and asked what it was, the Germans didn't understand the questions exactly, they answered: “we come from Hamburg. “One of the Americans was an owner of a restaurant and got an idea. He cooked some round pieces of bread with beef and began selling them. Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”. Today, hamburgers are welcomed by lots of people coming from different nationalities.36. According to the text, English is _______.A) older than ChineseB) as old as ChineseC) not so old as ChineseD) very hard to learn37. Hamburg originally is ___ _.A) a kind of foodB) a round piece of beefC) a city in GermanyD) the name of a village38. Which statement is correct according to the passage.'?A) At first hamburgers was a kind of bread.B) Few Americans like hamburgers.C) Hamburgers are made of ham.D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago.39. _____ begin to sell hamburgers to people.A) AmericansB) The authorC) GermansD) Europeans40. After reading this story, we know the word “hamburger” comes from ______.A) China because it has a long historyB) English because Germans don't speak EnglishC) English speakers because they love eating itD) America because they give it that nameTask 2Directions: This task is the same as T ask 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.Youth is not a matter of time but a matter of self-improvement, both physically and morally. Being a good youth, one should have those factors: the basic one is health. A healthy body is a kind of priceless treasure. One can do nothing without it. Secondly, we should pay essential attention to our moral character. We should be always willing to help those in trouble without any complaints. Moreover, we should care more about the peoplearound us. Thirdly, cooperation and communication also play an important role in being a good youth. No one can live alone without any friends. And nobody can work out every problem without help of partners. So the youth should and must learn how to live and work well with others, including those people you don't like to cooperate or communicate with. The last but not the least, patriotism, meaning a love of one's country, is the one we should never forget. People always misunderstand the word “patriots” by thinking it only refers to those fighters who fight for their country. As a matter of fact, a patriot will do the things his country asks him to do. So being a youth is one thing, being a good one really needs to take every effort to make yourself to be.41. The passage really wants to tell us that _______.A) what the meaning of “patriots” isB) the qualities a good youth should haveC) a youth should be doing goodD) one should help others42. The first thing a good youth should have is______.A) the best lookingB)the best richesC) the good abilityD)a healthy body43. A good youth should help others ______.A) willinglyB) at his convenienceC) if he wants toD) with complains44. From the passage, we can know that cooperation and communication are ______.A) good for some introvertsB) helpful to usC) important to everyoneD) not necessary to good friends45. In the author's opinion, the patriots must ______.A) fight for the countryB) learn everythingC) do what their country need them to doD)protect their family and countryTask 3Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50in the table below.Learning TourRecently, we will hold a learning tour for those English learners. By joining our helpful tour, everyone will find out, at first, specific activities that help to improve your English. Besides that, one can also have access to some interesting language learning materials in the Learning Tour. Moreover, participators will be taught the way to use computers and audio-visual facilities in the center.The learning tour will be held every Wednesday and Thursday in different time. The former one is from 10:30 to 11: 30am.,while the latter one is 1:00 -2: 00pm.For registration, people can go to Tin Ping Building on the 4th floor or email your name, ID card No. and date of joining the tour to Miss Feng at feng@cahk, edu. hkTask 4Directions: The following is a list of terms on automobile English. After reading it,you are required to find the items equivalent to(与…等同)those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—Engine Fuel System H—the electric systemB—Lights and Wires I—power trainC—Starting System J—one-way driveD—under pressure K—horse-drawn wagonE—lower hood lines L—spun glassF—heated-treated M—parking lightG—contact point N—backup lightO—the car heater P—cover bandsExamples:(E)低发动机罩 (L)玻璃纤维Task 5Directions: There is an invitation letter below here. After reading the letters you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No. 56 through No. 60) that follow. The answers should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.July 7th, 2009Dear Prof. Lee,The Academic Conference on traditional Chinese treatment—acupuncture and moxibustion, which is sponsored by Beijing College of Medicine will be held in Beijing, October 3rd, 2009. We would be very pleased to invite you to attend the conference. We all know that you are a very famous scholar in this field. The conference will be more significant if you can come. We will offer the accommodation for you.If you have any paper or topics on which you would like to give talks, please inform us in advance so that we can prepare the final program. Please confirm your participation at your convenience.We are looking forward to your reply.Best Wishes.Your sincerely,Wang Dong56. What's the subject of the conference?It is about traditional Chinese treatment _____acupuncture and moxibustion_______________________.57. Which college will sponsor the conference?It is _________Beijing College of Medicine________________ that sponsors it.58. When will the conference be held?It will be held on ________October 3rd,2009____________________.59. What will they do for Prof. Lee?They will offer ______accommodation_________________ for him.60. What does Prof. Lee need to do if he wants to give some talks?He is required to ___inform__________________ them in advance.Part IV Translation—English into Chinese (25 minutes)Directions: This part numbered 61 through 65 is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each sentence of numbers 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And write your translation of number 65 in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.61. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.A)尽管电子计算机有许多优点,可是它不能理解创造性工作,也不能代替人类。

2011年6月六级真题听力原文(2)Section BConversation One听力原文Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.W: You know I’ve often wondered why people laugh at the picture of a big belly businessman slipping on a banana skin and falling on his bottom. We are to feel sorry for them.M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because we are glad it didn’t happen to us. But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves.W: Yes, and there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically handicapped, you know, deaf, or short-sighted things like that. After all, it’s not really funny to be like that.M: Oh, I think that’s because we’re embarrassed. We don’t know how to cope with the situation. Perhaps we are even a bit frightened we may getlike that, so we laugh.M: What about the custard pie routine?W: What do you mean ‘custard pie routine’?M: You know, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, He picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person’s face.W: That never makes me laugh much, because you can guess what’s going to happen. But a lot of people still find it laughable. It must because of the sort of the thing we’d all love to do once in a while and never quiet have the courage to.M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly irritated. She said it relieved her feelings.W: It must have come a bit expensive.M: Not really. She took care never to throw her best china.19. Why does the man say we laughed when we see some self-important people making fool of themselves?20. Why do some people joke about those who are fat or handicapped according to the man?21. Why do many people find it funny to see someone throwing a custard pie on their boss’s face?22. Why do the man say she would drop cups of tea at people occasionally?Conversation Two听力原文W:Your name Sanjay Kumar is that correct?M:Yes, madam.W:You claim you are traveling on a scholarship from Delhi University.M:That’s right.W:Now it seems that a hand gun was found in your luggage. Do you admit that?M:Yes, butW:According to the statement you made, you had never seen the hand gun before it was found in your bag. Do you still maintain that?M:But it’s true. I swear it.W:Mmm, you do realize Mr. Kumar that to bring a hand gun into Hong Kong without proper authorization is a serious offense.M:But I didn’t bring it. I I mean I didn’t know anything about it. It wasn’t there when I left Delhi. My bags were searched. It was part of the airport security check.W:Maybe so, but someone managed to get that hand gun onto the aircraft or it couldn’t have been there.M:Someone but not me.W:Tell me , where was your personal bag during the flight?M:I had it down by my feet between me and the man in the next seat.M: He was the only person who could have opened my bag while I was asleep. It must have been him.W: I see. Have you any idea who this man was?M: He told me his name, Alfred Foster. He was very friendly, after I woke up that is. He hadn’t spoken before.W: Alfred Foster, we can check that on the passenger list.M: He said he had a car coming to meet him. He offered me a lift.W: Oh, Why should he do that?M: So he can get his handgun back, that’s why. Please find him, Madam.Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard23. What is Sanjay Kumar suspected of?24. What do we know about Alfred Foster ?25. What does Sanjay Kumar ask the woman to do finally?。

W: John's been looking after his mother in the hospital. She was injured in a car accident two weeks ago and still in critical condition.
Q: What does the man mean?
答案:C. The woman should seek help from tutoring services.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
答案:D The woman thinks highly of the speaker
解析:根据听力原文可知,男生觉得演讲无趣,女生却很淡定地说:“其实我已经很久没有听到那么好的发言了”。由此可见,女生对发言还是很肯定的。选项D中“thinks highly of”即“对…评价高”,故D是正确答案。
M: Jane, suppose you lost all your money while taking a vacation overseas, what would you do?
W: Well, I guess I'd sell my watch or computer or do some odd jobs till I could afford a return plane ticket.

2011年英语A级考试试题答案一、单项选择题(说明:这是我同学给的)1 How can we reduce the risk of cancer?A cut inB cut downC cut offD cut out2 The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water.A continuouslyB quicklyC excessivelyD exceptionally3 During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international sit uation.A permanentB powerfulC strikingD practical4 The most crucial problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce reso urces.A puzzlingB difficultC terrifyingD urgent5 His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.A failedB deletedC refusedD rejected6 The substance can be added to gasoline to accelerate the speed of automobiles.A quickenB shortenC loosenD enlarge7 We should never content ourselves with a little knowledge only.A convinceB satisfyC comfortD benefit8 We should contemplated the problem from all sides.A deliberatedB thoughtC describedD designed9 His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.A became betterB became worseC became strongerD became weaker10 If you want my advice, you should revise your plan for the trip to Beijing.A changeB exchangeC enlargeD encourage11 Smoking is inhibited in public places.A instructedB inquiredC forbiddenD strived12.He is said to be suffering from terminal cancer and has asked for euthanasia (安乐死)A acuteB chronicC finalD fatal13 I felt impelled to tell the truth.A promotedB inducedC compelledD improved14 Its prudent to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out.A controversialB reasonableC sensibleD sensitive15 Are you positive that there’s been no mistake?A rationalB reasonableC certainD bound二、阅读判断。

2011年6月大学英语六级真题Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Certificate Craze. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试2.其目的各不相同3.在我看来……The Certificate Craze注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sen tences with the information given in the passage.Minority ReportAmerican universities are accepting more minorities than ever. Graduating them is another matter.Barry Mills, the president of Bowdoin College, was justifiably proud of Bowdoin's efforts to recruit minority students. Since 2003 the small, elite liberal arts school in Brunswick, Maine, has boosted the proportion of so-called under-represented minority students in entering freshman classes from 8% to 13%. "It is our responsibility to reach out and attract students to come to our kinds of places," he told a NEWSWEEK reporter. But Bowdoin has not done quite as well when it comes to actually graduating minorities. While 9 out of 10 white students routinely get their diplomas within six years, only 7 out of 10 black students made it to graduation day in several recent classes."If you look at who enters college, it now looks like America," says Hilary Pennington, director of postsecondary programs for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has closely studied enrollment patterns in higher education. "But if you look at who walks across the stage for a diploma, it's still largely the white, upper-income population."The United States once had the highest graduation rate of any nation. Now it stands 10th. For the first time in American history, there is the risk that the rising generation will be less well educated than the previous one. The graduation rate among 25- to 34-year-olds is no better than the rate for the 55- to 64-year-olds who were going to college more than 30 years ago. Studies show that more and more poor and non-white students want to graduate from college – but their graduation rates fall far short of their dreams. The graduation rates for blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans lag far behind the graduation rates for whites and Asians. As the minority population grows in the United States, low college graduation rates become a threat to national prosperity.The problem is pronounced at public universities. In 2007 the University of Wisconsin-Madison – one of the top five or so prestigious public universities – graduated 81% of its white students within six years, but only 56% of its blacks. At less-selective state schools, the numbers getworse. During the same time frame, the University of Northern Iowa graduated 67% of its white students, but only 39% of its blacks. Community colleges have low graduation rates generally –but rock-bottom rates for minorities. A recent review of California community colleges found that while a third of the Asian students picked up their degrees, only 15% of African-Americans did so as well.Private colleges and universities generally do better, partly because they offer smaller classes and more personal attention. But when it comes to a significant graduation gap, Bowdoin has company. Nearby Colby College logged an 18-point difference between white and black graduates in 2007 and 25 points in 2006. Middlebury College in Vermont, another top school, had a 19-point gap in 2007 and a 22-point gap in 2006. The most selective private schools –Harvard, Yale, and Princeton – show almost no gap between black and white graduation rates. But that may have more to do with their ability to select the best students. According to data gathered by Harvard Law School professor Lani Guinier, the most selective schools are more likely to choose blacks who have at least one immigrant parent from Africa or the Caribbean than black students who are descendants of American slaves."Higher education has been able to duck this issue for years, particularly the more selective schools, by saying the responsibility is on the individual student," says Pennington of the Gates Foundation. "If they fail, it's their fault." Some critics blame affirmative action –students admitted with lower test scores and grades from shaky high schools often struggle at elite schools. But a bigger problem may be that poor high schools often send their students to colleges for which they are "undermatched": they could get into more elite, richer schools, but instead go to community colleges and low-rated state schools that lack the resources to help them. Some schools out for profit cynically increase tuitions and count on student loans and federal aid to foot the bill – knowing full well that the students won't make it. "The school keeps the money, but the kid leaves with loads of debt and no degree and no ability to get a better job. Colleges are not holding up their end," says Amy Wilkins of the Education Trust.A college education is getting ever more expensive. Since 1982 tuitions have been rising at roughly twice the rate of inflation. In 2008 the net cost of attending a four-year public university – after financial aid – equaled 28% of median (中间的)family income, while a four-year private university cost 76% of median family income. More and more scholarships are based on merit, not need. Poorer students are not always the best-informed consumers. Often they wind up deeply in debt or simply unable to pay after a year or two and must drop out.There once was a time when universities took pride in their dropout rates. Professors would begin the year by saying, "Look to the right and look to the left. One of you is not going to be here by the end of the year." But such a Darwinian spirit is beginning to give way as at least a few colleges face up to the graduation gap. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the gap has been roughly halved over the last three years. The university has poured resources into peer counseling to help students from inner-city schools adjust to the rigor (严格要求)and faster pace of a university classroom –and also to help minority students overcome the stereotype that they are less qualified. Wisconsin has a "laserlike focus" on building up student skills in the first three months, according to vice provost (教务长)Damon Williams.State and federal governments could sharpen that focus everywhere by broadly publishing minority graduation rates. For years private colleges such as Princeton and MIT have had success bringing minorities onto campus in the summer before freshman year to give themsome prepara tory courses. The newer trend is to start recruiting poor and non-white students as early as the seventh grade, using innovative tools to identify kids with sophisticated verbal skills. Such pro grams can be expensive, of course, but cheap compared with the millions already invested in scholarships and grants for kids who have little chance to graduate without special support.With effort and money, the graduation gap can be closed. Washington and Lee is a small, selective school in Lexington, Va. Its student body is less than 5% black and less than 2% Latino. While the school usually graduated about 90% of its whites, the graduation rate of its blacks and Latinos had dipped to 63% by 2007. "We went through a dramatic shift," says Dawn Watkins, the vice president for student affairs. The school aggressively pushed mentoring (辅导) of minorities by other students and "partnering" with parents at a special pre-enrollment session. The school had its first-ever black homecoming. Last spring the school graduated the same proportion of minorities as it did whites. If the United States wants to keep up in the global economic race, it will have to pay systematic attention to graduating minorities, not just enrolling them.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

例: How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C.1. What does the man like about the play?A. The story.B. The ending.C. The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A. A hotel.B. A bank.C. A restaurant.3. At what time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:20.B. 5:10.C.4:40.4. What will the man do?A. Change the plan.B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some help.C. Listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2011年6月大学英语三级A级考试真题Part Ⅰ Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C. An air trip. is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Now the test will begin.1. A. Report to his boss. B. Talk with his agent. C. See his doctor. D. Visit his lawyer.2. A. The airport is too far away. B. The man has missed the bus.C. This bus doesn't go to the airport.D. There is no bus going to the airport.3. A. Before 8:45. B. Before 9:15. C. After 9:00. D. At 9:00.4. A. The man works in the city center. B. The man wants to live in the suburbs.C. The woman works in the suburbs.D. The woman lives in the city center.5. A. They can't agree on the price. B. The man's order is too small.C. The man asks for earlier delivery.D. They disagree on the discount.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will bespoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A. The screen has gone black. B. The keyboard doesn't work.C. The connections are broken.D. The power supply is off.7. A. Start the computer again. C. Check the connections.B. Change the mouse. D. Replace the keyboard.Conversation 28. A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Nervous. D. Angry.9. A. A copy of his resume. B. An application form.C. A recommendation letter.D. A recent photo.10. A. Fashionably. B. Carefully. C. Nicely. D. Formally.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.11. Who is invited to give a talk at the reception?Professor Richard Johnson from ______.12. What period will follow Professor Johnson's talk?A ______ period.13. What refreshments have been prepared outside for the guests?Some chocolates, ______.14. When will Professor Johnson finish his talk?At about ______ tonight.15. Why must Professor Johnson leave by 8:30?He is taking ______ home tonight.Part Ⅱ StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correctsentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. I am very sorry ______ you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipment.A. causedB. causingC. to have causedD. to be caused17. Hardly ______ his speech when a young woman in the audience rose to make a protest.A. George finishedB. does George finishC. George had finishedD. had George finished18. If you turn to the right at the corner, you'll find a path ______ to the historical building.A. leadB. leadingC. to leadD. leads19. The working pattern of Hainan Airlines is similar to ______ of Capital Airlines.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whose20. ______ I had a problem, I would talk with someone online to seek help.A. As ifB. Just asC. Every timeD. So far21. Every Monday morning when I am in my small office, I wish I ______ in amulti-national company.A. were workingB. have workedC. am to workD. work22. I don't think this software is appropriate ______ the newly designed production line.A. atB. inC. ofD. for23. By the time you get to the office I ______ all the documents for the meeting.A. was preparingB. preparedC. had preparedD. will have prepared24. As he ______ to submit the accounting report before 4:30 pro, the assistant hurried to Mr. Smith's office.A. was requiredB. had requiredC. requiresD. required25. Few companies are interested in providing the software we need ______ the market is small.A. althoughB. sinceC. so thatD. as ifSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. The company (be) ______ in the land market since 1990 and it is now taking the lead in this field.27. If you give us any opportunity to deal in your products, the result will be (entire) ______ satisfactory.28. It is reported that the construction of the new subway (complete) ______ next month.29. The manager stressed the (important) ______ of developing a long-term strategy for the company.30. If he (take) ______ my advice at that time, he would have got the job he applied for.31. We (impress) ______ by the high quality and fine workmanship of your products when we visited your factory.32. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the (employ) ______.33. Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed in (solve) ______. the problem.34. The local government has decided to spend more money on the (equip) ______ of the hospitals in the rural area.35. I tried to fix the computer myself, but that just made it (bad) ______ than I had expected.Pa rt Ⅲ Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Car servicing is something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year. The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done methodically (有条理地) according to your car maker. Consider this: Your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程) figures indicate that you need to have it serviced. Certainly, this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay thatservicing bill every 6 months?Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learnquickly and easily save some good money.If you have never serviced your car before personally, here's your resource: Servicing BasicsCar servicing essentially means inspecting the ear thoroughly for any damaged components, and replacing some parts regularly that wear out over time. If you review carefully it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself, as below: You will need a complete set of tools as provided by your car maker when you purchased the vehicle. This will usually consist of all the spanners (扳手) that you might need.Completely servicing your ear will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money. Besides, it's fun too and a lot of learning.36. What is the best way to service your car?A. To service your car by yourself.B. To turn to other ear owners for help.C. To send your ear back to the ear maker.D. To have your car serviced at the service station.37. What indicates that your ear needs servicing?A. Weather conditions.B. Gas consumption.C. Mileage figures.D. Servicing bills.38. Why does the author suggest servicing your car by yourself?.A. It is money-saving and easy to learn.B. It is a simple way to save energy.C. It is convenient and challenging.D. It is done more efficiently.39. Some component parts should be replaced regularly because ______.A. they are outdatedB. they need to be oiledC. they become worn outD. they are easily available40. What is included in the set of tools provided by the ear maker for self-servicing?A. Spare parts.B. Cleaning brushes.C. Measuring meters.D. All kinds of spanners.Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions orunfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.Flying Blue is a frequent flier rewards program offered by Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Flying Blue members enjoy the ability to earn and spend air mile points on flights and services offered by Air France, KLM, and its various airline partners.Flying Blue also offers other ways to spend your points with select travel and transportation companies for things such as car and hotel rentals (租借). Award miles can be used to purchase discounts, gifts and free flights.Flying Blue offers several different levels of membership dependent on how often you fly and how many air mile points you have accumulated. The levels are in the order of Ivory (象牙), Silver, Gold, and Platinum (白金). As one increases in membership level, one will receive increased benefits such as first class promotion on flights and extra baggage allowances. Members also are allowed entrance into SkyTeam VIP rooms.Members must fly on a paid flight at least once every twenty months or their miles will no longer count. The Flying Blue reward program is a great way for frequent fliers and travelers to get a little bit more out of their Airline travels. As the first membership level, Ivory is your gateway to enjoying all that Flying Blue has to offer. With Ivory membership, you can start earning and spending Miles on a large number of flights and services. There are so many reasons to join the Flying Blue program--and it all starts with Ivory.41. Flying Blue is a rewards program specially intended for ______.A. first class travelersB. business executivesC. frequent passengersD. VIP members42. Flying Blue members have the right to use their award miles to ______.A. get free ticketsB. visit local scenic spotsC. shop in the supermarketsD. go through the VIP passage43. To make their miles count, members must ______.A. pay their membership fees regularlyB. fly overseas at least once every yearC. take a domestic flight with Air France once a monthD. pay for their flight at least once within twenty months44. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. All the members enjoy equal benefits.B. Ivory is the starting membership level.C. Fliers can choose any membership level.D. VIP rooms are only for the Platinum level.45. The title of the passage could be ______.A. Introduction to Flying BlueB. Flying with Air France and KLMC. Accumulation of Air Mile PointsD. Levels of Flying Blue MembershipTask 3Directions: The following is an advertisement of Tour to Los Angeles. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No.46 to No.50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.In Downtown Los Angeles, you will have the opportunity to see the Music Center, the Los Angeles performing arts center which used to be the home of the Oscar Ceremony for more than thirty years. You will see the birth place of Los Angeles, andfollow the history from the beginning at Olvera Street and see the oldest church in the city, Our Lady Queen Of L.A.You will witness and take a memorable picture of the world famous sign HOLLYWOOD. In Hollywood you will walk down the famous Walk of Fame before you stop at the Mann's Chinese Theatre. You will have a chance to see the cement (水泥) hand and foot prints of the Hollywood great people. Then off to Beverly Hills to see the homes of your favorite stars and Rodeo Drive where the rich and famous do their shopping.Lunch stop is at the new and historic Farmers Market. At the Farmers Market you will have time to choose and eat from the many different food courts (食府) and shop at one of the biggest shopping malls in the west side.Famous Sites to Visit in Los Angeles1. Music Center in downtown2. Olvera Street, the (46) of Los Angeles3. Our Lady Queen Of L.A, the oldest (47) in the city4. Famous sign HOLLYWOOD5. Mann's (48)6. Walk of Fame: cement (49) prints of the Hollywood great people7. Beverly Hills and (50) 8. The historic Farmers MarketTask 4Directions: The following is a list of road signs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. A--No parking in front of this gate J--No entry B--Guest's ear park K--Pedestrian crossing aheadC--Dangerous bend L--Peak hours onlyD--Diverted traffic M--Please drive carefullyE--Limited parking N--Road closedF--Low bridge ahead O--Speed limit of 48 kmhG--New hours of parking control P--In case of fire, stay in vehicleH--Entry to motorway Q--One wayI--Parking for taxis only51. ( )弯道危险 ( )访客停车场52. ( )此路封闭 ( )只准许出租车停53. ( )前方桥低 ( )只限高峰时段54. ( )禁止驶入 ( )限速每小时48公里55. ( )单行道 ( )停车位有限Task 5Directions: The following is an Accident Report. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 to No.60) that follow. The answers (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENTA worker was painting the inside of the water tower. He was standing on a ladder40 feet above the floor without wearing any fall protection equipment. Obviously he fell through an opening in the floor and died on the spot.INSPECTION RESULTSFollowing its inspection, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (管理局) listed three violations (违规) of its construction standards. Had the required fall protection been worn by the employee, his death could have been prevented.ACCIDENT PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS1. Employees must be provided and required to wear the necessary fall protection equipment.2. Employees must be instructed to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work.56. What accident happened?A worker ______ from a water tower.57. What was the age of the worker?He was ______.58. What was the worker doing when the accident happened?He ______ the inside of the tower.59. What was the cause of the worker's death?He did not wear ______.60. What was the advice given to prevent accidents?Employees should be instructed to avoid ______.Part Ⅳ Translation—English into ChineseDirections: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.61. You have your right to be concerned about your future work, whereas the interviewer has his about your ability to do the job.A.你有权关注自己未来的工作,并让面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。

2011年6月A级真题1. 假设你是某公司公关部经理助理王明明。
具体如下1)宾馆房间按照要求已经预订;2)已经安排公司的车辆去机场接机;3)已经预约了人事部、技术部经理周二上午会议室开会,接待客人Words for reference:工作汇报work report.2. 假设你是李平,从事设计工作,要给一名叫王军的某公司人事部负责人写一封拒绝信。
Words for reference:拒绝信:a letter of declination3. 内容:邀请对方来南京参加第三届全国电子展览会。
收信人:John Hanks写信人:Tom Bruise写信时间:2011年6月10日Words for reference:南京展览中心:Nanjing Exhibition Center第三届全国电子展会:The Third National Electronics Show4. 请根据以下提示内容写一篇通知外国语学院邀请美国史密斯教授来我校做一个题目为XX(题目自拟)的讲座,讲座时间本定于下周一下午1点,但由于教授行程临时有变动,讲座时间该在下周五下午一点。
特此通知!欢迎各位同学参加!时间:2011年6月20日主办者:外国语学院1.When I started learning English, I focused on (remember) ___________ lots of vocabulary.2.(Strict) ________ speaking, you haven’t satisfactory products and services to your customers.3.On (arrive)___________ at the work site, they began to repair the machine immediately.4.Still there are many problems (face) __________ law officers in California.5.The use of Chinese herbs (be) _________ becoming increasingly popular among Americans.6.(Apparent)__________, they offered him the job, but he gave up without telling the reason.7.I gave a warm welcome to the foreign (visit)________ on behalf of our headmaster.8.Roger would have offered to pay the tuition, if I (decide)_______ to return to school.9.The first step in getting your bike (fix) _____ is to find out what’s wrong with it.10.My advice to you is to be brief in speaking or you (lose) __________ the audience’s interest.11.He will have been in United States for six years by the time he (graduate)_________ from theuniversity next year.12.Things started to go (extreme) ________ wrong for Eric after he lost his job.13.We all believe that he is able to handle these engine trouble because he is an_____________(experience) engineer.14.Madame Curie is believed (discover) ___________Radium.15.He didn’t go to the party. Now he regret (not do)________________ so.16.Sales have been absolutely terrible this year. In fact they’ve probably been (bad) _______than I can ever remember.17.They have promised to help develop our skills and overcome challenges in our (person)________life.18.It’s clearly stated that you should not copy from the site without (permit) _____ from thewebmaster.19.As a famous world tourists destination, Sanya will receive more and more (tour)__________in the future.20.By the end of next month, my brother (finish)____________ his graduation paper.21.There have been many TV series on show recently. But none of them has made me (interest)______.22.Many finance companies (disappear) __________ since the economic crisis.23.The internet is an important means of communication, (allow) ______________ fast accessto information.24.We were fully persuaded by his (force)_________ speech.25.The simple-to-use computer was developed and tested by MyGait, the industry leader in(make) ___________ computing easy for seniors.26.Diamonds come in many colors but clear diamonds, (know)__________ as white diamonds,are extremely valuable.27.Six people, (include)________ two graduate students, entered the last round of the interview.28.It (rain)__________ hard for several days in the past two weeks, resulting in serious floodingof the whole area.29.(Support) ____________ by the chairman, the CEO introduced some changes in themarketing strategies.30.Our productivity would not have been increased so rapidly without the (introduce)__________ of the new technology.31.The new chief editor’s ability has been in doubt for his (fail) ___________ in organizing theFashion Week.32.His great (achieve) __________ is to have all the players in a united team.33.We know that the latest model of this machine (design) ______________ last year.34.The happiest people don’t(necessary) ___________ have the best of everything, they justmake the most of everything that comes along.35.Mr. Smith, may I remind you of something that you seem to (forget) ____________?36.I am feeling ill. I shouldn’t (eat)_________ so much chocolate last night.37.In Britain, conversations between (strange) ________ often begin with the subject of weather.38.The company (do) ____________well at present, but we must look ahead and develop ourplans for the future.39.The terrorists often (threat) ________ to blow up a plane if their demands are not met.40.Most scientists assumed that the worst effects of climate change (occur) ________later in thecentury.41.In business, (spend) _______ time on needless meetings that do not achieve anything can bevery costly.42.Do you think it useful (argue)___________ with her any more about the problem?43.Every year there are thousands of tourists (come)_________ here to see the beautiful sites.44.Mary said in her letter that she was very (thank)_______ for the gift I sent her.45.We share our research results within the team and (broad)__________ our knowledge andexperience through teamwork.46.She was glad that he had such good (judge) __________ in the choice of friends.47.I recommend that he (prepare)______________ a brief and clear resume before staring tolook for a job.48.Tell me the (long) __________ of the rope so that I will cut it for you.49.Ernest Hemingway was a famous American writer who (win)_______ the Noble Prize forliterature in 1954.50.She accepted her friend’s challenge to swim across the river in the (deep)_________ ofwinter.。

机密★启用前 2011年北京联合大学高职升本科专业、专业基础课考试 考试科目 英语专业听力 A (总分:100分 考试时间:40分钟) 注意事项: 1. 共 7 页,用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在答题纸上。
2.一、CONVERSATIONS.(30 points, 2 points each ) Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. 1.A. To keep her trousers on. B. To spend less time at the office. C. To hang up her trousers. D. To come home earlier. 2.A. Her sister is having a baby. B. Her sister will not let her. C. It is a bad movie. D. She is taking care of her sister’s children./////¤/////¤/////密¤封¤装¤订¤线密封线内不要答题准考证号 姓名://///¤/////¤/////3.A. Repair workers.B. Sales woman.C. Taxi driver.D. car producer.4. A. The woman was visiting her husband in the hospital.B. They were riding in a car.C. The woman and man were in a store.D. The couple was watching a movie.5. A. Tuesday.B. Thursday.C. Wednesday.D. Friday.6. A. The green one.B. The blue one.C. The red one.D. Not mentioned.7. A. She is going to a meeting.B. She is going to see a friend.C. She is going to have dinner with the man.D. She is going to the movies.8. A. 15 minutes.B. 20 minutes.C. 25 minutes.D. 30 minutes.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A. Tokyo Subway Station.B. Tokyo Art Museum.C. Tokyo Tower.D. Hibiya Subway Station.10. A. 130 yen.B. 113 yen.C. 150 yen.D. 115 yen.11. A. About every five minutes.B. About every six minutes.C. About every seven minutes.D. About every eight minutes.12. A. At Hibiya Subway Station.B. At Tokyo Art Museum Station.C. At Tokyo Subway Station.D. At Kamiyacho Station.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A. To invite her to go to Florida with him.B. To ask her to watch his house while he is gone.C. To make date for that evening.D. To talk about his vacation.14. A. She is Brian’s neighbor.B. She goes to school with Brian.C. She does not know Brian very well.D. She does not have a job.15. A. Feed the cats.B. Collect the mail.C. Water the plants.D. Watch the house.二、PASSAGES.(30 points, 3 points each)Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. Atthe end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After youhear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C), and D).Passage OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A. They will be much bigger.B. They will have more seats.C. They will have three wheels.D. They will need intelligent drivers.17. A. It doesn’t need to be refueled.B. It will use solar energy as fuel.C. It will be driven by electrical power.D. It will be more suitable for long distance travel.18. A. Passengers in the car may be seated facing one another.B. The front seats will face forward and the back seats backward.C. Special seats will be designed for children.D. More seats will be added.19. A. Choose the right route.B. Refuel the car regularly.C. Start the engine.D. Tell the computer where to go.Passage TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.20. A. By keeping their boxes under light.B. By shocking any rat who went into a dark area.C. By placing some delicious food in those lighted box.D. By injecting part of a lion’s brain into his rats.21. A. That a person who eats the heart of a lion can gain the lion’s courage.B. That rats prefer lighted boxes to dark ones.C. That learned information can be passed to other animals from the oneswho did the learning.D. That mice have high intelligence.22. A. Mice that got the trained brain spent more time in the dark than micethat got the untrained brain.B. Mice, unlike rats, normally prefer the light.C. Dr. Ungar injected part of the brains of untrained rats into 132 mice.D. None of the above.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A. Children’s play balloons.B. Weather balloons.C. Balloons used for safety patrols.D. Balloons used for recreation.24. A. Because they are impossible to guide.B. Because they may go up in flames.C. Because they tend to leak gas.D. Because they are cheaply made.25. A. They are safer.B. They are larger.C. They are easier to store.D. They are harder to damage.三、DICTATION.(28 points, 2 points each from blanks 26 to 33 and 4points each from blanks 34 to 36)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listencarefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for thesecond time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from26 to 33 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 34 to 36 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact wordsyou have just heard or write down the main points in your ownwords. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, youshould check what you have written.If you want to be president of the United States, it is a good thing to grow up (26) . In the past 13 presidential elections, the taller man has won 10 times. George Bush Junior is a rare exception. Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln were well above average (27) . So was Bill Clinton. If you want to earna lot of money, though, it seems that what (28) is not how tall you areas an adult, but how tall you were as a (29) .Three American (30) confirmed what short people have always suspected: that it (31) to be tall. In Britain, if you are white and male, an extra inch goes with a 1.7% increase in wages; in America, with 1.8%. The shortest quarter of the (32) in both countries earns, on average, about 10% less than the tallest quarter.When they looked at the connections between a man’s (33) and his height at the ages of 7, 11 and 16, as well as his adult height, the researchers foundthat all of the effect of height on income actually attributed to height at the age of 16. neither variations in increase after that age, nor differences in height earlier in childhood, (34) .Why is unclear. Purely biological effects, such as genetic or nutritional differences, can probably be ruled out. They are unlikely to manifest themselves solely in someone’s teens. Employers’ prejudice is not convincing: an employer is unlikely to know (35) . With a little statistical effort, differences in family background and schooling can be ruled out, too. The key is the “social and cultural stigma(烙印)” of being a 16-year-old. Menwith relatively short youths were less likely to take part in (36) . However, social activities may improve self-esteem and develop valuable social skills.四、ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS.(12 points, 2 points each)Directions: Listen to a passage. After the passage six questionswill be read to you. Write down the proper answers on your AnswerSheet according to what you have heard.。

2011年6月英语三级答案分享A卷和B 卷有区别你们要看单词选答案。
听力:1.a 2.8:00 3.recover fromthe 4.30 5.attened themeeting 6.japan 7.bus 8.camera speechcontext 9.park the car case 10.trip with school 11.the day later 12.no plan 13. planning 14.suffer 15.schedual 16 . 17volunteer 18. 19. boarding 20. work out单选。
11题,above all. 12题,popular.13题,inquired. 1 4题,in brief. 1 5题, admitting. 1 6题,look into 17题, view. 1 8题,consists. 19题,duty. 20题, back.21题,book. 22题,superior. 23题,all that . 24题, be introduced. 25题,could be taken. 26题,will have discovered. 27题,not to make. 28题, leacing. 29题,didnot sell .30题 ten.阅读一开头是in kenya,答案;1,suffering2joseph3,baby,4,running,5giving阅读二开头是onlydays答案1,100or,2she wassupposed3inthe1980s4confirm5hadnotbeen阅读三开头是men who答案1making decision2he is born with3humaninstinctive 4theoppsite sex5they had differrent personalties阅读四(关键字或是开头的单词:I was lucky- Ifound~~~~。

2011年6月全国高等学校英语应用能力A级答案第一篇:2011年6月全国高等学校英语应用能力A级答案一选择题1.to have missed2.can they expect3.leading4.those5.now that.were working7.from8.will have prepared9.was requived10.although二填空题1..work--has worked2.successful--successfullyplete--will the completed4.diffevent--diffevence5.take--had taken6.impress--were impressed7.employ—employers8.go--going9.achieve--achieve ment10.bad--worse三阅读.1.to have your car serviced at the(service)station2.(Mileage)figures3.It is(money-saving)and easy to learn4.they become(worn out)5.All kinds of(spanners)6.(frequent passengers)7.get free tickets8.pay for their flight(at least once within twenty months)9.lvory is the starling(membership level)10.introduction to(Flying Blue)四.1.Olvera street the(birth place)of los2.the oldest(church)in the city3.Mann's(chinese theatre)4.cement(hand and foot)prints of the5.Beverly Hills and(Rodeo Drive)五.单价(Unit price)出口商(exporter)合同号(contrart NO)卖方(seller)运输方式(Mode of transport)商品编码(code of goods)买方(Buyer)总值(Total value)数量(adantity)发证日期(Licehse date) 六.1.A worker(fell)from a water tower2.He was(24 years old)3.He(was painting)the inside of the tower4.He did not wear fall(protection equipment)5.Employees should be instructed to avoid(unsafe conditions)七.翻译1.你应该相信自己未来的工作,面试官同样也知道你能胜任这项工作2.在你们订购我们的新产品之前,我们将通过电子邮件的方式发去产品的说明3.丝绸服装生产量大,即使你们的订购量不足1000件,我们也会适当给予折扣4.即便我们进行过多次的合作.但是我们只能提高价格,因为劳动力成本上升八.重点词汇con cern 关系,关心sales up 销售增加situation and suggestions 情况与建议upward 向上的period 周期general trend 总的趋势weak mcrket 不景气的市场due to 由于,因为considerably 相当的,非常的九.作文:一个厂商写给另一个厂商的感谢信。

绝密★启用前2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试全国卷英语听力试题2011年高考 全国I卷 英语听力音频 双击图标打开收听.mp3(请用电脑,双击上面图标,打开收听)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答案卡一并交回。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
1. What does the man like about the play?A. The story.B. The ending.C. The actor.2. Which place are the speakers trying to find?A. A hotel.B. A bank.C. A restaurant.3. At what time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:20.B. 5:10.C.4:40.4. What will the man do?A. Change the plan.B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out.5. What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man.B. Offer the man some helpC. Listen to some great music.第二节(共15小题;每小题1 5分,满分22 .5分)听下面5段对话。

2010年12月英语A级答案,lfs提供.===A卷16---20 4213221---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket mo ney49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221B卷16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64DBAD16---20 42132 21---25 43122 26 lucking 27 introduction 28 to make 29 informeds 30 rebuilts 31 had lived 32 winning 33 mores 34 heavily 35 lefts 36--40 13323 41--45 12234 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51 DQ 52 LJ 53 AE 54 NP 55 GI 56 14week 57sales support activity 58an online catalog59business communication 60in interview 61--64 4221B卷16--20 ACBCC 21--25 BDACB 36--40 BCDCD 41--45 BBACC 46tuiters 47returning 48 pocket money 49educational career 50February 51DQ 52LJ 53AE 54NP 55GI 56 14week 57sales support activity58an online catalog 59business communication 60in interview 61--64DBAD这个我也不知道准不准,不过在过一个多月,就应该会有准答案的湖南三级12月17日2010年12月英语三级答案听力:1.弄错了钥匙 2.8:00 3.recover from the 4.30 5.attened the meeting 6.japan 7.bus 8.camera speech context 9.park the car case10.trip with school11.the day later 12.no plan 13. planning 14.suffer15.schedual 16 . 17volunteer 18. 19. boarding 20. work out单选。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.
Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it .After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
1. A) Report to his boss C) See his doctor
B) Talk with his agent D) Visit his lawyer
2. A) The airport is too far away. B) The man has missed the bus.
C) This bus does not go to the airport. D) There is no bus to the airport.
3. A) Before 8:45. B) Before 9:15. C) After 9:00. D) At 9:00.
4. A) The man works in the city center. B) The man wants to live in the suburbs.
C) The woman works in the suburbs. D) The woman lives in the city center.
5. A) They can not agree on the price. B) The man's order is too small.
C) The man asks for earlier delivery. D) They disagree on the discount. Section B
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Conversation 1
6. A) The screen has gone black. B) The keyboard does not work.
C) The connections are broken. D) The power supply is off.
7. A) Start the computer again. C) Check the connections.
B) Change the mouse. D) Replace the keyboard. Conversation 2
8. A) Happy. B) Excited. C)Nervous. D) Angry.
9. A) A copy of his resume. B) An application form.
C) A recommendation letter. D) A recent photo.
10. A) Fashionably. B) Carefully. C) Nicely. D) Formally.
Section C
Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words).The questions
and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.
11.Who is invited to give a talk at the reception?
Professor Richard Johnson from__________
12.What period will follow Professor Johnson´s talk?
A _________ period.
13.What refreshments have been prepared outside for the guests?
Some chocolates, ___________.
14.When will Professor Johnson finish his talk?
At about ________ tonight.
15.Why must Professor Johnson leave by 8:30?
He is taking _________ home tonight.
答案:1-5: CCAAB 6-10: ABCAD
11. London 12. question and answer
13. drinks and fruits 14. eight o’clock 15. his flight。