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体寄生虫学理论、实验的教学任务,在医学院率先开展双语教学,并且承担了本专业留学生的全英教学工作,学生评教优秀,2005年获得河南大学教学优秀奖、科研优秀奖;2006年在河南大学举办的第五届教师授课大讲赛上获得一等奖,2007年获得河南大学“教学十佳”称号, 2009年获河南省教学技能大赛一等奖并获得“河南省教学标兵”称号,2010年获得河南大学第一届教学质量优秀奖一等奖,2012年度开封市优秀教师。


主要从事单抗及Hsf4 信号传导方面的工作。

2、张军,热休克转录因子4基因突变致先天性白内障的分子机理研究,2009.01- 2011.12,29万元(第二名,已完成)3、张军,肿瘤细胞对TRAIL敏感性与其表面DR5表达水平的相关性研究,校级项目, 2004.01-2005.06,0.4万元(已完成)4、张军,抗DR5单克隆抗体细胞株的建立及抗肿瘤研究.省教委科技攻关,2004.1-2006.12,1万元(已完成)5、张军,病原生物学全英文课件的制作,校级项目,2005.01-2005.12,0.8万元(已完成)6、张军,抗死亡受体5小分子抗体研制及其抗肿瘤作用,省教育厅科技攻关,2007.1-2009.12,1万元7、张军,抗死亡受体5抗体模拟肽的优化设计及其抗肿瘤作用研究,河南省医学科技攻关计划2006.1-2008.12,4万元(第二)8、张军,抗死亡受体5基因工程抗体研制及其抗肿瘤作用,卫生部科研项目,2007.1-2009.12,15万元(第三)二、代表性论文1.胡延忠,张军,李淑莲,王川,王明丽,马远方The transcription activity of heat shock factor 4b is regulated by FGF2 Int.J.Biochem. Cell biology 2013,45(2) 317-3252.张军,马增翼,李淑莲,刘广超,胡延忠。



盐酸羟考酮缓释片用于癌痛治疗的滴定杨平(综述);王昆(审校)【摘要】Oxycodone sustained-release tablet is a new formulation of potent opioids, which are characterized by their exact anal-gesic effect, high safety for oral administration, and slight adverse drug reaction. Oxycodone improves the quality of life of patients with cancer pains and is among the selected drugs used for controlling moderate and severe cancer pains. Relief from prolonged pain is achieved by adjusting the dose of Oxycontin (oxycodone hydrochloride) sustained-release tablet according to its pharmacological char-acteristics. The details are reviewed in this article.%盐酸羟考酮缓释片作为一种新型的强阿片类镇痛药,镇痛效果确切、口服安全性高、不良反应轻微,持续应用可提高癌痛患者的生存质量,是临床治疗中重度癌痛的首选药物之一。







(三)申报临床医学专业主任医师资格人员,应具备下列条件之一:- 1 -1.医学大学本科毕业或取得学士以上学位,担任副主任医师职务不少于5年;2.担任副主任医师职务期间,获得自然科学奖、国家发明奖、国家科技进步奖、省部级科技进步二等奖及以上奖项的主要完成人;3.担任副主任医师职务不少于3年,期间获得省部级科技进步三等奖的主要完成人;4.医学专科毕业,担任副主任医师职务不少于7年,期间作为第一作者在核心期刊发表3篇及以上专业学术论文。




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Med黑龙江医药Heilongjiang Medicine JournalHeilongjiang Med黑龙江医学Heilongjiang Medical JournalHeilongjiang Med J湖北中医杂志Hubei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hubei J Tradit Chin Med湖南中医杂志Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineHunan J Tradit Chin Med湖南中医药大学学报Journal of Hunan University of Chinese MedicineJ Hunan Univ Chin Med华西医学West China Medical JournalWest China Med J华西药学杂志West China Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesWest China J Pharm Sci华中科技大学学报(医学版)Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong Acta Med Univ Med Tongji淮海医药Journal of Huaihai MedicineJ Huaihai MedJ检验医学Laboratory MedicineLab Med江西中医药大学学报Journal of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese MedicineJ Jiangxi Univ Tradit Chin Med江西医药Jiangxi Medical JournalJiangxi Med J江苏中医药Jiangsu Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJiangsu J Tradit Chin Med江苏医药Jiangsu Medical JournalJiangsu Med J江苏预防医学Jiangsu Journal of Preventive Medic ineJiangsu J Prevent Med吉林大学学报(医学版)Journal of Jilin University(Medicine Edition)J Jilin Univ Med Edit吉林医学Jilin Medical JournalJilin Med J吉林中医药Jilin Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJilin J Tradit Chin Med解放军医学杂志Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation ArmyMed J Chin People's Liberation Army解放军医药杂志Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army Med & Pharm J Chin PLA军事医学Military Medical SciencesMilit Med Sci介入放射学杂志Journal of Interventional RadiologyJ Interventronal Radiol基础医学与临床Basic & Clinical Medic ineBasic & Clin Med九江学院学报(自然科学版)Journal of Jiujiang University(Natural Science Edition)J Jiujiang Univ Natur Sci疾病预防控制通报Endemic Diseases Bulletin(china)Endemic Dis BullL老年医学与保健Geriatrics & Health CareGeriatr Health Care临床放射学杂志Journal of Clinical RadiologyJ Clin Radiol临床荟萃Clinical FocusClin Focus临床误诊误治Clinical Misdiagnosis & MistherapyClin Misdiagn Misther临床检验杂志Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory ScienceChin J Clin Lab Sci临床心电学杂志Journal of Clinical ElectrocardiologyJ Clin Electrocardiol临床心血管病杂志Journal of Clinical CardiologyJ Clin Cardiol临床医学Clinical Medic ineClin Med临床医药实践Proceeding of Clinical MedicineProc Clin Med辽宁中医药大学学报Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Liaoning Univ Tradit Chin Med辽宁医学杂志Medical Journal of LiaoningMed J Liaoning辽宁中医杂志Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineLiaoning J Tradit Chin Med兰州大学学报(医学版)Journal of Lanzhou University(Medical Sciences)J Lanzhou Univ Med SciN南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Nanjing Medicial UniversityJ Nanjing Med Univ南京中医药大学学报Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine J Nangjing Univ Tradit Chin Med南通大学学报(医学版)Journal of Nantong University(Medical Sciences)J Nantong Univ Med Sci南方医科大学学报Journal of Southern Medical UniversityJ South Med Univ南昌大学学报(医学版)Journal of Nanchang University(Medical Sciences)J Nanchang Univ Med Sci内蒙古医学杂志Inner Mongolia Medical JournalInner Mongolia Med J宁夏医学杂志Ningxia Medical JournalNingxia Med J内蒙古中医药Nei Mongol Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineNei Mongol J Tradit Chin Med内科Internal 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unnan J Tradit Chin Med Mater Medica医学影像学杂志Journal of Medical ImagingJ Med Imaging医学综述Medical RecapitulateMed Recapitulate医学临床研究Journal of Clinical ResearchJ Clin Res医药导报Herald of MedicineHerald Med医药论坛杂志Journal of Medical ForumJ Med Forum药学学报Acta Pharmaceutica SinicaActa Pharm Sin药学实践杂志Journal of Pharmaceutical PracticeJ Pharm Pract药学与临床研究Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchPharm Clin Res药物流行病学杂志Chinese Journal of PharmacoepidemiologyChin J Pharmacoepidemiol药物生物技术Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Chin J Pharm Biotechnol右江医学Y oujiang Medical JournalY oujiang Med J预防医学情报杂志Journal of Preventive Medicine InformationJ Prevent Med InfZ中风与神经疾病杂志Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous DiseasesJ Apoplexy Nerv Dis中国病理生理杂志Chinese Journal of PathophysiologyChin J Pathophysiol中国超声医学杂志Chinese Journal of Ultrasound in MedicineChin J Ultrasound in Med中国动脉硬化杂志Chinese Journal of ArteriosclerosisChin J Arteriosclerosis中国急救医学Chinese Journal of Critical Care MedicineChin J Critical Care Med中国介入心脏病学杂志Chinese Journal of Interventional CardiologyChin J Interventional Cardiol中国临床药理学杂志The Chinese Journal of Clinical PharmacologyChin J Clin Pharmacol中国老年学杂志Chinese Journal of GerontologyChin J Gerontol中国慢性病预防与控制Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases Chin J Prevent Control Chronic Dis中国全科医学Chinese General PracticeChin Gen Pract中国生化药物杂志Chinese Journal of Biochemical PharmaceuticsChin J Biological Pharms中国生物医学工程学报Chinese Journal of Biomedical EngineeringChin J Biological Eng中国实用内科杂志Chinese Journal of Practical Internal MedicineChin J Pract Intern Med中国新药与临床杂志Chinese Journal of New Drugs and Clinical RemediesChin J New Drugs Clin Remed中国新药杂志Chinese Journal of New DrugsChin J New Drugs中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology Chin J Cardiac Pacing Electrophysiol中国药理学与毒理学杂志Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Chin J Pharmacol Toxicity中国药理学通报Chinese Pharmacological BulletinChin Pharmacol Bull中国临床医学影像杂志Journal of China Clinic Medical ImagingJ Chin Clin Med Imaging中国临床药学杂志Chinese Journal of Clinical PharmacyChin J Clin Pharm中国药学杂志Chinese Pharmaceutical JournalChin Pharmacol J中国药物化学杂志Chinese Journal of Medicinal ChemistryChin J Med Chemistry中国药理学与毒理学杂志Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Chin J Pharmacol Toxicity中国医科大学学报Journal of China Medical UniversityJ China Med Univ中国医学科学院学报Acta Academiae Medicinae SinicaeActa Acad Med Sine中国医药China MedicineChina Med中国医学影像技术Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology Chin J Med Imaging Technol中国医学影像学杂志Chinese Journal of Medical ImagingChin J Med Imaging中国医学计算机成像杂志Chinese Computed Medical ImagingChin J Med Computed Imaging中华中医药杂志China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and PharmacyChin J Tradit Chin Med Pharm中国中西医结合急救杂志Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care Chin J Integr Tradit West Med Intensive Crit Care中国中西医结合杂志Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western MedicineChin J Integr Tradit West Med中国结合医学杂志(英文版)Chinese Journal of Integrative MedicineChin J Integr Med中国中医急症Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese MedicineJ Emerg Tradit Chin Med中国综合临床Clinical Medic ine of ChinaClin Med China中华生物医学工程杂志Chinese Journal of Biomedical EngineeringChin J Biomed Engineer中华病理学杂志Chinese Journal of PathologyChin J Pathol中华超声影像学杂志Chinese Journal of UltrasonographyChin J Ultrasonography中华放射学杂志Chinese Journal of RadiologyChin J Radiol中华高血压杂志Chinese Journal of HypertensionChin J Hypertension中华核医学与分子影像杂志Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Chin J Nuclear Med Mol Imaging中华护理杂志Chinese Journal of NursingChin J Nurs中华检验医学杂志Chinese Journal of Laboratory MedicineChin J Lab Med中华流行病学杂志Chinese Journal of EpidemiologyChin J Epidemiol中华内分泌代谢杂志Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and MetabolismChin J Endocrinol Metab中华内科杂志Chinese Journal of Internal MedicineChin J Intern Med中华神经科杂志Chinese Journal of NeurologyChin J Neurol中华心律失常学杂志Chinese Journal of Cardiac ArrhythmiasChin J Cardiac Arrhythmia中华心血管病杂志Chinese Journal of CardiologyChin J Cardiol中华胸心血管外科杂志Chinese Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular SurgeryChin J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg中华医学杂志National Medical Journal of ChinaNatl Med J Chin中华检验医学杂志Chinese Journal of Laboratory MedicineChin J Lab Med浙江医学Zhejiang Medical JournalZhejiang Med J浙江实用医学Zhejiang Practical MedicineZhejiang Pract Med浙江中医药大学学报Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical UniversityJ Zhejiang Chin Med Univ浙江大学学报(医学版)Journal of Zhejiang University(Medical Sciences)J Zhejiang Univ Med Sci中日友好医院学报Journal of China-Japan Friendship HospitalJ China-Japan Friendship Hosp中山大学学报(医学科学版)Journal of Sun Y at-sen University(Medical Sciences)J Sun Y at-Sen Univ Med Sci中医药导报Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medic ine and Pharmacy Guid J Tradit Chin Med Pharm中医药学报Acta Chinese Medicine and PharmacologyActa Chin Med Pharm中医药信息Information on Traditional Chinese MedicineInf Tradit Chin Med中医药临床杂志Clinical Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clin J Tradit Chin Med中医杂志Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineJ Tradit Chin Med转化医学杂志Journal of Naval General HospitalJ Naval Gen Hosp郑州大学学报(医学版)Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences) J Zhengzhou Univ Med Sci中南大学学报(医学版)Journal of Central South University(Medical Science) J Centr South Univ Med Sci中南医学科学杂志Medical Science Journal of Central South China Med Sci J Centr South China。


开展项目:(1)复发性气胸的治疗;(2)脓胸的清创治疗;(3)恶性胸腔积液的治疗;(4)不明原因 胸腔积液的诊断;(5)胸膜原发肿瘤、转移瘤的诊治等。
纵隔病变不易获取病理和细胞学标本,目前多行纵隔镜或开胸活检,但此两项检查创伤大、费用高。 经 EBUS 引导支气管针吸活检(TBNA)定位准确、创伤小、阳性率高、操作方便,使纤支镜的检查范围由腔 内病灶扩展至腔外、纵隔内病灶,可对纵隔内淋巴结进行针吸活检,从而提高纵隔病变尤其是结节病的诊 断阳性率,对肺癌的诊断和分期及治疗方案的选择具有重要指导作用。
陶仲为 教授
山东省立医院呼吸与危重症医学科具有悠久历史的学科专业,拥有众多的我国呼吸专业的 老前辈或知名教授。陶仲为教授、李襄五教授、薛立福教授、雷茂禄教授、辛洪涛教授等都曾 或正在这里执教和工作,为科室树立了良好的声誉,蜚声国内外。
李襄五 教授
科室紧抓临床工作,不断提高业务水平和服务质量,能够对绝大多数疑难危重病做出正确 的诊断和处理。各级医师掌握相应的技术。重视对中青年医生的基本技能和核心技术的培训。 能独立诊治本专科主要病种:慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘、肺心病、支气管扩张、肺部及纵隔良 恶性肿瘤、上呼吸道感染、肺炎(包括细菌性、病毒性、真菌性、非典型病原体、理化因素所 致)、肺间质疾病、肺结节病、肺结核、胸腔积液、气胸、脓胸、急慢性呼吸衰竭、急性呼吸 窘迫综合征、肺栓塞、睡眠呼吸紊乱等。2011 年被评为全省卫生系统“两好一满意”服务标 兵,获山东省立医院综合目标管理二等奖 1 次,三等奖 1 次,医保住院管理先进奖 1 次,医疗 安全奖 3 次。学科带头人姜淑娟教授被评为山东省立医院优秀科主任、山东省卫生厅优秀党支 部书记、山东大学教学先进个人、荣获第六届中国呼吸医师奖、全国抗菌药物临床应用管理培 训项目讲课专家。注重科研,取得了显著的成绩。近年来获山东省科技进步奖二等奖 2 项,山 东省科技进步三等奖 4 项。现科研立项省级 11 项,发表论文 80 余篇、其中 SCI 收录 30 余篇, 中华系列杂志 20 余篇,著作 6 部。






二、二级学科各专业及研究方向1. 植物学2. 动物学3. 微生物学4. 遗传学5. 发育生物学6. 细胞生物学7. 生物化学与分子生物学8. 海洋生物学9. 生物物理学三、学制全日制学术型硕士研究生的学制为3年。





3. 指导教师应按照培养方案的要求,根据因材施教的原则,指导研究生制定个人培养计划。





Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology June 2009, Vol. 8, No. 6, P360–P365 DOI 10.1007/s10330-009-0023-9In the process of cell metabolism, various kinds of ma-terials including some ions, small molecules, macromo-lecular materials and some granular matters keep in and out of cells. The macromolecular substances and granular materials can not go through the membrane. They com-plete the transfer across the cell membrane in another way, that is, materials cross in and out of cell membrane in the form of vesicle which is fused with membrane and then sciss into the cell, which is currently recognized as the main pathway of intaking biological macromolecules-endocytosis. Endocytosis is broadly divided into two cat-egories, phagocytosis and pinocytosis; the latter is divided into four species according to their different mechanisms: clathrin dependent endocytosis, caveolin dependent en-docytosis, macropinocytosis, and clathrin and caveolin independent endocytosis.The recent study reported that the abnormal expres-sion of endocytosis may be involved in the mechanism of certain diseases, such as diabetes and neurological diseases and also closely related to the malignant transformation of cells. The role of endocytosis was paid increasing atten-tion. Further research in this area will help us understand these diseases, thereby found new treatments. Here we introduce about pathway of cell endocytosis, mechanisms of regulation and endocytotic proteins. Endocytosis pathwayPhagocytosisPhagocytosis refers to endocytosing large granular matters (> 250 nm), and it provides the host a direct way digesting exogenous substances, which is one of the most important immune protecting mechanisms [1]. In mamma-lian, phagocytosis can only be completed by specific cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils which are called phagocytic cells. Phagocytic cells recognize and combine with IgFc and complement packing pathogens through IgFc receptor and complement receptor respectively. When the cell surface receptors combined with the cor-responding ligands, downstream signal transduction was activated, which caused actin polymerization under plas-ma membrane of intaking site, actin contraction makes phagocytic cell membrane form pseudo-foot fusing into vesicle to pack pathogens. In cytoplasm, dynamin assem-bled into ring at the neck of vesicle, and hydrolysed the binding GTP, dynamin contraction forced vesicle to sciss from membrane at the neck and form phagosome which integrated with the lysosome, the acid hydrolysis enzyme of lysosomal digested pathogens. In addition to phagocy-tosing pathogens, macrophages of phagocytic cells canStudy progress of cell endocytosis*Li Chen1, Hui Li1, Ren Zhao2, jianwei Zhu31Department of Pathology, Nantong University Medical College, Nantong 226001, China2Department of General Surgery, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 230002, China 3Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital, Nantong University, Nantong 226001, ChinaReceived: 19 February 2009 / Revised: 13 March 2009 / Accepted: 10 April 2009Abstract Endocytosis is a process through which extracellular materials are transported into cell through membrane defor-mation. This process is not a simple step-by-step process in which a series of proteins function according to the chronological order, but rather a complex process comprising many members which are regulated precisely. The role of endocytosis is broadly divided into two categories, phagocytosis and pinocytosis, the latter is divided into four species in accordance with the size of endocytosis substances: clathrin dependent endocytosis, the diameter of clathrin-coated vesicle is 100–150 nm;caveolin dependent endocytosis, the diameter of caveolin protein-coated vesicle is 50–100 nm; macropinocytosis, the diam-eter of macropinocytosis is generally 0.5–2 μm, sometimes up to 5 μm; clathrin and caveolin independent endocytosis. Many proteins including endophilin A1, A2, A3, and endocytotic proteins B, B1a, and B1b as well as dynamin, actin and Rab protein families are involved in endocytosis and play an important role in different stages. The abnormal endocytosis may be involved in the development of certain diseases.Key words endocytosis; clathrin; caveolin; endophilin; signalling pathwayCorrespondence to: Jianwei Zhu. Email: usazhujianwei@* Supported by grants from the National Natural Sciences Foundationof China (No. 30771126 and 30772106).361 Chinese-German J Clin Oncol, June 2009, Vol. 8, No. 6swallow foreign bodies through ligand-receptor binding pattern. Identify and kill tumor cells, identify and remove degenerative plasma protein, lipids, and other macromol-ecules. Remove aging and damaged cells and cell debris. PinocytosisPinocytosis refers to the intake process that endocyto-ses extracellular liquid and the dissolving materials. Clathrin dependent endocytosisClathrin plays an important role in the regulation of composition of plasma membrane proteins, and research on clathrin can help us understand how cells interact with the surrounding environment, signal transduction of mitogenic, nutrition intake of the cell, establishment of extracellular environment cell identity including the interaction with the immune system, keep a balance in the stability of the environment of cell.(1) Clathrin and adaptor protein (AP)Clathrin is the skeleton protein outside the vesicle, clathrin-coated vesicle is 100–150 nm in diameter and exists in all eukaryotic cells and it mediates the way of transportation from the plasma membrane to intracellu-lar of proteins, lipids, nutrients, antibodies and growth factors and also the vector through which proteins and lipids transport from trans Golgi net work (TGN) to endosome. Clathrin is spider-like and polymerized by three chains at the top, which is known as triskelion [1]. Adapter lies inside the clathrin-coated vesicle, which mediates membrane binding, localization, sorting signals, identification and inositol phosphate. It not only serves to combine cargo and clathrin, but also connect with polyphosphatidylinositol headgroup. It is now found four kinds of adapters (AP1–4), all of which comprise a pair of 100–130 kD subunit. These subunits are able to identify 6-phosphate mannose receptor, transferrin, low-density lipoprotein and epidermal growth factor receptor, prote-ase and de-sialic acid receptor.(2) MechanismThe process from recruitment to disassemble is very short. It comprises as follows:1) Recruitment of adapter and clathrin. Recruitment of AP2 complex to high activity, saturated, easy enzymolysis site, activate formation of clathrin-coated vesicle in the plasma membrane under the effect of sorting signal and docking protein [2].2) Invagination, scission and budding of clathrin-coat-ed vesicle. The planar clathrin protein can be transformed into curved one without nucleic acid and cytoplasm in vitro; In vivo, clathrin-coated vesicle curves to some de-gree. Invagination may be due to structure changes or rearrangement of clathrin assembling in the crystal lat-tice or between clathrin. The budding of clathrin-coated vesicle is involved with GTPase dynamin, actin tubulizes or forms ring-shape in vitro, it is the trigger that vesicle dissociated from the membrane.3) Decapsulation of clathrin-coated vesicle. This is a wasting process that needs hsc 70, auxilin and ATP. The large chain of clathrin has two sites which interact with the adapter and also with hsc 70. The interaction between clathrin and hsc 70 destroyed the interaction between clathrin and adapter. Over-expression of hsc 70 mutant blocked the cycle of transferrin receptor so that the “as-sembly – dismantle” balance moved to the assembly di-rection. Hsc 70 dissociated clathrin from the vesicle in vitro, but could not dissociate adapter. Auxilin plays an important role in decapsulation. Auxilin can not only re-cruit hsc 70 to clathrin-coated vesicle, but also stimulate activity of hsc 70 ATP enzyme.Caveolin dependent endocytosisCaveolae/caveolins mediate endocytosis of many sub-stances and is the main form of clathrin-independent en-docytosis.(1) As early as 1950, Japanese scholar Yamada used transmission electron microscopy to observe some small caveolae which was about 50–100 nm in diameter for the first time. These vesicles appeared alone or string-like, in the form of invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane, it had typical lipid bilayer structure [2]. Caveolae is currently considered to be the signal transduction center, and many signal transduction receptors, protein kinase and binding proteins are highly enriched in caveolae region. In the regulation of caveolae endocytosis, activation of tyrosine kinase-dependent signal is an important step. After the treatment of phosphatase inhibitor, the endocytosis of cell by caveolae had increased notably.(2) Caveolin is the main surface marker of a caveolae, a kind of membrane integrin family modified in the inner surface of caveolae, 21–25 kD. It consists of N-terminal region, transmembrane region and C-terminal region, N-terminal and C-terminal cytoplasmic moves inward into the cytoplasm and its peptide chains like hairpin struc-ture. Caveolin plays a critical role in the assembly process of caveolae and cholesterol and is the signaling molecule of the scaffold proteins and negative regulatory proteins and belongs to a highly conserved integrity membrane protein family [3]. Rajjayabun [4] confirmed that caveolin-1 was the key factor of caveolae endocytosis. If caveolin gene was knockout, caveolae can not be formed. So far, four kinds of caveolin isomers have been found in mammals: caveolin-1α, 1β, 2 and 3, which are products of differ-ent genes, most cells expressed caveolin-1 and caveolin-2, the two form a stable heterologous oligomers complexes, particularly rich in terminal differentiated cells, such as fat cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and caveolin-3 mainly exists in various muscle cells (such as myocardial cells, rhabdomyosarcoma cells and skeletal muscle cells) and is closely related to the synthesis of muscle cells [5]. Neither caveolin protein nor caveolae structure appeared362 www. springerlink. com/content/1613-9089in peripheral blood cells and nerve cells.(3) The biological feature of caveolin. Caveolae as a sig-naling molecule plays a role as a platform in signal trans-duction. Caveolin-1 is in the center of signaling pathways at all these platforms. Caveolin, as a signaling molecule’s scaffold protein and negative regulatory protein, inhibits kinase activities of signaling molecules in the normal sig-nal transduction pathways. Caveolin-2’s skeleton region has no inhibitory activities, and other signaling molecules inhibitory regions may exit in it. Caveolin-3 is involved in energy metabolisms in muscle cells. Caveolin-1 has strong affinity to cholesterol, thus the cholesterol levels of caveolae is far higher than other biofilm. The study showed that the absence of caveolae eventually resulted in formation of foam cells, suggesting that caveolae and caveolin-1 can maintain the cholesterol balance by re-moving the excessive lipoprotein cholesterol out of cells [6].The correlation between caveolin and tumors have become one of the hot spots in tumor biology, among which, the relationship between caveolin-1 and tumor occurrence and metastasis has been studied a lot. Gene coding for caveolin-1 (CAV) locates in the suspicious tu-mor suppressive site (D7S522; 7q31.1). This site depletes or fractures in a variety of tumors (such as liver cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, gastric ad-enocarcinoma, etc. [7]). The normal NIH 3T3 cell which was introduced by antisense caveolin-1 was transplanted into nude mice to observe the formation of tumor, sug-gesting caveolin-1 has tumor suppressive function. In many tumors and activated oncogene transfected cells, the expression of mRNA and its protein of caveolin-1 de-creased or lost [8]. The experiments in vivo demonstrated mutation or deletion of caveolin-1 could lead to the ex-cessive proliferation of breast epithelial cells, and then increase the occurrence of breast cancers [9]. Besides, the expression of caveolin uprehulated in diabetes and hyper-cholesterolemia and plays a significant role in Alzheim-er’s disease [10], degenerative muscle disease [11], heart and lung diseases.MacropinocytosisLarge and irregular original endocytosis vesicles are formed by folding membrane on the verge of extending cell under stimulation by certain factors, and they are known as macropinosome whose size varies with diam-eter generally 0. 5–2 μm. Macropinocytosis plays a major role in macrophages and dendritic cells, also in many tu-mor cells [11].Macropinosome has no clathrin or caveolins coating; it is closely related to actin at the early stages of formation, which provides an effective way for non-selective endo-cytosis of extracellular nutrients and liquid phase macro-molecules. Macropinocytosis and phagocytosis, regulated by a variety of proteins, such as actin, Scar protein, Ap21 complexes and RabB. Different membrane wrinkle results in different rates of developing macropinocytosis.The formation of macropinosomes can be significantly inhibited by cytochalasin D and colchicine, suggesting that microtubules and microfilaments play an important role in this process. The mechanism may be the stimulus by a variety of factors that activate corresponding recep-tor tyrosine kinase and then self-phosphorylate quickly. Phosphorylated residues recruit PI3 kinase and activate it, the activated PI3 kinase activates Rac1 which may cause microfilament reconstruction through two ways. Firstly, the activated Rac1 activates PAK1 which regulates phos-phorylation of myosin light chain. The interaction be-tween myosin and actin is regulated by the phosphory-lated myosin light chain and the interaction promotes reconstruction of microfilaments, development of the cell membrane ruffles and formation of macropinosomes; Secondly, the activated Rac1 binds with the amino-ter-minal of its target protein IRSp53, SH3 region at the car-boxyl end of IRSp53 combines with WAVE to form three molecular complexes which could activate WAVE [12]. The latter further activates actin related protein Arp2/3 complexes which stimulate microfilament nucleation, promote microfilament reconstruction, development of cell membrane ruffles and formation of macropinosomes [13]. In-depth regulation mechanism needs further study. MicrodomainMicrodomain has similar lipid composition with caveolae but not function through caveolin. It functions through dynamin and Rho A-dependent mechanism, or through clathrin-independent, dynamin-2-independent, Cdc4 mediated pathway to endocytose glycosylated phos-phatidylinositol-hexanol anchored proteins [13]. The path-way plays a role in endocytosis of IL-2. EndophilinThe biological features of endophilinThe main function of endophilin is related to the en-docytosis of neurotransmitter. Endophilin has a common special structure, whose C-terminal has a unique SH3 do-main with the unique binding ability [14], which can in-teract with a number of special proteins such as dynamin, thus affecting the functions of other proteins. While N-terminal participates in membrane invagination of vesi-cles. They were named endophilin A1, A2, A3 in 2002. Huntingtin belongs to binding protein of endophilin A1, the complex composed of it and the huntingtin binding protein 40 (HAP40) inhibited early microtubule-depen-dent endosome movement, increased connection be-tween early endosome and actin [15]. Then a new family was discovered, which was named endophilin B.363 Chinese-German J Clin Oncol, June 2009, Vol. 8, No. 6Endophilin and its role in signal transduction Endophilin can interact with various proteins through which involved in different signal transduction pathway Endophilins which interact with cell membrane re-ceptors are mainly distributed in the cytoplasm and cell membrane, it can interact with cytoplasmic membrane receptor and conduct signals, such as beta 1-adrenergic receptor. Endophilin is also involved in phospholipid sig-nal transduction. Many endophilins contain the binding sites of inositol 4,5-diphosphate (PIP2). The degradation of PIP2 is necessary for the completion of the endocytosis. Mark PIP2 connected domain by immunohistochemical fluorescent protein and track endocytosis movement of living cells, and PIP2 was found present in the cell mem-brane surface in the form of many small plaques, these plaques entered gradually into the cell, which confirmed that the shift was the endocytosis. The disappearance of PIP2 matched the recruitment of phosphoinositide phosphatase enzyme, and we can propose that the latter can degraded the former. When PIP2 degradation was blocked, abnormal invagination can be observed, shear-ing machine of endocytosis gathered around the plaque on the membrane and failed to complete endocytosis. Therefore, PIP2 degradation is the necessary step of ves-icle scission [16].Recycling of the neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter recycle is essentially a process of cell endocytosis, clathrin interact with AP2 or AP180 (adapter protein) and membrane lipid to form clathrin-coated ves-icles. The process of its formation is just that endophilin A1 drove the rupture of membrane vesicles from the do-nor membrane at the neck of vesicles, LPAAT at N-termi-nal of endophilin A1 can catalyze lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and arachidonic ene-CoA to form lysophosphatidic acid (PA), LPA is a three-dimensional structure like in-verted cone-type and PA is cone-type, the former struc-ture is beneficial for positive membrane deformation, the later is conducive to negative membrane deformation. It is the transformation of lysophosphatidic acid that drive rupture between vesicle and the donor vesicle membrane. After endophilin mutation, it will severely affect recycle mechanism of synaptic particle [17].Function besides endocytosisEndophilin A2 is actually involved in absorbing nu-trients and growth factors and endocytosis of pathogens and receptors, participating in a variety of membrane transport mechanism . While endophilin B1 locates in the membrane of the cell and its main function is relat-ed to cell membrane dynamics. Apoptosis receptor Fas/ CD95 can not correctly located in the membrane without endophilin, resulting in inhibition of the mechanism of apoptosis [18]. Endocytosis related proteinsDynaminDynamin is a 100 kD GTPase, and its GTPase region at N-terminal can bind and hydrolyse GTP, PH (pleck-strin homology) region can bind with membrane and me-diate polymerization between dynamins, PRD (praline arginine rich) region at C-terminal mediate the interac-tion between other proteins. In addition, dynamin has a small GED (GTPase effector) region which is necessary in hydrolysis of GTP [18], and also plays an important role in some clathrin independent endocytosis. Dynamin is necessary in pinching and formation of vesicles. After its binding with ligand amphiphysin-1, dynamin-1 plays a key role in dynamin dependent endocytosis under regu-lation of cycle-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5). Dynamin-1-dependent endocytosis occurs quickly, usually only a few seconds, while dynamin-2 mediated endocytosis is slow, usually ten minutes.Dynamin uses mechanochemical activity – specifi-cally a twisting action – to pinch off endocytic vesicles [19]. Dynamin was, early on, localized to the collar around the neck of forming endocytic vesicles. This suggested that dynamin may use the energy of GTP hydrolysis to directly pinch a membranous neck. Indeed, dynamin could tubulate lipids and break apart the tubules in vitro, although later it seemed that the breaking apart was hap-pening as the samples dried on EM grids. Meanwhile, Schmid had come up with a “regulatory GTPase” mode: that dynamin was active not as it hydrolyzed GTP but in its GTPbound form, which recruited other proteins to do the pinching. The Yale group has more evidence for the earlier “pinchase” model. They used light microscopy rather than EM to follow tubulation and fission directed by dynamin in vitro. Longitudinal tension was needed with constriction to achieve fission. In mammalian, the dynamin collars are relatively short, so cortical actin is the most likely source of tension that would help the dynamin to wrench an endocytic vesicle free [20–23]. Dynamin has intrinsic activity of GTP and is also the cerebellum Dyrk1A kinase substrate, with its own ag-gregation feature of the endometrium can help new pro-cesses from the cell membrane vesicles isolated. Dynamin is involved in tubulation by PH epsin and ENTH (epsin NH2-terminal homology) [21].Wild-type dynamin mutant block the tube, which can be restricted to speculate dynamin of these membrane protein of the ability to control grid protein coated vesi-cle endocytosis and other media invagination degree. ActinActin is the main component of microfilament. Microfilament is involved in cell shape and polarity of the maintenance of endocytosis, intracellular transport,364 www. springerlink. com/content/1613-9089cell shrinkage and movement, cell division, and many other functions. Actin has two kinds: G-actin and F-ac-tin. The importance of F-actin in endocytosis was clearly illustrated by the effect of addition of the actin-mono-mersequestering drug latrunculin A. Within 5 minutes of its addition, actin patches were no longer visible and endocytosis was completely abrogated. This was the point at which the yeast WASP orthologue Las17p and the type I myosins (Myo3p and Myo5p) began to nucleate actin filaments through activation of the Arp2/3 complex [24]. This group of proteins has been called the “actin net-work growth machinery”. Some researchers combined epifluorescence with total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF) to follow the internalisation of individual coated pits in living cells expressing a fluorescent tagged form of clathrin light chain (DsRed clathrin). They showed that transient recruitment of actin coincides with the inward movement of vesicles, they also observed recruitment of the Arp2/3 complex to clathrin-coated pits. PH-sensitive probes have been developed that allow internalisation of cargo into individual clathrin-coated vesicles to be visual-ized, allowing us to follow the time course of invagination and identify the point of scission. The recruitment of actin during invagination is thought to provide the force that drives the invagination of the coated pit [25]. It is currently identified that the vesicle scission module contains the two yeast amphiphysin proteins Rvs161p and Rvs167p. These proteins contain BAR (Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs) domains that bind to and tabulate, actin and associated proteins recruit amphiphysins and thus mark the site at which membrane tubulation should occur. Tubulation is then suggested to facilitate the scission process. Following scission, the vesicle is uncoated and moves away from the membrane until it fuses with an endosome. There are two possible roles for actin at this final stage: vesicles could move along actin cables; alternatively actin could be nu-cleated at the vesicle surface to facilitate their movement within the cell. Then the actin depolymerized from the endocytosis site. The most representative depolymeriz-ing factor is cofilin. Cofilin is necessary for endocytosis in mamamals, but its mechanism is still unknown [26]. In the process of invagination, Sac6p/microfilament binding protein/fimbrin is also required, invagination induced by actin failed without Sac6p [27].PCH (Pombe Cdc15 homology) / F-BARPCH (Pombe Cdc15 homology) / F-BAR is another family of proteins which plays an important role in en-docytosis. The BAR region of these proteins combine with phosphoinositide. FBP17 is a member of PCH fam-ily, containing PCH domain and extended FC domain. The EFC domains show weak homology to the Bin-am-phiphysin-Rvs (BAR) domain. The EFC domains bound strongly to phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and deformed the plasma membrane and liposomes into narrow tubules. Most PCH proteins possess an SH3 domain that is known to bind to dynamin and that recruited and activated neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) at the plasma membrane. FBP17 contributed to the formation of the protein com-plex, including N-WASP and dynamin-2, in the early stage of endocytosis. Furthermore, knockdown of endog-enous FBP17 impaired endocytosis, suggesting FBP17 is necessary for dynamin-dependent endocytosis [28].Rab proteinsRab protein which is a small GTP enzyme is an im-portant regulator of endocytosis. Rab5 is involved in tubulization and its role in endocytosis has been clear. Rab5 protein has three isomers, Rab5A, Rab5B and Rab5C. Rab5 protein exists primarily on the plasma mem-brane, clathrin-coated vesicle and early endosome, tak-ing charge of vesicle fusion and recycling. Rab5 protein functions with ongoing GTP/GDP cycle. As molecular switch of vesicle transport, the activated state of combin-ing with GTP is “open”, the unactivated state of combin-ing with GTP is called “close”. Rab5 regulates transport of endocytotic materials between membrane and early en-dosome, and help vesicle movement along microtubules. HAP40 is an effective regulatory factor of Rab5, and Rab5 increase connections of endosome with actin un-der existence of HAP40. RAB5A protein was related to endocytosis of prostacyclin [29]. A-synuclein is the root of Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body Dementia and Alzheim-er’s disease and other central nervous system diseases. Moreover, Young found the mutant can decrease endo-cytosis of A-synuclein according to RAB5A GTP mutant enzyme research while Lewy body-like decreased in cy-toplasm, the cytotoxicity also decreased. Over-expression of RAB5A protein in immune system deficiency, which can slower macrophage phagocytosis of pathogens and decrease the rate of degradation of pathogens and IFN-C-mediated phagocytosis weakened.ConclusionWe have found many molecules involved in endocy-tosis in the past few decades, and had a preliminary un-derstanding about its process and metabolism. We now know that the process of endocytosis is not a simple step-by-step process in which a series of proteins function ac-cording to the chronological order, but rather a complex process comprising many members which are regulated precisely. Although the mechanism of regulation of en-docytosis is still unknown, it can be predicted that as more and more new research techniques applied in this area, we will be able to understand the mechanism of cell endocytosis more comprehensively. Whether tumor cells365Chinese-German J Clin Oncol, June 2009, Vol. 8, No. 6endocytose more nutrients than normal cells and wheth-er tumor cells increase sizes through endocytosing more growth factors? Can we inhibit tumor growth through inhibiting cell endocytosis or can we cure tumor by in-ducing specific drug endocytosis of tumor cells? Whether the endocytosis of 6-phosphate mannose receptor (MPR) which plays a very important role in cell death signal transduction is restrained in tumor cells? The mechanism of cell endocytosis can be further elucidated by solving all of the above problems.ReferencesGiodini A, Rahner C, Cresswell P. Receptor-mediated phagocytosiselicits cross-presentation in nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2009, 106: 3324–3329.Kirchhausen T. Clathrin. Annu Rev Biochem, 2000, 69: 699–727.Kiss AL, Turi A, Müller N, et al . Caveolae and caveolin isoforms in ratperitoneal macrophages. Micron, 2002, 33: 75–93.Rajjayabun PH, Garg S, Durkan GC, et al . Caveolin-1 expressionis associated with high-grade bladder cancer. Urology, 2001, 58: 811–814.Frank PG, Woodman SE, Park DS, et al . Caveolin, caveolae andendothelial cell function. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2003, 23: 1161–1168.Krajewska WM, Masłowska I. Caveolins: structure and function in sig -nal transduction. Cell Mol Biol Lett, 2004, 9: 195–220.Pascariu M, Bendayan M, Ghitescu L. Correlated endothelial caveolinoverexpression and increased transcytosis in experimental diabetes. J Histochem Cytochem, 2004, 52: 65–76.Fra AM, Pasqualetto E, Mancini M, et al . Genomic organization andtranscriptional analysis of the human genes coding for caveolin-1 and caveolin-2. Gene, 2000, 243: 75–83.Cameron PL, Liu C, Smart DK, et al . Caveolin-1 expression is main-tained in rat and human astroglioma cell lines. Glia, 2002, 37: 275–290.Williams TM, Cheung MW, Park DS, et al. Loss of caveolin-1 gene ex-pression accelerates the development of dysplastic mammary lesions in tumor-prone transgenic mice. Mol Biol Cell, 2003, 14: 1027–1042.Gaudreault SB, Dea D, Poirier J. Increased caveolin-1 expression inAlzheimer′s disease brain. Neurobiol Aging, 2004, 25: 753–759.Müller JS, Piko H, Schoser BG, et al . Novel splice site mutation in thecaveolin-3 gene leading to autosomal recessive limb girdle muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscul Disord, 2006, 16: 432–436.Lim JP, Wang JT, Kerr MC, et al . A role for SNX5 in the regulation ofmacropinocytosis. BMC Cell Biol, 2008, 9: H, Yamaguchi H, Suetsugu S, et al . IRSp53 is an essential in -termediate between Rac and WAVE in the regulation of membrane ruffling. Nature, 2000, 408: 732–735.Sun P, Yamamoto H, Suetsugu S, et al . Small GTPase Rah/Rab34 isassociated with membrane ruffles and macropinosomes and promotes macropinosome formation. J Biol Chem, 2003, 278: 4063–4071.Daniels RL, Takashima Y, McKemy DD. Activity of the neuronal coldsensor TRPM8 is regulated by phospholipase C via the phospholipid phosphoinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. J Biol Chem, 2009, 284: 1570–1582.Gad H, Ringstad N, Löw P, et al . Fission and uncoating of synapticclathrin-coated vesicles are perturbed by disruption of interactions with the SH3 domain of endophilin. Neuron, 2000, 27: 301–312.Petrelli A, Gilestro GF, Lanzardo S, et al . The endophilin-CIN85-Cb1complex mediates ligand-dependent downregulation of c-Met. Na-ture, 2002, 416: 187–190.Williams R. PIP2 in endocytosis. J Cell Biol, 2007, 177: 185.Guichet A, Wucherpfennig T, Dudu V, et al . Essential role of endophilinA in synaptic vesicle budding at the Drosophila neuromuscular junc-tion. EMBO J, 2002, 21: 1661–1672.Takei K, McPherson PS, Schmid SL, et al . Tubular membrane invagi-nations coated by dynamin rings are induced by GTP-gamma S in nerve terminals. Nature, 1995, 374: 186–190.Zhang X, Wang F, Chen X, et al . Post-endocytic fates of delta-opi-oid receptor are regulated by GRK2-mediated receptor phosphory-lation and distinct beta-arrestin isoforms. J Neurochem, 2008, 106: 781–792.William A. Twisting endocytosis. J Cell Biol, 2006, 173: 456.Damke H, Binns DD, Ueda H, et al . Dynamin GTPase domain mu-tants block endocytic vesicle formation at morphologically distinct stages. Mol Biol Cell, 2001, 12: 2578–2589.Tsujita K, Suetsugu S, Sasaki N, et al . Coordination between the ac-tin cytoskeleton and membrane deformation by a novel membrane tubulation domain of PCH proteins is involved in endocytosis. J Cell Biol, 2006, 172: 269–279.Sun Y, Martin AC, Drubin DG. Endocytic internalization in buddingyeast requires coordinated actin nucleation and myosin motor activity. Dev Cell, 2006, 11: 33–46.Okreglak V, Drubin DG. Cofilin recruitment and function during actin-mediated endocytosis dictated by actin nucleotide state. J Cell Biol, 2007, 178: 1251–1264.Kaksonen M, Toret CP, Drubin DG. A modular design for the clathrin-and actin-mediated endocytosis machinery. Cell, 2005, 123: 305–320.O’Keeffe MB, Reid HM, Kinsella BT. Agonist-dependent internaliza-tion and trafficking of the human prostacyclin receptor: a direct role for Rab5a GTPase. Biochim Biophys Acta, 2008, 1783: 1914–1928.。













恩度的临床应用与研究治疗非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC):非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)约40% ~50%患者在初诊时已有远道转移,有远道转移的NSCLC患者接受最佳支持治疗后的中位生存期仅4~5个月, 1年生存率10%左右[3]。

尽管新药(吉西他宾、紫杉类、长春瑞滨)和铂类联合组成第三代化疗方案疗效有了一定提高,但晚期NSCLC的化疗效果仍然不够理想,患者的生存受益仍然有限[4-5] 。


序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 期刊名称 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINES JOURNAL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND TUINA SCIENCE JOURNAL OF BIONICS ENGINEERING JOURNAL OF COAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CHINA JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE B NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH RICE SCIENCE 材料与冶金学报 船海工程 磁共振成像 大气科学学报 导航与控制 环境科学与管理 建筑节能 科学学与科学技术管理 空军医学杂志 矿业安全与环保 临床肾脏病杂志 农产品质量与安全 汽车安全与节能学报 器官移植 热带生物学报 森林工程 山东医药 上海纺织科技 食品安全质量检测学报 食用菌学报 四川动物 天津中医药大学学报 通信技术 西部医学 现代电子技术 现代泌尿生殖肿瘤杂志 信息安全与通信保密 医学信息学杂志 有色金属科学与工程 中国动物传染病学报 中国光学 中国计划生育和妇产科 中国实用口腔科杂志 中国水利水电科学研究院学报 备注



硕士 2000-2003
博士期间:1.中心体异 常与乳腺癌前病变及 其癌变关系的研究(国 家自然科学基金资助 项目). 2. 中心体调 控因子 Nek2 及其剪接 异构体在乳腺上皮细 胞恶性转化中的作用 (国家自然科学基金 资助项目) 3 Centrosome Amplification in Human Breast Tumors (中心体与乳腺肿瘤) 4 Role of Aurora-A in the development of EMT and metastases in breast cancer (Aurora-A 在乳腺癌 上皮间质转换及远处 转移中的作用)美国 Mayo clinic foundation 细胞周期调控因子与 乳腺细胞癌变的相关 性研究(天津市科委自 然基金项目 9936078110)
1. 刘铁菊 CyclinD1、p16 与乳腺癌相关性的研究进展. 癌 症, 2002,21(3):330-332 2. 刘铁菊,牛昀,于泳,吕阿娟 杨晓东. 乳腺轻、重度乳 头状瘤病和导管内癌中 p16 蛋白表达的比较观察. 中国肿瘤
天津医科大学 附属肿瘤医院
天津医科大学 附属肿瘤医院
2002-2007 河 北唐山市工人 医院病理科 2008.10-至今
韦丽,牛昀 乳腺癌细胞中心体调控研究新进展,中国肿瘤临 床. 2005,32(14):838-840
1. 张媛媛,付丽. p53 基因治疗研究的新进展. 2006, 35(1):48-50.
天津医科大学 总医院肾科
北京人民医院 内科;北京大 学团委书记
博士 2004-2007
博士 2004-2007
王颖, 牛昀 方志沂 中心体在肿瘤发生中的作用. 肿瘤防 治研究(核心期刊),2004,11(5):143-146.

《Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》发展小史

《Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》发展小史
Ch n s— r n I lnOn o , y2 0 Vo . , i ee Ge ma C i c lMa 0 9, 18 No. 5
( hn s -ema o ra o l i l n oo y ( i eG r n un l f i c c l ) 展 小 史 C e J C n aO g )发
术反 响。
2 0年 1 ,杂志发 展 为双 月刊 。 05 月 2 0年 2 0 5 月,成为 中国抗癌协会 临床 肿瘤 学协作 中心 (S O 团体会 员。 CC) 2 0 年 1 月,加入 中国抗 癌协会 系列杂志方阵 。 5 0 0 2 0年 8 1 日,正 式 开 通 国 际 网上 投 稿 及 审稿 系统 ,登 陆 网址 :h t : / 1 . d t r am n g r 6 月 0 5 tp /w e io i la a e . r
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让知 识 插上 翅膀 ,愿 我们 的 杂志成 为每 一位作 者 、读者及 专家学者们 的忠 实伴侣 和精神 家园!
历 经 数 年 ,其 发 展 小叙 如 下 : 1 8 年 ,创刊 ,前 身为 德 国医学 杂志 ( 国优 4 9 全 秀科技期 刊 、中国期刊 方阵双效期刊 、湖北省优 秀科技
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2 O 4至今 ,为 了达到搭 建 国 内外学术 交流平 台的 3 0 目的 ,杂 志每 期介 绍 一位 肿瘤 学领域 的专 家 ; 同时本 刊 十分注重开展 学术争鸣 与讨论 ,积极 组织 、刊登 专题述评 和争鸣类稿件 ,切 实为读者释疑 解 惑,提 供切 实有 用 的学术指导 ;另外 ,本刊还 积极 组稿 ,几年 中,分别刊登有血 液肿瘤 、肝癌 、食道癌 、肺 癌 、胰腺 癌等专栏 文章 ,所 约特稿 全部 由国内外该领 域的知名教授撰 写及组 织而成 ,取得 了极好 的学



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中山医科大学硕士毕业。 1932年10 月出生,1954年岭南大学医学院本科毕 业。1963年在中国医学科学院血液病研 究所进修结业。1982年获WHO奖学金赴 美国M.D.Anderson Hospital访问研究。 1965年起从事肿瘤化疗研究及临床工作, 先后任中山医科大学肿瘤医院内科主任, 肿瘤学教研室主任,肿瘤医院院长。现 任中山医科大学肿瘤医院内科主任导师, 卫生部属临床研究基地主任,教授,博 士导师。中国抗癌协会常务理事,广东 省抗癌协会理事长。香港中文大学医学 院肿瘤研究所科学顾问。
良性实体瘤常称为“瘤”; 来自上皮组织的恶性肿瘤称为“癌” (carcinoma); 来源于间叶组织的恶性肿瘤称为“肉瘤” (sarcoma); 其它肿瘤的命名没有一定的规范。 戈瑞(吸收剂量单位):Gary(Gy),
国际TNM (Tumor Node Metastasis)
• TNM 分类及临床分期是美国癌症联合委员会( AJCC ) 与国际抗癌联盟(UICC)联合制定的,过去国内外通用 的是美国抗癌协会(AJCC)与国际抗癌联盟(UICC) 建议的TNM临床分期,两个分期法现已统一为一种分 期法,于1987年1月1日开始实行。得到国际公认的临 床分期方法。对判定癌症预后也具有重要的指导意义。 国际TNM分期,为全球医学界客观评定癌的临床情况 提供了统一标准,为指导临床医师恰当地选择癌症治 疗方案提供了参考依据,也为国际间的学术交流提供 了可能。 • 国际TNM分期法并不对肿瘤的病理组织类型作鉴别, 只是对肿瘤的严重程度和侵犯范围作出客观判断。

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
李进,男, 1960 年生,教授 / 博导。 1982 年毕业于南京东南大学 医学院 ( 原南京铁道医学院 ) 医疗系本科,获学士学位;在上海第二 军医大学攻读并获得了硕士 和 博士学位;后赴美国耶鲁大学继续博 士后研究,主要研究领域为肿瘤基因和生物治疗。 2002 年回国并任 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院肿瘤内科主任,主要研究领域为消化道恶性肿 瘤 ( 特别是大肠癌 ) 的化学与免疫治疗。先后在《 PNAS 》、 《 Gynecologic Oncology 》、《 Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 》等国际和国内学术期刊上发表论文近三十余篇。 四次获得部委级科技成果奖三等奖。持有国家发明专利一项。 行政职务: 上海复旦大学附属肿瘤医院肿瘤内科 主任 复旦大学肿瘤医院生物治疗研究中心 主任 复旦大学肿瘤医院临床药物研究机构 负责人 上海市化疗质控中心 主任 学术职务: 亚洲 MTTC 委员会委员 国家卫生部肿瘤医师资格考试委员会委员 中国临床肿瘤学会副秘书长 中华医学会肿瘤分会青年委员 上海市抗癌学会消化肿瘤专业委员会副主任委员 上海市抗癌学会姑息治疗委员会副主任委员 上海医学会肿瘤专业学会委员 《 The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology 》编委 《 The Journal of Clinical Oncology 》中文版编委 《中国癌症杂志》编委 《临床肿瘤学杂志》编委 《中国肿瘤临床年鉴》编委 《肿瘤研究与临床》编委 《中国肿瘤临床》编委









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1 . r aa N K b t Otn e 1 L mp o e mea tsso a l 4 Kui r , u oa h a i t . y hn d tsa i f r a e y 8 9 3.
1 .N g c i Miaa i Po n sis nfa c n ug a ma a e o uh 5 M, y z kI rg ot i ic nea ds ri l n g . . c g i c me t fy hn d ts ssi g sr a c rB ug 19 , n mp o emea t i n a tcc n e. r S r 6 ol a i J 9 8 :5 _ 6 . 3 161 1 _
《 中德 临床肿 瘤学杂志》通过严格评 审,于2 1 年被E AS 和Id xC p ri s 00 MB E n e o enc 收录 。 u E A E 由Esve公司 出品,E crt Me i ( MB S 是 l ir e xepa dc 荷兰 《 a 医学文摘 》)的在线版本 。涵盖7 个 国家/ 0 地区 出 版 的3 0 多种期刊 ,覆盖各种疾病和药物 的信 息。 80 Id xC p riu 波兰 《 白尼 索引》 )是 由Me i l c n eItrain l( n e o enc s( 哥 dc i c en t a 国际医学 )创办 的医药学、生 aS e n o 物学 国际检 索系统 ,以收集生物学 、医药学内容为主。近年来逐步扩大收录 的学科范 围,同时收集数学、物理、 化学 、地 学等科学信息 ,成 为世 界性 门户 。每年 , 《 白尼索 引》根据 期刊“ 哥 科学质量” 编辑质量” 国际影响 、“ 、“ 力” 按时发行” 印刷质量” 、“ 和“ 等评价标准对其 收录期 刊进行 多参数的质量评价。 《 中德 临床肿瘤 学杂志》进入E As 和Idx C p ri s MB E n e o enc 数据库 ,是对期刊整体水平 的肯定 。我们将 以此为 u 契机 ,不断 开拓进取 ,努 力提高期刊影响力 ,更好地 为肿瘤 学研 究人 员服 务 ! 自创刊 以来 ,本 刊 已先后被S r gr ik pi eLn 数据库 ,中信所科技核心数据库 , 中国期干 全文数据库 、万 方数据 n 0 资源系统数字化期 刊群 、维普资讯 网科技期刊数据库 、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库 、E AS 、Idx o e— MB E n e C p r nc s 国内外重要检 索系统收录 。 i 等 u 在此 ,我们 衷心感谢广大编委 、作者 、读者对本 刊的大 力支 持,并欢 迎国 内外从事肿瘤学及其相 关领域研 究 的科研工作者踊跃 向本 刊投递高质量的稿件 。我们愿 意竭尽所 能为您服 务,共 同搭 建一个与全 世界科研 工作者相 互 交流的平 台,使您 的科研事业更上一 级台阶 !

g sd a c r t u mu o a ivso . r ug 1 9 , 5 8 5 a ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱcc n e hs b c s /na in 8 S r, 8 8 : 3 _ wi J 9 _
热 、u ,烈 祝 、 ”l贺 、 / 、
C ieeG r nJun l f l i l n oo y(《 hn s— ema ra o i c clg o C n aO 中德临床肿瘤 学杂 志》) 被E AS 和IdxC p ri s MB E n e o enc 收录 u
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C ieeGema C i clF bu r 0 V 11 , o 2 hn s— r nJ l On o, e r ay2 1 , o. 0 N . n 1
oo y 19 , 6 2 9 - 0 9 lg, 9 9 4 : 0 6 2 9 . 1 . eo N g w , t a t fy hn d ts s ns r S t a a aH MuoT I c mp o emeat io u- 3 mp o l a s vv l t al a tcc ne. r ug 1 9 , 1 1 6 1 9 i wi e r a h yg sr a c rWol JS r, 9 7 2 : 8 — 8 . i d