Wet chemical synthesis of redispersible crystalline BaTiO3 in organic medium
基金项 目:国家 自然科学基金 ( 批准号 : 0 70 5, 07 17 资助. 5 7 27 59 2 0 ) 联 系人简介 :向卫 东,男 , 士,教授 ,博士生 导师 ,主要从事无机非金属纳米材料 的制备 和 L D的研究 博 E
E— i :wed n xa g y h o c r . n ma l io g in @ a o . o c n
关键词 硫 化 锑 ; 剂 热 ; 米 棒 ; 一 氨 酸 ;生物 分 子 溶 纳 L胱 O 1. 1 O 1. 3+1 6 35 ; 63 5 文献标识码 A 文章编 号 0 5 -70 2 1 )7 10 -6 2 1 9 (0 0 0 —3 3 0 0 中图分类号
生 物分 子作 为生命 最基 本 的组成 部分 ,具有 特殊 的结 构 和组 装 特性 .这些 特 性使 其 成 为分 子层 面
形貌 、 杂 的结 构对 于 生物学 、 学 和材料 学来 说是 一个 十分 重要 的课 题 . 复 化
S 是 V ~Ⅵ族 重要 的直接带 隙半 导体 ,属正 交 晶系 , bS 室温 下 的带 隙能 为 17 V 引,具有 良好 .2e ¨
的光 电特性 、 敏性 和极 高 的热 电能 ] 在 电视摄 像机 、微波 器件 、 换 器 、充 电电池 _ 光 1, 4 转 l 和 各种不 同 的光 电器件 [ I 中具有 潜 在 的应 用 价 值 , 且 在 太 阳 能利 用 领域 有 着 广 阔 的应 用 前景 J 并 .近
设计与合成复杂结构最好的生长模板 j .因此 , 采用生物分子辅助合成法制备无机材料越来越受到 关注 ] .近年来 ,使 用 大量 的生 物 分 子如 D A_ J N 5 、蛋 白质 、 胱 甘 肽 等 作 为模 板 和结 构 导 向剂 谷
一、单选题1. 下列物质都能与浓热氢氧化钠溶液反应,产生气体与众不同的是A. AlB. SiC. PD. B2. 某铼(Re)的氯化物,它可由CCl4和Re2O7在封闭管中子400℃反应而成。
在晶态时,用X射线测得其结构为二聚体,该二聚体为两个八面体共用一条棱得到,则该二聚体的化学式为A. ReCl8B. ReCl7C. ReCl6D. ReCl53. 缺铁性贫血是世界上最普遍的营养性问题,一个简单的解决办法是生产铁强化酱油,即在酱油中加入易吸收铁的添加剂——Na2FeY,其中Y4-是乙二胺四乙酸(H4Y)的酸根形式,H4Y结构如下左图。
下列有关说法正确的是A. 从酸碱质子理论来说,H4Y只有酸性B. H6Y2+只有4个pKa数值C. [FeY]2-即[FeEDTA]2-,亚铁离子周围6配位,形成6个五元环D. X能够杀菌的原因是其水解可产生次氯酸4. 元素周期表的形式多种多样,下图是扇形元素周期表的一部分(1~36号元素),与中学常见的长式元素周期表相比,第一到第十八可看成族,⑩为Fe元素。
由扇形周期表的填充规律,下列有关已填入的元素说法不正确的是A. ⑤处于长式周期表第二周期第VIA族B. ②最高价氧化物水化物能与⑦的最高价氧化物反应C. ①与③均可形成既含极性键又含非极性键的化合物D. ⑩单质能与CO形成两种稳定配合物Fe(CO)5和Fe(CO)65. 胂(AsH3)是非常毒的气体,受热分解成两种单质。
二、制备方法一第一种制备方法主要采用乳化溶剂挥发法(Emulsification-Evaporization Method),简称E-E法。
三、制备方法二第二种制备方法为纳米沉淀法(Nanoprecipitation Method)。
四、两种制备方法对体内外行为的影响1. 体外释放研究对于两种制备方法所得的纳米混悬剂进行体外释放研究,可以观察到通过纳米沉淀法制备的混悬剂药物释放速率相对较快,因为其能够产生较高的过饱和度并迅速产生大量的药物沉淀颗粒。
2. 体内吸收研究在体内吸收方面,由于纳米混悬剂具有较小的颗粒尺寸和较大的表面积,能够显著提高药物的溶解度和生物利用度。
3. 体内外相关性研究在体内外相关性研究中,通过对两种制备方法得到的纳米混悬剂进行体内外释放及吸收的研究,发现其具有较好的相关性。
1. 原料准备:首先需要准备好所需的原料,如苯胺、乙酸酐、三氯化磷等。
2. 酯化反应:将苯胺与乙酸酐混合,加入催化剂(如浓硫酸),在一定温度下进行酯化反应,生成氨基苯甲酸酯。
3. 氧化反应:将氨基苯甲酸酯与三氯化磷混合,在一定条件下进行氧化反应,生成中间产物。
4. 还原反应:将中间产物与金属钠或氢气发生还原反应,得到最终产物盐酸缬更昔洛韦。
5. 纯化提纯:最后需要对产品进行纯化提纯,去除杂质和水分,得到高纯度的盐酸缬更昔洛韦成品。
Chemical synthesis
专利名称:Chemical synthesis发明人:Levan Kita Kavtaradze,Merilyn Manley-Harris 申请号:US10494987申请日:20021108公开号:US20050038301A1公开日:20050217专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention relates to a method of producing vicinal diols from a compound, the method characterised by the step of reacting the compound with a moderately strong acid in the presence one or more reagents capable of supplying hydroxyl groups wherein the moderately strong acid is a strongly reducing agent, but has a conjugate base that is a weak nucleophile. In preferred embodiments the moderately strong acid is hypophosphorous acid and the reagent(s) capable of supplying hydroxyl groups is 2-propanol in water, where 2-propanol is water soluable and organic. This method is particularly applicable to the production of vicinal diols of steroids, including lanosterol. Once vicinal diols of lanosterol diols are formed they are then capable of being further reacted to produce high purity lanosterol.申请人:Levan Kita Kavtaradze,Merilyn Manley-Harris地址:Hamilton NZ,Hamilton NZ国籍:NZ,NZ更多信息请下载全文后查看。
我的整个遗产不动产部分可作如下处理:由指定遗嘱执行人进行安 全可靠的投资,并作为一笔基金,其利息每年以奖金形式分发给那 些在前一年中对人类作出较大贡献的人。奖金分为五份,其处理是: 一部分给在物理学领域内有重要发现或发明的人;一部分给在化学 上有重要发现或改进的人;一部分给在生理学及医学上有重要发现 或发明的人;一部分给在文学领域内有理想倾向的杰出著作的人; 还有一部分给在促进民族友爱、取消或裁减军队、支持和平事业上 作出了许多或杰出贡献的人。物理学及化学奖应由斯德哥尔摩瑞典 皇家科学院颁发,生理学及医学奖由卡罗琳医学研究院颁发,文学 奖由斯德哥尔摩文学院颁发,和平奖由挪威国会选派5人组成的委员 会颁发。我衷心希望在颁发奖金时,要严格审查谁最应得奖,而不 要考虑受奖人的国籍,不要考虑是否属纳维亚血统。
for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis.
2004 AARON CIECHANOVER, AVRAM HERSHKO , and IRWIN ROSE for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation
微 波加 热 和 常规 加 热 下 功能 化 离 子 液体 催 化 合 成 丁 二 酸 二 辛酯
龙俞霖 , 兵 , 陈 杨 骏 , 万香 尹
( 暨南大 学化 学 系 , 广东 广州 503 ) 162
摘要 : 在微波辐射和常规加热下 , 分别 以具有丙烷磺酸基功能基 团 的离子液 体为催化剂催化 丁二酸和正辛 醇 合成 丁二 酸二辛酯 , 考察了其阴 、 阳离子对催化剂活性 的影响 。相 比常规加 热 , 微波加 热提高 了反应 效率 , 缩 短 了反应 时间。以[ y s H 0 PP ] S 4为催化剂 , 研究 了催 化剂用 量 、 酸 比和反 应时 间对 酯化率 的影响 。结果 表 醇 明: 当催化剂用量为丁二酸的 3 t , w% 酸醇比( 丁二酸 : 正辛醇 ) : 反应温度 lO , 14, 5 ℃ 反应时间 1 n 功率 4 0 5mi, 0 w 时, 酯化率达到 9 .4 。此外 , 57% 微波辐射下 [ y S H O 催 化剂重复使用 6次后活性没 有 明显 降低 , 化 PP ] S 酯
ra t n t ea dteai・ - c h l a o nc n es no sc ii a i W s m t a yiv s g t . h eu s h w a te e c o m n dt a o o rt o v r o cn c a s t ai l n et a d T e s l o e t t h i i h c ol io i fu c d s ye c l i e r ts d h
率仍有 9.8 。 35%
关键词 : 功能化离子液体 ; 丁二酸二辛酯 ; 酯化反应 ; 微波辐射 中图分类号 : 63 3 0 4 . 文献标识码 : A
0 引 言
且反应 的选择性 也不高 , 得 到 的 产 品纯 度 较 低 。
苄基 甲苯绝缘油 由单苄基 甲苯和 双苄基 甲苯 按一定 比例配制而成 , 是一种新 型的全膜 电力 电容 器绝缘油n , 曾在 国际大电 网会议 上作 为理想 的浸 渍 剂被 推荐 , 它的代 表型号 为 J a r y l e c C 1 0 1 , 简称 C 1 0 1 , 性能优 良, 在高温 、 高压及低温等条件下均表 现 出很 好 的耐用 性 口 】 。
we r e t e s t e d .T he r e s u l t s s h o w t h a t t h e c a t a l y t i c a c t i v i t y o f Le wi s a c i d q u a t e na r r y p h o s p h o n i um s a l t i o n i c
i s e q u a l o r g r e a t e r t h a n 9 5 % .T h e c a t a l y s t c a n r e c y c l e u s e f o r g r e a t e r ha t n 2 0 t i me s ,a n d i t s c a t a l ti y c
a c t i v i y t c o u l d b e r e n e we d b y a d d i n g Z n Cl  ̄wh e n t h e a c t i v i t y r e d u c e s .
Ke y wo r d s :b e n z yl — t o l u e n e ;p h o s p h o n i u m s a l t ;i o n i c l i q u i d;Le wi s a c i d
醋酸布雷默浪丹的 合成方法(一)
合成方法1.原料准备:首先准备好以下原料:–布雷默浪丹(merbromin)–醋酸(acetic acid)–溶剂:丙酮(acetone)2.醋酸布雷默浪丹的合成步骤:–步骤1:取一定量的布雷默浪丹固体加入到适量的丙酮中,搅拌均匀,使其充分溶解。
–步骤4:将反应瓶密封并放置在恒温水浴器中,在80°C 的温度下反应24小时。
以下是另一种合成方法的步骤:1.原料准备:准备以下原料:–β-溴乙酸(β-bromoacetic acid)–二甲亚砜(dimethyl sulfoxide,DMSO)–布雷默浪丹(merbromin)2.合成步骤:–步骤1:将β-溴乙酸和二甲亚砜按比例混合,搅拌均匀,使溶液完全混合。
湿化学法合成硫化铅量子点摘要:本文采用湿化学法合成硫化铅(PbS)量子点(Quantums Dots)。
主要研究了实验条件的变化,例如Pb2+/S2-和SDS(十二烷基磺酸钠)/CATB(十六烷基三甲基溴化铵)的摩尔比以及反应时间对PbS 晶体结构和形貌尺寸的影响。
实验结果表明:当Pb2+/S2-和SDS/CTAB 的摩尔比均为1:1,反应时间为10 分钟时,我们能成功制备出尺寸大小约为3~5 nm 且单分散性较好的PbS量子点。
关键词:硫化铅;量子点;反应物摩尔比;反应时间1.引言当量子点的尺寸小于其有效半径时,量子限域效应(Quantum confinement effect)十分明显,表现出独特的随着本身尺寸大小而改变的物理化学性能、光电性能和磁学性能[1-3]。
目前,已有研究者报道采用湿化学方法合成不同形貌的硫化铅纳米材料,例如纳米棒[10]、纳米片[11]、树状结构[12]等,但采用湿化学方法合成硫化铅量子点鲜有报道Bakue Va[13]研究小组首次报道了采用表面活性剂一硫代丙三醇和二硫代丙三醇的混合物在水溶液中制备出尺寸均匀、直径约为4 nm ± 1 nm 的硫化铅量子点。
chemical synthesis 评价
chemical synthesis 评价
"Chemical Synthesis"是一本由美国化学学会(ACS)出版发行的国际化学期刊,主要研究领域包括化学合成、新材料合成、生物有机化学、天然产物合成等。
在"Chemical Synthesis"期刊上发表文章需要经过严格的同行评审过程,期刊注重推广和传播化学合成领域的最新研究进展和技术成果,为该领域的研究和应用做出了重要贡献。
综上所述,"Chemical Synthesis"是一本具有高质量和科学性的期刊,对于广大学者和科学爱好者来说是一本非常有价值的学术期刊。
研究人员注意到,HTL 可避免繁琐的干燥步骤,因此对水分含量很高的生物质(如微藻)具有很高的转化效率。
1.季铵盐从氰化液中萃取银的宏观动力学研究 [J], 傅建顺
2.季铵盐萃取从碱性氰化液中综合提取金、银、铜的半工业试验 [J], 周展云
3.碱性氰化液中季铵盐萃取铜的动力学 [J], 傅建顺;周展云
4.季铵盐从碱性氰化液中萃取金 [J], 傅建顺;周展云
5.季铵盐从碱性氰化液中萃取金 [J], 傅建顺;周展云
晶格常数随乙二胺剂量的增加先减小后增大,剂量为5 mL时晶格常数最小,氧空位度随乙二胺剂量的增加先增加后减少,剂量为5 mL时氧空位浓度最大、样品能带间隙最小、对紫外线的吸收最强、荧光强度最大。
【总页数】4页(P714-717)【关键词】水热法;乙二胺;CeO2;纳米棒;光学性质【作者】王雷妮;鲁飞;孟凡明【作者单位】安徽大学物理与材料科学学院;安徽省信息材料与器件重点实验室;大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O614【相关文献】1.离子液体辅助水热合成CeO2纳米棒离子液体辅助水热合成CeO2纳米棒 [J], 陈婷;江伟辉;张筱君;谢志翔;刘健敏;江莞2.钯前驱体对纳米棒CeO_2载钯催化剂催化甲苯燃烧性能的影响 [J], 谷广锋;王红培;韩玉香;万海勤;郑寿荣;许昭怡;3.影响纳米CeO_2沉淀法合成的工艺因素研究 [J], 邱冠周;宋晓岚;曲鹏;杨振华;吴雪兰;王海波4.CeO_2纳米棒负载Co催化CO脱除NO_x的机理 [J], 王鲁元;程星星;张兴宇;马春元5.水热法制备CeO_2纳米棒及其光学性质研究 [J], 王雷妮;李杰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.乙醇在炭微球负载催化剂上的电化学氧化 [J], 徐常威;刘应亮;沈培康
2.甲醇在钯电极上的电化学氧化 [J], 陈东慧;王作虎;杨晨;胡效亚
3.甲醇在钯电极上的电化学氧化 [J], 陈东慧;王作虎;杨晨;胡效亚
4.乙醇在碳修饰的二氧化钛纳米管负载的钯电催化剂上的催化氧化 [J], 胡风平;沈
5.乙醇在铂和钯电极上的电化学氧化比较 [J], 卓业争;徐常威;;
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Journal of Alloys and Compounds449(2008)77–81Wet chemical synthesis of redispersible crystallineBaTiO3in organic mediumNimai Chand Pramanik,Sang Il Seok∗,Bok Yeop AhnAdvanced Materials Division,Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology,100Jang-Dong,Yuseong-Gu,Daejeon305-600,South KoreaReceived4November2005;received in revised form28December2005;accepted10January2006Available online16January2007AbstractRedispersible crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles were prepared by wet chemical method from alkoxide-hydroxide precursor in the presence of ethylene diamine.Crystal structure,crystallite size and morphology of BaTiO3nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The crystallite sizes of the BaTiO3nanoparticles were found to be in the range24–43nm,while the average particle sizes,measured by dynamic light scattering method and SEM were in the range55–120nm. The dispersibility of BaTiO3nanoparticles in organic media was remarkably enhanced by preparing them under the presence of ethylene diamine. The dispersion stability of the nanoparticles was higher in the organic media such as methanol and N,N-dimethyl foramide with relatively high dielectric constants than organic media such as isopropyl alcohol,methyl isobutyl ketone and cyclohexanone with low dielectric constants.©2007Published by Elsevier B.V.Keywords:Ferroelectric;Chemical synthesis1.IntroductionBaTiO3is a well known multi-component ceramic mate-rial that exhibited several outstanding chemical and physical properties,such as catalytic,oxygen-transport,ferroelectric, pyroelectric,piezeoelectric and dielectric behavior[1–3].Very high value of dielectric constant of BaTiO3[4–7]makes it an especially desirable material from which capacitors,condensers and other electronic components can be fabricated[3,8–10].There are many reports available on the preparation of well crystalline BaTiO3by different methods,such as homogeneous co-precipitation[11–13],hydrothermal synthesis[5,14,15],the sol–gel method[16–19],etc.Recently,with the development of polymer science,the preparation of ceramic-polymer compos-ite(BaTiO3-polymer in particular)has received much current interest because of the fact that polymer matrix exhibited enough flexibility in designing,while the inorganic component enhances the dielectric property of the composite.Many attempts were made to prepare BaTiO3-polymer nanocomposites[10,20–22] for the fabrication of microelectronic components,such as ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+82428607314;fax:+82428614245.E-mail address:seoksi@krict.re.kr(S.I.Seok).embedded capacitors in printed circuit boards(PCB),multi-layer ceramic capacitors(MLCC),insulating layers in organic thinfilm transistors,etc.Simple incorporation of crystalline particles,prepared by conventional methods into the organic matrices was also attempted[23–25],but the results were not sat-isfactory for the applications point of view[26,27].This might be due to the interaction between the organic moiety and the nanoparticles having very high surface and interfacial energies, whichfinally,lead to the phase separation.Therefore,the redispersion of the crystalline particles into the organic media is considered to be most important.Several approaches have been made to overcome this problem,such as surface modification of the nanoparticles by using oleic acid, acetic acid,etc.[28–30],synthesis of mono-dispersed crys-talline particles using Ba-Ti-single alkoxide precursor[31]and so on.Thus,considering the current trend of microelectronic industries,and increasing interest of BaTiO3based nanocom-posites[10,20–25],the dispersion of crystalline nanoparticles into organic media requires further attention to improve the dis-persibility of crystalline particles into organic media,because of the fact that most of the organic polymers are soluble in organic solvents.In this research,redispersible crystalline BaTiO3is prepared by wet chemical method and its dispersion phenomena in0925-8388/$–see front matter©2007Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.01.12478N.C.Pramanik et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds449(2008)77–81different organic solvents are studied.It is noteworthy to mention here that the enthylene diamine(EDA)is a well known bidentate ligand,which can coordinate with the transition metals forming a tris-complex.In addition,EDA liberated after the decomposition of Ti–EDA complex can also act as the in situ capping agent to prevent further agglomeration among the nanoparticles.Furthermore,the concept of using Ti–EDA on the preparation of BaTiO3and the role of EDA on the dispersion into organic media has not been explored so far.Therefore,the present work focused on the preparation of the redispersible crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles and the effect of EDA on its dispersion phenomenon in different organic media.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsTitanium isopropoxide(Ti(OPr i)4,97%,Aldrich),barium hydroxide mono-hydrate(Ba(OH)2·H2O,98+%,Aldrich),ethylene diamine(EDA,>98%, Daejung Chemicals,Japan)were used as received without further purification. All other chemicals and solvents were reagent grade commercial materials from Sigma–Aldrich Co.and were also used as-received without further purification. Deionized water was used after elimination of CO2by purging dry N2.2.2.Experimental procedure2.2.1.Preparation of crystalline BaTiO3Ba(OH)2·H2O(1.67g,Ba/Ti molar ratio=1.0)was dissolved in50g of CO2 free deionized water by stirring at50◦C under N2atmosphere.2.5g of tita-nium(IV)isopropoxide and ethylene diamine(EDA/Ti molar ratio=0–10)were added to the10g of isopropyl alcohol(IPA)and they were stirred at50◦C for 30min.This Ti–EDA mixed solution was then slowly injected into to the aque-ous barium hydroxide solution,and then the mixture was stirred at70◦C for 2h.All the reactions were carried out in a Teflon coated polypropylene reac-tion vessel under N2atmosphere to avoid introduction of unwanted impurities as well as formation of BaCO3.Crystalline nanoparticles formed were then collected by centrifugation(17,000rpm,20min),followed by thorough wash-ing with CO2free deionized water and then product was dried in air at room temperature.2.2.2.Dispersion of crystalline BaTiO3into organic mediumThe wet particles obtained from the above experiment(Section2.2.1),was again dispersed in N,N-dimethyl formamide(DMF)using ultrasonic treatment for30min and then centrifuged again.The process was repeated twice to elim-inate water from the surface of the nanoparticles.Finally,we obtained the wet nanoparticles solvent exchanged by DMF.Then calculated amount of solid (2wt%)was added into different organic solvents such as DMF,methanol (MeOH),isopropyl alcohol(IPA),methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK),cyclohex-anone(CHN)using ultrasonic treatment for1h and they were used for further study.2.3.CharacterizationCrystal structures of all air-dried samples were determined by X-ray diffrac-tion technique(XRD,Rigaku D/Max-2200V)using Cu K␣radiation(1.5418˚A). Bio-Rad Win-IR FTS-165spectrometer was used to record the FT-IR spectra for all air-dried samples in the form of pellet using KBr.Morphologies of the nanoparticles were studied byfiled emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM,JEOL JSM6700F)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM,Tecnai G2,FEI)operating with200kV.The dispersion properties of the crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles in organic media were studied by dynamic light scatter-ing analyzer(DLS,ELS-800,Otsuka Electronics Ltd.)using633nm laser as a light source at roomtemperature.Fig.1.XRD patterns of the air-dried BaTiO3prepared with different EDA/Ti molar ratio:(a)1.0,(b)3.0,(c)5.0and(d)10.0.3.Results and discussion3.1.Preparation of crystalline BaTiO3Crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles were prepared from solu-tion by chemical decomposition of Ti–EDA complex with aqueous barium hydroxide solution.Ti–EDA complex was formed in situ during the reaction between Ti(OPr)4and EDA,as ethylene diamine(H2N-CH2CH2-NH2)is a well known biden-tate ligand,which can coordinate with the transition metal ions (Ti4+in this case)by the donation of lone-pair of electrons of the nitrogen.Although,attempts were not made to isolate and char-acterize the Ti–EDA complex,but different EDA/Ti molar ratio (EDA/Ti=1.0–10.0)were used to study the effect of EDA on dispersion of crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles in organic solvent (discussed in Section3.3).All air-dried samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction technique and the diffraction patters corresponded to the cubic phase of BaTiO3.Fig.1shows the X-ray diffraction(XRD)pat-terns of the air-dried samples with different EDA/Ti molar ratios. The XRD patterns appeared to be almost similar in all the cases. However,the determination of crystallite sizes,calculated by using Scherer’s equation[D=kλ/h1/2cosθ,where k is a constant (0.9),λthe wavelength of the X-ray radiation(1.5418˚A),h1/2 the broadening of XRD peak at half-height at an angle ofθ], showed interesting results.It was observed that the crystallite sizes were in the range24–43nm depending on the EDA/Ti molar ratio.The variation of crystallite sizes with the EDA/Ti molar ratio is presented in Fig.2.It was observed that the crystal-lite size decreased with increasing the EDA/Ti molar ratio.This is because of the fact that with increasing the EDA/Ti molar ratio,the nanoparticles formed in solution were remained in situ capped by the EDA,which prevented the agglomeration as well as growth of the particles.In addition,the alkalinity of the solu-tion also increased with increasing EDA/Ti molar ratio,which may also cause lowering of crystallite sizes as explained in our previous study[32].N.C.Pramanik et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds449(2008)77–8179Fig.2.Crystallite size of BaTiO3prepared with different EDA/Ti molar ratio.3.2.Microstructure and morphological study of the crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticlesMicrostructure and morphology of the nanoparticles were studied by transmission electron microscopy(TEM)andfield emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM).Fig.3shows the representative FE-SEM images of the BaTiO3nanoparticles prepared with and without EDA.FE-SEM images showed ran-dom shaped morphology and a broad size distribution of the nanoparticles.The TEM images are shown in the inset of the respectivefigures and they also showed crystalline nature of the nanoparticles were polycrystalline in nature.The particle sizes determined from TEM and FE-SEM images were in the range55–120nm depending on the content of EDA,which were found to be bigger as determined by using Scherer’s equation (24–43nm).This is because of the fact that nanoparticles were agglomerated when the solvent was removed.The agglomera-tion was found to be more prominent in the case of EDA/Ti=0. Fig.3.FE-SEM images of the sample prepared with and without using EDA:(a)EDA/Ti=0and(b)EDA/Ti=10.The insetfigure shows the TEM image of the respectivesamples.Fig.4.(A)Particle size distribution of the crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles in DMF,prepared with different EDA/Ti molar ratios and(B)particle size distribution of the crystalline nanoparticles dispersed in different organic media(EDA/Ti=10).80N.C.Pramanik et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds449(2008)77–81 This indicated that the presence of EDA definitely played animportant role to prevent the particle agglomeration.3.3.Dispersion of crystalline BaTiO3into organic mediumWet particles of the BaTiO3nanoparticles obtained using dif-ferent EDA/Ti molar ratios(EDA/Ti=0–10)were dispersed intothe DMF using ultrasonic instrument for1h.The solid contentof the dispersed solution wasfixed to2wt%for all the cases(EDA/Ti=0–10)and the dispersion behavior of the crystallineBaTiO3nanoparticles was studied in terms of particle size dis-tribution by DLS.Fig.4(A)shows the particle size distributionof the nanoparticles with different molar ratios of EDA/Ti.Itwas observed that the particles in the dispersed solution hadtwo broad size distributions with average particle size120and1200nm along with relatively bigger particles in the case ofEDA/Ti molar ratio=0.The distribution was found to be shiftedtowards the smaller particle sizes with increasing the EDA/Timolar ratio.This indicates that EDA play an important role on theredispersion of the nanoparticles into organic media.For exam-ple,a narrow size distribution with average particle size about55nm was observed in the case of EDA/Ti=10,while about80nm average particles size with relatively broader distributionwas observed when EDA/Ti=3was used.It was assumed thatthe crystalline nanoparticles were in situ capped by the EDAliberated during the decomposition of Ti–EDA complex.Thepresence of EDA with thefinal product was investigated bystudying the FT-IR spectra of the air-dried sample in the rangebetween400and4000cm−1.Fig.5shows FT-IR spectra of the air-dried samples with dif-ferent EDA/Ti molar ratios.FT-IR spectra of all the samplesdisplayed several characteristic vibrations.Attempts werenotFig.5.FT-IR spectra of the air-dried BaTiO3prepared with different EDA/Ti molar ratio:(a)0,(b)3and(c)10.made to assign each and individual bands.However,the spectra were compared with that of the BaTiO3prepared without using EDA,the reported values[33–37]and that of the pure EDA (spectrum not shown here).Vibrations observed at563,1370and 1447cm−1was found to be common for all the cases and they were assigned to the Ti-O stretching,Ti-OH and Ba-OH,respec-tively.A broad band centered at3440cm−1and another strong band at1640cm−1was assigned to the stretching and in-plane deformation mode of OH,respectively.In addition,several new vibrations were also observed in the case of samples prepared using EDA.The appearance of bands at2930and2850cm−1 corresponded to the C–H stretching mode of the EDA was also observed,while the vibration due the–NH2(1645cm−1)could not be observed due to overlapping with that of the deformation mode of the OH group.Several vibrations due to various modes of C–N of the C–NH2and N–H of NH2were also observed at1057,1208,1285,1370and1500cm−1,respectively.There-fore,the comparative study of the FT-IR spectra further supports the enhancement of redispersibility of the crystalline BaTiO3 nanoparticles by EDA into organic medium.The dispersion behavior of crystalline nanoparticles in differ-ent organic medium was also investigated using various organic solvents,such as DMF,Methanol(MeOH),isopropanol(IPA), cyclohexanone(CHN)and methyl isobutyl ketone(MIBK).The wet particles,prepared using EDA/Ti molar ratio=10were used for this purpose to prepare2wt%solution,and the dispersion behaviors were studied as described earlier.Fig.4(B)shows the distribution of the particles in different organic media.The nanoparticles redispersed in methanol and DMF showed good dispersion stability,but those in IPA,MIBK and CHN exhibited a strong tendency to form agglomeration with phase separation. These results suggest that the interaction between the nanopar-ticles and the organic media have a key role in their dispersion stabilities.The dielectric constants(ε)are the predominant factors governing electrostatic forces of the BaTiO3nanopar-ticles capped by the EDA in organic media,and they gradually decrease with increasing molecular weight in the case of alco-hols[38].Surface charging of BaTiO3nanoparticles might be related with ionization of surface groups,namely EDA capped on BaTiO3.This means that organic media such as methanol and DMF with relatively high dielectric constants are polarized more easily than organic media such as IPA,MIBK and cyclo-hexanone with low dielectric constants,and thus have a higher tendency to form surface charges on the BaTiO3nanocrystals, resulting in stable suspensions.4.ConclusionsRedispersible crystalline BaTiO3nanoparticles were pre-pared by chemical decomposition of the Ti–EDA complex with an aqueous barium hydroxide solution.X-ray diffraction stud-ies showed that products were well crystallized with crystallite sizes ranging from24to43nm depending on the EDA/Ti molar ratios.The dispersibility of the nanoparticles in organic media was remarkably enhanced by the presence of EDA,in which the in situ capping on the surface of the nanoparticles by EDA was assumed.In addition,BaTiO3nanoparticles capped by theN.C.Pramanik et al./Journal of Alloys and Compounds449(2008)77–8181EDA were well dispersed in organic media such as methanol and DMF with relatively high dielectric constants. AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by a grant from the Core Technology Development Program funded by the Ministry of Commerce,Industry and Energy(MOCIE),Republic of Korea. One of the authors(N.C.Pramanik)is thankful to the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Society(KOFST)for inviting him as visiting scientist under Brain pool program. 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