外国直接投资待遇指南(Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment)






现在采用这种作法的典型国家是()A.日本B.德国C.美国D.法国12.发达国家中,外资立法从保守到逐步开放的典型国家是()A.美国B.加拿大C.日本D.澳大利亚13.以下选项中,不属于近年来在国际投资争议的解决中广泛应用的选择性争端解决方式(ADR)的是()A.诉讼B.仲裁C.调解D.微型审理14.某中外合资经营企业的合资双方打算分期缴付出资,但又想尽可能少缴并晚缴第一期出资,根据我国的有关规定,你认为他们在合同中对首期出资的各自认缴出资额的比例和期限应当分别为()A.15%;营业执照签发之日起3个月内B.30%;营业执照签发之日起6个月内C.15%;营业执照签发之日起6个月内D.30%;营业执照签发之日起3个月内15.中外合资经营企业与中外合作企业的不同包括()A.合作企业不具备法人资格B.合作企业不设立董事会C.合作企业的合作方按实际投入分享权益D.合作企业的外商可以先行回收投资16.我国申请设立境外投资企业必须达到的目的包括()A.能赚取外汇B.能带动设备、材料和技术的出口C.能扩大对外承包工程和劳务合作D.能引进先进技术和管理方法E.能较长期稳定地为国内提供需要和短缺的原材料和产品17.在海外投资保险中,一旦保险事故发生,投保者应承担的义务有()A.尽速向承保人通知风险与损失的发生B.预防和减少损失C.保管好有关的一切资产和资料,以便检查和审计D.向承保人转交有关承保投资的资产和权益E.与承保人通力合作,帮助代位索赔18.我国签订的双边投资条约中,规定投资者本人使用的解决东道国与投资者之间争议的办法有()A.通过两国政府间协商或仲裁解决B.当地行政或司法救济C.国际商事仲裁D.通过代位求偿解决E.协商19.在外商投资成片开发土地中,外商是被开发土地的()A.所有人B.投资者C.管理者D.开发人E.招商人20.多边投资担保机构的投资促进业务有()A.研究B.传播信息C.技术咨询和援助D.政策磋商E.谈判21.我国禁止外商投资的项目有()A.危害国家安全或损害社会公共利益的B.占用大量耕地,不利于保护、开发土地资源的C.需要国家统筹规划的产业D.投资额大、回收期长的能源、交通、基础设施建设E.运用中国特有工艺或者技术生产产品22.国家管理境内外国投资的权利包括()A.决定禁止、限制和鼓励外国投资的部门B.投资审查C.管制生产和销售D.外汇管制E.征税23.双边投资协定中对国有化或征收所规定的条件包括()A.必须是出于国家公共利益的考虑B.必须遵守"赫尔规则"C.对外国投资者采取无差别待遇D.对外国投资者予以公正补偿E.必须依一定的法律程序进行24.我国规定外国投资者可采用的投资方式有()A.现金出资B.实物出资C.工业产权出资D.专有技术出资E.债权25.合资经营企业的基本特征是合营双方()A.共同举办B.共同投资C.共同经营管理D.共担风险E.共负盈亏26.(2000年律考单项选择题)在中外合资经营企业中,董事会是按照合营企业的哪一法律文件决定该企业的一切重大问题的?A. 合营企业合同B. 合营企业协议C. 合营企业章程D. 主管机关对合营企业的批准证书27.(2002年司法考试多项选择题)根据《中外合资经营企业法实施条例》,下列事项中那些必须由出席董事会会议的董事一致通过方可做出决议?A.合营企业解散 B. 合营企业注册资本的增加、转让C. 合营企业章程的修改D. 合营企业与其它经济组织的合并28.(2000年律考多项选择题)下列哪些是导致中外合资经营企业解散的情形?A. 企业发生严重亏损无力继续经营B. 合营期限届满C.合营各方协商同意解散 D. 合营企业因严重环境污辱被撤销29.某中外合资公司即将因合营期满而解散。



外商直接投资人民币结算业务管理办法Administrative Measures on the RMB Settlement Business Relating to Foreign Direct Investment第一章总则Chapter 1 General Provisions第一条为扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用范围,规范银行业金融机构(以下简称银行)办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2003〕第5号发布)等有关法律、行政法规、规章,制定本办法。

Article 1 These measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Administrative Measures on the RMB Bank Settlement Account (issued by PBOC order [2003] No.5)and other relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules in order to expand the use of RMB in cross-border trades and investment and to regulate the RMB settlement business of banking financial institutions (the Banks) relating to foreign direct investment.第二条银行办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,适用本办法。

Article 2 These measures shall apply to the Banks' RMB settlement business relating to foreign direct investment.第三条境外企业、经济组织或个人(以下统称境外投资者)以人民币来华投资应当遵守中华人民共和国外商直接投资法律规定。



专升本?国际经济法?一、〔共75题,共150分〕1. 以下属于世界上最大的多边开发援助机构的是〔〕。

〔2分〕A.世界银行集团B.国际货币基金组织C.世界贸易组织D.联合国贸易和开展会议.标准答案:A2. CIF合同规定卖方7月份交货,这意味着在此期限内任何一天〔〕。

〔2分〕A.卖方应将货物交给承运人B.卖方将货物装船完毕C.货物开始装船D.买方收到货物.标准答案:B3. 不清洁提单是指单据上附有声明货物及(或)包装有缺陷的附加条文或批注的提单。


〔2分〕A.对货物质量或包装情况的客观描述,未表示有不满意的情况B.承运人对货物的内容、数量、质量、特性等不详C.承运人对包装或货物特性引起的损失概不负责D.外包装有油渍和水渍.标准答案:D4. 以下几种工程中,不属于海上保险的除外风险的是〔〕。

〔2分〕A.被保险人成心或过失引起货损B.货物本身特征或缺陷所引起损失C.船员盗窃货物D.延期引起的市场价格跌落损失.标准答案:C5. 国际许可协议中的受让方可以将其受让的技术使用权再行转让给第三方,该种许可为〔〕。

〔2分〕A.独占许可协议B.分许可协议C.普通许可协议D.交叉许可协议.标准答案:B6. 根据有关协议,雅典奥运会主办方应向中国中央电视台提供奥运会实况卫星传输信号,这属于效劳贸易中的〔〕。

〔2分〕A.过境交付B.境外消费C.商业存在D.自然人流动.标准答案:A7. ?与贸易有关的投资措施协议?适用于〔〕。


.标准答案:B8. 对于国有化,联合国大会通过的〔〕明确规定东道国只根据其本国法律、条例以及本国认为有关的一切情况,给予被实施国有化的外国投资者以适当〔2分〕A.1962年?关于自然资源永久主权的决议?B.1974年?建立国际经济新秩序宣言?C.1974年?建立国际经济新秩序行动纲领?D.1974年?各国经济权利和义务宪章?.标准答案:D9. WTO金融效劳贸易规那么不适用于〔〕。











我分局及辖内各支局在总局统一要求和部署下,利用今年四月份外商投资企业联合年检时机对企业、银行、会计师事务所进行广泛宣传与培训,历时四个月时间将全省近1300家既存企业信息进行数据采集、审核,电子化后录入系统,企业据此向所在地外汇局换领IC 卡外汇登记证。




直接投资与间接投资的区别:对企业有无控制权 对企业有无控制权。 对企业有无控制权 由于控制权常与股权联系在一起,因此拥有多少股 权才是控制,并因而构成直接投资,各国立法解释 不一。美国《1976年国际投资调查法》规定:直接 投资是指个人直接或间接拥有或控制一定工商公司 10% 10%有表决权并能代表公司资本的股份(证券) 参阅余劲松《国际投资法》P1
(二)发展中国家的外资立法 1、大多数国家对外资进入设有审批规定; 2、与发达国家相比,对外资鼓励较多,限制也较多; 3、从限制走向逐步开放。
第四节 资本输出国海外投资法 一、资本输出国(投资母国)关于海外投资的法制 较为分散,没有一部统一的法律。 由于私人海外投资对其本国经济有利,如巨额海外 利润汇回,有助于增加国家的财政收入;有利于开拓 国外市场;利用本国经济、技术上的优势来加强国际 竞争力。因此,各国都鼓励海外投资。 二、鼓励与保护措施 1)税收。①税收抵免:在东道国已缴纳的税款, 可在本国报税时从应纳税额中加以扣减。许多国家 都有此规定。如美国《国内收入法》允许纳税人从 其在美国的应纳税款中扣除外国对该海外企业已征 的税款。许多国家还通过签订避免双重征税的双边 协定实行税收抵免 。
二、国际投资法 国际投资法:调整跨国(国际间)私人直接投 国际投资法 资关系的有关国内法和国际法规范的总称。 1、渊源 渊源:国内法与国际法渊源 渊源 ⑴ 国内立法: ①资本输入国的外国投资法; ②资本输出国的海外投资法。 ⑵国际条约: ①双边条约; ②多边公约(区域性、世界性)。关于国际投 资的世界性多边公约目前有:《解决国家与他国 国民间投资争端公约》(1966) 、《多边投资担 保机构公约》(1988 )、《与贸易有关的投资措 施协定》(1994)。国ຫໍສະໝຸດ 经济法学叶才勇















要点解读:取消境内直接投资及境外直接投资外汇登记与核准(直接投资外汇登记下放银行办理)解读:1)普惠原则:已经取得外汇局金融机构标识码且在所在地外汇局开通资本项目信息系统的银行,都可以在所在地外汇局的指导下开展直接投资外汇登记等相关业务。2)市场主体遵循“属地办理”原则和 “先登记后汇兑”原则,相关市场主体可自行选择注册地银行办理直接投资外汇登记,完成直接投资外汇登记后,方可办理后续直接投资相关账户开立、资金汇兑等业务。



外商直接投资人民币结算业务管理办法Administrative Measures on the RMB Settlement Business Relating to Foreign Direct Investment第一章总则Chapter 1 General Provisions第一条为扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用范围,规范银行业金融机构(以下简称银行)办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2003〕第5号发布)等有关法律、行政法规、规章,制定本办法。

Article 1 These measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People’s Bank of China, the Administrative Measures on the RMB Bank Settlement Account (issued by PBOC order [2003]No。

5) and other relevant laws,administrative regulations and rules in order to expand the use of RMB in cross—border trades and investment and to regulate the RMB settlement business of banking financial institutions (the Banks)relating to foreign direct investment.第二条银行办理外商直接投资人民币结算业务,适用本办法。

Article 2 These measures shall apply to the Banks' RMB settlement business relating to foreign direct investment。



框架合同与非框架合同整理表姓名:职业工种:申请级别:受理机构:填报日期:A4打印/ 修订/ 内容可编辑第八讲投资措施与贸易乌拉圭回合达成的与投资有关的投资措施协议标志着原本属于东道国国内管辖的内容开始受到多边纪律的约束,这是以美国为首的发达国家一手导演的。















制度一方面缓和 了亏损对企业持续经营的冲击 , 帮
方 面 可 从 整体 上 减 轻 企业 税 负 , 隐性 地 提 升 了 F D I
所得 的水 平 。
3 . 延迟 纳税 与 CF C法 规
额, 减轻境外投资企业税负。②税收饶让抵免 。在 助企业摆脱困境 , 走 出亏损 , 走 向持平或盈余 : 另一
法 国 使 用 免 1 . 海 税 外 法 子 来 公 消 司 除 的 国 股 际 息 双 免 重 税 征 税 得税 三 分 之一 的情 况 , 必 须将 其 子公 司 的财 务 纳入
是法 国对外投资税收政策 的特色 。1 9 6 5 年, 法国政
府 颁 布法 律 规 定 任 何 一 家法 国公 司在 外 国公 司 持 有l 0 % 以上 的 资本 , 即视 为母 公 司 , 其 持 股 的公 司 为子 公 司 , 国外 子公 司分 配给母 公 司 的股 息不 计 入 母 公 司应 纳税 的所得 范 围。法 国认 为 , 对对 外 投 资
日本 不 同 之 1 . 对 处 外 直 接 投 资 税 收 抵 免 其 损 , 则 可 从 准备 金得 到 补偿 ; 若 未损 失 , 该 部分 金 额
① 综 合 限额 的计 算 。 日本 则 采 用排 除 亏损 国 在外 的综 合 限额抵 免 , 做法 是 , 在计 算综 合抵 免 限额 时 允许 将 亏损 国的亏 损额 除 外 , 这样 可增 大 抵 免 限
分 股 息适 用外 国税 收抵免 , 从 国 内股 东 的法 人 税 中 抵扣 。 ( 作者: 李敏 )
准备金的设立使企业 和政府共 同承担海外经
的兴 趣 和动 力 。核 心 内容 为 : 满 足一 定条 件 的对 外 直 接投 资 , 将 投 资 的一 定 比例 ( 如 特定 海 外 工 程 经 营 管理 费用 的 7 %, 大 规模 经 济合 作 和 合 资 事 业 投



及国民待遇的本质和适 用对 象、范围及例外等诸多 问 。 达国家和发展 中国家对此争议 颇多 由于与政 治、经济上的一些 题 发 敏感问题 密切相关 ,国民待遇难 以完全达到。在 国际投 资实践 中,各国依投 资的 不同阶段而采取 不同的态度 ,而且在授予外 资 国民待遇时均不 同 度地保 留了例外 中国也应 当 程 推行符合本 国国情的国民待遇 。
V O .7 N【. ( 12 )1) 0ct7x】 -【 6
F 国民待遇标准若干 问题探析 D I
( 西 财 经职 业 学 院 ,江 西 江 九江 32 0 ) 3 0 0
摘 要:国民待遇是许 多双边投 资协 定和多边投资协议 明确规定 的最 重要的外国直接投 资 ( 1 待 遇标 之 一。它涉 R) ) 住
20 0 3年的中德 关于促进 和丰I 【 互保护投 资的协定 ( F 以 简
对棚 同情形 的 别对待 ,不符 合法 的正义。其次 ,囡民待遇
足 “ 人人平等”理念 在法律 上的反映 。人人 平等原则要求 ‘ 国 等地对待 l q内人和外 国人 。“ 超 民待遇”给外旧人以 经 济特权 , 时也足对 内同人的经济歧视 , 违反 “ 人人 、 F等”
方投资者在其境 内的投 资及 与投 资有关活动不低下其 给
予本国投资者的投 资及 l投 资有关活动的待遇 。 卜 j ” 北荚 自由
贸易协定 ( 以下简称 N F )第 10 AF A 12条第 1 、2款规定 : “ 任一成员因为另一成 员国的投资 者和投资提供的待遇 , 不
属地 优越 卡原则 。 义 根据这两项原则 , 外 人扯 内冈应当服从 该同的法律篱辖 ,在法律 f = 与 内喇比 受同等保 护 , 承担




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I. LEGAL FRAMEWORK (continued)
II. 2. Laws & Regulations for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and health care projects
III. Agreement on the ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme
IV. Law on Medical Examination an. Law on Product and Goods Quality
VII. Decree No. 79/2006/ND-CP of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of Law on Pharmacy
VIII. Decree No. 132/2021/ND-CP of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on product and goods quality
IX. Circular No. 02/2007/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health guiding in detail the implementation of a number of articles on drug-dealing conditions prescribed by the Pharmacy Law and the Government's Decree No. 79/2006/ND-CP dated August 9, 2006, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law
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World BankGuidelines on the Treatmentof Foreign Direct InvestmentThe Development CommitteeRecognizingthat a greater flow of foreign direct investment brings substantial benefits to bear on the world economy and on the economies of developing countries in particular, in terms of improving the long term efficiency of the host country through greater competition, transfer of capital, technology and managerial skills and enhancement of market access and in terms of the expansion of international trade;that the promotion of private foreign investment is a common purpose of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency;that these institutions have pursued this common objective through their operations, advisory services and research;that at the request of the Development Committee, a working group established by the President of these institutions and consisting of their respective General Counsel has,after reviewing existing legal instruments and literature, as well as best available practice identified by these institutions, prepared a set of guidelines representing a desirable overall framework which embodies essential principles meant to promote foreign direct investment in the common interest of all members;that these guidelines, which have benefitted from a process of broad consultation inside and outside these institutions, constitute a further step in the evolutionary process where several international efforts aim to establish a favorable investment environment free from non-commercial risks in all countries, and thereby foster the confidence of international investors; andthat these guidelines are not ultimate standards but an important step in the evolution of generally acceptable international standards which complement,but do not substitute for,bilateral investment treaties,therefore calls the attention of member countries to the following Guidelines as useful parameters in the admission and treatment of private foreign investment in their territories, without prejudice to the binding rules of international law at this stage of its development.ISCOPE OF APPLICATION1. These Guidelines may be applied by members of the World Bank Group institutions to private foreign investment in their respective territories, as a complement to applicable bilateral and multilateral treaties and other international instruments, to the extent that these Guidelines do not conflict with such treaties and binding instruments, and as a possible source on which national legislation governing the treatment ofprivate foreign investment may draw. Reference to the "State" in these Guidelines, unless the context otherwise indicates, includes the State or any constituent subdivision, agency or instrumen tality of the State and reference to "nationals" includes natural and juridical persons who enjoy the nationality of the State.2. The application of these Guidelines extends to existing and new investments established and operating at all times as bona fide private foreign investments, in full conformity with the laws and regulations of the host State.3.These Guidelines are based on the general premise that equal treatment of investors in similar circumstances and free competition among them are prerequisites of a positive investment environment. Nothing in these Guidelines therefore suggests that foreign investors should receive a privileged treatment denied to national investors in similar circumstances.IIADMISSION1. Each State will encourage nationals of other States to invest capital, technology and managerial skill in is territory and, to that end, is expected to admit such investments in accordance with the following provisions.2. In furtherance of the foregoing principle, each State will:(a) facilitate the admission and establishment of investments by nationals of other States, and(b) avoid making unduly cumbersome or complicated procedural regulations for, or imposingunnecessary conditions on, the admission of such investments.3.Each State maintains the right to make regulations to govern the admission of private foreign investments. In the formulation and application of such regulations, States will note that experience suggests that certain performance requirements introduced as conditions of admission are often counterproductive and that open admission, possibly subject to a restricted list of investments (which are either prohibited or require screening and licensing), is a more effective approach. Such performance requirements often discourage foreign investors from initiating investment in the State concerned or encourage evasion and corruption. Under the restricted list approach, investments in nonlisted activities, which proceed without approval, remain subject to the laws and regulations applicable to investments in the State concerned.4. Without prejudice to the general approach of free admission recommended in Section 3 above, a State may, as an exception, refuse admission to a proposed investment:(i)which is, in the considered opinion of the State, inconsistent with clearly definedrequirements of national security; or(ii)which belongs to sectors reserved by the law of the State to its nationals on account of the State's economic development objectives or the strict exigencies of its nationalinterest.5. Restrictions applicable to national investment on account of public policy (ordre public), public health and the protection of the environment will equally apply to foreign investment.6. Each State is encouraged to publish, in the form of a handbook or other medium easily accessible to other States and their investors,adequate and regularly updated information about its legislation, regulations and procedures relevant to foreign investment and other information relating to its investment policies including, inter alta, an indication of any classes of investment which it regards as falling under Sections 4 and 5 of this Guideline.IIITREATMENT1. For the promotion of international economic cooperation through the medium of private foreign investment,the establishment,operation,management,control,and exercise of rights in such an investment, as well as such other associated activities necessary therefor or incidental thereto, will be consistent with the following standards which are meant to apply simultaneously to all States without prejudice to the provisions of applicable international instruments, and to firmly established rules of customary international law.2. Each State will extend to investments established in its territory by nationals of any other State fair and equitable treatment according to the standards recommended in these Guidelines.3. (a) With respect to the protection and security of their person, property rights and interests, and to the granting of permits, import and export licenses and the authorization to employ, and the issuance of the necessary entry and stay visas to their foreign personnel, and other legal matters relevant to the treatment of foreign investors as described in Section 1 above, such treatment will, subject to the requirement of fair and equitable treatment mentioned above, be as favorable as that accorded by the State to national investors in similar circumstances. In all cases, full protection and security will be accorded to the investor's rights regarding ownership,control and substantial benefits over his property,including intellectual property.(b) As concerns such other matters as are not relevant to national investors, treatment under the State's legislation and regulations will not discriminate among foreign investors on grounds of nationality.4. Nothing in this Guideline will automatically entitle nationals of other States to the more favorablestandards of treatment accorded to the nationals of certain States under any customs union or free trade area agreement.5. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, each State will:(a) promptly issue such licenses and permits and grant such concessions as may be necessary forthe uninterrupted operation of the admitted investment; and(b) to the extent necessary for the efficient operation of the investment, authorize the employment of foreign personnel. While a State may require the foreign investor to reasonably establish his inability to recruit the required personnel locally, e.g., through local advertisement, before he resorts to the recruitment of foreign personnel, labor market flexibility in this and other areas is recognized as an important element in a positive investment environment. Of particular importance in this respect is the investor's freedom to employ top managers regardless of their nationality.6. (1) Each State will, with respect to private investment in its territory by nationals of the other States:(a) freely allow regular periodic transfer of a reasonable part of the salaries and wages offoreign personnel; and, on liquidation of the investment or earlier termination of theemployment, allow immediate transfer of all savings from such salaries and wages;(b) freely allow transfer of the net revenues realized from the investment;(c) allow the transfer of such sums as may be necessary for the payment of debts contracted, or the discharge of other contractual obligations incurred in connection with the investment as they fall due;(d) on liquidation or sale of the investment (whether covering the investment as a whole or a partthereof), allow the repatriation and transfer of the net proceeds of such liquidation or sale andall accretions thereto all at once; in the exceptional cases where the State faces foreignexchange stringencies, such transfer may as an exception be made in installments within aperiod which will be as short as possible and will not in any case exceed five years from thedate of liquidation or sale, subject to interest as provided for in Section 6 (3) of this Guideline;and(e) allow the transfer of any other amounts to which the investor is entitled such as those whichbecome due under thc conditions provided for in Guidelines IV and V.(2) Such transfer as provided for in Section 6 (1) of this Guideline will be made (a) in the currency brought in by the investor where it remains convertible, in another currency designated as freely usable currency by the International Monetary Fund or in any other currency accepted by the investor, and (b) at the applicable market rate of exchange at the time of the transfer.(3) In the case of transfers under Section 6 (1) of this Guideline, and without prejudice to Sections 7 and 8 of Guideline IV where they apply, any delay in effecting the transfers to be made through the central bank (or another authorized public authority) of the host State will be subject to interest at the normal rate applicable to the local currency involved in respect of any period intervening between the date on which such local currency has been provided to the central bank (or the other authorized public authority) for transfer and the date on which the transfer is actually effected.(4) The provisions set forth in this Guideline with regard to the transfer of capital will also apply to the transfer of any compensation for loss due to war, armed conflict, revolution or insurrection to the extent that such compensation may be due to the investor under applicable law.7. Each State will permit and facilitate the reinvestment in its terri tory of the profits realized from existing investments and the proceeds of sale or liquidation of such investments.8. Each State will take appropriate measures for the prevention and control of corrupt business practices and the promotion of accountability and transparency in its dealings with foreign investors, and will cooperate with other States in developing international procedures and mechanisms to ensure thc same.9. Nothing in this Guideline suggests that a State should provide foreign investors with tax exemptions or other fiscal incentives. Where such incentives are deemed to be justified by the State, they may to the extent possible be automatically granted, directly linked to the type of activity to be encouraged and equally extended to national investors in similar circumstances. Competition among States in pro viding such incentives, especially tax exemptions, is not recommended. Reasonable and stable tax rates are deemed to provide a better incentive than exemptions followed by uncertain or excessive rates.10. Developed and capital surplus States will not obstruct flows of investment from their territories to developing States and are encouraged to adopt appropriate measures to facilitate such flows, including taxation agreements, investment guarantees, technical assistance and the provision of information. Fiscal incentives provided by some investors'governments for the purpose of encouraging investment in developing States are recognized in particular as a possibly effective element in promoting such investment.IVEXPROPRIATION AND UNILATERAL ALTERATIONSOR TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS1. A State may not expropriate or otherwise take in whole or in part a foreign private investment in its territory, or take measures which have similar effects, except where this is done in accordance with ap-plicable legal procedures, in pursuance in good faith of a public purpose, without discrimination on the basis of nationality and against the payment of appropriate compensation.2. Compensation for a specific investment taken by the State will, according to the details provided below, be deemed "appropriate" if it is adequate, effective and prompt.3. Compensation will be deemed "adequate" if it is based on the fair market value of the taken asset as such value is determined immediately before the time at which the taking occurred or the decision to take the asset became publicly known.4. Determination of the “fair market value" will be acceptable if conducted according to a method agreed by the State and the foreign investor (hereinafter referred to as the parties) or by a tribunal or another body designated by the parties.5. In the absence of a determination on agreed by, or based on the agreement of, the parties, the fair market value will be acceptable if determined by the State according to reasonable criteria related to the market value of the investment, i.e., in an amount that a willing buyer would normally pay to a willing seller after taking into account the nature of the investment, the circumstances in which it would operate in the future and its specific characteristics, including the period in which it has been in existence, the proportion of tangible assets in the total investment and other relevant factors pertinent to the specific circumstances of each case.6. Without implying the exclusive validity of a single standard for the fairness by which compensation is to be determined and as an illustration of the reasonable determination by a State of the market value o f the investment under Section 5 above, such determination will be deemed reasonable if conducted as follows:(i) for a going concern with a proven record of profitabil ity, on the basis of the discounted cashflow value;(ii) for an enterprise which, not being a proven going concern, demonstrates lack of profitability, on the basis of the liquidation value;(iii) for other assets, on the basis of (a) the replacement value or (b) the book value in case such value has been recently assessed or has been determined as of the date of the taking and can therefore be deemed to represent a reasonable replacement value.For the purpose of this provision:-a “going concern” means an enterprise consisting of income-producing assets which has been in operation for a sufficient period of time to generate the data required for the calculation of future income and which could have been expected with reasonable certainty, if the taking had not occurred, to continue producing legitimate income over the course of its economic life in the general circumstances fol l owing the taking by the State;-“discounted cash flow value” means the cash receipts realistically expected from the enterprise in each future year of its economic life as reasonably projected minus that year's expected cash expenditure, after discounting this net cash flow for each year by a factor which re flects the time value of money, expected inflation,and the risk associated with such cash flow under realistic circumstances.Such discount rate may be measured by examining the rate of return available in the same market on alternative investments of comparable risk on the basis of their present value;-“liquidation value” means the amounts at which individual assets comprising the enterprise or the entire assets of the enterprise could be sold under conditions of liquidation to a willing buyer less any lia-bilities which the enterprise has to meet;-"replacement value"means the cash amount required to replace the individual assets of the enterprise in their actual state as of the date of the taking; and-"book value" means the difference between the enterprise's assets and liabilities as recorded on its financial statements or the amount at which the taken tangible assets appear on the balance sheet of the en-terprise, representing their cost after deducting accumulated depreci ation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.7. Compensation will be deemed "effective" if it is paid in the currency brought in by the investor where it remains convertible, in another currency designated as freely usable by the International Monetary Fund or in any other currency accepted by the investor.8. Compensation will be deemed to be "prompt" in normal cir cumstances if paid without delay. In cases where the State faces exceptional circumstances, as reflected in an arrangement for the use of the resources of the International Monetary Fund or under similar objective circumstances of established foreign exchange stringencies, compensation in the currency designated under Section 7 above may be paid in installments within a period which will be as short as possible and which will not in any case exceed five years from the time of the taking, provided that reasonable, market-related interest applies to the deferred payments in the same currency.9. Compensation according to the above criteria will not be due, or will be reduced in case the investment is taken by the State as a sanction against an investor who has violated the State's law and regula tions which have been in force prior to the taking, as such violation is determined by a court of law. Further disputes regarding claims for compensation in such a case will be settled in accordance with the provisions of Guideline V.10. In case of comprehensive non-discriminatory nationalizations effected in the process of large scale social reforms under exceptional circumstances of revolution, war and similar exigencies, the compen-sation may be determined through negotiations between the host State and the investors' home State and failing this, through international arbitration.11. The provisions of Section I of this Guideline will apply with respect to the conditions under which a State may unilaterally terminate, amend or otherwise disclaim liability under a contract with a foreign private investor for other than commercial reasons, i.e., where the State acts as a sovereign and not as a contracting party. Compensation due to the investor in such cases will be determined in the light of the provisions of Sections 2 to 9 of this Guideline. Liability for repudiation of contract for commercial reasons, i.e., where the State acts as a contracting party, will be determined under the applicable law of the contract.VSETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES1.Disputes between private foreign investors and the host State will normally be settled through negotiations between them and failing this, through national courts or through other agreed mechanisms including conciliation and binding independent arbitration.2. Independent arbitration for the purpose of this Guideline will include any ad hoc or institutional arbitration agreed upon in writing by the State and the investor or between the State and the investor's home State where the majority of the arbitrators are not solely appointed by one party to the dispute.3. In case of agreement on independent arbitration, each State is encouraged to accept the settlement of such disputes through arbitration under the Convention establishing the International Centre for Settle ment of Investment Disputes (ICSID) if it is a party to the ICSID Convention or through the "ICSID Additional Facility" if it is not a party to the ICSII) Convention.。
