三体 英文 PPT介绍




黑暗森林法则 所有暴露在其他宇宙文明面前的文明都必将被毁灭。 其理论支持是: 1.生存是文明的第一需要。 2.文明不断增长和扩张,但宇宙中的物质总量保持不变。 其公式为: 一个文明不能判断另一个文明是善文明还是恶文明 一个文明不能判断另一个文明认为本文明是善文明还是恶文明 一个文明不能判断另一个文明是否会对本文明发起攻击 一个文明无法判断另一个文明对自己是善意或恶意的 一个文明无法判断另一个文明认为自己是善意或恶意的 ……猜疑链无限循环。 其结论为:
如果外星人存在,你会接触他们吗? 如果地球将被破坏,你不能逃脱,你会允许其他人逃脱吗? 面对敌人,你是活的像个虫子,还是死在敌人面前?
How do Trisolaris alien block(封锁) human science and technology?
三百多年间类应用科技迅速发展,拥有了大量太空舰队。三体先行探测器“水滴”首先 抵达地球外太空,人类为了显示实力,出动了所有太空战舰进行拦截,这场末日之战会发 生什么?
How do human beings find ways to defend the earth?
It think I am good or evil? (can´t judge)
It is good or evil? (can´t judge)
It think I am good or evil to it? (can´t judge)
A Science Fiction
1.Three Body(三体) 2.Dark Forest(黑暗森林) 3.Death End(死神永生)



Some important settings
Suspicion Chain(猜疑链) In a word, it is two individuals(个体) suspect each other before communicating.
Technology explosion(技术爆炸)
The science and technology possessed by intelligent creatures that can be realized in a long time develop rapidly in the form of an explosion in a much shorter time (possibly far more than several times).
Destory you, has nothing to do with
you. 毁灭你, 与你有何
“Water droplets” destroyed a space battleship.
About the Author
刘慈欣(Ci Xinliu), born in Beijing in June 1963, originally from Luoshan, Xinyang City, Henan Province.He is a senior engineer, Science fiction writer and the member of China Writers Association. His representative works include the novels "Supernova Era"《超新星纪元》, "Spherical Lightning"《球状闪电》, "Three-body" trilogy《三 体》, etc., and the short stories "Wandering Earth" 《流浪地球》, "Village Teacher" 《乡村教师》,ect. Among them, the trilogy of "Three Body" is widely regarded as a landmark in Chinese science fiction literature. On August 23, 2015, he won the Hugo Award for Best Novel at the 73rd World Science Fiction Conference for the first time in Asia with "Three Body".



The other
Will they destroy our civilization because of
resources?We donFra bibliotekt know…
So … We must destroy their civilization before they do.
We want to live…
Destroy you, has nothing to do with you. 毁灭你,与你无关。
Give civilization to the time ,rather than give the time to civilization. 给岁月以文明而不是给文明以岁月。
学习永远 不晚。 JinTai College
感谢您的阅读! 为 了 便于学习和使用, 本文档下载后内容可 随意修改调整及打印。
Would you contact aliens if they exist?
Would you allow others to escape when you can’t if the earth will be destroyed?
In the face of the enemy, you live like a worm or die with the enemy?
The end of the human.
In China, any thoughts detachment float in the sky will slam fell to the ground - -reality's gravity is too heavy. 在中国,任何超脱飞扬的思想都会砰然坠地——现 实的引力实在是太沉重了.


It think I am good or evil? (can´t judge)
It is good or evil? (can´t judge)
It think I am good or evil to it? (can´t judge)
What is the law of universe society ? What is the dark forest theory?
宇宙社会中的法则是什么 ? 什么叫做黑暗森林理论? 三体星系是被谁一击毁灭的?三体舰队将何去何从? 人类末日之战后仅剩的一支在逃亡舰队在宇宙中会有怎样的故事? 太阳系最终是怎样被神级文明终结的? 什么是维度打击?
一本好的科幻,能让你在下夜班的途中仰望星空。 刘慈欣
Give civilization to the time , rather than give the time to civilization. 给岁月以文明而不是给文明以岁月。
In China , any thoughts detachment (超脱)float in the sky will slam (猛击)fell to the ground--reality´s gravity(引力) is too heavy. 在中国,任何超脱飞扬的思想都会怦然坠地——现实的引力实在是 太沉重了。
Death is the only a lit a beacon(灯塔) , forever no matter where you to sail , eventually(最后) have to turn it to guide the direction . Everything will pass ,only death forever.


这种技术狂特有的冷酷具有非凡的吸引力。更关键的是,他天马行空 的想象,可能误打误撞地触及人类最核心的秘密。这一次他彻底沉入 到末日景象之中,并从中找到了力与美,体悟到人类悲剧的深刻性
刘慈欣仍然属于那个心系现实的伟大传统, 甚至连“文革”这样沉重的话题都可以从宇宙 的视角来展开。刘慈欣痴迷于世界的构筑, 但他绝不仅仅满足于对技术的描写,而是自 始至终都贯穿了对人类命运的深切思考。
地球的基础科学出现了异常的扰动,纳米科学家汪淼进入神秘的网络游戏《三体》,开始逐步逼近这个世界的真相。汪淼接 触到了地球上的一个秘密组织(ETO)。地球防卫组织中国区作战中心通过“古筝计划”,一定程度上挫败了拯救派和降临派扰 乱人类科学界和其他领域思想的图谋。在运用超技术锁死地球人的基础科学之后,庞大的三体舰队开始向地球进发,人类的 末日悄然来临
她对人性恶的一面的理性思考使她陷入深 重的精神危机,而这种精神偏执促使她成 为地球三体组织的领导者。(《黑暗森 林》)她基于半生心血总结出宇宙社会学 的公理,并首先提出猜疑链、技术爆炸两 个重要概念,启发了罗辑发现宇宙奥秘

太空军的政工军官,处于末日战斗最前线的 他动心忍性、城府极深,也是一个最坚定的 逃亡主义者,他信念坚定、眼光远大又冷酷 无情,行事冷静决断,但在需要时可以随时 越出常轨,其思想隐藏深、行动果决。他为 了保存人类最后的火种可以不惜毁灭同行者, 因在最后一刻犹豫了半秒,导致其舰队全军 覆没
与三体文明的战争使人类首次看到了宇宙黑暗的真相,地球文明因为黑暗森林 打击的存在如临大敌。在零道德的宇宙中发起黑暗战役的战舰被诱导返航,却 受到有道德的地球文明审判。云天明与地球取得联系,通过三个自己编创的童 话故事,向程心透露大量情报;人类自以为悟出了生存竞争的秘密,开始进行 掩体计划 维德领导的空间曲率驱动研究因为程心的错误判断被终止,使得人类最终没有 能够逃脱被高级文明毁灭的命运。因为宇宙中还存在更强大的文明,战争的方 式和武器已经远超出人类的想象,极高文明发出了一张卡片大小的“二向箔”, 使整个太阳系压缩为二维平面而毁灭。



பைடு நூலகம்
Main characters and events
A series of climaxes and unexpected endings The climate of the story comes when Trisolarans launches their invasion of Earth, using a highly advanced technology that exceeds human defenses However, in a twist that no one saw coming, Luo Jian manages to use his knowledge to turn the tables on the invaders, saving Earth from destruction The ending leaves readers with a sense of uncertainty and the knowledge that the conflict between Trisolaris and Earth is far from over
Three Body English Speech
Introduction to the Three Body Problem The plot of "The Three Body Problem" Science fiction elements in The Three Body Problem The Influence and Evaluation of "The Three Body Problem"



Wang Miao nanomaterials Three-body game Mike Evans ETO Earth-Trisolaris Organization Zither Plan

Crisis era 2007-2208AD
Luo JI Wallfacer Wallbreaker spell against the planets of star 187J3X1 Doomsday Battle Waterdrop the most important secret in the universe: the dark forest
There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun including many billions of years older than Earth. With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets, and if the Earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life. Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar星际的 travel, a step the Earth is investigating now. Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned预想 的 interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy银河系 could be completely traversed穿过,横过 in about a million years.



The Three-body Problem HitsDo you like science fictions?Whether your answer is yes or no,I am sure you have heard about the famous novel The Three Body Problem whose Chinese name is San TiLiu Cixin is the author of The Three Body Problem. He is called "the one who raises Chinese science fiction to the world level".The three body trilogy tells the story of the rise and fall of the earth civilization in the universe. The novel involving human history, physics, astronomy, social science and philosophy, deeply discusses the humanity from the perspective of science fiction. The novel has a huge structure and lofty conception, and is known as the most prominent contemporary science fiction in Chinese. It is a milestone in the Chinese science fiction literature, and will push China's science fiction to the world. At the end of 2014, the novel which was translated into English published in the United States, receiving a warm response. In 2015, it won the U.S. science fiction fantasy Association, nebula award and other five awards nominations. In August 23, the "three body" wonthe Hugo Award for the best novel awarded by the seventy-third world science fiction conference. This is the first time that an Asian win the Hugo prize.The Three Body Problem is a story about Ye Wenjie in the "Cultural Revolution" who exposed the coordinate of the earth to aliens on three bodies. At that time the alienswere in trouble. So they dispatched a large interstellar fleet to attack the earth. At this time, human beings have discovered that the universe is in the "dark forest" state, any civilization that exposed their position will soon be destroyed. With this discovery, human beings have threatened to release the position coordinates of the three bodies to the whole universe. This strategy makes the earth and the three body to establish a fragile strategic balance. But at last, the balance was eventually broken by the earth itself.The Three Body Problem can arouse our passion of the universe exploration and thinking of human fate and humanity. Let’s read this novel and enjoy its wonderfulness!。



The Three Body Problem
二向箔: 与三维空间接触的瞬间,使三维空间的一 个维度蜷缩到微观,从而使三维空间及其 中的所有物质跌落到二维,达到消灭敌方 的目的。 (高速粒子对撞,人造微观物质, 钻,微型黑洞。代表:核,旅行者号。)
多维空间(宇宙): 一维点线,二维平面,三维空间,四维 时间。更高维度人类所知无法理解或验 证,只有理论。(横截面,理解,时间 坡,虫洞、黑洞)
“雨果奖”由世界科幻协会颁发,为纪念 “科幻之父”雨果根斯巴克(Hugo Gernsback)而得名。在世界科幻界, “雨果奖”和“星云奖”被公认为最具权 威与影响的两项世界性科幻大奖,堪称科 幻艺术界的诺贝尔奖。
The Three Body Problem
第一部:地球往 事,讲述寻找地 外文明及发现地 外文明(人类劣 行)。
The Three Body Problem
• 猜疑链、技术爆炸以及黑暗深林法则。 • 猜疑链:一个文明不能判断另一个文明是善文明还是恶文明 • 一个文明不能判断另一个文明认为本文明是善文明还是恶文明 • 一个文明不能判断另一个文明是否会对本文明发起攻击 • 一个文明无法判断另一个文明对自己是善意或恶意的 • 一个文明无法判断另一个文明认为自己是善意或恶意的 • 一个文明无法判断另一个文明判断自己对她是善意或恶意的 • 猜疑链导致文明无法互相判断彼此之间的善恶并最终驱使两方相互敌视。
不称职的懦弱少女程心被选来充当掌握地球 命运的执剑人,她因为罗辑的成功将这看作 一项只需花费时间的任务,刚刚任职水滴就 向地球发动攻击,程心为了忠于人性做出了 错误的决定。在警示下继续逃离的“蓝色空 间”号,受到具有发射引力波能力的“万有 引力”号与两个同行的“水滴”追击,其上 的人员进入四维空间摧毁水滴并占领了“万 有引力”号,启动引力波广播向宇宙公布了 三体星系的坐标。



The Three-body Problem Hits欧阳家百(2021.03.07)Do you like science fictions?Whether your answer is yes or no,I am sure you have heard about the famous novel The Three Body Problem whose Chinese name is San TiLiu Cixin is the author of The Three Body Problem. He is called "the one who raises Chinese science fiction to the world level".The three body trilogy tells the story of the rise and fall of the earth civilization in the universe. The novel involving human history, physics, astronomy, social science and philosophy, deeply discusses the humanity from the perspective of science fiction. The novel has a huge structure and lofty conception, and is known as the most prominent contemporary science fiction in Chinese. It is a milestone in the Chinese science fiction literature, and will push China's science fiction to the world. At the end of 2014, the novel which was translated into English published in the United States, receiving a warm response. In 2015, it won the U.S. science fiction fantasy Association, nebula award and other five awards nominations. In August 23, the "three body" won the Hugo Award for the best novel awarded by the seventy-third world science fiction conference. This is the first time that an Asian win the Hugo prize.The Three Body Problem is a story about Ye Wenjie in the "CulturalRevolution" who exposed the coordinate of the earth to aliens on three bodies. At that time the alienswere in trouble. So they dispatched a large interstellar fleet to attack the earth. At this time, human beings have discovered that the universe is in the "dark forest" state, any civilization that exposed their position will soon be destroyed. With this discovery, human beings have threatened to release the position coordinates of the three bodies to the whole universe. This strategy makes the earth and the three body to establish a fragile strategic balance. But at last, the balance was eventually broken by the earth itself.The Three Body Problem can arouse our passion of the universe exploration and thinking of human fate and humanity. Let’s read this novel and enjoy its wonderfulness!。

三体 英语介绍

三体 英语介绍
What is the law of universe society ? What is the dark forest theory?
宇宙社会中的法则是什么 ? 什么叫做黑暗森林理论? 三体星系是被谁一击毁灭的?三体舰队将何去何从? 人类末日之战后仅剩的一支在逃亡舰队在宇宙中会有怎样的故事? 太阳系最终是怎样被神级文明终结的? 什么是维度打击?
总之,发现了谁就灭了谁,被发现就被灭了或把对方灭了,然后 继续保持缄默。
宇宙社会学推导的宇宙图景。宇宙中各文明之间相互敌对,发现 对方文明后立即予以毁灭(成本小)。所以,在宇宙中,一旦暴 露己方文明坐标就等于自杀。
Destroy you , has nothing to do with you. 毁灭你,与你无关。
一本好的科幻,能让你在下夜班的途中仰望星空。 刘慈欣
A Science Fiction
1.Three Body(三体) 2.Dark Forest(黑暗森林) 3.Death End(死神永生)
● Would you contact aliens if they exist? ● Would you allow others to escape when you can ´ t if the earth will be destroyed? ● In the face of the enemy , you live like a worm(虫子) or die with the enemy?
黑暗森林法则 所有暴露在其他宇宙文明面前的文明都必将被毁灭。 其理论支持是: 1.生存是文明的第一需要。 2.文明不断增长和扩张,但宇宙中的物质总量保持不变。 其公式为: 一个文明不能判断另一个文明是善文明还是恶文明 一个文明不能判断另一个文明认为本文明是善文明还是恶文明 一个文明不能判断另一个文明是否会对本文明发起攻击 一个文明无法判断另一个文明对自己是善意或恶意的 一个文明无法判断另一个文明认为自己是善意或恶意的 ……猜疑链无限循环。 其结论为:
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